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Shakespeare Essay Questions
Writing an essay on the topic of "Shakespeare Essay Questions" can present both challenges and
opportunities for exploration. On one hand, the vast body of work produced by William
Shakespeare offers a rich tapestry of themes, characters, and literary techniques to analyze. On
the other hand, the sheer volume of material and the complexity of Shakespeare's plays and
sonnets can make the task seem daunting.
One of the initial difficulties is selecting specific essay questions that provide a focused and
meaningful exploration of Shakespeare's works. With countless plays and poems to choose from,
deciding on a narrow and insightful topic becomes crucial. This process demands a deep
understanding of Shakespeare's literary legacy and an ability to discern the most compelling
aspects for investigation.
Furthermore, crafting a coherent and engaging essay requires more than just summarizing the
plays or repeating well-known analyses. It involves delving into the subtleties of language,
character motivations, historical context, and the intricacies of Shakespearean verse. The
challenge lies in striking a balance between offering fresh insights and building upon existing
The task is not only about literary analysis but also about contextualizing Shakespeare's works
within the broader socio-cultural and historical milieu. This demands extensive research to
understand the political, social, and artistic landscape of Shakespeare's time. Integrating this
contextual knowledge into the essay adds depth and nuance but also requires a comprehensive
grasp of the relevant historical sources.
Moreover, there is the challenge of expressing these insights in a clear and coherent manner.
Writing about complex literary themes and historical contexts requires a high level of articulation
to ensure that the reader can follow the argumentation and appreciate the depth of the analysis.
In conclusion, composing an essay on "Shakespeare Essay Questions" is a demanding task that
necessitates a profound understanding of Shakespearean literature, effective topic selection,
rigorous research, and articulate writing skills. However, overcoming these challenges can lead to
a rewarding exploration of one of the most celebrated literary figures in history.
For those seeking assistance with such essays or other academic tasks, a resource like
HelpWriting.net can provide support. Professional writing services offer a range of options for
students to obtain well-researched and expertly crafted essays on a variety of topics, ensuring a
high-quality output for academic success.
Shakespeare Essay Questions Shakespeare Essay Questions
Why Did Templar Knights Gain Respect And Admiration
How did the Templar Knights gain respect and admiration in such a small span of
The Order of the Knights Templar are a group that has never been fully understood
by the general public. I personally make no claim to the fact that I can shed light on
the subject, but I would like to suggest a theory as to why, over time, the Knights
became a symbol of humble beginnings and pure intention.
There are various sources, ranging from noblemen to monks, that depict the origin of
The Order. Quite a few agree to the fact that when the Crusades were over, and they
no longer had a reason to fight, the soldiers became restless and wanted a change of
habit. Many decided they wanted to live a life of peaceful simplicity as a monk,
while others wandered in search of another cause to rally behind. In the years that
followed the conquering of the Holy Lands, there was an overwhelming ... Show
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King Baldwin II of Jerusalem, and the local patriarchs, stated that the soldiers
would fulfill their purpose better by defending the pilgrims on the roadways to the
holy sites. The violence caused by marauders and displaced natives had reached a
point that unsettled the King, and he recognized a few knights that were respected
and trusted among the fray. After reclaiming the Holy Lands for their belief, they
felt it was necessary to protect those who wished to make the pilgrimage to
Jerusalem, and it became the mission of these men to do so. The King then offered a
wing of his palace in which the Templars were to abide. This palace Other accounts
speak of noblemen who took it upon themselves to intervene in moments of
unwarranted bloodshed. In any instance, the actual truth is not known. As Historian
Sharan Newman suggests, the Knights of the Temple were not widely known nor
were they an integral and accepted organization of the time. Perhaps mention of their
endeavors were not yet considered
Bilingual Education Is Effective Teaching Strategies For...
Now, let us tackle into what an experienced bilingual afterschool program coordinator
and a nonprofit organization, the National Association for Bilingual Education, have
to say regarding the filed of English Language Learning. To gain more insight from a
professional standpoint, I have had the honor to interview the coordinator of an
afterschool program for immigrant children and families, where I have been doing
my service learning for the past two years. The program coordinator s beliefs are
unanimous with the four literature review findings that using paired reading, gesture,
and providing bilingual educationare effective teaching strategies for English
Language Learners. Furthermore, it is crucial to recognize the strengths of ELLs
and being aware of their needs too. Paired reading will help with ELL s English
fluency because it encourages children to sound out the words to each other. It will
also help them to stay focused on the books and to cooperate or foster social
interaction skills. Using gesture, or even role play or drawings can help children
understand the readings and vocabularies in a more interesting way. Lastly, bilingual
educationis crucial in ELL s learning. It helps children make connections with their
native language and English while they are reading or speaking, and making
connections between their home culture and the U.S. culture is a great way to help
the children enjoy learning a new language. When working with English Language
Learners, the
Research Paper On The Giving Tree
Who does everything for you? Who provides for you? Your mom right? Your mom
does things and probably will sacrifice anything she needs to just to make you happy.
In The Giving Tree the tree acts like a mother to the boy. She plays with him, and
she lets him eat her apples. The boy swings on her branches and they would play
hide and go seek. This gives an example of a mother and her child because when you
re a mother you play with your child and you want to make them happy.
Time passes and the boy hasn t come to see the tree in a while so the tree is upset.
He got older and when kids get older they tend to want to go out more and want to
spend time with their friends and go to party s. They boy came back to the tree and
she was excited. She
Case 8: Guajilote Cooperativo Forestal, Honduras
1. What is your impression of Guajilote as a business venture? The Guajilote
Cooperativo Forestal was founded in 1991 to improve economic development in
developing countries. The COHDEFOR (the Honduran forestry development service)
issued Guajilote the right to exploit naturally fallen mahogany trees within the buffer
zone of La Muralla National Park in Honduras. This business venture has been able
to improve the economic welfare and quality of life of its members. One member
stated that before he joined Guajilote, he was lucky to have made 2,000 lempiras in
a year, whereas he made around 1,000 to 1,500 in month as a member of the
cooperative (Wheelen Hunger, 2006. Case 8 3). ... Show more content on
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В•Limited Market: Due to a lack of transportation for the mahogany.
В•Limited Membership: Originally when the cooperative was founded in 1995 there
were 15 members and currently there are 16 members.
В•Rare Commodity: Mahogany is a rare wood and is found in elevations of up to
1,800 metes and normally singly or in small clusters of no more than four to eight
trees per hectare (Wheelen Hunger, 2006. Case 8 2).
В•Increase in Value for Product: Mahogany is difficult to grow and rare and can
command a high price in the world market.
В•Proper Transportation: If this cooperative had the means to move the wood they
find faster, it could reach a larger quantity of people to offer its product.
В•Partnership with Local Carpenters: By working with local highly skilled furniture
makers, Guajilote can increase profits and export the finished products worldwide.
В•Learn a Trade: Members could learn craftsmanship of furniture manufacturing and
become more self sufficient.
В•Limited Mahogany: Due to forest fires, illegal logging, and slash and burn
agriculture the availability of mahogany has been limited.
В•Government Regulations: The Honduras government is not politically stable and
the permit issued to Guajilote has the potential to not be renewed.
В•Restrictions on Mahogany: The cooperative is restricted to fallen mahogany trees
in the national park s buffer zone.
В•Distribution of Cooperative Funds: Santos Munguia has been accused of
Dr. Hannibal Lecter s The Silence Of The Lambs
Title of Paper
In the book silence of the lambs (Harris, 1988) as well as the movie (Demme,1991)
The Silence of the Lambs deals with a young FBI cadet who is sent to interview a
captured madman to find out about a serial killer who is stripping the skin from his
female victims after they die. The FBI has had no luck with the case and agent Jack
Crawford tries to throw a curve ball to Dr. Hannibal Lecter by sending Clarice
Starling. Lecter is a former doctor of Levine and holds the clues to capturing the
unknown criminal. Needless to say the book and film takes many twists and turns,
creating a suspenseful thriller that has no equal. At the heart of The Silence of the
Lambs are the confrontations between Dr. Hannibal Lecter and Clarice Starling. ...
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The two lapses in security only happen when Barney had the days off (Harris P.
236) it took him more than six months to make the handcuff key. In the movie he
gets a pen from Chilton and only leaves about a week or two for to make the key.
Chapter 38 The ambulance slowing to a stop in traffic on the sixlane freeway,
drivers behind it confused and honking, hesitant to pull around an emergency
vehicle. Two small pops like backfires in the traffic and the ambulance started up
again. (Harris P. 250) in the movie you see Lecter take off the mask from the
officer that he killed and then some commotion in the ambulance and that is all. In
chapter 47 Clarice is in the laundry room going over Buffalo Bills case files and
comes up that who was killed first and who was killed second the FBI off she was
by herself (Harris P. 295) in the movie it shows her and her roommate in the
laundry. There is many other things in the book there are different from the movie
but one of the big things that happen in the book is in the last chapter when Lecter
wrights to Clarice saying. I have no plans to call on you, Clarice, the world being
more interesting with you in it. Be sure you extend me the same courtesy . Dr.
Lecter touched his pen to his lips. He looked out at the night sky and
Decision-Making Models Essay
Decision Making Models
There are several decision making models to choose from in any given situation.
Some of these models available on the Internet are the Responsible Decision
Making Model, the Ethical Decision Making Model, the Ethics Toolkit PLUS
Model, the Vigilant Decision Maker Process, and some basic ones as well. In
general, all decision making models are the processes we use to make well thought
out decisions. There are three major elements of all decision making models. These
three elements are: how are criteria determined, how are alternatives generated, and
how are alternatives evaluated against criteria (Scholl, p. 1). In this paper, we will
use the Responsible Decision Making Model to explain how the process works ...
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The Six Criteria for Step Four
The six criteria to use in step four of the Responsible Decision Making Model are as
follows (Scarbo, slides 7 8 and 16):
Will this decision result in a solution that will:
1) Promote my health and the health of others?
2) Protect my safety and the safety of others?
3) Protect the laws of the community?
4) Shows respect for myself and others?
5) Follows responsibly set guidelines?
6) Demonstrate that I have good character?
These six criteria encourage the use of critical thinking to evaluate the possible
outcome of each solution. Critical thinking is very important to making better
choices in life. When we don t take the time to analyze a situation, we seem to make
the wrong decisions for everyone involved.
Our Example of this Model
To better understand how the Responsible Decision Making Model works, we will
view how it helped Robin Francis make a very important decision. A few months
ago, Robin was working as a switchboard operator for St. Anthony s Medical Center
(SAMC) in St. Louis, Missouri. She received an offer to work as a switchboard
operator for Jefferson Memorial Hospital (JMH) in Crystal City, Missouri, which is
much closer to her home. Robin wanted to weigh the pros and cons of switching
jobs before making a final decision. SAMC is an hour away from her home, never
has a set schedule, and she was not
Yoshitaka Amano Research Paper
Yoshitaka Amano: The Supreme Artist Yohistaka Amano is widely known for his
work with the Final Fantasy video game series, Vampire Hunter D, and various other
projects. Amano has shown his ability to endure through many challenges throughout
his life and created incredible works that inspire many all over the world. Amano
continues to draw and inspire through various art forms that he has fun in producing
without heed to schedules or plans for his future (Dream, 2009). Yoshitaka Amano is
a world renowned artist and designer who has always shown an amazing talent in the
realm of illustrations even without formal training, but he has not limited himself to
one medium, outlet, location, company, or title. Amano is the youngest in his family
so he didn t receive his parents praises and encouragement as much as his siblings
(Dream, 2009), and this... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
5). He began working at Tatsunoko Productions while continuing his high school
education, although he did not end up completing his primary education and
instead went to work at Tatsunoko full time (Ciolek, 2012, para. 6). Amano
learned animation through on the job work experience as a part of the production
team at Tatsunoko, and within a few years they looked to him as the resident
character designer by putting him in a secret room and not letting him out until a
character was created (Dream, 2009). Even though Amano felt [he] can t keep
doing character design if [he wants] to grow as an artist (Dream, 2009) after only
working for five years at Tatsunoko, it took him another ten years to finally branch
out as a freelance artist. He embraced his love of having complete artistic freedom
(RPGamer, 2002, para.
John De Crevecoeur s Opulent America
J. Hector St. John de CrГЁvecoeur s Opulent America When J. Hector St. John de
CrГЁvecoeur came to America, he became known simply as Hector St. John, a
name change that might have been meant to allow him to blend in with other
settlers in his area, to live the life of a simple American farmer by way of
reinventing himself as one. Torn between fame and notoriety and blending in with
complete anonymity, CrГЁvecoeur penned several letters as an average Joe
American farmer. CrГЁvecoeur s desire to live as an agriculturalist meant living
simply which contradicted his view of the American world as a world of opulence.
