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Clute institute
The 2013 Key West International Academic Conference

  Introduction                  Key Trends      Conclusion

  Purpose of
the Study and                   Main issue

     Definition                 of Servant

 Created by Dr. O. Guillaume

                               Servant Leadership (SL)
                              has been in the forefront of                        Leadership in the
                              business theory for years.
                                                                                 21st century must
                                                                                 deal with problems

                               Servant Leadership is in
                              the mist of business today.

                                                                                                This study will apply the
                                                                        Global                     theories of Servant
                                                             uncertainty, chaos, innovat      Leadership to the concerns
                              Servant leadership takes       ion, change, dynamism, flu         of outsourcing, internet-
                              many forms, some outside       x, speed, interconnectedne        related business and the
                              corporate boardroom and             ss, and complexity          trends associated with the
                                        office                                                 Baby Boomer generation.

                               The benefits of practicing
                                  servant leadership
                              becomes a critical success
                                factor in any business

Created by Dr. O. Guillaume
Purpose of the Study and

                    The aim of this study was to examine Servant-Leaderships trends
                    that have an impact on today’s business.

                    Few studies describe the practice of servant leadership within
                    businesses today.

                    Given these opportunities of significant research, the need for this
                    study was evident.

                    This study also exposed the 10 characteristics of servant
                    leadership developed by Greenleaf and Spears.

Created by Dr. O.
Characteristic of Servant
                                •servant leaders clarified a group by listening receptively to what is being
         Listening               said

                                •servant leaders strived to understand and empathize with others
                                •:servant leaders had the potential for healing self and others
                                •servant leadership was strengthened by general awareness, and
       Awareness                 especially self-awareness

                                •servant leaders relied upon persuasion, rather than positional authority, in
      Persuasion                 making decisions within an organization

                                •servant leaders sought to nurture their abilities to dream numerous
Conceptualization                dreams;

                                •servant leaders could foresee the likely outcome of a situation in the future
                                •servant leaders’ ultimate commitment was to serve the needs of others;
                                •servant leaders were deeply committed to the personal, professional, and
     Commitment                  spiritual growth of every individual within the institution; and

                                •servant leaders sought to identify means of building community among
Building Community               those who work within a given institution

  Created by Dr. O. Guillaume
Main Issues

                               How businesses
                                today influence                        How do business
• 1-                                                                    trends perceive
  Outsourcing, 2-                   servant
                                leadership and                        servant leadership
  Internet-                       the selected                              factors?
  Related                      business trends?
  Business, 3-
     The researchers                              What do servant
  Baby Boomer
      seek to identify
  Generation                                      leaders observe
     and analyze the                              and practice with
     following three                                the selected
    major businesses                              business trends?

 Created by Dr. O. Guillaume
Key Trends-


                       Servant     Internet-Related
                      Leadershi       Technology
                          p             Trends

                                  Demographic Trends: Baby

Created by Dr. O. Guillaume
Outsourcing Trends
Outsourcing is one of the primary tools that companies keep to stay competitive that has become a financial leverage


      Servant Leadership is then, today, and
        Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)
        Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO)

        Legal Process Outsourcing (LPO)

        Cost and Service Focus on Solution (CSFS)

        Servant Leaders Focus on Transformation
        People-Based Outsourcing and Service (PBOS)

        Created by Dr. O.
Internet-Related Business: Technology

  Created by Dr. O.
Demographic Trends: Baby

                                                                    The generational                               The servant-
                             Birth rate,
                                                                        change and                              leaders approach
 The generational          Ethnicity, Life                                               People who want a
                                                                       demographic                             to business should
    change and            Expectancy, and      The issue of                                more complete
                                                                    trends course will                          facilitate the baby
   demographic             Generational       economic and                                   view of their
                                                                      help you get a                           boomers and, gen
trends class seeks        groups (such as    political fabric of                             surrounding
                                                                      handle on the                             X, and beyond to
 to demystify how         Baby Boomers,         our society                               environment, and
                                                                   underlying patterns                          the service of the
    issues like;           Gen X and so                                                   the larger region.
                                                                     of our changing                              growing more
                                                                           world                                    population.

