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March 2017
Legibility analysis from Responsive Environments, Ian Bentley et.al. 2013
Centre for Modern Architecture Studies in Southeast Asia
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Architecture
Prerequisite: Architecture Design Studio IV
Project: 1 Preliminary studies
20% of final marks
Submission date:
Final Submission & Presentation : Week 4 (20 April 2017)
The Preliminary Studies is a preparatory assignment that focuses on investigating basic notions of the
city, and learning from examples of community library around the world. This assignment aims to firstly
introduce students to the basics in urban design and its relation to architecture, and secondly, studying
and determining the programmatic function, societal role and spatial layout of a community library and
architectural responses for urban infills.
The Preliminary Studies comprises of three components: Site Documentation, Site Analysis, and
Precedent Studies of Urban Infills and Community Library. The Site Documentation and Site Analysis
will equip students with a firm understanding of the site they will be working with this semester, while
the Precedent Studies will provide an insight into architectural responses for designing an urban infill
community library.
The outcome of the Preliminary Studies will include the production of site documentation materials
(drawings and models in both digital and physical copy for further use), a comprehensive analysis of
the site, and a detailed case study of a relevant urban infill and community library.
Objectives of Project
The objectives of this assignment are as follows:
1. To have an overview of the formation of cities and introduce basic concepts of urban design in
relation to architectural design
2. To introduce and implement basic methodologies of urban studies
3. To investigate the role of community libraries in traditional and contemporary urban societies
4. To examine various examples and architectural responses for urban infills
Learning Outcomes of this Project
1. Id Analyze the site character and identify conditions of the urban streetscape and urban
behavioural patterns
2. Analyze case studies to gain understanding of architectural response for urban infill sites and for
spatial programming to inform the design project
3. Produce necessary documentation (diagrams, mappings, photographic images, orthographic
drawings and models) to record and communicate site analysis findings, and for further use in the
coming design stages
The site context is Jalan TAR, KL. There is a real life scenario to establish the possibilities for a
Community Library to connect to the urban community, the young adults as being the user-group. The
studio project is collaborative with POW Ideas on one such scenarios on Jalan TAR.
The major issue being the fading of cultural heritage that engages the local communities. The
contemporary trend is to fade this rich cultural heritage rather than amplifying it. The solution is in design
employing critical approach to the notion of ‘content’ as a purposeful narrative to powerful questions
relevant to the context (Low, 2010). To begin with, the question is:
What are the possibilities for the community library to connect to the young urban community at the
street scale?
Urban study
The study has to be done in two levels of complexity, namely, the macro and micro contexts. Whilst the
macro study is about the role and how the location fits into the city. In micro study the students are to
make a comprehensive study on urban form, activity and movement-pattern. ‘Legibility Analysis’
(Bentley, et.al. 2013) which is a method through the exploration of Kevin Lynch’s Elements of legibility
(Lynch, 1979) is employed here as a study method. The students are to establish possible opportunities
(such as routes and attractions) to sustain and to offer legibility by the community library.
They will also begin to demonstrate an understanding of urban issue given in the scenario above. The
course work will integrate to Theories of Urbanism in which the Studio site (the street) will be studied
for the spaces between the buildings which will focus on public realm furthering the case studies from
the West. Such an understanding should reflect here in the Project 1.
Key concepts and themes to be discussed in relation to the analysis include: Way-finding (5 Lynchian
Principles), Typology and Morphology, Figure/Ground Mapping, Patterns of Movement and Use,
Human Behaviour, Street Culture
Precedent Studies
Each group is required to study and analyse one precedent from international cities and one precedent
from tropical cities of community library in infill context. In analysing this example, students should
develop an understanding and awareness of:-
(1) What is an Urban Infill?
This investigation is to help you understand what an urban infill is, and what are the architectural
strategies (massing, spatial planning, façade design, etc.) adopted that are necessary in response to
its physical context and functional programme. Investigate what were the regulatory laws that the
architects were required to comply to as well.
(2) What is a Community Library?
