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              Sanjoy Mahajan

              Copyright 2008 Sanjoy Mahajan

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                         1 Dimensions                                                          3

                         2 Extreme cases                                                     13

                         3 Discretization                                                    31

                         4 Picture proofs                                                    45

                         5 Taking out the big part                                           57

                         6 Analogy                                                           80

                         7 Operators                                                         86

                             References                                                      91

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                        Dimensions, often called units, are familiar creatures in physics and engi­
                        neering. They are also helpful in mathematics, as I hope to show you with
                        examples from differentiation, integration, and differential equations.

               1.1      Free fall
                        Dimensions are often neglected in mathematics. Calculus textbooks state
                        many problems in this form:
                           A ball falls from a height of h feet. Neglecting air resistance, estimate
                           its speed when it hits the ground, given a gravitational acceleration of
                           g feet per second squared.
                        The units, highlighted with boldface type, have been separated from g or h,
                        making g and h pure numbers. That artificial purity ties one hand behind
                        your back, and to find the speed you are almost forced to solve this differential
                                           d2 y
                                                = −g, with y(0) = h and y
                                                                        ˙(0) = 0,
                        where y(t) is the ball’s height at time t, y ˙(t) is its velocity, and g is the
                        strength of gravity (an acceleration). This second-order differential equation
                        has the following solution, as you can check by differentiation:

                                                      y = −gt,
                                                      y(t) = − gt2 + h.
                        The ball hits the ground when y(t) = 0, which happens when t0 = 2h/g.
                        The speed after that time is y = −gt0 = − 2gh. This derivation has many

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                        Dimensions                                                                    4

                        spots to make algebra mistakes: for example, not taking the square root when
                        solving for t0 , or dividing rather than multiplying by g when finding the speed.
                            Here’s the same problem written so that dimensions help you:
                            A ball falls from a height h. Neglecting air resistance, estimate its
                            speed when it hits the ground, given a gravitational acceleration of g.
                        In this statement of the problem, the dimensions of h and g belong to the
                        quantities themselves. The reunion helps you guess the final speed, without
                        solving differential equations. The dimensions of h are now length or L for
                        short. The dimensions of g are length per time squared or LT−2 ; and the
                        dimensions of speed are LT−1 . The only combination of g and h with the
                        dimensions of speed is

                                                  gh × dimensionless constant.

                        An estimate for the speed is therefore

                                                            v∼       gh,

                        where the ∼ means ‘equal except perhaps for a dimensionless constant’. Be­
                        sides the minus sign (which you can guess) and the dimensionless factor 2,
                        the dimensions method gives the same answer as does solving the differential
                        equation – and more quickly, with fewer places to make algebra mistakes.
                        The moral is:

                           Do not rob a quantity of its intrinsic dimensions.

                        Its dimensions can guide you to correct answers or can help you check pro­
                        posed answers.

                1.2     Integration
                        If ignoring known dimensions, as in the first statement of the free-fall problem,
                        hinders you in solving problems, the opposite policy – specifying unknown
                        dimensions – can aid you in solving problems. You may know this Gaussian
                                                        ∞                  √
                                                            e−x dx =        π.

                        What is the value of

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                        1.2 Integration                                                                5
                                                               e−αx dx,

                        where α is a constant? The integration variable is x so after you evaluate
                        the integral over the limits, the x disappears; but α remains. The result
                        contains only α and maybe dimensionless numbers, so α is the only quantity
                        in the result that could have dimensions. For dimensional analysis to have a
                        prayer of helping, α needs dimensions. Otherwise you cannot say whether, for
                        example, the result should contain α or contain α2 ; both choices have identical
                        dimensions. Guessing the answer happens in three steps: (1) specifying the
                        dimensions of α, (2) finding the dimensions of the result, and (3) using α to
                        make a quantity with the dimensions of the result.
                            In the first step, finding the dimensions of α, it is more intuitive to specify
                        the dimensions of the integration variable x, and let that specification decide
                        the dimensions of α. Pretend that x is a length, as its name suggests. Its
                        dimensions and the exponent −αx2 together determine the dimensions of α.
                        An exponent, such as the 7 in 27 , says how many times to multiply a quantity
                        by itself. The notion ‘how many times’ is a pure number; the number might
                        be negative or fractional or both, but it is a pure number:

                           An exponent must be dimensionless.

                        Therefore αx2 is dimensionless, and the dimensions of α are L−2 . A conve­
                        nient shorthand for those words is

                                                           [α] = L−2 ,

                        where [quantity] stands for the dimensions of the quantity.
                            The second step is to find the dimensions of the result. The left and right
                        sides of an equality have the same dimensions, so the dimensions of the result
                        are the dimensions of the integral itself:
                                                               e−αx dx.

                        What are the dimensions of an integral? An integral sign is an elongated
                        ‘S’, standing for Summe, the German word for sum. The main principle of
                        dimensions is:

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                        Dimensions                                                                       6

                          You cannot add apples to oranges.

                        Two consequences are that every term in a sum has identical dimensions
                        and that the dimensions of a sum are the dimensions of any term. Similarly,
                        given the kinship of summation and integration, the dimensions of the integral
                        are the dimensions of e−αx dx. The exponential, despite the fierce-looking
                        exponent of −αx2 , is just the pure number e multiplied by itself several times.
                        Since e has no dimensions, eanything has no dimensions. So the exponential
                        factor contributes no dimensions to the integral. However, the dx might
                        contribute dimensions. How do you know the dimensions of dx? If you read
                        d as ‘a little bit of’, then dx becomes ‘a little bit of x’. A little bit of length
                        is still a length. More generally:

                          dx has the same dimensions as x.

                        The product of the exponential and dx therefore has dimensions of length,
                        as does the integral – because summation and its cousin, integration, cannot
                        change dimensions.
                            The third step is to use α to construct a quantity with the dimensions of
                        the result, which is a length. The only way to make a length is α−1/2 , plus
                        perhaps the usual dimensionless constant. So
                                                              2      1
                                                          e−αx dx ∼ √ .
                                                       −∞             α
                        The twiddle ∼ means ‘equal except perhaps for a dimensionless constant’.
                        The missing constant is determined by setting α = 1 and reproducing the
                        original integral:
                                                         ∞              √
                                                             e−x dx =    π.

                        Setting α = 1 is a cheap trick. Several paragraphs preceding exhorted you
                        not to ignore the dimensions of quantities; other paragraphs were devoted to
                        deducing that α had dimensions of L−2 ; and now we pretend that α, like 1,
                        is dimensionless?! But the cheap trick is useful. It tells you that the missing
                        dimensionless constant is π, so
                                                                2         π
                                                            e−αx dx =       .
                                                       −∞                 α

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                        1.3 Taylor and MacLaurin series                                                  7

                        The moral of the preceding example is:

                          Assign dimensions to quantities with unspecified dimensions.

                        In this example, by assigning dimensions to x and α, we got enough informa­
                        tion to guess the integral.

                1.3     Taylor and MacLaurin series
                        The preceding example applied dimensions to integrals. Dimensions also help
                        you remember Taylor series, a result based on derivatives. The idea of Taylor
                        series is that if you know a function and all its derivatives at one point, you can
                        approximate the function at other points. As an example, take f (x) = x.
                        You can use Taylor series to approximate 10 by knowing f (9) and all the
                        derivatives f (9), f (9), . . . .
                             The MacLaurin series, a special case of Taylor series when you know f (0),
                        f (0), . . . , looks like:

                                                       f (x) = f (0) + stuff

                        What is the missing stuff? The first principle of dimensions can help, that you
                        cannot add apples to oranges, so all terms in a sum have identical dimensions.
                        The first term is the zeroth derivative f (0). The first term hidden in the
                        ‘stuff’ involves the first derivative f (0), and this new term must have the
                        same dimensions as f (0). To draw a conclusion from this sameness requires
                        understanding how differentiation affects dimensions.
                            In the more familiar notation using differentials,
                                                           f (x) =      .
                        So the derivative is a quotient of df and dx. You can never – well, with
                        apologies to Gilbert & Sullivan, hardly ever – go astray if you read d as ‘a
                        little bit of’. So df means ‘a little bit of f ’, dx means ‘a little bit of x’, and
                                                           df   a little bit of f
                                                 f (x) =      =                   .
                                                           dx   a little bit of x
                        Using the [quantity] notation to stand for the dimensions of the quantity, the
                        dimensions of f (x) are:

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                        Dimensions                                                                       8

                                                              [a little bit of f ]
                                                  [f (x)] =                        .
                                                              [a little bit of x]
                        Since a little bit of a quantity has the same dimensions as the quantity itself,
                                                           [a little bit of f ]   [f ]
                                               [f (x)] =                        =      .
                                                           [a little bit of x]    [x]

                           Differentiating with respect to x is, for the purposes of dimensional analy­
                           sis, equivalent to dividing by x.

                        So f (x) has the same dimensions as f /x.
                             This strange conclusion is worth testing with a familiar example. Take
                        distance x as the function to differentiate, and time as the independent vari­
                        able. The derivative of x(t) is x(t) = dx/dt. [Where did the prime go, as
                        in x (t)? When the independent variable is time, a dot instead of a prime is
                        used to indicate differentiation.] Are the dimensions of x(t) the same as the
                        dimensions of x/t? The derivative x(t) is velocity, which has dimensions of
                        length per time or LT−1 . The quotient x/t also has dimensions of length per
                        time. So this example supports the highlighted conclusion.
                             The conclusion constrains the missing terms in the MacLaurin series. The
                        first missing term involves f (0), and the term must have the same dimensions
                        as f (0). It doesn’t matter what dimensions you give to f (x); the principle of
                        not adding apples to oranges applies whatever the dimensions of f (x). Since
                        its dimensions do not matter, choose a convenient one, that f (x) is a volume.
                        Do not, however, let x remain unclothed with dimensions. If you leave it
                        bare, dimensions cannot help you guess the form of the MacLaurin series: If
                        x is dimensionless, then differentiating with respect to x does not change the
                        dimensions of the derivatives. Instead, pick convenient dimensions for x; it
                        does not matter which dimensions, so long as x has some dimensions. Since
                        the symbol x often represents a length, imagine that this x is also a length.
                             The first derivative f (0) has dimensions of volume over length, which
                        is length squared. To match f (0), the derivative needs one more power of
                        length. The most natural object to provide the missing length is x itself. As
                        a guess, the first-derivative term should be xf (0). It could also be xf (0)/2,
                        or xf (0) multiplied by any dimensionless constant. Dimensional analysis
                        cannot tell you that number, but it turns out to be 1. The series so far is:

                                                  f (x) = f (0) + xf (0) + · · · .

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                        1.4 Cheap differentiation                                                      9

                            Each successive term in a MacLaurin (or Taylor) series contains a suc­
                        cessively higher derivative. The first term used f (0), the zeroth derivative.
                        The second term used f (0), the first derivative. The third term should use
                        the second derivative f (0). The dimensions of the second derivative are vol­
                        ume over length squared. because each derivative divides f by one length.
                        Compared to the volume, f (0) lacks two lengths. The most natural quantity
                        to replace those lengths is x2 , so the term should be x2 f (0). It could be
                        multiplied by a dimensionless constant, which this method cannot find. That
                        number turns out to be 1/2, and the term is x2 f (0)/2. The series is now
                                           f (x) = f (0) + xf (0) + x2 f (0) + · · · .
                            You can guess the pattern. The next term uses f (3) (0), the third deriv­
                        ative. It is multiplied by x3 to fix the dimensions and by a dimensionless
                        constant that turns out to be 1/6:
                                                            1          1
                                    f (x) = f (0) + xf (0) + x2 f (0) + x3 f (3) (0) + · · ·
                                                            2          6
                        The general term is

                                                           xn f (n) (0)
                        for reasons that will become clearer in ?? on analogies and operators. This
                        example illustrates how, if you remember a few details about MacLaurin
                        series – for example, that each term has successively higher derivatives – then
                        dimensional analysis can fill in the remainder.

