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BUILDING OUR FUTURE THROUGH UNDERSTANDING OUR PASTHow a Knowledge of Patterns Can Help Us Understand Our FutureStephen Murgatroyd, PhD FRSA, FBPsSChief Scout, Murgatroyd Communications & Consulting IncVancouver, June 27th 2011Marriot Pinnacle Hotel – an RSA Fellows Event
“History is a mystery, but the future is clear…”Ben Bernanke
BUILDING OUR FUTURE THROUGH UNDERSTANDING OUR PASTHow a Knowledge of Patterns Can Help Us Understand Our FutureThis presentation will look at six current “revolutions” and their significance. The six revolutions are:TechnologyGlobal EconomicsGlobal power balancesDemographicsClimate Change & WaterPersonal IdentityThe underlying structure of these revolutions suggests…The consequences of understanding these interlocking pattern are..
TechnologyThe First Revolution
Technology is EverywhereThe iPad is the fastest growing technology ever to be sold – iPad 1 sold 1 million in 28 days (April 2010) and the iPad 2 sold 1 million in 3 days (March 2011) – a total of 19.5 million have been sold in 12 monthsThe 10 billionth “app” for the iPhone/ iPad was downloaded on January 22nd 2011 at 1045 am640 million Facebook users in 6 yearsIn Q4 of 2010 Smart Phone shipments outstrip PC shipments 2:1
Adoption Speeds are Getting Faster(number of years to secure 80% penetration)
Technology is Changing IndustriesThe Forest Sector…Cellulosic EthanolPulp & PaperNano Crystalline CelluloseBio Active Paper & PacksBuilding MaterialRenewable dieselAircraft FuelsEnergyBio PlasticsFood AdditivesBio OilsMethanolTextilesRenewable Tires using LigninBio Pharmaceuticals
Music / Movie Rental IndustryiTunes has changed this industry, with over 5 billion downloadsiTunes Store also has the largest music catalogue online, with over 8 million tracks. iTunes Store is now renting over 50,000 movies daily, turning it into the most popular movie store, too, with a catalogue of over 20,000 TV episodes, over 2,000 films, of which over 350+ are available in HD quality.
Health CareThe Robot-Biotech RevolutionIn Canada/US 75,000 robotic surgeries each year and growing at 12% CAGR in North America Nanotechnology products in health care now appearing:Drug delivery systemInner nano-bots monitoring systemsGrowing “organs” for transplantNew neuroscience and biotech permitting new kinds of proesthetics
Technology RevolutionBroadband based technologies are disruptiveThey are fundamentally changing service industries, e.g.BankingTravelMusic and MoviesBooks NewspapersEducationDigital and robotic technologies are increasingly disruptive. They are changing industries, e.g.ForestryHealth careManufacturingLogistics and supply chains
The Pattern Here.. A disruptive technology changes behaviour of large number of people which institutions and organization are initially slow to respond toOver time, new products and services emerge which change industries (e.g. itunes, iPad)Other sectors then are emboldened by developments in related sectors and seek to adopt/adapt New firms emerge which “get” the technology and create new products and services – e.g. yet2.com Over time. Established firms (Blockbuster) are replaced by new players (Netflix)
The Tech Bubble S Curve(Think RIM)
History Tells Us About This..The S Curve’s HistoryHorse replaced by the carCandles and gas lights replaced by electricitySilent films replaced cinema talkies, Videos replaced by PVO’s and DVDs, Blockbuster by NetflixDisruptive technologies create new classes of workers, new kinds of drivers for wealth and new kinds of organizationsSocial structure changes in line with technology, but generally slowlySpeed of technological replacement of core societal technologies has been slow, but is now accelerating..
