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School Of Visual Arts Essay
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School Of Visual Arts EssaySchool Of Visual Arts Essay
Essay on The Scientific Revolution and The Enlightenment
The Scientific revolution in the 16th and 17th centuries changed the way that people views the
world. Scientific philosophers such as Galileo and Descartes threw out the old teachings of the
church and challenged them with new ways of thinking. These men sought to prove that rational
thought could prove the existence of God. They also challenged that it was an understanding of a
series of rational thoughts, not faith, would bring understanding of how the world worked.
Traditional ways of thinking were ultimately challenged by logical and sensible rationale. Galileo
Galilei was an Italian philosopher born in 1564. As an adult, he didn t believe the universal
geocentric theory of the planets and heavens which was established by the... Show more content on
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Galileo stepped backed and worked on a book, which gave the arguments that for and against the
heliocentric theory. When he finally published the book, he was persecuted for heresy by the
Catholic Church and sentenced to house arrest in 1663. While under house arrest, he did studies
on falling object and their acceleration to the earth. The Catholic Church later apologized and
acknowledged that Galileo was treated unfairly in 1992.There is now a statue of Galileo inside
the Vatican as a monument and an attempt to make amends. Scientifically, Galileo will be
remembered for invention of the telescope, which allowed astronomers, sailors and other view
the heavens and seas, which fed their own theories. He used his own invention to discover the
four moons of Jupiter, the mountains and craters of the moon, and sunspots. His work on falling
objects led to gravitational studies and mathematical theorems which are on a basic level,
physics. Experimentation was used as a means to prove the laws of science along with the
mathematical theories. Math, according to Galileo, was the only infallible form of logic. If a
mathematical law could be formed from an event, then it was a logical, rational event. His
breaking from the Catholic Church, voicing his findings and staying with his convictions broke the
traditional way of thinking that the Church was the end all and be all of all things. In the end, he
was proven right for most of his beliefs and vindicated for his suppression.
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The Wartime Of The Nuremberg Trials
On 8th August, 1945, shortly after the end of World War II in May of 1945, the Allied
governments entered into a joint agreement establishing the International Military Tribunal for the
purpose of trying those responsible for the war atrocities. Whereas some 5,000 Nazi s were
charged with war crimes, the Nuremberg trials were designed specifically to prosecute high ranking
Nazi officials with whom the authority for the commission of heinous atrocities rested.
The Nuremberg Trials would therefore be marked in history as one of its kind. Prior to its
formation, war crimes were limited to the military courts of the individual countries and for the
very first time the Nuremberg Trials would mark the inception of the concept of collective guilt as a
justification for punishment. The four counts of indictment were: Conspiracy to commit crimes
alleged in other counts, crimes against peace, war crimes and crimes against humanity.
This paper seeks to canvass the legacy of the Nuremberg Trial; the legal justifications and
procedural innovations that were once controversial and which through the turn of the century have
now come to be regarded as a milestone towards the application of principles of international law,
establishment of a permanent international criminal court enshrined under the Rome Statute and
setting new precedents for the international community. Furthermore, the author seeks to juxtapose
the legal and political justifications given for the
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The Real Inspector Hound Essay
Argument of a play: A play within a play in The Real Inspector Hound.
The Real Inspector Hound is a play by Tom Stoppard whose plot follows two theater critics
called BirdBoot and Moon as they attended a play in London. The play also traces the narrative
arc of the two theater critics as well as the narrative arc of the murder mystery play that they are
assigned to review. In the play, Tom Stoppard provides a story and a one act parody play about the
nature of role playing in a detective fiction. This paper explores the play within a play as
explored by Stoppard where by the end of the play, both the internal and external play becomes
entangled and becomes almost impossible to separate. A play within a play is where a play is
presented ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the play, the main characters operate within two structural units. For example, they acquire a
single identity in the play as their actual identities and another in the inner play as their fictive
identities. The internal, which is the play within a play and the external which is the Stoppard s
play are intimately connected with the play only functioning when it includes the play within a
play and the play within a play highly necessitates the external play s context. However, the
distinction that exists between their identities between the plays is not that absolute. The line that
separates the characters becomes weaker as they move across the boundary that separates the
inner from the outer play. This is replicated in the line separating the reality of the world from the
fiction of the Muldoon Manor s world. Stoppard was able to provide a suggestion of the nature of
role playing as well as the power of illusion over reality through his creation of a rigid structural
demarcation line after which he violates the line through the entrance into the play by his
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The Battle Against General Magnus And His Army
It was 1930 at the railhead on Fort Bragg; they had completed loading the equipment on the big
black iron monster of a train, and covering them with heavy black tarps, which they secured to
the flatbeds. Colonel Lambert was no longer running the combat train; he remained back in
Washington D.C. with his command, the 3rd Infantry Regiment. With the Army of the Potomac
less than thirty miles out of the capital it was time for him to return to his duties. He placed
Major Reese Sales in charge of this particular mission; it was of the highest importance and no
doubt would make a huge difference in the fight against General Magnus and his Army. There
were only a few people aware of the cargo that was being transported north, the Major of course,
Colonel Lambert, Brigadier General Clayton who s idea it was, and the post commander of Fort
Bragg. Major Sales boarded the train with the additional Soldiers he was bringing with him from
Bragg; they were there to operate the equipment they were transporting. It would take a little over
twelve hours to make it to the capital, another couple of hours to unload everything, test it, and
then get it into action. Both General Clayton and Colonel Lambert were foaming at the mouth to
get them there and into the fight. The train moved out at 1945 under the cover of darkness, it was
time to get some shut eye Major Sales said to himself, come morning they were going to be very
busy. Brigadier General Clayton was back in WashingtonD.C.
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The Features Of Corruption Of Latin America
Corruption exists to some extent in all countries. But in Latin America, corruption seems an
inextricable part of life. Some schools of thought, particularly those in the political science circle,
view corruption as functional to the maintenance of a political system. Meaning, corruption may
not be ideal, but it represents a way for people to access resources that would otherwise be
unavailable to them. In sharp contrast, economists point to the many downfalls of corruption: a
climate of fear and lack of trust in public institutions, a weakening of the democratic system,
increased inequality and violence, diminished economic growth, and so on. This paper examines
the features of corruption in Latin America and discusses their implications. To begin, it is useful
to understand what precisely corruption entails. Many definitions exist, but a classic one is that of
Joseph Nye, formulated in 1967: Corruption is behavior which deviates from the formal duties of a
public role because of private regarding (personal, close family, private clique) pecuniary or status
gains; or violates rules against the exercise of certain types of private regarding influence. From this
definition alone, we glimpse the problems associated with corruption. In any organization,
institution or group, rules exist to guide and facilitate interactions. In an environment where rules
can be circumvented, stakeholders have little incentive to act fairly or honestly. Indeed, this has
been the
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Economic Growth Essay
Economic Growth Economic growth refers to the rate of increase in the total production of goods
and services within an economy. Economic growth increases the productivity capacity of an
economy, thereby allowing more wants to be satisfied. A growing economy increases employment
opportunities, stimulates business enterprise and innovation. A sustained economic growth is
fundamental to any nation wishing to raise its standard of living and provide a greater well being
for all. Gross domestic product (GDP) is the monetary value of all final goodsand services produced
over a year. It is the totalvalue of production within the economy. The total value of production is
the total value of the final goods or services less the cost of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Real GDP is measured by the following formula; [(current year quantity) x (based year price)]. A
more reliable measure of economic growth is real GDP per capita; this measurement takes into
account both the total production of the nation and the total population. Real GDP per capita
measures the real income per head of the population.
This can be measured by the following formula; Per capita nominal GDP = Nominal GDP
/ Population, Per capita real GDP = Real GDP / Population. Seven factors determine economic
growth. Natural resources such as land, mineral deposits, waterways; climatic conditions provide an
essential foundation to economic growth. Combined with the other resources of capital, labor and
enterprises, natural resources can be developed and organized to increase the productive capacity if
the nation. Consequently the quality and size of the labor force is a major determinant of economic
growth. Education and vocational training are essential the growth potential of a nation. The
promotion of education and job training schemes increase the knowledge, skills and flexibility of
the workforce that contributes to potentially higher levels of productivity and efficiency. Whether
from natural increase or immigration population growth can cause a higher level of economic
growth. An increasing population requires increased public spending on housing, education and
other social needs while businesses expectations of
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The Reflection Of Wes Anderson Film
You can tell you are watching a Wes Anderson film instantly the minute everything takes the
shape of an animated painting, each shot is so meticulously designed if it were to be paused in
the middle it would assume the aesthetics form of an artwork. Like an illustration every, patch of
color and screen direction is chosen with the same amount of care put into the script itself. His
work as a director is entirely unique, each of his films has a look and feel that is unmistakably his
and can be recognized from the start. Symmetry and color are the two distinct characteristics every
one associates with a Wes Andersonfilm. But beyond mere aesthetics in detail and what some
would call an obsessive OCD, his themes deal with nostalgia and situations dealing with the
troubled family dynamic. At the heart and root of it all Anderson s personal history is perceived
and ideology that is clearly influenced by his childhood. In this article, I will address how
through the uniquely storybook and whimsical comedic tones of Wes Anderson films he is able
to show the foils and limitations of estranged family relations and address personal subject
matters like loss and acceptance. Mise en scene quite literally means, staging of the scene. It is a
term adapted from the theatre and refers to everything the audience will view and hear on stage,
when applied to film it is everything the audience sees hears and experiences while viewing it.
Mise en scene can be categorized as the most
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Analysis Of The Spook Who Sat By Dan Freeman
During a time when many Negros in American were using means of violence and protest to
attempt to become visible to the dominant race in America, Dan Freeman decides to use
invisibility to reach his goal of bringing the Negro Race out of oppression. In The Spook Who
Sat by the Door Freeman believes that the ability of the Negro race to become invisible is their
greatest asset to his race as Freeman utilizes that ability in almost every aspect in his life. From
Freeman s time as an agent in the CIA to being a social worker in Chicago he is able to maintain
his invisibility without anyone becoming suspicious of his actual plan. In Freeman s relatively
small training class in the CIA academy he is able to almost to go through the whole academy
without being noticed by any of his instructors or peers. Once all the initial screens are completed
the class of twenty three men have the chance to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Freeman s job as a social worker is a ploy that allows him to become invisible among anyone who
could interfere with his plans of making the Negro race visible to the dominate race. Freeman s
plan to make the Negro race visible again is not a peaceful plan in any way. He plans to assert the
Negro race by means of guerrilla warfare by educating and training the Cobra gang in Chicago and
recruiting them to become about of his Freedom Fighters. Once Freeman gains the trust of the
Cobra s and is able to work with them he quickly makes the gang invisible to the police and
authoritative figures in the city. One of the first way he makes the Cobras invisible is by having
them change their image it heavy drug users because [...] junkies don t do what we re going to do
[...] (105). By changing the perception of the Cobra s to be junkies no one will not suspect the
Cobras of all the training and planning they will be doing to execute Freeman s
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Pros And Cons Of Anarchy
Over the course of human events, philosophers have presented their ideologies about what roles a
government should have as well as what are the functions of that said government. At many times,
these philosophers have clashed in their ideologies however, each philosopher recognizes one
possible state of being; anarchy. Anarchy is a stateof disorder in which there is no official form of a
systematic governmentrule. Philosophers such as Aristotle, Hobbes, Locke, Mearsheimer,
Ikenberry, and Gilpin all acknowledge and agree that a state of anarchy can exist but they
disagree in whether anarchy is good or bad. Anarchy in a state of nature is conflictual, thus it is
a problem. Politics in a state of anarchy is either conflictual by nature or can lead to prospects for
cooperation. Aristotle argue that anarchy, in a state of nature, is conflictual, and Locke argues
that anarchy can lead to cooperation. In an anarchic society there are no laws, limitations, or
regulations and as a result there is chaos which lead to arguments and disputes. In a systematic
government, there is stability and security; you have someone of a higher status to go to find a
solution to your troubles but when you get rid of the hierarchy people lose that sense of security
and stability and as a result are forced to provide these securities form themselves. From what
Aristotle states Hence it is evident that the state is a creation of nature, and that man is by nature a
political animal. And he who by
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Cis 115 Week 1 Lab
Week 1 iLab for Rebecca L Bean
TCO 1: Given a simple problem, design and desk check a solution that is expressed in terms of
pseudocode, flowchart, and/or input process output (IPO) diagrams. iLab This exercise will cover
the steps used to create a solution. You will use variable lists, IPO charts, pseudocode, flowcharts,
and desk checking. Rubric
Point distribution for this activity: Lab Activity| Document| Points possible| Points received| Part
1| 10| | Part 2| 10| | Part 3| 10| | Part 4| 10| | Part 5| 10| | Total points| 50| |
You have an idea for a restaurant tip calculator app that you want to develop for use... Show more
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It would not be wrong to do so, but these are not usually helpful as a design document. A
programmer looking at the IPO table will primarily be concerned with outputs that involve
variable expressions. (2) Your instructor does not require you to express the full logic details of
your processes in the Process section of the IPO table. A descriptive, unambiguous phrase will
suffice. A programmer using this as a guide can easily look at your flowchart, pseudocode, or
actual code to see the details of a calculation. If a calculation is particularly complex or hard to
follow, you may add some additional brief, explanatory comments. (3) Do not forget that input
variables may also appear as output variables as well, as salesPrice does in this exampe. Be sure to
list the variable as both an input AND output in this situation
(3) Pseudocode
Describe your solution using pseudocode. Use the same valid variable names you selected in Step 1.
Start decimal CheckAmount output check amount? input CheckAmount decimal TaxRate output
Tax Rate? input TaxRate decimal TipPercentage output Tip Percentage input TipPercentage decimal
Let TaxAmount=CheckAmout*TaxRate decimal TipAmount=CheckAmount*TipPercentage
decimal TotalAmount=CheckAmount+TipAmount+TaxAmount output Check amount = amp;
CheckAmount output Tax amount = amp; TaxAmount output Tip amount = amp; TipAmount
output Total amount = amp;
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All Connected
All Connected The government is watching your every move, listening to every word, keeping
you in line. One wrong move and you re done for. 1984 is a novel that focuses on four main
people and is set in the future from when it was written. The government has total control over
everything you do and if you slip up it could mean vaporization. Four people that don t really know
each other enter into each other s lives and things get interesting. Winston Smith is the first
character that comes into play. He works for the Ministry of Truth, editing history. He has a sense
of what is wrong and right. He knows he must follow the government, however, he has deeper
thoughts of a revolution. Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is
granted, all else follows. Winston is a very smart individual. He knows, feels, that he is right in
two plus two making four despite being told that it equals five. He wants a rebellion and is against
what the government does. When he s editing history in the department, sometimes he fudges it up
a bit. Next comes Julia. Julia is a love interest for Winston, in fact, they have an affair. She works in
the Fiction Department at the Ministry of Truth. She is a tall dark haired woman. She rebels
against the government for fun, not for a bigger purpose unlike WInston. Winston didn t... Show
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Charrington. Mr. Charrington is the junk shop owner. Above the junk shop is a room which
Winston and Julia rent from time to time. The junk shop is also where Winston buys the journal he
writes in in chapter one. Mr. Charrington and Winston converse about the past as they share an
interest in it. Mr. Charrington, it seemed, was a widower aged sixty three and had inhabited this
shop for thirty years. Mr. Charrington allows Julia and Winston to rent out the room, despite it not
having a telescreen. So to them, he seems like an understanding person. It turns out that he is a part
of the Thought
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organizational theory Essay
Question #1
Despite the economic progress brought about in part by scientific management, critics were calling
attention to the seamy side of progress which included severe labor management conflict, apathy,
boredom, and wasted human resources to examine the discrepancy between how an organization
was supposed to work versus how the workers actually behaved. In addition, factors like World War
I, developments in psychology and later the depression, all bought into question, some of the basic
assumptions of Scientific Management. (Internet) This is where the Human Relations School steps
in. Its primary focus is the importance of attitudes and feelings of workers, while informal roles and
norms influence performance. At the most ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
To Mayo, this was not only the key to organizational success, but also the goal to achieving social
stability. He also viewed informal group processes as the promoting tool for social integration, as
well as stopping absenteeism, turnover, and discontent among employees.
