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Scope of Integration Technology  Enabled Learning In Academic Programme
Scope of Integration Technology
Enabled Learning In Academic
Presenter: Faizan Ulhaq Faizan
PhD student, Roll No: 11645
Seminar leader: Dr. D.U.M.Rao
& Dr. Pratibha Joshi
Credit Seminar on:
Technology integration
Type , level and benefit of technology integration
Models of Technology integrations
Barriers and suggested solutions
Case studies
Today Technology is an integral part of academic system.
It is continuously improving in applications software,
system software & hardware.
It’s becoming more efficient & cost effective .
is the sum of techniques,
skills, methods, and
processes used in the
production of goods or
G.O. Leith “Educational Technology is the
application of scientific knowledge and
learning and the conditions of learning
to improve the effectiveness and
efficiency of teaching and training.”
Technology integration
Technology integration is the use of technology resources , computers, digital cameras, CD-
ROMs, software applications, the Internet, etc. in daily class practices and provide students
the opportunity to build a deeper understanding of content.
Technology integration is the use of technology tools in
general content areas in education in order to allow students
to apply computer and technology skills to learning and
In this 21st century, the term “technology” is an important issue in
many fields including academic program.
This is because technology has become the knowledge
transfer highway in most countries in academic program.
Technology integration nowadays has gone through
innovations and transformed our societies that has totally
changed the way people think, work and live . (Grabe, 2007)
Yes! Technology and its integration is important .
Effective technology integration is achieved when its
use supports curricular goals” (Technology Integration
is Key). (Edutopia,2013)
Why Integrate? (pair and share)
Technologies do not bring about revolutions, people do.”
)Denise Murray(
integration in education generally means technology-based
teaching and learning process that closely relates to the
utilization of learning technologies in academic institutions
(Jamieson-Procter et al., 2013).
The Difference Between Technology Use And Technology Integration
Technology Integration:
• Classroom use
• Teacher uses technology in
order to teach curriculum in a
more entertaining way
• Student use
• Specific/Centered on learning
• Purposeful/Educational
• Instructional
• Connection between subjects
• Critical thinking
• Collaboration
• Everyday/Everywhere use
• Everyone uses technology
• Broad/Disconnected from
subject matter
• Too procedural & isolated
• Entertainment
• Guided/Forced thinking
• Individual
Technology use :
Levels of Technology Integration
Sparse: Technology is rarely used or available. Students rarely use
technology to complete assignments or projects.
Basic: Technology is used or available occasionally/often in a lab
rather than the classroom.
Comfortable: Technology is used in the classroom on a fairly
regular basis.
Seamless: Students employ technology daily in the classroom using a
variety of tools to complete assignments and create projects that show
a deep understanding of content.
Mary Beth Hertz ,2013
Technologies available for Teaching &Learning
LVC (Live Virtual Classes).
DVD/CD Provided with books.
Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs)
educational videos,
storage of data,
the usage of databases,
guided discovery,
World Wide Web
Many other software
Educational Technology Tools in 2019
3. Google Tour Creator: google.com/tour creator:
This tool enables us to create our own tours, using imagery from
Google Street View. Students can create tours as part of a research
project, use them as a way to reflect after a field trip, or even as a
supplement to a creative writing project.
2. ProWiting Aid: prowritingaid.com :
this is one of the most comprehensive writing tools. Just compose in the tool itself,
copy and paste, or upload a document and you’ll get a summary report with all
kinds of statistics is an attempt to provide advanced editorial services through
1. Equity Maps: equitymaps.com : Figuring out which
students participate in a class. Equity Maps is an iPad app.
4. Great Big Story: greatbigstory.com
Its help us to discover the world’s magic is through video: short, produced
videos about people and phenomena all over the world, stories that will
pique your curiosity and give you the sense.
5. GeoGuessr : geoguessr.com
This game drops users somewhere in the world, and players have to figure
out where they are based on clues. and try to guess where you are using
Google Maps.
