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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 03 | Mar -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1394
Secured way of Offloading Mobile Cloud Process for Smart Phone
Sowndhrya.V1, Suganthi.V2, Jayachitra.J3
1UG Scholar, Department of Information Technology
IFET College of Engineering, Villupuram
2Associate Professor, Department of Information Technology,
IFET College of Engineering, Villupuram
3Associate Professor, Department of Information Technology,
IFET College of Engineering, Villupuram
Abstract - Nowadays Smartphone have become popular
among people since they are running more number of
applications at the same time which helps the user do things
quicker and easier. Few computation intensive task
applications cannot be run on smartphone due to the
availability of limited resources like storage space, network
speed and processor performance. We have addressed this
problem to implement the task offloading system for
smartphone so as to increase the efficiency of its energy level
and time. This mechanism determines portion of applications
that can be offloaded for remote execution. TheTDM (Ternary
Decision Framework) framework is used to take the correct
decisions of choosing the appropriate device (i.e. smart phone
or cloud process) for performing the offloading process. This
results in reducing the computation power of using our
applications in mobile cloudratherinsmartphone. Inaddition
to that it also provides security for offloading data in mobile
Key Words: Smart phone, Android App, offloading, Security,
AES, TDM, Mobile Cloud
In human life mobile device become essential part
“information at your fingertipsanywhereatanytime”.When
compared to conventional information processing device
these mobile device are lack in resourse.in our daily life,
mobile device have become a common entity. The
applications and features of smartphones areincreasing day
by day our life. Because of the usage of the smart phone is
very high. this mobile device providing with many more
exiting applications like speech recognition, image
processor, video processor, online games. These are the
applications which require a large computing power,
memory, network bandwidth, resource constraints. Battery
power is drained due to more number of applications. The
mobile devices still suffer from battery life time. The new
applications could be very resource exhaustive and the
phone have a limited memory, computational power and
battery life, people are replacing their laptops and personal
computers with these smartphones thus the demand for
processing and memory is increasing. The mobile battery as
their power source whichhasa limitedcapacityascompared
to play in devise like personal computers. The smart phones
are not able to perform compute intensive task which our
laptop or desktop could perform. The solutions to these
problems implement the concept of offloading. The task
should be transforming to the external devise. In this paper
to use the mobile cloud computing. The task should be
transferring mobile to the cloud. The mobile cloud
computing is the solution for resource limitation of the
mobile device. The compute intensive tasks are offloaded to
the cloud. These tasks are processed in the cloud and then
result is given back to the mobile devices. Cloud computing
on the other hand provides computing resource as a service
through internet.
1.1 Mobile Cloud Computing
Mobile cloud computing is the combination of cloud
computing and mobile computing. The mobile cloud is the
internet based data, applications and related services
accessed through the smartphone (laptop, tablet). Mobile
cloud computing is differentiated from mobile computing
because the mobile devices run cloud based web app rather
than native app. Users subscribe tocloudservicesandaccess
remotely stored applications and their data over the
Smartphones have constraints,limitedbatteryenergy,
processing capability, and memory capacity. However, the
limited battery energy constraint has not been reasonably
addressed. Task offloading is a hopeful technique to reduce
energy consumption in smartphones with the emergence of
high speed broadband wireless Internet access. Ex: A
smartphones can upload a video file to the cloud and then
request to encode the file into a desired format right the
smartphone capability with less energy consumption than
doing the encoding on the device itself. Weintroducemodels
to estimate the energy exhausted in a smartphone to


International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 03 | Mar -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1395
perform task offloading file downloading using WLAN and
3G/4G network interfaces file uploading using WLAN and
3G/4G network interfaces. We developed models so that
provide an exact estimation to thetotal energyconsumed for
task offloading by only taking the amount of data that the
smartphone would transfer for task offloadingasaninput.In
these experiments, we measure the actual energyconsumed
in the smartphones for each of the network activities.
