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Java Security Architecture
Martin Toshev,
BGOUG, 13.06.2015
Who am I
Software engineer @ EPAM Bulgaria
BG JUG governance board member (http://jug.bg)
OpenJDK contributor
• Evolution of the Java security model
• Outside the sandbox - APIs for secure coding
• Designing and coding with security in mind
Evolution of the Java security
Evolution of the
Java security model
• Traditionally - companies protect they assets
using strict physical and network access policies
• Tools such as anti-virus software, firewalls,
IPS/IDS systems facilitate this approach
Evolution of the
Java security model
• With the introduction of various technologies for
loading and executing code on the client machine
from the browser (such as Applets) - a new range
of concerns emerge related to client security –
this is when the Java security sandbox starts to
evolve …
Evolution of the
Java security model
• The goal of the Java security sandbox is to allow
untrusted code from applets to be executed in a
trusted environment such as the user's browser
Evolution of the
Java security model
• JDK 1.0 (when it all started …) – the original
sandbox model was introduced
System code
Evolution of the
Java security model
• Code executed by the JVM is divided in two
domains – trusted and untrusted
• Strict restriction are applied by default on the
security model of applets such as denial to
read/write data from disk, connect to the
network and so on
Evolution of the
Java security model
• JDK 1.1 (gaining trust …) – applet signing
System code
Signed Applet
Evolution of the
Java security model
• Trusted local code and untrusted remote code
from applets restricted to a predefined set of
operations OR signed applet code that is trusted
Evolution of the
Java security model
• Steps needed to sign and run an applet:
– Compile the applet
– Create a JAR file for the applet
– Generate a pair of public/private keys
– Sign the applet JAR with the private key
– Export a certificate for the public key
– Import the Certificate as a Trusted Certificate
– Create the policy file
– Load and run the applet
Evolution of the
Java security model
• JDK 1.2 (gaining more trust …) – fine-grained
access control
System code
grant codeBase http://javaday.bg/demoapplet {
permission java.io.FilePermissions “C:Windows” “delete”
Evolution of the
Java security model
• Since the security model is code-centric -
additional access control decisions are specified
in a security policy
• No more notion of trusted and untrusted code
Evolution of the
Java security model
• The notion of protection domain introduced –
determined by the security policy
• Two types of protection domains – system and
Evolution of the
Java security model
• The protection domain is set during classloading
and contains the code source and the list of
permissions for the class
Evolution of the
Java security model
• One permission can imply another permission
java.io.FilePermissions “C:Windows” “delete”
java.io.FilePermissions “C:Windowssystem32” “delete”
Evolution of the
Java security model
• One code source can imply another code source
codeBase http://javaday.bg/
codeBase http://javaday.bg/demoapplet
Evolution of the
Java security model
• Since an execution thread may pass through
classes loaded by different classloaders (and
hence – have different protection domains) the
following rule of thumb applies:
The permission set of an execution thread is considered
to be the intersection of the permissions of all protection
domains traversed by the execution thread
Evolution of the
Java security model
• JDK 1.3, 1,4 (what about entities running the
code … ?) – JAAS
System code
grant principal javax.security.auth.x500.X500Principal "cn=Tom"
{ permission java.io.FilePermissions “C:Windows” “delete” }
Evolution of the
Java security model
• JAAS (Java Authentication and Authorization
Service) extends the security model with role-
based permissions
• The protection domain of a class now may
contain not only the code source and the
permissions but a list of principals
Evolution of the
Java security model
• The authentication component of JAAS is
independent of the security sandbox in Java and
hence is typically used in more wider context
(such as j2ee app servers)
• The authorization component is the one that
extends the Java security policy
Evolution of the
Java security model
• Core classes of JAAS:
– javax.security.auth.Subject - an authenticated subject
– java.security.Principal - identifying characteristic of a subject
– javax.security.auth.spi.LoginModule - interface for
implementors of login (PAM) modules
– javax.security.auth.login.LoginContext - creates objects used
for authentication
Evolution of the
Java security model
• Up to JDK 1.4 the following is a typical flow for
permission checking:
1) upon system startup a security policy is set and a
security manager is installed
Evolution of the
Java security model
• Up to JDK 1.4 the following is a typical flow for
permission checking:
2) during classloading (e.g. of a remote applet) bytecode
verification is done and the protection domain is set
for the current classloader (along with the code
source, the set of permissions and the set of JAAS
Evolution of the
Java security model
• Up to JDK 1.4 the following is a typical flow for
permission checking:
3) when system code is invoked from the remote code
the SecurityManager is used to check against the
intersection of protection domains based on the chain
of threads and their call stacks
Evolution of the
Java security model
• Up to JDK 1.4 the following is a typical flow for
permission checking:
SocketPermission permission = new
SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
if (sm != null) sm.checkPermission(permission);
Evolution of the
Java security model
• Up to JDK 1.4 the following is a typical flow for
permission checking:
4) application code can also do permission checking
against remote code using a SecurityManager or an
Evolution of the
Java security model
• Up to JDK 1.4 the following is a typical flow for
permission checking:
SocketPermission permission = new
Evolution of the
Java security model
• Up to JDK 1.4 the following is a typical flow for
permission checking:
5) application code can also do permission checking with
all permissions of the calling domain or a particular
JAAS subject
Evolution of the
Java security model
• The security model defined by
java.lang.SecurityManager is customizable
• For example: Oracle JVM uses a custom
SecurityManager with additional permission
classes where the code source is a database
schema (containing e.g. Java stored procedures)
Evolution of the
Java security model
• JDK 1.5, 1.6 (enhancing the model …) – new
additions to the sandbox model (e.g. LDAP
support for JAAS)
Evolution of the
Java security model
• JDK 1.7, 1.8 (further enhancing the model …) –
enhancements to the sandbox model (e.g.
