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Social Media Benefits Essay | E
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Social Media Benefits Essay | E Social Media Benefits Essay | E
Astrocytes Case Study
Regulation of astrocyte pathology by fluoxetine prevents the deterioration of Alzheimer phenotypes in
an APP/PS1 mouse model
Studies have implicated astrocytic dysfunction in Alzheimer s disease (AD). However, the role of
astrocytes in the pathophysiology and treatment of the disease is poorly characterized. Here, we
identified astrocytes as independent key factors involved in several Alzheimer like phenotypes in an
APP/PS1 mouse model, including amyloid pathology, altered neuronal and synaptic properties, and
impaired cognition. In vitro astrocytes from APP/PS1 mice induced synaptotoxicity as well as reduced
dendritic complexity and axonal branching of hippocampal neurons. These astrocytes produced high
levels of soluble ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They support neighboring neurons and integrate the nervous communication unit in the form of
tripartite synapse (Bosson et al., 2015). Astrocyte accumulation is the earliest pathological change in
AD (Wyss Coray et al., 2003). As a source of inflammatory factors in CNS, astrocytes may lead to
neurotoxic damage by generating chronic self sustaining inflammatory reactions (Griffin et al., 1998;
Paradisi et al., 2004). However, a recent randomized clinical trial found inhibiting the inflammatory
responses with anti inflammatory drugs failed to improve cognitive function in elderly individuals
with a family history of AD (Group et al., 2008), which implies inflammation may not be the only
mechanism by which astrocytes contribute to the pathogenesis of AD. Soluble Aβ production in AD
correlates well with the severity of memory/cognition impairment (Walsh and Selkoe, 2004). Aβ
disrupts neuronal calcium homeostasis, induces oxidative stress (Mosconi et al., 2010), instigates tau
hyperphosphorylation (Christensen et al., 2004; Seyb et al., 2006) and causes extensive
synaptotoxicity and neurotoxicity, all of which contribute to the AD like phenotypes observed in
animal models (Matos et al., 2012; Shrivastava et al., 2013). A previous study has shown the
expression of β secretase was increased in astroglial cells in the brains of Tg2576 AD mice, which
may facilitate the generation of Aβ in this transgenic mice
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Women and Maturity in Eschenbach s Parzival Essays
Women and Maturity in Eschenbach s Parzival
Through the course of Wolfram von Eschenbach s epic romance Parzival, it becomes abundantly clear
that the main characters, Parzival and Gawan, must attain some level of maturity or growth before
they will be able to persevere in their personal quests. While their paths to maturity involve a great
deal of combat and contests of knightly skill, it is their encounters with noble women that truly
redefine their characters.
Parzival is undeniably a romance. It contains all the typical components of an early romance:
extravagant characters, remote and exotic places, highly exciting and heroic events, passionate love,
and mysterious or supernatural experiences. As a romance alone, indeed, ... Show more content on
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Herzeloyde, having lost her beloved husband Gahmuret to knightly combat, shelters Parzival in an
attempt to prevent him from entering knighthood. This sheltering forms the core of Parzival s initial
innocence. His mother s attempts to hide knighthood from him results in his also knowing little to
nothing about society, proper social behavior, and the class structure he must conform to. Thus, while
Parzival s decision to enter the knighthood after meeting with several knights would seem to be the
key event in establishing the initial plot of the tale, his mother s sheltering is truly the underlying
theme for the first step in Parzival s growth.
The next woman Parzival encounters in his quest is the Lady Jechute. Whereas Herzeloyde provided
the forum for establishing Parzival s innocence, Jechute is clearly the forum for displaying his
innocence. Prior and during their encounter Parzival s garb and speech are largely representative of his
innocence: his poor clothing and plain language presents him as little more than an unlearned peasant.
When Parzival encounters Jechute alone in her tent, he misinterprets advice given to him by his
mother and rather violently wrestles with her before ultimately stealing her ring. In the course of their
encounter, albeit brief, we see that Parzival s innocence, in part, manifests itself in a literal
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College Students and Sub-culture
Sub cultures are something everyone is a part of in any society they live in. Everyone lives in some
kind of culture; everyone has an ethnic background, a social standing, possible political, moral, and
religious views and each of these items submits that person into multiple sub groups within their
culture. I, myself, am a part of numerous sub cultures.
Starting with the largest I am a human being; I live and function as a human and not as an animal or
plant. This seems a little farfetched to apply as a sub culture but it is a proven fact that even some
animal groups have communities and cultures of their own. Also, there are even some humans who
choose to live an animalistic lifestyle. In addition, I am Caucasian or white ... Show more content on
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With this being said that means that I am also part of a popular sub culture within American
Universities. Although, U.S. News reported in 2012 that Communication Studies was not among the
top five most popular majors at Troy University. According to these statistics students whose choses
major is Communication Studies make up less than 7% of the student population (U.S. News). So
although I can identify with many in this sub culture within America I cannot relate with nearly as
many people of this sub culture at Troy University. I can still create relationships with college students
in general despite my major.
There are not many nonverbal factors to analyze for this sub culture but there are quite a few verbal
factors. College students have a language of their own. They know the struggles of class schedules,
club meetings, registration, living on a dime, and buying books dirt cheap. This verbal code often
disconnects college students from people similar to their age due to the fact that much of the subjects
to be spoken about are quite different. This is not to say that college students cannot communicate
with non college students but they often find it easier to relate to those who understand their lingo,
joys, struggles, and more.
The societal class that college attendees belong to has always had the stigma of being the haves of
society. In recent years; however, many who attend college come from
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Soviet Submarines in Red Star Rogue by Kenneth Sewell
The novel Red Star Rogue is a novel about a particular submarine that served in the Soviet Pacific
Fleet during the Cold War. The book follows the Golf Class submarine K 129 on her final mission
which occurred in the spring of 1968. K 129 was a Soviet ballistic missile submarine whose purpose
was to launch nuclear weapons at the United States in case of the commencement of hostilities
between the two superpowers. The author Kenneth Sewell, who is a former submarine officer
(Hutchinson) does an outstanding job of not only describing the overall picture, but also breaking
down not only the submarine, but also the men who served on her final mission. He provides personal
information about everyone from the commanding officer all the way ... Show more content on
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Another strange occurrence is that 15 extra sailors boarded shortly before departure. This was rare in
that the crew of 83 men was already at full muster. The submarine set sail, and things appeared to be
going smoothly. The submarine is heading to its assigned patrol area in the central Pacific. Suddenly,
on March 1st, after a week at sea, the first indication that something is amiss aboard the submarine
comes... (77) K 129 failed to send its regularly scheduled message to fleet headquarters. Four days
later, on March 5th, another signal that something is wrong on board. The submarine instead of
slowing down to begin the usual silent patrolling in the mission, K 129 keeps sailing towards Pearl
Harbor. (78) After two weeks at sea, the submarine surfaces and then proceeds to attempt a nuclear
missile launch at Pearl Harbor. The author points out that what exactly happened will never be known
unless Russian files are declassified and the CIA release what documents they recovered from the
submarine. Although Mr. Sewell cannot provide a first hand account, he can relate with a fair degree
of certainty what happened based on his experience as a submariner and his experience in dealing with
the Soviet navy. Also with the use of recently declassified documents, Mr. Sewell can provide more
accurate descriptions of what possibly happened then anyone before. The last section of the book is
something that thrill writers like Tom Clancy or
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Essay on John Keats La Belle Damn Sans Merci Analysis
Of all the themes in poetry, one that is most commonly used and stands out quite a lot is love. T. S
Elliot once quoted Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion . As such, it is
no wonder that the themes of unrequited love and despair are very prominent in poem La Belle Dame
sans Merci by John Keats. In this poem Keats clearly denotes his personal rebellion against the pains
of love and revealed the sad reality that; in pleasure, there is pain. This paper will take a closer look at
one of the most prominent themes in La Belle Dame sans Merci; Love and Despair.