1.3Disadvantage of Existing System
• The main difficult which is identified in the earlier
Architectures is that offloading a computeintensive
Application partially can improve the battery life of
• When a few numbers of applications are actually
required to be offloaded.
• security does not provide the uploading data in
transferring of smartphone to the cloud.
• More extensive data transferring the problem of
power efficiency as well in the wireless network
communication network.
• Low performane.
In this proposed article, we are creating an application
in the smart phone to upload the data into the cloud and
hence the TDM technique (Ternary Decision Making) is
used to calculatetheexecutiontimeandenergyconsumption
of a module. This TDM can only decide whether the task is
offloading or not and then performing a task to calculating
the energy level in smartphone. The AES technique is used
for security purpose. Security is provided for the uploading
files on the cloud. The data is encrypted before transmitting
the data over the internet. Only the Authenticated users can
access the data in the cloud. Developing models so that
provide an exact estimation to thetotal energyconsumed for
task offloading by only taking the amount of data that the
smartphone would transfer for task offloadingasan input.In
this paper, we measure the actual energy consumed in the
smartphones for each of the network activities.
System consists of two main elements smartphones and
Cloud Computing both are linked to the Internet. The
smartphones are connected to the Internet througha WLAN
access point or cellular data network to base station
(3G/4G). This smartphones providecomputingfunctionality
to the users via special applications. On the other side,Cloud
Computing part consists of cloud data center and cloud
provider, which are available through the Internet.
Fig-1: System Model
Step1: The users register the application where each user
Login with a specific User-ID and password. The
application allows the users to access the cloud.
Step2: If the files are uploaded then it is stored in the cloud.
Step3: If the file needs to be downloaded from the cloud,
then the user sends the request to the application
which in turn sends the request to the cloud.
Step4: If the requested file exists in the cloud,itsendsthefile
to the phone as per the request of user.
Step5: The user can then view the saved battery status and
Mobile data or Wi-Fi
Step6: User’s data can be encrypted over the internet.
1. Time and energy aware
2. Register page
3. View files
4. Current directory
5. Upload screen
6. View connection details
Fig-2: Task Offloading Procedure


International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 03 | Mar -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1396
Fig-3: Offloading Process
2.3 Offloading
The first introduction to the offloading concept was in
early at 1970s for load balancing between servers of a
cluster. Offloading in general is defined as the processthat is
used to improve the performance, quality, or efficiency of a
Computation task by assigning this task completely or
Partially to a remote computing machinethatisusuallyhasa
powerful computation capability more than the local
machine. The task should be transform to the external
platform. The offloading has been proposed for few many
purposes such as load balancing, improve the performance,
and save energy. The offloading to a cloud provides its
ubiquitous computation resources, such as processing and
storage, to a mobile device. The computation capability can
be in one or more of computation forms such as processing,
memory, storage, execution time, and energy consumption.
Fig 4: Task performing on the smartphone
Fig5: Task performing on the cloud
2.4 AES Technique
Encryption is ofprimaryimportance whenprivatedatais
transmitted over the network. The most widely accepted
algorithm is AES algorithm. We have to developed
application on Android platform which allows the user to
encrypt the data before it is transmitted over the network.
We have used the Advanced EncryptionStandardsalgorithm
for encryption and decryption of the data. This application
provides a secure, fast, and strong encryption of the data.
The data transfer mobile to the cloud encrypting data. This
AES perform consistency well in both hardware and
• Ternary decision is suitable for multiple offloading
• To save both execution time and energy
consumption at the same time.
• To providing security to the user attributes.
• To be used for in heterogeneous application.
• Security, privacy and trust related models in the
proposed system.
In this paper we are using the three modules:
1. Registration Process
2. Upload data in cloud
3. Download data from the cloud
3.1 Registration process
Step1: This procedure describes the login method
Step2: The first page application page in which we can
login to any existing account or register to a new
Step3: Login the username and password.
Step4: The list of files is displayed which are already in the


International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 03 | Mar -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1397
3.2 Upload data in cloud
Step1: Go to menu and click on upload option.
