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Mark Needham
Digital ExperienceConsultant – Sitecore UK
Know every customer.
Own every experience.
Who we are
who we are
Sitecore allows you to have meaningful conversations with your customers online. Build personalised
experiences, improve brand loyalty and monitor and manage your digital marketing efforts all from one
platform. Sweet.
11years in business
social butterflies geekscoffee lovers
5 450
What we do
Platform and
provide the
Brilliant Basics
Magic Touches
Consumer Advocacy
Why the Challenge?
Decisions are not made in straight lines
PR Word
of mouth
Direct mail Store Call center Call center IVR Promotion
on invoice
Online Ads
billboards Search
page Blog
3rd Party
sites Website Mobile IM/Chat Blog Email Newsletter
Managed touchpoint
Unmanaged touchpoint
Customer 3Customer 2Customer 1
You face many challenges delivering on digital engagement
Your systems are increasingly complex and your customer data
more disconnected
What's at stake?
UK Ecommerce growth still strong – but growth is
 B2C Ecommerce set to increase by £24bn between 2014-2017
 Market is beginning to mature, 93% of UK internet users ages 14+
will shop online in 2014, a total of 41.2 million people.
 40% of UK internet users shop daily; additional 35% shop every
 A.T. Kearney’s “Global Retail E-Commerce Index” ranks UK fourth
in world’s top 10 countries ranked by digital retail market
Mcommerce offers the biggest growth opportunity
 UK Mcommerce set to increase by £12bn between 2014-2017; tablets
take £10bn slice of the growth
 IMRG/Capgemini state mobile devices accounted for 32% of total UK
retail ecommerce sales in Q4 2013
 73% of Mcommerce purchases via tablets in 2017;Average purchase
value of £83
 17% of smartphone buyers made purchases <£200
 ‘Bricks and mortar’ fight back – 16% of all retail Ecommerce (Q4
2013) was ‘Click and Collect’
Future is all Growth
Customer acquisition
Repeat business
Customer LifetimeValue
Market share
 Total organic search engine visits were up 48% in the 6 months following the deployment of
Sitecore CMS.
 Increased productivity through content repurposing, 20 fold improvement time to market
for new content launch
 100m – amount of data driven through the digital marketing system to drive deeper
When you do it right
 Overall site traffic has increased by more than 200 percent – and in some cases, traffic is
up by 700 percent.
 25% year on year increase in traffic, 40% increase in online revenues & increased
conversion rates
 80% of in store purchasers have been found to have researched their purchased online
When you do it really right!
goes live
FTSE 100
The new personalised
homepage contributed
to EasyJet being able to
fill two planes
every minute
during its biggest ever
sale in Jan 2012
22%Increase in booking
conversions versus
legacy CMS (project
target was 2%)
Michael O’Leary
“EasyJet has wiped the floor
with us, with the website and
modest customer [service]
improvements” Mr O’Leary
said onThursday, as he
launched 12 new routes
from Stansted.
“We can learn from the
bits they have done well”
Friday 29, November 2013
What needs to
happen to get it
5-20% Probability of selling to a new
60-70% Probability of selling to
an existing customer
Source: Marketing Metrics
1. Full Engagement
2. Recommendations
3. Focus on converting the right things
4. Fail Fast
5. More thanTechnology
Full engagement
70% of buying experiences are based on how the
customer feels they are being treated –
“If there is any one secret of success, it lies
in the ability to get the other person’s point
of view and see things from that person’s
angle as well as from your own.”- Henry
Ford (1937)
78% of consumers have bailed on a transaction
or not made an intended purchase because of a
poor service experience. Source: American
Express Survey, 2011
Full Engagement
Full Engagement
A high percentage of buyers on your website will have a question before completing their
purchase.The speed, personal touch and accuracy with which you are able to provide an
answer will make all the difference in whether they buy and keep buying from you.
Source: Jupiter Research/Forrester Research Inc
Appliances Online (ao.com)
 Started by undercutting, but then became fanatical about
service and combined online and offline customer experience
 Heavily invested in product video content, social media, and
 Users can login with Facebook and see which products their
friends have liked – building brand trust
 Customer experience starts at search results, continues
through a rich web experience, and follows right through to a
text message from your driver on the day of delivery
 40% annual revenue growth for 2013
 1m fans on Facebook
 40% increase in video views
 Captured 24% of the market
 Took £86m in one day
Personas enable you and your marketing and creative staff to get into the mind of your customers and
prospects. And when you understand your audience’s world and their motivations, you can create experiences
and content that engage them more deeply.
