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A Quiz Club Presentation

Sexy is for perverts,
SEQC is for Quizzards !
 Write Bros  Infinite Bounce  Write Bros  Infinite

Bounce  Independent Connect
 No cross talking !
 No Stalking !!
 No Nosepicking !!!
 Atleast for the next 120 minutes, Quizmaster is GOD !
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi

Don’t shout out answers, Write ‘em !
+5 per answer
+10 bonus on getting all right
+50 for the connect within first 5 questions
+20 for the connect after 5 questions
Non exhaustive list
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
2. Does man not consider that We created him from a [mere]
sperm-drop – then at once he is an open disputant? And he
presents an (argument of) likeness for Us and forgets his own
creation. He asks (in confusion): "Who will give life to the
bones when they are disintegrated?" Say: "He will give life to
them Who brought them into existence at first, and He is
cognizant of all creation." He Who has made for you, from
the green tree, fire. and then from it you kindle (fire). Is not
He Who created the heavens and the earth able to create the
like of them? Yes Indeed! and He is the Superb Creator (of
all), the Ever-Knowing. Surely His Command, when He wills
a thing, is only to say to it: Be! and It is!" Therefore glory be to
Him in Whose hand is the Kingdom of all things, and to Him
you shall be brought back.
What phrase is this verse from the Quran talking about ??
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
3. X is a language spoken by inhabitants of La Gomera in
the Canary Islands to communicate across deep ravines
that form a natural part of the landscape there.
Why was it declared as a ‘Masterpiece in Oral and
Intangible Heritage of Humanity’ by UNESCO in 2009 ?
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
4. Nicolas Louis de Lacaille discovered a constellation
and named it Mons Mensae, after the Latin name of the
location from where he first observed the southern sky
to discover it.

Which location ??
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
5. Giorgio A. Tsoukalos is a Greek writer, television
personality and proponent of the idea that ancient astronauts
interacted with ancient humans.
Tsoukalos has been the director of Erich von Däniken's
Center for Ancient Astronaut Research for over 12 years, and
has appeared on The Travel Channel, The History
Channel, the Sci-Fi Channel, the National Geographic
Channel, as well as Coast to Coast AM, and is a consulting
producer of the television series Ancient Aliens.
Why is he virally famous (in a different context) for the last
couple of years ???
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
6. The Royal Society of Chemistry is a learned society in
the UK with a goal of advancing the chemical sciences.
The organization carries out
research, publishes journals, books and databases, as
well as hosting conferences, seminars and workshops.
The RSCI also grants Honorary Fellowships annually.
Who was granted this fellowship in 2002, for displaying
immense depth in the knowledge of chemistry and its
application in real life thereof ??
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
7. With one famous element omitted from this list, what
connects the cities of
Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Kurukshetra, Shahad, Nagda
, Akola, Jaipur, Patna, Bhopal, Varanasi, Renukoot, Brajr
ajnagar & Gwalior is the fact that a new city is added
after every few years, as a 'set' of people believe that if
this list is not updated, it will result in bad luck for
Who are these people, which is the omitted element and
what is this list about? (+5 per part)
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
8. The scene shown in the next slide has been shot at a
very popular location X which as been famous for being
the site for land vehicle speed tests which has led it to
being called the ‘X speedway’. Because of the enormous
size of this site, vehicles are able to reach their full
potential speed.
X ???
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
9. X received a BSE with high honors in aerospace and
mechanical engineering from Princeton University in
1969, where he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa and Tau Beta
Pi. He received an MBA with high distinction in 1971
from Harvard Business School, where he was a George F.
Baker Scholar, and a PhD in business economics
from Harvard University in 1973. He is currently the Bishop
William Lawrence Professor at HBS. He chairs Harvard
Business School's program dedicated for newly appointed
CEOs of very large corporations.
His most famous work is almost a household name in every B
Who is X ?
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
10. O dwóch takich, co ukradli księżyc (English: The two
who stole the moon) is a 1962 children’s movie starring X
and Y as the two twin brothers who are prone to
mischief by nature and one day decide to steal the moon
because it is made up of gold. Despite being all these
years old, the film rose to the limelight once again in the
middle of the first decade of this millennium.
Identify X and Y.
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
11. Connect
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
 Moriarty listening to ‘La Gazza Ladra’ meaning ‘The

Thieving Magpie’ composed by Rossini when breaking
into the palace.
 The Castafiore Emerald is stolen by a Magpie
 Alan Shearer played for Newcastle United- The

