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Sample Essay Topics For College
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Sample Essay Topics For College EntranceSample Essay Topics For College Entrance
The Rhetorical Analysis Of Martin Luther King Jr.
On April 3rd, 1968 in Memphis,Tennessee at the Mason Temple many protesters came together
to hear Martin Luther King Jr s speech. His purpose was to get his point across, blacks should
have their freedom like any other white man or woman. Martin Luther King Jr. went on to say
how happy he is to be living in this time period, able to see the period of life unfold. His purpose
was to raise awareness that, something is happening in the world,things are going to start changing.
Martin LutherKing Jr s use of ethos and pathos is successful in showing that the world is
changing in many ways. Most of all he uses logos or logic very well, giving us the info on how,
people are starting to rise up in masses and make small cities bigger like New York City, Atlanta,
Georgia and many other cities.
Early in the speech Martin Luther King Jr demonstrates logos. He clearly states, many logical
examples,he starts by imaging himself in different centuries going back to different areas like
Mount Olympus, where he would see Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, Euripides and Aristophanes where
he would watch them gather around to discuss real issues. First he went on to say that he would
go to the Roman Empire to see the development of leaders and emperors. Second he d go on to the
Renaissance to see the what this time period did for the cultural and aesthetic life of man. Then
would go on to see the men tack on the ninety five theses onto the church of Wittenberg. But then he
wouldn t stop there, he would go on to 1863 to see President Abraham Lincoln to sign the
Emancipation Proclamation. He said lastly he would go on to see the early thirties to see a man
grappling on bankruptcy. As he goes on he uses the quote we have nothing to fear but fear itself
. He uses logos really well on a showing that the nation is sick and trouble is in the land and
confusion all around. He quotes But I know, somehow, that only when it is dark enough can you
see the stars. And I see God working in this period of the twentieth century in a way that men, in
some . strange way, are responding. which takes him back to saying that the world is changing in
every which way. Later in the speech he strongly demonstrates pathos. He explains how men have
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The Zoo Hypothesis
Possible Solutions Quarantine We really don t know anything about what kind of life may be
out there. There is no way of knowing if other civilisations would even welcome contact with us.
It would be completely reasonable to suggest that maybe they are lying low, hoping we don t
ever notice them. After all, we could be hostile and a threat to them for all they know. Once we
have located them, they may feel that it is possible we could come to visit, bring advanced
weaponry and possibly even diseases, contaminating their planet (AstroBioWeb). I believe this
is an unlikely scenario, as I think it would be highly unlikely for us to cross such a large distance
(if it was even possible sometime in the future) simply to attack or try to colonise a planet that
has nothing to do with us. The Zoo Hypothesis This hypothesis was posed by John Ball in 1973
(Ball, 1973). It basically states that we are being observed by one or more civilisations for
scientific purposes, or even as a novelty. It that was the case, they would not want to disturb our
natural behaviour and environment. This would suggest that they are far more advanced than us,
and see us as the equivalent of perhaps apes at best. They might even regard us as being an
endangered species, considering our slowly declining environment and general hostility towards
each other. This solution is of particular concern. If this is truly the case, what would happen if we
were successful in achieving interstellar travel, thus
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Temple Law School Application Letter
I am a first year student at Temple Law School in Philadelphia and am writing to apply for the
Department of Homeland Security s Summer 2017 legal intern position within the New York
Office of the Chief Counsel. I first heard about the legal intern position from my legal mentor
and acquaintances who work in the New York City area, particularly regarding the challenging
yet invaluable experiences students have had with Immigrations and Customs Enforcement. It
would therefore be an excellent opportunity this summer to utilize my analytical skills to assist
ICE attorneys and officials in researching and preparing for cases. In the four years between the
completion of my undergraduate degree and the beginning of law school, I worked as both a loan
processor and a legal assistant. Despite working in these capacities to gain practical skills and
build my professional identity, I never forgot my civic duty to serve in the community. To
accomplish this, I served as an Americorps VISTA, a volunteer paralegal with the Western New
York... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In law school, I have been active as a 1L representative for both the Philadelphia Legal Network
and the Sports and Entertainment Law Society, as well as a member of the Student Bar Association
Budget Committee. I believe I would make a strong contribution to the Immigration and Customs
Enforcement agency as an intern this summer, and I am certain the internship will give me a
tremendous opportunity to gain insight into how an increasingly vital federal agency operates
while further improving my legal and professional skills. In addition to this letter, I have enclosed
my resume, transcript and the legal memo I wrote for my legal research and writing course during
my first semester. Thank you in advance for considering my
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The Challenges Of Remocial Diversity In Fashion And Fashion
You are looking at yourself in the mirror, making those final adjustments before your audition.
Walking up the steps and it s finally your time to show off your beauty and you read a sign of
destruction that pauses your steps.
Netflix movie Supermodel a young girl from the Brooklyn housing projects goes from the
subway to the runway becoming one of the most sought after models in the fashion industry. But
in the high stakes world of fashion and beauty. Things aren t always as pretty and glamorous as
they seem. Realizing when she was invited to an audition and faced a sign on the door saying no
blacks allowed. If you were a woman of color how would this made you felt?
Diversity is a big word in fashion right now, but it can be hard to tell how committed the industry
is to make changes.When it comes to modeling, we ve seen increased representation of a variety
of races and ethnicities, there s still a journey to achieving anything resembling an accurate
reflection of the myriad people out there. Let s not forget that breaking into the modeling industry
is hard no matter what. Do you know it s more challenging to do so as a person of color?
Little has been said about the challenges black model s face once they make it past the casting stage.
African American women face racial diversity because of the shade of their skin, the texture of
their hair, or the sizes of their bodies.When a model of color get hits from all directions and
arrives backstage for a fashion week presentation, to realize artists are unequipped to work with
her hair texture and complexion. This experience serves to reinforce her otherness. I usually just
bring my own foundation with me before a show and come with my hair already straighten. said
model Brittany Manson. This sends the message that black models don t matter, at least not
enough for artists to style them adequately. We should care about this because we want equal
rights for every woman in the industry instead of being choosy about who can and can t. Black
models never, with single digit exceptions in a decade, appear on the cover of major fashion
magazines, because, as the black model Jourdan Dunn told the Guardian in 2013, people in the
industry say if you have a
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African American Studies
Victoria Braden
Jasmine Sullivan
AAAS 2000
23 April 14
1.) In chapter 1, Black women slaves were defined as either a jezebel or mammy . In detail define
the characteristics of a jezebel and mammy . Why were black women defined in these two extreme
ways? By contrast, how were Southern white women characterized? * One of the most standout
images of black women in white slavery America was of a woman who ran entirely off of her sex
drive, a Jezebel. A jezebel was considered to be the complete opposite of a proper white woman.
She was thought to have little to none religious affiliation. A jezebel took no instances to cover her
body, and showed no signs of prudery. The idea that black women were over sexualized first...
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Because of her expertise in all domestic matters, she was the premier house servant and all
others were her subordinates. This, therefore, is the broad outline of Mammy. She was a woman
completely dedicated to the white family, especially to the children of that family. She was the
house servant who was given complete charge of domestic management. She served also as
friend and advisor. She was, in short, a surrogate mistress and mother, giving into the modern
day nanny. The Mammy image is fully as misleading as that of Jezebel. Both images have
enough instances in reality to lend credibility to stereotypes that would profoundly affect black
women. For instance, Black women served in all capacities, from cook to waiting maid, or
seamstress. In very wealthy Southern households there were many female servants. Children
grew very attached to Mammy, as she was seen as their primary caregiver. Being a Mammy was
idyllic for a slave women, for they were given better care and the work wasn t as tasking. Hard as
cleaning, cooking, sewing, dairy work, and child care were, they were not as physically taxing as
a sun up to sun down day in the cropbe it sugar, rice, or cotton. On the whole, house women could
expect to eat better, dress better, and get better medical care than field women, if only because they
were more familiar to the master and mistress, not to mention nearer to the kitchen and potential
handmedowns. Still
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Louis Zamperini Resilience
Louis Zamperini displayed many Examples of resilience during his time at sea, and during his
time in the Japanese POW camps. While at sea Zamperini and his colleagues needed to invent
ways to stay sane, and alive which shows incredible creativity. At sea Zamperini displayed humor
in his creative ways of coming up with meals for the men who were stranded with him. Despite
being locked up and unable to control his surroundings Zamperini still managed to stay
independent from The Bird and remain positive. Through his initiative Zamperini managed to send
a note home to his parents through a forced japanese propaganda broadcast. Zamperini displayed
morality later in his life when he forgave the japanese guards for what they had done to him.
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Solution Focused Therapy Summary
to solve the problem, which is achieved by creating goals (Flamez Watson, 2014). According to
White and Klein (2008) goals should be meaningful to the patient and show how interactions with
others will be different. In addition, goals should be situational to terms, able to be completed with
baby steps, and identify a clear role for the client. Also, the therapist uses conversation to identify
the patient s strengths, which allows the therapist to point out what the client can already do well as
needed throughout the therapyprocess (White Klein, 2008).
Techniques for communicating with a child: In addition, since children communicate through
actions, visual images, playing, games, and many other creative activities it is important to ... Show
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In a study done by Roeden, Maaskant, and Curfs (2014) they found solution focused therapy
successful in helping intellectually disabled children with goals and solutions. Also, they found
that they were able to maintain a healthy pattern after therapy was completed. Daki and Savage
(2010) found that solution focused sessions can help students develop essential learning skills,
create greater confidence and engagement in students that have academic and emotional
difficulties. Children and adolescents often have a hard time being placed at in foster care homes.
According to Koob and Love (2010) solution focused brief therapy has potential to promote foster
care placement stability with adolescents. In a study that looked at children with classroom
behavior problems solution focused therapy was shown to lower difficult behavior scores down to
normal behavior score that were measured by the student and teacher separately (Frankin, Moore,
Hopson, 2008). Lastly, research done by Kvarme, Aabo, and Saeteren (2013) showed that solution
focus therapy helped children who had been bullied in school build confidence and handle their
emotions about being
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How Did Pablo Escobar Change The Western World
Pablo Escobar, also known as the king of cocaine, changed the western world. He also changed
what the public thinks about when thinking of organized crime. Pablo had such an impact on
western history that he is the subject in a new popular Netflix series, entitled Narcos. This series
does an excellent job of enticing viewers into watching the portrayal of the chase to catch
Escobar in a stimulating and theatrical way. This show also provides historically accurate and
general information about drug cartels in the 1990 s. This information can be used to learn from
the past events and continue to prevent organized crime. In the beginning of the series, the show
starts by introducing a simple but powerful smuggler of illegal products, his name is Pablo
Escobar. Quickly, Escobar is introduced to a drug producer that would like his help in getting his
product, cocaine, into the United states. Meanwhile, Steve Murphy, a new Drug Enforcement
Agency (DEA) agent, is working his way up the DEA ladder in order to start fighting against
cartels, rather than chasing weed smokers in the street. Pablo quickly goes from simply transporting
drugs to making, selling, and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Through the use of harsh language and dramatic suspense. The creators of the show were trying
to reach viewers looking for a thrill of an international chase involving a government and a
powerful individual. Producers created well developed characters through the use of the
language they use. For example, in the first episode, Pablo was stopped by the military while
trying to smuggle illegal merchandise. He acts calmly and gives a short speech to the military
personnel and simply ends with you can accept my deal, or accept the consequences. The guards
did not hesitate to let him through. This established early in the series what kind of temper Pablo
has. He is very calm but speaks with a powerful diction, one of a
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в– Musical intelligence refers to a person that has ability to recognize , learn, and , perform, music (
Theories of Intelligence, n.d.). To encourage musical intelligence in the classroom, I would sing
songs such as twinkle little star and offer musical instrument such as maracas to the children, this
will help them learn new words and rhythms. Also this will help them with Musical because they
would be able to recognize the music pitches, rhythms, and tones(Benson,2016) в– Bodily
Kinesthetic intelligence refers to a person that has ability to use his or her mental ability to
coordinate their body movements, and use their body to solve problem and create things
(Benson,2016). To encourage bodily kinesthetic in the classroom, I would
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The Odyssey Questions And Answers
75 бЅЎП‚ is an adverb of manner. бј„ПЃО± is used as an explanation for that which precedes.
ПЂПЃОЇОЅ here is used adverbially. ОµбЅ”П‡ОїОјО±О№ takes a complementary infinitive.
78 93 Akhilleus mourning for Patroklos foreshadows his own funeral.1 As he laments his friend s
death, Thetis holds his head in her lap similar to a gesture of mourning while he lies prostate on the
ground, covered in dirt, like a corpse. This also mirrors Akhilleus mourning for his own death.
78 П„бЅґОЅ refers back to Thetis and is the object of the verb. ОІО±ПЃбЅє is a neuter adjective
used adverbially. The use of the epithet ПЂПЊОґО±П‚ бЅ ОєбЅєП‚ is a bit ironic here since
Akhilleus grief has completely immobilized him, although this discrepancy between the warrior s
inactivity and his superior ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the Iliad, a hero must be skilled in both fighting and speaking. Richard Martin notes that heroic
orators are performers who engage in formal speech acts that generally fall into genres of prayer,
lament, supplication, commanding, insulting, and remembering the past.7 Friedrich and Redfield
have expanded on the complexity of language in Homeric epic, arguing that the poet constructs
the style of speaking of a few individual characters to be different from that of other characters.89
Akhilleus speeches exhibit a particular oratory style, often shifting between present and past,
realism and imagination. This is shown in his answer to Odysseus in book 9: he employs a simile
to describe his бјЂО°ПЂП‰ОїП…П‚ ОЅПЌОєП„О±П‚ бј¤ОјО±П„О± ОґбѕЅ
О±бј±ОјО±П„ПЊОµОЅП„О± in war to a mother bird feeding her chicks in 323 27; he
interrogates Odysseus with a rapid succession of rhetorical questions in 337 4; he vividly recounts
fighting Hektor in 351 6; when insulting Agamemnon s gifts, he drifts into thinking about rich
cities and great plunder in 378 385; and then, declaring that he will never marry Agamemnon s
daughter, he becomes consumed with the thought of marriage and his wife, which leads him to
reminisce about his father s wealth and land in 389 410. Similarly here, Akhilleus response to his
mother displays his tendency to move in and out of the present: he begins by affirming her comment
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An Inflammatory Factor Called Nerve Growth Factor
example, there is an inflammatory factor called nerve growth factor (NGF), which is gathered in
tissues under inflammatory conditions/responses.15 Neurogenic inflammation in correlation with
the mentioned process induces secretion of proinflammatory molecules and cytokines and acts as a
feedback in order to increase secretion of NGF.15,68 These inflammatory processes cause airway
remodeling (neural plasticity).15 Neural plasticity of the airways causes an elevation in the level of
tachykinins and makes its secretion easier.15 This process leads to nervous hyperactivity and
consequently bronchial hyperresponsiveness.15,69
Release of chemotactic and toxic mediators causes activation of macrophage and degranulation of
mast cells, which can lead to an inflammatory response that is at the highest level in airway
remodeling.5 It brings about subepithelial thickening, and changes of mucous glands and smooth
muscles structure.5,12 In addition, there is some evidence in bronchial biopsies of the cases with
acute onset of IIA, including epithelial desquamation (denuded epithelium), significant detected
number of lymphocytes (mononuclear inflammation), airway remodeling, collagen deposition in the
bronchial wall (edematous mucosa).5,15,70 These types of alterations have been reported in the
experiments with animal models as well.71 Furthermore, studies revealed that there are other
alterations in this type of asthma, such as mucosal squamous cell metaplasia, basement membrane
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Reexamining Crisis Management Philosophy
Personal Experience with Organizational Crises
In this paper, I present two riveting case scenarios containing the unadulterated recollection of my
direct personal experiences in crisis management. Both cases provide authoritative details of life
threatening events and the quick response by key individuals with direct corporate responsibility
for managing the pre crisis, in crisis and post crisis events. Crisis management is a highly complex
field. Therefore, a plausible approach to managing crises would require simplifying the functional
relationship of key variables. The main advantage to derive from a better understanding of the
correlation among key variables would be increased individual and institutional knowledge. I also
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And, crisis management is the process of determining and influencing crisis points in a positive
direction. The opposite would be termed crisis mismanagement .
The traditional view of a crisis is that it is a turning point. The term was originally used in the
field of medicine (disease control). Therefore, it is a borrowed term with its genesis in the early
15th century, from a Latinized form of Greek krisis turning point in a disease (Online Etymology
Dictionary, n.d.). If a crisis cannot be defined in time (World Health Organization, n.d.) , then it is
an event or a point in time of 0 days duration. A milestone is defined as a significant event of no
duration (Project Management Institute, 2012). Therefore, a crisis and a milestone share similar
properties with respect to their time dimension.
The key difference between an emergency and a disaster lies in the resourcefulness of the
organization or state and the need for external intervention. Since, a crisis moment is difficult to
identify by focusing on the occurrence of the point in time; we should then divert our attention to
significant shifts in resource needs as a basis for determining crisis points.
My Roles and Responsibilities in Organizational Crises
Case 1: In this case, I was employed as a trainee in 1984 at the Water and Sewerage Authority
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Asylum In Australia
The illegal and legal system under which refugees are put under is something that is usually
considered fact when in which it is something that has never been listed as one, the closest name
under which the terms illegal and legal immigrants can be put under is unlawful citizens . This term
is only classified under Australian Law but due to the reasons that they are seeking asylum, it is
their international given right to seek this protection under the listing of an asylum seeker, therefore
they cannot be penalized for pursing protection under the legal law of the Australian government.
The reason these refugees do not obtain a visa and enter the country under a passport or exit visa is
due to the high risk of approaching an Australian Embassy,... Show more content on
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There are currently 28,239 people considering with the Australian community using this rule set.
Other countries have taken the situation of refuges in a higher light compared to Australia, some
with more acceptances over others like Germany. Near the end of 2015 Germany had registered
964,574 new asylum seekers in the year 2015 alone and went on a steady increase to 1 million
by the end of the year, with the highest peak being in November in which 206,101. Compare this
to Australia in which it has a strict annual quota of 13,750 places for refugees which is a mere
1.47% of the current world s refugee
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Effects of High Fructose Corn Syrup Essay
This research essay will investigate the effects of High Fructose Corn Syrup. The liver is
effected because the fructose as it is being metabolized deposits fatty acids into the liver, it also
develops cirrhosis, which has the same effect normally seen in alcoholics. High Fructose Corn
Syrup increases cholesterol which blocks the inner walls of the arteries and may be fatal if not
treated. High Fructose Corn Syrup was believed to be beneficial to diabetics, but studies show the
they may actually promote more diseases. Obesity is a major problem, as High Fructose Corn
Syrup does not release leptin which is what signals the brain to stop eating, so society is prone to
over consumption. It also alters the heart s use of other ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Elevated levels of triglycerides lead to an increased risk of heart disease (Jefferson, 1).
