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Discussion:Nursing Scope Discussion
Discussion:Nursing Scope Discussion ON Discussion:Nursing Scope DiscussionMake an
answer for each discussion attached. A minimum of 2 references (excluding the class
textbook) no older than 5 years must be used. If you use the textbook as a reference will not
be counted. Every reference that you present in your assignment must be quoted in the
assignment. Your reply must be at least 3 paragraphs.Please make sure you use spell check
before you post your assignment and replies. Discussion:Nursing Scope Discussion1
Running head. Week 3 discussion board Week 3 Discussion Nirio Arencibia Nursing Role
and Scope Prof. Lourdes Castaneda Florida National University Sep 17, 2019 Question 2 The
main values in the nursing career are really acquired in the very best way during the
socialization of the main code of nursing which will be ethics, The best nursing experiences
well as the teachers and peers. Watson once outlined the four most 2 Running head. Week 3
discussion board important values of nursing in my opinion ;The strong commitment to the
service of the people , belief that each person’s dignity and worth is admirable, the great
commitment to the education and the professional autonomy. All in Nursing education and
the programs are made for improvement and knowledge. Discussion:Nursing Scope
DiscussionThe values that made each person will always depends in the richness and
intensity of the roots of knowledge All positive values is something that comes with the
person and the skills are not simply based in most deep innate capacity of everyone to
evaluate the reason and interact for every person is different as well as the learning process
and the ability to learn. Of course It will always come to depending in the quality of the
person and the experiences to which they are exposed to. Health is mostly valued in most
cases automatically if the individual put his personal priorities and the values as well. The
People and the values of health as the important priority even with other things. Health is
and has always has been considered the good and most important individual experience.
The Environmental Values are also concerned mainly with justification as well as basis in
the policy regarding the environment . Discussion:Nursing Scope DiscussionIs more
objective to bring together all the laws like , philosophy and economics which are relate to
the future in human environment. Question 2 Follow up on the non-verbal prompts you get
from patients. They regularly give nonverbal data about their agony level by the manner in
which they hold themselves, frown or recoil with development. In numerous ways, we
depend on these signals during appraisal and treatment, particularly for patients with
language and verbal correspondence hindrances. Does the patient seem chilly, confounded,
anxious or 3 Running head. Week 3 discussion board awkward? Try not to expect that
patients will feel good or safe enough to make some noise. Be receptive to patients’ non-
verbal signs, and make certain to check in consistently with them. We can’t control what
patients state, however we can control how we react. On the off chance that feelings are
running high in an experience, step away and recover an expert mien before proceeding
with the discussion. As this difficult trade is happening inside the setting of a restorative
relationship, the desire is that we, as physical specialists, will impart smoothly,
unmistakably and expertly notwithstanding when it might entice to give a passionate
reaction.Abstain from making rash remarks, or sending a quick composed reaction that may
be lamented later. Distinctive correspondence styles can prompt disarray and
dissatisfaction, either on account of an inability to comprehend the substance, or then again
on account of the passionate distress we experience when we face examples of conduct that
are new or exasperating to us. These negative reactions are bound to happen during
cooperations with patients who have differentiating desires, values or social inclinations
regarding correspondence style.The more we create attention to our own conduct
inclinations, and consider our responses to practices which challenge those inclinations, the
more noteworthy our understanding will be of the job of culture in correspondence, and the
more outlandish we are to feel irritated or disappointed when we experience differences. 4
Running head. Week 3 discussion board References: Ashford LS, Gwatkin DR, Yazbeck A.
(2016). Designing Health & Population Programs to Reach the Poor. Washington, DC:
Population Reference Bureau Carrin G, Mathauer I, Xu K, Evans DB. (2008). Universal
coverage of health services: tailoring its implementation. Bulletin of the World Health
Organization 86: 857–63 Running head: CONCEPTS IN NURSING Nursing Role and Scope
Cira N. Perez Florida National University Nursing Department Prof. Lourdes Castaneda
September 18, 2019 1 Running head: CONCEPTS IN NURSING 2 1. What are your beliefs
about the major concepts in nursing- person, environment, health, nursing? Being a nurse
means more than going to class and graduating with a college degree. A successful nurse has
to learn about the basic concepts of nursing and how they work together to achieve
improved health of a patient. These concepts include person, health, environmental, and
nursing. The person concept pays attention to the receiver of the services that is the patient.
