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Koushik Ramachandra
A win for us will come down to a coin flip.
Round 1
● 20 questions
● Standard Bounce/Pounce
● +10 for the correct pounce/bounce
● -5 for an incorrect pounce
C is an Indian company which has grown by leaps and bounds since its inception in
December 2015. Amongst one of them is a near namesake of one of India’s best
Amongst the first employees of C is an E, who is famous for his and his teams use of
excel. He carries the distinction to have trained his entire org, to rely solely on excel and
scaled the process - much to the surprise of the rest. E is also a son of sun and one
Euclidean point away from a famous, ‘Mountain town’ in Hyderabad.
ID C and E. (+10 each)
Hint: The first employee of this company is a namesake of an actress who appeared in
Great Grand Masti.
Ravi Kumar Kodlapur
On Jewish tombstones you will sometimes see a symbol showing two hands arranged for
the priestly blessing . This is a symbol of the Kohen or cohen ( hebrew for priest) also
known as Kohanim Hands.
What did the Kohanim Hands inspire? (image on next slide)
Vulcan Salute
- The ________ numbers are described by several Indian mathematicians in the
centuries following _________ as being produced by the rule F(n+1) = F(n) +
Virahānka (7th century) explicitly gives the sequence 3, 5, 8, 13, 21. Further
explanation regarding the numbers was presented by Gopāla (c. 1135) and the
polymath Hemacandra Sūrī (1089- 1172).
Fibonacci sequence
As a child, __________ spent long hours playing with sister Pidge, climbing trees,
hunting rats with a rifle and "belly-slamming" her sled downhill.
____________ saw first aircraft at the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines. ________’s father
tried to interest the siblings in taking a flight. One look at the rickety "flivver" was
enough for __________, who promptly asked if they could go back to the
merry-go-round. She later described the biplane as "a thing of rusty wire and wood and
not at all interesting"
Amelia Earhart
- Tintin in America – Gangster
- Cigars of the Pharoah – Part of Rastapopoulos’ film crew; Asylum Inmate
- Secret of The Unicorn – Talking to Mrs. Finch
- The Seven Crystal Balls – Musician at the Hippodrome theater; Patient at the
- Explorers on the Moon – Part of the Control Room crew.
- Red Sea Sharks – Guest at Excelsior Hotel; Marquis Di Gorgonzola’s guest.
What am I talking about?
Herge’s cameo appearances
Believe it or not, _________________ was one of several working titles Margaret
Mitchell used for her most famous novel.
She also considered the titles Tote the Weary Load, Bugles Sang True, Not In Our Stars,
and Tomorrow is Another Day before finally settling on a phrase _________________ .
She had used in the critical scene where Scarlett returns to Tara and asks, "Was Tara still
standing? Or was Tara also gone with the wind which had swept through Georgia?"
Ba Ba! Black Sheep
Gone with the wind
Tshering Tashi, an author of several books on Bhutan talks of a legend behind the
annoying habit of P. He says, “Earlier the country was filled with savages who ate each
other until Guru Rinpoche weaned them off”. This practice led to the guru advising them
to eat P whose juice symbolised blood.
The practice of chewing Paan
US Central Intelligence Agency released around 4.7 lakh files obtained in the 2011 raid of
Bin Laden’s compound in Pakistan. Among them a hard drive contained few mind-blowing
files among others. The files were kept secret.
But when you hear what was on the drive you'd be amazed. Can you tell what was on the
Tom and Jerry.
Mr. Bean
Y was trained in Krav Maga for role in X.
Y first appeared in 2016 movie 'Batman VS Superman: Dawn of Justice’ , which
revamped Y’s role in X.
Y has strong association with “hill of spring”.
