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Samples Of Expository Essay
Writing an essay on the topic "Samples of Expository Essay" can be a challenging task, requiring
a careful balance of information, analysis, and clarity. The difficulty lies not only in presenting
factual information but also in explaining and interpreting it effectively. Crafting a compelling
expository essay involves a thorough understanding of the subject matter, a well-organized
structure, and a coherent writing style.
One of the challenges is selecting relevant and engaging examples to support the main ideas.
These examples should not only illustrate the points being made but also resonate with the
audience, making the information more relatable and memorable. Finding the right balance
between providing enough detail and avoiding unnecessary information is crucial, as the essay
should be informative without becoming overwhelming.
Moreover, maintaining a clear and logical flow throughout the essay is essential. Transitioning
between ideas and paragraphs smoothly helps readers follow the author's line of thought.
Achieving coherence requires careful planning and revising, ensuring that each section
contributes to the overall understanding of the topic.
In addition to content, attention to language is vital. Striking the right tone and style is essential
in expository writing. The language should be concise, precise, and tailored to the audience.
Avoiding ambiguity and jargon while maintaining a professional and authoritative voice adds
another layer of complexity to the writing process.
Furthermore, the challenge lies in presenting a unique perspective on the topic. With numerous
expository essays available, creating an essay that stands out requires original insights and a fresh
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In conclusion, writing an essay on "Samples of Expository Essay" can be a formidable task,
requiring a combination of research skills, organization, clarity, and creativity. Overcoming these
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Samples Of Expository Essay Samples Of Expository Essay


Essay about Self Discovery in Margaret Atwood’s Oryx
How does one go about discovering the veiled mysteries of oneself? First and
foremost, what is the self? The self is who we are as an individual. It is the ethics,
beliefs, values, opinions, thoughts, actions and everything that one does. Knowing
oneself is also knowing what one desires out of life, ones goals and aspirations.
External appearances have very little to do with the self. Oryx and Crake is a novel
by Margaret Atwoodthat demonstrates how certain intriguing, distinctive characters
develop themselves. Her novel demonstrates how there is no simple way of
discovering oneself, but rather a combined method. Margaret Atwood s book Oryx
and Crake demonstrates that both the constituted and atomistic methods of self
discovery must... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Pleeblands are for normal people, but have a vast amount of violence, drugs, and
illegal activity in them. The Compounds are a place for extraordinarily perspicacious
humans like bioengineers and genetic engineers. The compounds are artificially
clean, and protected by the paranoid, armed CorpSeCorps men.
The novel literally begins at the end, when there appears to be only one surviving
human left, who calls himself Snowman . He lives in a tree, wears an old bed sheet,
and is slowly starving to death. Snowman poetically observes the powerful
smoldering sun, the daily storms, twisters, mutated animals, the absence of any
snowfall and the nullified human life. The land is rampant with spliced, violent, out
of control animals like the Snat, (Snake and rat), the pigoon, (Pig and baboon), and
the wolvog. (Wolf and dog) The story leading up to these disasters can be observed
through Snowman s deteriorating scraps of memories.
Snowman was once a little boy named Jimmy, who lived with his parents in a
compound called OrganInc. OrganInc contrasts with organic, because they used
xenotransplation and splicing to produce mutated animals. They would often produce
pigoons with multiple organs to harvest for organ transplants in humans. Jimmy s
mom strongly believed this was immoral, and consequently quit her job and left
home to join in the protests. Jimmy met a genius named Glenn (Nicknamed Crake )
at his high school, and they became best friends. They


Desara Korreshi. Professor Gloria Cevallos. Business 101.
Desara Korreshi
Professor Gloria Cevallos
Business 101
April 26, 2017
Business Plan
My business plan is to open a volleyball court. The ACE Courts will be a full
service Volleyball complex situated in Paramus, New Jersey. There is currently no
other sports facilities like this one anywhere in Bergen County. This plan will be
used to define the scope of our services, as well as a means of gaining the necessary
investments to open the facility. It will also be used on a continual basis in the
evaluation of The ACE Courts mission, goals, and objectives. The keys to success
for The ACE Courts is our ability to market effectively, creating an unmatched cool
/ awesome atmosphere where people will like to be, and hiring qualified/certified ...
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Besides providing an excellent value to our customers, The ACE Courts is determined
to create an unmatched sporting atmosphere that will add enjoyment to every
member and employee working in the facility. Dedicated to the community. The ACE
Courts strive to support and sponsor community events, as well as host them
whenever possible. Our hope is that through the use of our facility, members
enjoyment and appreciation for this sport, and fitness will increase.
Keys to Success
Marketing: We must make The ACE Courts a common name in the Bergen county
and creatively market our services to each of our market segments.
Atmosphere of facility: By creating an unmatched Awesome atmosphere in The ACE
Courts through the use of first class equipment, floors, colors, and big screen TVs,
people will want to frequent our facility often and our ability to retain members will
Knowledgeable/qualified staff and management: Providing the members of the
facility with knowledgeable and qualified staff who show genuine concern for the
contributors, people will feel comfortable and confident that The ACE Courts can
meet all of their sport and fitness needs.
Company Ownership and Start Up
The Ace Courts will be a limited partnership corporation that will be privately
owned. Myself, Desara Korreshi will own 50% of the company, while my two
teammates will each own 25% of the company. Our start up requirements come to
$1,700,000. Included in these costs is the


The Power of Music in James Baldwin s Sonny s Blues Essay
The Power of Music in James Baldwin s Sonny s Blues
At first glance, Sonny s Blues seems ambiguous about the relationship between
music and drugs. After all, the worlds of jazz and drug addiction are historically
intertwined; it could be possible that Sonny s passion for jazz is merely an excuse
for his lifestyle and addiction, as the narrator believes for a time. Or perhaps the
world that Sonny has entered by becoming involved in jazz is the danger if he had
not encountered jazz he wouldn t have encountered drugs either. But the clues given
by the portrayals of music and what it does for other figures in the story demonstrate
music s beneficial nature; music and drugs are not interdependent for Sonny. By
studying the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The battered barmaid also needs music to insulate her from the perils of her life.
She dances to something black and bouncy playing on the jukebox, keeps time,
smiling, and when she smiles the reader can see both the innocent and joyous little
girl she will always be and the woman still struggling for life and dignity, even
though these two personalities are hidden underneath the face of a semi whore
(412). She is quicksilver when the music plays; there is still life in her that can be
coaxed to the surface. She watches the jukebox in the pause between songs, waiting
for the music to begin again, to renew her life and energy and hope. Music reveals
this woman as she really is, not as she has become, not as her environment has made
her. Just as it is for the whistling schoolboy, music for this woman is a small salvation.
Many more moments like these are worked into the story. The mother hums a hymn
under her breath; it comforts her while she watches for Sonny, who is out on the
streets (419). The narrator whistles to keep from crying after Sonny refuses his
attempts at reconciliation (428). These bits of music are tiny but significant; small
musics performed by non musicians demonstrate how music creates good feelings.
The mother may be singing off key and the narrator probably whistles flat, but
because of their nature as song these tunes are suffused with bits of happiness, and by
making the music, the


Different Cultures, Beliefs And Costumes
I think it is very important to be aware of other cultures, beliefs and costumes
because as a future social worker, I should be able to give my support and services
to clients as individuals. I think that every individual is unique; thus, I will take the
time to validate their thoughts, feelings and experiences. Some individual s feelings
and experiences are originated from racial differences issues that are occurring.
Therefore, being sensitive to a client s need to express his or her feelings about this
matter could go a long way.
Racial Difference Awareness and Transition I was six years old when I first realized
that racial differences exist. It was a year after I my parents decided to it would be
best if my siblings and I lived in Jordan with my mother. My parents wanted my
siblings and me to learn the Arab culture and the Islamic faith while we were still
young. Prior to moving to Jordan, we lived in LaSalle, Illinois where all my friends
were Caucasian. I never noticed being different because everyone around me was
Caucasian, and no one pointed out that I was different at that time. Once we moved
to Jordan, I began to notice that children and adults looked different, dressed different
and even spoke an unfamiliar language.
Although, I was a Muslim Arab just like them, I felt out of place and different than
everyone else. I spoke English and very little Arabic, dressed in untraditional clothing,
and I was unfamiliar with the traditions and customs of the Jordanian


My Favorite Sports In The Rocky Movie
For the people who know me know that I that I am a diehard baseball fan,
basketball fan, and football fan. However, one of my favorite sports to watch is
boxing. I started to enjoy the sport of boxing after I saw the first Rocky movie. The
Rocky movie was my first introduction to the sport of boxing. Even though Rocky is
the fictional character he is one of the most iconic boxingfigures in the sport. Sure,
there are boxing legends like Muhammad Ali, Mike Tyson, Floyd Mayweather, and
Oscar de la Hoya. But for some reason, Rocky Balboa is the reason that I am a fan
of the sport of boxing. As much I loved to talk about the Rocky movies or the other
boxing legends that I mention above fights this is not what this paper is about. This
paper is about the sport of boxing at the international level. In this paper, I will be
going over boxing at the history, rules/regulations, and how it impacts society.
There are five organizations that are involved with international boxing and they are
the World Boxing Association (WBA), International Federation of Boxing (IFB), the
World Boxing Organization (WBO), International Boxing Organization (IBO), and
the World Boxing Council (WBC). All of these organizations promote fighters here
in the United States and overseas. However, since there are a lot of international
boxing organizations and a lot of them have a similar history, rules, and regulations.
Which has led me to decide that I am just going to go over one of these organizations


Creative Product Promotion
I have selected to analyse a company called Mark and Spenser which is a global
market leader with regard to fashion and foods world and the various marketing
strategies they apply to the products they manufacture.
Marks and Spencer plc (also known as M S) is a British retailer headquartered in
the City of Westminster, London, with over 700 stores in the United Kingdom and
over 300 stores spread across more than 40 countries. It specialises in the selling of
clothing and luxury food products. M S was founded in 1884 by Michael Marks and
Thomas Spencer in Leeds.
The Promotional Mix
Promotional Mix is the term used to describe a set of tools that an organisation uses
to communicate effectively the benefits of its products to its ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Exhibitions are a more straight forward approach compared with the outdoors and
magazine. However they are more costly and can only attract audience in a particular
region. Sponsorship: Sponsorship is an important marketing tool for many
organisations and is an important element of the promotional mix. Sponsorship
involves the support of an event, activity, person, organisation or product by an
unrelated organisation that may exchange money, services or goods in return for the
association that the sponsorship provides. Sponsors choose events that attract their
target market to enhance their brand reputation and awareness. A method of shaping
brand identity, sponsorship can improve company image, raise company profile and
generate awareness of company values. An integral part of marketing strategy,
sponsorship is useable either as a single marketing activity or alongside other
marketing tools such as advertising, public relations and promotion in order to
leverage the sponsorship and increase the impact.
Where Marks and Spencer is now compared to other fashion retailers
Marks and Spencer s problem stemmed from the failure of the company to understand
that the market has changed and that its customers are constantly looking for
fashionable clothes. Quality and value attributes, which Marks and Spencer built its
corporation on are no longer the sole motivators for taking the buying decision. GAP,
H M, Top Shop and


Use Of Literary Devices Used By Ray Bradbury
This paper will delve into Ray Bradbury s novel elucidation of how the society in the
books has been burnt to ashes just like the mythical phoenix, leading to a possibility
of an ultimate regeneration of a brand new, vital, civilization with the augmented
knowledge, through the existence of books Montag and the others have. A nuanced
argument statement can also lend a hand to authenticate the thesis statement. Several
may argue that burning books should continue until every single banned book has
been burnt, interpreting it as a more relishing path, since it helps alleviate, cure, and
forget the sobering reality of depression that might occur again, however, book
burningdoes have another side to it that people do not understand, knowledge can
prevent future destruction from occurring all over again. Ray Bradbury added an
additional thicker layer to the thesis statement through the use of literary devices,
such as symbolism and imagery throughout Fahrenheit 451. Bradbury is not the only
one expounding the misery of burning books, regarding the required knowledge
withering from human beings, but Helen Keller, a radical thinker wrote letters during
the Nazi book burning, empathizing others to get a taste of the scorch. The
regeneration of a new society from the lost knowledge, through the symbol of the
phoenix, has been illustrated in an ancient form of art, Woman s Robe with
Phoenixes and a Tree.
The phoenix builds a pyre to burn itself. The bird is not aware that it is


Media And Its Effects On The Media Essay
In modern societies, the availability of information is vital to better decision making
by voters, consumers, and investors. Much of that information is provided by the
media, such as newspapers, television, and radio, which collect information and make
it available to the public. As Americans, we trust what reporters write in the
newspaper, and say on television and radio stations. Although we expect them to
report the truth, current media outlets distort thier stories and give certain news
reports disproportionate attention. The most important stories are often never seen on
Television, read in the newspaper, or heard on the radio stations, while minor and
trivial stories get the most news coverage. Hence celebrity engagements, divorce,
entrance in rehabilitation centers and DUI cases are sold to the media and then
regurgitated to us Americans which are left with inconsequential information. The
media actually makes sure to feed us distracting information to keep us from the truth
and avoid social movements that can highly affect the one percent of the USA.
Mainstreammedia has the power to misinform the public therefore becoming in a way
a social movementagainst public spheres and social movements created by the 99%
with the sole purpose of controlling the public power.
Social movements come and go, representing all political beliefs, and aim to achieve
their political objectives by impelling a particular target group s opinion. Some
groups reach out directly to


Technology and Attack Trees Essay example
The modern technology in the world is growing day by day. So to enable faster and
simpler networking, the countries are developing and expanding their technology.
Currently there are billions of Internet user and mobile phone connections all over
the world. People all around the world are very much depended on consistent access
of these channels. Popularity for Internet based networking is growing exponentially,
but it come at a cost. The cost is the cyber attackand crimes are increasing rapidly
around the world. The attacks like email staking, hacking computers, virus attacks,
etc. There was one major cyber attack in year 2000, where around 45 million
computer were attacked by the computer virus all around the world[1]. There are...
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The root of the attack tree is the goal of the attack, like in case of household
security the root will be the valuable asset. The branches of the tree will represent
different method for achieving the goal, like in case of household security, branches
will be breaking the window of house and creating the duplicate key. With this
branching representation different ways to attack the value asset , it is possible to
evaluate the threats by assigning values of difficulties to various threats. It helps to
determine the weak point in the system. The attack trees model can help expert to set
priorities to the attack for improving the security. The attack trees are the graphical
representation with the goal of the attacker at the root of the attack trees and the
possible attacks techniques from attacker represent the leaf or subgoal below the root
of attack tree. Simple Representation of an Attack Tree[5]
To explain how the attack trees are used let s take an example of attack tree. The
tree is created in perspective with the attacker s mind. In the below attack tree the
bank wants to protect its customers from attack. The bank will create the tree and
will represent various attacks possible from attacker. The root of the tree is the bank


Analysis Of Sharon Vs. Salinger s The, Taverns And...
Sharon V. Salinger, Taverns and Drinking in Early America (Maryland: Johns
Hopkins University Press, 2002)
Most aspects of colonial life in early America are well talked about: housing, food,
daily routine, religion, etc. One of the more glossed over, yet interesting topics, is
that of colonial drinking and the taverns in which it takes place. Why did colonial
Americans enjoy drinking so much? In Sharon V. Salinger s, Taverns and Drinking
in Early America, she outlines how drinking traditions started and how it affected
daily life and the impact it had on the people of early America. Salinger s overview
of the origins and developed habits of drinking in early America provides insight to
the different purposes the activity and taverns in ... Show more content on
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The overview of taverns and drinking and their great impact on daily life is obvious
in the evidence and narration Salinger provides. She uses a journal written by
Thomas Jefferson to explain how deeply entrenched in their daily lives taverns and
drinking were: Thomas Jefferson noted with alarm that cheap distilled spirits were
spreading through the mass of our citizens, yet he is credited with inventing the
presidential cocktail party (3). Despite any negativity surrounding drinking, its
growth in popularity was unstoppable. She also adds the fact that water was
considered an unsafe beverage , which partially explains the reason for alcohol s
rise to popularity and appearance in the daily lives of early Americans. This increase
in drinking also lead to the tavern culture and the need to regulate it, which brings in
the lawmaking side.
The thesis of Salinger s book and research states, Colonial taverns and hotels that
developed from elite taverns manifested an American society that maintained
segregation in public by race, gender, and class (245). Essentially, over the course of
the eighteenth century colonial taverns grew exclusionary, in time serving certain
sections of society rather than the whole community. She writes even at the very
beginning of the text of the separation: In the urban taverns that served a middle
class and elite clientele, men gathered on a regular basis to transact business, argue
over issues of local politics, or share a convivial


Social, Biological And Psychological Theories
In society today, many individuals are negatively influenced by the media and the
way crime is portrayed. The cause of crime has been studied over decades ago and
is continuing to be studied. Many researchers have had their theories and reasons as
to why crime happens and what drives one to commit crime. Environmental, social,
biological and psychological theories are all potential variables of why crime
happens. Critics may argue that crime is caused by the way someone is raised and
one becomes a product of their environment. Others may argue that there is
something called the crime gene. A professor named Dr. Mairi Levitt at the
University of Lancaster is a researcher in the field of bioethics, focusing primarily on
how science and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Psychological theories attempt to look deep into the mind of the individual Akers
et al., (2013). Psychological theories cover a broad range of approaches as to why
crime is committed and what the causal factors are. Lam, Salkovskis and Warwick
(2005) support this and found psychological theories refers to psychological reactions
to stressors, negative beliefs and meanings and feedback loops, focused on
information processing and the mind.
Psychological theories recognize the effect of an individual s experience, especially
in early childhood, and environmental factors that may trigger criminal behavior, but
they propose abnormal personality type/traits or emotional maladjustments as the
primary causes of crime Akers et al., (2013). Psychological theorists believed that
behavior, criminal or non criminal is not related to one s biological make up.
According to Kate Friedlander (1947), classical Freudian psychoanalytic explanations
of delinquency focus on abnormalities or disturbances in the individual s emotion
development from early childhood Akers et al., (2013). In terms of mental health, to
better understand this theory, psychological theories are perceived could influence
beliefs of patients and non patients alike in terms of factors such as stigmatization,
beliefs about the outcome of treatment, motivation, pessimism and so on.
On the other