6. Webjets: webjets.io
It is powerful search engine. Collaborate. Share anything with your friends
or teammates, and enjoy all your changes instantly synchronized between
users. https://www.cultofpedagogy.com/ed-tech-tools-2019/
Five Benefits Of Technology Integration in academic Sphere
1. Technology makes
teaching easy!
2. Technology helps
you track students’
3. Educational
technology is good
to the
4. Thanks to
technology, students
enjoy learning!
5. Technology makes
distance learning
more accessible
than ever!
The five Steps of Effective Technology Integration
• Before using new technology enters the class,
determine whether a relative advantage exists.
Identify relative
• the next step is determining objectives and
appropriate assessments.
Determine objectives and
• when integrating technology into the class, take
into consideration students’ readiness levels along
with their physical and affective needs.
Design instructional
• Equally important to designing mindful
instructional strategies is ensuring that the
learning environment is ready for new technology
to be introduced.
Prepare the instructional
• this is the only step occurring after a given
technology is introduced.
Analyze results and make
there are many ways technology can become an integral
part of the learning process in academic program.
Just a few of these ways are listed below , but new
technology tools and ideas emerge daily.
1- Online Learning and Blended learning Class
• While K-12 online learning gains traction around the
world and many teachers are also exploring blended
learning, a combination of both online and face-to-face
K-12, a term used in education and educational technology in the United States,
Canada, and possibly other countries goal of K-12 program is to make the
students equipped with lot of skills that are in-demands in the country and in
2- Game-Based Learning and Assessment:
There has been a lot of buzz about the
benefits of incorporating simulations and
game-based learning activities into classroom
3- Learning with Mobile and Handheld
Devices: Once widely dismissed as
distractions, devices like cell phones, mp3
players, and tablet computers are now
being used as learning tools in forward-
thinking in academic institutions.
4- Instructional Tools like Interactive
Whiteboards and Student Response Systems, In
many schools and institutes , the days of green
chalkboards are over.
5- Web-Based Projects, Explorations, and
• One of the first, and most basic, ways that
teachers encouraged students to use technology
was with online research, virtual field trips, and
web quests.
6- Student-Created Media like Podcasts,
Videos, or Slideshows
• One of the central ideas of digital or media literacy
is that students should be come creators and
critics, not just consumers, of media.
7- Collaborative Online Tools like Wikis
or Google Docs
• Connecting with others online can be a powerful
experience, both for teachers and for students.
8-Using Social Media
to Engage Students
students around the world
spend vast amounts of time
on social networks outside
of academic centers.
Four models of technology integration
• 1- Content Knowledge:
• Facts, concepts and theories
This is the subject matter we are
teaching like: Math, music, Art.etc..
2- Pedagogical Knowledge:
• expert knowledge of art and science of
teaching from learning theories to
instructional design. like direct
instruction, inquiry based teaching,
group discussion, debate.etc.
2- Technological knowledge:
• it looks at the digital tools ( google
Drive, ipad apps, Smart boards..etc )
• teachers can use to make content
accessible to students while supporting
the pedagogical strategy used in
What's TPACK
What teacher
How he tech?
How technology is
Now lets look at the overlaps :
TP knowledge: helps us to understand how are we making content
more accessible.
TC knowledge : allows us to identify the affordances of pairing
appropriate technology to the content
PC knowledge : allows us to identify the affordances of pairing the
appropriate pedagogies with the content.
Enhancing and transforming the technology integration
Substitution: A Word Processor replaces a
Pen/Pencil in a Writing Assignment.
Augmentation: A Word Processor and text-
to-speech function are used to improve the
writing process.
Modification: The document created using
the Word Processor and text-to-speech
function is shared on a blog where feedback
can be received to help improve the quality
of writing.
Redefinition: Instead of a written
assignment, students convey analytic thought
using multimedia tools.
Assignment: A hand
written paper.
For creating a tech integration vision,
you should take certain points into
consideration, they are listed below:
The goal of technology integration: The aim should be to use technology to provide a
variety of new ways to learn which foster. 21st century skills like independent
thinking, problem solving, communication, collaboration and more.