Global economyRevolution 2
US Debt to 2019
Workers Share of National Income (US)1947 - 2010
GDP Growth Doesn’t Equate to Genuine Happiness Growth
Other Data Confirm ThisNo Happier than when Truman was President of the US
The DynamicsEmerging BRIC’s economies are having a major impact on the global economyBrazil – now the 5th largest holder of US debt, will grow at an average of 4.4% annually between now and 2050Russia - will grow at an average of 4 % annually between now and 2050India - will grow at an average of 8.1% annually between now and 2050China – the largest holder of US debt, will grow 9.3% in 2011 and average 5.9% to 2050When we look at the economic “shape” of the world in 2050 it looks somewhat different from now…
Six revolutions and their significance
Other Complications to the “Normal” Economic Order..PIGS economies remain weak and vulnerable, especially GreeceJapan will take a considerable time to restore economic health given its level of debt and the impact of the tsunami / earthquake which had a significant effect on global supply chainsThe middle east unrest (especially Syria) are having a destabilising effect on that regional economy and could have a medium term impact on oil prices and inflationUS debt (Federal $14.3 trillion and growing / 48 US States in severe financial trouble) coupled with the inability of the political system to agree a strategy is extremely problematicOil, commodity and food inflation will have a significant impact on the world economy, especially the world’s poorStructural sovereign debt is everywhere – we are headed to a decade or more of austerity in the developed world with major impacts on trade and employmentCentral bank balance sheets are bloated and will be adjusted down with higher interest rates, which will have a significant impact on global tradeLabour supply in the developed world “tight” – and challenging. Global war for talent is “on”.
G-Zero for Global InstitutionsIt’s a flat but lumpy economic world…Historically, the G7 (then the G8 and then the G20) met twice a year to adjust elements of the global economic strategy. The IMF and the World Bank were also “directed” through these meetings.These organizations are now dysfunctional – we live in the G-Zero age with no institution fully engaged/ able to step up to a significant transition, though the IMF and World Bank are seeking to fulfill this role.Our economic institutions are in the process of rebalancing and redefining their rolesMeantime, we have a “an unusually uncertain environment” (Ben Bernanke) – code for “we’re flying blind”.
Global power balancesRevolution 3
It’s Safe To Say..We are witness to the beginning of the decline of the US as the worlds global super-powerVietnam Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya not military successesEconomic power clearly in decline as the BRIC’s economies emergePolitical “messy-ness” characterizes WashingtonLow rates of democratic participation (55-56% and as low as 49% in 1996), especially amongst some ethnic groups and fractionation of politics (T-Party, lobbying) Banking system in relative permanent state of uncertaintyLow performance on PISA educational attainments – 24th in the world on mathematics (lower position than 2006) and 7th in the world on reading.Europe going through a major transition – EU 27 struggling to gain identity in a time of austerity and tension between Germany/France/UK  on the one hand and the PIGS economies on the other as well as between the UK and EurozoneFormer global powers of the G7 nations (US, UK, France, Japan, Germany, Italy and Canada) are shifting with some in serious economic trouble (US, Japan, Italy) and some seeking to punch globally above their weight (UK, Canada, France) and some unsure about their status (Italy)
The Post Washington Consensus(Birdsall and Fukuyama, March 2011 Foreign Affairs Vol. 90(2))Post recession:The assumption that emerging economies could benefit from the stronger flow of foreign capital (“the foreign finance fetish”) has been questioned by the huge financial externalities imposed by foreign capital (and its volatility) for these economies.Regulated financial markets are just as important for the US and Europe as they are for the emerging economiesSocial safety nets make a significant difference to the speed / costs of post recession recoveryRe-emergence of the importance of industrial policyRecognition that the “market” is one force and balancing this with government is essential An effective, quality public sector is a critical ingredient in the efficiency of post-capitalist market based economiesThe emergence of multi-polarity: Pole 1: US, Europe and Japan; Pole 2: Brazil, China, India and South Africa with many countries join one orother, depending on the issue.
