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Instruction: Each question is followed by four options, A, B, C and D. Choose the correct

1 Which of the following is not a basic need of an animal?
  A Water
  B Air
  C Light
  D Food

2 The figure below shows a fish bowl which has a layer of oil on the surface of the water.

 What will happen after a week?
 A The fish will grow bigger.
 B The fish will compete for food.
 C The fish will compete for mate.
 D The fish will die.

3 Mei Lin covered some mushrooms with an opaque box. After several days, she removed the
  opaque box and noticed that the mushrooms still grew well. This shows that…
  A mushrooms do not need light to grow.
  B mushrooms are unable to live in dark places.
  C mushrooms are able to produce their own food.
  D mushrooms can live without light and air.

4 Which of the plants in the above figure reproduce through spores?
  A P only
  B P and Q only
  C Q and R only
  D Q, R, and S only

5 The figure below shows plants that have been placed in sunlight.

 What happens if the plant is not watered for a few days?
 A The leaves will be more green.
 B The size of the leaves will increase.
 C The plants will wilt.
 D The plants will produce roots on the stems to absorb water from the air.

6 The flies and the lizard in the above figure will die because they do not get…
  A water.
  B food.
  C air.
  D enough space.

7 Seeds need all of the following to germinate, except…
  A water.
  B soil.
  C air.
  D heat.

8 Which of the following helps the excretion of waste products from the body?
  A Exercising
  B Sleeping
  C Reading
  D Talking

9 Which one of the following animals gives birth?
  A Lizard
  B Bat
  C Cockroach
  D Grasshopper

10 The figure below shows a pair of human organs of excretion labeled X.

 What waste is excreted from the organs labeled X?
 A Sweat
 B Urine
 C Carbon dioxide
 D Solid waste

11 The animal shown in the picture above will grow into a…
  A mosquito.
  B frog.
  C butterfly.
  D grasshopper.

12 A frog can breathe in water and on land because it has two different breathing organs, which
  A the lungs and moist skin.
  B the lungs and gills.
  C the lungs and air tubes.
  D the gills and air tubes.

13 Which of the following animals reproduces in the same way as the animals above?
  A A stingray
  B A penguin
  C A dolphin
  D A turtle

14 Which of the following animals can be classified in groups X and Y, based on how they
                 X           Y
        A     Tadpole    Cockroach
        B     Chicken    Caterpillar
        C       Frog     Dragonfly
        D      Prawn      Worm

15 Which of the following plants reproduce in the same way?

 A I and II only
 B I and III only
 C I and IV only
 D III and IV only

16 Which of the following plants reproduce in the same way?
  I Tapioca                  II Rose
  III Sugar cane             IV Croton
  A I and II only
  B I and III only
  C II and IV only
  D I, II, III, and IV


17 The animals in the list above protect themselves by…
  A camouflage.
  B pretending to die.
  C producing a smell.
  D using a sting.

18 The part marked X in the above diagram is used…
  A for finding food.
  B for protecting themselves.
  C for easy movement.
  D for locating predators.

19 The polar bear can survive in a cold and icy habitat because…
  I it has very thick fur.
  II its fur is white.
  III it has a thick layer of fat under its skin.
  A I and II only
  B I and III only
  C II and III only
  D I, II, and III

20 Rubber trees can reduce water loss during the drought season…
  A by having its leaves folded.
  B by shedding its leaves.
  C by having latex produced in the stem.
  D by shedding bark from the stem.

21 The pictures below show two animals.

 What is the organ of excretion of these animals?
 A Lungs
 B Skin
 C Gills
 D Trachea

22 Which of the following animals excretes its waste products through gills?
  A Frog
  B Mouse
  C Prawn
  D Earthworm

23 The figure below shows the life cycle of a frog.

 Which of the following is X?

24 The following pictures show the classification of animals into two groups according to the
   way they reproduce.

 Which of the following animals can be placed in group M and group N?

