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      Social CRM
       Concept, Benefits and
       Approach to adopt

A call for reviewing current CRM Strategy, Processes and Mindset
throughout companies

Fabio Cipriani
It all started with the web 2.0 revolution and its 4C’s
    According to Wikipedia (Nov/2008) - Web 2.0 is a term describing changing trends
    in the use of World Wide Web technology and web design that aims to enhance
    creativity, secure information sharing, collaboration and functionality of the web.
    Web 2.0 is enabling:
    •Community creation

   Image source:
© 2008, Fabio Cipriani. Some rights reserved
Being connected, customers realized that they could ask more from
     companies and share opinions about products and services

     Web 2.0 stimulated
     fundamental changes in
     consumer behavior

     Interactions between
     customer and brands starting
     earlier and never ending

     New behavior patterns
     demand a new strategy,
     better segmentation, new
     channels and targeted
     messages and review of
     current customer facing
     business processes

© 2008, Fabio Cipriani. Some rights reserved
New customer relationship means more than just mere on demand
     attention or mass customized products and services

     Web 2.0 provoked an
      expansion of the R in the
      CRM acronym

     Company / Customer
     Company / Partner
     Company / Competitor
     Company / Company
     Customer / Partner
     Customer / Competitor
     Customer / Customer
     Partner / Competitor

© 2008, Fabio Cipriani. Some rights reserved
Lets take a look at the fundamental changes that Social CRM is
     introducing to the current, traditional CRM in terms of…

         Landscape                                                                            Channels                                                                                                    Processes
                                                                                                                                                           •           •    Mi
                                 Customer                    Customer                                                                                                       cro
                                                                                                                                        •          Price comparison website gs
                                                                                                                                                                       •    RSS       •    Podcast
                                                                                               •   Phone               •   Phone
                                                                                               •                       •   Fax                      •       Wikis
                           Customer                                     Customer               •   Email               •   Email                                             •    Social Networks
                                                                                               •   Service             •   Service
                                                                                               •   Letters             •   Letters
                                                                                               •   Personal contact    •   Personal contact                  •         Widgets
                                                                                               •   Company’s website   •   Company’s website

                                                                                   Customer                                                                                       •       Video sharing
                Customer                                                                       •   SMS                 •   SMS
                                                                                               •   Instant Messenger   •   Instant Messenger
                                                                                               •   Chat                •   Chat                                    •       Photo sharing
                                                                                               •   Media               •   Media
                                      Competitor   Supplier / Partner
                                                                                                                                                        •        Forums       •   Auction website

                     Customer                                             Customer                                                                                     •    Slides sharing

                                                                                                                                               •        Reviews and ratings in retail sites

                                                                                                                                                                                      •    Wish lists
                                                                                                                                        •          Social Bookmarking
                                            Your company
                   Customer                                                 Customer
                                 Customer                     Customer

                                                          Mindset                                                                   Technology

© 2008, Fabio Cipriani. Some rights reserved
Evolution of the CRM landscape
                           CRM 1.0                                                              CRM 2.0

                                                                                       Customer                     Customer

         Customer                                        Customer
                                                                                 Customer                                     Customer

                                                                      Customer                                                           Customer

                      Competitor    Supplier / Partner
                                                                                            Competitor   Supplier / Partner

   Customer                                                Customer
                                                                           Customer                                             Customer

                             Your company
                                                                                                  Your company
                                                                         Customer                                                 Customer
                 Customer                      Customer                                Customer                     Customer

    • Focus on individual relationship (company to customer,           • Focus on collaborative relationship (engaging a more
      company to partner, etc.)                                          complex relationship network)
    • Limited view of the customer and his community                   • Multiple connections allow better understanding of the
      preferences, habits, etc.                                          customer and his community
    • Targeted messages generate value                                 • Conversation generates value

© 2008, Fabio Cipriani. Some rights reserved
Evolution of Customer Touch Points
                           CRM 1.0                                                      CRM 2.0
                                                                                               • Blogs       • Microblogs

