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Jane AustenJane Austen was born December 16th, 1775 in Hampshire, England. She was the seventh child of the George Austen, the local clergyman, and his wife Cassandra.  He had a respectable income of about £600 a year, and also tutored pupils who came to live with him, but was by no means rich (especially with eight children), and couldn't have given his daughters much inheritance money.  In 1783, at the age of 8, Jane and her sister Cassandra were sent off to boarding school for their formal educations. The Austen family had a large collection of literature in their home library, which was open to Jane and she made extensive use of it.  In December of 1795, Jane fell in love with the nephew of a neighbor, Tom LeFroy, who was studying to be a lawyer.  Tom's family frowned upon their relationship, as the Austen's had little to give in a marriage contract.  Austen's father died in the winter of 1805, and she went ot live with her brothers in a cottage.  This is where she created her greatest works, like Sense and Sensibility and Pride and Prejudice.  She died in July of 1817, and revealed to the public shortly thereafter.IMAGINAAAAAAATION
Then and NowTRADITIONAL vs. PROGRESSIVETraditional Ideology was definitely more dependent, particularly towards men.  It also seemed more psychological; women didn’t start thinking for themselves until about a full century later. (nineteenth amendment) Women weren’t allowed to participate in anything involving the economy. They were only expected to stay home and take care of it and her children. Women weren’t allowed to become educated, either. Their husbands, however, were. Marrying for love was extremely rare. Most women only married for higher social status, larger property, and more income of money. Emma was born into the eighteenth century; therefore her way of thinking was very proper. Yet, she stubbornly stuck with her own beliefs, until she truly fell in love.Miss Taylor was Emma'sgoverness; she treated Emma like her own daughter. She moves to Randalls after marrying Mr. Weston. Harriet Smith’s parents are unknown; she lives at the local boarding school. She becomes Emma’s inspiration to pick up matchmaking. Progressive Ideology is more independent. It doesn’t really have anything in common with the eighteenth century.  Example: You can’t rely on your friends to graduate for you. Along with progress comes technology.  Example: cell phones, computers, etc. Using these helps to keep a long-distance relationship going. Technology has a major impact on the economy.  Example: companies completing, banks, ect. It makes the economy run a lot more smoothly. Now, both women and men have to be educated, in order to survive in such a money-influenced world. Although marrying for love is usually what first comes to mind, marrying for other reasons still exist today. Cher is so sure that she’s right all of the time; she might even come off by being a bit too full of herself. Ty just wants to be friends with Cher and Dionne; not let them have such a huge impact on her decisions.
TimelineWhat was going on?
Pride and PrejudiceDESCRIPTION: Pride and Prejudice was first published in 1813 by the famous novelist Jane Austen. The story was originally titled “First impressions”, but after revisions it was re-titled. The story is held in early 19th century England and follows under the character of Elizabeth Bennet. She is the second eldest of five daughters living in the fictional town of Meryton in Hertfordshire.MAJOR THEMES: Besides the obvious theme taken from the title, “Pride and Prejudice,” there are many other themes and morals shown in Jane Austen’s work. One being the importance of upbringing on the development of children and how the lack in parent’s parenting skills can have great affect on a child’s morals and character. An example from “Pride and Prejudice” is the youngest daughter Lydia who because of the failure in especially the mothers parenting, is frivolous and has a close to almost none concept of moral judgment.