Stressful Childhood Traditions
For mothers, the holidays can be both an exciting and a stressful experience. It can
be fun to share your favorite childhood traditions with your own children, but the
stress of wanting things to go perfectly can make the experience a less than
enjoyable experience for everyone involved. There are several things you can do to
make your holiday celebrations more enjoyable and less stressful. Focus on Your
Favorites There is such a thing as going overboard when it comes to holiday
celebrations. Instead of trying to do everything, focus on just a few of your favorite
activities. This might mean just decorating pumpkins with your children for
Halloween instead of trying to decorate pumpkins, go to a corn maze, visit a haunted
house, and host


Black Athena Analysis
In the text Black Athena by Martin Bernal, Bernal provides a contemporary and
interesting perspective in relation to the discussion and examination of Ancient
Greece s development as a society as well as a culture. Throughout Black Athena,
Bernal discusses the Ancient Model and Aryan Model, which are the two models that
have been constructed and utilized to assist historians in understanding the reality
and truth of how Ancient Greecedeveloped to the society and culture it has become
(Bernal, 1). Bernal specifies the clear distinctions when he discussing how both
models have influence modern historians and their perceptions towards Ancient
Greece; furthermore, he discusses how Ancient Greece has been examined and
interpreted through the utilization of the Aryan model, which is viewing Ancient
Greece as being influenced by Europeans (Bernal, 1). However, Bernal holds a
completely different viewpoint on how Ancient Greece grew into the civilization it is.
Through the examination of the linguistic and cultural similarities, Bernal argues the
invasions by the Egyptians and the Phoenicians laid out the foundation for the
development of Ancient Greek civilization and culture (Bernal, 2). In other words, he
emphasizes how Ancient Greece s development should be examine through what he
calls the Revised Ancient Model (Bernal, 2), as he makes it evident that this model
effectively shows the true and complex reality (Bernal, 3) of Ancient Greece.
To begin, Bernal begins Black


Evaluate Continuing Professional Development
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) describes the cycle of ongoing
development of knowledge, skills and behaviours for an individual in a professional
capacity. CPD begins with reflecting on one s current abilities, identifying any areas
that need to be enhanced or any skill gaps, and setting development objectives. This
is followed by planning which involves evaluating different learning activities to
decide the most suitable option, and then the action of undertaking educational
activities. Finally an evaluation of whether the learning objectives have been
achieved takes place, this may highlight a further development need and continues the
CPD cycle. The CPD process involves creating a record of learning accomplishments
which shows


Essay on The D.B. Cooper Mystery
The D. B. Cooper Mystery On November 27, 1971, in Portland, Oregon, a man
claiming to be Dan Cooper bought a ticket for Northwest Orient Airlines Flight 305
to Seattle, Washington. Dressed in a sharp dark suit with a pearl tiepin, this forty
five year old man was about six feet tall with black hair (Abacha and Gilmore 233).
No one would suspect him of going down in American history as the only man to
ever escape capture after hijacking a U.S. plane (Warchol 1). Soon after takeoff,
after having his cigarette, bourbon, and a soda, Cooper handed a note to one of the
two stewardesses on the plane (Warchol 1; D.B. Cooper 1). The stewardess, Florence
Schaffner, planned to read it later until one of the other passengers urged her to take...
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Dan Cooper became known as D. B. Cooper when the FBI questioned someone with
that name, who was found unrelated to the crime (Abacha and Gilmore 234). A
few months after Cooper s disappearance, another skyjack, very similar to Cooper s,
was carried out by Richard McCoy (Warchol 1). McCoy jumped out of the back of a
Boeing 727 over Provo, California, with a $500,000 ransom that FBI later found in
his home (Warchol 1; Abacha and Gilmore 234). He received a forty five year
prison sentence, but he escaped in 1974 by crafting a faux pistol out of dental
paste but later died in a shoot out with police (Warchol 1; Abacha and Gilmore
234). In 1995, a man named Duane Weber confessed on his deathbed to his wife,
Jo, that he was Dan Cooper. Jo looked up the name and learned of D. B. Cooper
who by description looked very much like her husband did when he was young.
The FBI compared his fingerprints to the sixty six found on the plane, but none
matched (Abacha and Gilmore 234). A woman named Marla Cooper claimed in
2011 that D. B. Cooper was her uncle who had passed away in 1999. Cooper
remembers her uncle, L. D. Cooper, coming home bloodied and telling the family
that their money problems were over because he had hijacked a plane. She also
declared that her father told her shortly before his death that L.D. Cooper had done it
(Johnson and Welch). However, L.D. Cooper was eliminated from the suspect list


The Army Corps Of Non Commissioned Officers Essay
In recent years, the Army Corps of Non Commissioned Officers has exhibited signs
of decline in both effectiveness and professionalism. The Corps of Non
Commissioned Officers has faced many challenges that are unprecedented in the
history of military service including a core shift in the societal values toward a
confused and submissive populous creating a pool of potential Soldiers entering
service without the mental or physical toughness to make the transition to military
life and be successful. This creates a series of new and difficult challenges for the
modern military attempting to integrate, train and successfully produce a quality
NCO to lead the Army in the coming years. The Army has begun the recognize
changes in the civilians entering military service and is struggling to develop and
integrate doctrine and training standards that will produce a viable group of
NCOs capable of continuing the leadership and traditions developed in the Army
during its existence. The Effect of Societal and Doctrine Change on the NCO
Corps The U.S. Army Corps of Non Commissioned Officers (NCO) has been in a
steady decline which over the last 70 years can be traced to two major factors. The
first of which is the change to an all volunteer Army and secondly societal changes
in the form of political correctness and a gender blurred redefining of what it means
to be an American and more importantly an American Soldier. The all volunteer
concept has forced the Army to begin a


Themes Of Honor In A Tale Of Two Cities
Ashlyn Tilby
Miss. Tao
Honors English 10
1 October 2017
What of Honor?
Some would say that honor is a thing of the past; a thing long since extinct with the
King Arthur and the knights of the round table. In fact, it is not, it is real and can
still be seen all around through people all the time. In Charles Dicken s novel, A Tale
of Two Cities, honor and dishonor are main themes that are exemplified and enacted
through many characters. To be honorable, or to act in honor, is to act in a way that
is not necessarily socially acceptable, but is morally right, noble, and kind. To be
dishonorable is to neglect the basic responsibility of treating every human being in
the respectful manner they deserve, giving no variance to rank or status. Throughout
the book different men show varying degrees of honor and dishonor.
One such man was Charles Darnay, who, throughout the entire novel, was a prime
example of honor and merit. In the early part of the novel, Darnay pays a visit to
his oppressive uncle who was a French Marquis, and responsible for the death and
poverty of many of his subjects. Darnay went to the Marquis on behalf of those
being oppressed by his family member; beseeching his uncle to have mercy and act
with benevolence toward those peasants he disregarded so easily. Darnay, unable to
convince his uncle of the need to change his ways left his home country for good to
be free of his family s misdeeds. In chapter twenty four of Book the Second the
author gives a


James Agee and Walker Evans Essay
James Agee and Walker Evans
Fortune Magazine, in July and August of 1936, sent James Agee and Walker
Evans to research a story on sharecropping. In the preface of Let Us Now Praise
Famous Men, Agee describes it as a curious piece of work. They were to produce an
article on cotton tenantry in the United States, in the form of a photographic and
verbal record of the daily living and environment of an average white family of
tenant farmers, (IX). James Agee and WalkerEvans set out to write and photograph an
article for a magazine, and ended up experimenting with the form of the novel itself.
James Agee was born in 1909 in Knoxville, Tennessee, but was in the urban middle
class, so he had no experience with cotton farming. When ... Show more content on
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Agee and Evans set out to publish an article in Fortune Magazine, but when they
brought back their work to the editors, they were rebuked. The article was over 400
pages of controversial writing and even various book editors refused to publish it as
a novel. Finally in 1941 it was published by Mifflin in Massachusetts after the author
was forced to take out a few outlawed words in the state. They failed in their original
mission to produce an article, but undoubtedly presented a photographic and verbal
record of the average white southern tenant farmer families. By living with three
different families for four weeks, Evans depicted their innermost sorrows through his
photographs, and Agee portrayed and emboldened their spirit by his written words.
The novel itself was an experiment in form, with Evans photos all placed in the front
without captions, rather than dispersed throughout the novel. Even in the text, Agee
continually stops himself mid description and enters into a stream of consciousness
describing the difficulties of articulating accurately the tenant families true
expressions. For these reasons, it was considered a failure when it was published,
but also for the same reasons it was considered an amazing success twenty years later
in the 1960s.
In the Preface, Agee conveys that this is a book only by necessity. More seriously, it
is an effort in human actuality, in which the reader is no less centrally involved than


Darren Grant s Diary Of A Mad Black Woman
In Darren Grant s Diary of a Mad Black Woman (2005), it illustrates a woman
(Helen) who was married to a successful lawyer (Charles) for the past 18 years.
While his law practice is extremely successful, their struggling marriage is far from
perfection and it results in a messy divorce. Sadly, the two main characters used to be
happy in their marriage, but 18 years of lacking communication skills turned to be
psychologically damaging to Helen. While the movie is aimed at being comical due
to the odd family members of Helen, it clearly shows avoidance of intimacy and John
Gottman s theory of the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse. The principle
communication skill that was lacking was being open to discuss difficult things, or
being non avoidant.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Before they married, Charles had Helen sign a prenuptial agreement to prove that
she was marrying for him and not for his money. Since he was primarily in charge of
financially supporting them and Helen was in charge of everything else (laundry,
cleaning, meals, etc.), she had no money to her name. While she had been helping
him all along, Charles intentionally insulted her and told her that she was worthless
since she had no money, and that nobody would want her. While this is an extreme
case of contempt, even subtle ones can damage partners and destroy


Analysis Of `` Maus `` By Art Spiegelman
Empathy is a difficult feeling to capture. The graphic novel Maus, written and drawn
by Art Spiegelman, illustrates himself trying to relate with his father, Vladek, by
having him recount his story as a Holocaust survivor. The novel deals with Artie s
struggle to understand the Holocaust and his father s situation as best as he can
without having lived through it; he wishes he could have known what his father went
through and could comprehend his situation. The postmodern story of Maususes the
drawings of his characters and the testimonies of others to create a connection with
his father s memory. Maus was written in 1980, making it a work of the postmodern
period. The text utilizes cultural criticism, enabling the usage of high and low culture
by talking about a serious topic within an infantile comic book. Maus enacts the
difficulty of working through a traumatic historical past and is a primitive
representation of the postmodern self struggling to come to terms with this damaged
and wounded history in a conscious manner. The characters are represented as
animals with human features: Jews are mice, Germans are cats, Polish are pigs, and
Americans are dogs. This plays on the cat and mouse rivalry, removing emotionally
intense implications from the narrative and replacing them with a juvenile metaphor.
When the victimized and victimizing nationalities are shown as humorous animals
instead of humans, the familytragedy is alienated and forced to be viewed as purely


Robert Levenson Essay
For Dr. John Gottmann his successful research and discoveries began 35 years ago
with the help of his friend Robert Levenson. They began the research by building a
laboratory where couples would attend and speak with each other after a long
workday deprived from each other. While the couples spoke their heart rate, their
blood velocity, the amount of sweat produced on the palm of their hands, and even
the movement they produced while being seated were being measured. The
conversations the couples had consisted of a subject that caused unceasing conflict
between them and then a positive subject, after their conversations their videotapes
would be shown to the couple and were asked about particular moments in the
conversation and what they felt... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
For example, the recipients of repair are those who intend to repair or resolve the
issue. The repair can only work between the couple depending on the amount of
intimacy and friendship that already exists in the relationship. These two factors are
then be used to build the first stage of what they call a love map. One of the
fundamental characteristics of the friendship between two individuals is the intimate
open ended questions asked by this person and the memorization of the answers.
Another characteristic witnessed in the laboratory was the attention given to the
partner speaking, for example results showed that those partners who paid more
attention to their partner while he was trying to communicate or make a joke were
those who continued to be married for a longer period of time. Overall it can all be
summarized in seven steps that will allow a relationship to flourish, and those are:
enhance your love map, nurture fondness and admiration, this means that it is
imperative to be able to remind yourself about the worthiness your partner possesses.
The third step is turning toward each other, by giving your partner the attention they
crave you are acknowledging their presence and making them feel how important
they are to you. The fourth step is to let your partner influence you, by giving each
other the respect in decision making for a happy marriage, it


Egypt is a republic in northeastern area of Africa it was...
Egypt is a republic in northeastern area of Africa; it was known as the United Arab
Republic until 1971. Egypt is an ancient civilization that grew from 2600 to 30 BC.
Egypt s economic range includes involvement with mainly tourism, construction and
manufacturing. Currently, Egypt s economy is not doing well. Because of the
revolution in 2011, the Egyptian economyhas gone from bad to worse. The country s
unemployment is still increasing which is causing the budget deficit. Job creation is
virtually impossible, and the Egyptian pound has lost majority of its value. To make
problems worse, the general lack of security in the country has increased. All of these
issues have a negative effect on the country. For example, the soaring... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
Moreover, the unemployment also increases because of the revolution due to many
employees going on strike and not working. From February 11, 2011 to February 11,
2013, the unemployment rate has increase by 1.4% (Central Bank of Egypt.) At this
rate the country s unemployment will just keep decreasing if something is not
done. Currently, Egypt s economic has been taking a number of harmful tolls from
many different factors. For example, underground dollar trade and political
instability has been reported to effect Egypt s economic in a negative way. The
underground dollar trade causes a negative effect because According to Middle
East Online website, money is sought on Cairo s black market and currency traders
at banks say they haven t been able to meet their clients demand through official
channels. This makes it difficult for people to get the proper loan they may need to
get a home or car. The black markets are worsening the economy. This has been a
problem in the past when Egypt was struck with a thriving black market during
economic insecurity in 2003. Black markets are affecting the banks of Egypt. Banks
are forced to trade dollars in fixed ranges around the central bank s sale cut off prices
for interbank, commercial and retail transactions, giving rights sizable encouragement
over authorized exchange charges. Although Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak
stepped down, Egypt s


Loughcrew Research Paper
Did you know, that Loughcrew crains is one of the best secrets in archaeological
Ireland? The lovely Mrs.Sparr is taking a trip to Ireland and wants some ideas of
grand places to go to.
I believe, that Loughcrew is a splendid place to visit while Mrs.Sparr is in Ireland.
To start with, the land Loughcrew is a very beautiful place to visit in Ireland. If you
haven t heard, Loughcrew is enormous land with tons of crains, or just call them
monuments. Also, when it s close to the sun going down, look up at the sky and see
how phenomenal it looks. On top of that, at certain times it looks like there is fog on
the ground. Now that s zany, don t you think!? Secondly, the startling land
Loughcrew is owned by plenty of miraculous people. In addition,


The Girl Who Loved The Sky, By Anita Endrezze
In Anita Endrezze s poem The Girl Who loved the sky we read about two best
friends that meet inside a second grade room (1). There with very different
characteristics they learn that overall they are more alike than they think. They are
able to relate to one another by their views of the world around them. The speaker in
the poem is growing up without a father and her friend is blind. Both forced to grow
up with an important element missing from their lives. They overcome this tragic
part of their childhood and relay on their friendship to feel safe (39). As the speaker
continues to explain their relationship, we feel their connection. We get the sensethat
they are able to understand each other and have the ability to view the world around
them in the same way.
Throughout the poem the extended use of imagery by the writer allows the reader
to relate and sense how we might view the world if we had lost our sight. We are
able to see the world in a different manner. In addition to the imagery of the world
we read about throughout the poem we also see the writer uses imagery to
describe the characters. For example, the writers use of imagery for the description
of the blind girl gives the reader a vision of a warm hearted girl, that views the
world through all of her other senses. As described by the speaker upon their first
encounter in lines 18 21 I met a blind girl who thought the sky Tasted like cold metal
when it rained And whose eyes were always covered With


Unprepared And Cruendless In Jon Krakauer s Chris
All around us, nature envelops our world and gives society a constant thrill for
adventure. The Alaskan wilderness has been described in John Muir s journal as a
place that you should never go to as a young man because you ll never be satisfied
with any other place as long as you live . Many people, such as a Chris McCandless
take this as a test of their bravery and curiosity and venture out into the foreign lands
only to die by their foolish decisions. Jon Krakauers Into the Wildportrays Chris
McCandless as being unprepared, stubborn, and carefree that eventually lead to
his death. McCandless failed to survive in the wilderness because he was very
unprepared and unaware of the harshness of the Alaskan wilderness. During Jim
Gallien, a union electrician and an accomplished hunter and woodsman, he states
that, Alex s backpack looked as though it weighs only twenty five or thirty pounds,
which struck Gallien as an improbably light load for a stay of several months in the
back country, especially so early in the spring (Krakauer 4). Throughout Chris s life,
everything has been handed to him and he has been mostly successful because of
the people who have served him. Though, when the first time McCandless is on his
own, people like Jim Gallien who have lived in Alaskafor many years can see that he
is not prepared. In addition, when McCandless was down in the Mexican Canals,
Jon Krakauer describes how, Below the Morelos Dam the river turns into a maze of


