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Smm2 second edition
Ever since the first edition of the SMM made its appearance in 1960 the building industry has seen
many changes and innovations in methods and modes of construction. This has resulted in demands
for an efficacious communication and cost controlling tool for the benefit of better management and
eflective monitoring of the works. The need for a new SMM is premised on these requirements.
The first Sub-Committee under Mr. Cheah Kow Chye was set up under instruction of the Quantity
Surveying Sectional Committee of The Institution of Surveyors, Maiaysia in 1984 to look into this and
thereafler Mr. Noel Lim took over the chair of the Sub-Committee in 1989 when the decision to adopt
the British SMM6 as a basis for our proposed second edition was made and agreed upon We have
since obtained endorsement from the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) to enable us to
use the SMM6 for this purpose and would express our gratitude to them.
This Committee is glad that this second edition has come to fruition albeit after taking enough time to
overcome the endless discussions and deliberations on matters technical, social and economics. We
have been able to draw upon the knowledge and experiences of both members of the above
Committees to provide inputs and comments relevant to this exercise. All suggestions, observations
and comments received have been carefUlly considered and weighed in the context of current
practices, and incorporated into this edition where appropriate.
This edition should reflect a reference which is true to tradition and yet flexible for modern use. Due to
the ongoing changes in information technology one shoUld reflect on the changes that have to come
to accommodate on-line BQ production techniques; it would be pertinent to note that a future edition to
accommodate this is inevitable. Perhaps this edition will provide the adequate milestones to move to
the next stage synchronous with developments in new mUIti media technologies.
The Committee would wish to thank those who have spent time in giving points and ideas which have
been adopted and those who are not Committee members but have given assistance to us viz.
Cawangan Ukur Bahan & Kontrak Jabatan Kerja Raya, Kementerian Keria Raya Malaysia, the
InstitUtion of Surveyors, Malaysia, the Department of Quantity Surveying of the Universiti Teknologi
Malaysia (UTM) and Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) and the Department of Building of the Tunku
Abdul Rahman (TAR) College; we are gratefUI for your contributions.
Members of the Committee are:
Encik Andrew Ng Shou Guan
Encik Mohd Fadhil b Muhammad
Puan Nor Ainah AbdUllah
PUan Oh Chin Choo
Encik Raden Mohd PUjaseti Hj. Asnawi
Prof. Madya Dr Rosli Abdul Rashid
Encik Wong Weng Hong
Hj. Mokhtar Puteh
Chairman, SMM Sub Committee, Session 1998-2000
May, 2000
Preface to the First Edition 1959
Since the introduction of the use of the Bills of Quantities to the Building Trade in Singapore and
Malaya, as from the eany nineteen thinties, The STANDARD METHOD of MEASUREMENT of
BUILDING WORKS, as published in England by The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, has
been adopted as a broad basis for measurement, with modifications to suit the individual requirements
of Contracting Departments or the demands of local conditions and practice.
However, until now, these modifications have never been agreed or standardized among Quantity
Surveyors. Consequenly, Surveyors in Government and Service Departments and in private practice
have been measuring, classifying and describing virtually the same items of construction in various
ways, each Surveyor either trying to keep to an accepted style and practice set by his predecessor, or,
very often, trying to introduce what he considers to be a better method or system.
The need for standardization is therefore very obvious and has been felt for a long time. In fact, an
unsuccessful attempt was made to draw up a Revised Standand Method of Measurement for
Singapore and Malaya before the Second World War and in 1956 the War Office issued Rules of
Measurement to Standardize Bills of Quantities in respect of work for the War Department, Admiralty
and Air Ministry, but they were intended only for Departmental use.
In September, 1957, a Sub-Committee of the then Malaya Branch of the Royal Institution of Chartered
Surveyors, comprising members of long experience in the Federation of Malaya and Singapore was
formed, witlh the authority of the Institution, to revise and alter the English SMM accordingly to suit our
local needs and practice. This first Edition is the result.
Primarily, the English Standard Method of Measurement (4
Edition) remains the basis of this
document. The Sub Committee did not atempt to re-wnte completely the English SMM but generally
deleted non-applicable items and items of minor importance, especially those involving labour only
and incorporated them into other major basic items and added new items to suit our local labour
requirements and trade practices.
In effect the principles of measurement and description established herein amount to an
amalgamation or compromise of the practices of Surveyors in the Government, War Department,
Admiralty, Air Ministry and private firms.
Upon completion of the proposed revisions, draft copies were sent to all interested Surveyors in
private practice, Government and Service Departments and to Contractors' Association of the
Federation of Malaya and Singapore, with invitations for their comments and suggestions. Many were
received and all opinions expressed were carefully weighed and considered by the Sub-Committee
before adoption or rejection.
In submitting this First Edition of the Standand Method of Measurement of Building Works for Use in
the Federation of Malaya, Singapore and Borneo, the Sub-Committee wishes to state that it is the
expressed wish of the Branches of the Federation of Malaya and Singapore that it will be adopted by
all Quantity Surveyors in the designated areas upon its official publication.
The members of the Sub Committee are M.H. Seah (Chairman), R.N.S. Rhodes, S.A. Duncan, D.
Monris (succeeding S.A. Duncan) and K.A Suckling. Many other Surveyors generally assisted the
Sub-Committee and acted as replacements during the temporary absence of certain members of the
Preface to 1st
Edition (Metric) 1976
The Institution of Surveyors (Malaysia) in conjunction with Jabatan Kerja Raya has agreed to convert
the present Standard Method of Measurement of Building Works to Metric Edition in early 1976 for the
adoption and the use of Metric System in Malaysia
The Joint Committee is made up of the Chaimman of the Quantity Surveying Sectional Comminee of
the Institution of Surveyors (Malaysia), two Members representing Jabatan Kerja Raya and two
Members representing Institution of Surveyors (Malaysia).
The Joint Committee was instructed by the Institution to produce the Standard Method of
Measurement of Building Works 1
Edition (Metnc) in line with the existing Standard Method of
Measurement and any improvement and revision will be done subsequently. This Edition is not a
straight conversion from Imperial measurement to metric as the Joint Committee has deliberated at
the several meetings to arrive at measurements for practical purposes and usage with regards to
materials and labour in Malaysia.
After severai sittings, the draft was duly completed and copies forwarded to the Institution of
Surveyors (Malaysia) and Jabatan Kerja Raya for their comments before final printing.
In submitting this 1
Edition (Metric) of the Standard Method of Measurement of Building Works, for
use in Malaysia, the Joint Committee hope that this publication will be a guide for the construction
industry until such time the Standard Method of Measurement is revised.
The members of the Joint Committee are Tuan Haji Mohd Isahak Mohd Yusuf (Chairman), Encik
Cheah Kow Chye (Honorary Secretary), Encik Hashim Sikan, KMN, Encik Abdul Rahman Abdullah
and Encik Loh Siow King.
A General Rules 7
B Preliminaries 10
Preliminaries particulars 10
Contract 10
Works, goods and materials by others 12
General facilities and obligations 13
Contingencies 13
C Demolition 14
Generally 14
D Excavation and Earthwork 16
Generally 16
Site preparation 16
Excavation 17
Earthwork support 19
Disposal of water 19
Disposal of excavated material 19
Filling 20
E Piling and Diaphragm Walling 22
Piling 22
Diaphragm walls 25
F Concrete Work 27
In-situ concrete 27
Reinforcement 30
Formwork 32
Precast concrete 36
Composite construction 37
Hollow- block suspended constnuction 38
Prestressed concnete work 39
Contractor-designed construction 41
G Brickwork and Blockwork 43
Generally 43
Brickwork 44
Bhck facework 45
Brickwork in connection with boilens 46
Blockwork 48
Damp-proof courses 49
Sundries 50
H Underpinning 53
Generally 53
Work in all trades 53
J Masonry
Generally 55
Dressed natural stonework 56
Natural stone rubble work 61
Cast stonework 63
Clayware work 64
Sundries 64
Centering 65
K Waterproofi ng and Asphalt work 66
Generally 66
L Roofing 69
Generally 69
Slate or tile roofing 69
Corrugated or troughed sheet roofing or cladding 71
Roof decking 72
Bitumen-felt roofing 73
Sheet metal roofing 74
Sheet metal flashings and gutters 76
M Woodwork 78
Generally 78
Carcassing 79
First fixings . 79
Second fixings 81
Composite items 82
Sundries 84
Ironmongery 85
N Structural Steelwork 86
Generally 86
Steelwork 86
Other structural metaiwork 89
P Metalwork 90
Generally 90
Composite items 90
Plates, bars, etc. . . 92
Sheet metal, wiremesh and expanded metal 93
Holes, bolts, screws and rivets 93
Q Plumbing and Mechanical Engineering Installations 94
Generally 94
Gutterwork 95
Pipework 96
Ductwork 99
Equipment and ancillaries 100
Insulation 101
Sundries 102
Builder's work 103
R Electrical Installations 105
Generally 105
Equipment and control gear 106
Fittings and accessories 107
Conduit, tnunking and cable trays 108
Cables 109
Final sub-circuits 110
Earthing 110
Ancillaries 111
Sundries 111
Builder's work 112
S Floor, Wall and Ceiling Finishings 114
Generally 114
In-situfinishings 115
Beds and backings 117
Tile, slab and block finishings 117
Flexible sheet finishings 118
Dry linings and paNitions 118
Suspended ceilings, linings and suppoN work 119
Fibrous plaster 120
Fitted carpeting 121
T Glazing 123
Generally 123
Glass in openings 123
Leaded lights and oopper lights in openings 125
Minrons 125
Patentglazing 125
Domelights 126
Glass 310cks 126
U Painting and decorating 127
Generally 127
Painting, polishing and similar work 127
Signwriting 130
Decorative paper, sheet plastic or fabric backing and lining 130
V Drainage 131
Generally 131
Drains 131
Sumps, manholes, soakaways, cesspits, septic tanks,
imhoff tanks and the like 132
Connections to mains 133
Testing drains 133
W Fencing,Turfing and Planting 134
Fencing 134
Open type fencing 134
Close type fencing 135
Gates 136
Sundries 136
Seeding and turfing 136
Planting 137
A.1 Introduction
This Standard Method of Measurement provides a uniform basis for measuring building works
and embodies the essentials of good practice but more detailed information than is required by
this document shall be given where necessary (e.g. in descriptions or preambles, certain
specification information including limits on tolerance imposed by the designer) in order to detne
the precise nature and extent of the required work. This Standard Method of Measurement shall
apply equally to both proposed and executed works.
A.2 Bills of Quantities
1. Bills of quantities shall fully describe and accurately represent the quantity and quality of
the works to be carried out. Work which cannot be measured shall be given as a
provisional sum. Work the extent of which is not known shall be described as provisional
or given in a bill of approximate quantities.
2. Rules of measurement adopted for work not covered by these rules shall be stated and
such rules shall as far as possible conform with those given in this document for similar
A.3 Measurement
1. Unless the term metre used in this document is preceded by the words square or cubic it
shall be deemed to be linear.
2. Unless otherwise stated, works shall be measured net as fixed in position and each
measurement shall be taken to the nearest 10mm (i.e. 5mm and over shall be regarded
as 10mm and less than 5mm shall be disregarded). This rule shall not apply to any
dimensions stated in descriptions.
3. Unless otherwise stated, where minimum deductions of voids are dealt with in this
document they shall refer only to openings or wants which are within the boundaries of
measured areas. Openings or wants which are at the boundaries of measured areas shall
always be the subject of deduction irrespective of size.
4. The use of hyphen between two dimensions in this document or in a bill of quantities shall
mean a range of dimensions exceeding the first dimension stated but not exceeding the
A.4 Description
1. The order of stating dimensions in descriptions shall be consistent and generally in the
sequence of length, width and height. Where that sequence is not appropriate or where
ambiguity could arise, the dimensions shall be specificaily identified.
2 Unless otherwise stated in the bill or herein, the following shall be deemed to be included
with all items:
a. Labour and all costs in connection therewith.
A.4 Description (cont'd)
b. Materials, goods and all costs in connection therewith such as conveyance,
delivery, unloading, storing, returning packings, handling, hoisting, lowering, etc.
c. Assembling, fitting and fixing materials and goods in position.
d. Plant and all costs in connection therewith.
e. Waste of materials.
f. All cuttings.
g. Establishment charges, overhead charges and profit.
3. Junctions between straight and curved work shall in all cases be deemed to be included
with the work in which they occur.
4. Notwithstanding the provisions in this document for labours to be given as linear items,
such labour may be given in the description of any linear items of work on which they
5. Notwithstanding the provisions in this document for labours to be enumerated, such
labours may be given in the description of any enumerated items of work on which they
A.5 Drawn information
1. Drawn information can either be drawings or extracts from drawings used for
measurements or specially prepared to supplement a description, and shall show all the
information necessary for the manufacture and assembly in the case of components.
2. The requirements of this document for detailed descriptions shall be deemed to have
been complied with if drawn information is provided or referred to in the description and
such information indicates fully the items required to be described.
A.6 Standard products
The requirements of this document shall be deemed to have been complied with if the item
concerned is a product details of which have been published and to which referenoe has been
made in the description.
A.7 Quantities
1. Where the unit of billing is the metre, square metre, cubic metre or kilogramme, quantities
shall be billed to the nearest whole unit. Fractions of a unit less than half shall be
disregarded and all other fractions shall be regarded as a whole unit.
2. Where the unit of billing is the tonne, quantities shall be billed to the nearest two places of
3. Where the application of clauses A.7.1 and 2 would cause an entire item to be eliminated,
such item shall be enumerated stating the size or weight as appropriate.
A.8 Provisional or prime cost sums
1. Where this document requires provisional or prime cost sums to be given in accordance
with this clause, the choice of terms shall be made in conformity with the following
definitions unless otherwise provided in the conditions of contract:
a. The term ‘provisional sum’ is def ned as a sum provided for work or for costs which
cannot entirely be foreseen, defined or detailed at the time the tender documents
are issued.
b. The term ‘prime cost sum’ is defined as a sum provided for work or services to be
executed by a nominated sub-oontractor, a government or a statutory authority or
for materials or goods to be obtained from a nominated supplier. Such sum shall be
deemed to be exclusive of any profit required and/or attendance to be provided by
the main contractor and provision shall be made for the addition thereof where
A.9 Work in special conditions
1. Alterations and work in existing buildings shall be so described. Handling materials and
getting them in or out of such buildings shall be deemed to be included with the items.
Labours on existing work shall be so described.
2 Work carried out in or under water shall be so described stating whether canal, river or
sea water and (where applicable) the levels of high and low water.
3. Work carried out in compressed air shall be so described stating the pressure and the
method of entry and exit.
4. Work outside the curtilage of the site shall be so described.
Preliminaries particulars
B.1 Project, parties and consultants
1. The name, nature and location of the project shall be stated.
2. A general description of the works shall be given.
3. The names and addresses of the Employer and consultants to be named in the contract
shall be given.
4. The names and addresses of any other consultants shall be given.
B.2 Description of site
1. Information to indicate the boundaries of the site, the means of access and the position of
the works shall be given.
2. Attention shall be drawn to any drainage, water, gas and other mains or power services
known to exist on or over the site.
3. Attention shall be drawn to any adjacent or abutting buildings.
4. Information to facilitate visiting the site shall be given.
B.3 Drawings and other documents
1. A list shall be given of the drawings from which the bills of quantities have been prepared.
2. Addresses where drawings and other documents may be inspected by appointment or
otherwise shall be given.
B.4 Form, type and conditions of contract
1. Where the conditions of contract are standard and published for general use, particulars
of the edition to be used and a schedule of the clause headings shall be given. Where the
standard conditions provide for alternative or optional clauses, the clauses which are to
apply shall be stated. Amendments to standard conditions shall be given in full.
2. Where the conditions of contract are not standard and published for general use, the
conditions shall be set out in full in the bills of quantities or a schedule of clause headings
shall be given where a full set of conditions is supplied with the bills of quantities. In either
case where the conditions provide for alternative or optional clauses, the clauses which
are to apply shall be stated.
B.4 Form, type and conditions of contract (cont'd)
3. Where there is an appendix to the conditions of contract requiring insertion to be made, a
schedule of the insertions shall be set out in the bills of quantities.
B.5 Contractor's liability
1. The following shail be given unless already covered by the schedUles given in
accordance with clause B.4.
a. Contractor's liability for risk or injury to persons and property and of damage to the
b. Where the Employer requires the Contractor to effect insurance in respect of the
Contractor's liability for any such risk, the relevant particulars shall be given.
c. Where the Employer intends to relieve the Contractor of liability of any such risk, the
relevant particulars shall be given.
B.6 Employer's liability
Where the cost of insuring any liability of the Employer is required to be included in the contract
sum, such cost shall be given as a provisional sum.
B.7 Obligations and restrictions imposed by the Employer
1. Particulars shall be given to any obligations or restrictions to be imposed by the Employer
in respect of the following, unless they are covered by the schedUles given in accordance
with clause B.4
a. Access to and possession or use of the site.
b. Limitations of working space.
c. Limitations of working hours.
d. The use or disposal of any material found on site.
e Hoardings, fences, screens, temporary roofs, temporary name/sign boards and
advertising rights.
f. The maintenance of existing live drainage, water, gas and other mains or power
services on or over the site.
g. The execution or completion of the work in any specific order or in sections or
h. Maintenance of specific temperature and hUmidity levels. Alternatively, a provisional
or prime cost sum shall be given.
j. Temporary accommodation and facilities for the use of the Employer including air
conditioning, lighting, furnishing and attendance.
k. The installation of telephones for the Use of the Employer and the cost of his
telephone calls shall be given as a provisional sum.
2. Any other obligation or restriction such as restriction Upon the employment of laboUr,
restriction on the Use of radios by employees, restriction on the felling of trees, car
parking arrangements for the employees, etc.
Works, goods and materials by otbers
B.8 Works by nominated sub~contractors
1. Works which are required to be carried out by a nominated sub-contractor shall be given
as a prime cost sum. The name of the flrm to be nominated shall be given (if known)
together with a description of the sub-contract work.
2 An item shall be given in each case for general attendance which shall be deemed to
include the use of the Contractor's temporary roads, pavings and paths, standing
scaffolding, standing power operated hoisting plant, the provision of temporary lighting
and water supplies, clearing away rubbish, pnovision of space for the sub-contractor's
own offices and for the storage of his plant and materials and the use of messrooms,
sanitary accommodation and welfare facilities, which shall all be without charge to the
3. Other attendance on nominated sub-contractors where required shall be described and
given as an item in each case for:
a. Special scaffolding or scaffolding additional to the Contractor's standing scaffolding.
b. The provision of temporary access roads and hardstandings in connection with
structural steelwork, precast concrete components, piling, heavy items of plant and
the like.
c. Unloading, distributing, hoisting, placing in position giving in the case of significant
items the weight and/or size.
d. The provision of oovered storage and accommodation including lighting and power
e. Maintenance of specific temperature or humidity levels.
f. Any other attendance not included in this clause or in clause B.8.2.
4. Builder's work in connection with works by nominated sub-contractors shall be given in
accordance with the appropriate clauses of this document.
B.9 Goods and materials from nominated suppliers
1. Goods and matefials which are required to be obtained from a nominated supplier shall be
given as a prime cost sum. The name of the supplier to be nominated shall be given if
2. Fixing goods and materials shall be given in accordance with the appropriate clauses in
this document. Unloading, storing, hoisting the goods and materials and returning packing
materials to the nominated supplier carriage paid and obtaining credits therefor shall be
deemed to be included with the items for fixing. Particulars shall be given where the
Contractor is required to pay the costs of conveying goods and materials to the site and/or
of any special packing or simiiar requirements.
B.10 Works by government or statutory authorities
1. Works which are to be carried out by a government or statutory authority shall each be
given separately as a provisional or prime cost sum.
2. Works which are to be carried out by a government or statutory authority in accordanoe
with statutory obligations shall be described, stipulating the scope and timing of the work
and its effect on the Contractor's operations.
B.11 Works or goods and materials by the Employer
1 A description shall be given of works by others directly engaged by the Employer. Any
attendance required shall be given in accordance with clauses B.8.2 and 3.