The poem begins with a forlorn and heartbroken narrator suffering from both physical and emotional
pain, So haggard and woebegone (l 6) who meets a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He was all alone and the his expectations of the romance was shattered. It then dawned that his
suffering disappointment stemmed from the realization that she never really loved him the way he
thought she did. At this point the knight is lonely and hopeless, but he does not show anger towards
her. This shows his understanding that in love there is despair. Even though the love he feels for her is
pure and true, she did not have the same feelings.
The only clues in La Bella Dame sans Merci that depicts whether or not the love felt by the maiden
towards the knight is true, comes from the dreams of the knight when he was sleeping. In his dream he
comes to the realization that the maiden is pitiless and she has no mercy. His dreams can be
interpreted as if the knight subconsciously knew that the love wasn t real and that the maiden had
already left him, and his mind has already started shifting the blame towards her. This mentally
prepares the knight for the harsh reality that he has to face as he awakes. The dream might just be his
rationalization; a way of making her out to be evil in order to cope with the pain of learning his love is
unrequited, and in love there is despair.
Despair is the state of having lost all hope, of finding oneself unable to believe life will ever be good
again. The knight in La Belle Dame sans Merci falls into despair when he learns a relationship that
seemed to be just starting has abruptly ended. His
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Black Sunday s Impact On The Great Plains
Black Sunday had a big impact on the great plains, and everywhere. Black Sunday was the worse
Sunday in history. According to the story, Everyone hurried home trying despertely to beat the
overwhelming black blizzard before it struck. Alot of people got lost and perished from the black
cloud. There was one big problem, that caused, Black Sunday. The problem was that the farm people,
pulled up all of the grass and all that was left was dirt. After there was just dirt left, a huge drought
came through the great plains. Then what was worst of all, was that the wind was so strong it took up
all of the top layer of soil, then one by one it went. According to the article, Less rain fell throughout
the Plains. The ground dried up, crumbiling
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Syrian Civil War Case Study
In the Fall of 2016, as the United States presidential election approached, a civil war in Syria
continued with no end in sight. The Syrian civil war has brought with it a great deal of death and
destruction; more than 480,000, many of whom are civilians, were estimated to have been killed as of
February 2016, with the death toll rising daily. Running on a platform of America first, Republican
presidential nominee Donald Trump, advocated against intervention in Syria s war, unless the
intervention was against the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL). As a private citizen on Twitter as early as 2013,
in fact, Trump was content with Syrian dictator Bashar Al Assad remaining in power, contending that
the US should not get sucked into another Middle ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Critics of Systemic theory, as a result, argue that the overall thrust of U.S. policy in Syria and the
Middle East in its entirety, is due primarily to the supremacy of interest groups in American domestic
politics, specifically, the Israel lobby. In IR theory, the primacy of interest groups, is understood in
international relations as Society centered. Society centered explanations focus on domestic interest
groups: a group of people that seeks to influence public policy based on a common interest or concern.
From this lens, U.S. support for Israel, thanks to Israeli interest groups, has been justified by the claim
that both states are threatened by terrorist groups originating in the Arab or Muslim world, like Bashar
al Assad in Syria. Israel is thus seen as a crucial ally in the war on terror because its enemies are
America s enemies. The claim that the Israel lobby diverts U.S foreign policy from the American
national interest by convincing American politicians that U.S. and Israeli interests are essentially
identical, does not stand up, as American foreign policy under Donald Trump prioritizes fighting
terrorism in Syria, not the Assad regime, which is an enemy of Israel.
In one of the Trump s administrations first foreign policy initiatives in Syria, Trump terminated the
U.S Central Intelligence Agencies (CIA) covert aid to Syrian rebels aiming to Topple
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Analysis Of The Movie Grease
Grease: The Journey of Adolescence.
The movie Grease is about seniors at Rydell High School who are trying to find who they want to be
while not giving up the identity they have already formed. Finding love while trying not to look weak
for having emotions. Sandy, played by Olivia Newton John, is a teen who moved to Rydell after
having a romantic summer fling with a boy named Danny, played by John Travolta. When she arrived
at Rydell, Sandy found that Danny attended the school as well but acted nothing like the boy she met
on summer break. Sandy is faced with identity vs. role confusion, self esteem issues, and developing
sexual maturity while she decides whether she wants to fit in with the tough Pink Ladies and win
Danny as her ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Sandy walked out of the bathroom while Rizzo and the other Pink Ladies were wearing wigs, singing
Sandra dee and making fun of her. They hurt Sandy s feelings and she realized she wasn t fitting in
with her friends. After some back and forth problems, Sandy and Danny finally dated, but at the
school dance, Sandy got another blow to her self esteem. She and Danny were having a great time
dancing, they were even the stars of the dance, when Danny s ex girlfriend Cha Cha slid in and moved
Sandy out of the way. Cha Cha was beautiful, dressed provocatively and was a great dancer. Instead of
following Sandy, Danny continued to dance with Cha Cha and they won the dance contest. Since they
won the dance contest, they had to slow dance together. Sandy stormed out of the dance angry, hurt
and jealous of Cha Cha. The entire time Sandy was dealing with her self esteem issues, she was also
trying to decide who she wanted to be. She faced what Erik Erikson called identity vs role confusion.
Identity versus role confusion is the psychosocial conflict in which adolescents must form a coherent
self definition or remain confused about their life directions (Sigelman Rider, 2015). Sandy knew she
was an innocent person with good morals and she didn t get into trouble, but
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Botanical Gardens, Research Paper on California Plants
California is a state of enormous diversity. From the coast to the mountains and the forests to the
deserts, California is full of a wide array of plant life. California is the third largest state in the United
States and thus has a major variation in climate resulting in the many plants found. Not only are there
many plants found here, but many of those plants cannot be found anywhere else. There are also many
nonnative plants that have become a part of the scenery in California. The best way to understand the
state s vegetation is to first understand the floristic provinces.
In North America there are 12 floristic provinces with four of those found in California (Map #1).
California itself has five major biomes, some of which can be ... Show more content on
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Most chaparral plants grow mainly in the spring. They take advantage of the winter rains penetrating
to their roots and the long spring days. To cope for the dry soil in the summer plants these plants
usually cope by becoming dormant. During this time they are very susceptible to fire. The evergreen
nature of this plant allows it to keep its leaves and not use and energy to create new leaves. Because of
this they can be photosynthesizing within minutes of a summer rain. These plants have adapted to use
very little water and not lose any while at the same time trapping all the water it can. The types of oak
found at the RSABG were the California Black Oak, the Blue Oak, and the Canyon Oak (Picture #6).
These are all found in the oak woodlands biome. These trees are found all throughout of California.
From the foothills and valleys of cismontane California, around the central valley and mixed
throughout the Coast Ranges, Transverse Ranges, and Peninsular Ranges. This biome is 10 percent of
the vegetated landscape and is almost only in California. The Blue Oak is a dominant species and
endemic. The climate that these oak are found range from semiarid to both warm summer and cool
summer Mediterranean. Generally the climates are cooler and moister then the grassland and chaparral
biomes below but warmer then the coniferous forests above. Some people think that because of how
common the oak woodlands are they should be made the states
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Venus Bust Analysis
For my project, I have recreated a bust of Venus. A bust is a sculpture of a person s head, shoulders,
and chest. This allows you to include very intricate details and helps you achieve a goal in realism.
