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Sales Training for Success, Coaching for Life.
  lushin.com / 317-846-9200

Welcome to Questioning Strategies
             Presenter: Brian Kavicky
    Sales Associate at Lushin & Associates, Inc.


Sales Training for Success, Coaching for Life.
      lushin.com / 317-846-9200

                                                       Ground Rules

• To be able to talk and ask questions, you must use the
    audio code.
•   To ask questions, either type the question or raise your
    hand--you can do this at any time.
•   This is a dynamic webinar. The more that you
    participate, the more relevant it will be for you.
•   Following the webinar, please submit the feedback form.
•   If you would like to know more about what we do and how
    we can help, please let us know on the feedback form.


Sales Training for Success, Coaching for Life.
     lushin.com / 317-846-9200


Your value as a sales professional (and ultimately the amount
of your commissions) is determined more by the amount of
information you gather than by the amount of information you


Sales Training for Success, Coaching for Life.
    lushin.com / 317-846-9200

                                                     Traditional Context

Role of Questions in Traditional Selling

• Find the need, do a needs assessment
• Figure out the product or service the client is likely to


Sales Training for Success, Coaching for Life.
    lushin.com / 317-846-9200

                                                     Lushin Context

New Context for Asking Questions

• Gather information
   • About how the sale will be made
   • Decision making process and budget
• Uncover the compelling reason to buy
• Find out what the prospect is really looking for
• Gain Credibility


Sales Training for Success, Coaching for Life.
     lushin.com / 317-846-9200

                                                      Selling Today

Selling is Experiential

•   How do we celebrate our children’s birthdays?
•   When prospects discover why they need or want
    something, the experience becomes real.


Sales Training for Success, Coaching for Life.
lushin.com / 317-846-9200


Our parents taught us to ask the wrong questions.


Sales Training for Success, Coaching for Life.
lushin.com / 317-846-9200



Sales Training for Success, Coaching for Life.
   lushin.com / 317-846-9200

                                        Questioning Strategies

The problem the prospect brings you is never the real

                                                    Rule of 3+

Without knowing the “real” question and the reason for
it, “good” answers can get you killed.


Sales Training for Success, Coaching for Life.
    lushin.com / 317-846-9200

                                                     Rule of 3+

• It often takes three or more questions to clear away the
• The first two answers are intellectual in nature
• The third is an emotional response that reflects true intent
• Normally there is a compelling reason behind the real


Sales Training for Success, Coaching for Life.
lushin.com / 317-846-9200


        Where does the train come off the tracks?


Sales Training for Success, Coaching for Life.
     lushin.com / 317-846-9200


Why won’t we ask the right questions?

•   Need for Approval
•   Emotional Involvement
•   Money Weakness
•   Record Collection
     • “I must educate my prospect.”
     • “I must answer all of my prospects questions.”


Sales Training for Success, Coaching for Life.
lushin.com / 317-846-9200


              Bad questions get you bad answers.

         Strong questions get you strong answers.


Sales Training for Success, Coaching for Life.
 lushin.com / 317-846-9200


The one who is asking the questions has the control.


Sales Training for Success, Coaching for Life.
   lushin.com / 317-846-9200

                                          Questioning Strategies


• Dummy Curve
• Gap Questions
• Reversing


Sales Training for Success, Coaching for Life.
    lushin.com / 317-846-9200

                                                     Dummy Curve

    The curse of product knowledge and experience.

A professional does what he did as a dummy—on purpose.


Sales Training for Success, Coaching for Life.
        lushin.com / 317-846-9200

                                                           Dummy Curve

                       Dummy                               Professional
                       Phase                                  Phase





Sales Training for Success, Coaching for Life.
      lushin.com / 317-846-9200

                                                       Gap Questions

•   Create a gap between where the prospect is and where
    they think they should be
•   Even more powerful if done in two parts


Sales Training for Success, Coaching for Life.
      lushin.com / 317-846-9200

                                                       Gap Questions

•   What’s not happening that should be happening?
•   What are you doing that you shouldn’t be doing?
•   How much do you think you are over paying?
•   What kind of service are you getting? What should you be


Sales Training for Success, Coaching for Life.
lushin.com / 317-846-9200


        Always answer a question with a question.

                      If possible, soften it up a little.


Sales Training for Success, Coaching for Life.
     lushin.com / 317-846-9200


Straight Reverses (to get a restatement of the question)

•   What?
•   Huh?
•   Can you say that again?
•   I didn’t hear you
•   Eh?
•   Sorry, what?


Sales Training for Success, Coaching for Life.
    lushin.com / 317-846-9200


Other Effective Reverses

• Start-Stop
• Let’s pretend
• Self-talk


Sales Training for Success, Coaching for Life.
lushin.com / 317-846-9200

                                       Questioning Strategies

                What answers are you not getting?

                       What questions lock you up?


Sales Training for Success, Coaching for Life.
lushin.com / 317-846-9200

                                       Questioning Strategies


 Fill out the feedback form following this webinar.