Valsad (formerly Bulsar or Bulsad) is a municipality in
the Valsad district of the Indian state of Gujarat. The city has
a collectorate, a district court, and a police headquarters with
a historic prison.
Historically, Valsad was a small town covered with
forest, with teak production as a major regional industry. It
was made a district during the Bombay Presidency era, and
was governed under Bombay State following independence
(prior to the creation of the state of Gujarat), and was
presently turned into a city.
The family name of which flamboyant singer, musician and
songwriter is derived from Bulsar, indicating ancestral
familial ties to the place ?
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
12. In Spanish-speaking countries it was
named Dedos ("Fingers"); in German-speaking
countries das eiskalte Händchen ("the little ice-cold
hand"); in Portuguese-speaking
countries Mãozinha ("Little Hand") or Coisa (“X"); and
in Italian was called Mano ("Hand").
Besides, it was also named "Ting" (A nickname for
calling dogs in the Thai language) when the first TV
series was on air in Thailand in 1964.
It was initially portrayed as a whole person but then
disembodied for the TV series launch.
What and which TV series ? (No part points)
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
13. The Monarch of the X is an oil-on-canvas painting
from 1851 by the English painter Sir Edwin
Landseer, which was commissioned as part of a series of
three panels to hang in the Palace of Westminster in
London. It was one of the most popular paintings
throughout the 19th century, and reproductions in steel
engraving sold very widely, and the painting itself was
finally bought by companies to use in advertising. The
painting had become something of a cliché by the mid20th century, as "the ultimate biscuit tin image of
Scotland: a bulky stag set against the violet hills and
watery skies of an isolated wilderness", according to
the Sunday Herald.
What has this painting inspired ?
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
17. This patent called, ‘Drumhead tensioning device
and method’ was obtained by a famous but slightly
eccentric person with a passion for drumming.

Its usefulness lies in its ability to tune a drum for
different frequencies.
Who holds this patent ?
(Think crisps) !
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
In addition to the contents selected by a committee
chaired by Carl Sagan, it also included messages from
the then US President Jimmy Carter and UN Secretary
General Kurt Waldheim.
Jimmy Carter’s message being:
“This is a present from a small, distant world, a
token of our sounds, our science, our images, our
music, our thoughts and our feelings. We are
attempting to survive our time so we may live into
What is being talked about ?
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
It has been argued that the main person in this iconic
photo is Mikhail Yegorov, but closer inspection of the
photo revealed a story that it was taken after an elaborate
re-creation of this epic moment; taking a cue from the
fact that the hand of the person in one photo is wearing
a watch and the other is not.
Hence, the actual person to have done it Alyusha
Kovalyov, a Ukrainian who was asked to keep mum
about this setup.
It was published on 13 May 1945 in Ogonyok magazine.
Which photo ?
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
The British and Indian Polo teams have since 2010, played a
Polo tournament called the ‘X Challenge Cup’ as a
commemoration of a famous but oft forgotten battle during
the Anglo-Afghan war in 1897.
21 soldiers from the Sikh regiment perished valiantly while
guarding X Fort from 10,000 Afghan and Orakzai tribesmen.
The battle is considered a classic example of ‘last stand’ and
has been compared frequently to the Battle of Y, which
became even more famous in 2007 through a movie based on
the book ‘Gates of Fire’.
X and Y ?
No part points !
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
 No connect, just plain write and fetch
 Write Bros., not Yell Bros.  Write ‘em
 +10 per correct answer, No Negatives
 +40 bonus for getting all right
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
It was banned from being used by Christians on
Christians on the orders of Pope Innocent II at the
Second Lateran Council of 1139 after being described as
‘repugnant to God’.
It could however be used on the so called infidels.
An early Greek version of it was called ‘Gastraphetes’.
The Saracens called it ‘Ferengi’ and the Romans had
many names from it derived from ‘Ballista’.
What ?
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Nissim Ezekiel wrote a poem based on instruction
boards found in his favourite X; the now defunct Bastani
and Company, in Dhobi Talao, Mumbai.
No talking to cashier/No smoking/ No fighting/ No
credit/ No outside food/ No sitting long/ No talking
loud/ No spitting/ No bargaining/ No water to
outsiders/ No change/ No telephone/ No match
sticks/ No discussing gambling/ No newspaper/ No
combing/ No beef/ No leg on chair/ No hard liquor
allowed/ No address enquiry/ — By order.
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
3. Why was this man, known as ‘The king of Gypsies’
back in the limelight in 2012, a decade after his death ?
Also name him.
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
4. Give funda for this recent internet hoax
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
5. X was almost pronounced dead when brought
to Rangoon hospital with nine bullets in the lung, liver
and kidneys. The military surgeon was reluctant to
operate, seeing his hopeless condition, though X was
conscious. When the surgeon asked what had happened
to him, he replied that he was "kicked by a donkey".
On being asked to prepare for battle by Indira
Gandhi, he replied, “I am always ready, Sweetie!”
His last words were “I am Okay !”
Which maverick ?
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
A viral Youtube video taken at a famous California
tourist place led to widespread imitation of the actions
performed in the said video.
However, employees at the tourist spot are now begging
tourists to stop doing so because it ‘creates a mess’ and is
‘very unpleasant to look at’.
What is the funda ?
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
William Douglas, 6th Earl of Douglas was invited by the
Lord Chancellor, Sir William Crichton at the behest of
the ten year old Scottish king, James II to Edinburgh
Castle. A black bull’s head was specifically brought in for
the dinner. After the dinner, something of note in
Scottish history happened which led to the event being
called the ____ _____.
What is this event an inspiration for ?
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Divya Narendra: “And Mark became the biggest thing
on a campus that included nineteen Nobel
Laureates, fifteen Pulitzer Prize winners, two future
Olympians, and a movie star.”
Who are the Olympians and the movie star ?
(No part points)
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
This group was formed in the early 1980s after X’s
resignation as the head of state of his country.
Candidates, having been handpicked by X ,underwent
extensive firearms training and also were allowed to wear
western clothing and makeup, something that is not
allowed for the rest of the similar populace.
During the civil war that ensued a couple of decades
later, rebels ‘hunted down’ members of the group for
their role in previous execution attempts at the behest of