X: Wonder Woman, Y: Gal Gadot
Feynman was famous for playing jokes on colleagues. In one case he found
the combination to a locked filing cabinet by trying the numbers he thought a
physicist would use (it proved to be 27– 18–28). What is the significance of this
e = 2.71828... 4 1
This particular incident I occurred during a UEFA Europa League match
between Tottenham Hotspurs and Partizan Belgrade. The game was
suspended after less than 42 minutes. The delay lasted a total of ten minutes
with Ukrainian referee Yevgen Aranovsky having no alternative but to take
everyone to the safety of the dressing room. A headphones company C was
also indirectly associated with the incident. Incident as such are rare in the
game of football.
ID I and C - Or put funda!
I : Selfie, C: BassBuds
The reason behind the design of this GUI element is due to the low resolution
display screens used in the past. At that time, it was found that drawing a
straight line and a line at a 45 degree angle was easier to do and more easily
recognizable than the initial vertical line design created by the inventor of this
GUI element. Hence, the initial design of this GUI element was changed, and
this altered design still persists today.
Which GUI Element?
+ 10 if you get the inventor as well
Mouse Cursor, Douglas Engelbart
Which person’s name has been blanked out in this official Guinness World
Record, the description for which has been given here?
“The wedding is reported to have cost over 750 million rupees with the dining
area alone costing an estimated Rs 15 million and the menu an estimated Rs
20 million. A fortress topped with cannons and winged mythological creatures
was constructed from plywood at the entrance of the wedding grounds. The 5
km drive from the temple to the grounds was strewn with rose petals and
lined with 600 Grecian columns strung with coloured lights along with giant
papier mache models of ancient Indian princes in erotic poses.”
X was invented in 1974 and Hungarian patent HU170062 was obtained for the
X in 1975 . The first test batches of the product were produced in late 1977
and released to Budapest toy shops. In September 1979, a deal was signed
with Ideal Toys to bring the X to the Western world, and the X made its
international debut at the toy fairs of London, Paris, Nuremberg and New York
in January and February 1980. "The Gordian Knot" and "Inca Gold" were the
other names considered but it was marketed as X.
What is X?
Rubik’s Cube
The books X and Y have been suspended from the curriculum in some Virginia
schools, after a parent complained about the use of racial slurs. At the centre
of the complaint was the use of the N-word, which appears frequently in both
books. As a committee has yet to discuss the future of the books, a
permanent ban has not yet been placed. However, they have already been
removed from classrooms in the district, a move the National Coalition
Against Censorship described as “particularly egregious”. These classics are
high on the list of most frequently challenged Young Adult books in the US,
according to the American Libraries Association. However, critics regard both
works as scathing rejections of racism. What two books are these?
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, To Kill A Mockingbird
In Marvel’s Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Nick Fury faked his death in
order to deceive Hydra. Towards the end of the film, we see Captain America
and Falcon stand at the foot of Fury’s fake grave, and observe the front of the
tombstone, including the epitaph. About the epitaph, directors Anthony and
Joe Russo stated that they couldn’t initially settle on anything but went on to
put this stating, “We’re geeks and we love that kind of stuff. We’re always
trying to put it in the movies and our TV shows. So it’s better to put something
in there that is a wink and a smile and excites people than just something
bland, you know?” What did Nick Fury’s epitaph contain?
Verse from Ezekiel 25:17 in Pulp Fiction
The path of the righteous man…….
Josh Herdman began his MMA career on 23 April 2016 in Romford with a
decision win over Janusz Walachowski. He said, "I chose MMA because I love
the sport. It's raw, exciting and unpredictable. I find it more interesting than
boxing although I appreciate the beauty and art in boxing. It also made sense
to move onto MMA because of my jujitsu training. I would like a few amateur
fights first to get me started and where it goes from there, who knows?”
However, the world knows Herdman for something else altogether. In what
context did we see Herdman from 2001-2011?
Played Gregory Goyle in the Harry Potter films
Located downtown in the Pudong district of Shanghai, the Shanghai World
Financial Center is one of the most iconic skyscrapers in the city. Although it
houses the third highest hotel (the Park Hyatt) in the world, it is known for its
unique design. Look at the image on the next slide and tell us what the
building is popularly called by foreigners and Chinese alike on the basis of a
resemblance. Hint: If it helps, metal replicas of the building that function as
actual ______ ______(s) are sold as souvenirs in the tower’s gift shop.