The liver also develops cirrhosis, a disease that is normally seen in alcoholics. A person who has
not had a alcoholic beverage in their life, but who eats a diet high in High Fructose Corn Syrup
ends up having a liver that is similar to that of an alcoholic (Piersal).
Heart disease is when something prohibits the heart from functioning properly. Damage to the
heart can develop from a failure in the coronary arteries or from a dysfunctional heart. High
Fructose Corn Syrup leads to an increase in the concentration of uric acid, a waste product
found in urine produced by the liver, and is believed to be a plausible symptom of heart disease
(Jefferson, 2). High Fructose Corn Syrup also increases the level of cholesterol, which builds up
in the inner walls of arteries while circulating through the blood stream. If the cholesterol blocks
the arterial walls, (especially then the walls are narrow) blood gets backed up and the heart does
not get enough oxygen. This problem may become fatal if left untreated for too long.
Fructose was considered to be beneficial to diabetics because it is absorbed only forty percent
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Essay On The Progressive Era
The Progressive Era was notable for being a time of social activism and political reform at the
turn of the twentieth century. It was a time of severe change in America and American society. The
progressives goal was to avail and improve American society by working towards equality.
Progressives shared feelings of hope about American citizens ability to improve social conditions,
by actively helping, both politically and morally, and ascertain social justice. During an age of mass
industrialization and urbanization, acquiring social justice was essential because with social justice
established, social control would naturally be achieved due to the contentment of citizens being
treated fairly. Progressive reformers wanted to improve equality among everyone, but they soon
found the wide divisions in American society to be difficult and needing much effort to overcome.
Though the progressive erawas an attempt to reform American society and... Show more content on
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The progressive era contained several different movements to change the American society, values,
and institutions. These movements included women s suffrage, The Federal Meat Packing Act,
Trust Busting, Dollar Diplomacy, and the Populist Movement. During the progressive era, women
and men were not treated equally because women did not have the right to vote and to hold an
elected office. Great leaders like Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Jane Addams, and
other women s rights leaders, had a major impact on women s suffrage and achieved many
important reforms. Suffragists requested and promoted Congress to pass a Constitutional
Amendment to empower women. In 1869, Stanton and Anthony originated the National Woman
Suffrage Association, which main goal was to get an amendment passed that would give women the
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Alexis De Tocqueville Democracy In America
3. Does equality isolate us? If so, how? Use Tocqueville to support your argument. Democracy In
America: Equality and its Inevitable Isolation 25243320 PS 112C 12 February 2018 In
Democracy in America, French diplomat Alexis De Tocqueville critically analyzes America s
pioneering democratic political system. Tocqueville argued that this unique and unprecedented
form of governing is a regime founded upon the idea of equality of conditions. In using this phrase,
Tocqueville not only refers to the idea of material equality for all American citizens, but also takes
a step further and claim that other differences, such as social or personal, shouldn t exist as well
under these said conditions. Essentially, Tocqueville thinks... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Tocqueville elaborates that equality causes each man to seek his beliefs in himself, and this
phenomenon is called individualism. He considers individualism as a sentiment that disposes
each citizen to isolate himself from the mass of those like him and to withdraw to one side with
his family and his friends. With individualism rising from equality, people become selfish and
they feel as though they have no obligation to interfere with other people s lives, as they are too
concerned with their own. Privacy and anonymity comes into play because once everyone is
equal, people become less focused on comparing each other and more focused on themselves.
Tocqueville reiterates that as social equality spreads there are more and more people who
[become not] powerful enough to have much hold over others and individuals now share a mutual
sentiment to not impose, not interfere, and not care. Tocqueville declares that individualism...
dries up the source of public virtues... and attacks and destroys all the others and will finally be
absorbed in selfishness. This growing habit of selfishness and loss of selfless virtue deeply severs
people s connections from each other and further isolates
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Essay The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
On December 3, 2004, President Bush signed the Individuals with Disabilities Education
Improvement Act of 2004. This Act is also known as Public Law 108 446. The Individuals with
Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is the law that secures special education services for children
with disabilities from the time they are born until they graduate from high school. The law was re
authorized by Congress in 2004. This re authorization has driven a series of changes in the way
special educationservices are executed. These changes are continuing today and they affect special
education and related services across the United States.
There are several different purposes of IDEA. The first is to ensure that all children with
disabilities have a free ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There are more purposes, but those will have to wait for another day.
While all children can be referred for evaluation for special education, not all are found to be
eligible. The student will be tested in all areas related to the child s assumed disability by the
multidisciplinary educational team. In order to be eligible for special education services, the child
s assume disability has to impact the child s ability to learn. Parents represent the child s interests.
They need to stay informed and involved in their child s education. IDEA of 2004 strengthened the
role, as well as the responsibility, of parents and ensures that they and their families have
opportunities to participate in their child s education. IDEA also protects the rights of parents by
ensuring that they can be members of the IEP teams. Parents can be involved in the evaluations and
placements of their children and have a say in what happens.
Not only are the students and parents affected, but also the teachers. In order for teachers to be
highly qualified, they must have a bachelor s degree and must prove their knowledge in the core
curriculum that they are teaching. They can prove their knowledge by passing the PRAXIS series
tests. Teaching standards have risen due to the research conducted involving the relationship
between the quality of teaching and low income
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Difference Between Modernist And Modernism
Modernist Postmodernist
Design in 20th century is influenced on modernist and postmodernist philosophies. Before
development of Modernism, taste was dictated to the wealthy classes by the whims of the king or
other Г©lite figures (emperors come to mind). Tradition was the dictated rule and deviating from
that resulted in ridicule. The idea of Modernism was the basis for 20th Century design, fashion and
art. It still affects us today.
Ironically, Modernism evolved from looking to the past, at a time when mass production and
consumption had taken over from style and taste. In the mid 19th Century, groups of designers
rebelled against mass production and used the best of what the past could offer to bring a new
attitude towards taste and style. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Post modernism is made up of many sub cultures and genres with different particular aims. The
best, simple definition which we can use is that post modernism is a reaction against modernism
and responds to the social and political issues of today. Modernism was destined to disappoint as it
continued to preoccupy itself with the reductionist chase for empirical fact. Post modernism often
produces what appears to be fiction which grows or matures towards fact.
Postmodernism shattered established ideas about style and brought a radical freedom to art and
design. At its height in the 1980s, postmodern designers such as the Memphis group, Alessi and
Arad, contributed to the new wave: a few thrilling years when image was everything.
Postmodernism challenges the traditional cultural values of today s societies, in particular,
western society. Life today is radically different to what it was fifty or even thirty years ago. The
traditional values of marriage and family no longer exist; with women having the same status in
the work place as men and also not settling down until later in life. A lot of couples choose not to
have children at all. Religion also has less of an effect on society as it used to, it is almost
becoming irrelevant to many people. Postmodernism has become a description of these shifts in
contemporary society and
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Specie Plea Essay
A Specie s Plea
Hello! Sorry I didn t see you there. Oh, you do not know who I am? Then I might as well
introduce myself. Obviously, you may think that I am a monkey because that is mostly the
general term that everyone would use when seeing animals like me. However, I am not a monkey
because monkeys have tails; do you see a tail on me? No right? Therefore, I am not a monkey.
Then what am I? I am an ape, and yes, we are much more different from monkeys. Let me elaborate
more on my features that would help you in distinguishing us, apes, from monkeys.
Aside from the aforementioned, one distinct feature that separates us from monkeys is our size.
We have a larger bone and body structure compared to monkeys. Along with this, we have a bigger
brain size ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Oh! I just remembered, how foolish of me not to formally introduce myself and most importantly,
my specie. So let us do that first if you do not mind. I am Seraiah and I am a Bonobo ape. I, along
with my family, live in the continent of Africa around the areas of Congo and Zaire (Stanford,
1998). I live in a rainforest specifically in Congo with abundant amounts of food, mostly
vegetation because that is what we like eating (AndrГ© et al., 2016; Donovan, 2011; Miller,
2007). This rainforest is where I grew up in and I will never ask for a better place. The air
around me or the climate is humid, perfect for us, Bonobos. The scenery is, and will always be,
breathtaking. There are different varieties of trees with different heights everywhere you look
(Oddizzi, 2004). The green color that greets me at each turn, and the sound of different animals
from crickets to birds is like an invitation for me to relax and just enjoy life with my family. The
best part of my home is the tiny swamp just a few meters away. We love going in the water
regularly just to relax, but we do not swim, not at all (AndrГ© et al.,
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Farmer Market Observation
During my visit to Crocker Galleria farmer s market, I was amaze how I never knew that there
was a farmer s market in downtown San Francisco held every thursday and I work downtown
and hang out there eating at food places which were unhealthy, so I am glad I was able to
discover this farmer s market. As I walked around each station that had many variety of fruits,
vegetables, nuts, fish, honey, etc available for anybody to view, to buy and ask questions to the
farmers about their products and also having samples of the food they grown, where I tasted many
foods which was delicious and for the first time I tasted a pomegranate fruitrather than the juice
brand, so it was a unique experience from me to see farmer s eager to let people taste... Show more
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In the textbook on page 18 it has a similar connection with organic food and how experts like the
watchdog Environmental working group thinks the government is too liberal when it comes to
the amount of levels of allowable pesticides to foods. In an article called Grocery store vs.
Farmer s market they question whether buying local is better than grocery store and got a
response from Lottie Thacker a shopper who said I ve been buying from these people for quite a
long time so it s cheaper, (livewellnetwork.com). A similar correlation from this quote, would be
from a YouTube video called Farmer s Market vs. Supermarketwhere they also wanted to see if it
is better to shop at farmer s market or a Supermarket when it comes down to price and what they
found out that it doing make a difference. In conclusion I will seriously consider to make an
effort to shop for my produce at a farmer s market because as I was comparing prices, it s cheaper
which is good for me to save money and also to me the produce look better and taste better than
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What Are The Living Conditions In Mr. Frank s Life
Anne had to suffer many hardships throughout her life especially while in hiding. During this
time, the living conditions were poor, relationships formed within the Annex, and having enough
food for everyone was very difficult. As the Nazis began invading Germany, the Franks made
their way to the Netherlands to begin hiding. While in hiding, the living conditions were horrific.
The Franks as well as the Van Daans, moved to a Secret Annex in Mr. Frank s business. The
Annex was a hidden attic, and the door was covered by a bookcase. In the Annex, they could not
use the bathroom or even run the water during certain time frames. Also, they had to be very quiet.
All of the trash they created had to be burnt. Finally, they had to wear the same
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Maxine Hong Kingston s No Name Woman
Maxine Hong Kingston, a first generation Chinese American, searches for her identity by
comparing her own American traditions with her parent s old China traditions. Although Kingston
grew up in California, her family roots remain deep within her culture. She is an active feminist and
the author of two well known books, The Woman Warrior
(1970) and ChinaMen (1980). In No
Name Woman, Kingston explores the treatment, values and life of the women of old China in the
In No Name Woman, which is Chapter One of The Woman Warrior: Memoirs of a Girlhood among
Ghosts, Kingston learns from her mother that she once had an aunt who killed both herself and her
newborn baby by jumping into the family drinking well in China. Kingston relates that the woman
s husband had left the country years before to provide for the family in America, so the villagers
knew the child was illegitimate. The night that the baby was born, the villagers raided and
destroyed the family house; consequently, the woman gave birth in a pigsty. Kingston s mother
further explains that the next morning she found her sister in law and the baby had plugged up the
well. The woman had brought such disgrace upon her family that they decided to pretend that she
had never been born.
Kingston s mother tells the story as a cautionary tale to her daughter, in the years Kingston begins
to menstruate. Her mother warns her to be careful lest the same fate fall upon her. Kingston,
looking back on the story later,
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As soon as I walked through the doors of Ras Ka, I felt a sense of home. The aroma of berbere
and niter kibbeh wafting through the room. The setting was quaint and inviting, only four tables to
choose from. The kitchen was open to the sitting area, a see through curtain acting as the door. The
owner, Hannah, welcomed us. Hannah was wearing a colorful netela, a traditional Ethiopian
shawl. My family and I sat down on a back bench and ordered a traditional herbal tea. The taste was
bitter and bland. While I had a hard time swallowing the dirt like tea, I enjoyed the aesthetic of
the spices and herbs. A serving platter of Injera timatim FitFit was placed in front of us. Injera is
traditionally made of tef and used like a tortilla to enjoy lentils and mixed vegetables. The injera
was bland with a spongey texture. However, the neutral flavorof the injera balanced the prominently
spicy flavor of the Ras Ka sauce. Traditionally, Ethiopian cuisine contains wat, a fiery spice. Ras Ka
displays the traditional eating customs of Muslim and Christian populations in Ethiopia by
remaining a fully vegan and vegetarian restaurant. Many Muslims and Christians in Ethiopia avoid
consuming pork, and often beef and chicken. The platter was loaded full with tomatoes, lentils,
green peppers, and onions. The prominent agriculture of Ethiopia was directly... Show more content
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Rather than reminiscing art or music, I was able to connect one on one with the agriculture and
essence of Ethiopia. From the spices to the Injera, I experienced the flavor, the life, and the heart
of the dish. Unlike many spicy Latin American dishes, the spices in the Ras Ka sauce never
overpowered the vegetables, only added extraordinary flavor. As I dined on injera and lentils, I felt
as though Hannah s mother and grandmother had prepared the dish for me. I was captivated by the
taste, I was
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Technology And The Health Care Industry With Robots
Robots have been rapidly introduced into our society over the past few decades and shows no
sign of slowing down, rather the production of new technology is rapidly increasing at rates never
seen before. With the recent strides in automated robots and artificial intelligence, we should
expect to see more and more new ideas as time passes and technology is produced. Many
technology companies have started creating and testing driverless cars that are safer than human
drivers (Henig 2015). Another technological advance is in the health care industry with robots
being used to perform surgeries and other assist in rehabilitation (Henig 2015). Lastly one of the
most important advances is in warfare, where robots are being created to not just shoot blindly at
whatever moves (Henig 2015). They are being integrated with artificial intelligence that allows
them to identify and shoot enemies while located its current position and identify surrounding
buildings. With the recent surge of new technology many people are skeptical if these robots and
automated systems can actually make correct decisions and not just logical ones. In a New York
Times Magazine article written by Robin Henig, she discusses the possible ethical decision making
that people fear automated robots cannot make consistently, which can result in death for those
around the robot (2015). However, these claims are short sited and mostly concern around outside
factors rather than the robots themselves. With the current
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Teaching Assistant Level 2 Supportive the Pupil Essay
UNIT 1 SUPPORTING THE PUPIL TASK 6. The social and emotional development of children
from 5 to sixteen plays a crucial part in in the impact and quality of the child s lives these
influence the development of the child in various ways which is why it is important for a
Teaching Assistant to recognise these factors so they can help the child continue learning and
use the skills already instilled in them. By treating each child as their own person you learn that
they are all different and develop at their own pace but in order to do this you must see the child
developing and to show support to both the teacher and child you are able to better the child s
learning experiences and embrace their own developmental skills. I am aware of the... Show more
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They would not forget if they needed would ask for help this in itself shows a child at 10 years
is recognising ways to provide better relations and communications. So in effect good listening
skills are formed and the child would know how to better themselves and others. Age 11 years:
From this age the child should demonstrate they have developed the importance of family and peer
relations. They will have utilised their decision making and problem skills more. They should
show they can work with and in groups without difficult including displaying their own goals and
how to work towards them with realistic expectations. By this age children should recognise the
relationship between mental and physical health. Age 12 years: At this age the child is able to form
anger management skills and is able to deal with their own stress. They are understand being down
through disappointment including sad emotions like bereavement. At this age also the child should
associate friends, family and others through positive and negative behaviours. They should know
the difference between these two behaviours. Through this they are able to recognise the difference
between safe and unsafe behaviour in relationships. Age 13 years: During this year children would
have developed a good understanding of knowing what is expected of them. They will have
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Case 11 6 Lessee Ltd Essay
Case 11 6 Lessee Ltd.
Case 11 6 deals with Lessee Ltd., a company that operates in Britain and uses IFRS. The question
in this case is how to classify a lease that Lessee, Ltd. acquired from Lessor Inc. The accounting
standard that deals with leases under IFRS is IAS 17. IAS 17 was originally issued in September
1982 and was reissued in December 2003. It classifies leases as either finance leases or operating
leases. Finance leases make it so that the lessee recognizes an asset and a liability and the lessor
recognizes a receivable, basically transferring all the risks and benefits of ownership. Under
operating leases, the lessor still recognizes the asset and the lessee recognizes an expense. The first
question in this case is if the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The third and final question from the case is how would the lease classification change under U.S.
GAAP. The FASB codification that deals with leases is ASC 840. U.S. GAAP classifies leases as
operating leases or capital leases and it has a section for sale leaseback transactions as well. Under
U.S. GAAP, the lease in this case would be classified as a capital lease. This is because ASC 840
10 25 29 says, If at its inception a lease meets any of the four lease classification criteria in
paragraph 840 10 25 1, the lease shall be classified by the lessee as a capital lease. This lease meets
two of those criterions. The lease term is equal to 75% of the economic life of the equipment (3
year lease term / 4 year economic life of equipment = .75 or 75%) and the present value of the
minimum lease payments equals or exceeds 90 percent of the excess of the fair value of the
lease property to the lessor at lease inception over any related investment tax credit retained by
the lessor and expected to be realized by the lessor (ASC 840 10 25 1d). The present value of the
minimum lease payments does in fact equal or exceed 90 percent of the fair value of the
equipment ($248,690 / $265,000 = .94 or 94%). Under ASC 840 10 25 31, the lessee should use
the implicit rate to calculate the present value of the lease payments because the lessee already
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How Did Diophantus Contribute To Algebra
Diophantus was exceptional mathematician born between the the years of 200 and 214 BC.the
area in which he spent most of his life was Alexandria .at the time Alexandria was going through
the silber age in which it was the center of much greek culture and knowledge.As great of a
mathematicain in which he was ,not much information is regarded towards his own personal life
only thing known about him was interpreted in the form of mathematical puzzle which describes
his life in his years throughout his life. The contributions in which Diophantus made to
mathematics was exceptional in his time but one of his major works is Arithmetika ,which is said
to have the most influence to algebra in the history of greek.earning him the title as the Father of
Algebra.These series of books greatly influenced the development of the number
theory.Arithmetica contained a total of 13 books which in total had at least an average of 130
problems which gave solutions to determinate equations or in his era would be called diophantine
equations.this of course was only a small stepping stone to a person of his grandeur.He had made
exceptional advanced in the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This equation is then used by his mathemal puzzle which described his life through the years and
could be solved through this manner with the integers in which he was very skilled in dealing
with.many of these problems would then be seen in his books not being relevent in the first book
of three mainly including simple word problems, but in the later books where the introduction of
problems involving indeterminate.Thourhgout his books he had used the word number to represent
positive or even rational numbers.IN books 5 to 7 he then starts to complicate the basic methods
by introducing problems of higher numbers which can then be made smaller to a binomial
equation.The purpose of his books were created in order for the reader to learn and experience the
mathematical skills and techniques that were being expressed in the
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Carbon Emissions And Climate Change And Mitigation Of...