2 A description shall be given of goods and materials provided by or on behalf of the
Employer Fixing goods and materials shall be given in accordance with B.9.2.
General facilities and obligations
B.12 Pricing
1 For convenience in pricing, items for the following if applicable shall be given. Maintaining
temporary works, adapting, clearing away and making good including any notices and
fees to government or statutory authorities related to the following items shall be deemed
to be included with the items.
a. Plant, tools and vehicles. Piling plant shall be given in accordance with Section E.
b. Scaffolding.
c Site administration and security.
d. Transport for workpeople.
e. Protection of work in all sections.
f. Water for the works. Particulars shall be given if water will be supplied by the
g Lighting and power for the works. Particulans shall be given if current will be
supplied by the Employer.
h. Temporary roads, hardstandings, crossings and similar items.
j. Temporary accommodation for the use of the Contractor.
k Temporary telephones for the use of the Contractor.
I. Traffic regulations.
m. Safety, health and welfare for the workpeople.
n. Disbursements arising from the employment of workpeople.
p. Maintenance of public and private roads.
q Removing rubbish, protecting casings and coverings and cleaning the works on
r. Drying the works.
s. Temporary fencing, hoardings, screens, fans planked footways, guardrails, gantries
and similar items.
t. Control of noise, pollution and all other statutory obligations.
u. Surety or performance bond.
v. Shop drawings, co-ordination and record drawings.
w. Schedules, charts and the like showing the progress, organisation of trades and
similar items
x Progress photographs.
y. Adjacent, surrounding, concurrent works, adjoining owners, liaison, etc.
z. Any other items or requirements.
B.13 Generally
Any provision or contingencies shall be given as a provisional sum.
C.1 Information
A general description of the work in this section shall be given. Work required to be carried out
by specific methods shall be described stating any limitations.
C.2 Demolition
1. The location of demolitions shall be given in the description of the items.
2. Old material arising from demolitions shall become the property of the Contractor unless
otherwise stated. Clearing away such old materials shall be deemed to be included with
the items. Provision shall be made in the bill of quantities for credits.
3. Old materials required to remain the property of the Employer shall so be descfibed.
Setting aside and storing such old materials on site shall be given in the description of the
4. Old materials permitted to be re=used in work measured as new shall be so described. No
adjustment shall be made to the measured quantities of new work in which such old
materials are re-used.
5. Any restrictions to be imposed by the Employer on the method of disposal of old materials
arising from demolitions shall be given in the description of the items.
6. Handling and disposal of toxic or other dangerous materials shall be described stating
each type of material.
C.3 Measurement
1. Demolishing individual structures (or parts thereog shall be given as items stating the
dimensions, except that clearing a site of all structures may be given as a single item. The
level or levels to which stnuctures (or parts thereog are to be demolished shall be stated.
Any remaining structures and finishings required to be made good shall be so described.
Leaving parts of old walls temporarily in position to act as buttresses shall be given in the
description of the items.
2. Cutting openings or recesses in existing stnuctures shall be given as items stating the size
of the opening or recess required, the type and thickness of the existing stnucture and the
treatment (e.g. insertion of trimmers, iintels, arches and sills) around the opening or
recess. Making good all parts of the structure disturbed shall be deemed to be included
with the items. Extending finishings and making good finishings disturbed shall be
included in the description.
3. Cutting back projections of existing structures and cutting to reduce thickness of existing
structures shall be given as items stating the dimensions and the nature of the existing
C.3 Measurement (cont'd)
4. Fitting and fixtUres (e.g. doors, windows, sanitary fittings, counters and cupboards)
required to be removed prior to demolition shall be given as items stating the size. Those
required to be set aside for re-fixing shall be so described. Existing structures or finishings
required to be made good shall be so described.
5. Removing engineering and plumbing installations shall be given as items stating the
nature of the installation. Existing structures or finishings required to be made good shall
be so described.
6. Removing finishings or coverings to existing structUres shall be given as items stating the
nature of the finishings or coverings and indicating the quantity.
7. Temporary screens and temporary roofs shall each be given separately in sqUare metres
or enumerated as may be appropriate. Weather proof screens and dust proof screens
shall be so described. Temporary arrangements for dealing with rainwater, temporary
doors, temporary windows and the like in screens shall be given in the description.
Clearing temporary work shall be deemed to be included with the items.
C.4 Shoring
1. Shoring and scaffolding incidental to demolition of individual structures (or parts thereof),
individual openings and/or recesses in existing structures and making good all work
disturbed by such shoring and scaffolding shall be deemed to be included with the items.
2. Shoring (other than that incidental to demolitions) shall be described and given as an item
stating the position and type of shoring and the nature of the structure to be shored.
Cutting holes in the structUre and making good all work distUrbed shall be given in the
description. Providing all necessary nails, wedges and bolts shall be deemed to be
inciUded with the items.
3. Separate items shall be given for the following:
a. Providing and erecting the shoring.
b. Maintaining the shoring.
c. Clearing away the shoring.
Note: Excavation in underpinning and drainage shall be given in accordance with Sections H and V.
D.1 Soil description
1. Particulars of the following shall be given:
a. Ground water level and the date when it was established, hereinafier described as
the pre-contract water level. The ground water level shall be re-established at the
time the various excavation works are carried out and is described hereinafter as
the post contract water level. Where ground water levels are subject to periodic
changes due to tidal or similar effects they shall be so described and the average of
the mean high and low levels given.
b. Trial pits or bore holes stating their location.
c. Over or underground services.
2. If the above information is not available a descfiption of the ground and strata which is to
be assumed shall be stated.
Site preparation
D.2 Removing hedges
Cutting down hedges and grubbing up their roots, which shall be deemed to include their
disposal, shall be given in metres stating the nature and height of each hedge or its location.
D.3 Clearing undergrowth
Clearing site of undergrowth, bushes, scrub and the like and grubbing up their roots, which shall
be deemed to include their disposal, shall be given in square metres.
D.4 Removing trees
Cutting down trees and grubbing up their roots, which shall be deemed to include their disposal,
shall be enumerated and classified in stages of 300mm girth (measured at height of 1.00m
above ground). Filling in voids, if required, afier removal of tree roots shall be given in the
D.5 Tree stumps
Removing existing tree stumps and grubbing up their roots which shall be deemed to include
their disposal, shall be enumerated and classified in stages of 300mm girth (measured at height
of 1.00m above ground or at their tops if lower in height). Filling in voids, if required, after
removal of tree roots shall be given in the descfiption.
D.6 Lifting turf
Lifting turf which is required to be preserved shall be given in square metres stating the method
of preservation and disposal.
D.7 Topsoil
Excavating topsoil which is required to be preserved shall be given in square metres stating the
average depth. Handling and disposal of topsoil shall be given in accordance with clauses D.17-
D.8 Alternative method of measurement
Cutting down trees and removing tree stumps (irrespective of girth) and grubbing up their roots,
which shall be deemed to include their disposal, may be given as an item stating the area.
Clearing of undergrowth within such areas and grubbing up their roots shall be given in the
D.9 Volume to be measured
The quantities given for excavating and subsequent disposal shall be the bulk before excavating
and no allowance shall be made for any subsequent variations to bulk or for any extra space
required to accommodate earthwork support, formwork for concrete and working space.
D.10 Depth classification
Depth of excavation shall unless otherwise required by this document be classified as follows:
Maximum depth not exceeding 0.25m
“ “ “ “ 1.00m
“ “ “ “ 2.00m
" " " “ 4.00m
and thereafter in 2.00m stages
D.11 Starting level
The starting level shall be the "ground level", "reduced level”, “formation level” or other such
levels from which excavation shall commence and the appropriate level shall be so stated and
D.12 Types of excavation
1. Excavation around piles shall be so described.
2. Excavation in rock shall be so described. Rock is dekned as any material met with in
excavation which is of such size or position that it can be removed only by means of
wedges, levers, special plant (power operated hammers, drills and chisels, special
attachment to mechanical plant such as rock buckets, rippers, hammers, chisels)
explosives or chemicals. Alternatively rock may be given as extra over each of the various
types of excavation.
3. Curved excavation shall be so described irrespective of radius.
4. Excavating to reduce level shall be given in cubic metres.
D.12 Types of excavation (cont'd)
5. Excavating basements and the like (measured to the outside of the foundations) shall be
given in cubic metres stating the starting level as clause D.11. Existing voids shall be
6. Excavating pits to receive bases of stanchions, columns, isolated piers and the like
(grouped together) shall be given in cubic metres stating the number and the starting level
as clause D.11. Excavating pits having both plan dimensions less than 1.25m shall be
given separately.
7. Excavating trenches to receive foundations shall be given in cubic metres, stating the
starting level as clause D.11.
8. Excavating for pile caps and trenches for ground beams between piles shall be given in
cubic metres stating the starting level, as clause D.11.
9. Excavating trenches to receive service pipes, cables and the like shall be given separately
in metres stating the starting level, as clause D.11 and the average depth to the nearest
0.25m. Details of type and size of service pipes, cables, earthwork support, grading
bottoms if required, filling in, compaction and disposal of surplus soil shall be given in
description of such trenches. If the trench is next to roadway, or next to existing buildings
or made in unstable ground (e.g. running silt, running sand and the like) these shall be
stated in the description.
10. Excavating around services crossing an excavation shall be enumerated and given as
extra over the various descriptions of excavations; details of type, size, depth of service
and iength exposed shall be given. Any temporary support to services shall be deemed to
be inciuded with the item.
11. Excavating alongside services or groups of services shall be given in metres as extra over
the various descriptions of excavation; details of type, size, depth of service shall be
given. Any temporary support to services shall be deemed to be included with the item.
Details of the type of service would include gas, water, electricity, telecommunication,
sewer, etc. If this information is available on a services drawing, then this should be made
12. Breaking up concrete, reinforced concrete, brick paving, tarmacadam and the like on the
surface of the ground shall each be given separately in square metres as extra over the
various description of excavation stating the thickness. In the case of service trenches
measured in accordance with clause D.12.9, this work shall be given in metres stating the
13. Breaking up concrete, reinforced concrete and the like met with in excavation shall each
be given separately in cubic metres irrespective of depth as extra over the various types
of excavation. In the case of service trenches measured in accordance with clause
D.12.9, this work shall be given in metres stating the thickness.
14. Excavating below ground water level as defined in clause D.1.1.a shall be given in cubic
metres as extra over all types of excavation irrespective of depth. If the post contract
water level differs from the pre-contract water level the measurements shall be revised in
accordance with the post contract water level.
Earthwork support
D.13 Generally
Sheet piling, contiguous piling, secant piling, ground anchors, diaphragm wall, soldier piling,
close timber piling and guniting shall each be given separately in accordance with the various
D.14 Definitions
Earthwork support shall be deemed to mean providing everything requisite to uphold the side of
excavation by whatever means necessary (other than interlocking driven sheet steel piling) and
shall be deemed to be inciuded with the various items of excavation. (Earthwork support
includes the use of timber planking and strutting, plywood trench sheeting, light steel trench
sheeting and strutting). Interlocking driven sheet steel piling is not covered by the terms
"Earthwork support” and where this is required by the design or specification not at the
Contractor's choice, it should be measured in accordance with Section E.
Disposal of water
D.15 Surface water
An item shall be given for keeping the surface of the site and the excavations free of surface
D.16 Water in the ground
Where excavation is measured below the water level in accordance with clause D.12.14, an
item shall be given for keeping the excavations free of ground water.
Disposal of excavated material
D.17 Multiple handling
Multiple handling of excavated materials and transporting about the site shall be deemed to be
included with the items of final disposal. Multiple handling which is specifically required shall be
given in the description of disposal items.
D.18 Disposal on site
Excavated materials to be deposited on site in permanent spoil heaps or spread on site shall
each be given in cubic metres stating any requirements for the location of such deposits or the
average distance from the excavation in metres or kilometres.
D.19 Disposal off site
Excavated materiais to be removed from the site shall be given in cubic metres and so
described and the provision of a shoot, dump or tip including payment for royalties, fees, levies
and other charges shall be deemed to be included with the items unless otherwise stated.
D.20 Topsoil spread on site
Preserved and imported topsoil spread on site shall be so described and given in accordance
with ciause D.26.
D.21 Topsoil for re-use
Preserved topsoil deposited in temporary spoil heap for re-use shall be given in cubic meters
and so described stating any requirements for the location of such deposits or the average
distance from the excavation in meters or kilometers.
D.22 Topsoil removed from site
Preserved topsoil to be removed from site shall be so described and given separately in
accordance with clause D.19
D23. Classification for filling materials
1 Filling materials shall be classified as follows:
a. Material arising from the excavations.
b. Material arising from excavations which is specified to be selected or treated.
Details of selection or treatment shall be given.
c. Material to be obtained off site. Details of type and source of supply, if a particular
source is required to be used, shall be given.
D.24 Measurement
Filling shall be measured as equal to the void to be filled. Any thickness stated shatl be deemed
to be the thickness after compacting. Compacting and treating surfaces of filling including
forming slopes and finishing to falls and cambers shall be deemed to be included with the
various items of filling except for hand packing hardcore which shall be measured in accordance
with clauses D.28 and D.29.
D.25 Filling to excavations
Filling to excavations other than to service trenches (D. 12.9) shall be given in cubic metres.
D.26 Filling to make up levels
Filling to make up levels over 250mm thick shall be given in cubic metres. Such filling not
exceeding 250mm thick shall be given in square metres stating the average thickness.
D.27 Filling deposited and compacted in layers
Filling required to be deposited and compacted in layers shall be so described stating the
maximum thickness of the layers.
D.28 Hand packing hardcore and the like to faces
Hand-packing hardcore and the like to form vertical or battering faces over 0.25m high shall be
grouped together and given in square metres. Such work not exceeding 0.25m high shall be
given in metres stating the height.
D.29 Hand packing hardcore and the like to sinkings
Hand-packing hardcore and the like to form sinkings shall be given in metres or enumerated as
appropriate stating the size. No deduction of hardcore shall be made.
D.30 Surface treatment
1. All levelling, grading and compacting bottoms and trimming of sides of excavation and
formation of slope shall be deemed to be included with the various items of excavation.
2. Applying herbicides, pesticides, etc. shall be given separately in square metres describing
the kind, quality of materials and the rate of application (e.g. anti-termite treatment).
D.31 Trimming rock surface
Trimming sides of excavation in rock to produce fair exposed faces shall be given in square
metres. Curved work shall be so described.
D.32 Blinding
Blinding with sand or similar fine material shall be described and given in square metres.
Concrete blinding shall be given in accordance with Section F.
D.33 Puddle lining
Puddle lining to ponds, lakes, etc. over 300mm thick shall be given in cubic metres stating the
method of application and any preparatory work. Such work not exceeding 300mm shall be
given in square metres stating the thickness.
D.34 Geotextiles
Geotextiles shall be given in square metres measured the area in contact with the base stating
the type or grade of material, laps and method of jointing. Horizontal, raking, vertical and curved
work shall be so described.
E.1 Information
1. Drawings shall be sUpplied with the bill of quantities which show:
a. The general piling layout.
b. The positioning of different types of pile.
c. The positions of the work within the site and of existing services.
E.2 Soil description
1. The nature of the ground shall be given in accondance with clause D.1.1.
2. Where work is to be carried out near canals, rivers, etc. or tidal waters the levels of the
ground in relation to the nommal levels of the canal or river etc. or to the mean levels of
high and low tidal watens shall be stated. Flood levels shall be stated where applicable.
E.3 Starting levels
1. The levels from which the work is expected to begin and from which measurements have
been taken shall be stated. Irregular ground shall be so described.
E.4 Plant
1. The following items shall be given separately for each type of pile identified in accordance
with clause E.5.1:
a. An item shall be given for bringing to site and removing fnom site all plant required
for this section of work.
b. An item shall be given for maintaining on site ail plant required for this section of the
E.5 Piling description and measurement
1. The following types of piling operation shall each be given under a separate heading
together with all ancillary worh:
a. Bored cast-in-place concrete piles.
b. Driven shell cast-in-place concrete pites.
c. Pre-fommed concrete piles.
d. Pre-fommed prestressed concrete piles.
e. Pre-formed concrete sheet piles.
f. Timber piles.
g. Isolated steel piles.
h. Interlocking steel piles.
j. Other piles.
E.5 Pillig description and measurement (cont'd)
Within the classifications the following shall each be given separately:
(i) Preliminary piles.
(ii) Test piles.
(iii) ContiguoUs bored piles
(iv) Raking piles according to angle of rake in increments of 10°. The inclination
corresponding to the rake angle increments, stated as the ratio of horizontal
displacement to vertical distanoe are as follows:
Inclination angle Ratio
10° 1 in 5.6715
20° 1 in 2.7475
30° 1 in 1.7320
40° 1 in 1.1917
(v) Piles to be extracted shall be identified and given separately.
2. Within the classifications provided in accordance with claUse E.5.1, items shall be given in
accordanoe with clauses E.5.3-5 grouped under sub-headings which state the following:
a. nominal cross sectional size.
b. the materials of which the piles are composed and in the case of steel piles, the
nominal weight per metre (the materials of which piles are composed should not be
taken to mean only some of the materials in a pile. For example: if a timber pile is to
be ringed, this together with the details of the requirements should be stated.
Similarty, precise definitions of grades of steel and of concrete mixes are required.)
3. For piles other than cast-in-place concrete and interlocking steel piles, items shall be
given for:
a. The total number of piles stating the specified length. The size and weight of heads
and shoes shall be stated in the description.
b. The total driven depth given in metres.
4. In the case of cast-in-place concrete piles, items shall be given for:
a. The total number of piles.
b. The total concreted length of the piles given in metres.
c. The total driven or bored depth given in metres stating the maximum depth.
5. In the case of interlocking steel piles, items shall be given for:
a. The total area of piles given in square metres classified into the following ranges of
piles length:
Not exceeding 12.00m
12.00m - 24.00m
exceeding 24.00m
b. The total driven area of the piles given in square metres.
c. Corner, junction, closure and taper piles, where specifically required, shall each be
given in metres as extra over.
E.5 Piling descripfion and measurement (con t'd)
6. The following items shall be given in metres as extra over the items for piling:
a. Boring through rock stating the anticipated strata.
b. Permanent casing stating the thickness and type.
c. Placing concrete by tremie pipe which shall be deemed to include for any
adjustment to concrete mix proportions required.
7. In the case of pile extensions, items shall be given for:
a. The total number of pile extensions.
b. The total length of pile extensions given in metres classified into the following
ranges of pile length:
Not exceeding 3.00m
exceeding 3.00m
8. The following shall be given in metres:
a. Pre-boring where specifically required.
b. Backfilling empty bores stating the type of backfilling matefial.
c. Jetting where specifically required.
d. Filling hollow piles with concrete, stating the specification of the concrete and
whether reinforced.
e. The horizontal length of cutting interlocking piles to remove tops.
9. The following shall be enumerated:
a. Cutting off tops of isolated piles to required levels which shall be deemed to include
provision and backfilling of any working space required.
b. Preparing concrete pile heads and reinforcement for capping.
c. Forming enlarged bases stating their maximum diameter.
d. Cutting interlocking steel piles to form holes.
E.6 Reinforcement
Steel reinforcement in piles shall be given in accordance with Section F.
E.7 Tests
Items shall be given for tests of piles stating the details. Provision and maintenance of all
necessary equipment, instruments and record keeping shall be deemed to be included.
E.8 Quantities
The quantities for piling work shall be calculated as follows:
a. The specified length for pre-formed concrete, timber and steel piles shall be those which
the Contractor is instructed to provide. Handling, transporting and pitching each length of
pile shall be deemed to be included with the piling items.
E.8 Quantities (cont’d)
b. The driven or bored depth of each pile shall be measured from the level stated in
accordance with clause E.3 to the bottom of the toe, to the bottom of the driven casing or
to the bottom of the bored shaft, The measurement for the total driven depth includes for
driving extended piles.
c. The concreted length measUred for cast-in-place piles shall be from cut -off level
specifically reqUired to toe level specifically required and shall include enlarged bases
d. The areas measured for interlocking steel piling shall be based on the mean length
measured on the centre line of the piling, over all corner, junction, taper and closure piles.
e. The measurement of pile extensions shall not include lengths formed of material arising
from cutting off surplus lengths of other piles. It shall deem to include the work necessary
to attach the extension to the pile.
f. Disposal of surplus excavated material including surplus piles arising from piling
operations shall be deemed to be included with the piling items.