      Created by Dr. O.

 The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot
 learn, unlearn, and relearn” (Starke, Christ-Based Leadership, 2005, p.11).

 The leader should understand the interaction between the organization’s operational practices and
 the results generated by those practices.

 The purpose of SL for future research is not to change how researchers currently approach the
 topic, but to offer alternatives to make research more effective.

 The goal is to provide new knowledge and offer alternative views to Servant Leadership trends.

 Because of all the outsourcing, many employees feel like they are not really part of an organization.

 Leaders of a company, organization or team, professional, or colleague, one of the best things we
 can do today is create the feeling of reciprocity between the organization and the individuals.

 Created by Dr. O.

Andersson, L.M., & Pearson, C.M. (1999). Tot for tat? The spiraling effect of incivility in the
    workplace. The Academy of Management Review, 24, 3, 452-471.
Beazley, H. (2000) Leadership in an era of hyper change. The Business Journal Published, 23 (2) 7-
Bekker, C. J. (2010). Prophet and Servant: Locating Robert K. Greenleaf’s Counter-           Spirituality of
    Servant Leadership. Retrieved February 19, 2011 from
Bennis, W. G. (2006). The Drucker legacy. Leadership Excellence, 23(1), 15–16.
Bredillet, C.N. (2006). The link research – practice: A matter of “ingenuim” (part 1). Project
    Management Journal, 34(4), pp. 3-4.
Cash, K.C., & Gray, G.R.( 2000). A framework for accommodating religion and spirituality in the
    workplace. Academy of Management Executive, 14, 3, 124-134.
Claiborne, R. (2010). Benefits of practicing servant leadership. Helium, Inc. Retrieved from
Gartner Outsourcing & Vendor Management Summit (2009). London, UK: Retrieved from
Green, D. (2008). Knowledge management for a postmodern workforce: Rethinking leadership styles
    in the public sector. Journal of Strategic Leadership, 1 (1), 16-24.
Greenleaf, R. K. (1977). Servant leadership: A Journey into the nature of legitimate power and
    greatness. Mahwah, NJ. Paulist press

      Created by Dr. O.
Greenleaf, R. K. (1978, November). The leadership crisis: A message for college and university faculty. Humanitas:
    Journal of the Institute of Man, 14, 3. Pittsburg, PA: Dusquesne University Press.
Hankin, H. (2005). The new workforce: Five sweeping trends that will shape your company’s future. New York, NY:
Hopen, D. (2002). Guiding corporate behavior: A leadership obligation not a choice. Journal for Quality & Participation,
   25(4), p. 15-19.
Knickman, J. R. and Snell, E. K. (2002). The 2030 Problem: Caring for Aging Baby Boomers. Health Service
    Researcht; 37(4): 849–884 Retrieved from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1464018/
Karakas, F. (2007). A portrait of the leader in the twenty-first century. Leadership in action,
           26(6), 23-24. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database.
Lamy, P. (2006). Human Globalization. International Trade Forum. Issue 1. pp. 5, 6.
Leighton Holdings (2007). Leighton 07 - sustained by our values, Sydney: Leighton Holdings.
National Realtor Association (2009, November) NAR Survey Shows First-Time Home Buyers Set Record in Past Year.
     Retrieved from http://www.realtor.org/press_room/news_releases/2009/11/survey_record
Northouse, P. (2010). Leadership theory and practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Research. Leadership Quarterly, 9(1), 85-105
Pfeffer, J., & Veigs, J.F. (1999). Putting people first for organizational success. Academy of Management Executive,
     13, 2, 37-48.
Podolny J.M. (2009) The Buck Stops (and Starts) at Business School Harvard Business Review South Asia June
    2009. 4(6) p.p.O.
       Created by Dr.
Shank, G. (2002). Qualitative Research. A Personal Skills Aproach. New Jersey: Merrill Prentice
Spears, L., (2004). Practicing Servant-Leadership, Leader-to-Leader, 34, Fall 2004. 825. Retrieved
    from, from ProQuest database.
Stark, D. (2005). Christ-based leadership: Applying the Bible and today’s best leadership
models to become an effective leader. Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House.
Pauchant, Integral leadership: A research proposal. Journal of Organizational Change
    Management, 18, 211-229.
Pfeffer, J., & Veigs, J.F. (1999). Putting people first for organizational success. Academy of
    Management Executive, 13, 2, 37-48.
Smith -Trudeau, P. (2001). Veterans, Baby Boomers, Xers and Nexters: Understanding the
    Generational Differences in Nursing. Vermont Nursing Connection, 4(3), p.10.
Spears, L. C. (1998). Introduction. In L. C. Spears (Ed.), The power of servant leadership. New York:
    John Willey and Sons Inc.
Spears, L. (1995). Reflections on leadership. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Weston, M. (2001). Coaching generations in the workplace. Nursing Administration
    Quarterly, 25 (2), 11-21.
Robbins, S. P. & T. A. Judge( 2007). Organizational behavior. Twelfth Ed. Prentice Hall of India
    Private Ltd.: New Delhi 110001.