           Group M        Group N
    A    Tiger            Zebra
    B    Snake            Snail
    C    Goose            Sea lion
    D    Giraffe          Platypus

25 The picture below shows a mimosa plant.

 This plant can respond to…
 I water.
 II touch.
 III sunlight.
 A I and II only
 B I and III only
 C II and III only
 D I, II and III

26 The picture below shows a banana plant.

  What is the name of the part labelled X?
  A Underground stem
  B Parent plant
  C Sucker
  D Shoot

27 Which part of a plant will respond to gravity?
  A Shoot
  B Roots
  C Leaves
  D Stem

28Which of the following animals will curl up their bodies when they are touched?
  A Goat and pangolin
  B Caterpillar and porcupine
  C Millipede and pangolin
  D Chameleon and millipede

29 Which of the following plants have hairs that can cause itchiness?
  I Jackfruit
  II Bamboo
  III Sugar cane
  IV Pumpkin
  A II and III only
  B I, II and III only
  C II, III and IV only
  D I, II, III and IV

30 The following list shows some plants which have a certain specific characteristic.
   • Mimosa plant
   • Rose plant
   • Rattan plant
  What is the specific characteristic?
  A Poisonous
  B Thorny
  C Smelly
  D Produce latex

Write your answers in the spaces provided.

1 The figure below shows that three different grasshoppers are immersed in water.

(a) Predict the results of this experiment after two hours.

(b) State your inference based on the observation in (a).

(c) Name the following variables.
i. Manipulated variable: ________________________________________________________________

ii. Responding variable:________________________________________________________________

(d) What is the conclusion of this experiment?

2 The figure below shows the apparatus set up by a group of students in an experiment.

(a) What is the purpose of this experiment?

(b) i. State an observation can you make from this experiment.

ii. Give an inference for your answer in (b)i.

(c) What is the conclusion can you make from this experiment?

3 The pictures below show three types of animals which have specific characteristics for protecting
themselves from enemies.

(a) Name one specific characteristic of animal P which protects it.

(b) What is animal R doing?

(c) What are the specific characteristics of animal Q which cause enemies to stay away from it?

4 A pupil puts a yam leaf and a lime leaf together with a caterpillar in a glass container as shown in the
figure below. After a day, the lime leaf is completely eaten by the caterpillar while the yam leaf is not

(a) What is the aim of this experiment?

(b) State one inference based on the observation.

(c) What is the importance of having poisonous leaves to the yam plant ?

(d) Name one other plant that has the same specific characteristic as the yam plant.

5 The figure below shows some plants which are grouped according to their special characteristics.

(a) Name the special characteristic of each group.
    i. X: ___________________________________________________________________________

   ii. Y: ___________________________________________________________________________

  iii. Z: ___________________________________________________________________________

(b) Why are these characteristics important to these plants?

(c) Give an example of a plant that has each of the following characteristics.
    i. Thorny fruit: ___________________________________________________________________

  ii. Trunk that produces latex: ________________________________________________________

 iii. Tree with hard bark: _____________________________________________________________

Section A                                                    16 D
1C                                                           17 D
2D                                                           18 B
3A                                                           19 B
4B                                                           20 B
5C                                                           21 A
6C                                                           22 C
7B                                                           23 C
8A                                                           24 C
9B                                                           25 D
10 C                                                         26 C
11 A                                                         27 B
12 A                                                         28 C
13 C                                                         29 D
14 A                                                         30 B
15 C
Section B
1 (a) The grasshoppers in beaker P and beaker R will die while the grasshopper in beaker Q will still be alive.
  (b) The grasshoppers in beaker P and beaker R cannot breathe because their breathing structures are immersed in
  (c) i. Part of the body immersed
     ii. Grasshopper lives of dies
  (d) A grasshopper will die if its breathing structures are blocked.
2 (a) To study the response of a plant to water
  (b) i. The roots of the seedling grow towards the moist cotton wool.
      ii. Roots respond to the stimulus of water.
  (c) Roots of a plant respond to water because water is a basic need of the plant.
3 (a) Sharp spines on its body.
  (b) It is withdrawing its limbs and head into its shell.
  (c) Animal Q has a stings. A large number of them live together in a group.
4 (a) To study how plants protect themselves from enemies
  (b) The yam leaf is poisonous while the lime leaf is not poisonous.
  (c) To protect itself from enemies
  (d) Mushroom
5 (a) i. X : Thorny stems
      ii. Y : Poisonous
     iii. Z : Hairy surface that can cause itchiness
  (b) To protect them from being eaten by animals
  (c) i. Durian tree
     ii. Rubber tree
    iii. Mangrove tree


