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Scientific Method to Hire
Great Scrum Masters
Pavel Dabrytski
Growing my company
I started Think Agile back in
2015 out of Johannesburg,
South Africa.
The work and revenue has been
growing exponentially each
At one point, I ran out of time in
a day.
Evaluation of cadets for flying training during WWII by a
qualified board (flight surgeon and aviation psychologist).
1524 cadets were interviewed
285 were sent to pilot training
68.9% of them failed training
73% fail training if sent automatically without evaluation.
Clinically evaluated cadets are no more likely to succeed.
Meehl, P. E. (1958). Clinical versus statistical prediction a theoretical analysis and a review of the
evidence (3rd. printing, 1958. ed.). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Israeli Army: highly intelligent and educated interviewers
made a judgment on how well the recruits would do in the
army after a few interviews and observations.
The follow-up evaluations showed that the designed
procedure was useless in identifying the future success of
the recruits because the interviewers made the decisions
based mostly on their intuition.
Kahneman, D. (2011). Thinking, fast and slow (1st ed.). New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
The plan for today
1. Explain why current
interviewing methods
do not work well
3. Practice creating an
evaluation scale for
your company
2. Learn a new
statistical method to
hire winning candidates
Expert (clinical) predictions
• psychiatrist evaluating the
likelihood of attempted
suicide in her patient
• product manager
prophesizing the success of
the product on the market
Statistical predictions
• using psychometric data to
determine the likelihood of
• using early sales numbers and
focus group response to
determine the success of
Clinical vs statistical predictions
• the presence or absence of
individual traits and
characteristics determines the
worker’s future performance
• interviewer predicting the
candidate’s future
It is “hard to show rigorously why the
clinicians ought to do better than the
While a clinician is often sure that he could
predict the right outcome, the fact is that
he cannot.
Meehl, P. E. (1958). Clinical versus statistical prediction a theoretical analysis and a review of the
evidence (3rd. printing, 1958. ed.). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Cognitive Biases
To date, scholars have identified
154 cognitive deviations from
rationality that are relatively
consistent across the human
Dimara, E., Franconeri, S., Plaisant, C., Bezerianos, A., & Dragicevic, P. (2018). A Task-based Taxonomy of
Cognitive Biases for Information Visualization. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics.
Stereotypes help people simplify complex information.
The problem is that the stereotypes are mainly untrue,
they are negative, and they substitute factual information
with a faulty judgment, forcing the company to limit the
pool of capable candidates
Hitt, M., Miller, C., & Colella, A. (2011). Organizational behavior.
An individual has been described by a neighbor
as follows: “Steve is very shy and withdrawn,
invariably helpful but with little interest in
people or in the world of reality. A meek and
tidy soul, he has a need for order and structure,
and a passion for detail.” Is Steve more likely to
be a librarian or a farmer?
Kahneman, D. (2011). Thinking, fast and slow (1st ed.). New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
Stereotype threat
Vast empirical evidence shows that when a
person is subjected to stereotypes, she can
experience a self-inflicted subdued
performance, hampering her achievements.
If at any moment during the interview, a person
feels that they are subject to stereotyping by
the interviewer (through leading questions or
extensive focus on the candidate's background
and upbringing), she might unintentionally
lower her performance.
Steele, C. M. (1997). A threat in the air. How stereotypes shape intellectual identity and performance. The
American psychologist, 52(6), 613.
People tend to favor members of
their own groups because their
group membership is often tied
to feelings of high self-esteem.
Hitt, M., Miller, C., & Colella, A. (2011). Organizational behavior.
Participants are randomly assigned to RED and BLUE groups with no
further information to enhance identification of participants, reducing the
influence of other stereotypes and prejudice.
Following the split, the participants are asked for their willingness to play
a series of eight games with other subjects. The games were designed to
elicit participants’ degree of altruism, positive reciprocity, and negative
About 45% of the participants indicated a strictly positive preference for
an in-group match, and 70% stated a weak preference for an in-group
Currarini, S., & Mengel, F. (2016). Identity, homophily and in-group bias. European Economic Review, 90,
The statistical method
• Define a few main traits that you are looking for in a new candidate
• Limit the traits to a small number of six or so
• Develop an evaluation scale from 1 to 5, deciding on what it means to be
“very weak” or “very strong” for each of the criteria
• During the interview process, evaluate candidates on each of the traits using
the developed scale
• Hire the individual with the highest score (and above a set threshold)
Kahneman, D. (2011). Thinking, fast and slow (1st ed.). New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
Think of potential traits you should be
looking for in a good Scrum Master.