Research is the best way to inform your persona-creation
process. From interviews and surveys to site traffic analysis,
you’ll need quantitative and qualitative information on which
to base your persona decisions.
 Real name
 Title/ position
 Goals/ tasks needed to accomplish
 Relevant demographic information
 Problems/ needs/ wants
 A narrative of the flow of their day
 Skills
 Attitudes
 Environment
What’s needed to develop effective personas
 Tell everyone
 Marketing team
 External agencies
 Creative partners
 Other departments
 Marketing
 Digital
 Brand management
 Product
 IP team
 Legal
Dyson web experience stakeholders
 Customer intelligence
 You need to collect information across channels in one central place
 Moments of opportunity
 Identify when its your turn to speak in the conversation.These moment need to be identified throughout the
customer engagement lifecycle
 Automated Interactions
 The only way to ensure a timely response is to automate the engagement flow, so that relevant offers and
content get provided at the height of interest
“No Snakes, only ladders”
Closing the loop 5-8 years product lifecycle
 Content is still king, high-value content must be
 On target, channel appropriate and delivered in real time
 360 degree view of customer is critical, past, present and future
More than any other factor,
engagement is the most
accurate predictor of what a
customer will do in the future.
#Winning with Sitecore
 In being timely and relevant, marketers can
significantly improve engagement and help
prospects move farther along the buying
 900%
 Common failures
 Over simplistic approaches fail with the need to deliver
contextually relevant and real time recommendations
 Pushing complementary products before primary
product selection has been made- too eager to sell!
Focus on converting the right things
 Open, clicks and traffic show volumes not business objectives delivery
 There is more to conversions than just a sale, tracking intent and step by step funnels conversations are key to
prove success against business objectives and to forecast effectively.
 Four steps
1. Attraction
2. Two-way Communication
3. Trust Building
4. Commitment
Converting against business objectives
Fail Fast
Fail Fast
 With ever more customers relying on online platforms to interact with brands and purchase products the risk of a
non-optimised site is the greatest it has ever been, companies need to be able to test, fail fast, optimise, measure,
refine and repeat.
 The past
1. Work with a third party specialist to run a test on a feature/ journey/ page of your site
2. Wait 4-5 weeks for your turn in the queue
3. Run test
4. Ask IT to action the lesson learned, wait for them to schedule the project.
5. Operationalising winner has been shown to be the biggest problem
6. Gain budget approval for another test and start again
 Now
 Work with a platform that puts business users, not IT in control
 Once you start, you need to invest in constant tweaking and optimising, but you
 will reap big rewards.
DA001. #5127
 93 sites before, “untestable”
 Now 1 platform, “we continually
Not just about technology
#Winning with Sitecore
1. Full Engagement
2. Recommendations
3. Focus on converting the right things
4. Fail Fast
5. More thanTechnology
One Platform.
One Experience.™
 Experience Platform™ -
create deeply relevant experiences
across any channel
 Experience Database™ –
collects all your customers'
experience data and connects it to
each individual customer
Sitecore is a single, connected platform

More Related Content

#Winning with Sitecore

  • 1. Mark Needham Digital ExperienceConsultant – Sitecore UK Know every customer. Own every experience. #Winning!!