There were many sculptures of Venus in ancient Rome, including the Venus Genetrix, meaning
Mother Venus in Latin. I chose to create a bust so I could, too, focus on the intricate details, though
my version is very small, it might have been less accurate had I done the Venus Genetrix. Venus busts
like this one have been used for many garden decorations and household decorations in general.
The sculpture I chose to recreate is a bust of Venus. Venus is the goddess of love, prosperity, fertility,
victory, and beauty. Her greek form is Aphrodite. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It was actually hard in this way not to find Greek artwork, but since Venus is a Roman goddess, this
was a good choice for me. The Romans didn t believe that a recreation of a work of art was any less
valuable than the first piece of art. We disagree with this today, but they added slight modifications to
their recreations. Roman art liked to recreate Greek art with those slight modifications, like recreating
bronzes (some of which are now lost) in marble. Some variations could be something other than
medium, though. Sometimes the purpose was to add a bit of humor! This added a lot of Roman to
Greek art, which was originally somber and serious. The Romans used a variety of media in their
artwork. Some include marble, painting, mosaic, gems, silver and bronze work, terracottas, and more!
The original bust that I chose to recreate is made of reconstituted resin, but I chose air dry clay to
finish faster and to have a close model to the original bust.
The Roman Republic was also a great year for Roman Art. Lots of art was produced then because of
the many things happening in the republic and in the military. While this idea is not portrayed in the
bust, the equestrian statue honoring a military hero or civic leader was an idea created by the Romans.
Lots of things happened in this period of time, the start and fall of the Roman republic, and the
beginning of the peaceful period of time we know as the Pax
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The Scientific Revolution
The Scientific Revolution revolutionized the middle ages. The concepts of secularization, scientific
method, heliocentrism, as well as the creation of major fields of science. The Scientific Revolution
paved the way for modern science. Much of the work that created during the sixteenth and seventeenth
century is still considered to be the foundation of many major fields such as chemistry, physics,
astronomy and biology. During the revolution, science began to be excepted by both the Protestant and
the Catholic churches. Matter of fact, science was encouraged by the church. However, the church had
control over the scientist and would commonly censor individuals that spoke out against the church.
Scientific Method is the combination of experimental observation and mathematical deduction. This
concept was used to determine the laws of nature. The Scientific Method was first developed in the
seventeenth century and became the standard of truth seeking. The old Christian doctrine that was
established by the scientific teachings of ancient philosophers such as Ptolemy and Aristotle.
According to The Making of the West by Lynn Hunt, Scientific method of determining the laws of
nature undermined traditional accounts of natural phenomena (Hunt 493). The traditional accounts of
natural phenomena, which was established by the ancient philosophers came under question. Many
scientists such as Isaac Newton, except the scientific method. The use of Scientific Method, led to
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Dunkirk Or Dunkirque In France
Dunkirk or Dunkirque, is in France. Infamously known for Dunkirk evacuation, this small town went
from a peaceful settlement into a brave town of soldiers. In 1940, from May 26 to June 4, Allie
soldiers were exposed to what could have been one of the worse massacres in history. In a span of ten
days, sailors, fishermen, or anybody with a boat, saved 350,000 British, French, and Belgium soldiers
from Dunkirk. The evacuation was very successful. For every eight men on the Dunkirk port, seven of
them were rescued. The unfortunate ones became prisoners of war to Germany.
In 1940, during the beginning of World War II, France was becoming progressively weaker. The Allies
were losing the war, so Great Britain wanted to pull their troops out.
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Why Righteous Gentiles Helped Jews
During the Holocaust period (1939 1945) many Jewish lives were saved by non Jews. These saviours
were referred to as Righteous Gentiles.
Many hundreds of these non Jewish people have been honoured for their bravery and personal
sacrifice, of which the German industrialist Oskar Schindler is probably the best known.
We might never know exactly what motivated these individuals or groups to risk torture and death
under the Nazi regime to save one or a thousand Jewish lives we can merely surmise and try
understand from the stories.
Some acted purely for economic gain, others out of altruism and ... Show more content on
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He acquired property, jewellery and money and in many accounts given, gentiles who helped affluent
Jews became wealthy and that was perhaps a major driving force. In 1983 when Schindler was asked
about his reasons for saving Jews he said: I hated the brutality, the sadism, and the insanity of Nazism.
I just couldn t stand by and see people destroyed. I did what I could,what I had to do, what my
conscience told me I must do. That s all there is to it. Really, nothing more (Source
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The Pros And Cons Of The Kosovo War
Lately, globalization has created tendency including governance. Thereby, many states have
authorized international institution to intervene and mediate conflicts between global sides so as to
preserve human rights and protect innocent people. However, we occasionally notice that it is not
always the case as it was pretended to be. For instance, it is possible and true that such organizations
can fail to protect human life, even on purpose. United Nation Security Council is entitled to maintain
human rights in the global scale and thus it must intervene into conflicts which comprise threat to
innocent civil people. Nevertheless, the circumstance of the Kosovo war allows us to think about and
even question the legitimacy of this institution. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Death of majority of population indicates direct impact of the war in Kosovo that witnessed. The
diseases that have occurred in people was one of these indirect effects. As Josef Martinsen stresses out
that people still suffer from neurologically and physiological diseases which possibly those who have
witnessed the violent in the war (2010, 22). In the article of Josef Martinsen, various interviews from
people who witnessed the war are demonstrated, and while reading these interviews, people become
sad and shocked. For instance, it is shown that some children were murdered in front of the mothers
eyes which resulted with mental diseases on them (Martinsen 2010, 43). Despite the fact that all these
happened and were clearly demonstrated to readers, some of people argue that United Nation Security
Council actually made right choice by allowing the war to happen. In contrast, these people go along
with the idea that the adverse effects remained from the war which affected Kosovo for long time and
could not be fixed quickly and
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An Interview With Police Enforcement
The number one career that I want to pursue is in law enforcement. Unfortunately, it did not show up
on my list of occupations produced by my Self Directed Search results. My number one goal is to
obtain a career as a Deputy Officer and then work myself up to detective. Since working in law
enforcement is my number one goal I decided to interview two different Sheriff Deputy Officers. The
first Sheriff Deputy Officer that I interviewed was Deputy Benzor from the Los Angeles Sheriff
Department. The interview that I conducted with Deputy Benzor was an informal interview that
occurred while I was doing a patrol ride along. This was probably the best time to conduct an informal
interview because during the patrol ride along I got to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There is always something going on somewhere and as officers they are always ready to respond.
When it was about 2pm we stopped at subway to have lunch and I though this is the best time to get
most of questions answered. He mentioned that one thing he does not like about his job is that he has
to work during the holidays. This prevents him from spending quality time with his family during the
holidays. In addition, I asked him what was it that he did in order to prepare for the filed. He
mentioned that the academy training really helped shape him and prepare him for the job. Before
attending academy training he mentions that he did a lot of physical training in order to be physically
prepared for the academy. At this point of the ride along/interview I was amazed and this amazement
was like confirmation that this is the career that I want to have. I did not ask him if he had any
suggestions of someone else in the field I can speak to. The reason why I did not ask him was because
I already had someone in mind I wanted to speak to. The second Sheriff Deputy that I interviewed was
Deputy Joanna Gomez. The reason that I chose to interview her is because she is currently my
background investigator. I am currently going through the process of being hired with the Los Angeles
Sheriff Department and I thought she would be a good person to interview. Deputy Joanna Gomez
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Formal Screening Analysis
American Academy of Pediatrics AAP (2012) suggests regular, universal developmental screenings of
infants and toddlers by pediatric healthcare providers at 9, 18 and 30 months of age. According to
them, these are just standardized screenings that only takes about 15 20 minutes to complete and to
see the overall of a child s development. It is important to observe an individual during an early age.
