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Sharon Wyman's Media Memior
I have so many Aunts
that it is hard to count. I have 3
aunts on my mothers side and 5
aunts on my dads side. But then it
goes further. My Grandparents
siblings count too. So added to
that I have about 16 aunts.
             There are many of them
but I still love them all equally. I
may not see them all as much as
others but they will always have
my love.
             I think that the aunt that
means the most to me is my Aunt
Sharon. I have actually never
meet her but I have the most
respect for her she had two
different types of cancer and she
died of heart problems. I have felt
so honored to be named after her.
My grandma tells me story about
all of the amazing things she did         My aunts in front of a church.
and it makes me proud to have
been named after her.
Being 13 years old I have obviously had
                                  13 birthdays . Each and every birthday was filled
                                  with joy and laughter and most importantly family.
                                  Every year the entire family gathers to my
                                  grandparents house. There are streamers,
                                  balloons and a sign that says “ Happy Birthday “.
                                  We have pizza for dinner and open presents and
                                  eat cake after the whole family sits and enjoys
                                  sometime together.
                                            I always have an amazing day on my
My cousin Talia and my Uncle John birthday. I love being with family and having them
                                  around me. I love how close my family. Just
                                  knowing that everyone is enjoying themselves is
                                  what makes my birthday worth wild.
Christmas is my family’s
                                   favorite holiday. We have many
                                   traditions around Christmas time. On
                                   the first day of December we always
                                   put our tree up. Throughout the week
                                   the lights and decorations are put on.
My little brother Christian in     My family has many decorations.
front of the Christmas tree        Snowmen are all around the house.
                                   Ornaments over flowing the tree.
                                   Cookies being made. Even towels with
                                   snowflakes on them. My mom goes all
                                   out for Christmas.

   My Aunt Lori with her daycare
   kids , visiting Santa
This is the sign for my dance studio.

                                                     I have been dancing since I
                                        was 3 years old. Dancing is
                                        something I love to do. There is not a
                                        day in the week that I wouldn’t be
                                        caught going over a routine or doing
                                        any kind of dance steps. The types of
                                        dance I do are ballet, pointe, modern,
                                        hip-hop and tap. My favorites are
                                        modern and tap. Modern is one of my
                                        favorite types of dance to do and
                                        watch because the storyline doesn’t
                                        come across very clearly. So it leaves
                                        me guessing. Tap is also one of my
                                        favorites because I do very well in tap,
                                        it is probably the thing I am best at.
                                        But all in all I love dance because
                                        everything comes at the audience like
                                        a story and knowing that I am part of it
                                        is amazing.
My education is a very
big thing in my life. Both of my
parents are very smart and were
A+ students. So I do always feel
that I need to live up to that. I do
enjoy going to school. I find it as
a time to escape from my
obnoxious family and see my
friends. But, don’t let my last
sentence foul you I love going to
school and learning and realizing
how much I know and learn. It is
amazing to me how much a brain
retains in one sitting. We learn so
much and I think most students
take it for granite. All the things in
school relate to our lives in
When I was little
                                          other then dancing I had
                                          loved to fly kites. I still to this
                                          day love flying kites. In fact
                                          every summer I go to my
                                          grandmother’s house for two
                                          or three weeks. One tradition
                                          that we have is flying kites in
                                          the back yard. Now that I
                                          have so many little cousins
My little cousin Phillip flying a kite.   on my father’s side of the
                                          family they join in as well. It is
                                          so much fun just watching the
                                          littler ones run around the
                                          yard pulling the kite behind
Most people say that they hate
spending time with their grandparents, it is
just so boring and there is nothing to do and
there grandparents sit there and do nothing
all day. But I don’t in anyways feel like that.
My favorite grandparent is my Grandma
Rhonda. She is my mother’s mom. She
buys me everything I want and is always
super nice and sweet as can be. My
Grandma has been through some pretty
rough time. Five days before Christmas in
2011, she had been in a terrible car
accident. She broke 3 bones in her face, 2
bones in her right leg, broke her right arm,      My Grandma Rhonda.
dislocated her left elbow and punctured a
nerve in her right hand. To this day she is
still trying to regain strength in her arm four
times everyday. She has only driven 3 or 4
times in the past year.