X and the group ?
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
X: “My kids told me about it, and then some friends started
calling wondering if I was unwell. I wondered about those
who had so much time to invest on me. (Laughs) I've taken
them with a pinch of salt and maybe a shot of vodka!

Interviewer: “You drink Vodka ???” :O :O :O
X: “I'm a chilled out dude. When I was younger I did some
pretty wild things with the limited options I had. I had some
crazy friends, girlfriends too. We had our share of parties and
drunken escapades as well. Once when in college I ran out of
money and had to sleep at a bus stop. It was fun as all of us on
Delhi's Hindu College campus, were happy children of the
Beatles' generation. Now, I spend my evenings with the
children, watch movies, go for holidays and have a few drinks
on the side.”
Unbelievable, but who is X nevertheless ?
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
11. Sitter !!
England vs West Indies, Old Trafford, 1933
Ellis Achong has Walter Robins stumped off a ball that
surprisingly turns the other way after pitching. Robins
stood there is disbelief before trudging back to the
pavilion saying “fancy being done by a ______” to the
What cricketing term caught on henceforth ?
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
12. Connect with the name of a place in India
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
 ‘Ishq Sufiyana’ was shot in Bidar Fort.
 The craft shown is called ‘Bidri’ because it originated

from Bidar.
13. Which 1971 event with the emblem shown in the next
slide, was described by Orson Welles as: “This was no
party of the year, it was the celebration of 25
centuries!” and was also famous for bringing together X
and Y, the rulers of two oldest extant monarchies. The
event was held near the town of Shiraz, the capital of
Fars province, because it was the site of Z.
W is a hairstyle associated with a movement which
considers Y to be the incarnation of God.
What event ? X, Y, Z, W ??
Also identify what is depicted in the
emblem ? (+5 per answer, 6 parts)
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Thor Heyerdahl, in order to prove a conjecture constructed a
small canoe using indigenous techniques to sail out into the
Pacific in the western direction towards Tuamotus Islands in
Polynesia, which he reached after sailing for 101 days and
6900 kms; thus proving what he set out for.
He named the canoe __ ___, after the name given to the Sun
God worshipped by Peruvian Incan descendants. A famous
documentary and more recently, a feature film bearing the
same name has made this even more popular.

Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Kanhoji Angre was the first notable chief of
the Maratha Navy in 18th century India. He fought
against the British, Dutch and Portuguese naval
interests on the coasts of India during the 18th century.
As a result, they labeled him a pirate. Despite the
attempts of the British and Portuguese to subdue
Angre, he remained undefeated until his death.
How is he connected to the world of movies ?
(Give me a very specific answer)
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
 All answers have a theme, obviously
 Write the answers
 +10 per correct answer
 Connect points on each slide
 This is not going to be easy ! Mind ittttt !
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
X is an attention hungry, oft ridiculed, dimwitted and
ugly character from a popular cartoon show that pits him
against his much more famous and liked rival.
Because of his stupidity in the quest to better his
rival, he puts his life in dangerous situations, which
prompts his lion hearted rival to rush to his rescue every
He is characterized by large, smelly, red buttocks which
is the primary reason for him being ridiculed heavily by
other characters.
A X is a document generally submitted by the company
offering securities (either stocks or bonds). Most
frequently associated with an IPO, this document, like
the previously submitted Form S-1 registration
statement, must be filed with the Securities and
Exchange Commission (SEC).