     Created by Dr. O.

 Created by Dr. O.

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Servant leadership trends and impact on business 2.13

  • 1. Clute institute The 2013 Key West International Academic Conference
  • 2. Topics Introduction Key Trends Conclusion Purpose of the Study and Main issue background Characteristic Definition of Servant leadership Created by Dr. O. Guillaume
  • 3. Introduction Servant Leadership (SL) has been in the forefront of Leadership in the business theory for years. 21st century must deal with problems of: Servant Leadership is in the mist of business today. This study will apply the Global theories of Servant uncertainty, chaos, innovat Leadership to the concerns Servant leadership takes ion, change, dynamism, flu of outsourcing, internet- many forms, some outside x, speed, interconnectedne related business and the corporate boardroom and ss, and complexity trends associated with the office Baby Boomer generation. The benefits of practicing servant leadership becomes a critical success factor in any business Created by Dr. O. Guillaume
  • 4. Purpose of the Study and Background The aim of this study was to examine Servant-Leaderships trends that have an impact on today’s business. Few studies describe the practice of servant leadership within businesses today. Given these opportunities of significant research, the need for this study was evident. This study also exposed the 10 characteristics of servant leadership developed by Greenleaf and Spears. Created by Dr. O. Guillaume
  • 5. Characteristic of Servant Leadership •servant leaders clarified a group by listening receptively to what is being Listening said •servant leaders strived to understand and empathize with others Empathy •:servant leaders had the potential for healing self and others Healing •servant leadership was strengthened by general awareness, and Awareness especially self-awareness •servant leaders relied upon persuasion, rather than positional authority, in Persuasion making decisions within an organization •servant leaders sought to nurture their abilities to dream numerous Conceptualization dreams; •servant leaders could foresee the likely outcome of a situation in the future Foresight •servant leaders’ ultimate commitment was to serve the needs of others; Stewardship •servant leaders were deeply committed to the personal, professional, and Commitment spiritual growth of every individual within the institution; and •servant leaders sought to identify means of building community among Building Community those who work within a given institution Created by Dr. O. Guillaume
  • 6. Main Issues How businesses today influence How do business • 1- trends perceive Outsourcing, 2- servant leadership and servant leadership Internet- the selected factors? Related business trends? Business, 3- The researchers What do servant Baby Boomer seek to identify Generation leaders observe and analyze the and practice with following three the selected major businesses business trends? trends Created by Dr. O. Guillaume
  • 7. Key Trends- Outsourcing Trends Servant Internet-Related Business: Leadershi Technology p Trends Demographic Trends: Baby Boomers Created by Dr. O. Guillaume
  • 8. Outsourcing Trends Outsourcing is one of the primary tools that companies keep to stay competitive that has become a financial leverage tool  Servant Leadership is then, today, and beyond  Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)  Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO)  Legal Process Outsourcing (LPO)  Cost and Service Focus on Solution (CSFS)  Servant Leaders Focus on Transformation (SLFT)  People-Based Outsourcing and Service (PBOS) Created by Dr. O. Guillaume
  • 9. Internet-Related Business: Technology Trends Created by Dr. O. Guillaume
  • 10. Demographic Trends: Baby Boomers The generational The servant- Birth rate, change and leaders approach The generational Ethnicity, Life People who want a demographic to business should change and Expectancy, and The issue of more complete trends course will facilitate the baby demographic Generational economic and view of their help you get a boomers and, gen trends class seeks groups (such as political fabric of surrounding handle on the X, and beyond to to demystify how Baby Boomers, our society environment, and underlying patterns the service of the issues like; Gen X and so the larger region. of our changing growing more forth) world population. Created by Dr. O. Guillaume
  • 11. Conclusion The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn” (Starke, Christ-Based Leadership, 2005, p.11). The leader should understand the interaction between the organization’s operational practices and the results generated by those practices. The purpose of SL for future research is not to change how researchers currently approach the topic, but to offer alternatives to make research more effective. The goal is to provide new knowledge and offer alternative views to Servant Leadership trends. Because of all the outsourcing, many employees feel like they are not really part of an organization. Leaders of a company, organization or team, professional, or colleague, one of the best things we can do today is create the feeling of reciprocity between the organization and the individuals. Created by Dr. O. Guillaume