The first reason is that it guides a parent or a guardian to identify areas of concern about a specific
area of development, such as gross and fine motor skills, communication and language, cognitive
skills, etc. These milestones can be observed by the child s pediatrician
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Analysis Of The Philosophical Views Of The Other Presented...
Assignment: Final Paper the Other
Nancy Barahona
National University
Philosophy 337
August 1, 2015
Professor Martin Gomez
In looking at the philosophical views of the Other presented by Emmanuel Levinas we will consider
whether we act strictly for the good of others without investing any self interest in what we do or do
we do what we desire most at the end of the day; however, we will find many of our daily interactions
including working, caring for another and just basic interactions are all done in self interest not in the
interest of the Other. According to Rosenstand (2013) Levinas explains the Other as a term seen in
philosophy about a person who is different from oneself; it is when one is facing something or
someone that one is fundamentally unfamiliar with. (Rosenstand, 2013, p. 82) He goes onto explain
that this stranger can be a person of a different sex or race or even someone who has different
experiences than oneself. Levinas sees the bottom line of all human existence as the encounter with
the Other. (Rosenstand, 2013, p. 513) When people meet people they will more often than not meet
someone who is different from them. They will be a different color. A different sex. A different social
class. It will be someone who has grown up in a different environment than them. And instinct will set
in and one will try to change the Other; they will perceive that they are helping the Other but really
they are helping themselves. One person will
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Summary Of Untitled By Gerald Dono
The painting of Untitled by Gerald Donato displayed in the Taubman Museum in Roanoke allures
attention by the chaotic combination of figural pieces and the collided whirlwind of vibrant yellows,
oranges, greens, and undertones of black. The background information shares that Gerald Donato was
a talented, beloved painter and teacher whose work anticipated references to important art historical
developments. Ideological forces, such as familiar cartoon imagery, Steamboat Willie , and formally
represented figures, are clearly influences in his work as his interest of hidden subject matter is
visually bursted on an oil canvas. He created a blended cartoon like scene of abstraction and figuration
by incorporating a mysterious feminine figure Moon face and a recurring character Mr. Man to
embody a message of escaping from the spiral cage that represents the constraints in life. Mr. Donato
borrowed images from past history and radically transformed these elements through his own blend of
abstraction and figures to send a message about the conflict between society and individuals.
The artist depicts an initial confusing and weirded out thought for the viewer at first glance, but as one
deeply examines the art, the subject matter begins to become more clear. The vision being shared in
this non objective painting has a context of placing one in the standing of Mr. Man by gaining height
and freedom from the (white) bars that are rising on each level that represent conflict which traps one
in a cage of misery. The unbalanced symmetry of having the left side take up more space with little
action, and the right side being smaller with the action unraveling, makes the viewer break down each
composite perspective. For the left side, the mysterious female muse, Moon Face, has an
unproportional face that is almost blushing with shades of light pasty orange, with the mouth wide
open. The energetic mood is amplified by the tone of yellow that is splashed in the mouth,
representing a loss of words or at a state of disbelief. The female s lower half is created with tints of
red that enhances the curves on her body, as if chiaroscuro connects the light and dark contrast to
show outline of the breasts, stomach, and hips in
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Acc 553 Week 6 You Decide Essay
I have reviewed your situations and each of your tax considerations and outlined my advisement
Part I: Discuss the various forms of organization that are available to Penelope, Mark and John. There
are a few different options from which you can chose to organize your business under. For example:
partnership, LLP, S Corporation, C Corporation for which I know you are all familiar with. It is my
duty to give you my own educated and unbiased opinion to which would be most beneficial to all of
Part II: Make your recommendation as to what form of organization you believe will be best and be
sure to explain the reasoning for your choice. I find the Limited Liability Partnership to be the best
form of organization for your ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This means that a partnership interest will have a split holding period.
Part IV: Discuss, in detail, how this entity is taxed (if at all) and what filing requirements it has with
the IRS. An LLP has pass through taxation and the income is reported on each partner s personal tax
returns, avoiding any federal tax on profits. (Code Sec. 702) The LLP will be taxed this way by
default; however the option to be taxed as a corporation is also available. Every partnership must file
an annual return regardless of the amount of its net income or its net loss in its operations. (Code Sec.
701; Reg. §1.701 1; Code Sec. 6031). Form 1065 must be filed every year by the 15th of April.
Part V: Discuss how income and distributions may/will be allocated to Penelope, Mark and John.
Profits are shared equally or by percentage ownership if that is how you divide the company
Part VI: Discuss, in detail, how the individuals are taxed (if at all) with respect to the net profits from
this entity and what filing requirements they will each have with the IRS. Individuals in a partnership
are normally liable for filing personal income taxes, self employment taxes and estimated taxes for
themselves, according to the Internal Revenue Service. Each individual will file a Schedule K 1. The
partnership itself is not responsible for paying taxes. The credits and
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Tribes of India
Indian Tribes :
Among the 68 million citizens of India who are members of tribal groups, the Indian tribal religious
concepts, terminologies, and practices are as varied as the hundreds of tribes, but members of these
groups have one thing in common: they are under constant pressure from the major organized
religions. Some of this pressure is intentional, as outside missionaries work among tribal groups to
gain converts. Most of the pressure, however, comes from the process of integration within a national
political and economic system that brings tribes into increasing contact with other groups and
different, prestigious belief systems. In general, those tribes that remain geographically isolated in
desert, hill, and forest regions or on ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Even the small hunting and gathering groups in the union territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands
have been under severe pressure because of immigration to this area and the resulting reduction of
their hunting area.
Northeast region of India is a pristine territory, completely unexplored. The valley is adorned with
lush green vegetation, majestic mountains and untamed rivers. It is also abode of exquisite range of
flora and fauna and the magnificent tribal life. The states of Northeast India s natural splendor
welcome the tourist browsing for something different.
North East of India is comprises of Sikkim where orchids bloom on the hillside. Assam famous for its
tea gardens, Arunchal Pradesh the first part of India to welcome the morning sun. Tripura explore the
princely traditions of, Nagaland famous for the tribal crafts and culture, Mizoram enjoy the exquisite
bamboo and cane souvenirs, Manipur luxuriate in the marionette dance, Meghalaya recline in the
picturesque vista of the abode of the clouds. All is adding to its charisma.
A varied number of tribes and tribal groups each with its own distinct culture inhabit the region of
northeast India. Many tribal languages are spoken throughout these seven states. The northeastern
states have the highest percentage of Christians. The region also has its state importance as it is
bordering the territories of China, Tibet, Bhutan,
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How Double-Strand Breaks
One explanation as to how x rays effect cells is that the radiation causes double strand breaks (DSBs).