X is something we generally manage to recall from an
otherwise whirlwind announcement.
X were an East Germanic tribe that moved to Iberia in
409 and entered Northern Africa in 429 AD under their
King Genseric.
Renaissance and early modern writers characterized
them as barbarians for their penchant for sacking and
looting any city that fell on their way, including the
mighty Rome in 455 AD.
This proneness to violent and disruptive behavior has
led their name to being remembered as a word with
same meaning.
Eric Moussambani is a swimmer from Equatorial Guinea
who gained instant fame in the 2000 Sydney Olympics
when he swam the race in 1:52.72 minutes which was
more than twice that of the heat winner Pieter van den
Hoogenband. However because the other swimmers had
false starts, they were disqualified and Eric won the heat
with Pieter.
He mentioned that he had never seen a 50 m pool before
coming for the Olympics.
The media nicknamed him ‘Eric the __’ because of his
super slow performance.
Morlocks are a fictional species created by H.G. Wells for his
1895 novel ‘Time Machine’. The species have been described
as a part of a X civilization who maintain ancient machines
that they may or may not remember how to build.
They dwell underground in a AD 802,701 English countryside

X is also the name for an ancient Red Sea coast tribe and also
is an inspiration behind the naming of a 1960s British band
with famous hits like ‘Wild thing’, ‘With a girl like you’ and
‘Love is all around’.
X was a daughter of prophet Muhammad and Khadijah, wife
of Ali and mother of Hasan and Hussein, and one of the five
members of Ahl al-Bayt. She became the object of great
veneration by all Muslims, because she lived closest to her
father and supported him in his difficulties, because of the
historical importance of her husband and her two sons, and
because she is the only member of Prophet Muhammad's
family that gave him descendants, numerously spread
through the Islamic world.
For Muslims, X is an inspiring example and X is one of the
most popular girl's names throughout the Muslim world.
A X is a mature tropical cyclone that develops in the
western part of the North Pacific
Ocean between 180° and 100°E. This region is referred to
as the northwest Pacific basin.
The word X could have originated from Persian word for
a storm, a cognate of Sanskrit "tanun" meaning high or
agitated winds. It also appears to have contributed to the
Chinese word 大風 dàfēng meaning "great wind" as
spoken in southern Chinese dialects such
as Hakka and Cantonese.
____ _____ were irregular soldiers of the Ottoman Army
who were laid off the actual payrolls as their army
became to big to feed. They showed their willingness to
fight for the empire on expectations of share in plunder.
They were characterized by their lack of discipline which
made them very useful for reconnaissance purposes.
FITB this word literally meaning (in Turkish): Free
Headed/ Damaged Head
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
X is an attention hungry, oft ridiculed, dimwitted and
ugly character from a popular cartoon show that pits him
against his much more famous and liked rival.
Because of his stupidity in the quest to better his
rival, he puts his life in dangerous situations, which
prompts his lion hearted rival to rush to his rescue every
He is characterized by large, smelly, red buttocks which
is the primary reason for him being ridiculed heavily by
other characters.
A X is a document generally submitted by the company
offering securities (either stocks or bonds). Most
frequently associated with an IPO, this document, like
the previously submitted Form S-1 registration
statement, must be filed with the Securities and
Exchange Commission (SEC).
X is generally something we manage to recall from an
otherwise whirlwind announcement.
X were an East Germanic tribe that moved to Iberia in
409 and entered Northern Africa in 429 AD under their
King Genseric.
Renaissance and early modern writers characterized
them as barbarians for their penchant for sacking and
looting any city that fell on their way, including the
mighty Rome in 455 AD.
This proneness to violent and disruptive behavior has
led their name to being remembered as a word with the
same meaning.
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Morlocks are a fictional species created by H.G. Wells for his
1895 novel ‘Time Machine’. The species have been described
as a part of a X civilization who maintain ancient machines
that they may or may not remember how to build.
They dwell underground in a AD 802,701 English countryside
X is also the name for an ancient Red Sea coast tribe and also
is an inspiration behind the naming of a 1960s British band
with famous hits like ‘Wild thing’, ‘With a girl like you’ and
‘Love is all around’.
X was a daughter of prophet Muhammad and Khadijah, wife
of Ali and mother of Hasan and Hussein, and one of the five
members of Ahl al-Bayt. She became the object of great
veneration by all Muslims, because she lived closest to her
father and supported him in his difficulties, because of the
historical importance of her husband and her two sons, and
because she is the only member of Prophet Muhammad's
family that gave him descendants, numerously spread
through the Islamic world.
For Muslims, X is an inspiring example and X is one of the
most popular girl's names throughout the Muslim world.
A X is a mature tropical cyclone that develops in the
western part of the North Pacific
Ocean between 180° and 100°E. This region is referred to
as the northwest Pacific basin.
The word X could have originated from Persian word for
a storm, a cognate of Sanskrit "tanun" meaning high or
agitated winds. It also appears to have contributed to the
Chinese word 大風 dàfēng meaning "great wind" as
spoken in southern Chinese dialects such
as Hakka and Cantonese.
____ _____ were irregular soldiers of the Ottoman Army
who were laid off the actual payrolls as their army
became to big to feed. They showed their willingness to
fight for the empire on expectations of share in plunder.
They were characterized by their lack of discipline which
made them very useful for reconnaissance purposes.