Bottle Opener
What is done with your contribution is seldom on your mind as you partake in
a tradition that dates at least as far back as the 18th century (though made
popular by a 1954 romantic comedy). It is a sizeable sum, however, and is sent
to Caritas, a Catholic non-profit that supports noble causes related to health,
hunger, and disaster relief. We learn that the collection happens thrice a week
on Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 8 and 9 am, amounts to €8,000.
Where in the world am I talking about?
Trevi Fountain, Tossing a coin
The most familiar and common type of these is always slightly inaccurate
because of the difference in that which it measures and that which one
desires to gauge using it. Depending on one’s location, this difference varies.
Further, one of the above two is constantly changing and hence, maps with
latest declination information denoting this difference should be used.
What am I talking about?
Magnetic North and Actual North
The Pancharatna kritis of Thyagaraja is a set of five kritis which are in praise of
Lord Rama. The first kriti which was composed in Naattai ragam is an
exception to all the other four.
In 1997, naattai ragam was used in a song in an epic political drama film which
was loosely based on cinema and politics of TN.
This was back in news again last year in August.
+5 if you could also name the movie.
Karunanidhi’s demise
Round 2
● Pick your category
● No Pounce
● +5 for the correct answer
● +10 if it is your category
● India
● Literature
● Sports
● Pop Culture
● Etymology
● TV & Films
● Companies &Tag lines
● Science & Nature
India #1
- Djibouti is a small country in eastern Africa. It is a former French colony
gaining independence in 1977. It is one of the active members of the Arab
League & African Union. A gesture 2019 by the Indian government in an
annual list released in the last week of January puts Djibouti in an India
Quiz. This gesture was towards it’s head of state.
- If Yadagiri, Girnar, Saptagiri, Shayadri, Podhigai, Kashir etc are existing
ones, What was added by PM Modi to this list on 9th February?
- Justice Jagdish Saran Varma, Gopal Subramaniam, Leila Seth
India #2
- Vikram Sarabhai’s romance is alleged to be the reason for ____’s existence.
His relationship with Kamla Chaudhary blossomed in the city of
Ahmedabad where he was the then Director of the Physical Research
Laboratory and she was working with An Industrial Research Institute for
Textiles (ATIRA).
- Charles I – 1649 • Betsy Ross – 1836 • _______ - 1948 • Orville Wright – 1948
• John Bardeen – 1991 • Sidney Sheldon - 2007
- Intensity, Continuity, Cows can speak with vocal cord programming
- I’m pretty much f*cked
- Call me Ishmael
- It was a pleasure to burn
- All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own
- It was the best of times, it was the worst of times
- All children except one, grow up
- Bonking
- Dime
- Deke
- Stinger
- Pepper
- Perhapser
Pop Culture
- I’ll be back
- I’m the king of the world
- What we do in life echoes in eternity.
- You've got a friend in me.
- No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world.
- Just keep swimming, just keep swimming!
- Rath yatra at Puri
- Card Hole Agglomerate Debris, Chedda
- To leave in a hurry. Derived from the Spanish word ‘ vamos ’
- Paraiyan (Drummer : Tamil word)
- Athenaeum is a lesser known synonym of a common everyday word.
- The shortest word with each vowel used once is the name of perhaps the
largest tree.
TV & Films
- Welcome to the real world. It sucks. You’re gonna love it!
- Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates: You never know what
you’re gonna get.
- Fear cuts deeper than swords.
- I dare ya motherfucker, I double dare ya.
- Ogres are like onions.
- Ye best start believin' in ghost stories, Miss Turner. Yer in one.
Companies & Taglines
- Save Money, Without Thinking About It
- Support a Classroom. Build a Future.