A double strand break is a lesion within DNA which can prevent replication, cause deletions, or cause
translocations of the DNA. All of the named effects have the potential to cause a mutation to a cell
(Negritto, 2010). Double strand breaks are known as genomic rearrangements because it has been
shown to change the genetic code of a cell. All of the effects of DSBs may lead to an increase in the
recombination of genes in chromosomes, which may explain how the cells are mutated. In one
experiment, cells were exposed to x ray radiation in order to test the frequency of DSB. H2AX is a
type of proteins that repairs double strand breaks
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Shovelbug Research Paper
My beast, also known as the shovelbug, lives in a desert ecosystem with cold nights and scorching hot
days. Due to these weather changes, the invertebrate has adapted to the environment in a couple of
ways, which will be explained later. Even though there is very little of it, the vegetation that is found
there includes low lying grasses/mosses and cacti. These patches of grass are scattered throughout the
desert and there may be a variety of different species building their habitats in them. Aside from being
a home to native species, the patches of grass may also be hiding predators waiting to strike. Lastly, is
the soil in this environment which plays a big role in the shovelbug s survival. This soil is very hard
for most organisms to dig through, which is what makes this insect unique in ... Show more content on
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It is a small invertebrate with multiple adaptations to survive in the desert ecosystem. For starters, this
insect has very strong mandibles which can instantly kill the shovelbug s prey. However, the way it
traps its prey in the first place is the interesting part. Similar to an antlion, the shovelbug digs a small
pit in the sand with its shovel like legs, hence the name shovelbug. Soon after, an unknowing insect
may wander into this pit and become food as a result. Having said that, this isn t all it does to capture
prey. This insect actually creates a web identical to that of a spider s which ensures that the shovelbug
s food won t be escaping. Additionally, my beast has developed long, oval shaped wings like the ones
you would find on dragonflies. This adaptation makes for a quick escape if the shovelbug comes
across a dangerous predator. Another adaptation to avoid predators is the hard exoskeleton which
helps them blend into their environment. This exoskeleton was originally just camouflaged flesh that
would change color depending on the surroundings. It still serves the same purpose with the additional
benefit of a
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Sensitive Periods in Early Development Essay examples
Sensitive Periods in Early Development From the moment of conception to the moment we are born
and grow into adulthood, the timing of even the first beginning of our life journey is crucial. Even the
timing of fertilization can be too soon or too late in which will cause the organism to be destroyed.
(The Development of Children, 2nd ed). The mother carrying a baby has a responsibility to ensure
enough nutrition is supplied for the rapid growth of the organism. However it is also crucial that the
fetus also plays a part to survive, by being active and moving to develop. Hamburger, 1975 illustration
of fetal activity (as cited in The Development of Children, 2nd ed. p.87.) indicates that fetal ... Show
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The unwanted children born weighed less at birth and needed more medical care even though the
mothers were judged to be in good health. Fewer of the children were breast fed, they had more
difficulties in school, and they were referred for psychiatric help more often as teenagers. Also that by
the time they had reached adulthood, many were more likely to have antisocial behavior problems. So
here we can see from this research that stress also plays a vital role of a healthy developing baby.
Some fact (Yarrow, 1961, as cited in Early Experience, 1967) states that also the first few years of life
have crucial effects upon later development and adult characteristics and that the significance of early
infantile experience for later life development has been repeated so frequently and so seriously that the
general effectiveness of this declaration is now almost unchallenged. Bowlby, 1951, (as cited in Early
Experience, 1967) quotes that the prolonged deprivation of the young child of maternal care may have
grave and far reaching effects in his character and so on the whole of his future life. In comparison to
this J.B. Watson (1928) also felt passionately about the first two years of a Childs life. He believed
they were the most important and that
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Ethica Ethical Consumerism
You have just been asked to donate money to an anonymous person every day; you will never see their
face and know their name. You likely hold a closer bond with your favorite childhood Disney
character than you do to them. And so, you reply with a polite, no, sorry because you reason that it is
not in your financial interest to dole out your hard earned salary to strangers. Yet, despite the logic
behind your refusal to make daily donations to an anonymous person, you are nonetheless being
economically irrational when you shop ethically. This is because the premium you pay for ethical
goods and services is equivalent to the daily donation that you would make as it also benefits a
random, unacquainted person at the expense of your savings. It is apparent in ethical consumerism that
economic rationality is overruled by ethics. This begs the question: how do ethics supersede rational
economic behavior in consumer choices in ethical consumerism? ... Show more content on
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The psychological argument based on Maslow s hierarchy of needs argues that people would pursue
the higher order need of esteem after meeting their basic needs; and so, it is psychologically
reasonable when people who have met their basic needs, such as those with relatively higher income,
to pursue esteem over economic reasoning. Those consumers can then attain such self worth by
shopping ethically because aiding others reassures the consumers of their importance in society; such
behavior is evident in the ethical consumerist practices of locally sourcing and fair trade, both of
which seek to uphold fair living standards for
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Arnold Owing Education Money Essay
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger proposed a budget which included a $2.9 billion fund increase for
schools. However Schwarzenegger broke his promise and took the $2 billion from Education funds
just to help him avoid raising taxes. ¡§The initial proposal provided more money for public schools
than the previous year, the governor said. But the education community maintains the governor
promised public schools some $2 billion more.¡¨# Schools are already having a hard time with money
and with Governor Schwarznegger¡¦s poor choices in politics definitely caused much rage and anger
from Schools all around. Education is important and his decision making towards his proposal wasn¡¥t
helpful it all and may put Education in danger. Meaning students ... Show more content on
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Johanna VanderMolen from the Campbell Union School District says that ¡§She is billing Gov.
Schwarzenegger $19 million for what she says the Campbell Union School District has lost in recent
years to government funding cuts.¡§# I believe Arnold Schwarzenegger owes everyone an apology
and owes schools more money. Education is important and for the Governor to take money from
education definitely effects many people. I also think that if people do not get good education, they
may have a hard time finding a job. What if losing $2 Billion really made a big drastic change in
I think that we can¡¦t elect Arnold Schwarzenegger for office anymore because he tends to mess his
plans and so called ¡¥promises¡¦ up. ¡§If the governor does back away from his merit pay proposal, it
would be the second proposed ballot measure that he¡¦s retreated from. He¡¦s already killed the plan to
undo pensions for state workers.¡¨# I think he should of found another way to prevent raising taxes
instead of going back on his word and taking money from education. He has many ads on television,
on the internet, in magazines, and on the radio. If he could spend all that money on those ads, why not
use that good money to help pay off something else? His idea of ¡§combat pay¡¨# doesn¡¦t seem to be
getting much public support. I
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New York And Paris Comparison
The city that never sleeps and the city of lights
If you ask anyone about their favorite cities in the world, usually they will say
Paris and New York.
The two cities been on every traveler s bucket list for years . their Unique
Atmospheres , their spectacular sights, and their intriguing lifestyles fascinated many people around
the world. Both New York and Paris got characterized by their architecture , their attractions , and
their population The architecture of the two cities can be described as a personal style that both cities
became known for. New York is most closely associated with buildings , skyscrapers in particular. The
city has amassed one of the largest and most varied collection of skyscrapers in the world. It s
Architecturally significant buildings in it wide range of styles , portray different historical and cultural
periods , like the Woolworth Building, an early gothic revival skyscraper with large scale gothic
architectural detail. And The Chrysler building ,which considered by many historians and architects to
be one of New York s finest. While New York is famous for its buildings, Paris however is famous for
it elegant Architecture, its museums and palaces. The typical Haussmann buildings with black iron
railings and hanging baskets are the epitome of Paris. such as Notre Dame and the mesmerizing Sainte
Chapelle, add another dimension to the architectural beauty of the city. The city architecture is a
notable example of
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Masculinity In Brokeback Mountain
The typical western genre consists of characteristics that embody masculinity. From a genre
perspective, Brokeback Mountain is a great contrast to the typical western film. While the film
challenges the western genre it also challenges the American view of masculinity. Throughout the
film, the Ennis and Jack face a conflict with themselves and a perceived notion of masculinity.