                                                                                    • Price comparison website

                                                                                                     • RSS        • Podcast
                         • Phone                                 • Phone
                                                                                          • Wikis
                         • Fax                                   • Fax
                                                                                                            • Social Networks
                         • Email                                 • Email
                         • Service                               • Service
                                                                                                • Widgets
                                                                 • Letters

                         • Letters                                                                               • Video sharing
                         • Personal contact                      • Personal contact
                                                                 • Company’s website                • Photo sharing
                         • Company’s website
                         • SMS                                   • SMS
                                                                 • Instant Messenger        • Forums        • Auction website
                         • Instant Messenger
                         • Chat                                  • Chat
                                                                                                     • Slides sharing
                         • Media                                 • Media
                                                                                        • Reviews and ratings in retail sites
                                                                                                                  • Wish lists
                                                                                    • Social Bookmarking

    • Single view of the customer based on the interactions      • Single view of the customer is far more complex to
      history, customer profile data residing in the company’s     achieve. Besides internal information, the company must
      base and data integration with internal systems              rely on external information such as customer profiles in
    • Company owns the data but it is limited to previous          social networks and his behavior when participating in a
      interactions                                                 community.
                                                                 • Customer and other web 2.0 sites own part of the precious
© 2008, Fabio Cipriani. Some rights reserved
Evolution of Business Processes Modeling
                              CRM 1.0                                                         CRM 2.0

                                Targeting                                                     Establishing





                                Retention                                                      Experience

                                               Customer                           Support processes
       Marketing              Sales                                                                                      Value
                                                                                  Operation processes

                                                                   • Company processes developed from the customer
     • Customer processes developed from the company                 standpoint (company life cycle for the customer)
       standpoint (customer life cycle for the company)
                                                                   • Conversation centric – include the conversation factor to
     • Process centric – adapt and optimize processes to support
                                                                     establish brand community, enable idea capturing and
       better customer interaction
                                                                     better segmentation
     • Focused on CRM processes
                                                                   • Focused on the evolution of CRM processes and resulting
                                                                     impacts in the value chain
© 2008, Fabio Cipriani. Some rights reserved
Evolution of Organizational Mindset
                           CRM 1.0                                                    CRM 2.0


          Employee                         Customer                     Employees                         Customers

     • Innovation comes from one specialized source within the   • Innovation is gathered from all employees as they are
       company (innovation group)                                  closely connected to the final customer and to each other
                                                                   via internal web 2.0 tools. Customers are in the center of
     • Frontline employees communicate targeted messages for
       transactional operations                                    the innovation cycle.
                                                                 • Frontline and non frontline employees engage
                                                                   conversations including new customers in the context and
                                                                   rerouting conversations. New set of employee skills

© 2008, Fabio Cipriani. Some rights reserved
Evolution of Technology
                           CRM 1.0                                                      CRM 2.0
                                                                                        Monitoring /
                                                                                   Interconnecting tools

                                                                                    Conversation tools               Data
                                                              Customer                                               mining
                                                              Data     RSS                                 Forums

                          Process Support

                         Account Management
                         Contact Management
                         Activity Management                       Blogs                                        Widgets
                       Lead / Opp Management
                       Campaign Management
                          Sales Management
                        Service Management…                 APIs
                                                                                                                        Open Id

                                                                                      Social Networks         Cloud
                                                                           Brand monitoring

     • CRM Solutions focused in automating and supporting    • CRM Solutions focused in community creation internal and
       internal business processes                             externally

© 2008, Fabio Cipriani. Some rights reserved
Bottom line

           • Social CRM does not replace traditional CRM. It extends current CRM 1.0
             capabilities to engage conversations with customers and the market,

           • Social CRM humanize the company so the customer can see it as a
             trusted peer (customers trust people like themselves),

           • Social CRM puts the customer in the core of the company’s strategy. It
             affects thoroughly operations, its value chain and organizational structure
             and culture,

           • Social CRM introduces new value drivers into
             the company’s strategy thanks to customers
             engaged with the brand,

           • Social CRM needs a new organizational
             mindset supported by web 2.0 empowered
             employees. By connecting employees to
             themselves and to customers, the Social CRM
             should enable closed-loop employee
             recognition based on individual results.