When I was in fifth grade my family
took a trip to Hawaii. We were going to visit
my Uncle Jim, Aunt Sarah and my two
cousins, Anna and Eva. They lived out in
Hawaii because my uncle is in the Navy. But
they now live in Korea and will soon be
moving to Naples, Italy. I knew that having a
chance to go to Hawaii was already so
amazing but I was very excited to see my
cousins. Although they were at school most
of the time, except for the days they stayed
home to be with us. We had done many
things on our visit. We had gone to the
Polynesian Culture Center, Armory Museum,
and many others that I don’t remember the
name of. We went to many beaches as well,        (left to right) My little brother Christian, my
two of which were actually featured in           my grandma Rhonda, my grandpa Jon, my
movies. But I think that the best time we        little cousin Eva and my Aunt Sarah
spent in the ocean was when we went out to
the sandbar. My cousins had taken the day
off from school. I remember seeing jellyfish,
all kinds of fish and what I thought was the
coolest, a sea cucumber. But we had to
make sure that the crabs didn’t come out of
the crab holes and pinch us. Being in Hawaii
was so much fun and I would love to go back
in time so I could cherish that time with my
family once again.

                                                 The waterfall at the Polynesian Cultural Center.
Being a dancer many
people think that when I brake
something it is caused from dance.
But that isn’t always the case, I may
be graceful on the stage but off I
am as clumsy as could be. I broke
two bone s while I was in the fourth
grade, my ankle and my thumb. I
broke my ankle from slipping on ice.
It was the day of my aunts baby
shower and I was rushing to get
into the house and slipped and fell
on the ice into the snow. Then
about a week after I got my cast of I
was riding my bike and I slipped in
the sand. I landed on only my
thumb and my knee. It took me
about ten minutes to get up
because of all the pain in my leg,
There was blood running down my
leg and my thumb was completely
swollen. I think that after breaking
these bones I had learned a lot
about how clumsy I was and
honestly still am.
When I was about 7 years old I had moved to Leominster from Holyoke. I had moved
about five minutes away for JA, in walking distances. I was enrolled there for 4 years, second-
fifth grade. I loved every teacher I had there. I was very shy as a child so moving place to place
wasn’t so easy for me. Throughout the first half of second grade I was usually sitting away from
everyone else, they didn’t even exist. But I think as time went on and I became more acquired
to the my new surrounding I had came more and more out of my “shell’’ . Thanks to the
teachers and the friends I made I am now a smarter and more confident person.
There are so many things to
say about my mom that it would take
days, so I am just going to tell you the
information that I think is the most
important. My mom is 31 years old. She
was born on December 8, 981. She had
lived all over the world because my
grandfather was in the Navy. She had
played the clarinet for 9 years and had a
child her Junior year of High School. She
attended Mount Holyoke University at the
age of 19 and started to raise her child.
Although she had to drop out of school to
take care of her child. She then became a
waitress at the 99 in Holyoke. In the year
2006 in the month of January she had
                                              My mom and I at her cousins wedding.
her second child. Later in the months the
entire family had moved to Leominster.
She then worked at the same chain
restaurant but instead of Holyoke it was in
Fitchburg. Her and her two children now
live in a condo in North Leominster. Both
children are at school every weekday and
she attends work every day but Thursday.
My favorite band is the
newest pop teen sensation, One
Direction. I could listen to them all day
everyday for the rest of my life. I know
all od there songs by heart. There
middle names. There favorite colors.
And what I would say the most
important there personal life. I have so
many things of One Direction that you
will probably think that I am crazy. I
have a One Direction calendar, about
30 or 40 poster, a blanket, 2 DVD’s and
a teddy bear that has hearts that attach
with Velcro.