PLOT SUMMARY: Although Jane is heartbroken, Elizabeth refuses to believe the worst. On a trip to London to visit her friend Charlotte, who is residing at Darcy’s aunt’s estate, Elizabeth begins to learn the truth and mystery behind Mr. Bingley’s disappearance. Darcy and Elizabeth have a few more encounters and Elizabeth is floored with astonishment when he proposes. She refuses and brings up the subject of not only her misused soldier companion but the situation between Jane and Mr. Bingley, assuming he played a role in that as well. Darcy wrote a letter explaining himself and afterwards 	Elizabeth felt not only embarrassed but ashamed for misjudging his character. Darcy leaves the country before Elizabeth has the chance to speak with him again and not until months later when she’s touring his estate with family, do they meet. Darcy treats Elizabeth and her family with tremendous kindness but unfortunately Elizabeth has to leave on account of her younger sister running away with the soldier that once mislead her about Darcy. Elizabeth returns home and learns that her sister wed the soldier and Darcy privately paid for the whole ceremony and for the soldier the keep care of Lydia. Darcy returns to the country side along with Bingley, who proposes to Jane and Darcy and Elizabeth work out their misunderstandings and marry as well.     Elizabeth’s father is shown to take a disinterest to his five daughters absurdity and silliness. He maintains his sanity with using his common sense and sarcasm. Elizabeth is her father’s favorite daughter considering she is the most sensible and practical. His wife on the other hand cares only for marrying her daughters and her primary concern is for matching the eldest and most beautiful daughter, Jane.     A man from London, Mr. Bingley, buys a country estate near the Bennet’s and at a local ball is introduced to Jane. Although the pair is obviously encouraged by her mother, Jane becomes fond of Mr. Bingley and vice versa. Accompanying Mr. Bingley is his friend Mr. Darcy, who is introduced as very smug and egotistical. He refuses to dance with any of the ladies at the ball and holds himself with the upmost regard. Elizabeth, automatically decides to show him the same distaste and disgust. 	After rumors from a soldier, Elizabeth makes her conclusion to show no affable pretense. Darcy and Elizabeth have a few encounters and despite the cold atmosphere and arguments, Darcy somehow begins to like Elizabeth.	The plot grows and twists as Mr. Bingley leaves Hertfordshire and makes no contact with Jane.
MAJOR CHARACTERS: •Elizabeth Bennet: The second eldest of five daughters. The most logical and sensible, although she is capable of letting her feelings get in the way of using her common. She falls in love with, and marries Mr. Darcy. The man she at first greatly misjudged.•Jane Bennet: Jane is the eldest daughter in the Bennet family. She is practical, kind, and understanding. Unlike Elizabeth never really quick to judge or make assumptions. After overcoming her pain and misunderstanding from Mr. Bingley, the two are married. •Mr. Darcy: Mr. Darcy is Mr. Bingley’s best friend and not only extremely handsome but rich as well. Darcy at first seems to be rude and proud, yet through a period of time his true character is shown through numerous acts of kindness.
MINOR CHARACTERS: THE BENNET FAMILYOTHERS•Mrs. Bennet: The mother of Elizabeth and her sisters. Her character is portrayed as pushy, naive, impulsive and simply an embarrassment. Her main focus is to marry off her daughters and will go to all extent to do so.•Mr. Bennet: Mr. Bennet is a sensible and sarcastic man. He enjoys frustrating his wife and little interest in partaking in social gatherings or events. He is most proud of his two eldest daughters, whereas the others including his wife seem to be unbearably dimwitted•Lydia & Kitty Bennet: Lydia and Kitty are the two youngest daughters. Both extremely flirtatious and make huge ordeals about attending local balls and gatherings, Lydia marries a deceiving soldier and Kitty is heartbroken for being left at home.   •Mary Bennet: Mary is the middle child and the oddest. She prefers to read and play the piano than interacting with others and is a homebody who also remains unmarried.•Mr. Bingley: Mr. Bingley is a wealthy man, although not quite as much as his friend Darcy. His kind and compassionate heart is shown right away, yet through a misunderstanding it takes some time before he and Jane are married.•Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner:  Mr. And Mrs. Gardiner are Elizabeth’s uncle and aunt. They take her on a viewing of the countryside trip and also to tour the grounds of Mr. Darcy’s estate. Mr. Gardiner goes to help find Lydia when she is found to be missing with the soldier.
EmmaDESCRIPTION: Emma, written by Jane Austen was first published in 1815. The novel has a comical perspective on the hazards of matchmaking and romance ties. Jane Austen, before her novel,  has been quoted to say, “I am going to take a heroine whom no one but myself will much like.”
