This document provides guidance on developing and using strategic intervention materials (SIM) for students who did not master certain concepts during regular classroom lessons. SIM consists of several parts, including a guide card to introduce the topic, activity cards outlining tasks for students to develop skills, assessment cards to evaluate learning, enrichment cards for additional practice, and reference cards. When developing SIM, teachers should ensure activities are aligned to objectives, provide clear directions, include a variety of learning styles, and allow sufficient practice opportunities. The goal of SIM is to provide remedial learning through fun and engaging materials to help all students achieve competency.
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Sim talk
4. Scene
After recording the summative
test given, you noticed that
most students passed the test
but some failed.
8. Strategic Intervention Material
an instructional material meant to
re-teach the concept(s) and skill(s)
(Least Mastered)
Material given to the learners to help
them master a competency-based
skill which they were not able
develop during regular classroom
9. SIM consists of both learning
strategies (for students) and content
enhancement routines (for teachers)
Multifaceted approach to help
students to become independent and
successful learners
10. Topic must be accompanied by a
It requires less teacher
SIM must be easy to REPRODUCE.
12. Focuses on the skill May contain different
not mastered by the topics included in a
students during chapter.
regular class
Intended for remedial Intended for regular
class classroom teaching
No pretest and post With pretest and post
test test
Includes fun activities Includes fun activities
20. The ACTIVITY CARD defines the
task(s) that the learner should
undertake in order to develop a skill.
The task is competency-oriented and
may be an individual or a group work.
21. • Begin to where the learners are.
• Adopt the activity to the learners’
learning style.
30. The ASSESTMENT CARD helps the
learner measure his/her level of mastery of
the skill upon completion of the task(s).
Provides exercises, drill or activities that
allow students monitor their learning and
use feedback about their progress.
31. • Formulated in standard test
formats to give students practice in
test-taking techniques.
• The result of the assessment
identifies the knowledge/skill(s) that
the learner may need to enhance
or develop further.
35. The ENRICHMENT CARD extends
learning by providing additional
exercises for further application of
knowledge or skill.
It may also contain additional
information to extend knowledge.
(Blalock 2006)
provides additional content to the
coverage in the textbook.
It may also list resources that the
learner may refer to for further
(Blalock 2006)
Ensure alignment of activities with
Keep the activities short and simple
and worth the time of the pupils
Provide a variety of activities to cater
to the diverse learning styles; and
43. Provide a number of activities (at least 3
per task) so that the learner can have
enough practice in developing skills.
The SIM must provide the students the
key ideas/concepts.
Directions must be clear.
47. "Ideal teachers are those who
use themselves as bridges over
which they invite their students
to cross, then having facilitated
their crossing, joyfully collapse,
encouraging them to create
bridges of their own." -- Nikos