- The Best Bed for Better Sleep
- Wander Wisely
- Where Good Books Are Brewing
- Think Small
Science & Nature
- A male scientist in the position of power hires predominantly female staff.
- When you hug someone, this hormone gets released
- Used extensively as a phrase, when trying to imagine a scenario where life
could be different. Has a poetic undertone
- Copper is named after which island in the Mediterranean?
- Which boy’s name is also the name of the derived SI unit for inductance?
- What did ENIAC built in 1946?
India #1
- Djibouti is a small country in eastern Africa. It is a former French colony
gaining independence in 1977. It is one of the active members of the Arab
League & African Union. A gesture 2019 by the Indian government in an
annual list released in the last week of January puts Djibouti in an India
Quiz. This gesture was towards it’s head of state.
- Ismail Omar Guelleh was awarded the Padma Vibushan.
- If Yadagiri, Girnar, Saptagiri, Shayadri, Podhigai, Kashir etc are existing
ones, What was added by PM Modi to this list on 9th February?
- DD ArunPrabha
- Justice Jagdish Saran Varma, Gopal Subramaniam, Leila Seth
- Constitutional Change, Nirbhaya Tragedy
India #2
- Vikram Sarabhai’s romance is alleged to be the reason for ____’s existence.
His relationship with Kamla Chaudhary blossomed in the city of
Ahmedabad where he was the then Director of the Physical Research
Laboratory and she was working with An Industrial Research Institute for
Textiles (ATIRA).
- IIM Ahmedabad
- Charles I – 1649 • Betsy Ross – 1836 • _______ - 1948 • Orville Wright – 1948
• John Bardeen – 1991 • Sidney Sheldon - 2007
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Intensity, Continuity, Cows can speak with vocal cord programming
- Nithyananda
- I’m pretty much f*cked - Martian
- Call me Ishmael : Moby Dick
- It was a pleasure to burn: Farhenheit 451
- All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own
way: Anna Karenina
- It was the best of times, it was the worst of times: Tale of two cities
- All children except one, grow up: Peter Pan
- Bonking - Running
- Dime - Basketball
- Deke - Hockey
- Stinger - Football
- Pepper - Volleyball
- Perhapser - Cricket
Pop Culture
- I’ll be back - Terminator
- I’m the king of the world - Titanic
- What we do in life echoes in eternity. - Gladiator
- You've got a friend in me. - Toy Story
- No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world.
Dead Poets Society
- Just keep swimming, just keep swimming! - Finding Nemo
- Rath yatra at Puri : Juggernaut
- Card Hole Agglomerate Debris, Chedda : Chad
- To leave in a hurry. Derived from the Spanish word ‘ vamos ’ : Vamoose
- Paraiyan (Drummer : Tamil word): Pariah (Outcast)
- Athenaeum is a lesser known synonym of a common everyday word.-
- The shortest word with each vowel used once is the name of perhaps the
largest tree. - Sequoia
TV & Films
- Welcome to the real world. It sucks. You’re gonna love it! Friends
- Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates: You never know what
you’re gonna get. Forrest Gump
- Fear cuts deeper than swords. Game of Thrones
- I dare ya motherfucker, I double dare ya. Pulp Fiction
- Ogres are like onions. Shrek
- Ye best start believin' in ghost stories, Miss Turner. Yer in one. Pirates of
Companies & Taglines
- Save Money, Without Thinking About It - Digit
- Support a Classroom. Build a Future. - Donorschoose.com
- The Best Bed for Better Sleep - Casper Mattress
- Wander Wisely - Travelocity
- Where Good Books Are Brewing - Coffee House Press
- Think Small - Volkswagen
Science & Nature
- A male scientist in the position of power hires predominantly female staff.
Harem Effect
- When you hug someone, this hormone gets released - Oxytocin
- Used extensively as a phrase, when trying to imagine a scenario where life
could be different. Has a poetic undertone - Alternate/Parallel Universe
- Copper is named after which island in the Mediterranean? Cyprus
- Which boy’s name is also the name of the derived SI unit for inductance?