Individual Report on the relationship between
Carbon Dioxide and Climate Change and mitigation of anthropogenic carbon dioxide releases.
Introduction 2
The Carbon Cycle 2
Anthropogenic Causes 3
Natural Causes 4 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Finally, methods of mitigation will be examined and critically evaluated based on their potential to
halt the effects of carbon dioxide on climate change.
Climate change is a large scale change in the planet s weather systems or its average temperature.
The Earth s climate may change within varying timescales in response to natural factors. On the
scale of tens of thousands of years the climate changes through glacial and interglacial periods;
whereas it changes through the timescale of years occurs due to the effects of El NiГ±o and La
NiГ±a which temporarily change the Earth s temperature and regional scale weather patterns. (Met
office, 2015)
Carbon dioxide is a minor component of the Earth s atmosphere accounting for approximately
0.04%. Despite carbon dioxide s relatively low atmospheric concentration, it s believed that it is the
most important long long lived forcing of climate change in the atmosphere. (Pachauri Reisinger,
The Carbon Cycle
The measurement of atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has been measured
directly since 1957. Prior to 1957, atmospheric concentrations and isotope records consisted of
evidence from ice cores, moss cores, packrat middens, tree rings, and measurements of isotope
ratios in planktonic and benthic foraminifera. Out of the methods discussed, ice cores are by far the
best method for obtaining past
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Recruit Select and Induct Staff
Baker s Delight is Australia s most successful bakery in Melbourne CBD. Over the past 20 years,
this Australian owned Company has grown over 70 bakeries across the Melbourne. Every day, in
every bakery, Baker s Delight bakers create a range of traditional and gourmet breads.
All products are baked from scratch, fresh daily on the premises. Baker s Delight is distinctive in
appearance, branding, product quality and customer experience. The company s philosophy
underpins every action: Best Environment, Best Service, and Delightful Product.
The mission of Baker s Delight brand has been built on our ... Show more content on
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It has a written record of physical, mental, social, psychological, and behavioral characteristics of
a person should poses in order to perform the job effectively. For ex, for the job of pastry cook
minimum certificate III and 1 year working experience is must. It is a statement of employee
characteristics and qualifications required for satisfactory duties and tasks comprising a specific job
or function. Selection Criteria
Our selection criteria policy is a task to draw up a description of ideal applicant. This is the
statement that describes the qualifications, knowledge, skills, abilities, and experience that are
required for a job. Examples of criteria that employers are often interested in, include: * Ability to
communicate effectively * Leadership skills * Team work skills * Willingness to learn * Ability to
solve problems
Selection Criteria of a Baker
To be considered for this Role, you need to be able to meet the following Selection Criteria: *
Ability to be available for work across the 7 days of the week, which may include evening work
and some public holidays (starting times can be as early as 3am) * Work in a fast paced team
environment * Communicate with customers and staff *
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A Summary Of Remember The Alamo
In the December of 1835, during the Texas Revolution, the Alamo was occupied by two hundred
Texan soldiers located near the present day in San Antonio. The Alamo was a church in the middle
of San Antonio. William Travis and James Bowie were the commanders who were prepared to
defend the Alamo from the Mexicans who wanted it back. Unfortunately, the Texan soldiers were
outnumbered to secure the Alamo from General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna by thousands of his
soldiers. The battle was only for thirteen days and Santa Anna slaughtered everyone except for a
few such as a widowed wife named Susanna Wilkerson Dickinson, her infant daughter Angelina,
and the one person who witnessed the final assault and survived named Joe. For the Texans, the
battle of the Alamois an image of brave resistance and a rallying cry in their battle for freedom.
This urged more Texans to join the military and lead the following fight to triumph against
Mexico. The battle cry Remember the Alamo! within Texas culture was a symbol of Patriotic
sacrifice. If we had known about Remember the Alamo! it s all thanks to Joe who came out of
the battle witnessing all of the hardships of the battle. Joe was an African American slave who
became an Alamo Legend. He was born into a slavery from Kentucky in about 1813. He was also
the brother of a well known abolitionist and novelist, William Wells Brown. He was moved to
Missouri and then later to Texas, where he was owned by Colonel William
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Convenience And Association When Talking With One Another
Convenience and association when talking with one another is one of many uses that names
provide. Names carry strong ethnics and religious connotations, and reveal an individual s
affiliation to a specific group. They are able to capture and reflect upon one s unique culture,
history, religion, and lineage. The sense of personal identity and uniqueness that a name gives us is
why names interest us and are deemed so important to us as individuals. Unfortunately those of us
who carry names that are hard to pronounce or are simply strange in the eyes of the western world,
feel inclined to accommodate to much more Eurocentric names. In spite of their importance, the
practice of white washing foreign names is dangerous. It affects all generations in a lineage from
the past, present, to the future. Therefore, names have been homogenized for the convenience of
the colonizer throughout history, can be seen in current social Chinese policies today, and
consequently creates a homogenized legacy of children wearing white masks for future generations.
Although many foreigners take part in this name change practice, this research paper will focus on
the Chinese American phenomena of name changes. Consequently, Chinese Americans are
becoming the new victims forced to wear white masks by their colonizers. It is necessary to
analyze this phenomenon to secure the integrity of all cultures. Proctor: Because it is my name!
Because I cannot have another in my life. Because I am not
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A Opportunity Enhancing Learning About The Culture,...
A Fulbright opportunity enhancing learning about the culture, people, and language of Taiwan
would significantly impact my work here at Clarkson and in my home community. As stated
above, my strengths include Mandarin language, as well as mainland China culture and
pedagogical methods of curriculum delivery. While our relatively new program is quite successful
(we have a100% teacher certification pass rate and 97% placement rate), we lack significant
opportunities for student and faculty exchanges outside of the mainland. A Fulbright experience of
this sort would give us the opportunity to expand our programs significantly in areas of
recruitment, cultural understanding, approaches to language learning and best pedagogical
practices. There are only two institutions of higher education in New York State with the MAT
program certified in Mandarin; while the data show that we are obviously of documented high
quality, an expansion to other Chinese cultures, geographic locations, and pedagogical approaches
would help us intervene in the myth that it is only Beijing where students and faculty should go
for their teaching, language and cultural experiences. I personally have always enjoyed extending
my academic expertise to my greater community as well. As a very active member of the local
Chinese Community Center, it has been my joy to encourage mutual understanding in a very
positive way. For example, I have organized the yearly Spring Festival Party at the Empire State
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Analysis of Consolation in Hades Bosom Poem
To begin with, this essay must summarize the poem s story written by the poet. At the very
beginning, the first stanza presents someone who has disappeared from this world. The second
stanza tells us about a woman who has lost something or someone really important, and how this
affects her emotional state. Later on, the poem goes deeper in the woman s feelings of desolation.
In stanzafive, the poem explains the journey taken by the woman, in order to find the body of her
loss, ending up with the encounter to a witch. The next stanza clarifies that she has found Hades
world and not a witch, it describes the meeting and introduces the next stanza. Then, it is exposed
what Hades told her, stating that her son (only at this stanza, this is clearly stated) is death
somewhere they both know. Finally, the last stanza presents the resolution of the story, when the
woman finds the dead body of her son and also what she has been aiming for during the journey:
Afterwards, this essay must analyze the poem in terms of form. 8 stanzas, all quatrains, except
stanza two and eight, which are quintets, compose it. Probably this distinction on extent is parallel
to the relevance of those stanzas within the composition. As we can notice in stanza number 2, the
old woman realizes her recent loss and it is the first emotion shown in the poem. On the other hand,
the last stanza is more clearly shown why it uses 5 lines instead of 4, and it also has relation with
the significance in the
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Essay On Konark Sun Temple
What is the most iconic religious monument in India?
In the small city of Konark, rests one of the most unique and iconic religious monuments of India
the Konark Sun Temple. Built during the 13th century under the rule of Narasimhadeva I, this
imposing Hindu shrine is an amazing example of ancient Kalinga architecture and engineering.
Architecture and symbolism behind a giant chariot
Khondalite rock was used to erect the temple. The structural scheme pays homage to Surya the
Hindu Sun god whose figurative representation consists of a chariot pulled by seven horses. There
are 12 pairs of three meter diameter wheels carved on the bottom lateral sides of the audience hall
structure (Jaga mohan), while the dance hall structure in front (Nata mandir) faces East to receive
sunrise s first rays of light. The wheels are particularly interesting: each one exhibits impressively
intricate carvings that can reveal the exact hour of the day down to the minute. These giant wheels
are high precision sundials.
Kalinga architectural style features prominent decoration, and ... Show more content on
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At its peak, the Black Pagoda as Europeans sailors used to call it played a significant role in
Indian history, inspiring many myths and legends thereafter. Today, the 700 year old relic is
nationally regarded as one of the seven wonders of India, and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
It is currently maintained by the Archaeological Survey of India.
The Konark Sun temple is located in the state of Odisha; a culturally effervescent location endowed
with many other spectacular ancient monuments like the Lingaraj or Jagannath temples and some
of the world s most beautiful beaches. This is one of the best travel destinations in India and a
mandatory visit for any
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Hitchcock Rope Analysis
Hanging by Hitchcock s Rope Famously known as The Master of Suspense , Alfred Hitchcock
knew how to keep an audience on the edge of their chair, just waiting to see what happens next.
Hitchcock s career started in the silent era of films, gained increased success through talking
pictures, and soared into infamy when color filmbecame common. Hitchcock s famous
cinematography, editing, directing of his thoughtfully selected actors, and extraordinary attention
to detail, are obvious reasons why there is no denying that he is one of the greatest directors the
film industry has ever seen. OSU Media student, Joseph Ford, confirms why Hitchcock is his
favorite directors, Hitchcock s lighting and shot sequences are unmatched, he was the ultimate
perfectionist and, in my opinion, there is hardly a flaw in any of his films (Ford). There are
endless lists and debates about which Alfred Hitchcockfilm is the greatest, and each one of his
movies deserves serious consideration. It could be contested that with the unique story, intriguing
characters portrayed by great actors, and the extraordinary cinematography, that Alfred Hitchcock s
Ropeis potentially his greatest film. Alfred Hitchcock was never known for original stories,
always taking his inspiration from novels or plays. Rope was based on a British play by Patrick
Hamilton, which in turn was loosely based on the Leopold and Loeb murder case from 1924. Rope
portraits two highly educated men, Brandon and Phillip, who decide
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Rachel Carson Research Paper
Rachel Carson was a American marine biologist ,author ,and conservationist whose book Silent
Spring and other writings are credited with advancing the global environmental movement.
Rachel Carson was born on May 27 1907 in Springdale PA. Carson grew up in Springdale also
attended high school close to there also it was a small school called Parnassus High Schoolin
Kensington PA. She intended to go to college and major in English and become a teacher but
she soon changed it to Biology. Carson went to many competitions and won many competitions
she received a scholarship from John Hopkins University for Zoology. Rachel taught Zoology at
John Hopkins summer school with Grace Lippy in 1930. Carson s first book was Under the Sea
Wind published in 1941 followed by The Sea Around Us ten years later. Her most famous book
by far is Silent Spring published on September 27, 1962. The book Silent Spring is about how a
brave woman took on the chemical industry and raised questions about nature and humankind s
impact on it. Although books will probably always be less celebrated than wars, marches, riots, or
stormy political campaigns, books have at times been more powerful than all of those.
Rachel Carson examining a specimen Carson, a renowned nature author and a former marine
biologist ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The use of the pesticide had increased greatly since 1945. By 1958, Carson was no doubt the
best selling author, and the fact that she could not acquire an assignment to write about DDT is
expressive of how out there and debatable her views on the subject must have seemed. Having
already assembled a large quantity of research on the subject, however, Carson decided to go ahead
and address the issue in a
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Powerful Women Presentation Reflection
On November 14th, I attended the Panel of Powerful Women presentation. This panel consisted
of women sharing their experiences the their field of work and study and how their subject
position affected these experiences.Many women shared stories of discrimination in the
workplace, such as one women who spoke about her experience running for office in her small
town. She faced a lot of challenges because going into it she didn t know how corrupt the system
truly was and that there essentially was no path for her to succeed since she was the first black
woman to run for office. Another spoke about how her family background inspired her to get an
education. Her parents were immigrants with five young kids and her mother was adamant that all
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Kevyn Aucoin Making Faces Analysis
In Making Faces, Kevyn Aucoin, North Americas preeminent makeup artist, shares his secrets,
explaining not only the basics of makeup application and technique but also how to use those
fundamentals (sometimes in unconventional ways) to create a wide range of different looks.
Making Faces features step by step directions, instructional full colour sketches, and a gallery of
noncelebrity transformations, as well as fabulous images of stars and supermodels as youve never
seen them before.Lush and enticing, Making Facessatisfies on many levels: extraordinary
photography, surprising makeup looks on A list celebrities (Julia Roberts, Demi Moore,
Courtney Love), and recipes for doing it yourself. ~ Mirabella Kevyn Aucoins new beauty bible
is the Genesis, Chronicles, and Revelations of makeup. ~ Allure Kevie isnt a makeup man, hes a
magician. He creates an atmosphere of beauty mixed with magic. ~ Cher Kevyns progression of
work over the years has elevated makeup to an art form. ~ Tina Turner Kevyn enables each and
every one of us to play the character we want to play, be the person we want to be, and most
important,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
More than making do, making up is the art of achieving your own special look, and Aucoin insists
that there are no hard and fast rules except for the obvious ones, such as Don t put lipstick in your
The first section offers, in his own words, Aucoin s favorite ideas, tricks, and techniques for
enhancing, defining, and altering facial features with makeup. You ll learn how to care for your
skin, what foundation to use with your skin type, and transformational magic for that central player
in the drama of beauty: eyes. Through his gallery of noncelebrity before and afters, Aucoin shows
clearly how to use his fundamentals to achieve dozens of different
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A Comparison Of Identity Crisis
Personal Reactions: I agree with Mr. Erik Erikson when he said Everybody has heard of identity
crisis and it arouses a mixture of curiosity, mirth, and discomfort which yet promises, by the very
play on the word crisis, not to turn out to be something quite as fatal as it sounds . When I hear
the word crisis I think the worse depending on the situation as an example mid life crisis. I see
someone who is in a middle agegroup but they not considered an elderly person along with them
not being considered a young person. I think of this person seeing themselves as being old and
doing stuff to help them feel younger by wearing clothes that the younger people wear, change
their hair color, buy a sports car, buy a motorcycle, go to the clubs, and hangout with younger
people. Some people feel like they didn t accomplish enough stuff by this particular age and try to
change that by doing those things to help them feel better with their accomplishments in life. I
agree with Mr. Erik Eriksonwhen he described the patients who was in the war being
shellshocked, nor becomes malingerers, but had through the exigencies of war lost a sense of
personal sameness and historical continuity . I know a lot of people who say their love ones that
returned from the war came back as a different person. Their love ones suffered from paranoia and
have problems with adjusting to the civilian life due to their traumatic experiences in the war. They
battle with trying to figure out what is real and
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President Manuel Zelaya
In January 2009, President Manuel Zelaya decided, despite the opposition of the business elites, to
increase the country s minimum wage, which was until then the lowest of the region. The country
s elite and the powerful media organs began an intense campaign to discredit and vilify the
president and his cabinet. President Zelaya was accused of wanting to make a new Venezuela
(Naiman, 2011; Benjamin, 2009). Therefore, when he planned to change the constitution,
following a strong popular demand to revise it, the opposition accused him of wanting to do so to
make it possible for him to run again for the elections (in Honduras a president can be elected only
once)(Ruhl, 2010). On June 28, soldiers stormed into the presidential palace and sent... Show more
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It first condemned what happened, however without actually naming it a coup, probably because if
it did it would have forced Washington to terminate its aid programme to Honduras. However, after
the coups in Madagascar and Mauritania, the U.S. did not hesitate to immediately and totally stop
their aid (Main, 2010; Weisbrot, 2011; Chomsky, 2010). It did not withdraw its ambassador from
Tegucigalpa as the European countries did. The U.S. continued training Honduran officers and the
IMF, after withdrawing loans to the Zelaya government following disagreements over his economic
policies, provided a loan of 150$ million to the coup regime (Chomsky, 2010). Nonetheless, the U.S.
did take some measures. They suspended their non humanitarian aid, cancelled the visas of the
leading members and supporters of the interim government but they did not resort to the most
effective trade sanctions and slowly but surely diminished their support for Manuel Zelaya (Ruhl,
2010). They supported an agreement between him and Roberto Micheletti, the interim president,
that would create a unity government and reinstate Manuel Zelaya. However, when this turned
sour, the Obama administration did not move an inch (Ruhl, 2010). Washington then announced
that the U.S. would recognise the November elections, giving very little hope to President Zelaya
s of ever coming back to power (Rulh, 2010; Main, 2010). The negotiations proposed by
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Titus The King
Wearing his blue robe, embroidered with the royal crest, and the black metal crown that was
made at the castle blacksmith shop, the king appeared to be worried or troubled. With his right
hand resting on the handle of his long sword, he would occasionally stroke his beard, which like
hair is completely white, with his left hand. With a stern and demanding look on his face, the
king made eye contact with each person sitting on the other side of the table as he walked by.