Diaphragm walls
E.9 Information
1. Drawings shall be supplied with the bills of quantities which show:
a. The arrangement of diaphragm walls and their relationship to surrounding buildings.
b. The depths. lengths and thickness of diaphragm walls.
E.10 Soil description
The nature of the ground shall be given in accordance with clause D.1.1.
E.11 Plant
1. An item shall be given for bringing to site and removing from site all plant required for this
section of the work.
2. An item shall be given for maintaining on site all plant required for this section of the work.
E.12 Diaphragm wall description
1 Items for work in diaphragm walls shall be grouped together under an appropriate
2. Excavation for diaphragm walls shall be given in cubic metres stating the thickness of the
wall and maximum depth. Details of support fluid shall be given in the description.
3. The volume of excavation shall be calculated from the nominal lengths and depths of the
walls. The depths shall be taken from the level at which the work of excavation is
expected to begin and in accordance with clause E.3. Additional excavation to
accommodate guide walls or to provide working space and disposal of material so
excavated shall be deemed to be included.
4. Excavation in rock and excavation in artificial hard material shall each be given sepanately
in cubic metres stating the nature of the anticipated strata and of the material.
Alternatively such work shall be given as extra over the excavation.
E.12 Diaphgram wall description (cont’d)
5. Disposal of excavated matefials shall be given in cubic metres in accordance with clauses
D.18 and D.19.
6. Concrete in diaphragm walls shall be given in cubic metres stating the wall thickness and
the specification of the concrete mix. The depth use in calculation of volume shall be
measured from the levels speciflcally required. The volume of concrete measUred shall
include that occupied by reinforcement, other metal sections, cast-in components each
less than 0.10m3 in volume, rebates, f llets and internal splays each less than 0.005m3 in
cross-sectional area and pockets and holes not exceeding 0.50m2 in cross-sectional area.
7. Trimming and cleaning the faces of diaphragm walls shall be given in sqUare metres
stating the finish required.
8. Reinforcement for diaphragm walls shall be given in accordance with Section F. The
weight of reinforcement measured shall include the additional weight of stiffening, lifting
and supporting steel cast in.
9. Waterproof joints in diaphragm walls if specif cally required shall be fully described and
given as an item.
10. Guide walls for diaphragm walls shall be given in metres measured as the length of
diaphragm wall constnucted and stating any limitations on the design and construction of
the guide walls.
l l. Prepafing the tops of walls and reinforcement to receive cappings shall be given in metres
stating the thickness.
12. Ancillary work in connection with diaphragm walling shaD be given as follows:
a. Preparing cast in pockets or chases at junction shall be given in metres or
altematively as an item stating the details required. Removal of formwork and
preparing cast in reinforcement shall be deemed to be inciUded with the item.
b. Removal of gUide walls shall be given in metres stating the limitation on method of
disposal. Removal of gUide walls is deemed to inciUde disposal.
In-situ concrete
F.1 Generally
1. Particulans of the following shall be given:
a. Kind and quality of materials for concrete.
b. Tests required of the materials.
c. Tests required of the finished work.
d. Mix or strength requirements of the concrete.
2. Reinforced work shall be so described.
3. Concrete designed to be waterproof shall be described stating the measures to be
4. Any requirements or restrictions as to the nature of the pour shall be given in the
descriptions of the work concerned.
5. Concrete required to be placed by a particular method, poured at a stated speed,
compacted or cured in a panticular way shall each be so described.
6. Concrete other than beds, poured against faces of excavation and beds laid on eanth or
hardcore shall each be so described.
7. Beds, slabs or other members to receive a further finish to be applied while the base is in
an unset condition, laid to slopes not exceeding 15° from horizontal or laid to slope over
15° from the horizontal shall each be so described.
8. Concrete shall be measured as carried out but no deduction shall be made for the
a. Volume of any steel embedded in the concrete.
b. Voids due to boxed or tubular steelwork not exceeding 0.05m2 sectional area.
c. Voids not exceeding 0.05m3 other than voids in soffits of troughed or coffered slabs.
9. Work required to be designed by the contractor shall be given in accordance with clauses
F.41 - 45.
10. Work of composite in-situ and precast construction shall be given in accordance with
clause F26.
11. Prestressed in-situ concrete shall be given in accordance with clauses F.34 - 40.
F.2 Classification of size
1. Where the thickness is reqUired to be stated in accordance with this clause, the
classification shall be in one of the following categories:
Not exceeding 100mm
exceeding 300mm
2. The stated thickness of walls, beds and slabs shall exclude projections or recesses of any
kind. For coffered or troughed slabs see clause F.3.10.
F.3 Concrete categories
1. All members, unless otherwise stated, shall be given in cubic metres and described in the
categories set out in clause F.3.2-21.
2. Foundations in trenches, which shall be deemed to include column or pier bases which
are not isolated.
3. Isolated foundation bases to columns and piers, stating the number.
4. Casings to steel grillages, stating the number.
5. Ground beams.
6. Casings to steel ground beams.
7. Pile caps, stating the number.
8. Beds, which shall be deemed to include thickening but to exclude upstands, stating the
thickness as clause F.2.1. Beds forming roads, footpaths and pavings shall each be so
9. Suspended slabs, which shall be deemed to include thickenings but to exclude upstands,
stating the thickness as clause F.2.1.
10. Coffered or troughed slabs shall be given separately and so descfibed, stating the overall
thickness as clause F.2.1. The volume of troughs or coffers shall be deducted. Solid
concrete not exceeding SOOmm wide to ribs or margins of troughed or coffered slabs
shall be deemed to be included with the items but similar work over 500mm wide shall be
given separately in accordance with clause F.3.9.
11. Upstands, kerbs, copings, sills and the like (excluding wall and column kickers).
12. Walls which are deemed to include kickers, attached columns and pilasters, stating the
thickness as clause F.2.1. Retaining walls shall be so described and given separately.
13. Fascias, fins and the like, stating the thickness as clause F.2.1.
14. Beams, casings to steel beams, isolated beams and casings to isolated steel beams shall
each be given separately.
F.3 Concrete categories (cont'd)
15. Isolated columns and isolated casings to steel columns which shall be deemed to include
kickers, shall be each given separately. Isolated columns shall be so defined when their
length on plan does not exceed four times their thickness
16. Steps and staircases which shall be deemed to include strings and associated landings.
17. Tops and cheeks of dormers, stating the thickness as clause F.2.1.
18. Filling to hollow walls, stating the thickness as clause F.2.1.
19. Machine bases, plinths and the like, stating the number.
20. Filling to pockets of a volume exceeding 0.10m3 stating the number.
21. Filling to pockets of a volume not exceeding 0.10m3 shall be enumerated irrespective of
F.4 Joints
1 Day joints shall be deemed to be included in the work.
2. Designed joints including those required to be of special profile or which incorporate water
stops, expansion or compression jointing material or which are required in the formation of
bays shall be given in metres or where of complex shape may be enumerated. Designed
joints occurring at the boundaries of the work shall be so described. Particulars of the
following shall be given in the description:
a. Formwork.
b. Treatment of reinforcement crossing the joint.
c. Water-stop, expansion or compression jointing and pointing material.
3. Welded or purpose-made angles or intersections of water-stops or expansion or
compression jointing material shall be described and enumerated. All other angles
intersections and ends shall be deemed to be included.
F.5 Finishes cast on to concrete
Granolithic, cast stone, terrazzo, mosaic, etc. hnishes (measured on the exposed face) which
are cast on to concrete by lining formwork shall be so described, distinguishing between sides,
soffits and upper surfaces and given in square metres as extra over the concrete stating the mix
and the thickness of the finish.
F.6 Labours on concrete
1. Labours on concrete shall be grouped with the work concerned, stating, where specitcally
required, whether on set or unset concrete.
2. Curved labours on concrete irrespective of radius shall be deemed to be included.
3. Treating the surface of unset concrete beyond the ordinary depositing, spreading and
levelling shall be described and given separately in square metres for each type of
F.3 Labours on concrete (cont'd)
4, Working concrete around pipes or cables of panel-heating systems shall be measured the
area of the system and given in square metres as extra-over the concrete work
5. Hacking faces of concrete shall be given in square metres stating the purpose for which
the key is required.
6. Grinding, sand-blasting and similar treatments to the face of concrete shall each be given
separately in square metres. Such work required with margins of a different finish shall be
so described, giving in addition the total length of such area abutting margins. Such work
to soff ts shall be so described and where over 3.50m high shall be kept separate stating
the height in further stages of 1.50m.
7. For the formation of channels, chases, pockets and holes in unset concrete, see
Formwork section.
8. Channels and chases in concrete which are required to be cut shall be given in metres.
9. Mortices, pockets and holes in concrete which are required to be cut shali be enumerated
and described. Any subsequent grouting shall be inciUded in the description stating the
mix of grout unless measured elsewhere.
10. Making good in connection with channels, chases, mortices, pockets and holes where
required shall be given in the respective description.
F.7 Sundries
1. Grouting under steel stanchion bases and under steel gfillages shall be given separately
in square metres stating the mix of the grout and the number of bases or grillages.
2. Anchor bolts and other fixing devices shall be enumerated and described, stating where
cast into concrete. Temporary boxings or wedges to form holes or mortices shall be
enumerated. Any cutting of concrete and making good for the devices shall be given in
accordance with clauses F.6.9-10. The separate parts of any two part connecting devices
shall be given with the structural works to which they relate.
3. Guniting shall be given in square metres stating the thickness. The kind and quality of
materials, preparatory wofik and method of application and finish shall be so descfibed.
F.8 Bar reinforcement
1. Particulans of the following shall be given:
a. Kind and quality of steel.
b. Section of bars if other than plain circular.
c. Tests of bars.
d. Restrictions of bending.
2. Bar reinforcement shall be given in kilogrammes or tonnes stating the diameters. Each
diameter shall be given separately.
F.8 Bar reinforrement (cont'd)
3. Cutting to lengths, bends, hooks, tying wire, distance blocks, ordinary spacens and chairs
shall be deemed to be included. No allowance in calculating the weight of reinforcement
shall be made for tying wire, ordinary spacers or rolling margin.
4. Classification of bar reinforcement shall be as follows:
a. In foundations, which shall be deemed to include column and pier bases, ground
beams, pile caps and the like.
b. In ground slabs, which shall be deemed to include beds, roads, footpaths and
c. In suspended slabs which shall be deemed to include attached beams, upstand,
kerbs and lintels.
d. In walls, which shall be deemed to include columns.
e. In casings to steel columns and beams (grouped together).
f. In steps, staircases and strings and associated landings (grouped together).
9 In tops and cheeks of dormens.
h. In machine bases.
j. In isolated columns, beams and lintels (grouped together).
5. Within each of the above categories the following shall be shown separately:
a. Straight and bend bars, which shall be deemed to include hooked bars (grouped
b. Curved bars irrespective of radius.
c. Links, stirrups, binders and the like (grouped together).
d. Spacers and chairs not at the Contractor's choice (grouped together).
6. Horizontal bars and bars sloping not more than 30° from the horizontal (grouped together)
over 12.00m long shall be so described stating the length in further stages of 3.00m.
7. Vertical bars and bars sloping more than 30° from the horizontal (grouped together) over
6.00m long shall be so described stating the length in further stages of 3.00m.
F.9 Fabric reinforcement
1. Particulars of the following shall be given:
a. Kind and quality of steel.
b. Section of bars making up the fabric if other than plain circular.
c. Tests of fabric.
d. Restrictions on bending.
2 Fabric reinforcement shall be measured as the area covered. No allowance shall be made
for laps and no deductions shall be made for voids not exceeding 1.00m2. Tying wire and
distance blocks shall be deemed to be included.
3. Fabric reinforcement shall be given in square metres stating the mesh, the weight per
square metres and the minimum extent of sides and end laps. Classification shall be in
accordance with clause F.8.4.
4. Strips required to be in one width (including those in foundations to walls, tension strips to
floors and roofs, etc.) shall be given in metres stating the width, the mesh, the weight per
square metre, the direction of main bars and the minimum extent of end laps.
F.9 Fabric reinforcement (cont'd)
5. Self-centering fabric reinforcement shail be so described. Temporary strutting shall be
given in the description and where exceeding 3.50m high shall be so described stating the
height in further stages of 1.50m.
6. Raking cutting and curved cutting shall be deemed to be included with the items.
7. Bending fabric reinforcement and notching fabric reinforcement around obstructions shall
be deemed to be included in the items
F.10 Generally
1. Formwork shall be grouped in the following categories:
a. Foundations and beds.
b. Slabs, staircases and associated features.
c. Walls and associated features.
d. Isolated features.
2. The following shall be deemed to be included in formwork:
a All necessary boardings, supports, erecting, framing, cutting perforations for pipes,
angles, cleaning, wetting and treatment with mould oil, mould liquid or limewhite and
the like.
b. All notching, allowances for overlaps and passing at angles, battens, strutting,
bolting, wedging, easing, striking and removal.
c. Forming chamfered edges or splayed internal angles not exceeding 50mm wide.
d. Raking and curved cutting.
e. Cutting and fitting around projecting pipes, continuity bars and the like.
f. Opening not exceeding 1.00m girth.
3. Formwork shall be measured to the surfaces of the finished structure which requires to be
temporarily supported during the deposition of the concrete.
4. No deductions shall be made for voids not exceeding 1.00m2.
5. Formwork coated with a retarding agent shall be so described.
6. Fonmwork that is of a permanent character and to be leh in shall be so described.
(Formwork left in is that which is not designed to remain in position but is nonetheless
impossible to remove. Permanent formwork is that which is designed to remain in
7. Formwork to curved surfaces shall be described stating the geometrical nature and the
radius or radii.
8. Fommwork to soffits less than 1.00m high shall be so described.
9. Formwork to somts or soffits of beams over 3.50m high shall be so described stating the
height in further stages of 1.50m.
F.10 Generally (cont'd)
10 Any requirements as to special surfaces features of the concrete face shall be given and
where such requirements apply to part only of the work the finish shall be so described.
Lining material which is required to be left in position as a finish shall be so described
stating the method of securing to the concrete.
F.11 Formwork to foundation and beds
1. Formwork to edges and faces of foundations (which shall be deemed to include bases,
pile caps and beds) and formwork to ground beams where exceeding 1.00m high shall
each be given separately in square metres. Where not exceeding 1.00m high they shall
be given in metres stating the height in the following categories:
Not exceeding 250mm high
250mm-500mm high
500mm-1.00m high
2. Formwork to kickers for walls shall be given in metres. Where one or both sides of
formwork to kickers is suspended this shall be stated. Where the height of a kicker is at
the discretion of the contractor this shall be stated.
F.12 Formwork to slabs, staircases and landings
1. Formwork to soffits of slabs, staircases and landings shall each be given in square
metres. Classification shall be as follows:
a. Horizontal.
b Sloping not exceeding 15° from the horizontal.
c. Sloping over 15° from horizontal.
2. Formwork to soffits of solid slabs exceeding 200mm thick shall be given separately in
square metres and the thickness in stages of 100mm.
3. Formwork to sloping upper surfaces of slabs where more than 15° from horizontal shall be
measured in square metres.
4. Formwork to soffits of coffered, troughed or similar shaped slabs shall be described and
given in square metres. Such work shall be measured as to a plain surface, the profiles or
pan type and size being stated. Formwork to ribs or margins of coffered or troughed slabs
not exceeding 500mm wide shall be included with the items. Where such work exceeds
500mm wide formwork shall be given separately in accordance with clause F.12.1 or 2.
5. Formwork to edges of slabs (where not associated with downstand beams or projecting
eaves), steps in tops of slabs, steps in soffts of slabs and to risers to staircases shall each
be given in metres stating the depth in the following categories:
Not exceeding 250mm deep
250mm-500mm deep
Where exceeding 500mm deep the depth shall be stated.
The prohle or height at each end in the case of tapering surfaces shall be given.
Formwork to edges of staircase flights shall be given in metres stating the maximum
F.12 Formwork to slabs, staircases and landings (cont'd)
6. Formwork to ends and perimeters of openings exooeding 1.00m girth shall each be given
in metres stating the width in the foilowing categories:
Not exceeding 250mm wide
250mm-500mm wide
Where exoeeding 500mm wide the width shall be stated.
The profile or width at each end in the case of tapering surfaces shall be given.
F.13 Formwork to walls
1. Formwork to faces of walls shall be given in square metres and stating whether vertical or
battered. Formwork inside stair wells and lifts wells shall each be given separately.
2. Vertical surfaces requifing formwork exoeeding 3.50m high shall be given as extra over
the formwork in which they occur.
3. Where formwork is required to one side of a wall only this shall be stated and the method
of upholding the other face shall be given in the descfiption.
4. No deduction of formwork shall be made for kickers.
5. Fommwork to ends, sloping tops or soffits of walls and also to the pefimeters of openings
exceeding 1.00m girth (where not associated with oolumns) shall each be given in metres
stating the width in the following categories:
Not exceeding 250mm wide
250mm-500mm wide
Where exoeeding 500mm wide the width shall be stated.
The profile or width at each end in the case of tapefing surfaces shall be given.
F.14 Formwork to beams, casings, cantilevers and the like
1. Formwork to sides and soffits of beams, beam casing, cantilevens and the like shall be
given separately in square metres. Classification shall be as follows:
a Horizontal.
b Sloping not exceeding 15° from horizontal.
c. Sloping over 15° from horizontal.
2. In the case of tapering members the size at each end shall be given.
3. Formwork to secondary beams shall be measured up to the sides of main beams, but no
deduction shall be made from the formwork of the main beam where the secondary beam
intersects it.
4. Formwork to beams which intensect with stanchion casings or columns shall be measured
up to them on all sides. No deduction shall be made from the formwork to stanchion or
column casings at these intersections.
5. Formwork to ends shall be deemed to be included with the items.
F.14 Formwork to beams, casings, cantilevers and the like (cont'd)
6. Formwork to edges of slabs in association with the beams or beam casings shall be given
with the beam or beam casing formwork.
7. Formwork to sloping Upper surfaces of beams shall be measured where more than 15°
from horizontal.
F.15 Formwork to pilasters and columns
1. Formwork to pilasters (which shall be deemed to include attached columns and attached
column casings grouped together) and fommwork to isolated columns and column
casings, defined as columns and column casings not contiguous with a wall and where
their length on plan does not exceed four times their thickness shall each be given
separately in square metres.
2. Formwork to edges of openings in association with columns shall be given with the
column formwork.
3. In the case of tapering members the size at each end shall be given.
4. No deductions shall be made for beam intersections.
5. Formwork to ends of members shall be deemed to be included with the items.
F.16 Formwork to ancillary and associated features to slabs, walls, etc.
1. Formwork to projections (which shall be deemed to include comices and moulding) and
recesses shall be given separately in metres. The size and shape of such members shall
be given. Formwork to ends shall be deemed to be included with the items. Classification
shall be as follows:
a. Horizontal.
b. Sloping not exceeding 15 from horizontal.
c. Sloping over 15° from horizontal.
2. Formwork to complex or shaped members, isolated corbels and pilaster heads shall each
be adequately described and enumerated.
3. Formwork to sides and soffits of strings, copings, sills and projecting eaves and to sides of
upstands, kerbs and the like shall each be given separately in square metres. In the case
of tapering members the size at each end shall be given. Classification shall be as follows:
a. Horizontal.
b. Sloping not exceeding 15° from horizontal.
c. Sloping over 150 from horizontal.
4. Formwork to sloping upper surfaces of items in clause F.16.3 shall be measured where
more than 15 degrees from horizontal.
5. Formwork to tops and cheeks of dormers shall be given in square metres in accordance
with clauses F.12-13.
6. Formwork to fascias, fins and the like shall each be given separately in square metres in
accordance with clauses F.14-15.
