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#S4CA @sch4change
Module 1:
Change Starts With Me
@Sch4Change #S4CA
Brought to you by the
#S4CA @sch4change
Welcome to a global community
of change agents!
More than 10,000 people from around the world
have now taken part in The School for Change
Agents, including:
Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil,
Canada, Denmark, England, France, Georgia,
Germany, Greece, India, Ireland (Republic), Italy,
Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway,
Northern Ireland, Pakistan, Qatar, Russian
Federation, Saudi Arabia, Scotland, Singapore,
Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Thailand, Tunisia, Ukraine, USA, Wales
#S4CA @sch4change
The team today
Session Lead:
Helen Bevan
Olly Benson
Leigh Kendall
Kate Pound
Pip Hardy
Chat Room Monitors Twitter Monitors
Louis Warner
Technical Support
Joanna Hemming
Paul Woodley
#S4CA @sch4change
Make your mark!
#S4CA @sch4change
Where on earth are you?
#S4CA @sch4change
Where in the
UK are you?
#S4CA @sch4change
Joining in today…and beyond
• Please use the chat box to contribute continuously during the
• Please tweet using hashtag #S4CA and the handle
• Send a request to join our Facebook group School for Change
Agents https://www.facebook.com/sch4change/
• We will produce summaries of each module discussion using
Steller and put on the website
#S4CA @sch4change
(the things we do)
is all about
building capability
(our ability to do
Source of images: thenounproject.com
#S4CA @sch4change
Peter Fuda’s Transformational Change
Agent Framework
Skills and methods for creating
Possibilities, opportunities, things in
a different light
A role model first and a preacher
Source: Peter Fuda (2012) 15 qualities of a
transformational change agent
#S4CA @sch4change
The School has been formally evaluated by the Chartered
Institute for Personnel & Development
• Change knowledge
• Sense of purpose & motivation to improve practice
• Ability to challenge the status quo
• Rocking the boat & staying in it
• Connecting with others to build support for change
Positive effect on EVERY dimension of impact
at both individual and organisational level
#S4CA @sch4change
Each week we’ll cover different
change agent capabilities
16th February: Being a change agent: change begins
with me
23rd February: From me to we: making connections
and building communities
2nd March: Rolling with resistance
9th March: Making change happen
16th March: Moving beyond the edge
Source of image: thenounproject.com
#S4CA @sch4change
#S4CA @sch4change 13
1 = little experience, skill and/or confidence
10 = highly experienced, skilled & confident
What’s your starting point
as a change agent enrolled
in the school?
#S4CA @sch4change
Certification and Continuing
Professional Development
Nurses, Midwives and Allied Health Professionals
Use the school experience as part of your CPD reflective
account for revalidation
We have applied for CPD credits for the school
If you watch all five of the talks and
demonstrate you have applied the
learning, you can apply to become a
certificated change agent (and it’s free)
#S4CA @sch4change
Change agent capabilities
in module 1
• Ripple intelligence: acting on changes
and trends in a fast moving world
• Operating at the edge
• Working with old power and new power
• Being a rebel, not a troublemaker
• Self-efficacy: belief that I can personally
create change
• Starting from a place of love
Source of image: thenounproject.com
#S4CA @sch4change
The Fundamental Law of
Conventional Conferences
The sum of the
expertise of the
people in the
audience is greater
than the sum of
expertise of the
people on stage
Dave Winer
Source of image: www.citynet.com
#S4CA @sch4change
Source: http://www.slideshare.net/alwynlau/learning-theories-learner-needs
#S4CA @sch4change
Source: @NHSChangeDay
#S4CA @sch4change
“New truths begin as heresies”
(Huxley, defending Darwin’s theory of natural selection)
Source of image:
installation by the
artist Adam Katz
Via @NeilPerkin
#S4CA @sch4change
Ripple intelligence
The ability to see trends,
understand risks and
opportunities and connect the
Source: Heidrick and Struggles (2017)
The CEO Report: embracing the paradoxes of leadership and the power of doubt
#S4CA @sch4change
#S4CA @sch4change
Change is changing
#S4CA @sch4change
Kinthi Sturtevant, IBM
13th annual Change Management
Conference June 2015
We rarely see two, three or four
year change projects any more.