FITB this word literally meaning (in Turkish): Free
Headed/ Damaged Head
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi
Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi

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Saturday Evening Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi

  • 1. A Quiz Club Presentation Sexy is for perverts, SEQC is for Quizzards !
  • 2.  Write Bros  Infinite Bounce  Write Bros  Infinite Bounce  Independent Connect  No cross talking !  No Stalking !!  No Nosepicking !!!  Atleast for the next 120 minutes, Quizmaster is GOD !
  • 4. • • • • • • Don’t shout out answers, Write ‘em ! +5 per answer +10 bonus on getting all right +50 for the connect within first 5 questions +20 for the connect after 5 questions Non exhaustive list
  • 20. IBM
  • 27. 2. Does man not consider that We created him from a [mere] sperm-drop – then at once he is an open disputant? And he presents an (argument of) likeness for Us and forgets his own creation. He asks (in confusion): "Who will give life to the bones when they are disintegrated?" Say: "He will give life to them Who brought them into existence at first, and He is cognizant of all creation." He Who has made for you, from the green tree, fire. and then from it you kindle (fire). Is not He Who created the heavens and the earth able to create the like of them? Yes Indeed! and He is the Superb Creator (of all), the Ever-Knowing. Surely His Command, when He wills a thing, is only to say to it: Be! and It is!" Therefore glory be to Him in Whose hand is the Kingdom of all things, and to Him you shall be brought back. What phrase is this verse from the Quran talking about ??
  • 30. 3. X is a language spoken by inhabitants of La Gomera in the Canary Islands to communicate across deep ravines that form a natural part of the landscape there. Why was it declared as a ‘Masterpiece in Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity’ by UNESCO in 2009 ?
  • 33. 4. Nicolas Louis de Lacaille discovered a constellation and named it Mons Mensae, after the Latin name of the location from where he first observed the southern sky to discover it. Which location ??
  • 36. 5. Giorgio A. Tsoukalos is a Greek writer, television personality and proponent of the idea that ancient astronauts interacted with ancient humans. Tsoukalos has been the director of Erich von Däniken's Center for Ancient Astronaut Research for over 12 years, and has appeared on The Travel Channel, The History Channel, the Sci-Fi Channel, the National Geographic Channel, as well as Coast to Coast AM, and is a consulting producer of the television series Ancient Aliens. Why is he virally famous (in a different context) for the last couple of years ???
  • 39. 6. The Royal Society of Chemistry is a learned society in the UK with a goal of advancing the chemical sciences. The organization carries out research, publishes journals, books and databases, as well as hosting conferences, seminars and workshops. The RSCI also grants Honorary Fellowships annually. Who was granted this fellowship in 2002, for displaying immense depth in the knowledge of chemistry and its application in real life thereof ??
  • 42. 7. With one famous element omitted from this list, what connects the cities of Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Kurukshetra, Shahad, Nagda , Akola, Jaipur, Patna, Bhopal, Varanasi, Renukoot, Brajr ajnagar & Gwalior is the fact that a new city is added after every few years, as a 'set' of people believe that if this list is not updated, it will result in bad luck for them. Who are these people, which is the omitted element and what is this list about? (+5 per part)
  • 45. 8. The scene shown in the next slide has been shot at a very popular location X which as been famous for being the site for land vehicle speed tests which has led it to being called the ‘X speedway’. Because of the enormous size of this site, vehicles are able to reach their full potential speed. X ???
  • 49. 9. X received a BSE with high honors in aerospace and mechanical engineering from Princeton University in 1969, where he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa and Tau Beta Pi. He received an MBA with high distinction in 1971 from Harvard Business School, where he was a George F. Baker Scholar, and a PhD in business economics from Harvard University in 1973. He is currently the Bishop William Lawrence Professor at HBS. He chairs Harvard Business School's program dedicated for newly appointed CEOs of very large corporations. His most famous work is almost a household name in every B School. Who is X ?
  • 52. 10. O dwóch takich, co ukradli księżyc (English: The two who stole the moon) is a 1962 children’s movie starring X and Y as the two twin brothers who are prone to mischief by nature and one day decide to steal the moon because it is made up of gold. Despite being all these years old, the film rose to the limelight once again in the middle of the first decade of this millennium. Identify X and Y.
  • 57.  Moriarty listening to ‘La Gazza Ladra’ meaning ‘The Thieving Magpie’ composed by Rossini when breaking into the palace.  The Castafiore Emerald is stolen by a Magpie  Alan Shearer played for Newcastle United- The Magpies.