Managing Cash Flow By John Olson
Managing Cash Flow
Imagine you were John Olson. You are an energy analyst for Merrill Lynch. Your
boss, Donald Sanders, shows you a hand written note from one of Merrill s largest
customers. It reads in part, Don John Olson has been wrong about ... our company...
for over 10 years and is still wrong, ... Ken Merrill subsequently fired him because he
refused to endorse the customer s exaggerated profit claims.
The Ken, of course, is Ken Lay of Enron fame; the analyst was John Olson, by his
own description an old fashioned analyst who refused merely to promote stocks, but
relied on fundamental analysis to assess the companies he examined.
Ironically, he was the only analyst who used Enron s cash flow chicanery to correctly
identify the scam. Using cash flow analysis, he determined the firm had few tangible
assets and generated sham profits spawned by contrived financial flimflam produced
with hundreds of off balance sheet entities.
Visualize Enron as a major client owing you a significant chunk of your receivables.
This is why our discussion of accounting will be focused on cash flow analysis as the
key to understanding solvency, both your customers and your own.
We like cash flow because it permits us to follow the money rather than the accrual
based numbers favored by Wall Street. Cash flow provides us a good way for
investors to evaluate a company s financial well being and operational sturdiness.
Cash Flow is composed of revenue or expense streams that change cash


Journal 1 What impact has the Canadian Social and Political history on writing of
Joy Mannette and Denise Chong? Both authors Joy Mannette and Denise Chong
have written different articles about racism and discrimination .First article My
Dearest Child is written by Joy Mannette and the other one The Concubine s
Children is written by Denise Chong. Both of these articles reflected how the black
and Chinese immigrants suffered in Canada in 17th and 19th century. But now as we
all know Canada is a multicultural country. Everyone respect each other s culture and
religion. The first article My Dearest Child is a letter written by a white mother Joy
Mannette to her African Canadian child. In this letter, she explained how their
ancestors... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Her writings buttress the fact that although we all have different colours, we have
the same colour of blood running through our veins. In conclusion, these two
authors, looking back now to what has become of Canada would be happy at the
transformation that has taken place between then and now. The points system in
place now is based not on your country of origin but on your skills. The
immigration and multicultural act sees immigrants as having all the rights and
privileges accorded to any white person. Next Emphasizing of Canadian social and
political history, the writing of Denise Chong and Joy Mannette shows that many
different groups and classes of people that constitute the Canadian society and the
help of individuals, have somehow influenced the history of Canada. From the
writing of Denise Chong, from The concubine s children , we can clearly observe
that Chinese were unwelcome in Canada to a degree where special taxes levied on
the Chinese for school and policing, employment, laundry, shoes, even cigars and
even bared from becoming naturalized citizens, from owning land, from working on
public works (56). Such opposition did not prevent the government to bring one
exception to the rule, claiming that the Chinese would work for much less, were
more reliable than the available white labour and many Chinese were assigned the
most dangerous job (57). Moreover, newspapers and politicians alike pandered to


Essay about Porter Five Analysis
Porters Five Forces Analysis
Kababish Restaurant
Author: Nida Waseem


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These can be obtained from the shop shelf which saves time. The prices of these
meals are also comparatively low which attracts customers considerably. People
look for varieties of respective quality fast food which is also cheaper. These stores
are also offering a range of food to order service where the food is ordered viewing
their catalogue which provides pictures, quantity description and prices of the food.
The food is then delivered to the place of the customer. People try to get social with
the minimum time they have with low costs.
Most restaurants try to offer as many variety of food as possible such as Chinese,
fast food etc. Thus customers are able to get different varieties of food from one food
shop which makes the market more competitive and more options for substitutes.
The other substitute is the fast food restaurants which can hand people food in their
cars which they can consume in the car or take it out.
Socializing has become a substitute for dining out at restaurants. This refers people
socializing with each other outdoor or at friends places or making bar b qs at home.
Restaurants have online and telephone ordering available where food is delivered at
home in minutes.
Threat of suppliers is where the supplier has a bargaining power over the buyer.


The Motif In Ray Bradbury s There Will Come Soft Rain
The motif in Ray Bradbury s There Will Come Soft Rains is rain itself. In the story
the house has come to life. The technology has taken over humanity in American
culture. The house can clean itself, cook, and pay bills. Even when the family is
gone, the house still acts as if they live there still. The entire west face of the house
was black, save for five places. Here the silhouette in paint of a man... a woman... a
small boy... a thrown ball... a girl, whose hands raised to catch a ball which never
came down. (324) The rainis one of the only things in the story that is not futuristic.
Its something one can still relate to. The motif, rain, is what brings us back to reality
in a very futuristic story. Off to school, off to work, run, run,


Sample For Assumption College
Assumption College for Sisters has been an initial formation for Sisters and many
others students who would like to serve others effectively. Anyone who studied at
Assumption College is known for his or her humble service she or he gives to
people. Clearly, Assumption College for Sisters has helped me to improve my
Education, Spiritual, and Social life. First, the education I received from different
courses has empowered me to see things in a different perspective in terms of
thinking, writing, understanding, and doing. More than that, the core curriculum
prepared me to be a critical thinker, effective communicator, and ready to share with
others what I learned. This assists me to focus on the essential unity and universality
of all people,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Seeing the practical actions from my leaders at the ACS has improved my thinking,
actions, and responsibilities. Therefore, at ACS everyone is responsible for his or
her duty. I learned leadership needs commitment and sincerity. Communication is an
important aspect of leadership; ACS leaders taught me this as they communicate
each to me every event was to take place in my studies, community, social activities.
It helped to focus and alert all the time. Through ESL 101 ACS has helped me to
adjust to both life in America as well as college life. For this course introduced me to
have the basic foundation of structures and vocabulary of the English language
through the essential skills of learning that is reading, speaking, writing, and listening.
Also, learning the American history and traditions helped me to understand American
culture. I would suggest that ACS may continue to teach the American history and
tradition in the first year. It is hard for the students in the first semester because they
do not know English, but in the second semester, they have improved their


The Best Season Research Paper
Each of the four seasons are good in their own way, but everyone has a favorite
season. While some people like fall because of the leaves or haunted houses, some
people like spring because of spring break and the flowers, and some people like
winter because of Summer is the best season because of everything there is to do,
the weather and the holidays. In the summer, there is so much to do, you can t
really get bored. There are all sorts of different fairs, festivals and concerts you can
go to. Also, if you enjoy the outdoors, you can go camping. There are tons of
different campgrounds and camping resorts to go to. Another activity in the
summer is swimming and going to the beach. Michigan is surrounded by large
lakes and has many smaller ones you can swim at. Not only can you swim at the
beaches, you can go out on a boat and go tubing or waterskiing. One of the best, but
sometimes the most expensive, activities you can do in the summer is go on a
vacation. There are so many cool places you can go in the summer on vacation. You
can travel to a different city, state or even country! One... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
The 4th of July is one of the best holidays over the summer because everyone has
big parties to celebrate America s independence. Lots of people go camping or on
vacation for the 4th of July and everyone comes together to celebrate, it s one of
the few holidays people celebrate no matter their religion. Another great holiday
that occurs during the summer is Labor Day. Labor Day is a holiday that celebrates
the working people, by giving most of them the day off of work. Labor Day is
another holiday where many people go camping or on vacations. My family goes
camping Labor Day weekend so it is my favorite holiday during the summer. Labor
Day is a holiday that some people like and other people don t because it signifies
school is starting or that summer is over, but other people like to think of Labor Day
as a way to end summer with a


Literary Analysis Of After Apple-Picking By Robert Frost
From After Apple Picking by Robert Frost Lines 1 8
My long two pointed ladder s sticking through a tree
Toward heaven still,
And there s a barrel that I didn t fill
Beside it, and there may be two or three
Apples I didn t pick upon some bough.
But I am done with apple picking now.
Essence of winter sleep is on the night,
The scent of apples: I am drowsing off. In the selected lines from Robert Frost s After
Apple Picking, Frost creates the setting for the poem through time indicators, while
also relaying the idea that this is not simply a poem about only apple picking, but it
is metaphor about life and death where apple picking means collecting and life
experiences. Line one states My long two pointed ladder s sticking through ... Show
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The barrel that is not filled represents the capacity to do things before an end of
some kind, and the space that could occupy the barrel is empty. In other words, the
empty barrel represents missed opportunity: in the case of apple picking, it could
be filled with apples, but is not at the end of the day. When this concept is related
the life itself, it means that ones life could be filled with memories or life
experiences, but at the end, they have not occurred. Then Frost tells us, Beside it,
and there may be two or three Apples I didn t pick upon some bough (4 5). With
these lines we get more information relating to the barrel that is not filled, which
says that there is apples to be picked to fill the barrel but the narrator does not pick
them. With the analogy relating the missed apple to missed life experiences, it can
be inferred that there are two or three life experiences that have or will be missed.
The word bough (5) literally means the main branch of a tree. The missed apples
while apple picking were not missed because they were on a small limb; they were
missed seemingly on purpose, because if they were on a small hidden limb it
would be understandable if they were missed on accident. This tells us that the
theoretical life experiences, represented as apples, were not small in nature but
large. This is a representation of Frost s feelings toward the ending of life before one
is done experiencing normal life steps.


Monsters Inc Reflection
This is the first time that I watched the movie Monsters Inc if not for the given task
for us to write a reflection utilizing McKinsey 7S Model of Strategy. The story is both
touching, entertaining and interesting.
Foremost of the McKinsey 7S model is the element of strategy. Monsters Inc., as a
business company, derives its product from scared children to produce energy. The
children, as a source of energy were assigned one employee each called the scarer,
and permanently assisted by another employee to handle the technical aspects of the
job including recording and the filing of reports.
At the beginning of the story, Monster Inc believes that scaring children is the most
viable source of energy. The highest reading reflected on the meter scale supply the
most amount of enegry. However, the strategy shifted to the discovery of happiness
from children which is more powerfull source of ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
In the movie, the new discovery shifted the lead work from Sully to Mike. Their
turnabout roles stemmed from the fact that Mike is more suited to extract laughter
from children than Sully.
Personally, a new discovery of the company, or in this case a better one, can be very
enriching for a person. This could affect the output of the company into greater
heights and create better products. If not for discoveries, like in this case, research
can also help the company perform economically for better results or output.
The second element is structure. The movie presented a direct structure from source
to extractor to consolidation or reports to management. Even with the discovery of a
new energy source, Monsters Inc maintained its operational structure. I think this is
the most economical way for the company to achieve its objective and this suits well
with my personality a simple and straight forward approach from personal needs to


Anti Federalists Vs. Federalists
Anti Federalists vs. Federalists (Paper #1)
The Federalists and the Anti Federalists played an indispensable part in the
establishment of the American Constitution. Federalists were supporters of the
constitution, while Anti federalist were against the ratification of the Constitution.
Federalists believed in the idea of a larger heterogeneous republic whereas anti
federalists wanted a small homogenous republic. Famous federalists like James
Madison, John Jay and Alexander Hamilton are responsible for giving us paramount
pieces of historic documents in the form of the Federalist papers . The Federalist
papers were 85 documents urging the ratification of the US Constitution. Anti
federalist side included people like Samuel Adams, George Mason and Patrick
Henry, and they believed the Articles of Confederation should be altered rather than
completely changed in the form of the Constitution. Concurring with the Federalist
side, it is imperative to see that the Federalists argument was more viable, due to the
fact that larger republics and checks and balances are useful tools in controlling a
democracy. We can t compare ourselves to the way Sparta and Athens operated. Our
country would thrive more under a stronger national government rather than a
stronger state government. The anti federalists were against the proposed
Constitution and wanted the power to be invested in local and state levels. They
believed that the national government would be too far from the


The Old Testament And The Bible Definition Of Vanity
The three lessons that I learned also gained understanding from where the definition
of the Old Testament, Jephthah killed his only child, and the Bible definition of
The Old Testament, had different religious communities understanding to used the
collection of literature in different ways (Tullock McEntire, 2006, p. 2). However, the
define Old Testamentis a set of texts that originated among the people who, at
differing times in their history, have been called Hebrews, Israelites, and Jews, and
which became their sacred scriptures. Therefore this was the Bible that was known to
Jesus, Apostles, early Christian church, and still viewed as another Jewish sect.
Jephthah made promises to God that if he is victorious, he will


The Book Of Esther And Women
Her Story: The Book of Esther and Women in the Leadership Role Women have
played important leadership roles throughout history and the biblical story of Esther
is one such example. The Book of Esther is about the fear of a feminine insurrection
against patriarchal order and sacrifice within the community. The objective of this
paper is to explore how the world s view of a women s role in leadershiphas evolved
from the third century BCE to present day by examining the biblical understanding of
leadership regarding Estherand Vashti through a historical, literary, and contemporary
Leadership through a historical perspective Set in the Persian Empire of King
Ahasuerus (486 465 BCE), the story of Esther reveals the defenselessness of women
within an already vulnerable community of diasporic Jews (Leith, 2010, p. 709). In
this society, women were the lowest members of the community, rarely had control
of their own lives, and depended on the male relatives in the community to take
care of them. Traditionally, the definition of leadership, The ability to make
strategic decisions and use communication effectively to mobilize group members
toward achieving a common goal usually describes a position held by males
(Engleberg, Wynn, 2013, p. 100). However, the leadership role can be performed by
anyone willing to take on the job. It can be a matter of being in right place at the
right time, Very often, the most effective leadership occurs when a leader


Essay about The Search for a Home in Jane Austen s...
Jane Austen s Mansfield Park is a novel obsessed with home and family. It
begins a story of one family, three sisters, and quickly expands to a story of
three families, the Bertrams, the Prices, and the Norrises. Family upon family
is added, each one growing, expanding, and moving until the novel is crowded
with characters and estates. An obsession with movement creates an overall
feeling of displacement and confusion. Fanny Price is moved from Portsmouth to
Mansfield and then back to Portsmouth and back to Mansfield. She occupies
several houses, Mansfield, Thornton Lacey, the parsonage, and almost Mrs.
Norris house. Julia and Maria Bertram, the Crawfords, the Grants, Susan ... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A gentleman s residence is comfortable and fitting (219). For the
homeless Fanny, self is not defined. With no home, she has no self. She must,
therefore, grow into Mansfield Park before asserting selfhood. As Fanny defines
and redefines home, she is able to define herself and ultimately fit into
Mansfield Park and the family it represents.
At her arrival, Mansfield Park is clearly no home to Fanny.
Displaced from her home in Portsmouth, Fanny is almost a not Fanny. The initial
description of her is marked by negation. There is not . . . much in her first
appearance though nothing to disgust (9). She has no glow of complexion,
nor any other striking beauty (9). She is awkward but not vulgar (9). The
negatives (not, nothing, no, nor) reduce Fanny to nothingness. The modifiers,
too, are diminutive. Though Fanny is not much younger than Julia and Maria, she
is described as just ten years old and small of her age (9). She is


timid, shy, shrinking from notice (9), all words that reflect deficiency.
The Miss Bertrams feed off of this diminishment, increasing from their cousin s
shyness (10). Fanny s self threatens to dissolve altogether. After meeting
the Bertrams and seeing the display of a remarkably fine family, who were all
at home (10), Fanny finds herself longing for the


King George IIi Of Great Britain
It was the late 1700 s, the New England Colonies were being ruled by the cynical,
power hungry tyrant known as King George III of Great Britain. Although King
George did not initialize the colonization of America, he had a drastic effect on its
history and what makes modern America what it is today. ¬¬ In order for the
Boston Massacreto even occur, there had to be some sort of negative stimulus
surrounding the Colonists that could and would trigger such an event. Some of this
negative stimulus stemmed from King George and his unnecessary acts imposed
upon the colonists. These acts included: The Stamp Act of 1764 and Sugar Act of
1764, which set hefty tax on stamps as well as sugar and molasses. The Sugar Act of
1764 had the most impact on the colonies. It impacted the manufacture of rum,
which, at the time, was an important export from the Colonies. There was an act
passed known as the Townshend Actsof 1767; this act in particular made the
Colonists furious with Great Britain because it added a tax onto common household
items such as paper, glass, and tea. This, of course, angered the Colonists. They felt
like that Great Britain did not have the right to impose these taxes upon them
because they did not elect their representatives in Parliament. As a result of these
acts, the Colonist essentially started to rebel against Great Britain by boycotting
goods shipped over from Britain. In order to maintain the peace and keep order in
the Colonies, King George III and


Dionysus The Bacchae
In the book, The Bacchae ,the learning by experience we get from seeing the
awesome powers of Dionysus is that every action has a consequence. We also
receive a more indepth and personal education, being that the play is named for his
followers, and it is performed at a theater and in a festival named for Dionysus: we
essentially become immersed in several aspects of his being and decisions. Overall
the immersion of Dionysus being all lead up to the lesson that every action has a
consequence. The first major example of this in the very beginning when Dionysus,
in front of Pentheus palace where the tomb of Semele resides, began to discuss his
origin. He says, ...For I have come to refute that slander spoken by my mother s
sisters... They... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Agave then shows her father the head as if it is a trophy saying, ... a Trophy for
our house... Cadmus then replies, ...This is the awful murder your hands have
done... Agave does not realize it is her son she had killed until Cadmus makes her
closely examine it. She then begins to feel grief saying, ... I see the greatest grief
there is. After all of this Agave is Banished. All of this is a result of her blasphemous
words when Semele, her sister, was pregnant with Dionysus. (Grene, David, and
Richmond Lattimore, editors. Euripides V :The Bacchae. University of Chicago,
2013) (Pg.72 75 lines