F.16 Formwork to ancillary and associated features to slabs, wells, etc. (cont'd)
7. Formwork to edges and faces of machine bases, ptinths and the like where exceeding
1.00m high shall each be given separately in square metres. Where not exceeding l.OOm
high they shall be given in metres stating the height in the following categories:
Not exceeding 250mm high
250mm - 500mm high
500mm – 1.00m high
Precast concrete
F.17 Generally
1. Precast units including floors shall be given under an appropriate heading and shall
unless otherwise required be enumerated.
2. Particulars of the following shall be given:
a. Mix or strength requirements of the concrete.
b. Kind, quality and size of reinforcement.
c. Nature and extent of surfooe finish.
d. Jointing and bedding materials.
e. Method of fixing.
3. Formwork or moulds for precast units shall be deemed to be included with the terms.
4. Work required to be designed by the oontractor shall be given in accordance with clauses
F.41- 45.
5. Prestressed precast units shall be given in accordance with clauses F.34~40.
F.18 Copings, kerbs, lintels, etc.
1. Standard or stock pattern copings, kerbs, channels, lintels, cornices, string-courses, sills
other similar units end-jointed to form continuous runs shall each be given separately in
metres stating the size and catalogue or other reference number. Curved members shall
be so described stating the mean radius. Fair ends, rounded ends, angles, intersections
and the like shall be deemed to be included with the items.
2. Purpose-made copings, kerbs, channels, lintels, cornices, string-courses, sills and other
similar units of length to be determined by the Contractor endjointed to form continuous
runs shall be measured in accordance with clause F.18.1. Where the individual units are
required to be of specific lengths, they shall be given in accordanoe with clause F.21.
3. Padstones, heelstones, isolated ventilating grilles and the like shall each be enumerated
separately stating the size.
F.19 Steps and landings
Steps (other than spandrils steps and winders) shall be given in metres, stating the number.
Spandril steps, winders and landings shall each be enumerated separately stating the extreme
F.20 Pavement and roof lights
Pavement and roof lights shall each be enumerated separately, stating the method of bedding
and jointing.
F.21 Standard or purpose~made units
1. The catalogue or other reference number of standard or stock patterns units shall be
2. Except in the case of items which can be adequately described, the description of each
purposemade unit shall be accompanied by drawn information in acoordance with clause
A.5 showing the size and shape of the unit.
F.22 Tiles or slabs
Precast concrete tiles or slab finishings to floors and walls shall be given in accordance with
Section S.
F.23 Temporary supports
Where the design of precast units requires temporary support afier placing in position details of
the requirements shall be given in the description and the conditions for the removal of the
supports stated.
F.24 Cast stone
Cast stone shall be given in accordance with Section J.
F.25 Fixings
1. Dowels, cramps and other fixing devices shall be enumerated and described stating
where cast into concrete.
2 Cutting of concrete and making good shall be measured in accordance with clauses F.6.9
-10. The separate parts of two part connecting devices shall be given with the structural
work to which they relate.
Composite construction
Composite construction refers to the oombination within a member (slab, beam, wall, etc.) of in-
situ and precast work. (Precast ooncrete mullions within an otherwise in-situ frame would not be
composite construction because the members are totally precast).
F.26 Generally
1. Members of composite in-situ and precast construction shall be given separately under a
heading in which the construction shall be described indicating the inter-relation of the
different parts of the work,
2. The in-situ and precast work shall each be measured in acoordance with clauses F.1- 7
and clauses F.17 - 25 respectively. Ribs or margins shall be given in accordanoe with
clauses F.3.10.
3. Prestressed work shall be measured in acoordanoe with clauses F.34 - 40.
F.26 Generally (cont'd)
4. Slabs required to be designed by the contractor shall be given in accordance with clauses
Hollow-block suspended construction
F.27 Generally
1. Hollow-block suspended construction and its reinforcement and associated formwork shall
be given under an appropriate heading.
2. Work required to be designed by the contractor shall be given in accordance with clauses
F.28 Slabs
1. Suspended slabs shall be given in square metres, stating the thickness. Solid concrete
work and filling ends of blocks shall be deemed to be inciuded with the items. Solid
concrete work to margins and the like exceeding 500mm wide shail be given separately in
cubic metres in accordance with clause F.3.9.
2. Particulars of the following shall be given:
a. Mix or strength requirements of concrete for fibs, margins and topping.
b. Overall thickness of slab.
c Size and type of blocks.
d Distance between centres of rows of biocks.
e. Size and type of slip tiles to soffits of concrete fibs between blocks.
f. Finish to top of slab and exposed soffit of blocks and concrete ribs. :
3. Classification shall be as follows:
a. Hofizontal.
b. Sloping not exceeding 15° from horizontal.
c. Sloping over 15° from horizontal.
F.29 Beams and kerbs
1. Concrete beams and casings to steel supporting beams (measured below the slab) shall
be given in accordance with clause F.3.14.
2. Kefibs shall be given in metres stating the size.
F.30 Labours
Labours shall be given in accordance with clause F.6.
F.31 Reinforcement
Reinforcement shall be given in accordance with clauses F.8-9.
F.32 Fixing slips and metal clips
Fixing-slips, metal-clips and similar items shall each be enumerated separately stating the
method of fixing.
F.33 Formwork
Formwork shall be given in accordance with clauses F.10-16.
Prestressed concrete work
F.34 Generally
1. Concrete members shall be classified as prestressed concrete work where a stress is
artificially induced in the concrete by means of tendons tensioned before working loads
are applied.
2. Prestressed concrete work and its reinforcement and associated formwork shall be given
under an appropriate heading.
3. Work reqUired to be designed by the Contractor shall be given in accordance with clauses
F.41 -45.
4. Work of composite construction shall be given in accordance with clause F.26.
5. A brief description of the prestressed work stating the method of tensioning shall be given.
Location drawings showing the prestressing arrangements shall be provided except where
stress is to be applied over the fuII length of a concrete member by means of continuous
tendons running between the ends of the member.
6. Except in the case of standard or stock-pattern members particulars of the following shall
be glven:
a. Materials of which the wires are composed, their diameters and details of any
preparatory treatment.
b. NUmbers of wires to be tensioned simultaneously.
c. Amount of tension to be applied to the wires.
d. Strength of concrete reqUired at transfer of stress.
e. Tests.
f. Cutting off and treating the ends of wires.
7. Where tendons are tensioned after the concrete is cast (post-tensioned) particulars of the
following shall be given:
a. The type of jack used.
b. Details of anchorages and anchorage fittings.
c. Whether tensioning is carried oUt from one or both ends of tendons.
F.35 In situ concrete members
1. In-situ concrete members shall be given in accordance with clauses F.1-7.
2. Members not cast in a continuous length shall be so described stating the nUmber and
average length of separately cast sections.
F.35 In-situ concrete members (cont’d)
3. Construction joints between sections shall be enumerated.
F.36 Reinforcement to in-situ concrete members
Reinforcement shali be given in accordance with clauses F.8-9.
F.37 Formwork to in situ concrete members
1 Formwork shall be given in accordance with clauses F.10-16 subject to the following:
a. Additional requirement for supporting formwork shall be so described.
b. Formwork to pre-tensioned and post-tensioned work shall each be so described.
c. Temporary restraints required for tensioning shall be given in the descriptions of
items for formwork.
2. Formwork for anchorage pockets shall be enumerated stating the size and shape.
3. Formwork to temporary construction joints shail be enumerated stating the section profile
of the abutting units.
F.38 Precast concrete units
1. Precast concrete generally shall be given in accordance with clause F.17.
2 Precast concrete units shall be given in accordance with clauses F.21 and F.23.
3. Precast units shall be classified as follows:
a. Pre-tensioned. :
b. Post-tensioned before erection.
c. Post-tensioned after erection. Self-supporting before and after tensioning.
d. Post-tensioned after erection. Self-supporting only after tensioning.
4. Item descriptions for precast concrete members which are assembled from sections cast
separately shall state whether the sections are assembled before or after erection.
5. Construction joints between adjacent units shall be enumerated.
6. Temporary supports for precast units which are self-supporting only after tensioning shall
be enumerated stating the area of support required and its height where this exceeds
F.39 Ducts, grooves and pockets
1. Ducts and grooves for post-tensioned prestressing tendons shall be given in metres
stating the number and size. Particulars of the following shall be given:
a. Sleeves or sheathing.
b. Temporary supports
c. Mix of grout.
2. Ducts and grooves over 6.00m long shall be so described stating the length in stages of
3.00m. Curved ducts shall be described separately.
F.39 Ducts, grooves and pockets (cont’d)
3. Vents shall be enumerated.
4. Filling of anchorage pockets shall be enumerated stating the hnish of any exposed
F.40 Prestressed tendons
1. Prestressed tendons shall be enumerated stating their length, number of wires, ultimate
strength and size of wires, type of core and sheathing. The lengths of post-tensioned
tendons shall be measured to the outer faces of anchorage. The iengths of pre-tensioned
tendons shall be measured to the surfaces of the concrete members. Descriptions shall
state whether tendons are for pre-tensioned or post-tensioned members.
2. Anchorages shall be enumerated stating their components.
Contractor-designed construction
F.41 General
1. Construction which is to be designed and carried out by the Contractor shall be given
under an appropriate heading. Reinforcement and formwork shall be deemed to be
included with the items.
2. Where the Contractor's choice of design is limited such limitations shall be stated.
3. Particulars shall be given of any tests of the materials and of the finished work.
4. Work shall be measured as carried out but no deduction shall be made for voids not
exceeding 0.10m2
F.42 Slabs
1. Suspended slabs (measured over all bearings and grouped together) shall be given in
square metres stating the length of the span (measured in the clear between supports) in
stages of 300mm except that spans not exceeding 2.00m long may be grouped together
and so described. In the case of cross-reinforced construction the length and width of the
slab (measured in the clear between supports) shall be stated in stages of 300mm. Details
of the super-imposed loads for which the slabs are to be designed shall be given in the
description. Solid concrete in hollow-block construction and filling ends of hoilow~blocks
shall be deemed to be included with the items. Slabs shall be grouped and described as
a. Slabs not connected to other slabs.
b. Slabs oonnected at one end to the other slabs.
c. Slabs connected at both ends to other slabs.
d. Cross-reinforced siabs oonnected on two adjacent edges to other slabs.
e. Cross-reinforced slabs oonnected on three edges to other slabs.
f. Cross-reinforoed slabs oonnected on four edges to other siabs.
2. Classification of slabs shall be as follows:
a. Horizontal.
b. Sloping not exceeding 15° from horizontal.
c. Sloping over 15° from horizontal,
F.42 Slabs (cont'd)
3. Cantilevered work shall be so described.
4. Slabs cuNed to any shape shall each be described as to its geometrical nature stating the
radius or radii
5. Haunchings shall be given in cubic metres.
F.43 Openings
Trimming around openings where steel trimmers are not provided shall be enumerated as extra
over the slabs in which they occur stating the size of the opening and its position relative to the
span (i.e. whether the long or shont side is across the line of the span).
F.44 Labours
1. Raking and curved boundaries and forming exposed edges shall each be given separately
in metres.
2. Working concrete around pipes or cables of panel-heating systems embedded in floors or
roofs shall be measured the area of the system and given in square metres.
3. Forming channels and chases shall be given in metres stating the shape, the width and
the depth. Channels to falls shall be so described. Ends, angles, intersections and outlets
shall be deemed to be included with the items.
F.45 Fixing~slips and metal clips
Fixing-slips, metal clips and similar items shall each be described and enumerated stating the
method of fixing.
G.1 Classification of work
1. Work shall be classified as follows and each classification shall be given under an
appropriate heading:
a. Foundations.
b. Load bearing superstructure.
c. Non-load bearing superstructure.
G.2 Measurement
1. Brickwork and blockwork shall be measUred the mean length by average height, Fair face
and facework shall be measured on the exposed face.
2. No deduction shall be made for the following:
a. Voids not exceeding 0.10m2.
b. Flues, lined flues and flue blocks where the voids and the work displaced do not
together exceed 0.25m2
3. The following shall be deemed to be included with brickwork and blockwork:
a. extra material for curved work.
b. all rough and fair cutting.
c. rough and fair grooves, throats, mortices, chases, rebates, stops and mitres.
d. raking out joints to form a key.
e. Iabours in eaves fllling.
f. labours in returns, ends and angles.
g. wedging and pinning.
h. oversailing and receding courses.
j. bedding and pointing.
k. bedding and pointing frames.
I. preparing tops of existing walls to receive new walls.
m. making good walls and making good fair face or facings.
n. any other sundry items of a like nature.
4. Curved work shall be so described stating the mean radius. Curved fair face and curved
facework shall be so described stating the radius on face. The provision of curved blocks
shall be given in the description of curved work.
5. Work in underpinning shall be given in accordance with Section H.
G.3 Generally
1. Particulars of the following shall be given:
a. Kind, quality and size of bricks. PUrpose-made bricks shall be so described.
b. Type of bond.
c. Composition and mix of mortar.
2. Deductions of brickwork for string coUrses, lintels, plates and the like shall be measured
as regards height to the extent only of the fUII brick courses displaced and as regards
depth to the extent only of the full half brick beds displaced.
3. Brickwork in each of the following classes shall be given separately in square metres
stating the thickness:
a. Walls.
b. Filling existing openings.
c. Skins of hollow walls.
d. Dwarf support walls.
e. Projections (measured beyond the face of the wall) of footings and chimney-breasts.
f. Isolated piers and chimney-stacks (grouped together). Isolated piers defined as
walls having a length on plan not exceeding four times their thickness (except where
caused by openings).
g. Battering walls defined as walls of uniformed thickness bUiit battered.
h. Brickwork used as formwork. Temporary stnutting shall be given in the description.
j. Backing to masonry. Cutting and bonding to masonry shall be given in the
k. Refactory brick linings to fiues. Those bonded to sumounding brickwork shall be so
l. Brick damp-proof courses.
m. Work in raising existing structures, stating the starting height above ground at which
the brickwork commences.
4. Projections (measured beyond the face of the wall) of attached piers (whose length on
plan is not exceeding four times its thickness) plinths, bands, oversailing courses and the
like (grouped together) shall be given in metres stating the width and depth of the
G.4 Thickening existing walls
1 Brickwork of any thickness in each of the following classes shall be given separately.
Cutting and bonding new to existing and extra material to bonding shall be given in the
description stating any special method of bonding:
a. Thickening existing walls (measured beyond the face of the wall) given in square
metres stating the thickness.
b. Projections on existing walls (measured beyond the face of the wall) of attached
piers, chimney-breasts and the like (grouped together) given in metres stating the
width and thickness.
G.5 Tapering walls
Brickwork in tapering walls, defined as walls of diminishing thickness from base to top, shall be
given in square metres stating the average thickness, whether one or both faces are battered
and the rate of batter.
G.6 Grooved bricks
Grooved bricks shall be given in square metres as extra over the brickwork in which they occur.
G7 Cavities in hollow walls
1 Forming cavities in hollow walls shall be given in square metres stating the width of the
cavity. Wall-ties shall be given in the description stating the type and spacing.
2. Closing cavities at ends of hollow walls and at jambs or sills of openings shall be given in
metres stating the width of the cavity and the method of closing.
G.8 Rough arches
Rough arches (measured the mean length on face) shall be given in metres as extra over the
brickwork in which they occur stating the thickness and the number of rings in the arches.
Rough cutting on arches and walls shall be deemed to be included with the brickwork.
G.9 Bonding ends of walls
Bonding ends of new walls to existing shall be given in metres stating the kind of bond and the
thickness of the wall. Cutting pockets in existing work and extra material for bonding shall be
given in the description.
Brick facework
G.10 Generally
1. The rules relating to facowork shall apply to fair face on brickwork.
2. Particulars of the following shall be given:
a. Kind and quality of facing bricks. Purpose-made bricks shall be so described.
b. Size of facing bricks where different from those in the body of the work, and the
method of bonding such facings to the backing.
c. Type of bond except in the case of fair face.
d. Composition and mix of mortar for pointing where different from that in the body of
the work.
e. Method of pointing.
3. Facework, except as clause G.10.4, shall be given in square metres as extra over the
brickwork on which it occurs. Pointing shall be given in the description of the work.
4. Halfbrick walls and one-brick walls built fair both sides or entirely of facing bricks shall
each be given separately in square metres stating the thickness. Pointing shall be given in
the description of the work on which it occurs.
5. Deductions of facework for string courses, sills, lintels, plates and the like shall be
measured as regards height to the extent only of the full brick course displaced and as
regards depth to the extent only of the full halfUrick beds displaced.
6. Facework over a halfa-brick wide to walls, piers, chimney-stacks, returns and the like shall
be given in square metres as clause G.10.3.
G.10 Generally (cont'd)
7. Facawork not exceeding a half-a-brick wide to reveals, retums, soffits, offsets, exposed
edges around superficial items of sunk or projecting work and the like (grouped together)
shall be given in metres as facework to margins irrespective of the actual width. Curved
margins and shaped margins shall be so descfibed. Ends and angles shall be deemed to
be included with the items.
8. Facework built overhand shall be so descfibed.
9. Facework to panels and aprons not exceeding 1.00m2 each shall be enumerated and
10. In the case of walls built fair both sides or entirely of facing bricks, fair returns to ends of
walls or reveals or openings shall be given in metres stating the width in half-brick stages
and in the case of fair returns which are not of exact half-brick width the nearest half-brick
above the actual width.
11. Battered facework shall be so described stating the rate of the batter.
12. Facework sunk or projecting less than half-a-brick from the general face of the wall shall
be so described stating the depth of the set-back or set-forward.
G.11 Fair angles, fair chases and holes
1. The following shall be deemed to be included with facework:
a. Fair vertical internal angles and fair vertical external angles.
b. Fair battered internal angles and fair battered external angles.
c. Fair squint angles and fair birdsmouth angles shall be deemed to be included.
d. Fair chamfered angles, fair rounded angles and fair moulded angles.
e. Fair chases.
f. Holes for pipes, tubes, bars, cables, conduits, gratings, ducting, trunking, trays and
the like.
G.12 Plain bands
1. Facowork to flush plain bands not exceeding 300mm wide formed with facing bricks which
differ in kind or size from the general facings shall be given in metres stating the width of
the band. Horizontal, raking, vertical and curved bands shall each be so descfibed.
2. Facework to sunk and projecting plain bands not exceeding 300mm wide shall be given in
metres stating the kind of facing bficks where they differ from those in the general
facework, the width of the band and the depth of the set-back or set-forward. Horizontal,
raking, vertical and curved bands shall each be so described.
3. Fair ends, stopped ends and angles shall be deemed to be included with the items.
4. Facework to plain bands over 300mm wide shall be measured as facework to walls.
G.13 Ornamental bands and cornices
1. Facework to flush, sunk or projecting brick-on-edge bands, brick-on-end bands, basket-
pattern bands, moulded or splayed plinth cappings, moulded string courses, mouIded
cornices and the like shall each be given separately in metres stating the width of the
band and the depth of the set-back or set-forward. Horizontal, raking, vertical and curved
members shall each be so described. The type of moulded or splayed bricks shall be
stated. Moulded or splayed bands which consist entirely of headers or stretchens shall be
so described. Facework to margins shall be given in the description. Extra material shall
be deemed to be included with the brickwork.
2. Ends, internal angles, external angles and irregular angles shall each be enumerated
G.14 Tile creasing
1. Flush, sunk and projecting tile creasings shall each be given separately in metres as extra
over the brickwork in which they occur stating the number of courses and the depth of the
set-back or set-forward. Horizontal, raking, vertical and curved members shall each be so
2. Fair ends and irregular angles shall each be enumerated separately. Stopped ends and
other angles shall be deemed to be included with the items.
G.15 Quoins
1. Facework to f ush quoins formed with facing bricks which differ in kind or size from the
general facings shall be given in metres (measured on vertical angle) stating the average
girth and the method of jointing between quoin and general facework.
2. Facowork to sunk and projecting quoins shall each be given separately in metres
(measured on vertical angle) stating the average girth, the depth of the set-back or set-
forward and the method of jointing between quoin and general facework. Facework to
margins shall be given in the description. Extra material shall be deemed to be included
with the brickwork.
3. Cut and rubbed quoins shall be so described.
4. Tile insets in quoins and rustications in quoins shall be given in the description.
G.16 Arches and tumblings
1. Facework to arches (measured the mean length on face) shall be given in metres stating
the width on face, the width of the exposed soffit and outline of the arch.
