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Sample University Essay Australia
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Sample University Essay Australia Sample University Essay Australia


Analysis Of The Reconstruction Of Europe After World War...
Sometime during June 1947, George C. Marshall wrote a proposal for the United States to help in the
reconstruction of Europe after World War II. This document is intended for the Europeans whose
country was affected by the war and needs help rebuilding. The purpose of this document is so that the
Europeans could collectively agree as to what type of aid they need.
The document begins with an introduction as to how difficult the problems are in Europe and how it
may be hard for the citizens to adjust since they aren t used to living the lives of people in
unprosperous countries. Because of the war, many businesses, cities, factories, mines, and railroads
were destroyed causing Europe s economy to suffer. This is a severe problem that s now plaguing
Europe which ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The war also affected the division of labor, causing citizens to produce less food and goods. Although
they cannot pay for it, Europe will undoubtedly need food and other essentialities from America. The
confidence of the European people must be restored to secure the economic future of their countries
and continent. The United States economy influences the world s economy and vice versa, which is
why America is compelled to offer its aid in order to fix the world s economic health; this assistance
cannot be a temporary fix, it should be long lasting or permanent. The U.S. will offer its help to any
European country that needs it, so long as the country doesn t block the recovery of other
governments. There will be conflict with the U.S. if groups or governments begin to spread human
misery for profit. Before the American government starts helping in the recovery of Europe, the
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Women Spies in the American Civil War
With over a half million deaths the most gruesome war in American history drove citizens to action.
The suffering during this era was so great many were inspired by nationalism to act. For those who
were unable to join the fight upon the battlefield, espionage represented a chance for personal
involvement. Although it is believed that many agents never sought recognition for their service,
especially Confederate scouts, documentation depicts the espionage present during the American Civil
War to be surprisingly sophisticated. By examining the recorded history involving active female
intelligence agents in the American Civil War, we can see the roles of female scouts were severely
underestimated, frequently encouraged, and generally ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Furthermore, some women enlisted in the armies disguised as males, others found they could
contribute their service to the war through acting as scouts. For those women that enlisted, changing
their dress was only a small fraction of the work required to blend in to their brigade. Hiding all
feminine characteristics including the ways, in which they walked, talked, sat, and acted was
necessary to avoid detection (Eggleston 2). An abundance of radical periodicals and writings intended
for a female audience emerged at the beginning of the war (Endres 32). With ample encouragement
women found it within their interests to take an active role in the fight. Some, including Elizabeth Van
Lew, simply desired for the feuding between the regions to end and found espionage to be their
contribution (Kane 235). In Companions of Crisis: The Spy Memoir as a Social Document , Curtis
Carroll Davis depicts the female scouts perceiving their duty to their country to be through espionage.
Surprisingly, men, including fathers and other patriarchal figures, actively sought the help of their
female kin to play an active role in the war through espionage. For instance, the father of Antonia Ford
encouraged his daughter to entertain and extract information from Union officers on behalf of the
Confederate cause (Eggleston 97). The passion for liberty was undoubtedly just as
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Th Lowry Research Paper
Lowry is a English artist. He was born on the 1 november 1887 he died in 1976. He lived most of his
life in small towns around Manchester in the north of England. He started painting when he was 15
years old. Lowry had an unhappy childhood. He wasn t popular in school. He didn t have a close
relationship to his parents and had few friends.
In 1909 the Lowry family moved to Pendlebury. The landscape was dominated by textile mills and the
chimneys of the factories. He had taken art classes as a child. Later he went to Manchester school of
art and then to Salford Royal Technical College. After his father died he often painted. His paintings
often featured industrial towns in northern England, like Pendlebury. They captured scenes of a life in
northern England of this time. His paintings mostly featured thin tall people, stick man like. Later the
people in his drawings were called Matchstick Men because of their size and body structure. ... Show
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He is famous for his sad and depressing paintings, who often had a white background. Also his people
in his paintings are famous matchstick men because of their skinny bodies. Some of his most famous
paintings were sold for up to 5 million pounds. He became an official war artist. Also he was the
Official Artist of the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II in 1953. He was a very famous, popular and
successful artist.
What influenced Pablo Picasso? He started a whole new way of painting. He painted different than the
others, not realistic. His paintings are unrealistic and chaotic . It is very hard maybe impossible to find
a painting of Picasso which is realistic. His background for a painter was perfect. His dad was a artist
and art teacher. He painted a lot when he was young. Pablo studied one year under his father. After he
moved to the Academy of fine arts. After he moved to Paris. His childhood was nice but a bit chaotic
this could be reason for his chaotic style of painting.
A picasso
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Mental Illness Is A Social Problem
Mental illness is a health condition that affects an individual s moods and thinking in a way that
changes how that person relates to other people in society. The functioning of the affected person is
also altered and usually results in the person failing to perform some of the daily activities that the
person has previously engaged in. Mental illness can be considered a combination of both social and
health complications, affecting the social life of the people who fall victim in many ways (Elliott
Huizinga, 2012). There are some health complications that are also experienced with mental disorders.
It is also important to note that medical attention forms part of the therapies that try to correct or
control this condition. More recently most concern has been on the fact that mental illness is a major
social problem in the world (Gonzalez Rosenheck, 2014). It has been reported that the number of
people with mental disorder is increasing in our communities at an alarming rate. Environmental and
social changes are among the most mentioned causes of the accelerating rate of mental illness in
society (Häfner, 1985). Despite the prevalence, about one fifth of the adult population will battle with
mental illness every year ( Facts and figures about mental illness, 2014) and the acknowledgement of
authorities mental illness is still given less attention then is needed to treat the problem successfully.
Health bodies need to be putting more resources into this area as
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An Explanation Of Why Sociologists Are Interested On Class
Class is important as it can determine various aspects that will have a significant impact and influence
on how people s lives are shaped. Feminists have argued for other things to be included such as social
divisions to show how they intersect with class. Economic inequalities can have an impact on class as
they can determine a person s status, wealth, income and lifestyle. Class is important as social
inequalities exists amongst the rich and poor. Important social factors include poverty, health and
education. A person s identity is just as important as their class. People may face discrimination due to
their identity, whether that may be due to their gender, age, ethnicity or disability. Social mobility is
where people are in a different social class now from which they were brought up in. However
sociologists argue that class is less important in contemporary society today than it once used to be.
The purpose of this essay is to provide an explanation on why sociologists are interested in class. This
assignment will define what class is and to what extent class matters. Other social divisions will be
explored in this assignment to show how they intersect with class. The social divisions which intersect
with class which will be discussed include economic and social inequalities, social mobility and
identity. The beliefs from well known theorists, Karl Marx and Max Weber who disagreed on the
nature of class, will also be included to support the main points which are
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Roman Corinthian Temples
The Roman Corinthian temples were a testament to the construction techniques and its architecture
was heavily influenced by the Etruscans. Romans worshipped several deities and thus temples served
as a place of high importance which was adorned with reliefs and sculptures. A typical Roman temple,
for example, Temple of Augustus and Roma consisted of a cella housing the main deity and
approached through a colonnaded portico (pronaos) by means of a flight of stairs. The temples were
constructed with the help of concrete and oriented themselves to face east towards the rising sun and
entered through the west. The column order seen in the Roman Corinthian temples was inspired by the
Greek architecture. Vitruvius, the Roman architect likened the
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Oppression Of Women In Letters In Open Secrets, By Alice...
Entry 17 Women Throughout Open Secrets, Alice Munro writes complex women characters that deal
with heartbreak, loss, assault, and more. Some women flourish despite the restraints, while some
struggle under their weight. Munro s women also have to deal with the gender roles of their respective
time periods.
In A Real Life , marriage serves as the limit that rules the lives of the three main female characters.
Millicent struggles with her discontentment with her life and her husbands while she yearns for the
upper class with fancy dinner parties and valued wives. She married Porter, a farmer, and came to
regret this marriage because his status was thrust upon her, so she have to live only as a farmer s wife,
never reaching her true goals. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In The Jack Randa Hotel , Gail poses as a dead woman to write letters to her ex husband Will after she
follows him and his new girl from Canada to Australia. Through these letters, Gail escapes her sadness
about her husband leaving her by pretending to be someone new, perhaps a potential love interest for
Will. By play acting as a new woman, Gail ignores her issues with leaving the past in the past, and
continues to dream of what could be. [Gail] goes out in the dark to post her letter feeling bold and
satisfied, (Munro 178). By corresponding with Will, Gail allows herself to feel satisfied and happy
once again. The letters allow the reader to see the connection between Gail and Will, even when Gail
is pretending to be someone else. By the end of the story, Will has asked the lady Gail is pretending to
be to exchange descriptions and then, with trepidation, photographs...it seems that in my attempt to get
to know you I am willing to make quite a fool of myself, (Munro 184). The letters reveal that by
pretending to be someone Gail had succeeded at her goal and seemingly enchanted Will. This only
shows the reader how desperately Gail is clinging onto the past that she would be willing to invent
another person just for one more shot with her ex husband. Munro s use of letters throughout her
collection of short stories adds depth and perspective to her characters that reveals qualities previously
unknown, or desires previously
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Introduction. As Various Operational Concepts Are Discovered
Introduction As various operational concepts are discovered in their application to organizations, the
discovery also lends credence that these concepts can work in accordance with each other,
simultaneously, or in synthesis with processes or procedures at a multitude of stages. While many of
these concepts are borne out of the manufacturing sector, the concepts in this research are applied to
the service sector, or more specifically, a healthcare organization. Most of the function and form of a
healthcare organization is service based, but a medical center gravitates at times to a production
organization in a broader sense. An illness, injury, or debilitation, can be improved, corrected, or made
new, through some of the same ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
CMC is located about 10 miles west of the vacation and retirement area of Myrtle Beach, South
Carolina, resulting in a patient mix of many retired individuals, vacationers, and locals who are
primarily employed in service industries around the area. CMC is a Level III Trauma Center and a
certified Stroke Center that is supported by the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC). CMC
has chosen a higher standard of accreditation adhering to the standards of ISO 9001:2008 which has
only been attained by two healthcare facilities in South Carolina. CMC offers the largest rehabilitation
and physical therapy services in the area with a cardiac rehabilitation program, general and vascular
surgery, spine surgery, and a regional award winning wound care center with a joint replacement
program that has earned healthcare s highest honors. Personal employment with the CMC
organization involves managing outpatient imaging operations involving 2 high speed 16 slice CT
scanners, one 64 slice scanner, PET scanning, MRI scanning, digital mammography including 3 D
tomosynthesis, Ultrasound, 3 D cardiac imaging, and digital radiography/fluoroscopy. Value is added
to our patient experience in the outpatient diagnostic imaging center, which is offered by CMC as a
stand alone imaging center that houses most of the aforementioned modalities. This center is available
to patients to easily get into their appointment and back out to their activities with
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Examples Of Metaphors In The White Tiger
Research Question: How does Aravind Adiga use metaphors in The White Tiger to highlight the
contrast between the different sections of Indian society?
Typically, we identify metaphors to be the figure of speech that draws an indirect comparison to bring
out an enhanced rhetoric effect. However, metaphors are so strongly ingrained in our language, that all
of us think, write, and even speak in metaphors every day. Ironically, the word metaphor itself is a
metaphor, as metaphor stems from a Greek word that means transfer or carry across . In the literal
sense, metaphors transfer meaning from one idea to another, typically associating it with a word.
Aravind Adiga s The White Tiger is an epistolary novel consisting of ... Show more content on
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The only two options for people in the country is eat or get eaten up . In this jungle, which is India, the
different animals correspond the inhabitants that play a major role in the workings of the country. The
buffalo, the stork, the mongoose, and even the White Tiger are assigned these titles primarily because
of their personality which aligns sublimely with the nature stereotypically associated with these
The overall metaphor of the White Tiger represents what it is like to break out of the never ending
chaos present in the jungle like world. Balram refers to this world as The Darkness . As he is the
White Tiger , he possesses the required skills to break out of the Rooster Coop and find order unlike
the other inhabitants of the darkness.
Throughout the novel, Arvind Adiga uses a plethora of metaphors to describe the happenings of
Balram Halwai, and his activities. In addition to this, the author repeatedly uses ironic, and sarcastic
phrases to condemn the upper class Indian society, or citizens from the light . This brings out several
key themes in the novel, including
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The Decline Of Native American And Inupiat Culture
The American government and society has played a substantial role in the decline of both the Native
American and Inupiat culture. They created inhumane boarding schools and oppressing laws that
inhibited those of a different culture from being themselves and partook in the urbanization of cultured
communities. The following practices need to be stopped and never forgotten so that such ethnocide
doesn t happen again. Boarding schools were an issue that plagued both Native Americans and
Inupiats. As conveyed by the writings of Mary Crow Dog and other Native American figures, we see
how the effects of such schools were devastating to the native population. Boarding schools wiped
Natives of their language and culture, teaching young children to be ashamed of what makes them
unique. Pupils would return from their long stays at boarding schools, unable to speak to their own
family, resulting in an isolation between themselves and their community. Over the years, generations
would eventually lose most of what makes them native and, for the most part, their culture slowly
faded away. It seems that the Inupiat people faced a similar fate. Inupiat children were forced to learn
by Western standards, eventually forgetting their crucial survival skills, language, religion and other
unique aspects of their culture. However, we are exposed to a more positive outlook towards boarding
schools in the book, Fifty Miles from Tomorrow, where William Hensley says he enjoyed his boarding
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American Culture Vs. Other Cultures
Throughout history cultures have come and gone. Cultures from many distinct civilizations and
empires were able to be conceived but yet most became utterly ruined. However certain societies and
cultures were able to thrive for longer periods of times and outlast others. The more sophisticated a
culture was, the greater the influence it had over smaller ones eventually merging together to establish
a strong society; therefore creating a longer lasting culture. How do these cultures develop and
outperform others to survive for long periods of time? Through two factors: how advanced the society
is technologically, socially, economically, and politically and the role of the society in world affairs.
