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Seven Steps To Affiliate Marketing Success

          Seven Steps To

      Affiliate Marketing

         By Colin Cousins

By Colin Cousins
Seven steps-to-affiliate-marketing-success
Seven Steps To Affiliate Marketing Success

Introduction ................................................................... 4
Step 1 – Finding Your Niche. .......................................... 6
Step 2 – Keyword Research............................................ 8
Step 3 –The Best Clickbank Product to Promote.......... 10
Step 4 – Writing Content/Articles ................................ 12
Step 5 - Build your own website .................................. 14
Step 6 –Write And Publish Articles .............................. 16
Step 7 – Traffic Tactics ................................................. 18
Conclusion ................................................................... 21
   22 Step-by-Step Social Media Traffic Blueprint Video
   Tutorials Social Media Traffic ................................. 22

Copyright 2010 - By reading this document, you assume
all risks associated with using the advice given below,
with a full understanding that you, solely, are
responsible for anything that may occur as a result of
putting this information into action in any way, and
regardless of your interpretation of the advice

By Colin Cousins

Getting Ready to Market –

The Basics

Attitude is key to succeeding before you can be a
success in doing affiliate marketing you need to
know how to learn.

If you cannot do that, then it is difficult to earn as
you learn. You definitely need a good attitude to
learn and to earn as you learn.

No two ways about it. Think about attitudes! We
see them every day with everyone we deal with and
speak to either in person or on the phone. You know
that if you speak to an upbeat, positive person you
come away from the experience feeling pretty great

This may come as a bit of a surprise, but it makes
sense, attitude also directly affects the way stress
handles YOU. Optimists cope way more effectively
with stress.

They achieve more when they take action and do it
extremely effectively.
And guess what? That in turn multiplies their
Seven Steps To Affiliate Marketing Success

If you are positive and you have positive thoughts,
you are far more likely to achieve short and long-
term success.

It's not hard to spot positive people, because they
view situations differently than negative people do.

So be positive and let's get you going in the affiliate
marketing world.

By Colin Cousins
Step 1 – Finding Your Niche.

They always say if you understand the problem, you
can find the answer and come up with the solutions.
So now, we at least know the nature of the problem.
We can define niche marketing but we can go
further than that. We know…

      What is niche marketing in general
      Some of the principles of niche marketing
      That we need to put together a solid niche
       marketing business plan
      The benefit of niche marketing and how it
       will increase our traffic and our sales

So how do we go about targeting that particular
niche market on the internet that is populated with
customers perfect for our web site? It's always a
good idea to have five good ideas and together we
should be able to brainstorm at least that many.

We know there are internet marketing experts out
there who can help us with finding out more about
what niche marketing is and how to use it to turn
our sales around from our web sites. It's just a
matter of finding them and doing our reading.

The good news is you are already doing that by
reading this digital pdf. From here, your curiosity
will be stirred so you can explore more of the world
Seven Steps To Affiliate Marketing Success

of affiliate marketing and find out just how easy it is
to make it big using niche marketing principles as
part of your strategy. You are on your way.

Google.com can help you and there are some solid
general reference sites such as about.com another
place to look for your niche is amazon.com just do a
search for their best selling books or products and
whatever is selling the best there is your niche.

Yahoo answers & google buzz will also help you
look for what problems they are having. Can you
find a product to solve their problem I'm sure you
will be able to that’s what we do as full time

Wikipedia can give us lots more instruction on the
principles of niche marketing. One thing is for sure
though, we will never stop learning. But that is the
exciting part too.

So there it is start with your hobby if not do your
research as explained earlier.

You have no excuse to do your research i have told
you were to go for all your information.

There is more but these are all you need as you
learn you will pick more up along the way.

By Colin Cousins
Step 2 – Keyword Research

On the internet, keywords are terms or words that
relate to particular topics.

Keyword research will involve various aspects,
such as finding sales oriented keywords or driving
maximum qualified users to increase your online

Keyword research is the first step towards a
successful search engine optimization campaign.

You have to be very careful when selecting
keywords, as it can be very tricky to select targeted
keywords for a website.

The selection of keywords should always be based
on various aspects such as product names, services,
brands, or general terms. Often times, people forget
about targeting geographical terms when they have
global presence.