In his letters, CrГЁvecoeur discussed the ways in which America, and more
specifically Charles Town, was a land of lavishness simply due to its location, the
population, and the resources and commodities found there. CrГЁvecoeur opened
his letter comparing Charles Town with a similar trade hub in Peru, describing
Lima and Charles Town as cities of abundant wealth and commerce (319). Charles
Town was described as wealthy, in part, because of its location. An epicenter of
trade situated on several rivers with a well traveled harbor, Charles Town was a
profitable commercial center for housing and distributing goods. He described the
location of Charles Town as ideal for trade routes deeper into America s barbarous
interior, an untamed part of the country vastly different from elegant and refined
Charles Town: Its situation is admirable, being built at the confluence of
What Is Miss Havisham
In the novel, Great Expectations, written by Charles Dickens in a realistic gothic
fiction genre, a young boy named Pip grows up and falls in love with a girl named
Estella. As time progresses, Pip moves to London and back while being involved in
an intricate plot with an escape convict, a heartbroken evil women, and many friends
and enemies. Miss Havisham influenced Pip in a harmful way throughout the novel
due to her ignorance of pain and how she only wanted to exact her revenge on all
men for her sadness. In this story, lovesymbolizes the ignorance that people have
such as Pip and Estella and Havisham with all other individuals. She took no notice
of me until she had the candle in her hand, when she looked over her shoulder, (pg 83)
Fyodor Dostoevsky s Arguments Against Conformity
Fyodor Dostoevsky s novel notes from the underground is very different from all
the literary work I have read. The protagonist in this novel on part I keeps on
rambling jumping from one subject to another, seems depressing at times, but from
the very first sentence I am a sick man.... I am a spiteful man , it digs my curiosity to
know more about this sick, spiteful character. It seems Dostoevsky s protagonist is
mad and has contempt for everything and arguing against conformity and reasoning.
The first part of Dostoevsky s Underground Man, provides an unsympathetic
criticism of determinism and intellectual folly at prescribing human behavior by
reason which the Underground Man remarks in Page 25 you can t rebel: it s two
times two is four! Nature doesn t ask you: it doesn t care about your desires and
whether or not you like its laws. You are obligated to accept it as it is.... I think
underground man s saying that, as a conscious individual, he reserves his right to
overlook the idea that two times two makes four. He is arguing against conformity in
laws of nature when he speaks about it in terms of stoned wall means once we
conclude the science, mathematics we don t generally question them and start stating
them as facts. These ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He rails against encyclopedia dictionaries, he is worried that everything will be so
accurately calculated and charted that there will be no longer any actions or
adventures in the world. In page 35 Underground Man states Then the crystal
palace will be built. Then .... Well, in short the Kagan bird will come flying in.
Crystal palace here means a utopian world which is impossible to achieve because
of fallacy of man who always acts in his own best interests. There is no mythical bird
that could bring us
Biomes are the Communities of the World
Biomes are all over the world, that s why they are considered the world s major
communities. Biomes are large areas scattered around the earth, filled with animals
and plants acclimating to their environments. You can classify biomes in many
different ways, by their climate, their biodiversity, human activity, their animals and
plants, and their habitats. There are only five conspicuous types of biomes,
Grassland, Tundra, Desert, Aquatic, and forest. Without biomes, the earth would be
unbalanced. Throughout the years, we have cause a lot of damage towards our earth,
such as causing pollution, and abolishing natural habitats. If we continue living like
this, there might be more serious or severe implications on the biomes. Knowing that
we share the world with so many other species of plants and animals, we should
consider the consequences of our actions. The Aquatic biomeis the most significant
out of all of the five biomes. Water is essential and important for life here on Earth.
It s what we all need in order to survive. Water also supports life, and many different
species live in it, or for some parts of their life. Since water covers one thirds of the
Earth, the temperature of the aquatic biome tends to be humid and slightly cool. It
is fairly constant so it can be able to tolerate life. This region is filled with so many
different species of animals some big and some even small. The Aquatic biome is
broken into two regions freshwater and marine
Pros and Cons of Electronic Voting Essay
Table of Contents:
3.Block Diagram
4.1How it is used
4.2Where it is used
5.Security Issues
6.Strengths of E Voting
7.Weaknesses of E voting
8.Voting system Requirements
Electronic voting machine has now become an effective tool for voting. It mainly
ensures flawless voting and thus has become a more widespread. Also those kinds of
machines make human effort less and they are more economical. It is also free and
very comfort in the part of voter. Electronic voting which is otherwise known as e
voting, used by electronic systems for representing and counting votes. Voting
machines are in total combinations of mechanical, ... Show more content on
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Some of the countries like United Kingdom, Estonia and Switzerland uses internet
sort of voting for their government elections and Canada uses this internet voting for
municipal elections likewise. There have been several studies and also challenges
on using the computer based electronic voting machines which are used to improve
the quality of the elections. These studies caution against the risks of moving fast in
adopting the electronic voting machines. Voters are the people who electorate to
make a decision or who express their opinion towards the representative. Polls are
where the people or voters go to cast their votes. The duty of the voters in the time of
election near polls is to cast their vote and everyone who utilizes their vote is stored
in the form of either ballot paper information or in the e voting machine, generally the
change in the technology give rise to the e voting machines. This is what a small
introduction about electronic voting.
Elections are defined as the way by which the Democracies use to measure people
s will and thus to assign political power. Therefore this is the primary importance of
any democratic country to avoid the mistakes and have power in the correct one s
hand and not to the one who should not have it. And this will be correctly done in
the case of allowing the vote to those only who is having the right
Beauty Pageants
Beauty Pageants What is a Beauty Pageant? A beauty pageant or beauty contest is a
competition that has traditionally focused on judging and ranking the physical
attributes of the contestants, although some contests have evolved to also
incorporate personality traits, intelligence, talent, and answers to judges questions
as judged criteria. In American culture, beauty pageants have been around since the
1960s. The Beauty Pageants first started in Palisades Amusement Park in New
Jersey for teenager from the ages of 13 to 17 years old and by 1964 there have been
over 35,000 participants that prompted an age division. In Today s society beauty
Pageants are still popular and still demeaning to women and little girls. Beauty
pageants... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Depression is a major problem found in many young girls due to insecurities. 75%
of girls with low self esteem reported engaging in negative activities like cutting,
bullying, smoking, drinking, or disordered eating. Girls are under the pressure to
gain perfection and attractiveness to win. It has been showed by
statisticbrain.com that eight out of ten, 9 year old girls in the U.S. have been on a
diet. 42% of first through third grade girls want to be thinner, and 37% of those
girls have already been dieted. Child beauty pageants are not as glamorous as they
seem to be on television; they can cause young girls to develop serious illnesses
because they feel the need to be better and be perfect. Because of the strong desire
to be perfect, some resort to extremes to gain that approval. In beauty pageants they
sometimes have talent portions and are not in all pageants. They are considered as
a secondary component of the experience and scoring. Children are missing out on
their normal childhoods and the parents have a lot to do with this mistake. Kids
who participate in beauty pageants don t get a say unless their parents really hear
them out. Some parents can have their child compete for fun, but some parents will
stop at no cost to have their child rise to the top as number one. A mother in San
Francisco gave her 8 year daughter Botox injections to keep her in more
Culling In Australia
Invasive species known as the red fox, feral cats and amels have proven to show that
Australia has suffered more than most countries around the world from invasive
species due to the species imposing huge costs on farming and threatening native
wildlife. Typically, the first response to such problems is Culling, not knowing that
by eradicating, reducing their abundance and impact can do more bad than good. A
recent wildlife study conducted by CSIRO Wildlife Research has shown that invasive
speciesthreaten biodiversity in many parts of the world, including Australia. Low
Level culling is often used to reduce their impact of reproducing, but in open wildlife
populations, thee effectiveness of culling is uncertain.
In this study, they have
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Autobiography
For as long as I can remember, my brother would fall down often. I never really
thought much of it while growing up, he was just my clumsy older brother. I
noticed he was different from my friend s older brothers but I never really cared
because I always loved the way he was.
In 1997, my brother was four years old and my parents started to notice he was not
physically capable of doing what other kids his age could do, so they decided to
ask a doctor what could be wrong. Many blood tests and muscle biopsies later, my
parents were told that my brother has mild autism and Duchenne Muscular
Dystrophy. Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy means that his muscles will
progressively degenerate and weaken over time. This news made my parents upset
for a long time. Halloween of 1997, my mom found out she was going to have me ...
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Someone who has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy has weak muscles, but that also
means they have slow reflexes and brittle bones. When my brother was about 16,
he slipped in some water and didn t catch himself and fell. The next morning, my
parents took him to the ER to find out he had broken both of his legs and would
have to undergo surgery. After his surgery, he was in a wheelchair for a few months
so his legs would heal. That summer, my family took a trip to Huntington Beach and
my brother could almost completely walk without the wheelchair by this time. The
first day, my brother, my dad, and I were walking down the hall to our room and
my dad was pushing the chair behind my brother so when his legs got tired he could
sit. About ten steps down the hall, my brother fell and my dad rushed around to help
him up. My
Goldman Sachs s Stock Price
Goldman Sachs s stock price declined $8.40 from $156.98 as of March 31, 2016 to
$148.58 as of June 30, 2016. This 5% decrease is largely the result of poor
performance in an uncertain and volatile macroeconomic environment. The
Company s revenue in the first quarter of 2016 decreased $4.28 billion as
compared to the first quarter of 2015, falling from $10.62 billion in Q1 2015 to
$6.34 billion in Q1 of 2016. This 40% decline can be attributed to historically low oil
prices, investor uncertainty regarding the outlook of the global economy, and a sharp
decline in revenue from investment banking activities. While conditions moderately
improved in Q2 2016, the financial sector faces a new wave of uncertainty in the
wake of Britain s departure from the European Union. Following Britain s historic
referendum, shares of Goldman Sachsfell 6.1%, as reported by the Financial Times.
As such, the Company has begun cutting costs, most notably by urging executives
to dial back costs associated with travel to clients. Additionally, the Company has
laid off dozens of employees in response to the slowdown in investment banking
activities. The decrease in Goldman Sachs s stock price reflects the uncertainty and
turbulence of the current economic environment. Wal Mart s stock price increased
$4.53 from $68.49 as of March 31, 2016 to $73.02 as of June 30, 2016. After a dismal
2015, the company embarked on a strategy to address key risks and has taken several
Benetton History and Present Structure
When Luciano and Giuliana Benetton, both grown up under the harsh conditions of
war and post war Italy, founded Benetton group in 1965, they probably did never
dream that one day their company would among the most famous in the fashion
industry. Yet, 34 years later, Benetton is present in 120 countries and Edizione
Holding, the holding company of the family is now making a yearly turnover of
XXX billion Lira[1]. Not at least due to their controversial advertising campaigns
which sparked strong reactions around the world, from outright ban to art awards,
Benetton has become known worldwide.
After the opening their first store in 1968 with a surface ... Show more content on
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In 1992, these activities were bundled in a separate division, called Benetton
Sportssystem. The production of sports equipment was supplemented by the
production of sports wear, the aim being to provide the customer with both the
equipment and the clothing, thus realizing synergies from the existing textile
manufacturing facilities[5]. Benetton Sportssystem is the fastest growing division of
Benetton group and it already represent 21,3% of turnover[6]. With 55% of its sales
realised in North America, it is also much less focused on Europe[7].