These principles help dictate the how valuable certain cultures are compared to others and ultimately
extend the lifetime of societies and their culture. Since its establishment, the United States has been a
hub for advancement. In Watters article the country has only been around for about 200 years ... Show
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It is commonly referred to as the West and has developed into a world superpower in a rather short
amount of time. The U.S. is considered to be a valuable a culture because of how well developed and
advanced it became and its role in the world as a super power. Through technological and societal
advancement, U.S. pharmaceutical corporations were able to discover a new mental issue known as
depression and treat it with certain prescription pills, or SSRIs. The corporations believed that SSRIs
worked with little to no scientific evidence to support the effects of the SSRIs, there is currently no
scientific consensus that depression is linked to serotonin deficiency or that SSRIs restore the brain s
balance (Watters). However, the corporations were correct about how real this mental issue is. Japan s
and the U.S. s perspective of depression
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The Natural And Physical Aspects Of The World We Live
Physical Chemical Oceanography I Science is the study of the natural and physical aspects of the
world we live in. Science is the way humans try to understand why the environment acts in the way it
does. Science has set of rules and guidelines that must be followed. The most important step in science
is observation, the point of observation is so that the experiment can be measured and or the
experiment can be repeated with similar or the same results. Hypotheses are then developed to
disprove the observation as many scientists believe hypothesis can never be proven. Opinions are not
facts and are based on subjective influences. Opinions cannot be measured or disproven because it is
personal. Science cannot address all the issues and concerns due to the limit and restrictions it has.
The fact that not everything can be proven shows how science cannot address all the issues. Even
though everyday mankind is creating new technology to help humans better understand nature, there
will always be some elements that are beyond human capabilities. Water is unique in that it is the only
natural substance that is found in all three states liquid, solid (ice) and gas (steam) at the temperatures
normally found on earth . (http://aquarius.umaine.edu/activities/prop_fresh_sea.pdf) In order to
understand why water has such a high boiling point, high freezing point, and high capacity of heat the
molecule itself has to be examined. The water molecule is made up off a special type of bond
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Vince Squibb s Binge Boy
Intro Binge Boy directed by Vince Squibb is an advertisement to support responsible drinking. To
demonstrate how the advert was effective with the actions of the boy and the pacing will be introduced
as well as the set up of the scenes. These are here to make an effective advertisement to persuade the
audience to react to irresponsible drinking. Body 1 The actions in Binge Boy are distinguished
because they emphasise that intoxication in adolescence can lead to injuries, messiness and
destruction. When the boy poor s the food on himself, his actions have proven that intoxication can
cause messiness. Similarly the boy s actions have been portrayed to exaggerate the poor actions
alcohol can lead to. This reaching out to other adolescence and parents showing them how the
adolescence could turn out. Whereas this wouldn t affect adults because they have already had their
experience with irresponsible drinking. Body 2 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
When the boy kicks the radio, he is surrounded by props that create a dull household whilst the boy s
body language suggests he has become violent. The bleakness of the lighting is symbolic of the
negative use of alcohol, helping fit the broody mood. The boy s costuming compliments the
consequences of drinking by showing that intoxication can result in violence and destruction of
property, therefore promoting a social message to adolescence to drink responsibly. This is an
effective message because it is relatable and the audience can make connotations to themselves and
people they
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How to Use Your Chain of Command
How To Use Your Chain Of Command Why it is important to follow proper instruction procedures in
the military is for many reasons. As a soldier it is our responsibility to not only follow
instruction/orders, but to execute the command. Not following orders can result into consequences not
only for the soldier whom committed not following instructions, but also it can put others at risk too.
Like your N.C.O. in charge of you, to your Team Leader, to your Section Sergeant, to your Platoon
Sergeant, to your 1st Sergeant, to your Company Commander, to your Brigade Commander, and so
on. Not only can your N.C.O. in charge of you, your Team Leader, your Section Sergeant, your
Platoon Sergeant, your 1st Sergeant, your Company Commander, ... Show more content on
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Even so like having a simple instruction booklet on how to properly build something you just bought
or visa versa. If you don t follow the instructions properly you could have an unstructured piece of
construction you are working on. Not following proper instructions/orders and also result in injury, to
you, or your fellow soldier near you or even as working in the civilian world just the same action
could happen a result of injury or in this case being fired. But unlike the Army you can t get fired, but
if the situation is extremely bad you could get a dishonorable discharge and perhaps too some jail time
depending on the situation instruction/orders you broke or did not follow. Like not wearing a ACH/
Army Combat Helmet while driving a military vehicle like the LMTV, HumVee, Hemett and so on.
Wearing the proper PPE for driving, shooting at the range, while being in combat in a combat
environment, and anything that would make you have an injury to yourself, or to your fellow comrade
soldier from not following directions/orders on how to use and wear your proper PPE as a United
States Of America Army Soldier. So in conclusion I would not recommend that saying in the
absentness of orders to take charge, this will not benefit the junior enlisted Specialist, Private First
Class, Private II, and Private, but an N.C.O., Staff Sergeant, Sergeant First
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Technical Communication Report On Hexapod Robot Essay
A Technical Communication report on HEXAPOD ROBOT
Submitted by : RICHA JAIN 13115098 Batch : E6 B.Tech 3rd year
1. Abstract........................................................................3
2. Introduction...................................................................4
2.1 The Definition of a Robot ....................................................
2.1.1 Industrial Robot .............................................................................
2.1.2 Agriculture Robots..........................................................................
2.1.3 Telerobots....................................................................................
2.1.4 Service Robots..............................................................................
2.1.5 Mobile Robots..............................................................................
2.2 Mobile Robots.....................................................................
2.2.1 Wheeled Robots...............................................................................
2.2.2 Tracked Robots.........................................................................................
2.2.3 Legged Robots..................................................................................
2.3 Hexapod.............................................................................
3. Hexapod Design............................................................ 3.1
History.............................................................................. 3.2 Hexapod
Construction.......................................................... 3.2.1 Servo
Motors................................................................................ 3.2.2 Force
Sensors................................................................................ 3.2.3 Ultrasonic
Sensors......................................................................... 3.2.4 Infrared
Sensors............................................................................. 3.2.5 Servo
Controller............................................................................. 4. Inverse Kinematic
Calculations.................................... 5. Hexapod Walking...................................................... 5.1
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Jamaica s International Debt Crisis
Jamaica s economy has always been subject to forces beyond its control. Even after the country gained
its independence in 1962 it has remained clear that Jamaica s economic policies have been heavily
coerced by western powers. This was the situation in of which, Michael Manley and the Peoples
National Party (PNP) attempted to undo. However, despite a brief flirtation with social democratic
reform in the mid 1970s, Jamaica s international debt proved to be too heavy a burden for Manley and
the PNP to manage. This resulted in neoliberal backlash in 1980 led by Edward Seaga and the
Jamaican Labour Party, who quickly realized that their neoliberal policies actually exacerbated the
problem. Therefore the guiding determinant of Jamaican economic policy making post 1970 seemed
to be the need to manage the public debt within the existing socio economic system, in a manner that
is responsive to the needs of the public. The solution to the problem lies in a series of policy reforms
designed to increase the productive capacity of the region, the empowerment of the youth through
education, and the unification of the people through the notion of collective struggle. Therefore, the
future of Jamaica lies in systemically instilling nationalist sentiment in its people in hopes of coercing
both economic and societal change.
Chronologically speaking, to get to the solution of any problem we must start at the beginning; what
caused Jamaica to fall into such a huge debt crisis in the first
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An Analysis Of Edward Hopper s Nighthawks
To explain, Nighthawks was painted in 1942, right after the U.S. entered World War II. At the time,
the war dominated the culture that Americans lived in, and everything was focused on supporting the
war effort. Necessities such as food or clothing were rationed for troops, and neighborhood wide
drives were held to collect scrap metal. There were advertisements urging people to work for the
patriotic good, and newsreels about battles were shown in theaters before movies (The U.S. Home
Front During World War II). This atmosphere of intense focus and dedication was the result of fear.
The bombing of Pearl Harbor, which was what prompted the U.S. to become involved in the war, was
an invasion of the American consciousness, (Erenberg and Hirsch). ... Show more content on
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His artistic career began as he studied at the Correspondence School of Illustrating in New York City
and then at the New York School of Art. While he initially started with learning about illustration, he
eventually began to study painting and drawing (Levin, Hopper). At the New York School of Art, he
was taught by William Merritt Chase, an Impressionist painter, and with Robert Henri, who was a
realist (Murphy). Perhaps being exposed to their teachings were what influenced the approach that
Hopper took to his artwork He traveled often to many places across Europe, but as mentioned before,
Paris was a particular favorite of his. He married Jo in 1923, and she became a huge part of his artistic
process. She kept detailed records of his pieces and often modeled for them; in fact, she was the one
who posed for the woman in Nighthawks (Levin, Edward Hopper: An Intimate Biography, 349).
Hopper struggled as an artist until the 1920s; his work was mostly ignored and unrecognized, and had
to make the majority of his sales from etching and prints. He finally achieved critical success after his
second one man show, Recent Watercolors by Edward Hopper, in which every single painting was
sold (Troyen, 63 64). From there, Hopper began to achieve national exposure and critical acclaim. His
artwork was exhibited in many galleries and collections, most
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The Issue Of Providing Mental Health Services For Veterans...
SOWK 641 Fall 2016
Assignment#2: Article Reviews
Mary Marrone
USC School of Social Work
October 6, 2016
Course Instructor: Dr. Finney
Key Points Both articles identify the issue of providing mental health services for veterans with an
extra emphasis on those that served in Afghanistan and Iraq (OEF/OIF veterans). It is no surprise that
returning veterans suffer from both visible/invisible (physical and mental) wounds. Most veterans
have this high expectation that they are going to receive quality care from both the DoD and VA.
Unfortunately reality steps in where veterans are slapped in the face because they are receiving a lack
of poor quality care all while jumping through Beuracractic hoops. The challenges faced to access
these services include resistance, stigma, lack of professionalism, and geographic and/or regional
disparities in the distribution of services resources and/or benefits, and the system simply refusing to
change. The articles address the prevalence of the issue of mental health and claims the importance of
policy reform at all levels of society.
Gaps in Research The research is limited in that there is enough on just the narrative of substance
abuse and enough research on mental illnesses, but research is limited when it comes to dual
diagnoses. There are inconsistencies within the research, where researchers fail to address advocacy at
the state and federal levels; therefore not addressing the snowball effect of the poor
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Adultism Research Paper
I had never given much thought to adultism before reading the assigned chapters, but I realize now
that it affects my life almost every day since I was born. Schools, parents, and jobs control the way we
act, look, and what we can and cannot do. I will never forget when my mother got me a shirt with
Nintendo characters on it and I wore it to school. The shirt showed a little bit of my belly and a teacher
ran over to me as if I pulled out a knife and forced me to wear my hoody zippered up all day to hide
the small amount of flesh I was showing. This was one of the first times that I realized I could not be
myself in school. I couldn t put a label on this incident at the time, but I now realize I was a victim of
adultism. School was always very hard for me because I had Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
or ADHD. I was not allowed to take tests with my ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Some include: Would I treat an adult this way? Would I talk to an adult in this tone of voice? Would I
grab this out of an adult s hand? The questions made me think of my job and how old people treat me
every weekend. I am a hostess at Cracker Barrel and my job includes seating our guests. Old people
are constantly trying to trick me into getting seated early. I tell them the wait time will be about twenty
minutes and they come back five minutes later complaining that they have waited longer than I had
originally quoted. I always write down the times that they arrived so that they cannot trick me. When I
reveal this to them, they yell at me and tell me that I do not know how to do my job. They will
sometimes complain to the manager. When the manager gives them the same explanation that I do, the
old people suddenly get a change of attitude and show more respect towards him than they did to me.