Another important person at this time was Chester Barnard, who combined practical experience in
management and corporate affairs with a complex and sophisticated theory of organization and
human behavior. His focus projected from an emphasis on the organization to an analysis of the
nature of an individual. He placed priority on tension between the organization and the individual
noting that ...organizations are constructed for particular purposes, but they employ individuals
who may have widely divergent objectives and desires. (Jaffe, 74) Barnard noted that cooperation
was needed for the organization to work effectively and efficiently. He discussed in his book, The
Functions of the Executive, the relationship between incentives and contributions, and the need to
join these together to meet an equilibrium of some sort. He claimed that this system would satisfy
individuals and obtain contributions from them while at the same time making everyone happy. To
do this, he used distribution hoping to gain cooperative activity from the employees. The executive
needs to note that distribution can be good in one situation but
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Advantages Of Swarm Robotics
Advances in Swarm Robotics and the Stability of a Swarm
Swarm robotics is the new approach to the coordination of multi robot systems that consists of
many relatively smaller robots. The inspiration of this is the social behaviour of many animals and
insects like ants, geese etc. the terms Swarm Intelligence refers to the collective behaviour that is
the outcome of the work of the smaller individuals, each acting autonomously. Swarm intelligence
is a property of systems of non intelligent exhibiting a collectively intelligent behaviour.
Since the 1980 s, swarm robotics has become a major area of research. As new solution approaches
are being developed and validated, it is often possible to realize the advantages of swarm robotic
In a paper by Dudek et al in 1993, the research on swarm robotics was classified into five areas
which are swarm size, communication range, communication topology, communication bandwidth,
swarm re configurability and swarm unit processing ability. In another paper by Cao et al, the
survey of cooperative robotics was presented in a hierarchical way. This publication was also split
onto five main parts: group architecture, resource conflicts, origins of cooperation, learning and
geometric problems.
In a paper by Hiroshi et al the stability of a swarm ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Social insects have the best examples of the best self organized behaviour. For example, ants and
bees are not as powerful alone as they are with their colony or hive respectively. By means of local
and limited communication, they are able to accomplish impressive behavioural feats: maintaining
the health of the colony, caring for their young, responding to invasion and so on. Ants leave a
chemical substance, pheromone, behind to help guide other ants at a later point in time. Thomas et
al were inspired from ants and they made a swarm which would search, retrieve, return, deposit and
rest an
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Joseph Goodman Research Paper
Dr. Joseph Goodman
Beverly Hills Holistic Dentist support your choice to live a healthier, more natural and less toxic
life. We bridge the gap between, conventional clinical dentistry and natural healing. Dr. Joseph
Goodman, one of the top cosmetic dentist practices all the aspects of dentistry and specializes in
creating the most beautiful smiles with all porcelain restoration such as crowns and veneers. He
also incorporates Invisalign invisible braces , teeth whitening, laser dentistry, dental implant and
much more.
Dr. Joseph Goodman provides you various facilities like:
1.We provide state of art digital x rays which are 90% fewer radiations.
2.We prefer Huggins protocol for safe mercury removal of safe amalgam removal with an oxygen
mask, rubber dam and removing Amalgam fillings in one piece, rather than grinding the old
mercury filling in a messy soup of saliva, water, and amalgam waste.
3.Mercury free dentistry.
4.Fluoride free dentistry.
5.BPA free dentistry.
6.Ozone dentistry, ozone cleaning and application of ozone for your gun, root canals, and infection
7.Chemical free sterilization of dental instruments.
8.Use of biocompatible ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Joseph Goodman is also in the list of top cosmetic dentists across the world and affiliated with
several of the most prestigious dental organizations in the world. Dr. Joseph Goodman is the
very first cosmetic dentist in the Germany using porcelain veneers in the early 90 when veneers
were not as commonly used due to limitations in adhesion and material available at the time.
Most of Dr. Joseph Goodman s veneers placed 20 years ago are still serving patients well. Many
clients of Dr. Joseph Goodman reviewed him as the great and the best dentist in Beverly Hills. Dr.
Joseph Goodman can also suggest you treatments of your daily problems like bad breath, gum
disease, Esophagus and many systemic diseases like fetor hepatic, lung infections, renal failure,
trimethylaminuria, carcinoma, and diabetic
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Tone Of The Prelude
The Prelude: William Wordsworth s The Prelude, written in blank verse is an autobiographical
poem written from 1798 to 1799. Throughout the excerpt the speaker has changing responses to his
experience and conveys his responses with varying diction, imagery, and tone style. There are three
changes in the speaker s response to his surroundings, which portray his changing emotion
throughout the piece. The transitions occur on lines 11, 24, and 34. Tones of adventure,
decisiveness, obstruction, and darkness are used throughout the work. The speaker changes his tone
during the transition from the first to second section. He starts in the first with an awe filled and
adventurous tone. He then transitions to a tone of pride and decisiveness... Show more content on
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The speaker s tone goes from nervous and scared to dim and dark. The man has had to turn
around and go back because of his fear for the humongous mountain that seemed to be
encroaching upon his every move. The word choice of and through the meadows homeward
went, in grave and serious mood; shows how he left his boat with a feeling of sadness, but had
not yet been robbed of his joy. But, in the next section his starting word choice of but after I had
seen that spectacle, for many days, my brain worked with a dim and undetermined sense of
unknown modes of being shows that he doesn t even know how to feel anymore in light of
recent events. This marks the change in him from sadness to dim apathy. His imagery of there
hung a darkness and no familiar shapes remained parallels the complete emptiness he feels in his
soul. The speaker once again refers back to the environment when he uses no pleasant images of
trees , of sea and sky , and no colours of green fields . He uses this environmental imagery to show
that his life is now devoid of all color. He closes this excerpt with like living men, moved slowly
through the mind by day, and were a trouble to my
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Antigone The Significance Of A Single Soul Research Paper
The Significance of a Single Soul How can one single person make a difference in the world? It
seems impossible that a single person can make a difference in such a large world but it happens
all the time. In history, many people have made very notable influences in the the way we live
today. They have indeed changed the world forever. Literature illustrates this very same
principle time and time again. In Shakespeare s Julius Caesar, for example, Brutus is burdened
with two choices: stay loyal to Caesar or join Cassius s conspiracy. Brutus eventually decides on
joining Cassius because he sees it as the healthier alternative for the Roman Republic. He murders
Caesar with the group and the repercussion is brutal. Antigone in the play by Sophocles makes the
choice of following divine law over civil law, deciding to bury her brother Polyneices corpse rather
than letting his soul fester in... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
People can completely ruin or end lives with relative ease. Dictators throughout history have
accomplished this through their selfish campaigns for their own gain. If Antigone hadn t been a
strong willed person, her family wouldn t have died. At the same time, If Creon wasn t also just
as strong willed, that outcome wouldn t be true all the same. If one of them would have broke
under the pressure sooner, the lives of the family would be saved. If one of them had just seen
the the trouble as not worth it and not as an issue to fight over, none of these lives would ve been
wasted. Brutus, after his group s assassination of Caesar, costs the lives of 100 senators, his
friends, his family, and many more soldiers during the subsequent civil war. If Brutus had not
joined the conspiracy, maybe Caesar would be king, but these hundreds of lives would ve been
unharmed. Brutus did not think the situation through with himself enough to realize the danger
posed from such an assassination and he paid the price for it, with his
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Mobile Application For Mobile Applications
Abstract To date, mobile applications are at the peak of their popularity. The number of mobile
application developers increases, the amount of available applications grows as well as the
number of applications downloads. More and more companies are interested in developing their
application, which will help them succeed in their industry and beat the competition. Mobile
applications have become one of the main trends in the development of information technology.
In 2008, the year of the App Stores launch, the mobile application market only has been formed,
and at the present time the market has entered a phase of active growth. The paper is based on
the literature review and describes different issues of the mobile applications evolution. The
brief analysis is provided. After all, conclusions on the prospects of mobile applications are
given. Introduction Mobile applications are software products designed specifically for mobile
devices, smart phones, tablet computers and other devices. Mobile applications are distributed
through app stores, namely Apple App Store, Google Play, Windows Phone Store, BlackBerry
App World, and others. Mobile applications help to solve various applications ranging from
mobile mapping and receive e mail to highly specialized functions. Mobile applications as well as
its diversity are designed to make life easier for users of mobile devices. Currently, mobile
applications are quickly gaining popularity among users of personal mobile devices
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Case Study – Euro Disney, the First 100 Days
Case Study #1 Euro Disney, The First 100 Days 1.0Introduction Ever since the first Disneyland
was founded in 1955 in Anaheim, California, the Walt Disney Company had experienced nothing
but success in the theme park business until its second oversea Disneyland Euro Disney was
opened in France in 1992. Following the success of the company s first oversea Disneyland in
Tokyo, Japan, on April 12, 1992, within its $4.4 billion budget, Euro Disney was opened in Marne
la Vallee, France on a site that is one fifth the size of Paris and just 20 miles to its west. Euro Disney
was much like previous Disney theme parks with various of rides, attractions, hotels, restaurants,
entertainment facilities, a campground, and even a championship... Show more content on
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American popular culture has always had a great influence on Japan. Thus, the design of the
Tokyo Disneyland was virtually identical to the Anaheim Disneyland. Most aspects of the
Tokyo Disneyland remained as American as possible. Second, there is an increasing trend in
Japan toward leisure. The Tokyo Disneyland had even become a special cultural haven in Japan.
Despite the different way of life between Japan and the U.S., Japanese people maintained great
interests in the Disney s brand of entertainment. The annual festive party on the New Year s Day
and Evening has been an extremely popular celebration. And feedbacks from Tokyo Disneyland
visitors were overwhelmingly positive. As a result, managers of Disney were convinced that
everything they imported that worked in the U.S. worked in Tokyo. 4.0Euro Disney Having seen
the success achieved by two native Disneylands and the Tokyo Disneyland, with full of optimism,
Disney launched another international Disneyland the Euro Disney on April 12, 1992, in France
within its $4.4 billion budget. However, unlike Tokyo Disneyland, Euro Disney did not
experience the same success in terms of admissions and revenues. There were several reasons that
could explain the frustrations of Euro Disney. First and one of the most crucial factors were
cultural issues. While the success of Tokyo Disneyland was a major factor behind the decision to
create Euro Disney, the cultural challenges of France were very
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Term Limits In Congress
A common belief across the United states is that congress is not performing as well as they
could, or should, be. One solution that citizens often come to, is implement term limits for
Congress. Unlike many political debates, this one cannot be clearly divided between republican
and democratic viewpoints. Term limits would be a clear message to congress saying, this is the
amount of time you have to fix the problems facing this country, and if you cannot do that, we will
replace you someone who can . Though no longer on the federal political agenda, the desire for
congressional term limits has steadily grown over time for many reasons. Among these lie the
desires to push career politicians out of office, to build trust with the American people, and
preventing any sort of greed that might occur in a longstanding politician.... Show more content on
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According to a poll in 2011, 71 percent of the public was in support of congressional term limits.
In some regard this can be tied back to technological advancement. Technology has become so
effective; each new generation wants results faster. Congress used to be highly effective at what
their job is detailed to be. Ever since entering the phase of coercive government, congress has been
seen as failing in the public eye. According to a study a mere two years later, 75% of Americans
supported term limits. In reality trust is quite broken between the average citizen and Washington.
A study done in 2008 found that only 24% of the American public trust the government. Many
believe that enacting term limits would fix this
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Socrates On Death
With the end of his trial and fate of his life determined, Socrates was sentenced to death. Though, he
was not surprised that they found him guilty and sentenced him to death, it was quite peculiar the
outcome of the votes that found him guilty were not vastly far apart compared to the people who
voted to sentence him to death. While pondering over he thought of his death, Socratesgave his own
perspective on the possibilities on what could be after he is executed. Though he gave a relatable
perspective on death which was relatively optimistic, my own view is moderately different than that
of Socrates. After his fate is determined, Socrates articulates that he is not as much as concerned
with avoiding death as he is to avoiding unrighteousness, which he says is faster than death... Show
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Whereas in this eternal life, a man would not be punished and put to death for questioning. If
this may be the truth of the result of the afterlife when passing on, one will be much happier
while also being immortal. For these reasons he see s death as an end to all his troubles. He
believes evil can do no harm to a good man, rather it be in this world or the external realm of
another. Socrates comes to the realization his life has ended and theirs to be lived. Although, he
does not know which would be the better selection, for that is what only God may know. There
are experiences in life which some of use will come across and some of us will not. But what is
inevitable, the one eternal experience we all will have, is the end to one s life we know as
death. Everyone s view on what comes after death is vastly different. Whether it may be one of
Socrates views as a state of nothingness, or awaiting our entrance into heaven or being sent to hell.
We all believe in our own outlook of what to expect after our life has come to an
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Nfl Rule Changes
Rule changes in the NFL have been made throughout the history of the league to improve the
game, make it more exciting and reduce the risk of injury. Safety rules are one of the most
important and effective ways in which the NFL and its owners can help protect the health of
players. By helping to identify, promote and enforce safe on field conduct (in concert with off the
field education and policies), the league seeks to preserve both the health of players and the
integrity of the game. The NFL has established a strong set of rules through the years focused on
player safety, designed to promote fair competition while attempting to minimize risk of harm to the
player. While many of these rules have focused on reducing contact to the... Show more content on
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1920 в– The American Professional Football Association becomes the country s first organized
professional football league. 1922 в– The APFA becomes the National Football League. 1929 в– A
Field Judge is added to the officiating crew. 1933 в– Hashmarks are drawn 10 yards from the
sidelines. 1938 в– The deliberate roughing of a passer after the ball has left his hand is
unnecessary roughness. (Previously, the passer was protected after the pass had been made if he
was obviously out of the play. ) 1943 в– Helmets become mandatory equipment. 1947 в– A Back
Judge is added to the officiating crew. 1955 в– The ball is dead immediately if the runner touches
the ground with any part of his body except his hands or feet while in the grasp of an opponent.
1956 в– The ball is dead immediately if a runner touches the ground with any part of his body
except his hands or feet after being contacted by a defensive player. в– Grasping the face mask of
any opponent except a runner is illegal use of hands. Penalty: Five yards. 1962 в– Grasping the
face mask of an opponent is illegal. Penalty: 15 yards. A flagrant offender shall be disqualified.
1966 в– All goal posts must be offset from the goal line. 1967 в– A player who signals for a fair
catch may not block or initiate contact with one of the kickers until the ball touches a player. 1971
в– A team will not be charged a timeout for an injured player unless the injury occurs in the last two
minutes of either half.