While Benetton Sportssystem was still in connection with its original business, in the
1990s Benetton diversified into areas which were rather far from it, like retailing or
the restaurant business. The acquisition of shares in Autogrill, world leader in catering
services for travelers, and GS Gruppo, leader in the Italian food distribution sector,
left the Benetton family with 700 supermarkets, 21 hypermarkets and over 650
restaurants, producing a combined turnover of more than 13,000 billion Lira (more
than three times the turnover of the actual Benetton group)[8]. Reasons for this
diversification into areas remote from their core business might be found in the wish
to take advantage of the privatization of national industries presently in progress in
Italy and to profit from the
Heart Of Darkness Racist Analysis
When I read Heart of Darkness, I did think it was a racist book. The story revolves
around a character named Marlow, who goes to work in the Congo. The labor for
the company he works for comes from the slavery of the native people. The author,
Joseph Conrad, depicts these people as savages, which is also very racist. Also,
when he refers to them, he uses a racial slur, rather than calling them black people
or finding another way to state that they are not white. Throughout the book Conrad
also depicts a lot of violence towards these people, which I saw as unnecessary since
most of the time it is not explained and does not further develop the story. These are
the reasons why I think Heart of Darknessis racist. The first thing that I noticed in
Heart of Darkness that made me think it is a racist book is the way the black
people are treated and how they are thought of. The native people of the Congo are
considered to be very dangerous. Therefore, they are chained together to work and
are not given basic human rights such as food. Once they have started work, they are
forced to continue until they cannot work any longer. If they are suddenly unable to
work, they are left under a tree to wait until they are capable of working again... Show
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This book had a lot of unnecessary violence towards the black people. In the first
chapter, the book depicts a French boat firing onto the shore. This had to do some
harm to the people that were there. Also, the book didn t give any reason why this
happened. The other main mean of unnecessary violence I saw was when Marlow
was on his way to meet with Kurtz. Kurtz orders the natives to attack the ship. Kurtz
would have had to know that the people on the ship would fight back, causing harm
to them. Why was this necessary? It was just another racist device to cause more
unnecessary harm to the black
Glory Film Analysis
Equality: Inclusive of All Give em hell fifty four! Edward Zwick s 1989 film Glory,
starring: Matthew Broderick as Colonel Robert Gould Shaw, Denzel Washington as
Private Silas Trip, Morgan Freeman as gravedigger John Rawlins, and Andre
Braughter as Private Thomas Searls is a Civil War portrayal of the courage and
sacrifice displayed by the 54th Volunteer Regiment of Massachusetts. From the
infancy of their inception in Boston, through the carnage they endured at the Battle of
Fort Wagner in South Carolina, members of the little known 54th Regiment
ultimately achieve glorythrough a cumulative effort. The film Glory couples the
guidance of inspirational mentors with impeccable execution of sound and pacing
techniques, to convey through... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Furthermore, one can achieve glory through mentorship, courage, and the
acceptance of others wishing to assimilate to a necessary cause. In the picture,
Colonel Robert Shaw subsequently rips his pay, after his men are paid slave
wages. Moreover, Shaw equips the men with official Union colors and uniform,
after Trip is whipped for leaving camp to find boots. Finally, he displays the
courage necessary to stand up to officers of greater prestige, when his men are
solely being used for manual labor and the destruction of residences. The man who
knew no family, Private Silas Trip, is also a reflection of the aforementioned
theme. Following the eloquent sermon delivered by Sergeant Major Rawlins,
Private Trip gives a heartfelt speech in the midst of the upcoming Battle of Fort
Wagner, proclaiming, Y all the onliest family I got . . . I love the 54 . . . Ain t much
a matter what happen tomorrow because we men ain t we. Subsequently, Private
Trip, previously a key antagonist in the plot, vicariously embodies Shaw, when he
leads the men onward and uphill, seeking the higher ground, after Colonel Shaw is
shot and killed
Anthrax Spore
My choice for this week s discussion falls squarely within the biological warfare
threat and was chosen based on its past usage and resilience to environmental
variables that may otherwise degrade the effectiveness of other agents when
disseminated from a likely terrorist device. The anthrax spore is a robust organism,
capable of causing a high percentage of fatalities in those who inhale it and is proven
attractive to those seeking to employ biological weapons against America.
The anthrax letters from 2001 which traversed the USPS sickened 22 people and
killed 5 (Abramson, 2012, p12). Though there were not a massive number of
casualties, panic ensued and people were fearful of using the postal service, with
some policymakers seeking to reinstate national smallpox vaccinations in case that
was the next tool to be used by terror organizations against America (Abramson, 2012,
p12). ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The fact that anthrax causes non communicable disease (Abramson, 2012, p17) is a
benefit if employing it as a military weapon as controllability is desired, but terror
organizations are unlikely to see this as either a positive or negative outcome since
their desires are accomplished by sowing fear and causing economic damage. Another
factor that makes anthrax attractive to terrorists is the relatively small quantity
needed to cause a mass casualty incident. Only Вј ounce of anthrax spores are
required to cause mass casualties over an area of 1 square mile (Kostadinov
Galabova, 2010, p298). The simple fact that anthrax has such a long history of easy
cultivation going back to 1915 speaks for the lack of technical equipment required to
process this material (Kostadinov Galabova, 2010,
The Role Of PTSD In The Police Department
Although many believe that law enforcement agents are usually men and women that
are emotionless individuals that do not sympathize and feel what the wrongly
accused victims have felt, yet they have not seen the silent side of the effects being
in the force against crime, leaving a deep impact in officers and such. PTSDin the
body of policeofficers isn t widely known, but it is a tolling factor in their career.
This is a problem that is slowly taking surge, much like a tumor or a virus.
Post traumatic stress disorder, otherwise known as PTSD is a mental health condition
triggered by a terrifying event, either by experience or witness, it can trigger
flashbacks, nightmares, severe anxiety, and as well as uncontrollable thoughts about
the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There are ways to cope ideally with PTSD and help officers with their disorders. As
of the moment, there are therapy group sessions with fellow officers that are
experiencing the same issues; family support and comfort treatments that help
have more control of emotions.(Stress) Yet, this is not as much as the expected
impact due to officers not wanting to be discharged and lose pay, thus they keep
their symptoms to themselves, so what many believe what we need to do is input
more therapy session and invite openly to all officers to encourage participation,
even if they are not with PTSD symptoms, simply because it reinforces the fact that
everyone in the force are there, comrades in the field and home.(Kulman and May
2015) We need to open up the research field and invest more to save the lives of
those who sacrifice daily for our safety. As for now, there are advances in
treatments for PTSD, and hopefully soon a way to stop PTSD from claiming for
victims. There are people recovering as well as people falling into the brink of
insanity and having suicidal thoughts, yet we must forge on to reach better
The Benefits Of Attending High-Secondary Education
There are thousands of high school seniors that plan to attend postВ secondary
education after graduating. Most of those students are not financially stable to get
through school, so they apply for scholarships. Scholarships are the ultimate goal of
any student gain, this is less money taken out of pocket or less money needed to
borrow loans. Attending collegehas always been a goal of mine. The idea of being
able to meet different types of people and learn new concepts in such a unique
place, allowing for me to grow and identify myself excites me. However, money
gets in they way of that and with millions of scholarships in the world, it would not
take anything for me to apply. This scholarship will benefit me by helping to pay for
my education,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It determines whether or not a group of people may succeed (academic and wise).
It is the small things that make large differences, kind of like winning a one
hundred dollar scholarship. That one hundred dollars could be used to pay for a
book your teacher says that you will need for class or money for your rent through
your refund check. Now if you did not have the one hundred dollars, you could
have had trouble passing the class or even get evicted. The reason I chose to study
psychology is because it allows for me to make an impact on the lives of others, the
way someone else may or may not have influenced mine. Helping others gives me a
sense of selfВ actualization, as if I have found my life s purpose. My goal is to
obtain a doctorate and open my own psychology practice after completing two years
of residency. Medical school requires a lot of money and even with a job, loans will
more than likely be needed to pay for school and living expenses. The degree I wish
to gain will allow for me to become a clinical or counseling psychologist and begin
counseling groups for low Вincome individuals for little to nothing. I believe this
could be the impact needed to allow for someone else to find their purpose and
achieve their dreams, as well as continuing to make the world a better place.
Gaining this scholarship, will provide me with the means of being successful in my
college and educational experience. I will be allowed the
Summary Of The Play The Furies
Throughout the play the Furies where trying to gain revenge by killing Orestes for
killing his own mother. The Furies believed that blood must be paid with blood for
and gruesome act as killing your own mother. The Furies cross examine Orestes on
the charges that he committed. Orestes admits that he killed his mother, and says that
he did so following the commands of Apollo, which got his commands from the God
Zeus. He also says that his mother had it coming to her (because she killed
Agamemnon, Orestes s father). Now the Furies question Apollo. Apollo backs up
everything that Orestes says, and elaborates on Orestes s point that his mother
wasn t related to him. Apollo says that mothers are only incubators of embryos, and
that only fathers are truly parents are uses Athena as an example of how mothers
aren t needed to birth a child. Apollo expressed the importance of relying on the
law instead of revenge and the important things that are on the line. According to
the book, The Ballots are out, make a careful count, be fair, have respect for justice
as you divide the votes. An ill judged verdict could cause great harm, and a single
vote can restore a mighty house (Line 748).
The play The Furies shows that law is better than revenge because all facts of a
case must be examined before a decision can be made on punishment for crimes
committed. The furies wanted to kill Orestes mainly because he killed his own
mother and that kind of crime could only be paid with blood, but
Unix And Unix Operating System
6.4 C DOT DSS MAX is administrated by UNIX operating system
BSNL C DOT DSS MAX uses UNIX operating system to operate the exchange.
The UNIX operating system is a set of programs that act as a link between the
computer and the user. The computer programs that allocate the system resources and
coordinate all the details of the computer s internals is called the operating system or
Users communicate with the kernel through a program known as the shell. The shell
is a command line interpreter it translates commands entered by the user and converts
them into a language that is understood by the kernel.
UNIX was originally developed in 1969 by a group of AT T employees at Bell Labs,
including Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, Douglas McIlroy, and Joe Ossanna.
There are various UNIX variants available in the market. Solaris UNIX, AIX, HP
UNIX and BSD are few examples.
Several people can use a UNIX computer at the same time; hence UNIX is called a
multiuser system. A user can also run multiple programs at the same time; hence
UNIX is called multitasking. This is why BSNL uses UNIX operating system as the
exchanges can be operated through a remote area.
UNIX operating system provides various commands to operate embedded systems in
The commands used in C DOT DSS MAX UNIX operating system are broadly
divided into two categories
1. Administration command classes
2. Maintenance command classes
In Administration command classes, there
Summary Of The NovelThe Coldest Winter Ever
The novel The Coldest Winter Ever by Sister Souljah follows the life of the lead
character Winter Santiago and her family. Born in Brooklyn,New York, Winter
Santiago was the daughter of a young mother and the notorious drug dealer Ricky
Santiago. From the beginning of the novel Winter lets it known that she was born
into luxury, and just because she lived in the projects of Brooklyn didn t mean she
was poor.In fact it was the exact opposite for the Santiago family.Winter came into
adolescence as a shallow, self centered individual, motivated solely by physical
attractiveness, material possessions and the desire to attract as many men as
possible. On Winter s six tenth birthday her father Ricky Santiago decides it s
finally time to move his family out of the ghetto. Winter s mother and sisters were
very excited for the move although Winter was livid. The family s move to a
mansion in Long Island did not stop Winter from desiring her ghetto culture. It also
didn t help that neither parents were actual parents to Winter. Shortly after the
family moves to Rhode island the FBI raid the house and arrest Ricky Santiago on
several charges. After Santiago s arrest his empire begins to crumble. All of the
family possessions are seized leaving Winter, her mother and her three younger
siblings to fend for themselves. Winter selfishness didn t let that happen,she
decided to go on her own and hustle her way back into the lifestyle she once
lived.Unfortunately things didn t work out for winter the way she wanted. Instead
of getting things done on her own Winter looked for a man to take care of her,
because that was the only thing her mother taught her. The same man that was
supposed to love and take care of her let her take the fall for his crimes, and
ultimately sent Winter to jail for a fifth teen year sentence. One recurring theme in
the novel is that success is not easily earned. This is a message that Winter Santiago
didn t quite comprehend. Winter s father success made her believe that she could
have anything she wanted in life with a snap of a finger. She didn t understand how
to become successful. Winter believed that hustling and seeking out a man to take
care of her, would bring her back on top. In order to
How Did Jazz Dance And Jazz Music
In this essay I will be discussing how dance has a close relationship with early jazz
music. I will be mentioning dances such as the Charleston and Lindy Hop from the
1920s to the 1940 s, along with jazz dancers such as Jack Cole.
Jazz dancing developed alongside jazz music in New Orleans. Beginning in the 1930
s onto the 1960 s jazz dancing transformed from the vernacular form to a theatre
based performance form that used trained dancers. Choreographers from modern
dance and ballet began to experiment with jazz dancing and began to incorporate it
into their dances, some of these include jack Cole, George Balanchine and Bob
Fosse. From here jazz dancing was influenced by choreographers as they required
highly trained dances to perform their dances which were greatly different from the
colloquial dancing of New Orleans in the 1990 s. Jazz dancing to this day is still
extremely popular dance form, many dancers flock to New Orleans and Louisiana as
the city has such a connection with the music.
In the 1920 s the jazz era was starting and was in some ... Show more content on
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Rhythm tap focuses on musicality and practitioner s conceder themselves part of
the jazz tradition. Tap dancers dance to rhythmical jazz music, they tap out of beat
of the music that to create a percussive sound. Some of the well known dancers are
Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly. Jazz tap dancing began as a form of expressing jazz
music as the dancers emphasised the music.