- What did ENIAC built in 1946? A computer

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  • 1. Smartacus Koushik Ramachandra A win for us will come down to a coin flip.
  • 3. ● 20 questions ● Standard Bounce/Pounce ● +10 for the correct pounce/bounce ● -5 for an incorrect pounce
  • 7. C is an Indian company which has grown by leaps and bounds since its inception in December 2015. Amongst one of them is a near namesake of one of India’s best batsmen. Amongst the first employees of C is an E, who is famous for his and his teams use of excel. He carries the distinction to have trained his entire org, to rely solely on excel and scaled the process - much to the surprise of the rest. E is also a son of sun and one Euclidean point away from a famous, ‘Mountain town’ in Hyderabad. ID C and E. (+10 each) Hint: The first employee of this company is a namesake of an actress who appeared in Great Grand Masti.
  • 10. On Jewish tombstones you will sometimes see a symbol showing two hands arranged for the priestly blessing . This is a symbol of the Kohen or cohen ( hebrew for priest) also known as Kohanim Hands. What did the Kohanim Hands inspire? (image on next slide)
  • 14. - The ________ numbers are described by several Indian mathematicians in the centuries following _________ as being produced by the rule F(n+1) = F(n) + F(n-1). Virahānka (7th century) explicitly gives the sequence 3, 5, 8, 13, 21. Further explanation regarding the numbers was presented by Gopāla (c. 1135) and the polymath Hemacandra Sūrī (1089- 1172).
  • 17. As a child, __________ spent long hours playing with sister Pidge, climbing trees, hunting rats with a rifle and "belly-slamming" her sled downhill. ____________ saw first aircraft at the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines. ________’s father tried to interest the siblings in taking a flight. One look at the rickety "flivver" was enough for __________, who promptly asked if they could go back to the merry-go-round. She later described the biplane as "a thing of rusty wire and wood and not at all interesting"
  • 20. - Tintin in America – Gangster - Cigars of the Pharoah – Part of Rastapopoulos’ film crew; Asylum Inmate - Secret of The Unicorn – Talking to Mrs. Finch - The Seven Crystal Balls – Musician at the Hippodrome theater; Patient at the hospital - Explorers on the Moon – Part of the Control Room crew. - Red Sea Sharks – Guest at Excelsior Hotel; Marquis Di Gorgonzola’s guest. What am I talking about?
  • 23. Believe it or not, _________________ was one of several working titles Margaret Mitchell used for her most famous novel. She also considered the titles Tote the Weary Load, Bugles Sang True, Not In Our Stars, and Tomorrow is Another Day before finally settling on a phrase _________________ . She had used in the critical scene where Scarlett returns to Tara and asks, "Was Tara still standing? Or was Tara also gone with the wind which had swept through Georgia?"
  • 25. Ba Ba! Black Sheep Gone with the wind
  • 26. Tshering Tashi, an author of several books on Bhutan talks of a legend behind the annoying habit of P. He says, “Earlier the country was filled with savages who ate each other until Guru Rinpoche weaned them off”. This practice led to the guru advising them to eat P whose juice symbolised blood. ID P.
  • 28. The practice of chewing Paan
  • 29. US Central Intelligence Agency released around 4.7 lakh files obtained in the 2011 raid of Bin Laden’s compound in Pakistan. Among them a hard drive contained few mind-blowing files among others. The files were kept secret. But when you hear what was on the drive you'd be amazed. Can you tell what was on the drive?
  • 32. Y was trained in Krav Maga for role in X. Y first appeared in 2016 movie 'Batman VS Superman: Dawn of Justice’ , which revamped Y’s role in X. Y has strong association with “hill of spring”. ID X, Y
  • 34. X: Wonder Woman, Y: Gal Gadot
  • 35. Feynman was famous for playing jokes on colleagues. In one case he found the combination to a locked filing cabinet by trying the numbers he thought a physicist would use (it proved to be 27– 18–28). What is the significance of this combination?