  • 58. 12. Valsad (formerly Bulsar or Bulsad) is a municipality in the Valsad district of the Indian state of Gujarat. The city has a collectorate, a district court, and a police headquarters with a historic prison. Historically, Valsad was a small town covered with forest, with teak production as a major regional industry. It was made a district during the Bombay Presidency era, and was governed under Bombay State following independence (prior to the creation of the state of Gujarat), and was presently turned into a city. The family name of which flamboyant singer, musician and songwriter is derived from Bulsar, indicating ancestral familial ties to the place ?
  • 61. 12. In Spanish-speaking countries it was named Dedos ("Fingers"); in German-speaking countries das eiskalte Händchen ("the little ice-cold hand"); in Portuguese-speaking countries Mãozinha ("Little Hand") or Coisa (“X"); and in Italian was called Mano ("Hand"). Besides, it was also named "Ting" (A nickname for calling dogs in the Thai language) when the first TV series was on air in Thailand in 1964. It was initially portrayed as a whole person but then disembodied for the TV series launch. What and which TV series ? (No part points)
  • 64. 13. The Monarch of the X is an oil-on-canvas painting from 1851 by the English painter Sir Edwin Landseer, which was commissioned as part of a series of three panels to hang in the Palace of Westminster in London. It was one of the most popular paintings throughout the 19th century, and reproductions in steel engraving sold very widely, and the painting itself was finally bought by companies to use in advertising. The painting had become something of a cliché by the mid20th century, as "the ultimate biscuit tin image of Scotland: a bulky stag set against the violet hills and watery skies of an isolated wilderness", according to the Sunday Herald. What has this painting inspired ?
  • 68. 14.
  • 69. 15.
  • 70. 16.
  • 76. 17. This patent called, ‘Drumhead tensioning device and method’ was obtained by a famous but slightly eccentric person with a passion for drumming. Its usefulness lies in its ability to tune a drum for different frequencies. Who holds this patent ? (Think crisps) !
  • 79. 18. In addition to the contents selected by a committee chaired by Carl Sagan, it also included messages from the then US President Jimmy Carter and UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim. Jimmy Carter’s message being: “This is a present from a small, distant world, a token of our sounds, our science, our images, our music, our thoughts and our feelings. We are attempting to survive our time so we may live into yours.” What is being talked about ?
  • 82. 19. It has been argued that the main person in this iconic photo is Mikhail Yegorov, but closer inspection of the photo revealed a story that it was taken after an elaborate re-creation of this epic moment; taking a cue from the fact that the hand of the person in one photo is wearing a watch and the other is not. Hence, the actual person to have done it Alyusha Kovalyov, a Ukrainian who was asked to keep mum about this setup. It was published on 13 May 1945 in Ogonyok magazine. Which photo ?
  • 85. 20. The British and Indian Polo teams have since 2010, played a Polo tournament called the ‘X Challenge Cup’ as a commemoration of a famous but oft forgotten battle during the Anglo-Afghan war in 1897. 21 soldiers from the Sikh regiment perished valiantly while guarding X Fort from 10,000 Afghan and Orakzai tribesmen. The battle is considered a classic example of ‘last stand’ and has been compared frequently to the Battle of Y, which became even more famous in 2007 through a movie based on the book ‘Gates of Fire’. X and Y ? No part points !
  • 88.  No connect, just plain write and fetch  Write Bros., not Yell Bros.  Write ‘em  +10 per correct answer, No Negatives  +40 bonus for getting all right
  • 113. 1. It was banned from being used by Christians on Christians on the orders of Pope Innocent II at the Second Lateran Council of 1139 after being described as ‘repugnant to God’. It could however be used on the so called infidels. An early Greek version of it was called ‘Gastraphetes’. The Saracens called it ‘Ferengi’ and the Romans had many names from it derived from ‘Ballista’. What ?
  • 116. 2. Nissim Ezekiel wrote a poem based on instruction boards found in his favourite X; the now defunct Bastani and Company, in Dhobi Talao, Mumbai. No talking to cashier/No smoking/ No fighting/ No credit/ No outside food/ No sitting long/ No talking loud/ No spitting/ No bargaining/ No water to outsiders/ No change/ No telephone/ No match sticks/ No discussing gambling/ No newspaper/ No combing/ No beef/ No leg on chair/ No hard liquor allowed/ No address enquiry/ — By order. X?
  • 119. 3. Why was this man, known as ‘The king of Gypsies’ back in the limelight in 2012, a decade after his death ? Also name him.
  • 122. 4. Give funda for this recent internet hoax
  • 125. 5. X was almost pronounced dead when brought to Rangoon hospital with nine bullets in the lung, liver and kidneys. The military surgeon was reluctant to operate, seeing his hopeless condition, though X was conscious. When the surgeon asked what had happened to him, he replied that he was "kicked by a donkey". On being asked to prepare for battle by Indira Gandhi, he replied, “I am always ready, Sweetie!” His last words were “I am Okay !” Which maverick ?
  • 128. 6. A viral Youtube video taken at a famous California tourist place led to widespread imitation of the actions performed in the said video. However, employees at the tourist spot are now begging tourists to stop doing so because it ‘creates a mess’ and is ‘very unpleasant to look at’. What is the funda ?