The jazz fox trot was one of the most popular dances of this time. Jazz music at this
time was either called sweet or hot . Sweet jazz had a slow tempo and a rich sound.
Whereas hot jazz had a much faster tempo and had a much jazzier feel to it. Because
the two of these types of jazz were so different they were very popular. When people
danced to sweet jazz it was called the slow foxtrot and when they danced to hot jazz
it could be called one step or just fox
Dunnets Test Using Graphpad
Statistical Analysis: All the results were expressed as meanВ±SEM and subjected to
One way analysis of variance followed by dunnets test using GraphPad prism 5.0
Results : Effect on TC TC levels were significantly elevated in positive control when
compared with normal control. When compare with normal control, standard group
and ethanolic extract groups are significantly different (F = 25.20, p 0.01). Standard
group, ethanolic extract, and aqueous extracts groups are not significant When
compared with positive control. (Figure 1) Effect on TG TG levels were significantly
elevated in positive control when compared with normal control. When compare with
normal control, standard group, ethanolic extract, and aqueous extracts groups are not
statistically significant. Normal controls, standard group, ethanolic... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
Normal controls, standard groups are statistically significant when compared with
positive control (F = 12.86, p 0.001). Ethanolic and aqueous extracts raised the
HDL levels but the raise is not statistically significant. (Figure 3) Effect on LDL
LDL levels were significantly elevated in positive control when compared with
normal control (F = 15.94, p 0.001). Standard group and aqueous extracts group has
decreased the LDL levels but the decrease is not statistically significant. (Figure 4)
Effect on VLDL VLDL levels were significantly elevated in positive control when
compared with normal control. When compare with normal control, standard group,
ethanolic extract, and aqueous extracts groups are not statistically significant. Normal
controls, standard group, ethanolic extract and aqueous extracts groups are
statistically significant when compared with positive control (F = 15.32, p 0.001).
This indicates that both aqueous and ethanolic extract treatment has reduced the
VLDL levels in the rats. (Figure 5) Effect on AI and
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act Case Study
The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) was established as a
result of corporate scandals that led to the passing of the Sarbanes Oxley Act of
2002. This paper will explore the circumstances that led to the creation of the
PCAOB. I will then go on to discuss the roles and responsibilities of the PCAOB,
and suggestions for improvement of the PCAOB auditingprocess. Sarbanes Oxley
came into being due to the corporate accounting scandals in the early 2000 s. With
the occurrence of the first corporate scandal of Enron and Arthur Andersen in late
2001, Congress did little. With the second wave of scandals which included
WorldCom and Adelphia, the stock market continued to plunge which resulted in
billions of dollars of corporate... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In addition, these firms must file an annual report that discloses selected client
information. As of October 2012 there were approximately 2,500 accounting firms
that are registered with the PCAOB ( Guide to cob, 2012).
The firms that are registered with the PCAOB must use the PCAOB s established
auditing standards. Accounting firms must also use the PCAOB s ethics and
independence standards relating to their public company audits.
The PCAOB inspects accounting firms that provide auditing reports. Those firms
that provide reports for more than 100 companies are inspected annually. Those that
provide for less than 100 are inspected every 3 years.
The PCAOB also enforces compliance to Sarbanes Oxley by investigating and if
found necessary, may discipline registered accounting firms and persons that are
associated with that firm. This enforcement can include suspension of a person, fines
and/or imprisonment of up to 20 years for
The Sirens Of Titan Essay
Over the course of Kurt Vonnegut s career, an unorthodox handling of time became
one of many signature features in his fictional works (Allen 37). Despite The
Sirens of Titan (1959) being only his second novel, this trademark is still prevalent.
When delving into science fiction, it is often helpful to incorporate ideas from other
works within the genre. This concept is exemplified by the megatext, an aspect of
science fiction that involves the application of a reader s own knowledge of the
genre to a new encounter (Evans xiii). By working within the megatext, Ursula K. Le
Guins The Dispossessed(1974) provides an insightful avenue in exploring the
handling of time and its consequences in Vonnegut s The Sirens of Titan
. This... Show
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An interesting structural feature to note is that each chapter is preceded by a
quotation from that chapter. This is not unlike a prophecy and resembles Rumfoord
s abilities. This use of chapter quotations as well as the looping of the narrative
could be interpreted to reflect Rumfoord s perception of time in that everything that
ever has been always will be, and everything that ever will be always has been (20).
There is also a significant amount of foreshadowing in that the novel is essentially
outlined during Malachi s first meeting with Rumfoord.
In The Dispossessed, time can be thought of in either a Sequential or Simultaneous
manner. The Sequential school of thought is the more concrete, familiar version in
that time flows in a linear progression. Simultaneity considers this linearity as
not...a physically objective phenomenon, but as a subjective one (Le Guin 221).
Shevek, the protagonist, makes use of an apt comparison to further describe the
concept: It would be a little like reading a book, you see. The book is all there, at
once, between its covers. But if you want to read the story and understand it, you
must begin with the first page, and go forward, always in order. So the universe
would be a very great book, and we would be very small readers. (221)
According to Shevek, where Sequence falls short is its inability to
Developments Of Securing The Nation s Ports
Developments in securing the nation s ports have occurred since September 11, 2001:
According to American Association of Ports Authorities (n. d) the United States is
served by some 360 commercial ports that provide approximately 3,200 cargo and
passenger handling facilities and there are more than 150 deep draft seaports under
the jurisdiction of 126 public seaport agencies located along the Atlantic, Pacific,
Gulf and Great Lakes coasts, as well as in Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, and
the U.S. Virgin Islands. Transportation Security Administration (2010), broaden the
definition of the maritime sector to include a wide range of watercraft and vessels
and consists of approximately 95,000 miles of coastline, 361 ports, more than ... Show
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Furthermore, on August 9, 2004, the Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Act
of 2004 were signed into law. Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and the
United States Coast Guard (USCG) are the Sector Specific Agencies (SSAs) for the
Transportation Systems Sector. They teamed up with the Department of
Transportation to coordinate the preparedness activities in the national maritime
domain. The SSAs partners functions are to prevent, protect against, respond to, and
recover from all hazards that could have a debilitating effect on homeland security,
public health and safety, or economic well being using the National Infrastructure
Protection Plan risk management framework as risk management and mitigation
framework (Transportation Security Administration 2010).
Dual threats of terrorism and natural disasters and their affected port security: Provide
examples to illustrate your findings.
A natural disaster is a sudden calamitous event that is the result of atmospheric and
other geological imbalances that threatens the viability of the organization and is
characterized by creating chaos, disruption of operations, confusion, and even death
of employees (Morrison, et al 2014, p. 66). Natural disasters that can have more
negative impact or affects on the port security include earthquake, hurricane, flood,
volcanic eruption, tsunami, just to mention but few. Also, some unwanted, exotic
Comprehensive Life Plan Essay
Dianna Pham
April 13, 2013
Comprehensive Life Plan God has given us the ability to look back at our life, and
to also see how our future would be. My mission statement is that I have overcome
some things in life that have changed the person who I was then into the woman
that I have become now. I know that I am at my best when I feel as though
everyone and everything around me has been taken care of in not a harmful way. I
will enjoy my work by finding employment where I can I do love what I do at
work; I just do not like the people that I work with. I find enjoyment in my personal
life when I get to spend time with my family and children. I feel as though if I set
my mind to do something then I can do anything. My life s journey ... Show more
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We are gossiping and talking about what is going on in our lives. My afternoon
activities are paying some bills, and getting ready to cook dinner. I then am cleaning
the house and picking up things around the house. I am waiting for my husband to
come home from work. The evening comes and my husband and I are having dinner
and talking about how our day went. The day has come to an end and I am reflecting
on how the day went. The only thing that is running through my mind is how God
blessed me to be happy, healthy and alive and that my sons are doing well in college.
From the perspective of going back five years from the year 2026 many events
took place then in my life. In the year 2021, I am thirty nine years old and I am still
working at the VA Hospital but as a Nurse Administrative. I had a successful
promotion due to my hard work and dedication. My oldest son is 17, and I am going
crazy as a senior mom saving up money to buy him his car. He is about to graduate
and got accepted into Baylor University. My baby is only 15, but I am going crazy
with the athletic schedules of his life. In 2016, I officially graduated from Nursing
School. I am dealing with the everyday life of two teenage boys. In 2011, I am
working at a hospital and trying to deal with my mentality of going back to school.
My strategic goal in the next two to three years is to save money for myself
Social Pressure For Cis White Straight Males
MOGAI people are underrepresented in Computer Science and Computer
engineering due to many of the same reasons why women are underrepresented: the
amount of social pressure for cis white straight conservative males (CWSCMs) to go
into STEM and for those not CWSCMs to pursue more fitting positions and fields;
the amount of brogrammer, brogamer, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia,
xenophobia, and straight male dominance in STEM and tech fields and culture; and
finally the amount of inequitable barriers to STEM and tech fields. This is entirely
unethical and needs to be changed greatly to improve STEM and tech fields, along
with giving equity to MOGAI individuals and the community. In addition, many
argue that these demands would be special or extra rights, which is inaccurate as this
assumes the actions needed to boost non CWSCM people to equitable positions
would cause an inequitable situation for CWSCMs.
A 2015 report of Queer in STEM: Workplace Experiences Reported in a National
Survey of LGBTQA Individuals in Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics Careers found the data gathered suggests a broader phenomenon of
gendered culture in STEM workplaces in fields with fewer women, the climate may
be less comfortable for anyone who fails to conform to a straight male gender
presentation. This supports the argument that the STEM community actively wards
off anyone that is MOGAI from participation or inclusion. Furthermore, a lack of
Paramount 1994
Directors Paramount Re: Acquisition Dear Board of Directors: In order to make our
recommendation to the Board, we must address the following questions: Acquiring
Paramount Communications, Inc (PCI) was important for Redstone as it would
enable Viacom to obtain a stronger position in the communications industry. His
initial offer was designed to show that Viacom was a better strategic partner for PCI
than QVC. The deal was more in favor of Viacom than Paramount as Viacom s initial
offer was a combined offer of cash and securities. Under the terms of the initial offer,
Paramount shareholders would receive voting and nonvoting... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
The initial offer by QVC consisted of $30 in cash plus .893 QVC shares (.893 QVC
shares = $50.01) which totaled $80.01 for Paramount on September 20, 1993. The
final offer consisted of and was worth the following with respect to the share price
value of Paramount: | | Value | Ratio |Amount | Share | |Cash |104 |0.501 |1 |52.1 |
|Preferred |31.53 |0.499 |0.239 |3.76 | |Warrant |15.97 |0.499 |0.32 |2.55 | |10 Year | | | |
| |Common |45.875 |0.499 |1.236 |28.3 | | | $86.71 | | | | |Total | | | | | | | | | | | The final
bid for Paramount by Viacom consisted of and was worth the following with respect
to the share price value of Paramount: | | Value | Ratio |Amount |Per Share| |Cash |107
Substance Abuse In Pharmacy
Substance abuse is an issue in every pharmacy! I believe whomever takes on the
task of trying to control the problem has a big job. Pharmacists are in the front lines
of this big task. When I was a technician, I learned how far some patients are willing
to take lies in order to get certain controlled drugs. In the pharmacy, I want to do three
things to prevent abuse. First, I want to have an organized pharmacy. When the
pharmacy is in order of our counts, we are more likely to be confident when we
deny a patient who is refilling to soon. There is nothing worse than being caught in
a situation when you are not sure of our own records. Therefore, I believe being
organized in my medication count is foundational of a good pharmacy. Secondly, I
want to approve the selling of needles to patients. I believe in this method because
people who are addicted to certain drugs will keep taking the drug regardless of
whether the needles are clean or not.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Working in the pharmacy next to a pain clinic, I witnessed a lot of drama. The pain
clinic was eventually closed down for questionable practices. What I learned from
working with the clinic is that doctors sometimes do not understand the severity of
someone s addiction. That s why it s important for doctors to see pharmacist more
trustworthy because we are truly the drug experts. It s no wonder these days that
everyone seems to be in pain. That s not say people do not feel pain but pain
medication abuse is more prevalent now than ever before due to the increase in
heroin users! Doctors and pharmacists must have quick and efficient ways of
communicating. Even when communication isn t an issue, doctors do not listen to
pharmacist s recommendation. When I become a pharmacists, I want to know why I
am dispensing controlled medications especially if they are in large quantities. I
want to be a part of the decision making process the doctor has with the
Aletta s Appointment As The Grand Vigil
The pinnacle of Aletta s narrative was set in motion upon concluding her bootlegged
Viridian training overseen by the marred . Thereafter, Aletta rallied like minded
individuals whom denounced the recent upheaval of magic to Regalia, and laid down
the fundamental bricks of what would later become the Azure Order. The
organization was viewed by spectators as one of necessity, duly to the sum of
Regalian citizens believing their infestation was to be eradicated by this newfound
party. Throughout the duration of Aletta s appointment as the Grand Vigil people had
disputed whether a womancould bear the attributes mandatory to the survival of the
order. Yet, she proved herself a formidable swordsman by adapting her informal
Viridian training
Jack Benny Research Paper
Jack Benny was born on February 14, 1894, in Chicago, Illinois. His original birth
name had been Benjamin Kubelsky, given to him by his parents Emma and Meyer
Kubelsky. His parents had been immigrants to America from different countries
and his Dad had been a Jewish saloon owner. When Jack was 6 years old he had
started to learn the violin from his neighbor Otto Graham Sr. When he had been 14
years old he played in local dance bands as well as playing in his high school band.
