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Separation of Concerns


Separation of concerns

 About Joshua

  Joshua Thijssen, NoxLogic / Techademy
  Freelance Consultant, Developer, Trainer
  Development in PHP, Python, Perl, C, Java
  jthijssen@noxlogic.nl
  @jaytaph


Separation of concerns

 About Stephan

  Stephan Hochdörfer, bitExpert AG
  Department Manager Research Labs
  enjoying PHP since 1999
  S.Hochdoerfer@bitExpert.de
  @shochdoerfer


Separation of concerns

 It is what I sometimes have called the
 separation of concerns, which [...] is
   yet the only available technique for
   effective ordering of one's thoughts.
     Edsger W. Dijkstra, "On the role of scientific thought" (1974)


Separation of concerns

   SoC […] is the process of breaking a
     computer program into distinct
   features that overlap in functionality
          as little as possible.


Separation of concerns

 It`s all about focusing!


Separation of concerns

 One step a time. Focus on the details!


Separation of concerns

$items = array();
$token = file_get_contents("https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?...");
$feed = file_get_contents("https://graph.facebook.com/ident/feed?".$token);
$feed = json_decode($feed, true);
foreach($feed['data'] as $post) {
  if('123456789012' === $post['from']['id']) {
    $items[] = array(
       'date' => strtotime($post['created_time']),
       'message' => $post['message']);

$feed = file_get_contents("http://search.twitter.com/search.json?q=from:ident");
$feed = json_decode($feed, true);
foreach($feed['results'] as $tweet) {
    $items[] = array(
       'date' => strtotime($tweet['created_at']),
       'message' => $tweet['text']);

foreach($items as $item) {
  echo $item['message'];


Separation of concerns

<?php                                                    Controller part!
$items = array();
$token = file_get_contents("https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?...");
$feed = file_get_contents("https://graph.facebook.com/ident/feed?".$token);
$feed = json_decode($feed, true);
foreach($feed['data'] as $post) {
  if('123456789012' === $post['from']['id']) {
    $items[] = array(
       'date' => strtotime($post['created_time']),
       'message' => $post['message']);

$feed = file_get_contents("http://search.twitter.com/search.json?q=from:ident");
$feed = json_decode($feed, true);
foreach($feed['results'] as $tweet) {
    $items[] = array(
       'date' => strtotime($tweet['created_at']),
       'message' => $tweet['text']);

foreach($items as $item) {
  echo $item['message'];


Separation of concerns

$items = array();
$token = file_get_contents("https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?...");
$feed = file_get_contents("https://graph.facebook.com/ident/feed?".$token);
$feed = json_decode($feed, true);
foreach($feed['data'] as $post) {
  if('123456789012' === $post['from']['id']) {
    $items[] = array(
       'date' => strtotime($post['created_time']),
       'message' => $post['message']);

$feed = file_get_contents("http://search.twitter.com/search.json?q=from:ident");
$feed = json_decode($feed, true);
foreach($feed['results'] as $tweet) {
    $items[] = array(
       'date' => strtotime($tweet['created_at']),
       'message' => $tweet['text']);

foreach($items as $item) {
  echo $item['message'];
                                          View part!


Separation of concerns

 Very unstable. Not safe for changes....


Separation of concerns

 „Make everything as simple as possible...“


Separation of concerns

 Establish boundaries


Separation of concerns

 What are the boundaries?

                   Presentation Layer


Separation of concerns

 What are the boundaries?

                   Presentation Layer

                         Business Layer


Separation of concerns

 What are the boundaries?

                   Presentation Layer

                         Business Layer

                 Resource Access Layer


Separation of concerns

 Isolate functionality, break it apart!