PLOT SUMMARY: 	Although Emma is convinced of Mr. Churchill and Emma being matched, Mr. Knightley has reason to believe he and Jane Fairfax are secretly engaged. He leaves unexpectedly for London and while away Emma is reassured of the romance between Churchill and Fairfax.Emma feels terrible that she had caused Harriet pain once again by encouraging her with Mr. Churchill yet Harriet is anything but distressed by the news. She reveals her feelings for Mr. Knightley instead. Hearing this and thinking it through, Emma discovers that all along she had been in love with Mr. Knightley too. When Mr. Knightley returns he tells her of his own feelings and they become engaged. Still Emma is worried about what this news would do to Harriet yet when confronting her Harriet reveals her own engagement to Mr. Martin. Through the course of September, October and November Harriet and Mr. Martin are married along with Emma and Knightley, and Mr. Churchill and Miss Fairfax. 	Emma Woodhouse’s governess, Miss Taylor, leaves her home of Hartfield to become Mrs. Weston. Emma decides to take on a new project, that concerns meddling with other people’s affairs. She befriends a girl named Harriet Smith, and encourages her to decline a marriage proposal from Mr. Martin. A lowly farmer not of social standards. Instead Emma attempts to match her with Mr. Elton, the town preacher. Emma’s dear friend Mr. Knightley discourages her and warns her of how it could harm Harriet. Instead of listening to Mr. Knightley Emma continues to try to match the two, then is surprised to find that instead of loving Harriet, Mr. Elton had loved her.     Having ruined the chances of Harriet marrying Mr. Martin nor Mr. Elton, Emma decides to better herself and stop matchmaking. Then Mr. Frank Churchill arrives to town and Emma is attracted to the charming young man. Yet after his first visit her feelings subside. Mr. Elton returns with his new wife, who is vain and self-indulgent. Harriet is hurt so when Mr. Churchill returns Emma thinks they suit well and distract her from the newly married Mr. Elton. At the ball at Crown Inn Harriet is left standing without a partner and Mr. Knightley saves her from the embarrassment of Mr. Elton’s refusal by dancing with her. The next day when Emma and Harriet are walking down a path they are attacked by a group of poor homeless children. As Emma runs away leaving Harriet behind,  Mr. Churchill rides up on his horse and saves her from the group.
CHARACTERS: • Emma Woodhouse: The main character of the story. A beautiful, intelligent and yet spoiled young woman. Her mother died when she was young and it is up to Emma to look over her paranoid father. She makes numerous mistakes in trying to match certain people and in the end marries her lifelong friend Mr. Knightley.• George Knightley: A close friend of Emma and although he is madly in love with her, has no problem criticizing her when she needs it. He warns her of meddling with matchmaking and seems to always correctly guess certain characters motives and of Emma’s misjudgment. •Frank Churchill: Mr. Weston’s son from a previous marriage. Is liked by everyone, excluding Mr. Knightley. His character ends up deceiving everyone and reveals his engagement to Miss Fairfax.•Jane Fairfax: an orphan who lives with her aunt, Miss Bates, and grandmother, Mrs. Bates. She is very beautiful, elegant and clever.  •Mr. Henry Woodhouse: Emma’s father, a homebody and paranoid old man. Always concerned and worried about little insignificant things, such as foods that are too rich to eat for his friends.  • Harriet Smith: Emma’s young friend. She is easily misled by others and unsophisticated. Emma takes her under her wing and attempts to match Harriet with numerous gentlemen. Despite Emma’s intervening, in the end Harriet marries Mr. Martin.
CluelessDESCRIPTION: Clueless is a comedy based on Jane Austen's Emma, set in a Beverly Hills high school.  It was directed by Amy Heckerling and stars Alicia Silverstone as Cher, Stacey Dash as Dionne and Brittany Murphy as Tai.  It was released in July 1995.MAJOR THEMES: Social status plays a large role in the happenings of the movie.  The characters are defined by their social status, they date depending on their social status, but ultimately social status is devalued at the end of the movie (as we see Tai and Travis together).Selfishness/altruism- Cher is dynamic in the fact that she is both self-absorbed and vain, but also a truly good-natured person.  We can see this in the fact that she spearheads the Pismo Beach Disaster Relief Effort.