Elements required for integrating technology: The common elements for tech
integration are teachers, students, content and technology.
Technology should help students learn new things in new ways and prepare them for
the future
Other Ways of Integrating Technology into the Class and enabling learning
1. Making Use of the Gamify Learning Experience: Gaming has become a huge
part of students’ lives. This is a great way to integrate technology into the learning
experience by making a game of it.
2. Building Lesson Plans Using Differentiated Instruction and Tech:
Tailoring your lesson plans to your students is increasing in popularity. For instance, by
grouping students in a class based on their abilities can improve the effectiveness of
the teaching message.
3. Develop a Class Website: There are a lot of fun ways to integrate
technology into the class, but none as exciting for students as developing a class
4. Create a Classroom Blog: This is an excellent way to inspire students and
keep them engaged in classroom activities. Blogs are also essential in teaching
reading, writing, listening, using tech, and so much more.
5. Using Social Media as a Teaching Tool: For instance, you can pull a video from
YouTube. Or you can use travel images of social media influencers as a discussion piece in
Successful technology integration is achieved when the use
of technology is:
Routine and
Accessible and
readily available
for the task at
Supporting the curricular
goals, and helping
the students and teachers
to effectively reach their
Lack of
Lack of ICT
Lack of time
Lack of
of benefits
Insufficient number of computers
Resistance to change
Advance Scheduling of computer lab
Lack of support from management
Non-availability of Teaching-learning material
Absence of ICT mainstreaming into schools/ institutions
Schools/ institutions Level Barriers:
System Level Barriers :
System of examinations
and evaluation
Curriculum Load
Overcoming Teacher level barriers
Giving training to the teachers
Making ICT facilities available and accessible the teachers
Preparing a flexible time table where teachers handling the same subject and
grade can coordinate and avail computers in the classroom
Seeking cooperation of teachers for optimal utilization of available resources
Arranging for periodic training programmes for teachers to get up to date with
Giving incentives to teachers who are adopting technology successfully.
Reducing the work load for teachers
Overcoming Institutions Level Barriers
Using of computers should be made as mainstreaming into academic activities.
Providing necessary infrastructure.
Capacity building of the teachers through workshops.
Changes in structuring of Time-table.
Providing opportunities for teachers to engage in active learning.
Providing training on technology-supported pedagogy skills.
Making the technology use compulsory by teachers.
Organizing available resources in such a way for best possible utilization
overcoming System level barriers
Reconsidering assessment methods
Including qualitative assessment of students'
Allowing teachers to experiment with
technology mediated within given boundaries
How To Overcome Barriers general In Technology Integration?
Political decisions
•Ministry of Education and Science plans and provides s academic institutions with proper resources (Lai
Institute management
•institutes can play a very important role in integrating ICT into the system of education
Peer support
•Reliable colleagues and Teachers can be provided help by sharing best practices to other
Barriers as opportunities
•The emerged difficulties should be viewed as opportunities to develop. (Lai 2001).
Teacher as learner
•Teachers have to experience learner position. Teacher has to feel free and without any restrictions in
the teaching environment.
6. subject culture
4. attitudes and beliefs
5. assessment
1. resources
2. knowledge &
3. institution
The author from A total of
123 barriers found from the
review of past empirical
studies. In order to provide
a coherent and
parsimonious description of
the various technology
integration barriers, and
classified them into six
main categories
Summary of finding and strategies to overcome barriers of
technology integration.