It consists of one’s spiritual, cultural, family, or friends. It also rotates around the social,
economic status of the patient. The environmental concept takes care of both the external
and internal factors that relate to a patient. It revolves around the interactions one has with
the surrounding. The health met paradigms revolves around the quality of wellness of a
patient (Lindahl 2018). It also looks at how easy it is for the patient to access health care,
both for those with health care insurance covers and those depending on regular care plans.
Nursing is the fourth primary concept and revolves around how nurses utilize the gained
knowledge and skills towards offering good care for the patients.These are concepts that
have to work together for the success of quality health care. The four ideas find their basis
from famous nurses such as Florence Nightingale, Jean Watson, and Dorothea Orem.
Emphasizing their importance in nursing care is the best way to achieve the expected
patient satisfaction. They are the four pillars of nursing practices, which nurses must
observe if they have to be excellent. Running head: CONCEPTS IN NURSING 3 2. Do you
believe there is more than one right answer to situations? How do you value the whole
individual? What barriers prevent us from responding to the contextual needs of our
patients? I believe that there can be more than a single answer to a particular problem. The
only difference between the solutions is the rate at which healing comes. A person suffering
from obesity, for example, may correct his health status in several ways. First, the nurse can
recommend that the patient consider adapting to a healthy eating habit, and having a
routine body exercise plan.He can also suggest that the patient takes cut weight drugs
available in pharmaceuticals. The patient also has an option to take a surgical process and
reduce the extra body weight. With the three strategies, the patient receives the target goal
that he or she aims to achieve. The difference is that drugs and surgical procedures yield
fast results. The results are, however, not long-lasting and could have potential side effects.
With regular body practices and healthy eating habits, it may take some time to achieve the
desired body weight. The results are reliable, and the practices feature few to no side effects
on the patient. Therefore, a health condition might have more than one answer, but the
strategies functions at different rates. As a nurse, valuing the patient as a whole is critical
for a chance to offer satisfaction (Drahošová & Jarošová 2016). It means taking care of the
patient’s spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical custody. One of the best ways to do this
is listening to the patient’s Running head: CONCEPTS IN NURSING 4 need. Engage them in a
conversation, and learn about their feeling. Offering emotional and spiritual support is
essential, but most nurses overlook. As a nurse, you should learn how to be a psychologist,
master the emotions of a patient. When depressed, you should have means to uplift their
spirits. Responding to the contextual needs of a patient is of paramount importance (Van
Graan, Williams & Koen 2016). It helps the patients to heal in a healthy population and also
fastens the healing. Several barriers, however, exists and prevents us from responding to
these patents’ needs.Among them include financial challenges. Treatment needs money, and
most of the practices need huge cash. If the family or the community is not in the capacity to
raise the money, it becomes challenging to offer health care for the patient. Transport
network does also affect how quickly health care stakeholders respond to the needs of
patients. Most of the community members do also lack enough knowledge about health
matters. They don’t know what to do when handling a patient, especially with chronic-
related illnesses. As a result, some end up making mistakes that cost the life of the patient
dearly. Lack of a common language between nurses and patient does also affect the delivery
of health care to a patient. Note that, these challenges are easy to eliminate with combined
efforts by the government, community, health care practitioners, and the patient. Nurses
should also focus on promoting community health education to achieve set goals. Running
head: CONCEPTS IN NURSING 5 References Drahošová, L., & Jarošová, D. (2016). Concept
caring in nursing. Central European Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 7(2), 453-460.
