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“W        e are extremely excited about the
Plug and Play                                                                     performance of SafePeak. It has shown
                                                                                  increased overall performance by 380%
                                                                                  at load peaks with an average 126%
Scalability and                                                                   improvement. SafePeak especially shines
                                                                                  during times of high usage spikes, where

Performance Solution                                                              the SafePeak difference in handling traffic
                                                                                  peaks is clearly obvious.”
Automated In-Memory Dynamic Caching                                               Ami Levkovitz, Globes CIO

SafePeak accelerates data access speed to microsecond level while cutting database load dramatically.
No changes are required to applications, databases, queries or stored procedures.
SafePeak is installed in minutes, fine tuned in hours and the improvements are applied to all parts of the application.

                                Web/APP Servers                SafePeak 64bit SW                        MS SQL Server
                                                                 on server/VM                                 DB Servers
                                                                 Windows 2008 Server

SafePeak works as an automated, pro-active smart “results      Web portals, e-commerce sites, SharePoint, ERP , CRM
caching” solution that sits between application servers and    Systems and Call-centers are great examples of applications
database servers and works as a seamless proxy.                that SafePeak will provide immediate benefit to.
SafePeak offloads repeating read («Select») queries, and        SafePeak application acceleration has direct impact on
stored procedures, thus increasing database capacity for       improving customers satisfaction, increasing page views,
handling transactional queries and updates.                    increasing sales conversions, improving staff productivity
                                                               and getting better IT infrastructure utilization.
SQL Server load is cut by 50-90% (x2-x10) freeing resources
for transactions that actually perform data changes. Patent-   SafePeak brings immediate resolution to application or
pending auto-learning caching algorithms store repeatable      database latency challenges, data bottlenecks and load
SQL statements results in RAM, greatly reducing database       during peaks. With SafePeak you will maximize your IT
server load, eliminating traffic bottlenecks, increasing        investments by better utilizining them, therefore reducing
scalability and transaction throughput.                        overall costs.

                                                                                               info@safepeak.com | www.safepeak.com


Intuitive Interface Provides Full Control

                                                                                      Key solution benefits
                                                                                        Accelerate Any Application:
                                                                                        New, legacy, yours or 3rd party.
                                                                                        Microsecond Speed to Any
                                                                                        Query, coming from SafePeak
                                                                                        caching memory.
               Point and click
               cache activation                              Real-time monitoring       Reduce Database Load by 90%
                                                             & analytics on             and increase overall throughput
                                                             database usage and         capacity by 100-1000%.
                                                                                        Get more IT efficiency & agility
                                                                                        With less TCO and fast ROI.
                                      Automatic pro-active
                                      schema and traffic                               Installation, Configuration and
                                                                                      Deployment in minutes to hours.
                                                                                      No code changes, no altering of
                                                                                      queries, no drivers or agents.
                                                                                      Real-time monitoring with
                                                                                      advanced analytics on data usage.

An Inside Look
SafePeak is an intelligent and sophisticated dynamic           SafePeak self learning algorithms manage 99% of the
caching mechanism for applications and databases.              configuration. Analyzing both the database schemas
                                                               and the application traffic to database, SafePeak creates
Acting as a seamless proxy, SafePeak caches the binary
                                                               optimized caching patterns and improves them over time.
result-sets of repetitive read queries in RAM memory
for microsecond access speed, relieving up to 90% of           A single SafePeak instance supports multiple database
workload on database servers. No changes made by               servers/instances, while providing both software failover
SafePeak to database schema, data and queries syntax.          bypass and hardware high avaliability solution out of
                                                               the box.
SafePeak fully supports any read-write database
transactions, stored procedures, RPC and other ways
for applications to interact with databases, ensuring at
all times 100% data integrity. SafePeak is completely
                                                               Download trial now:
transparent to application technologies.                       www.safepeak.com/Download

                                                                                       info@safepeak.com | www.safepeak.com

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SafePeak datasheet 2010

  • 1. “W e are extremely excited about the Plug and Play performance of SafePeak. It has shown increased overall performance by 380% at load peaks with an average 126% Scalability and improvement. SafePeak especially shines during times of high usage spikes, where Performance Solution the SafePeak difference in handling traffic peaks is clearly obvious.” Automated In-Memory Dynamic Caching Ami Levkovitz, Globes CIO SafePeak accelerates data access speed to microsecond level while cutting database load dramatically. No changes are required to applications, databases, queries or stored procedures. SafePeak is installed in minutes, fine tuned in hours and the improvements are applied to all parts of the application. Web/APP Servers SafePeak 64bit SW MS SQL Server on server/VM DB Servers Windows 2008 Server SafePeak works as an automated, pro-active smart “results Web portals, e-commerce sites, SharePoint, ERP , CRM caching” solution that sits between application servers and Systems and Call-centers are great examples of applications database servers and works as a seamless proxy. that SafePeak will provide immediate benefit to. SafePeak offloads repeating read («Select») queries, and SafePeak application acceleration has direct impact on stored procedures, thus increasing database capacity for improving customers satisfaction, increasing page views, handling transactional queries and updates. increasing sales conversions, improving staff productivity and getting better IT infrastructure utilization. SQL Server load is cut by 50-90% (x2-x10) freeing resources for transactions that actually perform data changes. Patent- SafePeak brings immediate resolution to application or pending auto-learning caching algorithms store repeatable database latency challenges, data bottlenecks and load SQL statements results in RAM, greatly reducing database during peaks. With SafePeak you will maximize your IT server load, eliminating traffic bottlenecks, increasing investments by better utilizining them, therefore reducing scalability and transaction throughput. overall costs. info@safepeak.com | www.safepeak.com
  • 2. Intuitive Interface Provides Full Control Key solution benefits Accelerate Any Application: New, legacy, yours or 3rd party. Microsecond Speed to Any Query, coming from SafePeak caching memory. Point and click cache activation Real-time monitoring Reduce Database Load by 90% & analytics on and increase overall throughput database usage and capacity by 100-1000%. behaviour Get more IT efficiency & agility With less TCO and fast ROI. Automatic pro-active schema and traffic Installation, Configuration and analysis Deployment in minutes to hours. No code changes, no altering of queries, no drivers or agents. Real-time monitoring with advanced analytics on data usage. An Inside Look SafePeak is an intelligent and sophisticated dynamic SafePeak self learning algorithms manage 99% of the caching mechanism for applications and databases. configuration. Analyzing both the database schemas and the application traffic to database, SafePeak creates Acting as a seamless proxy, SafePeak caches the binary optimized caching patterns and improves them over time. result-sets of repetitive read queries in RAM memory for microsecond access speed, relieving up to 90% of A single SafePeak instance supports multiple database workload on database servers. No changes made by servers/instances, while providing both software failover SafePeak to database schema, data and queries syntax. bypass and hardware high avaliability solution out of the box. SafePeak fully supports any read-write database transactions, stored procedures, RPC and other ways for applications to interact with databases, ensuring at all times 100% data integrity. SafePeak is completely Download trial now: transparent to application technologies. www.safepeak.com/Download info@safepeak.com | www.safepeak.com