  • 12. References Andersson, L.M., & Pearson, C.M. (1999). Tot for tat? The spiraling effect of incivility in the workplace. The Academy of Management Review, 24, 3, 452-471. Beazley, H. (2000) Leadership in an era of hyper change. The Business Journal Published, 23 (2) 7- 12 Bekker, C. J. (2010). Prophet and Servant: Locating Robert K. Greenleaf’s Counter- Spirituality of Servant Leadership. Retrieved February 19, 2011 from http:www.regent.edu/acad/global/publications/jvl/Vol1/Bekker_Corne_Final.pdf Bennis, W. G. (2006). The Drucker legacy. Leadership Excellence, 23(1), 15–16. Bredillet, C.N. (2006). The link research – practice: A matter of “ingenuim” (part 1). Project Management Journal, 34(4), pp. 3-4. Cash, K.C., & Gray, G.R.( 2000). A framework for accommodating religion and spirituality in the workplace. Academy of Management Executive, 14, 3, 124-134. Claiborne, R. (2010). Benefits of practicing servant leadership. Helium, Inc. Retrieved from http://www.helium.com/items/1879687-benefits-of-practicing-servant-leadership Gartner Outsourcing & Vendor Management Summit (2009). London, UK: Retrieved from www.gartner.com/us/outsourcing Green, D. (2008). Knowledge management for a postmodern workforce: Rethinking leadership styles in the public sector. Journal of Strategic Leadership, 1 (1), 16-24. Greenleaf, R. K. (1977). Servant leadership: A Journey into the nature of legitimate power and greatness. Mahwah, NJ. Paulist press Created by Dr. O. Guillaume
  • 13. References Greenleaf, R. K. (1978, November). The leadership crisis: A message for college and university faculty. Humanitas: Journal of the Institute of Man, 14, 3. Pittsburg, PA: Dusquesne University Press. Hankin, H. (2005). The new workforce: Five sweeping trends that will shape your company’s future. New York, NY: Hankin. Hopen, D. (2002). Guiding corporate behavior: A leadership obligation not a choice. Journal for Quality & Participation, 25(4), p. 15-19. Knickman, J. R. and Snell, E. K. (2002). The 2030 Problem: Caring for Aging Baby Boomers. Health Service Researcht; 37(4): 849–884 Retrieved from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1464018/ Karakas, F. (2007). A portrait of the leader in the twenty-first century. Leadership in action, 26(6), 23-24. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database. Lamy, P. (2006). Human Globalization. International Trade Forum. Issue 1. pp. 5, 6. Leighton Holdings (2007). Leighton 07 - sustained by our values, Sydney: Leighton Holdings. National Realtor Association (2009, November) NAR Survey Shows First-Time Home Buyers Set Record in Past Year. Retrieved from http://www.realtor.org/press_room/news_releases/2009/11/survey_record Northouse, P. (2010). Leadership theory and practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Research. Leadership Quarterly, 9(1), 85-105 Pfeffer, J., & Veigs, J.F. (1999). Putting people first for organizational success. Academy of Management Executive, 13, 2, 37-48. Podolny J.M. (2009) The Buck Stops (and Starts) at Business School Harvard Business Review South Asia June 2009. 4(6) p.p.O. Created by Dr. 50-55. Guillaume
  • 14. References Shank, G. (2002). Qualitative Research. A Personal Skills Aproach. New Jersey: Merrill Prentice Hall. Spears, L., (2004). Practicing Servant-Leadership, Leader-to-Leader, 34, Fall 2004. 825. Retrieved from, from ProQuest database. Stark, D. (2005). Christ-based leadership: Applying the Bible and today’s best leadership models to become an effective leader. Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House. Pauchant, Integral leadership: A research proposal. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 18, 211-229. Pfeffer, J., & Veigs, J.F. (1999). Putting people first for organizational success. Academy of Management Executive, 13, 2, 37-48. Smith -Trudeau, P. (2001). Veterans, Baby Boomers, Xers and Nexters: Understanding the Generational Differences in Nursing. Vermont Nursing Connection, 4(3), p.10. Spears, L. C. (1998). Introduction. In L. C. Spears (Ed.), The power of servant leadership. New York: John Willey and Sons Inc. Spears, L. (1995). Reflections on leadership. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Weston, M. (2001). Coaching generations in the workplace. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 25 (2), 11-21. Robbins, S. P. & T. A. Judge( 2007). Organizational behavior. Twelfth Ed. Prentice Hall of India Private Ltd.: New Delhi 110001. Created by Dr. O. Guillaume
  • 15. Questions/Answers Created by Dr. O. Guillaume