PLOT SUMMARY: The film stars Cher, a typical Valley girl and her friend Dionne; the top of the food chain at their high school.  They are good-natured, but naive girls who love shopping, partying, and boys.  Cher decides to do "good deeds" for the less popular, like playing matchmaker for two of her teachers.  She also befriends a "clueless" girl named Tai, and initiates her into the world of the rich and fabulous.  She discourages the budding romance between Tai and Travis the pothead, and instead tries to match her with Elton.  However, Elton actually likes Cher, not Tai.  Tai also skyrockets to the peak of popularity after having a near death experience at the mall.  The story climaxes when Cher fails her driving test and fights with Tai about her stepbrother Josh.  Cher then does some soul-searching, and reaches the conclusion that she loves Josh.  Quickly segue to kissing scene/happy ending/credits.
MAJOR CHARACTERS: Cher Horowitz: A self-absorbed but benign teenage girl.  She is at the top of the hierarchy at her high school, and uses her powers of negotiation to get what she wants.  She is a virgin.Dionne Davenport: Cher's best friend.  Both are rich and love to party and shop.  She has a boyfriend who she often fights with.Tai Frasier: Cher and Dionne's "project".  She starts out as a socially defunct girl from back east, but Cher and Dionne transform her overnight into a popular girl.  She is naturally outspoken, crude and ignorant, but also kind-hearted.Josh Lucas: Cher's ex-stepbother.  He hangs around the Horowitz mansion because works for Cher's father.  He is socially conscious and intelligent, the anti-Cher, but also shows he cares for her.
HATE OR DIG JANE AUSTEN?DO YOU LIKEFIGHTING ZOMBIES?UNMENTIONABLES!!Don’t wanna fight me broACTION!!GO BUY IT NOWDRAMA!!!I'm fast as lightning bro ya better use ya Nike’s broGirls! Pentagram of Death!

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  • 2. Jane AustenJane Austen was born December 16th, 1775 in Hampshire, England. She was the seventh child of the George Austen, the local clergyman, and his wife Cassandra. He had a respectable income of about £600 a year, and also tutored pupils who came to live with him, but was by no means rich (especially with eight children), and couldn't have given his daughters much inheritance money. In 1783, at the age of 8, Jane and her sister Cassandra were sent off to boarding school for their formal educations. The Austen family had a large collection of literature in their home library, which was open to Jane and she made extensive use of it. In December of 1795, Jane fell in love with the nephew of a neighbor, Tom LeFroy, who was studying to be a lawyer. Tom's family frowned upon their relationship, as the Austen's had little to give in a marriage contract. Austen's father died in the winter of 1805, and she went ot live with her brothers in a cottage. This is where she created her greatest works, like Sense and Sensibility and Pride and Prejudice. She died in July of 1817, and revealed to the public shortly thereafter.IMAGINAAAAAAATION
  • 3. Then and NowTRADITIONAL vs. PROGRESSIVETraditional Ideology was definitely more dependent, particularly towards men. It also seemed more psychological; women didn’t start thinking for themselves until about a full century later. (nineteenth amendment) Women weren’t allowed to participate in anything involving the economy. They were only expected to stay home and take care of it and her children. Women weren’t allowed to become educated, either. Their husbands, however, were. Marrying for love was extremely rare. Most women only married for higher social status, larger property, and more income of money. Emma was born into the eighteenth century; therefore her way of thinking was very proper. Yet, she stubbornly stuck with her own beliefs, until she truly fell in love.Miss Taylor was Emma'sgoverness; she treated Emma like her own daughter. She moves to Randalls after marrying Mr. Weston. Harriet Smith’s parents are unknown; she lives at the local boarding school. She becomes Emma’s inspiration to pick up matchmaking. Progressive Ideology is more independent. It doesn’t really have anything in common with the eighteenth century.  Example: You can’t rely on your friends to graduate for you. Along with progress comes technology.  Example: cell phones, computers, etc. Using these helps to keep a long-distance relationship going. Technology has a major impact on the economy.  Example: companies completing, banks, ect. It makes the economy run a lot more smoothly. Now, both women and men have to be educated, in order to survive in such a money-influenced world. Although marrying for love is usually what first comes to mind, marrying for other reasons still exist today. Cher is so sure that she’s right all of the time; she might even come off by being a bit too full of herself. Ty just wants to be friends with Cher and Dionne; not let them have such a huge impact on her decisions.