Leading up to 15 years of age he had been suggested a job at Waukegan s Barrison
Theater (his school) to play violin in the pit for vaudeville and stage shows.
However, later on down his life, he started getting worse and worse at academics,
unfortunate... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This hadn t been the main thing however, he had also started producing a great
friendship with the Marx Brothers while performing in these theaters. At the age of
18, he had created a vaudeville musical duo with the pianist Cora Salisbury, creating
an act billed as Salisbury and Benny: From Grand Opera to Ragtime. By the time he
had been up to pressured and hesitantly changed his name from Benjamin to Ben K.
Benny. He had been reluctant about his old name because he felt it had been too
similar to another famous violinist Jan Kubelik. During his shows, he had begun to
add comedy elements earning himself a title as a comedian/musician. These shows
had gotten so far that they reached the Mecca of Vaudeville aka Palace Theater.
Unfortunately, by 1917 he dropped the act and left to join the U.S Navy during
WW1 adding a new chapter to his
Counseling Psychology Careers
Out of all the careers i was given an opportunity to choose, i decided to pick
Counseling Psychology .An average salary for a counseling psychologist is roughly
about $87,910, depending on what state or country you re in. Counseling
psychologists use psychological theory and investigation in therapeutic work to assist
clients with a diversity of problems. These problems can range from anxiety and
depression emerging from troublesome life situations to those suffering from mental
health conditions.These life problems include relationship difficulties, bereavement,
sexual or domestic abuse, etc. This job can be highly rewarding when working with
the individuals , but there are certain requirements going into this profession, such as
Use Of A Theory And Pagerank Algorithm
Mathematics in Football
The purpose of this report is to research the use of mathematics in football. In
particular, we have researched the use of network theory and PageRank algorithm.
The report aims to consider which strategies are optimal and discuss whether teams
ought to adopt a more mathematical approach to on field play.
Network theory is becoming more and more used within football to help teams
analyse and change their style of play. It consists of a collection of nodes, with
edges joining them that are weighted depending on how frequent a path is used. In
football, the nodes represent the players of a team, the edges will be the passes
between them and the weight will be the amount of passes between them. We will ...
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The PageRank algorithm gives more weight to a link if it comes from a high
ranking page. In terms of football this means a pass from a popular player is more
valuable than a pass from a player who is hardly involved in the game. Player s
statistics constantly change throughout the game and the PageRank score of a
player depends on the score of his teammates so all scores must be computed at the
same time and the algorithm is only finished once the game has ended. In summary,
PageRank algorithm roughly assigns to each player the probability that he will have
the ball after a reasonable number of passes have been made. [8]
Mathematical Background
One way to analyse players position is closeness centrality, which is defined as the
inverse geodesic distance of a node in the network [1]:
Where Aij is the total amount of passes from player i to j. This formula uses
incoming and outgoing passes as equal measure. This will show how well connected
the players are to each other.
Another way is betweenness centrality, which measures the extent to which a node
lies on paths between other nodes[2]:
Where is the number of geodesic paths from j to k going through i and is the total
number of geodesic paths.
The PageRank algorithm can be defined by: (3)
Where = is the total number of passes made by player , is a heuristic parameter that
represents the probability of the player keeping the
Mother s Reservation Of A Mother
I find disappointing though that Ramatoulaye does not seem to have the intuitiveness
of a mother. Addressing her dead husband, she recalls her mother s reservation about
him, she often spoke of the wide gap between your two upper incisors: the sign of the
primacy of sensuality in the individual (14). Her motheris intuitive enough to know
that in the long run, Modou is a bad choice for her just by looking at his denture. But
after twenty years of mothering, Ramatoulaye cannot even tell that her daughter is
pregnant. She therefore becomes the (m) other in her relationship with her children.
As much as she tries to control everything in their lives an indication of an
internalized patriarchal norm she is the other person in their lives instead of a
mother. It takes persistent nag of Farmata, her griot neighbor to convince her that her
daughter, Aissatou is pregnant. She makes the effort to find out about the pregnancy
just because she is worried about the relentless repetition (81) of her neighbor. She
however learns from her mistake of being negligent and ends up a true mother. She
prepares her daughter for marriage and motherhood. She also teaches her other
children how to live responsibly while allowing them to chart the course of their lives.
Mothering is a lifetime commitment, from the cradle to the grave perhaps and not just
caring for a child. Ramatoulaye does not fully comprehend her grandmother s lament
that, The mother of the family has no time to travel
Biochemistry 208.5.5
Desiree Schmitt
In humans/animals, the main cells that store fat for energy are adipocytes. These
fat cells are found under the skin, in the abdominal cavity and surround major
organs. The fatty tissue is the body s main means of storing energy for long periods
of time. Lipids, like triglycerides are stored in the adipocytes until ready to be used
by the body for energy. Fatis broken down through metabolism in the mitochondria
of the cell. The triglycerides are broken down into glycerol and 3 fatty acids. The
glycerol can be easily converted to glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate, an intermediate of
glycolysis. From there it can go through the Krebs Cycle and electron transport chain
to make ATP. The 3 fatty acids can be broken... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Every cell membrane incorporates a fluid mosaic model. The mosaic of protein
molecules embedded in a lipid bilayer. It s fluid as most proteins and lipid molecules
drift through it. The membrane consists of a phospholipid bilayer embedded with
various proteins. The proteins help to get polar/hydrophilic molecules through the
plasma membrane. Polar molecules have difficulty passing thru the hydrophilic
membrane. Nonpolar molecules however, easily pass thru. The proteins can be
integral proteins, meaning they go all the way through the lipid bilayer or peripheral
proteins that sit on the hydrophilic outer layer and wait for something to happen. The
layers are somewhat fluid, allowing the proteins to move across them. See diagram
No fat diets can actually do more harm than good. The body needs moderation of
all energy producing macronutrients; fats, carbohydrates and proteins. By not eating
any fat, the body starts to utilize the fats stored in the body, thus depleting the stores
and people lose weight. However, once those stores are gone, the good fats or HDL s,
are no longer able to filter out the bad cholesterol. This can lead to increased
cholesterol levels in the blood and heart disease. A no fat diet also causes poor
vitamin absorption of the necessary fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. Fats
transport those vitamins from the liver to various parts of the body.
Sanders, J.

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  • 1. Shakespeare Essay Questions Writing an essay on the topic of "Shakespeare Essay Questions" can present both challenges and opportunities for exploration. On one hand, the vast body of work produced by William Shakespeare offers a rich tapestry of themes, characters, and literary techniques to analyze. On the other hand, the sheer volume of material and the complexity of Shakespeare's plays and sonnets can make the task seem daunting. One of the initial difficulties is selecting specific essay questions that provide a focused and meaningful exploration of Shakespeare's works. With countless plays and poems to choose from, deciding on a narrow and insightful topic becomes crucial. This process demands a deep understanding of Shakespeare's literary legacy and an ability to discern the most compelling aspects for investigation. Furthermore, crafting a coherent and engaging essay requires more than just summarizing the plays or repeating well-known analyses. It involves delving into the subtleties of language, character motivations, historical context, and the intricacies of Shakespearean verse. The challenge lies in striking a balance between offering fresh insights and building upon existing scholarship. The task is not only about literary analysis but also about contextualizing Shakespeare's works within the broader socio-cultural and historical milieu. This demands extensive research to understand the political, social, and artistic landscape of Shakespeare's time. Integrating this contextual knowledge into the essay adds depth and nuance but also requires a comprehensive grasp of the relevant historical sources. Moreover, there is the challenge of expressing these insights in a clear and coherent manner. Writing about complex literary themes and historical contexts requires a high level of articulation to ensure that the reader can follow the argumentation and appreciate the depth of the analysis. In conclusion, composing an essay on "Shakespeare Essay Questions" is a demanding task that necessitates a profound understanding of Shakespearean literature, effective topic selection, rigorous research, and articulate writing skills. However, overcoming these challenges can lead to a rewarding exploration of one of the most celebrated literary figures in history. For those seeking assistance with such essays or other academic tasks, a resource like HelpWriting.net can provide support. Professional writing services offer a range of options for students to obtain well-researched and expertly crafted essays on a variety of topics, ensuring a high-quality output for academic success. Shakespeare Essay Questions Shakespeare Essay Questions
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  • 12. Biomes are the Communities of the World Biomes are all over the world, that s why they are considered the world s major communities. Biomes are large areas scattered around the earth, filled with animals and plants acclimating to their environments. You can classify biomes in many different ways, by their climate, their biodiversity, human activity, their animals and plants, and their habitats. There are only five conspicuous types of biomes, Grassland, Tundra, Desert, Aquatic, and forest. Without biomes, the earth would be unbalanced. Throughout the years, we have cause a lot of damage towards our earth, such as causing pollution, and abolishing natural habitats. If we continue living like this, there might be more serious or severe implications on the biomes. Knowing that we share the world with so many other species of plants and animals, we should consider the consequences of our actions. The Aquatic biomeis the most significant out of all of the five biomes. Water is essential and important for life here on Earth. It s what we all need in order to survive. Water also supports life, and many different species live in it, or for some parts of their life. Since water covers one thirds of the Earth, the temperature of the aquatic biome tends to be humid and slightly cool. It is fairly constant so it can be able to tolerate life. This region is filled with so many different species of animals some big and some even small. The Aquatic biome is broken into two regions freshwater and marine
  • 13. Pros and Cons of Electronic Voting Essay Table of Contents: 1.Introduction 2.Operation 3.Block Diagram 4.Description 4.1How it is used 4.2Where it is used 5.Security Issues 6.Strengths of E Voting 7.Weaknesses of E voting 8.Voting system Requirements 9.Conclusion 10.References Introduction: Electronic voting machine has now become an effective tool for voting. It mainly ensures flawless voting and thus has become a more widespread. Also those kinds of machines make human effort less and they are more economical. It is also free and very comfort in the part of voter. Electronic voting which is otherwise known as e voting, used by electronic systems for representing and counting votes. Voting machines are in total combinations of mechanical, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Some of the countries like United Kingdom, Estonia and Switzerland uses internet sort of voting for their government elections and Canada uses this internet voting for municipal elections likewise. There have been several studies and also challenges on using the computer based electronic voting machines which are used to improve the quality of the elections. These studies caution against the risks of moving fast in adopting the electronic voting machines. Voters are the people who electorate to make a decision or who express their opinion towards the representative. Polls are where the people or voters go to cast their votes. The duty of the voters in the time of election near polls is to cast their vote and everyone who utilizes their vote is stored in the form of either ballot paper information or in the e voting machine, generally the change in the technology give rise to the e voting machines. This is what a small introduction about electronic voting. Operation: Elections are defined as the way by which the Democracies use to measure people s will and thus to assign political power. Therefore this is the primary importance of any democratic country to avoid the mistakes and have power in the correct one s hand and not to the one who should not have it. And this will be correctly done in the case of allowing the vote to those only who is having the right
  • 14. Beauty Pageants Beauty Pageants What is a Beauty Pageant? A beauty pageant or beauty contest is a competition that has traditionally focused on judging and ranking the physical attributes of the contestants, although some contests have evolved to also incorporate personality traits, intelligence, talent, and answers to judges questions as judged criteria. In American culture, beauty pageants have been around since the 1960s. The Beauty Pageants first started in Palisades Amusement Park in New Jersey for teenager from the ages of 13 to 17 years old and by 1964 there have been over 35,000 participants that prompted an age division. In Today s society beauty Pageants are still popular and still demeaning to women and little girls. Beauty pageants... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Depression is a major problem found in many young girls due to insecurities. 75% of girls with low self esteem reported engaging in negative activities like cutting, bullying, smoking, drinking, or disordered eating. Girls are under the pressure to gain perfection and attractiveness to win. It has been showed by statisticbrain.com that eight out of ten, 9 year old girls in the U.S. have been on a diet. 42% of first through third grade girls want to be thinner, and 37% of those girls have already been dieted. Child beauty pageants are not as glamorous as they seem to be on television; they can cause young girls to develop serious illnesses because they feel the need to be better and be perfect. Because of the strong desire to be perfect, some resort to extremes to gain that approval. In beauty pageants they sometimes have talent portions and are not in all pageants. They are considered as a secondary component of the experience and scoring. Children are missing out on their normal childhoods and the parents have a lot to do with this mistake. Kids who participate in beauty pageants don t get a say unless their parents really hear them out. Some parents can have their child compete for fun, but some parents will stop at no cost to have their child rise to the top as number one. A mother in San Francisco gave her 8 year daughter Botox injections to keep her in more