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Thanksgiving Persuasive Techniques
This recipe can be found on a webpage, which means that the sides are filled with advertisements
for other great dishes to cook. Most of the suggestions are holiday themed, since Thanksgiving has
just passed, and cranberry sauce is associated with Thanksgiving in America. The structure is
simple, looking like something out of a Western cookbook. On the top, there is a depiction of what
the cranberrysauce should look like, the amount of time it takes to prepare and cook the sauce,
and how many people it serves. Underneath that, there is a sentence exclaiming that the dish is
delicious and the last recipe you will ever try. Next, they list the ingredients, and give the
instructions. This is easily followed, and simple for this ritualized dish. The techniques in this
recipe are extremely simple, requiring only a pot, a heat source, preferably a stove, and a cooling
area. Water and sugar are brought to a boil. Once they are boiling, the cranberries are added, and
heated until they explode. Then, they are cooled to form a gelatinized dish. Although it takes three
hours to make, the process itself is not difficult.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
of cranberries, 2 cups of water, and 2 cups of sugar. Cranberries are native to the northeastern United
States, which is why they are important during the Thanksgiving Feast. Thanksgiving is meant to
commemorate the first feast between pilgrims and natives (before we killed them all brutally, but
that s another story). For this reason, the foods served are supposed to represent what was served
during the first Thanksgiving. Since cranberries are native to the region, many believe that they
were present during the first Thanksgiving. However, I highly doubt that they were sweetened by
sugar, which was brought to this region through trade. It is probable that this tradition came to be
through time and legend, since Thanksgiving did not become a national holiday until
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Lynn Mckay Industrialization Essay
Industrialization Research
Lynn MacKay s thesis to her argument is that the standard of living during the period of
industrialization was closely tied to social and political ramifications between 1780 and 1850 and
contemporary opinion concerning the impact of industrialization, and can be clearly seen through
the arguments of a number of historians.
The government of the time tried to lay back and let the period of industrialization shape the
country by withdrawing from certain roles that they played in societal life.
q Withdrew from regulation of wages and apprenticeships in 1813.
o In 1814, Parliament repealed legislation regulating apprenticeship
o Apprenticeship ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
1806 was the first all out economic warfare that had ever emerged, thanks to Napoleon and his
Continental System blockading trade into continental Europe. Despite the conflicts of War, the
economy expanded to accommodate many new job positions. Uniforms for soldiers had to be
made in surplus; women and children were hired for cheap labour being paid far less than a man
doing the same job. Two of the largest industries were dominated by cheap labour tailoring and
shoemaking. Once this practise was established, it was impossible to eliminate after the war was
over and the hundreds of thousands of men that returned had difficulty finding work furthering the
unemployment problem that had been plaguing the nation already.
Aside from the Napoleonic Wars, many harvest crises had a detrimental effects and social
ramifications. Through a series of years of dearth, bread prices skyrocketed almost immediately
and the number of people seeking poor relief increased exponentially.
The rapid economic change brought along many unsatisfied citizens. Riots and demonstrations were
held to try and ratify the problems that arose around the country. Unfortunately, most of the
demonstrations turned violent anyways, the riots seemed to get more attention from the
government than anticipated.
Businesses were becoming mechanized and labour was
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Quality Of Measures
This paper will highlight the information epidemiologists utilize to evaluate the quality of
measures used in research as well as provide reasons why the quality of measures are essential and
finally explain how epidemiologists ensure the measures used in research are of good quality.
a.What type of information do epidemiologists use to judge/evaluate the quality of their measures?
Tests for validity and reliability are the criteria mostly used by epidemiologists to judge the quality
of measures used in research. Reliability of the measure shows that when different observers use the
measure at different occasions, they will obtain similar test results (1). For example, a measure that
determines weight gain among male adults in Saskatoon ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The standards of acceptable reliability which epidemiologists seeks to attain include internal
consistency exceeding 0.8 and stability measures greater than 0.5 (3), nevertheless, even if the
internal consistency of a measure is low, it is better the measure has high stability and content
Validity tests involve ensuring that the instrument is measuring what the epidemiologist intended
(4), validity has several components including content and construct validity. Validity of the
measure at minimum can be assessed subjectively by expert opinion of one or more experts in the
field of study, where experts review the measure to determine if the instrument appears to be
assessing the desired qualities (Face Validity) or determining whether the instrument samples all the
relevant content (Content Validity) (3).
Additionally, constructs are mini theories used to assist in developing a new or better instrument
in order to explain a broader range of findings or make more accurate predictions about a person s
behavior. Hence, when no other measures exist, the epidemiologist can link an attribute measured
to another attribute by a hypothesis or construct and test the instrument by applying it to a sample
to determine if the expected relationship is obtained; this is regarded as construct validity. For
example; if a test for blood sugar was devised because there is no other test
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Civil Rights Identification Report
I worked as a Civil Rights Investigator for the last eight years in two separate agencies. During that
time I received extensive training on the various laws, rules, and regulations that pertain to civil
rights, namely Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act (federal), the Americans with Disabilities Act
(federal), and the Fair Employment and Housing Act (California State) and the protected classes
identified by those laws that form our policies (i.e. gender, race, national origin, genetic
information, disability, etc...). I also gained practical experience in applying the theories that
surround equal employment opportunity. I have conducted many consultations (complaints lacking
prima facie), management inquiries, and investigations (complaints... Show more content on
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My department includes a branch of sworn peace officers, so I am also familiar with the Peace
Officer s Bill of Rights, which mandates the rights peace officers who are under investigation gives
the guidelines for how those investigations may be conducted, such as the peace officer being
notified prior to questioning of who will be conducting the questioning, their right to representation,
their right to be notified about the investigation before they are
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Define And Describe The Three Analytics Types Essay
1.Define and describe the three analytics types. a.Descriptive Analytics. This type of business
analytics is to answer the question what is happening and why did it happen? . The process of
descriptive analytics is looking at past performance and understanding this performance. Data
mining, data aggregation, segmentation, profiling are some tools that can be used to perform the
descriptive analytics. The output of this analytics, for example, is the age range of bank customers,
the income distribution of the customers, number of children in the household, and customers
preferences. b.Predictive Analytics. This type of business analytics is to answer the question What
is likely to happen? . The process of predictive analytics is identifying past patterns and using
statistical models and forecast techniques to understand the future. The output of the predictive
analytics, for example is, which age range of customers that will apply for credit cards in the next
12 months, which income range of the customers that will use the electronics banking facilities for
next 2 years. c.Prescriptive Analytics. This type of analytics will help answer the question What
action should be taken? . This analytics uses optimization and simulation algorithms to advise on
possible outcomes (maximize good outcomes and minimize potentially bad outcomes). Prescriptive
analytics is a decision making tool equipped with the risk mitigation. The output of prescriptive
analytics, for example
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Differences Between Diversity And Conflict
Tan Ming Shiuan(22) Sec 403 Diversity as defined by racial, religious, or linguistic differences in
the people, exists in many nation states today. In a diverse society, it is inevitable that different
cultures, practices, interests and opinions will exist. This may pose as a great risk if equity and
inclusiveness of the different interests are not achieved in the society, whereby tension amongst the
people will arise due to an imbalance in different communities rights and opportunities. If this
tension is not resolved and allowed to cultivate, the probability of conflict happening will increase.
In this case, the society has become extremely vulnerable to serious disagreements which may be
sparked very easily considering the underlying tension which exists. This is known as conflict.
However, if measures are taken by the government of the nation state to mitigate such risks of
tension and conflict, peace and harmony can also be achieved in a diverse society. In this essay, I
will be studying the case studies of Sri Lanka and Singapore in evaluating the deciding factors
which ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In addressing the trends between diversity and conflict, strategies to good governance in which
harmony and peace within a diverse society is present may be discovered, which, if applied by
diverse nation states, will
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Literary Theorist Thomas Pavel Takes A New Approach In
Literary theorist Thomas Pavel takes a new approach in interpreting myth in his article Reflections
on the Oedipus Myth. Pavel s main theme throughout the article consists of arguing that while Levi
Strauss s structuralist interpretation of myth is important, it is too simplistic and does not suffice in
giving an accurate analysis alone. He essentially uses Levi Strauss s binaries as framework to
approach the myth, but focuses on details within the oppositions to depict the consequences of
action. In the Aeneid, an epic poem by Virgil, the binary opposition of voluntary associations versus
blood relations is presented through Aeneas s relationship with his father versus his relationship
with Dido. When interpreting the myth solely through... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Ultimately, Levi Strauss s approach to this myth just focuses on the Roman s embrace of blood
relations over voluntary associations and the demonization of the latter. Of course, this
interpretation fails to mention any sort of detail that would describe the implications Aeneas s
choice and his relationship with Dido leaving the reader with a partial analysis of the myth.
Firstly, the binary fails to recognize the effect that Aeneas s relationship with Dido had on
Carthage and Dido herself. The binary seems to romanticize Aeneas s prioritization of blood
relations over voluntary ones as it leads to the creation of Rome and in turn demonizes Dido s
relationship because if Aeneas had chosen to stay Rome wouldn t have been founded. What the
binary doesn t do is discuss the negative consequences Aeneas s involvement led to. For starters,
the relationship between Dido and Aeneas wasn t just a fleeting, temporary, and miniscule thing
at least not for Dido. Juno herself united them in holy matrimony and Aeneas just disregards their
marriage without really caring for the repercussions (Aeneid Book 4, Line 146). Aeneas didn t
even care to confront Dido over his decision to choose his blood relations over her, he opts for a
failed sneak away in the middle of the night. Eventually, he does leave Carthage also leaving his
wife, Dido, in complete and utter distress. Their relationship meant so much to Dido that
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Banning Books In Schools
Catchy Title
As a teen, students should not be exposed to the inappropriateness that are put in books at such a
young age.There are several reasons that banned books should be kept out of the classrooms. A
few specifically are, racial issues, inappropriate language and sexual profanity. Some people
believe books should be banned in schools/libraries because it is putting inappropriate knowledge
in at such a young age.
First, Racial Issues is a main conflict going around across the world, we never thought it would
come down to being in children s books. For example, To Kill A Mockingbird uses the N word
directly (Lee 108). Students with different races should not have to experience those kinds of
things in books they are reading in school. It offends people with race. To Kill A Mockingbird
also states racial groups(Lee 109). Books children read in schools should not state racial groups
directly. It can upset people with race. Students will easily be offended by this kind of stuff.
Also, Inappropriate Language is used immensely throughout kids books. Exposing inappropriate
language into kids heads at such a young age. Therefore, Without parental permission students
should not be able to read this stuff. Students read it and than think that it is ok to say. To Kill A
Mockingbird and several other children ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
For example, I want to go . . . back, Windy says to Rose as the two peruse a wooded spot where the
boy may have had sex. Can we go back . . . now? (Mariko Tamaki and Jillian Tamaki). This quote is
important because this is a sex scene in a book that was banned for this exact reason. Students will
think it is ok to do. This is putting bad images in kids head. Kids should not have to see or read
that kind of stuff. They sometimes do not even know what is going on so what s the point in
putting it. Sexual profanity is something kids already think it is ok to do, it is just making it
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“The Story of an Hour” written by Kate Chopin is about...
The Story of an Hour written by Kate Chopin is about Mrs. Mallard, a lady with heart troubles
who is married to Brently Mallard. At the beginning of the story, her husband s friend Richards
and her sister Josephine informed Mrs. Mallard that a railroad accident had killed her husband.
After she had received the news, she then went by herself in her room alone (Chopin 337). The
story then goes on to say, When she abandoned herself a little whispered word escaped her
slightly parted lips. She said it repeatedly under her breath: free, free, free! Later on, it states she
said Free! Body and soul free! Her sister was begging her to let her in, but Mrs. Mallard refused.
When Mrs. Mallard finally came downstairs, someone was opening the... Show more content on
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(Evans 1). My next source discusses the emotions that took place throughout the short story. When
informed about her husband s death, Mrs. Mallard is unaware to the beauty of life breaks down
under the powerful impact of emotion. She thinks it worthless to continue her existence (Jamil
216). In the story the narrator states, It was only yesterday she had thought with a shudder that
life might be long (Chopin 338). The narrator also points that Mrs. Mallard is not struck, as
many women have been, by a paralyzed inability to accept the painful sense of loss. This storm
that haunts her body seems to reach her soul ultimately purges her of the sufferance of a
meaningless life, as it becomes motivation that leads to her new freedom (Jamil 216). Mrs.
Mallard s heart trouble is not so much a physical disorder like the characters of the story think. It
actually is a sign of a woman who has surrendered her heart to the culture of paternalism. The
physiological outlook of her heart condition looks as if a result of the burden of allowing an
individual s powerful will to overlook and smother her own will. Mrs. Mallard set aside the social
aspect of the world and allowed her individuality to develop (Jamil 216). Throughout the story, the
narrator says a monstrous joy and Free! Body and soul free! which shows us her new emotional
freedom is awakening her mind (Jamil 217). Chopin shows that through Mrs. Mallard watching the
nature and engaging in
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Unrestricted Capitalist Development and the International...
Unrestricted Capitalist Development and the International Monetary Fund: Their Economic and
Social Effects on Buenos Aires. Argentina The day is Friday, December 21, 2001. After three
days of massive riots the city of Buenos Aires looks like an abandoned battlefield. Its grand palm
lined avenues are strewn with burnt out shells of cars, smashed glass, rocks, and twisted furniture.
Unemployed people, pensioners, and women with babies climb through smashed supermarket
windows searching for any food that looters left behind. Most banks and shops are closed, and
dazed people wander the streets, confused and fearful of their nation s state of affairs (Arie 11).
The battle started on Monday, December 17, with massive food ... Show more content on
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This only led to the rest of the population becoming involved, however, as thousands of middle
class citizens joined the fray (Ximenez). Nelli Mai, an unemployed 62 year old psychologist said,
the poor people had detonated something, and it was up to us in the middle class to continue and
finish it (Rohter 6).
Almost immediately, residents of middle class neighborhoods in Buenos Aires went to their
windows and began a noise protest by banging pots and pans, a traditional form of protest
throughout Latin America. Before long, their rage still unsatisfied, protesters spilled into the streets
by the thousands and began marching to the Plaza de Mayo. At the seat of government, known as
the Casa Rosada (Pink House), and on Congress and Los Olivos, the president s residence,
protesters chanted the name of their country (Rohter 6). For many it was the sound of the Argentine
Largely middle class demonstrators swarmed key landmarks and blocked main thoroughfares across
Buenos Aires. As protesters demanded the resignation of the unpopular de la Rua, police were
forced to clear the peaceful demonstration (Gardner 9). In the Plaza de Mayo, which has seen some
of the bloodiest and most historic moments in Argentina s rocky political past, officers swung
batons, fired rubber bullets and tear gas, and aimed water cannon (see illustration 1) on the throngs
of demonstrators besieging the Casa Rosada.
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Biodoxics In Sports Biomechanics
When the human body moves during regular movement or during athletic performance, the
movements can be scientifically broken down and analyzed by biomechanics based on a number of
different analytics. Some of the most common analytics being evaluated are power, torque, joint
actions, linear velocity, and angular velocity. A person in recovery from an injury or a professional
athlete will often have their movements analyzed using the previously mentioned criteria to
determine improvement in performance. This assignment will explore the importance of those
biomechanical topics and how they are applied in sports biomechanics.
