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InFiNiTe bOuNcE

• Title of article: Acquired growth hormone deficiency and
  hypogonadotropic hypogonadism in a subject with repeated
  head trauma, or X goes to the neurologist.
• Results: The research team successfully identified 50
  significant losses of consciousness. Of these, 43 incidents
  involved head trauma with loss of consciousness representing
  grade 3 concussions. X sustained 26 concussions resulting
  from a blow with a blunt object. The most frequently used
  object was a club (8 times). Other causes for the subject's loss
  of consciousness included bullet injury (3), chloroform
  poisoning (3), explosions (4), car accidents (3) and falls (2).
• Id X. Also explain what the research team wanted to
                                            Visual in next
Saraswati puja quiz
Saraswati puja quiz
Why Tintin does not grow old?
Photograph of a family holiday. Name the person who has been circled?
Saraswati puja quiz
Saraswati puja quiz
It is believed that the 16 yr old son of King Hima was doomed
to die on the fourth day of his marriage by a snake-bite. So, on
that day, his worried wife lighted innumerable lamps all over
the place. She also laid all the ornaments and lots of gold and
silver coins in a big heap at the entrance of her husband's
room. She went on telling stories and singing songs through the
night. When Yama -arrived there in the guise of a Serpent, the
dazzle of those brilliant lights blinded his eyes and he could not
enter the Prince's chamber. So he climbed on the heap of the
ornaments and coins and sat their whole night listening to the
melodious songs. In the morning, he quietly went away. So
what is celebrated as a result of this?
Saraswati puja quiz
• The wife saved her husband and since
  then this day ofcame to be known as
  the day of "Yamadeepdaan" and lamps
  are kept burning throughout the night
  in reverential adoration to Yama, the
  god of Death – Being the 13th day – it
  is called - Dhanterase
Id the person
Saraswati puja quiz
Elvis priesly

What the unique about this 3 temple?
Saraswati puja quiz
All three Temple dedicated to Duryadhan
In 2003, writer Peter Milligan announced that
_______________ would be joining the X-Statix, an X-
Men spin-off team. In an interview with The Guardian,
Milligan noted that "________________ exerted a
strange, mysterious power from beyond the grave," so
why not turn that into a mutant power?
________________ was set to appear in a storyline
cheekily titled "_________ Another Day." where
________'s zombified body would join the X-Statix and
thwart assassination attempts. Marvel however never
published ____________'s appearances. After a huge
outcry, Marvel redacted the story. Milligan replaced
__________ with Henrietta Hunter, a European popstar.
Saraswati puja quiz
Saraswati puja quiz
Princess Diana
Sometime in July of 2011, Agnello Dias, chairman and co-founder of TapRoot India,
a Mumbai-based ad agency telephoned director Ram Madhvani.
"Are you free? What's up?" he asked.
Dias is a former JWT man and has worked on the famous Nike ad, and the Aman ki
Aasha and Lead India campaigns among others. Madhvani is an award-winning
director who made the Happydent ad that won a bronze and a silver lion at Cannes
in 2006.
And yet when the two met up, neither had the slightest idea that they were about
to create what is arguably one of the most talked-about commercial of the year. By
the second week of August they had shown it to the X, the founder, chairman and
Group CEO of ______________. The ad had a catchy score, a great script and a bunch of
70 young actors -- some of them still students -- exuding tremendous energy from
shot one. After watching the video, X said, "Let's take it on air." There were no cuts,
no changes, no extra suggestions. So just like that, on August 18, __________'s latest
commercial was launched. Within days, the ad featuring practically no known face,
went viral.
Saraswati puja quiz
Airtel Har Ek Friend Zaroori Hota Hai Ad
X’s first ever Twitter post, sent in
February 2009, reads “I’m 01100110
01100101 01100101 01101100 01101001
01101110 01100111 00100000 01101100
01110101 01100011 01101011 01111001
Id X and/or what the binary meant
Saraswati puja quiz
I’m feeling lucky” by Google.
• At first, it was an orange 1969 BMC Mini MK II (registration RNT
  996H), but this was destroyed in a crash. Following this, the car
  was a 1976 – 1980 model (registration SLW 287R), Austin
  Citroen Green in colour with a satin black bonnet.