2. Facework to tumblings of buttresses shall be enumerated stating the size.
G.17 Sills, thresholds, copings and steps
1. Sills, thresholds, copings and steps built of fair-faced brickwork or entirely of facings shall
each be given separately in metres stating the size and the method of forming. Horizontal,
raking, vertical and curved work and work set weathering shall each be so described.
2 Ends, internal angles, external angles and irregulars angles shall each be enumerated
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Smm2 second edition

  • 2. 1 PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION Ever since the first edition of the SMM made its appearance in 1960 the building industry has seen many changes and innovations in methods and modes of construction. This has resulted in demands for an efficacious communication and cost controlling tool for the benefit of better management and eflective monitoring of the works. The need for a new SMM is premised on these requirements. The first Sub-Committee under Mr. Cheah Kow Chye was set up under instruction of the Quantity Surveying Sectional Committee of The Institution of Surveyors, Maiaysia in 1984 to look into this and thereafler Mr. Noel Lim took over the chair of the Sub-Committee in 1989 when the decision to adopt the British SMM6 as a basis for our proposed second edition was made and agreed upon We have since obtained endorsement from the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) to enable us to use the SMM6 for this purpose and would express our gratitude to them. This Committee is glad that this second edition has come to fruition albeit after taking enough time to overcome the endless discussions and deliberations on matters technical, social and economics. We have been able to draw upon the knowledge and experiences of both members of the above Committees to provide inputs and comments relevant to this exercise. All suggestions, observations and comments received have been carefUlly considered and weighed in the context of current practices, and incorporated into this edition where appropriate. This edition should reflect a reference which is true to tradition and yet flexible for modern use. Due to the ongoing changes in information technology one shoUld reflect on the changes that have to come to accommodate on-line BQ production techniques; it would be pertinent to note that a future edition to accommodate this is inevitable. Perhaps this edition will provide the adequate milestones to move to the next stage synchronous with developments in new mUIti media technologies. The Committee would wish to thank those who have spent time in giving points and ideas which have been adopted and those who are not Committee members but have given assistance to us viz. Cawangan Ukur Bahan & Kontrak Jabatan Kerja Raya, Kementerian Keria Raya Malaysia, the InstitUtion of Surveyors, Malaysia, the Department of Quantity Surveying of the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) and Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) and the Department of Building of the Tunku Abdul Rahman (TAR) College; we are gratefUI for your contributions. Members of the Committee are: Encik Andrew Ng Shou Guan Encik Mohd Fadhil b Muhammad Puan Nor Ainah AbdUllah PUan Oh Chin Choo Encik Raden Mohd PUjaseti Hj. Asnawi Prof. Madya Dr Rosli Abdul Rashid Encik Wong Weng Hong Hj. Mokhtar Puteh Chairman, SMM Sub Committee, Session 1998-2000 May, 2000
  • 3. 2 Preface to the First Edition 1959 Since the introduction of the use of the Bills of Quantities to the Building Trade in Singapore and Malaya, as from the eany nineteen thinties, The STANDARD METHOD of MEASUREMENT of BUILDING WORKS, as published in England by The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, has been adopted as a broad basis for measurement, with modifications to suit the individual requirements of Contracting Departments or the demands of local conditions and practice. However, until now, these modifications have never been agreed or standardized among Quantity Surveyors. Consequenly, Surveyors in Government and Service Departments and in private practice have been measuring, classifying and describing virtually the same items of construction in various ways, each Surveyor either trying to keep to an accepted style and practice set by his predecessor, or, very often, trying to introduce what he considers to be a better method or system. The need for standardization is therefore very obvious and has been felt for a long time. In fact, an unsuccessful attempt was made to draw up a Revised Standand Method of Measurement for Singapore and Malaya before the Second World War and in 1956 the War Office issued Rules of Measurement to Standardize Bills of Quantities in respect of work for the War Department, Admiralty and Air Ministry, but they were intended only for Departmental use. In September, 1957, a Sub-Committee of the then Malaya Branch of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, comprising members of long experience in the Federation of Malaya and Singapore was formed, witlh the authority of the Institution, to revise and alter the English SMM accordingly to suit our local needs and practice. This first Edition is the result. Primarily, the English Standard Method of Measurement (4 th Edition) remains the basis of this document. The Sub Committee did not atempt to re-wnte completely the English SMM but generally deleted non-applicable items and items of minor importance, especially those involving labour only and incorporated them into other major basic items and added new items to suit our local labour requirements and trade practices. In effect the principles of measurement and description established herein amount to an amalgamation or compromise of the practices of Surveyors in the Government, War Department, Admiralty, Air Ministry and private firms. Upon completion of the proposed revisions, draft copies were sent to all interested Surveyors in private practice, Government and Service Departments and to Contractors' Association of the Federation of Malaya and Singapore, with invitations for their comments and suggestions. Many were received and all opinions expressed were carefully weighed and considered by the Sub-Committee before adoption or rejection. In submitting this First Edition of the Standand Method of Measurement of Building Works for Use in the Federation of Malaya, Singapore and Borneo, the Sub-Committee wishes to state that it is the expressed wish of the Branches of the Federation of Malaya and Singapore that it will be adopted by all Quantity Surveyors in the designated areas upon its official publication. The members of the Sub Committee are M.H. Seah (Chairman), R.N.S. Rhodes, S.A. Duncan, D. Monris (succeeding S.A. Duncan) and K.A Suckling. Many other Surveyors generally assisted the Sub-Committee and acted as replacements during the temporary absence of certain members of the Sub-Committee.
  • 4. 3 Preface to 1st Edition (Metric) 1976 The Institution of Surveyors (Malaysia) in conjunction with Jabatan Kerja Raya has agreed to convert the present Standard Method of Measurement of Building Works to Metric Edition in early 1976 for the adoption and the use of Metric System in Malaysia The Joint Committee is made up of the Chaimman of the Quantity Surveying Sectional Comminee of the Institution of Surveyors (Malaysia), two Members representing Jabatan Kerja Raya and two Members representing Institution of Surveyors (Malaysia). The Joint Committee was instructed by the Institution to produce the Standard Method of Measurement of Building Works 1 st Edition (Metnc) in line with the existing Standard Method of Measurement and any improvement and revision will be done subsequently. This Edition is not a straight conversion from Imperial measurement to metric as the Joint Committee has deliberated at the several meetings to arrive at measurements for practical purposes and usage with regards to materials and labour in Malaysia. After severai sittings, the draft was duly completed and copies forwarded to the Institution of Surveyors (Malaysia) and Jabatan Kerja Raya for their comments before final printing. In submitting this 1 st Edition (Metric) of the Standard Method of Measurement of Building Works, for use in Malaysia, the Joint Committee hope that this publication will be a guide for the construction industry until such time the Standard Method of Measurement is revised. The members of the Joint Committee are Tuan Haji Mohd Isahak Mohd Yusuf (Chairman), Encik Cheah Kow Chye (Honorary Secretary), Encik Hashim Sikan, KMN, Encik Abdul Rahman Abdullah and Encik Loh Siow King.
  • 5. 4 CONTENTS A General Rules 7 B Preliminaries 10 Preliminaries particulars 10 Contract 10 Works, goods and materials by others 12 General facilities and obligations 13 Contingencies 13 C Demolition 14 Generally 14 D Excavation and Earthwork 16 Generally 16 Site preparation 16 Excavation 17 Earthwork support 19 Disposal of water 19 Disposal of excavated material 19 Filling 20 E Piling and Diaphragm Walling 22 Piling 22 Diaphragm walls 25 F Concrete Work 27 In-situ concrete 27 Reinforcement 30 Formwork 32 Precast concrete 36 Composite construction 37 Hollow- block suspended constnuction 38 Prestressed concnete work 39 Contractor-designed construction 41 G Brickwork and Blockwork 43 Generally 43 Brickwork 44 Bhck facework 45 Brickwork in connection with boilens 46 Blockwork 48 Damp-proof courses 49 Sundries 50 H Underpinning 53 Generally 53 Work in all trades 53 J Masonry Generally 55 Dressed natural stonework 56 Natural stone rubble work 61 Cast stonework 63 Clayware work 64 Sundries 64 Centering 65
  • 6. 5 K Waterproofi ng and Asphalt work 66 Generally 66 L Roofing 69 Generally 69 Slate or tile roofing 69 Corrugated or troughed sheet roofing or cladding 71 Roof decking 72 Bitumen-felt roofing 73 Sheet metal roofing 74 Sheet metal flashings and gutters 76 M Woodwork 78 Generally 78 Carcassing 79 First fixings . 79 Second fixings 81 Composite items 82 Sundries 84 Ironmongery 85 N Structural Steelwork 86 Generally 86 Steelwork 86 Other structural metaiwork 89 P Metalwork 90 Generally 90 Composite items 90 Plates, bars, etc. . . 92 Sheet metal, wiremesh and expanded metal 93 Holes, bolts, screws and rivets 93 Q Plumbing and Mechanical Engineering Installations 94 Generally 94 Gutterwork 95 Pipework 96 Ductwork 99 Equipment and ancillaries 100 Insulation 101 Sundries 102 Builder's work 103 R Electrical Installations 105 Generally 105 Equipment and control gear 106 Fittings and accessories 107 Conduit, tnunking and cable trays 108 Cables 109 Final sub-circuits 110 Earthing 110 Ancillaries 111 Sundries 111 Builder's work 112
  • 7. 6 S Floor, Wall and Ceiling Finishings 114 Generally 114 In-situfinishings 115 Beds and backings 117 Tile, slab and block finishings 117 Flexible sheet finishings 118 Dry linings and paNitions 118 Suspended ceilings, linings and suppoN work 119 Fibrous plaster 120 Fitted carpeting 121 T Glazing 123 Generally 123 Glass in openings 123 Leaded lights and oopper lights in openings 125 Minrons 125 Patentglazing 125 Domelights 126 Glass 310cks 126 U Painting and decorating 127 Generally 127 Painting, polishing and similar work 127 Signwriting 130 Decorative paper, sheet plastic or fabric backing and lining 130 V Drainage 131 Generally 131 Drains 131 Sumps, manholes, soakaways, cesspits, septic tanks, imhoff tanks and the like 132 Connections to mains 133 Testing drains 133 W Fencing,Turfing and Planting 134 Fencing 134 Open type fencing 134 Close type fencing 135 Gates 136 Sundries 136 Seeding and turfing 136 Planting 137
  • 8. 7 SECTION A GENERAL RULES A.1 Introduction This Standard Method of Measurement provides a uniform basis for measuring building works and embodies the essentials of good practice but more detailed information than is required by this document shall be given where necessary (e.g. in descriptions or preambles, certain specification information including limits on tolerance imposed by the designer) in order to detne the precise nature and extent of the required work. This Standard Method of Measurement shall apply equally to both proposed and executed works. A.2 Bills of Quantities 1. Bills of quantities shall fully describe and accurately represent the quantity and quality of the works to be carried out. Work which cannot be measured shall be given as a provisional sum. Work the extent of which is not known shall be described as provisional or given in a bill of approximate quantities. 2. Rules of measurement adopted for work not covered by these rules shall be stated and such rules shall as far as possible conform with those given in this document for similar work. A.3 Measurement 1. Unless the term metre used in this document is preceded by the words square or cubic it shall be deemed to be linear. 2. Unless otherwise stated, works shall be measured net as fixed in position and each measurement shall be taken to the nearest 10mm (i.e. 5mm and over shall be regarded as 10mm and less than 5mm shall be disregarded). This rule shall not apply to any dimensions stated in descriptions. 3. Unless otherwise stated, where minimum deductions of voids are dealt with in this document they shall refer only to openings or wants which are within the boundaries of measured areas. Openings or wants which are at the boundaries of measured areas shall always be the subject of deduction irrespective of size. 4. The use of hyphen between two dimensions in this document or in a bill of quantities shall mean a range of dimensions exceeding the first dimension stated but not exceeding the second. A.4 Description 1. The order of stating dimensions in descriptions shall be consistent and generally in the sequence of length, width and height. Where that sequence is not appropriate or where ambiguity could arise, the dimensions shall be specificaily identified. 2 Unless otherwise stated in the bill or herein, the following shall be deemed to be included with all items: a. Labour and all costs in connection therewith.
  • 9. 8 A.4 Description (cont'd) b. Materials, goods and all costs in connection therewith such as conveyance, delivery, unloading, storing, returning packings, handling, hoisting, lowering, etc. c. Assembling, fitting and fixing materials and goods in position. d. Plant and all costs in connection therewith. e. Waste of materials. f. All cuttings. g. Establishment charges, overhead charges and profit. 3. Junctions between straight and curved work shall in all cases be deemed to be included with the work in which they occur. 4. Notwithstanding the provisions in this document for labours to be given as linear items, such labour may be given in the description of any linear items of work on which they occur. 5. Notwithstanding the provisions in this document for labours to be enumerated, such labours may be given in the description of any enumerated items of work on which they occur. A.5 Drawn information 1. Drawn information can either be drawings or extracts from drawings used for measurements or specially prepared to supplement a description, and shall show all the information necessary for the manufacture and assembly in the case of components. 2. The requirements of this document for detailed descriptions shall be deemed to have been complied with if drawn information is provided or referred to in the description and such information indicates fully the items required to be described. A.6 Standard products The requirements of this document shall be deemed to have been complied with if the item concerned is a product details of which have been published and to which referenoe has been made in the description. A.7 Quantities 1. Where the unit of billing is the metre, square metre, cubic metre or kilogramme, quantities shall be billed to the nearest whole unit. Fractions of a unit less than half shall be disregarded and all other fractions shall be regarded as a whole unit. 2. Where the unit of billing is the tonne, quantities shall be billed to the nearest two places of decimals. 3. Where the application of clauses A.7.1 and 2 would cause an entire item to be eliminated, such item shall be enumerated stating the size or weight as appropriate.
  • 10. 9 A.8 Provisional or prime cost sums 1. Where this document requires provisional or prime cost sums to be given in accordance with this clause, the choice of terms shall be made in conformity with the following definitions unless otherwise provided in the conditions of contract: a. The term ‘provisional sum’ is def ned as a sum provided for work or for costs which cannot entirely be foreseen, defined or detailed at the time the tender documents are issued. b. The term ‘prime cost sum’ is defined as a sum provided for work or services to be executed by a nominated sub-oontractor, a government or a statutory authority or for materials or goods to be obtained from a nominated supplier. Such sum shall be deemed to be exclusive of any profit required and/or attendance to be provided by the main contractor and provision shall be made for the addition thereof where applicable. A.9 Work in special conditions 1. Alterations and work in existing buildings shall be so described. Handling materials and getting them in or out of such buildings shall be deemed to be included with the items. Labours on existing work shall be so described. 2 Work carried out in or under water shall be so described stating whether canal, river or sea water and (where applicable) the levels of high and low water. 3. Work carried out in compressed air shall be so described stating the pressure and the method of entry and exit. 4. Work outside the curtilage of the site shall be so described.
  • 11. 10 SECTION B PRELlMINARIES Preliminaries particulars B.1 Project, parties and consultants 1. The name, nature and location of the project shall be stated. 2. A general description of the works shall be given. 3. The names and addresses of the Employer and consultants to be named in the contract shall be given. 4. The names and addresses of any other consultants shall be given. B.2 Description of site 1. Information to indicate the boundaries of the site, the means of access and the position of the works shall be given. 2. Attention shall be drawn to any drainage, water, gas and other mains or power services known to exist on or over the site. 3. Attention shall be drawn to any adjacent or abutting buildings. 4. Information to facilitate visiting the site shall be given. B.3 Drawings and other documents 1. A list shall be given of the drawings from which the bills of quantities have been prepared. 2. Addresses where drawings and other documents may be inspected by appointment or otherwise shall be given. Contract B.4 Form, type and conditions of contract 1. Where the conditions of contract are standard and published for general use, particulars of the edition to be used and a schedule of the clause headings shall be given. Where the standard conditions provide for alternative or optional clauses, the clauses which are to apply shall be stated. Amendments to standard conditions shall be given in full. 2. Where the conditions of contract are not standard and published for general use, the conditions shall be set out in full in the bills of quantities or a schedule of clause headings shall be given where a full set of conditions is supplied with the bills of quantities. In either case where the conditions provide for alternative or optional clauses, the clauses which are to apply shall be stated.
  • 12. 11 B.4 Form, type and conditions of contract (cont'd) 3. Where there is an appendix to the conditions of contract requiring insertion to be made, a schedule of the insertions shall be set out in the bills of quantities. B.5 Contractor's liability 1. The following shail be given unless already covered by the schedUles given in accordance with clause B.4. a. Contractor's liability for risk or injury to persons and property and of damage to the works. b. Where the Employer requires the Contractor to effect insurance in respect of the Contractor's liability for any such risk, the relevant particulars shall be given. c. Where the Employer intends to relieve the Contractor of liability of any such risk, the relevant particulars shall be given. B.6 Employer's liability Where the cost of insuring any liability of the Employer is required to be included in the contract sum, such cost shall be given as a provisional sum. B.7 Obligations and restrictions imposed by the Employer 1. Particulars shall be given to any obligations or restrictions to be imposed by the Employer in respect of the following, unless they are covered by the schedUles given in accordance with clause B.4 a. Access to and possession or use of the site. b. Limitations of working space. c. Limitations of working hours. d. The use or disposal of any material found on site. e Hoardings, fences, screens, temporary roofs, temporary name/sign boards and advertising rights. f. The maintenance of existing live drainage, water, gas and other mains or power services on or over the site. g. The execution or completion of the work in any specific order or in sections or phases. h. Maintenance of specific temperature and hUmidity levels. Alternatively, a provisional or prime cost sum shall be given. j. Temporary accommodation and facilities for the use of the Employer including air conditioning, lighting, furnishing and attendance. k. The installation of telephones for the Use of the Employer and the cost of his telephone calls shall be given as a provisional sum. 2. Any other obligation or restriction such as restriction Upon the employment of laboUr, restriction on the Use of radios by employees, restriction on the felling of trees, car parking arrangements for the employees, etc.
  • 13. 12 Works, goods and materials by otbers B.8 Works by nominated sub~contractors 1. Works which are required to be carried out by a nominated sub-contractor shall be given as a prime cost sum. The name of the flrm to be nominated shall be given (if known) together with a description of the sub-contract work. 2 An item shall be given in each case for general attendance which shall be deemed to include the use of the Contractor's temporary roads, pavings and paths, standing scaffolding, standing power operated hoisting plant, the provision of temporary lighting and water supplies, clearing away rubbish, pnovision of space for the sub-contractor's own offices and for the storage of his plant and materials and the use of messrooms, sanitary accommodation and welfare facilities, which shall all be without charge to the sub-contractor. 3. Other attendance on nominated sub-contractors where required shall be described and given as an item in each case for: a. Special scaffolding or scaffolding additional to the Contractor's standing scaffolding. b. The provision of temporary access roads and hardstandings in connection with structural steelwork, precast concrete components, piling, heavy items of plant and the like. c. Unloading, distributing, hoisting, placing in position giving in the case of significant items the weight and/or size. d. The provision of oovered storage and accommodation including lighting and power thereto e. Maintenance of specific temperature or humidity levels. f. Any other attendance not included in this clause or in clause B.8.2. 4. Builder's work in connection with works by nominated sub-contractors shall be given in accordance with the appropriate clauses of this document. B.9 Goods and materials from nominated suppliers 1. Goods and matefials which are required to be obtained from a nominated supplier shall be given as a prime cost sum. The name of the supplier to be nominated shall be given if known. 2. Fixing goods and materials shall be given in accordance with the appropriate clauses in this document. Unloading, storing, hoisting the goods and materials and returning packing materials to the nominated supplier carriage paid and obtaining credits therefor shall be deemed to be included with the items for fixing. Particulars shall be given where the Contractor is required to pay the costs of conveying goods and materials to the site and/or of any special packing or simiiar requirements. B.10 Works by government or statutory authorities 1. Works which are to be carried out by a government or statutory authority shall each be given separately as a provisional or prime cost sum. 2. Works which are to be carried out by a government or statutory authority in accordanoe with statutory obligations shall be described, stipulating the scope and timing of the work and its effect on the Contractor's operations.
