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qA semaphore is an object that consists of a
 counter, a waiting list of processes and two
 methods (e.g., functions): signal and wait.

method signal
method wait
                  waiting list

Semaphore Method: wait
        void wait(sem S)
           if (S.count < 0) {
              add the caller to the waiting list;
qAfter decreasing the counter by 1, if the counter
 value becomes negative, then
  vadd the caller to the waiting list, and then
  vblock itself.                                     2
Semaphore Method: signal
      void signal(sem S)
         if (S.count <= 0) {
            remove a process P from the waiting list;
qAfter increasing the counter by 1, if the new
 counter value is not positive, then
  vremove a process P from the waiting list,
  vresume the execution of process P, and return
Important Note: 1/4
S.count--;                  S.count++;
if (S.count<0) {            if (S.count<=0) {
   add to list;                remove P;
   block();                    resume(P);
}                           }

qIf S.count < 0, abs(S.count) is the
 number of waiting processes.
qThis is because processes are added to (resp.,
 removed from) the waiting list only if the
 counter value is < 0 (resp., <= 0).
Important Note: 2/4
 S.count--;               S.count++;
 if (S.count<0) {         if (S.count<=0) {
    add to list;             remove P;
    block();                 resume(P);
 }                        }

qThe waiting list can be implemented with a
 queue if FIFO order is desired.
qHowever, the correctness of a program should
 not depend on a particular implementation of
 the waiting list.
qYour program should not make any assumption
 about the ordering of the waiting list.      5
Important Note: 3/4
 S.count--;                  S.count++;
 if (S.count<0) {            if (S.count<=0) {
    add to list;                remove P;
    block();                    resume(P);
 }                           }

qThe caller may be blocked in the call to wait().
qThe caller never blocks in the call to signal().
 If S.count > 0, signal() returns and the
 caller continues. Otherwise, a waiting process is
 released and the caller continues. In this case, two
 processes continue.
The Most Important Note: 4/4
S.count--;                 S.count++;
if (S.count<0) {           if (S.count<=0) {
   add to list;               remove P;
   block();                   resume(P);
}                          }

qwait() and signal() must be executed
 atomically (i.e., as one uninterruptible unit).
qOtherwise, race conditions may occur.
qHomework: use execution sequences to show
 race conditions if wait() and/or signal() is
 not executed atomically.
Three Typical Uses of Semaphores
 qThere are three typical uses of semaphores:
  vmutual exclusion:
    Mutex (i.e., Mutual Exclusion) locks
  vcount-down lock:
    Keep in mind that semaphores have a counter.
    Indicate an event has occurred.

Use 1: Mutual Exclusion (Lock)
                     initialization is important
semaphore S = 1;
int         count = 0;
      Process 1                      Process 2
while (1) {                    while (1) {
    // do something entry         // do something
    S.wait();                     S.wait();
       count++; critical sections    count--;
    S.signal();                   S.signal();
    // do something exit          // do something
}                              }
  qWhat if the initial value of S is zero?
  qS is a binary semaphore (similar to a lock).
Use 2: Count-Down Counter
 semaphore    S = 3;

       Process 1                          Process 2
 while (1) {                     while (1) {
    // do something                   // do something
    S.wait();                         S.wait();
          at most 3 processes can be here!!!
    S.signal();                       S.signal();
    // do something                   // do something
 }                               }

qAfter three processes pass through wait(), this
 section is locked until a process calls signal().
Use 3: Notification
semaphore S1 = 1, S2 = 0;
      process 1              process 2
while (1) {            while (1) {
   // do something        // do something
   S1.wait();   notify    S2.wait();
      cout << “1”;           cout << “2”;
   S2.signal(); notify    S1.signal();
   // do something        // do something
}                      }
qProcess 1 uses S2.signal() to notify process
 2, indicating “I am done. Please go ahead.”
qThe output is 1 2 1 2 1 2 ……
qWhat if both S1 and S2 are both 0’s or both 1’s?
qWhat if S1 = 0 and S2 = 1?                     11
Lock Example: Dining
§ Five philosophers are in a
  thinking - eating cycle.
§ When a philosopher gets
  hungry, he sits down, picks
  up two nearest chopsticks,
  and eats.
§ A philosopher can eat only
  if he has both chopsticks.
§ After eating, he puts down
  both chopsticks and thinks.
§ This cycle continues.
Dining Philosopher: Ideas
qChopsticks are shared                   outer critical section
 items (by two philosophers)   left chop locked
 and must be protected.        Semaphore C[5] = 1;
qEach chopstick has a
 semaphore with initial        C[(i+1)%5].wait();
 value 1.
                                 has 2 chops and eats
qA philosopher calls
 wait() before picks up a      C[(i+1)%5].signal();
 chopstick and calls
 signal() to release it.
                                    inner critical section
                          right chop locked            13
Dining Philosophers: Code
semaphore    C[5] = 1;

philosopher i             wait for my left chop
while (1) {
     // thinking
     C[i].wait();           wait for my right chop
     // eating              release my right chop
     C[i].signal();         release my left chop
     // finishes eating
                     Does this solution work?
Dining Philosophers: Deadlock!