  • 5. Pride and PrejudiceDESCRIPTION: Pride and Prejudice was first published in 1813 by the famous novelist Jane Austen. The story was originally titled “First impressions”, but after revisions it was re-titled. The story is held in early 19th century England and follows under the character of Elizabeth Bennet. She is the second eldest of five daughters living in the fictional town of Meryton in Hertfordshire.MAJOR THEMES: Besides the obvious theme taken from the title, “Pride and Prejudice,” there are many other themes and morals shown in Jane Austen’s work. One being the importance of upbringing on the development of children and how the lack in parent’s parenting skills can have great affect on a child’s morals and character. An example from “Pride and Prejudice” is the youngest daughter Lydia who because of the failure in especially the mothers parenting, is frivolous and has a close to almost none concept of moral judgment.
  • 6. PLOT SUMMARY: Although Jane is heartbroken, Elizabeth refuses to believe the worst. On a trip to London to visit her friend Charlotte, who is residing at Darcy’s aunt’s estate, Elizabeth begins to learn the truth and mystery behind Mr. Bingley’s disappearance. Darcy and Elizabeth have a few more encounters and Elizabeth is floored with astonishment when he proposes. She refuses and brings up the subject of not only her misused soldier companion but the situation between Jane and Mr. Bingley, assuming he played a role in that as well. Darcy wrote a letter explaining himself and afterwards Elizabeth felt not only embarrassed but ashamed for misjudging his character. Darcy leaves the country before Elizabeth has the chance to speak with him again and not until months later when she’s touring his estate with family, do they meet. Darcy treats Elizabeth and her family with tremendous kindness but unfortunately Elizabeth has to leave on account of her younger sister running away with the soldier that once mislead her about Darcy. Elizabeth returns home and learns that her sister wed the soldier and Darcy privately paid for the whole ceremony and for the soldier the keep care of Lydia. Darcy returns to the country side along with Bingley, who proposes to Jane and Darcy and Elizabeth work out their misunderstandings and marry as well.     Elizabeth’s father is shown to take a disinterest to his five daughters absurdity and silliness. He maintains his sanity with using his common sense and sarcasm. Elizabeth is her father’s favorite daughter considering she is the most sensible and practical. His wife on the other hand cares only for marrying her daughters and her primary concern is for matching the eldest and most beautiful daughter, Jane.     A man from London, Mr. Bingley, buys a country estate near the Bennet’s and at a local ball is introduced to Jane. Although the pair is obviously encouraged by her mother, Jane becomes fond of Mr. Bingley and vice versa. Accompanying Mr. Bingley is his friend Mr. Darcy, who is introduced as very smug and egotistical. He refuses to dance with any of the ladies at the ball and holds himself with the upmost regard. Elizabeth, automatically decides to show him the same distaste and disgust. After rumors from a soldier, Elizabeth makes her conclusion to show no affable pretense. Darcy and Elizabeth have a few encounters and despite the cold atmosphere and arguments, Darcy somehow begins to like Elizabeth. The plot grows and twists as Mr. Bingley leaves Hertfordshire and makes no contact with Jane.
  • 7. MAJOR CHARACTERS: •Elizabeth Bennet: The second eldest of five daughters. The most logical and sensible, although she is capable of letting her feelings get in the way of using her common. She falls in love with, and marries Mr. Darcy. The man she at first greatly misjudged.•Jane Bennet: Jane is the eldest daughter in the Bennet family. She is practical, kind, and understanding. Unlike Elizabeth never really quick to judge or make assumptions. After overcoming her pain and misunderstanding from Mr. Bingley, the two are married. •Mr. Darcy: Mr. Darcy is Mr. Bingley’s best friend and not only extremely handsome but rich as well. Darcy at first seems to be rude and proud, yet through a period of time his true character is shown through numerous acts of kindness.
