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Title: Snapshot vs Backup: Differences Between Backup and Snapshot
Keywords: snapshotvsbackup,vm backupvssnapshot,difference betweenbackupandsnapshot,
windows10 snapshotbackup, sql serversnapshotbackup
Description: What’s a snapshot? What’s a backup? What are the differences between snapshot and
backup? This article compares them in both VMware and SQL servers.
URL: https://www.minitool.com/backup-tips/snapshot-vs-backup.html
Summary: This article depicted by MiniTool Software Limited mainly compares snapshot and
backup and discusses the differences between them. It takes VM environment and server database as
an example to show you how they are different from each other. Besides, this post teaches you how to
create backups on Windows computers.
What Is Backup?
A backup(data backup),ininformationtechnology,isacopyof computerdata takenandsaved
elsewhere.Whendatadamage ordata losshappens,itcan be usedto recoverthe original data. the
nounor adjective formis“backup”while the verbformis“back up”. A backup system includesmore
than one copyof targetdata.
What Is Snapshot?
A snapshot,incomputersystems,isthe state of a systemata particular pointintime.Thistermwas
coinedasan analogyto that inphotography.Itcan refertoan actual copyof the state of a systemor
a capabilityprovidedbycertainsystems.
Snapshot Types
 Copy-on-write:WhenanI/Orequestseekstochange a storage block,that blockiscopied
firstand retainedbythe snapshottowhichitbelongs.
 Redirect-on-write:Whennewblocksare created,itonlyrequiresone write tothe snapshot.
 Continuousdataprotection:Snapshotswill runatintervalsof twobackups.
 Mirroring/clone/replication:A clone/mirrorisanidentical copyof aunitof storage while
replication isahighlyeffectiveformof dataprotection.
VM Backup vs Snapshot
In VMware workstationsandservers,snapshotsandbackupsexecute similaractionsbutserve
differentpurposes. Bothsnapshotandbackup reserve VMdata, buttheyare suitable fordifferent
situations.Administratorscannottake snapshotsasbackupsor vice versa.
#1 Data Saving
Backupssave VM data as a directcopy ina separate locationlike the external harddrive orthe
cloud,whichallowsadminstorestore the original VMdatafor disasterrecovery (DR) purposes.
Snapshotsrelyondeltafilestotemporarilystore VMdata locally.
#2 Data Restoration
SnapshotsdependondependentfilesforVMrestorationwhile backupsare independentandself-
containedfilesthatdonotneedcross-file dependenciestorestore aVMware.
#3 Functions/Features
VMbackupsmake exactcopiesof a VMthat the systemsavesseparatelyfromthe primaryVMfiles.
VMbackup software like VeeamBackup&ReplicationandVeritasNetBackupcopyaVMat specific
intervalsandmove those copiestoanotheraddress.Duringthe backup,datacompressionand
deduplicationtechnologiesmaybe applied.
Once the primary VMfails,the systemretrievesthe backupfromthe storage repositoryandrestores
the VMto the state whenthe backupwas created.
VMsnapshotspermitadminstomaintainVMdata includingfiles,memory,configurations,and
powersettingsata specificpointintime.A systemcreatessnapshotsasincremental deltafilesor
changelogsthattrack any changesmade since the previoussnapshot.Such aprocesshappens
automatically.Itoffersachainof connecteddeltafiles.Thus,adminscancombine aspecific
snapshotwithanyarchivedsnapshotsandthe original virtual disktorecoveraVM.
#4 Advantages and Disadvantages
BenefitsofVM Backups
Adminscanput the backupsin variouslocationslikeinternaldisks,external drives,NAS,shared
network,onlinestorage,clouddrives,etc.andmanykindsof mediatypes includingHDDs,SSDs,
RAIDs,CDs/DVDs,tapes,USBflashdrives,SDcards, thumbdrives,etc.
Savingbackupsina separate locationisgoodforisolation.So,whennatural disastersandvirus
attacks occur, adminscan quicklyrestore the corruptedorlostdatawithout accessingthe original
filesorlocation. Thatoffersmore reliableVMdataprotection.
Drawbacks of VM Backups
Some VMbackupsoftware requiresinstallinganagentonthe guestoperatingsystem(OS).Thus,
more hard diskstorage shouldbe provided.And,withthe use of the backupprogram, itmay take
growingspace that mightresultinslowOSperformance.
Since the virtualizationlayersitsbetweenthe physicalhardware andthe guestOS,the agentmust
go through the software layertoobtainthe VMdata. Thus, unnecessaryresourcesare needed.Ina
situationwhere multiple backuptasksare conductedsimultaneously, adminsmayencountersystem
stuck andbad systemperformance.