The two protagonists attempt to reassert their perception of manhood when it is questioned. The
resolve of the conflict when they meet at the end and become emotional establishes the disconnect
from the typical western. Normally, the hero would be emotionless at the end to show and continue
their masculine persona. In Brokeback Mountain, the character Ennis also
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Structure Of An Essential Amino Acid
Task 2: Protein Structure
Task 2a: model of an essential amino acid.
Methionine (C5H11NO2S) is a Non polar (hydrophobic) essential amino acid that contains a sulfur
atom. According to Wolf (2000), a hydrophobic molecule such as Methionine is usually located near
the center of a protein covered by hydrophilic molecules.
The R group of Methionine is relatively non reactive. It, therefore, plays more structural protein roles
than functional protein (Betts Russell, 2003). Due to its non reactivity Methionine does not actively
participate in chemical reaction that occurs at the active site of an enzyme. However, the sulfur atom
has potential for oxidation (Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, University of
Arizona, 2003). Its flammability likelihood of low, but its combustibility potential can be realized at
high temperatures (Science lab, 2013).
Although the carboxyl end has a pKa of 2.28 and that of the amino end has a pKa pf 9.21 (Science lab,
2013), the R group of Methionine is neutral (Nave, 2012).
Task 2b: A series of diagrams, with clear labels, of the different levels of protein structure (i.e.
Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, Quaternary).
Task 2c: diagram that demonstrates how a peptide bond is made through dehydration, using a
complete chemical equation.
Task 2d: diagram that demonstrates how a peptide bond is broken through hydrolysis, using a
complete chemical equation.
Task 2e: Explain the four forces (i.e. bonds or interactions) that
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The Tema 3 Measures The Early Mathematical Abilities Of...
a. General Description: The TEMA 3 measures the early mathematical abilities of young children.
b. Materials Provided/Needed: Examiner s Manual, Picture Book, Profile/Examiner Record Booklets,
Student Worksheets, Manipulatives, Assessment Probes Instructional Activities Book. Examiner and
student will both need a pen or pencil.
c. Alternate Forms: The TEMA 3 has two equivalent forms (A and B).
a. Age Ranges: The TEMA 3 was designed for children ages 3 0 to 8 11. It can also be used as a
criterion referenced or diagnostic tool with older students who are having mathematical learning
b. Administration and Scoring Time: The TEMA 3 is not a timed test. Within reason, students should
be given as much time as they need to complete a question. On average, students will be able to
complete this test in 45 to 60 minutes. The scoring time should be minimal. The child receives 1 point
for each item passed, and incorrect items are scored 0.
c. Types of Scores Reported: The raw score, age and grade equivalent, percentile rank, Math Ability
Score (standard score), standard error of measurement, confidence interval, and ability score range are
all recorded in the appropriately labeled spaces in the Profile/Examiner Record Booklets.
d. Starting Points, Basal and Ceiling Levels: The starting points are based on the child s chronological
age (shown in Table 2.1). The basal consists of the highest five consecutive items that are answered
correctly. All
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Hancock s Bravery, Resilience And Success At The Battle Of...
Hancocks s Bravery, Resilience and Success at the Battle of Gettysburg Winfield Scott Hancock, a
talented and prosperous military commander was sent in to command union troops after the death of
General John Reynolds who was eliminated on day one. Hancock served as the commander of New
Corps Gettysburg, having command of the army s left wing for a short time (Historynet 1). Of course,
he did far more than that, Hancock being filled with bravery and the will to continue to fight no matter
what, a man carried away by passion (Civil War Trust 1). He was a dedicated soldier and commander,
not backing down from the front lines of fire and charging headstrong into fights he very well could
have lost. His impact on the Civil War was great,
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Different Abilities That Set Humans Apart From Other Lives...
One of the unique abilities that set humans apart from other life forms is the ability of speech
production. Although it occurs involuntarily the act of speaking can be traced back to neural level
even before the muscles are directed to move or before the first breathe is taken to supply the energy
source for speech. Most people may not realize it but the fact is saying a word or even a sound is quite
laboring on the body, especially when it must occur rapidly to even create a single sentence.
Before a word or even a sound is produced the respiratory and phonatory systems must be activated
and set into motion. Respiration which fuels the body is defined as the exchange of gas between an
organism and its environment (Seikel, page 35), while Phonation is defined to be the product of vocal
fold vibration which occurs within the larynx (Sekiel, page 165). In preparation to breathe, the
diaphragm must move inferiorly giving the lungs room to expand. This intake of air must travel a
great distance from either the nose or mouth, down through the larynx, and into the trachea, bronchi
and, finally, lungs. While simply breathing, the air will travel through the vocal folds which remain in
the abducted position. During speech production the vocal folds will adduct causing the air traveling
through them to create a rippling effect as the folds vibrate. It is important to note this is merely the
beginning stage at this point and that sounds produced at this point would resemble that off
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Willy Me Riddle Me Analysis
Riddle me riddle me, What can I be? I am everywhere, but never seen. None are so blind as those who
won t see. I am the beginning of the end, and the end of the beginning. At the front of the old, I await
eagerly. At the back of the young, I glare hungrily. A banshee s shriek is music to my ears. A trip to
Dartmoor, henceforth my black hounds will tell thee I am near. Sleep may be my brother, But I am the
Final Slumber. I shall come to thee with cold embrace, And give thee rest with a chilled kiss on thy
face. In the forest, dark and deep, I shall offer thee eternal sleep. As I follow thee into the dark,
Dartmoor s hounds emit their final bark. I am a peach tree that blooms early, A clock s final tick. To
dream of a white ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
From the setting sun reflected in the almshouse, To the winter snow melting outside a mansion s door.
I am one of the four horsemen Rider of the pale horse. And with Hades following me, I was
theretofore given authority over a fourth of the earth. I am a debt all must pay. Fear not, though: The
Last Doctor who arrives, Is a blessing in disguise. I am: An enigma that cannot be cracked, An
inextricable equation, A conundrum with no answer, An inescapable situation. I am a nightmare to
many, A relief for few, My resemblance is uncanny, And in time, I shall come for thee too. I am
neither goodbye, nor farewell, Rather, until we meet again: Au revoir. Life is but a journey Look upon
me as an adventurous home going. Life is a beautiful lie, but I am the painful truth, Listen closely: do
not endeavor to find the Fountain of Youth. For though I leave heartache that no one can heal, There
are always memories that I can neither touch nor steal. I smile upon thee, And all thou can do is smile
back. Thou need only part to meet again. Riddle me riddle me, What can I be? I am alpha and omega,
Everyone s final
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Snezana Case Study
The Bachelor Sam Wood bought a new house with his new fiancée Snezana Markoski as they are now
moving forward from their long time long distance relationship. The property is worth $1.4 million.
The loved up couple have been enduring the long distance relationship for long time since The
Bachelor finale last year of September. Snezana was staying in Perth and Sam in Melbourne. The two
seemed to have travelled both ends for their relationship. This year, they have decided to stay together
with Snezana s 10 year old daughter, Eve in a little house in Melbourne. He shared this important
event through his Instagram account. The post was a photo of him and Snezana posed beside the big
Sold sign. Sam captioned, So ... the most incredible woman
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Reviewing Manheim s Compensation Plan For Their Sales...