Would a guest ever tell my manager that he does not know how to do his job? I do not think so. (Bell,
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Claude Mckay Meaning
Claude McKay wrote the poem, I Know My Soul in an effort to make his readers reach deep inside
and see the true being in which they are. We all are filled with certain passions and certain desires, but
sometimes we act as if we are not. We try to contain who we are because it doesn t quite fit the mold
of what society has so carelessly made for us. Clause challenges his audience to reach deep within
themselves and see who they are. The good, the bad, and the not so pretty that is held within our
beating hearts and scattered minds is what makes us who we are. We were all so eloquently crafted to
be different and we should know our own souls for that very reason. No one human being was, or will
ever be made the exact same way. Some of our desires ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The unidentified narrator speaks about how they are examining their inner being, in an effort to truly
see the type of person they are. McKay states, I plucked my soul out of its secret place, / and held it to
the mirror of my eye... (1 2) The narrator is now forced to look at what it is that drives him to do
certain things. To examine one s soul means to question all of our desires and every intention we have.
Understanding our soul means we are able to see if we are good or bad people. Claude McKay
continues on and compares the soul to a star in the sky in order to emphasize that the soul is bright like
a star, visible to the naked eye, but it is exposed to so many things. We generally keep our desires
hidden within us, even from ourselves. When we question ourselves about our thoughts then it is
almost like we are exposing
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Essay about Shrewsbury W1A BUS640
Economics of Risk and Uncertainty Applied Problem
Jessica Shrewsbury
BUS640 Managerial Accounting Instructor Choi
February 23, 2015
Economics of Risk and Uncertainty Applied Problem
Problem 1:
A generous university benefactor has agreed to donate a large amount of money for student
scholarships. The money can be provided in one lump sum of $12 million in Year 0 (the current year),
or in parts, in which $7 million can be provided at the end of Year 1, and another $7 million can be
provided at the end of Year 2.
Describe your answer for each item below in complete sentences, whenever it is necessary. Show all
of your calculations and processes for the following points:
a. Assuming the opportunity interest rate is 8%, what is the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Year 0
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
($ mil)
Demand probability Profit PV
(DF = 0.926)
Demand probability Profit PV
(DF = 0.857)
Demand probability Profit PV
(DF = 0.794) NPV of Profit ($)
Joint probability ENPV of branches ($)
0.2 $ 50.0 $ 46.3
$ 60.0 $ 51.4
$ 70.0 $ 55.6 $ 73.3
$ 0.44
0.2 $ 50.0 $ 46.3


$ 50.0 $ 42.9
$ 60.0 $ 47.6 $ 56.8
$ 0.91
0.2 $ 50.0 $ 46.3
$ 40.0 $ 34.3
$ 50.0 $ 39.7 $ 40.3
$ 0.24
0.2 $ 50.0 $ 46.3
$ 30.0 $ 25.7
$ 40.0 $ 31.8 $ 23.8
$ 0.38
0.3 $ 40.0 $ 37.0
$ 60.0 $ 51.4
$ 70.0 $ 55.6 $ 64.0
$ 0.58
0.3 $ 40.0 $ 37.0
$ 50.0 $ 42.9
$ 60.0 $ 47.6 $ 47.5
$ 1.14
0.3 $ 40.0 $ 37.0
$ 40.0 $ 34.3
$ 50.0 $ 39.7 $ 31.0
$ 0.28
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Influence of Early Lifa and War on Kurt Vonnegut Jr. to...
Influence of Early Life and War on Kurt Vonnegut Jr. to Encourage a Generation Against War Kurt
Vonnegut Jr. is one of the most well known World War II authors. His humble beginnings and early
life misfortunes shaped not only his writings, but also his view of the world. His imprisonment in
Dresden in World War II, however, formed his opinions about war at an early age and later inspired
many of his works and style of writing. After the returning from World War II, Vonnegut voiced his
sentiments through his writing that war was wasteful and uncivilized. Vonnegut developed a unique
blend of sadness, satire, and simplicity, along with his ability to understand the audience, which made
his novels comprehensible and inspirational to any ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
When British and American forces raided the city with firebombs, Vonnegut and his fellow captives
were saved due to their underground imprisonment. The bombing killed more than 135,000 people,
most of whom were innocent civilians, more than the deaths of Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined.
After the bombing, Vonnegut was given the morbid task of carrying the corpses from Air Raid
shelters, including women, children, and the elderly; dead from concussions, fire, or suffocation. In a
letter to his father, Vonnegut described his job and the reaction of the locals, Civilians cursed us and
threw rocks as we carried bodies to huge pyres in the city, (Boomhower). His distressing internment in
Dresden not only furthered his anti war sentiments, but also established a reoccurring theme in his
books: the irrationality of government and the senselessness of war. Vonnegut saw the bombing of
Dresden and the slaughter of innocents as wasteful and meaningless. He could not comprehend the
purpose of destroying a beautiful and fully functional civilization (Wiswell 5). The annihilation of the
city and lives of the innocent affirmed his views of war as a waste, and even lead to his feeling that,
civilization ended in World War I (Vitale). This view indicated Vonnegut believed World War II was a
meaningless act committed by the uncivilized. Vonnegut exercised a minimal and comical style of
writing to communicate his views against war. His experience in high school and
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The Movie Erin Brocovich Directed By Steven Soderbergh
The film Erin Brocovich , directed by Steven Soderbergh is a movie narrative based off of true life
events. The biographical film, follows the life of a single mother, who is financially unstable by the
name of Erin Brocovinch. Erin works as a law firm and her ultimate goal is to uncover and expose a
company that is practicing dangerous and unethical behavior. The movie touches on many unethical
issues and focuses on negative corporate social responsibility.
Stakeholders that are associated with the main company P.G E (Pacific Gas and Electric Company) in
the film are the residents of Hinkley California, P.G E employees and the government.
Both the residents of Hinkley and employees of P.G E are immediate external stakeholders of the
company. They are consumers of the electricity that the company produces. Residents were greatly
affected by the companies unethical behavior. P.G E was convicted of using a dangerous chemical
called Chromium IV . The chemical was used with water to cool down the companies machinery and
to prevent erosion. After using the mixture of water and chromium the company deliberately disposed
of the excess water into neighboring ponds. This action resulted in polluted water, and a contaminated
water supply for the residents of Hinkley. 600 people within the community suffered from negative
medical side effects from the consumption of the contaminated water. This water crisis also impacted
the community in more way than one, local
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Examples Of Intellectual Oppression In Inherit The Wind
Challenging Intellectual Oppression
Throughout the history of the United States, there have been many issues that have impacted the
future of American life. In 1925, in the small town of Dayton, Tennessee, a local school teacher went
on trial for teaching evolution in the local school. Twenty five years later, Senator Joseph McCarthy,
began the movement known as the red scare in which he began to pick out Communists in the
community. Both of these instances initiated much questioning of civil rights, and civil liberties.
Through the play Inherit the Wind, the two playwrights Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee, show the
dangers of intellectual oppression with the Story of Bert Cates, and the well known monkey trial . In
the small town of Hillsboro, a well known school teacher is put on trial for teaching evolution in the
local school. Matthew Harrison Brady, a three time presidential candidate, comes to prosecute Bert
Cates. While Henry drummond, his direct opposite, comes to defend Mr. Cates and the freedom to
think. E.K. Hornbeck, a big city skeptic, travels to Hillsboro to document the trial, and write about it
in the Newspaper. Bert Cates companion, Rachel, models the type of progressiveness that the two
playwrights hope Americans can learn from. In this allegorical play Lawrence and Lee s use of
symbolic characters challenges the status quo and inspires American intellectual growth.
Through Rachel, a person who represents someone who is willing to listen to
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The Right To Abortion In The United States
Abortion is the ending of pregnancy by removing a fetus or embryo from the womb before it can
survive on its own. An abortion can also be induced which means steps are taken purposely to end the
pregnancy. Induced abortions are legal, safe, and usually done by doctors. Almost half of all
pregnancies in the United States are unplanned, which means about $1.3 million in 1996 were aborted.
A woman has the right to choose if her child lives or dies, but what about the baby? Doesn t the baby
get a say? How would a person feel if someone took away their ability to live? Women are a mother as
soon as they become pregnant, how could a mother tell her child they are unwanted and should be
killed? Some people think it s all right to abort children, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Abortion is an inhumane practice, from reading over the statistics provided over 4,000 children s lives
are destroyed in the name of choice everyday, and not mentioning, women are emotionally damaged
each and every day they have to live without their baby for the rest of their life. Human life should be
morally respected the exact time the child is being created, during the different stages of life until it s
natural death. Although not everyone agrees upon pro life and pro choice options is that most people
are not for abortion at all and want the woman to have the baby. In my opinion, I am not for abortion
in some cases because it s not the babies fault when the two adults both know what will happen when
they have unprotected sex, therefor on the other hand, when a girl or woman is being sexually
assaulted and cannot control the situation, then I can understand when the woman does not wish to
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Female Victims Of Gendered Violence
After reading this chapter, I am shocked over how much violence towards women goes underreported.
I knew beforehand that victims of gendered violence do not report their situation to the police for
various reasons, ranging from fear to shame. However, I did not know that reporting of gendered
violence is especially rare in communities with women of color. Realizing how minority communities
expect the female members ...to maintain silence about sexual assault, to protect family honor and
community integrity (p.265) was both frustrating and heartbreaking. The fact that the community the
woman is a member of, during the time she needs them the most, expects her to continue suffering
with her current situation was depressing to read. I can understand how the minority community, and
the minority victim of abuse, may want to keep the police out of their situation because of reports
about police brutality. However, their denial of receiving help due to stigma against police, who are
the most capable for ending the victim s abuse, was tragic to learn about. ... Show more content on
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The authors name three psychological syndromes that female victims of violence may suffer from
after their experiences: battered woman, rape trauma, and false memory syndrome. However, these
syndromes blame the victim as [t]hey pathologize women who experience acts of violence as helpless
victims (p.267). This is because the syndromes all frame the woman as if they did not do enough to
prevent those situations from occurring. By continuing to victim blame, these syndromes may help the
woman win the court case, but will not discourage potential
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The Role Of Recording Industry Association Of America Essay
The Role of the RIAA in Protecting Intellectual Copyright
This paper examines the role of the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) in protecting
the intellectual copyright of recordings from illegal downloading, which continues to be a major
problem for the recording industry despite repeated efforts to stop this practice by consumers. This
role of the RIAA relates to the business and economic aspects of the recording industry and illegal
downloads from online platforms. The RIAA s role in addressing illegal downloading has involved
lobbying governments for enforcement of copyrights, litigation against private parties (individuals and
organizations), engaged in illegal downloads, and marketing campaigns encouraging customers to
refrain from engaging in illegal downloads. The paper begins with a background on how the
technological developments led to the problem of illegal downloads before examining the role of the
RIAA in curbing this practice. The analysis then concludes with the finding that the RIAA has been
deficient in curbing this practice, resulting in significant losses in sales, revenues, and profits for the
recording industry.
History of Illegal Downloads
The problem of illegal downloading in the recording industry was a result of specific technological
developments. It was the development of MP3 file formats for digital audio recordings, which first
emerged in the early 1990s, but did not become a significant copyright threat to the recording industry
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Effects Of Microbeads
Small but Mighty You hear your alarm go off on a typical morning and jump in the shower. You start
your daily routine in the shower; normal things, like washing your hair, brushing your teeth,
destroying oceans, scrubbing your face Wait, what? How could you possibly be destroying oceans
with something as insignificant as a morning shower? Almost every personal care item contains
plastic in the form of microbeads, which are those little exfoliating pieces in your products. They re so
small and insignificant that everyone thinks they disintegrate or are filtered out after they go down the
drain. That s far from the truth. These, along with every other kind of plastic, are helping to ruin our
oceans and the marine wildlife that lives ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Water treatment plants weren t built to handle this unfathomable amount of microbeads going down
the drain every day. Every year, there is 8 million metric tons of plastic being filtered into oceans. To
try and help you imagine what this looks like, a full size elephant weighs about one metric ton. That s
8 million This plastic never fully goes away. It will eventually break down into tiny pieces, but almost
every plastic ever made still exists. That plastic cup your grandma used back in 1962? It still exists in
some form, somewhere on this earth. When plastic breaks down, it typically joins with other broken
down plastic to form a gyre. According to the National Geographic Encyclopedia, a gyre is A large
system of circular ocean currents formed by global wind patterns and forces created by Earth s
rotation. These ocean currents cause huge floating masses of plastic to form. There are five main gyres
around the world, the biggest being off the coast of California, known as The North Pacific Gyre,
which is twice the size of Texas. And yes, you heard that right. In and around that gyre, the amount of
plastic outnumbers marine wildlife six to
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Fifth Business Quotes
In the novel, Fifth Business by Robertson Davies, Dunstan Ramsey s life choices are greatly impacted
by his guilt. At the young age of ten years old, Dunstan s life was changed by association with a
traumatic experience, Mrs. Dempster, a pregnant woman, was hit by an incoming snowball thrown by
Percy Boyd Staunton meant for Dunstan. This snowball caused Mrs. Dempster to go into labour, 80
days before she was supposed to, as well as causing life changing brain damage. Mrs. Dempster was
forever labelled as simple by the people of the town. Percy showed no emotion towards this event ever
occurring and because Dunstan felt someone should be responsible for this incident, he put the blame
on himself. As a Presbyterian, a simple fix to his guilt
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Inheritance between classes
A key feature of C++ classes is inheritance. Inheritance allows to create classes which are derived
from other classes, so that they automatically include some of its parent s members, plus its own. For
example, we are going to suppose that we want to declare a series of classes that describe polygons
like our CRectangle, or like CTriangle. They have certain common properties, such as both can be
described by means of only two sides: height and base.