AccessController.doPrivileged() for checking
against a subset of permissions)
Evolution of the
Java security model
• JDK 1.9 and beyond … (applying the model to
modules …)
application module
module 1
module 2
Evolution of the
Java security model
• By modules we understand modules in JDK as
defined by project Jigsaw
• Modules must conform to the same security
model as applets – moreover each module is
loaded by a different classloader – hence classes
in different modules must have different
protection domains
Evolution of the
Java security model
• Modularization of the JDK system classes
allows further to define fine-grained access
control permissions for classes in the system
• This is not currently allowed due to the
monolithic nature of the JDK
Outside the sandbox - APIs for
secure coding
Outside the sandbox - APIs for secure
• The security sandbox defines a strict model for
execution of remote code in the JVM
• The other side of the coin are the security APIs
that provide utilities for implementing the
different aspects of application security …
Outside the sandbox - APIs for secure
• The additional set of APIs includes:
– JCA (Java Cryptography Architecture)
– PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) utilities
– JSSE (Java Secure Socket Extension)
– Java GSS API (Java Generic Security Services)
– Java SASL API (Java Simple Authentication and Security
Outside the sandbox - APIs for secure
• JCA provides utilities for:
– creating digital signatures
– creating message digests
– using cryptographic ciphers (symetric/asymetric,
– using different other types of cryptographic services and
Outside the sandbox - APIs for secure
• JCA has a pluggable architecture
• JCA is independent from particular cryptographic
• JCA continues to evolve (especially by providing
stronger cryptographic algorithms)
Outside the sandbox - APIs for secure
• PKI utilities provide means for working with:
– certificates
– certificate revocation lists (CRL)
– OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol)
– key stores and trust stores (also based on the PKCS -
public-key cryptography standards)
Outside the sandbox - APIs for secure
• PKI certificate revocation check (revision):
• PKI utilities continue to evolve (especially in
providing more support for managing certificates
and keys)
Outside the sandbox - APIs for secure
• JSSE provides an implementation of the TSL/SSL
sockets for working with remote communication
• JSSE continues to evolve (especially in the
support for additional features such as Server
Name Identication)
Outside the sandbox - APIs for secure
• Java GSS API provides an alternative of JSSE
for secure communication
• Java GSS API is a framework for providing
token-based security services that is
independent of the underlying protocols
Outside the sandbox - APIs for secure
• Java GSS API can be used along with JAAS for
authentication purposes
• Java GSS API continues to evolve (especially in
the support for Kerberos authentication)
Outside the sandbox - APIs for secure
• Java SASL defines a protocol for exchange of
authentication data
• Java SASL is a framework where external
providers give concrete semantics to the
authentication data being exchanged
Outside the sandbox - APIs for secure
• Java SASL continues to evolve (especially with
support for additional and enhanced
properties for exchanging authentication data)
Designing and coding with
security in mind
Designing and coding
with security in mind
• First of all - follow programing guidelines and
best practices - most are not bound to the Java
programming language (input validation, error
handling, type safety, access modifiers, resource
cleanup, prepared SQL queries and whatever you
can think of …)
Designing and coding
with security in mind
• Respect the SecurityManager - design libraries so
that they work in environments with installed
• Example: GSON library does not respect the
SecurityManager and cannot be used without additional
reflective permissions in some scenarios
Designing and coding
with security in mind
• Grant minimal permissions to code that requires
them - the principle of "least privilege"
• Copy-pasting, of course, increases the risk of
security flows (if the copied code is flawed)
Designing and coding
with security in mind
• Sanitize exception messages from sensitive
information - often this results in an unintended
exposal of exploitable information
• Let alone exception stacktraces … in many cases
they convey a wealth of information about the
Thank you
• Java Security Overview (white paper)
• Java SE Platform Security Architecture Spec
• Inside Java 2 Platform Security, 2nd edition
• Java Security, 2nd edition, Scott Oaks
• Securing Java, Gary McGraw, Ed Felden
• Secure Coding Guidelines for Java SE
• Java 2 Network Security
• Java Security Documentation
• Core Java Security: Class Loaders, Security
Managers and Encryption
• Overview of Java Security Models

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Security Architecture of the Java Platform (BG OUG, Plovdiv, 13.06.2015)

  • 2. Who am I Software engineer @ EPAM Bulgaria BG JUG governance board member (http://jug.bg) OpenJDK contributor