  • 8. MINOR CHARACTERS: THE BENNET FAMILYOTHERS•Mrs. Bennet: The mother of Elizabeth and her sisters. Her character is portrayed as pushy, naive, impulsive and simply an embarrassment. Her main focus is to marry off her daughters and will go to all extent to do so.•Mr. Bennet: Mr. Bennet is a sensible and sarcastic man. He enjoys frustrating his wife and little interest in partaking in social gatherings or events. He is most proud of his two eldest daughters, whereas the others including his wife seem to be unbearably dimwitted•Lydia & Kitty Bennet: Lydia and Kitty are the two youngest daughters. Both extremely flirtatious and make huge ordeals about attending local balls and gatherings, Lydia marries a deceiving soldier and Kitty is heartbroken for being left at home.   •Mary Bennet: Mary is the middle child and the oddest. She prefers to read and play the piano than interacting with others and is a homebody who also remains unmarried.•Mr. Bingley: Mr. Bingley is a wealthy man, although not quite as much as his friend Darcy. His kind and compassionate heart is shown right away, yet through a misunderstanding it takes some time before he and Jane are married.•Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner: Mr. And Mrs. Gardiner are Elizabeth’s uncle and aunt. They take her on a viewing of the countryside trip and also to tour the grounds of Mr. Darcy’s estate. Mr. Gardiner goes to help find Lydia when she is found to be missing with the soldier.
  • 9. EmmaDESCRIPTION: Emma, written by Jane Austen was first published in 1815. The novel has a comical perspective on the hazards of matchmaking and romance ties. Jane Austen, before her novel,  has been quoted to say, “I am going to take a heroine whom no one but myself will much like.”
  • 10. PLOT SUMMARY: Although Emma is convinced of Mr. Churchill and Emma being matched, Mr. Knightley has reason to believe he and Jane Fairfax are secretly engaged. He leaves unexpectedly for London and while away Emma is reassured of the romance between Churchill and Fairfax.Emma feels terrible that she had caused Harriet pain once again by encouraging her with Mr. Churchill yet Harriet is anything but distressed by the news. She reveals her feelings for Mr. Knightley instead. Hearing this and thinking it through, Emma discovers that all along she had been in love with Mr. Knightley too. When Mr. Knightley returns he tells her of his own feelings and they become engaged. Still Emma is worried about what this news would do to Harriet yet when confronting her Harriet reveals her own engagement to Mr. Martin. Through the course of September, October and November Harriet and Mr. Martin are married along with Emma and Knightley, and Mr. Churchill and Miss Fairfax. Emma Woodhouse’s governess, Miss Taylor, leaves her home of Hartfield to become Mrs. Weston. Emma decides to take on a new project, that concerns meddling with other people’s affairs. She befriends a girl named Harriet Smith, and encourages her to decline a marriage proposal from Mr. Martin. A lowly farmer not of social standards. Instead Emma attempts to match her with Mr. Elton, the town preacher. Emma’s dear friend Mr. Knightley discourages her and warns her of how it could harm Harriet. Instead of listening to Mr. Knightley Emma continues to try to match the two, then is surprised to find that instead of loving Harriet, Mr. Elton had loved her.     Having ruined the chances of Harriet marrying Mr. Martin nor Mr. Elton, Emma decides to better herself and stop matchmaking. Then Mr. Frank Churchill arrives to town and Emma is attracted to the charming young man. Yet after his first visit her feelings subside. Mr. Elton returns with his new wife, who is vain and self-indulgent. Harriet is hurt so when Mr. Churchill returns Emma thinks they suit well and distract her from the newly married Mr. Elton. At the ball at Crown Inn Harriet is left standing without a partner and Mr. Knightley saves her from the embarrassment of Mr. Elton’s refusal by dancing with her. The next day when Emma and Harriet are walking down a path they are attacked by a group of poor homeless children. As Emma runs away leaving Harriet behind,  Mr. Churchill rides up on his horse and saves her from the group.