  • 15. Culling In Australia Invasive species known as the red fox, feral cats and amels have proven to show that Australia has suffered more than most countries around the world from invasive species due to the species imposing huge costs on farming and threatening native wildlife. Typically, the first response to such problems is Culling, not knowing that by eradicating, reducing their abundance and impact can do more bad than good. A recent wildlife study conducted by CSIRO Wildlife Research has shown that invasive speciesthreaten biodiversity in many parts of the world, including Australia. Low Level culling is often used to reduce their impact of reproducing, but in open wildlife populations, thee effectiveness of culling is uncertain. In this study, they have
  • 16. Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Autobiography For as long as I can remember, my brother would fall down often. I never really thought much of it while growing up, he was just my clumsy older brother. I noticed he was different from my friend s older brothers but I never really cared because I always loved the way he was. In 1997, my brother was four years old and my parents started to notice he was not physically capable of doing what other kids his age could do, so they decided to ask a doctor what could be wrong. Many blood tests and muscle biopsies later, my parents were told that my brother has mild autism and Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy means that his muscles will progressively degenerate and weaken over time. This news made my parents upset for a long time. Halloween of 1997, my mom found out she was going to have me ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Someone who has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy has weak muscles, but that also means they have slow reflexes and brittle bones. When my brother was about 16, he slipped in some water and didn t catch himself and fell. The next morning, my parents took him to the ER to find out he had broken both of his legs and would have to undergo surgery. After his surgery, he was in a wheelchair for a few months so his legs would heal. That summer, my family took a trip to Huntington Beach and my brother could almost completely walk without the wheelchair by this time. The first day, my brother, my dad, and I were walking down the hall to our room and my dad was pushing the chair behind my brother so when his legs got tired he could sit. About ten steps down the hall, my brother fell and my dad rushed around to help him up. My
  • 17. Goldman Sachs s Stock Price Goldman Sachs s stock price declined $8.40 from $156.98 as of March 31, 2016 to $148.58 as of June 30, 2016. This 5% decrease is largely the result of poor performance in an uncertain and volatile macroeconomic environment. The Company s revenue in the first quarter of 2016 decreased $4.28 billion as compared to the first quarter of 2015, falling from $10.62 billion in Q1 2015 to $6.34 billion in Q1 of 2016. This 40% decline can be attributed to historically low oil prices, investor uncertainty regarding the outlook of the global economy, and a sharp decline in revenue from investment banking activities. While conditions moderately improved in Q2 2016, the financial sector faces a new wave of uncertainty in the wake of Britain s departure from the European Union. Following Britain s historic referendum, shares of Goldman Sachsfell 6.1%, as reported by the Financial Times. As such, the Company has begun cutting costs, most notably by urging executives to dial back costs associated with travel to clients. Additionally, the Company has laid off dozens of employees in response to the slowdown in investment banking activities. The decrease in Goldman Sachs s stock price reflects the uncertainty and turbulence of the current economic environment. Wal Mart s stock price increased $4.53 from $68.49 as of March 31, 2016 to $73.02 as of June 30, 2016. After a dismal 2015, the company embarked on a strategy to address key risks and has taken several
  • 18. Benetton Benetton History and Present Structure When Luciano and Giuliana Benetton, both grown up under the harsh conditions of war and post war Italy, founded Benetton group in 1965, they probably did never dream that one day their company would among the most famous in the fashion industry. Yet, 34 years later, Benetton is present in 120 countries and Edizione Holding, the holding company of the family is now making a yearly turnover of XXX billion Lira[1]. Not at least due to their controversial advertising campaigns which sparked strong reactions around the world, from outright ban to art awards, Benetton has become known worldwide. After the opening their first store in 1968 with a surface ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In 1992, these activities were bundled in a separate division, called Benetton Sportssystem. The production of sports equipment was supplemented by the production of sports wear, the aim being to provide the customer with both the equipment and the clothing, thus realizing synergies from the existing textile manufacturing facilities[5]. Benetton Sportssystem is the fastest growing division of Benetton group and it already represent 21,3% of turnover[6]. With 55% of its sales realised in North America, it is also much less focused on Europe[7]. While Benetton Sportssystem was still in connection with its original business, in the 1990s Benetton diversified into areas which were rather far from it, like retailing or the restaurant business. The acquisition of shares in Autogrill, world leader in catering services for travelers, and GS Gruppo, leader in the Italian food distribution sector, left the Benetton family with 700 supermarkets, 21 hypermarkets and over 650 restaurants, producing a combined turnover of more than 13,000 billion Lira (more than three times the turnover of the actual Benetton group)[8]. Reasons for this diversification into areas remote from their core business might be found in the wish to take advantage of the privatization of national industries presently in progress in Italy and to profit from the
  • 19. Heart Of Darkness Racist Analysis When I read Heart of Darkness, I did think it was a racist book. The story revolves around a character named Marlow, who goes to work in the Congo. The labor for the company he works for comes from the slavery of the native people. The author, Joseph Conrad, depicts these people as savages, which is also very racist. Also, when he refers to them, he uses a racial slur, rather than calling them black people or finding another way to state that they are not white. Throughout the book Conrad also depicts a lot of violence towards these people, which I saw as unnecessary since most of the time it is not explained and does not further develop the story. These are the reasons why I think Heart of Darknessis racist. The first thing that I noticed in Heart of Darkness that made me think it is a racist book is the way the black people are treated and how they are thought of. The native people of the Congo are considered to be very dangerous. Therefore, they are chained together to work and are not given basic human rights such as food. Once they have started work, they are forced to continue until they cannot work any longer. If they are suddenly unable to work, they are left under a tree to wait until they are capable of working again... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This book had a lot of unnecessary violence towards the black people. In the first chapter, the book depicts a French boat firing onto the shore. This had to do some harm to the people that were there. Also, the book didn t give any reason why this happened. The other main mean of unnecessary violence I saw was when Marlow was on his way to meet with Kurtz. Kurtz orders the natives to attack the ship. Kurtz would have had to know that the people on the ship would fight back, causing harm to them. Why was this necessary? It was just another racist device to cause more unnecessary harm to the black
  • 20. Glory Film Analysis Equality: Inclusive of All Give em hell fifty four! Edward Zwick s 1989 film Glory, starring: Matthew Broderick as Colonel Robert Gould Shaw, Denzel Washington as Private Silas Trip, Morgan Freeman as gravedigger John Rawlins, and Andre Braughter as Private Thomas Searls is a Civil War portrayal of the courage and sacrifice displayed by the 54th Volunteer Regiment of Massachusetts. From the infancy of their inception in Boston, through the carnage they endured at the Battle of Fort Wagner in South Carolina, members of the little known 54th Regiment ultimately achieve glorythrough a cumulative effort. The film Glory couples the guidance of inspirational mentors with impeccable execution of sound and pacing techniques, to convey through... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Furthermore, one can achieve glory through mentorship, courage, and the acceptance of others wishing to assimilate to a necessary cause. In the picture, Colonel Robert Shaw subsequently rips his pay, after his men are paid slave wages. Moreover, Shaw equips the men with official Union colors and uniform, after Trip is whipped for leaving camp to find boots. Finally, he displays the courage necessary to stand up to officers of greater prestige, when his men are solely being used for manual labor and the destruction of residences. The man who knew no family, Private Silas Trip, is also a reflection of the aforementioned theme. Following the eloquent sermon delivered by Sergeant Major Rawlins, Private Trip gives a heartfelt speech in the midst of the upcoming Battle of Fort Wagner, proclaiming, Y all the onliest family I got . . . I love the 54 . . . Ain t much a matter what happen tomorrow because we men ain t we. Subsequently, Private Trip, previously a key antagonist in the plot, vicariously embodies Shaw, when he leads the men onward and uphill, seeking the higher ground, after Colonel Shaw is shot and killed
  • 21. Anthrax Spore My choice for this week s discussion falls squarely within the biological warfare threat and was chosen based on its past usage and resilience to environmental variables that may otherwise degrade the effectiveness of other agents when disseminated from a likely terrorist device. The anthrax spore is a robust organism, capable of causing a high percentage of fatalities in those who inhale it and is proven attractive to those seeking to employ biological weapons against America. The anthrax letters from 2001 which traversed the USPS sickened 22 people and killed 5 (Abramson, 2012, p12). Though there were not a massive number of casualties, panic ensued and people were fearful of using the postal service, with some policymakers seeking to reinstate national smallpox vaccinations in case that was the next tool to be used by terror organizations against America (Abramson, 2012, p12). ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The fact that anthrax causes non communicable disease (Abramson, 2012, p17) is a benefit if employing it as a military weapon as controllability is desired, but terror organizations are unlikely to see this as either a positive or negative outcome since their desires are accomplished by sowing fear and causing economic damage. Another factor that makes anthrax attractive to terrorists is the relatively small quantity needed to cause a mass casualty incident. Only Вј ounce of anthrax spores are required to cause mass casualties over an area of 1 square mile (Kostadinov Galabova, 2010, p298). The simple fact that anthrax has such a long history of easy cultivation going back to 1915 speaks for the lack of technical equipment required to process this material (Kostadinov Galabova, 2010,
  • 22. The Role Of PTSD In The Police Department Although many believe that law enforcement agents are usually men and women that are emotionless individuals that do not sympathize and feel what the wrongly accused victims have felt, yet they have not seen the silent side of the effects being in the force against crime, leaving a deep impact in officers and such. PTSDin the body of policeofficers isn t widely known, but it is a tolling factor in their career. This is a problem that is slowly taking surge, much like a tumor or a virus. Post traumatic stress disorder, otherwise known as PTSD is a mental health condition triggered by a terrifying event, either by experience or witness, it can trigger flashbacks, nightmares, severe anxiety, and as well as uncontrollable thoughts about the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are ways to cope ideally with PTSD and help officers with their disorders. As of the moment, there are therapy group sessions with fellow officers that are experiencing the same issues; family support and comfort treatments that help have more control of emotions.(Stress) Yet, this is not as much as the expected impact due to officers not wanting to be discharged and lose pay, thus they keep their symptoms to themselves, so what many believe what we need to do is input more therapy session and invite openly to all officers to encourage participation, even if they are not with PTSD symptoms, simply because it reinforces the fact that everyone in the force are there, comrades in the field and home.(Kulman and May 2015) We need to open up the research field and invest more to save the lives of those who sacrifice daily for our safety. As for now, there are advances in treatments for PTSD, and hopefully soon a way to stop PTSD from claiming for victims. There are people recovering as well as people falling into the brink of insanity and having suicidal thoughts, yet we must forge on to reach better
  • 23. The Benefits Of Attending High-Secondary Education There are thousands of high school seniors that plan to attend postВ secondary education after graduating. Most of those students are not financially stable to get through school, so they apply for scholarships. Scholarships are the ultimate goal of any student gain, this is less money taken out of pocket or less money needed to borrow loans. Attending collegehas always been a goal of mine. The idea of being able to meet different types of people and learn new concepts in such a unique place, allowing for me to grow and identify myself excites me. However, money gets in they way of that and with millions of scholarships in the world, it would not take anything for me to apply. This scholarship will benefit me by helping to pay for my education,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It determines whether or not a group of people may succeed (academic and wise). It is the small things that make large differences, kind of like winning a one hundred dollar scholarship. That one hundred dollars could be used to pay for a book your teacher says that you will need for class or money for your rent through your refund check. Now if you did not have the one hundred dollars, you could have had trouble passing the class or even get evicted. The reason I chose to study psychology is because it allows for me to make an impact on the lives of others, the way someone else may or may not have influenced mine. Helping others gives me a sense of selfВ actualization, as if I have found my life s purpose. My goal is to obtain a doctorate and open my own psychology practice after completing two years of residency. Medical school requires a lot of money and even with a job, loans will more than likely be needed to pay for school and living expenses. The degree I wish to gain will allow for me to become a clinical or counseling psychologist and begin counseling groups for low Вincome individuals for little to nothing. I believe this could be the impact needed to allow for someone else to find their purpose and achieve their dreams, as well as continuing to make the world a better place. Gaining this scholarship, will provide me with the means of being successful in my college and educational experience. I will be allowed the