Other Aspects of the World Are Also ChangingHans Rolling BBC 200 Countries / 200 years in 4 minutesShifts in the balance of power in Africa, Asia
Middle East and the Summer of Unrest – emerging democracies (fed by Facebook and Twitter)
Quickly growing middle class in Asia, India and Africa
Health quality rising in formerly unhealthy regionsEducation Landscape is Changing
demographicsRevolution 4
Lets Begin with CanadaAge specific Fertility Rates 1926 - 2005
Now Lets Look at The US
And Now Europe
Six revolutions and their significance
The Grey Tsunami is Beginning
Our Demographic ChallengeLowering world-wide of fertility, linked to growing health and wealthMany people in the developed world (but also in China and India) living longerRising middle class in East will replace the buying power of the middle class in the westCosts of social programs (especially health) rising and debt levels in major economies higherFewer people in work to pay taxes to support a growing number of people not in workAusterity likely, with a major impact on employment which in turn, encourages a shift to outsourcing…
The Earth and Climate changeRevolution 5
Climate Change is Not NewIt Occurs Around every 1,500 Years
Does Appear to be Getting Warmer..Though some suggests that data anomalies / Adjustments cause some of this warming. Others claim that the warming effectively stopped in 1998……
…and there is more atmospheric CO2The current June 2011 CO2 levels are estimated at 390 ppm. The last time CO2was that high was around 3 million years ago, in the early Pliocene. Back then, CO2levels remained at around 365 to 410 ppm for thousands of years. Fear is it will rise to 550 ppm by 2050 (unlikely).
World Water Situation Growingly Problematic
US Water Sustainability Map(Darker the red, the more problematic)
Canada’s Water Situation in 2050Per capita, Canadians are the planet's second-biggest water consumers, behind Americans. The average Canadian uses 335 litres per day -- more than double Europeans' usage. And Canadian water use is growing (by 25 per cent over the past two decades), while other developed countries, including the U.S., have seen consumption drop.Canada's water gluttony is starker still. Most of the 1.1 billion people worldwide who are water poor must survive on five litres per day. That's less than a Canadian uses to flush a toilet -- even of the low-flush variety.
Impacts of Climate Change on Canada’s Water Supply..British ColumbiaWarm temperatures cause glacier retreat. (Glaciers supply water for irrigation, drinking and hydroelectric power. Runoff also maintains river habitat.)Precipitation is more intense, with greater winter rainfall.Lack of water resources lead to water conflicts.Prairie provincesDeclining water resources due to melting glaciers and less snow cover in Rockies.More droughts, affecting crop irrigation, soil quality and wetland habitats.Changes in water quality due to low flows.OntarioLower water levels in Great Lakes lead to increases in shipping costs and problems launching, operating boats.Water-borne pathogens carrying infectious diseases proliferate in higher water temperatures.
QuebecFlooding affects over 80 per cent of municipalities located on the waterfront.Extreme precipitation events and flooding overwhelm municipal sewer systems.St. Lawrence River fluctuations affect fisheries, wetlands, water supply, hydro power, navigation and marinas.Atlantic ProvincesRising sea levels cause erosion, flooding of coastal habitats.Storm, tidal surges increase, leading to more frequent flooding.Droughts affect quantity, quality and allocation of water for agriculture.
Four Generalized Response Scenarios(Probability in Brackets Judged by 60 Leading Thinkers / Years = Mean Arrival Dates of the Scenario)
A new “self”Revolution Six
Challenges to Our Sense of IdentityWe are experiencing a generation who confuse “tweeting” with meaning; Facebook friends with friendship, reality TV with realityShifting from homo-sapien to homo-zapienMany search for meaning in relation toFamily, community and societySelf and personal identityPersonal relationshipRelationship to knowledge, information and wisdom
The Identity RevolutionSustaining the resilience of the human spiritEnabling spirituality and mindfulnessBeing happy in work, home, communityInvolvement in communityBalancing the “egocentric” (a focus on “me/I”) with the allocenetric (a focus on the “us” and others)The identity challenge shows itself in:Language and thoughtEducationThe construct of “news” – substance versus “froth” and the fascination with “celebrity”Decline of religion Shifts in social institutions  - marriage, family,
The “S” CURVES OF HISTORYUnderstanding the Implications
The S Curve and HistoryThe S curve is an established pattern in biology, physics, geology, economics, technology and other spheresIt describes a dynamic in which an activity reaches a natural limit and then declines…or cannot recover from a major disruptionFor example, semiconductors on a single chip reached a physical limit, so we moved to dual processors..Not deterministic – contingent, function of human agency and the maturity of the curve can be sustained by innovation…butThe decisions of individuals do produce patterns in populations (e.g. demographics) which are S curve like..