In this module, we shall define the community library as a “place which provides public with access to
books and periodicals acts as social meeting grounds for an urban/suburban community”. This part of
the Precedent Study entails an investigation into a relevant example of a community library and inquiry
into establishing its role within its specific context and community.
Key themes and criteria that require consideration in this study include the following: Programmatic
Response, Formal Response, Public/Private Realms, Society & Culture.
Final Submission
The deadline for the submission and presentation is Thursday April 20th
, 2017 (Week 4). Each group
is to submit the following:
Site Documentation
Soft Copy (Submitted in CD)
 Digital site model .skp common shared file
 Plans and elevations of site .dwg common shared file
Hard Copy
 Physical site model sizes to fit the Micro Site (scale according to the respective tutor)
 Plans and elevations of site printed out from .dwg file & scaled to fit A3/A4 paper size
Site Analysis**
 Minimum 12 A3 panels in both hard and soft copy (PDF) format portrait layout
Precedent Studies**
 Minimum 4 A3 panels in both hard and soft copy (PDF) format portrait layout
Peer Evaluation Form
 Hard copy to be provided by Module Coordinator
**You are required to reference at least 5 written/book sources and include a bibliography for both
the Site Analysis and Precedent Studies panels from the Weekly Readings, Main References and
Additional References (as provided by the Module Coordinator and listed in the Module Outline).
Main References:
1. Baker, G. 1989. Design Strategies In Architecture (2nd Ed.). New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.
2. Bentley, I., et.al., 2013, Responsive Environments: Manual For Designers, Routledge, London
3. Bryan Lawson. (2001). The language of space [electronic resource]. Oxford: Architectural.
4. Gehl, J. 2010. Cities for People. Washington: Island Press
5. Gehl, J. (2011). Life between buildings : using public space. Washington, DC: Island Press.
6. Gifford, R. (2014). Environmental Psychology Matters. Annual Review of Psychology, 65(1),
541–579. http://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-psych-010213-115048
7. Hertzberger, H. 1991. Lessons For Students In Architecture. Rotterdam: 010 Publishers.
8. Lynch, K. 1979. The Image Of The City. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
9. Low, K. M., (2010), Smallprojects, Adaptus.
10. Porteous, J. D. (1977). Environment & behavior : planning and everyday urban life. Reading,
Mass; London etc: Addison-Wesley.
For Weekly Readings, please refer to the handouts to be provided by the Module Coordinator.
*Note: Students are required to obtain a minimum C grade in this assessment to pass the module.
Assessment criteria
1. Urban study 60%
2. Precedent study 25%
3. Conclusion 10%
4. Peer evaluation 5%
Marking Criteria Marks %
Have the students developed an understanding of basic urban concepts and
awareness of issues related to the urban context? How is the understanding
translated into the individual design project?
These will be assessed via the following:
60 1.2, 2.0, 7.0
A complete set of documentation as listed in the Submission Requirements above is
Bonus points for creative audio-visual recordings and mappings of textures, sounds,
colours, etc.
Are the students able to identify and list key theories and elements related to the
urban context in their analysis and precedent studies?
Do the students use the accurate terminology in the presentation of their
observations and findings?
Do the students organize and elucidate their findings critically and clearly using the
appropriate illustrations (i.e. mapping, diagrams)?
Are the students able to identify and list 1) key elements and architectural strategies
in their case study of an urban infill, 2) determine the role and key design criteria for
a community library?
These will be assessed via the following:
25 1.2, 2.0, 7.0
Are the students able to identify and list 1) key elements and architectural strategies
in their case study of an urban infill, 2) determine the role and key design criteria for
a community library?
Do the students use the originality in the presentation of their observations and
Do the students organize and elucidate their findings critically and clearly using the
appropriate illustrations (i.e. mapping, diagrams)?