  • 3. 3 who we are Sitecore allows you to have meaningful conversations with your customers online. Build personalised experiences, improve brand loyalty and monitor and manage your digital marketing efforts all from one platform. Sweet. ……here 680+employees 50countries 21awards 11years in business 6moustaches 3500customers 500 10000developers 1500partners 1solution social butterflies geekscoffee lovers 5 450
  • 4. 4 What we do . Sitecore provide Platform and Tools Sagittarius provide the craft Immersive Digital Experiences Brilliant Basics Magic Touches Consumer Advocacy =
  • 6. 6 Digital touchpoints Physical touchpoints Decisions are not made in straight lines AWARENESS CONSIDERATION ACTION SERVICE LOYALTY TV Radio Print Outdoor PR Word of mouth Direct mail Store Call center Call center IVR Promotion on invoice Online Ads Viral email Digital billboards Search Landing page Blog 3rd Party sites Website Mobile IM/Chat Blog Email Newsletter Managed touchpoint Unmanaged touchpoint Customer 3Customer 2Customer 1
  • 7. 7 You face many challenges delivering on digital engagement
  • 8. 8 Your systems are increasingly complex and your customer data more disconnected
  • 10. 10 UK Ecommerce growth still strong – but growth is slowing  B2C Ecommerce set to increase by £24bn between 2014-2017  Market is beginning to mature, 93% of UK internet users ages 14+ will shop online in 2014, a total of 41.2 million people.  40% of UK internet users shop daily; additional 35% shop every week  A.T. Kearney’s “Global Retail E-Commerce Index” ranks UK fourth in world’s top 10 countries ranked by digital retail market attractiveness. MarketTrends
  • 11. 11 Mcommerce offers the biggest growth opportunity  UK Mcommerce set to increase by £12bn between 2014-2017; tablets take £10bn slice of the growth  IMRG/Capgemini state mobile devices accounted for 32% of total UK retail ecommerce sales in Q4 2013  73% of Mcommerce purchases via tablets in 2017;Average purchase value of £83  17% of smartphone buyers made purchases <£200  ‘Bricks and mortar’ fight back – 16% of all retail Ecommerce (Q4 2013) was ‘Click and Collect’ MarketTrends
  • 12. 12 Future is all Growth Revenue Customer acquisition Repeat business Customer LifetimeValue Market share
  • 14. 14  Total organic search engine visits were up 48% in the 6 months following the deployment of Sitecore CMS.  Increased productivity through content repurposing, 20 fold improvement time to market for new content launch  100m – amount of data driven through the digital marketing system to drive deeper engagement When you do it right  Overall site traffic has increased by more than 200 percent – and in some cases, traffic is up by 700 percent.  25% year on year increase in traffic, 40% increase in online revenues & increased conversion rates  80% of in store purchasers have been found to have researched their purchased online
  • 15. 15 When you do it really right! Website goes live FTSE 100 The new personalised homepage contributed to EasyJet being able to fill two planes every minute during its biggest ever sale in Jan 2012 22%Increase in booking conversions versus legacy CMS (project target was 2%)
  • 16. Michael O’Leary Ryanair “EasyJet has wiped the floor with us, with the website and modest customer [service] improvements” Mr O’Leary said onThursday, as he launched 12 new routes from Stansted. “We can learn from the bits they have done well” TheTelegraph Friday 29, November 2013
  • 17. 17 What needs to happen to get it right?
  • 18. 18 5-20% Probability of selling to a new prospect 60-70% Probability of selling to an existing customer Source: Marketing Metrics
  • 19. 19 1. Full Engagement 2. Recommendations 3. Focus on converting the right things 4. Fail Fast 5. More thanTechnology
  • 21. 21 70% of buying experiences are based on how the customer feels they are being treated – McKinsey. “If there is any one secret of success, it lies in the ability to get the other person’s point of view and see things from that person’s angle as well as from your own.”- Henry Ford (1937) 78% of consumers have bailed on a transaction or not made an intended purchase because of a poor service experience. Source: American Express Survey, 2011 Full Engagement 人無笑臉,不要開店
  • 22. 22 Full Engagement A high percentage of buyers on your website will have a question before completing their purchase.The speed, personal touch and accuracy with which you are able to provide an answer will make all the difference in whether they buy and keep buying from you. Source: Jupiter Research/Forrester Research Inc
  • 23. 23 Appliances Online (ao.com) Solution  Started by undercutting, but then became fanatical about service and combined online and offline customer experience management  Heavily invested in product video content, social media, and SEO  Users can login with Facebook and see which products their friends have liked – building brand trust  Customer experience starts at search results, continues through a rich web experience, and follows right through to a text message from your driver on the day of delivery Results  40% annual revenue growth for 2013  1m fans on Facebook  40% increase in video views  Captured 24% of the market  Took £86m in one day
  • 24. 24 Personas enable you and your marketing and creative staff to get into the mind of your customers and prospects. And when you understand your audience’s world and their motivations, you can create experiences and content that engage them more deeply. Personas
  • 25. Research is the best way to inform your persona-creation process. From interviews and surveys to site traffic analysis, you’ll need quantitative and qualitative information on which to base your persona decisions.