When doing keyword research, it's highly
recommended to do a very thorough market
research analysis to find the best keywords used by
search engines to find products and services online -
and find out what keywords are targeted by
competitors who are doing well in marketing on the
Seven Steps To Affiliate Marketing Success

The first step in finding the best keywords is to
make a list of the products, topics, and services that
you offer.

You can also make good use of keyword elite to
know which keywords have brought in the traffic in
the past.

Be sure to select keywords that clearly define your
business and products to drive traffic from the
search engines.

There are some websites which get high levels of
traffic through general keywords although they
might not end up being sales.

Today, users of search engines are aware of how
they work, for searching products and services on
the net.

Users always look for the better products, locations,
etc. Therefore, you should cover all terms for each
- products, locations, etc.

There are numerous tools available which will help
you identify keywords that are suitable for search
engines. The challenge here is to determine which
keyword is the best to generate traffic.

By Colin Cousins
Step 3 –The Best Clickbank Product to

Trying to decide on which Clickbank Product you
should promote as an affiliate marketer can be
difficult with so many options, so I will attempt to
help narrow down the field for you.

I'll go over some of the things that you need to
know to make money with clickbank and also go
over some other tips for affiliate marketing and
internet marketing to help boost your income.

With thousands of products to choose from, how do
you know which is the best Clickbank product to
promote and that will perform the best for you?

Here are some tips that I use to help me choose a
good Clickbank product to become an affiliate for.

1. Gravity: Gravity would have to be the first factor
I look for when deciding on a product. Gravity tells
us roughly how many other people are making sales
with the product. The higher the number, the more
people are selling it.

So does a high gravity product mean you should
automatically choose it?

... Sometimes ... Depends.
Seven Steps To Affiliate Marketing Success

While I realize that's a little vague there are a
number of other factors that you will need to
consider before choosing your product.

Most of the products I choose have a gravity of over
40. I rarely promote new products because I just
don't know if they are going to be winners or not.

Be careful about choosing products with gravity
over 100. This means you have a lot of competition
and it'll be harder to stand out from the crowd.

2. Commission: The next thing I look at is how
much money I am going to make per sale. I like
anything over $20, but preferably closer to $30.

This means that any money or time I spend
promoting the product is worth my time.

Whether you choose ppc or other free methods of
promotion, factoring in hours or work to just make
$10 per sale is usually not cost effective unless you
think you can sell hundreds of that product.

I would rather spend less time to make more money.

By Colin Cousins
Step 4 – Writing Content/Articles

Private Label Rights (PLR) content is very popular
on the internet today.

PLR content is written by a ghostwriter and sold to
other people to use as they wish. PLR e-books,
reports or articles are special type of license which
you purchase where you are lawfully allowed to edit
and publish the article as your own.

Because you have the right to edit the article as you
wish, it means that you can use it as web content on
your site or add your links to your website and
distribute it.

Outlined below are some key ways you can use
PLR content to drive traffic to your website and
boost on affiliate marketing profits.
Boost your article writing and submitting using
some PLR content. All you need to do is to simply
edit the PLR articles and customize them to make
them your own. Using PLR articles saves you a lot
of time in writing your articles.

By using a PLR article, you can improve it and end
up with a powerful article that will drive traffic
to your website.
Seven Steps To Affiliate Marketing Success

Increase your sales by developing your reputation
as an expert in your niche. PLR articles make it so
much easier for you to quickly build your reputation
as an expert.

Pass on some of the PLR content to your customers
and build their trust. You can then make some one-
time-offers or recommend some of your affiliate
programs to them, thereby generating some sales.
Improve your search engine rankings by submitting
your customized articles. By submitting articles
with your resource box and URL, you basically
create one way links to your website, which helps
with search engines.
Create and market information products using your
PLR content. Edit and customize PLR articles and
compile them into an e-book or special report.
It takes time to write an e-book, and it can also be
costly if you were to hire a ghostwriter.

You can therefore use PLR articles or e-books and
add more value to them to create hot-selling e-
books. You can sell these reports or give them for
free on your website.

When you give these articles for free, you can
include your website URL
In them. This in turn will drive traffic to your

By Colin Cousins
Step 5 - Build your own website

Build your own website to promote your product if
you are serious about affiliate marketing, it is
recommended that you have your own website
where you will be promoting your affiliate products.