In order to begin defining the terms that are listed above, others topics need to be briefly
introduced, as the human body and its movements are extremely complex and interconnected.
Work is the basis of all body movement, without work movement does not occur. In his 2013
textbook Biomechanics of sport and exercise, P. McGinnis explains that work is the product of
force and the amount of displacement in the direction of that force (it is the means by which
energy is transferred from one object or system to another (p. 116). Force is another basis for all
of movement, both living and not. P. McGinnis defines force as a push or a pull which is exerted
by objects on other objects (McGinnis, 2013, p. 19). When exerting a force on an object, the
muscles in the human body contract which result in a pull . The rate at which muscles contract
determines the
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Serial Killer Stereotypes
The first Image that pops into my head when I hear the words Serial Killer is always a
Caucasian man with an awkward personality. That s true for most people because of the way
everyone always portrays serial killers as being white men. Throughout history people have
always made it seem as if men are the only ones capable to do such horrific crimes because of
they are more aggressive. In the movie Silence of the Lambs a man named Hannibal Lecter is a
cannibal who killed and ate his patients. He is played by a white make that portray the killer as
being a polite, charming , and brilliant doctor. In most cases people assume the killer has a high
IQ or is mentally ill. He will always live alone and not really interact in social gatherings because
he doesn t want anyone to find out about the secret he holds. In most cases it is true men are the
ones who are serial killersand they do it in the worst way possible. Men are known for being
stronger so they can do more damage.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In most cases it is true that the killer is a man because women only make up 10% of killing
throughout history while men make up 90%. in terms of race caucasian are the top race for
becoming serial killers. The second is african american. In the media it always turn to being the
man who killed a dozen women because he was sexually frustrated and in most cases it true that
men kill for sex. when in ten contrary women s motives to kill are money and
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Brave New World Literary Devices
In the book, Brave New World, the author, Aldous Huxley, creates and alternated world in the
1930 s to show us how political and society were during that year. There was a lot of cruel,
violence, segregations compare to the world in BNW. He also uses many literary devices to tell use
what his society looks like during the 1930 s. During this time the WWii was going on and this was
a big deal to the worldbecause there was a lot of dramas and other dangerous things going on. Some
of those devices are simile, details, metaphor...
One major event was people being considerate about others instead on themselves. One of the
literary devices that Aldous Huxley uses is metaphor to give us a description of what is happening
to Lenina and how she acts, also help her remind her who the real Lenina is. Lenina liked the
drums. Shutting her eyes she abandoned herself to their soft repeated thunder, allowed it to invade
her consciousness more and more completely, till at last there was nothing left in the world but
that one deep pulse of sound. It reminded her reassuringly of the synthetic noises made at
Solidarity Services and Ford s Day celebrations. Orgy porgy, she whispered to herself.
These drums beat out just the same rhythms (107 8). Lenina is thinking deep about herself and
what she is really like. She also think about her inner self and listening to the repeated beats over
and over it reminds her of the Solidarity Services. Aldous Huxley is comparing this to today s
Sawyer 2
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On Raves and Club Drugs
2003. Hungary. I remember my way on a road to an abandoned airport in the middle of the
country. I was with my four other friends fulfilled with euphoria in the car waiting for the
moment to get to a place where we felt that all of our problems will be sorted. We bought the
tickets weeks before the venue and we were all counting the days back with full of excitement
like little kids around Christmas and the day had come. When we got off the road the beat of the
music in the background just hit our ears. As we approached to the scene the music got louder
with our excitement as well and we finally got there. Hundreds of our friends were already
jumping around to our special music in the hangar with the hugest smile in their face. I could
feel the love in the air in the shadow of the laser lights. We were so happy that we could not
describe in words. This made us feel that we don t have to worry about anything in our life, that
we part of a family where everyone respects each other. That s what made us feel different and
being part of something that not many people could tell back in the days. Can t deny that club
drugs helped to achieve this feeling and it was a massive part of it as well. We were confused
teenagers who desperately tried to find the way to make sense of this whole world. We wanted to
choose our way of life against from a prescribed life what our parents and the government tried to
push ourselves into. We wanted to go against this emotionally empty lifestyle
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Frida Kahlo Still Life With Parrot
The artwork, Still Life with Parrot by Frida Kahlo in 1951, is displayed on page 206 of the
textbook. The size of Still Life with Parrot is 24.1 x 26 cm, done on Masonite with oil.
I chose this artwork because it realistically represents the nature objects. Although Kahlo uses
different hues in the artwork, red is the role of color within the artwork. And the choice of red hue
makes the artwork vivid and psychologically arouses my enthusiasm for the artwork. I will present
the subject matter and subjective content. Then, I will figure out the elements and principles of
organization of Still Life with Parrot.
There are many colors using to describe different objects such as a red orange mango, half of
orange colored orange, a red violet pomegranate, a quarter of red watermelon with some black
seed, and green ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
And fruits look so fresh because of their glossy surface. When I see the artwork, I regard it with
affection. Because I like the red hue using in the nature object, it gives me a sense of vitality.
The Elements of Art:
Line Kahlo uses Contour lines to limit the edges of fruits and the parrot s outlines. Curve lines are
mostly used in showing the objects shapes. The parrot line of sight is an implied line to show the
direction of its gaze to fruits.
Shape The artwork itself is rectangle. However, all objects such as different kinds of fruits and the
parrot in this painting have organic shapes, so their shapes are irregular.
Value The cast shadows directly show under the objects, so the light source is just above the
objects. The objects colors are affected by the light, their color lighter on the top and darker on the
Color Kahlo uses local colors in the painting which is mostly used red hue such as a red orange
mango, a red violet pomegranate, a red watermelon. The parrot color is green and light yellow.
The background is dark blue and the table is
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Definition Of Professionalism And Professionalism
Chanda Hutton Baker College Flint
My definition of professionalism is a person that carries themselves in a respectful manner. The
professional is educated, has a clean appearance, well spoken, and treats others with respect and
integrity. When a person is not professional it reflects poorly on the company. I have experienced
unprofessional behavior quite often. I have seen nurses, and other medical professionals, act
unprofessional. I will share a story of a very unprofessional situation. This situation put me in a
position where I had to make a moral and legal decision and take the appropriate action. Two nurse
aids were bathing a man that was in a coma. He had a penal implant from having prostate cancer.
The implant was a pump. While bathing him the girls pumped his penis up, took pictures and
sent the pictures to my phone along with derogatory remarks. The girls thought this was funny. I
did not. I thought it was extremely unprofessional, and degrading to that patient. The girls were
my friends, so the decision I had to make was not easy. I went to my nurse manager and took the
appropriate action and steps. The girls did lose their jobs. I did feel bad for them, but I felt worse
for that man. I had to do what was right.
Importance of Professional Behavior Professional behavior is important in the nursing profession
because of the long road it took for nurses to be recognized as a profession and
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Essay On Pollution In Textile Mill
Most processes performed in textile mills produce atmospheric emissions. Gaseous emissions have
been identified as the second greatest pollution problem (after effluent quality) for the textile
industry. Speculation concerning the amounts and types of air pollutants emitted from textile
operations has been widespread but, generally, air emission data for textile manufacturing
operations are not readily available. Air pollution is the most difficult type of pollution to sample,
test, and quantify in an audit.
Air emissions can be classified according to the nature of their sources:
Point sources:
Storage tanks
Solvent based
Wastewater treatment
Textile mills usually generate nitrogen and sulphur oxides from boilers. Other significant sources of
air emissions in textile operations include resin finishing and drying operations, printing, dyeing,
fabric preparation, and wastewater treatment plants. Hydrocarbons are emitted from drying ovens
and from mineral oils in high temperature drying/curing. These processes can emit formaldehyde,
acids, softeners, and other volatile compounds.
Residues from fibre preparation sometimes emit pollutants during heat setting processes. Carriers
and solvents may be emitted during dyeing operations depending on the types of dyeing processes
used and from wastewater treatment plant operations. Carriers used in batch dyeing of disperse
dyes may lead to
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Thesis Of Karukku
Karukku(1992) was written by a wounded self with specific experience, the experience of Dalit
women. It argued against patriarchy and caste oppression. Bama s personal struggle finds her own
identity, Karukku which means Palmyra leaves. Bama attempts to overcome her existential despite
stemming from her alienation from the convent and her community. Karukku was a new genre in
the history of Tamil Literature; it has gained many praises and many scorned it. Dalitliterature was
born out of anguish of unjust social systems based on casteand class inequities and has become an
expression of the agonies suffered by these deprived groups for ages. To become a nun is Bama s
stubborn hope, to put an end to the caste oppression; she thought that she... Show more content on
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. (108 109)
India s Untouchables are relegated to the lowest jobs, and live in constant fear of being publicly
humiliated, paraded naked, beaten, and raped with impunity by upper caste Hindus seeking to keep
them in their place. Merely walking through an upper caste neighborhood is a life threatening
Dalit women also face violence when they try to access rights and entitlements provided by the
constitution and the government. In addition to facing discrimination and untouchability in
accessing welfare schemes, women from Dalit community also faces sexual and other kinds of
physical violence. In spite of the space (reservation) given to them at panchayat (village) level their
participation is dismal in the local governance. Dalit women face direct impediments right from the
time of filing nominations right up to announcement of the election results, including: caste and
sexually based verbal abuse; harassment, threats or physical assaults; property destruction;
restrictions on freedom of movement; and illegal and fraudulent voting
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Personality And Psychodynamic Models Of Personality
Over the variation of the project, subject A has been tested over three different models of
personality. Each one provided different points to her personality and allowed for the most in
depth explanation of the subject s personality. Each of these models are also capable of acting as
a check and balance for the other. For example, between the trait and psychodynamic models.
One could compare the results from the Big 5 and how that matches to the Myers Briggs since
essentially those gave similar feedback. Once those are both taken accounted for, these could
give rise to a more accurate basis for the biological model, which is mainly inferred and not
factual in the first place. The most prominent trait across the trait and psychodynamic models
was the strength of A s introversion. In both of the personality tests taken, this was usually one
of the results that was very striking. When she was first introduced to the result of her
extraversion during the Big 5 test, only a 17, she was incredibly surprised with the data and
slightly appalled. Although she knew that was never the life of the party, she would have hardly
categorized herself as introverted. However, after reading the characteristics of introversion, she
came more to terms with the result and embraced her newly discovered trait. This helped her to
answer more accurately on the Myers Briggs which showed that she scored a 92 in introversion.
These two comparable scores allowed for an almost definitive agreement
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E-learning Essay
E learning has come to dominate the strategic thinking of employers over the past decade in
several countries. Only in recent years in India, there has been focus on e learning, this is due to the
recent development in MNC, BPO and IT concerns. This is widely seen due to the connected
economy, become intangible and fast growing among organizations. Due to emerging MNC s,
globalisation has become one of the most important criteria to increase flexibility of
communications, and hence become vital among the organization. Despite the emphasis on e
learningand large investments made on training it is still not clear and ongoing success have not yet
been recognized, due to the ongoing structural changes among managements. The problem in...
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It also includes the delivery of content via Internet, intranet/extranet (LAN/WAN), audio and
videotape, satellite broadcast, podcast, interactive TV, CD ROM, and more. E learning
programs are endowed with a training system, which employees can access, where face to face
instruction is not possible because the very nature is that it is borderless and potentially global
in scope. With e learning methods, training can take place on demand, and trainees can be given
greater control over their learning than ever before (Rosenberg 2001). This increased control
has the potential to improve training effectiveness. E learning courses add value to traditional
learning modes by offering self paced or live, instructed training classes. Specifically, self paced
courses can be taken at the employee s leisure and are good for self motivated persons. Typically
these types of courses can be taken at convenience of the busy workers as well as for globally
dispersed employees. Hence workplace training needs to be broadened and customized (Marc J.
Rosenberg Steven Foreman 2010). Live e learning is capable of instant updating, storage/retrieval,
distribution and sharing of instruction and information. Soft skills such as management, leadership,
or team building can be tackled in this environment. However, this type of training works best if
the class size is limited to 25
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Film Analysis Of Citizen Kane And The Hudsucker Proxy
Citizen Kane (1941) received praise from many critics as one of the best films of all time while
The Hudsucker Proxy (1994) received many mixed reviews. Director Orson Welles s film, Citizen
Kane uses many innovative camera movements and transitions, however, directors Ethan Coen and
Joel Coen s film, The Hudsucker Proxyrehashes techniques used before to create an effective
Citizen Kane follows a reporter, Jerry Thompson (William Alland), who investigates the
significance of a wealthy newspaper publisher s, Charles Foster Kane (Orson Welles), dying
words: rosebud. Thompson sets out to question people who have known Kane well. Thompson
learns that Kane grew up poor and his mother sent him to live with Mr. Thatcher (George
Coulouris) so he could be given a good education. Upset that his parents sent him to live with a
stranger, Kane attacks Thatcher with his sled and attempts to run away. Years later, Kane enters the
newspaper business and takes control of the Inquirer and attacks Thatcher s business as corrupt.
Kane influenced public opinion by writing about the Spanish American war and married the
President of the United States niece, Emily Norton (Ruth Warrick). Jedediah Leland (Joseph
Cotten) describes how Kane s first marriage didn t work out and he had an affair with Susan
Alexander (Dorothy Comingore) while running for governor. Kane marries Susan and urges her
begin a career in opera, however, she doesn t have the talent. Susan explains how she attempted
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What Is Equifax Failure
One of the largest credit monitoring institutions put 145 million Americans most personal
information at risk. Equifax has failed at its sole purpose: to safeguard social security numbers,
birthdates, and credit card numbers leaving millions outraged, and deservedly so. As if this
massive failure wasn t enough, the company attempted and successfully profited at the average
Americans expense. The CFO and two other senior executives sold at least $2 million worth of
stock only weeks prior to news breaking that one of the largest data breaches in history had
occurred. Though these swindlers claim that this wasn t insider trading, it s a hard pill to swallow
when reports show that the breach was known and kept under wraps for months. While
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The Burdensome Issue Of Social Media
Jessica Lardenoit
AP English Literature
Ms. Young P. 1
February 19, 2015
The most burdensome issue society faces today results from our obsessive need to be connected to
electronics and social media. This issue stems into many aspects of our daily lives. What was once
thought to be an exciting advancement has now caused a myriad of problems in society. Today s
generation is faced with the rising levels of obesity, lack of focus, poor communication skills, which
in turn has created a far less intellectual society. With the internet, smart phones, video games,
movies, television and numerous other technological advancements improving daily, the youth in
our society are becoming corrupt. They are becoming desensitized, uninspired, and underqualified.
We are shaping the newest generations to become dull robots who just conform to the latest,
greatest fads.
Social media sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, are becoming tools to drain the
intelligence of adolescences until they only converse with instant messaging lingo. It is an
instrument for teenagers to become secluded from society where they only spend time in their
rooms and online. With the pressure from their peers to update their statuses every few minutes,
teenagers focus more on what 140 character message they will send out next, instead of what
school work they have. They care more about what selfie to post instead of spending valuable time
with their families. Television and video games have sucked
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Symbolism In Persepolis
The episodes in the Persepolis of the growing up a boy and a girl in the Iran is the wearing of the
veil. The veil was a greatest different between the boy and the girls. They only make it
mandatory that all the girls should wear the veil especially in the school, but the boys on the
other hand there is no rules for the boys to wear the same veil. The girls were not happy about the
veil, they said that the they have been separated them from their friends due to the veil. The have
complained that they are felling hot with the veil. They started to remove it. they say that they are
in the monsters of darkness. The color of the veil was the dark, which I think they are wear ling in
bondage. It makes them not to belong or associate with other.
