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Kent Ridge Secondary School
Secondary 3 Social Studies
Source-based Question Skills: Reliability

Name: ________________________ Class: ___________ Date: _______________

What is reliability?
  - how believable or trustable something is.
  - E.g. “The world is square.”  How believable is this? Why or why not?

Why do we need to know if a source is believable?
  - this determines if the source can be used or not, in our arguments! [especially
     when we have to prove an opinion.]


Step 1: Check your provenance

   -   Who wrote this source?
   -   Is it possible that this person has a PURPOSE in writing this source? If this is so,
       then this source MAY be bias and unreliable.

Step 2: Read your source

   -   Does the source have FACTS or just OPINIONS?
           o Facts: A truth that can be measured or checked.
                   E.g. Singapore became independent in 1965. [There is no way that
                     this can be changed.]
           o Opinions: A person’s own judgment or perspectives about something OR
              general statements and ideas that may or may not be true.
                   E.g. I think Social Studies is the best subject ever. [This
                     perspective will be different for different people. It cannot be
                   E.g. Singaporeans generally are interested in YOG.
           o If the source is supported by FACTS, then it is quite reliable. But is this
              all you need to check?
           o If the source has ONLY opinions, then we need double check. How?
   -   Does the source show only ONE perspective or does it show BOTH
       perspectives on the issue?
           o If the source shows only ONE side, then the source can possibly by BIAS.
           o If the source shows TWO or more perspectives, then it is a BALANCED
              and FAIR source. The author is willing to consider different perspectives
              about the issue.
   -   Is there a PURPOSE?
           o Is the source trying to INFLUENCE the readers to a particular opinion?
           o Are there hidden meanings?
           o Is there ANY possible reasons that the writer can choose to be bias?
           o Who is the author writing this to? What is the message that the
              author is trying to say? What is the aim of the message?
                   ALWAYS answer these 3 questions if you realize that there’s a
                     PURPOSE that the author has.
Step 3: Typicality

   -   Is the information from the source typical and common of what you know about
       the issue?
           o E.g. Student A says that studying is most fun for students.
                   Issue: studying is fun for students
                   Is this a fact or opinion? _______________
                   Is this opinion common and typical for students?
                   Would this source be considered MORE reliable or LESS reliable?

Step 4: Cross-referencing

   -   Doublecheck the source with OTHER sources in the SBQ.
   -   Look for ONE or TWO other sources that talk about the SAME ISSUE as the
       source you are checking about.
   -   What do the OTHER sources say?
           o Do the other source SUPPORT what this source says?
           o Do the other source DISAGREE with what this source says?
           o How many sources AGREE or DISAGREE with what this source says?
   -   If OTHER sources support this source, then this source is MOST LIKELY reliable.
       If not, then it is NOT.

Step 5: Evaluate and decide if the source is reliable or unreliable.

   -   Is it TOTALLY reliable or TOTALLY unreliable?
   -   Is it reliable to SOME extent?
How do you answer a question on reliability?

Qn: How reliable is source A?                                 How to score well for such
Point:                      Source A is ______________.       (to get high levels and
Is Source A reliable or                                       more marks)

                                                              ALWAYS explain and
How do you know that                                          support your answer using
Source A is reliable or
not?                                                             -   Source content (if
                                                                     you think that the
Did you get this                                                     author has a
information from…                                                    purpose, then write
                            I know this because the                  it down!)
1) Provenance               provenance from Source A tells           AND
   - who is the author?     me who the author is. The            -   Cross-reference
   - Can the author be      author is ___________. This
      biased?               means that (you explanation

2) Source content           I know this because the source
   - Facts versus           content tells me so. (Continue
      Opinions              with explanation and quotes
   - How many               from the source).
      perspectives are
      there in the source
   - Is this source