Now it’s 30-60-90 day change
#S4CA @sch4change
Change is changing
#S4CA @sch4change
#S4CA @sch4change
Empower your staff to be the voice of the
organisation. They’ve got audience & credibility
Source: http://info.socialchorus.com/rs/socialchorus/images/Get-Your-Entire-
Source of image: Linked In
#S4CA @sch4change
Change is changing
#S4CA @sch4change
#S4CA @sch4change
Change is changing
#S4CA @sch4change
#S4CA @sch4change
#S4CA @sch4change
#S4CA @sch4change
Change is changing
Change is moving to
the edge
#S4CA @sch4change
An example from the
Cabinet Office
#S4CA @sch4change
Why go to the edge?
“ Leading from the edge brings us
into contact with a far wider range
of relationships, and in turn, this
increases our potential for diversity
in terms of thought, experience
and background. Diversity leads to
more disruptive thinking, faster
change and better outcomes
Aylet Baron
#S4CA @sch4change
Jeremy Heimens, Henry Timms
This is New Power
old power new power
Held by a few
Pushed down
Made by many
Pulled in
#S4CA @sch4change
The Network Secrets of Great Change Agents
Julie Battilana &Tiziana Casciaro
As a change agent, my centrality in the
informal network is more important
than my position in the formal
#S4CA @sch4change
People who are highly connected
have twice as much power to
influence change as people with
hierarchical power
Leandro Herrero
#S4CA @sch4change
We need rebels!
•The principal champion of a change initiative, cause
or action
•Rebels don’t wait for permission to lead, innovate,
•They are responsible; they do what is right
•They name things that others don’t
see yet
•They point to new horizons
•Without rebels, the storyline never
Source : @PeterVan http://t.co/6CQtA4wUv1
#S4CA @sch4change
If you put fences around people, you
get sheep. Give people the room they
William L McKnight
#S4CA @sch4change
What happens to
in organisations?
#S4CA @sch4change
#S4CA @sch4changeSource: Lois Kelly http://www.slideshare.net/Foghound/rocking-the-boat-without-falling-out
#S4CA @sch4change
We need to be boatrockers!
• Walk the fine line between
difference and fit, inside and
outside, rock the boat but
manage to stay in it
• Able to challenge the status
quo when we see that there
could be a better way
• Conform AND rebel
• Capable of working with others
to create success NOT a
destructive troublemaker Source: Debra Meyerson
#S4CA @sch4change
Source : Lois Kelly www.foghound.com
There’s a big difference between
a rebel and a troublemaker
#S4CA @sch4change
• What are your insights around “rebels” and
• What moves people from being “rebel” to
• How do we protect against this?
#S4CA @sch4change
Source : Lois Kelly www.rebelsatwork.com
There’s a big difference between
a rebel and a troublemaker
#S4CA @sch4change
Change starts with me
Source of image: jasonkeath.com
#S4CA @sch4change
"There’s only one
corner of the
universe you can
be certain of
improving, and
that’s your own
Aldous Huxley
Source of image: timcoffeyart.wordpress.com
#S4CA @sch4change
“The success of our actions as change-makers
does not depend on what we do or how we do it,
but on the inner place from which we operate”
Otto Scharmer
Leading from the emerging future
#S4CA @sch4change
1. able to join forces with others to create action
2. able to achieve small wins which create a sense
of hope, possibility and confidence
3. More likely to view obstacles as challenges to
4. strong sense of “self-efficacy”
 belief that I am personally able to create the change
Four things we know about
successful boat rockers
Source: adapted from Debra E Meyerson
#S4CA @sch4change
There is a positive, significant
relationship between the
self-efficacy beliefs of a
change agent and her/his
ability to facilitate change
and get good outcomes
Source of image:www.h3daily.com
#S4CA @sch4change
Source: @NHSChangeDay
#S4CA @sch4change
Source: @NHSChangeDay
What is the issue here?
“permission” ?
(externally generated)
Self efficacy ?
(internally generated)
#S4CA @sch4change
Building self-efficacy: some tactics
1. Create change one small step at a time
2. Reframe your thinking:
• failed attempts are learning opportunities
• uncertainty becomes curiousity
3. Make change routine rather than an exceptional
4. Get social support
5. Learn from the best
#S4CA @sch4change
Being a great change agent is about doing,
seeing and being change
#S4CA @sch4change
Avedis Donabedian
Ultimately, the secret
of quality is love.