Furthermore, adminsmighthave topause VMsto carry out backupoperationstomake sure all data
isbackedup. Withina givenperiod,limitedcopiesof backupscanbe performed. Backupprocedures
can be time-consumingandsource-intensive,whichisunfriendlytohostperformance andapp
Pros of VM Snapshots
Snapshotfilesare storage-savingfortheyare keptasdeltafilesandnoexactVMreplicas. Admins
don’thave to waitfor backupfilestodownloadfromanotherlocation since the systemisable to
store snapshotsalongside existingVMfiles.
Cons of VMSnapshots
Snapshotsuse updiskspace quickly. Duringagivenperiod, alotof snapshotscanbe taken. So,
adminscan’tkeepoldsnapshots fora longtime.
Besides, adminshave toreconstructsnapshotstorestore aVM. The systemcannotrecovera
snapshotif a previoussnapshotfileorthe original virtual diskiscorruptedorunavailable.So,
individualfilescan’tbe recovered.Adminsmustrestore asnapshotinits entiretyforthe system
#5 Application Scenarios
VMSnapshotsare useful fordevelopmentandtestingpurposes.Theymake iteasytorestore a VM
to a pointintime before testruns,configurationchanges,datamodification,software upgrade, new
app deployment,andsoon.Moreover,snapshotsenableadminstorestore aVMaftercyberattacks.
VMbackupsremainan essential partof any DR plan.Backups can protectdata fromcorruption,
cyberattacks,as well asnatural disasters.Besides, givingdouble insurance toimportantdata,
backupsplace themselvesindifferentlocationsforlive VMs.
SQL Server Snapshot Backup
In thispart, we will compare the difference betweenbackupandsnapshotinSQLserver.The
followingisalistof the differences.
#1 Required Time
Backup takesminutes,hours,ordaysto complete,dependingonthe amountof data. Whereas
snapshotisa short-termprocessand it takesverylittle time comparedtobackup.
#2 Consistency to the Original Copy
For backup,the data at the endof the backup may notbe compatible withthe dataatthe time
whenthe backup was initiated. While forsnapshot,itisexactlythe same asyour serverat the
presentperiodof time.
#3 Storage Time
Backupscan be storedfora longperiod while snapshotsare onlyretainedforashort term.When
space departs,newsnapshotseventuallyoverwrite olderones.
#4 Storage Location
Backupscan be savedinthe same or anotherlocation,internalorexternal devices, fixedor
removable disks, online oroffline location…However,snapshotscanonlybe putin the same location
as the source.
#5 Cost
In SQL servers, backupsoftware ischargedwhilesnapshotservices are free.
#6 Applied Situations
A backupis usedtorestore previousdatawhile asnapshotisusedtorevertto a recentversionof
your server.
#7 The Relationship Between SQL Server Backup and Snapshot
Snapshotbyitself isn’tabackup.However,itcanbe usedas an essentialpartof the backup process.
Snapshotisusedas a part of the data movementprocesstoa backupfile.Whenthe backupfinishes,
the essential snapshotwill be removed.Thatisto say, a backupof all the filesonyourcomputer
What Is a Snapshot Backup?
Here,a snapshotbackupis the combinationof snapshotandbackup.The twokindsof data
protectionsolutionsare notmutuallyexclusive. Therefore,the bestpractice fordataprotectionis
adoptinga backupstrategy consistingof bothbackupsandsnapshots.
Carryingout regularbackupstogetherwithsnapshotsinbetween enablesyoutosecure datawhile
alsostayingon topof versioncontrol.Forexample,youcanfirstlytake asnapshotof the targetfiles
to ensure the datais consistentwithanexacttime.Then,backupthe snapshottoanotherplace to
avoiddata lossdue to disasters.
Windows 10/11 Snapshot Backup
Now,let’slearnsomethingaboutbackupvssnapshotinpersonal computers (PCs).The differences
betweensnapshotandbackupinPCs are similartothose inVMware andservers.Generally, a
backupis an independentcopyof previoustargetdatathat can be storedforeverwithoutoutside
destruction. Itcan be usedto restore importantfilesonce the original itemsare unavailable.
Whereasa snapshotisan instantduplicationof the state of the targetand itcan’t stay for a long
period.Youcan relyon itto recoverto the exactconditionof before.