Overlapping S Curves“In Between Time”
This is an “In Between” TimeTransition from a post modern/information age to a biotech/robotic ageTransition from an age of abundance to one of austerityTransition from an age of “me” to an age of “who am I?”Transition from the text to the tweet and from newspapers to sound bits and digi-clipsTransition from a robust, rich US dominated world to a declining/ weak US engaged world with China holding swayTransition from a community oriented society to a “self” oriented societyTransition from established and meaningful global institutions to the G-Zero world
Understanding Transitions : Different Social Structures in Different Economic Ages

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Six revolutions and their significance

  • 1. BUILDING OUR FUTURE THROUGH UNDERSTANDING OUR PASTHow a Knowledge of Patterns Can Help Us Understand Our FutureStephen Murgatroyd, PhD FRSA, FBPsSChief Scout, Murgatroyd Communications & Consulting IncVancouver, June 27th 2011Marriot Pinnacle Hotel – an RSA Fellows Event
  • 2. “History is a mystery, but the future is clear…”Ben Bernanke
  • 3. BUILDING OUR FUTURE THROUGH UNDERSTANDING OUR PASTHow a Knowledge of Patterns Can Help Us Understand Our FutureThis presentation will look at six current “revolutions” and their significance. The six revolutions are:TechnologyGlobal EconomicsGlobal power balancesDemographicsClimate Change & WaterPersonal IdentityThe underlying structure of these revolutions suggests…The consequences of understanding these interlocking pattern are..
  • 5. Technology is EverywhereThe iPad is the fastest growing technology ever to be sold – iPad 1 sold 1 million in 28 days (April 2010) and the iPad 2 sold 1 million in 3 days (March 2011) – a total of 19.5 million have been sold in 12 monthsThe 10 billionth “app” for the iPhone/ iPad was downloaded on January 22nd 2011 at 1045 am640 million Facebook users in 6 yearsIn Q4 of 2010 Smart Phone shipments outstrip PC shipments 2:1
  • 6. Adoption Speeds are Getting Faster(number of years to secure 80% penetration)
  • 7. Technology is Changing IndustriesThe Forest Sector…Cellulosic EthanolPulp & PaperNano Crystalline CelluloseBio Active Paper & PacksBuilding MaterialRenewable dieselAircraft FuelsEnergyBio PlasticsFood AdditivesBio OilsMethanolTextilesRenewable Tires using LigninBio Pharmaceuticals
  • 8. Music / Movie Rental IndustryiTunes has changed this industry, with over 5 billion downloadsiTunes Store also has the largest music catalogue online, with over 8 million tracks. iTunes Store is now renting over 50,000 movies daily, turning it into the most popular movie store, too, with a catalogue of over 20,000 TV episodes, over 2,000 films, of which over 350+ are available in HD quality.