This could be represented in the world of classes with a class CPolygon from which we would derive
the two other ones: CRectangle and CTriangle.
The class CPolygon would contain members that are common for both types of polygon. In our case:
width and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
} |
This public keyword after the colon (:) denotes the most accessible level the members inherited from
the class that follows it (in this case CPolygon) will have. Since public is the most accessible level, by
specifying this keyword the derived class will inherit all the members with the same levels they had in
the base class.
If we specify a more restrictive access level like protected, all public members of the base class are
inherited as protected in the derived class. Whereas if we specify the most restricting of all access
levels: private, all the base class members are inherited as private.
For example, if daughter was a class derived from mother that we defined as: | class daughter:
protected mother; |
This would set protected as the maximum access level for the members of daughter that it inherited
from mother. That is, all members that were public in mother would become protected indaughter. Of
course, this would not restrict daughter to declare its own public members. That maximum access
level is only set for the members inherited from mother.
If we do not explicitly specify any access level for the inheritance, the compiler assumes private for
classes declared with class keyword and public for those declared with struct.
What is inherited from the base class?
In principle, a
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Biological And Humanistic Approach To Personality
Biological and Humanistic ApproachePersonality is distinctive characteristics inherited and uniquely
possessed by each individual. It makes us very different in our emotions, thought patterns, as well as
our behaviors. The Creator God has given each of us a sense of uniqueness and there is no one else
like us. It means that there is a particular characteristic in our personality that will describe who we
are. As we studied personality, we found out there are eight crucial aspects in which will help us to
grasp the meaning of an individual s complex nature. Maslow (1982) wrote in his journal about his
self actualized friends, all at the top yet all limited; the top are far from perfect (p. 328). In this paper,
the discussion is about ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
When it came to the nature of human beings, it was best to be optimistic because the focus is primarily
on the ability of human beings having conscious and rational thinking. This way individual would be
able to achieve full potential and control biological urges. The viewpoint of the humanistic theory is
every person is responsible for his or her life and actions; they have a free will to change their
behavior and attitude. The biological theory relates the internal organs namely the brain and genes that
human beings have not controlled over. The humanistic approach fails to show the evil side of
individuals life.
Eysenck belief was the primary determinate of personality is genetics. All in all, if certain aspects of
personality are indeed based on biologically induced temperament, then we should expect to see such
differences in all cultures. Indeed, the introversion extroversion dimension does seem to appear
worldwide (Eysenck, 1990, p.
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The Total Rewards Program
Organization Overview
This paper will discuss the total rewards program. This company is a beverage and bottling company
that has been in business for over 100 years. Currently we operate in about 3 continents and in about
20 different countries all over the world. SZT Corp is the home to over 20,000 employees with about
2,000 management level employees worldwide.
Armstrong (2012) affirms that definitions of total rewards characteristically includes not only
traditional, quantifiable elements such as salary, variable pay and benefits but comprises also more
intangible non cash components such as gaining knowledge, ability to acquire and act or take
responsibility, progress in career, and the conducive environment provided by the organization. SZT
Corp requires a pretty complex and flexible total rewards program to meet the needs of their multi
national colleagues. The total rewards programs has to slightly vary for each country that SZT Corp
operates in and must cover compensation, benefits, performance and recognition, learning and
development, and a work life balance. SZT Corp has to maintain a total rewards program that remains
competitive with the competitors in the different nations all over the world.
Total Rewards Strategy
In order to meet the HR needs of this company, HR must accomplish the elements discussed in the
succeeding paragraphs that address the fundamentals of this type of total rewards system while
complying with the regulatory environments.
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An Apprasal of the Activities of Nafdac in Nigeria Economy
24TH AUGUST 2006
INTRODUCTION: It gives me great pleasure to be invited to present a paper at this one day
sensitization seminar with Theme Optimizing opportunities in the Airfreight industry, organized by the
Nigerian Shippers Council for importers/exporters, operators regulators and other stakeholders in the
Airfreight sector as part of its continuous effort to educate and sensitize shippers on useful procedures
in international trade and movement of goods. The aviation industry is a vital sector in any ... Show
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GOAL OF NAFAC Our current goal is to eradicate fake drugs and other substandard regulated
products. NAFDAC PRE 2001: Although NAFDAC commenced operation as an Agency in 1994. Her
regulatory impact was not felt much by Nigerians. This can be attributed to the following reasons:
A failed regulatory process for over two decades. All sorts of drug, food and allied product were
imported into country from all part of the world with little or no restriction. Serious monitoring in the
real sense of it was virtually nonexistent. Nigeria was rated as one of the countries with the highest
incidence of fake counterfeit drug and other substandard regulated products. Consequently made in
Nigeria drugs were officially unaccepted in other West African countries with strong regulations e.g.
Ghana, Serria Leone etc. Many multinational drug companies left Nigeria in the 80 s and 90 s out of
frustration e.g. Boehringer, ICI, Merck, Sandoz etc. Illegal drug markets resulting in chaotic drug
distribution channels, where drugs are marketed like any other commodity of trade. Even commercial
buses became veritable means of drug trade. There was no statistics on the level of incidence of fake
drugs in Nigeria. The confusion and madness were not just limited to drugs. We had the following and
many others: i. Toothpastes without or with insufficient
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Christian Mysticism Essay
Mysticism is a word we find in many books that relate to religious experiences. Mysticism is
interpreted as searching for spiritual truth and wisdom through the unification with the Divine. Many
Christians today believe that the words associated with mysticism like meditation and mystic are not
coherently related with Christianity, but more with many Eastern religions. Eastern religions are
definitely known for their mysticism, but it is believed to not be a part of Christianity. Mysticism is
actually a vital part of Christianity in ways that are more spiritual rather than only being engaged with
Christian rituals. Mysticism is the faith that spiritual reality is believed to be from human knowledge
and their senses. It searches for truth ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Some believe there are two ways of interpreting the religious proposition of mysticism. One is the
indirect experience of God. It takes the form of reported mystical experiences, which are believed to
be the experiences of the foundations for what a mystical experience is all about. The other is the
intellectual aspect. Individuals believe that as a result of the mystical experience, a better knowing and
revelations are attained from the mystical experience. Jesus Christ is believed to be the son the God
and is believed to have said that to be close to God one must look into his or her inner self, not in how
much time you devote to God, or the places you praise him in. The Christian concept of the mystical
union can be defined as the search for and experience of an intimacy with God through Jesus Christ.
The experience of the mystical union represents the total absorption of the humankind to the point,
that it loses itself in the communion with God. Another characteristic of the Christian mystical union
is the concept of a spiritual or heavenly marriage. The use of the image of sacred and spiritual
marriage between God and one s soul is a symbolization of the mystical union. The idea of a wedding
is the biblical metaphor of the Jewish covenant between Israel and God. The ultimate goal of the
mystical experience is the union between oneself and the divine presence and of the contemplative
way. The mystical union is arrived at in stages of
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Vegetarians Do Not Eat Meat, And Some People Go As A...
Vegetarians do not eat meat, and some people go as far as to not consume anything that comes from an
animal. There are various reasons that a person may choose to become a vegetarian. Some people
choose to omit meats from their diet due to religious reasons, for their health, or some people just do
not agree with killing animals to be used for food. Whatever the reason may be for a person to adjust
their diet, it is debated whether or not it is healthy for people to limit their diets to being vegetarians.
Many people wonder if omitting all meat products from diets has more of a positive effect or more of
a negative effect on their health. There are many different aspects of this debate some of them being
amount of nutrients needed in our diets, disease preventions, and effects of hormones. There are
various studies that say vegetarianism can lead to deficiencies for different nutrients that our bodies
need. For example, in a vegetarian diet it is very difficult to be able to obtain vitamin B12 as well as
iron. Vitamin B12 can be found abundantly in any animal meat or seafoods. There are also very low
traces of the Vitamin B12 in seaweed or fungi. This explains why vegetarians have a much lower
amount of B12 versus people who do consume meats. Vitamin B12 is important in our diets, because
according to Dr. Duo Li in his article Vegetarians, the Good, the Bad, and the Challenges , he states
that, Vitamin B12 is essential for new cell synthesis, blood formation, maintenance
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Europe s Dependence On Russia
Europe faces a number of challenges when addressing its future energy needs. Increasing global
demand and competition for energy resources, instability in energy producing regions such as the
Middle East, and a population increasingly concerned with climate change are all challenges facing
Europe. As a result, energy security has become a critical issue for the European Union (EU).
To address some of these issues, Europe has turned to natural gas. Collectively, Europe is a major
importer of natural gas, and Russia is one of Europe s most important natural gas suppliers. Natural
gas consumption in Europe is going to continue to grow, especially as climate change issues become
more prominent. Yet, domestic natural gas production is likely ... Show more content on
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to export LNG the European Union, specifically Germany, as a way to replace Russian natural gas in a
time of crisis? If so, would either party need to build out infrastructure to accommodate U.S. LNG
exports? What effect would U.S. LNG exports have on global natural gas supplies and prices?
The remainder of this paper will be structured as follows. The first section will outline Europe s, and
more specifically Germany s, natural gas needs and how much U.S. LNG would need to be exported
to replace German imports of Russian natural gas. Following that, a review of the current European
capacity and infrastructure will show that the E.U. could receive U.S. LNG in a crisis. After that, I will
examine the U.S. LNG infrastructure and export policy. I will argue that the problem with U.S. LNG
exports to Europe is not due to a lack of capacity or infrastructure, but rather dated export policy. To
be effective in providing energy security to the E.U. in a crisis, the U.S. will need to make policy
changes. Finally, given that the U.S. will soon begin exporting LNG, the last section will analyze what
effect U.S. exports will have on the global natural gas supply and the effect of non crisis European
demand for Russian natural gas.
European Natural Gas Needs
First, how much natural gas does Europe import from Russia? European dependence on gas varies by
country. In 2013, roughly 33 percent of Italy s energy needs are met with imported natural gas, and
Germany was
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Essay on American Capitalist Society In The 19th Century
Herman Melville s Utilization of Bartleby the Scrivener: the Story of
Wall Street As a Means of Criticizing Capitalism and Its Crimes
Against Humanity
Herman Melville s Bartleby, The Scrivener: A Story of Wall Street scrutinizes the alienation of labor,
the social ideologies and the dehumanizing consequences of the American capitalist society in the
century. Bartleby is the main character in the story. The other characters in the story, Ginger Nut,
Nippers and Turkey, barely survive their pragmatic enslavement because they have been brainwashed
by the ideology of complying and acknowledging their given place in society. Bartleby separates
himself from the other scriveners by daringly preferring not to surrender ... Show more content on
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The worker could learn a new skill and get promoted, but will that necessarily change his or her
imprisonment of the wage labor system?
Karl Marx wrote about labor divisions and used the example of the assembly line workers at a car
manufacturing company. The worker s job was to continually attach one bolt without ever having the
satisfaction of completing a whole automobile. This worker has no creative power to freely build a
transmission in the morning and then the freedom of creating a new braking system in the afternoon.
For as soon as the distribution of labor comes into being, each man has a particular exclusive sphere of
activity, Lander Shafer 2 which is forced upon him and from which he can not escape (Marx 160). The
identical theorem exists in the offices of Wall Street for the scriveners who copy legal documents.