  • 26. 26  Real name  Title/ position  Goals/ tasks needed to accomplish  Relevant demographic information  Problems/ needs/ wants  A narrative of the flow of their day  Skills  Attitudes  Environment What’s needed to develop effective personas  Tell everyone  Marketing team  External agencies  Creative partners  Other departments
  • 27. 27  Marketing  Digital  Brand management  Product  IP team  Legal Dyson web experience stakeholders
  • 29. 29 Conversations  Customer intelligence  You need to collect information across channels in one central place  Moments of opportunity  Identify when its your turn to speak in the conversation.These moment need to be identified throughout the customer engagement lifecycle  Automated Interactions  The only way to ensure a timely response is to automate the engagement flow, so that relevant offers and content get provided at the height of interest
  • 30. 30 “No Snakes, only ladders” Closing the loop 5-8 years product lifecycle
  • 31. 31  Content is still king, high-value content must be  On target, channel appropriate and delivered in real time  360 degree view of customer is critical, past, present and future
  • 32. 32 More than any other factor, engagement is the most accurate predictor of what a customer will do in the future.
  • 35. 35 Recommendations  In being timely and relevant, marketers can significantly improve engagement and help prospects move farther along the buying process.  900%  Common failures  Over simplistic approaches fail with the need to deliver contextually relevant and real time recommendations  Pushing complementary products before primary product selection has been made- too eager to sell!
  • 36. 36 Focus on converting the right things
  • 37. 37 Converting…?  Open, clicks and traffic show volumes not business objectives delivery  There is more to conversions than just a sale, tracking intent and step by step funnels conversations are key to prove success against business objectives and to forecast effectively.  Four steps 1. Attraction 2. Two-way Communication 3. Trust Building 4. Commitment
  • 41. 41 Fail Fast  With ever more customers relying on online platforms to interact with brands and purchase products the risk of a non-optimised site is the greatest it has ever been, companies need to be able to test, fail fast, optimise, measure, refine and repeat.  The past 1. Work with a third party specialist to run a test on a feature/ journey/ page of your site 2. Wait 4-5 weeks for your turn in the queue 3. Run test 4. Ask IT to action the lesson learned, wait for them to schedule the project. 5. Operationalising winner has been shown to be the biggest problem 6. Gain budget approval for another test and start again  Now  Work with a platform that puts business users, not IT in control  Once you start, you need to invest in constant tweaking and optimising, but you  will reap big rewards. DA001. #5127  93 sites before, “untestable”  Now 1 platform, “we continually test”
  • 42. 42 Not just about technology
  • 43. 43
  • 45. 45 1. Full Engagement 2. Recommendations 3. Focus on converting the right things 4. Fail Fast 5. More thanTechnology
  • 46. 46 One Platform. One Experience.™  Experience Platform™ - create deeply relevant experiences across any channel  Experience Database™ – collects all your customers' experience data and connects it to each individual customer
  • 47. 47 Sitecore is a single, connected platform

Editor's Notes

  1. To change image, right-click image > “Change picture” Image dimensions: 1350px x 975px
  2. “a man without a smiling face must not open a shop” chinease proverb
  3. Consistently 1st or 2nd in SEO – the SEO team has grown from one person to 20 in the last four years.
  4. Must incorporate information that in most cases is spread across multiple silo The ability to weave individual conversation threads across channels to the point of purchased and beyond Everything you learn in one channel – behaviors, job title, interests, attitudes – needs to be accessible in all your other channels so you can continue the conversation wherever it left off. There are three essential elements for creating more natural, deeper conversations with customers: To have intelligent, engaging conversations across channels, you need to follow the rules of natural conversation by keeping track of the context. If you have siloed cha nnels and marketing, the conversation is constantly restarted, rather than being a single conversation that builds on the last interaction.
  5. Must incorporate information that in most cases is spread across multiple silo The ability to weave individual conversation threads across channels to the point of purchased and beyond Everything you learn in one channel – behaviors, job title, interests, attitudes – needs to be accessible in all your other channels so you can continue the conversation wherever it left off. There are three essential elements for creating more natural, deeper conversations with customers: To have intelligent, engaging conversations across channels, you need to follow the rules of natural conversation by keeping track of the context. If you have siloed cha nnels and marketing, the conversation is constantly restarted, rather than being a single conversation that builds on the last interaction.