  • 14. 13 B.11 Works or goods and materials by the Employer 1 A description shall be given of works by others directly engaged by the Employer. Any attendance required shall be given in accordance with clauses B.8.2 and 3. 2 A description shall be given of goods and materials provided by or on behalf of the Employer Fixing goods and materials shall be given in accordance with B.9.2. General facilities and obligations B.12 Pricing 1 For convenience in pricing, items for the following if applicable shall be given. Maintaining temporary works, adapting, clearing away and making good including any notices and fees to government or statutory authorities related to the following items shall be deemed to be included with the items. a. Plant, tools and vehicles. Piling plant shall be given in accordance with Section E. b. Scaffolding. c Site administration and security. d. Transport for workpeople. e. Protection of work in all sections. f. Water for the works. Particulars shall be given if water will be supplied by the Employer. g Lighting and power for the works. Particulans shall be given if current will be supplied by the Employer. h. Temporary roads, hardstandings, crossings and similar items. j. Temporary accommodation for the use of the Contractor. k Temporary telephones for the use of the Contractor. I. Traffic regulations. m. Safety, health and welfare for the workpeople. n. Disbursements arising from the employment of workpeople. p. Maintenance of public and private roads. q Removing rubbish, protecting casings and coverings and cleaning the works on completion. r. Drying the works. s. Temporary fencing, hoardings, screens, fans planked footways, guardrails, gantries and similar items. t. Control of noise, pollution and all other statutory obligations. u. Surety or performance bond. v. Shop drawings, co-ordination and record drawings. w. Schedules, charts and the like showing the progress, organisation of trades and similar items x Progress photographs. y. Adjacent, surrounding, concurrent works, adjoining owners, liaison, etc. z. Any other items or requirements. Contingencies B.13 Generally Any provision or contingencies shall be given as a provisional sum.
  • 15. 14 SECTION C DEMOLITION Generally C.1 Information A general description of the work in this section shall be given. Work required to be carried out by specific methods shall be described stating any limitations. C.2 Demolition 1. The location of demolitions shall be given in the description of the items. 2. Old material arising from demolitions shall become the property of the Contractor unless otherwise stated. Clearing away such old materials shall be deemed to be included with the items. Provision shall be made in the bill of quantities for credits. 3. Old materials required to remain the property of the Employer shall so be descfibed. Setting aside and storing such old materials on site shall be given in the description of the items. 4. Old materials permitted to be re=used in work measured as new shall be so described. No adjustment shall be made to the measured quantities of new work in which such old materials are re-used. 5. Any restrictions to be imposed by the Employer on the method of disposal of old materials arising from demolitions shall be given in the description of the items. 6. Handling and disposal of toxic or other dangerous materials shall be described stating each type of material. C.3 Measurement 1. Demolishing individual structures (or parts thereog shall be given as items stating the dimensions, except that clearing a site of all structures may be given as a single item. The level or levels to which stnuctures (or parts thereog are to be demolished shall be stated. Any remaining structures and finishings required to be made good shall be so described. Leaving parts of old walls temporarily in position to act as buttresses shall be given in the description of the items. 2. Cutting openings or recesses in existing stnuctures shall be given as items stating the size of the opening or recess required, the type and thickness of the existing stnucture and the treatment (e.g. insertion of trimmers, iintels, arches and sills) around the opening or recess. Making good all parts of the structure disturbed shall be deemed to be included with the items. Extending finishings and making good finishings disturbed shall be included in the description. 3. Cutting back projections of existing structures and cutting to reduce thickness of existing structures shall be given as items stating the dimensions and the nature of the existing structure.
  • 16. 15 C.3 Measurement (cont'd) 4. Fitting and fixtUres (e.g. doors, windows, sanitary fittings, counters and cupboards) required to be removed prior to demolition shall be given as items stating the size. Those required to be set aside for re-fixing shall be so described. Existing structures or finishings required to be made good shall be so described. 5. Removing engineering and plumbing installations shall be given as items stating the nature of the installation. Existing structures or finishings required to be made good shall be so described. 6. Removing finishings or coverings to existing structUres shall be given as items stating the nature of the finishings or coverings and indicating the quantity. 7. Temporary screens and temporary roofs shall each be given separately in sqUare metres or enumerated as may be appropriate. Weather proof screens and dust proof screens shall be so described. Temporary arrangements for dealing with rainwater, temporary doors, temporary windows and the like in screens shall be given in the description. Clearing temporary work shall be deemed to be included with the items. C.4 Shoring 1. Shoring and scaffolding incidental to demolition of individual structures (or parts thereof), individual openings and/or recesses in existing structures and making good all work disturbed by such shoring and scaffolding shall be deemed to be included with the items. 2. Shoring (other than that incidental to demolitions) shall be described and given as an item stating the position and type of shoring and the nature of the structure to be shored. Cutting holes in the structUre and making good all work distUrbed shall be given in the description. Providing all necessary nails, wedges and bolts shall be deemed to be inciUded with the items. 3. Separate items shall be given for the following: a. Providing and erecting the shoring. b. Maintaining the shoring. c. Clearing away the shoring.
  • 17. 16 SECTION D EXCAVATION AND EARTHWORK Note: Excavation in underpinning and drainage shall be given in accordance with Sections H and V. Generally D.1 Soil description 1. Particulars of the following shall be given: a. Ground water level and the date when it was established, hereinafier described as the pre-contract water level. The ground water level shall be re-established at the time the various excavation works are carried out and is described hereinafter as the post contract water level. Where ground water levels are subject to periodic changes due to tidal or similar effects they shall be so described and the average of the mean high and low levels given. b. Trial pits or bore holes stating their location. c. Over or underground services. 2. If the above information is not available a descfiption of the ground and strata which is to be assumed shall be stated. Site preparation D.2 Removing hedges Cutting down hedges and grubbing up their roots, which shall be deemed to include their disposal, shall be given in metres stating the nature and height of each hedge or its location. D.3 Clearing undergrowth Clearing site of undergrowth, bushes, scrub and the like and grubbing up their roots, which shall be deemed to include their disposal, shall be given in square metres. D.4 Removing trees Cutting down trees and grubbing up their roots, which shall be deemed to include their disposal, shall be enumerated and classified in stages of 300mm girth (measured at height of 1.00m above ground). Filling in voids, if required, afier removal of tree roots shall be given in the description. D.5 Tree stumps Removing existing tree stumps and grubbing up their roots which shall be deemed to include their disposal, shall be enumerated and classified in stages of 300mm girth (measured at height of 1.00m above ground or at their tops if lower in height). Filling in voids, if required, after removal of tree roots shall be given in the descfiption.
  • 18. 17 D.6 Lifting turf Lifting turf which is required to be preserved shall be given in square metres stating the method of preservation and disposal. D.7 Topsoil Excavating topsoil which is required to be preserved shall be given in square metres stating the average depth. Handling and disposal of topsoil shall be given in accordance with clauses D.17- 22. D.8 Alternative method of measurement Cutting down trees and removing tree stumps (irrespective of girth) and grubbing up their roots, which shall be deemed to include their disposal, may be given as an item stating the area. Clearing of undergrowth within such areas and grubbing up their roots shall be given in the description. Excavation D.9 Volume to be measured The quantities given for excavating and subsequent disposal shall be the bulk before excavating and no allowance shall be made for any subsequent variations to bulk or for any extra space required to accommodate earthwork support, formwork for concrete and working space. D.10 Depth classification Depth of excavation shall unless otherwise required by this document be classified as follows: Maximum depth not exceeding 0.25m “ “ “ “ 1.00m “ “ “ “ 2.00m " " " “ 4.00m and thereafter in 2.00m stages D.11 Starting level The starting level shall be the "ground level", "reduced level”, “formation level” or other such levels from which excavation shall commence and the appropriate level shall be so stated and described. D.12 Types of excavation 1. Excavation around piles shall be so described. 2. Excavation in rock shall be so described. Rock is dekned as any material met with in excavation which is of such size or position that it can be removed only by means of wedges, levers, special plant (power operated hammers, drills and chisels, special attachment to mechanical plant such as rock buckets, rippers, hammers, chisels) explosives or chemicals. Alternatively rock may be given as extra over each of the various types of excavation. 3. Curved excavation shall be so described irrespective of radius. 4. Excavating to reduce level shall be given in cubic metres.
  • 19. 18 D.12 Types of excavation (cont'd) 5. Excavating basements and the like (measured to the outside of the foundations) shall be given in cubic metres stating the starting level as clause D.11. Existing voids shall be deducted. 6. Excavating pits to receive bases of stanchions, columns, isolated piers and the like (grouped together) shall be given in cubic metres stating the number and the starting level as clause D.11. Excavating pits having both plan dimensions less than 1.25m shall be given separately. 7. Excavating trenches to receive foundations shall be given in cubic metres, stating the starting level as clause D.11. 8. Excavating for pile caps and trenches for ground beams between piles shall be given in cubic metres stating the starting level, as clause D.11. 9. Excavating trenches to receive service pipes, cables and the like shall be given separately in metres stating the starting level, as clause D.11 and the average depth to the nearest 0.25m. Details of type and size of service pipes, cables, earthwork support, grading bottoms if required, filling in, compaction and disposal of surplus soil shall be given in description of such trenches. If the trench is next to roadway, or next to existing buildings or made in unstable ground (e.g. running silt, running sand and the like) these shall be stated in the description. 10. Excavating around services crossing an excavation shall be enumerated and given as extra over the various descriptions of excavations; details of type, size, depth of service and iength exposed shall be given. Any temporary support to services shall be deemed to be inciuded with the item. 11. Excavating alongside services or groups of services shall be given in metres as extra over the various descriptions of excavation; details of type, size, depth of service shall be given. Any temporary support to services shall be deemed to be included with the item. Details of the type of service would include gas, water, electricity, telecommunication, sewer, etc. If this information is available on a services drawing, then this should be made available. 12. Breaking up concrete, reinforced concrete, brick paving, tarmacadam and the like on the surface of the ground shall each be given separately in square metres as extra over the various description of excavation stating the thickness. In the case of service trenches measured in accordance with clause D.12.9, this work shall be given in metres stating the thickness. 13. Breaking up concrete, reinforced concrete and the like met with in excavation shall each be given separately in cubic metres irrespective of depth as extra over the various types of excavation. In the case of service trenches measured in accordance with clause D.12.9, this work shall be given in metres stating the thickness. 14. Excavating below ground water level as defined in clause D.1.1.a shall be given in cubic metres as extra over all types of excavation irrespective of depth. If the post contract water level differs from the pre-contract water level the measurements shall be revised in accordance with the post contract water level.
  • 20. 19 Earthwork support D.13 Generally Sheet piling, contiguous piling, secant piling, ground anchors, diaphragm wall, soldier piling, close timber piling and guniting shall each be given separately in accordance with the various Sections. D.14 Definitions Earthwork support shall be deemed to mean providing everything requisite to uphold the side of excavation by whatever means necessary (other than interlocking driven sheet steel piling) and shall be deemed to be inciuded with the various items of excavation. (Earthwork support includes the use of timber planking and strutting, plywood trench sheeting, light steel trench sheeting and strutting). Interlocking driven sheet steel piling is not covered by the terms "Earthwork support” and where this is required by the design or specification not at the Contractor's choice, it should be measured in accordance with Section E. Disposal of water D.15 Surface water An item shall be given for keeping the surface of the site and the excavations free of surface water. D.16 Water in the ground Where excavation is measured below the water level in accordance with clause D.12.14, an item shall be given for keeping the excavations free of ground water. Disposal of excavated material D.17 Multiple handling Multiple handling of excavated materials and transporting about the site shall be deemed to be included with the items of final disposal. Multiple handling which is specifically required shall be given in the description of disposal items. D.18 Disposal on site Excavated materials to be deposited on site in permanent spoil heaps or spread on site shall each be given in cubic metres stating any requirements for the location of such deposits or the average distance from the excavation in metres or kilometres. D.19 Disposal off site Excavated materiais to be removed from the site shall be given in cubic metres and so described and the provision of a shoot, dump or tip including payment for royalties, fees, levies and other charges shall be deemed to be included with the items unless otherwise stated. D.20 Topsoil spread on site Preserved and imported topsoil spread on site shall be so described and given in accordance with ciause D.26.
  • 21. 20 D.21 Topsoil for re-use Preserved topsoil deposited in temporary spoil heap for re-use shall be given in cubic meters and so described stating any requirements for the location of such deposits or the average distance from the excavation in meters or kilometers. D.22 Topsoil removed from site Preserved topsoil to be removed from site shall be so described and given separately in accordance with clause D.19 Filling D23. Classification for filling materials 1 Filling materials shall be classified as follows: a. Material arising from the excavations. b. Material arising from excavations which is specified to be selected or treated. Details of selection or treatment shall be given. c. Material to be obtained off site. Details of type and source of supply, if a particular source is required to be used, shall be given. D.24 Measurement Filling shall be measured as equal to the void to be filled. Any thickness stated shatl be deemed to be the thickness after compacting. Compacting and treating surfaces of filling including forming slopes and finishing to falls and cambers shall be deemed to be included with the various items of filling except for hand packing hardcore which shall be measured in accordance with clauses D.28 and D.29. D.25 Filling to excavations Filling to excavations other than to service trenches (D. 12.9) shall be given in cubic metres. D.26 Filling to make up levels Filling to make up levels over 250mm thick shall be given in cubic metres. Such filling not exceeding 250mm thick shall be given in square metres stating the average thickness. D.27 Filling deposited and compacted in layers Filling required to be deposited and compacted in layers shall be so described stating the maximum thickness of the layers. D.28 Hand packing hardcore and the like to faces Hand-packing hardcore and the like to form vertical or battering faces over 0.25m high shall be grouped together and given in square metres. Such work not exceeding 0.25m high shall be given in metres stating the height. D.29 Hand packing hardcore and the like to sinkings Hand-packing hardcore and the like to form sinkings shall be given in metres or enumerated as appropriate stating the size. No deduction of hardcore shall be made.
  • 22. 21 D.30 Surface treatment 1. All levelling, grading and compacting bottoms and trimming of sides of excavation and formation of slope shall be deemed to be included with the various items of excavation. 2. Applying herbicides, pesticides, etc. shall be given separately in square metres describing the kind, quality of materials and the rate of application (e.g. anti-termite treatment). D.31 Trimming rock surface Trimming sides of excavation in rock to produce fair exposed faces shall be given in square metres. Curved work shall be so described. D.32 Blinding Blinding with sand or similar fine material shall be described and given in square metres. Concrete blinding shall be given in accordance with Section F. D.33 Puddle lining Puddle lining to ponds, lakes, etc. over 300mm thick shall be given in cubic metres stating the method of application and any preparatory work. Such work not exceeding 300mm shall be given in square metres stating the thickness. D.34 Geotextiles Geotextiles shall be given in square metres measured the area in contact with the base stating the type or grade of material, laps and method of jointing. Horizontal, raking, vertical and curved work shall be so described.
  • 23. 22 SECTION E PILlING AND DIAPHRAGM WALLING Piling E.1 Information 1. Drawings shall be sUpplied with the bill of quantities which show: a. The general piling layout. b. The positioning of different types of pile. c. The positions of the work within the site and of existing services. E.2 Soil description 1. The nature of the ground shall be given in accondance with clause D.1.1. 2. Where work is to be carried out near canals, rivers, etc. or tidal waters the levels of the ground in relation to the nommal levels of the canal or river etc. or to the mean levels of high and low tidal watens shall be stated. Flood levels shall be stated where applicable. E.3 Starting levels 1. The levels from which the work is expected to begin and from which measurements have been taken shall be stated. Irregular ground shall be so described. E.4 Plant 1. The following items shall be given separately for each type of pile identified in accordance with clause E.5.1: a. An item shall be given for bringing to site and removing fnom site all plant required for this section of work. b. An item shall be given for maintaining on site ail plant required for this section of the work E.5 Piling description and measurement 1. The following types of piling operation shall each be given under a separate heading together with all ancillary worh: a. Bored cast-in-place concrete piles. b. Driven shell cast-in-place concrete pites. c. Pre-fommed concrete piles. d. Pre-fommed prestressed concrete piles. e. Pre-formed concrete sheet piles. f. Timber piles. g. Isolated steel piles. h. Interlocking steel piles. j. Other piles.
  • 24. 23 E.5 Pillig description and measurement (cont'd) Within the classifications the following shall each be given separately: (i) Preliminary piles. (ii) Test piles. (iii) ContiguoUs bored piles (iv) Raking piles according to angle of rake in increments of 10°. The inclination corresponding to the rake angle increments, stated as the ratio of horizontal displacement to vertical distanoe are as follows: Inclination angle Ratio 10° 1 in 5.6715 20° 1 in 2.7475 30° 1 in 1.7320 40° 1 in 1.1917 (v) Piles to be extracted shall be identified and given separately. 2. Within the classifications provided in accordance with claUse E.5.1, items shall be given in accordanoe with clauses E.5.3-5 grouped under sub-headings which state the following: a. nominal cross sectional size. b. the materials of which the piles are composed and in the case of steel piles, the nominal weight per metre (the materials of which piles are composed should not be taken to mean only some of the materials in a pile. For example: if a timber pile is to be ringed, this together with the details of the requirements should be stated. Similarty, precise definitions of grades of steel and of concrete mixes are required.) 3. For piles other than cast-in-place concrete and interlocking steel piles, items shall be given for: a. The total number of piles stating the specified length. The size and weight of heads and shoes shall be stated in the description. b. The total driven depth given in metres. 4. In the case of cast-in-place concrete piles, items shall be given for: a. The total number of piles. b. The total concreted length of the piles given in metres. c. The total driven or bored depth given in metres stating the maximum depth. 5. In the case of interlocking steel piles, items shall be given for: a. The total area of piles given in square metres classified into the following ranges of piles length: Not exceeding 12.00m 12.00m - 24.00m exceeding 24.00m b. The total driven area of the piles given in square metres. c. Corner, junction, closure and taper piles, where specifically required, shall each be given in metres as extra over.
  • 25. 24 E.5 Piling descripfion and measurement (con t'd) 6. The following items shall be given in metres as extra over the items for piling: a. Boring through rock stating the anticipated strata. b. Permanent casing stating the thickness and type. c. Placing concrete by tremie pipe which shall be deemed to include for any adjustment to concrete mix proportions required. 7. In the case of pile extensions, items shall be given for: a. The total number of pile extensions. b. The total length of pile extensions given in metres classified into the following ranges of pile length: Not exceeding 3.00m exceeding 3.00m 8. The following shall be given in metres: a. Pre-boring where specifically required. b. Backfilling empty bores stating the type of backfilling matefial. c. Jetting where specifically required. d. Filling hollow piles with concrete, stating the specification of the concrete and whether reinforced. e. The horizontal length of cutting interlocking piles to remove tops. 9. The following shall be enumerated: a. Cutting off tops of isolated piles to required levels which shall be deemed to include provision and backfilling of any working space required. b. Preparing concrete pile heads and reinforcement for capping. c. Forming enlarged bases stating their maximum diameter. d. Cutting interlocking steel piles to form holes. E.6 Reinforcement Steel reinforcement in piles shall be given in accordance with Section F. E.7 Tests Items shall be given for tests of piles stating the details. Provision and maintenance of all necessary equipment, instruments and record keeping shall be deemed to be included. E.8 Quantities The quantities for piling work shall be calculated as follows: a. The specified length for pre-formed concrete, timber and steel piles shall be those which the Contractor is instructed to provide. Handling, transporting and pitching each length of pile shall be deemed to be included with the piling items.