I have two siblings. A
brother and a sister. My brother is
6 years old and turns 7 at the end
of January. My sister is 10 an
turns 11 in the middle of
             Christian attends
Johnny Appleseed Elementary
School. He loves Power Rangers,
watches SpongeBob and loves to
play with Legos. My brother and I
are very close to each other. We
live with my mom so we see each
other everyday. Charlotte does
not live my me as my brother
does she lives with her mom in
Fall River, Massachusetts. She         Christian at Universal Studios.
has a younger brother and two
older brother. One that is my age
and another a few years older
then me. But even though we
don’t live together and I have to
deal with Christian everyday I still
love them both very much.
Summer is my all time favorite
                                   season: being out of school , hanging
                                   out with friends, going to the beach,
                                   going swimming and my favorite thing
                                   to do, tubing. Every weekend all year
                                   round me and my little brother go to my
                                   grandparents house and I love it so
                                   much, but my favorite time to go is
                                   during the summer. Every single
                                   weekend as soon as I get there we all
                                   change into our bathing suits and go for
                                   a ride on my grandfathers boat.
                                   Occasionally jumping out into the middle
My mom and her friend tubing       of the lake. But then after the ride the
                                   fun happens. We strap up the tube, I get
                                   my life jacket on and set off. Hitting the
                                   every single wave. Skimming over the
                                   water, it is an amazing yet some what
                                   terrifying ride. The thing most people are
                                   scared of is falling off, I know I was. But
                                   then you fall off for your first time and
                                   you realize that it is the best part about
                                   tubing. You get the feeling of anxiety as
                                   you slowly fall off, but once you fly
                                   backwards it all goes away.

 My friend Melissa and me tubing
I may not go on as many
vacations as some people that I
know, but I think that just makes me
appreciate it more. We always go on
vacations with my mom’s parents and
they always pay for it, which does
make me feel bad sometimes
because of the cost but they don’t
seem to mind. With them we have
gone to Walt Disney World three
time, Hawaii twice, I have been to
Atlanta, Georgia and Jacksonville,
Florida. Each of those visit were so    Cinderella’s Castle at Disney World.
amazing and I was able to spend so
much time with my grandparents. My
grandparents are actually planning
another vacation to spend a couple of
weeks down south, so we can visit
his siblings and also visit and do
some of the things my grandfather
did as a child. I can’t wait.
The Wyman House in Burlington, Massachusetts is
a big part of my families history. The house has actually been
funded by the government and now considered a historical
landmark in the state of Massachusetts. My grandfather is
actually the president of the Wyman House Association. Every
summer in early in the month of September, the entire
association gets together for a meeting about the house,
improvements that have been made and improvements that
need to be made. The meeting usually lasts two to three hours
and then the house is opened up to the public. We have
traditional games from the 1800’s. People dress up in costumes.
Quests are given tours of the home.
             Over this past summer, we gave many different                The picture from the annual
tours. On some of the tours my grandfather wasn’t able to come            meeting from this past summer.
because of work, so I had to take his place, with the help of the
other members of the association. I had to set up the tables for
the games, help put up ramp for the handicapped. Although I
had help it was mostly me that did all the work. I was the main
person to get information from, the main tour guide and the
scariest the one I had control of everything. So thank goodness
nothing went wrong. Having been able to know where my family
came from and how they lived and what they did is an amazing
thing for me to know, if it wasn’t for everything they did I
probably wouldn’t have nearly everything that I have now.

                                                                    A picture of the landscape of the Wyman
I am always terrified to go to the doctors, I hate the thought of something
being wrong with me. Although I especially hate going to the doctors when I need x-rays
because I know that something is wrong. I have had x-rays done many times in my life. I
was born with a heart murmur that soon went away, but they do keep checking to make
sure it doesn’t come back because it did seem to just disappear. It is terrifying to me to
think that I could walk into that dark room thinking that there is something wrong and then
I could possibly leave that room knowing that something is wrong
            I have also have had x-rays when I broke my thumb and my ankle. I remember
the pain, as they try to move the injured part of you in all different directions trying to get
every single angle they need. I have had an x-ray recently on both of my ankles because
I do have ankle problems, I have had ankle problems since I was about 6 years old and
being a dancer it does sometimes make it much harder for me. I am usually wearing
either an ankle brace on both ankles of an ace bandage on both ankles. I think that I am
honestly very lucky that I can do all I do with my ankles.