Step2: records to be uploaded are displayed.
Step3: uploading data to be processed on the cloud.
3.3 download file from the cloud
View and Download ProcedureThisproceduredescribesthe
methodology adopted to view and download applications
which is given in detail below
Step 1: Files already available in the cloud are displayed.
Step 2: Click on the download button next to the file, so that
The user can able to download the file.
Step 4: The file download after estimating the battery level
in smartphone.
Fig-6: Login Page
Fig-7: Register Details
Fig -8: Uploading Data
Fig- 9: Task Offloading
In this paper, we have to design and implement a
decisionframework forcomputationoffloading.Thedecision
is based on estimated execution time and energy
consumption. Which consider only our ternary decision is
suitable for multiple offloading targets. Framework, the
matrix multiplication modules have a tendency to be
offloaded to more powerful processors, such as local GPU or
cloud. By offloading these modules we achieve at most 75%
savings in execution time and 56% in battery usage. The
proposed work has shownconsiderableamountreductionof
both time and energy consumption. This results exhibit that
the energy saving in batteries is possible as a result of
closing down of applications used for execution.
Further it can be extended to different wireless
technology. On-going research is the development of a


International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 03 | Mar -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1398
framework that targets the Fog computing orientation for
allowing computation intensive and interactiveapplications
to be efficiently manipulated using a social model. With the
assistance of Fog-passive devices (i.e. set-top-boxes,passive
home appliances etc.) and by using a reflective Software
Define Network (SDN) middleware, available resources will
be reactively manipulated on each device within a Virtual
Vicinity (VV).
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Secured Way Of Offloading Mobile Cloud Process For Smart Phone

  • 1. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056 Volume: 04 Issue: 03 | Mar -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1394 Secured way of Offloading Mobile Cloud Process for Smart Phone Sowndhrya.V1, Suganthi.V2, Jayachitra.J3 1UG Scholar, Department of Information Technology IFET College of Engineering, Villupuram 2Associate Professor, Department of Information Technology, IFET College of Engineering, Villupuram 3Associate Professor, Department of Information Technology, IFET College of Engineering, Villupuram ---------------------------------------------------------------------***------------------------------------------------------------------- Abstract - Nowadays Smartphone have become popular among people since they are running more number of applications at the same time which helps the user do things quicker and easier. Few computation intensive task applications cannot be run on smartphone due to the availability of limited resources like storage space, network speed and processor performance. We have addressed this problem to implement the task offloading system for smartphone so as to increase the efficiency of its energy level and time. This mechanism determines portion of applications that can be offloaded for remote execution. TheTDM (Ternary Decision Framework) framework is used to take the correct decisions of choosing the appropriate device (i.e. smart phone or cloud process) for performing the offloading process. This results in reducing the computation power of using our applications in mobile cloudratherinsmartphone. Inaddition to that it also provides security for offloading data in mobile cloud. Key Words: Smart phone, Android App, offloading, Security, AES, TDM, Mobile Cloud 1. INTRODUCTION In human life mobile device become essential part “information at your fingertipsanywhereatanytime”.When compared to conventional information processing device these mobile device are lack in resourse.in our daily life, mobile device have become a common entity. The applications and features of smartphones areincreasing day by day our life. Because of the usage of the smart phone is very high. this mobile device providing with many more exiting applications like speech recognition, image processor, video processor, online games. These are the applications which require a large computing power, memory, network bandwidth, resource constraints. Battery power is drained due to more number of applications. The mobile devices