  • 9. Health CareThe Robot-Biotech RevolutionIn Canada/US 75,000 robotic surgeries each year and growing at 12% CAGR in North America Nanotechnology products in health care now appearing:Drug delivery systemInner nano-bots monitoring systemsGrowing “organs” for transplantNew neuroscience and biotech permitting new kinds of proesthetics
  • 10. Technology RevolutionBroadband based technologies are disruptiveThey are fundamentally changing service industries, e.g.BankingTravelMusic and MoviesBooks NewspapersEducationDigital and robotic technologies are increasingly disruptive. They are changing industries, e.g.ForestryHealth careManufacturingLogistics and supply chains
  • 11. The Pattern Here.. A disruptive technology changes behaviour of large number of people which institutions and organization are initially slow to respond toOver time, new products and services emerge which change industries (e.g. itunes, iPad)Other sectors then are emboldened by developments in related sectors and seek to adopt/adapt New firms emerge which “get” the technology and create new products and services – e.g. yet2.com Over time. Established firms (Blockbuster) are replaced by new players (Netflix)
  • 12. The Tech Bubble S Curve(Think RIM)
  • 13. History Tells Us About This..The S Curve’s HistoryHorse replaced by the carCandles and gas lights replaced by electricitySilent films replaced cinema talkies, Videos replaced by PVO’s and DVDs, Blockbuster by NetflixDisruptive technologies create new classes of workers, new kinds of drivers for wealth and new kinds of organizationsSocial structure changes in line with technology, but generally slowlySpeed of technological replacement of core societal technologies has been slow, but is now accelerating..
  • 15. US Debt to 2019
  • 16. Workers Share of National Income (US)1947 - 2010
  • 17. GDP Growth Doesn’t Equate to Genuine Happiness Growth
  • 18. Other Data Confirm ThisNo Happier than when Truman was President of the US
  • 19. The DynamicsEmerging BRIC’s economies are having a major impact on the global economyBrazil – now the 5th largest holder of US debt, will grow at an average of 4.4% annually between now and 2050Russia - will grow at an average of 4 % annually between now and 2050India - will grow at an average of 8.1% annually between now and 2050China – the largest holder of US debt, will grow 9.3% in 2011 and average 5.9% to 2050When we look at the economic “shape” of the world in 2050 it looks somewhat different from now…
  • 21. Other Complications to the “Normal” Economic Order..PIGS economies remain weak and vulnerable, especially GreeceJapan will take a considerable time to restore economic health given its level of debt and the impact of the tsunami / earthquake which had a significant effect on global supply chainsThe middle east unrest (especially Syria) are having a destabilising effect on that regional economy and could have a medium term impact on oil prices and inflationUS debt (Federal $14.3 trillion and growing / 48 US States in severe financial trouble) coupled with the inability of the political system to agree a strategy is extremely problematicOil, commodity and food inflation will have a significant impact on the world economy, especially the world’s poorStructural sovereign debt is everywhere – we are headed to a decade or more of austerity in the developed world with major impacts on trade and employmentCentral bank balance sheets are bloated and will be adjusted down with higher interest rates, which will have a significant impact on global tradeLabour supply in the developed world “tight” – and challenging. Global war for talent is “on”.
  • 22. G-Zero for Global InstitutionsIt’s a flat but lumpy economic world…Historically, the G7 (then the G8 and then the G20) met twice a year to adjust elements of the global economic strategy. The IMF and the World Bank were also “directed” through these meetings.These organizations are now dysfunctional – we live in the G-Zero age with no institution fully engaged/ able to step up to a significant transition, though the IMF and World Bank are seeking to fulfill this role.Our economic institutions are in the process of rebalancing and redefining their rolesMeantime, we have a “an unusually uncertain environment” (Ben Bernanke) – code for “we’re flying blind”.