  6. Studies of personalisation have revealed that, when recommendations are made intelligently, those products being recommended can enjoy conversion rates over 900% higher than sitewide averages. 
  7. People start most relationships with little or no engagement, but there is a consistent process we all use to increase engagement. That process goes through
  8. The Sitecore Experience Platform harnesses all of your customer data, to shape and deliver a unique experience for every one of your customers, across every channel or touchpoint. We do this in the moment – in real time – like a personal conversation. At Sitecore, we have a single, connected platform, that enables you to deliver a uniquely tailored experience to every customer. The Sitecore Experience platform provides you with full control over shaping your customers’ experiences. Manage: from managing how that experience is delivered across multiple touchpoints, Target: how you can identify and pinpoint specific audiences or groups of customers to receive different experiences Measure: the ability to track all this, and identify what interactions provide your organization with the most value Automate: the ability to make this process infinitely repeatable, at scale, for each and every individual customer.
  9. The Sitecore Experience Platform harnesses all of your customer data, to shape and deliver a unique experience for every one of your customers, across every channel or touchpoint. We do this in the moment – in real time – like a personal conversation. At Sitecore, we have a single, connected platform, that enables you to deliver a uniquely tailored experience to every customer. The Sitecore Experience platform provides you with full control over shaping your customers’ experiences. Manage: from managing how that experience is delivered across multiple touchpoints, Target: how you can identify and pinpoint specific audiences or groups of customers to receive different experiences Measure: the ability to track all this, and identify what interactions provide your organization with the most value Automate: the ability to make this process infinitely repeatable, at scale, for each and every individual customer.
  10. People start most relationships with little or no engagement, but there is a consistent process we all use to increase engagement. That process goes through
  11. Big data is amazing, but with enough time and money you can use any data to disprove/ prove a hypothesis……… Pick any number 1-100, you’ve just predicted with more accuracy the increase in flu-like illnesses that will strike America GFI is seen as the shining example of the power of big data- results was accurate 8 times, over 108 week period , sometimes the estimates where double the reality There is no such thing as clean and stable data, data changes in real time and it is a mistake to think otherwise Data collated from multiple sources will show increasing deviation and more inaccuracies It is much better to assume that data has holes and flaws. Instead of tech coming first its critical you consider what you are trying to do, consider the user journeys, use common sense
  12. Sitecore has carried a number of research projects investigating the strategies organisations are applying to tune into manage the customer experience. From the research data, we have derived an customer experience maturity model. It comprises of 3 main phases of maturity Attract, Convert and Advocate and 7 sub stages from getting started with some basics to building customer lifetime value. Most organisations are at the Attract phase and have got to the stage of aligning their digital marketing plan, with overall marketing plan and then the overall business objectives. Achieving each of these phases has proven to bring about some realy exciting results. Companies who have set up their websites that have automated personalisation and testing have increased their ‘conversions’ by 20%, such a as Easyjet and its only taken a few months to get there. These outcomes are making a significant impact on revenue. When organisations get to the Engage stage, then are really flying, getting that 360 degree realtime view of the customer and then engaging with them with dynamic personlised content across all channels – online and off-line thereby generating conversions. Effective digital marketing can deliver an immediate and measureable ROI! But for many companies they are not there yet and one of the main challenges is this.......
  13. To change image, right-click image > “Change picture” Image dimensions: 1350px x 975px
  14. The Sitecore Experience Platform harnesses all of your customer data, to shape and deliver a unique experience for every one of your customers, across every channel or touchpoint. We do this in the moment – in real time – like a personal conversation. At Sitecore, we have a single, connected platform, that enables you to deliver a uniquely tailored experience to every customer. The Sitecore Experience platform provides you with full control over shaping your customers’ experiences. Manage: from managing how that experience is delivered across multiple touchpoints, Target: how you can identify and pinpoint specific audiences or groups of customers to receive different experiences Measure: the ability to track all this, and identify what interactions provide your organization with the most value Automate: the ability to make this process infinitely repeatable, at scale, for each and every individual customer.