                               X-rays of the right thumb.
      X-ray of an
      fractured ankle
Newport is one of my
favorite places to go. I was born in
Newport and raised until I was
about one and a half years old.
We had lived on the Naval Base
because my grandpa was in the
navy. I don’t remember any of it
but the stories are pretty good.
Since I was born every summer
we take a day so go to Newport.
The number one thing I look
forward to every year is the Fudge
we get, we get it from the same
store every year. We usually also
get some kind of sweatshirt or
shirt to remember our day we
            I have been to many zoos in my lifetime of thirteen years, so many that I won’t
even name them, but I will name my favorite. My favorite zoo is in Providence, Rhode
Island. It is the Roger William Park Zoo. I have been their numerous times and each time
I go, I get a new memory. Each memory was another time with my family. In fact one of
the times I went I was with my dad, my grandma, my little cousin Julie and one of my
best friends, Kaitlyn Stemler. As we were walking towards the exit a bee flew into my
dad’s pocket. Kaitlyn is allergic to bees so we knew that we had to get away, but we
couldn’t go to far because we were with a group. But then the bee started to follow. My
dad told us to run, so of course we did. As we began to slow down my dad ran up to us.
My dad was sadly been stung afterwards on the back of his ankle, which did give him
much pain. But he thought that at least it was him and not Kaitlyn that got stung by the
This is the kind of phone I have.

           My phone is like my child. I have it all the time. By my side all day everyday.
A woke up with the sound of my alarm and usually fall asleep texting. During school
my phone is always in my pocket, off I might add. Although because there is a ghost
in my phone it turns on and off by itself all the time, usually by the end of first period
its back on again. In fact sometimes when I’m trying to send a text message my
phone will just shut off with no warning. Making me have to wait at the least 5
minutes. It is very frustrating. But even though I don’t have an fancy kind of smart
phone I do cherish my phone.
I think that everyone
                                             deserves to laugh. Laughing
                                             gets you through any kind of
                                             situation. Whether its
                                             awkward, funny, depressing,
                                             or just really anything.
                                             Everyone has a different kind
                                             of laugh. I always love to hear
                                             different people laughing. It
                                             could be deep, it could be
                                             high, it could be fake. Many
A comedy group from Australia that I watch
on Youtube.
                                             people, especially my friends,
                                             say that when I laugh I sound
                                             like a little baby, but I don’t
                                             really think so. I mean I am 13
                                             years old I hope I don’t sound
                                             like a baby.
I am scared of many things but one of my top ten is
roller skating. I hate the feeling of falling over. Even though you
can always get right back up and try again that is a hard thing for
me to do. When I was 8 years old we went to Roll-On-America. I
ended up falling and sprained my ankle. I was on crutches for
about a week and had to wear a splint for a few more weeks,
because of this injury I have never worn roller skates again and I
don’t really plan on it.

The place where I sprained my ankle, Roll-On America.
Throughout life I
believe that there is no
possible way that one person
on this entire earth could not
have a single friend. Whether
your are the biggest bully or
the quietest person in school.
You know you have someone
there for you. My friends are
always there for me when I
need them. I will always have
a shoulder to cry on. I wouldn’t
in any way say I am “popular”
or “nerdy”. I think that my        Some of my friends that I dance with.
friends and I are somewhere
in the middle. I think that the
only word that can describe
the friends I have is weird. I
honestly love all of my friends
from now till forever.
My youth was very confusing
for me as a child. We had moved around
a lot . I would go back and forth my
grandparents house. I never knew what
we were going to do, what our plans for
the days were. We really just winged it,
pretty much everything we did was at
random. I would be with my mom one
day and my grandma the next.
Sometimes my Uncle J would watch me.
There were times when I actually had
gone to work with my mom, I would sit in    Plains Elementary School, this is
the back and talk with her co-workers. I    the school I attended in
mean my childhood was always very           kindergarten.
amazing but, oh so confusing as well.

