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  Socio-demographic Profile and Outcomes of the Admitted AIDS Patients in

Mehta R. S.1, Singh B2

1Asst. Professor
Medical-Surgical Nursing Department
2Nursing Officer

B. P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, Nepal

Abstract: In world More than 40 million people are living with HIV/AIDS, 2.3 million are under 15
yrs , 14000 new infections each day , 1.7 million human infected with HIV/AIDS, 3.1 million deaths
from AIDS , Million new HIV cases (13425) per day. In south East Asia 6.3 million PLWHA in 2005
(Source: WHO, UNAIDS).

It was retrospective descriptive study design conducted at B. P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences
(BPKIHS) among the admitted AIDS cases using their case notes during the period of 1-9-2003 to
30- 8-2006 using developed Performa. It was found that Majority of the subjects (83.4%) were of
age group 20-40 years, Male (89.6%), and from Sunsari district (47.9%). Half of the subjects were
improved after treatment and then discharged.

As the number of AIDS cases are increasing rapidly in eastern Nepal and BPKIHS is a centre for
treatment of AIDS cases, it is essential to conduct awareness activates regarding prevention of
disease and advocacy about available facilities of BPKIHS.

Key words: AIDS, Socio-demographic profile, BPKIHS

Correspondence to:

Dr. Ram Sharan Mehta
Asst. Professor
Medical-Surgical Nursing Department
B. P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, Nepal
Email: ramsharanmehta@yahoo.com

Introduction                                             in South Asia and poses a threat to
                                                         development and poverty alleviation efforts in
In Nepal the estimated number of PLWHA at                the region. HIV infection is fueled by risk
end 2005 is 61,000, HIV prevalence in 2005               behavior, extensive commercial sex, low
was 0.5, estimated number of AIDS cases                  condom use and access, injecting drug use,
are 7,800, number of child (0-18) orphaned               population movements (cross-border/rural-
by HIV/AIDS is       18000, receiving Ant                urban migration), and trafficking.1
Retroviral Treatment (ART) till December
2005 was 210. HIV infection has taken root

SAARC Journal of Tuberculosis Lung Diseases & HIV/AIDS                                               1
Social and economic vulnerabilities, including           Study conducted by Asrath10, among migrant
poverty and illiteracy, highlight the need to            workers in eastern Nepal found that, majority
act effectively and aggressively to reduce it’s          of migrant workers (94.9%) had heard of
spread. South Asia has about 4.2 million of              HIV/AIDS, but only few know the symptoms
the world’s 36 million people living with                of HIDS. Most of them aware that use of
HIV/AIDS. While overall prevalence rates                 condom prevent spread of HIV/AIDS but
remain relatively low, the region’s large                25% of them do not use, while having
populations mean that a rise of a mere                   pre/extra marital sex. About 11.9 % workers
0.1percent in the prevalence rate in India, for          were going to sex workers at a regular
example, would increase the national total of            intervals and no one using condoms.
adults living with HIV by about half a million
persons.2                                                HIV/AIDS is emerging as a major threat in
                                                         the socio-economic and health sectors of
The current situation of HIV in Nepal is                 Nepal. Their multiple effects have so far
different from when the first case was                   been minimal in the country, but their
diagnosed in 1988. There are gaps and                    potential impact is immense.
challenges to be addressed in the fight
against HIV and AIDS. Nepal is low
prevalence country for HIV and AIDS.                     Objectives
However, some of the groups show evidence
of a concentrated HIV epidemic e.g. sex                  To find out the socio-demographic profile and
workers (19.5%), migrant population (4-10                outcomes of the admitted AIDS patients in B.
%), and intravenous drug users (IVDU's)                  P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences.
both in rural and urban areas (68 %). Since
1988 when the first case was diagnosed                   Methods
MoHP/DoHS and different stakeholders
came forward to address HIV and AIDS                     It was retrospective descriptive study design,
issues.1                                                 conducted at BPKIHS among the admitted
                                                         AIDS clients. The available Case-sheets of
A significant percentage (60%), of HIV                   the diagnosed AIDS cases admitted between
positive patients belongs to lower socio-                1st September 2003 to 30th August 20006
economic class and many of them were                     constituted the population of the study. All
mobile workers and contracted their illness              the case notes of diagnosed discharged
while working in Indian metropolis in the past           AIDS cases are samples and total 48
reported by Aich5 in their study.                        available case notes were included in the
                                                         study. Using total enumerative sampling
Study conducted by Agrwal6 reported that                 technique all the case notes were collected
there was a significant difference in the                from the medical record section using coded
domain concerning social relationship                    numbers (B 24, ICD–10) of files after taking
between the HIV positive individuals with the            written permission from the hospital director.
controls.                                                The files not available and incomplete were
                                                         excluded. Using standard semi structured
Study conducted by Parakh7 at BPKIHS                     Performa the data was collected.
among the health professionals showed that
health professionals had a hesitation in                 A list of diagnosed AIDS cases were
treating patients with HIV/AIDS, tempered by             prepared using coded index (ICD-10, Code-B
concerns regarding provision of such care.