                1.4     Cheap differentiation
                        The relation [f (x)] = [f ] / [x] suggests a way to estimate the size of deriv­
                        atives. Here is the differential equation that describes the oscillations of a
                        mass connected to a spring:
                                                           d2 x
                                                       m        + kx = 0,
                        where m is the mass, x is its position, t is time, and k is the spring constant.
                        In the first term, the second derivative d2 x/dt2 is the acceleration a of the
                        mass, so m(d2 x/dt2 ) is ma or the force. And the second term, kx, is the force
                        exerted by the spring. In working out what the terms mean, we have also

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                         Dimensions                                                                    10

                         checked that the terms have the same dimensions (here, dimensions of force).
                         So the equation is at least dimensionally correct.
                              Here’s how to estimate the size of each term. The dimensions of d2 x/dt2
                         comes from dividing the dimensions of x by the dimensions of t2 . The size
                         of d2 x/dt2 is estimated by dividing the size of x by the size of t2 . Why not
                         instead divide the dimensions of x2 by those of t2 ? The numerator, after all,
                         has a d2 in it. To answer that question, return to the maxim: d means ‘a
                         little bit of’. So dx means ‘a little bit of x’, and d2 x = d(dx) means ‘a little
                         bit of a little bit of x’. The numerator, therefore does not have anything to
                         do with x2 . Instead, it has the same dimensions as x. Another way of saying
                         the same idea is that differentiation is a linear operation.
                              Even if x/t2 is a rough estimate for the second derivative, x and t are
                         changing: How do you know what x and t to use in the quotient? For x,
                         which is in the numerator, use a typical value of x. A typical value is the
                         oscillation amplitude x0 . For t, which is in the denominator, use the time in
                         which the numerator changes significantly. That time – call it τ – is related
                         to the oscillation period. So
                                                      dx   typical x   x0
                                                         ∼           ∼    ,
                                                      dt       τ       τ
                                                 d2 x   d      dx       1 x0  x0
                                                      =             ∼        = 2.
                                                 dt2    dt     dt       τ τ   τ
                               Now we can estimate both terms in the differential equation:
                                                             d2 x    x0
                                                         m        ∼ m 2.
                                                             dt2     τ
                                                              kx ∼ kx0 ,

                         The differential equation says that the two terms add to zero, so their sizes
                         are comparable:
                                                           m      ∼ kx0 .
                         Both sides contain one power of the amplitude x0 , so it divides out. That
                         cancellation always happens in a linear differential equation. With x0 gone,
                         it cannot affect the upcoming estimate for τ . So

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                          1.5 Free fall revisited                                                        11

                              In ideal spring motion – so-called simple harmonic motion – the oscilla­
                              tion period is independent of amplitude.

                          After cancelling the x0 , the leftover is k ∼ m/τ 2 or τ ∼ m/k. A quantity
                          related to the time τ is its reciprocal ω = τ −1 , which has dimensions of inverse
                          time or T−1 . Those dimensions are the dimensions of frequency. So

                                                         ω = τ −1 ∼          .
                          When you solve the differential equation honestly, this ω is exactly the angular
                          frequency (angle per time) of the oscillations. The missing constant, which
                          dimensional analysis cannot compute, is 1. In this case, dimensional analysis,
                          cheap though it may be, gives the exact frequency.

                  1.5     Free fall revisited
                          The ball that fell a height h was released from rest. What if it had an initial
                          velocity v0 . What is its impact velocity vfinal ?

                  1.6     What you have learned
                          •    Preserve dimensions in quantities with dimensions: Do not write ‘g meters
                               per second squared’; write g.

                          •    Choose dimensions for quantities with arbitrary dimensions, like for x and
                               α in
                                                                   e−αx dx.

                          •    Exponents are dimensionless.

                          •    You cannot add apples to oranges: Every term in an equation or sum
                               has identical dimensions. Another consequence is that both sides of an
                               equation have identical dimensions.

                          •    The dimensions of an integral are the dimensions of everything inside it,
                               including the dx. This principle helps you guess integrals such as the
                               general Gaussian integral with −αx2 in the exponent.

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                          Dimensions                                                                12

                          •   The dimensions of a derivative f (x) are the dimensions of f /x. This
                              principle helps reconstruct formulas based on derivatives, such as Taylor
                              or MacLaurin series.

                          •   The size of df /dx is roughly
                                                           typical size of f

                                            x interval over which f changes significantly

                             See the short and sweet book by Cipra [1] for further practice with di­
                          mensions and with rough-and-ready mathematics reasoning.

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                         Extreme cases

                         The next item for your toolbox is the method of extreme cases. You can
                         use it to check results and even to guess them, as the following examples

                 2.1     Fencepost errors
                         Fencepost errors are the most common programming mistake. An index loops
                         over one too many or too few items, or an array is allocated one too few
                         memory locations – leading to a buffer overrun and insecure programs. Since
                         programs are a form of mathematics, fencepost errors occur in mathematics
                         as well. The technique of extreme cases helps you find and fix these errors
                         and deduce correct results instead.
                             Here is the sum of the first n odd integers:

                                                       S = 1 + 3 + 5 + ···
                                                               n terms
                         Odd numbers are of the form 2k + 1 or 2k − 1. Quickly answer this question:

                                               Is the last term 2n + 1 or 2n − 1?

                         For a general n, the answer is not obvious. You can figure it out, but it is easy
                         to make an algebra mistake and be off by one term, which is the difference
                         between 2n − 1 and 2n + 1. An extreme case settles the question. Here is the
                         recipe for this technique:

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                         Extreme cases	                                                             14

                            1.	 Pick an extreme value of n, one where the last
                                term in the sum is easy to determine.

                            2.	 For that n, determine the last term.

                            3.	 See which prediction, 2n − 1 or 2n + 1 (or perhaps
                                neither), is consistent with this last term.

                             The most extreme value of n is 0. Since n is the number of terms, however,
                         the meaning of n = 0 is obscure. The next most extreme case is n = 1. With
                         only one term, the final (and also first) term is 1, which is 2n − 1. So the
                         final term, in general, should be 2n − 1. Thus the sum is

                                                 S = 1 + 3 + 5 + · · · + 2n − 1.

                         Using sigma notation, it is
                                                        S=         (2k + 1).

                         This quick example gives the recipe for extreme-cases reasoning; as a side
                         benefit, it may help you spot bugs in your programs. The sum itself has
                         an elegant picture, which you learn in Section 4.1 in the chapter on pic­
                         torial proofs. The rest of this chapter applies the extreme-cases recipe to
                         successively more elaborate problems.

                 2.2     Integrals
                         An integral from the Chapter 1, on dimensions, can illustrate extreme cases
                         as well as dimensions. Which of these results is correct:
                                                   ∞               απ
                                                     e−αx dx =              ?
                                                  −∞               π
                         Dimensional analysis answered this question, but forget that knowledge for
                         the moment so that you can practice a new technique.

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                         2.2 Integrals                                                                  15

                              You can make the correct choice by by looking at the
                         integrand e−αx in the two extremes α → ∞ and α → 0.                                 2
                         As α becomes large, the exponent −αx2 becomes large
                                                                                           -1      0      1
                         and negative even when x is only slightly greater than
                         zero. The exponential of a large negative number is nearly zero, so the bell
                         curve narrows, and its area shrinks. As α → ∞, the area and therefore the
                         integral should shrink to zero. The first option, απ, instead goes to infinity.
                         It must be wrong. The second option, π/α, goes to infinity and could be
                              The complementary test is α → 0. The function                                     2
                         flattens to the horizontal line y = 1; its integral over an
                         infinite range is infinity. The first choice, πα, fails this
                         test because instead it goes to zero as α → 0. The second         -1      0      1
                         option, π/α, goes to infinity and passes the test. So
                         the second option passes both tests, and the first option fails both tests. This
                         increases my confidence in π/α while decreasing it, nearly to zero, in πα.
                              If those were the only choices, and I knew that one choice was correct, I
                         would choose π/α. However, if the joker who wrote the problem included
                            2/α among the choices, then I need a third test to distinguish between
                            2/α and π/α. For this test, use a third extreme case: α → 1. Wait, how
                         is 1 an extreme case? Infinity and zero are extreme, but 1 lies between those
                         two so it cannot be an extreme.
                              Speaking literally, 1 is a special case rather than an extreme case. So
                         extend the meaning of extreme with poetic license and include special cases.
                         The tool, named in full, would be the ‘method of extreme and special cases’.
                         Or, since extreme cases are also special, it could be the ‘method of special
                         cases’. The first option, although correct, is unwieldy. The second option,
                         although also sharing the merit of correctness, is cryptic. It does not help
                         you think of special cases, whereas ‘extreme cases’ does help you: It tells you
                         to look at the extremes. So I prefer to keep the name simple – extreme cases
                         – while reminding myself that extreme cases include special cases like α → 1.
                              In the α → 1 limit the integral becomes
                                                        I≡         e−x dx,

                         where the ≡ notation means ‘is defined to be’ (rather than the perhaps more
                         common usage in mathematics for modular arithmetic). It is the Gaussian
                         integral and its value is π. The usual trick to compute it is to evaluate the
                         square of the integral:

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                         Extreme cases                                                                16

                                          ∞                             ∞
                                                 2                                  2
                                 I2 =         e−x dx ×                          e−x dx .
                                         −∞                          −∞

                         In the second factor, change the integration variable to y, making the product
                                                        ∞            ∞
                                                                                    2             2
                                               I2 =                         e−αx e−αy dx dy.
                                                        −∞          −∞

                         It looks like the integral has become more complicated, but here comes the
                                                                               2  2
                         magic trick. The exponentials multiply to give e−(x +y ) , integrated over all
                                                                                      2  2        2
                         x and y – in other words, over the whole plane. And e−(x +y ) = e−r . So
                         the square of the Gaussian integral is also, in polar coordinates, the integral

                                e−r dA, where dA is the element of area r dr dθ:
                                                                2π          ∞
                                                     I2 =                       e−r r dr dθ .
                                                            0           0

                         This integral is doable because the r contributed by the dA is the derivative,
                         except for a factor of 2, of the r2 in the exponent:
                                                                2                1 −r2
                                                        e−r r dr =                 e   + C,
                                                                            2               1
                                                                    e−r r dr =                .
                                                            0                               2

                         The dθ integral contributes a factor of 2π so I 2 = 2π/2 = π and the Gaussian
                         integral is its square root:
                                                                    ∞                        √
                                                      I=                e−x dx =              π.

                            The only choice consistent with all three extreme cases, even with        2/α
                         among them, is
                                                                            2                 π
                                                                e−αx dx =                       .
                                                        −∞                                    α

                         This integral could also be guessed by dimensions, as explained in Section 1.2.
                         Indeed dimensions tell you more than extreme cases do. Dimensions refutes
                         √         √
                           π/α or π/α2 , whereas both choices pass the three extreme-case tests:

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17                                                                                                         17

                         2.3 Pendulum                                                              17

                         •   α →
0 Both choices correctly limit to ∞.

                         •   α → ∞ Both choices correctly limit to 0.

                         •   α → 1 Both choices correctly limit to       π.

                         Extreme cases, however, has the virtue of being quick. You do not need
                         to find the dimensions for x or α (or invent the dimensions), then find the
                         dimensions of dx and of the result. Extreme cases immediately refutes πα.
                         The technique’s other virtues become apparent in the next problem: how a
                         pendulum’s period varies with amplitude.