  • 38. This particular incident I occurred during a UEFA Europa League match between Tottenham Hotspurs and Partizan Belgrade. The game was suspended after less than 42 minutes. The delay lasted a total of ten minutes with Ukrainian referee Yevgen Aranovsky having no alternative but to take everyone to the safety of the dressing room. A headphones company C was also indirectly associated with the incident. Incident as such are rare in the game of football. ID I and C - Or put funda!
  • 40. I : Selfie, C: BassBuds
  • 41. The reason behind the design of this GUI element is due to the low resolution display screens used in the past. At that time, it was found that drawing a straight line and a line at a 45 degree angle was easier to do and more easily recognizable than the initial vertical line design created by the inventor of this GUI element. Hence, the initial design of this GUI element was changed, and this altered design still persists today. Which GUI Element? + 10 if you get the inventor as well
  • 44. Which person’s name has been blanked out in this official Guinness World Record, the description for which has been given here? “The wedding is reported to have cost over 750 million rupees with the dining area alone costing an estimated Rs 15 million and the menu an estimated Rs 20 million. A fortress topped with cannons and winged mythological creatures was constructed from plywood at the entrance of the wedding grounds. The 5 km drive from the temple to the grounds was strewn with rose petals and lined with 600 Grecian columns strung with coloured lights along with giant papier mache models of ancient Indian princes in erotic poses.”
  • 47. X was invented in 1974 and Hungarian patent HU170062 was obtained for the X in 1975 . The first test batches of the product were produced in late 1977 and released to Budapest toy shops. In September 1979, a deal was signed with Ideal Toys to bring the X to the Western world, and the X made its international debut at the toy fairs of London, Paris, Nuremberg and New York in January and February 1980. "The Gordian Knot" and "Inca Gold" were the other names considered but it was marketed as X. What is X?
  • 50. The books X and Y have been suspended from the curriculum in some Virginia schools, after a parent complained about the use of racial slurs. At the centre of the complaint was the use of the N-word, which appears frequently in both books. As a committee has yet to discuss the future of the books, a permanent ban has not yet been placed. However, they have already been removed from classrooms in the district, a move the National Coalition Against Censorship described as “particularly egregious”. These classics are high on the list of most frequently challenged Young Adult books in the US, according to the American Libraries Association. However, critics regard both works as scathing rejections of racism. What two books are these?
  • 52. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, To Kill A Mockingbird
  • 53. In Marvel’s Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Nick Fury faked his death in order to deceive Hydra. Towards the end of the film, we see Captain America and Falcon stand at the foot of Fury’s fake grave, and observe the front of the tombstone, including the epitaph. About the epitaph, directors Anthony and Joe Russo stated that they couldn’t initially settle on anything but went on to put this stating, “We’re geeks and we love that kind of stuff. We’re always trying to put it in the movies and our TV shows. So it’s better to put something in there that is a wink and a smile and excites people than just something bland, you know?” What did Nick Fury’s epitaph contain?
  • 55. Verse from Ezekiel 25:17 in Pulp Fiction The path of the righteous man…….
  • 56. Josh Herdman began his MMA career on 23 April 2016 in Romford with a decision win over Janusz Walachowski. He said, "I chose MMA because I love the sport. It's raw, exciting and unpredictable. I find it more interesting than boxing although I appreciate the beauty and art in boxing. It also made sense to move onto MMA because of my jujitsu training. I would like a few amateur fights first to get me started and where it goes from there, who knows?” However, the world knows Herdman for something else altogether. In what context did we see Herdman from 2001-2011?
  • 58. Played Gregory Goyle in the Harry Potter films
  • 59. Located downtown in the Pudong district of Shanghai, the Shanghai World Financial Center is one of the most iconic skyscrapers in the city. Although it houses the third highest hotel (the Park Hyatt) in the world, it is known for its unique design. Look at the image on the next slide and tell us what the building is popularly called by foreigners and Chinese alike on the basis of a resemblance. Hint: If it helps, metal replicas of the building that function as actual ______ ______(s) are sold as souvenirs in the tower’s gift shop.