SAARC Journal of Tuberculosis Lung Diseases & HIV/AIDS                                               2
24) files and than case notes were collected             Table I Socio-Demographic Profile and
from record section and information were                 Outcomes of the Admitted AIDS Patients
collected in the prepared format. All the case           in BPKIHS (N= 48)
notes from September 1, 2003 to August 30,
2006 i.e. Bhadra 15, 2060 to Bhadra 14,                    S        Item/Particular         Percentage
2063 were studded. Anonymity of the                        N                                    (%)
                                                          1    Age group of the subjects:
subjects was maintained. The information
                                                               < 20 years                        8.3
obtained was kept confidential and used only                   20-30 years                      48.0
for this study. The collected data was                         30-40 years                      35.4
entered in SPSS-10.5 software package and                      >40 years                         8.3
analyzed. The findings are presented in                         Mean                        29.26
tables and graphs. Using Percentage, Mean                       SD                          9.4
and SD the demographic findings and                             Range                       2-50 Years
                                                          2    Gender:
outcomes were described.                                       Male                            89.6
                                                               Female                          10.4
Results                                                   3    Caste of the subjects:
                                                               Brahmin/ Chetri                 29.2
The number of AIDS cases admitted in                           Mangolian                       50.0
                                                               Newar                            2.1
BPKIHS is increasing day by day i.e. 10, 12
                                                               Teri Origin                     18.8
& 16 in the years 2061, 2062, and 2063                    4    District Wise distribution
respectively as per the record but actual                      of the subjects:
number is much more because the files are                      Sunsari                         47.9
coded on the basis of written diagnosis on                     Morang                          18.8
the admission discharge sheet, which was                       Jhapa                           14.6
usually accurately filled and only the                         Sirha                            4.2
                                                               Others: ( Mahotari,
admitted diagnosis is mentioned. Now,                          Dhankuta, Dhanusa, Ilam,
BPKIHS is a centre for treatment of AIDS                       Taplagunj, Udapur)               10
cases of Eastern Nepal, where the facilities              5    Duration of
of HIV testing, ART, PMTCT, VCT, and                           hospitalization:
regular OPD services are available. Among                      < 5 days                        41.7
all the 48 subjects, majority of them (83.3%)                  5-10 days                       29.1
                                                               10-15 days                      20.9
were of age group 20-40 years Male                             > 15 days                        8.3
(89.6%), Mangolian (50%), from Sunsari                          Mean                        7.98
district (47.9%) and among those 50% were                       SD                          5.32
improved and discharged from the hospital.                      Range                       1-28 days
                                                          6    Department wise
The details of the findings are depicted in                    distribution of the
Table-I.                                                       Medicine                        89.6
                                                               Pediatric                       6.3
                                                               Surgical                        4.2
                                                          7    Outcome of the clients:
                                                               Improved & discharged           50.0
                                                               Unchanged & discharged          22.9
                                                               Expired                         14.6
                                                               LAMA                             8.3
                                                               Discharge on Request             2.0
                                                               Absconded                        2.0

SAARC Journal of Tuberculosis Lung Diseases & HIV/AIDS                                                   3
Discussion                                               Outcomes of the clients