By having a website, you can therefore select
several good affiliate products and promote them on
your website.

This will increase the affiliate commissions you can
earn from these products.

Remember build your website around the niche you
are promoting i.e. making money online, dating,
health & fitness, dieting, software, seo, the list is
endless just do your research.

You can build you websites for free it really is easy
and relatively cost affective just take a look at
squidoo.com, blogger.com, weebly.com, yalo.com
hubpages.com this is just a few that are on offer.

There are so many options open to you just keep
doing your research and you'll be fine.
Seven Steps To Affiliate Marketing Success

If you do choose to start a blog, consider using

WordPress is a free blogging platform with more
advantages than anyone can count.

It is free, no strings attached, it is really easy to
install, easy to customize with themes for every
topic you can blog about, and it’s Google friendly –
which is a big plus when it comes to Search Engine
Optimization, which is the science and art of
making sure people, can find your blog via a
Google search,

Which is essential when doing affiliate marketing?

Note: Make sure you use wordpress.com and not
wordpress.org the .com is free .org you will need to
have your own domain name and install and this
will cost money remember where trying to do it all
free well as much as we can.

"Remember keep focused and be positive"

By Colin Cousins
Step 6 –Write And Publish Articles

So why is writing and submitting articles so
powerful to your website?

Articles help you become an expert in your niche.
By writing high quality and informative articles in
your niche, you become an expert. You also build
trust and confidence in your prospects.

As an expert, customers will feel confident to buy
from you and this will increase your sales and
online business profits.

Articles are an affordable way of driving traffic to
your website. You can write your own articles or
you can hire a ghostwriter to write some articles for
you, and this is not very expensive. You can then
submit your articles to many directories.

There are some tools that you can use to
automatically submit your articles to many
directories, and this increases the number of links
pointing back to your website.

Articles are viral and powerful in driving traffic to
your website. At the bottom of
all your articles, you have a resource box with your
website URL.
Seven Steps To Affiliate Marketing Success

Your articles will be published by many directories,
websites and e-zines with your website URL.

By simply writing articles and submitting articles,
you create a powerful viral power with many
websites having your website URL on their sites.

Articles bring lifelong results and will continue to
drive traffic to your website for a long time. Unlike
other types of advertising that bring momentary
results, articles will continue to drive traffic to your
website for a long time.

All your articles are archived in article directories
and that means anyone can still read them and visit
your website. Your articles can generate thousands
of permanent one-way links to your website.

Articles make search engines index your website
and drive traffic to your website. Writing and
submitting many articles to article directories is
very powerful in making your website visible on
search engines.

By including your keywords in your articles, when
people are looking for information related to your
niche and type those keywords, your articles and
website show up on search engines, therefore
making it easy for you to get a lot of traffic to your

By Colin Cousins
Step 7 – Traffic Tactics

For any online business to succeed, it is important
to have traffic on that website.

Without traffic, a website will not make any sales
and the online home business will fail. It is
therefore important that you know how to drive
traffic to your website.

You can drive traffic to your website on any budget,
and this article outlines all the essential ways
through which you can drive traffic to your website.

Provide fresh, unique and useful content on your
website. People go online to look for information
and also buy what they need.

It is therefore important for you to have high quality
and unique content on your website so that visitors
to your website will spend more time on your
website, bookmark your website and also buy from

In addition, if you have lots of useful information
on your website, you will be considered as an expert
in your niche, and you will therefore easily get
Seven Steps To Affiliate Marketing Success

Optimize your website for search engines. In order
for your site to be found on the search engines when
people are looking for information, make sure that
your niche keywords and phrases are in your
headlines and in the rest of the content on your

This means that your website will show up and will
rank high when people look for those keywords on
your website, and this will drive more traffic to your

Drive traffic to your website using PPC (Pay per
Click) advertising. If you have the money to pay for
the advertising, you can run an advert with Google
Adwords or Yahoo Overture to drive traffic to your

Write and submit articles. This is a very powerful
tool for driving traffic to your website. In all your
articles, make sure you have a resources box or
author’s biography which will your website’s URL.
After reading your article, people will want to visit
your website, so the more articles you write the
more traffic you will drive to your website.