Good Readers And Good Writers By Vladimir Nabokov
A quick summary of both articles we will be discussing today on The Morning
Show. The article, Good Readers and Good Writers by Vladimir Nabokov is
basing itself on how good readers and good writers get good to begin with. Mr
Nabokov explains that the author must be able to create something different and
unique to sent planet spinnings in order to produce a successful book. While on
the other hand to make yourself a good reader you must read a book with a fresh
mindset as if you don t know what s to come, go in there expecting to learn
something new and do not ruin the thrill of it. Now onto John Holt s How Teachers
Make Children Hate Reading . This is Mr. Holt realizing that he needs to change up
his methods of teaching and all it... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
When reading a book there s a special order that we like to follow. We see it
manually from left to right, but that s not the same case when looking at a picture
we tend to open up our eyes and look at it at every angle. Once you ve reread a
book you ll start seeing it as a painting instead of a regular book. Once you ve
cracked open the case, now the reader can enter the game. And that s when the
magic begins and people start praising the book and actually appreciate it. The
attitude you bring into a book is fairly important when reading it. That is a very
clever way of seeing what the meaning of reading is. However, when we come
back, we will see how Mr. Holt defines reading based on his own experiences and
work he has done. (commercial break) We are back! This morning we have been
analyzing what reading is and hearing who is Mr. Nabokov and how he defines the
meaning of reading. John Holt is here to bring in his own take of the topic and
later they will go on head to head and see what solution they can agree with. C mon
out Mr Holt, time to discuss this topic we ve been going on and off about. First of
all how are you? Long time no see. Tell the viewers a bit about yourself. Hello, I m
fine. My name is John Holt I m best known for How Teachers Make Children Hate
Reading . Although, I have written several books hoping to influence individuals and
organizations through reading. Speaking about reading,


Ascorbic Acid Concentrations Were Determined By
Ascorbic acid concentrations were determined by iodometric titrations of mango
juice after being exposed to increased heat for different durations of time, 3 minutes
and 5 minutes, to determine if the duration of heating of a juice sample increases the
rate of decomposition of Ascorbic acid. Results showed that ascorbic acid
concentrations after being exposed to increased heat for 5 minutes were lowest. This
demonstrates that an increased exposure to heat increases the rate of ascorbic acid
Ascorbic acid, better known as Vitamin C, is a water soluble vitamin that is important
for the well being of humans and has the ability to inactivate radical compounds
(Righetto and Netto, 2006). Ascorbic acid is a cofactor that is present in many
enzymatic reactions that occur during biological processes such as digestion,
absorption, anti carcinogenicity, collagen formation, cataract prevention and
detoxification (Vikram et al, 2004). Processing of fruits, into fruit juice, often
involves a form of heat treatment which reduces the nutritional (vitamin C) content
of the product (Mercali et al, 2012). Therefore, the purpose of this experiment was
to investigate how prolonged exposure to heat leads to an increased degradation of
ascorbic acid in mango juice. The juice was exposed to three treatments; 0, 3 and 5
minutes of being placed in a boiling water hot bath, and the concentration of ascorbic
acid was determined via titration with potassium iodate.


Should Teachers Have Guns In Schools
The world is filled with violence. Because criminals carry guns,we decent law
abiding citizens should also have guns. Otherwise they will win and the decent
people will lose. James Earl Jones said this in an interview when he was asked about
being a member of the National Rifle Association(Brianyquote.com). Every time there
is a school shooting multiple questions come to mind. What would have happened if
a teacher had a gun? Should teachers have guns in schools? Would it really be
significant? If teachers were allowed to have a firearmin the classroom more
questions come up. What would happen if a student got a hold of the gun? Where
would they keep the gun?
In Pearl, Mississippi an assistant high school principal ran a mile to get his gun at
home and stopped a shooting 11 minutes before police got there. Joel Myrick,the
assistant principal, would have not had to run home to get his gun if The Gun Free
School Zones Act of 1995 would have not been placed (Usatoday.com). The Gun
Free School Zones Act of 1995 made it a federal ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Only teachers who feel comfortable with a gun should be allowed to have a gun. You
would not want someone who is uncomfortable around a weapon, to have a weapon in
school. Having a gun goes with personal opinion, because they might have had a
bad experience with a gun and would not want to carry one, or they might want to
carry a weapon to feel more safe by the number of recent school shootings. I
believe that only one to two teachers per hallway or wing should have a gun. My
grandma was a reading specialist for 40 years and she would never would have
wanted a gun. To this day, she has never been around weapons and would not feel
comfortable around one. To be honest she would probably shoot herself or someone
that she did not mean to shoot. If you were not comfortable with having a weapon in
your class, then you should have the right to turn it


Economic System Advantages And Disadvantages
Economic System
There are many economic system in the study of economy .Economy system is the
structure of production, distribution of economic input and output and consumption
of goods and services in an economy. There are 3 types of economic system which
are planned economy system (command economy), mixed economy system and free
market system (market economy). Therefore , different countries have different
economy system.
The Mixed Economy System Of Malaysia
Mixed economy system is the centrally planned economy system combining free
market economy system. In simple words, mixed economy includes free enterprise
and government control or some form of direct intervention by government. ... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This is another disadvantage as can be noticed in the international firms that maintain
presence in the country. This is because there is a need for competitiveness to be on
a level ground if these firms are to be profitable, but the note from all indication is
that the chances of these firms to successes are limited as a result of the limitation in
their competitive capacity because the government has already given the local firms a
higher competitive advantage by imposing higher task on international brand, and
limiting the chances of these international brand to adopt price based competitive


A German Family With Young ( Pre School ) Essay
A German family with young (pre school) children is moving to London for work
(with a bank in The City) for a period of at least two years. Explain the options of
where they might live and make a recommendation.
From an Estate Agent s view, what is the best advice to give a banker s family
moving to London for a limited time only?

As a German family moves to London for work with a bank in The City, they ask
for advice on how and where to live in London. 
From an estate agent s view, this
report looks into the London housing market, presents advantages and disadvantages
to investment options and recommends a property for the family.
I.The Family

The father is Frank Schmidt, 38 years old and working as a banker. He earns an
annual income of GBP 280,000.00 and works 38 hours per week plus overtime.

His wife, Corinna Schmidt, 36 years old, is the mother of the two children and
self employed as a sales agent. She works approximately 15 hours per week and
earns about GBP 20,000.00 per year. 
Their children are Lea Schmidt, 6 years old
and Lucas Schmidt, 4 years old, both in preschool.
i.Requirements The family moves to London because the father was offered a job
with a bank in The City. Therefore, public transportation should be nearby and a good
traffic connection from their home to The City is required.
 Also, a school and
preschool are needed close to their abode because they will stay in London for at least
two years.
 Specifically, the


The North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement
The North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) has individuals on both sides
of the aisle clamoring their opinions over the cultivation and execution of the
agreement. NAFTA at 20: Overview and Trade Effects explains that NAFTA was
signed into law in 1993 by United States (U.S.) President William J. Clinton a year
following President George H.W. Bush s negotiations on the agreement (Villarreal,
Fergusson, p.1). NAFTA has pushed Mexico into the world economy for the better,
however, there have been some drawbacks relating to internal policy, and external
factors such as China being added in the World Trade Organization. This paper will
review the history of NAFTA as well as the impact on the U.S. and Mexico.
In the years prior to NAFTA Mexico saw some changes in their trade habits.
NAFTA at 20: Overview and Trade Effects explains that after 1920, Mexico s
foreign trade was very restricted, but started to become liberalized in the mid 1980s.
As of 2015, Mexico has FTA s with over 44 different countries. Mexico s big
involvement in foreign trade with the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
(GATT). To gain their membership into the Free TradeAgreement (FTA), Mexico
had to lower their tariff rates and other restrictions such as import licenses (Villarreal,
Fergusson, p.6 7). Mexico virtually went from having no trade with other countries to
expanding to just over 20% countries in 30 years.
Canada, although not the focus, but included in NAFTA, already had free


Russian Revolution Economy
Russian Revolution Economics
Before the Russian Revolution, the economy was a combination of agriculture and
industry (Economy). World War One pushed the economy towards failure (Russian
Encyclopedia Britannica). The Revolution in 1917 was caused by many economic
factors . These included rapid industrialization, supply shortages, and serfdom
(Russian New World Encyclopedia). By autumn the Bolshevik program of peace,
land, and bread had won considerable support among the hungry urban worker and
soldiers, who were already deserting from the ranks in large numbers (Russian
Encyclopedia Britannica). The Russian economy before World War One had high
rates of economic growth and rapid industrialization. During this time period,
industrial production ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The economy was made worse by the political situation. The Bolsheviks used the
economic state to help their rise to leadership of Russia. Lenin worked to build the
economy, but due to opposition, a system of War Communismwas set up (Haywood).
Works Cited
Cvetkovski, Roland. Railways (Russian Empire). 1914 1918 online. International
Encyclopedia of the First World War. N.p. 8 Oct. 2008. Web. 9 Apr. 2017.
Economy, Tsarist. Encyclopedia.com, N.p. 2004. Web. 9 Apr. 2017.
Harrison, Mark, and Andrei Markevich. Russia s National Income in War and
Revolution, 1913 to 1928. Vox, N.p. 11 May 2012. Web. 9 Apr. 2017.
Haywood, Anthony. Post war Economies (Russian Empire). 1914 1918 online.
International Encyclopedia of the First World War, N.p. 8 Oct. 2014. Web. 9 Apr.
Llewellyn, Jennifer, et al. Bolshevik Economic Policy. Alpha History, N.p. 2014.
Web. 9 Apr. 2017. alphahistory.com
Russian Revolution of 1917. Encyclopedia Britannica, N.p. 26 Oct. 2011. Web. 9
Apr. 2017.
Russian Revolution of 1917. New World Encyclopedia, N.p. 21 July 2015. Web. 9
Apr. 2017.
Russian Revolutions of 1917. Europe since 1914: Encyclopedia of the Age of War
and Reconstruction, edited by John Merriman and Jay Winter, vol. 4, Charles
Scribner s Sons, 2006, pp. 2272 84. World History in


The Civil War
The Civil War between the North and the South in America was not even a half
year old when well known Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote his article Bread and the
Newspaper in prestigious Boston The Atlantic Monthly magazine, which he helped
to found. He wrote in the magazine that war to preserve the union will bring the
various citizens of the country together and needs to be fought on three fronts, one
is the law, one is in the mind of the people and one requires the spilling of blood, all
in the tradition of the Revolutionary War. Holmes starts his comments in the article
with the headline, which he named Bread and the Newspaper (346), which he calls
the new version of the Panem et Circenses of the Roman populace (Holmes 346).
Panem et... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They cannot fight it off, since it is like an assailant, literally ready to kill them (in
the battlefield?). They have no control over the situation, just as the average soldier
of the North had probably no control over the inhumane slavery that was happening
in the South and the later the compromise named the fugitive slave law. They had
to break the law when they acted in a humane way and did not actively help a
fugitive be arrested, and the young men he names had probably no control over the
firing of the first shots upon Fort Sumter in Charleston. Yet, here they are, in the
middle of a war that they want and need to join in order to fight for the continuation
of the Union. Holmes continues to use legal terms to define the war as being illegal:
This accounts for the ages we seem to have lived since the twelfth of April last,
and , to state it more generally, for that ex post facto operation of a great calamity,
or any very powerful impression, which we once illustrated by the image of a stain
spreading backwards from the leaf of life open before us through all those which we
have already turned (Holmes 347).
The ex post facto law is law that retroactively makes criminal conduct that was not
criminal when performed (ex post facto law) and Holmes seems to say that at first
while everybody knew the law was not on the side of the slave holding states, it will
now going to be a criminal act. Those slave holding states


Issues Before And After 1054 Dbq Essay
Many issues that created the Great Schism between the East and West, both before
1054 and after 1054. It would appear from the documents that the Eastern Orthodox
has more issues with how the West was conducting religion. Some documents
would tell us that the Catholic had issues before and after 1054 C.E. Also the
Eastern Orthodox had issues before and after 1054. Both religions had issues before
and after the time of 1054 C.E., but the Eastern Orthodox had more issues. It would
appear to us by the documents that the Catholic had issues before 1054 C.E. In 86
C.E we learned that the Popehad an problem because the jurisdiction of Rome should
be restored as possible. We learn that the jurisdiction of Rome was necessary because
it helped them... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
These were the issues that we learned that we re going on before 1054 in the
Catholic faith. We learn by the documents that the Catholic religion had many issues
after 1054 C.E. We learn from a French knight in 1204 that they believed that
everyone should see the sermon on Sunday morning. When the sermon happened
there were many different commands that the people were told do (Document 1),
so I think that the sermon was important for the customs of the Catholic religion.
We learn from a king how he has taken over some land and how he received the
land from the Pope and through the power of the God (Document 9). He thought
that the God would be able to protect him from things in life. I believe that when
someone thinks that they will receive protection from God than they are not as
nervous about the things that they do. These are some of the issues that we learn
that the Catholic had after 1054 C.E in their religion. There were some documents
that we were given that tell us some of the Eastern Orthodox issues before 1054 C.E.
We learn how that the Bishops that are in the council are supreme leaders can cause
many problems (Document


Student Collaboration
In January 2010, Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of
Teachers, delivered a speech at the National Press Club entitled A New Path Forward:
Four Approaches to Quality Teaching and Better Schools. In this speech, Weingarten
called for more collaboration:
Imagine a system in which teachers have time to come together to resolve student
issues, share lesson plans, analyze student work, discuss successes and failures, and
learn through high quality professional development. Imagine a system in which
students can t fall through the cracks because they re backed by a team of teachers,
not just the one at the front of the room. (Weingarten 2010)
Weingarten s though of teachers collaboration by means of improving teaching
methods is influential, and the notion of teachers considerately generating collective
wisdom is attractive for those teachers who desire to exchange information and
precious data from colleagues as they develop their teaching career. Goddard and
Goddard (2010) as cited in Burton (2015) stated that teachers are professionals and
own irreplaceable awareness about their students and the ways they learn. Successful
collaboration takes place when teachers skill and knowledge are spread and
instruction is improved. Teachers with different ranks of knowledge and experience
that cooperatively emphasis on refining student learning are most beneficial in
growing student success. In fact, a review ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Personal and collaborative abilities
2.Confronting communication
3.Helpful dependence on others
4.Separate responsibility
5.Teamwork collaboration procedure DuFour (2005) defined powerful collaboration
as a systematic process in which teachers work together to analyze and improve their
classroom practice (p. 36). This kind of collaboration describes teachers who work
together to normally established learning objectives, focusing on common research
inquiries, and deciding if the education is leading to the learner s


Sheltering Sky versus Blood Meridian Essay
Extreme circumstances bring about substantial changes in people. At least that is
what Paul Bowles and Cormac McCarthy seem to be saying in the writing of their
respective books, The Sheltering Sky and Blood Meridian. Both authors place their
characters in difficult locations, dealing with difficult people and expect them to
emerge changed, for better or for worse. In The Sheltering Sky, Bowles takes his
American trio and places them in the desert landsof the African continent where the
wide, dry impossibly desolate terrain takes its toll on their minds and bodies.
Likewise, McCarthy takes his ragged bunchof marauders, most prominently the Kid,
and has them wandering the massive expanse of the untamed west. This convention
of forced... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Both parties chance upon characters, both eccentric and dangerous, and all involved
seem to get themselves into the most impossible situations imaginable. Apparently
the point Bowles and McCarthy are trying to convey to the reader is that great change
and substantial inner growth can only come about through intense emotional stress
and physical challenge.
Kit, in The Sheltering Sky, learns some very interesting things about herself
through the course of our travels with her. She starts out as Port s wife, a secondary
character of sorts, afraid to voice her opinions on virtually everything. We have the
inside track on her thought s and feelings though, and are privy to the fact that she
is unhappy not only with her situation and current location, but also with her
marriage and identity. We get our first glimpse of her realization of these problems
on her train ride with Tunner, as Port is traveling with the Lyles. Her spontaneous
affair with Tunner is a symptom of her unhappiness and is the beginning of a
downward spiral that takes her to the brink of insanity and far beyond. We see the
beginning of her growth in her encounter in the Fourth Class cabin of the train when
see comes in close contact with the miserable peasant folk and she realizes that aside
from their cultural differences she is no better than these simple folk and in some
ways she is far worse. As her story progresses we, the reader, get to see the progress
of her downfall due to the


Subculture Influence On Hip Hop
Since when did it become cool to be the user? Hip hop music is extremely
influential. What is hip hop? It s a culture that showcases creative expression in the
coolest forms, mainly through your eye or ear gates. In hip hop s earlier formative
years it expressed a once hidden subculture of drug use from a negative detrimental
outlook. The subculture would paint pictures of horrific zombie like creatures
being hooked on drugs doing all things deplorable to chase a feeling, all expressed
while using rhyme, graffiti or video to deliver the message. This would deter fans of
the culture to stay away from such vices. Times have changed. Ignorance is now
celebrated. Drug usage in the culture is expressed and celebrated in the most melodic
rhythmic forms. It s promoted on... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The song used hard kick and snare drums over a melodic synthesizer keyboard to
deliver the story of impoverished life in the inner city. Rats in the front room
roaches in the back / junkies in the alley with the baseball bat. I was seven years old
listening to the radio when I first heard this line. By that time The Message was
considered old school hip hop music. That line in The Message caused me to create
mental images of rats and roaches, two things I viewed as disgusting. As a result,
not knowing what a junkie was, I assumed it was synonymous with rats and
roaches. Upon further research from questioning my third grade teacher Ms.
Michael, she explained that a junkie is a person that uses drugs. That was all I
needed to hear. When I was younger kids were shamelessly ridiculed for having
roaches and rats in there home. You could be the coolest person in the school with
the newest sneakers, but if word leaked that your home had rats and roaches, any
and all coolness was eviscerated. Although it may seem shallow I always wanted to
be considered cool by my peers, therefore I did not use