• Obtaining the necessary resources
Lack of resources
• Creating a shared vision and technology integration plan
• Having alternative modes of assessments
• Facilitating attitude change
Attitudes and beliefs
• Facilitating teacher knowledge and skills
Knowledge and skills
Model for Computer Technology Integration Into Teacher Education Curriculum
The stages are as follows:
1: Pre-
2: Transition
3: Development4: Expansion
5: System wide
Stage Characteristics, Tasks, Actions
 lack of university leadership
 few faculty using computer technology
 stand-alone classes offered to meet credentialing
 lack of infrastructure to provide funding, support, and
 change in support of leadership at the university, school,
and/or departmental levels
 increased interest and vision for the use and integration of
computer technology filters down to the teacher educators
 requirements of technology standards produces shift
 acquisition of technical resources such as computers for
faculty, computer labs
 hiring of education technology faculty and specialists
 planning and implementation of new faculty development
Model for Computer Technology Integration Into Teacher Education Curriculum
Cheri Toledo, Illinois State University
 further movement in the department toward providing the needed
education technology hardware, software and systematic training for
faculty success in computer technology integration
1. strengthening of the relationships between the support
personnel and the faculty
2. presence of these relationships produce positive impact on
the faculty levels of use and integration
3. creation of an environment in which faculty are encouraged
to risk trying new technologies and methodologies
 evidence of the integration of standards proficiencies for students
 computer technology being imbedded into each of the teacher
education courses
 faculty and students enthusiasm for integration increases
Continue ……….Model for Computer Technology Integration
As technology integration into the learning and teaching process and the whole system of
academic program is a rather complicated process, new conceptions, strategies, plans and
models have to be developed by the MOHE and school administration which make full use of
the potential of new technologies.
An attempt to integrate technologies will be fruitful and efficient process only if it is preceded
by proper planning provided by the MOHE and proper provision by resources for institutes /
The whole learning/teaching and change process of integrating the technology has to be
flexible, and its efficiency depends on the motivation and preparation of the whole academic
staff to implement innovations.
There are four models of for integrating technology in class (TPACK,SMAR,TIP&TIM).
By removing and overcoming to barrier's in academic program the teachers are able to
integrate technology and enhance the quality of teaching and learning process.
Tell me and I forget.
Teach me and I remember.
Involve me and I learn.
- Benjamin Franklin
Scope of Integration Technology  Enabled Learning In Academic Programme

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Scope of Integration Technology Enabled Learning In Academic Programme

  • 2. Scope of Integration Technology Enabled Learning In Academic Programme Presenter: Faizan Ulhaq Faizan PhD student, Roll No: 11645 Seminar leader: Dr. D.U.M.Rao & Dr. Pratibha Joshi Credit Seminar on:
  • 3. Outline Introduction Technology integration Type , level and benefit of technology integration Models of Technology integrations Barriers and suggested solutions Case studies Conclusion
  • 4. Today Technology is an integral part of academic system. It is continuously improving in applications software, system software & hardware. It’s becoming more efficient & cost effective .
  • 5. is the sum of techniques, skills, methods, and processes used in the production of goods or services. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technology Educational technology: G.O. Leith “Educational Technology is the application of scientific knowledge and learning and the conditions of learning to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of teaching and training.”
  • 6. Technology integration Technology integration is the use of technology resources , computers, digital cameras, CD- ROMs, software applications, the Internet, etc. in daily class practices and provide students the opportunity to build a deeper understanding of content. https://en.wikipedia.org). Technology integration is the use of technology tools in general content areas in education in order to allow students to apply computer and technology skills to learning and problem-solving.
  • 7. In this 21st century, the term “technology” is an important issue in many fields including academic program. This is because technology has become the knowledge transfer highway in most countries in academic program. Technology integration nowadays has gone through innovations and transformed our societies that has totally changed the way people think, work and live . (Grabe, 2007) Yes! Technology and its integration is important .
  • 8. Effective technology integration is achieved when its use supports curricular goals” (Technology Integration is Key). (Edutopia,2013) Why Integrate? (pair and share) Technologies do not bring about revolutions, people do.” )Denise Murray( integration in education generally means technology-based teaching and learning process that closely relates to the utilization of learning technologies in academic institutions (Jamieson-Procter et al., 2013).