…… If you have love,
you can then work
backward to monitor
and improve the
#S4CA @sch4change
Tactic for change agents:
Out-love everyone else
Source of image: Bradley Burgess
#S4CA @sch4change
Source of image: Wales Audit Office https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-b9YLz193o
#S4CA @sch4change
How to take part
• Instructions in News from Jo
• Send an email to say you want to take part in the RCT
to joannahemming@nhs.net
• We will randomly match you with another
participant in the School for Change Agents from
anywhere in the world.
• At some time in the next four weeks, arrange to have
a conversation over Skype (or other communication
system) with a cup of coffee!
#S4CA @sch4change
We hope you enjoy your learning
discussion and look forward to our
next four weeks
23rd February: From me to we:
making connections and building
2nd March: Rolling with resistance
9th March: Making change happen
16th March: Moving beyond the edge
Source of image: thenounproject.com
#S4CA @sch4change
What happens next
• Stay with us on the WebEx if you would like to
join a virtual learning group
• Sign off of the WebEx if you are having your
own face to face learning group locally or at a
different time
to stay and join a
virtual learning
#S4CA @sch4change
Breakout rooms – virtual
learning groups
• If you stay with us on the WebEx, we will allocate you to
a virtual learning group for the next 30 minutes
• The other people in your learning group will be other
change agents who have joined the school
• The purpose of the learning group is to apply the
learning from the School for Change Agents to your own
• There will be a facilitator in your learning group to help
your discussion
#S4CA @sch4change
• A message will pop up in the middle of your screen asking if you
wish to join the breakout room session. Please click to accept
• Upon moving to the breakout room you will be able to unmute
your audio so you can speak.
• The unmute button can be found at the bottom of the
participant panel – it looks like an old-fashioned microphone.
• If you have problems in the breakout room please raise your
electronic hand and someone will join to support you.
If you are using an iPad or tablet, you won’t go to a room.
We will have a discussion in the main room
What happens when we go in to
the breakout rooms:

More Related Content

School for Change Agents 2017 - Module 1

  • 1. #S4CA @sch4change theedge.nhsiq.nhs.uk/school/ Module 1: Change Starts With Me @Sch4Change #S4CA team Brought to you by the
  • 2. #S4CA @sch4change Welcome to a global community of change agents! More than 10,000 people from around the world have now taken part in The School for Change Agents, including: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, England, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, India, Ireland (Republic), Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Northern Ireland, Pakistan, Qatar, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Scotland, Singapore, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Tunisia, Ukraine, USA, Wales
  • 3. #S4CA @sch4change The team today Session Lead: Helen Bevan @HelenBevan Olly Benson @OllyBenson Leigh Kendall @LeighAKendall Kate Pound @KateSlater2 Lead facilitator: Pip Hardy @PilgrimPip Chat Room Monitors Twitter Monitors Louis Warner @LouisWHorizons Technical Support Joanna Hemming @JoannaHemming Paul Woodley @PaulWoodley4
  • 5. #S4CA @sch4change Where on earth are you?
  • 6. #S4CA @sch4change Where in the UK are you?
  • 7. #S4CA @sch4change Joining in today…and beyond • Please use the chat box to contribute continuously during the talk • Please tweet using hashtag #S4CA and the handle @Sch4Change • Send a request to join our Facebook group School for Change Agents https://www.facebook.com/sch4change/ • We will produce summaries of each module discussion using Steller and put on the website
  • 8. #S4CA @sch4change Functional thinking (the things we do) is all about building capability Capability thinking (our ability to do things) Source of images: thenounproject.com
  • 9. #S4CA @sch4change Peter Fuda’s Transformational Change Agent Framework Skills and methods for creating change Possibilities, opportunities, things in a different light A role model first and a preacher second Source: Peter Fuda (2012) 15 qualities of a transformational change agent
  • 10. #S4CA @sch4change The School has been formally evaluated by the Chartered Institute for Personnel & Development • Change knowledge • Sense of purpose & motivation to improve practice • Ability to challenge the status quo • Rocking the boat & staying in it • Connecting with others to build support for change Positive effect on EVERY dimension of impact at both individual and organisational level
  • 11. #S4CA @sch4change Each week we’ll cover different change agent capabilities 16th February: Being a change agent: change begins with me 23rd February: From me to we: making connections and building communities 2nd March: Rolling with resistance 9th March: Making change happen 16th March: Moving beyond the edge Source of image: thenounproject.com
  • 13. #S4CA @sch4change 13 1 = little experience, skill and/or confidence 10 = highly experienced, skilled & confident What’s your starting point as a change agent enrolled in the school?