  • 131. 7. William Douglas, 6th Earl of Douglas was invited by the Lord Chancellor, Sir William Crichton at the behest of the ten year old Scottish king, James II to Edinburgh Castle. A black bull’s head was specifically brought in for the dinner. After the dinner, something of note in Scottish history happened which led to the event being called the ____ _____. What is this event an inspiration for ?
  • 134. 8. Divya Narendra: “And Mark became the biggest thing on a campus that included nineteen Nobel Laureates, fifteen Pulitzer Prize winners, two future Olympians, and a movie star.” Who are the Olympians and the movie star ? (No part points)
  • 137. 9. This group was formed in the early 1980s after X’s resignation as the head of state of his country. Candidates, having been handpicked by X ,underwent extensive firearms training and also were allowed to wear western clothing and makeup, something that is not allowed for the rest of the similar populace. During the civil war that ensued a couple of decades later, rebels ‘hunted down’ members of the group for their role in previous execution attempts at the behest of X. X and the group ?
  • 140. 10. X: “My kids told me about it, and then some friends started calling wondering if I was unwell. I wondered about those who had so much time to invest on me. (Laughs) I've taken them with a pinch of salt and maybe a shot of vodka! Interviewer: “You drink Vodka ???” :O :O :O X: “I'm a chilled out dude. When I was younger I did some pretty wild things with the limited options I had. I had some crazy friends, girlfriends too. We had our share of parties and drunken escapades as well. Once when in college I ran out of money and had to sleep at a bus stop. It was fun as all of us on Delhi's Hindu College campus, were happy children of the Beatles' generation. Now, I spend my evenings with the children, watch movies, go for holidays and have a few drinks on the side.” Unbelievable, but who is X nevertheless ?
  • 143. 11. Sitter !! England vs West Indies, Old Trafford, 1933 Ellis Achong has Walter Robins stumped off a ball that surprisingly turns the other way after pitching. Robins stood there is disbelief before trudging back to the pavilion saying “fancy being done by a ______” to the umpire. What cricketing term caught on henceforth ?
  • 146. 12. Connect with the name of a place in India
  • 148.  ‘Ishq Sufiyana’ was shot in Bidar Fort.  The craft shown is called ‘Bidri’ because it originated from Bidar.
  • 149. 13. Which 1971 event with the emblem shown in the next slide, was described by Orson Welles as: “This was no party of the year, it was the celebration of 25 centuries!” and was also famous for bringing together X and Y, the rulers of two oldest extant monarchies. The event was held near the town of Shiraz, the capital of Fars province, because it was the site of Z. W is a hairstyle associated with a movement which considers Y to be the incarnation of God. What event ? X, Y, Z, W ?? Also identify what is depicted in the emblem ? (+5 per answer, 6 parts)
  • 154. 15. Thor Heyerdahl, in order to prove a conjecture constructed a small canoe using indigenous techniques to sail out into the Pacific in the western direction towards Tuamotus Islands in Polynesia, which he reached after sailing for 101 days and 6900 kms; thus proving what he set out for. He named the canoe __ ___, after the name given to the Sun God worshipped by Peruvian Incan descendants. A famous documentary and more recently, a feature film bearing the same name has made this even more popular. FITB.
  • 157. 16. Kanhoji Angre was the first notable chief of the Maratha Navy in 18th century India. He fought against the British, Dutch and Portuguese naval interests on the coasts of India during the 18th century. As a result, they labeled him a pirate. Despite the attempts of the British and Portuguese to subdue Angre, he remained undefeated until his death. How is he connected to the world of movies ? (Give me a very specific answer)
  • 160.  All answers have a theme, obviously  Write the answers  +10 per correct answer  Connect points on each slide  This is not going to be easy ! Mind ittttt !
  • 162. X is an attention hungry, oft ridiculed, dimwitted and ugly character from a popular cartoon show that pits him against his much more famous and liked rival. Because of his stupidity in the quest to better his rival, he puts his life in dangerous situations, which prompts his lion hearted rival to rush to his rescue every time. He is characterized by large, smelly, red buttocks which is the primary reason for him being ridiculed heavily by other characters. X?
  • 163. A X is a document generally submitted by the company offering securities (either stocks or bonds). Most frequently associated with an IPO, this document, like the previously submitted Form S-1 registration statement, must be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). X is something we generally manage to recall from an otherwise whirlwind announcement.
  • 164. X were an East Germanic tribe that moved to Iberia in 409 and entered Northern Africa in 429 AD under their King Genseric. Renaissance and early modern writers characterized them as barbarians for their penchant for sacking and looting any city that fell on their way, including the mighty Rome in 455 AD. This proneness to violent and disruptive behavior has led their name to being remembered as a word with same meaning. X?