  • 62. What is done with your contribution is seldom on your mind as you partake in a tradition that dates at least as far back as the 18th century (though made popular by a 1954 romantic comedy). It is a sizeable sum, however, and is sent to Caritas, a Catholic non-profit that supports noble causes related to health, hunger, and disaster relief. We learn that the collection happens thrice a week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 8 and 9 am, amounts to €8,000. Where in the world am I talking about?
  • 65. The most familiar and common type of these is always slightly inaccurate because of the difference in that which it measures and that which one desires to gauge using it. Depending on one’s location, this difference varies. Further, one of the above two is constantly changing and hence, maps with latest declination information denoting this difference should be used. What am I talking about?
  • 68. The Pancharatna kritis of Thyagaraja is a set of five kritis which are in praise of Lord Rama. The first kriti which was composed in Naattai ragam is an exception to all the other four. In 1997, naattai ragam was used in a song in an epic political drama film which was loosely based on cinema and politics of TN. This was back in news again last year in August. Why? +5 if you could also name the movie.
  • 72. ● Pick your category ● No Pounce ● +5 for the correct answer ● +10 if it is your category
  • 73. ● India ● Literature ● Sports ● Pop Culture ● Etymology ● TV & Films ● Companies &Tag lines ● Science & Nature
  • 74. India #1 - Djibouti is a small country in eastern Africa. It is a former French colony gaining independence in 1977. It is one of the active members of the Arab League & African Union. A gesture 2019 by the Indian government in an annual list released in the last week of January puts Djibouti in an India Quiz. This gesture was towards it’s head of state. - If Yadagiri, Girnar, Saptagiri, Shayadri, Podhigai, Kashir etc are existing ones, What was added by PM Modi to this list on 9th February? - Justice Jagdish Saran Varma, Gopal Subramaniam, Leila Seth
  • 75. India #2 - Vikram Sarabhai’s romance is alleged to be the reason for ____’s existence. His relationship with Kamla Chaudhary blossomed in the city of Ahmedabad where he was the then Director of the Physical Research Laboratory and she was working with An Industrial Research Institute for Textiles (ATIRA). - Charles I – 1649 • Betsy Ross – 1836 • _______ - 1948 • Orville Wright – 1948 • John Bardeen – 1991 • Sidney Sheldon - 2007 - Intensity, Continuity, Cows can speak with vocal cord programming
  • 76. Literature - I’m pretty much f*cked - Call me Ishmael - It was a pleasure to burn - All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way - It was the best of times, it was the worst of times - All children except one, grow up
  • 77. Sports - Bonking - Dime - Deke - Stinger - Pepper - Perhapser
  • 78. Pop Culture - I’ll be back - I’m the king of the world - What we do in life echoes in eternity. - You've got a friend in me. - No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world. - Just keep swimming, just keep swimming!
  • 79. Etymology - Rath yatra at Puri - Card Hole Agglomerate Debris, Chedda - To leave in a hurry. Derived from the Spanish word ‘ vamos ’ - Paraiyan (Drummer : Tamil word) - Athenaeum is a lesser known synonym of a common everyday word. - The shortest word with each vowel used once is the name of perhaps the largest tree.
  • 80. TV & Films - Welcome to the real world. It sucks. You’re gonna love it! - Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates: You never know what you’re gonna get. - Fear cuts deeper than swords. - I dare ya motherfucker, I double dare ya. - Ogres are like onions. - Ye best start believin' in ghost stories, Miss Turner. Yer in one.