    Selser Elementary School, this is
    the school I attended in first grade.
“Under the Pillow” is an
expression I like to use. I would not in
any way say I use it everyday though.
The way I interpret this quote is it
means that the things that you keep to
yourself are fully classified just for you
and you always. I think that everyone
has something that they keep “Under
the Pillow’. Whether it is unhappiness
or feelings about someone, it is always
My least favorite thing in life is when
people quit. Especially when you have to work in a
group for a project and say one of the students in
your group aren’t participating and decide to walk
away and talk to someone in the other group. Or
when you are part of a team and you stick it out for
half of the year and then quit right before a
competition or a game. Leaving the rest of the team
out cold. I never understand why people do this. If
you make a commitment you should keep it.

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Sharon Wyman's Media Memior

  • 2. I have so many Aunts that it is hard to count. I have 3 aunts on my mothers side and 5 aunts on my dads side. But then it goes further. My Grandparents siblings count too. So added to that I have about 16 aunts. There are many of them but I still love them all equally. I may not see them all as much as others but they will always have my love. I think that the aunt that means the most to me is my Aunt Sharon. I have actually never meet her but I have the most respect for her she had two different types of cancer and she died of heart problems. I have felt so honored to be named after her. My grandma tells me story about all of the amazing things she did My aunts in front of a church. and it makes me proud to have been named after her.
  • 3. Being 13 years old I have obviously had 13 birthdays . Each and every birthday was filled with joy and laughter and most importantly family. Every year the entire family gathers to my grandparents house. There are streamers, balloons and a sign that says “ Happy Birthday “. We have pizza for dinner and open presents and eat cake after the whole family sits and enjoys sometime together. I always have an amazing day on my My cousin Talia and my Uncle John birthday. I love being with family and having them around me. I love how close my family. Just knowing that everyone is enjoying themselves is what makes my birthday worth wild.
  • 4. Christmas is my family’s favorite holiday. We have many traditions around Christmas time. On the first day of December we always put our tree up. Throughout the week the lights and decorations are put on. My little brother Christian in My family has many decorations. front of the Christmas tree Snowmen are all around the house. Ornaments over flowing the tree. Cookies being made. Even towels with snowflakes on them. My mom goes all out for Christmas. My Aunt Lori with her daycare kids , visiting Santa
  • 5. This is the sign for my dance studio. I have been dancing since I was 3 years old. Dancing is something I love to do. There is not a day in the week that I wouldn’t be caught going over a routine or doing any kind of dance steps. The types of dance I do are ballet, pointe, modern, hip-hop and tap. My favorites are modern and tap. Modern is one of my favorite types of dance to do and watch because the storyline doesn’t come across very clearly. So it leaves me guessing. Tap is also one of my favorites because I do very well in tap, it is probably the thing I am best at. But all in all I love dance because everything comes at the audience like a story and knowing that I am part of it is amazing.
  • 6. My education is a very big thing in my life. Both of my parents are very smart and were A+ students. So I do always feel that I need to live up to that. I do enjoy going to school. I find it as a time to escape from my obnoxious family and see my friends. But, don’t let my last sentence foul you I love going to school and learning and realizing how much I know and learn. It is amazing to me how much a brain retains in one sitting. We learn so much and I think most students take it for granite. All the things in school relate to our lives in someway.
  • 7. When I was little other then dancing I had loved to fly kites. I still to this day love flying kites. In fact every summer I go to my grandmother’s house for two or three weeks. One tradition that we have is flying kites in the back yard. Now that I have so many little cousins My little cousin Phillip flying a kite. on my father’s side of the family they join in as well. It is so much fun just watching the littler ones run around the yard pulling the kite behind them.
  • 8. Most people say that they hate spending time with their grandparents, it is just so boring and there is nothing to do and there grandparents sit there and do nothing all day. But I don’t in anyways feel like that. My favorite grandparent is my Grandma Rhonda. She is my mother’s mom. She buys me everything I want and is always super nice and sweet as can be. My Grandma has been through some pretty rough time. Five days before Christmas in 2011, she had been in a terrible car accident. She broke 3 bones in her face, 2 bones in her right leg, broke her right arm, My Grandma Rhonda. dislocated her left elbow and punctured a nerve in her right hand. To this day she is still trying to regain strength in her arm four times everyday. She has only driven 3 or 4 times in the past year.
