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2009-2010                                       District No. 7910
                                            ROTARY CLUB OF NEWTON                                           Club No. 6580
                                             719 WASHINGTON STREET BOX MS295
                                            NEWTONVILLE, MASSACHUSETTS 02460

     President            Vice President            Treasurer         Sergeant-at-Arms         Director             Director
    Marie Presti         Laurisa Neuwirth          Peter Mahler            Bill Garr          Dick Bowen         Justin Sallaway
   617-620-6948           617-291-0572            617-630-5289        617-969-5906 x116      617-969-9134         617-244-0065

  President-Elect         Past President       Recording Secretary     Newsletter Editor       Director            Director
    Jeff Tucker            Marc Epstein            John Hurney           Scott Lewis           Jeff Chin          Tony Bibbo
   617-340-1263           617-244-1212            617-332-7412          617-293-6371         617-965-1988        781-237-1144

           THE SERVICE GEAR - Special Event Supplement


                                     November 24, 2009               Members of the Newton and Brookline Rotary Clubs are
                                                                     encouraged to attend and bring guests ($15.00/person) to
                                         Brae Burn                   this premier fellowship event in support of our high school
                                                                     athletes and their football rivalry. Enjoy a traditional
                                        Country Club
                                                                     Thanksgiving Dinner, speakers, raffle, and more.
                                       Noon to 1:30pm

       Bring a friend and some happy dollars
 to this year’s annual Gridiron Luncheon,
 hosted again by Newton Rotary, and joined
 by Brookline Rotary and the football teams,
 cheerleaders, coaches, dignitaries, and
 representatives of both towns.
       Enjoy some great speakers, fellowship,
 a raffle - who knows, you may even walk
 away with some colossal tickets to the
 December 14 Bruins-Flyers game at the
       This week, we’ll need to know how
 many people are coming to the Luncheon,
 so please make your plans now.                                      Special Guest Speaker: Paul Stewart may be the only
                                                                     person to ever make it on the Ice in the NHL twice. And
                                                                     that’s just the half of this man’s remarkable story. More on
                                                                     Mr. Stewart, see page 2.

c 2009 Rotary Club of Newton                                                                                              Page 1
25th Annual Football Luncheon
        Tuesday, November 24, 2009

                 Guest Speaker:
              Paul Stewart
      One of the most successful and respected
individuals in hockey, Paul Stewart has done it
all. Player, Referee, and now Coach as he is the
ECAC Director of Officiating. Paul Stewart may
be the only person to ever make it on the Ice in
the NHL twice.
      Growing up in Boston, Stewart attended the
prestigious Groton School where he played of
Varsity Hockey and was appointed to the posi-
tion of Assistant Captain. He continued his
education at the University of Pennsylvania
where he was a defensemen from 1972-75.
      Stewart was an enforcer in various leagues
including the WHA, AHL, CHL, NAHL, and                story of never giving up. Stewart resides in
ECHL from 1975-83. He played in his first NHL         Walpole, Mass. with his wife Lori and their two
game on November 22, 1979 with the Quebec             sons McCauley and Maxwell.
Nordiques against the Boston Bruins.
      Upon completion of his playing days,                  Paul Stewart comes from a hockey family as
Stewart made the determination that his days on       well. Most notable, Bill Stewart (September 20,
the ice were not done. Stewart joined the NHL         1984-February 14, 1964) was an American coach
Trainee Program in 1983. Officiating his first        and sports official who was a hockey referee and
NHL game on March 27, 1986, this was the start        coach, and also an umpire in baseball’s Major
of a 13 year career that allowed Stewart to           Leagues. In his first season as head coach of the
become the only American born referee to              Chicago Black Hawks, he led the team to a
officiate 1,000 games in the NHL on March 15,         Stanley Cup in 1938.
2003. He worked his final NHL game on April 3,              Born in Fitchburg, Massachusetts, he was
2003 in Boston.                                       the first American-trained head coach to win the
      Stewart has not had an easy road, In Febru-     Stanley Cup. He was also an umpire in the
ary 1998 he was diagnosed with Stage 3 colon          National League from 1933 to 1954, and offici-
cancer only a few days after the birth of his first   ated in four World Series (1937, 1943, 1948,
child, McCauley. True to his character he was         1953) and four All-Star Games (1936, 1940,
determined to fight the disease and make it back      1948, 1954), calling balls and strikes for the last
to the NHL. He accomplished this only 9 months        contest.
later he was back on the ice.                               Bill Stewart was the home plate umpire for
      Stewart has received multiple honors            Johnny Vander Meer’s second consecutive no-
including the NASO Gold Whistle Award in              hitter in 1938 and was the crew chief for the
2001.                                                 1951 three-game pennant playoff between the
      In addition to his work on the ice, Stewart     New York Giants and the Brooklyn Dodgers.
has spoken to many groups sharing his unique

c 2009 Rotary Club of Newton                                                                     Page 2