The report on the pattern of demographic                 Half of the clients were improved with the
and clinical profiles of HIV positive persons in         symptoms and discharged, where as 22.9%
Nepal are scarce.5 HIV/AIDS is rapidly                   were unchanged. The disease is not curable
spreading in countries of Asia including                 but treatable; hence life long treatment is
Nepal. It could cause major socio-economic               required along with management of
impact in the country. It obviously has many             opportunistic infections if occurred. The
health implications.9 HIV/AIDS is a growing              symptoms persist and client will die if the
public health problem with complex social                disease is not diagnosed in early stage and
and behavioral issues related to protection,             treatment (ART) started on time.
prevention of transmission and care for
nursing and midwifery personnel caring for               Conclusions
people living with HIV/AIDS.8
                                                         HIV/AIDS is no longer only a health issue; it
Demographic Profile of the subjects                      is also a development issue. Tackling the
                                                         epidemic will require not only prevention and
Majority of the clients were of age group of             control of HIV infection among vulnerable
20-40 years i.e. 83.4%, which is similar                 and risk groups, but a multi-sectoral
pattern with national as well as international           approach addressing the lack of access by
trends. Majority of clients were male (89.6%)            risk groups to health care and education and
though the disease has equal prevalence.                 recognition of the populations at risk. People
This low reporting may be due to social                  living with HIV and AIDS should be brought
stigma and ignorance of diseases among                   to the forefront in the fight against HIV/AIDS.
female. Majority of the clients were                     Family members, local communities, civil
Mangolian (50%), as the hospital is situated             society     organizations,      donors,     and
in Dharan, where IVDUs are endemic, major                government all have their own important role
occupation of these groups of people are                 to play. Increasing trend of the disease
lahure, and majority of people residing in               certainly has given pressure to focus on the
Dharan are Mangolian. Similar demographic                use of comprehensive targeted intervention
data were reported by Agrwal.6                           programs in risk groups sub-populations.

Most of the clients were from Sunsari                    AIDS is a treatable disease, which is
(47.9%), Morang (18.8%), and Jhapa                       common among age groups of 20-40 years
(14.6%), as BPKIHS is situated in Dharan                 of their productive life. If proper treatment
which is easily arrival by the population of             and care is provided the life of the clients can
these three districts and there are three                be prolonged with comfort. Keeping the
municipalities are in Sunsari, one is Morang,            emerging trends in mind it’s mandatory to
and two in Jhapa. Most of the clients are                provide pubic awareness regarding the
admitted under medicine department (89.6%)               nature of disease, prevention of further
as the disease is cared by doctors of                    spread and advocacy about availability of
medicine departments being adult patients.               services and their utilization among the
                                                         public like: HIV testing, screening OPD,
                                                         VCT, PMTCT, ART, Management of
                                                         opportunistic infection, CD-4 count services
                                                         and other services of HIV/AIDS available at

SAARC Journal of Tuberculosis Lung Diseases & HIV/AIDS                                                 4
BPKIHS along with elimination of social                  6. Agrwal H, Mourya R, Shrestha RK, Agrwal
stigma so that clients can approach easily at                S, Singh GK. Assessment of quality of life of
hospital and will be benefited with available                HIV positive individuals at Dharan
facilities.                                                  Municipality, 13th annual celebrations
                                                             scientific programme abstract book, 2006,
                                                             Dharn, Nepal.
References                                               7. Parakh P, Gupta G, Rizal S. HIV/AIDS
                                                             related knowkedge, attitudes and risk
1. AIDS News letter: Quarterly (2061; Asoj).                 perception amongst health professionals in
   Women, Girls, HIV & AIDS, 53:13-17.                       BPKIHS. 13th annual celebrations scientific
2. Bhardwaj, A., Biswas, R., & Shetty, K.J.                  programme abstract book, 2006, Dharn,
   (2001) HIV in Nepal: Is it rarer or the tip of            Nepal.
   an iceberg? Trop Doct, 31: 211-213.                   8. Impact of HIV/AIDS on Nursing /Mideifery
3. WHO, SERO (1992). Carrying out HIV                        personnel. ICN Positin( www.ich.ch).
   Sentinel Surveillance.                                9. Acharya RP, Bhattari MD. HIV/AIDS
4. Vithayachockitikhum, N. (2006) Family                     prevention and control. J. Nep. Med. Asso.
   caregiving of persons living with HIV/AIDS in             1999: 38: 106-108.
   Thailand. Caregiver burden, an outcome                10. Asrath U, Sah S, Jha N etal. Awareness and
   measure. International Journal of Nursing                 high risk behaviours among migrant workers
   Practice; 12(3): 12                                       in relation to HIV/AIDS- a study from eastern
5. Aich TK, Dhungana M, Kumar A, Pawha VK.                   Nepal. SAARC Journals of tuberculosis, lung
   Demographic and clinical Profiles of HIV                  diseases and HIV/AIDS. 2006; III(1): 5-12.
   positive cases: A Two-year study report from          11. Joshi AB, Banjara MR, Karki YB, Subedi BK,
   a tertiary teaching Hospital. JNMA, 2004,                 Sharmam M. Status and trends of HIV/AIDS
   43(153).                                                  epidemic in Nepal. JNMA 2004; 43(152).