  • 9. When I was in fifth grade my family took a trip to Hawaii. We were going to visit my Uncle Jim, Aunt Sarah and my two cousins, Anna and Eva. They lived out in Hawaii because my uncle is in the Navy. But they now live in Korea and will soon be moving to Naples, Italy. I knew that having a chance to go to Hawaii was already so amazing but I was very excited to see my cousins. Although they were at school most of the time, except for the days they stayed home to be with us. We had done many things on our visit. We had gone to the Polynesian Culture Center, Armory Museum, and many others that I don’t remember the name of. We went to many beaches as well, (left to right) My little brother Christian, my two of which were actually featured in my grandma Rhonda, my grandpa Jon, my movies. But I think that the best time we little cousin Eva and my Aunt Sarah spent in the ocean was when we went out to the sandbar. My cousins had taken the day off from school. I remember seeing jellyfish, all kinds of fish and what I thought was the coolest, a sea cucumber. But we had to make sure that the crabs didn’t come out of the crab holes and pinch us. Being in Hawaii was so much fun and I would love to go back in time so I could cherish that time with my family once again. The waterfall at the Polynesian Cultural Center.
  • 10. Being a dancer many people think that when I brake something it is caused from dance. But that isn’t always the case, I may be graceful on the stage but off I am as clumsy as could be. I broke two bone s while I was in the fourth grade, my ankle and my thumb. I broke my ankle from slipping on ice. It was the day of my aunts baby shower and I was rushing to get into the house and slipped and fell on the ice into the snow. Then about a week after I got my cast of I was riding my bike and I slipped in the sand. I landed on only my thumb and my knee. It took me about ten minutes to get up because of all the pain in my leg, There was blood running down my leg and my thumb was completely swollen. I think that after breaking these bones I had learned a lot about how clumsy I was and honestly still am.
  • 11. When I was about 7 years old I had moved to Leominster from Holyoke. I had moved about five minutes away for JA, in walking distances. I was enrolled there for 4 years, second- fifth grade. I loved every teacher I had there. I was very shy as a child so moving place to place wasn’t so easy for me. Throughout the first half of second grade I was usually sitting away from everyone else, they didn’t even exist. But I think as time went on and I became more acquired to the my new surrounding I had came more and more out of my “shell’’ . Thanks to the teachers and the friends I made I am now a smarter and more confident person.
  • 12. There are so many things to say about my mom that it would take days, so I am just going to tell you the information that I think is the most important. My mom is 31 years old. She was born on December 8, 981. She had lived all over the world because my grandfather was in the Navy. She had played the clarinet for 9 years and had a child her Junior year of High School. She attended Mount Holyoke University at the age of 19 and started to raise her child. Although she had to drop out of school to take care of her child. She then became a waitress at the 99 in Holyoke. In the year 2006 in the month of January she had My mom and I at her cousins wedding. her second child. Later in the months the entire family had moved to Leominster. She then worked at the same chain restaurant but instead of Holyoke it was in Fitchburg. Her and her two children now live in a condo in North Leominster. Both children are at school every weekday and she attends work every day but Thursday.
  • 13. My favorite band is the newest pop teen sensation, One Direction. I could listen to them all day everyday for the rest of my life. I know all od there songs by heart. There middle names. There favorite colors. And what I would say the most important there personal life. I have so many things of One Direction that you will probably think that I am crazy. I have a One Direction calendar, about 30 or 40 poster, a blanket, 2 DVD’s and a teddy bear that has hearts that attach with Velcro.