                 2.3     Pendulum
                         In physics courses, the first problem on oscillations is the ideal spring. Its
                         differential equation is
                                                           d2 x
                                                       m        + kx = 0,
                         where k is the spring constant. Dividing by m gives
                                                       d2 x  k
                                                            + x = 0.
                                                       dt2   m
                             A consequence of this equation, which we derived in Section 1.4, is
                         that the oscillation period is independent of the amplitude. That property is
                         characteristic of a so-called simple-harmonic system. The oscillation period

                                                         T = 2π        .
                         Before moving on to the pendulum, pause to make a sanity check. To make
                         a sanity check, ask yourself: ‘Is each portion of the formula reasonable, or
                         does it come out of left field.’ [For the non-Americans, left field is one of
                         the distant reaches of a baseball field, and to come out of left fields means
                         an idea come out of nowhere and surprises everyone with how crazy it is.]
                         One species of sanity checking is to check dimensions. Are the dimensions on
                         both sides correct? In this case they are. The dimensions of spring constant
                         are force per length because F = kx, so [k] = MT−2 . So the dimensions of
                           m/k are simply time, which is consistent with being an oscillation period

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18                                                                                                                  18

                         Extreme cases                                                                18

                         T . [Sorry about the almost-ambiguous notation with T (italic) representing
                         period and T (roman) representing the time dimension.]
                              Another species of sanity checking is checking extreme cases. Is it reason­
                         able, for example, that m is in the numerator? To decide, check an extreme
                         case of mass. As the mass goes to infinity, the period should go to infinity
                         because the spring has a hard time moving the monstrous mass; and behold,
                         the formula correctly predicts that T → ∞. Is it reasonable that spring
                         constant k is in the denominator? Check an extreme case of k. As k → 0,
                         the spring becomes pathetically weak, and the period should go to infinity.
                         Indeed, the formula predicts that T → ∞. What about the 2π? To find this
                         constant, either solve the differential equation honestly or use a trick invented
                         by Huygens, which I will explain in lecture if you remind me.
                              Once the spring has been beaten half to death in physics class,
                         the pendulum is sprung on you. We will study how the period of
                         a pendulum depends on its amplitude – on the maximum angle of
                         the swing, normally called θ0 . First, let’s derive the differential            l
                         equation for the pendulum, then deduce properties of its solution
                         without solving it. Just as force fights to linearly accelerate an
                         object with mass, torque fights to angularly accelerate an object
                         with moment of inertia. Compare the following formulas:

                                  force = mass × linear acceleration,
                               F = mg sin θ

                                 torque = moment of inertia × angular acceleration.

                         The first formula is Newton’s second law, so you can easily remember it. The
                         second formula follows from the first by analogy, which is the technique of
                         Chapter 6. Torque is like force; moment of inertia is like mass; and angular
                         acceleration is like linear acceleration.
                              The moment of inertia of the bob is I = ml2 , and angular acceleration is
                         α ≡ d2 θ/dt2 (again using ≡ to mean ‘is defined to be’). The tangential force
                         trying to restore the pendulum bob to the vertical position is F = mg sin θ.
                         Or is it mg cos θ? Decide using extreme cases. As θ → 0, the pendulum
                         becomes directly vertical hanging downward, and the tangential force F goes
                         to zero. Since sin θ → 0 as θ → 0, the force should contain sin θ rather than
                         cos θ.
                              The torque, which is the force times the lever arm l, is F l = mgl sin θ.
                         Putting all three pieces together:

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19                                                                                                          19

                        2.3 Pendulum                                                                  19

                                                                             d2 θ
                                                   −mgl sin θ = ml2 ×             ,
                                                      torque       I

                        where the minus sign in the torque reflects that it is a restoring torque. The
                        mass divides out to produce the pendulum differential equation:
                                                       d2 θ g
                                                           + sin θ = 0.
                                                       dt2  l
                        This pendulum equation looks similar to the spring equation
                                                        d2 x  k
                                                             + x = 0.
                                                        dt2   m
                        Comparing the two equations produces these analogies:

                                                            x → θ,
                                                           k    g
                                                              → ,
                                                           m     l
                                                            x → sin θ.

                        The first two lines are fine, but the third line contradicts the first one: x
                        cannot map to θ and to sin θ.
                            Extreme cases help. Sure, θ and sin θ are not identical. However, in the
                        extreme case θ → 0, which means that the oscillation angle θ also goes to
                        zero, the two alternatives θ and sin θ are identical (a picture proof is given in
                        ??), For small amplitudes, in other words, the pendulum is almost a simple-
                        harmonic system, which would have a constant period. By analogy with the
                        spring equation, the pendulum’s period is

                                                          T = 2π         ,

                        because the pendulum differential equation has g/l where the spring differen­
                        tial equation has k/m. This extreme case is further analyzed in Chapter 3
                        using the technique of discretization.
                             In the Gaussian integral with α, one extreme case was α → 0 and another
                        was α → ∞. So try that extreme case here, and see what you can deduce.
                        Not much, since an infinite angle is not informative. However, the idea of a
                        large amplitude is suggestive and helpful. The largest meaningful amplitude –
                        set by the angle of release – is 180◦ or, in radians, θ0 = π. That angle requires
                        a rod as the pendulum ‘string’, so that the pendulum does not collapse. Such

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20                                                                                                             20

                          Extreme cases                                                              20

                          a pendulum balanced at θ0 = π hangs upside down forever. So T → ∞ when
                          θ0 → π. Therefore the period should increase as amplitude increases. It
                          could decrease initially, for small θ0 , then increase as θ0 gets near π. That
                          behavior would be nasty. The physical world, at least as a first assumption,
                          does not play such tricks on us.

                  2.4     Ellipse
                          Now try extreme cases and dimensions on these candidate for­
                          mulas for the area A of an ellipse:                                       a

                          a.	 ab2                                                                          b

                          b.	 a2 + b2

                          c.	 a3 /b

                          d. 2ab

                          e.	 πab

                              Let’s take them one by one.
                          •	 ab . This product has dimensions of length cubed rather than length
                             squared, so it flunks the dimensions test and does not even graduate to
                             the extreme-cases tests. But the other choices have correct dimensions
                             and require more work.
                               2    2
                          •	 a + b . Try an extreme ellipse: a super-thin one with a = 0. This case
                             satisfies the first step of the recipe:

                                Pick an extreme value where the result is easy to determine without
                                solving the full problem.

                             Now do the second step:

                                For that extreme case, determine the result.

                             When a = 0 the ellipse has zero area no matter what b is. The third step

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21                                                                                                          21

                         2.4 Ellipse                                                                  21

                               Determine the prediction in this extreme case, and compare it with the
                               actual value from the second step.

                             When a = 0, the candidate A = a2 + b2 becomes A = b2 . It can be zero,
                             but alas only when b = 0. So the candidate fails this extreme-case test
                             except when a = 0 and b = 0: a boring case of the ellipse shrinking to a

                         •    a3 /b . This candidate passes the thin-ellipse test with a → 0. When
                             a → 0, the predicted and actual areas are zero no matter the value of b.
                             Perhaps the candidate is correct. However, it must pass all tests – and even
                             then it may be wrong. If a → 0 is a reasonable test, then by symmetry
                             b → 0 should also be worth trying. This test pushes the candidate off the
                             stage. When b → 0, which produces an infinitely thin vertical ellipse with
                             zero area, the candidate predicts an infinite area whereas the actual area
                             is zero. Although the candidate passed the first test, it fails the second

                         •    2ab . This candidate is promising. When a → 0 or b → 0, the actual and
                             predicted areas are zero. So the candidate passes both extreme-case tests.
                             Both a → 0 and b → 0 are literal extreme cases. Speaking figuratively,
                             a = b is also an extreme case. When a = b, the candidate predicts that
                             A = 2a2 or, since a = b, that A = 2b2 . When a = b, however, the ellipse
                             is a circle with radius a, and that circle has area πa2 rather than 2a2 . So
                             the prediction fails.

                         •    πab . This candidate passes all three tests. Just like A = 2ab, it passes
                             a → 0 and b → 0. Unlike A = 2ab, this candidate also passes the a = b
                             test (making a circle). With every test that a candidate passes, confidence
                             in it increases. So you can be confident in this candidate. And indeed it
                             is correct.

                              This example introduces extreme cases in a familiar problem, and one
                         where you have choices to evaluate. We next try a three-dimensional problem
                         and guess the answer from scratch. But before moving on, I review the
                         extreme-case tests and discuss how to choose them. Two natural extremes
                         are a → 0 and b → 0. However, where did the third test a → b originate, and
                         how would one think of it? The answer is symmetry, a useful trick. Actually
                         it’s a method: ‘a method is a trick I use twice’ (George Polya). Symmetry

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22                                                                                                            22

                         Extreme cases                                                                22

                         already helped us think of trying b → 0 after we tried a → 0. So the following
                         use of it is the second application. Since a and b are lengths, it is natural to
                         compare them by forming their (dimensionless) ratio a/b. The range of a/b
                         is between 0 and ∞:
                           −∞                                    0                                  ∞

                         The immediately interesting values in this range are its endpoints 0 and ∞.
                         However, this range is a runt. It is asymmetric, incomplete, and lives on only
                         the right one-half of the real line. To complete the range so that it extends
                         from −∞ to ∞, take the logarithm of a/b. Here are the possible values of
                           −∞                                    0                                  ∞

                         The interesting values on this line are again the endpoints, which are −∞
                         and ∞, but also a new one: the middle point, 0. The interesting values of
                         a/b are 0, 1, and ∞. These points are the three extreme cases for testing the
                         candidate ellipse areas:
                                                      a/b = 0    →    b = 0,
                                                     a/b = ∞     →    a = 0,
                                                      a/b = 1    →    a = b.

                 2.5     Truncated pyramid
                         In the ellipse example, extreme cases helped us evaluate
                         candidates for the area. The next example shows you how

                         to use extreme cases to find a result. Beyond area, the next

                         level of complexity is volume, and the result we look for is

                         the volume of the truncated pyramid formed by slicing off

                         a chunk of the familiar pyramid with a square base. It has

                         therefore a square base and square top that, for simplicity,

                         we assume is parallel to the base. Its height is h, the side

                         length of the base is b, and the side length of the top is a.
 Guess its volume
                         by finding a formula that meets all the extreme-case tests!

                              In doing so do not forget the previous technique: dimensions. Any for­
                         mula must have dimensions of length cubed, so forget about candidate vol­
                         umes like V = a2 b2 or V = a2 bh. But a2 b2 /h would pass the dimensions

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23                                                                                                         23

                         2.5 Truncated pyramid                                                       23

                             What are the extreme cases? The simplest is h → 0, producing a pyramid
                         with zero volume. So a2 b2 /h, although having the correct dimensions, fails
                         because it bogusly produces an infinite volume. Plausible candidates – those
                         producing zero volume – could be ha2 or h2 a. To choose between those
                         two, think about how the volume must depend on the height. Chop the
                         pyramid into little vertical slivers. When you double the height, you double
                         the height of each sliver, which doubles the volume. So the volume should be
                         proportional to height:

                                                             V ∝ h.

                         A few extreme-cases tests refine this guess. The remaining variables are a
                         and b. The ellipse had only a and b. In the ellipse, a and b are equivalent
                         lengths. Interchanging a and b rotates the ellipse 90◦ but preserves the same
                         shape and area. For the truncated pyramid, interchanging a and b flips the
                         pyramid 180◦ but preserves the shape and area. So a and b in the truncated
                         pyramid might have the same interesting extreme cases as do a and b in the
                         ellipse: a → 0, b → 0, and a → b. So let’s apply each test in turn, ensuring
                         that the formulas developed in the stepwise process meet all the tests so far

                         •   a → 0 . This limit shrinks the top surface from a square to a point, making
                             the truncated pyramid an ordinary pyramid with volume hb2 /3. This
                             formula also passes the V ∝ h test. So V = hb2 /3 is a reasonable guess
                             for the truncated volume. Continue testing it.

                         •   b → 0 . This limit shrinks the bottom surface from a square to a point,
                             producing an upside-down-but-otherwise-ordinary pyramid. The previous
                             candidate V = hb2 /3 predicts a zero volume, no matter what a is, so
                             V = hb2 /3 cannot be correct. The complementary alternative V = ha2 /3
                             passes the b → 0 test. Great!
                                 Alas, it fails the first test a → 0. One formula, V = hb2 /3, works for
                             a → 0; the other formula, V = ha2 /3, works for b → 0. Can a candidate
                             pass both tests? Yes! Add the two half-successful candidates:
                                                       1 2 1 2    1
                                                 V =     ha + hb = h(a2 + b2 ).
                                                       3     3    3
                             Two alternatives that also pass both extreme-cases tests, but are not as
                             easy to dream up, are

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24                                                                                                          24

                          Extreme cases                                                               24

                                                            V =     h(a + b)2 .
                                                            V =     h(a − b)2 .