Separation of concerns

namespace AcmeDemoBundleController;
use SymfonyBundleFrameworkBundleControllerController;
use SensioBundleFrameworkExtraBundleConfigurationRoute;
use SensioBundleFrameworkExtraBundleConfigurationTemplate;

class DemoController extends Controller {
     * @Route("/", name="_demo")
     * @Template()
    public function indexAction() {
    $items = array();
    $token = file_get_contents("https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_to...");
    $feed = file_get_contents("https://graph.facebook.com/ident/feed?".$token);
    $feed = json_decode($feed, true);
    foreach($feed['data'] as $post) {
      if('123456789012' === $post['from']['id']) {
        $items[] = array(
          'date' => strtotime($post['created_time']),
          'message' => $post['message']);


Separation of concerns

    $feed = file_get_contents("http://search.twitter.com/search.json?...");
    $feed = json_decode($feed, true);
    foreach($feed['results'] as $tweet) {
        $items[] = array(
          'date' => strtotime($tweet['created_at']),
          'message' => $tweet['text']);

        return array('items' => $items);


Separation of concerns

 Focus on one responsibility a time!


Separation of concerns

namespace AcmeDemoBundleController;
use SymfonyBundleFrameworkBundleControllerController;
use SensioBundleFrameworkExtraBundleConfigurationRoute;
use SensioBundleFrameworkExtraBundleConfigurationTemplate;

class DemoController extends Controller {
     * @Route("/", name="_demo")
     * @Template()
    public function indexAction() {
    $items = array();
                                                  Facebook connector
    $token = file_get_contents("https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_to...");
    $feed = file_get_contents("https://graph.facebook.com/ident/feed?".$token);
    $feed = json_decode($feed, true);
    foreach($feed['data'] as $post) {
      if('123456789012' === $post['from']['id']) {
        $items[] = array(
          'date' => strtotime($post['created_time']),
          'message' => $post['message']);


Separation of concerns

                                                 Twitter connector
    $feed = file_get_contents("http://search.twitter.com/search.json?...");
    $feed = json_decode($feed, true);
    foreach($feed['results'] as $tweet) {
        $items[] = array(
          'date' => strtotime($tweet['created_at']),
          'message' => $tweet['text']);

    return array('items' => $items);


Separation of concerns

 Interfaces as a contract


Separation of concerns

interface ConnectorInterface {
   * Will return an array of the latest posts.
   * return array
  public function getLatestPosts() {


Separation of concerns

class FacebookConnector implements ConnectorInterface {
  protected $handle;

    public function __construct($handle) {
      $this->handle = $handle;

    public function getLatestPosts() {
      $items = array();
      $token = file_get_contents("https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access...");
      $feed = file_get_contents("https://graph.facebook.com/.
      $feed = json_decode($feed, true);
      foreach($feed['data'] as $post) {
        if('123456789012' === $post['from']['id']) {
          $items[] = array(
          'date' => strtotime($post['created_time']),
          'message' => $post['message']);
      return $items;


Separation of concerns

class FacebookConnector implements ConnectorInterface {
  protected $handle;

    public function __construct($handle) {
      $this->handle = $handle;

    public function getLatestPosts() {
      $token = $this->getAccessToken();
      return $this->readPosts($token);

    protected function getAccessToken() {
      return file_get_contents("https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_?...");

    protected function readPosts($token) {
      // read the post, filter all relevant and return them...


Separation of concerns

class FacebookConnectorV2 extends FacebookConnector {

    protected function getAccessToken() {
      return md5($this->handle);

                Easy to extend, will not influence
                the behaviour of other methods!


Separation of concerns

namespace AcmeDemoBundleController;
use SymfonyBundleFrameworkBundleControllerController;
use SensioBundleFrameworkExtraBundleConfigurationRoute;
use SensioBundleFrameworkExtraBundleConfigurationTemplate;

class DemoController extends Controller {
     * @Route("/", name="_demo")
     * @Template()
    public function indexAction() {
    $items = array();
    $fb = $this->get('FbConnector');
    $items += $fb->getLatestPosts();

    $feed = file_get_contents("http://search.twitter.com/search.json?...");
    $feed = json_decode($feed, true);
    foreach($feed['results'] as $tweet) {
        $items[] = array(
          'date' => strtotime($tweet['created_at']),
          'message' => $tweet['text']);


Separation of concerns

namespace AcmeDemoBundleController;
use SymfonyBundleFrameworkBundleControllerController;
use SensioBundleFrameworkExtraBundleConfigurationRoute;
use SensioBundleFrameworkExtraBundleConfigurationTemplate;

class DemoController extends Controller {
     * @Route("/", name="_demo")
     * @Template()
    public function indexAction() {
    $items = array();
    $fb = $this->get('FbConnector');
    $items += $fb->getLatestPosts();

    $twitter = $this->get('TwitterConnector');
    $items += $twitter->getLatestPosts();

     return array('items' => $items);


Separation of concerns

 Will improve the testability!