  • 165. Eric Moussambani is a swimmer from Equatorial Guinea who gained instant fame in the 2000 Sydney Olympics when he swam the race in 1:52.72 minutes which was more than twice that of the heat winner Pieter van den Hoogenband. However because the other swimmers had false starts, they were disqualified and Eric won the heat with Pieter. He mentioned that he had never seen a 50 m pool before coming for the Olympics. The media nicknamed him ‘Eric the __’ because of his super slow performance.
  • 166. Morlocks are a fictional species created by H.G. Wells for his 1895 novel ‘Time Machine’. The species have been described as a part of a X civilization who maintain ancient machines that they may or may not remember how to build. They dwell underground in a AD 802,701 English countryside location. X is also the name for an ancient Red Sea coast tribe and also is an inspiration behind the naming of a 1960s British band with famous hits like ‘Wild thing’, ‘With a girl like you’ and ‘Love is all around’. X?
  • 167. X was a daughter of prophet Muhammad and Khadijah, wife of Ali and mother of Hasan and Hussein, and one of the five members of Ahl al-Bayt. She became the object of great veneration by all Muslims, because she lived closest to her father and supported him in his difficulties, because of the historical importance of her husband and her two sons, and because she is the only member of Prophet Muhammad's family that gave him descendants, numerously spread through the Islamic world. For Muslims, X is an inspiring example and X is one of the most popular girl's names throughout the Muslim world.
  • 168. A X is a mature tropical cyclone that develops in the western part of the North Pacific Ocean between 180° and 100°E. This region is referred to as the northwest Pacific basin. The word X could have originated from Persian word for a storm, a cognate of Sanskrit "tanun" meaning high or agitated winds. It also appears to have contributed to the Chinese word 大風 dàfēng meaning "great wind" as spoken in southern Chinese dialects such as Hakka and Cantonese.
  • 169. ____ _____ were irregular soldiers of the Ottoman Army who were laid off the actual payrolls as their army became to big to feed. They showed their willingness to fight for the empire on expectations of share in plunder. They were characterized by their lack of discipline which made them very useful for reconnaissance purposes. FITB this word literally meaning (in Turkish): Free Headed/ Damaged Head
  • 173. X is an attention hungry, oft ridiculed, dimwitted and ugly character from a popular cartoon show that pits him against his much more famous and liked rival. Because of his stupidity in the quest to better his rival, he puts his life in dangerous situations, which prompts his lion hearted rival to rush to his rescue every time. He is characterized by large, smelly, red buttocks which is the primary reason for him being ridiculed heavily by other characters. X?
  • 174. A X is a document generally submitted by the company offering securities (either stocks or bonds). Most frequently associated with an IPO, this document, like the previously submitted Form S-1 registration statement, must be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). X is generally something we manage to recall from an otherwise whirlwind announcement.
  • 175. X were an East Germanic tribe that moved to Iberia in 409 and entered Northern Africa in 429 AD under their King Genseric. Renaissance and early modern writers characterized them as barbarians for their penchant for sacking and looting any city that fell on their way, including the mighty Rome in 455 AD. This proneness to violent and disruptive behavior has led their name to being remembered as a word with the same meaning. X?
  • 177. Morlocks are a fictional species created by H.G. Wells for his 1895 novel ‘Time Machine’. The species have been described as a part of a X civilization who maintain ancient machines that they may or may not remember how to build. They dwell underground in a AD 802,701 English countryside location. X is also the name for an ancient Red Sea coast tribe and also is an inspiration behind the naming of a 1960s British band with famous hits like ‘Wild thing’, ‘With a girl like you’ and ‘Love is all around’. X?
  • 178. X was a daughter of prophet Muhammad and Khadijah, wife of Ali and mother of Hasan and Hussein, and one of the five members of Ahl al-Bayt. She became the object of great veneration by all Muslims, because she lived closest to her father and supported him in his difficulties, because of the historical importance of her husband and her two sons, and because she is the only member of Prophet Muhammad's family that gave him descendants, numerously spread through the Islamic world. For Muslims, X is an inspiring example and X is one of the most popular girl's names throughout the Muslim world.
  • 179. A X is a mature tropical cyclone that develops in the western part of the North Pacific Ocean between 180° and 100°E. This region is referred to as the northwest Pacific basin. The word X could have originated from Persian word for a storm, a cognate of Sanskrit "tanun" meaning high or agitated winds. It also appears to have contributed to the Chinese word 大風 dàfēng meaning "great wind" as spoken in southern Chinese dialects such as Hakka and Cantonese.
  • 180. ____ _____ were irregular soldiers of the Ottoman Army who were laid off the actual payrolls as their army became to big to feed. They showed their willingness to fight for the empire on expectations of share in plunder. They were characterized by their lack of discipline which made them very useful for reconnaissance purposes. FITB this word literally meaning (in Turkish): Free Headed/ Damaged Head