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Швейцарія, масштабування
Scrum і розподілені команди
Роман Сахаров @E5
Improve yourself continuously!
Про мене
Роман Сахаров
Business Analysis Team Leader @EPAM Systems
Co-founder and trainer @E5
 Business Analyst on Agile projects
 Agile Project Manager
 BA Community and mentoring program
 BA and Agile trainer
Certified Scrum Master
IT Awards 2014 Business Analysis winner
Improve yourself continuously!
1. Хто з вас працює в Agile,
або Scrum?
2. Хто працює більш ніж з
однією командою?
3. Хто працює в
розподіленому форматі?
Improve yourself continuously!
Business Process Work
•BP Case Library
Enterprise Case
Work Management
•Advanced Routing
•Escalation and Prioritisation
Rules and Workflow
•E-mail/Web access
•Log every user and system action
Audit trails
Improve yourself continuously!
Improve yourself continuously!
Improve yourself continuously!
Scrum Pulse
 2-тижневі спринти
 Планування спринту
 Щоденний Standup
 Sprint Review
 Спринт ретроспектива
 Backlog Grooming
 Зустрічі для вирішення
Improve yourself continuously!
Хороший продукт
потрібен усім
• Кількість процесів в
розробці зросла від 1 - 3
до 6 - 7
• Для забезпечення потреб
було зібрано ще 3 (4)
Нові виклики
за команду
Один проект
і команди
Декілька «потоків»
Improve yourself continuously!
Потоки стали
Кожен потік відповідає за свій бізнес процес
Кожен департамент має свій потік
Кожен потік має свій бюджет
Не прозора кількість роботи по напрямкам
Немає пріоритизації між стейкхолдерами
Хаотичне вдосконалення процесу
Команди не розуміють хто чим займається
Improve yourself continuously!
Визначені зони для
Scaled events Scaled artifacts
Flow of
Role of BA/PO
Operations and
support acceptance
Capacity allocation
and planning
Scaled Events
Спільне планування
для команд
Спільні для всіх PBR
Cross team
competency meeting
Improve yourself continuously!
Scaled Artifacts
Knowledge base
Structure by competencies, which is
up-to-dated by
• component guardians,
• managers,
• BAs and other knowledge holders
 Process descriptions on Confluence
 Global Retro-points list
Summarized list from all the teams to
be discussed on Global retrospective
 General backlog for all streams
 Rally used for EPICs, Features and
User Stories
Populated by Product Owner of
each business process
Priorities by Chef Product Owner
before PBR
Requirements flow and work
with teams
Планування в 3х частинах
• 1st тільки для PO
• Standard Scrum Planning
• 1st Part with PO
• 2nd with the team creating tasks decomposition
Кожен PO має % бюджету на свій напрямок
% бюджету - це % velocity команд розробки
Capacity Allocation and
Improve yourself continuously!
Виявилось, що це LeSS
та масштабу
Improve yourself continuously!
 Час на інтеграцію результатів роботи
 Час на зустрічі для обміну
 Час на підтримання процесу
Час = Гроші
але… відсутність цих елементів = хаос
Improve yourself continuously!
Agile і Scrum виросли
 Scrum довів скою користь
 Великі компанії використовують Agile і Scrum
 Але великі продукти не можуть обійтись Vanilla Scrum і
ми повинні шукати рішення
Improve yourself continuously!
Improve yourself continuously!
Vielen dank!

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Швейцарія, масштабування Scrum і розподілені команди от Романа Сахарова

Editor's Notes

  1. У своїй доповіді я розповім історію про еволюцію проекту швейцарського банку, який виявився досить гнучкий щоб пережити багато злетів та падінь. Використовуючи цікаві напрацювання з масштабованого Agile і здорового глузду. А також, на скільки складніше працювати у випадку розподілених команд і яка ціна використання такої конфігурації.
  2. Function: Business Process Work Management tool including automation of operational processes – poiskat kartinku Technology: JAVA middle tier with.NET and JavaScript (AngularJS) User Interface Zamenit logotipami technologi Main components: component diagram Enterprise case management for improved productivity and reduced operational costs Work management functions such as advanced routing, escalation, and prioritization of work Rules & Workflow engine to drive case routing to work baskets, case prioritization, and escalation Automated correspondence for end users via SWIFT, e-mail and directed web access Audit trails log every system and user action Case Mgmt system. Provide efficient tool for Cases and related Tasks, Business Object Mgmt System Organising task in automated workflow, using BPMN-model . Automation of each step of user's collaboration with case mgmt process For example "Get work" based on tasks assigment - feature SWIFT – global provider of secure financial messaging services
  3. 1 продукт для декількох клієнтів (один головний) Дещо таємний Scrum 
  4. Story about architect and release manager Kyiv From 3 to 7 Scrum teams Architect Business Analysts team Release manager Zurich – pomenyat na On-site Product owners/BAs team Production support team 1 Dev team
  5. Business Process Management tools means indefinite demand from business A lot of competitive stakeholders => PRIORITISATION HELL Multiple project streams using same development teams pool Priorities clashes Flexible amount of work for each stream Awards => everyone wants In order to find root cause of constantly appearing issues we investigate current development process and discover numerous communications issues: - No global retro, or in 1 team only - No global planning
  6. All theses problems come from the same source – indefinite demand and were tangled with each other. Integration process miscommunications So scaling should be holistic, it is an anti-pattern to focus only on a single direction or area of improvement and usually it will affect a few of them.
  7. 1. General planning meeting Continued in team planning. We’ll talk about this meeting later in details 2. General PBR meetings POs present USs, preliminary estimation and assignment chief product owner Before PBR 3. Global retrospective meeting Gathering key representatives from each team 4. Cross team competency meeting (Agile, BA, Java, JS, Testing) Community Of Practice
  8. Knowledge base on confluence, which provide know ages on: - SDLS process - Functionality details - Functional components details – architectural and development -
  9. PO/BA work with teams Present on PBRs Answer questions during development Accept stories on demonstrations Provide vision to what should go next
  10. The second mechanism, "Pull," also limits WIP by making the production velocity of the upstream process dependent on the downstream consumption velocity. The first mechanism only refers to the amount of WIP, but this second refers to the flow, its direction and speed. "Direction" - The motivation of production is given only by the downstream process. "Speed" - Kanban communicates the timing and the amount of next production. "Pull" limits WIP by making the upstream process's production dependent on the downstream process consumption in the 1st derivation order. This dependency is achieved by the Kanban exchange occurring in the store, pushing the production control information from the downstream process to the upstream.Back to Figure 3: the left-hand side of the graph explains how it makes work self-directing and promotes Kaizen. Everyone can understand what is happening and how well the process is flowing by seeing the Kanban cards posted to boards. Watching the workflow in the Gemba is the start of Kaizen. And physical Kanban cards put on the boards visually makes work self-directing without central control of management. This autonomous process provides data on its performance to support Kaizen, and shifts management attention from assigning or dispatching detailed work to Kaizen activities. As shown by the graph's arrows, terminating in the three effects, the ultimate goals of Kanban can be represented by "Limits WIP", "Continuous Flow" and "Kaizen". A Kanban system "Limits WIP" while sustaining "Continuous Flow". It buffers variability due to common cause variation, and exposes special cause variability, providing candidates for Kaizen.