  • 9. The Difference Between Technology Use And Technology Integration Technology Integration: • Classroom use • Teacher uses technology in order to teach curriculum in a more entertaining way • Student use • Specific/Centered on learning • Purposeful/Educational • Instructional • Connection between subjects • Critical thinking • Collaboration • Everyday/Everywhere use • Everyone uses technology • Broad/Disconnected from subject matter • Too procedural & isolated • Entertainment • Guided/Forced thinking • Individual Technology use :
  • 10. Levels of Technology Integration Sparse: Technology is rarely used or available. Students rarely use technology to complete assignments or projects. Basic: Technology is used or available occasionally/often in a lab rather than the classroom. Comfortable: Technology is used in the classroom on a fairly regular basis. Seamless: Students employ technology daily in the classroom using a variety of tools to complete assignments and create projects that show a deep understanding of content. Mary Beth Hertz ,2013
  • 11. Technologies available for Teaching &Learning internet e-mail e-books. LVC (Live Virtual Classes). DVD/CD Provided with books. Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) podcasting. wikis, Blogs videoconferencing white-boards educational videos, stimulation, storage of data, the usage of databases, mind-mapping, guided discovery, brainstorming, music, World Wide Web Many other software
  • 12. Educational Technology Tools in 2019 3. Google Tour Creator: google.com/tour creator: This tool enables us to create our own tours, using imagery from Google Street View. Students can create tours as part of a research project, use them as a way to reflect after a field trip, or even as a supplement to a creative writing project. 2. ProWiting Aid: prowritingaid.com : this is one of the most comprehensive writing tools. Just compose in the tool itself, copy and paste, or upload a document and you’ll get a summary report with all kinds of statistics is an attempt to provide advanced editorial services through software. 1. Equity Maps: equitymaps.com : Figuring out which students participate in a class. Equity Maps is an iPad app.
  • 13. 4. Great Big Story: greatbigstory.com Its help us to discover the world’s magic is through video: short, produced videos about people and phenomena all over the world, stories that will pique your curiosity and give you the sense. 5. GeoGuessr : geoguessr.com This game drops users somewhere in the world, and players have to figure out where they are based on clues. and try to guess where you are using Google Maps. 6. Webjets: webjets.io It is powerful search engine. Collaborate. Share anything with your friends or teammates, and enjoy all your changes instantly synchronized between users. https://www.cultofpedagogy.com/ed-tech-tools-2019/
  • 14. Five Benefits Of Technology Integration in academic Sphere 1. Technology makes teaching easy! 2. Technology helps you track students’ progress! 3. Educational technology is good to the environment! 4. Thanks to technology, students enjoy learning! 5. Technology makes distance learning more accessible than ever!
  • 15. The five Steps of Effective Technology Integration • Before using new technology enters the class, determine whether a relative advantage exists. Identify relative advantage • the next step is determining objectives and appropriate assessments. Determine objectives and assessments • when integrating technology into the class, take into consideration students’ readiness levels along with their physical and affective needs. Design instructional strategies • Equally important to designing mindful instructional strategies is ensuring that the learning environment is ready for new technology to be introduced. Prepare the instructional environment • this is the only step occurring after a given technology is introduced. Analyze results and make revisions
  • 16. there are many ways technology can become an integral part of the learning process in academic program. Just a few of these ways are listed below , but new technology tools and ideas emerge daily. 1- Online Learning and Blended learning Class • While K-12 online learning gains traction around the world and many teachers are also exploring blended learning, a combination of both online and face-to-face education. K-12, a term used in education and educational technology in the United States, Canada, and possibly other countries goal of K-12 program is to make the students equipped with lot of skills that are in-demands in the country and in abroad
  • 17. 2- Game-Based Learning and Assessment: There has been a lot of buzz about the benefits of incorporating simulations and game-based learning activities into classroom instruction. 3- Learning with Mobile and Handheld Devices: Once widely dismissed as distractions, devices like cell phones, mp3 players, and tablet computers are now being used as learning tools in forward- thinking in academic institutions. 4- Instructional Tools like Interactive Whiteboards and Student Response Systems, In many schools and institutes , the days of green chalkboards are over.