  • 26. 25 E.8 Quantities (cont’d) b. The driven or bored depth of each pile shall be measured from the level stated in accordance with clause E.3 to the bottom of the toe, to the bottom of the driven casing or to the bottom of the bored shaft, The measurement for the total driven depth includes for driving extended piles. c. The concreted length measUred for cast-in-place piles shall be from cut -off level specifically reqUired to toe level specifically required and shall include enlarged bases d. The areas measured for interlocking steel piling shall be based on the mean length measured on the centre line of the piling, over all corner, junction, taper and closure piles. e. The measurement of pile extensions shall not include lengths formed of material arising from cutting off surplus lengths of other piles. It shall deem to include the work necessary to attach the extension to the pile. f. Disposal of surplus excavated material including surplus piles arising from piling operations shall be deemed to be included with the piling items. Diaphragm walls E.9 Information 1. Drawings shall be supplied with the bills of quantities which show: a. The arrangement of diaphragm walls and their relationship to surrounding buildings. b. The depths. lengths and thickness of diaphragm walls. E.10 Soil description The nature of the ground shall be given in accordance with clause D.1.1. E.11 Plant 1. An item shall be given for bringing to site and removing from site all plant required for this section of the work. 2. An item shall be given for maintaining on site all plant required for this section of the work. E.12 Diaphragm wall description 1 Items for work in diaphragm walls shall be grouped together under an appropriate heading. 2. Excavation for diaphragm walls shall be given in cubic metres stating the thickness of the wall and maximum depth. Details of support fluid shall be given in the description. 3. The volume of excavation shall be calculated from the nominal lengths and depths of the walls. The depths shall be taken from the level at which the work of excavation is expected to begin and in accordance with clause E.3. Additional excavation to accommodate guide walls or to provide working space and disposal of material so excavated shall be deemed to be included. 4. Excavation in rock and excavation in artificial hard material shall each be given sepanately in cubic metres stating the nature of the anticipated strata and of the material. Alternatively such work shall be given as extra over the excavation.
  • 27. 26 E.12 Diaphgram wall description (cont’d) 5. Disposal of excavated matefials shall be given in cubic metres in accordance with clauses D.18 and D.19. 6. Concrete in diaphragm walls shall be given in cubic metres stating the wall thickness and the specification of the concrete mix. The depth use in calculation of volume shall be measured from the levels speciflcally required. The volume of concrete measUred shall include that occupied by reinforcement, other metal sections, cast-in components each less than 0.10m3 in volume, rebates, f llets and internal splays each less than 0.005m3 in cross-sectional area and pockets and holes not exceeding 0.50m2 in cross-sectional area. 7. Trimming and cleaning the faces of diaphragm walls shall be given in sqUare metres stating the finish required. 8. Reinforcement for diaphragm walls shall be given in accordance with Section F. The weight of reinforcement measured shall include the additional weight of stiffening, lifting and supporting steel cast in. 9. Waterproof joints in diaphragm walls if specif cally required shall be fully described and given as an item. 10. Guide walls for diaphragm walls shall be given in metres measured as the length of diaphragm wall constnucted and stating any limitations on the design and construction of the guide walls. l l. Prepafing the tops of walls and reinforcement to receive cappings shall be given in metres stating the thickness. 12. Ancillary work in connection with diaphragm walling shaD be given as follows: a. Preparing cast in pockets or chases at junction shall be given in metres or altematively as an item stating the details required. Removal of formwork and preparing cast in reinforcement shall be deemed to be inciUded with the item. b. Removal of gUide walls shall be given in metres stating the limitation on method of disposal. Removal of gUide walls is deemed to inciUde disposal.
  • 28. 27 SECTION F CONCRETE WORK In-situ concrete F.1 Generally 1. Particulans of the following shall be given: a. Kind and quality of materials for concrete. b. Tests required of the materials. c. Tests required of the finished work. d. Mix or strength requirements of the concrete. 2. Reinforced work shall be so described. 3. Concrete designed to be waterproof shall be described stating the measures to be adopted. 4. Any requirements or restrictions as to the nature of the pour shall be given in the descriptions of the work concerned. 5. Concrete required to be placed by a particular method, poured at a stated speed, compacted or cured in a panticular way shall each be so described. 6. Concrete other than beds, poured against faces of excavation and beds laid on eanth or hardcore shall each be so described. 7. Beds, slabs or other members to receive a further finish to be applied while the base is in an unset condition, laid to slopes not exceeding 15° from horizontal or laid to slope over 15° from the horizontal shall each be so described. 8. Concrete shall be measured as carried out but no deduction shall be made for the following: a. Volume of any steel embedded in the concrete. b. Voids due to boxed or tubular steelwork not exceeding 0.05m2 sectional area. c. Voids not exceeding 0.05m3 other than voids in soffits of troughed or coffered slabs. 9. Work required to be designed by the contractor shall be given in accordance with clauses F.41 - 45. 10. Work of composite in-situ and precast construction shall be given in accordance with clause F26. 11. Prestressed in-situ concrete shall be given in accordance with clauses F.34 - 40.
  • 29. 28 F.2 Classification of size 1. Where the thickness is reqUired to be stated in accordance with this clause, the classification shall be in one of the following categories: Not exceeding 100mm 100mm-150mm 150mm-300mm exceeding 300mm 2. The stated thickness of walls, beds and slabs shall exclude projections or recesses of any kind. For coffered or troughed slabs see clause F.3.10. F.3 Concrete categories 1. All members, unless otherwise stated, shall be given in cubic metres and described in the categories set out in clause F.3.2-21. 2. Foundations in trenches, which shall be deemed to include column or pier bases which are not isolated. 3. Isolated foundation bases to columns and piers, stating the number. 4. Casings to steel grillages, stating the number. 5. Ground beams. 6. Casings to steel ground beams. 7. Pile caps, stating the number. 8. Beds, which shall be deemed to include thickening but to exclude upstands, stating the thickness as clause F.2.1. Beds forming roads, footpaths and pavings shall each be so described. 9. Suspended slabs, which shall be deemed to include thickenings but to exclude upstands, stating the thickness as clause F.2.1. 10. Coffered or troughed slabs shall be given separately and so descfibed, stating the overall thickness as clause F.2.1. The volume of troughs or coffers shall be deducted. Solid concrete not exceeding SOOmm wide to ribs or margins of troughed or coffered slabs shall be deemed to be included with the items but similar work over 500mm wide shall be given separately in accordance with clause F.3.9. 11. Upstands, kerbs, copings, sills and the like (excluding wall and column kickers). 12. Walls which are deemed to include kickers, attached columns and pilasters, stating the thickness as clause F.2.1. Retaining walls shall be so described and given separately. 13. Fascias, fins and the like, stating the thickness as clause F.2.1. 14. Beams, casings to steel beams, isolated beams and casings to isolated steel beams shall each be given separately.
  • 30. 29 F.3 Concrete categories (cont'd) 15. Isolated columns and isolated casings to steel columns which shall be deemed to include kickers, shall be each given separately. Isolated columns shall be so defined when their length on plan does not exceed four times their thickness 16. Steps and staircases which shall be deemed to include strings and associated landings. 17. Tops and cheeks of dormers, stating the thickness as clause F.2.1. 18. Filling to hollow walls, stating the thickness as clause F.2.1. 19. Machine bases, plinths and the like, stating the number. 20. Filling to pockets of a volume exceeding 0.10m3 stating the number. 21. Filling to pockets of a volume not exceeding 0.10m3 shall be enumerated irrespective of size. F.4 Joints 1 Day joints shall be deemed to be included in the work. 2. Designed joints including those required to be of special profile or which incorporate water stops, expansion or compression jointing material or which are required in the formation of bays shall be given in metres or where of complex shape may be enumerated. Designed joints occurring at the boundaries of the work shall be so described. Particulars of the following shall be given in the description: a. Formwork. b. Treatment of reinforcement crossing the joint. c. Water-stop, expansion or compression jointing and pointing material. 3. Welded or purpose-made angles or intersections of water-stops or expansion or compression jointing material shall be described and enumerated. All other angles intersections and ends shall be deemed to be included. F.5 Finishes cast on to concrete Granolithic, cast stone, terrazzo, mosaic, etc. hnishes (measured on the exposed face) which are cast on to concrete by lining formwork shall be so described, distinguishing between sides, soffits and upper surfaces and given in square metres as extra over the concrete stating the mix and the thickness of the finish. F.6 Labours on concrete 1. Labours on concrete shall be grouped with the work concerned, stating, where specitcally required, whether on set or unset concrete. 2. Curved labours on concrete irrespective of radius shall be deemed to be included. 3. Treating the surface of unset concrete beyond the ordinary depositing, spreading and levelling shall be described and given separately in square metres for each type of treatment.
  • 31. 30 F.3 Labours on concrete (cont'd) 4, Working concrete around pipes or cables of panel-heating systems shall be measured the area of the system and given in square metres as extra-over the concrete work concerned. 5. Hacking faces of concrete shall be given in square metres stating the purpose for which the key is required. 6. Grinding, sand-blasting and similar treatments to the face of concrete shall each be given separately in square metres. Such work required with margins of a different finish shall be so described, giving in addition the total length of such area abutting margins. Such work to soff ts shall be so described and where over 3.50m high shall be kept separate stating the height in further stages of 1.50m. 7. For the formation of channels, chases, pockets and holes in unset concrete, see Formwork section. 8. Channels and chases in concrete which are required to be cut shall be given in metres. 9. Mortices, pockets and holes in concrete which are required to be cut shali be enumerated and described. Any subsequent grouting shall be inciUded in the description stating the mix of grout unless measured elsewhere. 10. Making good in connection with channels, chases, mortices, pockets and holes where required shall be given in the respective description. F.7 Sundries 1. Grouting under steel stanchion bases and under steel gfillages shall be given separately in square metres stating the mix of the grout and the number of bases or grillages. 2. Anchor bolts and other fixing devices shall be enumerated and described, stating where cast into concrete. Temporary boxings or wedges to form holes or mortices shall be enumerated. Any cutting of concrete and making good for the devices shall be given in accordance with clauses F.6.9-10. The separate parts of any two part connecting devices shall be given with the structural works to which they relate. 3. Guniting shall be given in square metres stating the thickness. The kind and quality of materials, preparatory wofik and method of application and finish shall be so descfibed. Reinforcement F.8 Bar reinforcement 1. Particulans of the following shall be given: a. Kind and quality of steel. b. Section of bars if other than plain circular. c. Tests of bars. d. Restrictions of bending. 2. Bar reinforcement shall be given in kilogrammes or tonnes stating the diameters. Each diameter shall be given separately.
  • 32. 31 F.8 Bar reinforrement (cont'd) 3. Cutting to lengths, bends, hooks, tying wire, distance blocks, ordinary spacens and chairs shall be deemed to be included. No allowance in calculating the weight of reinforcement shall be made for tying wire, ordinary spacers or rolling margin. 4. Classification of bar reinforcement shall be as follows: a. In foundations, which shall be deemed to include column and pier bases, ground beams, pile caps and the like. b. In ground slabs, which shall be deemed to include beds, roads, footpaths and pavings. c. In suspended slabs which shall be deemed to include attached beams, upstand, kerbs and lintels. d. In walls, which shall be deemed to include columns. e. In casings to steel columns and beams (grouped together). f. In steps, staircases and strings and associated landings (grouped together). 9 In tops and cheeks of dormens. h. In machine bases. j. In isolated columns, beams and lintels (grouped together). 5. Within each of the above categories the following shall be shown separately: a. Straight and bend bars, which shall be deemed to include hooked bars (grouped together). b. Curved bars irrespective of radius. c. Links, stirrups, binders and the like (grouped together). d. Spacers and chairs not at the Contractor's choice (grouped together). 6. Horizontal bars and bars sloping not more than 30° from the horizontal (grouped together) over 12.00m long shall be so described stating the length in further stages of 3.00m. 7. Vertical bars and bars sloping more than 30° from the horizontal (grouped together) over 6.00m long shall be so described stating the length in further stages of 3.00m. F.9 Fabric reinforcement 1. Particulars of the following shall be given: a. Kind and quality of steel. b. Section of bars making up the fabric if other than plain circular. c. Tests of fabric. d. Restrictions on bending. 2 Fabric reinforcement shall be measured as the area covered. No allowance shall be made for laps and no deductions shall be made for voids not exceeding 1.00m2. Tying wire and distance blocks shall be deemed to be included. 3. Fabric reinforcement shall be given in square metres stating the mesh, the weight per square metres and the minimum extent of sides and end laps. Classification shall be in accordance with clause F.8.4. 4. Strips required to be in one width (including those in foundations to walls, tension strips to floors and roofs, etc.) shall be given in metres stating the width, the mesh, the weight per square metre, the direction of main bars and the minimum extent of end laps.
  • 33. 32 F.9 Fabric reinforcement (cont'd) 5. Self-centering fabric reinforcement shail be so described. Temporary strutting shall be given in the description and where exceeding 3.50m high shall be so described stating the height in further stages of 1.50m. 6. Raking cutting and curved cutting shall be deemed to be included with the items. 7. Bending fabric reinforcement and notching fabric reinforcement around obstructions shall be deemed to be included in the items Formwork F.10 Generally 1. Formwork shall be grouped in the following categories: a. Foundations and beds. b. Slabs, staircases and associated features. c. Walls and associated features. d. Isolated features. 2. The following shall be deemed to be included in formwork: a All necessary boardings, supports, erecting, framing, cutting perforations for pipes, angles, cleaning, wetting and treatment with mould oil, mould liquid or limewhite and the like. b. All notching, allowances for overlaps and passing at angles, battens, strutting, bolting, wedging, easing, striking and removal. c. Forming chamfered edges or splayed internal angles not exceeding 50mm wide. d. Raking and curved cutting. e. Cutting and fitting around projecting pipes, continuity bars and the like. f. Opening not exceeding 1.00m girth. 3. Formwork shall be measured to the surfaces of the finished structure which requires to be temporarily supported during the deposition of the concrete. 4. No deductions shall be made for voids not exceeding 1.00m2. 5. Formwork coated with a retarding agent shall be so described. 6. Fonmwork that is of a permanent character and to be leh in shall be so described. (Formwork left in is that which is not designed to remain in position but is nonetheless impossible to remove. Permanent formwork is that which is designed to remain in position). 7. Formwork to curved surfaces shall be described stating the geometrical nature and the radius or radii. 8. Fommwork to soffits less than 1.00m high shall be so described. 9. Formwork to somts or soffits of beams over 3.50m high shall be so described stating the height in further stages of 1.50m.
  • 34. 33 F.10 Generally (cont'd) 10 Any requirements as to special surfaces features of the concrete face shall be given and where such requirements apply to part only of the work the finish shall be so described. Lining material which is required to be left in position as a finish shall be so described stating the method of securing to the concrete. F.11 Formwork to foundation and beds 1. Formwork to edges and faces of foundations (which shall be deemed to include bases, pile caps and beds) and formwork to ground beams where exceeding 1.00m high shall each be given separately in square metres. Where not exceeding 1.00m high they shall be given in metres stating the height in the following categories: Not exceeding 250mm high 250mm-500mm high 500mm-1.00m high 2. Formwork to kickers for walls shall be given in metres. Where one or both sides of formwork to kickers is suspended this shall be stated. Where the height of a kicker is at the discretion of the contractor this shall be stated. F.12 Formwork to slabs, staircases and landings 1. Formwork to soffits of slabs, staircases and landings shall each be given in square metres. Classification shall be as follows: a. Horizontal. b Sloping not exceeding 15° from the horizontal. c. Sloping over 15° from horizontal. 2. Formwork to soffits of solid slabs exceeding 200mm thick shall be given separately in square metres and the thickness in stages of 100mm. 3. Formwork to sloping upper surfaces of slabs where more than 15° from horizontal shall be measured in square metres. 4. Formwork to soffits of coffered, troughed or similar shaped slabs shall be described and given in square metres. Such work shall be measured as to a plain surface, the profiles or pan type and size being stated. Formwork to ribs or margins of coffered or troughed slabs not exceeding 500mm wide shall be included with the items. Where such work exceeds 500mm wide formwork shall be given separately in accordance with clause F.12.1 or 2. 5. Formwork to edges of slabs (where not associated with downstand beams or projecting eaves), steps in tops of slabs, steps in soffts of slabs and to risers to staircases shall each be given in metres stating the depth in the following categories: Not exceeding 250mm deep 250mm-500mm deep Where exceeding 500mm deep the depth shall be stated. The prohle or height at each end in the case of tapering surfaces shall be given. Formwork to edges of staircase flights shall be given in metres stating the maximum width.
  • 35. 34 F.12 Formwork to slabs, staircases and landings (cont'd) 6. Formwork to ends and perimeters of openings exooeding 1.00m girth shall each be given in metres stating the width in the foilowing categories: Not exceeding 250mm wide 250mm-500mm wide Where exoeeding 500mm wide the width shall be stated. The profile or width at each end in the case of tapering surfaces shall be given. F.13 Formwork to walls 1. Formwork to faces of walls shall be given in square metres and stating whether vertical or battered. Formwork inside stair wells and lifts wells shall each be given separately. 2. Vertical surfaces requifing formwork exoeeding 3.50m high shall be given as extra over the formwork in which they occur. 3. Where formwork is required to one side of a wall only this shall be stated and the method of upholding the other face shall be given in the descfiption. 4. No deduction of formwork shall be made for kickers. 5. Fommwork to ends, sloping tops or soffits of walls and also to the pefimeters of openings exceeding 1.00m girth (where not associated with oolumns) shall each be given in metres stating the width in the following categories: Not exceeding 250mm wide 250mm-500mm wide Where exoeeding 500mm wide the width shall be stated. The profile or width at each end in the case of tapefing surfaces shall be given. F.14 Formwork to beams, casings, cantilevers and the like 1. Formwork to sides and soffits of beams, beam casing, cantilevens and the like shall be given separately in square metres. Classification shall be as follows: a Horizontal. b Sloping not exceeding 15° from horizontal. c. Sloping over 15° from horizontal. 2. In the case of tapering members the size at each end shall be given. 3. Formwork to secondary beams shall be measured up to the sides of main beams, but no deduction shall be made from the formwork of the main beam where the secondary beam intersects it. 4. Formwork to beams which intensect with stanchion casings or columns shall be measured up to them on all sides. No deduction shall be made from the formwork to stanchion or column casings at these intersections. 5. Formwork to ends shall be deemed to be included with the items.
  • 36. 35 F.14 Formwork to beams, casings, cantilevers and the like (cont'd) 6. Formwork to edges of slabs in association with the beams or beam casings shall be given with the beam or beam casing formwork. 7. Formwork to sloping Upper surfaces of beams shall be measured where more than 15° from horizontal. F.15 Formwork to pilasters and columns 1. Formwork to pilasters (which shall be deemed to include attached columns and attached column casings grouped together) and fommwork to isolated columns and column casings, defined as columns and column casings not contiguous with a wall and where their length on plan does not exceed four times their thickness shall each be given separately in square metres. 2. Formwork to edges of openings in association with columns shall be given with the column formwork. 3. In the case of tapering members the size at each end shall be given. 4. No deductions shall be made for beam intersections. 5. Formwork to ends of members shall be deemed to be included with the items. F.16 Formwork to ancillary and associated features to slabs, walls, etc. 1. Formwork to projections (which shall be deemed to include comices and moulding) and recesses shall be given separately in metres. The size and shape of such members shall be given. Formwork to ends shall be deemed to be included with the items. Classification shall be as follows: a. Horizontal. b. Sloping not exceeding 15 from horizontal. c. Sloping over 15° from horizontal. 2. Formwork to complex or shaped members, isolated corbels and pilaster heads shall each be adequately described and enumerated. 3. Formwork to sides and soffits of strings, copings, sills and projecting eaves and to sides of upstands, kerbs and the like shall each be given separately in square metres. In the case of tapering members the size at each end shall be given. Classification shall be as follows: a. Horizontal. b. Sloping not exceeding 15° from horizontal. c. Sloping over 150 from horizontal. 4. Formwork to sloping upper surfaces of items in clause F.16.3 shall be measured where more than 15 degrees from horizontal. 5. Formwork to tops and cheeks of dormers shall be given in square metres in accordance with clauses F.12-13. 6. Formwork to fascias, fins and the like shall each be given separately in square metres in accordance with clauses F.14-15.