Bartleby, Turkey and Nippers execute the same automatic task throughout the day. The only relief is a
possible proofreading of the documents for any errors. The Lawyer is the creative expert and the task
of the scriveners is to copy what another has created with no input or skills of their own. Bartleby s
actions can be supported by Marx: The alienation of the worker in his product means not only that his
labour becomes an object, an external existence, but that
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Primo Levi s If This Is Man And The Periodic Table
Primo Levi was a holocaust survivor and author. He is the author of If This Is Man and The Periodic
Table . While in Auschwitz number 174517 was tattooed on his left arm. On July 31,1919 in Turin
Italy Levi was born. He was the first of two children born in a middle class Italian Jewish family. He
was a shy boy raised in a small Jewish community and often a target of bullying. His father was a
successful electrical engineer. Levi was an excellent student and an avid reader. In his early teens he
developed an interest of chemistry. In 1937, he completed primary school and then enrolled at the
University of Turin and majored in chemistry. When he began his studies, the Dictatorial movement
had not yet to acquire it s full racial dimensions. There were laws lay ed down that said it prohibited
the education of Jews in state sponsored ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There he joined an Italian resistance group. Him and his comrades were arrested by Fascist forces later
that year. Instead of owning up to his Partisan involvement he admitted that he was a Jew to avoid
being shot as a Partisan. He thought that would carry a less harsh punishment, but instead he was sent
to an Italian prison camp in January in 1944. He was treated pretty well there , but the camp soon
came under German control. He was sent to Auschwitz along with 6,400 Jews. In February 1944 he
arrived at the concentration camp and the number 174517was tattooed on his forearm. He did what he
could do to endure the horrors of Auschwitz. By trading his food for German lessons and using his
training as a chemist , he was able to get a job at a rubber factory. Getting the job at the rubber factory
allowed him to avoid some of the harshest realities of Auschwitz. Hoping that one day he would live
later to bear witness them, he began to document Auschwitz. Finally in 1945, the Red Army liberated
Auschwitz and he made his journey home. He was one of 700 who survived out of
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  • 1. Sample University Essay Australia 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site HelpWriting.net. The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from HelpWriting.net, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Sample University Essay Australia Sample University Essay Australia
  • 2. Analysis Of The Reconstruction Of Europe After World War... Sometime during June 1947, George C. Marshall wrote a proposal for the United States to help in the reconstruction of Europe after World War II. This document is intended for the Europeans whose country was affected by the war and needs help rebuilding. The purpose of this document is so that the Europeans could collectively agree as to what type of aid they need. The document begins with an introduction as to how difficult the problems are in Europe and how it may be hard for the citizens to adjust since they aren t used to living the lives of people in unprosperous countries. Because of the war, many businesses, cities, factories, mines, and railroads were destroyed causing Europe s economy to suffer. This is a severe problem that s now plaguing Europe which ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The war also affected the division of labor, causing citizens to produce less food and goods. Although they cannot pay for it, Europe will undoubtedly need food and other essentialities from America. The confidence of the European people must be restored to secure the economic future of their countries and continent. The United States economy influences the world s economy and vice versa, which is why America is compelled to offer its aid in order to fix the world s economic health; this assistance cannot be a temporary fix, it should be long lasting or permanent. The U.S. will offer its help to any European country that needs it, so long as the country doesn t block the recovery of other governments. There will be conflict with the U.S. if groups or governments begin to spread human misery for profit. Before the American government starts helping in the recovery of Europe, the countries ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Women Spies in the American Civil War With over a half million deaths the most gruesome war in American history drove citizens to action. The suffering during this era was so great many were inspired by nationalism to act. For those who were unable to join the fight upon the battlefield, espionage represented a chance for personal involvement. Although it is believed that many agents never sought recognition for their service, especially Confederate scouts, documentation depicts the espionage present during the American Civil War to be surprisingly sophisticated. By examining the recorded history involving active female intelligence agents in the American Civil War, we can see the roles of female scouts were severely underestimated, frequently encouraged, and generally ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Furthermore, some women enlisted in the armies disguised as males, others found they could contribute their service to the war through acting as scouts. For those women that enlisted, changing their dress was only a small fraction of the work required to blend in to their brigade. Hiding all feminine characteristics including the ways, in which they walked, talked, sat, and acted was necessary to avoid detection (Eggleston 2). An abundance of radical periodicals and writings intended for a female audience emerged at the beginning of the war (Endres 32). With ample encouragement women found it within their interests to take an active role in the fight. Some, including Elizabeth Van Lew, simply desired for the feuding between the regions to end and found espionage to be their contribution (Kane 235). In Companions of Crisis: The Spy Memoir as a Social Document , Curtis Carroll Davis depicts the female scouts perceiving their duty to their country to be through espionage. Surprisingly, men, including fathers and other patriarchal figures, actively sought the help of their female kin to play an active role in the war through espionage. For instance, the father of Antonia Ford encouraged his daughter to entertain and extract information from Union officers on behalf of the Confederate cause (Eggleston 97). The passion for liberty was undoubtedly just as ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Th Lowry Research Paper Lowry is a English artist. He was born on the 1 november 1887 he died in 1976. He lived most of his life in small towns around Manchester in the north of England. He started painting when he was 15 years old. Lowry had an unhappy childhood. He wasn t popular in school. He didn t have a close relationship to his parents and had few friends. In 1909 the Lowry family moved to Pendlebury. The landscape was dominated by textile mills and the chimneys of the factories. He had taken art classes as a child. Later he went to Manchester school of art and then to Salford Royal Technical College. After his father died he often painted. His paintings often featured industrial towns in northern England, like Pendlebury. They captured scenes of a life in northern England of this time. His paintings mostly featured thin tall people, stick man like. Later the people in his drawings were called Matchstick Men because of their size and body structure. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He is famous for his sad and depressing paintings, who often had a white background. Also his people in his paintings are famous matchstick men because of their skinny bodies. Some of his most famous paintings were sold for up to 5 million pounds. He became an official war artist. Also he was the Official Artist of the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II in 1953. He was a very famous, popular and successful artist. What influenced Pablo Picasso? He started a whole new way of painting. He painted different than the others, not realistic. His paintings are unrealistic and chaotic . It is very hard maybe impossible to find a painting of Picasso which is realistic. His background for a painter was perfect. His dad was a artist and art teacher. He painted a lot when he was young. Pablo studied one year under his father. After he moved to the Academy of fine arts. After he moved to Paris. His childhood was nice but a bit chaotic this could be reason for his chaotic style of painting. A picasso ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Mental Illness Is A Social Problem Mental illness is a health condition that affects an individual s moods and thinking in a way that changes how that person relates to other people in society. The functioning of the affected person is also altered and usually results in the person failing to perform some of the daily activities that the person has previously engaged in. Mental illness can be considered a combination of both social and health complications, affecting the social life of the people who fall victim in many ways (Elliott Huizinga, 2012). There are some health complications that are also experienced with mental disorders. It is also important to note that medical attention forms part of the therapies that try to correct or control this condition. More recently most concern has been on the fact that mental illness is a major social problem in the world (Gonzalez Rosenheck, 2014). It has been reported that the number of people with mental disorder is increasing in our communities at an alarming rate. Environmental and social changes are among the most mentioned causes of the accelerating rate of mental illness in society (Häfner, 1985). Despite the prevalence, about one fifth of the adult population will battle with mental illness every year ( Facts and figures about mental illness, 2014) and the acknowledgement of authorities mental illness is still given less attention then is needed to treat the problem successfully. Health bodies need to be putting more resources into this area as ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. An Explanation Of Why Sociologists Are Interested On Class Class is important as it can determine various aspects that will have a significant impact and influence on how people s lives are shaped. Feminists have argued for other things to be included such as social divisions to show how they intersect with class. Economic inequalities can have an impact on class as they can determine a person s status, wealth, income and lifestyle. Class is important as social inequalities exists amongst the rich and poor. Important social factors include poverty, health and education. A person s identity is just as important as their class. People may face discrimination due to their identity, whether that may be due to their gender, age, ethnicity or disability. Social mobility is where people are in a different social class now from which they were brought up in. However sociologists argue that class is less important in contemporary society today than it once used to be. The purpose of this essay is to provide an explanation on why sociologists are interested in class. This assignment will define what class is and to what extent class matters. Other social divisions will be explored in this assignment to show how they intersect with class. The social divisions which intersect with class which will be discussed include economic and social inequalities, social mobility and identity. The beliefs from well known theorists, Karl Marx and Max Weber who disagreed on the nature of class, will also be included to support the main points which are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Roman Corinthian Temples The Roman Corinthian temples were a testament to the construction techniques and its architecture was heavily influenced by the Etruscans. Romans worshipped several deities and thus temples served as a place of high importance which was adorned with reliefs and sculptures. A typical Roman temple, for example, Temple of Augustus and Roma consisted of a cella housing the main deity and approached through a colonnaded portico (pronaos) by means of a flight of stairs. The temples were constructed with the help of concrete and oriented themselves to face east towards the rising sun and entered through the west. The column order seen in the Roman Corinthian temples was inspired by the Greek architecture. Vitruvius, the Roman architect likened the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Oppression Of Women In Letters In Open Secrets, By Alice... Entry 17 Women Throughout Open Secrets, Alice Munro writes complex women characters that deal with heartbreak, loss, assault, and more. Some women flourish despite the restraints, while some struggle under their weight. Munro s women also have to deal with the gender roles of their respective time periods. In A Real Life , marriage serves as the limit that rules the lives of the three main female characters. Millicent struggles with her discontentment with her life and her husbands while she yearns for the upper class with fancy dinner parties and valued wives. She married Porter, a farmer, and came to regret this marriage because his status was thrust upon her, so she have to live only as a farmer s wife, never reaching her true goals. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In The Jack Randa Hotel , Gail poses as a dead woman to write letters to her ex husband Will after she follows him and his new girl from Canada to Australia. Through these letters, Gail escapes her sadness about her husband leaving her by pretending to be someone new, perhaps a potential love interest for Will. By play acting as a new woman, Gail ignores her issues with leaving the past in the past, and continues to dream of what could be. [Gail] goes out in the dark to post her letter feeling bold and satisfied, (Munro 178). By corresponding with Will, Gail allows herself to feel satisfied and happy once again. The letters allow the reader to see the connection between Gail and Will, even when Gail is pretending to be someone else. By the end of the story, Will has asked the lady Gail is pretending to be to exchange descriptions and then, with trepidation, photographs...it seems that in my attempt to get to know you I am willing to make quite a fool of myself, (Munro 184). The letters reveal that by pretending to be someone Gail had succeeded at her goal and seemingly enchanted Will. This only shows the reader how desperately Gail is clinging onto the past that she would be willing to invent another person just for one more shot with her ex husband. Munro s use of letters throughout her collection of short stories adds depth and perspective to her characters that reveals qualities previously unknown, or desires previously ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Introduction. As Various Operational Concepts Are Discovered Introduction As various operational concepts are discovered in their application to organizations, the discovery also lends credence that these concepts can work in accordance with each other, simultaneously, or in synthesis with processes or procedures at a multitude of stages. While many of these concepts are borne out of the manufacturing sector, the concepts in this research are applied to the service sector, or more specifically, a healthcare organization. Most of the function and form of a healthcare organization is service based, but a medical center gravitates at times to a production organization in a broader sense. An illness, injury, or debilitation, can be improved, corrected, or made new, through some of the same ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... CMC is located about 10 miles west of the vacation and retirement area of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, resulting in a patient mix of many retired individuals, vacationers, and locals who are primarily employed in service industries around the area. CMC is a Level III Trauma Center and a certified Stroke Center that is supported by the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC). CMC has chosen a higher standard of accreditation adhering to the standards of ISO 9001:2008 which has only been attained by two healthcare facilities in South Carolina. CMC offers the largest rehabilitation and physical therapy services in the area with a cardiac rehabilitation program, general and vascular surgery, spine surgery, and a regional award winning wound care center with a joint replacement program that has earned healthcare s highest honors. Personal employment with the CMC organization involves managing outpatient imaging operations involving 2 high speed 16 slice CT scanners, one 64 slice scanner, PET scanning, MRI scanning, digital mammography including 3 D tomosynthesis, Ultrasound, 3 D cardiac imaging, and digital radiography/fluoroscopy. Value is added to our patient experience in the outpatient diagnostic imaging center, which is offered by CMC as a stand alone imaging center that houses most of the aforementioned modalities. This center is available to patients to easily get into their appointment and back out to their activities with ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Examples Of Metaphors In The White Tiger Research Question: How does Aravind Adiga use metaphors in The White Tiger to highlight the contrast between the different sections of Indian society? Introduction: Typically, we identify metaphors to be the figure of speech that draws an indirect comparison to bring out an enhanced rhetoric effect. However, metaphors are so strongly ingrained in our language, that all of us think, write, and even speak in metaphors every day. Ironically, the word metaphor itself is a metaphor, as metaphor stems from a Greek word that means transfer or carry across . In the literal sense, metaphors transfer meaning from one idea to