Therapeutic Relationship
Everyone must have had a pet before, even if it was as small as a fish or as big as an
elephant. We ve all had that one pet, that we will forever remember. The loving
relationship between a dog and a person is so unexplainable but very special in its
own way. I ve had a dog when I was born and it would always be there from my first
time to talk to being with me my sophomore year. I had a Chinese Shar Pei, whose
name was Kane. He was the most precious petto me and not one other pet can replace
his 1,000 rolls or the two different colored eyes. Everyone thought he was ugly but he
s beautiful to me. The relationship we had was unique. In this relationship it
contained us both knowing what we thought and getting in trouble together. The


Is There Pressure On Girls To Have Perfect Bodies. From
Is There Pressure on Girls to Have Perfect Bodies
From the time little girls are born, the pressure become a beautiful woman begins.
Before they arrive home, baby girls are placed in a beautiful cozy blanket, a
beautiful pink hat, a camera from that moment the prepping for a beautiful life
begins. Throughout their childhoods young women constantly persuaded to sit up,
suck it in and smile to look pretty. As early as their first birthdays women are
endowed with societies ideology of beauty in the form of a Barbie. With a perfect
figure, perfect hair and long slim legs, Barbie becomes a girl s first real role model.
Barbie never ages and always looks great no matter what. Barbie is beautiful and has
a tiny waist and an ever so perfect body. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
(Weiner 2) Claire Mysko an award winning author and expert on body image,
leadership and media literacy explains: While social media is not the cause of low
self esteem, it has all the right elements to contribute to it. Social media creates an
environment where disordered thoughts and behaviors really thrive . (Weiner 2)
For most young women with constant use and easy accessibility social media can
become an addiction and the ability to become outlet that can either build up
/ destroy women s self esteem. A recent survey of more than 1000 girls in the
United States ages 8 17 sponsored by the dove self esteem fund, showed that 7 in 10
girls surveyed believed that when it came to issues including beauty and body image
they did not measure up. Only 10 percent found themselves to be pretty enough.
(Sweeney 3) Among women over 18 looking at themselves in the mirror, research
indicates the at least 80% are unhappy with that they see. (Fox 5) We are society
literally obsessed with being beautiful. Unfortunately female dissatisfaction with
appearance or a poor body image being at an early. The latest survey show that young
girls are going on diets because they think they are fat and unattractive. (Fox 5) In
one American survey 81 % of ten year old girls had already dieted at least once. (Fox
5) By 13 at least 50% of girls are