Participate in targeted forums. This is one of the
most effective ways of driving traffic to your
website. Make useful posts in the forums that are
related to your niche, and have your website link in
your signature.

By Colin Cousins
Use viral marketing to drive traffic to your website.
Write free e-books or short reports with a link to
your website. Have a link to your website on your
blog and on any press release that you write. These
will drive traffic to your website.

Use video marketing to drive traffic to your
website. You can create a video about your product
or service that you offer on your website and post
that on YouTube.

Add your website link on that video, and this will
make sure that people who view your video will
also visit your website.

By following the tips outline above, you can drive a
lot of traffic to your website, boost your sales and
grow your online business profits.

        "Always positive one move at a time"
Seven Steps To Affiliate Marketing Success


I really hope you enjoyed reading this report and
that you got a lot of useful information out of it.

This report gives you all the information and
resources you will ever need to become a super
affiliate marketing master.

Like I said earlier in the report you have to be
positive and most importantly you have to take
action on everything you have learned.

Concentrate on one thing at a time and build from
there I am sure you now realize what the potential is
in doing affiliate marketing.

So go and get started right away in fact start now
don’t wait while its fresh in your mind go and take

 The sooner you do the sooner you will start making
money and you can quit your day job and start
working from home and enjoy the lifestyle that all
us affiliate marketers enjoy no boss just you.

Be positive only you can do this nobody else to
your success Colin Cousins

By Colin Cousins

The best tool for keyword research Keyword Elite

Build affiliate websites Google Sniper

How to get hoards of traffic to your website or
affiliate offer Traffic Ultimatum

Tap into the Biggest Source of Targeted Traffic
Instant Traffic Blueprints

Us the power of Facebook to build your biz
FaceBook Profit blueprints

The super easy blueprints to cash in on your local
market Local Cash Blueprints

22 Step-by-Step Social Media Traffic Blueprint
Video Tutorials Social Media Traffic

Simple tips & hints for search engine optimization
Easy Seo Tricks
Seven Steps To Affiliate Marketing Success


Publish Your Articles Ezine Articles/GoArticles/Article
Dashboard/Article Base/Article Alley

Free Website Creation Google Blogger/Weebly/Hub

Private Label Rights (plr) Content Plr Club /IM Guru PLR

Article Writing Software Magic Article Writing

By Colin Cousins

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Seven steps-to-affiliate-marketing-success