  • 24. It’s Safe To Say..We are witness to the beginning of the decline of the US as the worlds global super-powerVietnam Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya not military successesEconomic power clearly in decline as the BRIC’s economies emergePolitical “messy-ness” characterizes WashingtonLow rates of democratic participation (55-56% and as low as 49% in 1996), especially amongst some ethnic groups and fractionation of politics (T-Party, lobbying) Banking system in relative permanent state of uncertaintyLow performance on PISA educational attainments – 24th in the world on mathematics (lower position than 2006) and 7th in the world on reading.Europe going through a major transition – EU 27 struggling to gain identity in a time of austerity and tension between Germany/France/UK on the one hand and the PIGS economies on the other as well as between the UK and EurozoneFormer global powers of the G7 nations (US, UK, France, Japan, Germany, Italy and Canada) are shifting with some in serious economic trouble (US, Japan, Italy) and some seeking to punch globally above their weight (UK, Canada, France) and some unsure about their status (Italy)
  • 25. The Post Washington Consensus(Birdsall and Fukuyama, March 2011 Foreign Affairs Vol. 90(2))Post recession:The assumption that emerging economies could benefit from the stronger flow of foreign capital (“the foreign finance fetish”) has been questioned by the huge financial externalities imposed by foreign capital (and its volatility) for these economies.Regulated financial markets are just as important for the US and Europe as they are for the emerging economiesSocial safety nets make a significant difference to the speed / costs of post recession recoveryRe-emergence of the importance of industrial policyRecognition that the “market” is one force and balancing this with government is essential An effective, quality public sector is a critical ingredient in the efficiency of post-capitalist market based economiesThe emergence of multi-polarity: Pole 1: US, Europe and Japan; Pole 2: Brazil, China, India and South Africa with many countries join one orother, depending on the issue.
  • 26. Other Aspects of the World Are Also ChangingHans Rolling BBC 200 Countries / 200 years in 4 minutesShifts in the balance of power in Africa, Asia
  • 27. Middle East and the Summer of Unrest – emerging democracies (fed by Facebook and Twitter)
  • 28. Quickly growing middle class in Asia, India and Africa
  • 29. Health quality rising in formerly unhealthy regionsEducation Landscape is Changing
  • 31. Lets Begin with CanadaAge specific Fertility Rates 1926 - 2005
  • 32. Now Lets Look at The US
  • 35. The Grey Tsunami is Beginning
  • 36. Our Demographic ChallengeLowering world-wide of fertility, linked to growing health and wealthMany people in the developed world (but also in China and India) living longerRising middle class in East will replace the buying power of the middle class in the westCosts of social programs (especially health) rising and debt levels in major economies higherFewer people in work to pay taxes to support a growing number of people not in workAusterity likely, with a major impact on employment which in turn, encourages a shift to outsourcing…
  • 37. The Earth and Climate changeRevolution 5
  • 38. Climate Change is Not NewIt Occurs Around every 1,500 Years
  • 39. Does Appear to be Getting Warmer..Though some suggests that data anomalies / Adjustments cause some of this warming. Others claim that the warming effectively stopped in 1998……
  • 40. …and there is more atmospheric CO2The current June 2011 CO2 levels are estimated at 390 ppm. The last time CO2was that high was around 3 million years ago, in the early Pliocene. Back then, CO2levels remained at around 365 to 410 ppm for thousands of years. Fear is it will rise to 550 ppm by 2050 (unlikely).
  • 41. World Water Situation Growingly Problematic
  • 42. US Water Sustainability Map(Darker the red, the more problematic)
  • 43. Canada’s Water Situation in 2050Per capita, Canadians are the planet's second-biggest water consumers, behind Americans. The average Canadian uses 335 litres per day -- more than double Europeans' usage. And Canadian water use is growing (by 25 per cent over the past two decades), while other developed countries, including the U.S., have seen consumption drop.Canada's water gluttony is starker still. Most of the 1.1 billion people worldwide who are water poor must survive on five litres per day. That's less than a Canadian uses to flush a toilet -- even of the low-flush variety.
  • 44. Impacts of Climate Change on Canada’s Water Supply..British ColumbiaWarm temperatures cause glacier retreat. (Glaciers supply water for irrigation, drinking and hydroelectric power. Runoff also maintains river habitat.)Precipitation is more intense, with greater winter rainfall.Lack of water resources lead to water conflicts.Prairie provincesDeclining water resources due to melting glaciers and less snow cover in Rockies.More droughts, affecting crop irrigation, soil quality and wetland habitats.Changes in water quality due to low flows.OntarioLower water levels in Great Lakes lead to increases in shipping costs and problems launching, operating boats.Water-borne pathogens carrying infectious diseases proliferate in higher water temperatures.