• discuss in the team
• limit them to four or six
• write them on an index card and pass to the
Our Agile Coach assessment
For screening (out of 12):
0-5 – decline
6-12 – invite for interview
For interviewing (out of 24):
0-14 – decline
15-17 – conditional accept
18-24 – accept
Our Agile Coach assessment
Example: facilitation assessment scores
Score Guideline
0 – absent The candidate could not explain the topic
1 – poor The candidate has a basic understanding,
made theoretical mistakes
2 – average The candidate used models, told a story, drew
a picture, but didn’t manage time well
3 – good The candidate engaged with the audience, met
the time limit, and used a few of the following
(visuals, stories, analogies, models)
4 – outstanding The candidate created context, engaged with
the audience, met the time limit, and used all
of the following (visuals, stories, analogies,
Design an evaluation scale for one of the
traits you have identified in the previous
• define scores for this one trait:
0, or absent
1, or poor
2, or average
3, or good
4, or outstanding
• share you results with the speaker on a card
Results of our recruitment process
• A total of 68 candidates applied for the position
• 6 of them stopped the process themselves and 26 did not attend their screening
• 27 applicants were rejected during the screening process
• 9 were rejected during the interview process
• 2 candidates with the scores of 20 and 21 were hired into the company
Broken leg
It is Saturday night and raining.
What is the chance he is going to
movies tonight?
Multivariable regression function
This chart is used for illustration purposes only.
Multivariable regression function cannot be
visualized comprehensively.
𝑦 = 𝛼 + 𝛽& 𝑥& + ⋯ + 𝛽) 𝑥) + 𝜀
+𝑦 = 𝑥& + ⋯ + 𝑥,, 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑥&…, 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑡𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑎 = 0, 𝑏&…, = 1
The traits perform the role of independent
variables in the multi-variable regression
It is crucial to choose the variables that can
reliably predict the candidate's future
Avoid multicollinearity – traits should be independent from each other.
Identify diversity – race, gender, ethnicity, and age
Cognitive diversity – perspective, culture, socioeconomic
circumstances, and education
Hitt, M., Miller, C., & Colella, A. (2011). Organizational behavior.
It helps create cross-experiential teams
But diverse organizations are more likely to
experience personal conflict and problems in
Think Agile Neighborhood
• Free to participate, and the participant can opt-out at any time
• We offer them all our courses for free
• We organize regular community events: coaching circles, master
classes, one-on-one coaching
• We sponsor further external learning to the amount of $1000 per
We are still growing
This is the projected
growth based on the first
five months of 2019.
website: https://thinkagile.co.za
email: pavel@thinkagile.co.za
phone: +27 73 616 3392
slides: www.slideshare.net/paveldabrytski
Scientific Method to
Hire Great Scrum Masters

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Scientific Method to Hire Great Scrum Masters

  • 1. Scientific Method to Hire Great Scrum Masters Pavel Dabrytski
  • 2. Growing my company I started Think Agile back in 2015 out of Johannesburg, South Africa. The work and revenue has been growing exponentially each year. At one point, I ran out of time in a day.
  • 3. Evaluation of cadets for flying training during WWII by a qualified board (flight surgeon and aviation psychologist). 1524 cadets were interviewed 285 were sent to pilot training 68.9% of them failed training 73% fail training if sent automatically without evaluation. Clinically evaluated cadets are no more likely to succeed. _______ Meehl, P. E. (1958). Clinical versus statistical prediction a theoretical analysis and a review of the evidence (3rd. printing, 1958. ed.). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
  • 4. Israeli Army: highly intelligent and educated interviewers made a judgment on how well the recruits would do in the army after a few interviews and observations. The follow-up evaluations showed that the designed procedure was useless in identifying the future success of the recruits because the interviewers made the decisions based mostly on their intuition. _______ Kahneman, D. (2011). Thinking, fast and slow (1st ed.). New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
  • 5. The plan for today 1. Explain why current interviewing methods do not work well 3. Practice creating an evaluation scale for your company 2. Learn a new statistical method to hire winning candidates
  • 6. Expert (clinical) predictions • psychiatrist evaluating the likelihood of attempted suicide in her patient • product manager prophesizing the success of the product on the market
  • 7. Statistical predictions • using psychometric data to determine the likelihood of suicide • using early sales numbers and focus group response to determine the success of product
  • 8. Clinical vs statistical predictions • the presence or absence of individual traits and characteristics determines the worker’s future performance • interviewer predicting the candidate’s future performance
  • 9. It is “hard to show rigorously why the clinicians ought to do better than the actuaries.” While a clinician is often sure that he could predict the right outcome, the fact is that he cannot. _______ Meehl, P. E. (1958). Clinical versus statistical prediction a theoretical analysis and a review of the evidence (3rd. printing, 1958. ed.). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
  • 10. Cognitive Biases To date, scholars have identified 154 cognitive deviations from rationality that are relatively consistent across the human population. _______ Dimara, E., Franconeri, S., Plaisant, C., Bezerianos, A., & Dragicevic, P. (2018). A Task-based Taxonomy of Cognitive Biases for Information Visualization. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics.
  • 11. Stereotypes Stereotypes help people simplify complex information. The problem is that the stereotypes are mainly untrue, they are negative, and they substitute factual information with a faulty judgment, forcing the company to limit the pool of capable candidates _______ Hitt, M., Miller, C., & Colella, A. (2011). Organizational behavior.