• The Mini also had a number of innovative security measures.
  For example, ________ used a bolt-latch and padlock, rather
  than the lock fitted to the car, and removes the steering wheel
  instead of the key. These formed a running joke in several
  episodes, at one point deterring a car thief.
• In some episodes _______ has a long-running feud with the
  unseen driver of a light blue Reliant Regal Supervan III
  (registration GRA 26K), which will usually get turned over,
  crashed out of its parking space and so forth by __________.
  This conflict originated in the first episode, when the Reliant's
  driver held the Mini up on the way to an examination, and
  subsequently became another running joke throughout the
Saraswati puja quiz
Mr.Beans Car
Whose tattoo and its significance ?
Saraswati puja quiz
• Angelina Jolie
• The coordinates of the kids that she
Which gaming product’s name was inspired from this PS3 joystick ?
Saraswati puja quiz
•   X-BOX 360
•   Cross mark- X
•   Square -Box
•   Circle  -360
An American inventor reportedly spent $1
million in developing a product and patented
this product in 1965. This product has ability to
function in extraordinary environments like
zero gravity, underwater, in temperatures
ranging from -30 to 250 degrees Fahrenheit.
- The unique utility of this product provoked
NASA to order 400 examples of it and use it for
the Apollo program.just id product?
Saraswati puja quiz
The pens to be used in space, as mentioned
in 3 Idiots
Even though this currency note can’t be used inside Pakistan. It (next
slide) is printed by the State Bank of Pakistan every year.put funda?
Saraswati puja quiz
Saraswati puja quiz
What is the significance of this mountain in the world of business?
Saraswati puja quiz
Saraswati puja quiz
Once an essential accessory for men, they were originally
intended to help Persian soldiers secure their stance to shoot the
bow and arrow effectively.They were adopted by the European
aristocracy as a result of the diplomatic missions of Persia's Shah
Abbas I, aimed at forging links with Western Europe to help him
defeat his great enemy, the Ottoman Empire. They were especially
popular with Louis XIV, who used them to hide his
shortcomings.However, with the advent of the Enlightenment
movement and the Great Male Renunciation, they totally fell out of
favour after the French Revolution. They were re-adopted by
pornographers in the early and mid 20th century, and it is this
association with pornography that is believed to have led to their
re-acceptance by the public, this time by women. What are we
talking about?
Saraswati puja quiz
high heel
Long   Visual   Connect
+100 , -50
+90 , -45
+80 , -40
+70 , -35
+60 , -30
+50 , -25
+40 , -20
+30 , -15
+20 , -10
+10 , no negetive
Saraswati puja quiz
Saraswati puja quiz
Nobel Winner from India or
             Indian Born
Ronald Ross       MedicineForeign citizens born in India
1907     Rudyard Kipling Literature            Foreign citizens born in India
1913     Rabindranath Tagore         Literature         Citizen of India
1930     C.V. Raman        Physics Citizen of India
1968     Har Gobind Khorana          MedicineForeign citizens of Indian origin
1979     mother teresa     Peace Foreign born citizen of India
1983     Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar            Physics Indian born American
1998     Amartya Sen       Economic Sciences            Citizen of India
2001     V.S.Naipaul       Literature          Trinidadian born British citizen of
Indian descent
2009     Venkatraman Ramakrishnan              Chemistry         Indian born
American Citizen Citizen of India
“There he sits like a dragon in his cave, like a thousand
fingered puppet master, like the heart of the heart of
darkness, orchestrator of all the secret music of the
under-spheres, the arch- villain, the dark capo,
Moriariter than Moriarty, Blofelder than Blofeld, not just
Godfather but Gonefartherest, the dada of all dada. His
name is carefully chosen to avoid offending any of the
country’s communities; it’s neither Muslim nor Hindu,
Parsi nor Christian…”
About whom did Salman Rushdie write the above
words in The Moor’s Last Sigh?
Saraswati puja quiz
Saraswati puja quiz
While studying in a renowned Institution, 'X' qualified to try for a transfer
scholarship at Cal Tech, widely considered the world's most competitive
scholarship. The transfer scholarship is rarely won, One among the
toughest exam u can ever attend. 'X' was the only applicant in the entire
world that year to get a passing score above 60. The next highest score
was 20 points below.