  • 18. 5- Web-Based Projects, Explorations, and Research • One of the first, and most basic, ways that teachers encouraged students to use technology was with online research, virtual field trips, and web quests. 6- Student-Created Media like Podcasts, Videos, or Slideshows • One of the central ideas of digital or media literacy is that students should be come creators and critics, not just consumers, of media. 7- Collaborative Online Tools like Wikis or Google Docs • Connecting with others online can be a powerful experience, both for teachers and for students.
  • 19. 8-Using Social Media to Engage Students students around the world spend vast amounts of time on social networks outside of academic centers.
  • 20. Four models of technology integration TPACK SAMR TIM TIP
  • 21. • 1- Content Knowledge: • Facts, concepts and theories This is the subject matter we are teaching like: Math, music, Art.etc.. 2- Pedagogical Knowledge: • expert knowledge of art and science of teaching from learning theories to instructional design. like direct instruction, inquiry based teaching, group discussion, debate.etc. 2- Technological knowledge: • it looks at the digital tools ( google Drive, ipad apps, Smart boards..etc ) • teachers can use to make content accessible to students while supporting the pedagogical strategy used in instruction. What's TPACK itscombinationof: What teacher know? How he tech? How technology is used?
  • 22. Now lets look at the overlaps : TP knowledge: helps us to understand how are we making content more accessible. TC knowledge : allows us to identify the affordances of pairing appropriate technology to the content PC knowledge : allows us to identify the affordances of pairing the appropriate pedagogies with the content. https://www.educatorstechnology.com/2013 MishraandKohler(2006)
  • 23. SAMR MODEL Enhancing and transforming the technology integration
  • 24. Dr.RubenPuentedura, CreatorofSAMRmodel Substitution: A Word Processor replaces a Pen/Pencil in a Writing Assignment. Augmentation: A Word Processor and text- to-speech function are used to improve the writing process. Modification: The document created using the Word Processor and text-to-speech function is shared on a blog where feedback can be received to help improve the quality of writing. Redefinition: Instead of a written assignment, students convey analytic thought using multimedia tools. Assignment: A hand written paper.
  • 25. For creating a tech integration vision, you should take certain points into consideration, they are listed below: The goal of technology integration: The aim should be to use technology to provide a variety of new ways to learn which foster. 21st century skills like independent thinking, problem solving, communication, collaboration and more. Elements required for integrating technology: The common elements for tech integration are teachers, students, content and technology. Technology should help students learn new things in new ways and prepare them for the future
  • 26. Other Ways of Integrating Technology into the Class and enabling learning 1. Making Use of the Gamify Learning Experience: Gaming has become a huge part of students’ lives. This is a great way to integrate technology into the learning experience by making a game of it. 2. Building Lesson Plans Using Differentiated Instruction and Tech: Tailoring your lesson plans to your students is increasing in popularity. For instance, by grouping students in a class based on their abilities can improve the effectiveness of the teaching message. 3. Develop a Class Website: There are a lot of fun ways to integrate technology into the class, but none as exciting for students as developing a class website. 4. Create a Classroom Blog: This is an excellent way to inspire students and keep them engaged in classroom activities. Blogs are also essential in teaching reading, writing, listening, using tech, and so much more. 5. Using Social Media as a Teaching Tool: For instance, you can pull a video from YouTube. Or you can use travel images of social media influencers as a discussion piece in class.
  • 27. Successful technology integration is achieved when the use of technology is: Routine and transparent. Accessible and readily available for the task at hand. Supporting the curricular goals, and helping the students and teachers to effectively reach their goals.
