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Sky High Hannah Roberts Essay
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Sky High Hannah Roberts Essay Sky High Hannah Roberts Essay
Walt Disney s Corporate Strategy
Walt Disney
Walt Disney Company s Corporate Strategy The Walt Disney s corporate strategy is to create a
professional focused content. The Disney organization takes the newest innovation of technology to
create a professional experience in entertainment. For instance, Walt Disney utilizes innovation to
bring the excitement of a carnival to the world. As a result, fun time is the strength of the family
and Walt Disney believed in a family branded industry in animation. Incorporating media networks
to the theme parks allows Walt Disney to be innovative and encourage the whole family to want to
visit the theme parks, and resorts. Also, Walt Disney s owns its own network therefore they are able
to control the marketing strategy. With the innovation of a marketing strategy Walt Disney offers
apps for mostly all electronic devices, therefore allowing its customers to access their products,
animations, gaming apps and television programs anywhere in the world. Subsequently, Walt
Disney has expanded its company by having affiliate businesses, such as hotels, resorts, cruise
liners, music publishers and theme parks to advertise its products. In addition, Walt Disney has
adding other Sci Fi fictional characters, Marvel in 2009 and Pixar in 2006. Joining with
international companies, such as China, Russia, and is available in 100 plus countries. This allows
the company to market its product and increase the awareness of animation. Lastly, Walt Disney
company corporate strategy is to
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Analysis of the TV Program Star Trek Essay
America got its first look of a program that would later become legendary on September 8, 1966
at 8:30 PM on NBC. America was never the same after Star Trek made its debut that night. The
series did not receive the recognition it deserved until it was canceled after only three years and
later returning in syndication. However, Star Trekwas never an ordinary science fiction program to
begin with. Comparison to other programs in this genre is difficult because Star Trekis certainly not
an unconventional science fiction program it is a science fiction program that displays America
during 1960 s. In fact, Gene Roddenberry, the creator of Star Trek, during an interview said, I have
no belief that Star Trek depicts the actual future, it... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
How can the human race ever hope to achieve friendship with alien races if it can t even make
friends with itself? The program had two regular characters that epitomized American minorities,
who were quickly acquiring a position in American society, Lt. Sulu and Lt. Uhura. Lt. Sulu,
played by George Takei, was the helmsman of the USS Enterprise. Having a Japanese American
appointed in an important rank was certainly a huge step forward. Despite the fact that
antagonistic emotions regarding Japanese Americans ascribed to World War II had lessened
remarkably, some unease prevailed as to whether a Japanese American character would cost the
program Indonesian viewers. Gene Roddenberry never considered Lt. Sulu as a token Asian ,
even when it appeared like everyone was opposed to him giving a major role to minority
characters. Lt. Sulu consequently became an vital member of the Enterprise crew. Compared to
Sulu, it is unfathomable to envision someone else that could step into this role and play him so
well. Lt. Uhura, played by Nichelle Nichols, was a communications officer of the Enterprise.
Uhura, whose name means freedom was a Black African princess from East Africa who was
fluent in Swahili, which added a particular appeal to her character. Both Nichols and Roddenberry
made sure Lt. Uhura was deliberately written as a token Black , unlike Lt. Sulu. Alas, coercion
from network censors and writers
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Disadvantages Of Securitization
As securitization seems to be a lucrative way for banks to not only enhance liquidity and diversify
risk but also improves their performance considerable incentive problems occurred during the
turmoil and among the different parties. Those incentive problems led to information asymmetries
and moral hazard among the involved stakeholders .As the Bank/Originator creates reference pool
sells them to the bankruptcy remote trust (such as Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac) Bankruptcy remote
trust buys reference pool and securitizes it sells them to the capital market where potential investors
exists to purchase securities purchase of securities by investors 6 gap between mortgageoriginators
and investors increases, it reduces the incentives for lenders to screen mortgage applicants
thoroughly. During the turmoil banks had more and better information about the Mortgage Backed
Securities and their performance value in contrast to third parties as they knew more about the
mortgage applicant and the underlying mortgage loan.As bank incentives are to issue more
mortgage loans and then sell them to bankruptcy remote trusts to securitize them, they did not bear
the risk of the mortgage default and this leads to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Therefore, the process of transfer of the receivables from the originator to the SPV involves an
outlay on account of stamp duty, which can make securitization commercially unviable in several
states. If the securitized instrument were issued as evidencing indebtedness, it would be in the form
of a debenture or bond subject to stamp duty. On the other hand, if the instrument is structured as a
Pass Through Certificate (PTC) that merely evidences title to the receivables, then such an
instrument would not attract stamp duty, as it is not an instrument provided for specifically in the
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Jane Austen s Sense And Sensibility
Jane Austen s Sense and Sensibility is often read as two sisters who represent either sense or
sensibility. In Ang Lee s cinematic adaptation of the book, there is obvious preference to the value
of emotions, of the heart, and this approach lends an interpretation of what is otherwise left
unanswered in the book. From the onset of Sense and Sensibility, Elinor is characterized by her
coolness of judgment and her overall ability to use her sense to the benefit of the Dashwoods.
(44) Marianne on the other hand is characterized by her sensibility for her sorrows, her joys
,could have no moderation. (44) In many ways the movie attempts to bring what is on the inside
to the outside. The movie does make a preference towards the heart has a significant effect on the
cinematic depictions of the sisters but also of other characters. The preference of the heart
allows for deeper constructs of the characters Margaret and Colonel Brandon. The cinematic
approach also allows for concrete demonstrations of Marriane s growing affection to Colonel
Brandon as well as a concrete show of Elinor s interior emotions. The film adaptation of Sense
and Sensibility lends itself to bringing interpretation and even life to some characters. This is true
especially in the case of Margaret Dashwood, who is a comedic relief to the otherwise dramatic
film, and who most importantly brings to light the kindness of Edward Ferrars. In the novel, like
many of the younger siblings in Austen s books,
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The Struggle For Women In The Early 20th Century
Women rights are human rights, and human rights are women s rights, (Hillary Clinton). The year
was 1648 at the time the law stated that anyone who owned land was permitted to vote, although
despite the fact that Margaret Brent was a landowner at the time she was denied the right to vote
simply because she was a women. It was 1848 when the battle for equal rights fighting to bring an
end to women s suffragebegan. In 1870 the 15th amendment was passed which gave African
Americans the right to vote, this served as a realization to women that they were not being treated
equally. For decades in the early 20th century, women have been in a battle to gain equal rights for
self identity, which influenced them during times of war by leading them to gaining jobs, and during
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After world war two, women continuously continued to rebel by their appearance they now began
to dress less feminine to demonstrate their new found power. In 1947 the so called clothing
restriction came to an end and women were finally allowed to dress however they pleased, they
began to lose the glamorous material and clothing and began to dress more masculine. (Glamor
Daze).Women found a peaceful way to rebel against stereotypical beliefs of feminismthrough
fashion. They used fashion as a reminder that they ran the country during World War 2 and are
capable of more than men make it seem. Rosie the Riveter was one of the biggest female icons, she
was used in an attempt to attract women to the work force and it served to represent the massive
increase of about 65% working women during the war (History.com). Rosie the Riveter
demonstrated the power that women withheld during the countries time of need. Women during
and after World War 2 changed their identity from fragile housewifes who relied on their husbands
to strong independent working
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Making A Small Business Or Large Corporation Overtime
Many of us attending college at this time, attempting to gain an education, learning about
business are likely aspiring owning a business in the future. Whether it s a small business or
large corporation overtime, it will likely have to start from the ground up. As start ups, there are
many obstacles new business owners may have to understand and overcome to have initial
success. As a brand new start up, with planning, I would like to acquire a small business loan
through the government. Although difficult, with plenty of paperwork and the level of loan
approvals declining, we would make that our first choice along with other assistance. It would
be beneficial to start with an SBA along with starting a small account on places online, like
Kickstarter, where families, friends and others who would like to assist you to raise money for
your business. With that plan in place and with time, would allow us to come up with a business
plan, determine the risks and the status of the industry, financial statements ect. To properly
manage and keep oversight of these funds, an accountant and a lawyer would be hired to
properly follow the financial guidance and protect the business from unnecessary lawsuits,
penalties and bad financial decisions. Another way we can approach financing would be through
e loans, or loans done online for quick access, but not preferred to its high interest rates. A good
offer we received from Fundera Marketplace was up to $150,000 for three years at a 8.9%
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Joseph Campbell Monomyth
Myths and stories about great heroes serve to let people realize the hero potential that they have in
themselves. It has always been the prime function of mythology and rite to supply the symbols that
carry the human spirit forward, in counteraction to those that tend to tie it back. (Campbell, The
Herowith a Thousand Faces) Joseph Campbell, an American mythologist, developed the idea of
monomyth, which is the theory that all myths are variations of the same story. He believed that
everyone has the potential to be a hero, and that heroes all follow the same journey described in
the monomyth theory. The idea of monomyth states that no matter what time period, the journey
for a hero will be very similar. Campbell s theory can be seen in traditional myths, such as the
Anglo Saxon tale of Beowulf, and also in the lives of contemporary heroes such as Martin Luther
King Jr. Beowulf and Martin Luther King Jr. both fit the profile for a hero and their journey is laid
out similarly to the monomyth steps of departure, initiation and the return.
The departure phase of monomyth is the starting point to a hero s story, it is the key moment when
he or she is taken out of their own familiar world. Both Martin Luther King Jr. and Beowulf had a
departure period ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
She was also a major influence in the civil rights movement, and she stood behind King in order
for him to accomplish his goals. King s ultimate boon was getting the laws passed to progress his
cause for African Americans. It was King s influence that helped pass the Voting Rights Act of 1965
and the Fair Housing Act of 1968. The initiation phase, although full of hardship, gives the hero his
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System Design Management Analysis
System Design Management Analysis
Veronica Brown Corbin
University of Phoenix
Contemporary Systems Management
Brian E. Polding, Ph.D
March 12, 2007
System Design Management Analysis Management must recognize the system design and
management of an organization are subject to internal and external influences. The internal
influences include the management team and employee; and the external influences can include
competitors and customers. There are contextual/cultural factors and stakeholders that have an
influence on the management system that is designed and implemented. The contextual/cultural
factors include key characteristics of the organization, internal and external ... Show more content
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Suppliers would also be a factor to include when considering customers and competitors. There are
companies that suppliers are treated as partners because they have a close relationship with
organization. When the supplier has been providing raw materials or other products they become
part of the operation. For example, there are some Japanese firms that have partnered with their
suppliers. The community and special interest groups can also have some influence on the system
design for an organization. The influence they exert cannot be ignored. Being a corporate citizen in
a community can be important especially when managers live in those communities. Corporate
citizenship: For many, it remains a diffuse concept, but generally it speaks to companies voluntarily
adopting a triple bottom line, one that takes into account social, economic, and environmental
considerations as well as financial results (Richardson, 2007, p.92). When management designs a
system its strategy and goals and objectives it will include its plan to participate in the community.
These are areas that the organization can have some control and plan to integrate into its overall
corporate strategy. The amount of participation that can be provided ranges from supporting
individual employees to the company creating foundation to reach out to a larger audience.
Internally, you need to consider employees, unions, the
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The Pros And Cons Of Social Stereotypes
Stereotype threat is a social phenomenon where a member of a negatively stereotyped group
performs poorly when reminded of that stereotype (Beilock, Jellison, Rydell, McConnell, Carr,
2006). For example, previous studies have shown that when primed with a negative stereotype
African Americans perform worse on intellectual tasks (Steele, Aronson, 1995), and women
perform worse at math (Spencer, Steele, Quinn, 1999). The main component of stereotypethreat is
that it impairs working memory(Schmader, Forbes, Johns, 2008). Working memory is a short term
memory system that is involved in the control, regulation, and active maintenance of a limited
amount of information with immediate relevance to the task at hand (Miyake Shah, 1999). So
essentially as one works on a task, working memory keeps all the important information ready for
quick access, which is crucial for performance in almost every domain. Previous studies have
shown that working memory capacity is a direct mediator between stereotype threat and impaired
mental performance (Schmader, Johns, 2003). At a cognitive level, working memory is a limited
capacity resource that can become depleted if it is attending to multiple domains. If depleted there
is less capacity available to control a task s execution and information processing demands
(Schmader, Johns, 2003). Many different studies have contested how it is that stereotype threat
impairs performance. For example, in Steele and Aronson s
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Katharine Cousins Histoire Naturelle In Paris Summary
Katharine Cousins presentation on the MusГ©um National d Histoire Naturelle in Paris (MNHN)
explored the ideas surrounding collecting and collections addressed in the Sharon Macdonald
reading Collecting Practices , focusing particularly on the notion of collections as representations of
a national identity. Katharine began her presentation by defining what constitutes a collection.
Here, she rightly emphasised the important role selection plays in collecting activities, while also
acknowledging that collections are fundamentally the result of personal pursuits by collectors. This
said, the act of collecting is perhaps best differentiated from other types of accumulation activities
(e.g. hoarding), by the potential it offers in terms of order, system and completion.
Next, Katharine provided a brief background to the MNHN, noting the circumstances of its
establishment, the scope of its collection, its various departments and present day mission. Given
that Macdonald s publication includes a schematic account of the history of collecting, it may have
been useful to integrate this history into the discussion of this case study.
For instance, by assessing how various phases in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, a significant document produced in 1789,
expresses the underlying principles of this movement, stating that all men are born and remain free
and equal in rights. Accompanying these newfound views on civic equality, came the notion that
collections, which had long been private, exclusive and devoted to displaying the taste and wealth
of their owners , belonged not only to the elite, but to entire nations. Such beliefs motivated the
development of the public museum and ultimately allowed the royal collections of the House of
Bourbon to be transformed into the
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My Goals Essay
My Goals
There are three careers, which I may be aspired to:
Architects are licensed professionals trained in the art, and science of building design. This means
the overall artistic appreciation, plus the functional look of buildings, or other structures. They
design the overall aesthetic.
Artist generally fall into one of three groups:
Art Directors formulate design concepts, with presentation approaches for visual communications
Fine Artists create original artwork using a variety of media combined with their own techniques.
Multi Media artists, (including Animators) create special effects such as animation, films, video,
computers, or other electronic media.
Service technicians specialize in home ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
To become an Architect you will have to obtain a professional degree in Architecture from one of
the 111 schools that are accredited by the National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB). A
second alternative option is to acquire one of three degrees in Architecture that are available
through colleges, and universities. `
If at all possible, Multi Media Art, and Animators would be my best interest:
Drawing characters, backgrounds, rims, cars, or trucks spends most of my pastime. In addition to
drawing, I would also like to partake classes in Animation. Art directors earned $56,880 in 2000,
and the highest 10% made more than $109,440 dollars. Artist work about 40 hours a week, but
during busy periods, they work overtime to meet deadlines.
Artists need patience to develop their profession. Spending long hours drawing, painting, and
sculpting, they use all the time there is to finish their projects.
Working in studios is the key to promoting and selling their successful works of art.
However, this can expose some artist to fumes from glue, paint, ink, plus other materials. Artists
who sit at drafting tables or use computers for extended periods may experience back pain,
eyestrain, or fatigue. Some Artists work in fine or commercial art studios located in office
buildings (while others work in private studios at home).
Studio surroundings usually are well lighted, and ventilated. Many Artists are self employed or
work in motion picture, television, computer
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The Popularity of Preschool and Headstart Programs
The parents of today s society are signing up their children for preschool and head start programs
more than ever. About seventy five percent of the nation s four year old attend a preschool
center, as do fifty percent of three year olds. (Barnett, 2008, page 3). Preschool has long been
though to shape a child s academic life, putting a child ahead of the curve in kindergarten and
leading them into a successful school career. The primary reason for attending preschool in past
decades was the known benefits of socialization, but preschool has changed a lot over the years
putting much more emphasis on cognitive development. Gone are the days when children only
focused on colors, shapes, and numbers. Today s preschoolers are learning music and second
languages. Questions still remain about how successful these programs are when it comes to
preparing children for their future academic careers. This paper will examine the known
advantages and disadvantages of sending a child off to preschool as well as what qualities a
preschool should have. Quality of Care Research has shown that the true benefits of preschool
programs are heavily dependent upon the setting and environment in which the learning is taking
place. Choosing the correct school is crucial for proper learning and development in preschool aged
children. In order to obtain successful outcomes preschools and other types of head start programs
should be of high quality, meaning they have experienced teacher
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Analyzing Edmund Munch s The Scream
One s mental disability can be temporarily alleviated by physical means, though it can never be
completely obliterated. Edmund Munch s The Scream expresses radical emotions through his
display of mysterious shapes and shadows, as well as strong colors. Analysis painting reveals that
his mental state was affected by The Screamwhich emphasizes his honest, even ugly glimpse of
his inner troubles and feelings of anxiety (Shabi). He goes on to describe the nature in a dark way
using symbolism such as sky turned as red as blood and a hell where tongues of fire savagely lick
at the frazzled and overwhelmed person (Shabi). It is hypothesized the painting was a medium
through which Munch could reveal the emotions that sparked from
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Public Speaking Speech
What aspects does The Art of Public Speaking by Dale Carnegie (1915) make the textbook stand
out and provide a thorough yet specific understanding when presenting a speech? Carnegie exploits
a variety of efficiency in his following chapters three, four, five, seven providing real life examples,
metaphors, and advice.
The speaker that fires his force and emphasis at random into a sentence will not get results.
(Carnegie Ch. 3, 13) Chapter three, named EFFICIENCY THROUGH EMPHASIS AND
SUBORDINATION , explains that one should not sporadically highlight a word(s) simply because
it sounds important but to convey contrasts and relations. The idea of comparing two words or
phrases purposely will provide a smooth and greater transition, engaging the audience to be
possibly more empathic. (Carnegie Ch. 3, 13) Also when in written form, the best way to represent
a change in a word s denotation is changing the form such that MOUNTAIN PEAK
WORDS...represent the big, important ideas. (Carnegie Ch.3, 13) A great example shown is
when a reporter is told to not write if she or he sees a dog biting a man but if a man is biting a
dog, such that she or he should not waste valuable time on the grass around the tree. (Carnegie Ch.