  • 1. Seven Steps To Affiliate Marketing Success Seven Steps To Affiliate Marketing Success! By Colin Cousins By Colin Cousins
  • 3. Seven Steps To Affiliate Marketing Success Contents Introduction ................................................................... 4 Step 1 – Finding Your Niche. .......................................... 6 Step 2 – Keyword Research............................................ 8 Step 3 –The Best Clickbank Product to Promote.......... 10 Step 4 – Writing Content/Articles ................................ 12 Step 5 - Build your own website .................................. 14 Step 6 –Write And Publish Articles .............................. 16 Step 7 – Traffic Tactics ................................................. 18 Conclusion ................................................................... 21 22 Step-by-Step Social Media Traffic Blueprint Video Tutorials Social Media Traffic ................................. 22 Copyright 2010 - By reading this document, you assume all risks associated with using the advice given below, with a full understanding that you, solely, are responsible for anything that may occur as a result of putting this information into action in any way, and regardless of your interpretation of the advice By Colin Cousins
  • 4. Introduction Getting Ready to Market – The Basics Attitude is key to succeeding before you can be a success in doing affiliate marketing you need to know how to learn. If you cannot do that, then it is difficult to earn as you learn. You definitely need a good attitude to learn and to earn as you learn. No two ways about it. Think about attitudes! We see them every day with everyone we deal with and speak to either in person or on the phone. You know that if you speak to an upbeat, positive person you come away from the experience feeling pretty great yourself. This may come as a bit of a surprise, but it makes sense, attitude also directly affects the way stress handles YOU. Optimists cope way more effectively with stress. They achieve more when they take action and do it extremely effectively. And guess what? That in turn multiplies their results.
  • 5. Seven Steps To Affiliate Marketing Success If you are positive and you have positive thoughts, you are far more likely to achieve short and long- term success. It's not hard to spot positive people, because they view situations differently than negative people do. So be positive and let's get you going in the affiliate marketing world. By Colin Cousins
  • 6. Step 1 – Finding Your Niche. They always say if you understand the problem, you can find the answer and come up with the solutions. So now, we at least know the nature of the problem. We can define niche marketing but we can go further than that. We know…  What is niche marketing in general  Some of the principles of niche marketing  That we need to put together a solid niche marketing business plan  The benefit of niche marketing and how it will increase our traffic and our sales So how do we go about targeting that particular niche market on the internet that is populated with customers perfect for our web site? It's always a good idea to have five good ideas and together we should be able to brainstorm at least that many. We know there are internet marketing experts out there who can help us with finding out more about what niche marketing is and how to use it to turn our sales around from our web sites. It's just a matter of finding them and doing our reading. The good news is you are already doing that by reading this digital pdf. From here, your curiosity will be stirred so you can explore more of the world
  • 7. Seven Steps To Affiliate Marketing Success of affiliate marketing and find out just how easy it is to make it big using niche marketing principles as part of your strategy. You are on your way. Google.com can help you and there are some solid general reference sites such as about.com another place to look for your niche is amazon.com just do a search for their best selling books or products and whatever is selling the best there is your niche. Yahoo answers & google buzz will also help you look for what problems they are having. Can you find a product to solve their problem I'm sure you will be able to that’s what we do as full time marketers. Wikipedia can give us lots more instruction on the principles of niche marketing. One thing is for sure though, we will never stop learning. But that is the exciting part too. So there it is start with your hobby if not do your research as explained earlier. You have no excuse to do your research i have told you were to go for all your information. There is more but these are all you need as you learn you will pick more up along the way. By Colin Cousins
  • 8. Step 2 – Keyword Research On the internet, keywords are terms or words that relate to particular topics. Keyword research will involve various aspects, such as finding sales oriented keywords or driving maximum qualified users to increase your online sales. Keyword research is the first step towards a successful search engine optimization campaign. You have to be very careful when selecting keywords, as it can be very tricky to select targeted keywords for a website. The selection of keywords should always be based on various aspects such as product names, services, brands, or general terms. Often times, people forget about targeting geographical terms when they have global presence. When doing keyword research, it's highly recommended to do a very thorough market research analysis to find the best keywords used by search engines to find products and services online - and find out what keywords are targeted by competitors who are doing well in marketing on the internet.
  • 9. Seven Steps To Affiliate Marketing Success The first step in finding the best keywords is to make a list of the products, topics, and services that you offer. You can also make good use of keyword elite to know which keywords have brought in the traffic in the past. Be sure to select keywords that clearly define your business and products to drive traffic from the search engines. There are some websites which get high levels of traffic through general keywords although they might not end up being sales. Today, users of search engines are aware of how they work, for searching products and services on the net. Users always look for the better products, locations, etc. Therefore, you should cover all terms for each - products, locations, etc. There are numerous tools available which will help you identify keywords that are suitable for search engines. The challenge here is to determine which keyword is the best to generate traffic. By Colin Cousins