Lindahl, B. (2018). On locating the metaparadigm concept environment within caring
science. Scandinavian journal of caring sciences, 32(3), 997-998. Van Graan, A. C., Williams,
M. J., & Koen, M. P. (2016). Professional nurses’ understanding of clinical judgement: A
contextual inquiry. health sa gesondheid, 21(1), 280-293. …

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  • 1. Discussion:Nursing Scope Discussion Discussion:Nursing Scope Discussion ON Discussion:Nursing Scope DiscussionMake an answer for each discussion attached. A minimum of 2 references (excluding the class textbook) no older than 5 years must be used. If you use the textbook as a reference will not be counted. Every reference that you present in your assignment must be quoted in the assignment. Your reply must be at least 3 paragraphs.Please make sure you use spell check before you post your assignment and replies. Discussion:Nursing Scope Discussion1 Running head. Week 3 discussion board Week 3 Discussion Nirio Arencibia Nursing Role and Scope Prof. Lourdes Castaneda Florida National University Sep 17, 2019 Question 2 The main values in the nursing career are really acquired in the very best way during the socialization of the main code of nursing which will be ethics, The best nursing experiences well as the teachers and peers. Watson once outlined the four most 2 Running head. Week 3 discussion board important values of nursing in my opinion ;The strong commitment to the service of the people , belief that each person’s dignity and worth is admirable, the great commitment to the education and the professional autonomy. All in Nursing education and the programs are made for improvement and knowledge. Discussion:Nursing Scope DiscussionThe values that made each person will always depends in the richness and intensity of the roots of knowledge All positive values is something that comes with the person and the skills are not simply based in most deep innate capacity of everyone to evaluate the reason and interact for every person is different as well as the learning process and the ability to learn. Of course It will always come to depending in the quality of the person and the experiences to which they are exposed to. Health is mostly valued in most cases automatically if the individual put his personal priorities and the values as well. The People and the values of health as the important priority even with other things. Health is and has always has been considered the good and most important individual experience. The Environmental Values are also concerned mainly with justification as well as basis in the policy regarding the environment . Discussion:Nursing Scope DiscussionIs more objective to bring together all the laws like , philosophy and economics which are relate to the future in human environment. Question 2 Follow up on the non-verbal prompts you get from patients. They regularly give nonverbal data about their agony level by the manner in which they hold themselves, frown or recoil with development. In numerous ways, we depend on these signals during appraisal and treatment, particularly for patients with language and verbal correspondence hindrances. Does the patient seem chilly, confounded, anxious or 3 Running head. Week 3 discussion board awkward? Try not to expect that
  • 2. patients will feel good or safe enough to make some noise. Be receptive to patients’ non- verbal signs, and make certain to check in consistently with them. We can’t control what patients state, however we can control how we react. On the off chance that feelings are running high in an experience, step away and recover an expert mien before proceeding with the discussion. As this difficult trade is happening inside the setting of a restorative relationship, the desire is that we, as physical specialists, will impart smoothly, unmistakably and expertly notwithstanding when it might entice to give a passionate reaction.Abstain from making rash remarks, or sending a quick composed reaction that may be lamented later. Distinctive correspondence styles can prompt disarray and dissatisfaction, either on account of an inability to comprehend the substance, or then again on account of the passionate distress we experience when we face examples of conduct that are new or exasperating to us. These negative reactions are bound to happen during cooperations with patients who have differentiating desires, values or social inclinations regarding correspondence style.The more we create attention to our own conduct inclinations, and consider our responses to practices which challenge those inclinations, the more noteworthy our understanding will be of the job of culture in correspondence, and the more outlandish we are to feel irritated or disappointed when we experience differences. 4 Running head. Week 3 discussion board References: Ashford LS, Gwatkin DR, Yazbeck A. (2016). Designing Health & Population Programs to Reach the Poor. Washington, DC: Population Reference Bureau Carrin G, Mathauer I, Xu K, Evans DB. (2008). Universal coverage of health services: tailoring its implementation. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 86: 857–63 Running head: CONCEPTS IN NURSING Nursing Role and Scope Cira N. Perez Florida National University Nursing Department Prof. Lourdes Castaneda September 18, 2019 1 Running head: CONCEPTS IN NURSING 2 1. What are your beliefs about the major concepts in nursing- person, environment, health, nursing? Being a nurse means more than going to class and graduating with a college degree. A successful nurse has to learn about the basic concepts of nursing and how they work together to achieve improved health of a patient. These concepts include person, health, environmental, and nursing. The person concept pays attention to the receiver of the services that is the patient. It consists of one’s spiritual, cultural, family, or friends. It also rotates around the social, economic status of the patient. The environmental concept takes care of both the external and internal factors that relate to a patient. It revolves around the interactions one has with the surrounding. The health met paradigms revolves around the quality of wellness of a patient (Lindahl 2018). It also looks at how easy it is for the patient to access health care, both for those with health care insurance covers and those depending on regular care plans. Nursing is the fourth primary concept and revolves around how nurses utilize the gained knowledge and skills towards offering good care for the patients.These are concepts that have to work together for the success of quality health care. The four ideas find their basis from famous nurses such as Florence Nightingale, Jean Watson, and Dorothea Orem. Emphasizing their importance in nursing care is the best way to achieve the expected patient satisfaction. They are the four pillars of nursing practices, which nurses must observe if they have to be excellent. Running head: CONCEPTS IN NURSING 3 2. Do you believe there is more than one right answer to situations? How do you value the whole
  • 3. individual? What barriers prevent us from responding to the contextual needs of our patients? I believe that there can be more than a single answer to a particular problem. The only difference between the solutions is the rate at which healing comes. A person suffering from obesity, for example, may correct his health status in several ways. First, the nurse can recommend that the patient consider adapting to a healthy eating habit, and having a routine body exercise plan.He can also suggest that the patient takes cut weight drugs available in pharmaceuticals. The patient also has an option to take a surgical process and reduce the extra body weight. With the three strategies, the patient receives the target goal that he or she aims to achieve. The difference is that drugs and surgical procedures yield fast results. The results are, however, not long-lasting and could have potential side effects. With regular body practices and healthy eating habits, it may take some time to achieve the desired body weight. The results are reliable, and the practices feature few to no side effects on the patient. Therefore, a health condition might have more than one answer, but the strategies functions at different rates. As a nurse, valuing the patient as a whole is critical for a chance to offer satisfaction (Drahošová & Jarošová 2016). It means taking care of the patient’s spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical custody. One of the best ways to do this is listening to the patient’s Running head: CONCEPTS IN NURSING 4 need. Engage them in a conversation, and learn about their feeling. Offering emotional and spiritual support is essential, but most nurses overlook. As a nurse, you should learn how to be a psychologist, master the emotions of a patient. When depressed, you should have means to uplift their spirits. Responding to the contextual needs of a patient is of paramount importance (Van Graan, Williams & Koen 2016). It helps the patients to heal in a healthy population and also fastens the healing. Several barriers, however, exists and prevents us from responding to these patents’ needs.Among them include financial challenges. Treatment needs money, and most of the practices need huge cash. If the family or the community is not in the capacity to raise the money, it becomes challenging to offer health care for the patient. Transport network does also affect how quickly health care stakeholders respond to the needs of patients. Most of the community members do also lack enough knowledge about health matters. They don’t know what to do when handling a patient, especially with chronic- related illnesses. As a result, some end up making mistakes that cost the life of the patient dearly. Lack of a common language between nurses and patient does also affect the delivery of health care to a patient. Note that, these challenges are easy to eliminate with combined efforts by the government, community, health care practitioners, and the patient. Nurses should also focus on promoting community health education to achieve set goals. Running head: CONCEPTS IN NURSING 5 References Drahošová, L., & Jarošová, D. (2016). Concept caring in nursing. Central European Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 7(2), 453-460. Lindahl, B. (2018). On locating the metaparadigm concept environment within caring science. Scandinavian journal of caring sciences, 32(3), 997-998. Van Graan, A. C., Williams, M. J., & Koen, M. P. (2016). Professional nurses’ understanding of clinical judgement: A contextual inquiry. health sa gesondheid, 21(1), 280-293. …