  • 24. Summary Of The Play The Furies Throughout the play the Furies where trying to gain revenge by killing Orestes for killing his own mother. The Furies believed that blood must be paid with blood for and gruesome act as killing your own mother. The Furies cross examine Orestes on the charges that he committed. Orestes admits that he killed his mother, and says that he did so following the commands of Apollo, which got his commands from the God Zeus. He also says that his mother had it coming to her (because she killed Agamemnon, Orestes s father). Now the Furies question Apollo. Apollo backs up everything that Orestes says, and elaborates on Orestes s point that his mother wasn t related to him. Apollo says that mothers are only incubators of embryos, and that only fathers are truly parents are uses Athena as an example of how mothers aren t needed to birth a child. Apollo expressed the importance of relying on the law instead of revenge and the important things that are on the line. According to the book, The Ballots are out, make a careful count, be fair, have respect for justice as you divide the votes. An ill judged verdict could cause great harm, and a single vote can restore a mighty house (Line 748). The play The Furies shows that law is better than revenge because all facts of a case must be examined before a decision can be made on punishment for crimes committed. The furies wanted to kill Orestes mainly because he killed his own mother and that kind of crime could only be paid with blood, but
  • 25. Unix And Unix Operating System 6.4 C DOT DSS MAX is administrated by UNIX operating system BSNL C DOT DSS MAX uses UNIX operating system to operate the exchange. The UNIX operating system is a set of programs that act as a link between the computer and the user. The computer programs that allocate the system resources and coordinate all the details of the computer s internals is called the operating system or kernel. Users communicate with the kernel through a program known as the shell. The shell is a command line interpreter it translates commands entered by the user and converts them into a language that is understood by the kernel. UNIX was originally developed in 1969 by a group of AT T employees at Bell Labs, including Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, Douglas McIlroy, and Joe Ossanna. There are various UNIX variants available in the market. Solaris UNIX, AIX, HP UNIX and BSD are few examples. Several people can use a UNIX computer at the same time; hence UNIX is called a multiuser system. A user can also run multiple programs at the same time; hence UNIX is called multitasking. This is why BSNL uses UNIX operating system as the exchanges can be operated through a remote area. UNIX operating system provides various commands to operate embedded systems in C DOT DSS MAX. The commands used in C DOT DSS MAX UNIX operating system are broadly divided into two categories 1. Administration command classes 2. Maintenance command classes In Administration command classes, there
  • 26. Summary Of The NovelThe Coldest Winter Ever The novel The Coldest Winter Ever by Sister Souljah follows the life of the lead character Winter Santiago and her family. Born in Brooklyn,New York, Winter Santiago was the daughter of a young mother and the notorious drug dealer Ricky Santiago. From the beginning of the novel Winter lets it known that she was born into luxury, and just because she lived in the projects of Brooklyn didn t mean she was poor.In fact it was the exact opposite for the Santiago family.Winter came into adolescence as a shallow, self centered individual, motivated solely by physical attractiveness, material possessions and the desire to attract as many men as possible. On Winter s six tenth birthday her father Ricky Santiago decides it s finally time to move his family out of the ghetto. Winter s mother and sisters were very excited for the move although Winter was livid. The family s move to a mansion in Long Island did not stop Winter from desiring her ghetto culture. It also didn t help that neither parents were actual parents to Winter. Shortly after the family moves to Rhode island the FBI raid the house and arrest Ricky Santiago on several charges. After Santiago s arrest his empire begins to crumble. All of the family possessions are seized leaving Winter, her mother and her three younger siblings to fend for themselves. Winter selfishness didn t let that happen,she decided to go on her own and hustle her way back into the lifestyle she once lived.Unfortunately things didn t work out for winter the way she wanted. Instead of getting things done on her own Winter looked for a man to take care of her, because that was the only thing her mother taught her. The same man that was supposed to love and take care of her let her take the fall for his crimes, and ultimately sent Winter to jail for a fifth teen year sentence. One recurring theme in the novel is that success is not easily earned. This is a message that Winter Santiago didn t quite comprehend. Winter s father success made her believe that she could have anything she wanted in life with a snap of a finger. She didn t understand how to become successful. Winter believed that hustling and seeking out a man to take care of her, would bring her back on top. In order to
  • 27. How Did Jazz Dance And Jazz Music In this essay I will be discussing how dance has a close relationship with early jazz music. I will be mentioning dances such as the Charleston and Lindy Hop from the 1920s to the 1940 s, along with jazz dancers such as Jack Cole. Jazz dancing developed alongside jazz music in New Orleans. Beginning in the 1930 s onto the 1960 s jazz dancing transformed from the vernacular form to a theatre based performance form that used trained dancers. Choreographers from modern dance and ballet began to experiment with jazz dancing and began to incorporate it into their dances, some of these include jack Cole, George Balanchine and Bob Fosse. From here jazz dancing was influenced by choreographers as they required highly trained dances to perform their dances which were greatly different from the colloquial dancing of New Orleans in the 1990 s. Jazz dancing to this day is still extremely popular dance form, many dancers flock to New Orleans and Louisiana as the city has such a connection with the music. In the 1920 s the jazz era was starting and was in some ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Rhythm tap focuses on musicality and practitioner s conceder themselves part of the jazz tradition. Tap dancers dance to rhythmical jazz music, they tap out of beat of the music that to create a percussive sound. Some of the well known dancers are Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly. Jazz tap dancing began as a form of expressing jazz music as the dancers emphasised the music. The jazz fox trot was one of the most popular dances of this time. Jazz music at this time was either called sweet or hot . Sweet jazz had a slow tempo and a rich sound. Whereas hot jazz had a much faster tempo and had a much jazzier feel to it. Because the two of these types of jazz were so different they were very popular. When people danced to sweet jazz it was called the slow foxtrot and when they danced to hot jazz it could be called one step or just fox
  • 28. Dunnets Test Using Graphpad Statistical Analysis: All the results were expressed as meanВ±SEM and subjected to One way analysis of variance followed by dunnets test using GraphPad prism 5.0 Results : Effect on TC TC levels were significantly elevated in positive control when compared with normal control. When compare with normal control, standard group and ethanolic extract groups are significantly different (F = 25.20, p 0.01). Standard group, ethanolic extract, and aqueous extracts groups are not significant When compared with positive control. (Figure 1) Effect on TG TG levels were significantly elevated in positive control when compared with normal control. When compare with normal control, standard group, ethanolic extract, and aqueous extracts groups are not statistically significant. Normal controls, standard group, ethanolic... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Normal controls, standard groups are statistically significant when compared with positive control (F = 12.86, p 0.001). Ethanolic and aqueous extracts raised the HDL levels but the raise is not statistically significant. (Figure 3) Effect on LDL LDL levels were significantly elevated in positive control when compared with normal control (F = 15.94, p 0.001). Standard group and aqueous extracts group has decreased the LDL levels but the decrease is not statistically significant. (Figure 4) Effect on VLDL VLDL levels were significantly elevated in positive control when compared with normal control. When compare with normal control, standard group, ethanolic extract, and aqueous extracts groups are not statistically significant. Normal controls, standard group, ethanolic extract and aqueous extracts groups are statistically significant when compared with positive control (F = 15.32, p 0.001). This indicates that both aqueous and ethanolic extract treatment has reduced the VLDL levels in the rats. (Figure 5) Effect on AI and
  • 29. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act Case Study The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) was established as a result of corporate scandals that led to the passing of the Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002. This paper will explore the circumstances that led to the creation of the PCAOB. I will then go on to discuss the roles and responsibilities of the PCAOB, and suggestions for improvement of the PCAOB auditingprocess. Sarbanes Oxley came into being due to the corporate accounting scandals in the early 2000 s. With the occurrence of the first corporate scandal of Enron and Arthur Andersen in late 2001, Congress did little. With the second wave of scandals which included WorldCom and Adelphia, the stock market continued to plunge which resulted in billions of dollars of corporate... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In addition, these firms must file an annual report that discloses selected client information. As of October 2012 there were approximately 2,500 accounting firms that are registered with the PCAOB ( Guide to cob, 2012). The firms that are registered with the PCAOB must use the PCAOB s established auditing standards. Accounting firms must also use the PCAOB s ethics and independence standards relating to their public company audits. The PCAOB inspects accounting firms that provide auditing reports. Those firms that provide reports for more than 100 companies are inspected annually. Those that provide for less than 100 are inspected every 3 years. The PCAOB also enforces compliance to Sarbanes Oxley by investigating and if found necessary, may discipline registered accounting firms and persons that are associated with that firm. This enforcement can include suspension of a person, fines and/or imprisonment of up to 20 years for
  • 30. The Sirens Of Titan Essay Over the course of Kurt Vonnegut s career, an unorthodox handling of time became one of many signature features in his fictional works (Allen 37). Despite The Sirens of Titan (1959) being only his second novel, this trademark is still prevalent. When delving into science fiction, it is often helpful to incorporate ideas from other works within the genre. This concept is exemplified by the megatext, an aspect of science fiction that involves the application of a reader s own knowledge of the genre to a new encounter (Evans xiii). By working within the megatext, Ursula K. Le Guins The Dispossessed(1974) provides an insightful avenue in exploring the handling of time and its consequences in Vonnegut s The Sirens of Titan . This... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... An interesting structural feature to note is that each chapter is preceded by a quotation from that chapter. This is not unlike a prophecy and resembles Rumfoord s abilities. This use of chapter quotations as well as the looping of the narrative could be interpreted to reflect Rumfoord s perception of time in that everything that ever has been always will be, and everything that ever will be always has been (20). There is also a significant amount of foreshadowing in that the novel is essentially outlined during Malachi s first meeting with Rumfoord. In The Dispossessed, time can be thought of in either a Sequential or Simultaneous manner. The Sequential school of thought is the more concrete, familiar version in that time flows in a linear progression. Simultaneity considers this linearity as not...a physically objective phenomenon, but as a subjective one (Le Guin 221). Shevek, the protagonist, makes use of an apt comparison to further describe the concept: It would be a little like reading a book, you see. The book is all there, at once, between its covers. But if you want to read the story and understand it, you must begin with the first page, and go forward, always in order. So the universe would be a very great book, and we would be very small readers. (221) According to Shevek, where Sequence falls short is its inability to
  • 31. Developments Of Securing The Nation s Ports Developments in securing the nation s ports have occurred since September 11, 2001: According to American Association of Ports Authorities (n. d) the United States is served by some 360 commercial ports that provide approximately 3,200 cargo and passenger handling facilities and there are more than 150 deep draft seaports under the jurisdiction of 126 public seaport agencies located along the Atlantic, Pacific, Gulf and Great Lakes coasts, as well as in Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Transportation Security Administration (2010), broaden the definition of the maritime sector to include a wide range of watercraft and vessels and consists of approximately 95,000 miles of coastline, 361 ports, more than ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Furthermore, on August 9, 2004, the Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Act of 2004 were signed into law. Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and the United States Coast Guard (USCG) are the Sector Specific Agencies (SSAs) for the Transportation Systems Sector. They teamed up with the Department of Transportation to coordinate the preparedness activities in the national maritime domain. The SSAs partners functions are to prevent, protect against, respond to, and recover from all hazards that could have a debilitating effect on homeland security, public health and safety, or economic well being using the National Infrastructure Protection Plan risk management framework as risk management and mitigation framework (Transportation Security Administration 2010). Dual threats of terrorism and natural disasters and their affected port security: Provide examples to illustrate your findings. A natural disaster is a sudden calamitous event that is the result of atmospheric and other geological imbalances that threatens the viability of the organization and is characterized by creating chaos, disruption of operations, confusion, and even death of employees (Morrison, et al 2014, p. 66). Natural disasters that can have more negative impact or affects on the port security include earthquake, hurricane, flood, volcanic eruption, tsunami, just to mention but few. Also, some unwanted, exotic plant,