Launched ‘Y’ in 90’s, in the first hour, it had 100 subscribers. By mid-
1998, the company Picked subscribers at the rate of 1.25 lakh a day! In
just over two years, the company's user base was faster than any media
company in history. Faster than CNN, Faster than BBC. Identify ‘X’ & ‘Y’.

                                                   visual in next slide
Saraswati puja quiz
Saraswati puja quiz
Sabbir Bhatia and Hotmail
Auguste Antoine Piccard (28
January 1884 – 24 March 1962) was
Swiss physicist, inventor and expl
orer. Born in Basel, Switzerland.
He became a professor
of physics in Brussels at the Free
University of Brussels in 1922. He
had interest in ballooning.Once X
said about him:
“Y is a reduced scale Piccard, as
the real chap was very tall. He had
an interminable neck that sprouted
from a collar that was much too
large... I made Y a mini-
Piccard“.Solve for X and Y
Saraswati puja quiz
• X- Herge
• Y- Prof.Calculus
This Indian practice is ancient, going back to
around 400 to 750 BC. The actual mention
appears in the Ayodhya Kanda, (the second
book of the Ramayana), in Sarga (section) 103.
Bharata has gone to ask the exiled Rama to
come back and rule the kingdom. Bharata tries
many arguments, none of which work, at which
point he decides to do a -----.
What practice ?
Saraswati puja quiz
Hunger strike
The Dongria Kondha are indigenous tribal groups of India. They live in
Orissa, a state in Eastern India. Vedanta Resources, a UK based mining
company, is threatening the future of this tribe as their home the
Niyamgiri Hill is rich in bauxite. The bauxite is also the reason there are so
many perennial streams. The tribe's plight is the subject of a Survival
International short film narrated by actress Joanna Lumley.
In a case of life seeking to imitate art, the tribe appealed to X to help them
stop Vedanta, reckoning that the author of the film Y, which deals with a
similar subject, would understand their plight. An advertisement in Variety
magazine said: "Appeal to X. Y is fantasy … and real. The Dongria Kondh
tribe in India are struggling to defend their land against a mining
company hell-bent on destroying their sacred mountain. Please help the
Name X and Y
Saraswati puja quiz
X=James cameron
• He was born in Uganda, and his current
  residence is in San Francisco.
• He is owner of a bungalow worth $ 3.5
  million, with a heated swimming pool and
  maple wood flooring in the living room.
• He owns a 6496 cc Lamborghini.
• His business card reads- Vice President,
  Rockledge Corporation.
Saraswati puja quiz
Chatur Ramalingam
Id the Singer?
Saraswati puja quiz
Lady Gaga
A 360 degree view of which iconic location?

                                              next slide
Saraswati puja quiz
Saraswati puja quiz
Windows Bliss wallpaper
Saraswati puja quiz
The Aerial view of New York city just
after the 9/11 incident
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic,
systemic inflammatory disorder that may affect
many tissues and organs, but principally
attacks synovial joints. The process produces
an inflammatory response of the synovium
(synovitis) secondary to hyperplasia of
synovial cells, excess synovial fluid, and the
development of pannus in the synovium.
Who is the most famous sufferer of this from
the world of sports ?
Saraswati puja quiz
Saraswati puja quiz
ID the subject of this ad
Saraswati puja quiz
depicting mergers and acquisitions.
• where:
• W = Weighted
• R = average as a number from 0 to 10 (mean)
• v = number of votes
• m = minimum votes required
• C = the mean vote across the whole report
 (currently 6.7)
• This formula is used for what?
Saraswati puja quiz
IMDB movie ranking
What is so special about this statue of Ganesha,
Saraswati puja quiz
This is a statue of
Ganesha worshipped in
the female form, as
Ganeshani or Vainayaki in
Uchi Pillaiyar Koyil at
Joaquín Archivaldo Guzmán Loera (born April 4, 1957)
nicknamed "El Chapo"for his 1.68 m (5 ft 6 in) stature
in an organization named after the Mexican Pacific
coast state of Sinaloa where it was initially formed. He
became Mexico's top ranked in something in 2003 after
dethroning Osiel Cárdenas. In November 2010, Joaquín
Guzmán was regarded as the 60th of 68 most powerful
people in the world by Forbes Magazine.He was also
listed by Forbes as the world's 937th richest man.