In reviewing Manheim s compensation plan for their sales representative, we examined the
commission component. Incentive compensation is subject to ongoing changes and adjustments that
exist to shape and direct the sales force. Manheim s current structure pays employees a monthly
commission based on the number of vehicles bought and sold through their consignment sales.
Examining the extensive data revealed that there are a multitude of factors involved in establishing
commission plans and actually earning a commission payout. Beginning with 2015 sales data,
acquired through Manheim s customer relationship management (CRM) software, 124 field sales rep
commission payments were analyzed. Specifically pulling the data from the months of ... Show more
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This year, March had 5 weeks and Sally earned $3,350. The difference between the two months is
$1,630. Most monthly bills are static regardless of the number of business days on the calendar. As an
example, Sally s mortgage for March 2015 and March 2016 would be the same despite the difference
in the number of working days. With commission programs it is important that performance is
accurately tracked, payouts occur timely, and all information is clearly communicated (Stein, 2011)
Through the use of Salesforce.com, one can acquire the necessary data to utilize simple financial
modeling to forecast the likely outcomes of varying commission plan designs. When a goal is set for a
month, based on the previous years data there are two to three months each year where the number of
working weeks or consignment sale days is off track from the previous year. When this occurs it
becomes virtually impossible for a sales rep to achieve their monthly goal in the shorter months.
Employees often use those months to purposely perform below average to increase their commission
payouts in the following months. In turn, this can negatively impact corporate budgets. If goals are
adjusted, based on the number of consignment sale days in a month and not simply just year over year
monthly results, employees would receive more evenly distributed payouts and the company would
see more consistent sales results.
The specific adjustment recommended, is to alter field
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What Is The Theme Of Pure Equality Does More Harm Than...
This story contributes to the theme, pure equality does more harm than good to a society. For example
in the declaration of independence one of the sentences say All men are created equal . But if all men
were created equal then our society would be like Harrison s society. One of the goals the author has is
for the reader to understand that pure equality should not be craved. This story uses small details such
as handicaps to illustrate what true equality would even mean to our country. This is why we all
should appreciate our uniqueness rather than crib about our unequal attributes. This story contributes
to the theme, pure equality does more harm than good to a society. For example in the declaration of
independence one of the sentences
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The Implications of Current Child Policy for the Welfare...
The Implications of Current Child Policy for the Welfare of Children
Children in the United Kingdom are key consumers of social policy. They consume a vast amount of
the many services provided by this Country. Services such as health care through Doctors, hospitals
and clinics, the education system which is largely devoted financially to the schooling of young
people, and also the social security system which is stretched by children whose parents are in need of
income support or family tax credit. (Alcock, Erskine May, 2002) All of these services contribute to
the well being of the young people of this Country. However, increasing amounts of the Country s
budget and social policies are ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Specific examples of mistakes made in highly publicised cases in the past, shall be used to highlight
error s which have occurred. The two relevant reports pertaining to these cases shall then be
scrutinised to show how social policy is changing in order to combat these problems in the legislation.
Arguments shall be provided to concur or oppose the recommendations, and the essay shall conclude
by finding: headway has been made by these reports, but human error cannot be eradicated, and
human judgement can be unreliable. Furthermore, it shall conclude that, these reports are not written
to allocate blame, but rather, that they are published in the hope that, repetitions of these events are not
The welfare of children in the United Kingdom is one of the most important items for the government
in terms of social policy. (Ellison Pierson, 1998) The Children Act 1989 sets out legislation to provide
for numerous circumstances which could occur in a child s life and cause a detrimental effect on his or
her well being. Examples of the guidelines that are included in the act are briefly summarised here:
The 1989 Act provides guidance for custody of children for issues such as the divorce of parents,
neglect, sexual/physical and mental abuse or future risk. (Blakemore, 1998) The act
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The Silgrim In Dante s Inferno
In literature, as well as in history, there is often a single individual stranded and in need of a helping
hand. This assistance usually comes in various forms, and depends on the context it is needed for. The
support typically guides the individual away from imminent danger, and towards a second chance or
even ultimate salvation. In the first Canto of The Inferno, Dante the pilgrim, the main character of The
Divine Comedy, goes astray from what his culture and tradition consider the straight road and only by
recalling his cultural and personal past he is able to get back on the road towards redemption.
Dante comprehensively acknowledges that he has lived a life of sin, when he decided to record his
story. Halfway through the route of his life, the pilgrim Dante emerges from his slumber, and into a
dusky forest in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Dante becomes frightened by the animals and loses all hope of climbing the mountain. Dante then
returns to the dark forest, where he notices a figure. Dante then calls out to the presence, unaware of
whether it is man or spirit. The figure then proceeds to identify himself as the shade of Virgil, who is
known to be the greatest poet of ancient Rome. Dante is astonished and delighted, referring to Virgil
as his master. The first Canto states, he must go another way who would escape this wilderness... you
follow me and I will be your guide and lead you forth through an eternal place. Virgil quickly assumes
the role of Dante s spiritual and literal guide. While Virgil is an admirable character, and someone
Dante the poet looks up to, he is still a pagan and cannot guide Dante past hell, where he is confined.
In order to travel with the light of heaven, Dante must expedition through the darkness of hell, where
he will see first hand the consequences of sinning. Dante s adventure will take him from the world of
the living, to that of the
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Exercise Of Weight Training Exercise
Weight training is an important essential in life, but of course it s not really needed. Weight training is
a series of exercises that use weights for resistance. After lifting weights people feel different, like
they have achieved greatness. Part of weight training is eating right and being healthy. In order to see
progress good rest is required, or all the work done in the weight room was all for nothing. Exercises
that work multiple muscle groups will help one get the most out of an upper body work out when
weight training. The shoulders are the main important muscle group of the upper body for function
and appearance. Some upper body exercises, primarily target the biceps and, to a lesser degree, the
forearms ( Exercises ). What ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This exercise is done with a barbell and a incline bench ( Exercises ). The way to do this exercise is to
lie down faced up on an incline bench. The exerciser grips the bar with a medium width grip and lifts
the bar off of the rack ( Exercises ). the exerciser then holds the bar straight over his or her head, and
keeps the arms locked. This is the starting position of the exercise. Next the exerciser inhales slowly
while moving the bar slowly down toward the upper chest ( Exercises ). After a slight pause, the
exerciser pushes the bar back to the starting position while exhaling and the arms should be locked.
Before the exerciser brings the bar back down again the exerciser squeeze the chest for a second. The
exerciser repeats the process for the desired number of repetitions. When the exerciser is finished with
the exercise the bar should be placed back on the rack ( Exercises ). An exerciser plans to train each of
the major upper body movement patterns and muscle groups directly and indirectly. The exerciser puts
the exercises in the most ideal order, then chooses the right amount of sets and repetitions per exercise
so training volume is within the optimal range ( Best Upper Body Workout Routine Weight Training
Exercises ). The exerciser chooses the best exercises to train your muscles while keeping proper
balance around the joints. The upper body can really only do six things. Those six
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The Four Stages Of Sleep Research
The human brain is complex and the way the body advances is through sleep. Sleep allows the body to
rest, repair and rejuvenate itself. The brain is responsible for wave patterns called alpha and beta
waves that through a series of stages, produces what we know as non rapid eye movement (NREM),
and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. At the beginning of sleep, our minds are relatively active,
conscience, and producing beta waves, which are small and fast. The brain begins to produce alpha
waves when it relaxes and starts to slow down. At this point, it is possible to have lucid or strange
events called hypnagogic hallucinations, which can be responsible for you having episodes of seeing
and hearing things as you are falling asleep or sudden ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
During this process, dreams occur due to activity in the brain and the voluntary muscles are
immobilized. REM sleep is defined by rapid movement of the eyes, raised respiratory rate and
elevated brain activity. This stage occurs about 90 minutes into a person s sleep and repeats itself
every 90 minutes getting longer throughout the night; people spend about 25% of their sleep time in
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Integrity in Characters of Different Literary Works
Integrity is the basing of one s actions on an internally consistent framework of principles. Meaning,
one who has integrity bases their actions on a moral code of honor, character, strength, and courage.
