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List of the criteria for the School concepts/Alternative school task

Criteria individual task                          Evaluation           remarks

Choose at least one movement                       (insufficient-

Description of the motivation of the choice

Description of the founding situation of the
chosen movement(s) –such as: social,
economic, natural, educational situation

Description of the educational theory of the
chosen movement (s)

Description of main pedagogic aspects

Description of the way the education takes

Description of the specific role of the teacher

Description of the spreading through Europe

Personal reflection (on the ideas of the
movement(s) and the way these ideas fits in
your own personal concept)

Reaction at the forum (yes/no-description)

Teacher’s assessment

List of the criteria for the School concepts/Alternative school task

Criteria group task (2-3 students)                Evaluation           remarks

Choose at least 2 movements                        (insufficient-

Description of the motivation of the choice

Description of the founding situation of the
chosen movements – such as: social,
economic, natural, educational situation

Description of the educational theory of the
chosen movements

Description of main pedagogic aspects

Description of the way the education takes

Description of the specific role of the teacher

Description of the spreading through Europe

Brief reflection on the group discussion

Individual reflection (on the ideas of the
educationalist and the way these ideas fits in
your own personal concept)

Reaction at the forum (yes/no-description)

Teacher’s assessment


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  • 1. List of the criteria for the School concepts/Alternative school task Criteria individual task Evaluation remarks Choose at least one movement (insufficient- sufficient-good- excellent) Description of the motivation of the choice Description of the founding situation of the chosen movement(s) –such as: social, economic, natural, educational situation Description of the educational theory of the chosen movement (s) Description of main pedagogic aspects Description of the way the education takes place Description of the specific role of the teacher Description of the spreading through Europe nowadays Personal reflection (on the ideas of the movement(s) and the way these ideas fits in your own personal concept) Reaction at the forum (yes/no-description) Teacher’s assessment www.european-teachers.eu
  • 2. List of the criteria for the School concepts/Alternative school task Criteria group task (2-3 students) Evaluation remarks Choose at least 2 movements (insufficient- sufficient-good- excellent) Description of the motivation of the choice Description of the founding situation of the chosen movements – such as: social, economic, natural, educational situation Description of the educational theory of the chosen movements Description of main pedagogic aspects Description of the way the education takes place Description of the specific role of the teacher Description of the spreading through Europe nowadays Brief reflection on the group discussion Individual reflection (on the ideas of the educationalist and the way these ideas fits in your own personal concept) Reaction at the forum (yes/no-description) Teacher’s assessment www.european-teachers.eu