still suffer from battery life time. The new applications could be very resource exhaustive and the phone have a limited memory, computational power and battery life, people are replacing their laptops and personal computers with these smartphones thus the demand for processing and memory is increasing. The mobile battery as their power source whichhasa limitedcapacityascompared to play in devise like personal computers. The smart phones are not able to perform compute intensive task which our laptop or desktop could perform. The solutions to these problems implement the concept of offloading. The task should be transforming to the external devise. In this paper to use the mobile cloud computing. The task should be transferring mobile to the cloud. The mobile cloud computing is the solution for resource limitation of the mobile device. The compute intensive tasks are offloaded to the cloud. These tasks are processed in the cloud and then result is given back to the mobile devices. Cloud computing on the other hand provides computing resource as a service through internet. 1.1 Mobile Cloud Computing Mobile cloud computing is the combination of cloud computing and mobile computing. The mobile cloud is the internet based data, applications and related services accessed through the smartphone (laptop, tablet). Mobile cloud computing is differentiated from mobile computing because the mobile devices run cloud based web app rather than native app. Users subscribe tocloudservicesandaccess remotely stored applications and their data over the internet. 1.2 EXISTING SYSTEM Smartphones have constraints,limitedbatteryenergy, processing capability, and memory capacity. However, the limited battery energy constraint has not been reasonably addressed. Task offloading is a hopeful technique to reduce energy consumption in smartphones with the emergence of high speed broadband wireless Internet access. Ex: A smartphones can upload a video file to the cloud and then request to encode the file into a desired format right the smartphone capability with less energy consumption than doing the encoding on the device itself. Weintroducemodels to estimate the energy exhausted in a smartphone to
  • 2. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056 Volume: 04 Issue: 03 | Mar -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1395 perform task offloading file downloading using WLAN and 3G/4G network interfaces file uploading using WLAN and 3G/4G network interfaces. We developed models so that provide an exact estimation to thetotal energyconsumed for task offloading by only taking the amount of data that the smartphone would transfer for task offloadingasaninput.In these experiments, we measure the actual energyconsumed in the smartphones for each of the network activities. 1.3Disadvantage of Existing System • The main difficult which is identified in the earlier Architectures is that offloading a computeintensive Application partially can improve the battery life of Smartphone. • When a few numbers of applications are actually required to be offloaded. • security does not provide the uploading data in transferring of smartphone to the cloud. • More extensive data transferring the problem of power efficiency as well in the wireless network communication network. • Low performane. 2. PROPOSED FRAMEWORK In this proposed article, we are creating an application in the smart phone to upload the data into the cloud and hence the TDM technique (Ternary Decision Making) is used to calculatetheexecutiontimeandenergyconsumption of a module. This TDM can only decide whether the task is offloading or not and then performing a task to calculating the energy level in smartphone. The AES technique is used for security purpose. Security is provided for the uploading files on the cloud. The data is encrypted before transmitting the data over the internet. Only the Authenticated users can access the data in the cloud. Developing models so that provide an exact estimation to thetotal energyconsumed for task offloading by only taking the amount of data that the smartphone would transfer for task offloadingasan input.In this paper, we measure the actual energy consumed in the smartphones for each of the network activities. 