Besides,the toolsusedtocreate backupsandsnapshotsare alsounlike.Here, we willintroducea
professionalandreliable programthatisgoodat makingbackupsforfiles/folders,operatingsystem
(Windows),partitions/volumes,aswell asthe entire harddiskdrive.Itiscalled MiniTool
Let’ssee howto make use of thissoftware tobuilddifferentbackupsforyourcrucial files.
1. Download,install,and launchMiniTool ShadowMakeronyourcomputer.
2. If it requirespurchase,justclickthe KeepTrial buttonto continue.
3. Whenyouenteritsmain interface,choose the Backuptab fromthe top menu.
4. In the Backup tab,clickon the Source module toselectthe filesorfoldersyou’dlike toback
5. Clickthe Destinationmodule topickup a locationto save the backupimage.Youare able to
choose a local location,anexternal address, orNAS/sharednetwork.
Alt=setup a backup inMiniTool ShadowMaker
6. Clickthe Schedule buttonbelow,switchonthe schedule settinginthe new popup,and
define yourfavorite backupscheduletoenable automaticbackupinthe future.
Alt=MiniTool ShadowMakerschedulebackup
7. Clickon the Scheme button,toggle onthe scheme settingsinthe new window,andsetupa
properbackuptype, full,incremental,ordifferential.
Alt=MiniTool ShadowMakerbackupscheme
8. Finally,clickthe Back up Nowbuttonto start the processto performaninitial full backup.
Whenthe backup taskcompletes,yourdataisfullyprotectedfromnow on.Asfor the changesof
the target fileshappeninginthe future,MiniTool ShadowMakerwillautomaticallymake abackupof
themat a regularfrequencybasedonthe schedule youhave created.
Backup vssnapshotare similarindataprotectionbybothmakinganothercopyof the target and
restoringthe original itemfromthe copy.However,theyare notthe same thingforthey play a
differentrole indatasecurity.Backupisa solutionforlong-termprotectionwhile the snapshotis
onlyuseful intemporaryfilesafety.
 What Is ShadowCopyand Howto Use Shadow CopyWindows10?
 SystemImage VSBackup – WhichOne Is Suitable forYou?
 Clone VSImage:What's the Difference?Getthe AnswerNow!

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snapshot vs backup

  • 1. Title: Snapshot vs Backup: Differences Between Backup and Snapshot Keywords: snapshotvsbackup,vm backupvssnapshot,difference betweenbackupandsnapshot, windows10 snapshotbackup, sql serversnapshotbackup Description: What’s a snapshot? What’s a backup? What are the differences between snapshot and backup? This article compares them in both VMware and SQL servers. URL: https://www.minitool.com/backup-tips/snapshot-vs-backup.html Summary: This article depicted by MiniTool Software Limited mainly compares snapshot and backup and discusses the differences between them. It takes VM environment and server database as an example to show you how they are different from each other. Besides, this post teaches you how to create backups on Windows computers. What Is Backup? A backup(data backup),ininformationtechnology,isacopyof computerdata takenandsaved elsewhere.Whendatadamage ordata losshappens,itcan be usedto recoverthe original data. the nounor adjective formis“backup”while the verbformis“back up”. A backup system includesmore than one copyof targetdata. What Is Snapshot? A snapshot,incomputersystems,isthe state of a systemata particular pointintime.Thistermwas coinedasan analogyto that inphotography.Itcan refertoan actual copyof the state of a systemor a capabilityprovidedbycertainsystems. Snapshot Types  Copy-on-write:WhenanI/Orequestseekstochange a storage block,that blockiscopied firstand retainedbythe snapshottowhichitbelongs.