Separation of concerns

 Will reduce tight coupling!


Separation of concerns

 Will increase component reuse!


Separation of concerns

 The value of separation

                Why should I do it?


Separation of concerns

 The value of separation

      1. Getting rid of code duplication


Separation of concerns

 The value of separation

   2. Application becomes more stable
        and easier to understand


Separation of concerns

 The value of separation

    3. Single responsibility offers clear
              extension points


Separation of concerns

 The value of separation

        4. Increases the reusability of


Separation of concerns

 How to separate the concerns?


Separation of concerns

 How to separate? Horizontal Separation

                   Presentation Layer

                         Business Layer

                 Resource Access Layer


Separation of concerns

 How to separate? Horizontal Separation


Separation of concerns

 How to separate? Service Separation

                 Service Interface Layer

                         Business Layer

                 Resource Access Layer


Separation of concerns

 How to separate? Service Separation

                Frontend / UI Webservers

            REST API         Solr Search Service



Separation of concerns

 How to separate? Vertical Separation

        Module A         Module B   Module C


Separation of concerns

 How to separate? Vertical Separation


Separation of concerns

 How to separate? Vertical Separation

       Presentation      Presentation   Presentation
          Layer             Layer          Layer

        Business          Business       Business
         Layer             Layer          Layer

        Resource          Resource       Resource
       Access Layer      Access Layer   Access Layer


Separation of concerns

 How to separate? Vertical Separation


Separation of concerns

 Cross-cutting concerns?

     How to deal with security or logging


Separation of concerns

 How to separate? Aspect Separation

                         Presentation Layer

                          Business Layer

                   Resource Access Layer


Separation of concerns

 How to separate? Aspect Separation
 namespace AcmeProductsAspects;

  * @FLOW3Aspect
 class LoggingAspect {
          * @FLOW3Inject
          * @var AcmeLoggerLoggerInterface
         protected $logger;

          * @param TYPO3FLOW3AOPJoinPointInterface $joinPoint
          * @FLOW3Before("method(AcmeProductsModelProduct->delete())")
         public function log(TYPO3FLOW3AOPJoinPointInterface $jp) {
                 $product = $jp->getMethodArgument('product');
                 $this->logger->info('Removing ' .


Separation of concerns

 Dependency Direction


Separation of concerns

 Dependency Direction

        "High-level modules should not
         depend on low-level modules.
            Both should depend on
                         Robert C. Martin


Separation of concerns

 Inverting Concerns



       Access Layer


Separation of concerns

 Inverting Concerns

       Presentation      UI     Presentation
          Layer       Component    Layer

        Business                 Business
         Layer                    Layer

        Resource                Resource
       Access Layer            Access Layer


Separation of concerns

 Inverting Concerns

      The goal of Dependency Injection
        is to separate the concerns of
       obtaining the dependencies from
      the core concerns of a component.


Separation of concerns

 What are the benefits? Let`s recap....


Separation of concerns

 What are the benefits?

             1. Facilitate reusability


Separation of concerns

 What are the benefits?

        2. Ensure the maintainability


Separation of concerns

 What are the benefits?

        3. Increasing the code quality


Separation of concerns

 What are the benefits?

   4. Enables everyone to understand
             the application


Separation of concerns

 What are the benefits?

        5. Allows developers to work
         on components in isolation


Thank you!