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  • 3. Desara Korreshi. Professor Gloria Cevallos. Business 101. Desara Korreshi Professor Gloria Cevallos Business 101 April 26, 2017 Business Plan My business plan is to open a volleyball court. The ACE Courts will be a full service Volleyball complex situated in Paramus, New Jersey. There is currently no other sports facilities like this one anywhere in Bergen County. This plan will be used to define the scope of our services, as well as a means of gaining the necessary investments to open the facility. It will also be used on a continual basis in the evaluation of The ACE Courts mission, goals, and objectives. The keys to success for The ACE Courts is our ability to market effectively, creating an unmatched cool / awesome atmosphere where people will like to be, and hiring qualified/certified ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Besides providing an excellent value to our customers, The ACE Courts is determined to create an unmatched sporting atmosphere that will add enjoyment to every member and employee working in the facility. Dedicated to the community. The ACE Courts strive to support and sponsor community events, as well as host them whenever possible. Our hope is that through the use of our facility, members enjoyment and appreciation for this sport, and fitness will increase. Keys to Success Marketing: We must make The ACE Courts a common name in the Bergen county and creatively market our services to each of our market segments. Atmosphere of facility: By creating an unmatched Awesome atmosphere in The ACE Courts through the use of first class equipment, floors, colors, and big screen TVs, people will want to frequent our facility often and our ability to retain members will increase. Knowledgeable/qualified staff and management: Providing the members of the facility with knowledgeable and qualified staff who show genuine concern for the contributors, people will feel comfortable and confident that The ACE Courts can meet all of their sport and fitness needs. Company Ownership and Start Up The Ace Courts will be a limited partnership corporation that will be privately owned. Myself, Desara Korreshi will own 50% of the company, while my two teammates will each own 25% of the company. Our start up requirements come to $1,700,000. Included in these costs is the
  • 4. The Power of Music in James Baldwin s Sonny s Blues Essay The Power of Music in James Baldwin s Sonny s Blues At first glance, Sonny s Blues seems ambiguous about the relationship between music and drugs. After all, the worlds of jazz and drug addiction are historically intertwined; it could be possible that Sonny s passion for jazz is merely an excuse for his lifestyle and addiction, as the narrator believes for a time. Or perhaps the world that Sonny has entered by becoming involved in jazz is the danger if he had not encountered jazz he wouldn t have encountered drugs either. But the clues given by the portrayals of music and what it does for other figures in the story demonstrate music s beneficial nature; music and drugs are not interdependent for Sonny. By studying the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The battered barmaid also needs music to insulate her from the perils of her life. She dances to something black and bouncy playing on the jukebox, keeps time, smiling, and when she smiles the reader can see both the innocent and joyous little girl she will always be and the woman still struggling for life and dignity, even though these two personalities are hidden underneath the face of a semi whore (412). She is quicksilver when the music plays; there is still life in her that can be coaxed to the surface. She watches the jukebox in the pause between songs, waiting for the music to begin again, to renew her life and energy and hope. Music reveals this woman as she really is, not as she has become, not as her environment has made her. Just as it is for the whistling schoolboy, music for this woman is a small salvation. Many more moments like these are worked into the story. The mother hums a hymn under her breath; it comforts her while she watches for Sonny, who is out on the streets (419). The narrator whistles to keep from crying after Sonny refuses his attempts at reconciliation (428). These bits of music are tiny but significant; small musics performed by non musicians demonstrate how music creates good feelings. The mother may be singing off key and the narrator probably whistles flat, but because of their nature as song these tunes are suffused with bits of happiness, and by making the music, the
  • 5. Different Cultures, Beliefs And Costumes I think it is very important to be aware of other cultures, beliefs and costumes because as a future social worker, I should be able to give my support and services to clients as individuals. I think that every individual is unique; thus, I will take the time to validate their thoughts, feelings and experiences. Some individual s feelings and experiences are originated from racial differences issues that are occurring. Therefore, being sensitive to a client s need to express his or her feelings about this matter could go a long way. Racial Difference Awareness and Transition I was six years old when I first realized that racial differences exist. It was a year after I my parents decided to it would be best if my siblings and I lived in Jordan with my mother. My parents wanted my siblings and me to learn the Arab culture and the Islamic faith while we were still young. Prior to moving to Jordan, we lived in LaSalle, Illinois where all my friends were Caucasian. I never noticed being different because everyone around me was Caucasian, and no one pointed out that I was different at that time. Once we moved to Jordan, I began to notice that children and adults looked different, dressed different and even spoke an unfamiliar language. Although, I was a Muslim Arab just like them, I felt out of place and different than everyone else. I spoke English and very little Arabic, dressed in untraditional clothing, and I was unfamiliar with the traditions and customs of the Jordanian
  • 6. My Favorite Sports In The Rocky Movie For the people who know me know that I that I am a diehard baseball fan, basketball fan, and football fan. However, one of my favorite sports to watch is boxing. I started to enjoy the sport of boxing after I saw the first Rocky movie. The Rocky movie was my first introduction to the sport of boxing. Even though Rocky is the fictional character he is one of the most iconic boxingfigures in the sport. Sure, there are boxing legends like Muhammad Ali, Mike Tyson, Floyd Mayweather, and Oscar de la Hoya. But for some reason, Rocky Balboa is the reason that I am a fan of the sport of boxing. As much I loved to talk about the Rocky movies or the other boxing legends that I mention above fights this is not what this paper is about. This paper is about the sport of boxing at the international level. In this paper, I will be going over boxing at the history, rules/regulations, and how it impacts society. There are five organizations that are involved with international boxing and they are the World Boxing Association (WBA), International Federation of Boxing (IFB), the World Boxing Organization (WBO), International Boxing Organization (IBO), and the World Boxing Council (WBC). All of these organizations promote fighters here in the United States and overseas. However, since there are a lot of international boxing organizations and a lot of them have a similar history, rules, and regulations. Which has led me to decide that I am just going to go over one of these organizations in
  • 7. Creative Product Promotion I have selected to analyse a company called Mark and Spenser which is a global market leader with regard to fashion and foods world and the various marketing strategies they apply to the products they manufacture. Marks and Spencer plc (also known as M S) is a British retailer headquartered in the City of Westminster, London, with over 700 stores in the United Kingdom and over 300 stores spread across more than 40 countries. It specialises in the selling of clothing and luxury food products. M S was founded in 1884 by Michael Marks and Thomas Spencer in Leeds. The Promotional Mix Promotional Mix is the term used to describe a set of tools that an organisation uses to communicate effectively the benefits of its products to its ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Exhibitions are a more straight forward approach compared with the outdoors and magazine. However they are more costly and can only attract audience in a particular region. Sponsorship: Sponsorship is an important marketing tool for many organisations and is an important element of the promotional mix. Sponsorship involves the support of an event, activity, person, organisation or product by an unrelated organisation that may exchange money, services or goods in return for the association that the sponsorship provides. Sponsors choose events that attract their target market to enhance their brand reputation and awareness. A method of shaping brand identity, sponsorship can improve company image, raise company profile and generate awareness of company values. An integral part of marketing strategy, sponsorship is useable either as a single marketing activity or alongside other marketing tools such as advertising, public relations and promotion in order to leverage the sponsorship and increase the impact. Where Marks and Spencer is now compared to other fashion retailers Marks and Spencer s problem stemmed from the failure of the company to understand that the market has changed and that its customers are constantly looking for fashionable clothes. Quality and value attributes, which Marks and Spencer built its corporation on are no longer the sole motivators for taking the buying decision. GAP, H M, Top Shop and
  • 8. Use Of Literary Devices Used By Ray Bradbury This paper will delve into Ray Bradbury s novel elucidation of how the society in the books has been burnt to ashes just like the mythical phoenix, leading to a possibility of an ultimate regeneration of a brand new, vital, civilization with the augmented knowledge, through the existence of books Montag and the others have. A nuanced argument statement can also lend a hand to authenticate the thesis statement. Several may argue that burning books should continue until every single banned book has been burnt, interpreting it as a more relishing path, since it helps alleviate, cure, and forget the sobering reality of depression that might occur again, however, book burningdoes have another side to it that people do not understand, knowledge can prevent future destruction from occurring all over again. Ray Bradbury added an additional thicker layer to the thesis statement through the use of literary devices, such as symbolism and imagery throughout Fahrenheit 451. Bradbury is not the only one expounding the misery of burning books, regarding the required knowledge withering from human beings, but Helen Keller, a radical thinker wrote letters during the Nazi book burning, empathizing others to get a taste of the scorch. The regeneration of a new society from the lost knowledge, through the symbol of the phoenix, has been illustrated in an ancient form of art, Woman s Robe with Phoenixes and a Tree. The phoenix builds a pyre to burn itself. The bird is not aware that it is
  • 9. Media And Its Effects On The Media Essay In modern societies, the availability of information is vital to better decision making by voters, consumers, and investors. Much of that information is provided by the media, such as newspapers, television, and radio, which collect information and make it available to the public. As Americans, we trust what reporters write in the newspaper, and say on television and radio stations. Although we expect them to report the truth, current media outlets distort thier stories and give certain news reports disproportionate attention. The most important stories are often never seen on Television, read in the newspaper, or heard on the radio stations, while minor and trivial stories get the most news coverage. Hence celebrity engagements, divorce, entrance in rehabilitation centers and DUI cases are sold to the media and then regurgitated to us Americans which are left with inconsequential information. The media actually makes sure to feed us distracting information to keep us from the truth and avoid social movements that can highly affect the one percent of the USA. Mainstreammedia has the power to misinform the public therefore becoming in a way a social movementagainst public spheres and social movements created by the 99% with the sole purpose of controlling the public power. Social movements come and go, representing all political beliefs, and aim to achieve their political objectives by impelling a particular target group s opinion. Some groups reach out directly to
  • 10. Technology and Attack Trees Essay example The modern technology in the world is growing day by day. So to enable faster and simpler networking, the countries are developing and expanding their technology. Currently there are billions of Internet user and mobile phone connections all over the world. People all around the world are very much depended on consistent access of these channels. Popularity for Internet based networking is growing exponentially, but it come at a cost. The cost is the cyber attackand crimes are increasing rapidly around the world. The attacks like email staking, hacking computers, virus attacks, etc. There was one major cyber attack in year 2000, where around 45 million computer were attacked by the computer virus all around the world[1]. There are... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The root of the attack tree is the goal of the attack, like in case of household security the root will be the valuable asset. The branches of the tree will represent different method for achieving the goal, like in case of household security, branches will be breaking the window of house and creating the duplicate key. With this branching representation different ways to attack the value asset , it is possible to evaluate the threats by assigning values of difficulties to various threats. It helps to determine the weak point in the system. The attack trees model can help expert to set priorities to the attack for improving the security. The attack trees are the graphical representation with the goal of the attacker at the root of the attack trees and the possible attacks techniques from attacker represent the leaf or subgoal below the root of attack tree. Simple Representation of an Attack Tree[5] To explain how the attack trees are used let s take an example of attack tree. The tree is created in perspective with the attacker s mind. In the below attack tree the bank wants to protect its customers from attack. The bank will create the tree and will represent various attacks possible from attacker. The root of the tree is the bank account
  • 11. Analysis Of Sharon Vs. Salinger s The, Taverns And... Sharon V. Salinger, Taverns and Drinking in Early America (Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002) Most aspects of colonial life in early America are well talked about: housing, food, daily routine, religion, etc. One of the more glossed over, yet interesting topics, is that of colonial drinking and the taverns in which it takes place. Why did colonial Americans enjoy drinking so much? In Sharon V. Salinger s, Taverns and Drinking in Early America, she outlines how drinking traditions started and how it affected daily life and the impact it had on the people of early America. Salinger s overview of the origins and developed habits of drinking in early America provides insight to the different purposes the activity and taverns in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The overview of taverns and drinking and their great impact on daily life is obvious in the evidence and narration Salinger provides. She uses a journal written by Thomas Jefferson to explain how deeply entrenched in their daily lives taverns and drinking were: Thomas Jefferson noted with alarm that cheap distilled spirits were spreading through the mass of our citizens, yet he is credited with inventing the presidential cocktail party (3). Despite any negativity surrounding drinking, its growth in popularity was unstoppable. She also adds the fact that water was considered an unsafe beverage , which partially explains the reason for alcohol s rise to popularity and appearance in the daily lives of early Americans. This increase in drinking also lead to the tavern culture and the need to regulate it, which brings in the lawmaking side. The thesis of Salinger s book and research states, Colonial taverns and hotels that developed from elite taverns manifested an American society that maintained segregation in public by race, gender, and class (245). Essentially, over the course of the eighteenth century colonial taverns grew exclusionary, in time serving certain sections of society rather than the whole community. She writes even at the very beginning of the text of the separation: In the urban taverns that served a middle class and elite clientele, men gathered on a regular basis to transact business, argue over issues of local politics, or share a convivial
  • 12. Social, Biological And Psychological Theories In society today, many individuals are negatively influenced by the media and the way crime is portrayed. The cause of crime has been studied over decades ago and is continuing to be studied. Many researchers have had their theories and reasons as to why crime happens and what drives one to commit crime. Environmental, social, biological and psychological theories are all potential variables of why crime happens. Critics may argue that crime is caused by the way someone is raised and one becomes a product of their environment. Others may argue that there is something called the crime gene. A professor named Dr. Mairi Levitt at the University of Lancaster is a researcher in the field of bioethics, focusing primarily on how science and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Psychological theories attempt to look deep into the mind of the individual Akers et al., (2013). Psychological theories cover a broad range of approaches as to why crime is committed and what the causal factors are. Lam, Salkovskis and Warwick (2005) support this and found psychological theories refers to psychological reactions to stressors, negative beliefs and meanings and feedback loops, focused on information processing and the mind. Psychological theories recognize the effect of an individual s experience, especially in early childhood, and environmental factors that may trigger criminal behavior, but they propose abnormal personality type/traits or emotional maladjustments as the primary causes of crime Akers et al., (2013). Psychological theorists believed that behavior, criminal or non criminal is not related to one s biological make up. According to Kate Friedlander (1947), classical Freudian psychoanalytic explanations of delinquency focus on abnormalities or disturbances in the individual s emotion development from early childhood Akers et al., (2013). In terms of mental health, to better understand this theory, psychological theories are perceived could influence beliefs of patients and non patients alike in terms of factors such as stigmatization, beliefs about the outcome of treatment, motivation, pessimism and so on. On the other
  • 13. Stressful Childhood Traditions For mothers, the holidays can be both an exciting and a stressful experience. It can be fun to share your favorite childhood traditions with your own children, but the stress of wanting things to go perfectly can make the experience a less than enjoyable experience for everyone involved. There are several things you can do to make your holiday celebrations more enjoyable and less stressful. Focus on Your Favorites There is such a thing as going overboard when it comes to holiday celebrations. Instead of trying to do everything, focus on just a few of your favorite activities. This might mean just decorating pumpkins with your children for Halloween instead of trying to decorate pumpkins, go to a corn maze, visit a haunted house, and host
  • 14. Black Athena Analysis In the text Black Athena by Martin Bernal, Bernal provides a contemporary and interesting perspective in relation to the discussion and examination of Ancient Greece s development as a society as well as a culture. Throughout Black Athena, Bernal discusses the Ancient Model and Aryan Model, which are the two models that have been constructed and utilized to assist historians in understanding the reality and truth of how Ancient Greecedeveloped to the society and culture it has become (Bernal, 1). Bernal specifies the clear distinctions when he discussing how both models have influence modern historians and their perceptions towards Ancient Greece; furthermore, he discusses how Ancient Greece has been examined and interpreted through the utilization of the Aryan model, which is viewing Ancient Greece as being influenced by Europeans (Bernal, 1). However, Bernal holds a completely different viewpoint on how Ancient Greece grew into the civilization it is. Through the examination of the linguistic and cultural similarities, Bernal argues the invasions by the Egyptians and the Phoenicians laid out the foundation for the development of Ancient Greek civilization and culture (Bernal, 2). In other words, he emphasizes how Ancient Greece s development should be examine through what he calls the Revised Ancient Model (Bernal, 2), as he makes it evident that this model effectively shows the true and complex reality (Bernal, 3) of Ancient Greece. To begin, Bernal begins Black
  • 15. Evaluate Continuing Professional Development Continuing Professional Development (CPD) describes the cycle of ongoing development of knowledge, skills and behaviours for an individual in a professional capacity. CPD begins with reflecting on one s current abilities, identifying any areas that need to be enhanced or any skill gaps, and setting development objectives. This is followed by planning which involves evaluating different learning activities to decide the most suitable option, and then the action of undertaking educational activities. Finally an evaluation of whether the learning objectives have been achieved takes place, this may highlight a further development need and continues the CPD cycle. The CPD process involves creating a record of learning accomplishments which shows
  • 16. Essay on The D.B. Cooper Mystery The D. B. Cooper Mystery On November 27, 1971, in Portland, Oregon, a man claiming to be Dan Cooper bought a ticket for Northwest Orient Airlines Flight 305 to Seattle, Washington. Dressed in a sharp dark suit with a pearl tiepin, this forty five year old man was about six feet tall with black hair (Abacha and Gilmore 233). No one would suspect him of going down in American history as the only man to ever escape capture after hijacking a U.S. plane (Warchol 1). Soon after takeoff, after having his cigarette, bourbon, and a soda, Cooper handed a note to one of the two stewardesses on the plane (Warchol 1; D.B. Cooper 1). The stewardess, Florence Schaffner, planned to read it later until one of the other passengers urged her to take... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Dan Cooper became known as D. B. Cooper when the FBI questioned someone with that name, who was found unrelated to the crime (Abacha and Gilmore 234). A few months after Cooper s disappearance, another skyjack, very similar to Cooper s, was carried out by Richard McCoy (Warchol 1). McCoy jumped out of the back of a Boeing 727 over Provo, California, with a $500,000 ransom that FBI later found in his home (Warchol 1; Abacha and Gilmore 234). He received a forty five year prison sentence, but he escaped in 1974 by crafting a faux pistol out of dental paste but later died in a shoot out with police (Warchol 1; Abacha and Gilmore 234). In 1995, a man named Duane Weber confessed on his deathbed to his wife, Jo, that he was Dan Cooper. Jo looked up the name and learned of D. B. Cooper who by description looked very much like her husband did when he was young. The FBI compared his fingerprints to the sixty six found on the plane, but none matched (Abacha and Gilmore 234). A woman named Marla Cooper claimed in 2011 that D. B. Cooper was her uncle who had passed away in 1999. Cooper remembers her uncle, L. D. Cooper, coming home bloodied and telling the family that their money problems were over because he had hijacked a plane. She also declared that her father told her shortly before his death that L.D. Cooper had done it (Johnson and Welch). However, L.D. Cooper was eliminated from the suspect list
  • 17. The Army Corps Of Non Commissioned Officers Essay In recent years, the Army Corps of Non Commissioned Officers has exhibited signs of decline in both effectiveness and professionalism. The Corps of Non Commissioned Officers has faced many challenges that are unprecedented in the history of military service including a core shift in the societal values toward a confused and submissive populous creating a pool of potential Soldiers entering service without the mental or physical toughness to make the transition to military life and be successful. This creates a series of new and difficult challenges for the modern military attempting to integrate, train and successfully produce a quality NCO to lead the Army in the coming years. The Army has begun the recognize changes in the civilians entering military service and is struggling to develop and integrate doctrine and training standards that will produce a viable group of NCOs capable of continuing the leadership and traditions developed in the Army during its existence. The Effect of Societal and Doctrine Change on the NCO Corps The U.S. Army Corps of Non Commissioned Officers (NCO) has been in a steady decline which over the last 70 years can be traced to two major factors. The first of which is the change to an all volunteer Army and secondly societal changes in the form of political correctness and a gender blurred redefining of what it means to be an American and more importantly an American Soldier. The all volunteer concept has forced the Army to begin a
  • 18. Themes Of Honor In A Tale Of Two Cities Ashlyn Tilby Miss. Tao Honors English 10 1 October 2017 What of Honor? Some would say that honor is a thing of the past; a thing long since extinct with the King Arthur and the knights of the round table. In fact, it is not, it is real and can still be seen all around through people all the time. In Charles Dicken s novel, A Tale of Two Cities, honor and dishonor are main themes that are exemplified and enacted through many characters. To be honorable, or to act in honor, is to act in a way that is not necessarily socially acceptable, but is morally right, noble, and kind. To be dishonorable is to neglect the basic responsibility of treating every human being in the respectful manner they deserve, giving no variance to rank or status. Throughout the book different men show varying degrees of honor and dishonor. One such man was Charles Darnay, who, throughout the entire novel, was a prime example of honor and merit. In the early part of the novel, Darnay pays a visit to his oppressive uncle who was a French Marquis, and responsible for the death and poverty of many of his subjects. Darnay went to the Marquis on behalf of those being oppressed by his family member; beseeching his uncle to have mercy and act with benevolence toward those peasants he disregarded so easily. Darnay, unable to convince his uncle of the need to change his ways left his home country for good to be free of his family s misdeeds. In chapter twenty four of Book the Second the author gives a
  • 19. James Agee and Walker Evans Essay James Agee and Walker Evans Fortune Magazine, in July and August of 1936, sent James Agee and Walker Evans to research a story on sharecropping. In the preface of Let Us Now Praise Famous Men, Agee describes it as a curious piece of work. They were to produce an article on cotton tenantry in the United States, in the form of a photographic and verbal record of the daily living and environment of an average white family of tenant farmers, (IX). James Agee and WalkerEvans set out to write and photograph an article for a magazine, and ended up experimenting with the form of the novel itself. James Agee was born in 1909 in Knoxville, Tennessee, but was in the urban middle class, so he had no experience with cotton farming. When ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Agee and Evans set out to publish an article in Fortune Magazine, but when they brought back their work to the editors, they were rebuked. The article was over 400 pages of controversial writing and even various book editors refused to publish it as a novel. Finally in 1941 it was published by Mifflin in Massachusetts after the author was forced to take out a few outlawed words in the state. They failed in their original mission to produce an article, but undoubtedly presented a photographic and verbal record of the average white southern tenant farmer families. By living with three different families for four weeks, Evans depicted their innermost sorrows through his photographs, and Agee portrayed and emboldened their spirit by his written words. The novel itself was an experiment in form, with Evans photos all placed in the front without captions, rather than dispersed throughout the novel. Even in the text, Agee continually stops himself mid description and enters into a stream of consciousness describing the difficulties of articulating accurately the tenant families true expressions. For these reasons, it was considered a failure when it was published, but also for the same reasons it was considered an amazing success twenty years later in the 1960s. In the Preface, Agee conveys that this is a book only by necessity. More seriously, it is an effort in human actuality, in which the reader is no less centrally involved than the