another, typically associating it with a word. Aravind Adiga s The White Tiger is an epistolary novel consisting of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The only two options for people in the country is eat or get eaten up . In this jungle, which is India, the different animals correspond the inhabitants that play a major role in the workings of the country. The buffalo, the stork, the mongoose, and even the White Tiger are assigned these titles primarily because of their personality which aligns sublimely with the nature stereotypically associated with these animals. The overall metaphor of the White Tiger represents what it is like to break out of the never ending chaos present in the jungle like world. Balram refers to this world as The Darkness . As he is the White Tiger , he possesses the required skills to break out of the Rooster Coop and find order unlike the other inhabitants of the darkness. Throughout the novel, Arvind Adiga uses a plethora of metaphors to describe the happenings of Balram Halwai, and his activities. In addition to this, the author repeatedly uses ironic, and sarcastic phrases to condemn the upper class Indian society, or citizens from the light . This brings out several key themes in the novel, including ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. The Decline Of Native American And Inupiat Culture The American government and society has played a substantial role in the decline of both the Native American and Inupiat culture. They created inhumane boarding schools and oppressing laws that inhibited those of a different culture from being themselves and partook in the urbanization of cultured communities. The following practices need to be stopped and never forgotten so that such ethnocide doesn t happen again. Boarding schools were an issue that plagued both Native Americans and Inupiats. As conveyed by the writings of Mary Crow Dog and other Native American figures, we see how the effects of such schools were devastating to the native population. Boarding schools wiped Natives of their language and culture, teaching young children to be ashamed of what makes them unique. Pupils would return from their long stays at boarding schools, unable to speak to their own family, resulting in an isolation between themselves and their community. Over the years, generations would eventually lose most of what makes them native and, for the most part, their culture slowly faded away. It seems that the Inupiat people faced a similar fate. Inupiat children were forced to learn by Western standards, eventually forgetting their crucial survival skills, language, religion and other unique aspects of their culture. However, we are exposed to a more positive outlook towards boarding schools in the book, Fifty Miles from Tomorrow, where William Hensley says he enjoyed his boarding school ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. American Culture Vs. Other Cultures Throughout history cultures have come and gone. Cultures from many distinct civilizations and empires were able to be conceived but yet most became utterly ruined. However certain societies and cultures were able to thrive for longer periods of times and outlast others. The more sophisticated a culture was, the greater the influence it had over smaller ones eventually merging together to establish a strong society; therefore creating a longer lasting culture. How do these cultures develop and outperform others to survive for long periods of time? Through two factors: how advanced the society is technologically, socially, economically, and politically and the role of the society in world affairs. These principles help dictate the how valuable certain cultures are compared to others and ultimately extend the lifetime of societies and their culture. Since its establishment, the United States has been a hub for advancement. In Watters article the country has only been around for about 200 years ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is commonly referred to as the West and has developed into a world superpower in a rather short amount of time. The U.S. is considered to be a valuable a culture because of how well developed and advanced it became and its role in the world as a super power. Through technological and societal advancement, U.S. pharmaceutical corporations were able to discover a new mental issue known as depression and treat it with certain prescription pills, or SSRIs. The corporations believed that SSRIs worked with little to no scientific evidence to support the effects of the SSRIs, there is currently no scientific consensus that depression is linked to serotonin deficiency or that SSRIs restore the brain s balance (Watters). However, the corporations were correct about how real this mental issue is. Japan s and the U.S. s perspective of depression ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. The Natural And Physical Aspects Of The World We Live Physical Chemical Oceanography I Science is the study of the natural and physical aspects of the world we live in. Science is the way humans try to understand why the environment acts in the way it does. Science has set of rules and guidelines that must be followed. The most important step in science is observation, the point of observation is so that the experiment can be measured and or the experiment can be repeated with similar or the same results. Hypotheses are then developed to disprove the observation as many scientists believe hypothesis can never be proven. Opinions are not facts and are based on subjective influences. Opinions cannot be measured or disproven because it is personal. Science cannot address all the issues and concerns due to the limit and restrictions it has. The fact that not everything can be proven shows how science cannot address all the issues. Even though everyday mankind is creating new technology to help humans better understand nature, there will always be some elements that are beyond human capabilities. Water is unique in that it is the only natural substance that is found in all three states liquid, solid (ice) and gas (steam) at the temperatures normally found on earth . (http://aquarius.umaine.edu/activities/prop_fresh_sea.pdf) In order to understand why water has such a high boiling point, high freezing point, and high capacity of heat the molecule itself has to be examined. The water molecule is made up off a special type of bond ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Vince Squibb s Binge Boy Intro Binge Boy directed by Vince Squibb is an advertisement to support responsible drinking. To demonstrate how the advert was effective with the actions of the boy and the pacing will be introduced as well as the set up of the scenes. These are here to make an effective advertisement to persuade the audience to react to irresponsible drinking. Body 1 The actions in Binge Boy are distinguished because they emphasise that intoxication in adolescence can lead to injuries, messiness and destruction. When the boy poor s the food on himself, his actions have proven that intoxication can cause messiness. Similarly the boy s actions have been portrayed to exaggerate the poor actions alcohol can lead to. This reaching out to other adolescence and parents showing them how the adolescence could turn out. Whereas this wouldn t affect adults because they have already had their experience with irresponsible drinking. Body 2 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When the boy kicks the radio, he is surrounded by props that create a dull household whilst the boy s body language suggests he has become violent. The bleakness of the lighting is symbolic of the negative use of alcohol, helping fit the broody mood. The boy s costuming compliments the consequences of drinking by showing that intoxication can result in violence and destruction of property, therefore promoting a social message to adolescence to drink responsibly. This is an effective message because it is relatable and the audience can make connotations to themselves and people they ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. How to Use Your Chain of Command How To Use Your Chain Of Command Why it is important to follow proper instruction procedures in the military is for many reasons. As a soldier it is our responsibility to not only follow instruction/orders, but to execute the command. Not following orders can result into consequences not only for the soldier whom committed not following instructions, but also it can put others at risk too. Like your N.C.O. in charge of you, to your Team Leader, to your Section Sergeant, to your Platoon Sergeant, to your 1st Sergeant, to your Company Commander, to your Brigade Commander, and so on. Not only can your N.C.O. in charge of you, your Team Leader, your Section Sergeant, your Platoon Sergeant, your 1st Sergeant, your Company Commander, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Even so like having a simple instruction booklet on how to properly build something you just bought or visa versa. If you don t follow the instructions properly you could have an unstructured piece of construction you are working on. Not following proper instructions/orders and also result in injury, to you, or your fellow soldier near you or even as working in the civilian world just the same action could happen a result of injury or in this case being fired. But unlike the Army you can t get fired, but if the situation is extremely bad you could get a dishonorable discharge and perhaps too some jail time depending on the situation instruction/orders you broke or did not follow. Like not wearing a ACH/ Army Combat Helmet while driving a military vehicle like the LMTV, HumVee, Hemett and so on. Wearing the proper PPE for driving, shooting at the range, while being in combat in a combat environment, and anything that would make you have an injury to yourself, or to your fellow comrade soldier from not following directions/orders on how to use and wear your proper PPE as a United States Of America Army Soldier. So in conclusion I would not recommend that saying in the absentness of orders to take charge, this will not benefit the junior enlisted Specialist, Private First Class, Private II, and Private, but an N.C.O., Staff Sergeant, Sergeant First ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Technical Communication Report On Hexapod Robot Essay A Technical Communication report on HEXAPOD ROBOT Submitted by : RICHA JAIN 13115098 Batch : E6 B.Tech 3rd year CONTENTS 1. Abstract........................................................................3 2. Introduction...................................................................4 2.1 The Definition of a Robot .................................................... 2.1.1 Industrial Robot ............................................................................. 2.1.2 Agriculture Robots.......................................................................... 2.1.3 Telerobots.................................................................................... 2.1.4 Service Robots.............................................................................. 2.1.5 Mobile Robots.............................................................................. 2.2 Mobile Robots..................................................................... 2.2.1 Wheeled Robots............................................................................... 2.2.2 Tracked Robots......................................................................................... 2.2.3 Legged Robots.................................................................................. 2.3 Hexapod............................................................................. 3. Hexapod Design............................................................ 3.1 History.............................................................................. 3.2 Hexapod Construction.......................................................... 3.2.1 Servo Motors................................................................................ 3.2.2 Force Sensors................................................................................ 3.2.3 Ultrasonic Sensors......................................................................... 3.2.4 Infrared Sensors............................................................................. 3.2.5 Servo Controller............................................................................. 4. Inverse Kinematic Calculations.................................... 5. Hexapod Walking...................................................... 5.1 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Jamaica s International Debt Crisis Jamaica s economy has always been subject to forces beyond its control. Even after the country gained its independence in 1962 it has remained clear that Jamaica s economic policies have been heavily coerced by western powers. This was the situation in of which, Michael Manley and the Peoples National Party (PNP) attempted to undo. However, despite a brief flirtation with social democratic reform in the mid 1970s, Jamaica s international debt proved to be too heavy a burden for Manley and the PNP to manage. This resulted in neoliberal backlash in 1980 led by Edward Seaga and the Jamaican Labour Party, who quickly realized that their neoliberal policies actually exacerbated the problem. Therefore the guiding determinant of Jamaican economic policy making post 1970 seemed to be the need to manage the public debt within the existing socio economic system, in a manner that is responsive to the needs of the public. The solution to the problem lies in a series of policy reforms designed to increase the productive capacity of the region, the empowerment of the youth through education, and the unification of the people through the notion of collective struggle. Therefore, the future of Jamaica lies in systemically instilling nationalist sentiment in its people in hopes of coercing both economic and societal change. Chronologically speaking, to get to the solution of any problem we must start at the beginning; what caused Jamaica to fall into such a huge debt crisis in the first ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. An Analysis Of Edward Hopper s Nighthawks To explain, Nighthawks was painted in 1942, right after the U.S. entered World War II. At the time, the war dominated the culture that Americans lived in, and everything was focused on supporting the war effort. Necessities such as food or clothing were rationed for troops, and neighborhood wide drives were held to collect scrap metal. There were advertisements urging people to work for the patriotic good, and newsreels about battles were shown in theaters before movies (The U.S. Home Front During World War II). This atmosphere of intense focus and dedication was the result of fear. The bombing of Pearl Harbor, which was what prompted the U.S. to become involved in the war, was an invasion of the American consciousness, (Erenberg and Hirsch). ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... His artistic career began as he studied at the Correspondence School of Illustrating in New York City and then at the New York School of Art. While he initially started with learning about illustration, he eventually began to study painting and drawing (Levin, Hopper). At the New York School of Art, he was taught by William Merritt Chase, an Impressionist painter, and with Robert Henri, who was a realist (Murphy). Perhaps being exposed to their teachings were what influenced the approach that Hopper took to his artwork He traveled often to many places across Europe, but as mentioned before, Paris was a particular favorite of his. He married Jo in 1923, and she became a huge part of his artistic process. She kept detailed records of his pieces and often modeled for them; in fact, she was the one who posed for the woman in Nighthawks (Levin, Edward Hopper: An Intimate Biography, 349). Hopper struggled as an artist until the 1920s; his work was mostly ignored and unrecognized, and had to make the majority of his sales from etching and prints. He finally achieved critical success after his second one man show, Recent Watercolors by Edward Hopper, in which every single painting was sold (Troyen, 63 64). From there, Hopper began to achieve national exposure and critical acclaim. His artwork was exhibited in many galleries and collections, most ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. The Issue Of Providing Mental Health Services For Veterans... SOWK 641 Fall 2016 Assignment#2: Article Reviews Mary Marrone USC School of Social Work October 6, 2016 Course Instructor: Dr. Finney Key Points Both articles identify the issue of providing mental health services for veterans with an extra emphasis on those that served in Afghanistan and Iraq (OEF/OIF veterans). It is no surprise that returning veterans suffer from both visible/invisible (physical and mental) wounds. Most veterans have this high expectation that they are going to receive quality care from both the DoD and VA. Unfortunately reality steps in where veterans are slapped in the face because they are receiving a lack of poor quality care all while jumping through Beuracractic hoops. The challenges faced to access these services include resistance, stigma, lack of professionalism, and geographic and/or regional disparities in the distribution of services resources and/or benefits, and the system simply refusing to change. The articles address the prevalence of the issue of mental health and claims the importance of policy reform at all levels of society. Gaps in Research The research is limited in that there is enough on just the narrative of substance abuse and enough research on mental illnesses, but research is limited when it comes to dual diagnoses. There are inconsistencies within the research, where researchers fail to address advocacy at the state and federal levels; therefore not addressing the snowball effect of the poor ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Adultism Research Paper I had never given much thought to adultism before reading the assigned chapters, but I realize now that it affects my life almost every day since I was born. Schools, parents, and jobs control the way we act, look, and what we can and cannot do. I will never forget when my mother got me a shirt with Nintendo