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Separation of concerns - DPC12

  • 2. Separation of concerns About Joshua  Joshua Thijssen, NoxLogic / Techademy  Freelance Consultant, Developer, Trainer  Development in PHP, Python, Perl, C, Java  jthijssen@noxlogic.nl  @jaytaph
  • 3. Separation of concerns About Stephan  Stephan Hochdörfer, bitExpert AG  Department Manager Research Labs  enjoying PHP since 1999  S.Hochdoerfer@bitExpert.de  @shochdoerfer
  • 4. Separation of concerns It is what I sometimes have called the separation of concerns, which [...] is yet the only available technique for effective ordering of one's thoughts. Edsger W. Dijkstra, "On the role of scientific thought" (1974)
  • 5. Separation of concerns SoC […] is the process of breaking a computer program into distinct features that overlap in functionality as little as possible. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Separation_of_concerns
  • 6. Separation of concerns It`s all about focusing!
  • 7. Separation of concerns One step a time. Focus on the details!
  • 8. Separation of concerns <?php $items = array(); $token = file_get_contents("https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?..."); $feed = file_get_contents("https://graph.facebook.com/ident/feed?".$token); $feed = json_decode($feed, true); foreach($feed['data'] as $post) { if('123456789012' === $post['from']['id']) { $items[] = array( 'date' => strtotime($post['created_time']), 'message' => $post['message']); } } $feed = file_get_contents("http://search.twitter.com/search.json?q=from:ident"); $feed = json_decode($feed, true); foreach($feed['results'] as $tweet) { $items[] = array( 'date' => strtotime($tweet['created_at']), 'message' => $tweet['text']); } foreach($items as $item) { echo $item['message']; }
  • 9. Separation of concerns <?php Controller part! $items = array(); $token = file_get_contents("https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?..."); $feed = file_get_contents("https://graph.facebook.com/ident/feed?".$token); $feed = json_decode($feed, true); foreach($feed['data'] as $post) { if('123456789012' === $post['from']['id']) { $items[] = array( 'date' => strtotime($post['created_time']), 'message' => $post['message']); } } $feed = file_get_contents("http://search.twitter.com/search.json?q=from:ident"); $feed = json_decode($feed, true); foreach($feed['results'] as $tweet) { $items[] = array( 'date' => strtotime($tweet['created_at']), 'message' => $tweet['text']); } foreach($items as $item) { echo $item['message']; }}
  • 10. Separation of concerns <?php $items = array(); $token = file_get_contents("https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?..."); $feed = file_get_contents("https://graph.facebook.com/ident/feed?".$token); $feed = json_decode($feed, true); foreach($feed['data'] as $post) { if('123456789012' === $post['from']['id']) { $items[] = array( 'date' => strtotime($post['created_time']), 'message' => $post['message']); } } $feed = file_get_contents("http://search.twitter.com/search.json?q=from:ident"); $feed = json_decode($feed, true); foreach($feed['results'] as $tweet) { $items[] = array( 'date' => strtotime($tweet['created_at']), 'message' => $tweet['text']); } foreach($items as $item) { echo $item['message']; View part! }
  • 11. Separation of concerns Very unstable. Not safe for changes....
  • 12. Separation of concerns „Make everything as simple as possible...“
  • 13. Separation of concerns Establish boundaries
  • 14. Separation of concerns What are the boundaries? Presentation Layer
  • 15. Separation of concerns What are the boundaries? Presentation Layer Business Layer
  • 16. Separation of concerns What are the boundaries? Presentation Layer Business Layer Resource Access Layer
  • 17. Separation of concerns Isolate functionality, break it apart!
  • 18. Separation of concerns <?php namespace AcmeDemoBundleController; use SymfonyBundleFrameworkBundleControllerController; use SensioBundleFrameworkExtraBundleConfigurationRoute; use SensioBundleFrameworkExtraBundleConfigurationTemplate; class DemoController extends Controller { /** * @Route("/", name="_demo") * @Template() */ public function indexAction() { $items = array(); $token = file_get_contents("https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_to..."); $feed = file_get_contents("https://graph.facebook.com/ident/feed?".$token); $feed = json_decode($feed, true); foreach($feed['data'] as $post) { if('123456789012' === $post['from']['id']) { $items[] = array( 'date' => strtotime($post['created_time']), 'message' => $post['message']); } }