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Bmw Films Case Analysis
Marketing I : Professor Ian Fenwick
Marketing I : Professor Ian Fenwick | BMW Films Case Analysis| | | Chalit Borwonnauwarux
D540010| |
Executive summary
BMW face though competition in US market after try to improve the situation by introduce
number of new model to the core series, adjust pricing so it can compete, reorganize the dealer
network and introduce new series of car to the market. Now we have a chance to focus on brand
campaign call BMW films which is very successful campaign base on number of people who visit
the web site and number of people who want more information about BMW.
After analyze the data I found that viable option for management should do after very successful
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Attracting younger customer also help us improve brand image compare to competitor. From
data (Chart 4) we can see that BMW driver are younger compare to main competitor, such as
Lexus and Mercedes, if we can make BMW brand attach with young and then make other
competitor brand look old this will help to attract more younger customer and make them
commit to use BMW for the rest of their life. Another thing that we can see from BMW customer
base is while average ages of BMW owner are younger but their average incomes are higher we
make people remember that BMW is the car for highly educate, bright, affluent person who want
to have a great driving experience . If we can own that position which utilize BMW strong point
as Ultimate driving machine then push other competitor to car for boring and old people . This
campaign also improve brand image by reduce bad thing that associate with BMW brand such as
Status symbol, Yuppie Machine and also stress what BMW is all about amazing performance and
try something new and exciting. This show people what make a BMW a BMW which is the main
purpose of this campaign.
From all reason above I think this campaign is successfully improving brand image of BMW and
since target customer of BMW in another part of the world is almost the same we can use this
movie to another part of the world. The effect may be not as successful as original one because we
lose element
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The Potentinal for Ozone in BTEX-Contaminated Sites
Ozone is a highly oxidative chemical known to be capable of degrading many types of organic
contaminants, including both chemicals and organisms. It is known in the grain industry to be
useful for disinfecting cereals without affecting quality of the cereal. This includes microbial
inactivation, killing pests, degrading certain pesticides and fungicides, and mycotoxins (Tiwari et
al. 2010). Ozone also has an important role in the treatment of wastewater for similar reasons. It is
used in the treatment train at both the Alfred Merritt Smith and River Mountains treatment plants
in Las Vegas (SNWA 2014). The ozonation processes in these plants kill off bacteria and
microorganisms by bubbling ozone into the wastewater. As ozone dissipates within several minutes,
no residue is left after treatment, though certain disinfection byproducts can potentially be formed
depending on the constituents in the wastewater, and the placement of ozonation in the treatment
train (Gerrity et al. 2010). Certain organic contaminants of interest, including ___, tend to have long
half lives and low water solubility, which can make traditional and natural forms of remediation
ineffective. The past decade has shown that ozone can be used in the remediation of contaminated
soils, primarily by in situ ozonation systems. As mentioned previously, ozone is an unstable
chemical that has a half life of around two minutes (Dey, Rosenwinkel, Wheeler 2002). In the
process of oxidation, ozone reacts with
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Ukiyo-E Influence
For over 250 years, Japan was under strict military dictatorship. However, between the 1670s
through 1865 was the Tokugawa period or also known as the Edo period, where Japan found
internal peace and economic growth (The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica). Not only has
Japan found stability in the Edo period, creativity flourished from the lower class of artisans and
merchants through ukiyo e printmaking. The term, ukiyo e, is a combination of uki (floating), yo
(world), and e (pictures) that originated as a Buddhist term to express impermanence of human life.
Ukiyo e was experimented and developed to become a popular art form that displayed familiar
subjects, and illustrations that circulated in books. This paper examines the influence of... Show
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During earlier developments, subject matter focused on human figures that were engaged in
delights of the city life. Artists took interest in enjoyable activities in landscape settings, paying
particular attention to contemporary affairs and fashions. Outdoor environments shifted to
indoor activities, where alluring scenes and portraits were printed of famous courtesans,
displaying actresses, and prostitutes that were accessible to mass audience in form of
inexpensive woodblock print (Department of Asian Art). However, breaking away from popular
trends, Katsushika Hokusai discovered western prints from Dutch trading, where he acquired
some of their influences in his own works; low horizon line, linear perspective, and a distinctive
European color, Prussian blue. Through these main elements, Hokusai presents a striking view of
creativity and lifespan development. One of his most famous works in the art world and is most
iconic that represents Japanese art, Under the Wave off Kanagawa (figure_). Another popular
print, Thirty size view of Mount Fuji, a polychrome woodblock print that is arranged in a
composition to frame Mount Fuji. It is made of ink, color on paper where the images in series
features various representations of a mountain (Harris). As shown from fig. 1 and fig. 2, Hokasia
moved away from tradition of making images of customary subjects,
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  • 8. The Reflection Of Wes Anderson Film You can tell you are watching a Wes Anderson film instantly the minute everything takes the shape of an animated painting, each shot is so meticulously designed if it were to be paused in the middle it would assume the aesthetics form of an artwork. Like an illustration every, patch of color and screen direction is chosen with the same amount of care put into the script itself. His work as a director is entirely unique, each of his films has a look and feel that is unmistakably his and can be recognized from the start. Symmetry and color are the two distinct characteristics every one associates with a Wes Andersonfilm. But beyond mere aesthetics in detail and what some would call an obsessive OCD, his themes deal with nostalgia and situations dealing with the troubled family dynamic. At the heart and root of it all Anderson s personal history is perceived and ideology that is clearly influenced by his childhood. In this article, I will address how through the uniquely storybook and whimsical comedic tones of Wes Anderson films he is able to show the foils and limitations of estranged family relations and address personal subject matters like loss and acceptance. Mise en scene quite literally means, staging of the scene. It is a term adapted from the theatre and refers to everything the audience will view and hear on stage, when applied to film it is everything the audience sees hears and experiences while viewing it. Mise en scene can be categorized as the most ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Analysis Of The Spook Who Sat By Dan Freeman During a time when many Negros in American were using means of violence and protest to attempt to become visible to the dominant race in America, Dan Freeman decides to use invisibility to reach his goal of bringing the Negro Race out of oppression. In The Spook Who Sat by the Door Freeman believes that the ability of the Negro race to become invisible is their greatest asset to his race as Freeman utilizes that ability in almost every aspect in his life. From Freeman s time as an agent in the CIA to being a social worker in Chicago he is able to maintain his invisibility without anyone becoming suspicious of his actual plan. In Freeman s relatively small training class in the CIA academy he is able to almost to go through the whole academy without being noticed by any of his instructors or peers. Once all the initial screens are completed the class of twenty three men have the chance to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Freeman s job as a social worker is a ploy that allows him to become invisible among anyone who could interfere with his plans of making the Negro race visible to the dominate race. Freeman s plan to make the Negro race visible again is not a peaceful plan in any way. He plans to assert the Negro race by means of guerrilla warfare by educating and training the Cobra gang in Chicago and recruiting them to become about of his Freedom Fighters. Once Freeman gains the trust of the Cobra s and is able to work with them he quickly makes the gang invisible to the police and authoritative figures in the city. One of the first way he makes the Cobras invisible is by having them change their image it heavy drug users because [...] junkies don t do what we re going to do [...] (105). By changing the perception of the Cobra s to be junkies no one will not suspect the Cobras of all the training and planning they will be doing to execute Freeman s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Pros And Cons Of Anarchy Over the course of human events, philosophers have presented their ideologies about what roles a government should have as well as what are the functions of that said government. At many times, these philosophers have clashed in their ideologies however, each philosopher recognizes one possible state of being; anarchy. Anarchy is a stateof disorder in which there is no official form of a systematic governmentrule. Philosophers such as Aristotle, Hobbes, Locke, Mearsheimer, Ikenberry, and Gilpin all acknowledge and agree that a state of anarchy can exist but they disagree in whether anarchy is good or bad. Anarchy in a state of nature is conflictual, thus it is a problem. Politics in a state of anarchy is either conflictual by nature or can lead to prospects for cooperation. Aristotle argue that anarchy, in a state of nature, is conflictual, and Locke argues that anarchy can lead to cooperation. In an anarchic society there are no laws, limitations, or regulations and as a result there is chaos which lead to arguments and disputes. In a systematic government, there is stability and security; you have someone of a higher status to go to find a solution to your troubles but when you get rid of the hierarchy people lose that sense of security and stability and as a result are forced to provide these securities form themselves. From what Aristotle states Hence it is evident that the state is a creation of nature, and that man is by nature a political animal. And he who by ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Cis 115 Week 1 Lab Week 1 iLab for Rebecca L Bean TCO 1: Given a simple problem, design and desk check a solution that is expressed in terms of pseudocode, flowchart, and/or input process output (IPO) diagrams. iLab This exercise will cover the steps used to create a solution. You will use variable lists, IPO charts, pseudocode, flowcharts, and desk checking. Rubric Point distribution for this activity: Lab Activity| Document| Points possible| Points received| Part 1| 10| | Part 2| 10| | Part 3| 10| | Part 4| 10| | Part 5| 10| | Total points| 50| | Problem You have an idea for a restaurant tip calculator app that you want to develop for use... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It would not be wrong to do so, but these are not usually helpful as a design document. A programmer looking at the IPO table will primarily be concerned with outputs that involve variable expressions. (2) Your instructor does not require you to express the full logic details of your processes in the Process section of the IPO table. A descriptive, unambiguous phrase will suffice. A programmer using this as a guide can easily look at your flowchart, pseudocode, or actual code to see the details of a calculation. If a calculation is particularly complex or hard to follow, you may add some additional brief, explanatory comments. (3) Do not forget that input variables may also appear as output variables as well, as salesPrice does in this exampe. Be sure to list the variable as both an input AND output in this situation (3) Pseudocode Describe your solution using pseudocode. Use the same valid variable names you selected in Step 1. Start decimal CheckAmount output check amount? input CheckAmount decimal TaxRate output Tax Rate? input TaxRate decimal TipPercentage output Tip Percentage input TipPercentage decimal TaxAmount Let TaxAmount=CheckAmout*TaxRate decimal TipAmount=CheckAmount*TipPercentage decimal TotalAmount=CheckAmount+TipAmount+TaxAmount output Check amount = amp; CheckAmount output Tax amount = amp; TaxAmount output Tip amount = amp; TipAmount output Total amount = amp; ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. All Connected All Connected The government is watching your every move, listening to every word, keeping you in line. One wrong move and you re done for. 1984 is a novel that focuses on four main people and is set in the future from when it was written. The government has total control over everything you do and if you slip up it could mean vaporization. Four people that don t really know each other enter into each other s lives and things get interesting. Winston Smith is the first character that comes into play. He works for the Ministry of Truth, editing history. He has a sense of what is wrong and right. He knows he must follow the government, however, he has deeper thoughts of a revolution. Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows. Winston is a very smart individual. He knows, feels, that he is right in two plus two making four despite being told that it equals five. He wants a rebellion and is against what the government does. When he s editing history in the department, sometimes he fudges it up a bit. Next comes Julia. Julia is a love interest for Winston, in fact, they have an affair. She works in the Fiction Department at the Ministry of Truth. She is a tall dark haired woman. She rebels against the government for fun, not for a bigger purpose unlike WInston. Winston didn t... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Charrington. Mr. Charrington is the junk shop owner. Above the junk shop is a room which Winston and Julia rent from time to time. The junk shop is also where Winston buys the journal he writes in in chapter one. Mr. Charrington and Winston converse about the past as they share an interest in it. Mr. Charrington, it seemed, was a widower aged sixty three and had inhabited this shop for thirty years. Mr. Charrington allows Julia and Winston to rent out the room, despite it not having a telescreen. So to them, he seems like an understanding person. It turns out that he is a part of the Thought ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. organizational theory Essay Question #1 Despite the economic progress brought about in part by scientific management, critics were calling attention to the seamy side of progress which included severe labor management conflict, apathy, boredom, and wasted human resources to examine the discrepancy between how an organization was supposed to work versus how the workers actually behaved. In addition, factors like World War I, developments in psychology and later the depression, all bought into question, some of the basic assumptions of Scientific Management. (Internet) This is where the Human Relations School steps in. Its primary focus is the importance of attitudes and feelings of workers, while informal roles and norms influence performance. At the most ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... To Mayo, this was not only the key to organizational success, but also the goal to achieving social stability. He also viewed informal group processes as the promoting tool for social integration, as well as stopping absenteeism, turnover, and discontent among employees. Another important person at this time was Chester Barnard, who combined practical experience in management and corporate affairs with a complex and sophisticated theory of organization and human behavior. His focus projected from an emphasis on the organization to an analysis of the nature of an individual. He placed priority on tension between the organization and the individual noting that ...organizations are constructed for particular purposes, but they employ individuals who may have widely divergent objectives and desires. (Jaffe, 74) Barnard noted that cooperation was needed for the organization to work effectively and efficiently. He discussed in his book, The Functions of the Executive, the relationship between incentives and contributions, and the need to join these together to meet an equilibrium of some sort. He claimed that this system would satisfy individuals and obtain contributions from them while at the same time making everyone happy. To do this, he used distribution hoping to gain cooperative activity from the employees. The executive needs to note that distribution can be good in one situation but ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Advantages Of Swarm Robotics Advances in Swarm Robotics and the Stability of a Swarm INTRODUCTION Swarm robotics is the new approach to the coordination of multi robot systems that consists of many relatively smaller robots. The inspiration of this is the social behaviour of many animals and insects like ants, geese etc. the terms Swarm Intelligence refers to the collective behaviour that is the outcome of the work of the smaller individuals, each acting autonomously. Swarm intelligence is a property of systems of non intelligent exhibiting a collectively intelligent behaviour. Since the 1980 s, swarm robotics has become a major area of research. As new solution approaches are being developed and validated, it is often possible to realize the advantages of swarm robotic systems. In a paper by Dudek et al in 1993, the research on swarm robotics was classified into five areas which are swarm size, communication range, communication topology, communication bandwidth, swarm re configurability and swarm unit processing ability. In another paper by Cao et al, the survey of cooperative robotics was presented in a hierarchical way. This publication was also split onto five main parts: group architecture, resource conflicts, origins of cooperation, learning and geometric problems. In a paper by Hiroshi et al the stability of a swarm ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Social insects have the best examples of the best self organized behaviour. For example, ants and bees are not as powerful alone as they are with their colony or hive respectively. By means of local and limited communication, they are able to accomplish impressive behavioural feats: maintaining the health of the colony, caring for their young, responding to invasion and so on. Ants leave a chemical substance, pheromone, behind to help guide other ants at a later point in time. Thomas et al were inspired from ants and they made a swarm which would search, retrieve, return, deposit and rest an ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Joseph Goodman Research Paper Dr. Joseph Goodman Beverly Hills Holistic Dentist support your choice to live a healthier, more natural and less toxic life. We bridge the gap between, conventional clinical dentistry and natural healing. Dr. Joseph Goodman, one of the top cosmetic dentist practices all the aspects of dentistry and specializes in creating the most beautiful smiles with all porcelain restoration such as crowns and veneers. He also incorporates Invisalign invisible braces , teeth whitening, laser dentistry, dental implant and much more. Dr. Joseph Goodman provides you various facilities like: 1.We provide state of art digital x rays which are 90% fewer radiations. 2.We prefer Huggins protocol for safe mercury removal of safe amalgam removal with an oxygen mask, rubber dam and removing Amalgam fillings in one piece, rather than grinding the old mercury filling in a messy soup of saliva, water, and amalgam waste. 3.Mercury free dentistry. 4.Fluoride free dentistry. 5.BPA free dentistry. 6.Ozone dentistry, ozone cleaning and application of ozone for your gun, root canals, and infection control. 7.Chemical free sterilization of dental instruments. 