SAARC Journal of Tuberculosis Lung Diseases & HIV/AIDS                                                  5

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  • 1. SAARC J. TUBER. LUNG DIS.HIV/AIDS 2008 V(II)1-6 Socio-demographic Profile and Outcomes of the Admitted AIDS Patients in BPKIHS Mehta R. S.1, Singh B2 1Asst. Professor Medical-Surgical Nursing Department 2Nursing Officer B. P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, Nepal Abstract: In world More than 40 million people are living with HIV/AIDS, 2.3 million are under 15 yrs , 14000 new infections each day , 1.7 million human infected with HIV/AIDS, 3.1 million deaths from AIDS , Million new HIV cases (13425) per day. In south East Asia 6.3 million PLWHA in 2005 (Source: WHO, UNAIDS). It was retrospective descriptive study design conducted at B. P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences (BPKIHS) among the admitted AIDS cases using their case notes during the period of 1-9-2003 to 30- 8-2006 using developed Performa. It was found that Majority of the subjects (83.4%) were of age group 20-40 years, Male (89.6%), and from Sunsari district (47.9%). Half of the subjects were improved after treatment and then discharged. As the number of AIDS cases are increasing rapidly in eastern Nepal and BPKIHS is a centre for treatment of AIDS cases, it is essential to conduct awareness activates regarding prevention of disease and advocacy about available facilities of BPKIHS. Key words: AIDS, Socio-demographic profile, BPKIHS Correspondence to: Dr. Ram Sharan Mehta Asst. Professor Medical-Surgical Nursing Department B. P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, Nepal Email: ramsharanmehta@yahoo.com Introduction in South Asia and poses a threat to development and poverty alleviation efforts in In Nepal the estimated number of PLWHA at the region. HIV infection is fueled by risk end 2005 is 61,000, HIV prevalence in 2005 behavior, extensive commercial sex, low was 0.5, estimated number of AIDS cases condom use and access, injecting drug use, are 7,800, number of child (0-18) orphaned population movements (cross-border/rural- by HIV/AIDS is 18000, receiving Ant urban migration), and trafficking.1 Retroviral Treatment (ART) till December 2005 was 210. HIV infection has taken root SAARC Journal of Tuberculosis Lung Diseases & HIV/AIDS 1
  • 2. Social and economic vulnerabilities, including Study conducted by Asrath10, among migrant poverty and illiteracy, highlight the need to workers in eastern Nepal found that, majority act effectively and aggressively to reduce it’s of migrant workers (94.9%) had heard of spread. South Asia has about 4.2 million of HIV/AIDS, but only few know the symptoms the world’s 36 million people living with of HIDS. Most of them aware that use of HIV/AIDS. While overall prevalence rates condom prevent spread of HIV/AIDS but remain relatively low, the region’s large 25% of them do not use, while having populations mean that a rise of a mere pre/extra marital sex. About 11.9 % workers 0.1percent in the prevalence rate in India, for were going to sex workers at a regular example, would increase the national total of intervals and no one using condoms. adults living with HIV by about half a million persons.2 HIV/AIDS is emerging as a major threat in the socio-economic and health sectors of The current situation of HIV in Nepal is Nepal. Their multiple effects have so far different from when the first case was been minimal in the country, but their diagnosed in 1988. There are gaps and potential impact is immense. challenges to be addressed in the fight against HIV and AIDS. Nepal is low prevalence country for HIV and AIDS. Objectives However, some of the groups show evidence of a concentrated HIV epidemic e.g. sex To find out the socio-demographic profile and workers (19.5%), migrant population (4-10 outcomes of the admitted AIDS patients in B. %), and intravenous drug users (IVDU's) P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences. both in rural and urban areas (68 %). Since 1988 when the first case was diagnosed Methods MoHP/DoHS and different stakeholders came forward to address HIV and AIDS It was retrospective descriptive study design, issues.1 conducted at BPKIHS among the admitted AIDS clients. The available Case-sheets of A significant percentage (60%), of HIV the