  • 19. Separation of concerns $feed = file_get_contents("http://search.twitter.com/search.json?..."); $feed = json_decode($feed, true); foreach($feed['results'] as $tweet) { $items[] = array( 'date' => strtotime($tweet['created_at']), 'message' => $tweet['text']); } return array('items' => $items); } }
  • 20. Separation of concerns Focus on one responsibility a time!
  • 21. Separation of concerns <?php namespace AcmeDemoBundleController; use SymfonyBundleFrameworkBundleControllerController; use SensioBundleFrameworkExtraBundleConfigurationRoute; use SensioBundleFrameworkExtraBundleConfigurationTemplate; class DemoController extends Controller { /** * @Route("/", name="_demo") * @Template() */ public function indexAction() { $items = array(); Facebook connector $token = file_get_contents("https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_to..."); $feed = file_get_contents("https://graph.facebook.com/ident/feed?".$token); $feed = json_decode($feed, true); foreach($feed['data'] as $post) { if('123456789012' === $post['from']['id']) { $items[] = array( 'date' => strtotime($post['created_time']), 'message' => $post['message']); } }
  • 22. Separation of concerns Twitter connector $feed = file_get_contents("http://search.twitter.com/search.json?..."); $feed = json_decode($feed, true); foreach($feed['results'] as $tweet) { $items[] = array( 'date' => strtotime($tweet['created_at']), 'message' => $tweet['text']); } return array('items' => $items); } }
  • 23. Separation of concerns Interfaces as a contract
  • 24. Separation of concerns <?php interface ConnectorInterface { /** * Will return an array of the latest posts. * return array */ public function getLatestPosts() { } }
  • 25. Separation of concerns <?php class FacebookConnector implements ConnectorInterface { protected $handle; public function __construct($handle) { $this->handle = $handle; } public function getLatestPosts() { $items = array(); $token = file_get_contents("https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access..."); $feed = file_get_contents("https://graph.facebook.com/. $this->handle."/feed?".$token); $feed = json_decode($feed, true); foreach($feed['data'] as $post) { if('123456789012' === $post['from']['id']) { $items[] = array( 'date' => strtotime($post['created_time']), 'message' => $post['message']); } } return $items; } }
  • 26. Separation of concerns <?php class FacebookConnector implements ConnectorInterface { protected $handle; public function __construct($handle) { $this->handle = $handle; } public function getLatestPosts() { $token = $this->getAccessToken(); return $this->readPosts($token); } protected function getAccessToken() { return file_get_contents("https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_?..."); } protected function readPosts($token) { // read the post, filter all relevant and return them... } }
  • 27. Separation of concerns <?php class FacebookConnectorV2 extends FacebookConnector { protected function getAccessToken() { return md5($this->handle); } } Easy to extend, will not influence the behaviour of other methods!
  • 28. Separation of concerns <?php namespace AcmeDemoBundleController; use SymfonyBundleFrameworkBundleControllerController; use SensioBundleFrameworkExtraBundleConfigurationRoute; use SensioBundleFrameworkExtraBundleConfigurationTemplate; class DemoController extends Controller { /** * @Route("/", name="_demo") * @Template() */ public function indexAction() { $items = array(); $fb = $this->get('FbConnector'); $items += $fb->getLatestPosts(); $feed = file_get_contents("http://search.twitter.com/search.json?..."); $feed = json_decode($feed, true); foreach($feed['results'] as $tweet) { $items[] = array( 'date' => strtotime($tweet['created_at']), 'message' => $tweet['text']); }
  • 29. Separation of concerns <?php namespace AcmeDemoBundleController; use SymfonyBundleFrameworkBundleControllerController; use SensioBundleFrameworkExtraBundleConfigurationRoute; use SensioBundleFrameworkExtraBundleConfigurationTemplate; class DemoController extends Controller { /** * @Route("/", name="_demo") * @Template() */ public function indexAction() { $items = array(); $fb = $this->get('FbConnector'); $items += $fb->getLatestPosts(); $twitter = $this->get('TwitterConnector'); $items += $twitter->getLatestPosts(); return array('items' => $items); } }