  • 20. Darren Grant s Diary Of A Mad Black Woman In Darren Grant s Diary of a Mad Black Woman (2005), it illustrates a woman (Helen) who was married to a successful lawyer (Charles) for the past 18 years. While his law practice is extremely successful, their struggling marriage is far from perfection and it results in a messy divorce. Sadly, the two main characters used to be happy in their marriage, but 18 years of lacking communication skills turned to be psychologically damaging to Helen. While the movie is aimed at being comical due to the odd family members of Helen, it clearly shows avoidance of intimacy and John Gottman s theory of the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse. The principle communication skill that was lacking was being open to discuss difficult things, or being non avoidant.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Before they married, Charles had Helen sign a prenuptial agreement to prove that she was marrying for him and not for his money. Since he was primarily in charge of financially supporting them and Helen was in charge of everything else (laundry, cleaning, meals, etc.), she had no money to her name. While she had been helping him all along, Charles intentionally insulted her and told her that she was worthless since she had no money, and that nobody would want her. While this is an extreme case of contempt, even subtle ones can damage partners and destroy
  • 21. Analysis Of `` Maus `` By Art Spiegelman Empathy is a difficult feeling to capture. The graphic novel Maus, written and drawn by Art Spiegelman, illustrates himself trying to relate with his father, Vladek, by having him recount his story as a Holocaust survivor. The novel deals with Artie s struggle to understand the Holocaust and his father s situation as best as he can without having lived through it; he wishes he could have known what his father went through and could comprehend his situation. The postmodern story of Maususes the drawings of his characters and the testimonies of others to create a connection with his father s memory. Maus was written in 1980, making it a work of the postmodern period. The text utilizes cultural criticism, enabling the usage of high and low culture by talking about a serious topic within an infantile comic book. Maus enacts the difficulty of working through a traumatic historical past and is a primitive representation of the postmodern self struggling to come to terms with this damaged and wounded history in a conscious manner. The characters are represented as animals with human features: Jews are mice, Germans are cats, Polish are pigs, and Americans are dogs. This plays on the cat and mouse rivalry, removing emotionally intense implications from the narrative and replacing them with a juvenile metaphor. When the victimized and victimizing nationalities are shown as humorous animals instead of humans, the familytragedy is alienated and forced to be viewed as purely
  • 22. Robert Levenson Essay For Dr. John Gottmann his successful research and discoveries began 35 years ago with the help of his friend Robert Levenson. They began the research by building a laboratory where couples would attend and speak with each other after a long workday deprived from each other. While the couples spoke their heart rate, their blood velocity, the amount of sweat produced on the palm of their hands, and even the movement they produced while being seated were being measured. The conversations the couples had consisted of a subject that caused unceasing conflict between them and then a positive subject, after their conversations their videotapes would be shown to the couple and were asked about particular moments in the conversation and what they felt... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For example, the recipients of repair are those who intend to repair or resolve the issue. The repair can only work between the couple depending on the amount of intimacy and friendship that already exists in the relationship. These two factors are then be used to build the first stage of what they call a love map. One of the fundamental characteristics of the friendship between two individuals is the intimate open ended questions asked by this person and the memorization of the answers. Another characteristic witnessed in the laboratory was the attention given to the partner speaking, for example results showed that those partners who paid more attention to their partner while he was trying to communicate or make a joke were those who continued to be married for a longer period of time. Overall it can all be summarized in seven steps that will allow a relationship to flourish, and those are: enhance your love map, nurture fondness and admiration, this means that it is imperative to be able to remind yourself about the worthiness your partner possesses. The third step is turning toward each other, by giving your partner the attention they crave you are acknowledging their presence and making them feel how important they are to you. The fourth step is to let your partner influence you, by giving each other the respect in decision making for a happy marriage, it
  • 23. Egypt is a republic in northeastern area of Africa it was... Egypt is a republic in northeastern area of Africa; it was known as the United Arab Republic until 1971. Egypt is an ancient civilization that grew from 2600 to 30 BC. Egypt s economic range includes involvement with mainly tourism, construction and manufacturing. Currently, Egypt s economy is not doing well. Because of the revolution in 2011, the Egyptian economyhas gone from bad to worse. The country s unemployment is still increasing which is causing the budget deficit. Job creation is virtually impossible, and the Egyptian pound has lost majority of its value. To make problems worse, the general lack of security in the country has increased. All of these issues have a negative effect on the country. For example, the soaring... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Moreover, the unemployment also increases because of the revolution due to many employees going on strike and not working. From February 11, 2011 to February 11, 2013, the unemployment rate has increase by 1.4% (Central Bank of Egypt.) At this rate the country s unemployment will just keep decreasing if something is not done. Currently, Egypt s economic has been taking a number of harmful tolls from many different factors. For example, underground dollar trade and political instability has been reported to effect Egypt s economic in a negative way. The underground dollar trade causes a negative effect because According to Middle East Online website, money is sought on Cairo s black market and currency traders at banks say they haven t been able to meet their clients demand through official channels. This makes it difficult for people to get the proper loan they may need to get a home or car. The black markets are worsening the economy. This has been a problem in the past when Egypt was struck with a thriving black market during economic insecurity in 2003. Black markets are affecting the banks of Egypt. Banks are forced to trade dollars in fixed ranges around the central bank s sale cut off prices for interbank, commercial and retail transactions, giving rights sizable encouragement over authorized exchange charges. Although Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak stepped down, Egypt s
  • 24. Loughcrew Research Paper Did you know, that Loughcrew crains is one of the best secrets in archaeological Ireland? The lovely Mrs.Sparr is taking a trip to Ireland and wants some ideas of grand places to go to. I believe, that Loughcrew is a splendid place to visit while Mrs.Sparr is in Ireland. To start with, the land Loughcrew is a very beautiful place to visit in Ireland. If you haven t heard, Loughcrew is enormous land with tons of crains, or just call them monuments. Also, when it s close to the sun going down, look up at the sky and see how phenomenal it looks. On top of that, at certain times it looks like there is fog on the ground. Now that s zany, don t you think!? Secondly, the startling land Loughcrew is owned by plenty of miraculous people. In addition,
  • 25. The Girl Who Loved The Sky, By Anita Endrezze In Anita Endrezze s poem The Girl Who loved the sky we read about two best friends that meet inside a second grade room (1). There with very different characteristics they learn that overall they are more alike than they think. They are able to relate to one another by their views of the world around them. The speaker in the poem is growing up without a father and her friend is blind. Both forced to grow up with an important element missing from their lives. They overcome this tragic part of their childhood and relay on their friendship to feel safe (39). As the speaker continues to explain their relationship, we feel their connection. We get the sensethat they are able to understand each other and have the ability to view the world around them in the same way. Throughout the poem the extended use of imagery by the writer allows the reader to relate and sense how we might view the world if we had lost our sight. We are able to see the world in a different manner. In addition to the imagery of the world we read about throughout the poem we also see the writer uses imagery to describe the characters. For example, the writers use of imagery for the description of the blind girl gives the reader a vision of a warm hearted girl, that views the world through all of her other senses. As described by the speaker upon their first encounter in lines 18 21 I met a blind girl who thought the sky Tasted like cold metal when it rained And whose eyes were always covered With
  • 26. Unprepared And Cruendless In Jon Krakauer s Chris Mccandless All around us, nature envelops our world and gives society a constant thrill for adventure. The Alaskan wilderness has been described in John Muir s journal as a place that you should never go to as a young man because you ll never be satisfied with any other place as long as you live . Many people, such as a Chris McCandless take this as a test of their bravery and curiosity and venture out into the foreign lands only to die by their foolish decisions. Jon Krakauers Into the Wildportrays Chris McCandless as being unprepared, stubborn, and carefree that eventually lead to his death. McCandless failed to survive in the wilderness because he was very unprepared and unaware of the harshness of the Alaskan wilderness. During Jim Gallien, a union electrician and an accomplished hunter and woodsman, he states that, Alex s backpack looked as though it weighs only twenty five or thirty pounds, which struck Gallien as an improbably light load for a stay of several months in the back country, especially so early in the spring (Krakauer 4). Throughout Chris s life, everything has been handed to him and he has been mostly successful because of the people who have served him. Though, when the first time McCandless is on his own, people like Jim Gallien who have lived in Alaskafor many years can see that he is not prepared. In addition, when McCandless was down in the Mexican Canals, Jon Krakauer describes how, Below the Morelos Dam the river turns into a maze of irrigation
  • 27. Managing Cash Flow By John Olson Managing Cash Flow Imagine you were John Olson. You are an energy analyst for Merrill Lynch. Your boss, Donald Sanders, shows you a hand written note from one of Merrill s largest customers. It reads in part, Don John Olson has been wrong about ... our company... for over 10 years and is still wrong, ... Ken Merrill subsequently fired him because he refused to endorse the customer s exaggerated profit claims. The Ken, of course, is Ken Lay of Enron fame; the analyst was John Olson, by his own description an old fashioned analyst who refused merely to promote stocks, but relied on fundamental analysis to assess the companies he examined. Ironically, he was the only analyst who used Enron s cash flow chicanery to correctly identify the scam. Using cash flow analysis, he determined the firm had few tangible assets and generated sham profits spawned by contrived financial flimflam produced with hundreds of off balance sheet entities. Visualize Enron as a major client owing you a significant chunk of your receivables. This is why our discussion of accounting will be focused on cash flow analysis as the key to understanding solvency, both your customers and your own. We like cash flow because it permits us to follow the money rather than the accrual based numbers favored by Wall Street. Cash flow provides us a good way for investors to evaluate a company s financial well being and operational sturdiness. Cash Flow is composed of revenue or expense streams that change cash
  • 28. Lover Journal 1 What impact has the Canadian Social and Political history on writing of Joy Mannette and Denise Chong? Both authors Joy Mannette and Denise Chong have written different articles about racism and discrimination .First article My Dearest Child is written by Joy Mannette and the other one The Concubine s Children is written by Denise Chong. Both of these articles reflected how the black and Chinese immigrants suffered in Canada in 17th and 19th century. But now as we all know Canada is a multicultural country. Everyone respect each other s culture and religion. The first article My Dearest Child is a letter written by a white mother Joy Mannette to her African Canadian child. In this letter, she explained how their ancestors... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Her writings buttress the fact that although we all have different colours, we have the same colour of blood running through our veins. In conclusion, these two authors, looking back now to what has become of Canada would be happy at the transformation that has taken place between then and now. The points system in place now is based not on your country of origin but on your skills. The immigration and multicultural act sees immigrants as having all the rights and privileges accorded to any white person. Next Emphasizing of Canadian social and political history, the writing of Denise Chong and Joy Mannette shows that many different groups and classes of people that constitute the Canadian society and the help of individuals, have somehow influenced the history of Canada. From the writing of Denise Chong, from The concubine s children , we can clearly observe that Chinese were unwelcome in Canada to a degree where special taxes levied on the Chinese for school and policing, employment, laundry, shoes, even cigars and even bared from becoming naturalized citizens, from owning land, from working on public works (56). Such opposition did not prevent the government to bring one exception to the rule, claiming that the Chinese would work for much less, were more reliable than the available white labour and many Chinese were assigned the most dangerous job (57). Moreover, newspapers and politicians alike pandered to public
  • 30. 3.1FUTURE ASSUMPTIONS OF PORTERS FIVE FORCES... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These can be obtained from the shop shelf which saves time. The prices of these meals are also comparatively low which attracts customers considerably. People look for varieties of respective quality fast food which is also cheaper. These stores are also offering a range of food to order service where the food is ordered viewing their catalogue which provides pictures, quantity description and prices of the food. The food is then delivered to the place of the customer. People try to get social with the minimum time they have with low costs. 2 RESTAURANTS AND FAST FOOD SHOPS OFFERING VARITIES Most restaurants try to offer as many variety of food as possible such as Chinese, fast food etc. Thus customers are able to get different varieties of food from one food shop which makes the market more competitive and more options for substitutes. The other substitute is the fast food restaurants which can hand people food in their cars which they can consume in the car or take it out. Socializing has become a substitute for dining out at restaurants. This refers people socializing with each other outdoor or at friends places or making bar b qs at home. Restaurants have online and telephone ordering available where food is delivered at home in minutes. 4 THREAT OF SUPPLIERS Threat of suppliers is where the supplier has a bargaining power over the buyer.
  • 31. The Motif In Ray Bradbury s There Will Come Soft Rain The motif in Ray Bradbury s There Will Come Soft Rains is rain itself. In the story the house has come to life. The technology has taken over humanity in American culture. The house can clean itself, cook, and pay bills. Even when the family is gone, the house still acts as if they live there still. The entire west face of the house was black, save for five places. Here the silhouette in paint of a man... a woman... a small boy... a thrown ball... a girl, whose hands raised to catch a ball which never came down. (324) The rainis one of the only things in the story that is not futuristic. Its something one can still relate to. The motif, rain, is what brings us back to reality in a very futuristic story. Off to school, off to work, run, run,
  • 32. Sample For Assumption College Assumption College for Sisters has been an initial formation for Sisters and many others students who would like to serve others effectively. Anyone who studied at Assumption College is known for his or her humble service she or he gives to people. Clearly, Assumption College for Sisters has helped me to improve my Education, Spiritual, and Social life. First, the education I received from different courses has empowered me to see things in a different perspective in terms of thinking, writing, understanding, and doing. More than that, the core curriculum prepared me to be a critical thinker, effective communicator, and ready to share with others what I learned. This assists me to focus on the essential unity and universality of all people,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Seeing the practical actions from my leaders at the ACS has improved my thinking, actions, and responsibilities. Therefore, at ACS everyone is responsible for his or her duty. I learned leadership needs commitment and sincerity. Communication is an important aspect of leadership; ACS leaders taught me this as they communicate each to me every event was to take place in my studies, community, social activities. It helped to focus and alert all the time. Through ESL 101 ACS has helped me to adjust to both life in America as well as college life. For this course introduced me to have the basic foundation of structures and vocabulary of the English language through the essential skills of learning that is reading, speaking, writing, and listening. Also, learning the American history and traditions helped me to understand American culture. I would suggest that ACS may continue to teach the American history and tradition in the first year. It is hard for the students in the first semester because they do not know English, but in the second semester, they have improved their
  • 33. The Best Season Research Paper Each of the four seasons are good in their own way, but everyone has a favorite season. While some people like fall because of the leaves or haunted houses, some people like spring because of spring break and the flowers, and some people like winter because of Summer is the best season because of everything there is to do, the weather and the holidays. In the summer, there is so much to do, you can t really get bored. There are all sorts of different fairs, festivals and concerts you can go to. Also, if you enjoy the outdoors, you can go camping. There are tons of different campgrounds and camping resorts to go to. Another activity in the summer is swimming and going to the beach. Michigan is surrounded by large lakes and has many smaller ones you can swim at. Not only can you swim at the beaches, you can go out on a boat and go tubing or waterskiing. One of the best, but sometimes the most expensive, activities you can do in the summer is go on a vacation. There are so many cool places you can go in the summer on vacation. You can travel to a different city, state or even country! One... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The 4th of July is one of the best holidays over the summer because everyone has big parties to celebrate America s independence. Lots of people go camping or on vacation for the 4th of July and everyone comes together to celebrate, it s one of the few holidays people celebrate no matter their religion. Another great holiday that occurs during the summer is Labor Day. Labor Day is a holiday that celebrates the working people, by giving most of them the day off of work. Labor Day is another holiday where many people go camping or on vacations. My family goes camping Labor Day weekend so it is my favorite holiday during the summer. Labor Day is a holiday that some people like and other people don t because it signifies school is starting or that summer is over, but other people like to think of Labor Day as a way to end summer with a
  • 34. Literary Analysis Of After Apple-Picking By Robert Frost From After Apple Picking by Robert Frost Lines 1 8 My long two pointed ladder s sticking through a tree Toward heaven still, And there s a barrel that I didn t fill Beside it, and there may be two or three Apples I didn t pick upon some bough. But I am done with apple picking now. Essence of winter sleep is on the night, The scent of apples: I am drowsing off. In the selected lines from Robert Frost s After Apple Picking, Frost creates the setting for the poem through time indicators, while also relaying the idea that this is not simply a poem about only apple picking, but it is metaphor about life and death where apple picking means collecting and life experiences. Line one states My long two pointed ladder s sticking through ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The barrel that is not filled represents the capacity to do things before an end of some kind, and the space that could occupy the barrel is empty. In other words, the empty barrel represents missed opportunity: in the case of apple picking, it could be filled with apples, but is not at the end of the day. When this concept is related the life itself, it means that ones life could be filled with memories or life experiences, but at the end, they have not occurred. Then Frost tells us, Beside it, and there may be two or three Apples I didn t pick upon some bough (4 5). With these lines we get more information relating to the barrel that is not filled, which says that there is apples to be picked to fill the barrel but the narrator does not pick them. With the analogy relating the missed apple to missed life experiences, it can be inferred that there are two or three life experiences that have or will be missed. The word bough (5) literally means the main branch of a tree. The missed apples while apple picking were not missed because they were on a small limb; they were missed seemingly on purpose, because if they were on a small hidden limb it would be understandable if they were missed on accident. This tells us that the theoretical life experiences, represented as apples, were not small in nature but large. This is a representation of Frost s feelings toward the ending of life before one is done experiencing normal life steps.
  • 35. Monsters Inc Reflection This is the first time that I watched the movie Monsters Inc if not for the given task for us to write a reflection utilizing McKinsey 7S Model of Strategy. The story is both touching, entertaining and interesting. Foremost of the McKinsey 7S model is the element of strategy. Monsters Inc., as a business company, derives its product from scared children to produce energy. The children, as a source of energy were assigned one employee each called the scarer, and permanently assisted by another employee to handle the technical aspects of the job including recording and the filing of reports. At the beginning of the story, Monster Inc believes that scaring children is the most viable source of energy. The highest reading reflected on the meter scale supply the most amount of enegry. However, the strategy shifted to the discovery of happiness from children which is more powerfull source of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the movie, the new discovery shifted the lead work from Sully to Mike. Their turnabout roles stemmed from the fact that Mike is more suited to extract laughter from children than Sully. Personally, a new discovery of the company, or in this case a better one, can be very enriching for a person. This could affect the output of the company into greater heights and create better products. If not for discoveries, like in this case, research can also help the company perform economically for better results or output. The second element is structure. The movie presented a direct structure from source to extractor to consolidation or reports to management. Even with the discovery of a new energy source, Monsters Inc maintained its operational structure. I think this is the most economical way for the company to achieve its objective and this suits well with my personality a simple and straight forward approach from personal needs to personal
  • 36. Anti Federalists Vs. Federalists Anti Federalists vs. Federalists (Paper #1) The Federalists and the Anti Federalists played an indispensable part in the establishment of the American Constitution. Federalists were supporters of the constitution, while Anti federalist were against the ratification of the Constitution. Federalists believed in the idea of a larger heterogeneous republic whereas anti federalists wanted a small homogenous republic. Famous federalists like James Madison, John Jay and Alexander Hamilton are responsible for giving us paramount pieces of historic documents in the form of the Federalist papers . The Federalist papers were 85 documents urging the ratification of the US Constitution. Anti federalist side included people like Samuel Adams, George Mason and Patrick Henry, and they believed the Articles of Confederation should be altered rather than completely changed in the form of the Constitution. Concurring with the Federalist side, it is imperative to see that the Federalists argument was more viable, due to the fact that larger republics and checks and balances are useful tools in controlling a democracy. We can t compare ourselves to the way Sparta and Athens operated. Our country would thrive more under a stronger national government rather than a stronger state government. The anti federalists were against the proposed Constitution and wanted the power to be invested in local and state levels. They believed that the national government would be too far from the
  • 37. The Old Testament And The Bible Definition Of Vanity The three lessons that I learned also gained understanding from where the definition of the Old Testament, Jephthah killed his only child, and the Bible definition of Vanity. The Old Testament, had different religious communities understanding to used the collection of literature in different ways (Tullock McEntire, 2006, p. 2). However, the define Old Testamentis a set of texts that originated among the people who, at differing times in their history, have been called Hebrews, Israelites, and Jews, and which became their sacred scriptures. Therefore this was the Bible that was known to Jesus, Apostles, early Christian church, and still viewed as another Jewish sect. Jephthah made promises to God that if he is victorious, he will
  • 38. The Book Of Esther And Women Her Story: The Book of Esther and Women in the Leadership Role Women have played important leadership roles throughout history and the biblical story of Esther is one such example. The Book of Esther is about the fear of a feminine insurrection against patriarchal order and sacrifice within the community. The objective of this paper is to explore how the world s view of a women s role in leadershiphas evolved from the third century BCE to present day by examining the biblical understanding of leadership regarding Estherand Vashti through a historical, literary, and contemporary perspective. Leadership through a historical perspective Set in the Persian Empire of King Ahasuerus (486 465 BCE), the story of Esther reveals the defenselessness of women within an already vulnerable community of diasporic Jews (Leith, 2010, p. 709). In this society, women were the lowest members of the community, rarely had control of their own lives, and depended on the male relatives in the community to take care of them. Traditionally, the definition of leadership, The ability to make strategic decisions and use communication effectively to mobilize group members toward achieving a common goal usually describes a position held by males (Engleberg, Wynn, 2013, p. 100). However, the leadership role can be performed by anyone willing to take on the job. It can be a matter of being in right place at the right time, Very often, the most effective leadership occurs when a leader