2.1 SYSTEM MODEL System consists of two main elements smartphones and Cloud Computing both are linked to the Internet. The smartphones are connected to the Internet througha WLAN access point or cellular data network to base station (3G/4G). This smartphones providecomputingfunctionality to the users via special applications. On the other side,Cloud Computing part consists of cloud data center and cloud provider, which are available through the Internet. Fig-1: System Model Step1: The users register the application where each user Login with a specific User-ID and password. The application allows the users to access the cloud. Step2: If the files are uploaded then it is stored in the cloud. Step3: If the file needs to be downloaded from the cloud, then the user sends the request to the application which in turn sends the request to the cloud. Step4: If the requested file exists in the cloud,itsendsthefile to the phone as per the request of user. Step5: The user can then view the saved battery status and Mobile data or Wi-Fi Step6: User’s data can be encrypted over the internet. 1. Time and energy aware 2. Register page 3. View files 4. Current directory 5. Upload screen 6. View connection details Fig-2: Task Offloading Procedure
  • 3. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056 Volume: 04 Issue: 03 | Mar -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1396 2.2 OVERALL ARCHITECTURE Fig-3: Offloading Process 2.3 Offloading The first introduction to the offloading concept was in early at 1970s for load balancing between servers of a cluster. Offloading in general is defined as the processthat is used to improve the performance, quality, or efficiency of a Computation task by assigning this task completely or Partially to a remote computing machinethatisusuallyhasa powerful computation capability more than the local machine. The task should be transform to the external platform. The offloading has been proposed for few many purposes such as load balancing, improve the performance, and save energy. The offloading to a cloud provides its ubiquitous computation resources, such as processing and storage, to a mobile device. The computation capability can be in one or more of computation forms such as processing, memory, storage, execution time, and energy consumption. Fig 4: Task performing on the smartphone Fig5: Task performing on the cloud 2.4 AES Technique Encryption is ofprimaryimportance whenprivatedatais transmitted over the network. The most widely accepted algorithm is AES algorithm. We have to developed application on Android platform which allows the user to encrypt the data before it is transmitted over the network. We have used the Advanced EncryptionStandardsalgorithm for encryption and decryption of the data. This application provides a secure, fast, and strong encryption of the data. The data transfer mobile to the cloud encrypting data. This AES perform consistency well in both hardware and software. 2.5 ADVANTAGE OF PROPOSED SYSTEM • Ternary decision is suitable for multiple offloading targets. • To save both execution time and energy consumption at the same time. • To providing security to the user attributes. • To be used for in heterogeneous application. • Security, privacy and trust related models in the proposed system. 3. DESIGN OF IMPLEMENTATION In this paper we are using the three modules: 1. Registration Process 2. Upload data in cloud 3. Download data from the cloud 3.1 Registration process Step1: This procedure describes the login method Step2: The first page application page in which we can login to any existing account or register to a new account. Step3: Login the username and password. Step4: The list of files is displayed which are already in the Cloud
  • 4. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056 Volume: 04 Issue: 03 | Mar -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1397 3.2 Upload data in cloud Step1: Go to menu and click on upload option. Step2: records to be uploaded are displayed. Step3: uploading data to be processed on the cloud. 3.3 download file from the cloud View and Download ProcedureThisproceduredescribesthe methodology adopted to view and download applications which is given in detail below Step 1: Files already available in the cloud are displayed. Step 2: Click on the download button next to the file, so that The user can able to download the file. Step 4: The file download after estimating the battery level in smartphone. 4. SCREENSHOTS Fig-6: Login Page Fig-7: Register Details Fig -8: Uploading Data Fig- 9: Task Offloading 5. CONCLUSION In this paper, we have to design and implement a decisionframework forcomputationoffloading.Thedecision is based on estimated execution time and energy consumption. Which consider only our ternary decision is suitable for multiple offloading targets. Framework, the matrix multiplication modules have a tendency to be offloaded to more powerful processors, such as local GPU or cloud. By offloading these modules we achieve at most 75% savings in execution time and 56% in battery usage. The proposed work has shownconsiderableamountreductionof both time and energy consumption. This results exhibit that the energy saving in batteries is possible as a result of closing down of applications used for execution. 6. FUTURE WORK Further it can be extended to different wireless technology. On-going research is the development of a