                          •   a → b . In this limit, the pyramid becomes a rectangular prism with height
                              h and base area b2 (or a2 ). So its volume is V = hb2 . The hard-won
                              candidate V = h(a2 + b2 )/3, designed to pass the two previous extreme
                              cases, fails this one. Nor do the two alternatives pass. One candidate that
                              does pass is V = hb2 . However, it is asymmetric: It treats b specially,
                              which is particularly absurd when a = b. What about V = ha2 ? It treats
                              a specially. What about V = h(a2 + b2 )/2? It is symmetric and passes
                              the a = b test, but it fails the a → 0 and b → 0 tests.
                                  We need to expand our horizons. One way to do that is to compare
                              the three candidates that passed a → 0 and b → 0:
                                                   1               1
                                                V =  h(a2 + b2 ) = h(a2 + b2 ),
                                                   3               3
                                                   1              1
                                                V = h(a + b ) = h(a2 + 2ab + b2 ),
                                                   3              3
                                                   1              1
                                                V = h(a − b ) = h(a2 − 2ab + b2 ).
                                                   3              3
                              The expanded versions share the a2 and b2 terms in the parentheses,
                              while differing in the coefficient of the ab term. The freedom to choose
                              that coefficient makes sense. The product ab is 0 in either limit a → 0 or
                              b → 0. So adding any amount of ab in the parentheses will not affect the
                              a → 0 and b → 0 tests. With just the right coefficient of ab, the candidate
                              might also pass the a = b test. Therefore, find the right coefficient n be
                                                        V =     h(a2 + nab + b2 ).
                              Use the extreme (or special) case a = b. Then, the candidate becomes
                              V = h(2 + n)b2 /3. To make this volume turn into the correct limit hb2 ,
                              the numerical factor (2 + n)/3 should equal 1 meaning that n = 1 is the

                                               V =      h(a2 + ab + b2 ).

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25                                                                                                                25

                          2.6 The magic one-third                                                     25

                 2.6      The magic one-third
                          You may wonder about the factor of one-third in the volumes
                          of a truncated or regular pyramid. An extreme-case trick ex­
                          plains its origin. First I explain the trick in fewer dimensions:                 h=b
                          another example of analogy, a technique worthy of its own chap­
                          ter (Chapter 6). Instead of immediately explaining the one-
                          third in the volume of a pyramid, which is a difficult three-               b

                          dimensional problem, first find the corresponding constant in a
                          two-dimensional problem: the area A of a triangle with base b and height h.
                          Its area is A ∼ bh. What is the constant? Choose a convenient triangle: per­
                          haps a 45-degree right triangle where h = b. Two such triangles form a square
                          with area b2 , so A = b2 /2 when h = b. The constant in A ∼ bh is therefore
                          1/2 and A = bh/2. Now use the same construction in three dimensions.
                               What pyramid, when combined with itself perhaps several
                          times, makes a familiar shape? Only the aspect ratio h/b matters
                          in the following discussion. So choose b conveniently, and then
                          choose h to make a pyramid with the clever aspect ratio. The
                          goal shape is suggested by the square pyramid base. Another
                          solid with the same base is a cube. Perhaps several pyramids can
                          combine into a cube of side b. To ease the upcoming arithmetic,
                          I choose b = 2. What should h be? To decide, imagine how
                          the cube will be constructed. Each cube has six faces, so six
                          pyramids might make a cube with each pyramid base forming one face of the
                          cube and each pyramid tip facing inwards, meeting in the center of the cube.
                          For the points to meet in the center of the cube, the height must be h = 1.
                          So six pyramids with a = 0 (meaning that they are not truncated), b = 2,
                          and h = 1 make a cube with side length 2. The volume of one pyramid is
                                                          cube volume  8 4
                                                    V =               = = .
                                                               6       6 3
                          The volume of the pyramid is V ∼ hb2 , and I choose the missing constant
                          so that the volume is 4/3. Since hb2 = 4 for these pyramids, the missing
                          constant is 1/3:
                                                                1 2   4
                                                          V =     hb = .
                                                                3     3
                          So that the general, truncated pyramid agrees with the ordinary pyramid in
                          the limit that a → 0, the constant for the truncated pyramid is also one-third:

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26                                                                                                         26

                         Extreme cases                                                               26
                                                    V = 3 h(a2 + ab + b2 ).

                 2.7     Drag
                         The final application of extreme-cases reasoning is to solutions of these nasty
                         nonlinear, coupled, partial-differential equations:
                                         ∂v               1            2
                                            + (v· )v = −       p+ν         v,   (3 eqns)
                                         ∂t               ρ
                                                  ·v = 0.       (1 eqn)

                         The top three equations are the Navier–Stokes equations of fluid mechanics,
                         and the bottom equation is the continuity equation. In the four equations is
                         the answer to the following question:

                            When you drop a paper cone (like a coffee filter) and a
                            smaller cone with the same shape, which falls faster?

                              Solving those equations is a miserable task, which is why we will instead
                         use our two techniques: dimensions and then extreme cases. For the moment,
                         assume that each cone instantly reaches terminal velocity; that approximation
                         is reasonable but we will check it in ?? using the technique of discretization.
                         So we need to find the terminal velocity. It depends on the weight of the cone
                         and on the drag force F resisting the motion.
                              To find the force, we use dimensions and add a twist to handle problems
                         like this one that have an infinity of dimensionally correct answers. The
                         drag force depends on the object’s speed v; on the fluid’s density ρ; on its
                         kinematic viscosity ν; and on the object’s size r. Now find the dimensions
                         of these quantities and find all dimensionally correct statements that are
                         possible to make about F . Size r has dimensions of L. Terminal velocity v has
                         dimensions of LT−1 . Drag force F has dimensions of mass times acceleration,
                         or MLT−2 . Density ρ has dimensions of ML−3 . The dimensions of viscosity
                         ν are harder. In the problem set, you show that it has dimensions of L2 T−1 .
                         If you look for combinations of ν, ρ, and r, and v that produce dimensions of
                         force, an infinite number of solutions appear, whereas in previous examples
                         using dimensions, only one possibility had the correct dimensions.
                              Hence the need for a more advanced method to handle the infinite pos­
                         sibilities here. Return to the first principle of dimensions: you cannot add

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27                                                                                                         27

                         2.7 Drag                                                                   27

                         apples to oranges. The requirement that the sides of an equation match di­
                         mensionally is one consequence of the apples-and-oranges principle. Another
                         consequence is that every term in an equation must have the same dimensions.
                         So imagine any true statement about drag force:

                                                          A+B =C

                         where A, B, and C might be messy combinations of the variables. Then
                         divide each term by A:
                                                         A B  C
                                                          +  = .
                                                         A A  A
                         Because A, B, and C have the same dimensions, each ratio is dimensionless.
                         So you can take any (true) statement about drag force and rewrite it in
                         dimensionless form. No step in this argument depended on the details of
                         drag. It required only that apples must be added to apples. So:

                           You can write any true statement about the world in dimensionless form.

                             Furthermore, you can construct any dimensionless expression using di­
                         mensionless groups: products of the variables where the product has no di­
                         mensions. Since you can write any true statement in dimensionless form, and
                         can write any dimensionless form using dimensionless groups:

                           You can write any true statement about the world using dimensionless

                             In the problem of free fall, with variables v, g, and h, the dimensionless
                         group is v/ gh, perhaps raised to a power. With only one group, the only
                         dimensionless statement has the form:

                                            the one group = dimensionless constant,
                         which results in v ∼ gh.
                             For the drag, what are some dimensionless groups? One group is F/ρv 2 r2 ,
                         as you can check by working out its dimensions. A second group is rv/ν. Any
                         other group, it turns out, can be formed from these two groups. With two
                         groups, the most general dimensionless statement is

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28                                                                                                         28

                         Extreme cases                                                               28

                                                 one group = f (other group),

                         where f is a dimensionless function. It has a dimensionless argument and
                         must return a dimensionless value because the left side of the equation is
                         dimensionless. Using F/ρv 2 r2 as the first group:
                                                          F        rv
                                                                =f    .
                                                        ρv 2 r2    ν
                         The second group, which is the quantity in the parentheses, is the Reynolds
                         number and is often written Re. It measures how turbulent the fluid flow
                         is. To find the drag force F , we have to find the function f . It is too hard to
                         determine fully – it would require solving the Navier–Stokes equations – but
                         it might be possible in extreme cases. The extreme cases here are Re → 0
                         and Re → ∞.
                              Let’s hope that the falling cones are in one of those limits! To decide,
                         evaluate Re for the falling cone. From experience, even before you drop the
                         cones to decide which falls faster, either cone falls at roughly v ∼ 1 m s−1 .
                         Its size is roughly r ∼ 0.1 m. And the viscosity of the fluid (air) in which it
                         falls is ν ∼ 10−5 m2 s−1 , which you can find by looking it up in a table by
                         an online search, or by applying these approximation methods to physics and
                         engineering problems (the theme of another course and book on approxima­
                         tion). So
                                                          r        v

                                                        0.1 m × 1 m s−1
                                                 Re ∼                   ∼ 104 .
                                                          10−5 m2 s−1

                         So Re      1, and we are safe in looking just at that extreme case. Even if the
                         estimate for the speed and size are inaccurate by, say, a factor of 3 each, the
                         Reynolds number is at least 1000, still much larger than 1.
                              To decide what factors are important in the high-Reynolds-number limit,
                         look at the form of the Reynolds number: rv/ν. One way to send it to infinity
                         is the limit ν → 0. Viscosity, therefore, becomes irrelevant as Re → ∞, and
                         in that limit the drag force F should not depend on viscosity. Although the
                         conclusion is mostly correct, there are subtle lies in the argument. To clarify
                         these subtleties required two hundred years of mathematical and physical
                         development in both theory and experiment. So I will skip the truth, and hope
                         that you are content at least for the moment with almost-truth, especially
                         since it gives the same answer as the truth.

28                       2008-03-06 13:24:47 / rev ebd336097912+                                           28

     Cite as: Sanjoy Mahajan, course materials for 18.098 / 6.099 Street-Fighting Mathematics, IAP 2008.
              MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
                                   Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
29                                                                                                         29

                        2.7 Drag                                                                     29

                            Let’s look at how the requirement of independence from ν constrains the
                        general dimensionless form:
                                                                   = f (Re)
                                                           ρv 2 r2
                        The left side does not contain viscosity ν. The right side might because Re
                        contains ν. So if any Reynolds number shows up on the right side, then
                        viscosity will appear on the right side, with no viscosity on the left side with
                        which to cancel it. And that situation would violate the extreme-case result
                        that, in the Re → ∞ limit, the drag force is independent of viscosity. So the
                        right side must be independent of Re. Since f depended only on the Reynolds
                        number, which has just been stricken off the list of allowed dependencies, the
                        right side f (Re) is a dimensionless constant. Therefore,
                                                          = dimensionless constant,
                                                  ρv 2 r2

                                                             F ∼ ρv 2 r2 .

                        And now we have the result that we need to find the relative terminal velocity
                        of the large and small cones. The cones reach terminal speed when the drag
                        force balances the weight. The weight is proportional to the area of the paper,
                        so it is proportional to r2 . The drag force is also proportional to r2 , as we
                        just found. To summarize:

                                                           ρv 2 r2 ∝ r2 .
                                                             F          weight

                        The factor of r2 on each side divides out, so
                                                                 v2 ∝     ,
                        showing that

                             The cones’ terminal velocity is independent of its size.