  • 37. 36 F.16 Formwork to ancillary and associated features to slabs, wells, etc. (cont'd) 7. Formwork to edges and faces of machine bases, ptinths and the like where exceeding 1.00m high shall each be given separately in square metres. Where not exceeding l.OOm high they shall be given in metres stating the height in the following categories: Not exceeding 250mm high 250mm - 500mm high 500mm – 1.00m high Precast concrete F.17 Generally 1. Precast units including floors shall be given under an appropriate heading and shall unless otherwise required be enumerated. 2. Particulars of the following shall be given: a. Mix or strength requirements of the concrete. b. Kind, quality and size of reinforcement. c. Nature and extent of surfooe finish. d. Jointing and bedding materials. e. Method of fixing. 3. Formwork or moulds for precast units shall be deemed to be included with the terms. 4. Work required to be designed by the oontractor shall be given in accordance with clauses F.41- 45. 5. Prestressed precast units shall be given in accordance with clauses F.34~40. F.18 Copings, kerbs, lintels, etc. 1. Standard or stock pattern copings, kerbs, channels, lintels, cornices, string-courses, sills other similar units end-jointed to form continuous runs shall each be given separately in metres stating the size and catalogue or other reference number. Curved members shall be so described stating the mean radius. Fair ends, rounded ends, angles, intersections and the like shall be deemed to be included with the items. 2. Purpose-made copings, kerbs, channels, lintels, cornices, string-courses, sills and other similar units of length to be determined by the Contractor endjointed to form continuous runs shall be measured in accordance with clause F.18.1. Where the individual units are required to be of specific lengths, they shall be given in accordanoe with clause F.21. 3. Padstones, heelstones, isolated ventilating grilles and the like shall each be enumerated separately stating the size. F.19 Steps and landings Steps (other than spandrils steps and winders) shall be given in metres, stating the number. Spandril steps, winders and landings shall each be enumerated separately stating the extreme sizes
  • 38. 37 F.20 Pavement and roof lights Pavement and roof lights shall each be enumerated separately, stating the method of bedding and jointing. F.21 Standard or purpose~made units 1. The catalogue or other reference number of standard or stock patterns units shall be given. 2. Except in the case of items which can be adequately described, the description of each purposemade unit shall be accompanied by drawn information in acoordance with clause A.5 showing the size and shape of the unit. F.22 Tiles or slabs Precast concrete tiles or slab finishings to floors and walls shall be given in accordance with Section S. F.23 Temporary supports Where the design of precast units requires temporary support afier placing in position details of the requirements shall be given in the description and the conditions for the removal of the supports stated. F.24 Cast stone Cast stone shall be given in accordance with Section J. F.25 Fixings 1. Dowels, cramps and other fixing devices shall be enumerated and described stating where cast into concrete. 2 Cutting of concrete and making good shall be measured in accordance with clauses F.6.9 -10. The separate parts of two part connecting devices shall be given with the structural work to which they relate. Composite construction Composite construction refers to the oombination within a member (slab, beam, wall, etc.) of in- situ and precast work. (Precast ooncrete mullions within an otherwise in-situ frame would not be composite construction because the members are totally precast). F.26 Generally 1. Members of composite in-situ and precast construction shall be given separately under a heading in which the construction shall be described indicating the inter-relation of the different parts of the work, 2. The in-situ and precast work shall each be measured in acoordance with clauses F.1- 7 and clauses F.17 - 25 respectively. Ribs or margins shall be given in accordanoe with clauses F.3.10. 3. Prestressed work shall be measured in acoordanoe with clauses F.34 - 40.
  • 39. 38 F.26 Generally (cont'd) 4. Slabs required to be designed by the contractor shall be given in accordance with clauses F.41-45. Hollow-block suspended construction F.27 Generally 1. Hollow-block suspended construction and its reinforcement and associated formwork shall be given under an appropriate heading. 2. Work required to be designed by the contractor shall be given in accordance with clauses F.41-45. F.28 Slabs 1. Suspended slabs shall be given in square metres, stating the thickness. Solid concrete work and filling ends of blocks shall be deemed to be inciuded with the items. Solid concrete work to margins and the like exceeding 500mm wide shail be given separately in cubic metres in accordance with clause F.3.9. 2. Particulars of the following shall be given: a. Mix or strength requirements of concrete for fibs, margins and topping. b. Overall thickness of slab. c Size and type of blocks. d Distance between centres of rows of biocks. e. Size and type of slip tiles to soffits of concrete fibs between blocks. f. Finish to top of slab and exposed soffit of blocks and concrete ribs. : 3. Classification shall be as follows: a. Hofizontal. b. Sloping not exceeding 15° from horizontal. c. Sloping over 15° from horizontal. F.29 Beams and kerbs 1. Concrete beams and casings to steel supporting beams (measured below the slab) shall be given in accordance with clause F.3.14. 2. Kefibs shall be given in metres stating the size. F.30 Labours Labours shall be given in accordance with clause F.6. F.31 Reinforcement Reinforcement shall be given in accordance with clauses F.8-9.
  • 40. 39 F.32 Fixing slips and metal clips Fixing-slips, metal-clips and similar items shall each be enumerated separately stating the method of fixing. F.33 Formwork Formwork shall be given in accordance with clauses F.10-16. Prestressed concrete work F.34 Generally 1. Concrete members shall be classified as prestressed concrete work where a stress is artificially induced in the concrete by means of tendons tensioned before working loads are applied. 2. Prestressed concrete work and its reinforcement and associated formwork shall be given under an appropriate heading. 3. Work reqUired to be designed by the Contractor shall be given in accordance with clauses F.41 -45. 4. Work of composite construction shall be given in accordance with clause F.26. 5. A brief description of the prestressed work stating the method of tensioning shall be given. Location drawings showing the prestressing arrangements shall be provided except where stress is to be applied over the fuII length of a concrete member by means of continuous tendons running between the ends of the member. 6. Except in the case of standard or stock-pattern members particulars of the following shall be glven: a. Materials of which the wires are composed, their diameters and details of any preparatory treatment. b. NUmbers of wires to be tensioned simultaneously. c. Amount of tension to be applied to the wires. d. Strength of concrete reqUired at transfer of stress. e. Tests. f. Cutting off and treating the ends of wires. 7. Where tendons are tensioned after the concrete is cast (post-tensioned) particulars of the following shall be given: a. The type of jack used. b. Details of anchorages and anchorage fittings. c. Whether tensioning is carried oUt from one or both ends of tendons. F.35 In situ concrete members 1. In-situ concrete members shall be given in accordance with clauses F.1-7. 2. Members not cast in a continuous length shall be so described stating the nUmber and average length of separately cast sections.
  • 41. 40 F.35 In-situ concrete members (cont’d) 3. Construction joints between sections shall be enumerated. F.36 Reinforcement to in-situ concrete members Reinforcement shali be given in accordance with clauses F.8-9. F.37 Formwork to in situ concrete members 1 Formwork shall be given in accordance with clauses F.10-16 subject to the following: a. Additional requirement for supporting formwork shall be so described. b. Formwork to pre-tensioned and post-tensioned work shall each be so described. c. Temporary restraints required for tensioning shall be given in the descriptions of items for formwork. 2. Formwork for anchorage pockets shall be enumerated stating the size and shape. 3. Formwork to temporary construction joints shail be enumerated stating the section profile of the abutting units. F.38 Precast concrete units 1. Precast concrete generally shall be given in accordance with clause F.17. 2 Precast concrete units shall be given in accordance with clauses F.21 and F.23. 3. Precast units shall be classified as follows: a. Pre-tensioned. : b. Post-tensioned before erection. c. Post-tensioned after erection. Self-supporting before and after tensioning. d. Post-tensioned after erection. Self-supporting only after tensioning. 4. Item descriptions for precast concrete members which are assembled from sections cast separately shall state whether the sections are assembled before or after erection. 5. Construction joints between adjacent units shall be enumerated. 6. Temporary supports for precast units which are self-supporting only after tensioning shall be enumerated stating the area of support required and its height where this exceeds 3.50m. F.39 Ducts, grooves and pockets 1. Ducts and grooves for post-tensioned prestressing tendons shall be given in metres stating the number and size. Particulars of the following shall be given: a. Sleeves or sheathing. b. Temporary supports c. Mix of grout. 2. Ducts and grooves over 6.00m long shall be so described stating the length in stages of 3.00m. Curved ducts shall be described separately.
  • 42. 41 F.39 Ducts, grooves and pockets (cont’d) 3. Vents shall be enumerated. 4. Filling of anchorage pockets shall be enumerated stating the hnish of any exposed surface. F.40 Prestressed tendons 1. Prestressed tendons shall be enumerated stating their length, number of wires, ultimate strength and size of wires, type of core and sheathing. The lengths of post-tensioned tendons shall be measured to the outer faces of anchorage. The iengths of pre-tensioned tendons shall be measured to the surfaces of the concrete members. Descriptions shall state whether tendons are for pre-tensioned or post-tensioned members. 2. Anchorages shall be enumerated stating their components. Contractor-designed construction F.41 General 1. Construction which is to be designed and carried out by the Contractor shall be given under an appropriate heading. Reinforcement and formwork shall be deemed to be included with the items. 2. Where the Contractor's choice of design is limited such limitations shall be stated. 3. Particulars shall be given of any tests of the materials and of the finished work. 4. Work shall be measured as carried out but no deduction shall be made for voids not exceeding 0.10m2 F.42 Slabs 1. Suspended slabs (measured over all bearings and grouped together) shall be given in square metres stating the length of the span (measured in the clear between supports) in stages of 300mm except that spans not exceeding 2.00m long may be grouped together and so described. In the case of cross-reinforced construction the length and width of the slab (measured in the clear between supports) shall be stated in stages of 300mm. Details of the super-imposed loads for which the slabs are to be designed shall be given in the description. Solid concrete in hollow-block construction and filling ends of hoilow~blocks shall be deemed to be included with the items. Slabs shall be grouped and described as follows: a. Slabs not connected to other slabs. b. Slabs oonnected at one end to the other slabs. c. Slabs connected at both ends to other slabs. d. Cross-reinforced siabs oonnected on two adjacent edges to other slabs. e. Cross-reinforced slabs oonnected on three edges to other slabs. f. Cross-reinforoed slabs oonnected on four edges to other siabs. 2. Classification of slabs shall be as follows: a. Horizontal. b. Sloping not exceeding 15° from horizontal. c. Sloping over 15° from horizontal,
  • 43. 42 F.42 Slabs (cont'd) 3. Cantilevered work shall be so described. 4. Slabs cuNed to any shape shall each be described as to its geometrical nature stating the radius or radii 5. Haunchings shall be given in cubic metres. F.43 Openings Trimming around openings where steel trimmers are not provided shall be enumerated as extra over the slabs in which they occur stating the size of the opening and its position relative to the span (i.e. whether the long or shont side is across the line of the span). F.44 Labours 1. Raking and curved boundaries and forming exposed edges shall each be given separately in metres. 2. Working concrete around pipes or cables of panel-heating systems embedded in floors or roofs shall be measured the area of the system and given in square metres. 3. Forming channels and chases shall be given in metres stating the shape, the width and the depth. Channels to falls shall be so described. Ends, angles, intersections and outlets shall be deemed to be included with the items. F.45 Fixing~slips and metal clips Fixing-slips, metal clips and similar items shall each be described and enumerated stating the method of fixing.
  • 44. 43 SECTION G BRICKWORK AND BLOCKWORK Generally G.1 Classification of work 1. Work shall be classified as follows and each classification shall be given under an appropriate heading: a. Foundations. b. Load bearing superstructure. c. Non-load bearing superstructure. G.2 Measurement 1. Brickwork and blockwork shall be measUred the mean length by average height, Fair face and facework shall be measured on the exposed face. 2. No deduction shall be made for the following: a. Voids not exceeding 0.10m2. b. Flues, lined flues and flue blocks where the voids and the work displaced do not together exceed 0.25m2 3. The following shall be deemed to be included with brickwork and blockwork: a. extra material for curved work. b. all rough and fair cutting. c. rough and fair grooves, throats, mortices, chases, rebates, stops and mitres. d. raking out joints to form a key. e. Iabours in eaves fllling. f. labours in returns, ends and angles. g. wedging and pinning. h. oversailing and receding courses. j. bedding and pointing. k. bedding and pointing frames. I. preparing tops of existing walls to receive new walls. m. making good walls and making good fair face or facings. n. any other sundry items of a like nature. 4. Curved work shall be so described stating the mean radius. Curved fair face and curved facework shall be so described stating the radius on face. The provision of curved blocks shall be given in the description of curved work. 5. Work in underpinning shall be given in accordance with Section H.
  • 45. 44 Brickwork G.3 Generally 1. Particulars of the following shall be given: a. Kind, quality and size of bricks. PUrpose-made bricks shall be so described. b. Type of bond. c. Composition and mix of mortar. 2. Deductions of brickwork for string coUrses, lintels, plates and the like shall be measured as regards height to the extent only of the fUII brick courses displaced and as regards depth to the extent only of the full half brick beds displaced. 3. Brickwork in each of the following classes shall be given separately in square metres stating the thickness: a. Walls. b. Filling existing openings. c. Skins of hollow walls. d. Dwarf support walls. e. Projections (measured beyond the face of the wall) of footings and chimney-breasts. f. Isolated piers and chimney-stacks (grouped together). Isolated piers defined as walls having a length on plan not exceeding four times their thickness (except where caused by openings). g. Battering walls defined as walls of uniformed thickness bUiit battered. h. Brickwork used as formwork. Temporary stnutting shall be given in the description. j. Backing to masonry. Cutting and bonding to masonry shall be given in the description. k. Refactory brick linings to fiues. Those bonded to sumounding brickwork shall be so described. l. Brick damp-proof courses. m. Work in raising existing structures, stating the starting height above ground at which the brickwork commences. 4. Projections (measured beyond the face of the wall) of attached piers (whose length on plan is not exceeding four times its thickness) plinths, bands, oversailing courses and the like (grouped together) shall be given in metres stating the width and depth of the projection. G.4 Thickening existing walls 1 Brickwork of any thickness in each of the following classes shall be given separately. Cutting and bonding new to existing and extra material to bonding shall be given in the description stating any special method of bonding: a. Thickening existing walls (measured beyond the face of the wall) given in square metres stating the thickness. b. Projections on existing walls (measured beyond the face of the wall) of attached piers, chimney-breasts and the like (grouped together) given in metres stating the width and thickness. G.5 Tapering walls Brickwork in tapering walls, defined as walls of diminishing thickness from base to top, shall be given in square metres stating the average thickness, whether one or both faces are battered and the rate of batter.
  • 46. 45 G.6 Grooved bricks Grooved bricks shall be given in square metres as extra over the brickwork in which they occur. G7 Cavities in hollow walls 1 Forming cavities in hollow walls shall be given in square metres stating the width of the cavity. Wall-ties shall be given in the description stating the type and spacing. 2. Closing cavities at ends of hollow walls and at jambs or sills of openings shall be given in metres stating the width of the cavity and the method of closing. G.8 Rough arches Rough arches (measured the mean length on face) shall be given in metres as extra over the brickwork in which they occur stating the thickness and the number of rings in the arches. Rough cutting on arches and walls shall be deemed to be included with the brickwork. G.9 Bonding ends of walls Bonding ends of new walls to existing shall be given in metres stating the kind of bond and the thickness of the wall. Cutting pockets in existing work and extra material for bonding shall be given in the description. Brick facework G.10 Generally 1. The rules relating to facowork shall apply to fair face on brickwork. 2. Particulars of the following shall be given: a. Kind and quality of facing bricks. Purpose-made bricks shall be so described. b. Size of facing bricks where different from those in the body of the work, and the method of bonding such facings to the backing. c. Type of bond except in the case of fair face. d. Composition and mix of mortar for pointing where different from that in the body of the work. e. Method of pointing. 3. Facework, except as clause G.10.4, shall be given in square metres as extra over the brickwork on which it occurs. Pointing shall be given in the description of the work. 4. Halfbrick walls and one-brick walls built fair both sides or entirely of facing bricks shall each be given separately in square metres stating the thickness. Pointing shall be given in the description of the work on which it occurs. 5. Deductions of facework for string courses, sills, lintels, plates and the like shall be measured as regards height to the extent only of the full brick course displaced and as regards depth to the extent only of the full halfUrick beds displaced. 6. Facework over a halfa-brick wide to walls, piers, chimney-stacks, returns and the like shall be given in square metres as clause G.10.3.
  • 47. 46 G.10 Generally (cont'd) 7. Facawork not exceeding a half-a-brick wide to reveals, retums, soffits, offsets, exposed edges around superficial items of sunk or projecting work and the like (grouped together) shall be given in metres as facework to margins irrespective of the actual width. Curved margins and shaped margins shall be so descfibed. Ends and angles shall be deemed to be included with the items. 8. Facework built overhand shall be so descfibed. 9. Facework to panels and aprons not exceeding 1.00m2 each shall be enumerated and described. 10. In the case of walls built fair both sides or entirely of facing bricks, fair returns to ends of walls or reveals or openings shall be given in metres stating the width in half-brick stages and in the case of fair returns which are not of exact half-brick width the nearest half-brick above the actual width. 11. Battered facework shall be so described stating the rate of the batter. 12. Facework sunk or projecting less than half-a-brick from the general face of the wall shall be so described stating the depth of the set-back or set-forward. G.11 Fair angles, fair chases and holes 1. The following shall be deemed to be included with facework: a. Fair vertical internal angles and fair vertical external angles. b. Fair battered internal angles and fair battered external angles. c. Fair squint angles and fair birdsmouth angles shall be deemed to be included. d. Fair chamfered angles, fair rounded angles and fair moulded angles. e. Fair chases. f. Holes for pipes, tubes, bars, cables, conduits, gratings, ducting, trunking, trays and the like. G.12 Plain bands 1. Facowork to flush plain bands not exceeding 300mm wide formed with facing bricks which differ in kind or size from the general facings shall be given in metres stating the width of the band. Horizontal, raking, vertical and curved bands shall each be so descfibed. 2. Facework to sunk and projecting plain bands not exceeding 300mm wide shall be given in metres stating the kind of facing bficks where they differ from those in the general facework, the width of the band and the depth of the set-back or set-forward. Horizontal, raking, vertical and curved bands shall each be so described. 3. Fair ends, stopped ends and angles shall be deemed to be included with the items. 4. Facework to plain bands over 300mm wide shall be measured as facework to walls.
  • 48. 47 G.13 Ornamental bands and cornices 1. Facework to flush, sunk or projecting brick-on-edge bands, brick-on-end bands, basket- pattern bands, moulded or splayed plinth cappings, moulded string courses, mouIded cornices and the like shall each be given separately in metres stating the width of the band and the depth of the set-back or set-forward. Horizontal, raking, vertical and curved members shall each be so described. The type of moulded or splayed bricks shall be stated. Moulded or splayed bands which consist entirely of headers or stretchens shall be so described. Facework to margins shall be given in the description. Extra material shall be deemed to be included with the brickwork. 2. Ends, internal angles, external angles and irregular angles shall each be enumerated separately. G.14 Tile creasing 1. Flush, sunk and projecting tile creasings shall each be given separately in metres as extra over the brickwork in which they occur stating the number of courses and the depth of the set-back or set-forward. Horizontal, raking, vertical and curved members shall each be so described. 2. Fair ends and irregular angles shall each be enumerated separately. Stopped ends and other angles shall be deemed to be included with the items. G.15 Quoins 1. Facework to f ush quoins formed with facing bricks which differ in kind or size from the general facings shall be given in metres (measured on vertical angle) stating the average girth and the method of jointing between quoin and general facework. 2. Facowork to sunk and projecting quoins shall each be given separately in metres (measured on vertical angle) stating the average girth, the depth of the set-back or set- forward and the method of jointing between quoin and general facework. Facework to margins shall be given in the description. Extra material shall be deemed to be included with the brickwork. 3. Cut and rubbed quoins shall be so described. 4. Tile insets in quoins and rustications in quoins shall be given in the description. G.16 Arches and tumblings 1. Facework to arches (measured the mean length on face) shall be given in metres stating the width on face, the width of the exposed soffit and outline of the arch. 2. Facework to tumblings of buttresses shall be enumerated stating the size. G.17 Sills, thresholds, copings and steps 1. Sills, thresholds, copings and steps built of fair-faced brickwork or entirely of facings shall each be given separately in metres stating the size and the method of forming. Horizontal, raking, vertical and curved work and work set weathering shall each be so described. 2 Ends, internal angles, external angles and irregulars angles shall each be enumerated separately.