diagnosed AIDS cases admitted between positive patients belongs to lower socio- 1st September 2003 to 30th August 20006 economic class and many of them were constituted the population of the study. All mobile workers and contracted their illness the case notes of diagnosed discharged while working in Indian metropolis in the past AIDS cases are samples and total 48 reported by Aich5 in their study. available case notes were included in the study. Using total enumerative sampling Study conducted by Agrwal6 reported that technique all the case notes were collected there was a significant difference in the from the medical record section using coded domain concerning social relationship numbers (B 24, ICD–10) of files after taking between the HIV positive individuals with the written permission from the hospital director. controls. The files not available and incomplete were excluded. Using standard semi structured Study conducted by Parakh7 at BPKIHS Performa the data was collected. among the health professionals showed that health professionals had a hesitation in A list of diagnosed AIDS cases were treating patients with HIV/AIDS, tempered by prepared using coded index (ICD-10, Code-B concerns regarding provision of such care. SAARC Journal of Tuberculosis Lung Diseases & HIV/AIDS 2
  • 3. 24) files and than case notes were collected Table I Socio-Demographic Profile and from record section and information were Outcomes of the Admitted AIDS Patients collected in the prepared format. All the case in BPKIHS (N= 48) notes from September 1, 2003 to August 30, 2006 i.e. Bhadra 15, 2060 to Bhadra 14, S Item/Particular Percentage 2063 were studded. Anonymity of the N (%) 1 Age group of the subjects: subjects was maintained. The information < 20 years 8.3 obtained was kept confidential and used only 20-30 years 48.0 for this study. The collected data was 30-40 years 35.4 entered in SPSS-10.5 software package and >40 years 8.3 analyzed. The findings are presented in Mean 29.26 tables and graphs. Using Percentage, Mean SD 9.4 and SD the demographic findings and Range 2-50 Years 2 Gender: outcomes were described. Male 89.6 Female 10.4 Results 3 Caste of the subjects: Brahmin/ Chetri 29.2 The number of AIDS cases admitted in Mangolian 50.0 Newar 2.1 BPKIHS is increasing day by day i.e. 10, 12 Teri Origin 18.8 & 16 in the years 2061, 2062, and 2063 4 District Wise distribution respectively as per the record but actual of the subjects: number is much more because the files are Sunsari 47.9 coded on the basis of written diagnosis on Morang 18.8 the admission discharge sheet, which was Jhapa 14.6 usually accurately filled and only the Sirha 4.2 Others: ( Mahotari, admitted diagnosis is mentioned. Now, Dhankuta, Dhanusa, Ilam, BPKIHS is a centre for treatment of AIDS Taplagunj, Udapur) 10 cases of Eastern Nepal, where the facilities 5 Duration of of HIV testing, ART, PMTCT, VCT, and hospitalization: regular OPD services are available. Among < 5 days 41.7 all the 48 subjects, majority of them (83.3%) 5-10 days 29.1 10-15 days 20.9 were of age group 20-40 years Male > 15 days 8.3 (89.6%), Mangolian (50%), from Sunsari Mean 7.98 district (47.9%) and among those 50% were SD 5.32 improved and discharged from the hospital. Range 1-28 days 6 Department wise The details of the findings are depicted in distribution of the subjects: Table-I. Medicine 89.6 Pediatric 6.3 Surgical 4.2 7 Outcome of the clients: Improved & discharged 50.0 Unchanged & discharged 22.9 Expired 14.6 LAMA 8.3 Discharge on Request 2.0 Absconded 2.0 SAARC Journal of Tuberculosis Lung Diseases & HIV/AIDS 3
  • 4. Discussion Outcomes of the clients The report on the pattern of demographic Half of the clients were improved with the and clinical profiles of HIV positive persons in symptoms and discharged, where as 22.9% Nepal are scarce.5 HIV/AIDS is rapidly were unchanged. The disease is not curable spreading in countries of Asia including but treatable; hence life long treatment is Nepal. It could cause major socio-economic required along with management of impact in the country. It obviously has many opportunistic infections if occurred. The health implications.9 HIV/AIDS is a growing symptoms persist and client will die if the public health problem with complex social disease is not diagnosed in early stage and and behavioral issues related to