  • 10. Step 3 –The Best Clickbank Product to Promote Trying to decide on which Clickbank Product you should promote as an affiliate marketer can be difficult with so many options, so I will attempt to help narrow down the field for you. I'll go over some of the things that you need to know to make money with clickbank and also go over some other tips for affiliate marketing and internet marketing to help boost your income. With thousands of products to choose from, how do you know which is the best Clickbank product to promote and that will perform the best for you? Here are some tips that I use to help me choose a good Clickbank product to become an affiliate for. 1. Gravity: Gravity would have to be the first factor I look for when deciding on a product. Gravity tells us roughly how many other people are making sales with the product. The higher the number, the more people are selling it. So does a high gravity product mean you should automatically choose it? ... Sometimes ... Depends.
  • 11. Seven Steps To Affiliate Marketing Success While I realize that's a little vague there are a number of other factors that you will need to consider before choosing your product. Most of the products I choose have a gravity of over 40. I rarely promote new products because I just don't know if they are going to be winners or not. Be careful about choosing products with gravity over 100. This means you have a lot of competition and it'll be harder to stand out from the crowd. 2. Commission: The next thing I look at is how much money I am going to make per sale. I like anything over $20, but preferably closer to $30. This means that any money or time I spend promoting the product is worth my time. Whether you choose ppc or other free methods of promotion, factoring in hours or work to just make $10 per sale is usually not cost effective unless you think you can sell hundreds of that product. I would rather spend less time to make more money. By Colin Cousins
  • 12. Step 4 – Writing Content/Articles Private Label Rights (PLR) content is very popular on the internet today. PLR content is written by a ghostwriter and sold to other people to use as they wish. PLR e-books, reports or articles are special type of license which you purchase where you are lawfully allowed to edit and publish the article as your own. Because you have the right to edit the article as you wish, it means that you can use it as web content on your site or add your links to your website and distribute it. Outlined below are some key ways you can use PLR content to drive traffic to your website and boost on affiliate marketing profits.  Boost your article writing and submitting using some PLR content. All you need to do is to simply edit the PLR articles and customize them to make them your own. Using PLR articles saves you a lot of time in writing your articles. By using a PLR article, you can improve it and end up with a powerful article that will drive traffic to your website. 
  • 13. Seven Steps To Affiliate Marketing Success Increase your sales by developing your reputation as an expert in your niche. PLR articles make it so much easier for you to quickly build your reputation as an expert. Pass on some of the PLR content to your customers and build their trust. You can then make some one- time-offers or recommend some of your affiliate programs to them, thereby generating some sales.  Improve your search engine rankings by submitting your customized articles. By submitting articles with your resource box and URL, you basically create one way links to your website, which helps with search engines.  Create and market information products using your PLR content. Edit and customize PLR articles and compile them into an e-book or special report. It takes time to write an e-book, and it can also be costly if you were to hire a ghostwriter. You can therefore use PLR articles or e-books and add more value to them to create hot-selling e- books. You can sell these reports or give them for free on your website. When you give these articles for free, you can include your website URL In them. This in turn will drive traffic to your website. By Colin Cousins
  • 14. Step 5 - Build your own website Build your own website to promote your product if you are serious about affiliate marketing, it is recommended that you have your own website where you will be promoting your affiliate products. By having a website, you can therefore select several good affiliate products and promote them on your website. This will increase the affiliate commissions you can earn from these products. Remember build your website around the niche you are promoting i.e. making money online, dating, health & fitness, dieting, software, seo, the list is endless just do your research. You can build you websites for free it really is easy and relatively cost affective just take a look at squidoo.com, blogger.com, weebly.com, yalo.com hubpages.com this is just a few that are on offer. There are so many options open to you just keep doing your research and you'll be fine.
  • 15. Seven Steps To Affiliate Marketing Success If you do choose to start a blog, consider using WordPress. WordPress is a free blogging platform with more advantages than anyone can count. It is free, no strings attached, it is really easy to install, easy to customize with themes for every topic you can blog about, and it’s Google friendly – which is a big plus when it comes to Search Engine Optimization, which is the science and art of making sure people, can find your blog via a Google search, Which is essential when doing affiliate marketing? Note: Make sure you use wordpress.com and not wordpress.org the .com is free .org you will need to have your own domain name and install and this will cost money remember where trying to do it all free well as much as we can. "Remember keep focused and be positive" By Colin Cousins