More Related Content

Sales Questioning Strategies

  • 1. Sales Training for Success, Coaching for Life. lushin.com / 317-846-9200 Welcome to Questioning Strategies Presenter: Brian Kavicky Sales Associate at Lushin & Associates, Inc.
  • 2. Sales Training for Success, Coaching for Life. lushin.com / 317-846-9200 Ground Rules • To be able to talk and ask questions, you must use the audio code. • To ask questions, either type the question or raise your hand--you can do this at any time. • This is a dynamic webinar. The more that you participate, the more relevant it will be for you. • Following the webinar, please submit the feedback form. • If you would like to know more about what we do and how we can help, please let us know on the feedback form.
  • 3. Sales Training for Success, Coaching for Life. lushin.com / 317-846-9200 Context Your value as a sales professional (and ultimately the amount of your commissions) is determined more by the amount of information you gather than by the amount of information you dispense.
  • 4. Sales Training for Success, Coaching for Life. lushin.com / 317-846-9200 Traditional Context Role of Questions in Traditional Selling • Find the need, do a needs assessment • Figure out the product or service the client is likely to buy
  • 5. Sales Training for Success, Coaching for Life. lushin.com / 317-846-9200 Lushin Context New Context for Asking Questions • Gather information • About how the sale will be made • Decision making process and budget • Uncover the compelling reason to buy • Find out what the prospect is really looking for • Gain Credibility
  • 6. Sales Training for Success, Coaching for Life. lushin.com / 317-846-9200 Selling Today Selling is Experiential • How do we celebrate our children’s birthdays? • When prospects discover why they need or want something, the experience becomes real.
  • 7. Sales Training for Success, Coaching for Life. lushin.com / 317-846-9200 Smokescreens Our parents taught us to ask the wrong questions.
  • 8. Sales Training for Success, Coaching for Life. lushin.com / 317-846-9200 Smokescreens
  • 9. Sales Training for Success, Coaching for Life. lushin.com / 317-846-9200 Questioning Strategies The problem the prospect brings you is never the real problem. Rule of 3+ Without knowing the “real” question and the reason for it, “good” answers can get you killed.
  • 10. Sales Training for Success, Coaching for Life. lushin.com / 317-846-9200 Rule of 3+ • It often takes three or more questions to clear away the smoke • The first two answers are intellectual in nature • The third is an emotional response that reflects true intent • Normally there is a compelling reason behind the real question
  • 11. Sales Training for Success, Coaching for Life. lushin.com / 317-846-9200 Survey Where does the train come off the tracks?
  • 12. Sales Training for Success, Coaching for Life. lushin.com / 317-846-9200 Mindset Why won’t we ask the right questions? • Need for Approval • Emotional Involvement • Money Weakness • Record Collection • “I must educate my prospect.” • “I must answer all of my prospects questions.”
  • 13. Sales Training for Success, Coaching for Life. lushin.com / 317-846-9200 Rules Bad questions get you bad answers. Strong questions get you strong answers.
  • 14. Sales Training for Success, Coaching for Life. lushin.com / 317-846-9200 Rules The one who is asking the questions has the control.
  • 15. Sales Training for Success, Coaching for Life. lushin.com / 317-846-9200 Questioning Strategies Techniques • Dummy Curve • Gap Questions • Reversing
  • 16. Sales Training for Success, Coaching for Life. lushin.com / 317-846-9200 Dummy Curve The curse of product knowledge and experience. A professional does what he did as a dummy—on purpose.
  • 17. Sales Training for Success, Coaching for Life. lushin.com / 317-846-9200 Dummy Curve Dummy Professional Phase Phase Sales Amateur Phase Time
  • 18. Sales Training for Success, Coaching for Life. lushin.com / 317-846-9200 Gap Questions • Create a gap between where the prospect is and where they think they should be • Even more powerful if done in two parts
  • 19. Sales Training for Success, Coaching for Life. lushin.com / 317-846-9200 Gap Questions • What’s not happening that should be happening? • What are you doing that you shouldn’t be doing? • How much do you think you are over paying? • What kind of service are you getting? What should you be getting?
  • 20. Sales Training for Success, Coaching for Life. lushin.com / 317-846-9200 Reversing Always answer a question with a question. If possible, soften it up a little.
  • 21. Sales Training for Success, Coaching for Life. lushin.com / 317-846-9200 Reversing Straight Reverses (to get a restatement of the question) • What? • Huh? • Can you say that again? • I didn’t hear you • Eh? • Sorry, what?
  • 22. Sales Training for Success, Coaching for Life. lushin.com / 317-846-9200 Reversing Other Effective Reverses • Start-Stop • Let’s pretend • Self-talk
  • 23. Sales Training for Success, Coaching for Life. lushin.com / 317-846-9200 Questioning Strategies What answers are you not getting? What questions lock you up?
  • 24. Sales Training for Success, Coaching for Life. lushin.com / 317-846-9200 Questioning Strategies Questions? Fill out the feedback form following this webinar.