A talk to introduce Singularity Registry HPC, which allows you to install Singularity, Podman, or Docker containers (and others) as modules on an HPC system (e.g., LMOD or environment modules). Presented 2021.
2. A formula for collaboration?
Identify an actual need that crosses communities
4. How do we provide containers?
The Problem:
● Public registries (Docker Hub, Quay.io) or self deployed (Singularity
Registry Server, Docker Registry)
● Each user separately pulling means a lot of redundancy
● Pulling “latest” means we aren’t aware of versioning
● It’s not impossible to be reproducible, but it’s harder, and best practices
are hard to follow!
5. How do we provide containers?
● HPC admins can provide a shared collection of containers
● Users could also install a collection, if not provided by an admin
● It’s done so in a way so that using the containers is reproducible.
6. A formula for collaboration?
Identify an actual need that crosses communities
Have an idea that fits into a current way of thinking
10. What is wrong with current solutions?
● Not easy enough to collaborate on
● Not modular enough
● Not enough granularity in defining container versions or interactions
13. Reproducibility
Define exact tags
and digests to install
and load.
Ease of use
Install, load, and use.
I don’t want to know
it’s a container!
I largely don’t want to
be aware that I’m
interacting with
14. Reproducibility
Define exact tags
and digests to install
and load.
Ease of use
Install, load, and use.
I don’t want to know
it’s a container!
I largely don’t want to
be aware that I’m
interacting with
Find new container
tags and digests for
me. Let me check for
updates and decide.
35. A formula for collaboration?
Identify an actual need that crosses communities
Have an idea that fits into a current way of thinking
Create a contributor friendly learning environment
37. A formula for collaboration?
Identify an actual need that crosses communities
Have an idea that fits into a current way of thinking
Create a contributor friendly learning environment
40. Research Software Engineers
National Lab Lenny
“We have the biggest
Academic Alicia
“We have a research
computing team too.”
Industry Ignacio
“We use cloud services
and anywhere we can
find GPUs!”
41. National Lab Lenny
“We have the biggest
Academic Alicia
“We have a research
computing team too.”
Industry Ignacio
“We use cloud services
and anywhere we can
find GPUs!”
How do we work together?
45. What are the benefits of collaboration?
Why should we work together?
● Collaboration leads to better ideas and approaches.
● Convergence on best practices (behavior and software) for research
software engineering
● Learn and grow from one another.
46. What are the drawbacks of collaboration?
Why shouldn’t we (or can’t we) work together?
● Costs of effort and time.
● Concerns about intellectual property or resulting profits from work
● It requires a security clearance
● I can’t afford it.
48. LLNL Open Source
1. Identify an actual need that crosses communities → Assess repository state and define statement of need
2. Have an idea for a way to fix it.
3. Create documentation, branding, and tutorials
4. Tell people about it, get them interested.
52. How are we doing?
● 765 repos
● 36 % have more external than internal contributors
● 61 % have more internal than external contributors.
● 3 % have equal numbers
● Top ten internal/external contributors has overlap of 1
53. How are we doing?
1. We have a few projects that are excelling in attracting external contributors
2. The most “popular” projects at the lab are possibly not contributor friendly.
3. What about the long tail?
57. Contributor CI
1. BASELINE: Collect metrics to measure contributions
2. CFA: Contributor Friendliness Assessment
3. ACTION: Timestamps of proactive action
A set of tools and procedures to assess contributions
59. Why should I care?
- It’s hard to work together across siloed RSE communities.
- Let’s look closely at our institutions and get better at that.
- Identify software developed in your lab or institution.
- Make a assessment of external vs. internal contributions
- Contributor Friendliness Assessment
- Improve the scores.
60. Why should I care?
- No established best practice for an HPC registry
- Little involvement of RSE/HPC communities with OCI