  • 81. Companies & Taglines - Save Money, Without Thinking About It - Support a Classroom. Build a Future. - The Best Bed for Better Sleep - Wander Wisely - Where Good Books Are Brewing - Think Small
  • 82. Science & Nature - A male scientist in the position of power hires predominantly female staff. - When you hug someone, this hormone gets released - Used extensively as a phrase, when trying to imagine a scenario where life could be different. Has a poetic undertone - Copper is named after which island in the Mediterranean? - Which boy’s name is also the name of the derived SI unit for inductance? - What did ENIAC built in 1946?
  • 84. India #1 - Djibouti is a small country in eastern Africa. It is a former French colony gaining independence in 1977. It is one of the active members of the Arab League & African Union. A gesture 2019 by the Indian government in an annual list released in the last week of January puts Djibouti in an India Quiz. This gesture was towards it’s head of state. - Ismail Omar Guelleh was awarded the Padma Vibushan. - If Yadagiri, Girnar, Saptagiri, Shayadri, Podhigai, Kashir etc are existing ones, What was added by PM Modi to this list on 9th February? - DD ArunPrabha - Justice Jagdish Saran Varma, Gopal Subramaniam, Leila Seth - Constitutional Change, Nirbhaya Tragedy
  • 85. India #2 - Vikram Sarabhai’s romance is alleged to be the reason for ____’s existence. His relationship with Kamla Chaudhary blossomed in the city of Ahmedabad where he was the then Director of the Physical Research Laboratory and she was working with An Industrial Research Institute for Textiles (ATIRA). - IIM Ahmedabad - Charles I – 1649 • Betsy Ross – 1836 • _______ - 1948 • Orville Wright – 1948 • John Bardeen – 1991 • Sidney Sheldon - 2007 - Mahatma Gandhi - Intensity, Continuity, Cows can speak with vocal cord programming - Nithyananda
  • 86. Literature - I’m pretty much f*cked - Martian - Call me Ishmael : Moby Dick - It was a pleasure to burn: Farhenheit 451 - All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way: Anna Karenina - It was the best of times, it was the worst of times: Tale of two cities - All children except one, grow up: Peter Pan
  • 87. Sports - Bonking - Running - Dime - Basketball - Deke - Hockey - Stinger - Football - Pepper - Volleyball - Perhapser - Cricket
  • 88. Pop Culture - I’ll be back - Terminator - I’m the king of the world - Titanic - What we do in life echoes in eternity. - Gladiator - You've got a friend in me. - Toy Story - No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world. Dead Poets Society - Just keep swimming, just keep swimming! - Finding Nemo
  • 89. Etymology - Rath yatra at Puri : Juggernaut - Card Hole Agglomerate Debris, Chedda : Chad - To leave in a hurry. Derived from the Spanish word ‘ vamos ’ : Vamoose - Paraiyan (Drummer : Tamil word): Pariah (Outcast) - Athenaeum is a lesser known synonym of a common everyday word.- Library - The shortest word with each vowel used once is the name of perhaps the largest tree. - Sequoia
  • 90. TV & Films - Welcome to the real world. It sucks. You’re gonna love it! Friends - Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates: You never know what you’re gonna get. Forrest Gump - Fear cuts deeper than swords. Game of Thrones - I dare ya motherfucker, I double dare ya. Pulp Fiction - Ogres are like onions. Shrek - Ye best start believin' in ghost stories, Miss Turner. Yer in one. Pirates of C
  • 91. Companies & Taglines - Save Money, Without Thinking About It - Digit - Support a Classroom. Build a Future. - Donorschoose.com - The Best Bed for Better Sleep - Casper Mattress - Wander Wisely - Travelocity - Where Good Books Are Brewing - Coffee House Press - Think Small - Volkswagen
  • 92. Science & Nature - A male scientist in the position of power hires predominantly female staff. Harem Effect - When you hug someone, this hormone gets released - Oxytocin - Used extensively as a phrase, when trying to imagine a scenario where life could be different. Has a poetic undertone - Alternate/Parallel Universe - Copper is named after which island in the Mediterranean? Cyprus - Which boy’s name is also the name of the derived SI unit for inductance? Henry - What did ENIAC built in 1946? A computer