3) Cross-referencing        I know this because Source B/C/
   - What do the            D supports/does not support
      OTHER sources say     Source A. Source A says
      about this issue?     ______________ about this
   - Which source is        issue. (However,) Source B/C/D
      more believable?      says __________________.
Sec 3 Social Studies SBQ Skill: Reliability notes

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Sec 3 Social Studies SBQ Skill: Reliability notes

  • 1. Kent Ridge Secondary School Secondary 3 Social Studies Source-based Question Skills: Reliability Name: ________________________ Class: ___________ Date: _______________ What is reliability? - how believable or trustable something is. - E.g. “The world is square.”  How believable is this? Why or why not? Why do we need to know if a source is believable? - this determines if the source can be used or not, in our arguments! [especially when we have to prove an opinion.] HOW TO CHECK FOR RELIABILITY? Step 1: Check your provenance - Who wrote this source? - Is it possible that this person has a PURPOSE in writing this source? If this is so, then this source MAY be bias and unreliable. Step 2: Read your source - Does the source have FACTS or just OPINIONS? o Facts: A truth that can be measured or checked.  E.g. Singapore became independent in 1965. [There is no way that this can be changed.] o Opinions: A person’s own judgment or perspectives about something OR general statements and ideas that may or may not be true.  E.g. I think Social Studies is the best subject ever. [This perspective will be different for different people. It cannot be measured.]  E.g. Singaporeans generally are interested in YOG. o If the source is supported by FACTS, then it is quite reliable. But is this all you need to check? o If the source has ONLY opinions, then we need double check. How? - Does the source show only ONE perspective or does it show BOTH perspectives on the issue? o If the source shows only ONE side, then the source can possibly by BIAS. o If the source shows TWO or more perspectives, then it is a BALANCED and FAIR source. The author is willing to consider different perspectives about the issue. - Is there a PURPOSE? o Is the source trying to INFLUENCE the readers to a particular opinion? o Are there hidden meanings? o Is there ANY possible reasons that the writer can choose to be bias? o Who is the author writing this to? What is the message that the author is trying to say? What is the aim of the message?  ALWAYS answer these 3 questions if you realize that there’s a PURPOSE that the author has.
  • 2. Step 3: Typicality - Is the information from the source typical and common of what you know about the issue? o E.g. Student A says that studying is most fun for students.  Issue: studying is fun for students  Is this a fact or opinion? _______________  Is this opinion common and typical for students?  Would this source be considered MORE reliable or LESS reliable? _____ Step 4: Cross-referencing - Doublecheck the source with OTHER sources in the SBQ. - Look for ONE or TWO other sources that talk about the SAME ISSUE as the source you are checking about. - What do the OTHER sources say? o Do the other source SUPPORT what this source says? o Do the other source DISAGREE with what this source says? o How many sources AGREE or DISAGREE with what this source says? - If OTHER sources support this source, then this source is MOST LIKELY reliable. If not, then it is NOT. Step 5: Evaluate and decide if the source is reliable or unreliable. - Is it TOTALLY reliable or TOTALLY unreliable? - Is it reliable to SOME extent?
  • 3. How do you answer a question on reliability? Qn: How reliable is source A? How to score well for such questions? Point: Source A is ______________. (to get high levels and Is Source A reliable or more marks) not? Evidence: ALWAYS explain and How do you know that support your answer using Source A is reliable or not? - Source content (if you think that the Did you get this author has a information from… purpose, then write I know this because the it down!) 1) Provenance provenance from Source A tells AND - who is the author? me who the author is. The - Cross-reference - Can the author be author is ___________. This biased? means that (you explanation here). 2) Source content I know this because the source - Facts versus content tells me so. (Continue Opinions with explanation and quotes - How many from the source). perspectives are there in the source content? - Is this source typical? 3) Cross-referencing I know this because Source B/C/ - What do the D supports/does not support OTHER sources say Source A. Source A says about this issue? ______________ about this - Which source is issue. (However,) Source B/C/D more believable? says __________________.