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How? Best Practices 
What? Newsletter Sign-up 
A solid redesign of a bad form 
could increase completion rates by 
- Luke Wroblewski
Best Practices 
• Motivate 
• Assure 
• Explain 
• Keep It Simple 
• Engage 
• Empower
Sign-Up Workflow 
Homepage Sign-up Thank You!
Capture Heart & Mind 
Tell a story to 
encourage participation.
site: TOMS
Communicate Safety 
The message 
“It is safe to sign up” 
inspires trust.
site: MINT
site: wufoo
Reduce Friction 
Use clear instructions, 
and helpful interactions.
site: Mail Chimp
site: Mail Chimp
Create a Clear Path 
Use a minimal form to 
make it easy for users 
to achieve their goals.
Keep it 
Use Emotional Language 
Create an 
emotional identification. 
This builds intimacy, trust, and loyalty.
site: Conservation International
783 million people lack access to clean water. 
Learn more about global fresh water issues — 
and find out what you can do. 
site: Conservation International
You May 
You Must! 
Giving the user 
the power to choose 
reduces negative reactions.
Site: OXFAM 
Site: OXFAM 
Feel free to provide us with 
as much information as you wish, 
but, to start, all we need is 
your email and your name. 
Sign-Up Workflow 
Homepage Sign-up Thank You!
Site: OXFAM 
site: Mail Chimp 
Keep it 
site: World Wildlife
Step 1 Homepage 
• Motivate – Encourage participation. 
• Engage – Use emotional language. 
• Keep it simple – Clear path.
Step 2 Form 
• Motivate – Encourage participation. 
• Assurance – Declare secure info use. 
• Explain – Clear instructions & helpful interactions… 
• Keep it simple – Use a minimal form. 
• Engage – Use emotional language. 
• Empower – You May vs. You Must!
Step 3 Thank you. 
• Motivate – Recommend participation. 
• Engage – Use emotional language. 
 Provide motivation, means, and a trigger.
Web Form Design: Filling in the Blanks – Luke Wroblewski 
Forms that work – Caroline Jarrett & Gerry Gaffney 
BJ Fogg's Behavior Model – Dr. BJ Fogg 
The Ultimate UX Design of: the Sign-Up Form – Marcin Treder 
Designing for Emotion – Aarron Walter

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Sign-up Building Trust & Loyalty

Editor's Notes

  1. SIGN-UP Building trust = improve conversion and loyalty = increase retention
  2. AGENDA Why? How? Best Practices What? Newsletter Sign-up Recommendations
  3. WHY? The potential payoff for optimizing your web forms is huge. In Web Form Design: Filling in the Blanks, noted interface designer Luke Wroblewski reported that A solid redesign of a bad form could increase completion rates by 10-40% - Luke Wroblewski How many UI/UX tweaks have that kind of impact?
  4. HOW? Best Practices Motivate Assure Explain Keep It Simple Engage Empower Note: Not all apply at every step.
  5. WHAT? Sign-Up form workflow. Homepage  Sign up form  Confirm & Thank You! Simple but so important in creating a 1st impression.
  6. MOTIVATE Capture Heart & Mind Tell a story to encourage participation. Participation. Being part of important meaningful work, is a basic and powerful motivator. Participation is one of 10 of our fundamental human needs. – Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maslow%27s_hierarchy_of_needs Social Need: provides us a sense of belonging and self esteem The mechanics of Motivation are covered in the example section.
  7. MOTIVATE Tell a story to encourage participation. TOMS We’re in business to help improve lives. With every product you purchase, TOMS will help a person in need. One for One.®
  8. ASSURE Communicate Safety The message “It is safe to sign up”, inspires trust. Reduce perceived exposure. Dispel doubts, instill confidence, and build trust.
  9. ASSURE Few organizations declare this with the exception of financial companies. E.g. Mint
  10. ASSURE Wufoo is one of the few. Don’t worry. This info is sacred to us. We won’t ever sell or abuse it.
  11. EXPLAIN Reduce Friction Use clear instructions and helpful interactions… through out the steps on the form. smart defaults, inline validation, forgiving inputs
  12. EXPLAIN MailChimp has a great form. Explain form fields clearly
  13. EXPLAIN In-line validation Instruct - Password strength indicators Forgiving inputs – e.g. fix incorrect email addresses
  14. KEEP IT SIMPLE Create a Clear Path. Use a minimal form to make it easy for users to achieve their goals Reduce complexity Make the next step obvious Avoid too much information Fewest fields possible
  15. KEEP IT SIMPLE Create a Clear Path. Amnesty International Make the next step obvious
  16. KEEP IT SIMPLE Amnesty International Avoid too much information Fewest fields possible
  17. ENGAGE Use Emotional Language Create an emotional Identification to build intimacy, trust, and loyalty. “You give hope and help”
  18. ENGAGE Use Emotional Language Conservation International THE ESSENCE OF LIFE 783 million people lack access to clean water. Learn more about global fresh water issues — and find out what you can do.
  19. ENGAGE Use Emotional Language Conservation International THE ESSENCE OF LIFE 783 million people lack access to clean water. Learn more about global fresh water issues — and find out what you can do.
  20. EMPOWER You May vs. You Must Requiring information creates resistance. Giving the user the power to choose when to provide more information reduces negative reactions. Encouraging the user with the benefits of completing their profile increases loyalty.
  21. EMPOWER “You May vs. You Must” Translates into practical terms in a form by not requiring information.
  22. EMPOWER Feel free to provide us with as much information as you wish, but, to start, all we need is your email and your name. Translates into practical terms in a form by not requiring information.
  23. WHAT? Newsletter Sign-Up form workflow Homepage  Sign up form  Confirm & Thank You!
  24. Step 1 Homepage Behavior Model OXFAM America 1. Motivation (Reason) to do something 2. Ability to do it 3. Trigger, a well-placed trigger that offers them the moment of converting potential into [kinetic] [inter]action. What Causes Behavior Change? My (B.J. Fogg –Stanford professor) Behavior Model shows that three elements must converge at the same moment for a behavior to occur: Motivation Ability, and Trigger. When a behavior does not occur, at least one of those three elements is missing.
  25. Step 2 Form Keep it simple MailChimp has a great form. Fewest fields possible Explain form fields clearly
  26. Step 3 Thank you World Wildlife Fund continues to motivate and engage with on their thank you/confirmation page.
  27. RECOMMENDATIONS Step 1 Motivate – Enhance the language. Engage – Use emotional language. Keep it simple – Clear path.
  28. RECOMMENDATIONS Step 2 Form Motivate – Encourage participation. Assurance – Declare secure info use. Explain – Clear instructions & helpful interactions… Keep it simple – Use a minimal form. Engage – Use emotional language. Empower – You May vs. You Must!
  29. RECOMMENDATIONS Step 3 Motivate – Recommend participation. Engage – Use emotional language. Opportunity Provide motivation, means, and a trigger.