  • 5. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056 Volume: 04 Issue: 03 | Mar -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1398 framework that targets the Fog computing orientation for allowing computation intensive and interactiveapplications to be efficiently manipulated using a social model. With the assistance of Fog-passive devices (i.e. set-top-boxes,passive home appliances etc.) and by using a reflective Software Define Network (SDN) middleware, available resources will be reactively manipulated on each device within a Virtual Vicinity (VV). REFERENCES [1] Lavendershih, “Booming popularity ofsmartphonehelps to increase the flash demand,” DRAM exchange, Tech Rep., 2011. [2] X. Gu, A. Messer, I. Greenberg, D. Milojicic, and K. Nahrstedt, “Adaptive offloading for pervasive computing,”IEEE Pervasive Comput.,vol.3,no. 3, pp. 66–73, Jul./Sep. 2004. [3] Z. Li, C. Wang, and R. Xu, “Computation offloadingtosave energy on handheld devices: A partition scheme,” inProc. 2001 Int. CASES, 2001, pp. 238–246. [4] S. Ou, K. Yang, and J. Zhang, “An effective offloading middleware for pervasive services on mobile devices,”Pervasive Mobile Compute., vol.3, no. 4, pp. 362– 385, Aug. 2007. [5] G. Chen, B.-T. Kang, M. Kandemir, N. Vijaykrishnan, M. J. Irwin, and R. Chandramouli,“Studying energy trade offs in offloading computation/compilation in java-enabledmobile devices,”IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst., vol. 15, no. 9, pp. 795–809, Sep. 2004. [6] R. Wolski, S. Gurun, C. Krintz, and D. Nurmi, “Using bandwidth data to make computation offloading decisions,” inProc. IEEE IPDPS, Apr. 2008, pp. 1–8. [7] E. Cuervo, A. Balasubramanian, D. Cho, A. Wolman, S. Saroiu, R. Chandra, and P. Bahl, “Maui:Making smartphones last longer with code offload,” inProc. 8th Int. Conf. MobiSys, Jun. 2010, pp. 49–62. [8] S. Han, S. Zhang, and Y. Zhang, “Energy saving of mobile devices based on component migration and replication in pervasive computing,” inProc. Ubiquitous Intell. Compute, Aug. 2006, pp. 637–647. [9] Y. Hong, K. Kumar, and Y. Lu, “E Athina Bourdena, Constandinos X.Mavromoustakis nergy efficient content-based image retrieval for mobile systems,” in Proc. IEEE ISCAS, May 2009, pp. 1673–1676. [10] B. Seshasayee, R. Nathuji,andK.Schwan,“Energy-aware mobile service overlays: Cooperative dynamic power management in distributed mobile systems,” inProc. 4th ICAC, Jun. 2007, p. 6. [11] Y. Wang, sB. Donyanavard,andK.Cheng,“Energy-aware real-time face recognition system on mobile CPU–GPU platform,” inProc. 11th ECCV, Sep.2010, pp. 411–422. [12] X. Zhao, P. Tao, S. Yang, and F. Kong,“Computation offloading for H.264 video encoder on mobile devices,” inProc. IMACS, Oct. 2006, pp. 1426–1430. [13] Giurgiu, O. Riva, D. Juric, I. Krivulev, and G.Alonso, “Calling the cloud: Enabling mobile phones as interfaces to cloud applications,” in Proc. 10th ACM/IFIP/USENIX Int. Conf. Middleware, Dec. 2009, pp. 1–20. [14] R. Kemp, N. Palmer, T. Kielmann, F. Seinstra, N. Drost, J. Maassen, and H. Bal, “eyedentify: Multimedia cyber foraging from a smartphone,” in Proc. 11th IEEE ISM, Dec. 2009, pp. 392–399. [15] Linden, D. and Reddy, T. Secondary Batteries— Introduction. In Handbook of Batteries, ed. D. Linden and T. Reddy, pp. 22.3–22.24. New York, NY: McGraw- [16][16] Michele Segata, Bastian Bloessl,ChristophSommer, Falko Dressler “Towards Energy Efficient Smart Phone Applications: Energy Models for Offloading Tasks into the Cloud” IEEE ICC 2014 - Mobile and Wireless Networking Symposium. [17] Majid Altamimi,Member,IEEE,AtefAbdrabou,Member, IEEE, Kshirasagar Naik, Senior Member, IEEE, Amiya Nayak, Senior Member, IEEE “ Energy Cost Models of Smartphones for Task Offloading to [18] G. P. Perrucci, F. H. P. Fitzek, and J. Widmer, “Survey on Energy Consumption Entities on the Smartphone Platform,” in Proc. IEEE 73rd Vehicular Technology Conf., 2011, pp. 1–6. [19] K. Kumar and Y.-H. Lu, “Cloud Computing for Mobile Users: Can Offloading ComputationSaveEnergy?”Computer, vol. 43, no. 4, pp. 51–56, 2010