  • 45. QuebecFlooding affects over 80 per cent of municipalities located on the waterfront.Extreme precipitation events and flooding overwhelm municipal sewer systems.St. Lawrence River fluctuations affect fisheries, wetlands, water supply, hydro power, navigation and marinas.Atlantic ProvincesRising sea levels cause erosion, flooding of coastal habitats.Storm, tidal surges increase, leading to more frequent flooding.Droughts affect quantity, quality and allocation of water for agriculture.
  • 46. Four Generalized Response Scenarios(Probability in Brackets Judged by 60 Leading Thinkers / Years = Mean Arrival Dates of the Scenario)
  • 48. Challenges to Our Sense of IdentityWe are experiencing a generation who confuse “tweeting” with meaning; Facebook friends with friendship, reality TV with realityShifting from homo-sapien to homo-zapienMany search for meaning in relation toFamily, community and societySelf and personal identityPersonal relationshipRelationship to knowledge, information and wisdom
  • 49. The Identity RevolutionSustaining the resilience of the human spiritEnabling spirituality and mindfulnessBeing happy in work, home, communityInvolvement in communityBalancing the “egocentric” (a focus on “me/I”) with the allocenetric (a focus on the “us” and others)The identity challenge shows itself in:Language and thoughtEducationThe construct of “news” – substance versus “froth” and the fascination with “celebrity”Decline of religion Shifts in social institutions - marriage, family,
  • 50. The “S” CURVES OF HISTORYUnderstanding the Implications
  • 51. The S Curve and HistoryThe S curve is an established pattern in biology, physics, geology, economics, technology and other spheresIt describes a dynamic in which an activity reaches a natural limit and then declines…or cannot recover from a major disruptionFor example, semiconductors on a single chip reached a physical limit, so we moved to dual processors..Not deterministic – contingent, function of human agency and the maturity of the curve can be sustained by innovation…butThe decisions of individuals do produce patterns in populations (e.g. demographics) which are S curve like..
  • 52. Overlapping S Curves“In Between Time”
  • 53. This is an “In Between” TimeTransition from a post modern/information age to a biotech/robotic ageTransition from an age of abundance to one of austerityTransition from an age of “me” to an age of “who am I?”Transition from the text to the tweet and from newspapers to sound bits and digi-clipsTransition from a robust, rich US dominated world to a declining/ weak US engaged world with China holding swayTransition from a community oriented society to a “self” oriented societyTransition from established and meaningful global institutions to the G-Zero world
  • 54. Understanding Transitions : Different Social Structures in Different Economic Ages
  • 55. A New 21st Century Renaissance?The Medieval RenaissanceChallenges to generally accepted boundaries of thought and actionRedefining of who had power/authorityRealignment of the power of the church and stateExploration, innovation and cultural enrichmentNew technology (printing)Reinvention of “self”New forms of expression – new forms of art, music, drama, poetry21st Century RenaissanceRealigning of social, political and economic boundariesPower shifting in terms of social democratic movements and the fractionation of politicsNew forms of religious beliefs and a new secularismInnovation, technological disruption with social consequences (e.g. social media, biotech, robotics)Reinvention of “self” and “followership”New forms of expression – social media, new forms of music and art, drama, film..
  • 56. Let the journey continue!This presentation is available on Slideshare.comwww.stephenmurgatroyd.comstephen.murgatroyd@shaw.cawww.renaissanceleaders.org

Editor's Notes

  1. This figure shows the long-term evolution of oxygen isotope ratios during the Phanerozoiceon as measured in fossils, reported by Veizer et al. (1999), and updated online in 2004 [1]. Such ratios reflect both the local temperature at the site of deposition and global changes associated with the extent of permanent continental glaciation. As such, relative changes in oxygen isotope ratios can be interpreted as rough changes in climate. Quantitative conversion between these data and direct temperature changes is a complicated process subject to many systematic uncertainties, however it is estimated that each 1 part per thousand change in δ18O represents roughly a 1.5-2 °C change in tropical sea surface temperatures (Veizer et al. 2000).