                            That result is indeed what we found in class by doing the experiment. So,
                        without having to solve the Navier–Stokes differential equations, experiment
                        and cheap theory agree!

29                      2008-03-06 13:24:47 / rev ebd336097912+                                            29

     Cite as: Sanjoy Mahajan, course materials for 18.098 / 6.099 Street-Fighting Mathematics, IAP 2008.
              MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
                                   Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
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  • 1. 1 1 Street-fighting Mathematics Sanjoy Mahajan MIT Copyright 2008 Sanjoy Mahajan 1 2008-03-06 13:24:47 / rev ebd336097912+ 1 Cite as: Sanjoy Mahajan, course materials for 18.098 / 6.099 Street-Fighting Mathematics, IAP 2008. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
  • 2. 2 2 Contents 1 Dimensions 3 2 Extreme cases 13 3 Discretization 31 4 Picture proofs 45 5 Taking out the big part 57 6 Analogy 80 7 Operators 86 References 91 2 2008-03-06 13:24:47 / rev ebd336097912+ 2 Cite as: Sanjoy Mahajan, course materials for 18.098 / 6.099 Street-Fighting Mathematics, IAP 2008. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
  • 3. 3 3 Dimensions 1 Dimensions, often called units, are familiar creatures in physics and engi­ neering. They are also helpful in mathematics, as I hope to show you with examples from differentiation, integration, and differential equations. 1.1 Free fall Dimensions are often neglected in mathematics. Calculus textbooks state many problems in this form: A ball falls from a height of h feet. Neglecting air resistance, estimate its speed when it hits the ground, given a gravitational acceleration of g feet per second squared. The units, highlighted with boldface type, have been separated from g or h, making g and h pure numbers. That artificial purity ties one hand behind your back, and to find the speed you are almost forced to solve this differential equation: d2 y = −g, with y(0) = h and y ˙(0) = 0, dt2 where y(t) is the ball’s height at time t, y ˙(t) is its velocity, and g is the strength of gravity (an acceleration). This second-order differential equation has the following solution, as you can check by differentiation: y = −gt, ˙(t) 1 y(t) = − gt2 + h. 2 The ball hits the ground when y(t) = 0, which happens when t0 = 2h/g. √ The speed after that time is y = −gt0 = − 2gh. This derivation has many ˙(t) 3 2008-03-06 13:24:47 / rev ebd336097912+ 3 Cite as: Sanjoy Mahajan, course materials for 18.098 / 6.099 Street-Fighting Mathematics, IAP 2008. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
  • 4. 4 4 Dimensions 4 spots to make algebra mistakes: for example, not taking the square root when solving for t0 , or dividing rather than multiplying by g when finding the speed. Here’s the same problem written so that dimensions help you: A ball falls from a height h. Neglecting air resistance, estimate its speed when it hits the ground, given a gravitational acceleration of g. In this statement of the problem, the dimensions of h and g belong to the quantities themselves. The reunion helps you guess the final speed, without solving differential equations. The dimensions of h are now length or L for short. The dimensions of g are length per time squared or LT−2 ; and the dimensions of speed are LT−1 . The only combination of g and h with the dimensions of speed is gh × dimensionless constant. An estimate for the speed is therefore v∼ gh, where the ∼ means ‘equal except perhaps for a dimensionless constant’. Be­ √ sides the minus sign (which you can guess) and the dimensionless factor 2, the dimensions method gives the same answer as does solving the differential equation – and more quickly, with fewer places to make algebra mistakes. The moral is: Do not rob a quantity of its intrinsic dimensions. Its dimensions can guide you to correct answers or can help you check pro­ posed answers. 1.2 Integration If ignoring known dimensions, as in the first statement of the free-fall problem, hinders you in solving problems, the opposite policy – specifying unknown dimensions – can aid you in solving problems. You may know this Gaussian integral: ∞ √ 2 e−x dx = π. −∞ What is the value of 4 2008-03-06 13:24:47 / rev ebd336097912+ 4 Cite as: Sanjoy Mahajan, course materials for 18.098 / 6.099 Street-Fighting Mathematics, IAP 2008. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
  • 5. 5 5 1.2 Integration 5 ∞ 2 e−αx dx, −∞ where α is a constant? The integration variable is x so after you evaluate the integral over the limits, the x disappears; but α remains. The result contains only α and maybe dimensionless numbers, so α is the only quantity in the result that could have dimensions. For dimensional analysis to have a prayer of helping, α needs dimensions. Otherwise you cannot say whether, for example, the result should contain α or contain α2 ; both choices have identical dimensions. Guessing the answer happens in three steps: (1) specifying the dimensions of α, (2) finding the dimensions of the result, and (3) using α to make a quantity with the dimensions of the result. In the first step, finding the dimensions of α, it is more intuitive to specify the dimensions of the integration variable x, and let that specification decide the dimensions of α. Pretend that x is a length, as its name suggests. Its dimensions and the exponent −αx2 together determine the dimensions of α. An exponent, such as the 7 in 27 , says how many times to multiply a quantity by itself. The notion ‘how many times’ is a pure number; the number might be negative or fractional or both, but it is a pure number: An exponent must be dimensionless. Therefore αx2 is dimensionless, and the dimensions of α are L−2 . A conve­ nient shorthand for those words is [α] = L−2 , where [quantity] stands for the dimensions of the quantity. The second step is to find the dimensions of the result. The left and right sides of an equality have the same dimensions, so the dimensions of the result are the dimensions of the integral itself: ∞ 2 e−αx dx. −∞ What are the dimensions of an integral? An integral sign is an elongated ‘S’, standing for Summe, the German word for sum. The main principle of dimensions is: 5 2008-03-06 13:24:47 / rev ebd336097912+ 5 Cite as: Sanjoy Mahajan, course materials for 18.098 / 6.099 Street-Fighting Mathematics, IAP 2008. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
  • 6. 6 6 Dimensions 6 You cannot add apples to oranges. Two consequences are that every term in a sum has identical dimensions and that the dimensions of a sum are the dimensions of any term. Similarly, given the kinship of summation and integration, the dimensions of the integral 2 are the dimensions of e−αx dx. The exponential, despite the fierce-looking exponent of −αx2 , is just the pure number e multiplied by itself several times. Since e has no dimensions, eanything has no dimensions. So the exponential factor contributes no dimensions to the integral. However, the dx might contribute dimensions. How do you know the dimensions of dx? If you read d as ‘a little bit of’, then dx becomes ‘a little bit of x’. A little bit of length is still a length. More generally: dx has the same dimensions as x. The product of the exponential and dx therefore has dimensions of length, as does the integral – because summation and its cousin, integration, cannot change dimensions. The third step is to use α to construct a quantity with the dimensions of the result, which is a length. The only way to make a length is α−1/2 , plus perhaps the usual dimensionless constant. So ∞ 2 1 e−αx dx ∼ √ . −∞ α The twiddle ∼ means ‘equal except perhaps for a dimensionless constant’. The missing constant is determined by setting α = 1 and reproducing the original integral: ∞ √ 2 e−x dx = π. −∞ Setting α = 1 is a cheap trick. Several paragraphs preceding exhorted you not to ignore the dimensions of quantities; other paragraphs were devoted to deducing that α had dimensions of L−2 ; and now we pretend that α, like 1, is dimensionless?! But the cheap trick is useful. It tells you that the missing √ dimensionless constant is π, so ∞ 2 π e−αx dx = . −∞ α 6 2008-03-06 13:24:47 / rev ebd336097912+ 6 Cite as: Sanjoy Mahajan, course materials for 18.098 / 6.099 Street-Fighting Mathematics, IAP 2008. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
  • 7. 7 7 1.3 Taylor and MacLaurin series 7 The moral of the preceding example is: Assign dimensions to quantities with unspecified dimensions. In this example, by assigning dimensions to x and α, we got enough informa­ tion to guess the integral. 1.3 Taylor and MacLaurin series The preceding example applied dimensions to integrals. Dimensions also help you remember Taylor series, a result based on derivatives. The idea of Taylor series is that if you know a function and all its derivatives at one point, you can √ approximate the function at other points. As an example, take f (x) = x. √ You can use Taylor series to approximate 10 by knowing f (9) and all the derivatives f (9), f (9), . . . . The MacLaurin series, a special case of Taylor series when you know f (0), f (0), . . . , looks like: f (x) = f (0) + stuff What is the missing stuff? The first principle of dimensions can help, that you cannot add apples to oranges, so all terms in a sum have identical dimensions. The first term is the zeroth derivative f (0). The first term hidden in the ‘stuff’ involves the first derivative f (0), and this new term must have the same dimensions as f (0). To draw a conclusion from this sameness requires understanding how differentiation affects dimensions. In the more familiar notation using differentials, df f (x) = . dx So the derivative is a quotient of df and dx. You can never – well, with apologies to Gilbert & Sullivan, hardly ever – go astray if you read d as ‘a little bit of’. So df means ‘a little bit of f ’, dx means ‘a little bit of x’, and df a little bit of f f (x) = = . dx a little bit of x Using the [quantity] notation to stand for the dimensions of the quantity, the dimensions of f (x) are: 7 2008-03-06 13:24:47 / rev ebd336097912+ 7 Cite as: Sanjoy Mahajan, course materials for 18.098 / 6.099 Street-Fighting Mathematics, IAP 2008. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
  • 8. 8 8 Dimensions 8 [a little bit of f ] [f (x)] = . [a little bit of x] Since a little bit of a quantity has the same dimensions as the quantity itself, [a little bit of f ] [f ] [f (x)] = = . [a little bit of x] [x] Differentiating with respect to x is, for the purposes of dimensional analy­ sis, equivalent to dividing by x. So f (x) has the same dimensions as f /x. This strange conclusion is worth testing with a familiar example. Take distance x as the function to differentiate, and time as the independent vari­ able. The derivative of x(t) is x(t) = dx/dt. [Where did the prime go, as ˙ in x (t)? When the independent variable is time, a dot instead of a prime is used to indicate differentiation.] Are the dimensions of x(t) the same as the ˙ dimensions of x/t? The derivative x(t) is velocity, which has dimensions of ˙ length per time or LT−1 . The quotient x/t also has dimensions of length per time. So this example supports the highlighted conclusion. The conclusion constrains the missing terms in the MacLaurin series. The first missing term involves f (0), and the term must have the same dimensions as f (0). It doesn’t matter what dimensions you give to f (x); the principle of not adding apples to oranges applies whatever the dimensions of f (x). Since its dimensions do not matter, choose a convenient one, that f (x) is a volume. Do not, however, let x remain unclothed with dimensions. If you leave it bare, dimensions cannot help you guess the form of the MacLaurin series: If x is dimensionless, then differentiating with respect to x does not change the dimensions of the derivatives. Instead, pick convenient dimensions for x; it does not matter which dimensions, so long as x has some dimensions. Since the symbol x often represents a length, imagine that this x is also a length. The first derivative f (0) has dimensions of volume over length, which is length squared. To match f (0), the derivative needs one more power of length. The most natural object to provide the missing length is x itself. As a guess, the first-derivative term should be xf (0). It could also be xf (0)/2, or xf (0) multiplied by any dimensionless constant. Dimensional analysis cannot tell you that number, but it turns out to be 1. The series so far is: f (x) = f (0) + xf (0) + · · · . 8 2008-03-06 13:24:47 / rev ebd336097912+ 8 Cite as: Sanjoy Mahajan, course materials for 18.098 / 6.099 Street-Fighting Mathematics, IAP 2008. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