  • 14. #S4CA @sch4change Certification and Continuing Professional Development Nurses, Midwives and Allied Health Professionals Use the school experience as part of your CPD reflective account for revalidation Doctors We have applied for CPD credits for the school Everyone If you watch all five of the talks and demonstrate you have applied the learning, you can apply to become a certificated change agent (and it’s free)
  • 15. #S4CA @sch4change Change agent capabilities in module 1 • Ripple intelligence: acting on changes and trends in a fast moving world • Operating at the edge • Working with old power and new power • Being a rebel, not a troublemaker • Self-efficacy: belief that I can personally create change • Starting from a place of love Source of image: thenounproject.com
  • 16. #S4CA @sch4change The Fundamental Law of Conventional Conferences The sum of the expertise of the people in the audience is greater than the sum of expertise of the people on stage Dave Winer “ “ Source of image: www.citynet.com
  • 19. #S4CA @sch4change “New truths begin as heresies” (Huxley, defending Darwin’s theory of natural selection) Source of image: installation by the artist Adam Katz www.thisiscolossal.com Via @NeilPerkin
  • 20. #S4CA @sch4change Ripple intelligence The ability to see trends, understand risks and opportunities and connect the dots Source: Heidrick and Struggles (2017) The CEO Report: embracing the paradoxes of leadership and the power of doubt
  • 23. #S4CA @sch4change Kinthi Sturtevant, IBM 13th annual Change Management Conference June 2015 We rarely see two, three or four year change projects any more. Now it’s 30-60-90 day change projects
  • 26. #S4CA @sch4change Empower your staff to be the voice of the organisation. They’ve got audience & credibility Source: http://info.socialchorus.com/rs/socialchorus/images/Get-Your-Entire- Organization-On-Board-with-Employee-Advocacy-SocialChorus.pdf Source of image: Linked In
  • 33. #S4CA @sch4change Change is changing Change is moving to the edge
  • 35. #S4CA @sch4change Why go to the edge? “ Leading from the edge brings us into contact with a far wider range of relationships, and in turn, this increases our potential for diversity in terms of thought, experience and background. Diversity leads to more disruptive thinking, faster change and better outcomes Aylet Baron
  • 36. #S4CA @sch4change Jeremy Heimens, Henry Timms This is New Power old power new power Currency Held by a few Pushed down Commanded Closed Transaction Current Made by many Pulled in Shared Open Relationship
  • 37. #S4CA @sch4change The Network Secrets of Great Change Agents Julie Battilana &Tiziana Casciaro As a change agent, my centrality in the informal network is more important than my position in the formal hierarchy
  • 38. #S4CA @sch4change People who are highly connected have twice as much power to influence change as people with hierarchical power Leandro Herrero http://t.co/Du6zCbrDBC
  • 39. #S4CA @sch4change We need rebels! •The principal champion of a change initiative, cause or action •Rebels don’t wait for permission to lead, innovate, strategise •They are responsible; they do what is right •They name things that others don’t see yet •They point to new horizons •Without rebels, the storyline never changes Source : @PeterVan http://t.co/6CQtA4wUv1
  • 40. #S4CA @sch4change If you put fences around people, you get sheep. Give people the room they need William L McKnight
  • 41. #S4CA @sch4change What happens to heretics/radicals/rebels/mavericks in organisations?