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  • 1. 2009-2010 District No. 7910 ROTARY CLUB OF NEWTON Club No. 6580 719 WASHINGTON STREET BOX MS295 NEWTONVILLE, MASSACHUSETTS 02460 MEETS TUESDAYS; 12:15 P.M. BRAE BURN COUNTRY CLUB, 326 FULLER STREET, NEWTON, MA President Vice President Treasurer Sergeant-at-Arms Director Director Marie Presti Laurisa Neuwirth Peter Mahler Bill Garr Dick Bowen Justin Sallaway 617-620-6948 617-291-0572 617-630-5289 617-969-5906 x116 617-969-9134 617-244-0065 President-Elect Past President Recording Secretary Newsletter Editor Director Director Jeff Tucker Marc Epstein John Hurney Scott Lewis Jeff Chin Tony Bibbo 617-340-1263 617-244-1212 617-332-7412 617-293-6371 617-965-1988 781-237-1144 THE SERVICE GEAR - Special Event Supplement 25th Annual FOOTBALL LUNCHEON November 24, 2009 Members of the Newton and Brookline Rotary Clubs are encouraged to attend and bring guests ($15.00/person) to Brae Burn this premier fellowship event in support of our high school athletes and their football rivalry. Enjoy a traditional Country Club Thanksgiving Dinner, speakers, raffle, and more. Noon to 1:30pm Bring a friend and some happy dollars to this year’s annual Gridiron Luncheon, hosted again by Newton Rotary, and joined by Brookline Rotary and the football teams, cheerleaders, coaches, dignitaries, and representatives of both towns. Enjoy some great speakers, fellowship, a raffle - who knows, you may even walk away with some colossal tickets to the December 14 Bruins-Flyers game at the Garden. This week, we’ll need to know how many people are coming to the Luncheon, so please make your plans now. Special Guest Speaker: Paul Stewart may be the only person to ever make it on the Ice in the NHL twice. And that’s just the half of this man’s remarkable story. More on Mr. Stewart, see page 2. c 2009 Rotary Club of Newton Page 1
  • 2. 25th Annual Football Luncheon Tuesday, November 24, 2009 Guest Speaker: Paul Stewart One of the most successful and respected individuals in hockey, Paul Stewart has done it all. Player, Referee, and now Coach as he is the ECAC Director of Officiating. Paul Stewart may be the only person to ever make it on the Ice in the NHL twice. Growing up in Boston, Stewart attended the prestigious Groton School where he played of Varsity Hockey and was appointed to the posi- tion of Assistant Captain. He continued his education at the University of Pennsylvania where he was a defensemen from 1972-75. Stewart was an enforcer in various leagues including the WHA, AHL, CHL, NAHL, and story of never giving up. Stewart resides in ECHL from 1975-83. He played in his first NHL Walpole, Mass. with his wife Lori and their two game on November 22, 1979 with the Quebec sons McCauley and Maxwell. Nordiques against the Boston Bruins. Upon completion of his playing days, Paul Stewart comes from a hockey family as Stewart made the determination that his days on well. Most notable, Bill Stewart (September 20, the ice were not done. Stewart joined the NHL 1984-February 14, 1964) was an American coach Trainee Program in 1983. Officiating his first and sports official who was a hockey referee and NHL game on March 27, 1986, this was the start coach, and also an umpire in baseball’s Major of a 13 year career that allowed Stewart to Leagues. In his first season as head coach of the become the only American born referee to Chicago Black Hawks, he led the team to a officiate 1,000 games in the NHL on March 15, Stanley Cup in 1938. 2003. He worked his final NHL game on April 3, Born in Fitchburg, Massachusetts, he was 2003 in Boston. the first American-trained head coach to win the Stewart has not had an easy road, In Febru- Stanley Cup. He was also an umpire in the ary 1998 he was diagnosed with Stage 3 colon National League from 1933 to 1954, and offici- cancer only a few days after the birth of his first ated in four World Series (1937, 1943, 1948, child, McCauley. True to his character he was 1953) and four All-Star Games (1936, 1940, determined to fight the disease and make it back 1948, 1954), calling balls and strikes for the last to the NHL. He accomplished this only 9 months contest. later he was back on the ice. Bill Stewart was the home plate umpire for Stewart has received multiple honors Johnny Vander Meer’s second consecutive no- including the NASO Gold Whistle Award in hitter in 1938 and was the crew chief for the 2001. 1951 three-game pennant playoff between the In addition to his work on the ice, Stewart New York Giants and the Brooklyn Dodgers. has spoken to many groups sharing his unique c 2009 Rotary Club of Newton Page 2