Much like Osiel, he became the top of a list after May
2nd,2011 which has kept him in the news.Why?
Saraswati puja quiz
• May 2nd 2011, Osama Bin Laden died
• he became the most wanted man in the
• world by Interpol and FBI.
What can be found at
41° 43' 55" N, 49° 56' 45" W?'
Saraswati puja quiz
Saraswati puja quiz

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Saraswati puja quiz

  • 4. 1
  • 5. 2
  • 6. 3
  • 7. 4
  • 8. 5
  • 11. 1
  • 12. 2
  • 13. 3
  • 14. 4
  • 15. 5
  • 19. 1 • Title of article: Acquired growth hormone deficiency and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism in a subject with repeated head trauma, or X goes to the neurologist. • Results: The research team successfully identified 50 significant losses of consciousness. Of these, 43 incidents involved head trauma with loss of consciousness representing grade 3 concussions. X sustained 26 concussions resulting from a blow with a blunt object. The most frequently used object was a club (8 times). Other causes for the subject's loss of consciousness included bullet injury (3), chloroform poisoning (3), explosions (4), car accidents (3) and falls (2). • Id X. Also explain what the research team wanted to Visual in next slide
  • 22. Why Tintin does not grow old?
  • 23. 2 Photograph of a family holiday. Name the person who has been circled?
  • 26. 3 It is believed that the 16 yr old son of King Hima was doomed to die on the fourth day of his marriage by a snake-bite. So, on that day, his worried wife lighted innumerable lamps all over the place. She also laid all the ornaments and lots of gold and silver coins in a big heap at the entrance of her husband's room. She went on telling stories and singing songs through the night. When Yama -arrived there in the guise of a Serpent, the dazzle of those brilliant lights blinded his eyes and he could not enter the Prince's chamber. So he climbed on the heap of the ornaments and coins and sat their whole night listening to the melodious songs. In the morning, he quietly went away. So what is celebrated as a result of this?
  • 28. • The wife saved her husband and since then this day ofcame to be known as the day of "Yamadeepdaan" and lamps are kept burning throughout the night in reverential adoration to Yama, the god of Death – Being the 13th day – it is called - Dhanterase
  • 32. 5 What the unique about this 3 temple?
  • 34. All three Temple dedicated to Duryadhan
  • 35. 6 In 2003, writer Peter Milligan announced that _______________ would be joining the X-Statix, an X- Men spin-off team. In an interview with The Guardian, Milligan noted that "________________ exerted a strange, mysterious power from beyond the grave," so why not turn that into a mutant power? ________________ was set to appear in a storyline cheekily titled "_________ Another Day." where ________'s zombified body would join the X-Statix and thwart assassination attempts. Marvel however never published ____________'s appearances. After a huge outcry, Marvel redacted the story. Milligan replaced __________ with Henrietta Hunter, a European popstar.
  • 39. 7 Sometime in July of 2011, Agnello Dias, chairman and co-founder of TapRoot India, a Mumbai-based ad agency telephoned director Ram Madhvani. "Are you free? What's up?" he asked. Dias is a former JWT man and has worked on the famous Nike ad, and the Aman ki Aasha and Lead India campaigns among others. Madhvani is an award-winning director who made the Happydent ad that won a bronze and a silver lion at Cannes in 2006. And yet when the two met up, neither had the slightest idea that they were about to create what is arguably one of the most talked-about commercial of the year. By the second week of August they had shown it to the X, the founder, chairman and Group CEO of ______________. The ad had a catchy score, a great script and a bunch of 70 young actors -- some of them still students -- exuding tremendous energy from shot one. After watching the video, X said, "Let's take it on air." There were no cuts, no changes, no extra suggestions. So just like that, on August 18, __________'s latest commercial was launched. Within days, the ad featuring practically no known face, went viral.