Stopping when he got to Titus, the king looked the boy for a moment, then started to walk away.
Stopping he turned to look at the boy again. He has seen the lad scurrying around the cattle from
time to time. Titus, he recalled, was always on the move, looking as... Show more content on
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However, he has enough freckles on his face and arms to fill a small water bucket. Over the
years, so many people have made comments about his freckles that he is not sure if he should
be proud or ashamed of them. There is absolutely no reason to be embarrassed by your freckles,
His mentor the royal wizard says. Look at them as memory spots, every time you learn
something new, you get another one. In fact, he has so many freckles that some of his friends
call him spots, a nickname that he has grown use too. . No one is sure of how old the boy is
because, both his father, a knight, and his mother were killed several years ago while fighting
off the Vikings who invaded the castle. Herman the royal wizard, a gray headed older man of
average height and slender build, with a slight hunch to his upper body, a long time friend of the
family, took the boy in, and is raising him as his own son. The wizard, sitting between two
knights decked out in their shiniest armor, is usually dressed is black boots, loose fitting gray
pants with a fluffy sleeved dark blue tunic tied at the waist with a slim rope. However, today he is
wearing a bright green tunic that reflects in the shining
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Research Paper On Smoothie
A smoothie is thick refreshment produced using mixed crude natural fruits or products with
different ingredients, such as dairy items, ice water, or sweeteners. Smoothies are not just tasty
and simple to make; they can be very nutritious also. Similarly, as with any nourishment, the
strong impacts of a smoothie will all rely on upon what essential ingredients you use. Regardless
of whether you re searching for a fast breakfast or a refreshing treat, a smoothie packs a delightful
punch. They re an excellent approach to get heaps of calcium and fruits into your eating regimen,
all in a helpful drink. These seven good smoothie formulas are heavenly, sound and the flavor
blends are endless. 1. Exceptionally Berry Breakfast Begin your free day... Show more content on
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Watermelon Wonder Change a late spring organic product most loved into a refreshing stable
smoothie. Simply recall purchasing seedless watermelon or expelling the seeds before you mix!
SERVINGS: 2 2 c sliced watermelon Вј c without fat milk 2 c ice Directions; Blend the watermelon
and drain, and mix for 15 seconds, or until smooth. Include the ice, and blend 20 seconds longer,
or to your coveted consistency. Add more ice, if necessary, and mix for 10 seconds. Nourishment
(per serving)2 g protein,0.5 g fiber,11g sugars,13 g carbs 56 0 g sat fat,cals, 0.3 g fat, 19.5 mg
sodium, 6. Berry Good Workout Smoothie Get the vitality you have to control through your
exercise in minutes with this simple to make smoothie formula. For an additional measurement of
calcium, have a go at including a teaspoon of Organic Kale Powder. SERVINGS: 1 1ВЅ chacked
strawberries One c blueberries ВЅ c raspberries 2 Tbsp nectar 1 tsp new lemon juice ВЅ c ice 3D
shapes Mix all ingredients Nourishment (per serving) 2 g protein, 6 g fiber,32 g sugar,41.5 g carbs,
0.1 g sat fat,162.5 cals, 1 g fat, 5 mg
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Examples Of Social Location
Social location, the group memberships that people have because of their location in history
and society. Where you stand in the world is how you are looked at. People have always been
categorized, times where we were not here people were still be categorized. No matter what
color you, how much money you have, age, religion, or even sexual orientation you are
identified into a group. The way you are categorized is how you see the world and how the
world sees you. Your social location places a big role in your life, positive and negative, for
example, being judged because of your ethnicity. I am an African American woman. I just turned
eighteen years old. My family consists of three to four people, my mom, sister, dad and myself. I
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Under The Lights By Abbie Glines
Summary Paragraph Under the lights by Abbie Glines. There are three teens that grew up
together in a southern small town. Willa s mom had her when she was a teenager. Willa had
gotten into some trouble at a young age and had to stay with her Nonna. Willa s two best friends
were Gunner and Brady. Willa has made some bad choices in her past life which made her go
down the wrong path in life. Brady s a high school quarter back now and with the choices Willa
has made Brady sees Willa as a different person. Gunner is also a football star in high school.
Gunner is living a good rich life the only matter though he cares about himself only, except for
Willa. He understands the person she has grown into over her time. As they were known to be child
hood friends secrets start to come out and the truthmay be the reason of them losing each other.
Character Descriptions
Willa:Curious I had been watching the boys for weeks go up into that tree house from my front
yard at the cottage. I d wanted to know what was up there. My curiosity had given me my first real
friends. (4)
Brady: sweet I wasn t sure how I liked my cousin warning me not to hurt someone. I wasn t that
guy. What do you think I m going to do her? The question came out annoyed because I was.
Maggie s frown became pinched. Ivy Hollis. Last I checked you were dating her. Then she turned
her all knowing, haughty ass around and walked away. Well damn. I guess she was right. I couldn
t get to know Willa and keep my
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Essay on Unit 229 Workbook Pressure Sores
Unit 4222 229 Undertake agreed pressure area care
Unit 4222 229 Undertake agreed pressure area care
Outcome 1 Understand the anatomy and physiology of the skin in relation to pressure area care
The learner can:
1. describe the anatomy and physiology of the skin in relation to skin breakdown and the
development of pressure sores
Skin is the largest organ of the body, covering and protecting the entire surface of the body. The
total surface area of skin is around 3000 sq inches or roughly around 19,355 sq cm depending on
age, height, and body size. The skin, along with its derivatives, nails, hair, sweat glands, and
sebaceous glands forms the integumentary system. Besides providing protection to the body the
skin has a host of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Which is automatically regulated to reduce pressure as and when required.
Special dressings and bandages can be used to protect and to speed up the healing of pressure sores.
Topical preparations such as cream and ointments can speed up healing process and prevent further
tissue damage.There is also a vast range of equipment that is designed specifically to assist with
moving and handling. Chairs Wheelchairs Beds Shower/Commode Chairs Sliding Boards Sliding
Sheets Low Friction Rollers One Way Slides Turntables Hoists and Slings|
6. describe changes to an individual s skin condition that should be reported. |
Outcome 2 Understand good practice in relation to own role when undertaking pressure area care 1.
identify legislation and national guidelines affecting pressure area care
2. describe agreed ways of working relating to pressure area care |
3. describe why team working is important in relation to providing pressure area care. |
Outcome 3 Be able to follow the agreed care plan
The learner can:
1. describe why it is important to follow the agreed care plan
2. ensure the agreed care plan has been checked prior to undertaking the pressure area care
4. describe actions to take where any concerns with the agreed care plan are noted
5. identify the pressure area risk assessment tools which are used in own work area
6. explain why it is important to use risk
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Anterograde Amnesia Research Paper
Anterograde Amnesia is the inability to store new information after the brain damage has occurred.
(Luke Mastin 2010). Anterograde Amnesia is very rare, in fact there have a few cases where the
amnesia was pure . The symptoms and hardship of the person depend on the cause for the memory
loss. Some symptoms of Anterograde Amnesiaare partial memory loss, having a hard time
recognizing relatives or family, feeling of confusion, difficulty taking in new information, inability
to remember familiar places, and difficulty in learning and remembering new things.(PHC Editorial
Team 2013) Characteristics of Anterograde Amnesiaare abnormally small hippocampi bilaterally
and elevated hippocampal water.(Mayo Clinic 2014) There are many ways to recognize... Show
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This movie accurately shows us that Dory has Anterograde Amnesia. One specific scene where
this disorder is displayed is in the beginning when Dory s parents are telling her what to say
when she meets someone ( I suffer from short term memory loss). After this the parents act as if
they are random people and start playing hide and seek. When the parents tell her to count to 10,
she counts up to 3 and forgets what they are doing. She then wanders off to a group of fish and
their parents immediately chase after her. This scene accurately displays Anterograde Amnesia
since it shows us that Dory is unable to remember what is going on and then wanders off
elsewhere. Another scene where the disorder is displayed is when Dory can t remember where
her parents are as a result of accidentally losing them and then Dory asks a couple of fishes that
she needs help finding them, but forgets what she said and repeats the same thing again. This
shows that Dory s short term memory loss or Anterograde Amnesia causes her to forget where
her parents are and even makes herself look awkward when repeating a question that she already
asked. A third example of Dory displaying that she has Anterograde Amnesia is when she is
sleeping and then gets up to ask one of her friends a question but is said to go back to bed. When
she goes back to bed she decides to go ask a question not knowing she already said it
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Amnesty International Australia
Amnesty International
Amnesty International is an international non government organization that actively tries to expose
and prevent human rights abuses. Their mission statement is to unite people from all over the
world to fight for human rights using our signature tactics: Research, Action, and Advocacy. (n.d.
2016) The organization started in 1961, and has demanded action on over 44,000 cases of human
rights abuses as of December 14, 2011 (Amnesty International Australia 0:40). The country has 3
million supporters in 150 different countries. In 2011, one of their major focuses was on releasing
prisoners of conscience, who were individuals that jailed after non violently expressing their beliefs.
Very recently in the US, there has been more attention focused on the police; namely, police
brutality and racial profiling. More notably in August 9th of 2014, Michael Brown was shot by a
Ferguson Missouri police officer. The teenager was unarmed and was ... Show more content on
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(n.d.). Retrieved November 29, 2016, from http://www.amnestyusa.org/about us/our mission
[Amnesty International Australia]. 2011, December 14. 50 years of Amnesty International. [Video
File]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kX WnlOCvXw
The Great Firewall of China: Background. (pingp). Retrieved November 29, 2016, from https:/
/cs.stanford.edu/people/eroberts/cs181/projects/2010 11/FreedomOfInformationChina/the great
firewall of china background/index.html
Police and Human Rights. (n.d.). Retrived November 29, 2016, from http://www.amnestyusa.org
/our work/issues/military police and arms/police and human rights
Imprisoned for Peaceful Expression. (n.d.). Retrieved November 29, 2016, from http:/
/www.amnestyusa.org/our work/cases/china shi tao
Breaking Its own Rules: Amnesty s Researcher Bias and Govt Funding. (n.d.). Retrieved November
29, 2016, from
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Ethical Issues Present in the Distilled Spirits Industry
Introduction Accounting for over $120 billion of economic activity in 2010, the distilled spirits
industry is a prominent piece of the beverage industry as a whole. The alcohol industry is
growing rapidly in foreign markets, especially in countries such as China and Brazil. In the
United States alone, this industry generates over 3.9 million jobs and contributed about $8.8
billion directly to state and local revenues (The Industry s Role section, para. 1). Team TOTs will
discuss the ethical issues that are prevalent in the distilled spirits industry, pressures facing the
industry as well as investment policy recommendations that VTF should follow. Ethical Issues
The challenges the distilled spirits industry face fall under two main categories, health and
advertising. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Addiction, the use of
alcohol is the third leading preventable cause of death in the US (2014). The Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention states that heavy alcohol abuse can lead to a number of health issues,
including cardiovascular, neurological, psychiatric, and social problems, as well as cancer, liver
disease, and sometimes death (2014). In addition to the consequences to consumers health and
wellbeing, the industry must also manage the challenge of responsible marketing. Underage
drinking is a serious, prominent issue in the US. Out of the 80,000 people who die each year from
alcohol related causes, 5,000 minors die from as a result of
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Disneyland Motivation Statement
The reason why I am interested in developing a career with Hong Kong Disneyland is that
Disneyland is one of the famous theme park in the world. I believe working in Disneyland can
broaden my horizon and expand my social network. Most importantly, Hong Kong Disneyland
has the passion to become the best theme park. As a newspaper reports, Hong Kong Disneyland
will launch an expansion plan, including building new theme areas and new amusement facilities
for Marvel Super heroes. With this new theme areas and new amusement facilities, I believe Hong
Kong Disneyland will obtain great support in Chinese market. Also, I think Hong Kong
Disneyland will become more attractive and famous in the future since the Disneyland company
has owned the 21st century fox. By owning the 21st century fox, Disneyland company has the
copyright of many new characters, which makes Hong Kong Disneyland able to build more
theme areas, such as deadpool s theme area, alien s theme area, or x men s theme area. With the
copyright of the new characters, I believe Hong Kong Disneyland has a broad development space
in the future. Therefore, I want to join Hong Kong Disneyland.
Besides that, I want to join disneyland because disneyland is a place where people get real smile.
Nowadays in many workplaces, you will see that many people working under ... Show more content
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As my resume shows, I had two working experiences. My first job was a waiter in Grand Hyatt
Hotel and I had been working in there for a month. By working in Grand Hyatt Hotel for a short
period, I learned the skills of getting along with people, especially with the guests. For instance,
as a waiter, I need to be confident when I am helping guests to solve problems. Besides that, I
also need to keep smiling on duty and being active to help guests. What I had learned makes me fit
into the program 2018, which exactly requires the people with good skills of getting along with
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The Economic And Economic Impact Of The Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution, occurring primarily from the 1865 the 1900s, is informally defined as
the expeditious development of industry . This was primarily sparked by the development of
electricity and it s ability to power machines that would increase the production rate of products.
The Industrial Revolution aided in, well, you guessed it... industrial and economic development
through the establishment of machinery driven by electricity, the establishment of varying
marketing strategies, and utilization of workers. This period eventually led to a more stable
economy, however, not without 3 separate periods of economic depression and the division of
people by wealth. Politically, big businesses obtained greater power, through varying marketing
strategies, and the minimal intervention of government to enforce or propose regulations.
Industrialists had leverage, as people of the working class were willing to work for any amount of
money. However, labor unions were formed to combat increasing hours and decreasing wages
along with strikes. Post Civil War, the rise of industry induced a power shift from aristocrats to
industrialists promoting capitalism. In regards to the economy the increased output of products
resulted in a greater standard of living as demonstrated by the increase of GDP from 1865 1900
by dollars. Furthermore, because of this unequal division of wealth, a caste system was induced
with the lower class being treated poorly, and labor unions formed
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In The Year Of 1863, Two New York Democrats With The...
In the year of 1863, two New York Democrats with the intention of obstructing Abraham Lincoln s
bid for re election coined the term miscegenation . They believed that miscegenation was crucial to
a progressive humanity. The Democrats posed as Republicans and anonymously wrote and
published a seventy two page propaganda pamphlet, advocating for inter racial marriages between
the white men and Negro . The article was entitled Miscegenation: The Theory of the Blending of
the Races, Applied to the American White Man and Negro. During this time, the American Civil
War was in action and two years later slavery in the United Sates was abolished. Da Cruz Brito
said that, It was during and after the Civil War that sexual affective relations... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
In the sectioned of the pamphlet entitled Superiority of mixed races , Brazil was believed to be a
country where the people were miscegenated, to further support the idea of mixing in the United
States. However, the attitudes of race mixing in both countries were significantly different. Brazil
has always been a black and mixed blood populated society, whereas the United States had always
been white blood dominated compared to its black population. This paper will compare the
differences of race mixing in the United States and Brazil after the American Civil War.
First and foremost, it is important to differentiate the perception of black and white race mixing
in both the United States and Brazil. In the United States, the offspring produced between blacks
and whites are considered black. However, the status of a child produced by a white mother is
typically reflected by the status of the mother. Degler revealed that, From this perspective, the
most feared combination in unions between blacks and whites was the one in which the white
women married a black men . This is because during slavery, when a slave owner would
impregnate his female slaves, the children of the slave would also become a slave, but if the
mother is white, it is very unlikely that the child would become a slave. Consequently in Brazil, due
to larger acceptance range of race mixing, the descendants of an African and European relation
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Computer Concepts Exercises
Chapter 1
010100 The Web is just another name for the Internet. (Answer: False)
010200 A computer s operating system is a type of application software. (Answer: False)
010300 Microcontrollers are special purpose microprocessors that can be embedded in devices
such as refrigerators, cars, and washing machines. (Answer: True)
010400 A bit is a binary digit, such as a 1 or 0. (Answer: True)
010500 ASCII, EBCDIC, and Unicode are used to represent character data. (Answer: True)
010600 A megabyte is 1024 bits. (Answer: False)
010700 Microprocessors are a type of integrated circuit. (Answer: True)
010800 C, COBOL, and Java are examples of programming languages. (Answer: True)
010900 A compiler converts source code to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
(Answer: False)
020300 PCs, Macs, and Linux are three computer platforms. (Answer: True) 020400 Today s Macs
can be configured to run Windows. (Answer: True) 020500 Pentium, Core, Atom, and Athlon are
types of microprocessors. (Answer: True)
020600 Today s computers typically process 8 bits at a time. (Answer: False) 020700 Serial
processing is when a processor begins executing one instruction before it completes the previous
instruction. (Answer: False)
020800 In RAM microscopic electronic parts called capacitors hold the bits that represent data.
(Answer: True)
020900 ROM is a type of memory that holds the computer s startup routine. (Answer: True)
021000 Hard disk drives, optical drives, and solid state drives are random access devices. (Answer:
021100 CD RWs allow you to record data, but data cannot be changed once it is
recorded. (Answer: False)
021200 VGA, SVGA, and WUXGA are examples of screen resolutions. (Answer:
021300 A surge strip allows you to use your desktop computer during a power
outage. (Answer: False)
022100 In the interest of being ecological, many consumers consider upgrading
their computers instead of disposing of them and buying a new one. Which one of
the following upgrades is best left to professional technicians?
a. Replacing the
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Immigration Is A Major Issue
Immigration is a major issue in the 2016 presidential election. Millions of undocumented
immigrants live in the U.S. and border agents spend so much time apprehending illegal immigrants
that agencies cannot focus on criminal and terrorist threats. The growing awareness that our
immigration system is dysfunctional has affected the candidate s position on the issue. The
candidates I have chosen to highlight are Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump and
Libertarian Gary Johnson.