protection, treatment (ART) started on time. prevention of transmission and care for nursing and midwifery personnel caring for Conclusions people living with HIV/AIDS.8 HIV/AIDS is no longer only a health issue; it Demographic Profile of the subjects is also a development issue. Tackling the epidemic will require not only prevention and Majority of the clients were of age group of control of HIV infection among vulnerable 20-40 years i.e. 83.4%, which is similar and risk groups, but a multi-sectoral pattern with national as well as international approach addressing the lack of access by trends. Majority of clients were male (89.6%) risk groups to health care and education and though the disease has equal prevalence. recognition of the populations at risk. People This low reporting may be due to social living with HIV and AIDS should be brought stigma and ignorance of diseases among to the forefront in the fight against HIV/AIDS. female. Majority of the clients were Family members, local communities, civil Mangolian (50%), as the hospital is situated society organizations, donors, and in Dharan, where IVDUs are endemic, major government all have their own important role occupation of these groups of people are to play. Increasing trend of the disease lahure, and majority of people residing in certainly has given pressure to focus on the Dharan are Mangolian. Similar demographic use of comprehensive targeted intervention data were reported by Agrwal.6 programs in risk groups sub-populations. Most of the clients were from Sunsari AIDS is a treatable disease, which is (47.9%), Morang (18.8%), and Jhapa common among age groups of 20-40 years (14.6%), as BPKIHS is situated in Dharan of their productive life. If proper treatment which is easily arrival by the population of and care is provided the life of the clients can these three districts and there are three be prolonged with comfort. Keeping the municipalities are in Sunsari, one is Morang, emerging trends in mind it’s mandatory to and two in Jhapa. Most of the clients are provide pubic awareness regarding the admitted under medicine department (89.6%) nature of disease, prevention of further as the disease is cared by doctors of spread and advocacy about availability of medicine departments being adult patients. services and their utilization among the public like: HIV testing, screening OPD, VCT, PMTCT, ART, Management of opportunistic infection, CD-4 count services and other services of HIV/AIDS available at SAARC Journal of Tuberculosis Lung Diseases & HIV/AIDS 4
  • 5. BPKIHS along with elimination of social 6. Agrwal H, Mourya R, Shrestha RK, Agrwal stigma so that clients can approach easily at S, Singh GK. Assessment of quality of life of hospital and will be benefited with available HIV positive individuals at Dharan facilities. Municipality, 13th annual celebrations scientific programme abstract book, 2006, Dharn, Nepal. References 7. Parakh P, Gupta G, Rizal S. HIV/AIDS related knowkedge, attitudes and risk 1. AIDS News letter: Quarterly (2061; Asoj). perception amongst health professionals in Women, Girls, HIV & AIDS, 53:13-17. BPKIHS. 13th annual celebrations scientific 2. Bhardwaj, A., Biswas, R., & Shetty, K.J. programme abstract book, 2006, Dharn, (2001) HIV in Nepal: Is it rarer or the tip of Nepal. an iceberg? Trop Doct, 31: 211-213. 8. Impact of HIV/AIDS on Nursing /Mideifery 3. WHO, SERO (1992). Carrying out HIV personnel. ICN Positin( www.ich.ch). Sentinel Surveillance. 9. Acharya RP, Bhattari MD. HIV/AIDS 4. Vithayachockitikhum, N. (2006) Family prevention and control. J. Nep. Med. Asso. caregiving of persons living with HIV/AIDS in 1999: 38: 106-108. Thailand. Caregiver burden, an outcome 10. Asrath U, Sah S, Jha N etal. Awareness and measure. International Journal of Nursing high risk behaviours among migrant workers Practice; 12(3): 12 in relation to HIV/AIDS- a study from eastern 5. Aich TK, Dhungana M, Kumar A, Pawha VK. Nepal. SAARC Journals of tuberculosis, lung Demographic and clinical Profiles of HIV diseases and HIV/AIDS. 2006; III(1): 5-12. positive cases: A Two-year study report from 11. Joshi AB, Banjara MR, Karki YB, Subedi BK, a tertiary teaching Hospital. JNMA, 2004, Sharmam M. Status and trends of HIV/AIDS 43(153). epidemic in Nepal. JNMA 2004; 43(152). SAARC Journal of Tuberculosis Lung Diseases & HIV/AIDS 5