  • 32. Comprehensive Life Plan Essay Dianna Pham April 13, 2013 Comprehensive Life Plan God has given us the ability to look back at our life, and to also see how our future would be. My mission statement is that I have overcome some things in life that have changed the person who I was then into the woman that I have become now. I know that I am at my best when I feel as though everyone and everything around me has been taken care of in not a harmful way. I will enjoy my work by finding employment where I can I do love what I do at work; I just do not like the people that I work with. I find enjoyment in my personal life when I get to spend time with my family and children. I feel as though if I set my mind to do something then I can do anything. My life s journey ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... We are gossiping and talking about what is going on in our lives. My afternoon activities are paying some bills, and getting ready to cook dinner. I then am cleaning the house and picking up things around the house. I am waiting for my husband to come home from work. The evening comes and my husband and I are having dinner and talking about how our day went. The day has come to an end and I am reflecting on how the day went. The only thing that is running through my mind is how God blessed me to be happy, healthy and alive and that my sons are doing well in college. From the perspective of going back five years from the year 2026 many events took place then in my life. In the year 2021, I am thirty nine years old and I am still working at the VA Hospital but as a Nurse Administrative. I had a successful promotion due to my hard work and dedication. My oldest son is 17, and I am going crazy as a senior mom saving up money to buy him his car. He is about to graduate and got accepted into Baylor University. My baby is only 15, but I am going crazy with the athletic schedules of his life. In 2016, I officially graduated from Nursing School. I am dealing with the everyday life of two teenage boys. In 2011, I am working at a hospital and trying to deal with my mentality of going back to school. My strategic goal in the next two to three years is to save money for myself
  • 33. Social Pressure For Cis White Straight Males MOGAI people are underrepresented in Computer Science and Computer engineering due to many of the same reasons why women are underrepresented: the amount of social pressure for cis white straight conservative males (CWSCMs) to go into STEM and for those not CWSCMs to pursue more fitting positions and fields; the amount of brogrammer, brogamer, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, and straight male dominance in STEM and tech fields and culture; and finally the amount of inequitable barriers to STEM and tech fields. This is entirely unethical and needs to be changed greatly to improve STEM and tech fields, along with giving equity to MOGAI individuals and the community. In addition, many argue that these demands would be special or extra rights, which is inaccurate as this assumes the actions needed to boost non CWSCM people to equitable positions would cause an inequitable situation for CWSCMs. Discussion A 2015 report of Queer in STEM: Workplace Experiences Reported in a National Survey of LGBTQA Individuals in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Careers found the data gathered suggests a broader phenomenon of gendered culture in STEM workplaces in fields with fewer women, the climate may be less comfortable for anyone who fails to conform to a straight male gender presentation. This supports the argument that the STEM community actively wards off anyone that is MOGAI from participation or inclusion. Furthermore, a lack of
  • 34. Paramount 1994 PARAMOUNT 1994 CASES IN CORPORATE FINANCE July 12, 2013 Board of Directors Paramount Re: Acquisition Dear Board of Directors: In order to make our recommendation to the Board, we must address the following questions: Acquiring Paramount Communications, Inc (PCI) was important for Redstone as it would enable Viacom to obtain a stronger position in the communications industry. His initial offer was designed to show that Viacom was a better strategic partner for PCI than QVC. The deal was more in favor of Viacom than Paramount as Viacom s initial offer was a combined offer of cash and securities. Under the terms of the initial offer, Paramount shareholders would receive voting and nonvoting... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The initial offer by QVC consisted of $30 in cash plus .893 QVC shares (.893 QVC shares = $50.01) which totaled $80.01 for Paramount on September 20, 1993. The final offer consisted of and was worth the following with respect to the share price value of Paramount: | | Value | Ratio |Amount | Share | |Cash |104 |0.501 |1 |52.1 | |Preferred |31.53 |0.499 |0.239 |3.76 | |Warrant |15.97 |0.499 |0.32 |2.55 | |10 Year | | | | | |Common |45.875 |0.499 |1.236 |28.3 | | | $86.71 | | | | |Total | | | | | | | | | | | The final bid for Paramount by Viacom consisted of and was worth the following with respect to the share price value of Paramount: | | Value | Ratio |Amount |Per Share| |Cash |107
  • 35. Substance Abuse In Pharmacy Substance abuse is an issue in every pharmacy! I believe whomever takes on the task of trying to control the problem has a big job. Pharmacists are in the front lines of this big task. When I was a technician, I learned how far some patients are willing to take lies in order to get certain controlled drugs. In the pharmacy, I want to do three things to prevent abuse. First, I want to have an organized pharmacy. When the pharmacy is in order of our counts, we are more likely to be confident when we deny a patient who is refilling to soon. There is nothing worse than being caught in a situation when you are not sure of our own records. Therefore, I believe being organized in my medication count is foundational of a good pharmacy. Secondly, I want to approve the selling of needles to patients. I believe in this method because people who are addicted to certain drugs will keep taking the drug regardless of whether the needles are clean or not.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Working in the pharmacy next to a pain clinic, I witnessed a lot of drama. The pain clinic was eventually closed down for questionable practices. What I learned from working with the clinic is that doctors sometimes do not understand the severity of someone s addiction. That s why it s important for doctors to see pharmacist more trustworthy because we are truly the drug experts. It s no wonder these days that everyone seems to be in pain. That s not say people do not feel pain but pain medication abuse is more prevalent now than ever before due to the increase in heroin users! Doctors and pharmacists must have quick and efficient ways of communicating. Even when communication isn t an issue, doctors do not listen to pharmacist s recommendation. When I become a pharmacists, I want to know why I am dispensing controlled medications especially if they are in large quantities. I want to be a part of the decision making process the doctor has with the
  • 36. Aletta s Appointment As The Grand Vigil The pinnacle of Aletta s narrative was set in motion upon concluding her bootlegged Viridian training overseen by the marred . Thereafter, Aletta rallied like minded individuals whom denounced the recent upheaval of magic to Regalia, and laid down the fundamental bricks of what would later become the Azure Order. The organization was viewed by spectators as one of necessity, duly to the sum of Regalian citizens believing their infestation was to be eradicated by this newfound party. Throughout the duration of Aletta s appointment as the Grand Vigil people had disputed whether a womancould bear the attributes mandatory to the survival of the order. Yet, she proved herself a formidable swordsman by adapting her informal Viridian training
  • 37. Jack Benny Research Paper Jack Benny was born on February 14, 1894, in Chicago, Illinois. His original birth name had been Benjamin Kubelsky, given to him by his parents Emma and Meyer Kubelsky. His parents had been immigrants to America from different countries and his Dad had been a Jewish saloon owner. When Jack was 6 years old he had started to learn the violin from his neighbor Otto Graham Sr. When he had been 14 years old he played in local dance bands as well as playing in his high school band. Leading up to 15 years of age he had been suggested a job at Waukegan s Barrison Theater (his school) to play violin in the pit for vaudeville and stage shows. However, later on down his life, he started getting worse and worse at academics, unfortunate... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This hadn t been the main thing however, he had also started producing a great friendship with the Marx Brothers while performing in these theaters. At the age of 18, he had created a vaudeville musical duo with the pianist Cora Salisbury, creating an act billed as Salisbury and Benny: From Grand Opera to Ragtime. By the time he had been up to pressured and hesitantly changed his name from Benjamin to Ben K. Benny. He had been reluctant about his old name because he felt it had been too similar to another famous violinist Jan Kubelik. During his shows, he had begun to add comedy elements earning himself a title as a comedian/musician. These shows had gotten so far that they reached the Mecca of Vaudeville aka Palace Theater. Unfortunately, by 1917 he dropped the act and left to join the U.S Navy during WW1 adding a new chapter to his
  • 38. Counseling Psychology Careers Out of all the careers i was given an opportunity to choose, i decided to pick Counseling Psychology .An average salary for a counseling psychologist is roughly about $87,910, depending on what state or country you re in. Counseling psychologists use psychological theory and investigation in therapeutic work to assist clients with a diversity of problems. These problems can range from anxiety and depression emerging from troublesome life situations to those suffering from mental health conditions.These life problems include relationship difficulties, bereavement, sexual or domestic abuse, etc. This job can be highly rewarding when working with the individuals , but there are certain requirements going into this profession, such as getting
  • 39. Use Of A Theory And Pagerank Algorithm Mathematics in Football The purpose of this report is to research the use of mathematics in football. In particular, we have researched the use of network theory and PageRank algorithm. The report aims to consider which strategies are optimal and discuss whether teams ought to adopt a more mathematical approach to on field play. Introduction Network theory is becoming more and more used within football to help teams analyse and change their style of play. It consists of a collection of nodes, with edges joining them that are weighted depending on how frequent a path is used. In football, the nodes represent the players of a team, the edges will be the passes between them and the weight will be the amount of passes between them. We will ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The PageRank algorithm gives more weight to a link if it comes from a high ranking page. In terms of football this means a pass from a popular player is more valuable than a pass from a player who is hardly involved in the game. Player s statistics constantly change throughout the game and the PageRank score of a player depends on the score of his teammates so all scores must be computed at the same time and the algorithm is only finished once the game has ended. In summary, PageRank algorithm roughly assigns to each player the probability that he will have the ball after a reasonable number of passes have been made. [8] Mathematical Background One way to analyse players position is closeness centrality, which is defined as the inverse geodesic distance of a node in the network [1]: (1) Where Aij is the total amount of passes from player i to j. This formula uses incoming and outgoing passes as equal measure. This will show how well connected the players are to each other. Another way is betweenness centrality, which measures the extent to which a node lies on paths between other nodes[2]: (2) Where is the number of geodesic paths from j to k going through i and is the total number of geodesic paths. The PageRank algorithm can be defined by: (3) Where = is the total number of passes made by player , is a heuristic parameter that represents the probability of the player keeping the
  • 40. Mother s Reservation Of A Mother I find disappointing though that Ramatoulaye does not seem to have the intuitiveness of a mother. Addressing her dead husband, she recalls her mother s reservation about him, she often spoke of the wide gap between your two upper incisors: the sign of the primacy of sensuality in the individual (14). Her motheris intuitive enough to know that in the long run, Modou is a bad choice for her just by looking at his denture. But after twenty years of mothering, Ramatoulaye cannot even tell that her daughter is pregnant. She therefore becomes the (m) other in her relationship with her children. As much as she tries to control everything in their lives an indication of an internalized patriarchal norm she is the other person in their lives instead of a mother. It takes persistent nag of Farmata, her griot neighbor to convince her that her daughter, Aissatou is pregnant. She makes the effort to find out about the pregnancy just because she is worried about the relentless repetition (81) of her neighbor. She however learns from her mistake of being negligent and ends up a true mother. She prepares her daughter for marriage and motherhood. She also teaches her other children how to live responsibly while allowing them to chart the course of their lives. Mothering is a lifetime commitment, from the cradle to the grave perhaps and not just caring for a child. Ramatoulaye does not fully comprehend her grandmother s lament that, The mother of the family has no time to travel
  • 41. Biochemistry 208.5.5 Desiree Schmitt 208.5.5 In humans/animals, the main cells that store fat for energy are adipocytes. These fat cells are found under the skin, in the abdominal cavity and surround major organs. The fatty tissue is the body s main means of storing energy for long periods of time. Lipids, like triglycerides are stored in the adipocytes until ready to be used by the body for energy. Fatis broken down through metabolism in the mitochondria of the cell. The triglycerides are broken down into glycerol and 3 fatty acids. The glycerol can be easily converted to glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate, an intermediate of glycolysis. From there it can go through the Krebs Cycle and electron transport chain to make ATP. The 3 fatty acids can be broken... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Every cell membrane incorporates a fluid mosaic model. The mosaic of protein molecules embedded in a lipid bilayer. It s fluid as most proteins and lipid molecules drift through it. The membrane consists of a phospholipid bilayer embedded with various proteins. The proteins help to get polar/hydrophilic molecules through the plasma membrane. Polar molecules have difficulty passing thru the hydrophilic membrane. Nonpolar molecules however, easily pass thru. The proteins can be integral proteins, meaning they go all the way through the lipid bilayer or peripheral proteins that sit on the hydrophilic outer layer and wait for something to happen. The layers are somewhat fluid, allowing the proteins to move across them. See diagram below. No fat diets can actually do more harm than good. The body needs moderation of all energy producing macronutrients; fats, carbohydrates and proteins. By not eating any fat, the body starts to utilize the fats stored in the body, thus depleting the stores and people lose weight. However, once those stores are gone, the good fats or HDL s, are no longer able to filter out the bad cholesterol. This can lead to increased cholesterol levels in the blood and heart disease. A no fat diet also causes poor vitamin absorption of the necessary fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. Fats transport those vitamins from the liver to various parts of the body. Sanders, J.