  • 9. 9 9 1.4 Cheap differentiation 9 Each successive term in a MacLaurin (or Taylor) series contains a suc­ cessively higher derivative. The first term used f (0), the zeroth derivative. The second term used f (0), the first derivative. The third term should use the second derivative f (0). The dimensions of the second derivative are vol­ ume over length squared. because each derivative divides f by one length. Compared to the volume, f (0) lacks two lengths. The most natural quantity to replace those lengths is x2 , so the term should be x2 f (0). It could be multiplied by a dimensionless constant, which this method cannot find. That number turns out to be 1/2, and the term is x2 f (0)/2. The series is now 1 f (x) = f (0) + xf (0) + x2 f (0) + · · · . 2 You can guess the pattern. The next term uses f (3) (0), the third deriv­ ative. It is multiplied by x3 to fix the dimensions and by a dimensionless constant that turns out to be 1/6: 1 1 f (x) = f (0) + xf (0) + x2 f (0) + x3 f (3) (0) + · · · 2 6 The general term is xn f (n) (0) , n! for reasons that will become clearer in ?? on analogies and operators. This example illustrates how, if you remember a few details about MacLaurin series – for example, that each term has successively higher derivatives – then dimensional analysis can fill in the remainder. 1.4 Cheap differentiation The relation [f (x)] = [f ] / [x] suggests a way to estimate the size of deriv­ atives. Here is the differential equation that describes the oscillations of a mass connected to a spring: d2 x m + kx = 0, dt2 where m is the mass, x is its position, t is time, and k is the spring constant. In the first term, the second derivative d2 x/dt2 is the acceleration a of the mass, so m(d2 x/dt2 ) is ma or the force. And the second term, kx, is the force exerted by the spring. In working out what the terms mean, we have also 9 2008-03-06 13:24:47 / rev ebd336097912+ 9 Cite as: Sanjoy Mahajan, course materials for 18.098 / 6.099 Street-Fighting Mathematics, IAP 2008. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
  • 10. 10 10 Dimensions 10 checked that the terms have the same dimensions (here, dimensions of force). So the equation is at least dimensionally correct. Here’s how to estimate the size of each term. The dimensions of d2 x/dt2 comes from dividing the dimensions of x by the dimensions of t2 . The size of d2 x/dt2 is estimated by dividing the size of x by the size of t2 . Why not instead divide the dimensions of x2 by those of t2 ? The numerator, after all, has a d2 in it. To answer that question, return to the maxim: d means ‘a little bit of’. So dx means ‘a little bit of x’, and d2 x = d(dx) means ‘a little bit of a little bit of x’. The numerator, therefore does not have anything to do with x2 . Instead, it has the same dimensions as x. Another way of saying the same idea is that differentiation is a linear operation. Even if x/t2 is a rough estimate for the second derivative, x and t are changing: How do you know what x and t to use in the quotient? For x, which is in the numerator, use a typical value of x. A typical value is the oscillation amplitude x0 . For t, which is in the denominator, use the time in which the numerator changes significantly. That time – call it τ – is related to the oscillation period. So dx typical x x0 ∼ ∼ , dt τ τ and d2 x d dx 1 x0 x0 = ∼ = 2. dt2 dt dt τ τ τ Now we can estimate both terms in the differential equation: d2 x x0 m ∼ m 2. dt2 τ kx ∼ kx0 , The differential equation says that the two terms add to zero, so their sizes are comparable: x0 m ∼ kx0 . τ2 Both sides contain one power of the amplitude x0 , so it divides out. That cancellation always happens in a linear differential equation. With x0 gone, it cannot affect the upcoming estimate for τ . So 10 2008-03-06 13:24:47 / rev ebd336097912+ 10 Cite as: Sanjoy Mahajan, course materials for 18.098 / 6.099 Street-Fighting Mathematics, IAP 2008. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
  • 11. 11 11 1.5 Free fall revisited 11 In ideal spring motion – so-called simple harmonic motion – the oscilla­ tion period is independent of amplitude. After cancelling the x0 , the leftover is k ∼ m/τ 2 or τ ∼ m/k. A quantity related to the time τ is its reciprocal ω = τ −1 , which has dimensions of inverse time or T−1 . Those dimensions are the dimensions of frequency. So k ω = τ −1 ∼ . m When you solve the differential equation honestly, this ω is exactly the angular frequency (angle per time) of the oscillations. The missing constant, which dimensional analysis cannot compute, is 1. In this case, dimensional analysis, cheap though it may be, gives the exact frequency. 1.5 Free fall revisited The ball that fell a height h was released from rest. What if it had an initial velocity v0 . What is its impact velocity vfinal ? 1.6 What you have learned • Preserve dimensions in quantities with dimensions: Do not write ‘g meters per second squared’; write g. • Choose dimensions for quantities with arbitrary dimensions, like for x and α in ∞ 2 e−αx dx. −∞ • Exponents are dimensionless. • You cannot add apples to oranges: Every term in an equation or sum has identical dimensions. Another consequence is that both sides of an equation have identical dimensions. • The dimensions of an integral are the dimensions of everything inside it, including the dx. This principle helps you guess integrals such as the general Gaussian integral with −αx2 in the exponent. 11 2008-03-06 13:24:47 / rev ebd336097912+ 11 Cite as: Sanjoy Mahajan, course materials for 18.098 / 6.099 Street-Fighting Mathematics, IAP 2008. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
  • 12. 12 12 Dimensions 12 • The dimensions of a derivative f (x) are the dimensions of f /x. This principle helps reconstruct formulas based on derivatives, such as Taylor or MacLaurin series. • The size of df /dx is roughly typical size of f x interval over which f changes significantly See the short and sweet book by Cipra [1] for further practice with di­ mensions and with rough-and-ready mathematics reasoning. 12 2008-03-06 13:24:47 / rev ebd336097912+ 12 Cite as: Sanjoy Mahajan, course materials for 18.098 / 6.099 Street-Fighting Mathematics, IAP 2008. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
  • 13. 13 13 Extreme cases 2 The next item for your toolbox is the method of extreme cases. You can use it to check results and even to guess them, as the following examples illustrate. 2.1 Fencepost errors Fencepost errors are the most common programming mistake. An index loops over one too many or too few items, or an array is allocated one too few memory locations – leading to a buffer overrun and insecure programs. Since programs are a form of mathematics, fencepost errors occur in mathematics as well. The technique of extreme cases helps you find and fix these errors and deduce correct results instead. Here is the sum of the first n odd integers: S = 1 + 3 + 5 + ··· n terms Odd numbers are of the form 2k + 1 or 2k − 1. Quickly answer this question: Is the last term 2n + 1 or 2n − 1? For a general n, the answer is not obvious. You can figure it out, but it is easy to make an algebra mistake and be off by one term, which is the difference between 2n − 1 and 2n + 1. An extreme case settles the question. Here is the recipe for this technique: 13 2008-03-06 13:24:47 / rev ebd336097912+ 13 Cite as: Sanjoy Mahajan, course materials for 18.098 / 6.099 Street-Fighting Mathematics, IAP 2008. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
  • 14. 14 14 Extreme cases 14 1. Pick an extreme value of n, one where the last term in the sum is easy to determine. 2. For that n, determine the last term. 3. See which prediction, 2n − 1 or 2n + 1 (or perhaps neither), is consistent with this last term. The most extreme value of n is 0. Since n is the number of terms, however, the meaning of n = 0 is obscure. The next most extreme case is n = 1. With only one term, the final (and also first) term is 1, which is 2n − 1. So the final term, in general, should be 2n − 1. Thus the sum is S = 1 + 3 + 5 + · · · + 2n − 1. Using sigma notation, it is n−1 S= (2k + 1). k=0 This quick example gives the recipe for extreme-cases reasoning; as a side benefit, it may help you spot bugs in your programs. The sum itself has an elegant picture, which you learn in Section 4.1 in the chapter on pic­ torial proofs. The rest of this chapter applies the extreme-cases recipe to successively more elaborate problems. 2.2 Integrals An integral from the Chapter 1, on dimensions, can illustrate extreme cases as well as dimensions. Which of these results is correct: √ ∞  απ or 2  e−αx dx = ? −∞  π  α Dimensional analysis answered this question, but forget that knowledge for the moment so that you can practice a new technique. 14 2008-03-06 13:24:47 / rev ebd336097912+ 14 Cite as: Sanjoy Mahajan, course materials for 18.098 / 6.099 Street-Fighting Mathematics, IAP 2008. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
  • 15. 15 15 2.2 Integrals 15 You can make the correct choice by by looking at the 2 integrand e−αx in the two extremes α → ∞ and α → 0. 2 e−5x As α becomes large, the exponent −αx2 becomes large -1 0 1 and negative even when x is only slightly greater than zero. The exponential of a large negative number is nearly zero, so the bell curve narrows, and its area shrinks. As α → ∞, the area and therefore the √ integral should shrink to zero. The first option, απ, instead goes to infinity. It must be wrong. The second option, π/α, goes to infinity and could be correct. The complementary test is α → 0. The function 2 e−0.2·x flattens to the horizontal line y = 1; its integral over an √ infinite range is infinity. The first choice, πα, fails this test because instead it goes to zero as α → 0. The second -1 0 1 option, π/α, goes to infinity and passes the test. So the second option passes both tests, and the first option fails both tests. This √ increases my confidence in π/α while decreasing it, nearly to zero, in πα. If those were the only choices, and I knew that one choice was correct, I would choose π/α. However, if the joker who wrote the problem included 2/α among the choices, then I need a third test to distinguish between 2/α and π/α. For this test, use a third extreme case: α → 1. Wait, how is 1 an extreme case? Infinity and zero are extreme, but 1 lies between those two so it cannot be an extreme. Speaking literally, 1 is a special case rather than an extreme case. So extend the meaning of extreme with poetic license and include special cases. The tool, named in full, would be the ‘method of extreme and special cases’. Or, since extreme cases are also special, it could be the ‘method of special cases’. The first option, although correct, is unwieldy. The second option, although also sharing the merit of correctness, is cryptic. It does not help you think of special cases, whereas ‘extreme cases’ does help you: It tells you to look at the extremes. So I prefer to keep the name simple – extreme cases – while reminding myself that extreme cases include special cases like α → 1. In the α → 1 limit the integral becomes ∞ 2 I≡ e−x dx, −∞ where the ≡ notation means ‘is defined to be’ (rather than the perhaps more common usage in mathematics for modular arithmetic). It is the Gaussian √ integral and its value is π. The usual trick to compute it is to evaluate the square of the integral: 15 2008-03-06 13:24:47 / rev ebd336097912+ 15 Cite as: Sanjoy Mahajan, course materials for 18.098 / 6.099 Street-Fighting Mathematics, IAP 2008. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
  • 16. 16 16 Extreme cases 16 ∞ ∞ 2 2 I2 = e−x dx × e−x dx . −∞ −∞ In the second factor, change the integration variable to y, making the product ∞ ∞ 2 2 I2 = e−αx e−αy dx dy. −∞ −∞ It looks like the integral has become more complicated, but here comes the 2 2 magic trick. The exponentials multiply to give e−(x +y ) , integrated over all 2 2 2 x and y – in other words, over the whole plane. And e−(x +y ) = e−r . So the square of the Gaussian integral is also, in polar coordinates, the integral 2 plane e−r dA, where dA is the element of area r dr dθ: 2π ∞ 2 I2 = e−r r dr dθ . 0 0 dA This integral is doable because the r contributed by the dA is the derivative, except for a factor of 2, of the r2 in the exponent: 2 1 −r2 e−r r dr = e + C, 2 and ∞ 2 1 e−r r dr = . 0 2 The dθ integral contributes a factor of 2π so I 2 = 2π/2 = π and the Gaussian integral is its square root: ∞ √ 2 I= e−x dx = π. −∞ The only choice consistent with all three extreme cases, even with 2/α among them, is ∞ 2 π e−αx dx = . −∞ α This integral could also be guessed by dimensions, as explained in Section 1.2. Indeed dimensions tell you more than extreme cases do. Dimensions refutes √ √ π/α or π/α2 , whereas both choices pass the three extreme-case tests: 16 2008-03-06 13:24:47 / rev ebd336097912+ 16 Cite as: Sanjoy Mahajan, course materials for 18.098 / 6.099 Street-Fighting Mathematics, IAP 2008. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