Editor's Notes

  1. Servant Leadership (SL) has been in the forefront of business theory for the past decade and yet has been little utilized to describe and analyze specific areas of the concerns of business today. Karakas (2007) explained that leadership in the 21st century must deal with problems of global uncertainty, chaos, innovation, change, dynamism, flux, speed, interconnectedness, and complexity therefore, the benefits of practicing servant leadership becomes a critical success factor in any business (Claiborne, 2010). This study will attempt to apply the theories of Servant Leadership to the concerns of outsourcing, internet-related business and the trends associated with the Baby Boomer generation.
  2. Servant Leadership (SL) has been in the forefront of business theory for the past decade and yet has been little utilized to describe and analyze specific areas of the concerns of business today. Karakas (2007) explained that leadership in the 21st century must deal with problems of global uncertainty, chaos, innovation, change, dynamism, flux, speed, interconnectedness, and complexity therefore, the benefits of practicing servant leadership becomes a critical success factor in any business (Claiborne, 2010). This study will attempt to apply the theories of Servant Leadership to the concerns of outsourcing, internet-related business and the trends associated with the Baby Boomer generation.
  3. The aim of this study was to examine Servant-Leaderships trends that have an impact on today’s business. Few studies describe the practice of servant leadership within businesses today. More recently, Hannigan (2008) conducted an investigation on servant leadership as a predictor of college performance in academic institutions caused by both faculty and administrator leaders. Given these opportunities of significant research, the need for this study was evident. This study also exposed the 10 characteristics of servant leadership. Spears (1995, 1998) listed, for example, 10 characteristics of a servant leader drawn from Greenleaf’s writings, and Contee-Borders’s (2003) case study confirmed these characteristics as being critical to servant leadership at the below table:
  4. Relative vocabulary list.
  5. Conclusion to course, lecture, et al.
  6. An opportunity for questions and discussions.