  • 41. Airtel Har Ek Friend Zaroori Hota Hai Ad Campaign
  • 42. 8 X’s first ever Twitter post, sent in February 2009, reads “I’m 01100110 01100101 01100101 01101100 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01101100 01110101 01100011 01101011 01111001 00001010.” Id X and/or what the binary meant
  • 45. 9 • At first, it was an orange 1969 BMC Mini MK II (registration RNT 996H), but this was destroyed in a crash. Following this, the car was a 1976 – 1980 model (registration SLW 287R), Austin Citroen Green in colour with a satin black bonnet. • The Mini also had a number of innovative security measures. For example, ________ used a bolt-latch and padlock, rather than the lock fitted to the car, and removes the steering wheel instead of the key. These formed a running joke in several episodes, at one point deterring a car thief. • In some episodes _______ has a long-running feud with the unseen driver of a light blue Reliant Regal Supervan III (registration GRA 26K), which will usually get turned over, crashed out of its parking space and so forth by __________. This conflict originated in the first episode, when the Reliant's driver held the Mini up on the way to an examination, and subsequently became another running joke throughout the series.
  • 48. 10 Whose tattoo and its significance ?
  • 50. • Angelina Jolie • The coordinates of the kids that she adopted
  • 51. 11 Which gaming product’s name was inspired from this PS3 joystick ? explain?(5+5)
  • 53. X-BOX 360 • Cross mark- X • Square -Box • Circle -360
  • 54. 12 An American inventor reportedly spent $1 million in developing a product and patented this product in 1965. This product has ability to function in extraordinary environments like zero gravity, underwater, in temperatures ranging from -30 to 250 degrees Fahrenheit. - The unique utility of this product provoked NASA to order 400 examples of it and use it for the Apollo program.just id product?
  • 56. The pens to be used in space, as mentioned in 3 Idiots
  • 57. 13 Even though this currency note can’t be used inside Pakistan. It (next slide) is printed by the State Bank of Pakistan every year.put funda?
  • 60. 14 What is the significance of this mountain in the world of business?
  • 63. 15 Once an essential accessory for men, they were originally intended to help Persian soldiers secure their stance to shoot the bow and arrow effectively.They were adopted by the European aristocracy as a result of the diplomatic missions of Persia's Shah Abbas I, aimed at forging links with Western Europe to help him defeat his great enemy, the Ottoman Empire. They were especially popular with Louis XIV, who used them to hide his shortcomings.However, with the advent of the Enlightenment movement and the Great Male Renunciation, they totally fell out of favour after the French Revolution. They were re-adopted by pornographers in the early and mid 20th century, and it is this association with pornography that is believed to have led to their re-acceptance by the public, this time by women. What are we talking about?
  • 66. Long Visual Connect
  • 76. +10 , no negetive
  • 79. Nobel Winner from India or Indian Born Ronald Ross MedicineForeign citizens born in India 1907 Rudyard Kipling Literature Foreign citizens born in India 1913 Rabindranath Tagore Literature Citizen of India 1930 C.V. Raman Physics Citizen of India 1968 Har Gobind Khorana MedicineForeign citizens of Indian origin 1979 mother teresa Peace Foreign born citizen of India 1983 Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar Physics Indian born American citizen 1998 Amartya Sen Economic Sciences Citizen of India 2001 V.S.Naipaul Literature Trinidadian born British citizen of Indian descent 2009 Venkatraman Ramakrishnan Chemistry Indian born American Citizen Citizen of India
  • 81. 1 “There he sits like a dragon in his cave, like a thousand fingered puppet master, like the heart of the heart of darkness, orchestrator of all the secret music of the under-spheres, the arch- villain, the dark capo, Moriariter than Moriarty, Blofelder than Blofeld, not just Godfather but Gonefartherest, the dada of all dada. His name is carefully chosen to avoid offending any of the country’s communities; it’s neither Muslim nor Hindu, Parsi nor Christian…” About whom did Salman Rushdie write the above words in The Moor’s Last Sigh?