  • 17. 17 17 2.3 Pendulum 17 • α → 0 Both choices correctly limit to ∞. • α → ∞ Both choices correctly limit to 0. √ • α → 1 Both choices correctly limit to π. Extreme cases, however, has the virtue of being quick. You do not need to find the dimensions for x or α (or invent the dimensions), then find the √ dimensions of dx and of the result. Extreme cases immediately refutes πα. The technique’s other virtues become apparent in the next problem: how a pendulum’s period varies with amplitude. 2.3 Pendulum In physics courses, the first problem on oscillations is the ideal spring. Its differential equation is d2 x m + kx = 0, dt2 where k is the spring constant. Dividing by m gives d2 x k + x = 0. dt2 m A consequence of this equation, which we derived in Section 1.4, is that the oscillation period is independent of the amplitude. That property is characteristic of a so-called simple-harmonic system. The oscillation period is: m T = 2π . k Before moving on to the pendulum, pause to make a sanity check. To make a sanity check, ask yourself: ‘Is each portion of the formula reasonable, or does it come out of left field.’ [For the non-Americans, left field is one of the distant reaches of a baseball field, and to come out of left fields means an idea come out of nowhere and surprises everyone with how crazy it is.] One species of sanity checking is to check dimensions. Are the dimensions on both sides correct? In this case they are. The dimensions of spring constant are force per length because F = kx, so [k] = MT−2 . So the dimensions of m/k are simply time, which is consistent with being an oscillation period 17 2008-03-06 13:24:47 / rev ebd336097912+ 17 Cite as: Sanjoy Mahajan, course materials for 18.098 / 6.099 Street-Fighting Mathematics, IAP 2008. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
  • 18. 18 18 Extreme cases 18 T . [Sorry about the almost-ambiguous notation with T (italic) representing period and T (roman) representing the time dimension.] Another species of sanity checking is checking extreme cases. Is it reason­ able, for example, that m is in the numerator? To decide, check an extreme case of mass. As the mass goes to infinity, the period should go to infinity because the spring has a hard time moving the monstrous mass; and behold, the formula correctly predicts that T → ∞. Is it reasonable that spring constant k is in the denominator? Check an extreme case of k. As k → 0, the spring becomes pathetically weak, and the period should go to infinity. Indeed, the formula predicts that T → ∞. What about the 2π? To find this constant, either solve the differential equation honestly or use a trick invented by Huygens, which I will explain in lecture if you remind me. Once the spring has been beaten half to death in physics class, the pendulum is sprung on you. We will study how the period of a pendulum depends on its amplitude – on the maximum angle of θ the swing, normally called θ0 . First, let’s derive the differential l equation for the pendulum, then deduce properties of its solution without solving it. Just as force fights to linearly accelerate an object with mass, torque fights to angularly accelerate an object with moment of inertia. Compare the following formulas: m force = mass × linear acceleration, F = mg sin θ torque = moment of inertia × angular acceleration. The first formula is Newton’s second law, so you can easily remember it. The second formula follows from the first by analogy, which is the technique of Chapter 6. Torque is like force; moment of inertia is like mass; and angular acceleration is like linear acceleration. The moment of inertia of the bob is I = ml2 , and angular acceleration is α ≡ d2 θ/dt2 (again using ≡ to mean ‘is defined to be’). The tangential force trying to restore the pendulum bob to the vertical position is F = mg sin θ. Or is it mg cos θ? Decide using extreme cases. As θ → 0, the pendulum becomes directly vertical hanging downward, and the tangential force F goes to zero. Since sin θ → 0 as θ → 0, the force should contain sin θ rather than cos θ. The torque, which is the force times the lever arm l, is F l = mgl sin θ. Putting all three pieces together: 18 2008-03-06 13:24:47 / rev ebd336097912+ 18 Cite as: Sanjoy Mahajan, course materials for 18.098 / 6.099 Street-Fighting Mathematics, IAP 2008. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
  • 19. 19 19 2.3 Pendulum 19 d2 θ −mgl sin θ = ml2 × , dt2 torque I α where the minus sign in the torque reflects that it is a restoring torque. The mass divides out to produce the pendulum differential equation: d2 θ g + sin θ = 0. dt2 l This pendulum equation looks similar to the spring equation d2 x k + x = 0. dt2 m Comparing the two equations produces these analogies: x → θ, k g → , m l x → sin θ. The first two lines are fine, but the third line contradicts the first one: x cannot map to θ and to sin θ. Extreme cases help. Sure, θ and sin θ are not identical. However, in the extreme case θ → 0, which means that the oscillation angle θ also goes to zero, the two alternatives θ and sin θ are identical (a picture proof is given in ??), For small amplitudes, in other words, the pendulum is almost a simple- harmonic system, which would have a constant period. By analogy with the spring equation, the pendulum’s period is l T = 2π , g because the pendulum differential equation has g/l where the spring differen­ tial equation has k/m. This extreme case is further analyzed in Chapter 3 using the technique of discretization. In the Gaussian integral with α, one extreme case was α → 0 and another was α → ∞. So try that extreme case here, and see what you can deduce. Not much, since an infinite angle is not informative. However, the idea of a large amplitude is suggestive and helpful. The largest meaningful amplitude – set by the angle of release – is 180◦ or, in radians, θ0 = π. That angle requires a rod as the pendulum ‘string’, so that the pendulum does not collapse. Such 19 2008-03-06 13:24:47 / rev ebd336097912+ 19 Cite as: Sanjoy Mahajan, course materials for 18.098 / 6.099 Street-Fighting Mathematics, IAP 2008. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
  • 20. 20 20 Extreme cases 20 a pendulum balanced at θ0 = π hangs upside down forever. So T → ∞ when θ0 → π. Therefore the period should increase as amplitude increases. It could decrease initially, for small θ0 , then increase as θ0 gets near π. That behavior would be nasty. The physical world, at least as a first assumption, does not play such tricks on us. 2.4 Ellipse Now try extreme cases and dimensions on these candidate for­ mulas for the area A of an ellipse: a a. ab2 b b. a2 + b2 c. a3 /b d. 2ab e. πab Let’s take them one by one. 2 • ab . This product has dimensions of length cubed rather than length squared, so it flunks the dimensions test and does not even graduate to the extreme-cases tests. But the other choices have correct dimensions and require more work. 2 2 • a + b . Try an extreme ellipse: a super-thin one with a = 0. This case satisfies the first step of the recipe: Pick an extreme value where the result is easy to determine without solving the full problem. Now do the second step: For that extreme case, determine the result. When a = 0 the ellipse has zero area no matter what b is. The third step is: 20 2008-03-06 13:24:47 / rev ebd336097912+ 20 Cite as: Sanjoy Mahajan, course materials for 18.098 / 6.099 Street-Fighting Mathematics, IAP 2008. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
  • 21. 21 21 2.4 Ellipse 21 Determine the prediction in this extreme case, and compare it with the actual value from the second step. When a = 0, the candidate A = a2 + b2 becomes A = b2 . It can be zero, but alas only when b = 0. So the candidate fails this extreme-case test except when a = 0 and b = 0: a boring case of the ellipse shrinking to a point. • a3 /b . This candidate passes the thin-ellipse test with a → 0. When a → 0, the predicted and actual areas are zero no matter the value of b. Perhaps the candidate is correct. However, it must pass all tests – and even then it may be wrong. If a → 0 is a reasonable test, then by symmetry b → 0 should also be worth trying. This test pushes the candidate off the stage. When b → 0, which produces an infinitely thin vertical ellipse with zero area, the candidate predicts an infinite area whereas the actual area is zero. Although the candidate passed the first test, it fails the second test. • 2ab . This candidate is promising. When a → 0 or b → 0, the actual and predicted areas are zero. So the candidate passes both extreme-case tests. Both a → 0 and b → 0 are literal extreme cases. Speaking figuratively, a = b is also an extreme case. When a = b, the candidate predicts that A = 2a2 or, since a = b, that A = 2b2 . When a = b, however, the ellipse is a circle with radius a, and that circle has area πa2 rather than 2a2 . So the prediction fails. • πab . This candidate passes all three tests. Just like A = 2ab, it passes a → 0 and b → 0. Unlike A = 2ab, this candidate also passes the a = b test (making a circle). With every test that a candidate passes, confidence in it increases. So you can be confident in this candidate. And indeed it is correct. This example introduces extreme cases in a familiar problem, and one where you have choices to evaluate. We next try a three-dimensional problem and guess the answer from scratch. But before moving on, I review the extreme-case tests and discuss how to choose them. Two natural extremes are a → 0 and b → 0. However, where did the third test a → b originate, and how would one think of it? The answer is symmetry, a useful trick. Actually it’s a method: ‘a method is a trick I use twice’ (George Polya). Symmetry 21 2008-03-06 13:24:47 / rev ebd336097912+ 21 Cite as: Sanjoy Mahajan, course materials for 18.098 / 6.099 Street-Fighting Mathematics, IAP 2008. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
  • 22. 22 22 Extreme cases 22 already helped us think of trying b → 0 after we tried a → 0. So the following use of it is the second application. Since a and b are lengths, it is natural to compare them by forming their (dimensionless) ratio a/b. The range of a/b is between 0 and ∞: −∞ 0 ∞ The immediately interesting values in this range are its endpoints 0 and ∞. However, this range is a runt. It is asymmetric, incomplete, and lives on only the right one-half of the real line. To complete the range so that it extends from −∞ to ∞, take the logarithm of a/b. Here are the possible values of ln(a/b): −∞ 0 ∞ The interesting values on this line are again the endpoints, which are −∞ and ∞, but also a new one: the middle point, 0. The interesting values of a/b are 0, 1, and ∞. These points are the three extreme cases for testing the candidate ellipse areas: a/b = 0 → b = 0, a/b = ∞ → a = 0, a/b = 1 → a = b. 2.5 Truncated pyramid In the ellipse example, extreme cases helped us evaluate a candidates for the area. The next example shows you how to use extreme cases to find a result. Beyond area, the next h level of complexity is volume, and the result we look for is the volume of the truncated pyramid formed by slicing off a chunk of the familiar pyramid with a square base. It has b therefore a square base and square top that, for simplicity, we assume is parallel to the base. Its height is h, the side length of the base is b, and the side length of the top is a. Guess its volume by finding a formula that meets all the extreme-case tests! In doing so do not forget the previous technique: dimensions. Any for­ mula must have dimensions of length cubed, so forget about candidate vol­ umes like V = a2 b2 or V = a2 bh. But a2 b2 /h would pass the dimensions test. 22 2008-03-06 13:24:47 / rev ebd336097912+ 22 Cite as: Sanjoy Mahajan, course materials for 18.098 / 6.099 Street-Fighting Mathematics, IAP 2008. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
  • 23. 23 23 2.5 Truncated pyramid 23 What are the extreme cases? The simplest is h → 0, producing a pyramid with zero volume. So a2 b2 /h, although having the correct dimensions, fails because it bogusly produces an infinite volume. Plausible candidates – those producing zero volume – could be ha2 or h2 a. To choose between those two, think about how the volume must depend on the height. Chop the pyramid into little vertical slivers. When you double the height, you double the height of each sliver, which doubles the volume. So the volume should be proportional to height: V ∝ h. A few extreme-cases tests refine this guess. The remaining variables are a and b. The ellipse had only a and b. In the ellipse, a and b are equivalent lengths. Interchanging a and b rotates the ellipse 90◦ but preserves the same shape and area. For the truncated pyramid, interchanging a and b flips the pyramid 180◦ but preserves the shape and area. So a and b in the truncated pyramid might have the same interesting extreme cases as do a and b in the ellipse: a → 0, b → 0, and a → b. So let’s apply each test in turn, ensuring that the formulas developed in the stepwise process meet all the tests so far investigated. • a → 0 . This limit shrinks the top surface from a square to a point, making the truncated pyramid an ordinary pyramid with volume hb2 /3. This formula also passes the V ∝ h test. So V = hb2 /3 is a reasonable guess for the truncated volume. Continue testing it. • b → 0 . This limit shrinks the bottom surface from a square to a point, producing an upside-down-but-otherwise-ordinary pyramid. The previous candidate V = hb2 /3 predicts a zero volume, no matter what a is, so V = hb2 /3 cannot be correct. The complementary alternative V = ha2 /3 passes the b → 0 test. Great! Alas, it fails the first test a → 0. One formula, V = hb2 /3, works for a → 0; the other formula, V = ha2 /3, works for b → 0. Can a candidate pass both tests? Yes! Add the two half-successful candidates: 1 2 1 2 1 V = ha + hb = h(a2 + b2 ). 3 3 3 Two alternatives that also pass both extreme-cases tests, but are not as easy to dream up, are 23 2008-03-06 13:24:47 / rev ebd336097912+ 23 Cite as: Sanjoy Mahajan, course materials for 18.098 / 6.099 Street-Fighting Mathematics, IAP 2008. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