  • 3. Agenda • Evolution of the Java security model • Outside the sandbox - APIs for secure coding • Designing and coding with security in mind
  • 4. Evolution of the Java security model
  • 5. Evolution of the Java security model • Traditionally - companies protect they assets using strict physical and network access policies • Tools such as anti-virus software, firewalls, IPS/IDS systems facilitate this approach
  • 6. Evolution of the Java security model • With the introduction of various technologies for loading and executing code on the client machine from the browser (such as Applets) - a new range of concerns emerge related to client security – this is when the Java security sandbox starts to evolve …
  • 7. Evolution of the Java security model • The goal of the Java security sandbox is to allow untrusted code from applets to be executed in a trusted environment such as the user's browser
  • 8. Evolution of the Java security model • JDK 1.0 (when it all started …) – the original sandbox model was introduced Applet (untrusted) System code (trusted) JVM Browser http://javaday.bg/demoapplet
  • 9. Evolution of the Java security model • Code executed by the JVM is divided in two domains – trusted and untrusted • Strict restriction are applied by default on the security model of applets such as denial to read/write data from disk, connect to the network and so on
  • 10. Evolution of the Java security model • JDK 1.1 (gaining trust …) – applet signing introduced Applet (untrusted) System code (trusted) JVM Browser http://javaday.bg/demoapplet Signed Applet (trusted) http://javaday.bg/trustedapplet
  • 11. Evolution of the Java security model • Trusted local code and untrusted remote code from applets restricted to a predefined set of operations OR signed applet code that is trusted
  • 12. Evolution of the Java security model • Steps needed to sign and run an applet: – Compile the applet – Create a JAR file for the applet – Generate a pair of public/private keys – Sign the applet JAR with the private key – Export a certificate for the public key – Import the Certificate as a Trusted Certificate – Create the policy file – Load and run the applet
  • 13. Evolution of the Java security model • JDK 1.2 (gaining more trust …) – fine-grained access control Applet System code JVM Browser http://javaday.bg/demoapplet grant codeBase http://javaday.bg/demoapplet { permission java.io.FilePermissions “C:Windows” “delete” } security.policy SecurityManager.checkPermission(…) AccessController.checkPermission(…)
  • 14. Evolution of the Java security model • Since the security model is code-centric - additional access control decisions are specified in a security policy • No more notion of trusted and untrusted code
  • 15. Evolution of the Java security model • The notion of protection domain introduced – determined by the security policy • Two types of protection domains – system and application
  • 16. Evolution of the Java security model • The protection domain is set during classloading and contains the code source and the list of permissions for the class applet.getClass().getProtectionDomain();
  • 17. Evolution of the Java security model • One permission can imply another permission java.io.FilePermissions “C:Windows” “delete” implies java.io.FilePermissions “C:Windowssystem32” “delete”
  • 18. Evolution of the Java security model • One code source can imply another code source codeBase http://javaday.bg/ implies codeBase http://javaday.bg/demoapplet
  • 19. Evolution of the Java security model • Since an execution thread may pass through classes loaded by different classloaders (and hence – have different protection domains) the following rule of thumb applies: The permission set of an execution thread is considered to be the intersection of the permissions of all protection domains traversed by the execution thread
  • 20. Evolution of the Java security model • JDK 1.3, 1,4 (what about entities running the code … ?) – JAAS Applet System code JVM Browser http://javaday.bg/demoapplet grant principal javax.security.auth.x500.X500Principal "cn=Tom" { permission java.io.FilePermissions “C:Windows” “delete” } security.policy
  • 21. Evolution of the Java security model • JAAS (Java Authentication and Authorization Service) extends the security model with role- based permissions • The protection domain of a class now may contain not only the code source and the permissions but a list of principals
  • 22. Evolution of the Java security model • The authentication component of JAAS is independent of the security sandbox in Java and hence is typically used in more wider context (such as j2ee app servers) • The authorization component is the one that extends the Java security policy
  • 23. Evolution of the Java security model • Core classes of JAAS: – javax.security.auth.Subject - an authenticated subject – java.security.Principal - identifying characteristic of a subject – javax.security.auth.spi.LoginModule - interface for implementors of login (PAM) modules – javax.security.auth.login.LoginContext - creates objects used for authentication
  • 24. Evolution of the Java security model • Up to JDK 1.4 the following is a typical flow for permission checking: 1) upon system startup a security policy is set and a security manager is installed Policy.setPolicy(…) System.setSecurityManager(…)