  • 14. I have two siblings. A brother and a sister. My brother is 6 years old and turns 7 at the end of January. My sister is 10 an turns 11 in the middle of February. Christian attends Johnny Appleseed Elementary School. He loves Power Rangers, watches SpongeBob and loves to play with Legos. My brother and I are very close to each other. We live with my mom so we see each other everyday. Charlotte does not live my me as my brother does she lives with her mom in Fall River, Massachusetts. She Christian at Universal Studios. has a younger brother and two older brother. One that is my age and another a few years older then me. But even though we don’t live together and I have to deal with Christian everyday I still love them both very much.
  • 15. Summer is my all time favorite season: being out of school , hanging out with friends, going to the beach, going swimming and my favorite thing to do, tubing. Every weekend all year round me and my little brother go to my grandparents house and I love it so much, but my favorite time to go is during the summer. Every single weekend as soon as I get there we all change into our bathing suits and go for a ride on my grandfathers boat. Occasionally jumping out into the middle My mom and her friend tubing of the lake. But then after the ride the fun happens. We strap up the tube, I get my life jacket on and set off. Hitting the every single wave. Skimming over the water, it is an amazing yet some what terrifying ride. The thing most people are scared of is falling off, I know I was. But then you fall off for your first time and you realize that it is the best part about tubing. You get the feeling of anxiety as you slowly fall off, but once you fly backwards it all goes away. My friend Melissa and me tubing
  • 16. I may not go on as many vacations as some people that I know, but I think that just makes me appreciate it more. We always go on vacations with my mom’s parents and they always pay for it, which does make me feel bad sometimes because of the cost but they don’t seem to mind. With them we have gone to Walt Disney World three time, Hawaii twice, I have been to Atlanta, Georgia and Jacksonville, Florida. Each of those visit were so Cinderella’s Castle at Disney World. amazing and I was able to spend so much time with my grandparents. My grandparents are actually planning another vacation to spend a couple of weeks down south, so we can visit his siblings and also visit and do some of the things my grandfather did as a child. I can’t wait.
  • 17. The Wyman House in Burlington, Massachusetts is a big part of my families history. The house has actually been funded by the government and now considered a historical landmark in the state of Massachusetts. My grandfather is actually the president of the Wyman House Association. Every summer in early in the month of September, the entire association gets together for a meeting about the house, improvements that have been made and improvements that need to be made. The meeting usually lasts two to three hours and then the house is opened up to the public. We have traditional games from the 1800’s. People dress up in costumes. Quests are given tours of the home. Over this past summer, we gave many different The picture from the annual tours. On some of the tours my grandfather wasn’t able to come meeting from this past summer. because of work, so I had to take his place, with the help of the other members of the association. I had to set up the tables for the games, help put up ramp for the handicapped. Although I had help it was mostly me that did all the work. I was the main person to get information from, the main tour guide and the scariest the one I had control of everything. So thank goodness nothing went wrong. Having been able to know where my family came from and how they lived and what they did is an amazing thing for me to know, if it wasn’t for everything they did I probably wouldn’t have nearly everything that I have now. A picture of the landscape of the Wyman House.
  • 18. I am always terrified to go to the doctors, I hate the thought of something being wrong with me. Although I especially hate going to the doctors when I need x-rays because I know that something is wrong. I have had x-rays done many times in my life. I was born with a heart murmur that soon went away, but they do keep checking to make sure it doesn’t come back because it did seem to just disappear. It is terrifying to me to think that I could walk into that dark room thinking that there is something wrong and then I could possibly leave that room knowing that something is wrong I have also have had x-rays when I broke my thumb and my ankle. I remember the pain, as they try to move the injured part of you in all different directions trying to get every single angle they need. I have had an x-ray recently on both of my ankles because I do have ankle problems, I have had ankle problems since I was about 6 years old and being a dancer it does sometimes make it much harder for me. I am usually wearing either an ankle brace on both ankles of an ace bandage on both ankles. I think that I am honestly very lucky that I can do all I do with my ankles. X-rays of the right thumb. X-ray of an fractured ankle
  • 19. Newport is one of my favorite places to go. I was born in Newport and raised until I was about one and a half years old. We had lived on the Naval Base because my grandpa was in the navy. I don’t remember any of it but the stories are pretty good. Since I was born every summer we take a day so go to Newport. The number one thing I look forward to every year is the Fudge we get, we get it from the same store every year. We usually also get some kind of sweatshirt or shirt to remember our day we had.