  • 28. Lack of confidence Lack of ICT confidence Lack Teachers' attitude Lack of time for preparation Lack of technical support Non perception of benefits
  • 29. Insufficient number of computers Resistance to change Advance Scheduling of computer lab Lack of support from management Non-availability of Teaching-learning material Absence of ICT mainstreaming into schools/ institutions Schools/ institutions Level Barriers: System Level Barriers : System of examinations and evaluation Curriculum Load
  • 30. Overcoming Teacher level barriers Giving training to the teachers Making ICT facilities available and accessible the teachers Preparing a flexible time table where teachers handling the same subject and grade can coordinate and avail computers in the classroom Seeking cooperation of teachers for optimal utilization of available resources Arranging for periodic training programmes for teachers to get up to date with technology. Giving incentives to teachers who are adopting technology successfully. Reducing the work load for teachers
  • 31. Overcoming Institutions Level Barriers Using of computers should be made as mainstreaming into academic activities. Providing necessary infrastructure. Capacity building of the teachers through workshops. Changes in structuring of Time-table. Providing opportunities for teachers to engage in active learning. Providing training on technology-supported pedagogy skills. Making the technology use compulsory by teachers. Organizing available resources in such a way for best possible utilization
  • 32. overcoming System level barriers solutions Reconsidering assessment methods Including qualitative assessment of students' work Allowing teachers to experiment with technology mediated within given boundaries
  • 33. How To Overcome Barriers general In Technology Integration? Political decisions •Ministry of Education and Science plans and provides s academic institutions with proper resources (Lai 2001). Institute management •institutes can play a very important role in integrating ICT into the system of education Peer support •Reliable colleagues and Teachers can be provided help by sharing best practices to other institutes.. Barriers as opportunities •The emerged difficulties should be viewed as opportunities to develop. (Lai 2001). Teacher as learner •Teachers have to experience learner position. Teacher has to feel free and without any restrictions in the teaching environment.
  • 34. 6. subject culture 4. attitudes and beliefs 5. assessment 1. resources 2. knowledge & skills 3. institution The author from A total of 123 barriers found from the review of past empirical studies. In order to provide a coherent and parsimonious description of the various technology integration barriers, and classified them into six main categories
  • 35. Summary of finding and strategies to overcome barriers of technology integration. • Obtaining the necessary resources Lack of resources • Creating a shared vision and technology integration plan Institution • Having alternative modes of assessments Assessment • Facilitating attitude change Attitudes and beliefs • Facilitating teacher knowledge and skills Knowledge and skills
  • 36. Model for Computer Technology Integration Into Teacher Education Curriculum The stages are as follows: 1: Pre- integration 2: Transition 3: Development4: Expansion 5: System wide Integration
  • 37. Stage Characteristics, Tasks, Actions Pre-Integration  lack of university leadership  few faculty using computer technology  stand-alone classes offered to meet credentialing requirements  lack of infrastructure to provide funding, support, and resources Transition  change in support of leadership at the university, school, and/or departmental levels  increased interest and vision for the use and integration of computer technology filters down to the teacher educators  requirements of technology standards produces shift evelopment  acquisition of technical resources such as computers for faculty, computer labs  hiring of education technology faculty and specialists  planning and implementation of new faculty development programs Model for Computer Technology Integration Into Teacher Education Curriculum
  • 38. Cheri Toledo, Illinois State University Expansion  further movement in the department toward providing the needed education technology hardware, software and systematic training for faculty success in computer technology integration 1. strengthening of the relationships between the support personnel and the faculty 2. presence of these relationships produce positive impact on the faculty levels of use and integration 3. creation of an environment in which faculty are encouraged to risk trying new technologies and methodologies System-wide Integration  evidence of the integration of standards proficiencies for students indicated  computer technology being imbedded into each of the teacher education courses  faculty and students enthusiasm for integration increases Continue ……….Model for Computer Technology Integration
  • 39. CONCLUSIONS As technology integration into the learning and teaching process and the whole system of academic program is a rather complicated process, new conceptions, strategies, plans and models have to be developed by the MOHE and school administration which make full use of the potential of new technologies. An attempt to integrate technologies will be fruitful and efficient process only if it is preceded by proper planning provided by the MOHE and proper provision by resources for institutes / schools. The whole learning/teaching and change process of integrating the technology has to be flexible, and its efficiency depends on the motivation and preparation of the whole academic staff to implement innovations. There are four models of for integrating technology in class (TPACK,SMAR,TIP&TIM). By removing and overcoming to barrier's in academic program the teachers are able to integrate technology and enhance the quality of teaching and learning process.
  • 40. Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn. - Benjamin Franklin