3, 14) Not only a visual aids emphasis, but also that act of pronouncing the word(s) differently from
the rest will contribute to its significance; some mistaken that yelling is the way; however, it is
completely wrong, degrading control, intelligence, and
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Exoticism In Carmen And Benjamin Britten s Death In Venice
Ralph P. Locke s theory of musical exoticism takes form through a spectrum that ranges from pure
musical exoticism to transcultural composing. However the main requirement of exoticism is the
notion of conjuring up a specific place or group of people as being perceived as different from
the audience culture. In terms of pure exoticism, the composer willingly incorporates exotic
sounding elements in order to mark a specific group or place as foreign. Transcultural composing
is the other facet of exoticism. It is different in that it is not intended to marginalize any exotic
group, rather it is a mix of Western and non western styles. While both George Bizet s Carmen and
Benjamin Brittens Death In Venice incorporate exoticism, they each take on an opposite form of
exoticism. Bizet s use of stereotypical gypsy music, as well as the portrayal of Carmen, explicitly
marginalize and construct Carmen as different. Carmen s lack of Spanish descent and her Gypsy
ethnicity are constructed as different via musical and performative aspects of the opera. Within the
exoticism framework, Bizet s carmen is an example of pure exoticism. In contrast, Britten s Death
In Venice is an example of transcultural composing because the other being marginalized is
homosexuality, which is an identity that Britten is apart of and is not exclusive to any one group.
George Bizet s Carmen was an opera that followed a Gypsy woman named Carmen in Seville,
Spain. Carmen was characterized as being a gypsy
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Recursive Censorship
Is cursive handwriting a thing of the past? For hundreds of years, this style of penmanship has
been the main form of written communication, but for a large number of people today, it is a
riddle that can not be solved. The sinuous letters of the cursive alphabet, swirled on countless love
letters, credit card slips and banners above elementary chalk boards are going the way of the quill
and inkwell. With computer keyboards and smartphones increasingly occupying young fingers, the
gradual death of the fancier ABC s is revealing some unforeseen challenges (Zezima). In today s
digital world, some people argue that cursivehandwriting is no longer necessary for academic
success and has become irrelevant in the classroom. When Common Core was introduced in 2010,
many school districts decreased the time spent on cursive while others removed it from the
curriculum all together. Neuroscientist and psychologist are beginning to show we may be
dismissing cursive handwriting too quickly as numerous studies that show the benefit of cursive
writingshould not be overlooked, in fact, learning cursive is an important tool for cognitive
development (Klemm).... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Throughout history, cursive writing has been taught in the classroom and was the primary source
of communication. The method was originated to increase the speed of writing and does this
because the letters flow together and the pen is not lifted as often as it is when printing the letters
(Dickinson). During the Colonial Period, writing was given top priority with many schools only
focus being cursive writing. After settling in the New World, reading became the most important
skill so all could read the Bible. The ability to write was required only of professionals, the well
born and their secretaries, and merchants and their clerks
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Race And Gender Issues In New Media
Race and gender issues in new media
Nowadays with all the new media and technologies, it seems like that we are living in the future.
A future without racial and gender struggles. A common belief about the new media is that we
will become truly equal with the help of new media, but some people still do racist and sexist
things in new media. As Lisa Nakamura states in her essay that Racism and sexism have continue to
flourish on the internet, and indeed to some extents have even come to define it , despite our
supposedly post racial historical moment (81), I believe that new media is not the solution of the
issues of race ,gender and sexuality, but reinforcement of the ideologies behind those problems.
New media does not solve the racial ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Donna Haraway advocates cyborgs in her article as a way to challenge the idea of a pure,
unified subject. A cyborg is a hybrid of machine and organism (Haraway, 291) which blur the
boundaries of binary categories.. Haraway argues that there is no essential unity . In the case of
new media, the representations of race and gender are depicted as binaries. White/ nonwhite.
Male/ Female. New media reinforce the ideologies of race and gender. However, in reality
people of color don t all act in the same way, and not the men or women are the same.
Furthermore, race and gender consciousnesses reinforce dualism which is used to create
dominance and oppression. At the level of ideology, we see translations of racism and
colonialism into languages of development and under development, rats and constrains of
modernization (Haraway, 301). Haraway argues that racism was used as a tool to help
colonialism by helping the under developed counties to be civilized . The primitive stereotypes
of the people of color helps to oppress the people of color. Therefore, race, gender and sexuality
should be represented in a more complicated way in new media instead of stereotypes. For
example, the gender and racial representations of the characters in Journey are rather ambiguous.
The armless body and the veil covered face portray an non stereotypical racial characters
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Wet Basement Research Paper
Drying Out a Wet Basement Nothing is worse than going down to your basement to grab
something out of storage and to come upon water standing on your cement floor or a dark patch
of water staining your carpet. Not only do you have to figure out the cause of the leak, which
can be expensive based upon the structural issue that you re going to uncover, but you have the
problem of mold growing in the wet areas when you weren t aware of the leak. Depending on
how long it s been since you were last in your basement, you could have substantial issues with
rotting and the potential of toxic mold. Identify the Reason for Your Wet Basement The first issue
that you must resolve is to dry as much of the area as possible to reduce the potential for mold and
identify the reason you have a wet basement. If the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
An expert can come in and help you both test for and eradicate mold, as well as, dry your
basement if the leak was large. Proper Drying of Your Basement On your own, you can purchase
a dehumidifier to remove the excess moisture from the air, you can open doors and windows to
help ventilate the area and remove any water soaked items outside to dry. Any wet items left in
your basement that need to be dried, must be removed from your basement. If they are left in
your basement to dry on their own, they have the potential for growing and spreading mildew and
mold. Professional Assistance If you feel that the area is too large to dry and need an expert
industrial sized exhaust fans, contact a professional to assist with drying out the area. If you have
any concerns regarding mold and the potential health threats from having mold growing under
carpets or in floors, you need to contact a professional to help eliminate your problems, saving you
from hours of frustration and putting your mind at ease. The Remediation
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Essay about Simple is Gold For the Chinese People in...
Keeping things simple in Golden Mountain , also known as Canada, is extremely important for
most of the Chinese people who came to Canada. In my opinion, it is important to them for three
main reasons. First, they need to ensure that their paper histories are original in the eye of Canada s
immigration officers. Second, they only say those things that are necessary so Canadians can
understand them. Lastly, they do not want to forget their origins by not assimilating too much into
Western culture. Hence, it is important for Chinese immigrants who came to Canadato keep things
simple and we need to discuss this further to know more deeply about why it is important to be
simple in Canada. First of all, the Chinese people who came to Canada... Show more content on
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It can be seen in the novel that old timers like Wong Kimlein only say a little about themselves
when someone asks him about his past : What was it like when you were a little boy? He roared
with laughter or sighed deeply. Too long ago, he would say, and leave me guessing. (Choy 61).
Additionally, young generation, like Jook Liang and Jung Sum, are assimilating a little bit to
make life simpler or easier. For instance, the children who are a part of the Chen family just need
to call their uncle, uncle instead of using the old Chinese traditional titles which apply differently
for each relative or friend. Therefore, they are keeping traditional family titles simple by only
saying what is necessary to prevent more or worse marginalization from outsiders or those who
are listening, and this adaption to language can possibly make their lives easier. Lastly, Chinese
immigrants choose not to assimilate too much because they want to keep everything close to their
home as well as they do not want to get caught up in a third space situation. They do not want to
forget who they are and where they are from. Therefore, some Chinese immigrants want all aspects
which define their identity to be close to them, even if they live in Canada now. Take the case of a
Chinese teenager who came to Canada to continue his study, but he was already assimilating too
much that his cultural identity faded slowly. At the end, he
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The Primary Causes For World War I
(Based on the World War I Video) What were the primary causes for World War I? (Franco
Prussian War; Alliances; Archduke Franz Ferdinand) The Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
was a spark that helped light the fire of tension in the world, while the Franco Prussian war
helped build tensions and territorial disputes. What began the actual fighting was when Austria
Hungary and Serbia got into disputes. Serbia called Russia for help, and when Russia began
mobilizing for war, Germany declared War on Russia to help defend Austria Hungary. Why did it
become a World War? What countries and territories became involved? It was the World War
because it was one of the largest ongoing wars in history that covered an entire continent and
involvement even stretched across the Atlantic as the U.S. helped the Allies. The massive scale of
the war was achieved when countries kept backing up their allied nations and one by one joined
the war. Note the significance of the following: Battle of Tannenberg: Tannenberg was a German
victory in Russia that let the Germans advance deeper past the Eastern Front. Chemical Weapons:
Chemical Weapons were a new technology used in WWI that held great devastating power and the
potential to harass soldiers even in trenches. Gas masks were used to counter them and became a
mainstay of the soldiers armament. Lusitania: The Lusitania was a passenger ship that was thought
to be great enough to cross the Atlantic in a time of war but was sunk by a German
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The Postive Effect of Video Games on Young Children
Video games are an ever present part of almost all children s lives. Whether children play on a
computer, lap top, IPod, IPhone, cell phone, or tablet, many children have daily assess to video
games. For this reason many research has examined the effects that video games have on young
children. Granic, Lobel, and Engels (2014) reported that video games are a ubiquitous part of
almost all children s and adolescents lives, with 97% playing for at least one hour per day in the
United States (p.1). Currently, researchers have found that the vast majority of studies have been
on its negative impact. Some of the potential harms related to video games are exposure to
violence, addiction, and lack of social skills. However, as parents it is our duty to monitor young
children s choices to ensure that they are playing games that are developmentally appropriate for
them. This essay will examine the research that supports the effectiveness of video games in
enhancing children s learningand focusing on cognitive, literacy, and social development.
In the last decade, the manner in which video games have been generated has radically been
transformed. This alteration allowed a small but significant body of research to transpire. Some
parents, principals, educators, and researchers believe that video games enhance children s learning.
On the other hand, others believe video games destroy the lives of young children. Nevertheless,
many agree that this matter is significant and
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Informative Speech On Children In Las Vegas
If you are going to Las Vegas and you are bringing children along you are probably thinking some
of the following, what are we going to do with the kids? Is there anything age appropriate? Is
there really anything for the whole family to do that will be fun, entertaining, and clean for the
little ones? All valid questions, especially when you are going to Las Vegas which, well let s be
honest is especially famous for gambling, drinking, late night parties, and somewhat questionable
morals. But don t worry! You and your kids can have a great time in Las Vegas without seeing
things that will scar their little minds (or cause them to ask questions you may not be ready to
answer.) Here are some of the fun activities you can do and some of the amazing shows you can
see with your kids while in Las Vegas: Adventure Canyon Adventure
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You know what normally happens when you get to a ride and you have young children who are
dying to ride but are just too short for those pesky height restrictions. Well, Frog Hopper is the
answer for those whines and cries. The Frog Hopper is 30 feet tall and allows children to
experience 60 seconds of free falling. After the initial fall the ride bounces in short spurts up and
down much like a hopping frog. Gondola Ride Located in the St. Mark s Square of the Venetian
hotel of Las Vegas, the Gondola ride is one of the Venetian s most popular attractions. The ride
actually sells out every day and the hotel had to hire more gondoliers to guide and sing. Your
kids can have a fun relaxing time taking in the sights while listening to the Gondolier sing. Grand
Canyon The Grand Canyon National Park is just a short drive from Las Vegas and it is the perfect
thing to do with the kids. Show them the natural wonder of a canyon that measures one mile deep
and about 280 miles long. The view nearest Las Vegas is a particularly stunning one. M M
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Agave Sotheby s International Real Estate
San Miguel de Allende Real Estate: Seal The Best Deal with Agave Sotheby s
Summary: In today s era, when luxury homes prices in San Miguel de Allende have increased
beyond the paying capacity of people, the perception of cost effective luxury condos is similar to
an oasis amidst a desert. In such a scenario, Agave Sotheby s International Realty has come up with
an amazing San Miguel de Allende listings that helps people to get their preferred luxury homes.
Investing in a real estate property in San Miguel de Allende is a cherished memory that lasts for
eternity. It is one such place where walls envelop memories, silent corners provide much needed
pause and life becomes a reason to commemorate. In order to make this journey delightful, Agave
Sotheby s International Realty is helping the buyers to purchase their dream luxury homes in San
Miguel de Allende. Known as the best real estate company in San Miguel de Allende, we stick to
our compassionate principle of cost effective luxury homes and ... Show more content on
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Our experts strive hard to understand the undefined needs and requirements of customers and
ensures to go beyond their expectations. We make sure that the clients get the output that they
deserve and get the most value for money. Moreover, we are also known for offering white glove
personalized service to those clients who wish to sell and buy luxury homes in San Miguel de
How To Search San Miguel de Allende Properties
пЃ¬Set your price range before starting the search in order to get the best property suggestion
within your budget.
пЃ¬We have listed the properties area wise which helps the buyers to refine their search and view
those properties for the areas they are looking.
пЃ¬If you like any property that is listed on our site and wish to visit it before taking a decision,
you can contact our agents who will assist you to the luxury
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William Shakespeare s Macbeth Essay
Irene Pantazis
Mr. Dudley
Pr Ap English III
4 December, 2015
Macbeth Research Paper When studying literature or reading a play, our attention is drawn to the
protagonist or antagonist. Shakespeare directs our attention onto heroism, which can be seen across
all of his plays like Macbeth or Julius Caesar. The protagonists Macbeth and Banquo conquer the
evils that face them throughout the plot. However, the nature of violence that takes place
throughout Shakespeare s plays is in relation to the source of the killing of the soul (Macbeth and
the Nature of Evil). In Macbeth, Macbeth is known as a superhuman warrior, the characteristics of
being brave and having ambition. The main reason evil stirs up violence can be seen as examples
in Macbeth and Julius Caesar, which is caused by evil being incompatible with humanity
(Shakespeare s Play Themes). The murders in Macbeth and Julius Caesar are both examples of
the rotation of the natural order. The killing of King Duncan in Macbeth is a prime example
how evil and violence is shown into a comparison into Julius Caesar. Shakespeare uses a
common theme in all plays that all relates back to reality (The Killing of King Duncan).
Shakespeare also uses the literary device of repetition to create a theme (The Killing of King
Duncan). In Macbeth the word blood is repeated due to creating the theme and the word blood
allows the readers to remember that evil is a result to violence and anger. Blood is also
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An examination of Thomas Hardys The Darkling Thrush Essay
An examination of Thomas Hardy s The Darkling Thrush
The Darkling Thrush quot; is a poem occasioned by the beginning of a new year and a new century.
It is formally precise, comprised of four octaves with each stanza containing two quatrains in hymn
measure. The movement of the first two stanzas is from observation of a winter landscape as
perceived by an individual speaker to a terrible vision of the death of an era that the landscape
seems to disclose. The action is in how the apprehension of this particular moment of seeing
changes as the emotional impact of the scene solidifies.
I leant upon a coppice gate ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The figure of the sun as a quot;weakening eye quot; is a personification, a trope resonating off
Romantic associations such as Wordsworth s quot;eye of heaven quot; for the sun in
quot;Resolution and Independence quot;. It establishes the poem s time as at the closing of a
particular day at the end of a seasonal year. Whether the Romantic allusion to visionary powers
and their ebbing is noted or not, it is a suggestive adjective for a time when seeing is becoming
more difficult due to a reduction of light. As the poem moves further away from visual observation
to emotional coloration, it replaces concrete detail with pathetic fallacy, a rhetorical device by
which we, in Santayana s words quot;dye the world our own color quot; (Santayana, 159).
The tangled bine stems scored the sky
Like strings of broken lyres . . .
The next two lines also have a Romantic link to Coleridge s aeolian harp and the music it made
at another dusk when it exemplified Unity, quot;one Life within us and abroad/ Which meets all
motion and becomes its soul quot;. A quot;wild harp quot; is also the image opening Coleridge s
own quot;Ode to the Departing Year quot;, a poem in which the harp is unable to evoke a lasting
hope (Coleridge, 56). Now , at the turn of the nineteenth century in Hardy s poem, the lyric
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Lao-Tzu vs. Machiavelli
Lao tzu vs. Machiavelli Government is the essential authority of a country or state, which is
directly, affects society because it provides key securities. Two of history s greatest thinkers Lao
tzu, authors of the Tao te Ching, and Niccolo Machiavelli, author of The Prince have similar but
very contrasting ideas of government, and how people should be governed. Lao tzu was born in
the Chinese state of Ch u. He spent most of his life working in the library of the Chou dynasty.
Once he decided to leave a gate keeper convinced him he would write down his thoughts, Thus
creating the Tao te Ching. Lao tzu s view of government is the master should not have optimal
power over the people. He feels as though people should be ignorant of... Show more content on
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To avoid such a catastrophe he must come across as a miser. Eventually he will prove he is not as
greedy as eh was thought to be. Once this is evident he can protect himself and wage war without
raising taxes and stressing his subjects. Therefore, it is actually better for him to be miserly than
generous. Machiavelli thinks it is better for the prince to be feared than loved. For a prince who is
loved will be compassionate towards others, mainly his soldiers. When danger is at bay his men
will hold him in the highest regard. Should an attack occur they will very quickly turn their
backs on him. He may be viewed as weak and untrustworthy, thus easier to overtake. As he
explains, And men are less hesitant about harming someone who makes himself loved than one
who makes himself feared because love is held together by a chain of obligation which, since
men are a sorry lot, is broken on every occasion in which their own self interest is concerned: but
fear is held together by dread of punishment which will never abandon you (p.46). If he is loved
rather than hated he can never keep an army of soldiers under his command. However, he must
not be so feared to the point he is hated to do so he must not take what does not belong to him,
and keep his hands off the wives of his subjects. According to Machiavelli, as wise Prince will not
keep his word if the circumstances for which he made that promise are no longer relevant.