This individual assessment will be grade each student’s team contribution 5
Drawing conclusions on the way forward to resolve the urban issue 10
Lecture Tutorial
Hours Hours Hours
Week 1
27 Mar
30 Mar
Module Introduction
Project 1 Introduction
Lecture 01: Urban Analysis: Spatial and
Perceptional Study Tools
Dr suchi
Tutorial: Lynchian Exercise & site briefing
Lecture 1
Site Analysis,
& Precedent
2 8 6
Week 2
3 Apr
6 Apr
Lecture 02: Asian Streets and Context
Ar. Alice Lim
Tutorial: preliminary studies
Lecture 2 Mapping
Site Analysis,
& Precedent
2 8 6
Week 3
10 Apr
13 Apr
Lecture 03: Community Libraries
Ar. Kenny Chong & Lam Shen Fei
Tutorial: preliminary studies
Lecture 3 Case studies
Site Analysis,
& Precedent
2 8 6
Week 4
17 Apr
20 Apr
Tutorial: preliminary studies
Preliminary Studies Submission (20%)
Case studies
Site Analysis,
& Precedent
10 6
Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:
……………………………. ……………………………. …………………………….
Date: 22 Mar 2017 Date: 22 Mar 2017 Date: 22 Mar 2017
Dr Sucharita Srirangam Ms. See Kwang Li Mr Mohd. Adib Ramli
Module Coordinator, Design Studio V Stream Coordinator Program Director
Email: Sucharita.srirangam@taylors.edu.my (Design Studies) BSc. (Hons) in Architecture
Office No.: 0356295460
Office Location: MAS2, staff room
1. The Project Brief is to be distributed to the students in the first week of the semester.
2. Any changes to the Project Brief shall be communicated (in writing) to the Programme Director and the
approved revised version must be communicated to the students

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  • 1. 0 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (HONOURS) IN ARCHITECTURE ARCHITECTURE DESIGN STUDIO V (ARC60306) PROJECT 1 March 2017 Legibility analysis from Responsive Environments, Ian Bentley et.al. 2013 _1
  • 2. ARCHITECTURE DESIGN STUDIO V (ARC60306): March2017 1 SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE, BUILDING & DESIGN Centre for Modern Architecture Studies in Southeast Asia Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Architecture ARCHITECTURE DESIGN STUDIO V (ARC60306) Prerequisite: Architecture Design Studio IV Project: 1 Preliminary studies 20% of final marks Submission date: Final Submission & Presentation : Week 4 (20 April 2017) Introduction The Preliminary Studies is a preparatory assignment that focuses on investigating basic notions of the city, and learning from examples of community library around the world. This assignment aims to firstly introduce students to the basics in urban design and its relation to architecture, and secondly, studying and determining the programmatic function, societal role and spatial layout of a community library and architectural responses for urban infills. The Preliminary Studies comprises of three components: Site Documentation, Site Analysis, and Precedent Studies of Urban Infills and Community Library. The Site Documentation and Site Analysis will equip students with a firm understanding of the site they will be working with this semester, while the Precedent Studies will provide an insight into architectural responses for designing an urban infill community library. The outcome of the Preliminary Studies will include the production of site documentation materials (drawings and models in both digital and physical copy for further use), a comprehensive analysis of the site, and a detailed case study of a relevant urban infill and community library. Objectives of Project The objectives of this assignment are as follows: 1. To have an overview of the formation of cities and introduce basic concepts of urban design in relation to architectural design 2. To introduce and implement basic methodologies of urban studies 3. To investigate the role of community libraries in traditional and contemporary urban societies 4. To examine various examples and architectural responses for urban infills
  • 3. ARCHITECTURE DESIGN STUDIO V (ARC60306): March2017 2 Learning Outcomes of this Project 1. Id Analyze the site character and identify conditions of the urban streetscape and urban behavioural patterns 2. Analyze case studies to gain understanding of architectural response for urban infill sites and for spatial programming to inform the design project 3. Produce necessary documentation (diagrams, mappings, photographic images, orthographic drawings and models) to record and communicate site analysis findings, and for further use in the coming design stages Brief The site context is Jalan TAR, KL. There is a real life scenario to establish the possibilities for a Community Library to connect to the urban community, the young adults as being the user-group. The studio project is collaborative with POW Ideas on one such scenarios on Jalan TAR. The major issue being the fading of cultural heritage that engages the local communities. The contemporary trend is to fade this rich cultural heritage rather than amplifying it. The solution is in design employing critical approach to the notion