© 2008, Fabio Cipriani. Some rights reserved
Putting Social CRM to work: Understand Social Influence in CRM
     Building Blocks and transform it...




                The Social Influence changes the traditional CRM building blocks and
                requires companies to work towards a Social CRM concept composed
                by Social Strategy, Social Operations and Social Organization

© 2008, Fabio Cipriani. Some rights reserved
To support this transformation, go deeper in the ‘Company life cycle’
     from the customer point of view…
                                                                                  Social web improves our sense of control and makes us
                                                              Consumption needs   more sensible to ads and willing to participate. This is an
                                                                                  open door to understand and establish customer needs
                                        Establishing need
                                                                                  By sharing experiences, people connect and influence
                                                              Need by influence   each other. Online reviews can be more important than a
                                                                                  recommendation from a friend. Call for improved analytics

                                                                                  Customer is now empowered with powerful search tools
                                                              Searching           capable of bring back text, pictures, music, video and any
                 Company Life Cycle

                                                                                  other digital content. Long tail economics happen here
                                                                                  Search results can be frightening. Organization of
                                        Decision              Selecting           information is now owned by the user via tags, categories
                                                                                  and links. This is new taxonomy is called ‘folksonomy’
                                                                                  Prospect customers can find plenty of opinions in multiple
                                                              Deciding            places or even ask online about your product to compare
                                                                                  and finally decide. Connection is seamless and easy
                                      Customer                                    Besides traditional price comparison via specialized

                                      behavior                Buying              websites, the prospect customer can now form groups to
                                                                                  bargain prices thanks to some specific web 2.0 sites
                                                                                  Paypal enabled new ways for paying for products and
                                                              Paying              receiving from customers, but new social networks allows
                                                                                  you to lend / borrow money from / to multiple users
                                                                                  Better Supply Chain overview by connecting companies
                                                              Receiving           and external parties. CPFR improvement(Collaborative
                                                                                  Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment)
                                                                                  Customer support is now offered via web 2.0 channels as
                                                              Using               well. Some virtual communities allow users to support each
                                                                                  other using a product or service. Lowering CS costs

                                                                                  Based on previous experiences and other customer
                                                              Comparing           descriptions in social networks, blogs, and so on, the
                                                                                  customer draws a conclusion about how satisfied he is
                                        Sharing impressions
                                                                                  Customers share their experience in virtual communities
                                                              Sharing             and other reviewing tools. It can consist of improvement
                                                                                  suggestions, faults description or mere opinions
© 2008, Fabio Cipriani. Some rights reserved
...and apply findings into your current CRM foundations following a
     consistent roadmap.


                                                                                                               Social Operations

                                                                                                               Social Organization

                     Implementation                     Redesign                        Design and                       Monitor and
                        Strategy                      Building Blocks                   Develop tools                      Adapt

              • Understand your public and     • Review current CRM building    • Design and develop tools        • Measure results and adapt
                current customer behavior        blocks (as is)                   which will support the            current Social CRM to meet
                                                                                  company in engaging with          changes in customer needs
              • Decide how you will            • Realign Social CRM Strategy
                                                                                  Social Customers                  and/or market dynamics
                engage with the market           with current CRM Strategy
                (monitor buzz, react to          (touch points, segmentation,   • Train employees and close
                comments, supply social          customer value, etc.)            the recognition and reward
                platform, etc.)                                                   loop
                                               • Review Processes to
              • Find out which tools will be     operate Social CRM
                                               • Establish Social CRM
              • Build a business case            mindset throughout the
© 2008, Fabio Cipriani. Some rights reserved
Some foreseen benefits of Social CRM
             Raise Marketing ROI thanks to better targeting, better product solution, customer
             experience and word-of-mouth.
             Gain insights to explore new market segments and improve marketing effectiveness
             Identify new business opportunities and improve cross/up-sell abilities through
             increasing contact with existing and potential customers
             Cut sales commissions costs by building community around the brand
             Increase R&D capabilities and innovation through tapping into the collective
             intelligence of your target audience
             Increase customer loyalty by promoting transparent dialogue and improving employee/
             customer interaction efficiency
             Decrease customer service costs through self-helping communities