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Multicultural America
Today, technology is ubiquitous and always on. For example, videos from cell phones can
capture intimate family moments, help bring about revolution as seen in the Arab Spring or be
used by police to track down terrorists. The former CEO of Sun Microsystems is quoted as saying,
You have zero privacy anyway....get over it. If you were a policy maker, how would you balance an
individual s right to privacyand a community s need for national securi
National security has become an important part of Americas efforts, in today s world many attacks
has happened on sovereign soil. Technology has allowed the prevention of terrorist attacks but this
requires the breakage of an individual right, an individual might decline permission but Nation
Security ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Through out parties and special events, a variety of dances such as Bachata, Salsa, Choque, and
Merengue has shown me that Hispanic dancing requires swift movement and coordination. My
family has placed dancing on a very high pedestal. Each culture in my community has a great deal
of importance, I look forward to learn from each culture to enrich my own. Every year I would go
to parades, street fairs, and would go to shows to aid the diversity in my experience. To gain
experience in Pennsylvania I would visit the historical sites, visit its Museums, sport games, dance
shows, and national events. Being more open to the community, is what allows the indoctrination
on foreign students.
Describe an instance in which you changed your mind about a previously held belief. What led
you to hold this belief in the first place and how did you come to change your
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Low Carbohydrate Diets Or Ketosis Diets Essay
Very low carbohydrate diets or ketosis diets have become increasingly popular for weight loss.
There is evidence from individual trials about the benefits and risks of a low carbohydrate diet
verses a fat restricted diet (2).The objective of this paper is to discover whether low
carbohydrate diets have more beneficial health related solutions verses a fat restricted diet. In
one study, a traditional low fat diet was compared to a low carbohydrate diet amongst people
who have type two diabetes. The results show that only a low carbohydrate diet provided
significant improvement of the inflammatory state and type two diabetes. In another
study,Evidence supports a low carbohydrate diet for weight loss and improvement in traditional
cardiovascular disease. The effects of a low carbohydrate diet and a low fat diet were examined
for 12 months among 148 obese adults free of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. At 12 months
participants of low carbohydrate diet had significantly greater increases in adiponecin than those
on a low fat diet, as resulting low carbohydrate diet had a similar or greater improvement then
standard low fat diet. In another study, 148 men and women without cardiovascular disease or
diabetes were put into either low carbohydrate diet or low fat diet. Both groups received dietary
counseling regularly. Data was collected every three months. Results stated that those on low
carbohydrate diet have greater decrease in weight and greater increase in HDL
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2012 Dse Ls Paper 1 Q.2
2a.Identify and explain the public health risk highlighted in Source A.(4 marks)
According to Source A, the public health risk highlighted is second hand smoke (SHS). In the
picture, since the smokers, who are the parents, are smoking in the public area, thus lead to the
people around them, who are their children, unavoidably inhale the SHS. They look very bitter
and they have to wear masks to avoid the SHS. Thus, lead to poor respiratory health of both
smokers and the surrounding people and increase the risk of getting respiratory disease, which add
burden to the medical system in Hong Kong. Therefore, to sum up, the public health risk
highlighted is second hand smoke (SHS).
2c.Which two tobacco control policies shown in
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Graphic Design And The Rate Of Occupational And Sectoral,...
Graphic design is very essential in our everyday life. It is something that pulls in the advertisement
and attracts our eyes for visual. It presents in everywhere that can be found in newspaper,
magazines, books, internet sites, posters, products, arts. Heller and Vienne (p.15) reported that most
graphic designworks, are not only using specialized graphics and multimedia software, to
communicate ideas that inspire, messages, or beguile consumers. In fact, graphic design is a
complicate work. To be a successful graphic designer can be difficult for emerging practitioners,
as interpersonal skill, soft skills and competition. This essay will analysis three different areas in
graphic design of the rate of occupational and sectoral, career patterns and the challenge and
problems to order to be successful.
Many people consider that graphic design is a the most difficult to get a high salary and find the
job. At this moment, graphic design is turning more popular job in the society. In the last few
decades, graphic designers may be exclusively focused on print media. However, Nowadays the
technology advance, many people started to use computers and mobiles. This is the huge influence
in interactive visual design. Mobile designers are becoming indispensable in now society. Shanda
LaRue (at cited in Brescia adding online degree, 2014) predict that the graphic designers will play
an important character in the future, so the rate of the employment in graphic design will grow
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Goal Setting Levels
This paper focuses on the redesign for expanding the Health Information Services. To redesign the
health information service, the article shows the four principles of goal setting levels. Which are:
Re engineering deals with building the system of a business in a new way, which involves changing
the mission and rules of the organization.
Restructuring is changing the main body and the direction of the company.
Work redesign is the third level of goal setting focus. This deals with changing the setup of a main
products and services of the organization.
Job redesign deals with changing the tasks to go well with the needed results. All these levels of
goal settings leads to efficiency work. The higher admiration office makes changes
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Essay On Expectationsp And Estella
When kids are young they act upon actions. They do not consider others feelings and what they
might be thinking to themselves. Within the novel Pip and Estella are very young children in the
beginning part of the book. They both show that their actions do not truly show what they are like
inside. It is first shown when Pip is requested by Estella s mother, Miss Havishamto go to the Satis
househe arrives and he meets Estella for the first time. They play cards and within the text it said,
He calls the knaves, Jacks, this boy! said Estella with disdain, before our first game was out. And
what coarse hands he has! And what thick boots! (Dickens 61). Estella was making fun of Pip s
use of slang as he calls the jacks on the cards knaves.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This shows that one s actions cannot determine one s inner self. During Pip s next visit he is
greeted by Estella and she then proceeds to ask him questions about herself. She asked Pip is he
thought she was was insulting. The text then narrates, She fired when she asked the last question,
and she slapped my face with such force as she had, when I answered it (Dickens 82)11. Estella s
actions show that she does not like Pip and is condescending towards him. She even responds
with, Now? said she. You little coarse monster, what do you think of me now? (Dickens 83). Estella
treats Pip
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Positivist Approach And Human Social Behavior
What is a positivist approach one may ask? Positivist approach is the view of how societies are
structured and human social behavior by examining it through methods of natural sciences.
Positivist approach is defined as an approach that assumes deviance is real, it exists in the
objective experience of the people who commit deviant acts and those who respond to them
(Conrad, Peter Schneider, 1980). A book that provides great insight on explaining a positivist
approach to those who may not understand is My Lobotomyby Howard Dullyand Charles Fleming.
Howard Dully was just like any ordinary young boy his age who would get in trouble either in
school or at school. Yet, Dr. Walter Freeman, his father and step mother agreed this something
wrong with him causing him to receive his lobotomy. Although he received the lobotomy he was
still abandoned by his family and went through a rough lifestyle. He spent his teen age years in
mental institutions, his twenties in jail and then as he got older he turned to alcohol. When he
became older and questioned the lobotomy he found out reasons how the procedure fit perfectly
with the paradigm of his time. What will be discussed is the basic assumption and logic of the
positivist paradigm. Which will be tied to the historical development and the relevance of its
criticism. Understanding the basic assumption and logic of the positivist paradigm is by knowing
what it means. positivism means a perspective on knowledge and reality that
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Using Dark Humor And Journals
submit illustrations using dark humor to journals. He used Cubism in two different ways. In
some paintings, his use of squares is very prominent and the image looks almost grid like. In
other art pieces, his lines are not as strong and straight. He died at the age of 40 after dealing with
frequent illnesses due to heart and uremia problems. His death was caused by renal failure.
The Sunblind (1914)
Juan Gris
1887 1927
Charcoal, paper, chalk, and gouache
A lot of use of light and shadows
Dull; No really bright colors used
The blinds are closed on a sunny day Gris can be interpreted to be sad, depressed, shut away
A lot of brown
An image of the local newspaper sold in Gris town this was a painting of an area in his home. It is
personal to him
Juan Gris
Gris was a Spanish painter and sculptor. Although he is Spanish and was born in Madrid, a
majority of his life was spent living and working in France. A lot of his work dealt with Cubism. He
was inspired by the work of Pablo Picasso, and before beginning his serious painting career, he used
Bottle of Vieux Marc, Glass, Guitar and Newspaper (1913)
Pablo Picasso
1881 1973
Bright background, but dark images used for the collage
Printed paper and ink used
Seems like there is no real pattern or set plan for what the result would be
Looks random, yet unified at the same time
Newspaper used was 30 years old
Pablo Picasso
He was a Spanish painter, sculptor, stage
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The Road Not Taken By Robert Frost
Choosing the right path is hard when there is a lot at stake to lose. Sometimes doing what is best
for you may hurt the ones you love. It is sometimes necessary to take a chance and choose the
riskier path to see what is behind the next bend, or corner. The poem, The Road Not Taken
describes a person having a hard time choosing what path to take. Robert Frost elicits the central
idea, theme, meaning, and how the speaker came to his decision by the use of metaphors
describing the want for his readers to think through the hard decisions in life. One decision in life
can make you or break you. It is all on how a person approaches the situation.
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, Frost introduces the metaphor of two diverging roads. He is
depicting that it is fall by using the lexicon yellow wood . Fall is symbolic of a time of change.
And sorry I could not travel both Robert Frost is sorry that must make a choice. He using the word
choice sorry shows his uneasiness in making his decision.
And be one traveler, long I stood He is standing alone and having a hard time making a decision on
own. And looked down one as far as I could He tries to see the consequences of one decision.
To where it bent in the undergrowth; There are too many unknowns to know what will happen.
Robert Frost uses the word undergrowth to represent the unknowns blocking his vision.
Then took the other, as just as fair, It seems just as nice to travel.
And having perhaps the
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Motifs In Never Cry Wolf
The movie Never Cry Wolf is a film concerned fundamentally with the conflict created when
humans experience nature and the wild. It begins with a young scientist, the protagonist who is
placed in the Arctic and preforms a scientific study involving wolves. While conducting his study
he finds out about the genuine way of the wild and about the way creatures that have a place in a
given location fit into the bigger plans of things. The conflict between man and natureis also
revealed by the motif s, themes, and the values shown by the character throughout the movie.
One of the important motif s expressed in the movie is the bassoon. Within one of the scenes of
the movie the bassoon is used as a weapon of protection. Tyler had learned a trick with his
bassoon that gives him the ability to imitate the howls of a wolf and being able to call other
wolves. Another motif we are able to see in the movie is a hero s adventure. There isn t anyone
else willing to go to the Arctic like Tyler. He encountered many situations such as drowning and...
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While analyzing the wolves behaviors he decides to give them names such as Angie and George. He
doesn t experience anything with them but watches them. Tyler becomes more intend about what is
actually going on in his surrounding. Unlike this century where many individuals are distracted by
technology. They re lacking experience in general and experience within nature. People nowadays
go on vacation and instead of having fun they re mainly on their phone. They re not getting the
experience they should be getting out of their vacation. Technology is taking a hold on us and
preventing humans from being alert. Unlike Tyler who was alert at most times and experiencing the
things that nature provides. Another theme showed in the movie is what is useful and what isn t
useful. Tyler in the beginning of the movie takes many material items for survival that wasn t
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Death In Judaism
Not all regions where Jews live celebrate life and death in the same way. This is because Jews
had to assimilate to local cultures after they began to disperse to various parts of the world. This
caused traditions to be pushed aside all together or to be blended with local cultures (Parkes, page
99). However, there are many core values that never faded and area consistently practiced in most
parts of the world. Deathin Judaismis an important part of life. As described in Death and
Bereavement Across Cultures, Two of the most important commandments in Jewish tradition are to
honor the dead and comfort the mourner. (98) Respect for the dead is known as, kavod ha met and
the comfort given to the living is known as, nihum avelim (Rich). When... Show more content on
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Olam ha ba or the world to come is the belief that the soul returns to God to wait to be reborn
with the coming of the Messiah. Death allows for Jewish people to value life and their short
time spent on earth (Parkes, 101). It is believed that beyond death, life does not include earthly
pleasures such as eating and drinking. After death life consists of being, in the glory of the
Divine Presence. There is no hell after death as a destination. Rather, happiness to those who
lived a righteous life and suffering to those who sinned and led others to sin. There is more of a
reward versus punishment system instead of destinations. The punishment given to those in life
after death is not set in stone, it is described in the Talmud as, vague and contradictory
(Darmesteter, page 51 52). In many branches Christianity it is believed one s soul goes to
purgatory when they die and the decision is made weather your soul will spend eternity in
heaven or hell. Jewish tradition does not believe that souls end up in one of the two destinations
rather, all souls end up in the same place, it is just the journey that is different for different
individuals. When your body dies your soul leaves it and begins its journey to return to God,
this journey is considered a purification process so your soul is pure in the world to come. The
purification process for those who lived a fulfilling and righteous life may only take a day or so
while those who lived a life full of sin take a longer time on their journey to purification, taking up
to a year. After this purification process is complete Jewish tradition states that the soul is then
waiting for the coming of the Messiah when the soul will return to the physical body for final
judgment (Parkes,
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Whole Foods Market Personal Narrative
Detail oriented, self motivated team player with strong organization skills and follow through,
ability to multitask and meet all deadlines. Successful long work history with Whole Foods
Market. В·As the Senior Specialist, I was the liaison between Global and Regional accounting,
supporting the Executive Finance Coordinator. End of period review of expenses for accuracy
and possible capitalized costs. Balance sheet reviews, general ledger reconciliation, trend analysis.
Performed training for regional market team in aspects of accounting including General Ledger
review and new payables program. Cross regional projects such as the Tango seeding matrix. Some
previous duties carried over and evolved into the Senior Specialist position. Additional
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Summary Of Abuse At Abu Ghraib
I asked several people, several times, where I could find a copy of the standard operating
procedures, or even rules and regulations, says Frederick. And nobody would ever provide me
with any or let me know where they were. The only thing they would do is just give me a pat on
the back and say everything will be all right (60 Minutes, Abuse at Abu Ghraib) This is Sergeant
Chip Frederick, one of the soldiers that has been convicted of conspiracy, dereliction of duty,
maltreatment of detainees, assault, and indecent acts. He served 8 years in militaryprison, in
Washington D.C. Even though Sgt. Frederick plead guilty, he claimed that no one involved in the
scandal was properly trained, and did not know the standard Geneva Conventions. We had no
support, no training whatsoever. And I kept asking my... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
When the amount of people being sent to prison increased, the army couldn t keep up with rising
numbers. There was when I left, there was over 900 inmates. There was only five soldiers plus
two non commissioned officers in charge for those 900 over 900 inmates said Sgt. Frederick (60
Minutes, Abuse at Abu Ghraib). For every guard there is roughly 128 prisoners. At most United
States prisons, it is supposed to be for every guard there is five inmates. When 60 minutes
interviewed Sgt. Frederick, he was asked about the treatment of prisoners. We learned a little bit of
Arabic, basic commands. And they didn t want to listen, so sometimes, you would just give them a
little nudge or something like that just to get them to cooperate so we could get the mission
accomplished answered Sgt. Frederick (Abuse at Abu Ghraib). Soldiers in Abu Ghraib reported that
they needed to sometimes get rough with the inmates in order to remain in control and make sure
the prisoners listened to them (60 Minutes, Abuse at Abu Ghraib). In the end one of the biggest
causes of the scandal was lack of training and how understaffed the prison
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Analysis Of The Article Selection, Slanting, And Charged...
According to Birk and Birk in Selection, Slanting, and Charged Language , the word slanting
could be used for or against or it can be used both ways. In Mokoto Rich s article is for the
Federal Guidelines. Now slanting by use of the devices of emphasis is unavoidable, for emphasis
is simply the giving the stress to the subject matter, and so indicating what is important and what
is less important (Birk and Birk2). It s basically stressing certain words and they can produce a
positive or negative outcome. In Rich s article is in favor if Federal Guidelines, because once you
start picking the article and going over it, sentenceby sentence, she had more to say about the
inequalities that the students are facing in their schools.
Rich s article uses slating throughout the paper, trying to push the reader to favor what the
author is saying. According to Birk, Each different stress gives you a different slant (favorable
or unfavorable or balanced) to the statement because it conveys a different attitude (Birk and
Birk2). The way the author emphasis the words in the article gives you a clue, on whether they
are in favor or against or balanced. For example, some of the words are must have equal access to
comparable programs, materials and facilities (Rich). The key words that seem to be stressed on
more in must have equal which suggests that the schools have to have it, she could ve used a
different words, but instead she used those. Birk and Birk suggests that we can
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The Industrial Revolution Had A Great And Long Term Effect...
The Industrial Revolution had a great, and long term effect on our world. We the people have
profited from it in numerous ways. The Industrial revolution has formed the way we live today in
countless more ways than you can envision, yet it occurred so long ago. The revolution started in
the United Kingdom, then binged throughout Western Europe, North America and ultimately the
rest of the world. The Industrial revolutionhas also impacted the way us creatures live and act.
Even if we don t recall the event it has assuredly wedged us in many ways like in our cultures and
in our self being. Before the Industrial Revolution started we were alive in a time where
possessions were hand made. Where we required to pick the resources to make things ourselves.
The individuals of that era existed in small settlements where agriculture was very shared and
general. It was the basis for money and also the basis for food. People completed and sold things
that were grown or made, gradually and prudently. All was well, but there was also a want for
upgrading to make life easier. We desired cooler ways to carry materials, and we also had a want
for inexpensive and quicker production. This is why we were in necessity of development in the
industrial industry.
Before the creation of the steam engine, people used the power was provided by animals, wind and
water to farm, mill flour and transportation of goods and people from residence to residence. But
none of these bases of energy were as
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The Christian Faith Essay
I didn t come from a particularly religious, or irreligious, household. Growing up, there was no
solid, undoubting spiritual framework from which I could base my life on. There was never
any Sunday morning rush hour, where we would all eat a quick breakfast of bacon eggs before
cramming into the car to go listen to a man, clad in white, preach sing to us about a creator.
There was never any youth group, or summer camp, or bible study. Not to any fault of my
parents, of course I just wasn t raised that way. That being said, I was still told about God, the
bible, and the things that entail it. Despite the fact that I was never really, fully indoctrinated
into the Christian faith, I was still being raised as a Christian, and that s what I identified as for
the majority of my childhood. I was Austin Tanner Herz, the 3rd grader, the lego fanatic, the
comic book reading, lunchable eating, bed jumping extraordinaire, the Christian. Little did I
know how much my religious identity would change over the upcoming years. As a Christian, I
held Christian beliefs. I believed in the afterlife that those who were good got to go to Heaven,
and those who were bad went to Hell. I believed that Jesus died for the world s sins, and that we
all had an obligation to accept him. I believed these things because it was what I had been taught
to believe despite having no formal indoctrination, it was all I really knew. All of my friends
believed it, probably for the same reasons I
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Fire Recovery Plan
IDA (Institute for Defense Analysis)
Company Profile:
IDA is a Defense analysis firm that follows NIST and DOD policy and regulations.
