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15 Everyday Activities
Which Use Mathematics


1. Cooking
In order to make a delicious and mouth-watering
recipe for your friends, love ones, family,
relatives, or customers, you need to measure the
ingredients, thus use Math, in order to get the
right amount.


2. Gardening
Math is also vital when it comes in taking care
of plants. When growing new seeds, we have
to measure their distance from each other and
how many holes their pots needs to have
because everything will be put into waste if they
will not grow properly, or worst just die because
of improper measurements.


3. Arts
Photography, painting, dancing, or even
sculpting requires Math to produce a breath-
taking output. Although the concept of art is to
express one’s feeling and/or emotion, it also
requires calculation in order to make an even
more compelling artwork that will definitely catch
the audience’s attention.


4. Banking
Imagine a life without a bank to guide you in
your finances such as savings and alike? This
only goes to show that Math, whether you may
have loathed it once in your life when you’re
still a student, is something that you’ll actually
be thankful for because it’s maybe one of the
lifehacks you should know as you get older.


5. Parties
Real question in any party, may it be a
corporate or just a gathering with friends: how
many and how much? Everything should be
precise and measured to ensure that all guests
can be catered and their expectations can be
met (at least half of it). From what time it will
start, to how much alcohol should be allowed


May it be decorating your home, office desk, or
your very own store, we are subconsciously using
Math to measure the space where we will put our
things (e.g. height and width of curtains, new
furniture, etc.) or where shall we put the bulbs in
order to give light to larger area of the room.


7. Statistics
If it weren’t for Statistics, organizations such as
government agencies wouldn’t be able to measure
the needs of their people and what issues should
be address and resolved right away. If it weren’t for
Math, marketing firms will not know what are the
needs and wants of their customers and how they
will be encourage to buy their products. It is through
numbers that companies are able to grasp if they
are making an impact to their target audience.


DesigningAll the infrastructures we see and get enthralled
at use Math in all aspects of it – from the
grocery store you pass by every morning, to the
building you’re working in, to the billboards you
see while you’re in the train, to the very spot
you’re sitting or standing in the rain – it has used
Math not only to ensure that it will look amazing,
but also to ensure that it could stand calamities


ShoppingUnconsciously, we use Math when we’re
calculating how much we are going to save up
every time there’s a sale in your favorite local
store. You’re also consciously using Math when
you’re making canvass on which stores offers the
most cost-effective price of the product you want
to have.


10. Travelling
Haven’t you notice how you convert currencies
whenever you’re travelling abroad? Comparing
how much it would cost in our country, thus still
using Math? And even when going from place to
place, we’re always measuring the distance and
how much time it would take for you to reach
the place if you’re going to do it by walking,
hailing a cab, or riding a public transportation.


11. Working
Not only that Math works in Sales and
Marketing, it is also involve in the overall
operation of a business to ensure that it earns
and sustains its employees and the overall
cost to run the company.


BudgetingOf course, it is through Math that we’re able to
designate specific amount on our daily
expenses. If it weren’t for the utilization of
Mathematics, we wouldn’t be able to figure out
how much we will spend on our transportation,
food, and savings.


13. Time Management
We also use Math in designating specific hours
and/or time so we can utilize our every day
lives effectively. It is through effective time
management that we can be productive and
finish a lot of tasks within 24 hours.


14. Critical Thinking
From the moment we wake up, we use critical
thinking on how our day should go and little did
we know, we also use Math in making crucial
decisions in our lives may it be a work, career, or
family decisions.


15. Relaxation
Even when we are relaxing, we also use Math.
Whether we notice it or not, going to spa as your
form of relaxation, reading a book, or spending
your day off sleeping also requires calculations.
We always have the how much and how many
thinking inside our head more than we realize it.


schoolproject-CBSE-Class8-Mathematics assignment-Uses of mathematics in our daily life

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  • 3. 1. Cooking In order to make a delicious and mouth-watering recipe for your friends, love ones, family, relatives, or customers, you need to measure the ingredients, thus use Math, in order to get the right amount.
  • 4. 2. Gardening Math is also vital when it comes in taking care of plants. When growing new seeds, we have to measure their distance from each other and how many holes their pots needs to have because everything will be put into waste if they will not grow properly, or worst just die because of improper measurements.
  • 5. 3. Arts Photography, painting, dancing, or even sculpting requires Math to produce a breath- taking output. Although the concept of art is to express one’s feeling and/or emotion, it also requires calculation in order to make an even more compelling artwork that will definitely catch the audience’s attention.
  • 6. 4. Banking Imagine a life without a bank to guide you in your finances such as savings and alike? This only goes to show that Math, whether you may have loathed it once in your life when you’re still a student, is something that you’ll actually be thankful for because it’s maybe one of the lifehacks you should know as you get older.
  • 7. 5. Parties Real question in any party, may it be a corporate or just a gathering with friends: how many and how much? Everything should be precise and measured to ensure that all guests can be catered and their expectations can be met (at least half of it). From what time it will start, to how much alcohol should be allowed
  • 8. 6. Decorating May it be decorating your home, office desk, or your very own store, we are subconsciously using Math to measure the space where we will put our things (e.g. height and width of curtains, new furniture, etc.) or where shall we put the bulbs in order to give light to larger area of the room.
  • 9. 7. Statistics If it weren’t for Statistics, organizations such as government agencies wouldn’t be able to measure the needs of their people and what issues should be address and resolved right away. If it weren’t for Math, marketing firms will not know what are the needs and wants of their customers and how they will be encourage to buy their products. It is through numbers that companies are able to grasp if they are making an impact to their target audience.
  • 10. 8. DesigningAll the infrastructures we see and get enthralled at use Math in all aspects of it – from the grocery store you pass by every morning, to the building you’re working in, to the billboards you see while you’re in the train, to the very spot you’re sitting or standing in the rain – it has used Math not only to ensure that it will look amazing, but also to ensure that it could stand calamities
  • 11. 9. ShoppingUnconsciously, we use Math when we’re calculating how much we are going to save up every time there’s a sale in your favorite local store. You’re also consciously using Math when you’re making canvass on which stores offers the most cost-effective price of the product you want to have.
  • 12. 10. Travelling Haven’t you notice how you convert currencies whenever you’re travelling abroad? Comparing how much it would cost in our country, thus still using Math? And even when going from place to place, we’re always measuring the distance and how much time it would take for you to reach the place if you’re going to do it by walking, hailing a cab, or riding a public transportation.
  • 13. 11. Working Not only that Math works in Sales and Marketing, it is also involve in the overall operation of a business to ensure that it earns and sustains its employees and the overall cost to run the company.
  • 14. 12. BudgetingOf course, it is through Math that we’re able to designate specific amount on our daily expenses. If it weren’t for the utilization of Mathematics, we wouldn’t be able to figure out how much we will spend on our transportation, food, and savings.
  • 15. 13. Time Management We also use Math in designating specific hours and/or time so we can utilize our every day lives effectively. It is through effective time management that we can be productive and finish a lot of tasks within 24 hours.
  • 16. 14. Critical Thinking From the moment we wake up, we use critical thinking on how our day should go and little did we know, we also use Math in making crucial decisions in our lives may it be a work, career, or family decisions.
  • 17. 15. Relaxation Even when we are relaxing, we also use Math. Whether we notice it or not, going to spa as your form of relaxation, reading a book, or spending your day off sleeping also requires calculations. We always have the how much and how many thinking inside our head more than we realize it.