of ‘content’ as a purposeful narrative to powerful questions relevant to the context (Low, 2010). To begin with, the question is: What are the possibilities for the community library to connect to the young urban community at the street scale? Task Urban study The study has to be done in two levels of complexity, namely, the macro and micro contexts. Whilst the macro study is about the role and how the location fits into the city. In micro study the students are to make a comprehensive study on urban form, activity and movement-pattern. ‘Legibility Analysis’ (Bentley, et.al. 2013) which is a method through the exploration of Kevin Lynch’s Elements of legibility (Lynch, 1979) is employed here as a study method. The students are to establish possible opportunities (such as routes and attractions) to sustain and to offer legibility by the community library. They will also begin to demonstrate an understanding of urban issue given in the scenario above. The course work will integrate to Theories of Urbanism in which the Studio site (the street) will be studied for the spaces between the buildings which will focus on public realm furthering the case studies from the West. Such an understanding should reflect here in the Project 1. Key concepts and themes to be discussed in relation to the analysis include: Way-finding (5 Lynchian Principles), Typology and Morphology, Figure/Ground Mapping, Patterns of Movement and Use, Human Behaviour, Street Culture Precedent Studies Each group is required to study and analyse one precedent from international cities and one precedent from tropical cities of community library in infill context. In analysing this example, students should develop an understanding and awareness of:- (1) What is an Urban Infill? This investigation is to help you understand what an urban infill is, and what are the architectural strategies (massing, spatial planning, façade design, etc.) adopted that are necessary in response to its physical context and functional programme. Investigate what were the regulatory laws that the architects were required to comply to as well.
  • 4. ARCHITECTURE DESIGN STUDIO V (ARC60306): March2017 3 (2) What is a Community Library? In this module, we shall define the community library as a “place which provides public with access to books and periodicals acts as social meeting grounds for an urban/suburban community”. This part of the Precedent Study entails an investigation into a relevant example of a community library and inquiry into establishing its role within its specific context and community. Key themes and criteria that require consideration in this study include the following: Programmatic Response, Formal Response, Public/Private Realms, Society & Culture. Final Submission The deadline for the submission and presentation is Thursday April 20th , 2017 (Week 4). Each group is to submit the following: Site Documentation Soft Copy (Submitted in CD)  Digital site model .skp common shared file  Plans and elevations of site .dwg common shared file Hard Copy  Physical site model sizes to fit the Micro Site (scale according to the respective tutor)  Plans and elevations of site printed out from .dwg file & scaled to fit A3/A4 paper size Site Analysis**  Minimum 12 A3 panels in both hard and soft copy (PDF) format portrait layout Precedent Studies**  Minimum 4 A3 panels in both hard and soft copy (PDF) format portrait layout Peer Evaluation Form  Hard copy to be provided by Module Coordinator **You are required to reference at least 5 written/book sources and include a bibliography for both the Site Analysis and Precedent Studies panels from the Weekly Readings, Main References and Additional References (as provided by the Module Coordinator and listed in the Module Outline). References: Main References: 1. Baker, G. 1989. Design Strategies In Architecture (2nd Ed.). New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold. 2. Bentley, I., et.al., 2013, Responsive Environments: Manual For Designers, Routledge, London 3. Bryan Lawson. (2001). The language of space [electronic resource]. Oxford: Architectural. 4. Gehl, J. 2010. Cities for People. Washington: Island Press 5. Gehl, J. (2011). Life between buildings : using public space. Washington, DC: Island Press. 6. Gifford, R. (2014). Environmental Psychology Matters. Annual Review of Psychology, 65(1), 541–579. http://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-psych-010213-115048 7. Hertzberger, H. 1991. Lessons For Students In Architecture. Rotterdam: 010 Publishers. 8. Lynch, K. 1979. The Image Of The City. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. 9. Low, K. M., (2010), Smallprojects, Adaptus. 10. Porteous, J. D. (1977). Environment & behavior : planning and everyday urban life. Reading, Mass; London etc: Addison-Wesley. For Weekly Readings, please refer to the handouts to be provided by the Module Coordinator. *Note: Students are required to obtain a minimum C grade in this assessment to pass the module.