  • 24. 24 24 Extreme cases 24 1 V = h(a + b)2 . 3 and 1 V = h(a − b)2 . 3 • a → b . In this limit, the pyramid becomes a rectangular prism with height h and base area b2 (or a2 ). So its volume is V = hb2 . The hard-won candidate V = h(a2 + b2 )/3, designed to pass the two previous extreme cases, fails this one. Nor do the two alternatives pass. One candidate that does pass is V = hb2 . However, it is asymmetric: It treats b specially, which is particularly absurd when a = b. What about V = ha2 ? It treats a specially. What about V = h(a2 + b2 )/2? It is symmetric and passes the a = b test, but it fails the a → 0 and b → 0 tests. We need to expand our horizons. One way to do that is to compare the three candidates that passed a → 0 and b → 0: 1 1 V = h(a2 + b2 ) = h(a2 + b2 ), 3 3 1 1 V = h(a + b ) = h(a2 + 2ab + b2 ), 2 3 3 1 1 V = h(a − b ) = h(a2 − 2ab + b2 ). 2 3 3 The expanded versions share the a2 and b2 terms in the parentheses, while differing in the coefficient of the ab term. The freedom to choose that coefficient makes sense. The product ab is 0 in either limit a → 0 or b → 0. So adding any amount of ab in the parentheses will not affect the a → 0 and b → 0 tests. With just the right coefficient of ab, the candidate might also pass the a = b test. Therefore, find the right coefficient n be in 1 V = h(a2 + nab + b2 ). 3 Use the extreme (or special) case a = b. Then, the candidate becomes V = h(2 + n)b2 /3. To make this volume turn into the correct limit hb2 , the numerical factor (2 + n)/3 should equal 1 meaning that n = 1 is the solution: 1 V = h(a2 + ab + b2 ). 3 24 2008-03-06 13:24:47 / rev ebd336097912+ 24 Cite as: Sanjoy Mahajan, course materials for 18.098 / 6.099 Street-Fighting Mathematics, IAP 2008. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
  • 25. 25 25 2.6 The magic one-third 25 2.6 The magic one-third You may wonder about the factor of one-third in the volumes of a truncated or regular pyramid. An extreme-case trick ex­ plains its origin. First I explain the trick in fewer dimensions: h=b another example of analogy, a technique worthy of its own chap­ ter (Chapter 6). Instead of immediately explaining the one- third in the volume of a pyramid, which is a difficult three- b dimensional problem, first find the corresponding constant in a two-dimensional problem: the area A of a triangle with base b and height h. Its area is A ∼ bh. What is the constant? Choose a convenient triangle: per­ haps a 45-degree right triangle where h = b. Two such triangles form a square with area b2 , so A = b2 /2 when h = b. The constant in A ∼ bh is therefore 1/2 and A = bh/2. Now use the same construction in three dimensions. What pyramid, when combined with itself perhaps several times, makes a familiar shape? Only the aspect ratio h/b matters in the following discussion. So choose b conveniently, and then choose h to make a pyramid with the clever aspect ratio. The goal shape is suggested by the square pyramid base. Another solid with the same base is a cube. Perhaps several pyramids can combine into a cube of side b. To ease the upcoming arithmetic, I choose b = 2. What should h be? To decide, imagine how the cube will be constructed. Each cube has six faces, so six pyramids might make a cube with each pyramid base forming one face of the cube and each pyramid tip facing inwards, meeting in the center of the cube. For the points to meet in the center of the cube, the height must be h = 1. So six pyramids with a = 0 (meaning that they are not truncated), b = 2, and h = 1 make a cube with side length 2. The volume of one pyramid is cube volume 8 4 V = = = . 6 6 3 The volume of the pyramid is V ∼ hb2 , and I choose the missing constant so that the volume is 4/3. Since hb2 = 4 for these pyramids, the missing constant is 1/3: 1 2 4 V = hb = . 3 3 So that the general, truncated pyramid agrees with the ordinary pyramid in the limit that a → 0, the constant for the truncated pyramid is also one-third: 25 2008-03-06 13:24:47 / rev ebd336097912+ 25 Cite as: Sanjoy Mahajan, course materials for 18.098 / 6.099 Street-Fighting Mathematics, IAP 2008. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
  • 26. 26 26 Extreme cases 26 1 V = 3 h(a2 + ab + b2 ). 2.7 Drag The final application of extreme-cases reasoning is to solutions of these nasty nonlinear, coupled, partial-differential equations: ∂v 1 2 + (v· )v = − p+ν v, (3 eqns) ∂t ρ ·v = 0. (1 eqn) The top three equations are the Navier–Stokes equations of fluid mechanics, and the bottom equation is the continuity equation. In the four equations is the answer to the following question: When you drop a paper cone (like a coffee filter) and a smaller cone with the same shape, which falls faster? Solving those equations is a miserable task, which is why we will instead use our two techniques: dimensions and then extreme cases. For the moment, assume that each cone instantly reaches terminal velocity; that approximation is reasonable but we will check it in ?? using the technique of discretization. So we need to find the terminal velocity. It depends on the weight of the cone and on the drag force F resisting the motion. To find the force, we use dimensions and add a twist to handle problems like this one that have an infinity of dimensionally correct answers. The drag force depends on the object’s speed v; on the fluid’s density ρ; on its kinematic viscosity ν; and on the object’s size r. Now find the dimensions of these quantities and find all dimensionally correct statements that are possible to make about F . Size r has dimensions of L. Terminal velocity v has dimensions of LT−1 . Drag force F has dimensions of mass times acceleration, or MLT−2 . Density ρ has dimensions of ML−3 . The dimensions of viscosity ν are harder. In the problem set, you show that it has dimensions of L2 T−1 . If you look for combinations of ν, ρ, and r, and v that produce dimensions of force, an infinite number of solutions appear, whereas in previous examples using dimensions, only one possibility had the correct dimensions. Hence the need for a more advanced method to handle the infinite pos­ sibilities here. Return to the first principle of dimensions: you cannot add 26 2008-03-06 13:24:47 / rev ebd336097912+ 26 Cite as: Sanjoy Mahajan, course materials for 18.098 / 6.099 Street-Fighting Mathematics, IAP 2008. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
  • 27. 27 27 2.7 Drag 27 apples to oranges. The requirement that the sides of an equation match di­ mensionally is one consequence of the apples-and-oranges principle. Another consequence is that every term in an equation must have the same dimensions. So imagine any true statement about drag force: A+B =C where A, B, and C might be messy combinations of the variables. Then divide each term by A: A B C + = . A A A Because A, B, and C have the same dimensions, each ratio is dimensionless. So you can take any (true) statement about drag force and rewrite it in dimensionless form. No step in this argument depended on the details of drag. It required only that apples must be added to apples. So: You can write any true statement about the world in dimensionless form. Furthermore, you can construct any dimensionless expression using di­ mensionless groups: products of the variables where the product has no di­ mensions. Since you can write any true statement in dimensionless form, and can write any dimensionless form using dimensionless groups: You can write any true statement about the world using dimensionless groups. In the problem of free fall, with variables v, g, and h, the dimensionless √ group is v/ gh, perhaps raised to a power. With only one group, the only dimensionless statement has the form: the one group = dimensionless constant, √ which results in v ∼ gh. For the drag, what are some dimensionless groups? One group is F/ρv 2 r2 , as you can check by working out its dimensions. A second group is rv/ν. Any other group, it turns out, can be formed from these two groups. With two groups, the most general dimensionless statement is 27 2008-03-06 13:24:47 / rev ebd336097912+ 27 Cite as: Sanjoy Mahajan, course materials for 18.098 / 6.099 Street-Fighting Mathematics, IAP 2008. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
  • 28. 28 28 Extreme cases 28 one group = f (other group), where f is a dimensionless function. It has a dimensionless argument and must return a dimensionless value because the left side of the equation is dimensionless. Using F/ρv 2 r2 as the first group: F rv =f . ρv 2 r2 ν The second group, which is the quantity in the parentheses, is the Reynolds number and is often written Re. It measures how turbulent the fluid flow is. To find the drag force F , we have to find the function f . It is too hard to determine fully – it would require solving the Navier–Stokes equations – but it might be possible in extreme cases. The extreme cases here are Re → 0 and Re → ∞. Let’s hope that the falling cones are in one of those limits! To decide, evaluate Re for the falling cone. From experience, even before you drop the cones to decide which falls faster, either cone falls at roughly v ∼ 1 m s−1 . Its size is roughly r ∼ 0.1 m. And the viscosity of the fluid (air) in which it falls is ν ∼ 10−5 m2 s−1 , which you can find by looking it up in a table by an online search, or by applying these approximation methods to physics and engineering problems (the theme of another course and book on approxima­ tion). So r v 0.1 m × 1 m s−1 Re ∼ ∼ 104 . 10−5 m2 s−1 ν So Re 1, and we are safe in looking just at that extreme case. Even if the estimate for the speed and size are inaccurate by, say, a factor of 3 each, the Reynolds number is at least 1000, still much larger than 1. To decide what factors are important in the high-Reynolds-number limit, look at the form of the Reynolds number: rv/ν. One way to send it to infinity is the limit ν → 0. Viscosity, therefore, becomes irrelevant as Re → ∞, and in that limit the drag force F should not depend on viscosity. Although the conclusion is mostly correct, there are subtle lies in the argument. To clarify these subtleties required two hundred years of mathematical and physical development in both theory and experiment. So I will skip the truth, and hope that you are content at least for the moment with almost-truth, especially since it gives the same answer as the truth. 28 2008-03-06 13:24:47 / rev ebd336097912+ 28 Cite as: Sanjoy Mahajan, course materials for 18.098 / 6.099 Street-Fighting Mathematics, IAP 2008. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
  • 29. 29 29 2.7 Drag 29 Let’s look at how the requirement of independence from ν constrains the general dimensionless form: F = f (Re) ρv 2 r2 The left side does not contain viscosity ν. The right side might because Re contains ν. So if any Reynolds number shows up on the right side, then viscosity will appear on the right side, with no viscosity on the left side with which to cancel it. And that situation would violate the extreme-case result that, in the Re → ∞ limit, the drag force is independent of viscosity. So the right side must be independent of Re. Since f depended only on the Reynolds number, which has just been stricken off the list of allowed dependencies, the right side f (Re) is a dimensionless constant. Therefore, F = dimensionless constant, ρv 2 r2 or F ∼ ρv 2 r2 . And now we have the result that we need to find the relative terminal velocity of the large and small cones. The cones reach terminal speed when the drag force balances the weight. The weight is proportional to the area of the paper, so it is proportional to r2 . The drag force is also proportional to r2 , as we just found. To summarize: ρv 2 r2 ∝ r2 . F weight The factor of r2 on each side divides out, so 1 v2 ∝ , ρ showing that The cones’ terminal velocity is independent of its size. That result is indeed what we found in class by doing the experiment. So, without having to solve the Navier–Stokes differential equations, experiment and cheap theory agree! 29 2008-03-06 13:24:47 / rev ebd336097912+ 29 Cite as: Sanjoy Mahajan, course materials for 18.098 / 6.099 Street-Fighting Mathematics, IAP 2008. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].