§ If all five philosophers
  sit down and pick up
  their left chopsticks at
  the same time, this
  program has a circular
  waiting and deadlocks.
§ An easy way to remove
  this deadlock is to
  introduce a weirdo who
  picks up his right
  chopstick first!
Dining Philosophers: A Better Idea
semaphore C[5] = 1;
philosopher i (0, 1, 2, 3)         Philosopher 4: the weirdo
while (1) {             while (1) {
   // thinking            // thinking
   C[i].wait();           C[(i+1)%5].wait();
   C[(i+1)%5].wait();     C[i].wait();
   // eating              // eating
   C[(i+1)%5].signal();   C[i].signal();
   C[i].signal();         C[(i+1)%5].signal();
   // finishes eating;    // finishes eating
}                       }
                  lock left chop     lock right chop
Dining Philosophers: Questions

qThe following are some important questions for
 you to work on.
  vWe choose philosopher 4 to be the weirdo.
   Does this choice matter?
  vShow that this solution does not cause circular
  vShow that this solution will not have circular
   waiting if we have more than 1 and less than 5
qThese questions may appear as exam problems.
Count-Down Lock Example
        qThe naïve solution to the
         dining philosophers causes
         circular waiting.
        qIf only four philosophers are
         allowed to sit down, no
         deadlock can occur.
        qWhy? If all four of them sit
         down at the same time, the
         right-most philosopher can
         have both chopsticks!
        qHow about fewer than four?
         This is obvious.           18
Count-Down Lock Example
semaphore C[5]= 1;
semaphore Chair = 4;
        get a chair
while (1) {                this is a count-down lock
   // thinking             that only allows 4 to go!
      // eating                      this is our old friend
}                      release my chair
The Producer/Consumer Problem
                 qSuppose we have a
                  circular buffer of n slots.
                 qPointers in (resp., out)
                  points to the first empty
                  (resp., filled) slot.
                 qProducer processes keep
                  adding info into the
                 qConsumer processes keep
bounded-buffer    retrieving info from the
                  buffer.                  20
Problem Analysis
                      qA producer deposits info into
                       Buf[in] and a consumer
                       retrieves info from Buf[out].
                      qin and out must be advanced.
                      qin is shared among producers.
                      qout is shared among consumers.
                      qIf Buf is full, producers should
buffer is implemented  be blocked.
with an array Buf[ ] qIf Buf is empty, consumers
                       should be blocked.
qWe need a sem.
 to protect the
qA second sem.
 to block
 producers if the
 buffer is full.
qA third sem. to
 consumers if
 the buffer is

no. of slots

semaphore NotFull=n, NotEmpty=0, Mutex=1;

producer                        consumer
while (1) {                while (1) {
  NotFull.wait();            NotEmpty.wait();
    Mutex.wait();              Mutex.wait();
      Buf[in] = x;               x = Buf[out];
      in = (in+1)%n;             out = (out+1)%n;
    Mutex.signal();            Mutex.signal();
  NotEmpty.signal();         NotFull.signal();
}                          }
                                    critical section
qWhat if the producer code is modified as follows?
qAnswer: a deadlock may occur. Why?

            while (1) {
                  Buf[in] = x;
order changed     in = (in+1)%n;
The Readers/Writers Problem
qTwo groups of processes, readers and writers,
 are accessing a shared resource by the following
  vReaders can read simultaneously.
  vOnly one writer can write at any time.
  vWhen a writer is writing, no reader can read.
  vIf there is any reader reading, all incoming
   writers must wait. Thus, readers have higher

Problem Analysis
qWe need a semaphore to block readers if a
 writer is writing.
qWhen a writer arrives, it must be able to know
 if there are readers reading. So, a reader count
 is required which must be protected by a lock.
qThis reader-priority version has a problem:
 bounded waiting condition may be violated if
 readers keep coming, causing the waiting
 writers no chance to write.

qWhen a reader comes
 in, it increase the
qIf it is the 1st reader,
 waits until no writer is
qReads data.
qDecreases the counter.
qNotifies the writer
 that no reader is
 reading if it is the last.
qWhen a writer
 comes in, it waits
 until no reader is
 reading and no
 writer is writing.
qThen, it writes data.
qFinally, notifies
 readers and writers
 that no writer is in.

semaphore Mutex = 1, WrtMutex = 1;
int       RdrCount;

reader                        writer
while (1) {                  while (1) {
    if (RdrCount == 1) blocks both readers and writers
      WrtMutex.wait();         WrtMutex.wait();
  // read data                 // write data
    if (RdrCount == 0)
      WrtMutex.signal();       WrtMutex.signal();
}                            }                    29