  • 5. ARCHITECTURE DESIGN STUDIO V (ARC60306): March2017 4 Assessment criteria 1. Urban study 60% 2. Precedent study 25% 3. Conclusion 10% 4. Peer evaluation 5% Marking Criteria Marks % Acquired TGC Have the students developed an understanding of basic urban concepts and awareness of issues related to the urban context? How is the understanding translated into the individual design project? These will be assessed via the following: 60 1.2, 2.0, 7.0 SITE DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED DOCUMENTS A complete set of documentation as listed in the Submission Requirements above is required. BONUS MATERIALS Bonus points for creative audio-visual recordings and mappings of textures, sounds, colours, etc. 10 SITE ANALYSIS IDENTIFICATION Are the students able to identify and list key theories and elements related to the urban context in their analysis and precedent studies? ARTICULATION Do the students use the accurate terminology in the presentation of their observations and findings? CRITICAL ANALYSIS Do the students organize and elucidate their findings critically and clearly using the appropriate illustrations (i.e. mapping, diagrams)? 50 10 10 30 PRECEDENT STUDIES IDENTIFICATION Are the students able to identify and list 1) key elements and architectural strategies in their case study of an urban infill, 2) determine the role and key design criteria for a community library? These will be assessed via the following: 25 1.2, 2.0, 7.0 IDENTIFICATION Are the students able to identify and list 1) key elements and architectural strategies in their case study of an urban infill, 2) determine the role and key design criteria for a community library? ARTICULATION Do the students use the originality in the presentation of their observations and findings? CRITICAL ANALYSIS Do the students organize and elucidate their findings critically and clearly using the appropriate illustrations (i.e. mapping, diagrams)? 10 5 10 PEER EVALUATION This individual assessment will be grade each student’s team contribution 5 IMPLEMENTATION OF PRELIMINARY STUDIES Drawing conclusions on the way forward to resolve the urban issue 10
  • 6. ARCHITECTURE DESIGN STUDIO V (ARC60306): March2017 5 SCHEDULE Week/ Date Topics/Lectures/Submissions Lecture Tutorial Self-directed Study Hours Hours Hours Week 1 27 Mar 30 Mar Module Introduction Project 1 Introduction Lecture 01: Urban Analysis: Spatial and Perceptional Study Tools Dr suchi Tutorial: Lynchian Exercise & site briefing SITE VISIT Lecture 1 Mapping Site Analysis, Documentation & Precedent Studies 2 8 6 Week 2 3 Apr 6 Apr Lecture 02: Asian Streets and Context Ar. Alice Lim Tutorial: preliminary studies Lecture 2 Mapping Site Analysis, Documentation & Precedent Studies 2 8 6 Week 3 10 Apr 13 Apr Lecture 03: Community Libraries Ar. Kenny Chong & Lam Shen Fei Tutorial: preliminary studies Lecture 3 Case studies Site Analysis, Documentation & Precedent Studies 2 8 6 Week 4 17 Apr 20 Apr Tutorial: preliminary studies Preliminary Studies Submission (20%) Case studies Site Analysis, Documentation & Precedent Studies 10 6 Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by: ……………………………. ……………………………. ……………………………. Date: 22 Mar 2017 Date: 22 Mar 2017 Date: 22 Mar 2017 Dr Sucharita Srirangam Ms. See Kwang Li Mr Mohd. Adib Ramli Module Coordinator, Design Studio V Stream Coordinator Program Director Email: Sucharita.srirangam@taylors.edu.my (Design Studies) BSc. (Hons) in Architecture Office No.: 0356295460 Office Location: MAS2, staff room Remarks: 1. The Project Brief is to be distributed to the students in the first week of the semester. 2. Any changes to the Project Brief shall be communicated (in writing) to the Programme Director and the approved revised version must be communicated to the students