  • 16. Step 6 –Write And Publish Articles So why is writing and submitting articles so powerful to your website? Articles help you become an expert in your niche. By writing high quality and informative articles in your niche, you become an expert. You also build trust and confidence in your prospects. As an expert, customers will feel confident to buy from you and this will increase your sales and online business profits. Articles are an affordable way of driving traffic to your website. You can write your own articles or you can hire a ghostwriter to write some articles for you, and this is not very expensive. You can then submit your articles to many directories. There are some tools that you can use to automatically submit your articles to many directories, and this increases the number of links pointing back to your website. Articles are viral and powerful in driving traffic to your website. At the bottom of all your articles, you have a resource box with your website URL.
  • 17. Seven Steps To Affiliate Marketing Success Your articles will be published by many directories, websites and e-zines with your website URL. By simply writing articles and submitting articles, you create a powerful viral power with many websites having your website URL on their sites. Articles bring lifelong results and will continue to drive traffic to your website for a long time. Unlike other types of advertising that bring momentary results, articles will continue to drive traffic to your website for a long time. All your articles are archived in article directories and that means anyone can still read them and visit your website. Your articles can generate thousands of permanent one-way links to your website. Articles make search engines index your website and drive traffic to your website. Writing and submitting many articles to article directories is very powerful in making your website visible on search engines. By including your keywords in your articles, when people are looking for information related to your niche and type those keywords, your articles and website show up on search engines, therefore making it easy for you to get a lot of traffic to your website. By Colin Cousins
  • 18. Step 7 – Traffic Tactics For any online business to succeed, it is important to have traffic on that website. Without traffic, a website will not make any sales and the online home business will fail. It is therefore important that you know how to drive traffic to your website. You can drive traffic to your website on any budget, and this article outlines all the essential ways through which you can drive traffic to your website. Provide fresh, unique and useful content on your website. People go online to look for information and also buy what they need. It is therefore important for you to have high quality and unique content on your website so that visitors to your website will spend more time on your website, bookmark your website and also buy from you. In addition, if you have lots of useful information on your website, you will be considered as an expert in your niche, and you will therefore easily get customers.
  • 19. Seven Steps To Affiliate Marketing Success Optimize your website for search engines. In order for your site to be found on the search engines when people are looking for information, make sure that your niche keywords and phrases are in your headlines and in the rest of the content on your website. This means that your website will show up and will rank high when people look for those keywords on your website, and this will drive more traffic to your website. Drive traffic to your website using PPC (Pay per Click) advertising. If you have the money to pay for the advertising, you can run an advert with Google Adwords or Yahoo Overture to drive traffic to your website. Write and submit articles. This is a very powerful tool for driving traffic to your website. In all your articles, make sure you have a resources box or author’s biography which will your website’s URL. After reading your article, people will want to visit your website, so the more articles you write the more traffic you will drive to your website. Participate in targeted forums. This is one of the most effective ways of driving traffic to your website. Make useful posts in the forums that are related to your niche, and have your website link in your signature. By Colin Cousins
  • 20. Use viral marketing to drive traffic to your website. Write free e-books or short reports with a link to your website. Have a link to your website on your blog and on any press release that you write. These will drive traffic to your website. Use video marketing to drive traffic to your website. You can create a video about your product or service that you offer on your website and post that on YouTube. Add your website link on that video, and this will make sure that people who view your video will also visit your website. By following the tips outline above, you can drive a lot of traffic to your website, boost your sales and grow your online business profits. "Always positive one move at a time"
  • 21. Seven Steps To Affiliate Marketing Success Conclusion I really hope you enjoyed reading this report and that you got a lot of useful information out of it. This report gives you all the information and resources you will ever need to become a super affiliate marketing master. Like I said earlier in the report you have to be positive and most importantly you have to take action on everything you have learned. Concentrate on one thing at a time and build from there I am sure you now realize what the potential is in doing affiliate marketing. So go and get started right away in fact start now don’t wait while its fresh in your mind go and take action. The sooner you do the sooner you will start making money and you can quit your day job and start working from home and enjoy the lifestyle that all us affiliate marketers enjoy no boss just you. Be positive only you can do this nobody else to your success Colin Cousins By Colin Cousins
  • 22. Resources The best tool for keyword research Keyword Elite Build affiliate websites Google Sniper How to get hoards of traffic to your website or affiliate offer Traffic Ultimatum Tap into the Biggest Source of Targeted Traffic Instant Traffic Blueprints Us the power of Facebook to build your biz FaceBook Profit blueprints The super easy blueprints to cash in on your local market Local Cash Blueprints 22 Step-by-Step Social Media Traffic Blueprint Video Tutorials Social Media Traffic Simple tips & hints for search engine optimization Easy Seo Tricks
  • 23. Seven Steps To Affiliate Marketing Success Resources Publish Your Articles Ezine Articles/GoArticles/Article Dashboard/Article Base/Article Alley Free Website Creation Google Blogger/Weebly/Hub Pages/Wordpress/Squidoo/Yola Private Label Rights (plr) Content Plr Club /IM Guru PLR Article Writing Software Magic Article Writing By Colin Cousins