  • 11. CHARACTERS: • Emma Woodhouse: The main character of the story. A beautiful, intelligent and yet spoiled young woman. Her mother died when she was young and it is up to Emma to look over her paranoid father. She makes numerous mistakes in trying to match certain people and in the end marries her lifelong friend Mr. Knightley.• George Knightley: A close friend of Emma and although he is madly in love with her, has no problem criticizing her when she needs it. He warns her of meddling with matchmaking and seems to always correctly guess certain characters motives and of Emma’s misjudgment. •Frank Churchill: Mr. Weston’s son from a previous marriage. Is liked by everyone, excluding Mr. Knightley. His character ends up deceiving everyone and reveals his engagement to Miss Fairfax.•Jane Fairfax: an orphan who lives with her aunt, Miss Bates, and grandmother, Mrs. Bates. She is very beautiful, elegant and clever.  •Mr. Henry Woodhouse: Emma’s father, a homebody and paranoid old man. Always concerned and worried about little insignificant things, such as foods that are too rich to eat for his friends.  • Harriet Smith: Emma’s young friend. She is easily misled by others and unsophisticated. Emma takes her under her wing and attempts to match Harriet with numerous gentlemen. Despite Emma’s intervening, in the end Harriet marries Mr. Martin.
  • 12. CluelessDESCRIPTION: Clueless is a comedy based on Jane Austen's Emma, set in a Beverly Hills high school.  It was directed by Amy Heckerling and stars Alicia Silverstone as Cher, Stacey Dash as Dionne and Brittany Murphy as Tai.  It was released in July 1995.MAJOR THEMES: Social status plays a large role in the happenings of the movie.  The characters are defined by their social status, they date depending on their social status, but ultimately social status is devalued at the end of the movie (as we see Tai and Travis together).Selfishness/altruism- Cher is dynamic in the fact that she is both self-absorbed and vain, but also a truly good-natured person.  We can see this in the fact that she spearheads the Pismo Beach Disaster Relief Effort.
  • 13. PLOT SUMMARY: The film stars Cher, a typical Valley girl and her friend Dionne; the top of the food chain at their high school.  They are good-natured, but naive girls who love shopping, partying, and boys.  Cher decides to do "good deeds" for the less popular, like playing matchmaker for two of her teachers.  She also befriends a "clueless" girl named Tai, and initiates her into the world of the rich and fabulous.  She discourages the budding romance between Tai and Travis the pothead, and instead tries to match her with Elton.  However, Elton actually likes Cher, not Tai.  Tai also skyrockets to the peak of popularity after having a near death experience at the mall.  The story climaxes when Cher fails her driving test and fights with Tai about her stepbrother Josh.  Cher then does some soul-searching, and reaches the conclusion that she loves Josh.  Quickly segue to kissing scene/happy ending/credits.
  • 14. MAJOR CHARACTERS: Cher Horowitz: A self-absorbed but benign teenage girl.  She is at the top of the hierarchy at her high school, and uses her powers of negotiation to get what she wants.  She is a virgin.Dionne Davenport: Cher's best friend.  Both are rich and love to party and shop.  She has a boyfriend who she often fights with.Tai Frasier: Cher and Dionne's "project".  She starts out as a socially defunct girl from back east, but Cher and Dionne transform her overnight into a popular girl.  She is naturally outspoken, crude and ignorant, but also kind-hearted.Josh Lucas: Cher's ex-stepbother.  He hangs around the Horowitz mansion because works for Cher's father.  He is socially conscious and intelligent, the anti-Cher, but also shows he cares for her.
  • 15. HATE OR DIG JANE AUSTEN?DO YOU LIKEFIGHTING ZOMBIES?UNMENTIONABLES!!Don’t wanna fight me broACTION!!GO BUY IT NOWDRAMA!!!I'm fast as lightning bro ya better use ya Nike’s broGirls! Pentagram of Death!

Editor's Notes

  1. timeline