  • 12. An individual has been described by a neighbor as follows: “Steve is very shy and withdrawn, invariably helpful but with little interest in people or in the world of reality. A meek and tidy soul, he has a need for order and structure, and a passion for detail.” Is Steve more likely to be a librarian or a farmer? _______ Kahneman, D. (2011). Thinking, fast and slow (1st ed.). New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
  • 13. Stereotype threat Vast empirical evidence shows that when a person is subjected to stereotypes, she can experience a self-inflicted subdued performance, hampering her achievements. If at any moment during the interview, a person feels that they are subject to stereotyping by the interviewer (through leading questions or extensive focus on the candidate's background and upbringing), she might unintentionally lower her performance. _______ Steele, C. M. (1997). A threat in the air. How stereotypes shape intellectual identity and performance. The American psychologist, 52(6), 613.
  • 14. In-group/Out-group People tend to favor members of their own groups because their group membership is often tied to feelings of high self-esteem. _______ Hitt, M., Miller, C., & Colella, A. (2011). Organizational behavior.
  • 15. Participants are randomly assigned to RED and BLUE groups with no further information to enhance identification of participants, reducing the influence of other stereotypes and prejudice. Following the split, the participants are asked for their willingness to play a series of eight games with other subjects. The games were designed to elicit participants’ degree of altruism, positive reciprocity, and negative reciprocity. About 45% of the participants indicated a strictly positive preference for an in-group match, and 70% stated a weak preference for an in-group match. _______ Currarini, S., & Mengel, F. (2016). Identity, homophily and in-group bias. European Economic Review, 90, 40-55.
  • 16. The statistical method • Define a few main traits that you are looking for in a new candidate • Limit the traits to a small number of six or so • Develop an evaluation scale from 1 to 5, deciding on what it means to be “very weak” or “very strong” for each of the criteria • During the interview process, evaluate candidates on each of the traits using the developed scale • Hire the individual with the highest score (and above a set threshold) _______ Kahneman, D. (2011). Thinking, fast and slow (1st ed.). New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
  • 17. Think of potential traits you should be looking for in a good Scrum Master. • discuss in the team • limit them to four or six • write them on an index card and pass to the speaker
  • 18. Our Agile Coach assessment For screening (out of 12): 0-5 – decline 6-12 – invite for interview For interviewing (out of 24): 0-14 – decline 15-17 – conditional accept 18-24 – accept
  • 19. Our Agile Coach assessment
  • 20. Example: facilitation assessment scores Score Guideline 0 – absent The candidate could not explain the topic 1 – poor The candidate has a basic understanding, made theoretical mistakes 2 – average The candidate used models, told a story, drew a picture, but didn’t manage time well 3 – good The candidate engaged with the audience, met the time limit, and used a few of the following (visuals, stories, analogies, models) 4 – outstanding The candidate created context, engaged with the audience, met the time limit, and used all of the following (visuals, stories, analogies, models)
  • 21. Design an evaluation scale for one of the traits you have identified in the previous exercise. • define scores for this one trait: 0, or absent 1, or poor 2, or average 3, or good 4, or outstanding • share you results with the speaker on a card
  • 22. Results of our recruitment process • A total of 68 candidates applied for the position • 6 of them stopped the process themselves and 26 did not attend their screening • 27 applicants were rejected during the screening process • 9 were rejected during the interview process • 2 candidates with the scores of 20 and 21 were hired into the company
  • 23. Broken leg It is Saturday night and raining. What is the chance he is going to movies tonight?
  • 24. Multivariable regression function This chart is used for illustration purposes only. Multivariable regression function cannot be visualized comprehensively. 𝑦 = 𝛼 + 𝛽& 𝑥& + ⋯ + 𝛽) 𝑥) + 𝜀 +𝑦 = 𝑥& + ⋯ + 𝑥,, 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑥&…, 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑡𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑎 = 0, 𝑏&…, = 1 The traits perform the role of independent variables in the multi-variable regression function. It is crucial to choose the variables that can reliably predict the candidate's future performance. Avoid multicollinearity – traits should be independent from each other.
  • 25. Diversity Identify diversity – race, gender, ethnicity, and age Cognitive diversity – perspective, culture, socioeconomic circumstances, and education _______ Hitt, M., Miller, C., & Colella, A. (2011). Organizational behavior. It helps create cross-experiential teams But diverse organizations are more likely to experience personal conflict and problems in communication.
  • 26. Think Agile Neighborhood • Free to participate, and the participant can opt-out at any time • We offer them all our courses for free • We organize regular community events: coaching circles, master classes, one-on-one coaching • We sponsor further external learning to the amount of $1000 per delegate.
  • 27. We are still growing This is the projected growth based on the first five months of 2019.
  • 28. website: https://thinkagile.co.za email: pavel@thinkagile.co.za phone: +27 73 616 3392 slides: www.slideshare.net/paveldabrytski Scientific Method to Hire Great Scrum Masters