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sEEnergies – modelling approach linking different efficiency potentials
Quantification of synergies between Energy Efficiency first principle and renewable
energy systems
sEEnergies project
How current European projects could help in the shaping of the Recovery Fund and their links with the new Green Deal?
Brian Vad Mathiesen, Aalborg University, Coordinator
What is the challenge?
Efficiency First is the fundamental principle around which EU’s Energy System
should be designed be designed. It means considering the potential value of
investing in efficiency (including energy savings and demand response) in all
decisions about energy system development - be that in homes, offices, industry
or mobility. Where efficiency improvements are shown to be most cost-effective
or valuable, taking full account of their co-benefits, they should be prioritized
over any investment in new power generation, grids or pipelines, and fuel
supplies. In practice, Efficiency First means giving EE a fair chance in the models
and impact assessments that policy-makers use to make decisions,
strengthening those laws that already target efficiency, and integrating it into
all other Energy Union policies. That includes funding decisions and
infrastructure planning. Applying this principle will help to correct the persistent
bias towards increasing supply over managing demand, a bias towards
increasing supply over managing demand, a bias which has impeded Europe’s
ability to create a least-cost, jobs-rich, low-carbon energy system.
Key questions:
- How do we prioritise energy efficiency measures today that also have an
effect in the future?
- What are the supply chain effects of energy savings in future energy
- What does the future look like?
sEEnergies 2
According to the European Climate Foundation the Energy Union EEFP can be explained as:
Why sEEnergies - objectives
 Clear need not only to define but also to operationalise the ENERGY EFFICIENCY PRINCIPLE both in qualitative and in
quantitative terms – sEEnergies pledges to combine and complement existing sector-dedicated models with temporal
and spatial analyses to develop a very analytical decision support tool.
 The bottom-up approach used in the sEEnergies project will have as starting point detailed analyses of EE matters in each
sector. As a consequence, besides providing a general overview of the EE potentials from an energy systems perspective,
sEEnergies will also provide advances on the state-of-the-art of the understanding of EEFP consequences for each sector.
This will enable policy makers and other target groups to easily find the results concerning the sector they are more
interested on.
EASME – project consortium
sEEnergies 3
Overview of project setup and model approach
sEEnergies 4
Energy efficiency potentials (WP1 – WP4)
Bottom-up demand models
 Buildings (WP1)
 Transport (WP2)
 Industry (WP3)
 Grids (WP4)
 Detail rich, energy demand simulation models
 Focus on efficiency measures, potentials and costs
 Integrating user behaviour and decisions (e.g. preferences for
heating systems, elasticities of transport modes, etc.)
-> Ouptut
 Cost curves for various efficiency measures (aggregated as
well as on individual level)
 Efficiency potentials for different sectors
 strategies for more efficient vehicles, modal shift, and transport
demand measures
 Use of state-of-the-art mobility and technology knowledge
combined with GIS spatial analyses
 Development of scenarios for the development in mobility and transport
 EE potentials in the building envelope and electricity savings
 Comprehensive analyses of the use of excess heat from industry
and low temperature district heating
 Development of scenarios for industry where each sub-sector can be
analysed in depth considering EE potentials and potential structural
industrial changes
TEP Energy, NMBU, KU Leuven, AAU and UU
sEEnergies 5
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
U-value [W/m2K]
Germany - Wall
Energy efficiency potentials - Transport
Particular focus due to large challenges:
 >95% reliant on oil
 High increase historically
 Large potential for electric cars and direct
electricity but..
 Specific challenges in bringing in electricity in sea,
aviation and good transport
• Mapping of all modes of transport
• Connects to Advanced Energy Systems
Analyses EnergyPLAN (www.energyplan.eu)
sEEnergies 6
Energy efficiency potentials - Industry
• Opening the ”black box” of industry
• Targeting the lacking middle-ground
• Energy efficiency first principle applied in
an industrial setting
• Flexible and dynamic platform
• Connects to Advanced Energy Systems
Analyses EnergyPLAN (www.energyplan.eu)
sEEnergies 7
Energy efficiency in the supply chain
In sEEnergies the EEFP is (WP1-WP3):
- end savings
- conversion efficiency at the end consumer
- in products and electric vehicles
and further than that (WP4-WP6):
- supply chain effects of end use savings
- efficient energy system designs
- country based results
One common point of reference:
Analysing the EEFP in the entire supply chain in a future situation
requires a consistent approach to future developments. In sEEnergies
selected scenarios from “A Clean Planet for all” are used as a common
reference across countries in Europe and across sectors in the energy
sEEnergies 8
Scenarios in ”A Clean Planet for all”
sEEnergies 9
Scenarios for EU2050
- with GHG reductions driven by
decarbonised energy carriers:
- Electricity
- Hydrogren
- Power 2 X
- with demand driven GHG reductions:
- Energy efficiency
- Circular economy
- combination
- Combo (below 2°C)
- net zero GHG emissions (COMBO+)
- Negative Emissions Technologies
- Sustainable Lifestyles
Modelling platform PRIMES – EnergyPLAN
Original PRIMES Scenarios
5 fully integrated models
Disaggregation into country
level data (using AU tools)
EU 28 models
EU level
Process data:
• Interpret documentation
• From annual to hourly values
• Calibrate results
COMBO 1.5 TECH 1.5 LIFE20502015
COMBO 1.5 TECH 1.5 LIFE20502015
COMBO 1.5 TECH 1.5 LIFE20502015
New measures and
Smart Energy System
SES Europe
– Create SES
- Disaggregation
sEEnergies 11
What current and future scenarios do we have in sEEnergies?
sEEnergies 12
•2015 is the year where we have the most complete set of data.
2015 scenario
•For the credibility of the project a more recent year is needed as a ”base year”. But due to the Coronacrisis we have
postponed the decision on which year to choose.
Base year (a 2019/2021 scenario)
•Based on the Baseline, but not assuming large changes in energy efficiency in buildings, industry and transport
Frozen policy scenario 2050
•Based on ”A Clean Planet for All”.
Baseline scenario 2050
•Based on ”A Clean Planet for All”.
1.5 Tech 2050
•Based on ”A Clean Planet for All”.
1.5 Life 2050
•Changes in end use, hydrogen usage mainly in electrofuels for transport, heat demands in buildings and industry, heat
Smart Energy Europe 2050
What current and future scenarios do we have in sEEnergies?
sEEnergies 13
Must have
System: Focus on EE, electrification and energy storage in hydrogen
Buildings: Failure in end savings? degree of electricity/hydrogen?
Transport: Degree of electricity/hydrogen?
Industry: Failure in end savings? degree of electricity/hydrogen?
2015 Base year
1.5 Tech / 1.5 Life
Building heat
and hot water
data used
– but
to statistics
used – but
compared to
Few savings Very
High increase
– less/no
High increase
– some
High increase –
and hydrogen
Few savings Very
What current and future scenarios do we have in sEEnergies?
2015 Base year
1.5 Tech / 1.5 Life Several new visions?
sEEnegies 2050?
Smart Energy
Europe 2050?
Building heat
and hot water
data used
– but
to statistics
used – but
compared to
Few savings Very
Several supply/demands
analysed – recommended
ranges from matrix?
Moderate savings?
High increase
– less/no
High increase
– some
High increase –
and hydrogen
Based on balances with: RE
potentials, costs, areas use,
energy use, congestion etc?
Some increase,
modal shift,
Few savings Very
Based on balances with: RE
potentials, costs, energy
Moderate savings?
sEEnergies 14
System: Degree of silo/intregration in energy systems? Adding new thermal infrastructure and
other gas/liquid fuels infrastructure for electrofuels? Import of hydrogen/renewable energy?
Buildings: Degree of individual heating/district heating, degree og district cooling, low temperature
district heating
Transport: Planning for urban sprawl or not (growth rates)? Investments in public transport (modal
shift), direct use of H2 or electrofuels? More efficient goods transport?
Industry: Globalisation (productions moves from Europe)/ automation (higher energy usage in EU)
Energy system modelling (WP6)
Modelling Energy Systems Synergies and
Quantification of EEFP Impact (WP6)
 Model and assess all relevant aspects linked to the
EEFP impacts
 Enable the creation and assessment of different
scenarios, representing energy systems synergies with
different levels of EE
 Develop an investment strategy roadmap based on the
evaluation of the most critical EE improvements
 Build up sound scientific based knowledge to support
policy making
 Investigate if the proposed EE measures fit the existing
and planned policies, and where needed, suggest new
policies instead
AAU, all modelling groups
sEEnergies 15
W W W . S M AR T E N E R G Y S Y S T E M S . E U
W W W . E N E R G Y P L AN . E U
Spatial analysis (WP5)
Spatial model (WP5)
 Spatial distribution of supply and
demand, incl. efficiency potentials
 Uptake of energy demand data and
efficiency potentials
 Spatial disaggregation from country
level to hectares
 Maps of current energy systems and
of future energy systems
Halmstad and Flensburg Universities
sEEnergies 16
Key Recommendations for the Heat Sector from Heat Roadmap Europe
Heat Savings
Balance Savings vs. Supply
30-50% Total Reduction
Urban Areas
District Heating Networks
High Heat Density Areas
Supply ~50% of the Heat
Rural Areas
Primarily Electric Heat
Smaller Shares of Solar
Thermal & Biomass Boilers
Remaining ~50% of the
Heat Demand
W W W . H E AT R O AD M AP . E U
Heat synergies map in PETA4, Heat Roadmap Europe
Example: Netherlands
Heat demands: 296 PJ/y
Excess heat: 560 PJ/y
District heating share: 6%
Renewable energy in heating: 3%
- Not a Technical barrier to improve energy
Concrete ideas from Heat Roadmap Europe and other
 Planning procedure needed from local level to regional,
national and EU level.
 Change the wording on use for DHC i.e. truely consider
district heating grids a public asset that should be governed
as a natural monopoly
 If use of waste heat and renewable energy for heat is the
goal: Protect the citizens (not consumers) and avoid profit
taking in ownership models
EU level:
 Make a task force to investigate building the two levels of
trust on a member state level in the multilevel governance
 Continue to push better comprehensive assessments
(democratize knowledge – pinch grip)
 Tighten EE measures in e.g. EPND – but focus on the building
envelope and do not mix RE and EE
 Make a support framework for district heating with
mandatory demand to have local ownership and governance
models and to use of state-of-the-art technology for EE and
DH under which conditions a small EU investment support
mechanism is possible. (Could be released over the first 10
• National level:
• Demand assessments should be based on socio-economic cost and
a subsidy (national or EU) should be based on local-valuation (a kind
of CBA system)
• Funding – we have plenty. Don’t put out obstacles.
• Access to low interest rate public loans if ownership is local and no
profit is taken out of the system.
• Ensure cost-real prices for consumers (Not a non-profit model but
more than that)
• Demand full disclosure of financial elements in tariff structure
(democratic infrastructure)
• Cost-real means a system where you have to invest in the cheapest
• Make heat producers compete to supply into the grids only where it
makes sense (in large systems) – otherwise promote full local
• Tighten building regulation
• Create mandatory planning procedure and private economic
conditions that favour long-term investments (in EE and DH)
• Local and Regional level:
• Use the overall framework (above)
• Allocate resources for local heat planning and coordinate local
W W W . H E AT R O AD M AP . E U
sEEnergies 20

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sEEnergies – modelling approach linking different efficiency potentials

  • 1. sEEnergies – modelling approach linking different efficiency potentials Quantification of synergies between Energy Efficiency first principle and renewable energy systems sEEnergies project 10.09.2020 How current European projects could help in the shaping of the Recovery Fund and their links with the new Green Deal? Brian Vad Mathiesen, Aalborg University, Coordinator
  • 2. What is the challenge? Efficiency First is the fundamental principle around which EU’s Energy System should be designed be designed. It means considering the potential value of investing in efficiency (including energy savings and demand response) in all decisions about energy system development - be that in homes, offices, industry or mobility. Where efficiency improvements are shown to be most cost-effective or valuable, taking full account of their co-benefits, they should be prioritized over any investment in new power generation, grids or pipelines, and fuel supplies. In practice, Efficiency First means giving EE a fair chance in the models and impact assessments that policy-makers use to make decisions, strengthening those laws that already target efficiency, and integrating it into all other Energy Union policies. That includes funding decisions and infrastructure planning. Applying this principle will help to correct the persistent bias towards increasing supply over managing demand, a bias towards increasing supply over managing demand, a bias which has impeded Europe’s ability to create a least-cost, jobs-rich, low-carbon energy system. Key questions: - How do we prioritise energy efficiency measures today that also have an effect in the future? - What are the supply chain effects of energy savings in future energy systems? - What does the future look like? sEEnergies 2 According to the European Climate Foundation the Energy Union EEFP can be explained as:
  • 3. Why sEEnergies - objectives  Clear need not only to define but also to operationalise the ENERGY EFFICIENCY PRINCIPLE both in qualitative and in quantitative terms – sEEnergies pledges to combine and complement existing sector-dedicated models with temporal and spatial analyses to develop a very analytical decision support tool.  The bottom-up approach used in the sEEnergies project will have as starting point detailed analyses of EE matters in each sector. As a consequence, besides providing a general overview of the EE potentials from an energy systems perspective, sEEnergies will also provide advances on the state-of-the-art of the understanding of EEFP consequences for each sector. This will enable policy makers and other target groups to easily find the results concerning the sector they are more interested on. EASME – project consortium sEEnergies 3
  • 4. Overview of project setup and model approach sEEnergies 4
  • 5. Energy efficiency potentials (WP1 – WP4) Bottom-up demand models  Buildings (WP1)  Transport (WP2)  Industry (WP3)  Grids (WP4)  Detail rich, energy demand simulation models  Focus on efficiency measures, potentials and costs  Integrating user behaviour and decisions (e.g. preferences for heating systems, elasticities of transport modes, etc.) -> Ouptut  Cost curves for various efficiency measures (aggregated as well as on individual level)  Efficiency potentials for different sectors  strategies for more efficient vehicles, modal shift, and transport demand measures  Use of state-of-the-art mobility and technology knowledge combined with GIS spatial analyses  Development of scenarios for the development in mobility and transport  EE potentials in the building envelope and electricity savings  Comprehensive analyses of the use of excess heat from industry and low temperature district heating  Development of scenarios for industry where each sub-sector can be analysed in depth considering EE potentials and potential structural industrial changes TEP Energy, NMBU, KU Leuven, AAU and UU sEEnergies 5 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Cost[€/m2] U-value [W/m2K] Germany - Wall Retro Retro2 New
  • 6. Energy efficiency potentials - Transport Particular focus due to large challenges:  >95% reliant on oil  High increase historically  Large potential for electric cars and direct electricity but..  Specific challenges in bringing in electricity in sea, aviation and good transport • Mapping of all modes of transport • Connects to Advanced Energy Systems Analyses EnergyPLAN (www.energyplan.eu) WP2 sEEnergies 6
  • 7. Energy efficiency potentials - Industry • Opening the ”black box” of industry • Targeting the lacking middle-ground • Energy efficiency first principle applied in an industrial setting • Flexible and dynamic platform • Connects to Advanced Energy Systems Analyses EnergyPLAN (www.energyplan.eu) WP3 sEEnergies 7 IndustryPLAN
  • 8. Energy efficiency in the supply chain In sEEnergies the EEFP is (WP1-WP3): - end savings - conversion efficiency at the end consumer - in products and electric vehicles and further than that (WP4-WP6): - supply chain effects of end use savings - efficient energy system designs - country based results One common point of reference: Analysing the EEFP in the entire supply chain in a future situation requires a consistent approach to future developments. In sEEnergies selected scenarios from “A Clean Planet for all” are used as a common reference across countries in Europe and across sectors in the energy sector. sEEnergies 8
  • 9. Scenarios in ”A Clean Planet for all” sEEnergies 9 Scenarios for EU2050 - with GHG reductions driven by decarbonised energy carriers: - Electricity - Hydrogren - Power 2 X - with demand driven GHG reductions: - Energy efficiency - Circular economy - combination - Combo (below 2°C) - net zero GHG emissions (COMBO+) - Negative Emissions Technologies - Sustainable Lifestyles
  • 10. Modelling platform PRIMES – EnergyPLAN Original PRIMES Scenarios 5 fully integrated models Disaggregation into country level data (using AU tools) EU 28 models EU level Country level Process data: • Interpret documentation • From annual to hourly values • Calibrate results COMBO 1.5 TECH 1.5 LIFE20502015 COMBO 1.5 TECH 1.5 LIFE20502015 COMBO 1.5 TECH 1.5 LIFE20502015 New measures and Smart Energy System Approaches SES Europe Status – Create SES - Disaggregation - RE-INVEST Tool developmemt sEEnergies
  • 12. What current and future scenarios do we have in sEEnergies? sEEnergies 12 •2015 is the year where we have the most complete set of data. 2015 scenario •For the credibility of the project a more recent year is needed as a ”base year”. But due to the Coronacrisis we have postponed the decision on which year to choose. Base year (a 2019/2021 scenario) •Based on the Baseline, but not assuming large changes in energy efficiency in buildings, industry and transport Frozen policy scenario 2050 •Based on ”A Clean Planet for All”. Baseline scenario 2050 •Based on ”A Clean Planet for All”. 1.5 Tech 2050 •Based on ”A Clean Planet for All”. 1.5 Life 2050 •Changes in end use, hydrogen usage mainly in electrofuels for transport, heat demands in buildings and industry, heat supply Smart Energy Europe 2050
  • 13. What current and future scenarios do we have in sEEnergies? sEEnergies 13 Must have scenario narratives System: Focus on EE, electrification and energy storage in hydrogen Buildings: Failure in end savings? degree of electricity/hydrogen? Transport: Degree of electricity/hydrogen? Industry: Failure in end savings? degree of electricity/hydrogen? 2015 Base year (2019/2021) Frozen efficiency Baseline savings 1.5 Tech / 1.5 Life Building heat and hot water demands PRIMES data used – but compared to statistics PRIMES data used – but compared to statistics Few savings Very ambitious savings Extremely ambitious savings, electrification/H2 Transport demands High increase – less/no electrification High increase – some electrification High increase – electrification and hydrogen Industry demands Few savings Very ambitious savings Extremely ambitious savings, electrification/H2
  • 14. What current and future scenarios do we have in sEEnergies? 2015 Base year (2019/2021) Frozen efficiency Baseline savings 1.5 Tech / 1.5 Life Several new visions? sEEnegies 2050? Smart Energy Europe 2050? Building heat and hot water demands PRIMES data used – but compared to statistics PRIMES data used – but compared to statistics Few savings Very ambitious savings Extremely ambitious savings, electrification/H2 Several supply/demands analysed – recommended ranges from matrix? Moderate savings? Transport demands High increase – less/no electrification High increase – some electrification High increase – electrification and hydrogen Based on balances with: RE potentials, costs, areas use, energy use, congestion etc? Some increase, modal shift, electrification, electrofuels Industry demands Few savings Very ambitious savings Extremely ambitious savings, electrification/H2 Based on balances with: RE potentials, costs, energy use, Moderate savings? sEEnergies 14 Future scenario narratives System: Degree of silo/intregration in energy systems? Adding new thermal infrastructure and other gas/liquid fuels infrastructure for electrofuels? Import of hydrogen/renewable energy? Buildings: Degree of individual heating/district heating, degree og district cooling, low temperature district heating Transport: Planning for urban sprawl or not (growth rates)? Investments in public transport (modal shift), direct use of H2 or electrofuels? More efficient goods transport? Industry: Globalisation (productions moves from Europe)/ automation (higher energy usage in EU)
  • 15. Energy system modelling (WP6) Modelling Energy Systems Synergies and Quantification of EEFP Impact (WP6)  Model and assess all relevant aspects linked to the EEFP impacts  Enable the creation and assessment of different scenarios, representing energy systems synergies with different levels of EE  Develop an investment strategy roadmap based on the evaluation of the most critical EE improvements  Build up sound scientific based knowledge to support policy making  Investigate if the proposed EE measures fit the existing and planned policies, and where needed, suggest new policies instead AAU, all modelling groups sEEnergies 15 W W W . S M AR T E N E R G Y S Y S T E M S . E U W W W . E N E R G Y P L AN . E U
  • 16. Spatial analysis (WP5) Spatial model (WP5)  Spatial distribution of supply and demand, incl. efficiency potentials  Uptake of energy demand data and efficiency potentials  Spatial disaggregation from country level to hectares  Maps of current energy systems and of future energy systems Halmstad and Flensburg Universities sEEnergies 16
  • 17. Key Recommendations for the Heat Sector from Heat Roadmap Europe Everywhere Heat Savings Balance Savings vs. Supply 30-50% Total Reduction Urban Areas District Heating Networks High Heat Density Areas Supply ~50% of the Heat Demand Rural Areas Primarily Electric Heat Pumps Smaller Shares of Solar Thermal & Biomass Boilers Remaining ~50% of the Heat Demand W W W . H E AT R O AD M AP . E U
  • 18. Heat synergies map in PETA4, Heat Roadmap Europe Example: Netherlands Heat demands: 296 PJ/y Excess heat: 560 PJ/y District heating share: 6% Renewable energy in heating: 3% - Not a Technical barrier to improve energy efficiency
  • 19. Concrete ideas from Heat Roadmap Europe and other General:  Planning procedure needed from local level to regional, national and EU level.  Change the wording on use for DHC i.e. truely consider district heating grids a public asset that should be governed as a natural monopoly  If use of waste heat and renewable energy for heat is the goal: Protect the citizens (not consumers) and avoid profit taking in ownership models EU level:  Make a task force to investigate building the two levels of trust on a member state level in the multilevel governance structure.  Continue to push better comprehensive assessments (democratize knowledge – pinch grip)  Tighten EE measures in e.g. EPND – but focus on the building envelope and do not mix RE and EE  Make a support framework for district heating with mandatory demand to have local ownership and governance models and to use of state-of-the-art technology for EE and DH under which conditions a small EU investment support mechanism is possible. (Could be released over the first 10 years) • National level: • Demand assessments should be based on socio-economic cost and a subsidy (national or EU) should be based on local-valuation (a kind of CBA system) • Funding – we have plenty. Don’t put out obstacles. • Access to low interest rate public loans if ownership is local and no profit is taken out of the system. • Ensure cost-real prices for consumers (Not a non-profit model but more than that) • Demand full disclosure of financial elements in tariff structure (democratic infrastructure) • Cost-real means a system where you have to invest in the cheapest option. • Make heat producers compete to supply into the grids only where it makes sense (in large systems) – otherwise promote full local ownership. • Tighten building regulation • Create mandatory planning procedure and private economic conditions that favour long-term investments (in EE and DH) • Local and Regional level: • Use the overall framework (above) • Allocate resources for local heat planning and coordinate local stakeholders. W W W . H E AT R O AD M AP . E U