8.Use of biocompatible ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Joseph Goodman is also in the list of top cosmetic dentists across the world and affiliated with several of the most prestigious dental organizations in the world. Dr. Joseph Goodman is the very first cosmetic dentist in the Germany using porcelain veneers in the early 90 when veneers were not as commonly used due to limitations in adhesion and material available at the time. Most of Dr. Joseph Goodman s veneers placed 20 years ago are still serving patients well. Many clients of Dr. Joseph Goodman reviewed him as the great and the best dentist in Beverly Hills. Dr. Joseph Goodman can also suggest you treatments of your daily problems like bad breath, gum disease, Esophagus and many systemic diseases like fetor hepatic, lung infections, renal failure, trimethylaminuria, carcinoma, and diabetic ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Tone Of The Prelude The Prelude: William Wordsworth s The Prelude, written in blank verse is an autobiographical poem written from 1798 to 1799. Throughout the excerpt the speaker has changing responses to his experience and conveys his responses with varying diction, imagery, and tone style. There are three changes in the speaker s response to his surroundings, which portray his changing emotion throughout the piece. The transitions occur on lines 11, 24, and 34. Tones of adventure, decisiveness, obstruction, and darkness are used throughout the work. The speaker changes his tone during the transition from the first to second section. He starts in the first with an awe filled and adventurous tone. He then transitions to a tone of pride and decisiveness... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The speaker s tone goes from nervous and scared to dim and dark. The man has had to turn around and go back because of his fear for the humongous mountain that seemed to be encroaching upon his every move. The word choice of and through the meadows homeward went, in grave and serious mood; shows how he left his boat with a feeling of sadness, but had not yet been robbed of his joy. But, in the next section his starting word choice of but after I had seen that spectacle, for many days, my brain worked with a dim and undetermined sense of unknown modes of being shows that he doesn t even know how to feel anymore in light of recent events. This marks the change in him from sadness to dim apathy. His imagery of there hung a darkness and no familiar shapes remained parallels the complete emptiness he feels in his soul. The speaker once again refers back to the environment when he uses no pleasant images of trees , of sea and sky , and no colours of green fields . He uses this environmental imagery to show that his life is now devoid of all color. He closes this excerpt with like living men, moved slowly through the mind by day, and were a trouble to my ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Antigone The Significance Of A Single Soul Research Paper The Significance of a Single Soul How can one single person make a difference in the world? It seems impossible that a single person can make a difference in such a large world but it happens all the time. In history, many people have made very notable influences in the the way we live today. They have indeed changed the world forever. Literature illustrates this very same principle time and time again. In Shakespeare s Julius Caesar, for example, Brutus is burdened with two choices: stay loyal to Caesar or join Cassius s conspiracy. Brutus eventually decides on joining Cassius because he sees it as the healthier alternative for the Roman Republic. He murders Caesar with the group and the repercussion is brutal. Antigone in the play by Sophocles makes the choice of following divine law over civil law, deciding to bury her brother Polyneices corpse rather than letting his soul fester in... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... People can completely ruin or end lives with relative ease. Dictators throughout history have accomplished this through their selfish campaigns for their own gain. If Antigone hadn t been a strong willed person, her family wouldn t have died. At the same time, If Creon wasn t also just as strong willed, that outcome wouldn t be true all the same. If one of them would have broke under the pressure sooner, the lives of the family would be saved. If one of them had just seen the the trouble as not worth it and not as an issue to fight over, none of these lives would ve been wasted. Brutus, after his group s assassination of Caesar, costs the lives of 100 senators, his friends, his family, and many more soldiers during the subsequent civil war. If Brutus had not joined the conspiracy, maybe Caesar would be king, but these hundreds of lives would ve been unharmed. Brutus did not think the situation through with himself enough to realize the danger posed from such an assassination and he paid the price for it, with his ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Mobile Application For Mobile Applications Abstract To date, mobile applications are at the peak of their popularity. The number of mobile application developers increases, the amount of available applications grows as well as the number of applications downloads. More and more companies are interested in developing their application, which will help them succeed in their industry and beat the competition. Mobile applications have become one of the main trends in the development of information technology. In 2008, the year of the App Stores launch, the mobile application market only has been formed, and at the present time the market has entered a phase of active growth. The paper is based on the literature review and describes different issues of the mobile applications evolution. The brief analysis is provided. After all, conclusions on the prospects of mobile applications are given. Introduction Mobile applications are software products designed specifically for mobile devices, smart phones, tablet computers and other devices. Mobile applications are distributed through app stores, namely Apple App Store, Google Play, Windows Phone Store, BlackBerry App World, and others. Mobile applications help to solve various applications ranging from mobile mapping and receive e mail to highly specialized functions. Mobile applications as well as its diversity are designed to make life easier for users of mobile devices. Currently, mobile applications are quickly gaining popularity among users of personal mobile devices ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Case Study – Euro Disney, the First 100 Days Case Study #1 Euro Disney, The First 100 Days 1.0Introduction Ever since the first Disneyland was founded in 1955 in Anaheim, California, the Walt Disney Company had experienced nothing but success in the theme park business until its second oversea Disneyland Euro Disney was opened in France in 1992. Following the success of the company s first oversea Disneyland in Tokyo, Japan, on April 12, 1992, within its $4.4 billion budget, Euro Disney was opened in Marne la Vallee, France on a site that is one fifth the size of Paris and just 20 miles to its west. Euro Disney was much like previous Disney theme parks with various of rides, attractions, hotels, restaurants, entertainment facilities, a campground, and even a championship... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... American popular culture has always had a great influence on Japan. Thus, the design of the Tokyo Disneyland was virtually identical to the Anaheim Disneyland. Most aspects of the Tokyo Disneyland remained as American as possible. Second, there is an increasing trend in Japan toward leisure. The Tokyo Disneyland had even become a special cultural haven in Japan. Despite the different way of life between Japan and the U.S., Japanese people maintained great interests in the Disney s brand of entertainment. The annual festive party on the New Year s Day and Evening has been an extremely popular celebration. And feedbacks from Tokyo Disneyland visitors were overwhelmingly positive. As a result, managers of Disney were convinced that everything they imported that worked in the U.S. worked in Tokyo. 4.0Euro Disney Having seen the success achieved by two native Disneylands and the Tokyo Disneyland, with full of optimism, Disney launched another international Disneyland the Euro Disney on April 12, 1992, in France within its $4.4 billion budget. However, unlike Tokyo Disneyland, Euro Disney did not experience the same success in terms of admissions and revenues. There were several reasons that could explain the frustrations of Euro Disney. First and one of the most crucial factors were cultural issues. While the success of Tokyo Disneyland was a major factor behind the decision to create Euro Disney, the cultural challenges of France were very ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Term Limits In Congress A common belief across the United states is that congress is not performing as well as they could, or should, be. One solution that citizens often come to, is implement term limits for Congress. Unlike many political debates, this one cannot be clearly divided between republican and democratic viewpoints. Term limits would be a clear message to congress saying, this is the amount of time you have to fix the problems facing this country, and if you cannot do that, we will replace you someone who can . Though no longer on the federal political agenda, the desire for congressional term limits has steadily grown over time for many reasons. Among these lie the desires to push career politicians out of office, to build trust with the American people, and preventing any sort of greed that might occur in a longstanding politician.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... According to a poll in 2011, 71 percent of the public was in support of congressional term limits. In some regard this can be tied back to technological advancement. Technology has become so effective; each new generation wants results faster. Congress used to be highly effective at what their job is detailed to be. Ever since entering the phase of coercive government, congress has been seen as failing in the public eye. According to a study a mere two years later, 75% of Americans supported term limits. In reality trust is quite broken between the average citizen and Washington. A study done in 2008 found that only 24% of the American public trust the government. Many believe that enacting term limits would fix this ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Socrates On Death With the end of his trial and fate of his life determined, Socrates was sentenced to death. Though, he was not surprised that they found him guilty and sentenced him to death, it was quite peculiar the outcome of the votes that found him guilty were not vastly far apart compared to the people who voted to sentence him to death. While pondering over he thought of his death, Socratesgave his own perspective on the possibilities on what could be after he is executed. Though he gave a relatable perspective on death which was relatively optimistic, my own view is moderately different than that of Socrates. After his fate is determined, Socrates articulates that he is not as much as concerned with avoiding death as he is to avoiding unrighteousness, which he says is faster than death... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Whereas in this eternal life, a man would not be punished and put to death for questioning. If this may be the truth of the result of the afterlife when passing on, one will be much happier while also being immortal. For these reasons he see s death as an end to all his troubles. He believes evil can do no harm to a good man, rather it be in this world or the external realm of another. Socrates comes to the realization his life has ended and theirs to be lived. Although, he does not know which would be the better selection, for that is what only God may know. There are experiences in life which some of use will come across and some of us will not. But what is inevitable, the one eternal experience we all will have, is the end to one s life we know as death. Everyone s view on what comes after death is vastly different. Whether it may be one of Socrates views as a state of nothingness, or awaiting our entrance into heaven or being sent to hell. We all believe in our own outlook of what to expect after our life has come to an ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Nfl Rule Changes Rule changes in the NFL have been made throughout the history of the league to improve the game, make it more exciting and reduce the risk of injury. Safety rules are one of the most important and effective ways in which the NFL and its owners can help protect the health of players. By helping to identify, promote and enforce safe on field conduct (in concert with off the field education and policies), the league seeks to preserve both the health of players and the integrity of the game. The NFL has established a strong set of rules through the years focused on player safety, designed to promote fair competition while attempting to minimize risk of harm to the player. While many of these rules have focused on reducing contact to the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 1920 в– The American Professional Football Association becomes the country s first organized professional football league. 1922 в– The APFA becomes the National Football League. 1929 в– A Field Judge is added to the officiating crew. 1933 в– Hashmarks are drawn 10 yards from the sidelines. 1938 в– The deliberate roughing of a passer after the ball has left his hand is unnecessary roughness. (Previously, the passer was protected after the pass had been made if he was obviously out of the play. ) 1943 в– Helmets become mandatory equipment. 1947 в– A Back Judge is added to the officiating crew. 1955 в– The ball is dead immediately if the runner touches the ground with any part of his body except his hands or feet while in the grasp of an opponent. 1956 в– The ball is dead immediately if a runner touches the ground with any part of his body except his hands or feet after being contacted by a defensive player. в– Grasping the face mask of any opponent except a runner is illegal use of hands. Penalty: Five yards. 1962 в– Grasping the face mask of an opponent is illegal. Penalty: 15 yards. A flagrant offender shall be disqualified. 1966 в– All goal posts must be offset from the goal line. 1967 в– A player who signals for a fair catch may not block or initiate contact with one of the kickers until the ball touches a player. 1971 в– A team will not be charged a timeout for an injured player unless the injury occurs in the last two minutes of either half. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Thanksgiving Persuasive Techniques This recipe can be found on a webpage, which means that the sides are filled with advertisements for other great dishes to cook. Most of the suggestions are holiday themed, since Thanksgiving has just passed, and cranberry sauce is associated with Thanksgiving in America. The structure is simple, looking like something out of a Western cookbook. On the top, there is a depiction of what the cranberrysauce should look like, the amount of time it takes to prepare and cook the sauce, and how many people it serves. Underneath that, there is a sentence exclaiming that the dish is delicious and the last recipe you will ever try. Next, they list the ingredients, and give the instructions. This is easily followed, and simple for this ritualized dish. The techniques in this recipe are extremely simple, requiring only a pot, a heat source, preferably a stove, and a cooling area. Water and sugar are brought to a boil. Once they are boiling, the cranberries are added, and heated until they explode. Then, they are cooled to form a gelatinized dish. Although it takes three hours to make, the process itself is not difficult.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... of cranberries, 2 cups of water, and 2 cups of sugar. Cranberries are native to the northeastern United States, which is why they are important during the Thanksgiving Feast. Thanksgiving is meant to commemorate the first feast between pilgrims and natives (before we killed them all brutally, but that s another story). For this reason, the foods served are supposed to represent what was served during the first Thanksgiving. Since cranberries are native to the region, many believe that they were present during the first Thanksgiving. However, I highly doubt that they were sweetened by sugar, which was brought to this region through trade. It is probable that this tradition came to be through time and legend, since Thanksgiving did not become a national holiday until ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Lynn Mckay Industrialization Essay Industrialization Research Thesis: Lynn MacKay s thesis to her argument is that the standard of living during the period of industrialization was closely tied to social and political ramifications between 1780 and 1850 and contemporary opinion concerning the impact of industrialization, and can be clearly seen through the arguments of a number of historians. The government of the time tried to lay back and let the period of industrialization shape the country by withdrawing from certain roles that they played in societal life. q Withdrew from regulation of wages and apprenticeships in 1813. o In 1814, Parliament repealed legislation regulating apprenticeship o Apprenticeship ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 1806 was the first all out economic warfare that had ever emerged, thanks to Napoleon and his Continental System blockading trade into continental Europe. Despite the conflicts of War, the economy expanded to accommodate many new job positions. Uniforms for soldiers had to be made in surplus; women and children were hired for cheap labour being paid far less than a man doing the same job. Two of the largest industries were dominated by cheap labour tailoring and shoemaking. Once this practise was established, it was impossible to eliminate after the war was over and the hundreds of thousands of men that returned had difficulty finding work furthering the unemployment problem that had been plaguing the nation already. Aside from the Napoleonic Wars, many harvest crises had a detrimental effects and social ramifications. Through a series of years of dearth, bread prices skyrocketed almost immediately and the number of people seeking poor relief increased exponentially. The rapid economic change brought along many unsatisfied citizens. Riots and demonstrations were held to try and ratify the problems that arose around the country. Unfortunately, most of the demonstrations turned violent anyways, the riots seemed to get more attention from the government than anticipated. Businesses were becoming mechanized and labour was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Quality Of Measures This paper will highlight the information epidemiologists utilize to evaluate the quality of measures used in research as well as provide reasons why the quality of measures are essential and finally explain how epidemiologists ensure the measures used in research are of good quality. a.What type of information do epidemiologists use to judge/evaluate the quality of their measures? Tests for validity and reliability are the criteria mostly used by epidemiologists to judge the quality of measures used in research. Reliability of the measure shows that when different observers use the measure at different occasions, they will obtain similar test results (1). For example, a measure that determines weight gain among male adults in Saskatoon ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The standards of acceptable reliability which epidemiologists seeks to attain include internal consistency exceeding 0.8 and stability measures greater than 0.5 (3), nevertheless, even if the internal consistency of a measure is low, it is better the measure has high stability and content validity. Validity tests involve ensuring that the instrument is measuring what the epidemiologist intended (4), validity has several components including content and construct validity. Validity of the measure at minimum can be assessed subjectively by expert opinion of one or more experts in the field of study, where experts review the measure to determine if the instrument appears to be assessing the desired qualities (Face Validity) or determining whether the instrument samples all the relevant content (Content Validity) (3). Additionally, constructs are mini theories used to assist in developing a new or better instrument in order to explain a broader range of findings or make more accurate predictions about a person s behavior. Hence, when no other measures exist, the epidemiologist can link an attribute measured to another attribute by a hypothesis or construct and test the instrument by applying it to a sample to determine if the expected relationship is obtained; this is regarded as construct validity. For example; if a test for blood sugar was devised because there is no other test ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Civil Rights Identification Report I worked as a Civil Rights Investigator for the last eight years in two separate agencies. During that time I received extensive training on the various laws, rules, and regulations that pertain to civil rights, namely Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act (federal), the Americans with Disabilities Act (federal), and the Fair Employment and Housing Act (California State) and the protected classes identified by those laws that form our policies (i.e. gender, race, national origin, genetic information, disability, etc...). I also gained practical experience in applying the theories that surround equal employment opportunity. I have conducted many consultations (complaints lacking prima facie), management inquiries, and investigations (complaints... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... My department includes a branch of sworn peace officers, so I am also familiar with the Peace Officer s Bill of Rights, which mandates the rights peace officers who are under investigation gives the guidelines for how those investigations may be conducted, such as the peace officer being notified prior to questioning of who will be conducting the questioning, their right to representation, their right to be notified about the investigation before they are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Define And Describe The Three Analytics Types Essay 1.Define and describe the three analytics types. a.Descriptive Analytics. This type of business analytics is to answer the question what is happening and why did it happen? . The process of descriptive analytics is looking at past performance and understanding this performance. Data mining, data aggregation, segmentation, profiling are some tools that can be used to perform the descriptive analytics. The output of this analytics, for example, is the age range of bank customers, the income distribution of the customers, number of children in the household, and customers preferences. b.Predictive Analytics. This type of business analytics is to answer the question What is likely to happen? . The process of predictive analytics is identifying past patterns and using statistical models and forecast techniques to understand the future. The output of the predictive analytics, for example is, which age range of customers that will apply for credit cards in the next 12 months, which income range of the customers that will use the electronics banking facilities for next 2 years. c.Prescriptive Analytics. This type of analytics will help answer the question What action should be taken? . This analytics uses optimization and simulation algorithms to advise on possible outcomes (maximize good outcomes and minimize potentially bad outcomes). Prescriptive analytics is a decision making tool equipped with the risk mitigation. The output of prescriptive analytics, for example ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Differences Between Diversity And Conflict 2017 SEC 4 IH ESSAY Tan Ming Shiuan(22) Sec 403 Diversity as defined by racial, religious, or linguistic differences in the people, exists in many nation states today. In a diverse society, it is inevitable that different cultures, practices, interests and opinions will exist. This may pose as a great risk if equity and inclusiveness of the different interests are not achieved in the society, whereby tension amongst the people will arise due to an imbalance in different communities rights and opportunities. If this tension is not resolved and allowed to cultivate, the probability of conflict happening will increase. In this case, the society has become extremely vulnerable to serious disagreements which may be sparked very easily considering the underlying tension which exists. This is known as conflict. However, if measures are taken by the government of the nation state to mitigate such risks of tension and conflict, peace and harmony can also be achieved in a diverse society. In this essay, I will be studying the case studies of Sri Lanka and Singapore in evaluating the deciding factors which ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In addressing the trends between diversity and conflict, strategies to good governance in which harmony and peace within a diverse society is present may be discovered, which, if applied by diverse nation states, will ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Literary Theorist Thomas Pavel Takes A New Approach In Literary theorist Thomas Pavel takes a new approach in interpreting myth in his article Reflections on the Oedipus Myth. Pavel s main theme throughout the article consists of arguing that while Levi Strauss s structuralist interpretation of myth is important, it is too simplistic and does not suffice in giving an accurate analysis alone. He essentially uses Levi Strauss s binaries as framework to approach the myth, but focuses on details within the oppositions to depict the consequences of action. In the Aeneid, an epic poem by Virgil, the binary opposition of voluntary associations versus blood relations is presented through Aeneas s relationship with his father versus his relationship with Dido. When interpreting the myth solely through... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Ultimately, Levi Strauss s approach to this myth just focuses on the Roman s embrace of blood relations over voluntary associations and the demonization of the latter. Of course, this interpretation fails to mention any sort of detail that would describe the implications Aeneas s choice and his relationship with Dido leaving the reader with a partial analysis of the myth. Firstly, the binary fails to recognize the effect that Aeneas s relationship with Dido had on Carthage and Dido herself. The binary seems to romanticize Aeneas s prioritization of blood relations over voluntary ones as it leads to the creation of Rome and in turn demonizes Dido s relationship because if Aeneas had chosen to stay Rome wouldn t have been founded. What the binary doesn t do is discuss the negative consequences Aeneas s involvement led to. For starters, the relationship between Dido and Aeneas wasn t just a fleeting, temporary, and miniscule thing at least not for Dido. Juno herself united them in holy matrimony and Aeneas just disregards their marriage without really caring for the repercussions (Aeneid Book 4, Line 146). Aeneas didn t even care to confront Dido over his decision to choose his blood relations over her, he opts for a failed sneak away in the middle of the night. Eventually, he does leave Carthage also leaving his wife, Dido, in complete and utter distress. Their relationship meant so much to Dido that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Banning Books In Schools Catchy Title As a teen, students should not be exposed to the inappropriateness that are put in books at such a young age.There are several reasons that banned books should be kept out of the classrooms. A few specifically are, racial issues, inappropriate language and sexual profanity. Some people believe books should be banned in schools/libraries because it is putting inappropriate knowledge in at such a young age. First, Racial Issues is a main conflict going around across the world, we never thought it would come down to being in children s books. For example, To Kill A Mockingbird uses the N word directly (Lee 108). Students with different races should not have to experience those kinds of things in books they are reading in school. It offends people with race. To Kill A Mockingbird also states racial groups(Lee 109). Books children read in schools should not state racial groups directly. It can upset people with race. Students will easily be offended by this kind of stuff. Also, Inappropriate Language is used immensely throughout kids books. Exposing inappropriate language into kids heads at such a young age. Therefore, Without parental permission students should not be able to read this stuff. Students read it and than think that it is ok to say. To Kill A Mockingbird and several other children ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For example, I want to go . . . back, Windy says to Rose as the two peruse a wooded spot where the boy may have had sex. Can we go back . . . now? (Mariko Tamaki and Jillian Tamaki). This quote is important because this is a sex scene in a book that was banned for this exact reason. Students will think it is ok to do. This is putting bad images in kids head. Kids should not have to see or read that kind of stuff. They sometimes do not even know what is going on so what s the point in putting it. Sexual profanity is something kids already think it is ok to do, it is just making it ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. “The Story of an Hour” written by Kate Chopin is about... The Story of an Hour written by Kate Chopin is about Mrs. Mallard, a lady with heart troubles who is married to Brently Mallard. At the beginning of the story, her husband s friend Richards and her sister Josephine informed Mrs. Mallard that a railroad accident had killed her husband. After she had received the news, she then went by herself in her room alone (Chopin 337). The story then goes on to say, When she abandoned herself a little whispered word escaped her slightly parted lips. She said it repeatedly under her breath: free, free, free! Later on, it states she said Free! Body and soul free! Her sister was begging her to let her in, but Mrs. Mallard refused. When Mrs. Mallard finally came downstairs, someone was opening the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (Evans 1). My next source discusses the emotions that took place throughout the short story. When informed about her husband s death, Mrs. Mallard is unaware to the beauty of life breaks down under the powerful impact of emotion. She thinks it worthless to continue her existence (Jamil 216). In the story the narrator states, It was only yesterday she had thought with a shudder that life might be long (Chopin 338). The narrator also points that Mrs. Mallard is not struck, as many women have been, by a paralyzed inability to accept the painful sense of loss. This storm that haunts her body seems to reach her soul ultimately purges her of the sufferance of a meaningless life, as it becomes motivation that leads to her new freedom (Jamil 216). Mrs. Mallard s heart trouble is not so much a physical disorder like the characters of the story think. It actually is a sign of a woman who has surrendered her heart to the culture of paternalism. The physiological outlook of her heart condition looks as if a result of the burden of allowing an individual s powerful will to overlook and smother her own will. Mrs. Mallard set aside the social aspect of the world and allowed her individuality to develop (Jamil 216). Throughout the story, the narrator says a monstrous joy and Free! Body and soul free! which shows us her new emotional freedom is awakening her mind (Jamil 217). Chopin shows that through Mrs. Mallard watching the nature and engaging in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Unrestricted Capitalist Development and the International... Unrestricted Capitalist Development and the International Monetary Fund: Their Economic and Social Effects on Buenos Aires. Argentina The day is Friday, December 21, 2001. After three days of massive riots the city of Buenos Aires looks like an abandoned battlefield. Its grand palm lined avenues are strewn with burnt out shells of cars, smashed glass, rocks, and twisted furniture. Unemployed people, pensioners, and women with babies climb through smashed supermarket windows searching for any food that looters left behind. Most banks and shops are closed, and dazed people wander the streets, confused and fearful of their nation s state of affairs (Arie 11). The battle started on Monday, December 17, with massive food ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This only led to the rest of the population becoming involved, however, as thousands of middle class citizens joined the fray (Ximenez). Nelli Mai, an unemployed 62 year old psychologist said, the poor people had detonated something, and it was up to us in the middle class to continue and finish it (Rohter 6). Almost immediately, residents of middle class neighborhoods in Buenos Aires went to their windows and began a noise protest by banging pots and pans, a traditional form of protest throughout Latin America. Before long, their rage still unsatisfied, protesters spilled into the streets by the thousands and began marching to the Plaza de Mayo. At the seat of government, known as the Casa Rosada (Pink House), and on Congress and Los Olivos, the president s residence, protesters chanted the name of their country (Rohter 6). For many it was the sound of the Argentine Revolution. Largely middle class demonstrators swarmed key landmarks and blocked main thoroughfares across Buenos Aires. As protesters demanded the resignation of the unpopular de la Rua, police were forced to clear the peaceful demonstration (Gardner 9). In the Plaza de Mayo, which has seen some of the bloodiest and most historic moments in Argentina s rocky political past, officers swung batons, fired rubber bullets and tear gas, and aimed water cannon (see illustration 1) on the throngs of demonstrators besieging the Casa Rosada. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Biodoxics In Sports Biomechanics When the human body moves during regular movement or during athletic performance, the movements can be scientifically broken down and analyzed by biomechanics based on a number of different analytics. Some of the most common analytics being evaluated are power, torque, joint actions, linear velocity, and angular velocity. A person in recovery from an injury or a professional athlete will often have their movements analyzed using the previously mentioned criteria to determine improvement in performance. This assignment will explore the importance of those biomechanical topics and how they are applied in sports biomechanics. In order to begin defining the terms that are listed above, others topics need to be briefly introduced, as the human body and its movements are extremely complex and interconnected. Work is the basis of all body movement, without work movement does not occur. In his 2013 textbook Biomechanics of sport and exercise, P. McGinnis explains that work is the product of force and the amount of displacement in the direction of that force (it is the means by which energy is transferred from one object or system to another (p. 116). Force is another basis for all of movement, both living and not. P. McGinnis defines force as a push or a pull which is exerted by objects on other objects (McGinnis, 2013, p. 19). When exerting a force on an object, the muscles in the human body contract which result in a pull . The rate at which muscles contract determines the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Serial Killer Stereotypes The first Image that pops into my head when I hear the words Serial Killer is always a Caucasian man with an awkward personality. That s true for most people because of the way everyone always portrays serial killers as being white men. Throughout history people have always made it seem as if men are the only ones capable to do such horrific crimes because of they are more aggressive. In the movie Silence of the Lambs a man named Hannibal Lecter is a cannibal who killed and ate his patients. He is played by a white make that portray the killer as being a polite, charming , and brilliant doctor. In most cases people assume the killer has a high IQ or is mentally ill. He will always live alone and not really interact in social gatherings because he doesn t want anyone to find out about the secret he holds. In most cases it is true men are the ones who are serial killersand they do it in the worst way possible. Men are known for being stronger so they can do more damage.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In most cases it is true that the killer is a man because women only make up 10% of killing throughout history while men make up 90%. in terms of race caucasian are the top race for becoming serial killers. The second is african american. In the media it always turn to being the man who killed a dozen women because he was sexually frustrated and in most cases it true that men kill for sex. when in ten contrary women s motives to kill are money and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Brave New World Literary Devices In the book, Brave New World, the author, Aldous Huxley, creates and alternated world in the 1930 s to show us how political and society were during that year. There was a lot of cruel, violence, segregations compare to the world in BNW. He also uses many literary devices to tell use what his society looks like during the 1930 s. During this time the WWii was going on and this was a big deal to the worldbecause there was a lot of dramas and other dangerous things going on. Some of those devices are simile, details, metaphor... One major event was people being considerate about others instead on themselves. One of the literary devices that Aldous Huxley uses is metaphor to give us a description of what is happening to Lenina and how she acts, also help her remind her who the real Lenina is. Lenina liked the drums. Shutting her eyes she abandoned herself to their soft repeated thunder, allowed it to invade her consciousness more and more completely, till at last there was nothing left in the world but that one deep pulse of sound. It reminded her reassuringly of the synthetic noises made at Solidarity Services and Ford s Day celebrations. Orgy porgy, she whispered to herself. These drums beat out just the same rhythms (107 8). Lenina is thinking deep about herself and what she is really like. She also think about her inner self and listening to the repeated beats over and over it reminds her of the Solidarity Services. Aldous Huxley is comparing this to today s Sawyer 2 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. On Raves and Club Drugs 2003. Hungary. I remember my way on a road to an abandoned airport in the middle of the country. I was with my four other friends fulfilled with euphoria in the car waiting for the moment to get to a place where we felt that all of our problems will be sorted. We bought the tickets weeks before the venue and we were all counting the days back with full of excitement like little kids around Christmas and the day had come. When we got off the road the beat of the music in the background just hit our ears. As we approached to the scene the music got louder with our excitement as well and we finally got there. Hundreds of our friends were already jumping around to our special music in the hangar with the hugest smile in their face. I could feel the love in the air in the shadow of the laser lights. We were so happy that we could not describe in words. This made us feel that we don t have to worry about anything in our life, that we part of a family where everyone respects each other. That s what made us feel different and being part of something that not many people could tell back in the days. Can t deny that club drugs helped to achieve this feeling and it was a massive part of it as well. We were confused teenagers who desperately tried to find the way to make sense of this whole world. We wanted to choose our way of life against from a prescribed life what our parents and the government tried to push ourselves into. We wanted to go against this emotionally empty lifestyle ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Frida Kahlo Still Life With Parrot The artwork, Still Life with Parrot by Frida Kahlo in 1951, is displayed on page 206 of the textbook. The size of Still Life with Parrot is 24.1 x 26 cm, done on Masonite with oil. I chose this artwork because it realistically represents the nature objects. Although Kahlo uses different hues in the artwork, red is the role of color within the artwork. And the choice of red hue makes the artwork vivid and psychologically arouses my enthusiasm for the artwork. I will present the subject matter and subjective content. Then, I will figure out the elements and principles of organization of Still Life with Parrot. There are many colors using to describe different objects such as a red orange mango, half of orange colored orange, a red violet pomegranate, a quarter of red watermelon with some black