IDA s primary goal is to find antiquated systems within the DoD and find ways that they can be
renewed. IDA s primary concern is the safety and security of the US.
Supervisors Responsible for ensuring employees comply with the policies outlined above.
Employees Responsible for complying with the policies outlined above and reporting potential
Human Resources Responsible for appropriate disciplinary actions (CEO may administer
punishment when he/she may desire).
The culture behind IDA and its family is to work hard and to work with the DoD to ensure a
brighter future. Policy Control ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
T2: Kneel against the wall closest to the center of the building and tuck your head down to your
legs while placing your hands on the top of your head.
T3: Stay in this position until the emergency has ended, if the building was hit by a tornado please
continue past step 3
T4: Remain calm and assess your situation, check to see if you are ok and uninjured
T5: If you are uninjured proceed to exit the building while helping others along the way.
T6: Once out and clear of the building call 911 and give them your exact location, if any people
are seriously injured tell the operator so they may bring as many ambulances as necessary.
T7: When everything has settled be sure to write down everything that happened, it is critical that
all information get documented to help the investigation.
F1: If a flood warning is in effect for the immediate area drop what you are doing and go to higher
ground, remain in higher ground until the warning has passed.
F2: If the building receives flood water immediately cut power to the building and exit, if
electricity is on it may cause a
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The Allowance For Loan Losses
Allowance for Loan Losses The Allowance for Loan Losses (ALL) represents an estimate of
losses that have been incurred on loans in the portfolio that are considered to be impaired as of the
balance sheet date, based in part of review of individual loans and in party on high level analytics of
groups of loans sharing common risk characteristics ( 0081_REP_Sacher_interior.indd
243_Sacher_Loan_Losses.pdf, n.d.). This report will cover the accounting standards of the ALL,
the common errors that credit unions make, the challenges that face credit unions today, and the
Christian worldview on the ethical side of the ALL accounts.
Accounting Standards Over the past few years the delinquency ratio has increased significantly
which has led many credit unions down the road of exceeding the national peer group averages.
The ASC states, The allowance for credit losses shall be established at a level that is adequate but
not excessive to cover probable credit losses related to specifically identified loans as well as
probable credit losses inherent in the remainder of the loan portfolio that have been incurred as of
the balance sheet date. Impairment shall not be recognized before it is probable that impairment
has occurred, even though it may be probable that impairment will occur in the future. The
measurement of credit losses in a portfolio of loans and receivables consists of two parts:
reviewing specifically identified loans and estimating credit losses in the remaining
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Fonderia Di Torino S.P.a Essay
Fonderia di Torino, S.p.A
Midterm Individual Case
Fonderia di Torino, S.p.A is a manufacturing company who produces metal castings using six semi
automated molding machines. However, they are currently considering purchasing a Vulcan Mold
Maker machine to replace the six machines currently in place. The firm needs to consider all costs
in deciding whether to keep the current machines or purchase the Vulcan Mold Maker.
Buying the Vulcan machine will result in year 0 outflows of 1.01 million euros, but will enable the
company to sell the old machines which will result in a net year 0 outflow of 880,000 euros. The
cash flows of years 1 8 are summarized in table 1. Factoring in operating, maintenance and power
cost, plus the benefits ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
On the other hand, the need for higher capacity may in fact be needed if the effects of an improved
product contribute to more market share.
There is a projected inflation rate of 3%. Applying this rate to all costs, minus depreciation, we
find that the effect is a lower NPV and raise the EAC for both decisions. However, purchasing
the Vulcan machine still remains to have the lower EAC. Thus, all other things equal, the
purchasing the Vulcan seems to quantitatively be the better decision. There are also a few other
small impacts which are not factored into the EAC. The Vulcan frees up 15% of floor space and
also has a maximum capacity that is 30% higher than the current machines. In the near future this
may be irrelevant because there is no need for more floor space and the current machines are only
operating at 90% capacity as it is, but these should still be considered added benefits as
unforeseeable market conditions over the next eight years may warrant the need for added capacity.
After considering both qualitative and quantitative impacts of the decision, it would be my
recommendation to purchase the Vulcan machine. All of the data shows that the Vulcan machine
will be less costly and more efficient. What the data does not show however is the critical
assumption that the laborers will be able to be laid off without dispute. If there is conflict from the
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Lorman Lumber Case Study
Case Study 2 What Wood You Do? Background/Summary: Lorman Lumber is a publicly traded
company with widely held shares. Its Yamica location in rural Oregon is one of the company s
largest. The purpose of the plant is to process and treat wood, which it does through a number of
facilities. The Sawmill began producing lumber products in 1947, which it does by peeling,
milling, and chipping raw wood. Lorman has a known record of producing good profits, and will
often pay out generous performance based bonuses to executives. Although the Yamica plant is
somewhat outdated, it is still considered to be efficient and profitable. Starting in 1968, the
company began using new methods to condition and pressure treat wood products through the...
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Did Lorman s wastewater emissions play any role in this tragic outcome? Although these are Ben
s thoughts, this is not definitely the case; there is no definite proof that there is a link between the
chemicals in the wastewater emissions and health problems. Ben must put aside his our pre
conceived notions and work objectively on the data. This is another good example of his
responsibility to use integrity when making a decision to avoid conflicts of interest. 4. To the board
of directors: o Although collected with meticulous care, the data Ben had painstakingly gathered
was composed only of educated estimates, leaving him with an uneasy feeling. Although Ben may
want to present his data in a way that supports his decision, it is important that his audiences know
the legitimacy of his data. It is his responsibility to communicate information fairly and objectively
and to disclose any deficiencies in the data. 5. To shareholders of Lorman Lumber Co: o Company
and shareholder profitability would certainly be affected. In order to support Ben s credibility, it is
important that he disclose all relevant information to the investors of Lorman Lumber Co. Although
shareholder equity would most certainly be affected by such a significant capital investment and
reduction of revenue in the short run, Ben could be ensuring shareholder value over the long run by
improving productivity, lowering negative
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Character Analysis Of Lulu
According to author Lyn Gardner of the guardian.com Lulu is described as the face that launched
a thousand fantasies. She is all things to all men . . . She is a blank. She is what you want her to
be. Her name is Lulu, and she is nothing but trouble (Gardner). The First Lulu gleans the drama,
deception, lies, and vengeance akin to play s Don Giovanniand Don Juan. However, one of the
primary differences remains is Lulus character is a woman. However, Lulu is no less cunning, in
fact her character is more cavalier and unrepentant in her unfaithfulness to men compared to Don
Giovanni and Don Juan combined. Alban Berg describes Lulu as a woman created for evil also
destruction and practice salvation, including murder without a trace ... Show more content on
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Therefore Lulu candidly expresses her distaste in Frank Wedekind s play The First Lulu. Lulu
notes he is banal Simple minded. No education. No inkling what impression he gives. Sees nothing,
neither himself nor me. Blind as a stovepipe (qtd. in Wedekind 80).
Although Schooning has ulterior motives, he has enough concern for the lady he desires to
marry and his friendship with Schwartz to end the affair. Schoning says when Schwartz married
Lulu, he became his friend (qtd. in Wedekind 80). Therefore, Schoning encourages Lulu to settle
down, Schoning says take him in hand. That s what any wife has to do . . . If he has no
education, what about . . . The sacred ties of . . . ? (qtd. in Wedekind 81). Thus, Lulu has no
respect for the relationship affirmed in her statement suspicious as a thief yet lets himself be lied
to and deceived . . . One loses all respect . . . On our wedding night, I made him believe I was still
a virgin (qtd. in Wedekind 82). As the play continues, Lulu s unfaithfulness continues, and she uses
many men to get whatever she pleases. Moreover, Lulu switches male partners similar to changing
costumes witnessed in the video clip Pandora s Box. However, the most saddening part of the play
lies in the woman Gerschwitz. Moreover, Gerschwitz loved Lulu passionately and desperately
wanted to be with her. Yet as the play continued Gerschwitz heart darkens as a result of the
continued rejection from Lulu. Also,
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An Analysis Of Todd Gitlin s Prime Time Ideology
In Prime Time Ideology Todd Gitlin Is attempting to demonstrate how the ruling class ideology is
transmitted through various features of American television. Giltin follows Gramsci and his
concept of hegemony as soft power that coerces the working class into obedience without any use
of physical power. At the beginning of Prime Time Ideology Gitlin is relating to Theodor Adorno
and the thinkers of the Frankfurt school of neo Marxist though who held popular culture to be
shallow and synthetic and as working to subjugate the working class. For this reason, the working
class does not revolt. Hegemonic media content dictates public life and it is a medium for
transferring ideology. Mass culture does not produce ideology, it merely focuses... Show more
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According to Giltin the answer is that this way commercials, promising glamour and success,
work better. Media intentionally avoids depictions of les missrables with which the public does
not wish to identify. Show that do grant thw working class some screen time are aimed at
establishing the sense of superiority of the middle and ruling class. Television will fool most of the
people most of the time by giving them what they want in exchange for their passiveness and for
allowing commercials into their living room and
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Sexual Identity Discrimination
Sexual Identity Discrimination According to the American Psychological Association, sexual
orientation is defined as an enduring pattern of emotional, romantic, and/or sexual attractions to
men, women, or both sexes (APA, 2008). Moreover, the definition offered suggests that sexual
orientation does not solely relate as a characteristic of an individual but is most reflective of a
relationship with another individual (APA, 2008). In the United States, those with a sexual
orientationdescribed as lesbian, gay, transgenderor bisexual have faced discrimination, violence and
prejudice based on their sexual orientation. Throughout the 1970 s, 80 s and into the 1990 s public
opinion polls indicated a significant rate of violence and harassment targeted towards those
individuals identified as or self identified as belonging to the gay, lesbian, or homosexual
community. With HIV/AIDs becoming more prevalent and the national and international scare
associated with the disease, the gay and lesbian community was the primary target. Public opinion
was vocal and negative.
Homophobia was not just an American sentiment. Throughout the world, in Latin America and
Africa, the spread of HIV/AIDS was associated with gay men in particular and the sentiment
regarding these individuals was highly stigmatized and very negative. These pervasive attitudes
fueled violent episodes that made the news from country to country and around the world (Avert,
web). Some even argue that the reason
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A Futuristic World Where Legalized Murder Is Sanctioned, A...
In a futuristic world where legalized murder is sanctioned, a detective investigates the death of a
former member of a elite group of police.
STORY COMMENTS (on first 30 pages)
THE 11th COMMANDMENT is a sci fi, action thriller with some dark comedy. The first 30 pages
offer an imaginative and visionary future world. The tone blends serious situations with humor.
There s also a film noir style to the script, as well as some comic book like features.
The opening sets the tone, although the first four pages feel overly written and could be clearer.
What is clear is that the man is after something and/or something is after the man.
The introduction of Harry feels refreshing. He s a character that the audience comes to really like.
He s ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Cee Cee Boyd scenes feel very comic bookish, which doesn t flow well with the earlier tone.
Boyd presents as an exaggerated type character. The purpose of adding a subplot about code
books and evading earth is unclear in regards to how this fits with someone killing the elite group
of police.
The idea of legalized killing makes for a strong concept. There s a lot that can be done within this
world that allows people to get permits to kill.
There are some other nice visuals such as the cross forming a shadow over the man s face.
There s no doubt that the major strength of the first 30 pages is the lead hero, Harry. He s a
really likable guy. There s something charming about him and cynical. He s smart and it s a lot of
fun to watch him put the clues at a crime scene together. He shares good chemistry with McEvoy.
There are also nice hints to his backstory that creates good conflict between Harry and the other
McEvoy is another intriguing characters. She s very likable too. The introduction of McEvoy is
strong and she shares good chemistry with Harry.
Her reasons for asking him on the case, however, are not convincing. She hasn t even started the
investigation, so why she would contact him now isn t clear.
Sabrina feels like she has potential to be a very intriguing character with a secret. She s a tough
waitress and it s fun to see her stick a fork into it.
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Notes On Life Styles Inventory
Life Styles Inventory
Jameka S. Carter
Ms. Hallcom
Life Styles Inventory
Individuals possess different skills that have an impact on their thinking and management style. The
style varies from individual to individual depending on their opinions, perceptions, thoughts, and
skills. The Life Style Inventory is a tool, which can be used to analyze and evaluate the
management and leadership skills of an individual. The LSI has different styles and individuals
can rate the styles according to their own skills. It will help in analyzing the management and
leadership capabilities of an individual by evaluating the key skills. I have taken the LSI test to
analyze and examine my skills, which can help in selecting an appropriate management and
leadership style to achieve success and growth.
Personal Thinking Styles The cognitive and thought process of individuals is influenced by the
personal attributes, skills, capabilities, and perceptions of individuals. The personal thinking style
varies from individual to individual depending on various factors and resources. Evaluation of
personal skills helps in developing and enhancing skills so that success can be achieved. The LSI
results have helped me in realizing my personal thinking style, which has a strong impact on my
behavior, perception, and attitude. The LSI result suggests that I belong to the avoidance category,
which means that I use defensive and aggressive strategies to prove my point and
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The world consists of so many different types of...
The world consists of so many different types of religions, and every religion has its own objectives,
their own path, and their own different beliefs. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are the three most
prominent religions in the western civilization. From their origins to life rituals, they have a great
amount of similarities and differences between these three prominent religions.
The origin of Judaism initiated around 1812 BC and it is one of the world s oldest monotheistic
religions. This religion commenced through the Patriarch and Matriarch of the belief, Abraham and
Sarah. Together they gave birth to a baby boy named Isaac. Jewish people believed that Isaac is
one of their ancestors. Later Abraham had another son named Ismael with ... Show more content on
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Prayer is the means by which Christians communicate with their God. The New Testament says that
Jesus taught his disciples how to pray and that he wanted them to refer God as Father. Christians
still continue this tradition. After Jesus, the spreading of the religion was largely due to the work of
a converted Jew, Paul or Saint Paul. Through the writings and teachings of Paul, Christianity began
to set apart itself from Judaism. The new religion adapted many of the forms of worship of the
older Judaism. The Bible, composed of both the Old Testament and the New Testament, is the
sacred book of Christianity. Christianity remains to be and will always be one of the world s
largest religion. Most Christians attend worship services at church on Sundays, which basically
includes singing, prayer and a sermon. Most Christian churches have a special ritual for
ordination, or having a person fit for a leadership position in the church. At home, most
practicing Christians pray regularly and many read the Bible. Christians soon also developed
two primary sacraments, or sacred ceremonies: baptism and the Lord s Supper. Baptism is a
religious ceremony in which a person is dipped in water as a sign of being cleansed of sin. The
Last Supper is a remembering Christ s last meal with his disciples before he died. Another practice
Christians do is fasting, in which they don t eat or drink for a determined period. Christian
celebrates Christmas from Dec 25
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As The Attitudes Of American Households Begin To Shift,
As the attitudes of American households begin to shift, the FCC should enact a new regulation to
best fit the changing viewership of consumers. At its simplest form, this new rule would allow
television consumers to have the option to pick and choose the individual television channels
they desire to pay for, instead of having to pay for an entire cable package , while still including the
basic cable service. Essentially, this new regulation would force cable TV providers to allow the
option for an Г la carte pricing rate for expanded cable televisionservices. While the proposed rule
would make cable providers deviate from market driven logic, the overall effects of it would alter
the medium of television for the better. (Lotz... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The 1992 act subjected cable rates to regulation under most circumstances excluding cable systems
that were subject to effective competition. (Public Access Awareness Association) Also, it allowed
the FCC to regulate rates for other service tiers if they found that a cable system s rates were
unreasonable under FCC regulation. (McCarthy)
Nevertheless, the 1992 act was followed by the Telecommunications Act of 1996. During this
time, shifting cable policies and deregulation of ownership had massive implications for the
industry s operation (Lotz 52) Thus, because of its intent to create a competitive market, the
FCC was no longer able to regulate the rates for non basic service tiers. According to the FCC,
basic cable service rates may be regulated by local franchising authorities such as the city, county
or other governmental organizations, but are not required to do so. On the other hand, the rates
you pay for other cable programming and services, such as expanded cable channel packages,
premium movie channels and pay per view sports events, are set by your cable TV provider.
(FCC) So, in actuality, the FCC still does not regulate any rates charged by cable providers, thereby
giving them the monopolistic power of rate regulation and overall ability to engage in rate inflation.
Although the FCC has attempted numerous deregulatory/regulatory measures, it still has not
provided for what the
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Inequality In America And The American Dream
Even though U. S is the land of opportunities, it seems just as impossible to achieve the American
dream. The American system is controlled by the wealthy who choose, which laws to impose in
the benefit for themselves and organization. The inequality between the poor and rich is so wide
this makes the American dream for most Americans impossible to achieve. To be wealthy like top
1% of the Americans, you need freedom of choice, an inheritance from rich parents and work hard
to achieve the American dream. Before going to my claim, inequality is a interesting topic, which
deserves a little attention. Inequality in America has grown over the past and in fact, it is still
growing at a very fast rate. Income... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In addition, since it is freedom of choice not only does it let us achieve our goals and fulfilment
but also it is important whether or not it makes us happy. Most people who are very successful
today is because they did what they loved doing what they did. For example, Bill Gates who is
the richest person in the world dropped out of Harvard University and started working on his
Microsoft software because it was something he loved doing, and now he the richest in the
world. By contrast, majorities say freedom of choice in how to live (77%), having a good family
life (70%) and retiring comfortably (60%) are essential to their view of the American dream
(Samantha 7 13). From this fact we can tell that freedom of choice is very important, that is why
we have wealthy people in America. Wish American parents should start allowing their children to
make their choices but should be there just to encourage and guide them. To be wealthy like top 1%
of the Americans, coming from a rich home inheriting your parent s wealth will increase your
chances of being rich. This method of being rich is quite easy because you do not really have to
do anything to be rich since you would just inherit your parent s wealth, that is if your parents are
very wealthy. When mentioned anything above, you do not really have to work or look for a job
because your parents are already wealthy. The only thing you need to worry about is a means of
making more money, which might
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Redemption In The Dew Breaker
Redemption of Evil Acts In The Dew Breaker, a reoccurring tone of redemption of evil acts is
something that Danticat comes back to time and time again. Throughout the novel, redemption
comes in different forms, especially for the two strongest representations of violence, with that
being Claude and the dew breaker. Through Claude, the reader can argue that his character helps
give insight to the dew breaker. A question can be asked, is redemption possible when someone
has committed evil acts of crime and violence? In her novel, Danticat does not come out to give
the reader that answer; however, the reader observes through the text that redemption is possible.