characters on it and I wore it to school. The shirt showed a little bit of my belly and a teacher ran over to me as if I pulled out a knife and forced me to wear my hoody zippered up all day to hide the small amount of flesh I was showing. This was one of the first times that I realized I could not be myself in school. I couldn t put a label on this incident at the time, but I now realize I was a victim of adultism. School was always very hard for me because I had Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD. I was not allowed to take tests with my ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Some include: Would I treat an adult this way? Would I talk to an adult in this tone of voice? Would I grab this out of an adult s hand? The questions made me think of my job and how old people treat me every weekend. I am a hostess at Cracker Barrel and my job includes seating our guests. Old people are constantly trying to trick me into getting seated early. I tell them the wait time will be about twenty minutes and they come back five minutes later complaining that they have waited longer than I had originally quoted. I always write down the times that they arrived so that they cannot trick me. When I reveal this to them, they yell at me and tell me that I do not know how to do my job. They will sometimes complain to the manager. When the manager gives them the same explanation that I do, the old people suddenly get a change of attitude and show more respect towards him than they did to me. Would a guest ever tell my manager that he does not know how to do his job? I do not think so. (Bell, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Claude Mckay Meaning Claude McKay wrote the poem, I Know My Soul in an effort to make his readers reach deep inside and see the true being in which they are. We all are filled with certain passions and certain desires, but sometimes we act as if we are not. We try to contain who we are because it doesn t quite fit the mold of what society has so carelessly made for us. Clause challenges his audience to reach deep within themselves and see who they are. The good, the bad, and the not so pretty that is held within our beating hearts and scattered minds is what makes us who we are. We were all so eloquently crafted to be different and we should know our own souls for that very reason. No one human being was, or will ever be made the exact same way. Some of our desires ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The unidentified narrator speaks about how they are examining their inner being, in an effort to truly see the type of person they are. McKay states, I plucked my soul out of its secret place, / and held it to the mirror of my eye... (1 2) The narrator is now forced to look at what it is that drives him to do certain things. To examine one s soul means to question all of our desires and every intention we have. Understanding our soul means we are able to see if we are good or bad people. Claude McKay continues on and compares the soul to a star in the sky in order to emphasize that the soul is bright like a star, visible to the naked eye, but it is exposed to so many things. We generally keep our desires hidden within us, even from ourselves. When we question ourselves about our thoughts then it is almost like we are exposing ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Essay about Shrewsbury W1A BUS640 Economics of Risk and Uncertainty Applied Problem Jessica Shrewsbury BUS640 Managerial Accounting Instructor Choi February 23, 2015 Economics of Risk and Uncertainty Applied Problem Problem 1: A generous university benefactor has agreed to donate a large amount of money for student scholarships. The money can be provided in one lump sum of $12 million in Year 0 (the current year), or in parts, in which $7 million can be provided at the end of Year 1, and another $7 million can be provided at the end of Year 2. Describe your answer for each item below in complete sentences, whenever it is necessary. Show all of your calculations and processes for the following points: a. Assuming the opportunity interest rate is 8%, what is the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Cost ($ mil) Demand probability Profit PV (DF = 0.926) Demand probability Profit PV (DF = 0.857) Demand probability Profit PV (DF = 0.794) NPV of Profit ($) Joint probability ENPV of branches ($) 0.2 $ 50.0 $ 46.3 0.1 $ 60.0 $ 51.4 0.3 $ 70.0 $ 55.6 $ 73.3 0.006 $ 0.44 0.2 $ 50.0 $ 46.3
  • 23. 0.2 $ 50.0 $ 42.9 0.4 $ 60.0 $ 47.6 $ 56.8 0.016 $ 0.91 0.9259259 0.2 $ 50.0 $ 46.3 0.3 $ 40.0 $ 34.3 0.1 $ 50.0 $ 39.7 $ 40.3 0.006 $ 0.24 0.2 $ 50.0 $ 46.3 0.4 $ 30.0 $ 25.7 0.2 $ 40.0 $ 31.8 $ 23.8 0.016 $ 0.38 0.8573388 0.3 $ 40.0 $ 37.0 0.1 $ 60.0 $ 51.4 0.3 $ 70.0 $ 55.6 $ 64.0 0.009 $ 0.58 0.3 $ 40.0 $ 37.0 0.2 $ 50.0 $ 42.9 0.4 $ 60.0 $ 47.6 $ 47.5 0.024 $ 1.14 0.7938322 0.3 $ 40.0 $ 37.0 0.3 $ 40.0 $ 34.3 0.1 $ 50.0 $ 39.7 $ 31.0 0.009 $ 0.28 80 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Influence of Early Lifa and War on Kurt Vonnegut Jr. to... Influence of Early Life and War on Kurt Vonnegut Jr. to Encourage a Generation Against War Kurt Vonnegut Jr. is one of the most well known World War II authors. His humble beginnings and early life misfortunes shaped not only his writings, but also his view of the world. His imprisonment in Dresden in World War II, however, formed his opinions about war at an early age and later inspired many of his works and style of writing. After the returning from World War II, Vonnegut voiced his sentiments through his writing that war was wasteful and uncivilized. Vonnegut developed a unique blend of sadness, satire, and simplicity, along with his ability to understand the audience, which made his novels comprehensible and inspirational to any ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When British and American forces raided the city with firebombs, Vonnegut and his fellow captives were saved due to their underground imprisonment. The bombing killed more than 135,000 people, most of whom were innocent civilians, more than the deaths of Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined. After the bombing, Vonnegut was given the morbid task of carrying the corpses from Air Raid shelters, including women, children, and the elderly; dead from concussions, fire, or suffocation. In a letter to his father, Vonnegut described his job and the reaction of the locals, Civilians cursed us and threw rocks as we carried bodies to huge pyres in the city, (Boomhower). His distressing internment in Dresden not only furthered his anti war sentiments, but also established a reoccurring theme in his books: the irrationality of government and the senselessness of war. Vonnegut saw the bombing of Dresden and the slaughter of innocents as wasteful and meaningless. He could not comprehend the purpose of destroying a beautiful and fully functional civilization (Wiswell 5). The annihilation of the city and lives of the innocent affirmed his views of war as a waste, and even lead to his feeling that, civilization ended in World War I (Vitale). This view indicated Vonnegut believed World War II was a meaningless act committed by the uncivilized. Vonnegut exercised a minimal and comical style of writing to communicate his views against war. His experience in high school and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. The Movie Erin Brocovich Directed By Steven Soderbergh The film Erin Brocovich , directed by Steven Soderbergh is a movie narrative based off of true life events. The biographical film, follows the life of a single mother, who is financially unstable by the name of Erin Brocovinch. Erin works as a law firm and her ultimate goal is to uncover and expose a company that is practicing dangerous and unethical behavior. The movie touches on many unethical issues and focuses on negative corporate social responsibility. Stakeholders that are associated with the main company P.G E (Pacific Gas and Electric Company) in the film are the residents of Hinkley California, P.G E employees and the government. Both the residents of Hinkley and employees of P.G E are immediate external stakeholders of the company. They are consumers of the electricity that the company produces. Residents were greatly affected by the companies unethical behavior. P.G E was convicted of using a dangerous chemical called Chromium IV . The chemical was used with water to cool down the companies machinery and to prevent erosion. After using the mixture of water and chromium the company deliberately disposed of the excess water into neighboring ponds. This action resulted in polluted water, and a contaminated water supply for the residents of Hinkley. 600 people within the community suffered from negative medical side effects from the consumption of the contaminated water. This water crisis also impacted the community in more way than one, local ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Examples Of Intellectual Oppression In Inherit The Wind Challenging Intellectual Oppression Throughout the history of the United States, there have been many issues that have impacted the future of American life. In 1925, in the small town of Dayton, Tennessee, a local school teacher went on trial for teaching evolution in the local school. Twenty five years later, Senator Joseph McCarthy, began the movement known as the red scare in which he began to pick out Communists in the community. Both of these instances initiated much questioning of civil rights, and civil liberties. Through the play Inherit the Wind, the two playwrights Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee, show the dangers of intellectual oppression with the Story of Bert Cates, and the well known monkey trial . In the small town of Hillsboro, a well known school teacher is put on trial for teaching evolution in the local school. Matthew Harrison Brady, a three time presidential candidate, comes to prosecute Bert Cates. While Henry drummond, his direct opposite, comes to defend Mr. Cates and the freedom to think. E.K. Hornbeck, a big city skeptic, travels to Hillsboro to document the trial, and write about it in the Newspaper. Bert Cates companion, Rachel, models the type of progressiveness that the two playwrights hope Americans can learn from. In this allegorical play Lawrence and Lee s use of symbolic characters challenges the status quo and inspires American intellectual growth. Through Rachel, a person who represents someone who is willing to listen to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. The Right To Abortion In The United States Abortion is the ending of pregnancy by removing a fetus or embryo from the womb before it can survive on its own. An abortion can also be induced which means steps are taken purposely to end the pregnancy. Induced abortions are legal, safe, and usually done by doctors. Almost half of all pregnancies in the United States are unplanned, which means about $1.3 million in 1996 were aborted. A woman has the right to choose if her child lives or dies, but what about the baby? Doesn t the baby get a say? How would a person feel if someone took away their ability to live? Women are a mother as soon as they become pregnant, how could a mother tell her child they are unwanted and should be killed? Some people think it s all right to abort children, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Abortion is an inhumane practice, from reading over the statistics provided over 4,000 children s lives are destroyed in the name of choice everyday, and not mentioning, women are emotionally damaged each and every day they have to live without their baby for the rest of their life. Human life should be morally respected the exact time the child is being created, during the different stages of life until it s natural death. Although not everyone agrees upon pro life and pro choice options is that most people are not for abortion at all and want the woman to have the baby. In my opinion, I am not for abortion in some cases because it s not the babies fault when the two adults both know what will happen when they have unprotected sex, therefor on the other hand, when a girl or woman is being sexually assaulted and cannot control the situation, then I can understand when the woman does not wish to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Female Victims Of Gendered Violence After reading this chapter, I am shocked over how much violence towards women goes underreported. I knew beforehand that victims of gendered violence do not report their situation to the police for various reasons, ranging from fear to shame. However, I did not know that reporting of gendered violence is especially rare in communities with women of color. Realizing how minority communities expect the female members ...to maintain silence about sexual assault, to protect family honor and community integrity (p.265) was both frustrating and heartbreaking. The fact that the community the woman is a member of, during the time she needs them the most, expects her to continue suffering with her current situation was depressing to read. I can understand how the minority community, and the minority victim of abuse, may want to keep the police out of their situation because of reports about police brutality. However, their denial of receiving help due to stigma against police, who are the most capable for ending the victim s abuse, was tragic to learn about. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The authors name three psychological syndromes that female victims of violence may suffer from after their experiences: battered woman, rape trauma, and false memory syndrome. However, these syndromes blame the victim as [t]hey pathologize women who experience acts of violence as helpless victims (p.267). This is because the syndromes all frame the woman as if they did not do enough to prevent those situations from occurring. By continuing to victim blame, these syndromes may help the woman win the court case, but will not discourage potential ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. The Role Of Recording Industry Association Of America Essay The Role of the RIAA in Protecting Intellectual Copyright This paper examines the role of the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) in protecting the intellectual copyright of recordings from illegal downloading, which continues to be a major problem for the recording industry despite repeated efforts to stop this practice by consumers. This role of the RIAA relates to the business and economic aspects of the recording industry and illegal downloads from online platforms. The RIAA s role in addressing illegal downloading has involved lobbying governments for enforcement of copyrights, litigation against private parties (individuals and organizations), engaged in illegal downloads, and marketing campaigns encouraging customers to refrain from engaging in illegal downloads. The paper begins with a background on how the technological developments led to the problem of illegal downloads before examining the role of the RIAA in curbing this practice. The analysis then concludes with the finding that the RIAA has been deficient in curbing this practice, resulting in significant losses in sales, revenues, and profits for the recording industry. History of Illegal Downloads The problem of illegal downloading in the recording industry was a result of specific technological developments. It was the development of MP3 file formats for digital audio recordings, which first emerged in the early 1990s, but did not become a significant copyright threat to the recording industry ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Effects Of Microbeads Small but Mighty You hear your alarm go off on a typical morning and jump in the shower. You start your daily routine in the shower; normal things, like washing your hair, brushing your teeth, destroying oceans, scrubbing your face Wait, what? How could you possibly be destroying oceans with something as insignificant as a morning shower? Almost every personal care item contains plastic in the form of microbeads, which are those little exfoliating pieces in your products. They re so small and insignificant that everyone thinks they disintegrate or are filtered out after they go down the drain. That s far from the truth. These, along with every other kind of plastic, are helping to ruin our oceans and the marine wildlife that lives ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Water treatment plants weren t built to handle this unfathomable amount of microbeads going down the drain every day. Every year, there is 8 million metric tons of plastic being filtered into oceans. To try and help you imagine what this looks like, a full size elephant weighs about one metric ton. That s 8 million This plastic never fully goes away. It will eventually break down into tiny pieces, but almost every plastic ever made still exists. That plastic cup your grandma used back in 1962? It still exists in some form, somewhere on this earth. When plastic breaks down, it typically joins with other broken down plastic to form a gyre. According to the National Geographic Encyclopedia, a gyre is A large system of circular ocean currents formed by global wind patterns and forces created by Earth s rotation. These ocean currents cause huge floating masses of plastic to form. There are five main gyres around the world, the biggest being off the coast of California, known as The North Pacific Gyre, which is twice the size of Texas. And yes, you heard that right. In and around that gyre, the amount of plastic outnumbers marine wildlife six to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Fifth Business Quotes In the novel, Fifth Business by Robertson Davies, Dunstan Ramsey s life choices are greatly impacted by his guilt. At the young age of ten years old, Dunstan s life was changed by association with a traumatic experience, Mrs. Dempster, a pregnant woman, was hit by an incoming snowball thrown by Percy Boyd Staunton meant for Dunstan. This snowball caused Mrs. Dempster to go into labour, 80 days before she was supposed to, as well as causing life changing brain damage. Mrs. Dempster was forever labelled as simple by the people of the town. Percy showed no emotion towards this event ever occurring and because Dunstan felt someone should be responsible for this incident, he put