  • 20. Zoo I have been to many zoos in my lifetime of thirteen years, so many that I won’t even name them, but I will name my favorite. My favorite zoo is in Providence, Rhode Island. It is the Roger William Park Zoo. I have been their numerous times and each time I go, I get a new memory. Each memory was another time with my family. In fact one of the times I went I was with my dad, my grandma, my little cousin Julie and one of my best friends, Kaitlyn Stemler. As we were walking towards the exit a bee flew into my dad’s pocket. Kaitlyn is allergic to bees so we knew that we had to get away, but we couldn’t go to far because we were with a group. But then the bee started to follow. My dad told us to run, so of course we did. As we began to slow down my dad ran up to us. My dad was sadly been stung afterwards on the back of his ankle, which did give him much pain. But he thought that at least it was him and not Kaitlyn that got stung by the bee.
  • 21. This is the kind of phone I have. My phone is like my child. I have it all the time. By my side all day everyday. A woke up with the sound of my alarm and usually fall asleep texting. During school my phone is always in my pocket, off I might add. Although because there is a ghost in my phone it turns on and off by itself all the time, usually by the end of first period its back on again. In fact sometimes when I’m trying to send a text message my phone will just shut off with no warning. Making me have to wait at the least 5 minutes. It is very frustrating. But even though I don’t have an fancy kind of smart phone I do cherish my phone.
  • 22. I think that everyone deserves to laugh. Laughing gets you through any kind of situation. Whether its awkward, funny, depressing, or just really anything. Everyone has a different kind of laugh. I always love to hear different people laughing. It could be deep, it could be high, it could be fake. Many A comedy group from Australia that I watch on Youtube. people, especially my friends, say that when I laugh I sound like a little baby, but I don’t really think so. I mean I am 13 years old I hope I don’t sound like a baby.
  • 23. I am scared of many things but one of my top ten is roller skating. I hate the feeling of falling over. Even though you can always get right back up and try again that is a hard thing for me to do. When I was 8 years old we went to Roll-On-America. I ended up falling and sprained my ankle. I was on crutches for about a week and had to wear a splint for a few more weeks, because of this injury I have never worn roller skates again and I don’t really plan on it. The place where I sprained my ankle, Roll-On America.
  • 24. Throughout life I believe that there is no possible way that one person on this entire earth could not have a single friend. Whether your are the biggest bully or the quietest person in school. You know you have someone there for you. My friends are always there for me when I need them. I will always have a shoulder to cry on. I wouldn’t in any way say I am “popular” or “nerdy”. I think that my Some of my friends that I dance with. friends and I are somewhere in the middle. I think that the only word that can describe the friends I have is weird. I honestly love all of my friends from now till forever.
  • 25. My youth was very confusing for me as a child. We had moved around a lot . I would go back and forth my grandparents house. I never knew what we were going to do, what our plans for the days were. We really just winged it, pretty much everything we did was at random. I would be with my mom one day and my grandma the next. Sometimes my Uncle J would watch me. There were times when I actually had gone to work with my mom, I would sit in Plains Elementary School, this is the back and talk with her co-workers. I the school I attended in mean my childhood was always very kindergarten. amazing but, oh so confusing as well. Selser Elementary School, this is the school I attended in first grade.
  • 26. “Under the Pillow” is an expression I like to use. I would not in any way say I use it everyday though. The way I interpret this quote is it means that the things that you keep to yourself are fully classified just for you and you always. I think that everyone has something that they keep “Under the Pillow’. Whether it is unhappiness or feelings about someone, it is always something.
  • 27. My least favorite thing in life is when people quit. Especially when you have to work in a group for a project and say one of the students in your group aren’t participating and decide to walk away and talk to someone in the other group. Or when you are part of a team and you stick it out for half of the year and then quit right before a competition or a game. Leaving the rest of the team out cold. I never understand why people do this. If you make a commitment you should keep it.