The text shows this through the conversation between Dany and Claude, through what is exposed
about the dew breaker, and how Dany s feelings might have changed after meeting Claude. In the
novel, the character Claude killed his father because his father confiscated his drugs and refused to
give them back. Claude traveled to New York City after his father s death, where he... Show more
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However, one must keep redemption and the act of justification in two separate categories.
Redemption is not a means of justifying what that person has done. In the case of the dew
breaker, his redemption comes not only from his wife, but also mostly from his daughter, Ka.
After the dew breaker told his wife of the truth of his actions, the reader sees Anne, his wife,
looking for religious redemption for her husband. In the text, Danticat explains through Ka that
Anne goes to mass every day. What makes this a significant detail in the novel is that she not only
goes to mass every day, but that she ll walk the twenty blocks from the church to the salon
(Danticat 9). This is significant because every day of Anne s goes to a great length every day to
integrate church into her daily life to get the redemption that she desires for her
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Sky High Hannah Roberts Essay
Sky High Hannah Roberts Essay
Sky High Hannah Roberts Essay
Sky High Hannah Roberts Essay

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Sky High Hannah Roberts Essay

  • 1. Sky High Hannah Roberts Essay 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site HelpWriting.net. The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help fromHelpWriting.net, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Sky High Hannah Roberts Essay Sky High Hannah Roberts Essay
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  • 3. Analysis of the TV Program Star Trek Essay America got its first look of a program that would later become legendary on September 8, 1966 at 8:30 PM on NBC. America was never the same after Star Trek made its debut that night. The series did not receive the recognition it deserved until it was canceled after only three years and later returning in syndication. However, Star Trekwas never an ordinary science fiction program to begin with. Comparison to other programs in this genre is difficult because Star Trekis certainly not an unconventional science fiction program it is a science fiction program that displays America during 1960 s. In fact, Gene Roddenberry, the creator of Star Trek, during an interview said, I have no belief that Star Trek depicts the actual future, it... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... How can the human race ever hope to achieve friendship with alien races if it can t even make friends with itself? The program had two regular characters that epitomized American minorities, who were quickly acquiring a position in American society, Lt. Sulu and Lt. Uhura. Lt. Sulu, played by George Takei, was the helmsman of the USS Enterprise. Having a Japanese American appointed in an important rank was certainly a huge step forward. Despite the fact that antagonistic emotions regarding Japanese Americans ascribed to World War II had lessened remarkably, some unease prevailed as to whether a Japanese American character would cost the program Indonesian viewers. Gene Roddenberry never considered Lt. Sulu as a token Asian , even when it appeared like everyone was opposed to him giving a major role to minority characters. Lt. Sulu consequently became an vital member of the Enterprise crew. Compared to Sulu, it is unfathomable to envision someone else that could step into this role and play him so well. Lt. Uhura, played by Nichelle Nichols, was a communications officer of the Enterprise. Uhura, whose name means freedom was a Black African princess from East Africa who was fluent in Swahili, which added a particular appeal to her character. Both Nichols and Roddenberry made sure Lt. Uhura was deliberately written as a token Black , unlike Lt. Sulu. Alas, coercion from network censors and writers ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Disadvantages Of Securitization As securitization seems to be a lucrative way for banks to not only enhance liquidity and diversify risk but also improves their performance considerable incentive problems occurred during the turmoil and among the different parties. Those incentive problems led to information asymmetries and moral hazard among the involved stakeholders .As the Bank/Originator creates reference pool sells them to the bankruptcy remote trust (such as Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac) Bankruptcy remote trust buys reference pool and securitizes it sells them to the capital market where potential investors exists to purchase securities purchase of securities by investors 6 gap between mortgageoriginators and investors increases, it reduces the incentives for lenders to screen mortgage applicants thoroughly. During the turmoil banks had more and better information about the Mortgage Backed Securities and their performance value in contrast to third parties as they knew more about the mortgage applicant and the underlying mortgage loan.As bank incentives are to issue more mortgage loans and then sell them to bankruptcy remote trusts to securitize them, they did not bear the risk of the mortgage default and this leads to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Therefore, the process of transfer of the receivables from the originator to the SPV involves an outlay on account of stamp duty, which can make securitization commercially unviable in several states. If the securitized instrument were issued as evidencing indebtedness, it would be in the form of a debenture or bond subject to stamp duty. On the other hand, if the instrument is structured as a Pass Through Certificate (PTC) that merely evidences title to the receivables, then such an instrument would not attract stamp duty, as it is not an instrument provided for specifically in the charging ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Jane Austen s Sense And Sensibility Jane Austen s Sense and Sensibility is often read as two sisters who represent either sense or sensibility. In Ang Lee s cinematic adaptation of the book, there is obvious preference to the value of emotions, of the heart, and this approach lends an interpretation of what is otherwise left unanswered in the book. From the onset of Sense and Sensibility, Elinor is characterized by her coolness of judgment and her overall ability to use her sense to the benefit of the Dashwoods. (44) Marianne on the other hand is characterized by her sensibility for her sorrows, her joys ,could have no moderation. (44) In many ways the movie attempts to bring what is on the inside to the outside. The movie does make a preference towards the heart has a significant effect on the cinematic depictions of the sisters but also of other characters. The preference of the heart allows for deeper constructs of the characters Margaret and Colonel Brandon. The cinematic approach also allows for concrete demonstrations of Marriane s growing affection to Colonel Brandon as well as a concrete show of Elinor s interior emotions. The film adaptation of Sense and Sensibility lends itself to bringing interpretation and even life to some characters. This is true especially in the case of Margaret Dashwood, who is a comedic relief to the otherwise dramatic film, and who most importantly brings to light the kindness of Edward Ferrars. In the novel, like many of the younger siblings in Austen s books, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. The Struggle For Women In The Early 20th Century Women rights are human rights, and human rights are women s rights, (Hillary Clinton). The year was 1648 at the time the law stated that anyone who owned land was permitted to vote, although despite the fact that Margaret Brent was a landowner at the time she was denied the right to vote simply because she was a women. It was 1848 when the battle for equal rights fighting to bring an end to women s suffragebegan. In 1870 the 15th amendment was passed which gave African Americans the right to vote, this served as a realization to women that they were not being treated equally. For decades in the early 20th century, women have been in a battle to gain equal rights for self identity, which influenced them during times of war by leading them to gaining jobs, and during ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... After world war two, women continuously continued to rebel by their appearance they now began to dress less feminine to demonstrate their new found power. In 1947 the so called clothing restriction came to an end and women were finally allowed to dress however they pleased, they began to lose the glamorous material and clothing and began to dress more masculine. (Glamor Daze).Women found a peaceful way to rebel against stereotypical beliefs of feminismthrough fashion. They used fashion as a reminder that they ran the country during World War 2 and are capable of more than men make it seem. Rosie the Riveter was one of the biggest female icons, she was used in an attempt to attract women to the work force and it served to represent the massive increase of about 65% working women during the war (History.com). Rosie the Riveter demonstrated the power that women withheld during the countries time of need. Women during and after World War 2 changed their identity from fragile housewifes who relied on their husbands to strong independent working ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Making A Small Business Or Large Corporation Overtime Many of us attending college at this time, attempting to gain an education, learning about business are likely aspiring owning a business in the future. Whether it s a small business or large corporation overtime, it will likely have to start from the ground up. As start ups, there are many obstacles new business owners may have to understand and overcome to have initial success. As a brand new start up, with planning, I would like to acquire a small business loan through the government. Although difficult, with plenty of paperwork and the level of loan approvals declining, we would make that our first choice along with other assistance. It would be beneficial to start with an SBA along with starting a small account on places online, like Kickstarter, where families, friends and others who would like to assist you to raise money for your business. With that plan in place and with time, would allow us to come up with a business plan, determine the risks and the status of the industry, financial statements ect. To properly manage and keep oversight of these funds, an accountant and a lawyer would be hired to properly follow the financial guidance and protect the business from unnecessary lawsuits, penalties and bad financial decisions. Another way we can approach financing would be through e loans, or loans done online for quick access, but not preferred to its high interest rates. A good offer we received from Fundera Marketplace was up to $150,000 for three years at a 8.9% ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Joseph Campbell Monomyth Myths and stories about great heroes serve to let people realize the hero potential that they have in themselves. It has always been the prime function of mythology and rite to supply the symbols that carry the human spirit forward, in counteraction to those that tend to tie it back. (Campbell, The Herowith a Thousand Faces) Joseph Campbell, an American mythologist, developed the idea of monomyth, which is the theory that all myths are variations of the same story. He believed that everyone has the potential to be a hero, and that heroes all follow the same journey described in the monomyth theory. The idea of monomyth states that no matter what time period, the journey for a hero will be very similar. Campbell s theory can be seen in traditional myths, such as the Anglo Saxon tale of Beowulf, and also in the lives of contemporary heroes such as Martin Luther King Jr. Beowulf and Martin Luther King Jr. both fit the profile for a hero and their journey is laid out similarly to the monomyth steps of departure, initiation and the return. The departure phase of monomyth is the starting point to a hero s story, it is the key moment when he or she is taken out of their own familiar world. Both Martin Luther King Jr. and Beowulf had a departure period ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... She was also a major influence in the civil rights movement, and she stood behind King in order for him to accomplish his goals. King s ultimate boon was getting the laws passed to progress his cause for African Americans. It was King s influence that helped pass the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the Fair Housing Act of 1968. The initiation phase, although full of hardship, gives the hero his ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. System Design Management Analysis SYSTEM DESIGN MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS System Design Management Analysis Veronica Brown Corbin University of Phoenix Contemporary Systems Management MGT/736 Brian E. Polding, Ph.D March 12, 2007 System Design Management Analysis Management must recognize the system design and management of an organization are subject to internal and external influences. The internal influences include the management team and employee; and the external influences can include competitors and customers. There are contextual/cultural factors and stakeholders that have an influence on the management system that is designed and implemented. The contextual/cultural factors include key characteristics of the organization, internal and external ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Suppliers would also be a factor to include when considering customers and competitors. There are companies that suppliers are treated as partners because they have a close relationship with organization. When the supplier has been providing raw materials or other products they become part of the operation. For example, there are some Japanese firms that have partnered with their suppliers. The community and special interest groups can also have some influence on the system design for an organization. The influence they exert cannot be ignored. Being a corporate citizen in a community can be important especially when managers live in those communities. Corporate citizenship: For many, it remains a diffuse concept, but generally it speaks to companies voluntarily adopting a triple bottom line, one that takes into account social, economic, and environmental considerations as well as financial results (Richardson, 2007, p.92). When management designs a system its strategy and goals and objectives it will include its plan to participate in the community. These are areas that the organization can have some control and plan to integrate into its overall corporate strategy. The amount of participation that can be provided ranges from supporting individual employees to the company creating foundation to reach out to a larger audience. Internally, you need to consider employees, unions, the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. The Pros And Cons Of Social Stereotypes Stereotype threat is a social phenomenon where a member of a negatively stereotyped group performs poorly when reminded of that stereotype (Beilock, Jellison, Rydell, McConnell, Carr, 2006). For example, previous studies have shown that when primed with a negative stereotype African Americans perform worse on intellectual tasks (Steele, Aronson, 1995), and women perform worse at math (Spencer, Steele, Quinn, 1999). The main component of stereotypethreat is that it impairs working memory(Schmader, Forbes, Johns, 2008). Working memory is a short term memory system that is involved in the control, regulation, and active maintenance of a limited amount of information with immediate relevance to the task at hand (Miyake Shah, 1999). So essentially as one works on a task, working memory keeps all the important information ready for quick access, which is crucial for performance in almost every domain. Previous studies have shown that working memory capacity is a direct mediator between stereotype threat and impaired mental performance (Schmader, Johns, 2003). At a cognitive level, working memory is a limited capacity resource that can become depleted if it is attending to multiple domains. If depleted there is less capacity available to control a task s execution and information processing demands (Schmader, Johns, 2003). Many different studies have contested how it is that stereotype threat impairs performance. For example, in Steele and Aronson s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Katharine Cousins Histoire Naturelle In Paris Summary Katharine Cousins presentation on the MusГ©um National d Histoire Naturelle in Paris (MNHN) explored the ideas surrounding collecting and collections addressed in the Sharon Macdonald reading Collecting Practices , focusing particularly on the notion of collections as representations of a national identity. Katharine began her presentation by defining what constitutes a collection. Here, she rightly emphasised the important role selection plays in collecting activities, while also acknowledging that collections are fundamentally the result of personal pursuits by collectors. This said, the act of collecting is perhaps best differentiated from other types of accumulation activities (e.g. hoarding), by the potential it offers in terms of order, system and completion. Next, Katharine provided a brief background to the MNHN, noting the circumstances of its establishment, the scope of its collection, its various departments and present day mission. Given that Macdonald s publication includes a schematic account of the history of collecting, it may have been useful to integrate this history into the discussion of this case study. For instance, by assessing how various phases in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, a significant document produced in 1789, expresses the underlying principles of this movement, stating that all men are born and remain free and equal in rights. Accompanying these newfound views on civic equality, came the notion that collections, which had long been private, exclusive and devoted to displaying the taste and wealth of their owners , belonged not only to the elite, but to entire nations. Such beliefs motivated the development of the public museum and ultimately allowed the royal collections of the House of Bourbon to be transformed into the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. My Goals Essay My Goals There are three careers, which I may be aspired to: Architects are licensed professionals trained in the art, and science of building design. This means the overall artistic appreciation, plus the functional look of buildings, or other structures. They design the overall aesthetic. Artist generally fall into one of three groups: Art Directors formulate design concepts, with presentation approaches for visual communications media. Fine Artists create original artwork using a variety of media combined with their own techniques. Multi Media artists, (including Animators) create special effects such as animation, films, video, computers, or other electronic media. Service technicians specialize in home ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... To become an Architect you will have to obtain a professional degree in Architecture from one of the 111 schools that are accredited by the National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB). A second alternative option is to acquire one of three degrees in Architecture that are available through colleges, and universities. ` If at all possible, Multi Media Art, and Animators would be my best interest: Drawing characters, backgrounds, rims, cars, or trucks spends most of my pastime. In addition to drawing, I would also like to partake classes in Animation. Art directors earned $56,880 in 2000, and the highest 10% made more than $109,440 dollars. Artist work about 40 hours a week, but during busy periods, they work overtime to meet deadlines. Artists need patience to develop their profession. Spending long hours drawing, painting, and sculpting, they use all the time there is to finish their projects. Working in studios is the key to promoting and selling their successful works of art. However, this can expose some artist to fumes from glue, paint, ink, plus other materials. Artists who sit at drafting tables or use computers for extended periods may experience back pain, eyestrain, or fatigue. Some Artists work in fine or commercial art studios located in office buildings (while others work in private studios at home). Studio surroundings usually are well lighted, and ventilated. Many Artists are self employed or work in motion picture, television, computer ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. The Popularity of Preschool and Headstart Programs The parents of today s society are signing up their children for preschool and head start programs more than ever. About seventy five percent of the nation s four year old attend a preschool center, as do fifty percent of three year olds. (Barnett, 2008, page 3). Preschool has long been though to shape a child s academic life, putting a child ahead of the curve in kindergarten and leading them into a successful school career. The primary reason for attending preschool in past decades was the known benefits of socialization, but preschool has changed a lot over the years putting much more emphasis on cognitive development. Gone are the days when children only focused on colors, shapes, and numbers. Today s preschoolers are learning music and second languages. Questions still remain about how successful these programs are when it comes to preparing children for their future academic careers. This paper will examine the known advantages and disadvantages of sending a child off to preschool as well as what qualities a preschool should have. Quality of Care Research has shown that the true benefits of preschool programs are heavily dependent upon the setting and environment in which the learning is taking place. Choosing the correct school is crucial for proper learning and development in preschool aged children. In order to obtain successful outcomes preschools and other types of head start programs should be of high quality, meaning they have experienced teacher ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Analyzing Edmund Munch s The Scream One s mental disability can be temporarily alleviated by physical means, though it can never be completely obliterated. Edmund Munch s The Scream expresses radical emotions through his display of mysterious shapes and shadows, as well as strong colors. Analysis painting reveals that his mental state was affected by The Screamwhich emphasizes his honest, even ugly glimpse of his inner troubles and feelings of anxiety (Shabi). He goes on to describe the nature in a dark way using symbolism such as sky turned as red as blood and a hell where tongues of fire savagely lick at the frazzled and overwhelmed person (Shabi). It is hypothesized the painting was a medium through which Munch could reveal the emotions that sparked from ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Public Speaking Speech What aspects does The Art of Public Speaking by Dale Carnegie (1915) make the textbook stand out and provide a thorough yet specific understanding when presenting a speech? Carnegie exploits a variety of efficiency in his following chapters three, four, five, seven providing real life examples, metaphors, and advice. The speaker that fires his force and emphasis at random into a sentence will not get results. (Carnegie Ch. 3, 13) Chapter three, named EFFICIENCY THROUGH EMPHASIS AND SUBORDINATION , explains that one should not sporadically highlight a word(s) simply because it sounds important but to convey contrasts and relations. The idea of comparing two words or phrases purposely will provide a smooth and greater transition, engaging the audience to be possibly more empathic. (Carnegie Ch. 3, 13) Also when in written form, the best way to represent a change in a word s denotation is changing the form such that MOUNTAIN PEAK WORDS...represent the big, important ideas. (Carnegie Ch.3, 13) A great example shown is when a reporter is told to not write if she or he sees a dog biting a man but if a man is biting a dog, such that she or he should not waste valuable time on the grass around the tree. (Carnegie Ch. 3, 14) Not only a visual aids emphasis, but also that act of pronouncing the word(s) differently from the rest will contribute to its significance; some mistaken that yelling is the way; however, it is completely wrong, degrading control, intelligence, and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Exoticism In Carmen And Benjamin Britten s Death In Venice Ralph P. Locke s theory of musical exoticism takes form through a spectrum that ranges from pure musical exoticism to transcultural composing. However the main requirement of exoticism is the notion of conjuring up a specific place or group of people as being perceived as different from the audience culture. In terms of pure exoticism, the composer willingly incorporates exotic sounding elements in order to mark a specific group or place as foreign. Transcultural composing is the other facet of exoticism. It is different in that it is not intended to marginalize any exotic group, rather it is a mix of Western and non western styles. While both George Bizet s Carmen and Benjamin Brittens Death In Venice incorporate exoticism, they each take on an opposite form of exoticism. Bizet s use of stereotypical gypsy music, as well as the portrayal of Carmen, explicitly marginalize and construct Carmen as different. Carmen s lack of Spanish descent and her Gypsy ethnicity are constructed as different via musical and performative aspects of the opera. Within the exoticism framework, Bizet s carmen is an example of pure exoticism. In contrast, Britten s Death In Venice is an example of transcultural composing because the other being marginalized is homosexuality, which is an identity that Britten is apart of and is not exclusive to any one group. George Bizet s Carmen was an opera that followed a Gypsy woman named Carmen in Seville, Spain. Carmen was characterized as being a gypsy ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Recursive Censorship Is cursive handwriting a thing of the past? For hundreds of years, this style of penmanship has been the main form of written communication, but for a large number of people today, it is a riddle that can not be solved. The sinuous letters of the cursive alphabet, swirled on countless love letters, credit card slips and banners above elementary chalk boards are going the way of the quill and inkwell. With computer keyboards and smartphones increasingly occupying young fingers, the gradual death of the fancier ABC s is revealing some unforeseen challenges (Zezima). In today s digital world, some people argue that cursivehandwriting is no longer necessary for academic success and has become irrelevant in the classroom. When Common Core was introduced in 2010, many school districts decreased the time spent on cursive while others removed it from the curriculum all together. Neuroscientist and psychologist are beginning to show we may be dismissing cursive handwriting too quickly as numerous studies that show the benefit of cursive writingshould not be overlooked, in fact, learning cursive is an important tool for cognitive development (Klemm).... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Throughout history, cursive writing has been taught in the classroom and was the primary source of communication. The method was originated to increase the speed of writing and does this because the letters flow together and the pen is not lifted as often as it is when printing the letters (Dickinson). During the Colonial Period, writing was given top priority with many schools only focus being cursive writing. After settling in the New World, reading became the most important skill so all could read the Bible. The ability to write was required only of professionals, the well born and their secretaries, and merchants and their clerks ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Race And Gender Issues In New Media Race and gender issues in new media Nowadays with all the new media and technologies, it seems like that we are living in the future. A future without racial and gender struggles. A common belief about the new media is that we will become truly equal with the help of new media, but some people still do racist and sexist things in new media. As Lisa Nakamura states in her essay that Racism and sexism have continue to flourish on the internet, and indeed to some extents have even come to define it , despite our supposedly post racial historical moment (81), I believe that new media is not the solution of the issues of race ,gender and sexuality, but reinforcement of the ideologies behind those problems. New media does not solve the racial ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Donna Haraway advocates cyborgs in her article as a way to challenge the idea of a pure, unified subject. A cyborg is a hybrid of machine and organism (Haraway, 291) which blur the boundaries of binary categories.. Haraway argues that there is no essential unity . In the case of new media, the representations of race and gender are depicted as binaries. White/ nonwhite. Male/ Female. New media reinforce the ideologies of race and gender. However, in reality people of color don t all act in the same way, and not the men or women are the same. Furthermore, race and gender consciousnesses reinforce dualism which is used to create dominance and oppression. At the level of ideology, we see translations of racism and colonialism into languages of development and under development, rats and constrains of modernization (Haraway, 301). Haraway argues that racism was used as a tool to help colonialism by helping the under developed counties to be civilized . The primitive stereotypes of the people of color helps to oppress the people of color. Therefore, race, gender and sexuality should be represented in a more complicated way in new media instead of stereotypes. For example, the gender and racial representations of the characters in Journey are rather ambiguous. The armless body and the veil covered face portray an non stereotypical racial characters ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Wet Basement Research Paper Drying Out a Wet Basement Nothing is worse than going down to your basement to grab something out of storage and to come upon water standing on your cement floor or a dark patch of water staining your carpet. Not only do you have to figure out the cause of the leak, which can be expensive based upon the structural issue that you re going to uncover, but you have the problem of mold growing in the wet areas when you weren t aware of the leak. Depending on how long it s been since you were last in your basement, you could have substantial issues with rotting and the potential of toxic mold. Identify the Reason for Your Wet Basement The first issue that you must resolve is to dry as much of the area as possible to reduce the potential for mold and identify the reason you have a wet basement. If the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... An expert can come in and help you both test for and eradicate mold, as well as, dry your basement if the leak was large. Proper Drying of Your Basement On your own, you can purchase a dehumidifier to remove the excess moisture from the air, you can open doors and windows to help ventilate the area and remove any water soaked items outside to dry. Any wet items left in your basement that need to be dried, must be removed from your basement. If they are left in your basement to dry on their own, they have the potential for growing and spreading mildew and mold. Professional Assistance If you feel that the area is too large to dry and need an expert industrial sized exhaust fans, contact a professional to assist with drying out the area. If you have any concerns regarding mold and the potential health threats from having mold growing under carpets or in floors, you need to contact a professional to help eliminate your problems, saving you from hours of frustration and putting your mind at ease. The Remediation ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Essay about Simple is Gold For the Chinese People in... Keeping things simple in Golden Mountain , also known as Canada, is extremely important for most of the Chinese people who came to Canada. In my opinion, it is important to them for three main reasons. First, they need to ensure that their paper histories are original in the eye of Canada s immigration officers. Second, they only say those things that are necessary so Canadians can understand them. Lastly, they do not want to forget their origins by not assimilating too much into Western culture. Hence, it is important for Chinese immigrants who came to Canadato keep things simple and we need to discuss this further to know more deeply about why it is important to be simple in Canada. First of all, the Chinese people who came to Canada... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It can be seen in the novel that old timers like Wong Kimlein only say a little about themselves when someone asks him about his past : What was it like when you were a little boy? He roared with laughter or sighed deeply. Too long ago, he would say, and leave me guessing. (Choy 61). Additionally, young generation, like Jook Liang and Jung Sum, are assimilating a little bit to make life simpler or easier. For instance, the children who are a part of the Chen family just need to call their uncle, uncle instead of using the old Chinese traditional titles which apply differently for each relative or friend. Therefore, they are keeping traditional family titles simple by only saying what is necessary to prevent more or worse marginalization from outsiders or those who are listening, and this adaption to language can possibly make their lives easier. Lastly, Chinese immigrants choose not to assimilate too much because they want to keep everything close to their home as well as they do not want to get caught up in a third space situation. They do not want to forget who they are and where they are from. Therefore, some Chinese immigrants want all aspects which define their identity to be close to them, even if they live in Canada now. Take the case of a Chinese teenager who came to Canada to continue his study, but he was already assimilating too much that his cultural identity faded slowly. At the end, he ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. The Primary Causes For World War I (Based on the World War I Video) What were the primary causes for World War I? (Franco Prussian War; Alliances; Archduke Franz Ferdinand) The Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand was a spark that helped light the fire of tension in the world, while the Franco Prussian war helped build tensions and territorial disputes. What began the actual fighting was when Austria Hungary and Serbia got into disputes. Serbia called Russia for help, and when Russia began mobilizing for war, Germany declared War on Russia to help defend Austria Hungary. Why did it become a World War? What countries and territories became involved? It was the World War because it was one of the largest ongoing wars in history that covered an entire continent and involvement even stretched across the Atlantic as the U.S. helped the Allies. The massive scale of the war was achieved when countries kept backing up their allied nations and one by one joined the war. Note the significance of the following: Battle of Tannenberg: Tannenberg was a German victory in Russia that let the Germans advance deeper past the Eastern Front. Chemical Weapons: Chemical Weapons were a new technology used in WWI that held great devastating power and the potential to harass soldiers even in trenches. Gas masks were used to counter them and became a mainstay of the soldiers armament. Lusitania: The Lusitania was a passenger ship that was thought to be great enough to cross the Atlantic in a time of war but was sunk by a German ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. The Postive Effect of Video Games on Young Children Video games are an ever present part of almost all children s lives. Whether children play on a computer, lap top, IPod, IPhone, cell phone, or tablet, many children have daily assess to video games. For this reason many research has examined the effects that video games have on young children. Granic, Lobel, and Engels (2014) reported that video games are a ubiquitous part of almost all children s and adolescents lives, with 97% playing for at least one hour per day in the United States (p.1). Currently, researchers have found that the vast majority of studies have been on its negative impact. Some of the potential harms related to video games are exposure to violence, addiction, and lack of social skills. However, as parents it is our duty to monitor young children s choices to ensure that they are playing games that are developmentally appropriate for them. This essay will examine the research that supports the effectiveness of video games in enhancing children s learningand focusing on cognitive, literacy, and social development. In the last decade, the manner in which video games have been generated has radically been transformed. This alteration allowed a small but significant body of research to transpire. Some parents, principals, educators, and researchers believe that video games enhance children s learning. On the other hand, others believe video games destroy the lives of young children. Nevertheless, many agree that this matter is significant and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Informative Speech On Children In Las Vegas If you are going to Las Vegas and you are bringing children along you are probably thinking some of the following, what are we going to do with the kids? Is there anything age appropriate? Is there really anything for the whole family to do that will be fun, entertaining, and clean for the little ones? All valid questions, especially when you are going to Las Vegas which, well let s be honest is especially famous for gambling, drinking, late night parties, and somewhat questionable morals. But don t worry! You and your kids can have a great time in Las Vegas without seeing things that will scar their little minds (or cause them to ask questions you may not be ready to answer.) Here are some of the fun activities you can do and some of the amazing shows you can see with your kids while in Las Vegas: Adventure Canyon Adventure ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... You know what normally happens when you get to a ride and you have young children who are dying to ride but are just too short for those pesky height restrictions. Well, Frog Hopper is the answer for those whines and cries. The Frog Hopper is 30 feet tall and allows children to experience 60 seconds of free falling. After the initial fall the ride bounces in short spurts up and down much like a hopping frog. Gondola Ride Located in the St. Mark s Square of the Venetian hotel of Las Vegas, the Gondola ride is one of the Venetian s most popular attractions. The ride actually sells out every day and the hotel had to hire more gondoliers to guide and sing. Your kids can have a fun relaxing time taking in the sights while listening to the Gondolier sing. Grand Canyon The Grand Canyon National Park is just a short drive from Las Vegas and it is the perfect thing to do with the kids. Show them the natural wonder of a canyon that measures one mile deep and about 280 miles long. The view nearest Las Vegas is a particularly stunning one. M M ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Agave Sotheby s International Real Estate San Miguel de Allende Real Estate: Seal The Best Deal with Agave Sotheby s Summary: In today s era, when luxury homes prices in San Miguel de Allende have increased beyond the paying capacity of people, the perception of cost effective luxury condos is similar to an oasis amidst a desert. In such a scenario, Agave Sotheby s International Realty has come up with an amazing San Miguel de Allende listings that helps people to get their preferred luxury homes. Investing in a real estate property in San Miguel de Allende is a cherished memory that lasts for eternity. It is one such place where walls envelop memories, silent corners provide much needed pause and life becomes a reason to commemorate. In order to make this journey delightful, Agave Sotheby s International Realty is helping the buyers to purchase their dream luxury homes in San Miguel de Allende. Known as the best real estate company in San Miguel de Allende, we stick to our compassionate principle of cost effective luxury homes and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Our experts strive hard to understand the undefined needs and requirements of customers and ensures to go beyond their expectations. We make sure that the clients get the output that they deserve and get the most value for money. Moreover, we are also known for offering white glove personalized service to those clients who wish to sell and buy luxury homes in San Miguel de Allende. How To Search San Miguel de Allende Properties пЃ¬Set your price range before starting the search in order to get the best property suggestion within your budget. пЃ¬We have listed the properties area wise which helps the buyers to refine their search and view those properties for the areas they are looking. пЃ¬If you like any property that is listed on our site and wish to visit it before taking a decision, you can contact our agents who will assist you to the luxury ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. William Shakespeare s Macbeth Essay Irene Pantazis Mr. Dudley Pr Ap English III 4 December, 2015 Macbeth Research Paper When studying literature or reading a play, our attention is drawn to the protagonist or antagonist. Shakespeare directs our attention onto heroism, which can be seen across all of his plays like Macbeth or Julius Caesar. The protagonists Macbeth and Banquo conquer the evils that face them throughout the plot. However, the nature of violence that takes place throughout Shakespeare s plays is in relation to the source of the killing of the soul (Macbeth and the Nature of Evil). In Macbeth, Macbeth is known as a superhuman warrior, the characteristics of being brave and having ambition. The main reason evil stirs up violence can be seen as examples in Macbeth and Julius Caesar, which is caused by evil being incompatible with humanity (Shakespeare s Play Themes). The murders in Macbeth and Julius Caesar are both examples of the rotation of the natural order. The killing of King Duncan in Macbeth is a prime example how evil and violence is shown into a comparison into Julius Caesar. Shakespeare uses a common theme in all plays that all relates back to reality (The Killing of King Duncan). Shakespeare also uses the literary device of repetition to create a theme (The Killing of King Duncan). In Macbeth the word blood is repeated due to creating the theme and the word blood allows the readers to remember that evil is a result to violence and anger. Blood is also ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. An examination of Thomas Hardys The Darkling Thrush Essay An examination of Thomas Hardy s The Darkling Thrush The Darkling Thrush quot; is a poem occasioned by the beginning of a new year and a new century. It is formally precise, comprised of four octaves with each stanza containing two quatrains in hymn measure. The movement of the first two stanzas is from observation of a winter landscape as perceived by an individual speaker to a terrible vision of the death of an era that the landscape seems to disclose. The action is in how the apprehension of this particular moment of seeing changes as the emotional impact of the scene solidifies. I leant upon a coppice gate ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The figure of the sun as a quot;weakening eye quot; is a personification, a trope resonating off Romantic associations such as Wordsworth s quot;eye of heaven quot; for the sun in quot;Resolution and Independence quot;. It establishes the poem s time as at the closing of a particular day at the end of a seasonal year. Whether the Romantic allusion to visionary powers and their ebbing is noted or not, it is a suggestive adjective for a time when seeing is becoming more difficult due to a reduction of light. As the poem moves further away from visual observation to emotional coloration, it replaces concrete detail with pathetic fallacy, a rhetorical device by which we, in Santayana s words quot;dye the world our own color quot; (Santayana, 159). The tangled bine stems scored the sky Like strings of broken lyres . . . The next two lines also have a Romantic link to Coleridge s aeolian harp and the music it made at another dusk when it exemplified Unity, quot;one Life within us and abroad/ Which meets all motion and becomes its soul quot;. A quot;wild harp quot; is also the image opening Coleridge s own quot;Ode to the Departing Year quot;, a poem in which the harp is unable to evoke a lasting hope (Coleridge, 56). Now , at the turn of the nineteenth century in Hardy s poem, the lyric ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Lao-Tzu vs. Machiavelli Lao tzu vs. Machiavelli Government is the essential authority of a country or state, which is directly, affects society because it provides key securities. Two of history s greatest thinkers Lao tzu, authors of the Tao te Ching, and Niccolo Machiavelli, author of The Prince have similar but very contrasting ideas of government, and how people should be governed. Lao tzu was born in the Chinese state of Ch u. He spent most of his life working in the library of the Chou dynasty. Once he decided to leave a gate keeper convinced him he would write down his thoughts, Thus creating the Tao te Ching. Lao tzu s view of government is the master should not have optimal power over the people. He feels as though people should be ignorant of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... To avoid such a catastrophe he must come across as a miser. Eventually he will prove he is not as greedy as eh was thought to be. Once this is evident he can protect himself and wage war without raising taxes and stressing his subjects. Therefore, it is actually better for him to be miserly than generous. Machiavelli thinks it is better for the prince to be feared than loved. For a prince who is loved will be compassionate towards others, mainly his soldiers. When danger is at bay his men will hold him in the highest regard. Should an attack occur they will very quickly turn their backs on him. He may be viewed as weak and untrustworthy, thus easier to overtake. As he explains, And men are less hesitant about harming someone who makes himself loved than one who makes himself feared because love is held together by a chain of obligation which, since men are a sorry lot, is broken on every occasion in which their own self interest is concerned: but fear is held together by dread of punishment which will never abandon you (p.46). If he is loved rather than hated he can never keep an army of soldiers under his command. However, he must not be so feared to the point he is hated to do so he must not take what does not belong to him, and keep his hands off the wives of his subjects. According to Machiavelli, as wise Prince will not keep his word if the circumstances for which he made that promise are no longer relevant. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Multicultural America Today, technology is ubiquitous and always on. For example, videos from cell phones can capture intimate family moments, help bring about revolution as seen in the Arab Spring or be used by police to track down terrorists. The former CEO of Sun Microsystems is quoted as saying, You have zero privacy anyway....get over it. If you were a policy maker, how would you balance an individual s right to privacyand a community s need for national securi National security has become an important part of Americas efforts, in today s world many attacks has happened on sovereign soil. Technology has allowed the prevention of terrorist attacks but this requires the breakage of an individual right, an individual might decline permission but Nation Security ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Through out parties and special events, a variety of dances such as Bachata, Salsa, Choque, and Merengue has shown me that Hispanic dancing requires swift movement and coordination. My family has placed dancing on a very high pedestal. Each culture in my community has a great deal of importance, I look forward to learn from each culture to enrich my own. Every year I would go to parades, street fairs, and would go to shows to aid the diversity in my experience. To gain experience in Pennsylvania I would visit the historical sites, visit its Museums, sport games, dance shows, and national events. Being more open to the community, is what allows the indoctrination on foreign students. Describe an instance in which you changed your mind about a previously held belief. What led you to hold this belief in the first place and how did you come to change your ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Low Carbohydrate Diets Or Ketosis Diets Essay Very low carbohydrate diets or ketosis diets have become increasingly popular for weight loss. There is evidence from individual trials about the benefits and risks of a low carbohydrate diet verses a fat restricted diet (2).The objective of this paper is to discover whether low carbohydrate diets have more beneficial health related solutions verses a fat restricted diet. In one study, a traditional low fat diet was compared to a low carbohydrate diet amongst people who have type two diabetes. The results show that only a low carbohydrate diet provided significant improvement of the inflammatory state and type two diabetes. In another study,Evidence supports a low carbohydrate diet for weight loss and improvement in traditional cardiovascular disease. The effects of a low carbohydrate diet and a low fat diet were examined for 12 months among 148 obese adults free of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. At 12 months participants of low carbohydrate diet had significantly greater increases in adiponecin than those on a low fat diet, as resulting low carbohydrate diet had a similar or greater improvement then standard low fat diet. In another study, 148 men and women without cardiovascular disease or diabetes were put into either low carbohydrate diet or low fat diet. Both groups received dietary counseling regularly. Data was collected every three months. Results stated that those on low carbohydrate diet have greater decrease in weight and greater increase in HDL ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. 2012 Dse Ls Paper 1 Q.2 2a.Identify and explain the public health risk highlighted in Source A.(4 marks) According to Source A, the public health risk highlighted is second hand smoke (SHS). In the picture, since the smokers, who are the parents, are smoking in the public area, thus lead to the people around them, who are their children, unavoidably inhale the SHS. They look very bitter and they have to wear masks to avoid the SHS. Thus, lead to poor respiratory health of both smokers and the surrounding people and increase the risk of getting respiratory disease, which add burden to the medical system in Hong Kong. Therefore, to sum up, the public health risk highlighted is second hand smoke (SHS). 2c.Which two tobacco control policies shown in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Graphic Design And The Rate Of Occupational And Sectoral,... Graphic design is very essential in our everyday life. It is something that pulls in the advertisement and attracts our eyes for visual. It presents in everywhere that can be found in newspaper, magazines, books, internet sites, posters, products, arts. Heller and Vienne (p.15) reported that most graphic designworks, are not only using specialized graphics and multimedia software, to communicate ideas that inspire, messages, or beguile consumers. In fact, graphic design is a complicate work. To be a successful graphic designer can be difficult for emerging practitioners, as interpersonal skill, soft skills and competition. This essay will analysis three different areas in graphic design of the rate of occupational and sectoral, career patterns and the challenge and problems to order to be successful. Many people consider that graphic design is a the most difficult to get a high salary and find the job. At this moment, graphic design is turning more popular job in the society. In the last few decades, graphic designers may be exclusively focused on print media. However, Nowadays the technology advance, many people started to use computers and mobiles. This is the huge influence in interactive visual design. Mobile designers are becoming indispensable in now society. Shanda LaRue (at cited in Brescia adding online degree, 2014) predict that the graphic designers will play an important character in the future, so the rate of the employment in graphic design will grow ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Goal Setting Levels This paper focuses on the redesign for expanding the Health Information Services. To redesign the health information service, the article shows the four principles of goal setting levels. Which are: Re engineering deals with building the system of a business in a new way, which involves changing the mission and rules of the organization. Restructuring is changing the main body and the direction of the company. Work redesign is the third level of goal setting focus. This deals with changing the setup of a main products and services of the organization. Job redesign deals with changing the tasks to go well with the needed results. All these levels of goal settings leads to efficiency work. The higher admiration office makes changes ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Essay On Expectationsp And Estella When kids are young they act upon actions. They do not consider others feelings and what they might be thinking to themselves. Within the novel Pip and Estella are very young children in the beginning part of the book. They both show that their actions do not truly show what they are like inside. It is first shown when Pip is requested by Estella s mother, Miss Havishamto go to the Satis househe arrives and he meets Estella for the first time. They play cards and within the text it said, He calls the knaves, Jacks, this boy! said Estella with disdain, before our first game was out. And what coarse hands he has! And what thick boots! (Dickens 61). Estella was making fun of Pip s use of slang as he calls the jacks on the cards knaves.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This shows that one s actions cannot determine one s inner self. During Pip s next visit he is greeted by Estella and she then proceeds to ask him questions about herself. She asked Pip is he thought she was was insulting. The text then narrates, She fired when she asked the last question, and she slapped my face with such force as she had, when I answered it (Dickens 82)11. Estella s actions show that she does not like Pip and is condescending towards him. She even responds with, Now? said she. You little coarse monster, what do you think of me now? (Dickens 83). Estella treats Pip ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Positivist Approach And Human Social Behavior What is a positivist approach one may ask? Positivist approach is the view of how societies are structured and human social behavior by examining it through methods of natural sciences. Positivist approach is defined as an approach that assumes deviance is real, it exists in the objective experience of the people who commit deviant acts and those who respond to them (Conrad, Peter Schneider, 1980). A book that provides great insight on explaining a positivist approach to those who may not understand is My Lobotomyby Howard Dullyand Charles Fleming. Howard Dully was just like any ordinary young boy his age who would get in trouble either in school or at school. Yet, Dr. Walter Freeman, his father and step mother agreed this something wrong with him causing him to receive his lobotomy. Although he received the lobotomy he was still abandoned by his family and went through a rough lifestyle. He spent his teen age years in mental institutions, his twenties in jail and then as he got older he turned to alcohol. When he became older and questioned the lobotomy he found out reasons how the procedure fit perfectly with the paradigm of his time. What will be discussed is the basic assumption and logic of the positivist paradigm. Which will be tied to the historical development and the relevance of its criticism. Understanding the basic assumption and logic of the positivist paradigm is by knowing what it means. positivism means a perspective on knowledge and reality that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Using Dark Humor And Journals submit illustrations using dark humor to journals. He used Cubism in two different ways. In some paintings, his use of squares is very prominent and the image looks almost grid like. In other art pieces, his lines are not as strong and straight. He died at the age of 40 after dealing with frequent illnesses due to heart and uremia problems. His death was caused by renal failure. The Sunblind (1914) Juan Gris 1887 1927 Charcoal, paper, chalk, and gouache A lot of use of light and shadows Dull; No really bright colors used The blinds are closed on a sunny day Gris can be interpreted to be sad, depressed, shut away A lot of brown An image of the local newspaper sold in Gris town this was a painting of an area in his home. It is personal to him Juan Gris Gris was a Spanish painter and sculptor. Although he is Spanish and was born in Madrid, a majority of his life was spent living and working in France. A lot of his work dealt with Cubism. He was inspired by the work of Pablo Picasso, and before beginning his serious painting career, he used to Bottle of Vieux Marc, Glass, Guitar and Newspaper (1913) Pablo Picasso 1881 1973 Collage Bright background, but dark images used for the collage Printed paper and ink used Seems like there is no real pattern or set plan for what the result would be Looks random, yet unified at the same time Newspaper used was 30 years old Pablo Picasso He was a Spanish painter, sculptor, stage ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. The Road Not Taken By Robert Frost Choosing the right path is hard when there is a lot at stake to lose. Sometimes doing what is best for you may hurt the ones you love. It is sometimes necessary to take a chance and choose the riskier path to see what is behind the next bend, or corner. The poem, The Road Not Taken describes a person having a hard time choosing what path to take. Robert Frost elicits the central idea, theme, meaning, and how the speaker came to his decision by the use of metaphors describing the want for his readers to think through the hard decisions in life. One decision in life can make you or break you. It is all on how a person approaches the situation. Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, Frost introduces the metaphor of two diverging roads. He is depicting that it is fall by using the lexicon yellow wood . Fall is symbolic of a time of change. And sorry I could not travel both Robert Frost is sorry that must make a choice. He using the word choice sorry shows his uneasiness in making his decision. And be one traveler, long I stood He is standing alone and having a hard time making a decision on own. And looked down one as far as I could He tries to see the consequences of one decision. To where it bent in the undergrowth; There are too many unknowns to know what will happen. Robert Frost uses the word undergrowth to represent the unknowns blocking his vision. Then took the other, as just as fair, It seems just as nice to travel. And having perhaps the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Motifs In Never Cry Wolf The movie Never Cry Wolf is a film concerned fundamentally with the conflict created when humans experience nature and the wild. It begins with a young scientist, the protagonist who is placed in the Arctic and preforms a scientific study involving wolves. While conducting his study he finds out about the genuine way of the wild and about the way creatures that have a place in a given location fit into the bigger plans of things. The conflict between man and natureis also revealed by the motif s, themes, and the values shown by the character throughout the movie. One of the important motif s expressed in the movie is the bassoon. Within one of the scenes of the movie the bassoon is used as a weapon of protection. Tyler had learned a trick with his bassoon that gives him the ability to imitate the howls of a wolf and being able to call other wolves. Another motif we are able to see in the movie is a hero s adventure. There isn t anyone else willing to go to the Arctic like Tyler. He encountered many situations such as drowning and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... While analyzing the wolves behaviors he decides to give them names such as Angie and George. He doesn t experience anything with them but watches them. Tyler becomes more intend about what is actually going on in his surrounding. Unlike this century where many individuals are distracted by technology. They re lacking experience in general and experience within nature. People nowadays go on vacation and instead of having fun they re mainly on their phone. They re not getting the experience they should be getting out of their vacation. Technology is taking a hold on us and preventing humans from being alert. Unlike Tyler who was alert at most times and experiencing the things that nature provides. Another theme showed in the movie is what is useful and what isn t useful. Tyler in the beginning of the movie takes many material items for survival that wasn t ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Death In Judaism Not all regions where Jews live celebrate life and death in the same way. This is because Jews had to assimilate to local cultures after they began to disperse to various parts of the world. This caused traditions to be pushed aside all together or to be blended with local cultures (Parkes, page 99). However, there are many core values that never faded and area consistently practiced in most parts of the world. Deathin Judaismis an important part of life. As described in Death and Bereavement Across Cultures, Two of the most important commandments in Jewish tradition are to honor the dead and comfort the mourner. (98) Respect for the dead is known as, kavod ha met and the comfort given to the living is known as, nihum avelim (Rich). When... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Olam ha ba or the world to come is the belief that the soul returns to God to wait to be reborn with the coming of the Messiah. Death allows for Jewish people to value life and their short time spent on earth (Parkes, 101). It is believed that beyond death, life does not include earthly pleasures such as eating and drinking. After death life consists of being, in the glory of the Divine Presence. There is no hell after death as a destination. Rather, happiness to those who lived a righteous life and suffering to those who sinned and led others to sin. There is more of a reward versus punishment system instead of destinations. The punishment given to those in life after death is not set in stone, it is described in the Talmud as, vague and contradictory (Darmesteter, page 51 52). In many branches Christianity it is believed one s soul goes to purgatory when they die and the decision is made weather your soul will spend eternity in heaven or hell. Jewish tradition does not believe that souls end up in one of the two destinations rather, all souls end up in the same place, it is just the journey that is different for different individuals. When your body dies your soul leaves it and begins its journey to return to God, this journey is considered a purification process so your soul is pure in the world to come. The purification process for those who lived a fulfilling and righteous life may only take a day or so while those who lived a life full of sin take a longer time on their journey to purification, taking up to a year. After this purification process is complete Jewish tradition states that the soul is then waiting for the coming of the Messiah when the soul will return to the physical body for final judgment (Parkes, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Whole Foods Market Personal Narrative Detail oriented, self motivated team player with strong organization skills and follow through, ability to multitask and meet all deadlines. Successful long work history with Whole Foods Market. В·As the Senior Specialist, I was the liaison between Global and Regional accounting, supporting the Executive Finance Coordinator. End of period review of expenses for accuracy and possible capitalized costs. Balance sheet reviews, general ledger reconciliation, trend analysis. Performed training for regional market team in aspects of accounting including General Ledger review and new payables program. Cross regional projects such as the Tango seeding matrix. Some previous duties carried over and evolved into the Senior Specialist position. Additional ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Summary Of Abuse At Abu Ghraib I asked several people, several times, where I could find a copy of the standard operating procedures, or even rules and regulations, says Frederick. And nobody would ever provide me with any or let me know where they were. The only thing they would do is just give me a pat on the back and say everything will be all right (60 Minutes, Abuse at Abu Ghraib) This is Sergeant Chip Frederick, one of the soldiers that has been convicted of conspiracy, dereliction of duty, maltreatment of detainees, assault, and indecent acts. He served 8 years in militaryprison, in Washington D.C. Even though Sgt. Frederick plead guilty, he claimed that no one involved in the scandal was properly trained, and did not know the standard Geneva Conventions. We had no support, no training whatsoever. And I kept asking my... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When the amount of people being sent to prison increased, the army couldn t keep up with rising numbers. There was when I left, there was over 900 inmates. There was only five soldiers plus two non commissioned officers in charge for those 900 over 900 inmates said Sgt. Frederick (60 Minutes, Abuse at Abu Ghraib). For every guard there is roughly 128 prisoners. At most United States prisons, it is supposed to be for every guard there is five inmates. When 60 minutes interviewed Sgt. Frederick, he was asked about the treatment of prisoners. We learned a little bit of Arabic, basic commands. And they didn t want to listen, so sometimes, you would just give them a little nudge or something like that just to get them to cooperate so we could get the mission accomplished answered Sgt. Frederick (Abuse at Abu Ghraib). Soldiers in Abu Ghraib reported that they needed to sometimes get rough with the inmates in order to remain in control and make sure the prisoners listened to them (60 Minutes, Abuse at Abu Ghraib). In the end one of the biggest causes of the scandal was lack of training and how understaffed the prison ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Analysis Of The Article Selection, Slanting, And Charged... According to Birk and Birk in Selection, Slanting, and Charged Language , the word slanting could be used for or against or it can be used both ways. In Mokoto Rich s article is for the Federal Guidelines. Now slanting by use of the devices of emphasis is unavoidable, for emphasis is simply the giving the stress to the subject matter, and so indicating what is important and what is less important (Birk and Birk2). It s basically stressing certain words and they can produce a positive or negative outcome. In Rich s article is in favor if Federal Guidelines, because once you start picking the article and going over it, sentenceby sentence, she had more to say about the inequalities that the students are facing in their schools. Rich s article uses slating throughout the paper, trying to push the reader to favor what the author is saying. According to Birk, Each different stress gives you a different slant (favorable or unfavorable or balanced) to the statement because it conveys a different attitude (Birk and Birk2). The way the author emphasis the words in the article gives you a clue, on whether they are in favor or against or balanced. For example, some of the words are must have equal access to comparable programs, materials and facilities (Rich). The key words that seem to be stressed on more in must have equal which suggests that the schools have to have it, she could ve used a different words, but instead she used those. Birk and Birk suggests that we can ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. The Industrial Revolution Had A Great And Long Term Effect... The Industrial Revolution had a great, and long term effect on our world. We the people have profited from it in numerous ways. The Industrial revolution has formed the way we live today in countless more ways than you can envision, yet it occurred so long ago. The revolution started in the United Kingdom, then binged throughout Western Europe, North America and ultimately the rest of the world. The Industrial revolutionhas also impacted the way us creatures live and act. Even if we don t recall the event it has assuredly wedged us in many ways like in our cultures and in our self being. Before the Industrial Revolution started we were alive in a time where possessions were hand made. Where we required to pick the resources to make things ourselves. The individuals of that era existed in small settlements where agriculture was very shared and general. It was the basis for money and also the basis for food. People completed and sold things that were grown or made, gradually and prudently. All was well, but there was also a want for upgrading to make life easier. We desired cooler ways to carry materials, and we also had a want for inexpensive and quicker production. This is why we were in necessity of development in the industrial industry. Before the creation of the steam engine, people used the power was provided by animals, wind and water to farm, mill flour and transportation of goods and people from residence to residence. But none of these bases of energy were as ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. The Christian Faith Essay I didn t come from a particularly religious, or irreligious, household. Growing up, there was no solid, undoubting spiritual framework from which I could base my life on. There was never any Sunday morning rush hour, where we would all eat a quick breakfast of bacon eggs before cramming into the car to go listen to a man, clad in white, preach sing to us about a creator. There was never any youth group, or summer camp, or bible study. Not to any fault of my parents, of course I just wasn t raised that way. That being said, I was still told about God, the bible, and the things that entail it. Despite the fact that I was never really, fully indoctrinated into the Christian faith, I was still being raised as a Christian, and that s what I identified as for the majority of my childhood. I was Austin Tanner Herz, the 3rd grader, the lego fanatic, the comic book reading, lunchable eating, bed jumping extraordinaire, the Christian. Little did I know how much my religious identity would change over the upcoming years. As a Christian, I held Christian beliefs. I believed in the afterlife that those who were good got to go to Heaven, and those who were bad went to Hell. I believed that Jesus died for the world s sins, and that we all had an obligation to accept him. I believed these things because it was what I had been taught to believe despite having no formal indoctrination, it was all I really knew. All of my friends believed it, probably for the same reasons I ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Fire Recovery Plan IDA (Institute for Defense Analysis) Company Profile: IDA is a Defense analysis firm that follows NIST and DOD policy and regulations. IDA s primary goal is to find antiquated systems within the DoD and find ways that they can be renewed. IDA s primary concern is the safety and security of the US. Supervisors Responsible for ensuring employees comply with the policies outlined above. Employees Responsible for complying with the policies outlined above and reporting potential violations. Human Resources Responsible for appropriate disciplinary actions (CEO may administer punishment when he/she may desire). The culture behind IDA and its family is to work hard and to work with the DoD to ensure a brighter future. Policy Control ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... T2: Kneel against the wall closest to the center of the building and tuck your head down to your legs while placing your hands on the top of your head. T3: Stay in this position until the emergency has ended, if the building was hit by a tornado please continue past step 3 T4: Remain calm and assess your situation, check to see if you are ok and uninjured T5: If you are uninjured proceed to exit the building while helping others along the way. T6: Once out and clear of the building call 911 and give them your exact location, if