the blame on himself. As a Presbyterian, a simple fix to his guilt ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Inheritance Inheritance between classes A key feature of C++ classes is inheritance. Inheritance allows to create classes which are derived from other classes, so that they automatically include some of its parent s members, plus its own. For example, we are going to suppose that we want to declare a series of classes that describe polygons like our CRectangle, or like CTriangle. They have certain common properties, such as both can be described by means of only two sides: height and base. This could be represented in the world of classes with a class CPolygon from which we would derive the two other ones: CRectangle and CTriangle. The class CPolygon would contain members that are common for both types of polygon. In our case: width and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... } | This public keyword after the colon (:) denotes the most accessible level the members inherited from the class that follows it (in this case CPolygon) will have. Since public is the most accessible level, by specifying this keyword the derived class will inherit all the members with the same levels they had in the base class. If we specify a more restrictive access level like protected, all public members of the base class are inherited as protected in the derived class. Whereas if we specify the most restricting of all access levels: private, all the base class members are inherited as private. For example, if daughter was a class derived from mother that we defined as: | class daughter: protected mother; | This would set protected as the maximum access level for the members of daughter that it inherited from mother. That is, all members that were public in mother would become protected indaughter. Of course, this would not restrict daughter to declare its own public members. That maximum access level is only set for the members inherited from mother. If we do not explicitly specify any access level for the inheritance, the compiler assumes private for classes declared with class keyword and public for those declared with struct. What is inherited from the base class? In principle, a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Biological And Humanistic Approach To Personality Biological and Humanistic ApproachePersonality is distinctive characteristics inherited and uniquely possessed by each individual. It makes us very different in our emotions, thought patterns, as well as our behaviors. The Creator God has given each of us a sense of uniqueness and there is no one else like us. It means that there is a particular characteristic in our personality that will describe who we are. As we studied personality, we found out there are eight crucial aspects in which will help us to grasp the meaning of an individual s complex nature. Maslow (1982) wrote in his journal about his self actualized friends, all at the top yet all limited; the top are far from perfect (p. 328). In this paper, the discussion is about ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When it came to the nature of human beings, it was best to be optimistic because the focus is primarily on the ability of human beings having conscious and rational thinking. This way individual would be able to achieve full potential and control biological urges. The viewpoint of the humanistic theory is every person is responsible for his or her life and actions; they have a free will to change their behavior and attitude. The biological theory relates the internal organs namely the brain and genes that human beings have not controlled over. The humanistic approach fails to show the evil side of individuals life. Eysenck belief was the primary determinate of personality is genetics. All in all, if certain aspects of personality are indeed based on biologically induced temperament, then we should expect to see such differences in all cultures. Indeed, the introversion extroversion dimension does seem to appear worldwide (Eysenck, 1990, p. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. The Total Rewards Program Organization Overview This paper will discuss the total rewards program. This company is a beverage and bottling company that has been in business for over 100 years. Currently we operate in about 3 continents and in about 20 different countries all over the world. SZT Corp is the home to over 20,000 employees with about 2,000 management level employees worldwide. Armstrong (2012) affirms that definitions of total rewards characteristically includes not only traditional, quantifiable elements such as salary, variable pay and benefits but comprises also more intangible non cash components such as gaining knowledge, ability to acquire and act or take responsibility, progress in career, and the conducive environment provided by the organization. SZT Corp requires a pretty complex and flexible total rewards program to meet the needs of their multi national colleagues. The total rewards programs has to slightly vary for each country that SZT Corp operates in and must cover compensation, benefits, performance and recognition, learning and development, and a work life balance. SZT Corp has to maintain a total rewards program that remains competitive with the competitors in the different nations all over the world. Total Rewards Strategy In order to meet the HR needs of this company, HR must accomplish the elements discussed in the succeeding paragraphs that address the fundamentals of this type of total rewards system while complying with the regulatory environments. The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. An Apprasal of the Activities of Nafdac in Nigeria Economy ROLE OF NAFDAC IN AIRFREIGHTING IN NIGERIA PRESENTED BY PROFESSOR DORA N. AKUNYILI (OFR) DIRECTOR GENERAL (NAFDAC) AT A ONE DAY SEMINAR ON OPTIMISING OPPORTUNITIES FOR AIRFREIGHT IN NIGERIA ORGANISED BY NIGERIAN SHIPPERS COUNCIL 24TH AUGUST 2006 INTRODUCTION: It gives me great pleasure to be invited to present a paper at this one day sensitization seminar with Theme Optimizing opportunities in the Airfreight industry, organized by the Nigerian Shippers Council for importers/exporters, operators regulators and other stakeholders in the Airfreight sector as part of its continuous effort to educate and sensitize shippers on useful procedures in international trade and movement of goods. The aviation industry is a vital sector in any ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... GOAL OF NAFAC Our current goal is to eradicate fake drugs and other substandard regulated products. NAFDAC PRE 2001: Although NAFDAC commenced operation as an Agency in 1994. Her regulatory impact was not felt much by Nigerians. This can be attributed to the following reasons: A failed regulatory process for over two decades. All sorts of drug, food and allied product were imported into country from all part of the world with little or no restriction. Serious monitoring in the real sense of it was virtually nonexistent. Nigeria was rated as one of the countries with the highest incidence of fake counterfeit drug and other substandard regulated products. Consequently made in Nigeria drugs were officially unaccepted in other West African countries with strong regulations e.g. Ghana, Serria Leone etc. Many multinational drug companies left Nigeria in the 80 s and 90 s out of frustration e.g. Boehringer, ICI, Merck, Sandoz etc. Illegal drug markets resulting in chaotic drug distribution channels, where drugs are marketed like any other commodity of trade. Even commercial buses became veritable means of drug trade. There was no statistics on the level of incidence of fake drugs in Nigeria. The confusion and madness were not just limited to drugs. We had the following and many others: i. Toothpastes without or with insufficient ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Christian Mysticism Essay Mysticism is a word we find in many books that relate to religious experiences. Mysticism is interpreted as searching for spiritual truth and wisdom through the unification with the Divine. Many Christians today believe that the words associated with mysticism like meditation and mystic are not coherently related with Christianity, but more with many Eastern religions. Eastern religions are definitely known for their mysticism, but it is believed to not be a part of Christianity. Mysticism is actually a vital part of Christianity in ways that are more spiritual rather than only being engaged with Christian rituals. Mysticism is the faith that spiritual reality is believed to be from human knowledge and their senses. It searches for truth ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Some believe there are two ways of interpreting the religious proposition of mysticism. One is the indirect experience of God. It takes the form of reported mystical experiences, which are believed to be the experiences of the foundations for what a mystical experience is all about. The other is the intellectual aspect. Individuals believe that as a result of the mystical experience, a better knowing and revelations are attained from the mystical experience. Jesus Christ is believed to be the son the God and is believed to have said that to be close to God one must look into his or her inner self, not in how much time you devote to God, or the places you praise him in. The Christian concept of the mystical union can be defined as the search for and experience of an intimacy with God through Jesus Christ. The experience of the mystical union represents the total absorption of the humankind to the point, that it loses itself in the communion with God. Another characteristic of the Christian mystical union is the concept of a spiritual or heavenly marriage. The use of the image of sacred and spiritual marriage between God and one s soul is a symbolization of the mystical union. The idea of a wedding is the biblical metaphor of the Jewish covenant between Israel and God. The ultimate goal of the mystical experience is the union between oneself and the divine presence and of the contemplative way. The mystical union is arrived at in stages of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Vegetarians Do Not Eat Meat, And Some People Go As A... Vegetarians do not eat meat, and some people go as far as to not consume anything that comes from an animal. There are various reasons that a person may choose to become a vegetarian. Some people choose to omit meats from their diet due to religious reasons, for their health, or some people just do not agree with killing animals to be used for food. Whatever the reason may be for a person to adjust their diet, it is debated whether or not it is healthy for people to limit their diets to being vegetarians. Many people wonder if omitting all meat products from diets has more of a positive effect or more of a negative effect on their health. There are many different aspects of this debate some of them being amount of nutrients needed in our diets, disease preventions, and effects of hormones. There are various studies that say vegetarianism can lead to deficiencies for different nutrients that our bodies need. For example, in a vegetarian diet it is very difficult to be able to obtain vitamin B12 as well as iron. Vitamin B12 can be found abundantly in any animal meat or seafoods. There are also very low traces of the Vitamin B12 in seaweed or fungi. This explains why vegetarians have a much lower amount of B12 versus people who do consume meats. Vitamin B12 is important in our diets, because according to Dr. Duo Li in his article Vegetarians, the Good, the Bad, and the Challenges , he states that, Vitamin B12 is essential for new cell synthesis, blood formation, maintenance ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Europe s Dependence On Russia Europe faces a number of challenges when addressing its future energy needs. Increasing global demand and competition for energy resources, instability in energy producing regions such as the Middle East, and a population increasingly concerned with climate change are all challenges facing Europe. As a result, energy security has become a critical issue for the European Union (EU). To address some of these issues, Europe has turned to natural gas. Collectively, Europe is a major importer of natural gas, and Russia is one of Europe s most important natural gas suppliers. Natural gas consumption in Europe is going to continue to grow, especially as climate change issues become more prominent. Yet, domestic natural gas production is likely ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... to export LNG the European Union, specifically Germany, as a way to replace Russian natural gas in a time of crisis? If so, would either party need to build out infrastructure to accommodate U.S. LNG exports? What effect would U.S. LNG exports have on global natural gas supplies and prices? The remainder of this paper will be structured as follows. The first section will outline Europe s, and more specifically Germany s, natural gas needs and how much U.S. LNG would need to be exported to replace German imports of Russian natural gas. Following that, a review of the current European capacity and infrastructure will show that the E.U. could receive U.S. LNG in a crisis. After that, I will examine the U.S. LNG infrastructure and export policy. I will argue that the problem with U.S. LNG exports to Europe is not due to a lack of capacity or infrastructure, but rather dated export policy. To be effective in providing energy security to the E.U. in a crisis, the U.S. will need to make policy changes. Finally, given that the U.S. will soon begin exporting LNG, the last section will analyze what effect U.S. exports will have on the global natural gas supply and the effect of non crisis European demand for Russian natural gas. European Natural Gas Needs First, how much natural gas does Europe import from Russia? European dependence on gas varies by country. In 2013, roughly 33 percent of Italy s energy needs are met with imported natural gas, and Germany was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Essay on American Capitalist Society In The 19th Century Herman Melville s Utilization of Bartleby the Scrivener: the Story of Wall Street As a Means of Criticizing Capitalism and Its Crimes Against Humanity Herman Melville s Bartleby, The Scrivener: A Story of Wall Street scrutinizes the alienation of labor, the social ideologies and the dehumanizing consequences of the American capitalist society in the 19th century. Bartleby is the main character in the story. The other characters in the story, Ginger Nut, Nippers and Turkey, barely survive their pragmatic enslavement because they have been brainwashed by the ideology of complying and acknowledging their given place in society. Bartleby separates himself from the other scriveners by daringly preferring not to surrender ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The worker could learn a new skill and get promoted, but will that necessarily change his or her imprisonment of the wage labor system? Karl Marx wrote about labor divisions and used the example of the assembly line workers at a car manufacturing company. The worker s job was to continually attach one bolt without ever having the satisfaction of completing a whole automobile. This worker has no creative power to freely build a transmission in the morning and then the freedom of creating a new braking system in the afternoon. For as soon as the distribution of labor comes into being, each man has a particular exclusive sphere of activity, Lander Shafer 2 which is forced upon him and from which he can not escape (Marx 160). The identical theorem exists in the offices of Wall Street for the scriveners who copy legal documents. Bartleby, Turkey and Nippers execute the same automatic task throughout the day. The only relief is a possible proofreading of the documents for any errors. The Lawyer is the creative expert and the task of the scriveners is to copy what another has created with no input or skills of their own. Bartleby s actions can be supported by Marx: The alienation of the worker in his product means not only that his labour becomes an object, an external existence, but that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Primo Levi s If This Is Man And The Periodic Table Primo Levi was a holocaust survivor and author. He is the author of If This Is Man and The Periodic Table . While in Auschwitz number 174517 was tattooed on his left arm. On July 31,1919 in Turin Italy Levi was born. He was the first of two children born in a middle class Italian Jewish family. He was a shy boy raised in a small Jewish community and often a target of bullying. His father was a successful electrical engineer. Levi was an excellent student and an avid reader. In his early teens he developed an interest of chemistry. In 1937, he completed primary school and then enrolled at the University of Turin and majored in chemistry. When he began his studies, the Dictatorial movement had not yet to acquire it s full racial dimensions. There were laws lay ed down that said it prohibited the education of Jews in state sponsored ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There he joined an Italian resistance group. Him and his comrades were arrested by Fascist forces later that year. Instead of owning up to his Partisan involvement he admitted that he was a Jew to avoid being shot as a Partisan. He thought that would carry a less harsh punishment, but instead he was sent to an Italian prison camp in January in 1944. He was treated pretty well there , but the camp soon came under German control. He was sent to Auschwitz along with 6,400 Jews. In February 1944 he arrived at the concentration camp and the number 174517was tattooed on his forearm. He did what he could do to endure the horrors of Auschwitz. By trading his food for German lessons and using his training as a chemist , he was able to get a job at a rubber factory. Getting the job at the rubber factory allowed him to avoid some of the harshest realities of Auschwitz. Hoping that one day he would live later to bear witness them, he began to document Auschwitz. Finally in 1945, the Red Army liberated Auschwitz and he made his journey home. He was one of 700 who survived out of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...