Hillary Clinton, Democratic candidate stated: We have to finally and once and for all fix our
immigration system this is a family issue. It s an economic issue too, but it is at heart a family
issue. If we claim we are for family, then we have to pull together and resolve the outstanding issues
around our broken immigration system. The American people support comprehensive immigration
reform not just because it s the right thing to do and it is but because it will strengthen families,
strengthen our economy, and strengthen our country. That s why we can t wait any longer, we can
t wait any longer for a path to full and equal citizenship. (https://www.hillaryclinton.com)
Clinton promises she will work to ensure a fair and just immigration system. She is fighting for an
America where every family has a sense of belonging. She believes it is important to keep families
together and ensure a more human immigration enforcement system instead of breaking up
hardworking, law abiding
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Sample Essay Topics For College Entrance
Sample Essay Topics For College Entrance
Sample Essay Topics For College Entrance
Sample Essay Topics For College Entrance

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Sample Essay Topics For College Entrance

  • 1. Sample Essay Topics For College Entrance 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site HelpWriting.net. The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help fromHelpWriting.net, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Sample Essay Topics For College EntranceSample Essay Topics For College Entrance
  • 2. The Rhetorical Analysis Of Martin Luther King Jr. On April 3rd, 1968 in Memphis,Tennessee at the Mason Temple many protesters came together to hear Martin Luther King Jr s speech. His purpose was to get his point across, blacks should have their freedom like any other white man or woman. Martin Luther King Jr. went on to say how happy he is to be living in this time period, able to see the period of life unfold. His purpose was to raise awareness that, something is happening in the world,things are going to start changing. Martin LutherKing Jr s use of ethos and pathos is successful in showing that the world is changing in many ways. Most of all he uses logos or logic very well, giving us the info on how, people are starting to rise up in masses and make small cities bigger like New York City, Atlanta, Georgia and many other cities. Early in the speech Martin Luther King Jr demonstrates logos. He clearly states, many logical examples,he starts by imaging himself in different centuries going back to different areas like Mount Olympus, where he would see Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, Euripides and Aristophanes where he would watch them gather around to discuss real issues. First he went on to say that he would go to the Roman Empire to see the development of leaders and emperors. Second he d go on to the Renaissance to see the what this time period did for the cultural and aesthetic life of man. Then would go on to see the men tack on the ninety five theses onto the church of Wittenberg. But then he wouldn t stop there, he would go on to 1863 to see President Abraham Lincoln to sign the Emancipation Proclamation. He said lastly he would go on to see the early thirties to see a man grappling on bankruptcy. As he goes on he uses the quote we have nothing to fear but fear itself . He uses logos really well on a showing that the nation is sick and trouble is in the land and confusion all around. He quotes But I know, somehow, that only when it is dark enough can you see the stars. And I see God working in this period of the twentieth century in a way that men, in some . strange way, are responding. which takes him back to saying that the world is changing in every which way. Later in the speech he strongly demonstrates pathos. He explains how men have been ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. The Zoo Hypothesis Possible Solutions Quarantine We really don t know anything about what kind of life may be out there. There is no way of knowing if other civilisations would even welcome contact with us. It would be completely reasonable to suggest that maybe they are lying low, hoping we don t ever notice them. After all, we could be hostile and a threat to them for all they know. Once we have located them, they may feel that it is possible we could come to visit, bring advanced weaponry and possibly even diseases, contaminating their planet (AstroBioWeb). I believe this is an unlikely scenario, as I think it would be highly unlikely for us to cross such a large distance (if it was even possible sometime in the future) simply to attack or try to colonise a planet that has nothing to do with us. The Zoo Hypothesis This hypothesis was posed by John Ball in 1973 (Ball, 1973). It basically states that we are being observed by one or more civilisations for scientific purposes, or even as a novelty. It that was the case, they would not want to disturb our natural behaviour and environment. This would suggest that they are far more advanced than us, and see us as the equivalent of perhaps apes at best. They might even regard us as being an endangered species, considering our slowly declining environment and general hostility towards each other. This solution is of particular concern. If this is truly the case, what would happen if we were successful in achieving interstellar travel, thus ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Temple Law School Application Letter I am a first year student at Temple Law School in Philadelphia and am writing to apply for the Department of Homeland Security s Summer 2017 legal intern position within the New York Office of the Chief Counsel. I first heard about the legal intern position from my legal mentor and acquaintances who work in the New York City area, particularly regarding the challenging yet invaluable experiences students have had with Immigrations and Customs Enforcement. It would therefore be an excellent opportunity this summer to utilize my analytical skills to assist ICE attorneys and officials in researching and preparing for cases. In the four years between the completion of my undergraduate degree and the beginning of law school, I worked as both a loan processor and a legal assistant. Despite working in these capacities to gain practical skills and build my professional identity, I never forgot my civic duty to serve in the community. To accomplish this, I served as an Americorps VISTA, a volunteer paralegal with the Western New York... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In law school, I have been active as a 1L representative for both the Philadelphia Legal Network and the Sports and Entertainment Law Society, as well as a member of the Student Bar Association Budget Committee. I believe I would make a strong contribution to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency as an intern this summer, and I am certain the internship will give me a tremendous opportunity to gain insight into how an increasingly vital federal agency operates while further improving my legal and professional skills. In addition to this letter, I have enclosed my resume, transcript and the legal memo I wrote for my legal research and writing course during my first semester. Thank you in advance for considering my ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. The Challenges Of Remocial Diversity In Fashion And Fashion You are looking at yourself in the mirror, making those final adjustments before your audition. Walking up the steps and it s finally your time to show off your beauty and you read a sign of destruction that pauses your steps. Netflix movie Supermodel a young girl from the Brooklyn housing projects goes from the subway to the runway becoming one of the most sought after models in the fashion industry. But in the high stakes world of fashion and beauty. Things aren t always as pretty and glamorous as they seem. Realizing when she was invited to an audition and faced a sign on the door saying no blacks allowed. If you were a woman of color how would this made you felt? Diversity is a big word in fashion right now, but it can be hard to tell how committed the industry is to make changes.When it comes to modeling, we ve seen increased representation of a variety of races and ethnicities, there s still a journey to achieving anything resembling an accurate reflection of the myriad people out there. Let s not forget that breaking into the modeling industry is hard no matter what. Do you know it s more challenging to do so as a person of color? Little has been said about the challenges black model s face once they make it past the casting stage. African American women face racial diversity because of the shade of their skin, the texture of their hair, or the sizes of their bodies.When a model of color get hits from all directions and arrives backstage for a fashion week presentation, to realize artists are unequipped to work with her hair texture and complexion. This experience serves to reinforce her otherness. I usually just bring my own foundation with me before a show and come with my hair already straighten. said model Brittany Manson. This sends the message that black models don t matter, at least not enough for artists to style them adequately. We should care about this because we want equal rights for every woman in the industry instead of being choosy about who can and can t. Black models never, with single digit exceptions in a decade, appear on the cover of major fashion magazines, because, as the black model Jourdan Dunn told the Guardian in 2013, people in the industry say if you have a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. African American Studies Victoria Braden Jasmine Sullivan AAAS 2000 23 April 14 1.) In chapter 1, Black women slaves were defined as either a jezebel or mammy . In detail define the characteristics of a jezebel and mammy . Why were black women defined in these two extreme ways? By contrast, how were Southern white women characterized? * One of the most standout images of black women in white slavery America was of a woman who ran entirely off of her sex drive, a Jezebel. A jezebel was considered to be the complete opposite of a proper white woman. She was thought to have little to none religious affiliation. A jezebel took no instances to cover her body, and showed no signs of prudery. The idea that black women were over sexualized first... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Because of her expertise in all domestic matters, she was the premier house servant and all others were her subordinates. This, therefore, is the broad outline of Mammy. She was a woman completely dedicated to the white family, especially to the children of that family. She was the house servant who was given complete charge of domestic management. She served also as friend and advisor. She was, in short, a surrogate mistress and mother, giving into the modern day nanny. The Mammy image is fully as misleading as that of Jezebel. Both images have enough instances in reality to lend credibility to stereotypes that would profoundly affect black women. For instance, Black women served in all capacities, from cook to waiting maid, or seamstress. In very wealthy Southern households there were many female servants. Children grew very attached to Mammy, as she was seen as their primary caregiver. Being a Mammy was idyllic for a slave women, for they were given better care and the work wasn t as tasking. Hard as cleaning, cooking, sewing, dairy work, and child care were, they were not as physically taxing as a sun up to sun down day in the cropbe it sugar, rice, or cotton. On the whole, house women could expect to eat better, dress better, and get better medical care than field women, if only because they were more familiar to the master and mistress, not to mention nearer to the kitchen and potential handmedowns. Still ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Louis Zamperini Resilience Louis Zamperini displayed many Examples of resilience during his time at sea, and during his time in the Japanese POW camps. While at sea Zamperini and his colleagues needed to invent ways to stay sane, and alive which shows incredible creativity. At sea Zamperini displayed humor in his creative ways of coming up with meals for the men who were stranded with him. Despite being locked up and unable to control his surroundings Zamperini still managed to stay independent from The Bird and remain positive. Through his initiative Zamperini managed to send a note home to his parents through a forced japanese propaganda broadcast. Zamperini displayed morality later in his life when he forgave the japanese guards for what they had done to him. Zamperini ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Solution Focused Therapy Summary to solve the problem, which is achieved by creating goals (Flamez Watson, 2014). According to White and Klein (2008) goals should be meaningful to the patient and show how interactions with others will be different. In addition, goals should be situational to terms, able to be completed with baby steps, and identify a clear role for the client. Also, the therapist uses conversation to identify the patient s strengths, which allows the therapist to point out what the client can already do well as needed throughout the therapyprocess (White Klein, 2008). Techniques for communicating with a child: In addition, since children communicate through actions, visual images, playing, games, and many other creative activities it is important to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In a study done by Roeden, Maaskant, and Curfs (2014) they found solution focused therapy successful in helping intellectually disabled children with goals and solutions. Also, they found that they were able to maintain a healthy pattern after therapy was completed. Daki and Savage (2010) found that solution focused sessions can help students develop essential learning skills, create greater confidence and engagement in students that have academic and emotional difficulties. Children and adolescents often have a hard time being placed at in foster care homes. According to Koob and Love (2010) solution focused brief therapy has potential to promote foster care placement stability with adolescents. In a study that looked at children with classroom behavior problems solution focused therapy was shown to lower difficult behavior scores down to normal behavior score that were measured by the student and teacher separately (Frankin, Moore, Hopson, 2008). Lastly, research done by Kvarme, Aabo, and Saeteren (2013) showed that solution focus therapy helped children who had been bullied in school build confidence and handle their emotions about being ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. How Did Pablo Escobar Change The Western World Pablo Escobar, also known as the king of cocaine, changed the western world. He also changed what the public thinks about when thinking of organized crime. Pablo had such an impact on western history that he is the subject in a new popular Netflix series, entitled Narcos. This series does an excellent job of enticing viewers into watching the portrayal of the chase to catch Escobar in a stimulating and theatrical way. This show also provides historically accurate and general information about drug cartels in the 1990 s. This information can be used to learn from the past events and continue to prevent organized crime. In the beginning of the series, the show starts by introducing a simple but powerful smuggler of illegal products, his name is Pablo Escobar. Quickly, Escobar is introduced to a drug producer that would like his help in getting his product, cocaine, into the United states. Meanwhile, Steve Murphy, a new Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) agent, is working his way up the DEA ladder in order to start fighting against cartels, rather than chasing weed smokers in the street. Pablo quickly goes from simply transporting drugs to making, selling, and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Through the use of harsh language and dramatic suspense. The creators of the show were trying to reach viewers looking for a thrill of an international chase involving a government and a powerful individual. Producers created well developed characters through the use of the language they use. For example, in the first episode, Pablo was stopped by the military while trying to smuggle illegal merchandise. He acts calmly and gives a short speech to the military personnel and simply ends with you can accept my deal, or accept the consequences. The guards did not hesitate to let him through. This established early in the series what kind of temper Pablo has. He is very calm but speaks with a powerful diction, one of a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Bodily-Kinesthetics в– Musical intelligence refers to a person that has ability to recognize , learn, and , perform, music ( Theories of Intelligence, n.d.). To encourage musical intelligence in the classroom, I would sing songs such as twinkle little star and offer musical instrument such as maracas to the children, this will help them learn new words and rhythms. Also this will help them with Musical because they would be able to recognize the music pitches, rhythms, and tones(Benson,2016) в– Bodily Kinesthetic intelligence refers to a person that has ability to use his or her mental ability to coordinate their body movements, and use their body to solve problem and create things (Benson,2016). To encourage bodily kinesthetic in the classroom, I would ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. The Odyssey Questions And Answers 75 бЅЎП‚ is an adverb of manner. бј„ПЃО± is used as an explanation for that which precedes. ПЂПЃОЇОЅ here is used adverbially. ОµбЅ”П‡ОїОјО±О№ takes a complementary infinitive. 78 93 Akhilleus mourning for Patroklos foreshadows his own funeral.1 As he laments his friend s death, Thetis holds his head in her lap similar to a gesture of mourning while he lies prostate on the ground, covered in dirt, like a corpse. This also mirrors Akhilleus mourning for his own death. 78 П„бЅґОЅ refers back to Thetis and is the object of the verb. ОІО±ПЃбЅє is a neuter adjective used adverbially. The use of the epithet ПЂПЊОґО±П‚ бЅ ОєбЅєП‚ is a bit ironic here since Akhilleus grief has completely immobilized him, although this discrepancy between the warrior s inactivity and his superior ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the Iliad, a hero must be skilled in both fighting and speaking. Richard Martin notes that heroic orators are performers who engage in formal speech acts that generally fall into genres of prayer, lament, supplication, commanding, insulting, and remembering the past.7 Friedrich and Redfield have expanded on the complexity of language in Homeric epic, arguing that the poet constructs the style of speaking of a few individual characters to be different from that of other characters.89 Akhilleus speeches exhibit a particular oratory style, often shifting between present and past, realism and imagination. This is shown in his answer to Odysseus in book 9: he employs a simile to describe his бјЂО°ПЂП‰ОїП…П‚ ОЅПЌОєП„О±П‚ бј¤ОјО±П„О± ОґбѕЅ О±бј±ОјО±П„ПЊОµОЅП„О± in war to a mother bird feeding her chicks in 323 27; he interrogates Odysseus with a rapid succession of rhetorical questions in 337 4; he vividly recounts fighting Hektor in 351 6; when insulting Agamemnon s gifts, he drifts into thinking about rich cities and great plunder in 378 385; and then, declaring that he will never marry Agamemnon s daughter, he becomes consumed with the thought of marriage and his wife, which leads him to reminisce about his father s wealth and land in 389 410. Similarly here, Akhilleus response to his mother displays his tendency to move in and out of the present: he begins by affirming her comment ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Stop at a Winner Betting Hi Valued buyer, Thanks for ordering my item on ebay, in the next 5 minutes you are going to see how i personally make money 100% legally at the bookmakers at the bottom of my street .... Not to mention you arent just buying this item and thats that, you have my email address and im hereon the computer everyday to help you if needbe thats A PROMISE ! When you go into the bookies tomorrow you will be walking out with a very big smile on your face, the example below is of the type of bets i do now, but as its your 1st time maybe you might want to try ВЈ5/ВЈ10 just so you know it works, either way after reading this you will see it DOES WORK and there is NO GAMBLING involved ... Ok enough rambling on, lets get too it ....Please note ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... uNDER UK LAW IT MUST BE ACCEPTED FULL STOP . REMEMBER THIS .... I soon realised that with this system the odds are very heavily in your favour( 96% chance of winning with odds of 1/3 and 1 /2). When have you ever been able to say that ??? Im a spurs fan, but i usually stick to Man united, arsenal, Rangers, Celtic etc .... thats what gives me my EASY winnings, also id advise to bet on foreign games, as their is always teams at 1/3 etc Now ive explained it i truely hope you see the worth in my listing, im sure you can now see why this is a real worry for the bookies, if you need any more help dont hesitate to contact me like i said im a genuine guy with a family, and love knowing that if you take what i said onboard you too could be making ВЈ200+ each week just like me, please if pleased leave positive feedback , if for any reason your not happy and feel you dont want to do it then please contact me 1st as i want my feedback to remain positive and only ever want happy customers ..... Either way please email me as soon as you have read this and let me know your thoughts ... KEEP MY EMAIL ADDRESS LONG AFTER YOU HAVE BOUGHT THIS LISTING, I GUARANTEE TO HELP YOU IF NEEDBE, SAYING THAT ITS NOT HARD PICKING 1/2 2/5 BETS ETC ! BUT THATS MY PROMISE TO YOU AS A VALUED BUYER Thanks again Stephen
  • 13. And best of luck at the bookies ( not that youll need it !! PS If you wish to receive my weekly/daily tips once positive feedback is left you will ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. An Inflammatory Factor Called Nerve Growth Factor example, there is an inflammatory factor called nerve growth factor (NGF), which is gathered in tissues under inflammatory conditions/responses.15 Neurogenic inflammation in correlation with the mentioned process induces secretion of proinflammatory molecules and cytokines and acts as a feedback in order to increase secretion of NGF.15,68 These inflammatory processes cause airway remodeling (neural plasticity).15 Neural plasticity of the airways causes an elevation in the level of tachykinins and makes its secretion easier.15 This process leads to nervous hyperactivity and consequently bronchial hyperresponsiveness.15,69 Release of chemotactic and toxic mediators causes activation of macrophage and degranulation of mast cells, which can lead to an inflammatory response that is at the highest level in airway remodeling.5 It brings about subepithelial thickening, and changes of mucous glands and smooth muscles structure.5,12 In addition, there is some evidence in bronchial biopsies of the cases with acute onset of IIA, including epithelial desquamation (denuded epithelium), significant detected number of lymphocytes (mononuclear inflammation), airway remodeling, collagen deposition in the bronchial wall (edematous mucosa).5,15,70 These types of alterations have been reported in the experiments with animal models as well.71 Furthermore, studies revealed that there are other alterations in this type of asthma, such as mucosal squamous cell metaplasia, basement membrane ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Reexamining Crisis Management Philosophy Personal Experience with Organizational Crises In this paper, I present two riveting case scenarios containing the unadulterated recollection of my direct personal experiences in crisis management. Both cases provide authoritative details of life threatening events and the quick response by key individuals with direct corporate responsibility for managing the pre crisis, in crisis and post crisis events. Crisis management is a highly complex field. Therefore, a plausible approach to managing crises would require simplifying the functional relationship of key variables. The main advantage to derive from a better understanding of the correlation among key variables would be increased individual and institutional knowledge. I also ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... And, crisis management is the process of determining and influencing crisis points in a positive direction. The opposite would be termed crisis mismanagement . The traditional view of a crisis is that it is a turning point. The term was originally used in the field of medicine (disease control). Therefore, it is a borrowed term with its genesis in the early 15th century, from a Latinized form of Greek krisis turning point in a disease (Online Etymology Dictionary, n.d.). If a crisis cannot be defined in time (World Health Organization, n.d.) , then it is an event or a point in time of 0 days duration. A milestone is defined as a significant event of no duration (Project Management Institute, 2012). Therefore, a crisis and a milestone share similar properties with respect to their time dimension. The key difference between an emergency and a disaster lies in the resourcefulness of the organization or state and the need for external intervention. Since, a crisis moment is difficult to identify by focusing on the occurrence of the point in time; we should then divert our attention to significant shifts in resource needs as a basis for determining crisis points. My Roles and Responsibilities in Organizational Crises Case 1: In this case, I was employed as a trainee in 1984 at the Water and Sewerage Authority ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Asylum In Australia The illegal and legal system under which refugees are put under is something that is usually considered fact when in which it is something that has never been listed as one, the closest name under which the terms illegal and legal immigrants can be put under is unlawful citizens . This term is only classified under Australian Law but due to the reasons that they are seeking asylum, it is their international given right to seek this protection under the listing of an asylum seeker, therefore they cannot be penalized for pursing protection under the legal law of the Australian government. The reason these refugees do not obtain a visa and enter the country under a passport or exit visa is due to the high risk of approaching an Australian Embassy,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are currently 28,239 people considering with the Australian community using this rule set. Other countries have taken the situation of refuges in a higher light compared to Australia, some with more acceptances over others like Germany. Near the end of 2015 Germany had registered 964,574 new asylum seekers in the year 2015 alone and went on a steady increase to 1 million by the end of the year, with the highest peak being in November in which 206,101. Compare this to Australia in which it has a strict annual quota of 13,750 places for refugees which is a mere 1.47% of the current world s refugee ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Effects of High Fructose Corn Syrup Essay Abstract: This research essay will investigate the effects of High Fructose Corn Syrup. The liver is effected because the fructose as it is being metabolized deposits fatty acids into the liver, it also develops cirrhosis, which has the same effect normally seen in alcoholics. High Fructose Corn Syrup increases cholesterol which blocks the inner walls of the arteries and may be fatal if not treated. High Fructose Corn Syrup was believed to be beneficial to diabetics, but studies show the they may actually promote more diseases. Obesity is a major problem, as High Fructose Corn Syrup does not release leptin which is what signals the brain to stop eating, so society is prone to over consumption. It also alters the heart s use of other ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Elevated levels of triglycerides lead to an increased risk of heart disease (Jefferson, 1). The liver also develops cirrhosis, a disease that is normally seen in alcoholics. A person who has not had a alcoholic beverage in their life, but who eats a diet high in High Fructose Corn Syrup ends up having a liver that is similar to that of an alcoholic (Piersal). Heart disease is when something prohibits the heart from functioning properly. Damage to the heart can develop from a failure in the coronary arteries or from a dysfunctional heart. High Fructose Corn Syrup leads to an increase in the concentration of uric acid, a waste product found in urine produced by the liver, and is believed to be a plausible symptom of heart disease (Jefferson, 2). High Fructose Corn Syrup also increases the level of cholesterol, which builds up in the inner walls of arteries while circulating through the blood stream. If the cholesterol blocks the arterial walls, (especially then the walls are narrow) blood gets backed up and the heart does not get enough oxygen. This problem may become fatal if left untreated for too long. Fructose was considered to be beneficial to diabetics because it is absorbed only forty percent ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Essay On The Progressive Era The Progressive Era was notable for being a time of social activism and political reform at the turn of the twentieth century. It was a time of severe change in America and American society. The progressives goal was to avail and improve American society by working towards equality. Progressives shared feelings of hope about American citizens ability to improve social conditions, by actively helping, both politically and morally, and ascertain social justice. During an age of mass industrialization and urbanization, acquiring social justice was essential because with social justice established, social control would naturally be achieved due to the contentment of citizens being treated fairly. Progressive reformers wanted to improve equality among everyone, but they soon found the wide divisions in American society to be difficult and needing much effort to overcome. Though the progressive erawas an attempt to reform American society and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The progressive era contained several different movements to change the American society, values, and institutions. These movements included women s suffrage, The Federal Meat Packing Act, Trust Busting, Dollar Diplomacy, and the Populist Movement. During the progressive era, women and men were not treated equally because women did not have the right to vote and to hold an elected office. Great leaders like Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Jane Addams, and other women s rights leaders, had a major impact on women s suffrage and achieved many important reforms. Suffragists requested and promoted Congress to pass a Constitutional Amendment to empower women. In 1869, Stanton and Anthony originated the National Woman Suffrage Association, which main goal was to get an amendment passed that would give women the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Alexis De Tocqueville Democracy In America 3. Does equality isolate us? If so, how? Use Tocqueville to support your argument. Democracy In America: Equality and its Inevitable Isolation 25243320 PS 112C 12 February 2018 In Democracy in America, French diplomat Alexis De Tocqueville critically analyzes America s pioneering democratic political system. Tocqueville argued that this unique and unprecedented form of governing is a regime founded upon the idea of equality of conditions. In using this phrase, Tocqueville not only refers to the idea of material equality for all American citizens, but also takes a step further and claim that other differences, such as social or personal, shouldn t exist as well under these said conditions. Essentially, Tocqueville thinks... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Tocqueville elaborates that equality causes each man to seek his beliefs in himself, and this phenomenon is called individualism. He considers individualism as a sentiment that disposes each citizen to isolate himself from the mass of those like him and to withdraw to one side with his family and his friends. With individualism rising from equality, people become selfish and they feel as though they have no obligation to interfere with other people s lives, as they are too concerned with their own. Privacy and anonymity comes into play because once everyone is equal, people become less focused on comparing each other and more focused on themselves. Tocqueville reiterates that as social equality spreads there are more and more people who [become not] powerful enough to have much hold over others and individuals now share a mutual sentiment to not impose, not interfere, and not care. Tocqueville declares that individualism... dries up the source of public virtues... and attacks and destroys all the others and will finally be absorbed in selfishness. This growing habit of selfishness and loss of selfless virtue deeply severs people s connections from each other and further isolates ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Essay The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) On December 3, 2004, President Bush signed the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004. This Act is also known as Public Law 108 446. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is the law that secures special education services for children with disabilities from the time they are born until they graduate from high school. The law was re authorized by Congress in 2004. This re authorization has driven a series of changes in the way special educationservices are executed. These changes are continuing today and they affect special education and related services across the United States. There are several different purposes of IDEA. The first is to ensure that all children with disabilities have a free ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are more purposes, but those will have to wait for another day. While all children can be referred for evaluation for special education, not all are found to be eligible. The student will be tested in all areas related to the child s assumed disability by the multidisciplinary educational team. In order to be eligible for special education services, the child s assume disability has to impact the child s ability to learn. Parents represent the child s interests. They need to stay informed and involved in their child s education. IDEA of 2004 strengthened the role, as well as the responsibility, of parents and ensures that they and their families have opportunities to participate in their child s education. IDEA also protects the rights of parents by ensuring that they can be members of the IEP teams. Parents can be involved in the evaluations and placements of their children and have a say in what happens. Not only are the students and parents affected, but also the teachers. In order for teachers to be highly qualified, they must have a bachelor s degree and must prove their knowledge in the core curriculum that they are teaching. They can prove their knowledge by passing the PRAXIS series tests. Teaching standards have risen due to the research conducted involving the relationship between the quality of teaching and low income ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Difference Between Modernist And Modernism Modernist Postmodernist Design in 20th century is influenced on modernist and postmodernist philosophies. Before development of Modernism, taste was dictated to the wealthy classes by the whims of the king or other Г©lite figures (emperors come to mind). Tradition was the dictated rule and deviating from that resulted in ridicule. The idea of Modernism was the basis for 20th Century design, fashion and art. It still affects us today. Ironically, Modernism evolved from looking to the past, at a time when mass production and consumption had taken over from style and taste. In the mid 19th Century, groups of designers rebelled against mass production and used the best of what the past could offer to bring a new attitude towards taste and style. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Post modernism is made up of many sub cultures and genres with different particular aims. The best, simple definition which we can use is that post modernism is a reaction against modernism and responds to the social and political issues of today. Modernism was destined to disappoint as it continued to preoccupy itself with the reductionist chase for empirical fact. Post modernism often produces what appears to be fiction which grows or matures towards fact. Postmodernism shattered established ideas about style and brought a radical freedom to art and design. At its height in the 1980s, postmodern designers such as the Memphis group, Alessi and Arad, contributed to the new wave: a few thrilling years when image was everything. Postmodernism challenges the traditional cultural values of today s societies, in particular, western society. Life today is radically different to what it was fifty or even thirty years ago. The traditional values of marriage and family no longer exist; with women having the same status in the work place as men and also not settling down until later in life. A lot of couples choose not to have children at all. Religion also has less of an effect on society as it used to, it is almost becoming irrelevant to many people. Postmodernism has become a description of these shifts in contemporary society and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Specie Plea Essay A Specie s Plea Hello! Sorry I didn t see you there. Oh, you do not know who I am? Then I might as well introduce myself. Obviously, you may think that I am a monkey because that is mostly the general term that everyone would use when seeing animals like me. However, I am not a monkey because monkeys have tails; do you see a tail on me? No right? Therefore, I am not a monkey. Then what am I? I am an ape, and yes, we are much more different from monkeys. Let me elaborate more on my features that would help you in distinguishing us, apes, from monkeys. Aside from the aforementioned, one distinct feature that separates us from monkeys is our size. We have a larger bone and body structure compared to monkeys. Along with this, we have a bigger brain size ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Oh! I just remembered, how foolish of me not to formally introduce myself and most importantly, my specie. So let us do that first if you do not mind. I am Seraiah and I am a Bonobo ape. I, along with my family, live in the continent of Africa around the areas of Congo and Zaire (Stanford, 1998). I live in a rainforest specifically in Congo with abundant amounts of food, mostly vegetation because that is what we like eating (AndrГ© et al., 2016; Donovan, 2011; Miller, 2007). This rainforest is where I grew up in and I will never ask for a better place. The air around me or the climate is humid, perfect for us, Bonobos. The scenery is, and will always be, breathtaking. There are different varieties of trees with different heights everywhere you look (Oddizzi, 2004). The green color that greets me at each turn, and the sound of different animals from crickets to birds is like an invitation for me to relax and just enjoy life with my family. The best part of my home is the tiny swamp just a few meters away. We love going in the water regularly just to relax, but we do not swim, not at all (AndrГ© et al., ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Farmer Market Observation During my visit to Crocker Galleria farmer s market, I was amaze how I never knew that there was a farmer s market in downtown San Francisco held every thursday and I work downtown and hang out there eating at food places which were unhealthy, so I am glad I was able to discover this farmer s market. As I walked around each station that had many variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts, fish, honey, etc available for anybody to view, to buy and ask questions to the farmers about their products and also having samples of the food they grown, where I tasted many foods which was delicious and for the first time I tasted a pomegranate fruitrather than the juice brand, so it was a unique experience from me to see farmer s eager to let people taste... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the textbook on page 18 it has a similar connection with organic food and how experts like the watchdog Environmental working group thinks the government is too liberal when it comes to the amount of levels of allowable pesticides to foods. In an article called Grocery store vs. Farmer s market they question whether buying local is better than grocery store and got a response from Lottie Thacker a shopper who said I ve been buying from these people for quite a long time so it s cheaper, (livewellnetwork.com). A similar correlation from this quote, would be from a YouTube video called Farmer s Market vs. Supermarketwhere they also wanted to see if it is better to shop at farmer s market or a Supermarket when it comes down to price and what they found out that it doing make a difference. In conclusion I will seriously consider to make an effort to shop for my produce at a farmer s market because as I was comparing prices, it s cheaper which is good for me to save money and also to me the produce look better and taste better than Supermarket ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. What Are The Living Conditions In Mr. Frank s Life Anne had to suffer many hardships throughout her life especially while in hiding. During this time, the living conditions were poor, relationships formed within the Annex, and having enough food for everyone was very difficult. As the Nazis began invading Germany, the Franks made their way to the Netherlands to begin hiding. While in hiding, the living conditions were horrific. The Franks as well as the Van Daans, moved to a Secret Annex in Mr. Frank s business. The Annex was a hidden attic, and the door was covered by a bookcase. In the Annex, they could not use the bathroom or even run the water during certain time frames. Also, they had to be very quiet. All of the trash they created had to be burnt. Finally, they had to wear the same ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Maxine Hong Kingston s No Name Woman Maxine Hong Kingston, a first generation Chinese American, searches for her identity by comparing her own American traditions with her parent s old China traditions. Although Kingston grew up in California, her family roots remain deep within her culture. She is an active feminist and the author of two well known books, The Woman Warrior (1970) and ChinaMen (1980). In No Name Woman, Kingston explores the treatment, values and life of the women of old China in the 1920s. In No Name Woman, which is Chapter One of The Woman Warrior: Memoirs of a Girlhood among Ghosts, Kingston learns from her mother that she once had an aunt who killed both herself and her newborn baby by jumping into the family drinking well in China. Kingston relates that the woman s husband had left the country years before to provide for the family in America, so the villagers knew the child was illegitimate. The night that the baby was born, the villagers raided and destroyed the family house; consequently, the woman gave birth in a pigsty. Kingston s mother further explains that the next morning she found her sister in law and the baby had plugged up the well. The woman had brought such disgrace upon her family that they decided to pretend that she had never been born. Kingston s mother tells the story as a cautionary tale to her daughter, in the years Kingston begins to menstruate. Her mother warns her to be careful lest the same fate fall upon her. Kingston, looking back on the story later, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Injera As soon as I walked through the doors of Ras Ka, I felt a sense of home. The aroma of berbere and niter kibbeh wafting through the room. The setting was quaint and inviting, only four tables to choose from. The kitchen was open to the sitting area, a see through curtain acting as the door. The owner, Hannah, welcomed us. Hannah was wearing a colorful netela, a traditional Ethiopian shawl. My family and I sat down on a back bench and ordered a traditional herbal tea. The taste was bitter and bland. While I had a hard time swallowing the dirt like tea, I enjoyed the aesthetic of the spices and herbs. A serving platter of Injera timatim FitFit was placed in front of us. Injera is traditionally made of tef and used like a tortilla to enjoy lentils and mixed vegetables. The injera was bland with a spongey texture. However, the neutral flavorof the injera balanced the prominently spicy flavor of the Ras Ka sauce. Traditionally, Ethiopian cuisine contains wat, a fiery spice. Ras Ka displays the traditional eating customs of Muslim and Christian populations in Ethiopia by remaining a fully vegan and vegetarian restaurant. Many Muslims and Christians in Ethiopia avoid consuming pork, and often beef and chicken. The platter was loaded full with tomatoes, lentils, green peppers, and onions. The prominent agriculture of Ethiopia was directly... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Rather than reminiscing art or music, I was able to connect one on one with the agriculture and essence of Ethiopia. From the spices to the Injera, I experienced the flavor, the life, and the heart of the dish. Unlike many spicy Latin American dishes, the spices in the Ras Ka sauce never overpowered the vegetables, only added extraordinary flavor. As I dined on injera and lentils, I felt as though Hannah s mother and grandmother had prepared the dish for me. I was captivated by the taste, I was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Technology And The Health Care Industry With Robots Robots have been rapidly introduced into our society over the past few decades and shows no sign of slowing down, rather the production of new technology is rapidly increasing at rates never seen before. With the recent strides in automated robots and artificial intelligence, we should expect to see more and more new ideas as time passes and technology is produced. Many technology companies have started creating and testing driverless cars that are safer than human drivers (Henig 2015). Another technological advance is in the health care industry with robots being used to perform surgeries and other assist in rehabilitation (Henig 2015). Lastly one of the most important advances is in warfare, where robots are being created to not just shoot blindly at whatever moves (Henig 2015). They are being integrated with artificial intelligence that allows them to identify and shoot enemies while located its current position and identify surrounding buildings. With the recent surge of new technology many people are skeptical if these robots and automated systems can actually make correct decisions and not just logical ones. In a New York Times Magazine article written by Robin Henig, she discusses the possible ethical decision making that people fear automated robots cannot make consistently, which can result in death for those around the robot (2015). However, these claims are short sited and mostly concern around outside factors rather than the robots themselves. With the current ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Teaching Assistant Level 2 Supportive the Pupil Essay UNIT 1 SUPPORTING THE PUPIL TASK 6. The social and emotional development of children from 5 to sixteen plays a crucial part in in the impact and quality of the child s lives these influence the development of the child in various ways which is why it is important for a Teaching Assistant to recognise these factors so they can help the child continue learning and use the skills already instilled in them. By treating each child as their own person you learn that they are all different and develop at their own pace but in order to do this you must see the child developing and to show support to both the teacher and child you are able to better the child s learning experiences and embrace their own developmental skills. I am aware of the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They would not forget if they needed would ask for help this in itself shows a child at 10 years is recognising ways to provide better relations and communications. So in effect good listening skills are formed and the child would know how to better themselves and others. Age 11 years: From this age the child should demonstrate they have developed the importance of family and peer relations. They will have utilised their decision making and problem skills more. They should show they can work with and in groups without difficult including displaying their own goals and how to work towards them with realistic expectations. By this age children should recognise the relationship between mental and physical health. Age 12 years: At this age the child is able to form anger management skills and is able to deal with their own stress. They are understand being down through disappointment including sad emotions like bereavement. At this age also the child should associate friends, family and others through positive and negative behaviours. They should know the difference between these two behaviours. Through this they are able to recognise the difference between safe and unsafe behaviour in relationships. Age 13 years: During this year children would have developed a good understanding of knowing what is expected of them. They will have ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Case 11 6 Lessee Ltd Essay Case 11 6 Lessee Ltd. Case 11 6 deals with Lessee Ltd., a company that operates in Britain and uses IFRS. The question in this case is how to classify a lease that Lessee, Ltd. acquired from Lessor Inc. The accounting standard that deals with leases under IFRS is IAS 17. IAS 17 was originally issued in September 1982 and was reissued in December 2003. It classifies leases as either finance leases or operating leases. Finance leases make it so that the lessee recognizes an asset and a liability and the lessor recognizes a receivable, basically transferring all the risks and benefits of ownership. Under operating leases, the lessor still recognizes the asset and the lessee recognizes an expense. The first question in this case is if the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The third and final question from the case is how would the lease classification change under U.S. GAAP. The FASB codification that deals with leases is ASC 840. U.S. GAAP classifies leases as operating leases or capital leases and it has a section for sale leaseback transactions as well. Under U.S. GAAP, the lease in this case would be classified as a capital lease. This is because ASC 840 10 25 29 says, If at its inception a lease meets any of the four lease classification criteria in paragraph 840 10 25 1, the lease shall be classified by the lessee as a capital lease. This lease meets two of those criterions. The lease term is equal to 75% of the economic life of the equipment (3 year lease term / 4 year economic life of equipment = .75 or 75%) and the present value of the minimum lease payments equals or exceeds 90 percent of the excess of the fair value of the lease property to the lessor at lease inception over any related investment tax credit retained by the lessor and expected to be realized by the lessor (ASC 840 10 25 1d). The present value of the minimum lease payments does in fact equal or exceed 90 percent of the fair value of the equipment ($248,690 / $265,000 = .94 or 94%). Under ASC 840 10 25 31, the lessee should use the implicit rate to calculate the present value of the lease payments because the lessee already ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. How Did Diophantus Contribute To Algebra Diophantus was exceptional mathematician born between the the years of 200 and 214 BC.the area in which he spent most of his life was Alexandria .at the time Alexandria was going through the silber age in which it was the center of much greek culture and knowledge.As great of a mathematicain in which he was ,not much information is regarded towards his own personal life only thing known about him was interpreted in the form of mathematical puzzle which describes his life in his years throughout his life. The contributions in which Diophantus made to mathematics was exceptional in his time but one of his major works is Arithmetika ,which is said to have the most influence to algebra in the history of greek.earning him the title as the Father of Algebra.These series of books greatly influenced the development of the number theory.Arithmetica contained a total of 13 books which in total had at least an average of 130 problems which gave solutions to determinate equations or in his era would be called diophantine equations.this of course was only a small stepping stone to a person of his grandeur.He had made exceptional advanced in the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This equation is then used by his mathemal puzzle which described his life through the years and could be solved through this manner with the integers in which he was very skilled in dealing with.many of these problems would then be seen in his books not being relevent in the first book of three mainly including simple word problems, but in the later books where the introduction of problems involving indeterminate.Thourhgout his books he had used the word number to represent positive or even rational numbers.IN books 5 to 7 he then starts to complicate the basic methods by introducing problems of higher numbers which can then be made smaller to a binomial equation.The purpose of his books were created in order for the reader to learn and experience the mathematical skills and techniques that were being expressed in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Carbon Emissions And Climate Change And Mitigation Of... Individual Report on the relationship between Carbon Dioxide and Climate Change and mitigation of anthropogenic carbon dioxide releases. Index Introduction 2 The Carbon Cycle 2 Anthropogenic Causes 3 Natural Causes 4 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Finally, methods of mitigation will be examined and critically evaluated based on their potential to halt the effects of carbon dioxide on climate change. Climate change is a large scale change in the planet s weather systems or its average temperature. The Earth s climate may change within varying timescales in response to natural factors. On the scale of tens of thousands of years the climate changes through glacial and interglacial periods; whereas it changes through the timescale of years occurs due to the effects of El NiГ±o and La NiГ±a which temporarily change the Earth s temperature and regional scale weather patterns. (Met office, 2015) Carbon dioxide is a minor component of the Earth s atmosphere accounting for approximately 0.04%. Despite carbon dioxide s relatively low atmospheric concentration, it s believed that it is the most important long long lived forcing of climate change in the atmosphere. (Pachauri Reisinger, 2007) The Carbon Cycle The measurement of atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has been measured directly since 1957. Prior to 1957, atmospheric concentrations and isotope records consisted of evidence from ice cores, moss cores, packrat middens, tree rings, and measurements of isotope ratios in planktonic and benthic foraminifera. Out of the methods discussed, ice cores are by far the best method for obtaining past ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Recruit Select and Induct Staff PROJECT 1 RECRUIT, SELECT AND INDUCT STAFF Introduction Baker s Delight is Australia s most successful bakery in Melbourne CBD. Over the past 20 years, this Australian owned Company has grown over 70 bakeries across the Melbourne. Every day, in every bakery, Baker s Delight bakers create a range of traditional and gourmet breads. All products are baked from scratch, fresh daily on the premises. Baker s Delight is distinctive in appearance, branding, product quality and customer experience. The company s philosophy underpins every action: Best Environment, Best Service, and Delightful Product. The mission of Baker s Delight brand has been built on our ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It has a written record of physical, mental, social, psychological, and behavioral characteristics of a person should poses in order to perform the job effectively. For ex, for the job of pastry cook minimum certificate III and 1 year working experience is must. It is a statement of employee characteristics and qualifications required for satisfactory duties and tasks comprising a specific job or function. Selection Criteria Our selection criteria policy is a task to draw up a description of ideal applicant. This is the statement that describes the qualifications, knowledge, skills, abilities, and experience that are required for a job. Examples of criteria that employers are often interested in, include: * Ability to communicate effectively * Leadership skills * Team work skills * Willingness to learn * Ability to solve problems Selection Criteria of a Baker To be considered for this Role, you need to be able to meet the following Selection Criteria: * Ability to be available for work across the 7 days of the week, which may include evening work and some public holidays (starting times can be as early as 3am) * Work in a fast paced team environment * Communicate with customers and staff * ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. A Summary Of Remember The Alamo In the December of 1835, during the Texas Revolution, the Alamo was occupied by two hundred Texan soldiers located near the present day in San Antonio. The Alamo was a church in the middle of San Antonio. William Travis and James Bowie were the commanders who were prepared to defend the Alamo from the Mexicans who wanted it back. Unfortunately, the Texan soldiers were outnumbered to secure the Alamo from General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna by thousands of his soldiers. The battle was only for thirteen days and Santa Anna slaughtered everyone except for a few such as a widowed wife named Susanna Wilkerson Dickinson, her infant daughter Angelina, and the one person who witnessed the final assault and survived named Joe. For the Texans, the battle of the Alamois an image of brave resistance and a rallying cry in their battle for freedom. This urged more Texans to join the military and lead the following fight to triumph against Mexico. The battle cry Remember the Alamo! within Texas culture was a symbol of Patriotic sacrifice. If we had known about Remember the Alamo! it s all thanks to Joe who came out of the battle witnessing all of the hardships of the battle. Joe was an African American slave who became an Alamo Legend. He was born into a slavery from Kentucky in about 1813. He was also the brother of a well known abolitionist and novelist, William Wells Brown. He was moved to Missouri and then later to Texas, where he was owned by Colonel William ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Convenience And Association When Talking With One Another Convenience and association when talking with one another is one of many uses that names provide. Names carry strong ethnics and religious connotations, and reveal an individual s affiliation to a specific group. They are able to capture and reflect upon one s unique culture, history, religion, and lineage. The sense of personal identity and uniqueness that a name gives us is why names interest us and are deemed so important to us as individuals. Unfortunately those of us who carry names that are hard to pronounce or are simply strange in the eyes of the western world, feel inclined to accommodate to much more Eurocentric names. In spite of their importance, the practice of white washing foreign names is dangerous. It affects all generations in a lineage from the past, present, to the future. Therefore, names have been homogenized for the convenience of the colonizer throughout history, can be seen in current social Chinese policies today, and consequently creates a homogenized legacy of children wearing white masks for future generations. Although many foreigners take part in this name change practice, this research paper will focus on the Chinese American phenomena of name changes. Consequently, Chinese Americans are becoming the new victims forced to wear white masks by their colonizers. It is necessary to analyze this phenomenon to secure the integrity of all cultures. Proctor: Because it is my name! Because I cannot have another in my life. Because I am not ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. A Opportunity Enhancing Learning About The Culture,... A Fulbright opportunity enhancing learning about the culture, people, and language of Taiwan would significantly impact my work here at Clarkson and in my home community. As stated above, my strengths include Mandarin language, as well as mainland China culture and pedagogical methods of curriculum delivery. While our relatively new program is quite successful (we have a100% teacher certification pass rate and 97% placement rate), we lack significant opportunities for student and faculty exchanges outside of the mainland. A Fulbright experience of this sort would give us the opportunity to expand our programs significantly in areas of recruitment, cultural understanding, approaches to language learning and best pedagogical practices. There are only two institutions of higher education in New York State with the MAT program certified in Mandarin; while the data show that we are obviously of documented high quality, an expansion to other Chinese cultures, geographic locations, and pedagogical approaches would help us intervene in the myth that it is only Beijing where students and faculty should go for their teaching, language and cultural experiences. I personally have always enjoyed extending my academic expertise to my greater community as well. As a very active member of the local Chinese Community Center, it has been my joy to encourage mutual understanding in a very positive way. For example, I have organized the yearly Spring Festival Party at the Empire State Plaza, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Analysis of Consolation in Hades Bosom Poem To begin with, this essay must summarize the poem s story written by the poet. At the very beginning, the first stanza presents someone who has disappeared from this world. The second stanza tells us about a woman who has lost something or someone really important, and how this affects her emotional state. Later on, the poem goes deeper in the woman s feelings of desolation. In stanzafive, the poem explains the journey taken by the woman, in order to find the body of her loss, ending up with the encounter to a witch. The next stanza clarifies that she has found Hades world and not a witch, it describes the meeting and introduces the next stanza. Then, it is exposed what Hades told her, stating that her son (only at this stanza, this is clearly stated) is death somewhere they both know. Finally, the last stanza presents the resolution of the story, when the woman finds the dead body of her son and also what she has been aiming for during the journey: relief. Afterwards, this essay must analyze the poem in terms of form. 8 stanzas, all quatrains, except stanza two and eight, which are quintets, compose it. Probably this distinction on extent is parallel to the relevance of those stanzas within the composition. As we can notice in stanza number 2, the old woman realizes her recent loss and it is the first emotion shown in the poem. On the other hand, the last stanza is more clearly shown why it uses 5 lines instead of 4, and it also has relation with the significance in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Essay On Konark Sun Temple What is the most iconic religious monument in India? In the small city of Konark, rests one of the most unique and iconic religious monuments of India the Konark Sun Temple. Built during the 13th century under the rule of Narasimhadeva I, this imposing Hindu shrine is an amazing example of ancient Kalinga architecture and engineering. Architecture and symbolism behind a giant chariot Khondalite rock was used to erect the temple. The structural scheme pays homage to Surya the Hindu Sun god whose figurative representation consists of a chariot pulled by seven horses. There are 12 pairs of three meter diameter wheels carved on the bottom lateral sides of the audience hall structure (Jaga mohan), while the dance hall structure in front (Nata mandir) faces East to receive sunrise s first rays of light. The wheels are particularly interesting: each one exhibits impressively intricate carvings that can reveal the exact hour of the day down to the minute. These giant wheels are high precision sundials. Kalinga architectural style features prominent decoration, and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... At its peak, the Black Pagoda as Europeans sailors used to call it played a significant role in Indian history, inspiring many myths and legends thereafter. Today, the 700 year old relic is nationally regarded as one of the seven wonders of India, and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is currently maintained by the Archaeological Survey of India. The Konark Sun temple is located in the state of Odisha; a culturally effervescent location endowed with many other spectacular ancient monuments like the Lingaraj or Jagannath temples and some of the world s most beautiful beaches. This is one of the best travel destinations in India and a mandatory visit for any ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Hitchcock Rope Analysis Hanging by Hitchcock s Rope Famously known as The Master of Suspense , Alfred Hitchcock knew how to keep an audience on the edge of their chair, just waiting to see what happens next. Hitchcock s career started in the silent era of films, gained increased success through talking pictures, and soared into infamy when color filmbecame common. Hitchcock s famous cinematography, editing, directing of his thoughtfully selected actors, and extraordinary attention to detail, are obvious reasons why there is no denying that he is one of the greatest directors the film industry has ever seen. OSU Media student, Joseph Ford, confirms why Hitchcock is his favorite directors, Hitchcock s lighting and shot sequences are unmatched, he was the ultimate perfectionist and, in my opinion, there is hardly a flaw in any of his films (Ford). There are endless lists and debates about which Alfred Hitchcockfilm is the greatest, and each one of his movies deserves serious consideration. It could be contested that with the unique story, intriguing characters portrayed by great actors, and the extraordinary cinematography, that Alfred Hitchcock s Ropeis potentially his greatest film. Alfred Hitchcock was never known for original stories, always taking his inspiration from novels or plays. Rope was based on a British play by Patrick Hamilton, which in turn was loosely based on the Leopold and Loeb murder case from 1924. Rope portraits two highly educated men, Brandon and Phillip, who decide ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Rachel Carson Research Paper Rachel Carson was a American marine biologist ,author ,and conservationist whose book Silent Spring and other writings are credited with advancing the global environmental movement. Rachel Carson was born on May 27 1907 in Springdale PA. Carson grew up in Springdale also attended high school close to there also it was a small school called Parnassus High Schoolin Kensington PA. She intended to go to college and major in English and become a teacher but she soon changed it to Biology. Carson went to many competitions and won many competitions she received a scholarship from John Hopkins University for Zoology. Rachel taught Zoology at John Hopkins summer school with Grace Lippy in 1930. Carson s first book was Under the Sea Wind published in 1941 followed by The Sea Around Us ten years later. Her most famous book by far is Silent Spring published on September 27, 1962. The book Silent Spring is about how a brave woman took on the chemical industry and raised questions about nature and humankind s impact on it. Although books will probably always be less celebrated than wars, marches, riots, or stormy political campaigns, books have at times been more powerful than all of those. Rachel Carson examining a specimen Carson, a renowned nature author and a former marine biologist ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The use of the pesticide had increased greatly since 1945. By 1958, Carson was no doubt the best selling author, and the fact that she could not acquire an assignment to write about DDT is expressive of how out there and debatable her views on the subject must have seemed. Having already assembled a large quantity of research on the subject, however, Carson decided to go ahead and address the issue in a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Powerful Women Presentation Reflection On November 14th, I attended the Panel of Powerful Women presentation. This panel consisted of women sharing their experiences the their field of work and study and how their subject position affected these experiences.Many women shared stories of discrimination in the workplace, such as one women who spoke about her experience running for office in her small town. She faced a lot of challenges because going into it she didn t know how corrupt the system truly was and that there essentially was no path for her to succeed since she was the first black woman to run for office. Another spoke about how her family background inspired her to get an education. Her parents were immigrants with five young kids and her mother was adamant that all her ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Kevyn Aucoin Making Faces Analysis In Making Faces, Kevyn Aucoin, North Americas preeminent makeup artist, shares his secrets, explaining not only the basics of makeup application and technique but also how to use those fundamentals (sometimes in unconventional ways) to create a wide range of different looks. Making Faces features step by step directions, instructional full colour sketches, and a gallery of noncelebrity transformations, as well as fabulous images of stars and supermodels as youve never seen them before.Lush and enticing, Making Facessatisfies on many levels: extraordinary photography, surprising makeup looks on A list celebrities (Julia Roberts, Demi Moore, Courtney Love), and recipes for doing it yourself. ~ Mirabella Kevyn Aucoins new beauty bible is the Genesis, Chronicles, and Revelations of makeup. ~ Allure Kevie isnt a makeup man, hes a magician. He creates an atmosphere of beauty mixed with magic. ~ Cher Kevyns progression of work over the years has elevated makeup to an art form. ~ Tina Turner Kevyn enables each and every one of us to play the character we want to play, be the person we want to be, and most important,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... More than making do, making up is the art of achieving your own special look, and Aucoin insists that there are no hard and fast rules except for the obvious ones, such as Don t put lipstick in your eye. The first section offers, in his own words, Aucoin s favorite ideas, tricks, and techniques for enhancing, defining, and altering facial features with makeup. You ll learn how to care for your skin, what foundation to use with your skin type, and transformational magic for that central player in the drama of beauty: eyes. Through his gallery of noncelebrity before and afters, Aucoin shows clearly how to use his fundamentals to achieve dozens of different ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. A Comparison Of Identity Crisis Personal Reactions: I agree with Mr. Erik Erikson when he said Everybody has heard of identity crisis and it arouses a mixture of curiosity, mirth, and discomfort which yet promises, by the very play on the word crisis, not to turn out to be something quite as fatal as it sounds . When I hear the word crisis I think the worse depending on the situation as an example mid life crisis. I see someone who is in a middle agegroup but they not considered an elderly person along with them not being considered a young person. I think of this person seeing themselves as being old and doing stuff to help them feel younger by wearing clothes that the younger people wear, change their hair color, buy a sports car, buy a motorcycle, go to the clubs, and hangout with younger people. Some people feel like they didn t accomplish enough stuff by this particular age and try to change that by doing those things to help them feel better with their accomplishments in life. I agree with Mr. Erik Eriksonwhen he described the patients who was in the war being shellshocked, nor becomes malingerers, but had through the exigencies of war lost a sense of personal sameness and historical continuity . I know a lot of people who say their love ones that returned from the war came back as a different person. Their love ones suffered from paranoia and have problems with adjusting to the civilian life due to their traumatic experiences in the war. They battle with trying to figure out what is real and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. President Manuel Zelaya In January 2009, President Manuel Zelaya decided, despite the opposition of the business elites, to increase the country s minimum wage, which was until then the lowest of the region. The country s elite and the powerful media organs began an intense campaign to discredit and vilify the president and his cabinet. President Zelaya was accused of wanting to make a new Venezuela (Naiman, 2011; Benjamin, 2009). Therefore, when he planned to change the constitution, following a strong popular demand to revise it, the opposition accused him of wanting to do so to make it possible for him to run again for the elections (in Honduras a president can be elected only once)(Ruhl, 2010). On June 28, soldiers stormed into the presidential palace and sent... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It first condemned what happened, however without actually naming it a coup, probably because if it did it would have forced Washington to terminate its aid programme to Honduras. However, after the coups in Madagascar and Mauritania, the U.S. did not hesitate to immediately and totally stop their aid (Main, 2010; Weisbrot, 2011; Chomsky, 2010). It did not withdraw its ambassador from Tegucigalpa as the European countries did. The U.S. continued training Honduran officers and the IMF, after withdrawing loans to the Zelaya government following disagreements over his economic policies, provided a loan of 150$ million to the coup regime (Chomsky, 2010). Nonetheless, the U.S. did take some measures. They suspended their non humanitarian aid, cancelled the visas of the leading members and supporters of the interim government but they did not resort to the most effective trade sanctions and slowly but surely diminished their support for Manuel Zelaya (Ruhl, 2010). They supported an agreement between him and Roberto Micheletti, the interim president, that would create a unity government and reinstate Manuel Zelaya. However, when this turned sour, the Obama administration did not move an inch (Ruhl, 2010). Washington then announced that the U.S. would recognise the November elections, giving very little hope to President Zelaya s of ever coming back to power (Rulh, 2010; Main, 2010). The negotiations proposed by ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Titus The King Wearing his blue robe, embroidered with the royal crest, and the black metal crown that was made at the castle blacksmith shop, the king appeared to be worried or troubled. With his right hand resting on the handle of his long sword, he would occasionally stroke his beard, which like hair is completely white, with his left hand. With a stern and demanding look on his face, the king made eye contact with each person sitting on the other side of the table as he walked by. Stopping when he got to Titus, the king looked the boy for a moment, then started to walk away. Stopping he turned to look at the boy again. He has seen the lad scurrying around the cattle from time to time. Titus, he recalled, was always on the move, looking as... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, he has enough freckles on his face and arms to fill a small water bucket. Over the years, so many people have made comments about his freckles that he is not sure if he should be proud or ashamed of them. There is absolutely no reason to be embarrassed by your freckles, His mentor the royal wizard says. Look at them as memory spots, every time you learn something new, you get another one. In fact, he has so many freckles that some of his friends call him spots, a nickname that he has grown use too. . No one is sure of how old the boy is because, both his father, a knight, and his mother were killed several years ago while fighting off the Vikings who invaded the castle. Herman the royal wizard, a gray headed older man of average height and slender build, with a slight hunch to his upper body, a long time friend of the family, took the boy in, and is raising him as his own son. The wizard, sitting between two knights decked out in their shiniest armor, is usually dressed is black boots, loose fitting gray pants with a fluffy sleeved dark blue tunic tied at the waist with a slim rope. However, today he is wearing a bright green tunic that reflects in the shining ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Research Paper On Smoothie A smoothie is thick refreshment produced using mixed crude natural fruits or products with different ingredients, such as dairy items, ice water, or sweeteners. Smoothies are not just tasty and simple to make; they can be very nutritious also. Similarly, as with any nourishment, the strong impacts of a smoothie will all rely on upon what essential ingredients you use. Regardless of whether you re searching for a fast breakfast or a refreshing treat, a smoothie packs a delightful punch. They re an excellent approach to get heaps of calcium and fruits into your eating regimen, all in a helpful drink. These seven good smoothie formulas are heavenly, sound and the flavor blends are endless. 1. Exceptionally Berry Breakfast Begin your free day... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Watermelon Wonder Change a late spring organic product most loved into a refreshing stable smoothie. Simply recall purchasing seedless watermelon or expelling the seeds before you mix! SERVINGS: 2 2 c sliced watermelon Вј c without fat milk 2 c ice Directions; Blend the watermelon and drain, and mix for 15 seconds, or until smooth. Include the ice, and blend 20 seconds longer, or to your coveted consistency. Add more ice, if necessary, and mix for 10 seconds. Nourishment (per serving)2 g protein,0.5 g fiber,11g sugars,13 g carbs 56 0 g sat fat,cals, 0.3 g fat, 19.5 mg sodium, 6. Berry Good Workout Smoothie Get the vitality you have to control through your exercise in minutes with this simple to make smoothie formula. For an additional measurement of calcium, have a go at including a teaspoon of Organic Kale Powder. SERVINGS: 1 1ВЅ chacked strawberries One c blueberries ВЅ c raspberries 2 Tbsp nectar 1 tsp new lemon juice ВЅ c ice 3D shapes Mix all ingredients Nourishment (per serving) 2 g protein, 6 g fiber,32 g sugar,41.5 g carbs, 0.1 g sat fat,162.5 cals, 1 g fat, 5 mg ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Examples Of Social Location Social location, the group memberships that people have because of their location in history and society. Where you stand in the world is how you are looked at. People have always been categorized, times where we were not here people were still be categorized. No matter what color you, how much money you have, age, religion, or even sexual orientation you are identified into a group. The way you are categorized is how you see the world and how the world sees you. Your social location places a big role in your life, positive and negative, for example, being judged because of your ethnicity. I am an African American woman. I just turned eighteen years old. My family consists of three to four people, my mom, sister, dad and myself. I would ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Under The Lights By Abbie Glines Summary Paragraph Under the lights by Abbie Glines. There are three teens that grew up together in a southern small town. Willa s mom had her when she was a teenager. Willa had gotten into some trouble at a young age and had to stay with her Nonna. Willa s two best friends were Gunner and Brady. Willa has made some bad choices in her past life which made her go down the wrong path in life. Brady s a high school quarter back now and with the choices Willa has made Brady sees Willa as a different person. Gunner is also a football star in high school. Gunner is living a good rich life the only matter though he cares about himself only, except for Willa. He understands the person she has grown into over her time. As they were known to be child hood friends secrets start to come out and the truthmay be the reason of them losing each other. Character Descriptions Willa:Curious I had been watching the boys for weeks go up into that tree house from my front yard at the cottage. I d wanted to know what was up there. My curiosity had given me my first real friends. (4) Brady: sweet I wasn t sure how I liked my cousin warning me not to hurt someone. I wasn t that guy. What do you think I m going to do her? The question came out annoyed because I was. Maggie s frown became pinched. Ivy Hollis. Last I checked you were dating her. Then she turned her all knowing, haughty ass around and walked away. Well damn. I guess she was right. I couldn t get to know Willa and keep my ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Essay on Unit 229 Workbook Pressure Sores Unit 4222 229 Undertake agreed pressure area care Unit 4222 229 Undertake agreed pressure area care Outcome 1 Understand the anatomy and physiology of the skin in relation to pressure area care The learner can: 1. describe the anatomy and physiology of the skin in relation to skin breakdown and the development of pressure sores Skin is the largest organ of the body, covering and protecting the entire surface of the body. The total surface area of skin is around 3000 sq inches or roughly around 19,355 sq cm depending on age, height, and body size. The skin, along with its derivatives, nails, hair, sweat glands, and sebaceous glands forms the integumentary system. Besides providing protection to the body the skin has a host of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Which is automatically regulated to reduce pressure as and when required. Special dressings and bandages can be used to protect and to speed up the healing of pressure sores. Topical preparations such as cream and ointments can speed up healing process and prevent further tissue damage.There is also a vast range of equipment that is designed specifically to assist with moving and handling. Chairs Wheelchairs Beds Shower/Commode Chairs Sliding Boards Sliding Sheets Low Friction Rollers One Way Slides Turntables Hoists and Slings| 6. describe changes to an individual s skin condition that should be reported. | Outcome 2 Understand good practice in relation to own role when undertaking pressure area care 1. identify legislation and national guidelines affecting pressure area care | 2. describe agreed ways of working relating to pressure area care | 3. describe why team working is important in relation to providing pressure area care. | Outcome 3 Be able to follow the agreed care plan The learner can: 1. describe why it is important to follow the agreed care plan | 2. ensure the agreed care plan has been checked prior to undertaking the pressure area care |
  • 49. 4. describe actions to take where any concerns with the agreed care plan are noted | 5. identify the pressure area risk assessment tools which are used in own work area | 6. explain why it is important to use risk ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. Anterograde Amnesia Research Paper Anterograde Amnesia is the inability to store new information after the brain damage has occurred. (Luke Mastin 2010). Anterograde Amnesia is very rare, in fact there have a few cases where the amnesia was pure . The symptoms and hardship of the person depend on the cause for the memory loss. Some symptoms of Anterograde Amnesiaare partial memory loss, having a hard time recognizing relatives or family, feeling of confusion, difficulty taking in new information, inability to remember familiar places, and difficulty in learning and remembering new things.(PHC Editorial Team 2013) Characteristics of Anterograde Amnesiaare abnormally small hippocampi bilaterally and elevated hippocampal water.(Mayo Clinic 2014) There are many ways to recognize... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This movie accurately shows us that Dory has Anterograde Amnesia. One specific scene where this disorder is displayed is in the beginning when Dory s parents are telling her what to say when she meets someone ( I suffer from short term memory loss). After this the parents act as if they are random people and start playing hide and seek. When the parents tell her to count to 10, she counts up to 3 and forgets what they are doing. She then wanders off to a group of fish and their parents immediately chase after her. This scene accurately displays Anterograde Amnesia since it shows us that Dory is unable to remember what is going on and then wanders off elsewhere. Another scene where the disorder is displayed is when Dory can t remember where her parents are as a result of accidentally losing them and then Dory asks a couple of fishes that she needs help finding them, but forgets what she said and repeats the same thing again. This shows that Dory s short term memory loss or Anterograde Amnesia causes her to forget where her parents are and even makes herself look awkward when repeating a question that she already asked. A third example of Dory displaying that she has Anterograde Amnesia is when she is sleeping and then gets up to ask one of her friends a question but is said to go back to bed. When she goes back to bed she decides to go ask a question not knowing she already said it ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. Amnesty International Australia Amnesty International Amnesty International is an international non government organization that actively tries to expose and prevent human rights abuses. Their mission statement is to unite people from all over the world to fight for human rights using our signature tactics: Research, Action, and Advocacy. (n.d. 2016) The organization started in 1961, and has demanded action on over 44,000 cases of human rights abuses as of December 14, 2011 (Amnesty International Australia 0:40). The country has 3 million supporters in 150 different countries. In 2011, one of their major focuses was on releasing prisoners of conscience, who were individuals that jailed after non violently expressing their beliefs. Very recently in the US, there has been more attention focused on the police; namely, police brutality and racial profiling. More notably in August 9th of 2014, Michael Brown was shot by a Ferguson Missouri police officer. The teenager was unarmed and was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (n.d.). Retrieved November 29, 2016, from http://www.amnestyusa.org/about us/our mission [Amnesty International Australia]. 2011, December 14. 50 years of Amnesty International. [Video File]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kX WnlOCvXw The Great Firewall of China: Background. (pingp). Retrieved November 29, 2016, from https:/ /cs.stanford.edu/people/eroberts/cs181/projects/2010 11/FreedomOfInformationChina/the great firewall of china background/index.html Police and Human Rights. (n.d.). Retrived November 29, 2016, from http://www.amnestyusa.org /our work/issues/military police and arms/police and human rights Imprisoned for Peaceful Expression. (n.d.). Retrieved November 29, 2016, from http:/ /www.amnestyusa.org/our work/cases/china shi tao Breaking Its own Rules: Amnesty s Researcher Bias and Govt Funding. (n.d.). Retrieved November 29, 2016, from ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 52. Ethical Issues Present in the Distilled Spirits Industry Introduction Accounting for over $120 billion of economic activity in 2010, the distilled spirits industry is a prominent piece of the beverage industry as a whole. The alcohol industry is growing rapidly in foreign markets, especially in countries such as China and Brazil. In the United States alone, this industry generates over 3.9 million jobs and contributed about $8.8 billion directly to state and local revenues (The Industry s Role section, para. 1). Team TOTs will discuss the ethical issues that are prevalent in the distilled spirits industry, pressures facing the industry as well as investment policy recommendations that VTF should follow. Ethical Issues The challenges the distilled spirits industry face fall under two main categories, health and advertising. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Addiction, the use of alcohol is the third leading preventable cause of death in the US (2014). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that heavy alcohol abuse can lead to a number of health issues, including cardiovascular, neurological, psychiatric, and social problems, as well as cancer, liver disease, and sometimes death (2014). In addition to the consequences to consumers health and wellbeing, the industry must also manage the challenge of responsible marketing. Underage drinking is a serious, prominent issue in the US. Out of the 80,000 people who die each year from alcohol related causes, 5,000 minors die from as a result of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 53. Disneyland Motivation Statement The reason why I am interested in developing a career with Hong Kong Disneyland is that Disneyland is one of the famous theme park in the world. I believe working in Disneyland can broaden my horizon and expand my social network. Most importantly, Hong Kong Disneyland has the passion to become the best theme park. As a newspaper reports, Hong Kong Disneyland will launch an expansion plan, including building new theme areas and new amusement facilities for Marvel Super heroes. With this new theme areas and new amusement facilities, I believe Hong Kong Disneyland will obtain great support in Chinese market. Also, I think Hong Kong Disneyland will become more attractive and famous in the future since the Disneyland company has owned the 21st century fox. By owning the 21st century fox, Disneyland company has the copyright of many new characters, which makes Hong Kong Disneyland able to build more theme areas, such as deadpool s theme area, alien s theme area, or x men s theme area. With the copyright of the new characters, I believe Hong Kong Disneyland has a broad development space in the future. Therefore, I want to join Hong Kong Disneyland. Besides that, I want to join disneyland because disneyland is a place where people get real smile. Nowadays in many workplaces, you will see that many people working under ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As my resume shows, I had two working experiences. My first job was a waiter in Grand Hyatt Hotel and I had been working in there for a month. By working in Grand Hyatt Hotel for a short period, I learned the skills of getting along with people, especially with the guests. For instance, as a waiter, I need to be confident when I am helping guests to solve problems. Besides that, I also need to keep smiling on duty and being active to help guests. What I had learned makes me fit into the program 2018, which exactly requires the people with good skills of getting along with ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 54. The Economic And Economic Impact Of The Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution, occurring primarily from the 1865 the 1900s, is informally defined as the expeditious development of industry . This was primarily sparked by the development of electricity and it s ability to power machines that would increase the production rate of products. The Industrial Revolution aided in, well, you guessed it... industrial and economic development through the establishment of machinery driven by electricity, the establishment of varying marketing strategies, and utilization of workers. This period eventually led to a more stable economy, however, not without 3 separate periods of economic depression and the division of people by wealth. Politically, big businesses obtained greater power, through varying marketing strategies, and the minimal intervention of government to enforce or propose regulations. Industrialists had leverage, as people of the working class were willing to work for any amount of money. However, labor unions were formed to combat increasing hours and decreasing wages along with strikes. Post Civil War, the rise of industry induced a power shift from aristocrats to industrialists promoting capitalism. In regards to the economy the increased output of products resulted in a greater standard of living as demonstrated by the increase of GDP from 1865 1900 by dollars. Furthermore, because of this unequal division of wealth, a caste system was induced with the lower class being treated poorly, and labor unions formed ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 55. In The Year Of 1863, Two New York Democrats With The... In the year of 1863, two New York Democrats with the intention of obstructing Abraham Lincoln s bid for re election coined the term miscegenation . They believed that miscegenation was crucial to a progressive humanity. The Democrats posed as Republicans and anonymously wrote and published a seventy two page propaganda pamphlet, advocating for inter racial marriages between the white men and Negro . The article was entitled Miscegenation: The Theory of the Blending of the Races, Applied to the American White Man and Negro. During this time, the American Civil War was in action and two years later slavery in the United Sates was abolished. Da Cruz Brito said that, It was during and after the Civil War that sexual affective relations... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the sectioned of the pamphlet entitled Superiority of mixed races , Brazil was believed to be a country where the people were miscegenated, to further support the idea of mixing in the United States. However, the attitudes of race mixing in both countries were significantly different. Brazil has always been a black and mixed blood populated society, whereas the United States had always been white blood dominated compared to its black population. This paper will compare the differences of race mixing in the United States and Brazil after the American Civil War. First and foremost, it is important to differentiate the perception of black and white race mixing in both the United States and Brazil. In the United States, the offspring produced between blacks and whites are considered black. However, the status of a child produced by a white mother is typically reflected by the status of the mother. Degler revealed that, From this perspective, the most feared combination in unions between blacks and whites was the one in which the white women married a black men . This is because during slavery, when a slave owner would impregnate his female slaves, the children of the slave would also become a slave, but if the mother is white, it is very unlikely that the child would become a slave. Consequently in Brazil, due to larger acceptance range of race mixing, the descendants of an African and European relation ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 56. Computer Concepts Exercises Chapter 1 010100 The Web is just another name for the Internet. (Answer: False) 010200 A computer s operating system is a type of application software. (Answer: False) 010300 Microcontrollers are special purpose microprocessors that can be embedded in devices such as refrigerators, cars, and washing machines. (Answer: True) 010400 A bit is a binary digit, such as a 1 or 0. (Answer: True) 010500 ASCII, EBCDIC, and Unicode are used to represent character data. (Answer: True) 010600 A megabyte is 1024 bits. (Answer: False) 010700 Microprocessors are a type of integrated circuit. (Answer: True) 010800 C, COBOL, and Java are examples of programming languages. (Answer: True) 010900 A compiler converts source code to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (Answer: False) 020300 PCs, Macs, and Linux are three computer platforms. (Answer: True) 020400 Today s Macs can be configured to run Windows. (Answer: True) 020500 Pentium, Core, Atom, and Athlon are types of microprocessors. (Answer: True) 020600 Today s computers typically process 8 bits at a time. (Answer: False) 020700 Serial processing is when a processor begins executing one instruction before it completes the previous instruction. (Answer: False) 020800 In RAM microscopic electronic parts called capacitors hold the bits that represent data. (Answer: True) 020900 ROM is a type of memory that holds the computer s startup routine. (Answer: True) 021000 Hard disk drives, optical drives, and solid state drives are random access devices. (Answer: True) 021100 CD RWs allow you to record data, but data cannot be changed once it is recorded. (Answer: False)
  • 57. 021200 VGA, SVGA, and WUXGA are examples of screen resolutions. (Answer: True) 021300 A surge strip allows you to use your desktop computer during a power outage. (Answer: False) 022100 In the interest of being ecological, many consumers consider upgrading their computers instead of disposing of them and buying a new one. Which one of the following upgrades is best left to professional technicians? a. Replacing the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 58. Immigration Is A Major Issue Immigration is a major issue in the 2016 presidential election. Millions of undocumented immigrants live in the U.S. and border agents spend so much time apprehending illegal immigrants that agencies cannot focus on criminal and terrorist threats. The growing awareness that our immigration system is dysfunctional has affected the candidate s position on the issue. The candidates I have chosen to highlight are Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump and Libertarian Gary Johnson. Hillary Clinton, Democratic candidate stated: We have to finally and once and for all fix our immigration system this is a family issue. It s an economic issue too, but it is at heart a family issue. If we claim we are for family, then we have to pull together and resolve the outstanding issues around our broken immigration system. The American people support comprehensive immigration reform not just because it s the right thing to do and it is but because it will strengthen families, strengthen our economy, and strengthen our country. That s why we can t wait any longer, we can t wait any longer for a path to full and equal citizenship. (https://www.hillaryclinton.com) Clinton promises she will work to ensure a fair and just immigration system. She is fighting for an America where every family has a sense of belonging. She believes it is important to keep families together and ensure a more human immigration enforcement system instead of breaking up hardworking, law abiding ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...