  • 43. #S4CA @sch4changeSource: Lois Kelly http://www.slideshare.net/Foghound/rocking-the-boat-without-falling-out
  • 44. #S4CA @sch4change We need to be boatrockers! • Walk the fine line between difference and fit, inside and outside, rock the boat but manage to stay in it • Able to challenge the status quo when we see that there could be a better way • Conform AND rebel • Capable of working with others to create success NOT a destructive troublemaker Source: Debra Meyerson
  • 45. #S4CA @sch4change Source : Lois Kelly www.foghound.com There’s a big difference between a rebel and a troublemaker Rebel
  • 46. #S4CA @sch4change Reflection • What are your insights around “rebels” and “troublemakers”? • What moves people from being “rebel” to “troublemaker”? • How do we protect against this?
  • 47. #S4CA @sch4change Source : Lois Kelly www.rebelsatwork.com Rebel There’s a big difference between a rebel and a troublemaker
  • 48. #S4CA @sch4change Change starts with me Source of image: jasonkeath.com
  • 49. #S4CA @sch4change "There’s only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that’s your own self." Aldous Huxley Source of image: timcoffeyart.wordpress.com
  • 50. #S4CA @sch4change “The success of our actions as change-makers does not depend on what we do or how we do it, but on the inner place from which we operate” Otto Scharmer Leading from the emerging future
  • 51. #S4CA @sch4change 1. able to join forces with others to create action 2. able to achieve small wins which create a sense of hope, possibility and confidence 3. More likely to view obstacles as challenges to overcome 4. strong sense of “self-efficacy”  belief that I am personally able to create the change Four things we know about successful boat rockers Source: adapted from Debra E Meyerson
  • 52. #S4CA @sch4change Self-efficacy There is a positive, significant relationship between the self-efficacy beliefs of a change agent and her/his ability to facilitate change and get good outcomes Source of image:www.h3daily.com
  • 54. #S4CA @sch4change Source: @NHSChangeDay What is the issue here? “permission” ? (externally generated) or Self efficacy ? (internally generated)
  • 55. #S4CA @sch4change Building self-efficacy: some tactics 1. Create change one small step at a time 2. Reframe your thinking: • failed attempts are learning opportunities • uncertainty becomes curiousity 3. Make change routine rather than an exceptional activity 4. Get social support 5. Learn from the best
  • 56. #S4CA @sch4change Being a great change agent is about doing, seeing and being change
  • 57. #S4CA @sch4change Avedis Donabedian Ultimately, the secret of quality is love. …… If you have love, you can then work backward to monitor and improve the system
  • 58. #S4CA @sch4change Tactic for change agents: Out-love everyone else Source of image: Bradley Burgess
  • 59. #S4CA @sch4change Source of image: Wales Audit Office https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-b9YLz193o
  • 60. #S4CA @sch4change How to take part • Instructions in News from Jo • Send an email to say you want to take part in the RCT to joannahemming@nhs.net • We will randomly match you with another participant in the School for Change Agents from anywhere in the world. • At some time in the next four weeks, arrange to have a conversation over Skype (or other communication system) with a cup of coffee!
  • 61. #S4CA @sch4change We hope you enjoy your learning discussion and look forward to our next four weeks 23rd February: From me to we: making connections and building communities 2nd March: Rolling with resistance 9th March: Making change happen 16th March: Moving beyond the edge Source of image: thenounproject.com
  • 62. #S4CA @sch4change What happens next • Stay with us on the WebEx if you would like to join a virtual learning group • Sign off of the WebEx if you are having your own face to face learning group locally or at a different time to stay and join a virtual learning group
  • 63. #S4CA @sch4change Breakout rooms – virtual learning groups • If you stay with us on the WebEx, we will allocate you to a virtual learning group for the next 30 minutes • The other people in your learning group will be other change agents who have joined the school • The purpose of the learning group is to apply the learning from the School for Change Agents to your own setting • There will be a facilitator in your learning group to help your discussion 26
  • 64. #S4CA @sch4change 27 • A message will pop up in the middle of your screen asking if you wish to join the breakout room session. Please click to accept this. • Upon moving to the breakout room you will be able to unmute your audio so you can speak. • The unmute button can be found at the bottom of the participant panel – it looks like an old-fashioned microphone. • If you have problems in the breakout room please raise your electronic hand and someone will join to support you. If you are using an iPad or tablet, you won’t go to a room. We will have a discussion in the main room What happens when we go in to the breakout rooms: