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Facilitated by: Darlyn M. Carnalan 
Think of something ( person, animal, 
thing etc.) that you think has the same 
qualities that you have or that will 
represent yourself.
It is how you know and understand 
yourself. It is the conceptual and mental 
understanding that you hold for your 
existence . 
“the view one has of him/herself and his/her abilities.”
An internal feeling that influences 
how you see yourself. 
How you believe other people see 
Learned beliefs about how you see 
your physical appearance, 
personality and abilities. 
Related to beliefs, attitudes and 
 how you feel about yourself 
(emotional) . Each person has its 
own personal views 
 characteristics and beliefs of 
ones body and mind that shapes 
self esteem. 
 Synonyms or near-synonyms 'self-worth', 
'self-regard', 'self-respect', 
and 'self-integrity'.
• term used in psychology to reflect a person's overall evaluation or 
appraisal of his or her own worth. 
• encompasses beliefs (for example, "I am competent", "I am worthy") 
and emotions such as triumph, despair, pride and shame. 
(for example, "I believe I am a good writer and I feel happy about 
that") or have global extent (for example, "I believe I am a bad 
person, and feel bad about myself in general").
(15 MIN.) 
 List 5 positive and 5 negative traits you 
 Share within your group
As a child, you were vulnerable to false negative judgments from 
authority figures and you may well have internalized them as beliefs. 
1.Your parents, teachers, and authority figures judged you in some way. 
For example: “You look like your father”. “You are too short”, "Too fat", "too 
slow", etc. 
As a child, you believed all these judgments. You didn't even question them. At that 
time, you couldn't contradict authority. Children are vulnerable to accepting false 
negative judgments from authority figures even if they are harmful to self-esteem.
2. You then internalized the judgments and they turned into 
a part of howyou see yourself. 
"I am too short" became something like: “If I am too short I can't 
play baseball”. 
This created a stream of negative self-talk that influences how you see 
yourself and hurts your esteem. It is natural; you believed what they said 
was true, for as a child who were you to argue with them?
3. But, what is the truth about all these conclusions?. The truth is 
that being short is not an obstacle. Following the example given 
"If I am too short I cannot play basketball" (judgment you received) 
became an internalized belief. 
• The only reference point you had was others' opinions. 
• All these criticisms created an internal confusion in you about how you 
see yourself, and today it is a poor image that undermines your self 
esteemand confidence. 
• It is important, then, to start to become more aware of these beliefs 
about you.
 Identify and recognize your strengths to 
improve confidence. 
Learn to praise yourself 
Develop a positive attitude 
Spend time with supportive friends
• Self Concept is not fixed permanently. Part of it is dynamic and 
changing. You can learn to improve your self concept. To improve you 
must change , is a process that occurs over life time. 
• On the other hand, if you were capable of clarifying all the negative 
critics and judgment your received, you can create a positive image of 
you and therefore a good self esteem. 
How?. By accepting who you are . Letting go of your past through forgiveness 
of yourself and others. And building self esteem and confidence.
Improvement starts with learning to accept and love yourself . 
Improvement also means being acknowledged and loved by 
others. It does not matter were you are at the present moment 
or what is your level of self esteem, what matters is that you can 
change and improve your self concept. 
Focus on your strengths recognize your good qualities and be 
more positive. 
How to Know Yourself and improve your ability to see yourself 

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Self concept

  • 1. SELF - CONCEPT Facilitated by: Darlyn M. Carnalan dcarnalan@gmail.com
  • 2. WORKSHOP Think of something ( person, animal, thing etc.) that you think has the same qualities that you have or that will represent yourself.
  • 3. SELF-CONCEPT DEFINITION It is how you know and understand yourself. It is the conceptual and mental understanding that you hold for your existence . “the view one has of him/herself and his/her abilities.”
  • 4. AN IMPORTANT PART OF YOUR SELF-CONCEPT An internal feeling that influences how you see yourself. How you believe other people see you. Learned beliefs about how you see your physical appearance, personality and abilities. Related to beliefs, attitudes and opinions.  how you feel about yourself (emotional) . Each person has its own personal views  characteristics and beliefs of ones body and mind that shapes self esteem.  Synonyms or near-synonyms 'self-worth', 'self-regard', 'self-respect', and 'self-integrity'.
  • 5. • term used in psychology to reflect a person's overall evaluation or appraisal of his or her own worth. • encompasses beliefs (for example, "I am competent", "I am worthy") and emotions such as triumph, despair, pride and shame. (for example, "I believe I am a good writer and I feel happy about that") or have global extent (for example, "I believe I am a bad person, and feel bad about myself in general").
  • 7. WORKSHOP SESSION (15 MIN.)  List 5 positive and 5 negative traits you have  Share within your group
  • 8. HOW YOU HAVE DEVELOPED YOUR SELF-CONCEPT? As a child, you were vulnerable to false negative judgments from authority figures and you may well have internalized them as beliefs. 1.Your parents, teachers, and authority figures judged you in some way. For example: “You look like your father”. “You are too short”, "Too fat", "too slow", etc. As a child, you believed all these judgments. You didn't even question them. At that time, you couldn't contradict authority. Children are vulnerable to accepting false negative judgments from authority figures even if they are harmful to self-esteem.
  • 9. 2. You then internalized the judgments and they turned into a part of howyou see yourself. "I am too short" became something like: “If I am too short I can't play baseball”. This created a stream of negative self-talk that influences how you see yourself and hurts your esteem. It is natural; you believed what they said was true, for as a child who were you to argue with them?
  • 10. 3. But, what is the truth about all these conclusions?. The truth is that being short is not an obstacle. Following the example given above: "If I am too short I cannot play basketball" (judgment you received) became an internalized belief. • The only reference point you had was others' opinions. • All these criticisms created an internal confusion in you about how you see yourself, and today it is a poor image that undermines your self esteemand confidence. • It is important, then, to start to become more aware of these beliefs about you.
  • 11. HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR SELF-CONCEPT?  Identify and recognize your strengths to improve confidence. Learn to praise yourself Develop a positive attitude Spend time with supportive friends
  • 12. CONCLUSIONS • Self Concept is not fixed permanently. Part of it is dynamic and changing. You can learn to improve your self concept. To improve you must change , is a process that occurs over life time. • On the other hand, if you were capable of clarifying all the negative critics and judgment your received, you can create a positive image of you and therefore a good self esteem. How?. By accepting who you are . Letting go of your past through forgiveness of yourself and others. And building self esteem and confidence.
  • 13. Improvement starts with learning to accept and love yourself . Improvement also means being acknowledged and loved by others. It does not matter were you are at the present moment or what is your level of self esteem, what matters is that you can change and improve your self concept. Focus on your strengths recognize your good qualities and be more positive. How to Know Yourself and improve your ability to see yourself clearly.