  • 25. Evolution of the Java security model • Up to JDK 1.4 the following is a typical flow for permission checking: 2) during classloading (e.g. of a remote applet) bytecode verification is done and the protection domain is set for the current classloader (along with the code source, the set of permissions and the set of JAAS principals)
  • 26. Evolution of the Java security model • Up to JDK 1.4 the following is a typical flow for permission checking: 3) when system code is invoked from the remote code the SecurityManager is used to check against the intersection of protection domains based on the chain of threads and their call stacks
  • 27. Evolution of the Java security model • Up to JDK 1.4 the following is a typical flow for permission checking: SocketPermission permission = new SocketPermission("javaday.bg:8000- 9000","connect,accept"); SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager(); if (sm != null) sm.checkPermission(permission);
  • 28. Evolution of the Java security model • Up to JDK 1.4 the following is a typical flow for permission checking: 4) application code can also do permission checking against remote code using a SecurityManager or an AccessController
  • 29. Evolution of the Java security model • Up to JDK 1.4 the following is a typical flow for permission checking: SocketPermission permission = new SocketPermission("javaday.bg:8000-9000", "connect,accept"); AccessController.checkPermission(permission)
  • 30. Evolution of the Java security model • Up to JDK 1.4 the following is a typical flow for permission checking: 5) application code can also do permission checking with all permissions of the calling domain or a particular JAAS subject AccessController.doPrivileged(…) Subject.doAs(…) Subject.doAsPrivileged(…)
  • 31. Evolution of the Java security model • The security model defined by java.lang.SecurityManager is customizable • For example: Oracle JVM uses a custom SecurityManager with additional permission classes where the code source is a database schema (containing e.g. Java stored procedures)
  • 32. Evolution of the Java security model • JDK 1.5, 1.6 (enhancing the model …) – new additions to the sandbox model (e.g. LDAP support for JAAS)
  • 33. Evolution of the Java security model • JDK 1.7, 1.8 (further enhancing the model …) – enhancements to the sandbox model (e.g. AccessController.doPrivileged() for checking against a subset of permissions)
  • 34. Evolution of the Java security model • JDK 1.9 and beyond … (applying the model to modules …) application module system module 1 JVM Browser http://javaday.bg/appmodule security.policy system module 2
  • 35. Evolution of the Java security model • By modules we understand modules in JDK as defined by project Jigsaw • Modules must conform to the same security model as applets – moreover each module is loaded by a different classloader – hence classes in different modules must have different protection domains
  • 36. Evolution of the Java security model • Modularization of the JDK system classes allows further to define fine-grained access control permissions for classes in the system domain • This is not currently allowed due to the monolithic nature of the JDK
  • 37. Outside the sandbox - APIs for secure coding
  • 38. Outside the sandbox - APIs for secure coding • The security sandbox defines a strict model for execution of remote code in the JVM • The other side of the coin are the security APIs that provide utilities for implementing the different aspects of application security …
  • 39. Outside the sandbox - APIs for secure coding • The additional set of APIs includes: – JCA (Java Cryptography Architecture) – PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) utilities – JSSE (Java Secure Socket Extension) – Java GSS API (Java Generic Security Services) – Java SASL API (Java Simple Authentication and Security Layer)
  • 40. Outside the sandbox - APIs for secure coding • JCA provides utilities for: – creating digital signatures – creating message digests – using cryptographic ciphers (symetric/asymetric, block/stream) – using different other types of cryptographic services and algorithms
  • 41. Outside the sandbox - APIs for secure coding • JCA has a pluggable architecture • JCA is independent from particular cryptographic algorithms • JCA continues to evolve (especially by providing stronger cryptographic algorithms)
  • 42. Outside the sandbox - APIs for secure coding • PKI utilities provide means for working with: – certificates – certificate revocation lists (CRL) – OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol) – key stores and trust stores (also based on the PKCS - public-key cryptography standards)
  • 43. Outside the sandbox - APIs for secure coding • PKI certificate revocation check (revision): • PKI utilities continue to evolve (especially in providing more support for managing certificates and keys) certificate authorityrevocation checking OCSP CRL certificate certificate
  • 44. Outside the sandbox - APIs for secure coding • JSSE provides an implementation of the TSL/SSL sockets for working with remote communication • JSSE continues to evolve (especially in the support for additional features such as Server Name Identication)