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  • 1. Semaphores qA semaphore is an object that consists of a counter, a waiting list of processes and two methods (e.g., functions): signal and wait. semaphore method signal counter method wait waiting list 1
  • 2. Semaphore Method: wait void wait(sem S) { S.count--; if (S.count < 0) { add the caller to the waiting list; block(); } } qAfter decreasing the counter by 1, if the counter value becomes negative, then vadd the caller to the waiting list, and then vblock itself. 2
  • 3. Semaphore Method: signal void signal(sem S) { S.count++; if (S.count <= 0) { remove a process P from the waiting list; resume(P); } } qAfter increasing the counter by 1, if the new counter value is not positive, then vremove a process P from the waiting list, vresume the execution of process P, and return 3
  • 4. Important Note: 1/4 S.count--; S.count++; if (S.count<0) { if (S.count<=0) { add to list; remove P; block(); resume(P); } } qIf S.count < 0, abs(S.count) is the number of waiting processes. qThis is because processes are added to (resp., removed from) the waiting list only if the counter value is < 0 (resp., <= 0). 4
  • 5. Important Note: 2/4 S.count--; S.count++; if (S.count<0) { if (S.count<=0) { add to list; remove P; block(); resume(P); } } qThe waiting list can be implemented with a queue if FIFO order is desired. qHowever, the correctness of a program should not depend on a particular implementation of the waiting list. qYour program should not make any assumption about the ordering of the waiting list. 5
  • 6. Important Note: 3/4 S.count--; S.count++; if (S.count<0) { if (S.count<=0) { add to list; remove P; block(); resume(P); } } qThe caller may be blocked in the call to wait(). qThe caller never blocks in the call to signal(). If S.count > 0, signal() returns and the caller continues. Otherwise, a waiting process is released and the caller continues. In this case, two processes continue. 6
  • 7. The Most Important Note: 4/4 S.count--; S.count++; if (S.count<0) { if (S.count<=0) { add to list; remove P; block(); resume(P); } } qwait() and signal() must be executed atomically (i.e., as one uninterruptible unit). qOtherwise, race conditions may occur. qHomework: use execution sequences to show race conditions if wait() and/or signal() is not executed atomically. 7
  • 8. Three Typical Uses of Semaphores qThere are three typical uses of semaphores: vmutual exclusion: Mutex (i.e., Mutual Exclusion) locks vcount-down lock: Keep in mind that semaphores have a counter. vnotification: Indicate an event has occurred. 8
  • 9. Use 1: Mutual Exclusion (Lock) initialization is important semaphore S = 1; int count = 0; Process 1 Process 2 while (1) { while (1) { // do something entry // do something S.wait(); S.wait(); count++; critical sections count--; S.signal(); S.signal(); // do something exit // do something } } qWhat if the initial value of S is zero? qS is a binary semaphore (similar to a lock). 9
  • 10. Use 2: Count-Down Counter semaphore S = 3; Process 1 Process 2 while (1) { while (1) { // do something // do something S.wait(); S.wait(); at most 3 processes can be here!!! S.signal(); S.signal(); // do something // do something } } qAfter three processes pass through wait(), this section is locked until a process calls signal(). 10
  • 11. Use 3: Notification semaphore S1 = 1, S2 = 0; process 1 process 2 while (1) { while (1) { // do something // do something S1.wait(); notify S2.wait(); cout << “1”; cout << “2”; S2.signal(); notify S1.signal(); // do something // do something } } qProcess 1 uses S2.signal() to notify process 2, indicating “I am done. Please go ahead.” qThe output is 1 2 1 2 1 2 …… qWhat if both S1 and S2 are both 0’s or both 1’s? qWhat if S1 = 0 and S2 = 1? 11
  • 12. Lock Example: Dining Philosophers § Five philosophers are in a thinking - eating cycle. § When a philosopher gets hungry, he sits down, picks up two nearest chopsticks, and eats. § A philosopher can eat only if he has both chopsticks. § After eating, he puts down both chopsticks and thinks. § This cycle continues. 12
  • 13. Dining Philosopher: Ideas qChopsticks are shared outer critical section items (by two philosophers) left chop locked and must be protected. Semaphore C[5] = 1; qEach chopstick has a C[i].wait(); semaphore with initial C[(i+1)%5].wait(); value 1. has 2 chops and eats qA philosopher calls wait() before picks up a C[(i+1)%5].signal(); C[i].signal(); chopstick and calls signal() to release it. inner critical section right chop locked 13
  • 14. Dining Philosophers: Code semaphore C[5] = 1; philosopher i wait for my left chop while (1) { // thinking C[i].wait(); wait for my right chop C[(i+1)%5].wait(); // eating release my right chop C[(i+1)%5].signal(); C[i].signal(); release my left chop // finishes eating } Does this solution work? 14