any people are seriously injured tell the operator so they may bring as many ambulances as necessary. T7: When everything has settled be sure to write down everything that happened, it is critical that all information get documented to help the investigation. Flood F1: If a flood warning is in effect for the immediate area drop what you are doing and go to higher ground, remain in higher ground until the warning has passed. F2: If the building receives flood water immediately cut power to the building and exit, if electricity is on it may cause a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. The Allowance For Loan Losses Allowance for Loan Losses The Allowance for Loan Losses (ALL) represents an estimate of losses that have been incurred on loans in the portfolio that are considered to be impaired as of the balance sheet date, based in part of review of individual loans and in party on high level analytics of groups of loans sharing common risk characteristics ( 0081_REP_Sacher_interior.indd 243_Sacher_Loan_Losses.pdf, n.d.). This report will cover the accounting standards of the ALL, the common errors that credit unions make, the challenges that face credit unions today, and the Christian worldview on the ethical side of the ALL accounts. Accounting Standards Over the past few years the delinquency ratio has increased significantly which has led many credit unions down the road of exceeding the national peer group averages. The ASC states, The allowance for credit losses shall be established at a level that is adequate but not excessive to cover probable credit losses related to specifically identified loans as well as probable credit losses inherent in the remainder of the loan portfolio that have been incurred as of the balance sheet date. Impairment shall not be recognized before it is probable that impairment has occurred, even though it may be probable that impairment will occur in the future. The measurement of credit losses in a portfolio of loans and receivables consists of two parts: reviewing specifically identified loans and estimating credit losses in the remaining ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Fonderia Di Torino S.P.a Essay Fonderia di Torino, S.p.A Midterm Individual Case Fonderia di Torino, S.p.A is a manufacturing company who produces metal castings using six semi automated molding machines. However, they are currently considering purchasing a Vulcan Mold Maker machine to replace the six machines currently in place. The firm needs to consider all costs in deciding whether to keep the current machines or purchase the Vulcan Mold Maker. Buying the Vulcan machine will result in year 0 outflows of 1.01 million euros, but will enable the company to sell the old machines which will result in a net year 0 outflow of 880,000 euros. The cash flows of years 1 8 are summarized in table 1. Factoring in operating, maintenance and power cost, plus the benefits ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... On the other hand, the need for higher capacity may in fact be needed if the effects of an improved product contribute to more market share. There is a projected inflation rate of 3%. Applying this rate to all costs, minus depreciation, we find that the effect is a lower NPV and raise the EAC for both decisions. However, purchasing the Vulcan machine still remains to have the lower EAC. Thus, all other things equal, the purchasing the Vulcan seems to quantitatively be the better decision. There are also a few other small impacts which are not factored into the EAC. The Vulcan frees up 15% of floor space and also has a maximum capacity that is 30% higher than the current machines. In the near future this may be irrelevant because there is no need for more floor space and the current machines are only operating at 90% capacity as it is, but these should still be considered added benefits as unforeseeable market conditions over the next eight years may warrant the need for added capacity. After considering both qualitative and quantitative impacts of the decision, it would be my recommendation to purchase the Vulcan machine. All of the data shows that the Vulcan machine will be less costly and more efficient. What the data does not show however is the critical assumption that the laborers will be able to be laid off without dispute. If there is conflict from the labor ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Lorman Lumber Case Study Case Study 2 What Wood You Do? Background/Summary: Lorman Lumber is a publicly traded company with widely held shares. Its Yamica location in rural Oregon is one of the company s largest. The purpose of the plant is to process and treat wood, which it does through a number of facilities. The Sawmill began producing lumber products in 1947, which it does by peeling, milling, and chipping raw wood. Lorman has a known record of producing good profits, and will often pay out generous performance based bonuses to executives. Although the Yamica plant is somewhat outdated, it is still considered to be efficient and profitable. Starting in 1968, the company began using new methods to condition and pressure treat wood products through the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Did Lorman s wastewater emissions play any role in this tragic outcome? Although these are Ben s thoughts, this is not definitely the case; there is no definite proof that there is a link between the chemicals in the wastewater emissions and health problems. Ben must put aside his our pre conceived notions and work objectively on the data. This is another good example of his responsibility to use integrity when making a decision to avoid conflicts of interest. 4. To the board of directors: o Although collected with meticulous care, the data Ben had painstakingly gathered was composed only of educated estimates, leaving him with an uneasy feeling. Although Ben may want to present his data in a way that supports his decision, it is important that his audiences know the legitimacy of his data. It is his responsibility to communicate information fairly and objectively and to disclose any deficiencies in the data. 5. To shareholders of Lorman Lumber Co: o Company and shareholder profitability would certainly be affected. In order to support Ben s credibility, it is important that he disclose all relevant information to the investors of Lorman Lumber Co. Although shareholder equity would most certainly be affected by such a significant capital investment and reduction of revenue in the short run, Ben could be ensuring shareholder value over the long run by improving productivity, lowering negative ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Character Analysis Of Lulu According to author Lyn Gardner of the guardian.com Lulu is described as the face that launched a thousand fantasies. She is all things to all men . . . She is a blank. She is what you want her to be. Her name is Lulu, and she is nothing but trouble (Gardner). The First Lulu gleans the drama, deception, lies, and vengeance akin to play s Don Giovanniand Don Juan. However, one of the primary differences remains is Lulus character is a woman. However, Lulu is no less cunning, in fact her character is more cavalier and unrepentant in her unfaithfulness to men compared to Don Giovanni and Don Juan combined. Alban Berg describes Lulu as a woman created for evil also destruction and practice salvation, including murder without a trace ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Therefore Lulu candidly expresses her distaste in Frank Wedekind s play The First Lulu. Lulu notes he is banal Simple minded. No education. No inkling what impression he gives. Sees nothing, neither himself nor me. Blind as a stovepipe (qtd. in Wedekind 80). Although Schooning has ulterior motives, he has enough concern for the lady he desires to marry and his friendship with Schwartz to end the affair. Schoning says when Schwartz married Lulu, he became his friend (qtd. in Wedekind 80). Therefore, Schoning encourages Lulu to settle down, Schoning says take him in hand. That s what any wife has to do . . . If he has no education, what about . . . The sacred ties of . . . ? (qtd. in Wedekind 81). Thus, Lulu has no respect for the relationship affirmed in her statement suspicious as a thief yet lets himself be lied to and deceived . . . One loses all respect . . . On our wedding night, I made him believe I was still a virgin (qtd. in Wedekind 82). As the play continues, Lulu s unfaithfulness continues, and she uses many men to get whatever she pleases. Moreover, Lulu switches male partners similar to changing costumes witnessed in the video clip Pandora s Box. However, the most saddening part of the play lies in the woman Gerschwitz. Moreover, Gerschwitz loved Lulu passionately and desperately wanted to be with her. Yet as the play continued Gerschwitz heart darkens as a result of the continued rejection from Lulu. Also, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. An Analysis Of Todd Gitlin s Prime Time Ideology In Prime Time Ideology Todd Gitlin Is attempting to demonstrate how the ruling class ideology is transmitted through various features of American television. Giltin follows Gramsci and his concept of hegemony as soft power that coerces the working class into obedience without any use of physical power. At the beginning of Prime Time Ideology Gitlin is relating to Theodor Adorno and the thinkers of the Frankfurt school of neo Marxist though who held popular culture to be shallow and synthetic and as working to subjugate the working class. For this reason, the working class does not revolt. Hegemonic media content dictates public life and it is a medium for transferring ideology. Mass culture does not produce ideology, it merely focuses... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... According to Giltin the answer is that this way commercials, promising glamour and success, work better. Media intentionally avoids depictions of les missrables with which the public does not wish to identify. Show that do grant thw working class some screen time are aimed at establishing the sense of superiority of the middle and ruling class. Television will fool most of the people most of the time by giving them what they want in exchange for their passiveness and for allowing commercials into their living room and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. Sexual Identity Discrimination Sexual Identity Discrimination According to the American Psychological Association, sexual orientation is defined as an enduring pattern of emotional, romantic, and/or sexual attractions to men, women, or both sexes (APA, 2008). Moreover, the definition offered suggests that sexual orientation does not solely relate as a characteristic of an individual but is most reflective of a relationship with another individual (APA, 2008). In the United States, those with a sexual orientationdescribed as lesbian, gay, transgenderor bisexual have faced discrimination, violence and prejudice based on their sexual orientation. Throughout the 1970 s, 80 s and into the 1990 s public opinion polls indicated a significant rate of violence and harassment targeted towards those individuals identified as or self identified as belonging to the gay, lesbian, or homosexual community. With HIV/AIDs becoming more prevalent and the national and international scare associated with the disease, the gay and lesbian community was the primary target. Public opinion was vocal and negative. Homophobia was not just an American sentiment. Throughout the world, in Latin America and Africa, the spread of HIV/AIDS was associated with gay men in particular and the sentiment regarding these individuals was highly stigmatized and very negative. These pervasive attitudes fueled violent episodes that made the news from country to country and around the world (Avert, web). Some even argue that the reason ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. A Futuristic World Where Legalized Murder Is Sanctioned, A... In a futuristic world where legalized murder is sanctioned, a detective investigates the death of a former member of a elite group of police. STORY COMMENTS (on first 30 pages) THE 11th COMMANDMENT is a sci fi, action thriller with some dark comedy. The first 30 pages offer an imaginative and visionary future world. The tone blends serious situations with humor. There s also a film noir style to the script, as well as some comic book like features. The opening sets the tone, although the first four pages feel overly written and could be clearer. What is clear is that the man is after something and/or something is after the man. The introduction of Harry feels refreshing. He s a character that the audience comes to really like. He s ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Cee Cee Boyd scenes feel very comic bookish, which doesn t flow well with the earlier tone. Boyd presents as an exaggerated type character. The purpose of adding a subplot about code books and evading earth is unclear in regards to how this fits with someone killing the elite group of police. The idea of legalized killing makes for a strong concept. There s a lot that can be done within this world that allows people to get permits to kill. There are some other nice visuals such as the cross forming a shadow over the man s face. There s no doubt that the major strength of the first 30 pages is the lead hero, Harry. He s a really likable guy. There s something charming about him and cynical. He s smart and it s a lot of fun to watch him put the clues at a crime scene together. He shares good chemistry with McEvoy. There are also nice hints to his backstory that creates good conflict between Harry and the other detectives. McEvoy is another intriguing characters. She s very likable too. The introduction of McEvoy is strong and she shares good chemistry with Harry. Her reasons for asking him on the case, however, are not convincing. She hasn t even started the investigation, so why she would contact him now isn t clear. Sabrina feels like she has potential to be a very intriguing character with a secret. She s a tough waitress and it s fun to see her stick a fork into it. The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 52. Notes On Life Styles Inventory Life Styles Inventory Jameka S. Carter Ms. Hallcom 9/14/14 Life Styles Inventory Introduction Individuals possess different skills that have an impact on their thinking and management style. The style varies from individual to individual depending on their opinions, perceptions, thoughts, and skills. The Life Style Inventory is a tool, which can be used to analyze and evaluate the management and leadership skills of an individual. The LSI has different styles and individuals can rate the styles according to their own skills. It will help in analyzing the management and leadership capabilities of an individual by evaluating the key skills. I have taken the LSI test to analyze and examine my skills, which can help in selecting an appropriate management and leadership style to achieve success and growth. Personal Thinking Styles The cognitive and thought process of individuals is influenced by the personal attributes, skills, capabilities, and perceptions of individuals. The personal thinking style varies from individual to individual depending on various factors and resources. Evaluation of personal skills helps in developing and enhancing skills so that success can be achieved. The LSI results have helped me in realizing my personal thinking style, which has a strong impact on my behavior, perception, and attitude. The LSI result suggests that I belong to the avoidance category, which means that I use defensive and aggressive strategies to prove my point and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 53. The world consists of so many different types of... The world consists of so many different types of religions, and every religion has its own objectives, their own path, and their own different beliefs. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are the three most prominent religions in the western civilization. From their origins to life rituals, they have a great amount of similarities and differences between these three prominent religions. The origin of Judaism initiated around 1812 BC and it is one of the world s oldest monotheistic religions. This religion commenced through the Patriarch and Matriarch of the belief, Abraham and Sarah. Together they gave birth to a baby boy named Isaac. Jewish people believed that Isaac is one of their ancestors. Later Abraham had another son named Ismael with ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Prayer is the means by which Christians communicate with their God. The New Testament says that Jesus taught his disciples how to pray and that he wanted them to refer God as Father. Christians still continue this tradition. After Jesus, the spreading of the religion was largely due to the work of a converted Jew, Paul or Saint Paul. Through the writings and teachings of Paul, Christianity began to set apart itself from Judaism. The new religion adapted many of the forms of worship of the older Judaism. The Bible, composed of both the Old Testament and the New Testament, is the sacred book of Christianity. Christianity remains to be and will always be one of the world s largest religion. Most Christians attend worship services at church on Sundays, which basically includes singing, prayer and a sermon. Most Christian churches have a special ritual for ordination, or having a person fit for a leadership position in the church. At home, most practicing Christians pray regularly and many read the Bible. Christians soon also developed two primary sacraments, or sacred ceremonies: baptism and the Lord s Supper. Baptism is a religious ceremony in which a person is dipped in water as a sign of being cleansed of sin. The Last Supper is a remembering Christ s last meal with his disciples before he died. Another practice Christians do is fasting, in which they don t eat or drink for a determined period. Christian celebrates Christmas from Dec 25 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 54. As The Attitudes Of American Households Begin To Shift, As the attitudes of American households begin to shift, the FCC should enact a new regulation to best fit the changing viewership of consumers. At its simplest form, this new rule would allow television consumers to have the option to pick and choose the individual television channels they desire to pay for, instead of having to pay for an entire cable package , while still including the basic cable service. Essentially, this new regulation would force cable TV providers to allow the option for an Г la carte pricing rate for expanded cable televisionservices. While the proposed rule would make cable providers deviate from market driven logic, the overall effects of it would alter the medium of television for the better. (Lotz... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The 1992 act subjected cable rates to regulation under most circumstances excluding cable systems that were subject to effective competition. (Public Access Awareness Association) Also, it allowed the FCC to regulate rates for other service tiers if they found that a cable system s rates were unreasonable under FCC regulation. (McCarthy) Nevertheless, the 1992 act was followed by the Telecommunications Act of 1996. During this time, shifting cable policies and deregulation of ownership had massive implications for the industry s operation (Lotz 52) Thus, because of its intent to create a competitive market, the FCC was no longer able to regulate the rates for non basic service tiers. According to the FCC, basic cable service rates may be regulated by local franchising authorities such as the city, county or other governmental organizations, but are not required to do so. On the other hand, the rates you pay for other cable programming and services, such as expanded cable channel packages, premium movie channels and pay per view sports events, are set by your cable TV provider. (FCC) So, in actuality, the FCC still does not regulate any rates charged by cable providers, thereby giving them the monopolistic power of rate regulation and overall ability to engage in rate inflation. Although the FCC has attempted numerous deregulatory/regulatory measures, it still has not provided for what the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 55. Inequality In America And The American Dream Even though U. S is the land of opportunities, it seems just as impossible to achieve the American dream. The American system is controlled by the wealthy who choose, which laws to impose in the benefit for themselves and organization. The inequality between the poor and rich is so wide this makes the American dream for most Americans impossible to achieve. To be wealthy like top 1% of the Americans, you need freedom of choice, an inheritance from rich parents and work hard to achieve the American dream. Before going to my claim, inequality is a interesting topic, which deserves a little attention. Inequality in America has grown over the past and in fact, it is still growing at a very fast rate. Income... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In addition, since it is freedom of choice not only does it let us achieve our goals and fulfilment but also it is important whether or not it makes us happy. Most people who are very successful today is because they did what they loved doing what they did. For example, Bill Gates who is the richest person in the world dropped out of Harvard University and started working on his Microsoft software because it was something he loved doing, and now he the richest in the world. By contrast, majorities say freedom of choice in how to live (77%), having a good family life (70%) and retiring comfortably (60%) are essential to their view of the American dream (Samantha 7 13). From this fact we can tell that freedom of choice is very important, that is why we have wealthy people in America. Wish American parents should start allowing their children to make their choices but should be there just to encourage and guide them. To be wealthy like top 1% of the Americans, coming from a rich home inheriting your parent s wealth will increase your chances of being rich. This method of being rich is quite easy because you do not really have to do anything to be rich since you would just inherit your parent s wealth, that is if your parents are very wealthy. When mentioned anything above, you do not really have to work or look for a job because your parents are already wealthy. The only thing you need to worry about is a means of making more money, which might ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 56. Redemption In The Dew Breaker Redemption of Evil Acts In The Dew Breaker, a reoccurring tone of redemption of evil acts is something that Danticat comes back to time and time again. Throughout the novel, redemption comes in different forms, especially for the two strongest representations of violence, with that being Claude and the dew breaker. Through Claude, the reader can argue that his character helps give insight to the dew breaker. A question can be asked, is redemption possible when someone has committed evil acts of crime and violence? In her novel, Danticat does not come out to give the reader that answer; however, the reader observes through the text that redemption is possible. The text shows this through the conversation between Dany and Claude, through what is exposed about the dew breaker, and how Dany s feelings might have changed after meeting Claude. In the novel, the character Claude killed his father because his father confiscated his drugs and refused to give them back. Claude traveled to New York City after his father s death, where he... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, one must keep redemption and the act of justification in two separate categories. Redemption is not a means of justifying what that person has done. In the case of the dew breaker, his redemption comes not only from his wife, but also mostly from his daughter, Ka. After the dew breaker told his wife of the truth of his actions, the reader sees Anne, his wife, looking for religious redemption for her husband. In the text, Danticat explains through Ka that Anne goes to mass every day. What makes this a significant detail in the novel is that she not only goes to mass every day, but that she ll walk the twenty blocks from the church to the salon (Danticat 9). This is significant because every day of Anne s goes to a great length every day to integrate church into her daily life to get the redemption that she desires for her ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...