  • 84. 2 While studying in a renowned Institution, 'X' qualified to try for a transfer scholarship at Cal Tech, widely considered the world's most competitive scholarship. The transfer scholarship is rarely won, One among the toughest exam u can ever attend. 'X' was the only applicant in the entire world that year to get a passing score above 60. The next highest score was 20 points below. Launched ‘Y’ in 90’s, in the first hour, it had 100 subscribers. By mid- 1998, the company Picked subscribers at the rate of 1.25 lakh a day! In just over two years, the company's user base was faster than any media company in history. Faster than CNN, Faster than BBC. Identify ‘X’ & ‘Y’. visual in next slide
  • 87. Sabbir Bhatia and Hotmail
  • 88. 3 Auguste Antoine Piccard (28 January 1884 – 24 March 1962) was a Swiss physicist, inventor and expl orer. Born in Basel, Switzerland. He became a professor of physics in Brussels at the Free University of Brussels in 1922. He had interest in ballooning.Once X said about him: “Y is a reduced scale Piccard, as the real chap was very tall. He had an interminable neck that sprouted from a collar that was much too large... I made Y a mini- Piccard“.Solve for X and Y
  • 90. • X- Herge • Y- Prof.Calculus
  • 91. 4 This Indian practice is ancient, going back to around 400 to 750 BC. The actual mention appears in the Ayodhya Kanda, (the second book of the Ramayana), in Sarga (section) 103. Bharata has gone to ask the exiled Rama to come back and rule the kingdom. Bharata tries many arguments, none of which work, at which point he decides to do a -----. What practice ?
  • 94. 5 The Dongria Kondha are indigenous tribal groups of India. They live in Orissa, a state in Eastern India. Vedanta Resources, a UK based mining company, is threatening the future of this tribe as their home the Niyamgiri Hill is rich in bauxite. The bauxite is also the reason there are so many perennial streams. The tribe's plight is the subject of a Survival International short film narrated by actress Joanna Lumley. In a case of life seeking to imitate art, the tribe appealed to X to help them stop Vedanta, reckoning that the author of the film Y, which deals with a similar subject, would understand their plight. An advertisement in Variety magazine said: "Appeal to X. Y is fantasy … and real. The Dongria Kondh tribe in India are struggling to defend their land against a mining company hell-bent on destroying their sacred mountain. Please help the Dongria.“ Name X and Y
  • 97. 6 • He was born in Uganda, and his current residence is in San Francisco. • He is owner of a bungalow worth $ 3.5 million, with a heated swimming pool and maple wood flooring in the living room. • He owns a 6496 cc Lamborghini. • His business card reads- Vice President, Rockledge Corporation.
  • 103. 8 A 360 degree view of which iconic location? next slide
  • 109. The Aerial view of New York city just after the 9/11 incident
  • 110. 10 Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic, systemic inflammatory disorder that may affect many tissues and organs, but principally attacks synovial joints. The process produces an inflammatory response of the synovium (synovitis) secondary to hyperplasia of synovial cells, excess synovial fluid, and the development of pannus in the synovium. Who is the most famous sufferer of this from the world of sports ?
  • 113. 11 ID the subject of this ad
  • 115. depicting mergers and acquisitions.
  • 116. 12 • where: • W = Weighted • R = average as a number from 0 to 10 (mean) • v = number of votes • m = minimum votes required • C = the mean vote across the whole report (currently 6.7) • This formula is used for what?
  • 119. 13 What is so special about this statue of Ganesha,
  • 121. This is a statue of Ganesha worshipped in the female form, as Ganeshani or Vainayaki in Uchi Pillaiyar Koyil at Trichy.
  • 122. 14 Joaquín Archivaldo Guzmán Loera (born April 4, 1957) nicknamed "El Chapo"for his 1.68 m (5 ft 6 in) stature in an organization named after the Mexican Pacific coast state of Sinaloa where it was initially formed. He became Mexico's top ranked in something in 2003 after dethroning Osiel Cárdenas. In November 2010, Joaquín Guzmán was regarded as the 60th of 68 most powerful people in the world by Forbes Magazine.He was also listed by Forbes as the world's 937th richest man. Much like Osiel, he became the top of a list after May 2nd,2011 which has kept him in the news.Why?
  • 124. • May 2nd 2011, Osama Bin Laden died and • he became the most wanted man in the • world by Interpol and FBI.
  • 125. 15 What can be found at 41° 43' 55" N, 49° 56' 45" W?'