  • 2.  Redirect-on-write:Whennewblocksare created,itonlyrequiresone write tothe snapshot.  Continuousdataprotection:Snapshotswill runatintervalsof twobackups.  Mirroring/clone/replication:A clone/mirrorisanidentical copyof aunitof storage while replication isahighlyeffectiveformof dataprotection. https://www.minitool.com/backup-tips/0x8078006b.html VM Backup vs Snapshot In VMware workstationsandservers,snapshotsandbackupsexecute similaractionsbutserve differentpurposes. Bothsnapshotandbackup reserve VMdata, buttheyare suitable fordifferent situations.Administratorscannottake snapshotsasbackupsor vice versa. #1 Data Saving Backupssave VM data as a directcopy ina separate locationlike the external harddrive orthe cloud,whichallowsadminstorestore the original VMdatafor disasterrecovery (DR) purposes. Snapshotsrelyondeltafilestotemporarilystore VMdata locally. #2 Data Restoration SnapshotsdependondependentfilesforVMrestorationwhile backupsare independentandself- containedfilesthatdonotneedcross-file dependenciestorestore aVMware. #3 Functions/Features VMbackupsmake exactcopiesof a VMthat the systemsavesseparatelyfromthe primaryVMfiles. VMbackup software like VeeamBackup&ReplicationandVeritasNetBackupcopyaVMat specific intervalsandmove those copiestoanotheraddress.Duringthe backup,datacompressionand deduplicationtechnologiesmaybe applied. Once the primary VMfails,the systemretrievesthe backupfromthe storage repositoryandrestores the VMto the state whenthe backupwas created. VMsnapshotspermitadminstomaintainVMdata includingfiles,memory,configurations,and powersettingsata specificpointintime.A systemcreatessnapshotsasincremental deltafilesor changelogsthattrack any changesmade since the previoussnapshot.Such aprocesshappens automatically.Itoffersachainof connecteddeltafiles.Thus,adminscancombine aspecific snapshotwithanyarchivedsnapshotsandthe original virtual disktorecoveraVM. https://www.minitool.com/backup-tips/hot-backup-vs-cold-backup.html #4 Advantages and Disadvantages BenefitsofVM Backups Adminscanput the backupsin variouslocationslikeinternaldisks,external drives,NAS,shared network,onlinestorage,clouddrives,etc.andmanykindsof mediatypes includingHDDs,SSDs, RAIDs,CDs/DVDs,tapes,USBflashdrives,SDcards, thumbdrives,etc. Savingbackupsina separate locationisgoodforisolation.So,whennatural disastersandvirus attacks occur, adminscan quicklyrestore the corruptedorlostdatawithout accessingthe original filesorlocation. Thatoffersmore reliableVMdataprotection. Drawbacks of VM Backups
  • 3. Some VMbackupsoftware requiresinstallinganagentonthe guestoperatingsystem(OS).Thus, more hard diskstorage shouldbe provided.And,withthe use of the backupprogram, itmay take growingspace that mightresultinslowOSperformance. Since the virtualizationlayersitsbetweenthe physicalhardware andthe guestOS,the agentmust go through the software layertoobtainthe VMdata. Thus, unnecessaryresourcesare needed.Ina situationwhere multiple backuptasksare conductedsimultaneously, adminsmayencountersystem stuck andbad systemperformance. Furthermore, adminsmighthave topause VMsto carry out backupoperationstomake sure all data isbackedup. Withina givenperiod,limitedcopiesof backupscanbe performed. Backupprocedures can be time-consumingandsource-intensive,whichisunfriendlytohostperformance andapp availability. https://www.minitool.com/news/offsite-onsite-backup.html Pros of VM Snapshots Snapshotfilesare storage-savingfortheyare keptasdeltafilesandnoexactVMreplicas. Admins don’thave to waitfor backupfilestodownloadfromanotherlocation since the systemisable to store snapshotsalongside existingVMfiles. Cons of VMSnapshots Snapshotsuse updiskspace quickly. Duringagivenperiod, alotof snapshotscanbe taken. So, adminscan’tkeepoldsnapshots fora longtime. Besides, adminshave toreconstructsnapshotstorestore aVM. The systemcannotrecovera snapshotif a previoussnapshotfileorthe original virtual diskiscorruptedorunavailable.So, individualfilescan’tbe recovered.Adminsmustrestore asnapshotinits entiretyforthe system deletesanyfilesfromprevioussnapshots. #5 Application Scenarios VMSnapshotsare useful fordevelopmentandtestingpurposes.Theymake iteasytorestore a VM to a pointintime before testruns,configurationchanges,datamodification,software upgrade, new app deployment,andsoon.Moreover,snapshotsenableadminstorestore aVMaftercyberattacks. VMbackupsremainan essential partof any DR plan.Backups can protectdata fromcorruption, cyberattacks,as well asnatural disasters.Besides, givingdouble insurance toimportantdata, backupsplace themselvesindifferentlocationsforlive VMs. https://www.minitool.com/news/remote-local-backup.html SQL Server Snapshot Backup In thispart, we will compare the difference betweenbackupandsnapshotinSQLserver.The followingisalistof the differences. #1 Required Time Backup takesminutes,hours,ordaysto complete,dependingonthe amountof data. Whereas snapshotisa short-termprocessand it takesverylittle time comparedtobackup.