  • 15. Dining Philosophers: Deadlock! § If all five philosophers sit down and pick up their left chopsticks at the same time, this program has a circular waiting and deadlocks. § An easy way to remove this deadlock is to introduce a weirdo who picks up his right chopstick first! 15
  • 16. Dining Philosophers: A Better Idea semaphore C[5] = 1; philosopher i (0, 1, 2, 3) Philosopher 4: the weirdo while (1) { while (1) { // thinking // thinking C[i].wait(); C[(i+1)%5].wait(); C[(i+1)%5].wait(); C[i].wait(); // eating // eating C[(i+1)%5].signal(); C[i].signal(); C[i].signal(); C[(i+1)%5].signal(); // finishes eating; // finishes eating } } lock left chop lock right chop 16
  • 17. Dining Philosophers: Questions qThe following are some important questions for you to work on. vWe choose philosopher 4 to be the weirdo. Does this choice matter? vShow that this solution does not cause circular waiting. vShow that this solution will not have circular waiting if we have more than 1 and less than 5 weirdoes. qThese questions may appear as exam problems. 17
  • 18. Count-Down Lock Example qThe naïve solution to the dining philosophers causes circular waiting. qIf only four philosophers are allowed to sit down, no deadlock can occur. qWhy? If all four of them sit down at the same time, the right-most philosopher can have both chopsticks! qHow about fewer than four? This is obvious. 18
  • 19. Count-Down Lock Example semaphore C[5]= 1; semaphore Chair = 4; get a chair while (1) { this is a count-down lock // thinking that only allows 4 to go! Chair.wait(); C[i].wait(); C[(i+1)%5].wait(); // eating this is our old friend C[(i+1)%5].signal(); C[i].signal(); Chair.signal(); } release my chair 19
  • 20. The Producer/Consumer Problem qSuppose we have a circular buffer of n slots. qPointers in (resp., out) points to the first empty (resp., filled) slot. qProducer processes keep adding info into the buffer qConsumer processes keep bounded-buffer retrieving info from the buffer. 20
  • 21. Problem Analysis qA producer deposits info into Buf[in] and a consumer retrieves info from Buf[out]. qin and out must be advanced. qin is shared among producers. qout is shared among consumers. qIf Buf is full, producers should buffer is implemented be blocked. with an array Buf[ ] qIf Buf is empty, consumers should be blocked. 21
  • 22. qWe need a sem. to protect the buffer. qA second sem. to block producers if the buffer is full. qA third sem. to block consumers if the buffer is empty. 22
  • 23. Solution no. of slots semaphore NotFull=n, NotEmpty=0, Mutex=1; producer consumer while (1) { while (1) { NotFull.wait(); NotEmpty.wait(); Mutex.wait(); Mutex.wait(); Buf[in] = x; x = Buf[out]; in = (in+1)%n; out = (out+1)%n; Mutex.signal(); Mutex.signal(); NotEmpty.signal(); NotFull.signal(); } } notifications critical section 23
  • 24. Question qWhat if the producer code is modified as follows? qAnswer: a deadlock may occur. Why? while (1) { Mutex.wait(); NotFull.wait(); Buf[in] = x; order changed in = (in+1)%n; NotEmpty.signal(); Mutex.signal(); } 24
  • 25. The Readers/Writers Problem qTwo groups of processes, readers and writers, are accessing a shared resource by the following rules: vReaders can read simultaneously. vOnly one writer can write at any time. vWhen a writer is writing, no reader can read. vIf there is any reader reading, all incoming writers must wait. Thus, readers have higher priority. 25
  • 26. Problem Analysis qWe need a semaphore to block readers if a writer is writing. qWhen a writer arrives, it must be able to know if there are readers reading. So, a reader count is required which must be protected by a lock. qThis reader-priority version has a problem: bounded waiting condition may be violated if readers keep coming, causing the waiting writers no chance to write. 26
  • 27. qWhen a reader comes in, it increase the count. qIf it is the 1st reader, waits until no writer is writing, qReads data. qDecreases the counter. qNotifies the writer that no reader is reading if it is the last. 27
  • 28. qWhen a writer comes in, it waits until no reader is reading and no writer is writing. qThen, it writes data. qFinally, notifies readers and writers that no writer is in. 28
  • 29. Solution semaphore Mutex = 1, WrtMutex = 1; int RdrCount; reader writer while (1) { while (1) { Mutex.wait(); RdrCount++; if (RdrCount == 1) blocks both readers and writers WrtMutex.wait(); WrtMutex.wait(); Mutex.signal(); // read data // write data Mutex.wait(); RdrCount--; if (RdrCount == 0) WrtMutex.signal(); WrtMutex.signal(); Mutex.signal(); } } 29