  • 39. Essay about The Search for a Home in Jane Austen s... Jane Austen s Mansfield Park is a novel obsessed with home and family. It begins a story of one family, three sisters, and quickly expands to a story of three families, the Bertrams, the Prices, and the Norrises. Family upon family is added, each one growing, expanding, and moving until the novel is crowded with characters and estates. An obsession with movement creates an overall feeling of displacement and confusion. Fanny Price is moved from Portsmouth to Mansfield and then back to Portsmouth and back to Mansfield. She occupies several houses, Mansfield, Thornton Lacey, the parsonage, and almost Mrs. Norris house. Julia and Maria Bertram, the Crawfords, the Grants, Susan ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A gentleman s residence is comfortable and fitting (219). For the homeless Fanny, self is not defined. With no home, she has no self. She must, therefore, grow into Mansfield Park before asserting selfhood. As Fanny defines and redefines home, she is able to define herself and ultimately fit into Mansfield Park and the family it represents. At her arrival, Mansfield Park is clearly no home to Fanny. Displaced from her home in Portsmouth, Fanny is almost a not Fanny. The initial description of her is marked by negation. There is not . . . much in her first appearance though nothing to disgust (9). She has no glow of complexion, nor any other striking beauty (9). She is awkward but not vulgar (9). The negatives (not, nothing, no, nor) reduce Fanny to nothingness. The modifiers, too, are diminutive. Though Fanny is not much younger than Julia and Maria, she is described as just ten years old and small of her age (9). She is
  • 40. timid, shy, shrinking from notice (9), all words that reflect deficiency. The Miss Bertrams feed off of this diminishment, increasing from their cousin s shyness (10). Fanny s self threatens to dissolve altogether. After meeting the Bertrams and seeing the display of a remarkably fine family, who were all at home (10), Fanny finds herself longing for the
  • 41. King George IIi Of Great Britain It was the late 1700 s, the New England Colonies were being ruled by the cynical, power hungry tyrant known as King George III of Great Britain. Although King George did not initialize the colonization of America, he had a drastic effect on its history and what makes modern America what it is today. ¬¬ In order for the Boston Massacreto even occur, there had to be some sort of negative stimulus surrounding the Colonists that could and would trigger such an event. Some of this negative stimulus stemmed from King George and his unnecessary acts imposed upon the colonists. These acts included: The Stamp Act of 1764 and Sugar Act of 1764, which set hefty tax on stamps as well as sugar and molasses. The Sugar Act of 1764 had the most impact on the colonies. It impacted the manufacture of rum, which, at the time, was an important export from the Colonies. There was an act passed known as the Townshend Actsof 1767; this act in particular made the Colonists furious with Great Britain because it added a tax onto common household items such as paper, glass, and tea. This, of course, angered the Colonists. They felt like that Great Britain did not have the right to impose these taxes upon them because they did not elect their representatives in Parliament. As a result of these acts, the Colonist essentially started to rebel against Great Britain by boycotting goods shipped over from Britain. In order to maintain the peace and keep order in the Colonies, King George III and
  • 42. Dionysus The Bacchae In the book, The Bacchae ,the learning by experience we get from seeing the awesome powers of Dionysus is that every action has a consequence. We also receive a more indepth and personal education, being that the play is named for his followers, and it is performed at a theater and in a festival named for Dionysus: we essentially become immersed in several aspects of his being and decisions. Overall the immersion of Dionysus being all lead up to the lesson that every action has a consequence. The first major example of this in the very beginning when Dionysus, in front of Pentheus palace where the tomb of Semele resides, began to discuss his origin. He says, ...For I have come to refute that slander spoken by my mother s sisters... They... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Agave then shows her father the head as if it is a trophy saying, ... a Trophy for our house... Cadmus then replies, ...This is the awful murder your hands have done... Agave does not realize it is her son she had killed until Cadmus makes her closely examine it. She then begins to feel grief saying, ... I see the greatest grief there is. After all of this Agave is Banished. All of this is a result of her blasphemous words when Semele, her sister, was pregnant with Dionysus. (Grene, David, and Richmond Lattimore, editors. Euripides V :The Bacchae. University of Chicago, 2013) (Pg.72 75 lines
  • 43. Good Readers And Good Writers By Vladimir Nabokov A quick summary of both articles we will be discussing today on The Morning Show. The article, Good Readers and Good Writers by Vladimir Nabokov is basing itself on how good readers and good writers get good to begin with. Mr Nabokov explains that the author must be able to create something different and unique to sent planet spinnings in order to produce a successful book. While on the other hand to make yourself a good reader you must read a book with a fresh mindset as if you don t know what s to come, go in there expecting to learn something new and do not ruin the thrill of it. Now onto John Holt s How Teachers Make Children Hate Reading . This is Mr. Holt realizing that he needs to change up his methods of teaching and all it... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When reading a book there s a special order that we like to follow. We see it manually from left to right, but that s not the same case when looking at a picture we tend to open up our eyes and look at it at every angle. Once you ve reread a book you ll start seeing it as a painting instead of a regular book. Once you ve cracked open the case, now the reader can enter the game. And that s when the magic begins and people start praising the book and actually appreciate it. The attitude you bring into a book is fairly important when reading it. That is a very clever way of seeing what the meaning of reading is. However, when we come back, we will see how Mr. Holt defines reading based on his own experiences and work he has done. (commercial break) We are back! This morning we have been analyzing what reading is and hearing who is Mr. Nabokov and how he defines the meaning of reading. John Holt is here to bring in his own take of the topic and later they will go on head to head and see what solution they can agree with. C mon out Mr Holt, time to discuss this topic we ve been going on and off about. First of all how are you? Long time no see. Tell the viewers a bit about yourself. Hello, I m fine. My name is John Holt I m best known for How Teachers Make Children Hate Reading . Although, I have written several books hoping to influence individuals and organizations through reading. Speaking about reading,
  • 44. Ascorbic Acid Concentrations Were Determined By Iodometric... Ascorbic acid concentrations were determined by iodometric titrations of mango juice after being exposed to increased heat for different durations of time, 3 minutes and 5 minutes, to determine if the duration of heating of a juice sample increases the rate of decomposition of Ascorbic acid. Results showed that ascorbic acid concentrations after being exposed to increased heat for 5 minutes were lowest. This demonstrates that an increased exposure to heat increases the rate of ascorbic acid degradation. Introduction: Ascorbic acid, better known as Vitamin C, is a water soluble vitamin that is important for the well being of humans and has the ability to inactivate radical compounds (Righetto and Netto, 2006). Ascorbic acid is a cofactor that is present in many enzymatic reactions that occur during biological processes such as digestion, absorption, anti carcinogenicity, collagen formation, cataract prevention and detoxification (Vikram et al, 2004). Processing of fruits, into fruit juice, often involves a form of heat treatment which reduces the nutritional (vitamin C) content of the product (Mercali et al, 2012). Therefore, the purpose of this experiment was to investigate how prolonged exposure to heat leads to an increased degradation of ascorbic acid in mango juice. The juice was exposed to three treatments; 0, 3 and 5 minutes of being placed in a boiling water hot bath, and the concentration of ascorbic acid was determined via titration with potassium iodate.
  • 45. Should Teachers Have Guns In Schools The world is filled with violence. Because criminals carry guns,we decent law abiding citizens should also have guns. Otherwise they will win and the decent people will lose. James Earl Jones said this in an interview when he was asked about being a member of the National Rifle Association(Brianyquote.com). Every time there is a school shooting multiple questions come to mind. What would have happened if a teacher had a gun? Should teachers have guns in schools? Would it really be significant? If teachers were allowed to have a firearmin the classroom more questions come up. What would happen if a student got a hold of the gun? Where would they keep the gun? In Pearl, Mississippi an assistant high school principal ran a mile to get his gun at home and stopped a shooting 11 minutes before police got there. Joel Myrick,the assistant principal, would have not had to run home to get his gun if The Gun Free School Zones Act of 1995 would have not been placed (Usatoday.com). The Gun Free School Zones Act of 1995 made it a federal ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Only teachers who feel comfortable with a gun should be allowed to have a gun. You would not want someone who is uncomfortable around a weapon, to have a weapon in school. Having a gun goes with personal opinion, because they might have had a bad experience with a gun and would not want to carry one, or they might want to carry a weapon to feel more safe by the number of recent school shootings. I believe that only one to two teachers per hallway or wing should have a gun. My grandma was a reading specialist for 40 years and she would never would have wanted a gun. To this day, she has never been around weapons and would not feel comfortable around one. To be honest she would probably shoot herself or someone that she did not mean to shoot. If you were not comfortable with having a weapon in your class, then you should have the right to turn it
  • 46. Economic System Advantages And Disadvantages Economic System There are many economic system in the study of economy .Economy system is the structure of production, distribution of economic input and output and consumption of goods and services in an economy. There are 3 types of economic system which are planned economy system (command economy), mixed economy system and free market system (market economy). Therefore , different countries have different economy system. The Mixed Economy System Of Malaysia Mixed economy system is the centrally planned economy system combining free market economy system. In simple words, mixed economy includes free enterprise and government control or some form of direct intervention by government. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This is another disadvantage as can be noticed in the international firms that maintain presence in the country. This is because there is a need for competitiveness to be on a level ground if these firms are to be profitable, but the note from all indication is that the chances of these firms to successes are limited as a result of the limitation in their competitive capacity because the government has already given the local firms a higher competitive advantage by imposing higher task on international brand, and limiting the chances of these international brand to adopt price based competitive
  • 47. A German Family With Young ( Pre School ) Essay A German family with young (pre school) children is moving to London for work (with a bank in The City) for a period of at least two years. Explain the options of where they might live and make a recommendation. Situation: From an Estate Agent s view, what is the best advice to give a banker s family moving to London for a limited time only? Introduction 
As a German family moves to London for work with a bank in The City, they ask for advice on how and where to live in London. 
From an estate agent s view, this report looks into the London housing market, presents advantages and disadvantages to investment options and recommends a property for the family. I.The Family
 The father is Frank Schmidt, 38 years old and working as a banker. He earns an annual income of GBP 280,000.00 and works 38 hours per week plus overtime. 
His wife, Corinna Schmidt, 36 years old, is the mother of the two children and self employed as a sales agent. She works approximately 15 hours per week and earns about GBP 20,000.00 per year. 
Their children are Lea Schmidt, 6 years old and Lucas Schmidt, 4 years old, both in preschool. i.Requirements The family moves to London because the father was offered a job with a bank in The City. Therefore, public transportation should be nearby and a good traffic connection from their home to The City is required.
 Also, a school and preschool are needed close to their abode because they will stay in London for at least two years.
 Specifically, the
  • 48. The North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement The North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) has individuals on both sides of the aisle clamoring their opinions over the cultivation and execution of the agreement. NAFTA at 20: Overview and Trade Effects explains that NAFTA was signed into law in 1993 by United States (U.S.) President William J. Clinton a year following President George H.W. Bush s negotiations on the agreement (Villarreal, Fergusson, p.1). NAFTA has pushed Mexico into the world economy for the better, however, there have been some drawbacks relating to internal policy, and external factors such as China being added in the World Trade Organization. This paper will review the history of NAFTA as well as the impact on the U.S. and Mexico. In the years prior to NAFTA Mexico saw some changes in their trade habits. NAFTA at 20: Overview and Trade Effects explains that after 1920, Mexico s foreign trade was very restricted, but started to become liberalized in the mid 1980s. As of 2015, Mexico has FTA s with over 44 different countries. Mexico s big involvement in foreign trade with the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). To gain their membership into the Free TradeAgreement (FTA), Mexico had to lower their tariff rates and other restrictions such as import licenses (Villarreal, Fergusson, p.6 7). Mexico virtually went from having no trade with other countries to expanding to just over 20% countries in 30 years. Canada, although not the focus, but included in NAFTA, already had free
  • 49. Russian Revolution Economy Russian Revolution Economics Before the Russian Revolution, the economy was a combination of agriculture and industry (Economy). World War One pushed the economy towards failure (Russian Encyclopedia Britannica). The Revolution in 1917 was caused by many economic factors . These included rapid industrialization, supply shortages, and serfdom (Russian New World Encyclopedia). By autumn the Bolshevik program of peace, land, and bread had won considerable support among the hungry urban worker and soldiers, who were already deserting from the ranks in large numbers (Russian Encyclopedia Britannica). The Russian economy before World War One had high rates of economic growth and rapid industrialization. During this time period, industrial production ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The economy was made worse by the political situation. The Bolsheviks used the economic state to help their rise to leadership of Russia. Lenin worked to build the economy, but due to opposition, a system of War Communismwas set up (Haywood). Works Cited Cvetkovski, Roland. Railways (Russian Empire). 1914 1918 online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War. N.p. 8 Oct. 2008. Web. 9 Apr. 2017. Economy, Tsarist. Encyclopedia.com, N.p. 2004. Web. 9 Apr. 2017. Harrison, Mark, and Andrei Markevich. Russia s National Income in War and Revolution, 1913 to 1928. Vox, N.p. 11 May 2012. Web. 9 Apr. 2017. Haywood, Anthony. Post war Economies (Russian Empire). 1914 1918 online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War, N.p. 8 Oct. 2014. Web. 9 Apr. 2017. Llewellyn, Jennifer, et al. Bolshevik Economic Policy. Alpha History, N.p. 2014. Web. 9 Apr. 2017. alphahistory.com Russian Revolution of 1917. Encyclopedia Britannica, N.p. 26 Oct. 2011. Web. 9 Apr. 2017. Russian Revolution of 1917. New World Encyclopedia, N.p. 21 July 2015. Web. 9 Apr. 2017. Russian Revolutions of 1917. Europe since 1914: Encyclopedia of the Age of War and Reconstruction, edited by John Merriman and Jay Winter, vol. 4, Charles Scribner s Sons, 2006, pp. 2272 84. World History in
  • 50. The Civil War The Civil War between the North and the South in America was not even a half year old when well known Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote his article Bread and the Newspaper in prestigious Boston The Atlantic Monthly magazine, which he helped to found. He wrote in the magazine that war to preserve the union will bring the various citizens of the country together and needs to be fought on three fronts, one is the law, one is in the mind of the people and one requires the spilling of blood, all in the tradition of the Revolutionary War. Holmes starts his comments in the article with the headline, which he named Bread and the Newspaper (346), which he calls the new version of the Panem et Circenses of the Roman populace (Holmes 346). Panem et... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They cannot fight it off, since it is like an assailant, literally ready to kill them (in the battlefield?). They have no control over the situation, just as the average soldier of the North had probably no control over the inhumane slavery that was happening in the South and the later the compromise named the fugitive slave law. They had to break the law when they acted in a humane way and did not actively help a fugitive be arrested, and the young men he names had probably no control over the firing of the first shots upon Fort Sumter in Charleston. Yet, here they are, in the middle of a war that they want and need to join in order to fight for the continuation of the Union. Holmes continues to use legal terms to define the war as being illegal: This accounts for the ages we seem to have lived since the twelfth of April last, and , to state it more generally, for that ex post facto operation of a great calamity, or any very powerful impression, which we once illustrated by the image of a stain spreading backwards from the leaf of life open before us through all those which we have already turned (Holmes 347). The ex post facto law is law that retroactively makes criminal conduct that was not criminal when performed (ex post facto law) and Holmes seems to say that at first while everybody knew the law was not on the side of the slave holding states, it will now going to be a criminal act. Those slave holding states
  • 51. Issues Before And After 1054 Dbq Essay Many issues that created the Great Schism between the East and West, both before 1054 and after 1054. It would appear from the documents that the Eastern Orthodox has more issues with how the West was conducting religion. Some documents would tell us that the Catholic had issues before and after 1054 C.E. Also the Eastern Orthodox had issues before and after 1054. Both religions had issues before and after the time of 1054 C.E., but the Eastern Orthodox had more issues. It would appear to us by the documents that the Catholic had issues before 1054 C.E. In 86 C.E we learned that the Popehad an problem because the jurisdiction of Rome should be restored as possible. We learn that the jurisdiction of Rome was necessary because it helped them... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These were the issues that we learned that we re going on before 1054 in the Catholic faith. We learn by the documents that the Catholic religion had many issues after 1054 C.E. We learn from a French knight in 1204 that they believed that everyone should see the sermon on Sunday morning. When the sermon happened there were many different commands that the people were told do (Document 1), so I think that the sermon was important for the customs of the Catholic religion. We learn from a king how he has taken over some land and how he received the land from the Pope and through the power of the God (Document 9). He thought that the God would be able to protect him from things in life. I believe that when someone thinks that they will receive protection from God than they are not as nervous about the things that they do. These are some of the issues that we learn that the Catholic had after 1054 C.E in their religion. There were some documents that we were given that tell us some of the Eastern Orthodox issues before 1054 C.E. We learn how that the Bishops that are in the council are supreme leaders can cause many problems (Document
  • 52. Student Collaboration In January 2010, Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers, delivered a speech at the National Press Club entitled A New Path Forward: Four Approaches to Quality Teaching and Better Schools. In this speech, Weingarten called for more collaboration: Imagine a system in which teachers have time to come together to resolve student issues, share lesson plans, analyze student work, discuss successes and failures, and learn through high quality professional development. Imagine a system in which students can t fall through the cracks because they re backed by a team of teachers, not just the one at the front of the room. (Weingarten 2010) Weingarten s though of teachers collaboration by means of improving teaching methods is influential, and the notion of teachers considerately generating collective wisdom is attractive for those teachers who desire to exchange information and precious data from colleagues as they develop their teaching career. Goddard and Goddard (2010) as cited in Burton (2015) stated that teachers are professionals and own irreplaceable awareness about their students and the ways they learn. Successful collaboration takes place when teachers skill and knowledge are spread and instruction is improved. Teachers with different ranks of knowledge and experience that cooperatively emphasis on refining student learning are most beneficial in growing student success. In fact, a review ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Personal and collaborative abilities 2.Confronting communication 3.Helpful dependence on others 4.Separate responsibility 5.Teamwork collaboration procedure DuFour (2005) defined powerful collaboration as a systematic process in which teachers work together to analyze and improve their classroom practice (p. 36). This kind of collaboration describes teachers who work together to normally established learning objectives, focusing on common research inquiries, and deciding if the education is leading to the learner s
  • 53. Sheltering Sky versus Blood Meridian Essay Extreme circumstances bring about substantial changes in people. At least that is what Paul Bowles and Cormac McCarthy seem to be saying in the writing of their respective books, The Sheltering Sky and Blood Meridian. Both authors place their characters in difficult locations, dealing with difficult people and expect them to emerge changed, for better or for worse. In The Sheltering Sky, Bowles takes his American trio and places them in the desert landsof the African continent where the wide, dry impossibly desolate terrain takes its toll on their minds and bodies. Likewise, McCarthy takes his ragged bunchof marauders, most prominently the Kid, and has them wandering the massive expanse of the untamed west. This convention of forced... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Both parties chance upon characters, both eccentric and dangerous, and all involved seem to get themselves into the most impossible situations imaginable. Apparently the point Bowles and McCarthy are trying to convey to the reader is that great change and substantial inner growth can only come about through intense emotional stress and physical challenge. Kit, in The Sheltering Sky, learns some very interesting things about herself through the course of our travels with her. She starts out as Port s wife, a secondary character of sorts, afraid to voice her opinions on virtually everything. We have the inside track on her thought s and feelings though, and are privy to the fact that she is unhappy not only with her situation and current location, but also with her marriage and identity. We get our first glimpse of her realization of these problems on her train ride with Tunner, as Port is traveling with the Lyles. Her spontaneous affair with Tunner is a symptom of her unhappiness and is the beginning of a downward spiral that takes her to the brink of insanity and far beyond. We see the beginning of her growth in her encounter in the Fourth Class cabin of the train when see comes in close contact with the miserable peasant folk and she realizes that aside from their cultural differences she is no better than these simple folk and in some ways she is far worse. As her story progresses we, the reader, get to see the progress of her downfall due to the
  • 54. Subculture Influence On Hip Hop Since when did it become cool to be the user? Hip hop music is extremely influential. What is hip hop? It s a culture that showcases creative expression in the coolest forms, mainly through your eye or ear gates. In hip hop s earlier formative years it expressed a once hidden subculture of drug use from a negative detrimental outlook. The subculture would paint pictures of horrific zombie like creatures being hooked on drugs doing all things deplorable to chase a feeling, all expressed while using rhyme, graffiti or video to deliver the message. This would deter fans of the culture to stay away from such vices. Times have changed. Ignorance is now celebrated. Drug usage in the culture is expressed and celebrated in the most melodic rhythmic forms. It s promoted on... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The song used hard kick and snare drums over a melodic synthesizer keyboard to deliver the story of impoverished life in the inner city. Rats in the front room roaches in the back / junkies in the alley with the baseball bat. I was seven years old listening to the radio when I first heard this line. By that time The Message was considered old school hip hop music. That line in The Message caused me to create mental images of rats and roaches, two things I viewed as disgusting. As a result, not knowing what a junkie was, I assumed it was synonymous with rats and roaches. Upon further research from questioning my third grade teacher Ms. Michael, she explained that a junkie is a person that uses drugs. That was all I needed to hear. When I was younger kids were shamelessly ridiculed for having roaches and rats in there home. You could be the coolest person in the school with the newest sneakers, but if word leaked that your home had rats and roaches, any and all coolness was eviscerated. Although it may seem shallow I always wanted to be considered cool by my peers, therefore I did not use
  • 55. Therapeutic Relationship Everyone must have had a pet before, even if it was as small as a fish or as big as an elephant. We ve all had that one pet, that we will forever remember. The loving relationship between a dog and a person is so unexplainable but very special in its own way. I ve had a dog when I was born and it would always be there from my first time to talk to being with me my sophomore year. I had a Chinese Shar Pei, whose name was Kane. He was the most precious petto me and not one other pet can replace his 1,000 rolls or the two different colored eyes. Everyone thought he was ugly but he s beautiful to me. The relationship we had was unique. In this relationship it contained us both knowing what we thought and getting in trouble together. The loving
  • 56. Is There Pressure On Girls To Have Perfect Bodies. From Is There Pressure on Girls to Have Perfect Bodies From the time little girls are born, the pressure become a beautiful woman begins. Before they arrive home, baby girls are placed in a beautiful cozy blanket, a beautiful pink hat, a camera from that moment the prepping for a beautiful life begins. Throughout their childhoods young women constantly persuaded to sit up, suck it in and smile to look pretty. As early as their first birthdays women are endowed with societies ideology of beauty in the form of a Barbie. With a perfect figure, perfect hair and long slim legs, Barbie becomes a girl s first real role model. Barbie never ages and always looks great no matter what. Barbie is beautiful and has a tiny waist and an ever so perfect body. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (Weiner 2) Claire Mysko an award winning author and expert on body image, leadership and media literacy explains: While social media is not the cause of low self esteem, it has all the right elements to contribute to it. Social media creates an environment where disordered thoughts and behaviors really thrive . (Weiner 2) For most young women with constant use and easy accessibility social media can become an addiction and the ability to become outlet that can either build up / destroy women s self esteem. A recent survey of more than 1000 girls in the United States ages 8 17 sponsored by the dove self esteem fund, showed that 7 in 10 girls surveyed believed that when it came to issues including beauty and body image they did not measure up. Only 10 percent found themselves to be pretty enough. (Sweeney 3) Among women over 18 looking at themselves in the mirror, research indicates the at least 80% are unhappy with that they see. (Fox 5) We are society literally obsessed with being beautiful. Unfortunately female dissatisfaction with appearance or a poor body image being at an early. The latest survey show that young girls are going on diets because they think they are fat and unattractive. (Fox 5) In one American survey 81 % of ten year old girls had already dieted at least once. (Fox 5) By 13 at least 50% of girls are