© 2008, Fabio Cipriani. Some rights reserved
This presentation has a sequel available on SlideShare.net

                                                  Why Social CRM?
                                                  Functional Architecture
                                                  Flow and Value of Interactions
                                                  What are CRM vendors doing to promote Social experience
                                                  Pre-requisites and business questions

     This is what you have seen:
                                                  Concept
                                                  Comparison with traditional CRM
                                                  Benefits
                                                  Approach for adoption
                                                  How to put it to work

© 2008, Fabio Cipriani. Some rights reserved
About me...
       Fabio Cipriani
           • Author:
                – “Corporate Blogging” – First book about web
                  2.0 in Brazil – 2nd edition released in 2008.
                – Brand new title to be released 1st quarter of
                  2010 approaching Social Strategy and Social
                  Media adoption paradox

           • Academic Background
                – Electronics Engineer and Master of Science in
                  Wireless Systems
                – Post-Laurea in Economy and Management of
                  Small/Medium Businesses

           • Project experiences
                – Customer & Market Strategy developments
                  and CRM implementations in Latin America
                  and Europe
                – More than 8 years working as Management
                  Consultant for companies from multiple
                  industries such as Consumer Business,
                  Telecom, Technology and Manufacturing

                                                    Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under
© 2008, Fabio Cipriani. Some rights reserved

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Social CRM - Concept, Benefits and Approach to adopt