  • 45. Outside the sandbox - APIs for secure coding • Java GSS API provides an alternative of JSSE for secure communication • Java GSS API is a framework for providing token-based security services that is independent of the underlying protocols
  • 46. Outside the sandbox - APIs for secure coding • Java GSS API can be used along with JAAS for authentication purposes • Java GSS API continues to evolve (especially in the support for Kerberos authentication)
  • 47. Outside the sandbox - APIs for secure coding • Java SASL defines a protocol for exchange of authentication data • Java SASL is a framework where external providers give concrete semantics to the authentication data being exchanged
  • 48. Outside the sandbox - APIs for secure coding • Java SASL continues to evolve (especially with support for additional and enhanced properties for exchanging authentication data)
  • 49. Designing and coding with security in mind
  • 50. Designing and coding with security in mind • First of all - follow programing guidelines and best practices - most are not bound to the Java programming language (input validation, error handling, type safety, access modifiers, resource cleanup, prepared SQL queries and whatever you can think of …)
  • 51. Designing and coding with security in mind • Respect the SecurityManager - design libraries so that they work in environments with installed SecurityManager • Example: GSON library does not respect the SecurityManager and cannot be used without additional reflective permissions in some scenarios
  • 52. Designing and coding with security in mind • Grant minimal permissions to code that requires them - the principle of "least privilege" • Copy-pasting, of course, increases the risk of security flows (if the copied code is flawed)
  • 53. Designing and coding with security in mind • Sanitize exception messages from sensitive information - often this results in an unintended exposal of exploitable information • Let alone exception stacktraces … in many cases they convey a wealth of information about the system
  • 55. References • Java Security Overview (white paper) http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/js-white-paper- 149932.pdf • Java SE Platform Security Architecture Spec http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/guides/sec urity/spec/security-spec.doc.html • Inside Java 2 Platform Security, 2nd edition http://www.amazon.com/Inside-Java%C2%BF-Platform- Security-Implementation/dp/0201787911
  • 56. References • Java Security, 2nd edition, Scott Oaks http://shop.oreilly.com/product/9780596001575.do • Securing Java, Gary McGraw, Ed Felden http://www.securingjava.com • Secure Coding Guidelines for Java SE http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/seccodeguide -139067.html#0
  • 57. References • Java 2 Network Security http://www.amazon.com/JAVA-Network-Security-2nd- Edition/dp/0130155926 • Java Security Documentation http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/ security/index.html
  • 58. References • Core Java Security: Class Loaders, Security Managers and Encryption http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=118796 7 • Overview of Java Security Models http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E12839_01/core.1111/e1004 3/introjps.htm#CHDCEJGH

Editor's Notes

  1. The code source on the other hand contains the URL location, the list of signers and the list of certificates
  2. The code source on the other hand contains the URL location, the list of signers and the list of certificates
  3. The code source on the other hand contains the URL location, the list of signers and the list of certificates
  4. The code source on the other hand contains the URL location, the list of signers and the list of certificates
  5. The code source on the other hand contains the URL location, the list of signers and the list of certificates
  6. A typical scenario – in a single multiuser operating system we may have multiple users accessing the same applet from the browser – we may want to define permissions based on the currently logged-in user by providing integration with e.g. Kerberos (in case of a Windows OS)
  7. An AccessControlContext keeps the list of protection domains for the current thread
  8. An AccessControlContext keeps the list of protection domains for the current thread
  9. There are two main differences in using a SecurityManager and an AccessController: The SecurityManager needs to be installed while AccessController only provides static methods The SecurityManager can be customized while AccessController provides additional algorithms that can be used over the default security model
  10. There are two main differences in using a SecurityManager and an AccessController: The SecurityManager needs to be installed while AccessController only provides static methods The SecurityManager can be customized while AccessController provides additional algorithms that can be used over the default security model
  11. Calling code with a different JAAS subject is similar to the Unix setuid utility