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  • 1. Instruction: Each question is followed by four options, A, B, C and D. Choose the correct answer. 1 Which of the following is not a basic need of an animal? A Water B Air C Light D Food 2 The figure below shows a fish bowl which has a layer of oil on the surface of the water. What will happen after a week? A The fish will grow bigger. B The fish will compete for food. C The fish will compete for mate. D The fish will die. 3 Mei Lin covered some mushrooms with an opaque box. After several days, she removed the opaque box and noticed that the mushrooms still grew well. This shows that… A mushrooms do not need light to grow. B mushrooms are unable to live in dark places. C mushrooms are able to produce their own food. D mushrooms can live without light and air. 4 Which of the plants in the above figure reproduce through spores? A P only B P and Q only C Q and R only D Q, R, and S only 1
  • 2. 5 The figure below shows plants that have been placed in sunlight. What happens if the plant is not watered for a few days? A The leaves will be more green. B The size of the leaves will increase. C The plants will wilt. D The plants will produce roots on the stems to absorb water from the air. 6 The flies and the lizard in the above figure will die because they do not get… A water. B food. C air. D enough space. 7 Seeds need all of the following to germinate, except… A water. B soil. C air. D heat. 8 Which of the following helps the excretion of waste products from the body? A Exercising B Sleeping C Reading D Talking 9 Which one of the following animals gives birth? A Lizard B Bat C Cockroach D Grasshopper 2
  • 3. 10 The figure below shows a pair of human organs of excretion labeled X. What waste is excreted from the organs labeled X? A Sweat B Urine C Carbon dioxide D Solid waste 11 The animal shown in the picture above will grow into a… A mosquito. B frog. C butterfly. D grasshopper. 12 A frog can breathe in water and on land because it has two different breathing organs, which are… A the lungs and moist skin. B the lungs and gills. C the lungs and air tubes. D the gills and air tubes. 3
  • 4. 13 Which of the following animals reproduces in the same way as the animals above? A A stingray B A penguin C A dolphin D A turtle 14 Which of the following animals can be classified in groups X and Y, based on how they breathe? X Y A Tadpole Cockroach B Chicken Caterpillar C Frog Dragonfly D Prawn Worm 15 Which of the following plants reproduce in the same way? A I and II only B I and III only C I and IV only D III and IV only 4
  • 5. 16 Which of the following plants reproduce in the same way? I Tapioca II Rose III Sugar cane IV Croton A I and II only B I and III only C II and IV only D I, II, III, and IV Snake Centipede Scorpion 17 The animals in the list above protect themselves by… A camouflage. B pretending to die. C producing a smell. D using a sting. 18 The part marked X in the above diagram is used… A for finding food. B for protecting themselves. C for easy movement. D for locating predators. 19 The polar bear can survive in a cold and icy habitat because… I it has very thick fur. II its fur is white. III it has a thick layer of fat under its skin. A I and II only B I and III only C II and III only D I, II, and III 20 Rubber trees can reduce water loss during the drought season… A by having its leaves folded. B by shedding its leaves. C by having latex produced in the stem. D by shedding bark from the stem. 5
  • 6. 21 The pictures below show two animals. What is the organ of excretion of these animals? A Lungs B Skin C Gills D Trachea 22 Which of the following animals excretes its waste products through gills? A Frog B Mouse C Prawn D Earthworm 23 The figure below shows the life cycle of a frog. Which of the following is X? 6
  • 7. 24 The following pictures show the classification of animals into two groups according to the way they reproduce. Which of the following animals can be placed in group M and group N? Group M Group N A Tiger Zebra B Snake Snail C Goose Sea lion D Giraffe Platypus 25 The picture below shows a mimosa plant. This plant can respond to… I water. II touch. III sunlight. A I and II only B I and III only C II and III only D I, II and III 7
  • 8. 26 The picture below shows a banana plant. What is the name of the part labelled X? A Underground stem B Parent plant C Sucker D Shoot 27 Which part of a plant will respond to gravity? A Shoot B Roots C Leaves D Stem 28Which of the following animals will curl up their bodies when they are touched? A Goat and pangolin B Caterpillar and porcupine C Millipede and pangolin D Chameleon and millipede 29 Which of the following plants have hairs that can cause itchiness? I Jackfruit II Bamboo III Sugar cane IV Pumpkin A II and III only B I, II and III only C II, III and IV only D I, II, III and IV 30 The following list shows some plants which have a certain specific characteristic. • Mimosa plant • Rose plant • Rattan plant What is the specific characteristic? A Poisonous B Thorny C Smelly D Produce latex 8