  • 4. #2 Consistency to the Original Copy For backup,the data at the endof the backup may notbe compatible withthe dataatthe time whenthe backup was initiated. While forsnapshot,itisexactlythe same asyour serverat the presentperiodof time. #3 Storage Time Backupscan be storedfora longperiod while snapshotsare onlyretainedforashort term.When space departs,newsnapshotseventuallyoverwrite olderones. #4 Storage Location Backupscan be savedinthe same or anotherlocation,internalorexternal devices, fixedor removable disks, online oroffline location…However,snapshotscanonlybe putin the same location as the source. #5 Cost In SQL servers, backupsoftware ischargedwhilesnapshotservices are free. #6 Applied Situations A backupis usedtorestore previousdatawhile asnapshotisusedtorevertto a recentversionof your server. #7 The Relationship Between SQL Server Backup and Snapshot Snapshotbyitself isn’tabackup.However,itcanbe usedas an essentialpartof the backup process. Snapshotisusedas a part of the data movementprocesstoa backupfile.Whenthe backupfinishes, the essential snapshotwill be removed.Thatisto say, a backupof all the filesonyourcomputer essentiallycreatesasnapshot. https://www.minitool.com/backup-tips/backup-vs-recovery.html What Is a Snapshot Backup? Here,a snapshotbackupis the combinationof snapshotandbackup.The twokindsof data protectionsolutionsare notmutuallyexclusive. Therefore,the bestpractice fordataprotectionis adoptinga backupstrategy consistingof bothbackupsandsnapshots. Carryingout regularbackupstogetherwithsnapshotsinbetween enablesyoutosecure datawhile alsostayingon topof versioncontrol.Forexample,youcanfirstlytake asnapshotof the targetfiles to ensure the datais consistentwithanexacttime.Then,backupthe snapshottoanotherplace to avoiddata lossdue to disasters. Windows 10/11 Snapshot Backup Now,let’slearnsomethingaboutbackupvssnapshotinpersonal computers (PCs).The differences betweensnapshotandbackupinPCs are similartothose inVMware andservers.Generally, a backupis an independentcopyof previoustargetdatathat can be storedforeverwithoutoutside destruction. Itcan be usedto restore importantfilesonce the original itemsare unavailable. Whereasa snapshotisan instantduplicationof the state of the targetand itcan’t stay for a long period.Youcan relyon itto recoverto the exactconditionof before. Besides,the toolsusedtocreate backupsandsnapshotsare alsounlike.Here, we willintroducea professionalandreliable programthatisgoodat makingbackupsforfiles/folders,operatingsystem (Windows),partitions/volumes,aswell asthe entire harddiskdrive.Itiscalled MiniTool ShadowMaker.
  • 5. SM-Trial Let’ssee howto make use of thissoftware tobuilddifferentbackupsforyourcrucial files. 1. Download,install,and launchMiniTool ShadowMakeronyourcomputer. 2. If it requirespurchase,justclickthe KeepTrial buttonto continue. 3. Whenyouenteritsmain interface,choose the Backuptab fromthe top menu. 4. In the Backup tab,clickon the Source module toselectthe filesorfoldersyou’dlike toback up. 5. Clickthe Destinationmodule topickup a locationto save the backupimage.Youare able to choose a local location,anexternal address, orNAS/sharednetwork. Alt=setup a backup inMiniTool ShadowMaker 6. Clickthe Schedule buttonbelow,switchonthe schedule settinginthe new popup,and define yourfavorite backupscheduletoenable automaticbackupinthe future.
  • 6. Alt=MiniTool ShadowMakerschedulebackup 7. Clickon the Scheme button,toggle onthe scheme settingsinthe new window,andsetupa properbackuptype, full,incremental,ordifferential.
  • 7. Alt=MiniTool ShadowMakerbackupscheme 8. Finally,clickthe Back up Nowbuttonto start the processto performaninitial full backup. Whenthe backup taskcompletes,yourdataisfullyprotectedfromnow on.Asfor the changesof the target fileshappeninginthe future,MiniTool ShadowMakerwillautomaticallymake abackupof themat a regularfrequencybasedonthe schedule youhave created. Verdict Backup vssnapshotare similarindataprotectionbybothmakinganothercopyof the target and restoringthe original itemfromthe copy.However,theyare notthe same thingforthey play a differentrole indatasecurity.Backupisa solutionforlong-termprotectionwhile the snapshotis onlyuseful intemporaryfilesafety. Alsoread:  What Is ShadowCopyand Howto Use Shadow CopyWindows10?  SystemImage VSBackup – WhichOne Is Suitable forYou?  Clone VSImage:What's the Difference?Getthe AnswerNow!