  • 1. ? ! Social CRM Concept, Benefits and Approach to adopt A call for reviewing current CRM Strategy, Processes and Mindset throughout companies Fabio Cipriani November-2008
  • 2. It all started with the web 2.0 revolution and its 4C’s According to Wikipedia (Nov/2008) - Web 2.0 is a term describing changing trends in the use of World Wide Web technology and web design that aims to enhance creativity, secure information sharing, collaboration and functionality of the web. Web 2.0 is enabling: •Collaboration •Community creation •Conversation •Creativity Image source: http://web2.socialcomputingmagazine.com/all_we_got_was_web_10_when_tim_bernerslee_actually_gave_us_w.htm © 2008, Fabio Cipriani. Some rights reserved
  • 3. Being connected, customers realized that they could ask more from companies and share opinions about products and services Web 2.0 stimulated fundamental changes in consumer behavior Interactions between customer and brands starting earlier and never ending New behavior patterns demand a new strategy, better segmentation, new channels and targeted messages and review of current customer facing business processes © 2008, Fabio Cipriani. Some rights reserved
  • 4. New customer relationship means more than just mere on demand attention or mass customized products and services Web 2.0 provoked an expansion of the R in the CRM acronym Company / Customer Company / Partner Company / Competitor Company / Company Customer / Partner Customer / Competitor Customer / Customer Partner / Competitor © 2008, Fabio Cipriani. Some rights reserved
  • 5. Lets take a look at the fundamental changes that Social CRM is introducing to the current, traditional CRM in terms of… Landscape Channels Processes • • Mi Customer Customer cro blo • Price comparison website gs Customer • RSS • Podcast • Phone • Phone • • Fax • Wikis Fax Customer Customer • Email • Email • Social Networks • Service • Service • Letters • Letters • Personal contact • Personal contact • Widgets • Company’s website • Company’s website + Customer • Video sharing Customer • SMS • SMS • Instant Messenger • Instant Messenger • Chat • Chat • Photo sharing • Media • Media Competitor Supplier / Partner • Forums • Auction website Customer Customer • Slides sharing • Reviews and ratings in retail sites • Wish lists • Social Bookmarking Your company Customer Customer Customer Customer Mindset Technology © 2008, Fabio Cipriani. Some rights reserved
  • 6. Evolution of the CRM landscape CRM 1.0 CRM 2.0 Customer Customer Customer Customer Customer Customer Customer Customer Customer Customer Competitor Supplier / Partner Competitor Supplier / Partner Customer Customer Customer Customer Your company Your company Customer Customer Customer Customer Customer Customer • Focus on individual relationship (company to customer, • Focus on collaborative relationship (engaging a more company to partner, etc.) complex relationship network) • Limited view of the customer and his community • Multiple connections allow better understanding of the preferences, habits, etc. customer and his community • Targeted messages generate value • Conversation generates value © 2008, Fabio Cipriani. Some rights reserved
  • 7. Evolution of Customer Touch Points CRM 1.0 CRM 2.0 • Blogs • Microblogs • Price comparison website • RSS • Podcast • Phone • Phone • Wikis • Fax • Fax • Social Networks • Email • Email • Service • Service • Widgets • Letters + • Letters • Video sharing • Personal contact • Personal contact • Company’s website • Photo sharing • Company’s website • SMS • SMS • Instant Messenger • Forums • Auction website • Instant Messenger • Chat • Chat • Slides sharing • Media • Media • Reviews and ratings in retail sites • Wish lists • Social Bookmarking • Single view of the customer based on the interactions • Single view of the customer is far more complex to history, customer profile data residing in the company’s achieve. Besides internal information, the company must base and data integration with internal systems rely on external information such as customer profiles in • Company owns the data but it is limited to previous social networks and his behavior when participating in a interactions community. • Customer and other web 2.0 sites own part of the precious data © 2008, Fabio Cipriani. Some rights reserved
  • 8. Evolution of Business Processes Modeling CRM 1.0 CRM 2.0 Targeting Establishing need impressions Expansion Acquisition Decision Sharing Targeting Expansion Acquisition Retention Experience Retention Customer Support processes Marketing Sales Value Service Operation processes • Company processes developed from the customer • Customer processes developed from the company standpoint (company life cycle for the customer) standpoint (customer life cycle for the company) • Conversation centric – include the conversation factor to • Process centric – adapt and optimize processes to support establish brand community, enable idea capturing and better customer interaction better segmentation • Focused on CRM processes • Focused on the evolution of CRM processes and resulting impacts in the value chain © 2008, Fabio Cipriani. Some rights reserved
  • 9. Evolution of Organizational Mindset CRM 1.0 CRM 2.0 ! Interaction Conversation Contribution Transaction Feedback Employee Customer Employees Customers • Innovation comes from one specialized source within the • Innovation is gathered from all employees as they are company (innovation group) closely connected to the final customer and to each other via internal web 2.0 tools. Customers are in the center of • Frontline employees communicate targeted messages for transactional operations the innovation cycle. • Frontline and non frontline employees engage conversations including new customers in the context and rerouting conversations. New set of employee skills needed. © 2008, Fabio Cipriani. Some rights reserved
  • 10. Evolution of Technology CRM 1.0 CRM 2.0 Monitoring / Interconnecting tools Conversation tools Data Customer mining Owned Data RSS Forums Process Support Account Management Contact Management Activity Management Blogs Widgets Lead / Opp Management Campaign Management Sales Management Service Management… APIs Open Id Podcast Wikis Social Networks Cloud Computing Brand monitoring services • CRM Solutions focused in automating and supporting • CRM Solutions focused in community creation internal and internal business processes externally © 2008, Fabio Cipriani. Some rights reserved