  • 9. SECTION B Write your answers in the spaces provided. 1 The figure below shows that three different grasshoppers are immersed in water. (a) Predict the results of this experiment after two hours. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ (b) State your inference based on the observation in (a). _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ (c) Name the following variables. i. Manipulated variable: ________________________________________________________________ ii. Responding variable:________________________________________________________________ (d) What is the conclusion of this experiment? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 2 The figure below shows the apparatus set up by a group of students in an experiment. (a) What is the purpose of this experiment? ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ (b) i. State an observation can you make from this experiment. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 9
  • 10. ii. Give an inference for your answer in (b)i. __________________________________________________________________________________ (c) What is the conclusion can you make from this experiment? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 3 The pictures below show three types of animals which have specific characteristics for protecting themselves from enemies. (a) Name one specific characteristic of animal P which protects it. __________________________________________________________________________________ (b) What is animal R doing? __________________________________________________________________________________ (c) What are the specific characteristics of animal Q which cause enemies to stay away from it? __________________________________________________________________________________ 4 A pupil puts a yam leaf and a lime leaf together with a caterpillar in a glass container as shown in the figure below. After a day, the lime leaf is completely eaten by the caterpillar while the yam leaf is not eaten. (a) What is the aim of this experiment? __________________________________________________________________________________ (b) State one inference based on the observation. __________________________________________________________________________________ (c) What is the importance of having poisonous leaves to the yam plant ? __________________________________________________________________________________ (d) Name one other plant that has the same specific characteristic as the yam plant. __________________________________________________________________________________ 10
  • 11. 5 The figure below shows some plants which are grouped according to their special characteristics. (a) Name the special characteristic of each group. i. X: ___________________________________________________________________________ ii. Y: ___________________________________________________________________________ iii. Z: ___________________________________________________________________________ (b) Why are these characteristics important to these plants? ______________________________________________________________________________ (c) Give an example of a plant that has each of the following characteristics. i. Thorny fruit: ___________________________________________________________________ ii. Trunk that produces latex: ________________________________________________________ iii. Tree with hard bark: _____________________________________________________________ 11
  • 12. Section A 16 D 1C 17 D 2D 18 B 3A 19 B 4B 20 B 5C 21 A 6C 22 C 7B 23 C 8A 24 C 9B 25 D 10 C 26 C 11 A 27 B 12 A 28 C 13 C 29 D 14 A 30 B 15 C Section B 1 (a) The grasshoppers in beaker P and beaker R will die while the grasshopper in beaker Q will still be alive. (b) The grasshoppers in beaker P and beaker R cannot breathe because their breathing structures are immersed in water. (c) i. Part of the body immersed ii. Grasshopper lives of dies (d) A grasshopper will die if its breathing structures are blocked. 2 (a) To study the response of a plant to water (b) i. The roots of the seedling grow towards the moist cotton wool. ii. Roots respond to the stimulus of water. (c) Roots of a plant respond to water because water is a basic need of the plant. 3 (a) Sharp spines on its body. (b) It is withdrawing its limbs and head into its shell. (c) Animal Q has a stings. A large number of them live together in a group. 4 (a) To study how plants protect themselves from enemies (b) The yam leaf is poisonous while the lime leaf is not poisonous. (c) To protect itself from enemies (d) Mushroom 5 (a) i. X : Thorny stems ii. Y : Poisonous iii. Z : Hairy surface that can cause itchiness (b) To protect them from being eaten by animals (c) i. Durian tree ii. Rubber tree iii. Mangrove tree 12