seed, and green ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... And fruits look so fresh because of their glossy surface. When I see the artwork, I regard it with affection. Because I like the red hue using in the nature object, it gives me a sense of vitality. The Elements of Art: Line Kahlo uses Contour lines to limit the edges of fruits and the parrot s outlines. Curve lines are mostly used in showing the objects shapes. The parrot line of sight is an implied line to show the direction of its gaze to fruits. Shape The artwork itself is rectangle. However, all objects such as different kinds of fruits and the parrot in this painting have organic shapes, so their shapes are irregular. Value The cast shadows directly show under the objects, so the light source is just above the objects. The objects colors are affected by the light, their color lighter on the top and darker on the bottom. Color Kahlo uses local colors in the painting which is mostly used red hue such as a red orange mango, a red violet pomegranate, a red watermelon. The parrot color is green and light yellow. The background is dark blue and the table is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Definition Of Professionalism And Professionalism Professionalism Chanda Hutton Baker College Flint PROFESSIONALISM Definition My definition of professionalism is a person that carries themselves in a respectful manner. The professional is educated, has a clean appearance, well spoken, and treats others with respect and integrity. When a person is not professional it reflects poorly on the company. I have experienced unprofessional behavior quite often. I have seen nurses, and other medical professionals, act unprofessional. I will share a story of a very unprofessional situation. This situation put me in a position where I had to make a moral and legal decision and take the appropriate action. Two nurse aids were bathing a man that was in a coma. He had a penal implant from having prostate cancer. The implant was a pump. While bathing him the girls pumped his penis up, took pictures and sent the pictures to my phone along with derogatory remarks. The girls thought this was funny. I did not. I thought it was extremely unprofessional, and degrading to that patient. The girls were my friends, so the decision I had to make was not easy. I went to my nurse manager and took the appropriate action and steps. The girls did lose their jobs. I did feel bad for them, but I felt worse for that man. I had to do what was right. Importance of Professional Behavior Professional behavior is important in the nursing profession because of the long road it took for nurses to be recognized as a profession and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Essay On Pollution In Textile Mill Research Pollution Most processes performed in textile mills produce atmospheric emissions. Gaseous emissions have been identified as the second greatest pollution problem (after effluent quality) for the textile industry. Speculation concerning the amounts and types of air pollutants emitted from textile operations has been widespread but, generally, air emission data for textile manufacturing operations are not readily available. Air pollution is the most difficult type of pollution to sample, test, and quantify in an audit. Air emissions can be classified according to the nature of their sources: Point sources: Boilers Ovens Storage tanks Diffusive: Solvent based Wastewater treatment Warehouses Spills Textile mills usually generate nitrogen and sulphur oxides from boilers. Other significant sources of air emissions in textile operations include resin finishing and drying operations, printing, dyeing, fabric preparation, and wastewater treatment plants. Hydrocarbons are emitted from drying ovens and from mineral oils in high temperature drying/curing. These processes can emit formaldehyde, acids, softeners, and other volatile compounds. Residues from fibre preparation sometimes emit pollutants during heat setting processes. Carriers and solvents may be emitted during dyeing operations depending on the types of dyeing processes used and from wastewater treatment plant operations. Carriers used in batch dyeing of disperse dyes may lead to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Thesis Of Karukku Karukku(1992) was written by a wounded self with specific experience, the experience of Dalit women. It argued against patriarchy and caste oppression. Bama s personal struggle finds her own identity, Karukku which means Palmyra leaves. Bama attempts to overcome her existential despite stemming from her alienation from the convent and her community. Karukku was a new genre in the history of Tamil Literature; it has gained many praises and many scorned it. Dalitliterature was born out of anguish of unjust social systems based on casteand class inequities and has become an expression of the agonies suffered by these deprived groups for ages. To become a nun is Bama s stubborn hope, to put an end to the caste oppression; she thought that she... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... . (108 109) India s Untouchables are relegated to the lowest jobs, and live in constant fear of being publicly humiliated, paraded naked, beaten, and raped with impunity by upper caste Hindus seeking to keep them in their place. Merely walking through an upper caste neighborhood is a life threatening offense. Dalit women also face violence when they try to access rights and entitlements provided by the constitution and the government. In addition to facing discrimination and untouchability in accessing welfare schemes, women from Dalit community also faces sexual and other kinds of physical violence. In spite of the space (reservation) given to them at panchayat (village) level their participation is dismal in the local governance. Dalit women face direct impediments right from the time of filing nominations right up to announcement of the election results, including: caste and sexually based verbal abuse; harassment, threats or physical assaults; property destruction; restrictions on freedom of movement; and illegal and fraudulent voting ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Personality And Psychodynamic Models Of Personality Over the variation of the project, subject A has been tested over three different models of personality. Each one provided different points to her personality and allowed for the most in depth explanation of the subject s personality. Each of these models are also capable of acting as a check and balance for the other. For example, between the trait and psychodynamic models. One could compare the results from the Big 5 and how that matches to the Myers Briggs since essentially those gave similar feedback. Once those are both taken accounted for, these could give rise to a more accurate basis for the biological model, which is mainly inferred and not factual in the first place. The most prominent trait across the trait and psychodynamic models was the strength of A s introversion. In both of the personality tests taken, this was usually one of the results that was very striking. When she was first introduced to the result of her extraversion during the Big 5 test, only a 17, she was incredibly surprised with the data and slightly appalled. Although she knew that was never the life of the party, she would have hardly categorized herself as introverted. However, after reading the characteristics of introversion, she came more to terms with the result and embraced her newly discovered trait. This helped her to answer more accurately on the Myers Briggs which showed that she scored a 92 in introversion. These two comparable scores allowed for an almost definitive agreement ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. E-learning Essay E learning has come to dominate the strategic thinking of employers over the past decade in several countries. Only in recent years in India, there has been focus on e learning, this is due to the recent development in MNC, BPO and IT concerns. This is widely seen due to the connected economy, become intangible and fast growing among organizations. Due to emerging MNC s, globalisation has become one of the most important criteria to increase flexibility of communications, and hence become vital among the organization. Despite the emphasis on e learningand large investments made on training it is still not clear and ongoing success have not yet been recognized, due to the ongoing structural changes among managements. The problem in... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It also includes the delivery of content via Internet, intranet/extranet (LAN/WAN), audio and videotape, satellite broadcast, podcast, interactive TV, CD ROM, and more. E learning programs are endowed with a training system, which employees can access, where face to face instruction is not possible because the very nature is that it is borderless and potentially global in scope. With e learning methods, training can take place on demand, and trainees can be given greater control over their learning than ever before (Rosenberg 2001). This increased control has the potential to improve training effectiveness. E learning courses add value to traditional learning modes by offering self paced or live, instructed training classes. Specifically, self paced courses can be taken at the employee s leisure and are good for self motivated persons. Typically these types of courses can be taken at convenience of the busy workers as well as for globally dispersed employees. Hence workplace training needs to be broadened and customized (Marc J. Rosenberg Steven Foreman 2010). Live e learning is capable of instant updating, storage/retrieval, distribution and sharing of instruction and information. Soft skills such as management, leadership, or team building can be tackled in this environment. However, this type of training works best if the class size is limited to 25 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Film Analysis Of Citizen Kane And The Hudsucker Proxy Citizen Kane (1941) received praise from many critics as one of the best films of all time while The Hudsucker Proxy (1994) received many mixed reviews. Director Orson Welles s film, Citizen Kane uses many innovative camera movements and transitions, however, directors Ethan Coen and Joel Coen s film, The Hudsucker Proxyrehashes techniques used before to create an effective montage. Citizen Kane follows a reporter, Jerry Thompson (William Alland), who investigates the significance of a wealthy newspaper publisher s, Charles Foster Kane (Orson Welles), dying words: rosebud. Thompson sets out to question people who have known Kane well. Thompson learns that Kane grew up poor and his mother sent him to live with Mr. Thatcher (George Coulouris) so he could be given a good education. Upset that his parents sent him to live with a stranger, Kane attacks Thatcher with his sled and attempts to run away. Years later, Kane enters the newspaper business and takes control of the Inquirer and attacks Thatcher s business as corrupt. Kane influenced public opinion by writing about the Spanish American war and married the President of the United States niece, Emily Norton (Ruth Warrick). Jedediah Leland (Joseph Cotten) describes how Kane s first marriage didn t work out and he had an affair with Susan Alexander (Dorothy Comingore) while running for governor. Kane marries Susan and urges her begin a career in opera, however, she doesn t have the talent. Susan explains how she attempted ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. What Is Equifax Failure One of the largest credit monitoring institutions put 145 million Americans most personal information at risk. Equifax has failed at its sole purpose: to safeguard social security numbers, birthdates, and credit card numbers leaving millions outraged, and deservedly so. As if this massive failure wasn t enough, the company attempted and successfully profited at the average Americans expense. The CFO and two other senior executives sold at least $2 million worth of stock only weeks prior to news breaking that one of the largest data breaches in history had occurred. Though these swindlers claim that this wasn t insider trading, it s a hard pill to swallow when reports show that the breach was known and kept under wraps for months. While ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. The Burdensome Issue Of Social Media Jessica Lardenoit AP English Literature Ms. Young P. 1 February 19, 2015 Satire The most burdensome issue society faces today results from our obsessive need to be connected to electronics and social media. This issue stems into many aspects of our daily lives. What was once thought to be an exciting advancement has now caused a myriad of problems in society. Today s generation is faced with the rising levels of obesity, lack of focus, poor communication skills, which in turn has created a far less intellectual society. With the internet, smart phones, video games, movies, television and numerous other technological advancements improving daily, the youth in our society are becoming corrupt. They are becoming desensitized, uninspired, and underqualified. We are shaping the newest generations to become dull robots who just conform to the latest, greatest fads. Social media sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, are becoming tools to drain the intelligence of adolescences until they only converse with instant messaging lingo. It is an instrument for teenagers to become secluded from society where they only spend time in their rooms and online. With the pressure from their peers to update their statuses every few minutes, teenagers focus more on what 140 character message they will send out next, instead of what school work they have. They care more about what selfie to post instead of spending valuable time with their families. Television and video games have sucked ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Symbolism In Persepolis The episodes in the Persepolis of the growing up a boy and a girl in the Iran is the wearing of the veil. The veil was a greatest different between the boy and the girls. They only make it mandatory that all the girls should wear the veil especially in the school, but the boys on the other hand there is no rules for the boys to wear the same veil. The girls were not happy about the veil, they said that the they have been separated them from their friends due to the veil. The have complained that they are felling hot with the veil. They started to remove it. they say that they are in the monsters of darkness. The color of the veil was the dark, which I think they are wear ling in bondage. It makes them not to belong or associate with other. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Bmw Films Case Analysis Marketing I : Professor Ian Fenwick Marketing I : Professor Ian Fenwick | BMW Films Case Analysis| | | Chalit Borwonnauwarux D540010| | | Executive summary BMW face though competition in US market after try to improve the situation by introduce number of new model to the core series, adjust pricing so it can compete, reorganize the dealer network and introduce new series of car to the market. Now we have a chance to focus on brand campaign call BMW films which is very successful campaign base on number of people who visit the web site and number of people who want more information about BMW. After analyze the data I found that viable option for management should do after very successful BMW films ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Attracting younger customer also help us improve brand image compare to competitor. From data (Chart 4) we can see that BMW driver are younger compare to main competitor, such as Lexus and Mercedes, if we can make BMW brand attach with young and then make other competitor brand look old this will help to attract more younger customer and make them commit to use BMW for the rest of their life. Another thing that we can see from BMW customer base is while average ages of BMW owner are younger but their average incomes are higher we make people remember that BMW is the car for highly educate, bright, affluent person who want to have a great driving experience . If we can own that position which utilize BMW strong point as Ultimate driving machine then push other competitor to car for boring and old people . This campaign also improve brand image by reduce bad thing that associate with BMW brand such as Status symbol, Yuppie Machine and also stress what BMW is all about amazing performance and try something new and exciting. This show people what make a BMW a BMW which is the main purpose of this campaign. From all reason above I think this campaign is successfully improving brand image of BMW and since target customer of BMW in another part of the world is almost the same we can use this movie to another part of the world. The effect may be not as successful as original one because we lose element ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. The Potentinal for Ozone in BTEX-Contaminated Sites Ozone is a highly oxidative chemical known to be capable of degrading many types of organic contaminants, including both chemicals and organisms. It is known in the grain industry to be useful for disinfecting cereals without affecting quality of the cereal. This includes microbial inactivation, killing pests, degrading certain pesticides and fungicides, and mycotoxins (Tiwari et al. 2010). Ozone also has an important role in the treatment of wastewater for similar reasons. It is used in the treatment train at both the Alfred Merritt Smith and River Mountains treatment plants in Las Vegas (SNWA 2014). The ozonation processes in these plants kill off bacteria and microorganisms by bubbling ozone into the wastewater. As ozone dissipates within several minutes, no residue is left after treatment, though certain disinfection byproducts can potentially be formed depending on the constituents in the wastewater, and the placement of ozonation in the treatment train (Gerrity et al. 2010). Certain organic contaminants of interest, including ___, tend to have long half lives and low water solubility, which can make traditional and natural forms of remediation ineffective. The past decade has shown that ozone can be used in the remediation of contaminated soils, primarily by in situ ozonation systems. As mentioned previously, ozone is an unstable chemical that has a half life of around two minutes (Dey, Rosenwinkel, Wheeler 2002). In the process of oxidation, ozone reacts with ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Ukiyo-E Influence For over 250 years, Japan was under strict military dictatorship. However, between the 1670s through 1865 was the Tokugawa period or also known as the Edo period, where Japan found internal peace and economic growth (The Editors of EncyclopГ¦dia Britannica). Not only has Japan found stability in the Edo period, creativity flourished from the lower class of artisans and merchants through ukiyo e printmaking. The term, ukiyo e, is a combination of uki (floating), yo (world), and e (pictures) that originated as a Buddhist term to express impermanence of human life. Ukiyo e was experimented and developed to become a popular art form that displayed familiar subjects, and illustrations that circulated in books. This paper examines the influence of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... During earlier developments, subject matter focused on human figures that were engaged in delights of the city life. Artists took interest in enjoyable activities in landscape settings, paying particular attention to contemporary affairs and fashions. Outdoor environments shifted to indoor activities, where alluring scenes and portraits were printed of famous courtesans, displaying actresses, and prostitutes that were accessible to mass audience in form of inexpensive woodblock print (Department of Asian Art). However, breaking away from popular trends, Katsushika Hokusai discovered western prints from Dutch trading, where he acquired some of their influences in his own works; low horizon line, linear perspective, and a distinctive European color, Prussian blue. Through these main elements, Hokusai presents a striking view of creativity and lifespan development. One of his most famous works in the art world and is most iconic that represents Japanese art, Under the Wave off Kanagawa (figure_). Another popular print, Thirty size view of Mount Fuji, a polychrome woodblock print that is arranged in a composition to frame Mount Fuji. It is made of ink, color on paper where the images in series features various representations of a mountain (Harris). As shown from fig. 1 and fig. 2, Hokasia moved away from tradition of making images of customary subjects, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...