  • 11. Bottom line • Social CRM does not replace traditional CRM. It extends current CRM 1.0 capabilities to engage conversations with customers and the market, • Social CRM humanize the company so the customer can see it as a trusted peer (customers trust people like themselves), • Social CRM puts the customer in the core of the company’s strategy. It affects thoroughly operations, its value chain and organizational structure and culture, • Social CRM introduces new value drivers into the company’s strategy thanks to customers engaged with the brand, • Social CRM needs a new organizational mindset supported by web 2.0 empowered employees. By connecting employees to themselves and to customers, the Social CRM should enable closed-loop employee recognition based on individual results. © 2008, Fabio Cipriani. Some rights reserved
  • 12. Putting Social CRM to work: Understand Social Influence in CRM Building Blocks and transform it... Strategy Operations Organization The Social Influence changes the traditional CRM building blocks and requires companies to work towards a Social CRM concept composed by Social Strategy, Social Operations and Social Organization © 2008, Fabio Cipriani. Some rights reserved
  • 13. To support this transformation, go deeper in the ‘Company life cycle’ from the customer point of view… Social web improves our sense of control and makes us Consumption needs more sensible to ads and willing to participate. This is an open door to understand and establish customer needs Establishing need By sharing experiences, people connect and influence Need by influence each other. Online reviews can be more important than a recommendation from a friend. Call for improved analytics Customer is now empowered with powerful search tools Searching capable of bring back text, pictures, music, video and any Company Life Cycle other digital content. Long tail economics happen here Search results can be frightening. Organization of Decision Selecting information is now owned by the user via tags, categories and links. This is new taxonomy is called ‘folksonomy’ Prospect customers can find plenty of opinions in multiple Deciding places or even ask online about your product to compare and finally decide. Connection is seamless and easy Customer Besides traditional price comparison via specialized behavior Buying websites, the prospect customer can now form groups to bargain prices thanks to some specific web 2.0 sites Paypal enabled new ways for paying for products and Paying receiving from customers, but new social networks allows you to lend / borrow money from / to multiple users Experience Better Supply Chain overview by connecting companies Receiving and external parties. CPFR improvement(Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment) Customer support is now offered via web 2.0 channels as Using well. Some virtual communities allow users to support each other using a product or service. Lowering CS costs Based on previous experiences and other customer Comparing descriptions in social networks, blogs, and so on, the customer draws a conclusion about how satisfied he is Sharing impressions Customers share their experience in virtual communities Sharing and other reviewing tools. It can consist of improvement suggestions, faults description or mere opinions © 2008, Fabio Cipriani. Some rights reserved
  • 14. ...and apply findings into your current CRM foundations following a consistent roadmap. Social Strategy Social Operations Social Organization Implementation Redesign Design and Monitor and Strategy Building Blocks Develop tools Adapt • Understand your public and • Review current CRM building • Design and develop tools • Measure results and adapt current customer behavior blocks (as is) which will support the current Social CRM to meet company in engaging with changes in customer needs • Decide how you will • Realign Social CRM Strategy Social Customers and/or market dynamics engage with the market with current CRM Strategy (monitor buzz, react to (touch points, segmentation, • Train employees and close comments, supply social customer value, etc.) the recognition and reward platform, etc.) loop • Review Processes to • Find out which tools will be operate Social CRM deployed • Establish Social CRM • Build a business case mindset throughout the company © 2008, Fabio Cipriani. Some rights reserved
  • 15. Some foreseen benefits of Social CRM ● Raise Marketing ROI thanks to better targeting, better product solution, customer experience and word-of-mouth. ● Gain insights to explore new market segments and improve marketing effectiveness ● Identify new business opportunities and improve cross/up-sell abilities through increasing contact with existing and potential customers ● Cut sales commissions costs by building community around the brand ● Increase R&D capabilities and innovation through tapping into the collective intelligence of your target audience ● Increase customer loyalty by promoting transparent dialogue and improving employee/ customer interaction efficiency ● Decrease customer service costs through self-helping communities © 2008, Fabio Cipriani. Some rights reserved
  • 16. This presentation has a sequel available on SlideShare.net  Why Social CRM?  Functional Architecture  Flow and Value of Interactions  What are CRM vendors doing to promote Social experience  Pre-requisites and business questions This is what you have seen:  Concept  Comparison with traditional CRM  Benefits  Approach for adoption  How to put it to work © 2008, Fabio Cipriani. Some rights reserved
  • 17. About me... Fabio Cipriani • Author: – “Corporate Blogging” – First book about web 2.0 in Brazil – 2nd edition released in 2008. – Brand new title to be released 1st quarter of 2010 approaching Social Strategy and Social Media adoption paradox • Academic Background – Electronics Engineer and Master of Science in Wireless Systems – Post-Laurea in Economy and Management of Small/Medium Businesses • Project experiences – Customer & Market Strategy developments and CRM implementations in Latin America and Europe – More than 8 years working as Management Consultant for companies from multiple industries such as Consumer Business, Telecom, Technology and Manufacturing Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ © 2008, Fabio Cipriani. Some rights reserved