  • 30. Separation of concerns Will improve the testability!
  • 31. Separation of concerns Will reduce tight coupling!
  • 32. Separation of concerns Will increase component reuse!
  • 33. Separation of concerns The value of separation Why should I do it?
  • 34. Separation of concerns The value of separation 1. Getting rid of code duplication
  • 35. Separation of concerns The value of separation 2. Application becomes more stable and easier to understand
  • 36. Separation of concerns The value of separation 3. Single responsibility offers clear extension points
  • 37. Separation of concerns The value of separation 4. Increases the reusability of components
  • 38. Separation of concerns How to separate the concerns?
  • 39. Separation of concerns How to separate? Horizontal Separation Presentation Layer Business Layer Resource Access Layer
  • 40. Separation of concerns How to separate? Horizontal Separation ./symfony |-app |---cache |---config |---Resources |-src |---Acme |-----DemoBundle |-------Controller |-------Resources |---------config |---------public |-----------css |-----------images |---------views |-----------Demo |-----------Welcome |-------Tests |---------Controller |-web
  • 41. Separation of concerns How to separate? Service Separation Service Interface Layer Business Layer Resource Access Layer
  • 42. Separation of concerns How to separate? Service Separation Frontend / UI Webservers REST API Solr Search Service Datastore
  • 43. Separation of concerns How to separate? Vertical Separation Module A Module B Module C
  • 44. Separation of concerns How to separate? Vertical Separation ./symfony |-app |---cache |---config |---Resources |-src |---Acme |-----AdminBundle |-------Controller |-------Resources |-------Tests |-----ProductsBundle |-------Controller |-------Resources |-------Tests |-----CustomersBundle |-------Controller |-------Resources |-------Tests |-web
  • 45. Separation of concerns How to separate? Vertical Separation Presentation Presentation Presentation Layer Layer Layer Business Business Business Layer Layer Layer Resource Resource Resource Access Layer Access Layer Access Layer
  • 46. Separation of concerns How to separate? Vertical Separation ./symfony |-app |---cache |---config |---Resources |-src |---Acme |-----AdminBundle |-------Controller |-------Resources |-------Tests |-----ProductsBundle |-------Controller |-------Resources |-------Tests |-----CustomersBundle |-------Controller |-------Resources |-------Tests |-web
  • 47. Separation of concerns Cross-cutting concerns? How to deal with security or logging aspects?
  • 48. Separation of concerns How to separate? Aspect Separation Aspects Presentation Layer Business Layer Resource Access Layer
  • 49. Separation of concerns How to separate? Aspect Separation <?php namespace AcmeProductsAspects; /** * @FLOW3Aspect */ class LoggingAspect { /** * @FLOW3Inject * @var AcmeLoggerLoggerInterface */ protected $logger; /** * @param TYPO3FLOW3AOPJoinPointInterface $joinPoint * @FLOW3Before("method(AcmeProductsModelProduct->delete())") */ public function log(TYPO3FLOW3AOPJoinPointInterface $jp) { $product = $jp->getMethodArgument('product'); $this->logger->info('Removing ' . $product->getName()); } }
  • 50. Separation of concerns Dependency Direction
  • 51. Separation of concerns Dependency Direction "High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions." Robert C. Martin
  • 52. Separation of concerns Inverting Concerns Presentation Layer Business Layer Resource Access Layer
  • 53. Separation of concerns Inverting Concerns Presentation UI Presentation Layer Component Layer Business Business Layer Layer Resource Resource Access Layer Access Layer
  • 54. Separation of concerns Inverting Concerns The goal of Dependency Injection is to separate the concerns of obtaining the dependencies from the core concerns of a component.
  • 55. Separation of concerns What are the benefits? Let`s recap....
  • 56. Separation of concerns What are the benefits? 1. Facilitate reusability
  • 57. Separation of concerns What are the benefits? 2. Ensure the maintainability
  • 58. Separation of concerns What are the benefits? 3. Increasing the code quality
  • 59. Separation of concerns What are the benefits? 4. Enables everyone to understand the application
  • 60. Separation of concerns What are the benefits? 5. Allows developers to work on components in isolation