These principles guide a character s motive and cause, putting public image aside to lead a life
chivalry and conviction. One example this is Willie Bodega of Bodega Dreams by Ernesto Quiñonez.
Although Willie s means are shady, he strives for the betterment of Spanish Harlem through the
improvement of abandoned and damaged apartments. Next, there is John Proctor of The Crucible by
Arthur Miller. Proctor refuses to provide a false confession is a true religious and personal stand. By
refusing to give up his personal ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This action shows integrity because Willie took a complete outsider of his business, and guides him in
the way of running an empire. Next, there is John Proctor, an honorable man of the colony of Salem,
Massachusetts. Proctor becomes tied up with the literal and figurative witch hunt in Salem, his wife is
being accused by his secret lover Abigail Williams. The only way to have his wife escape a hanging is
to admit that had relations with Abigail to the court. His great pride and fear of public view forced him
to keep his adultery from the court. However, Proctor becomes more concerned with his individual
integrity than his public status. Proctor still wants to cleanse his name, but for religious and personal
reasons. Proctor s refusal to supply a false confession is a true personal and religious stand.
Confessing would dishonor his fellow prisoners, who are brave enough to hang at the gallows as
statement of truth. More importantly, a false admission would also dishonor him, tainting not just his
public standing, but also his soul and integrity. By refusing to forfeit his own integrity Proctor
implicitly proclaims his conviction that such integrity will bring him to heaven. He is martyred, being
redeemed for his earlier sins. Lastly, there is Holden Caulfield who epitomizes the complete opposite
of integrity. Holden glorifies his deceptions and lies he gets away with. He prides himself on how
people fall for his dishonesty. This in and of
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  • 10. Botanical Gardens, Research Paper on California Plants California is a state of enormous diversity. From the coast to the mountains and the forests to the deserts, California is full of a wide array of plant life. California is the third largest state in the United States and thus has a major variation in climate resulting in the many plants found. Not only are there many plants found here, but many of those plants cannot be found anywhere else. There are also many nonnative plants that have become a part of the scenery in California. The best way to understand the state s vegetation is to first understand the floristic provinces. In North America there are 12 floristic provinces with four of those found in California (Map #1). California itself has five major biomes, some of which can be ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Most chaparral plants grow mainly in the spring. They take advantage of the winter rains penetrating to their roots and the long spring days. To cope for the dry soil in the summer plants these plants usually cope by becoming dormant. During this time they are very susceptible to fire. The evergreen nature of this plant allows it to keep its leaves and not use and energy to create new leaves. Because of this they can be photosynthesizing within minutes of a summer rain. These plants have adapted to use very little water and not lose any while at the same time trapping all the water it can. The types of oak found at the RSABG were the California Black Oak, the Blue Oak, and the Canyon Oak (Picture #6). These are all found in the oak woodlands biome. These trees are found all throughout of California. From the foothills and valleys of cismontane California, around the central valley and mixed throughout the Coast Ranges, Transverse Ranges, and Peninsular Ranges. This biome is 10 percent of the vegetated landscape and is almost only in California. The Blue Oak is a dominant species and endemic. The climate that these oak are found range from semiarid to both warm summer and cool summer Mediterranean. Generally the climates are cooler and moister then the grassland and chaparral biomes below but warmer then the coniferous forests above. Some people think that because of how common the oak woodlands are they should be made the states ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Venus Bust Analysis For my project, I have recreated a bust of Venus. A bust is a sculpture of a person s head, shoulders, and chest. This allows you to include very intricate details and helps you achieve a goal in realism. There were many sculptures of Venus in ancient Rome, including the Venus Genetrix, meaning Mother Venus in Latin. I chose to create a bust so I could, too, focus on the intricate details, though my version is very small, it might have been less accurate had I done the Venus Genetrix. Venus busts like this one have been used for many garden decorations and household decorations in general. The sculpture I chose to recreate is a bust of Venus. Venus is the goddess of love, prosperity, fertility, victory, and beauty. Her greek form is Aphrodite. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It was actually hard in this way not to find Greek artwork, but since Venus is a Roman goddess, this was a good choice for me. The Romans didn t believe that a recreation of a work of art was any less valuable than the first piece of art. We disagree with this today, but they added slight modifications to their recreations. Roman art liked to recreate Greek art with those slight modifications, like recreating bronzes (some of which are now lost) in marble. Some variations could be something other than medium, though. Sometimes the purpose was to add a bit of humor! This added a lot of Roman to Greek art, which was originally somber and serious. The Romans used a variety of media in their artwork. Some include marble, painting, mosaic, gems, silver and bronze work, terracottas, and more! The original bust that I chose to recreate is made of reconstituted resin, but I chose air dry clay to finish faster and to have a close model to the original bust. The Roman Republic was also a great year for Roman Art. Lots of art was produced then because of the many things happening in the republic and in the military. While this idea is not portrayed in the bust, the equestrian statue honoring a military hero or civic leader was an idea created by the Romans. Lots of things happened in this period of time, the start and fall of the Roman republic, and the beginning of the peaceful period of time we know as the Pax ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. The Scientific Revolution The Scientific Revolution revolutionized the middle ages. The concepts of secularization, scientific method, heliocentrism, as well as the creation of major fields of science. The Scientific Revolution paved the way for modern science. Much of the work that created during the sixteenth and seventeenth century is still considered to be the foundation of many major fields such as chemistry, physics, astronomy and biology. During the revolution, science began to be excepted by both the Protestant and the Catholic churches. Matter of fact, science was encouraged by the church. However, the church had control over the scientist and would commonly censor individuals that spoke out against the church. Scientific Method is the combination of experimental observation and mathematical deduction. This concept was used to determine the laws of nature. The Scientific Method was first developed in the seventeenth century and became the standard of truth seeking. The old Christian doctrine that was established by the scientific teachings of ancient philosophers such as Ptolemy and Aristotle. According to The Making of the West by Lynn Hunt, Scientific method of determining the laws of nature undermined traditional accounts of natural phenomena (Hunt 493). The traditional accounts of natural phenomena, which was established by the ancient philosophers came under question. Many scientists such as Isaac Newton, except the scientific method. The use of Scientific Method, led to ground ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Dunkirk Or Dunkirque In France Dunkirk or Dunkirque, is in France. Infamously known for Dunkirk evacuation, this small town went from a peaceful settlement into a brave town of soldiers. In 1940, from May 26 to June 4, Allie soldiers were exposed to what could have been one of the worse massacres in history. In a span of ten days, sailors, fishermen, or anybody with a boat, saved 350,000 British, French, and Belgium soldiers from Dunkirk. The evacuation was very successful. For every eight men on the Dunkirk port, seven of them were rescued. The unfortunate ones became prisoners of war to Germany. In 1940, during the beginning of World War II, France was becoming progressively weaker. The Allies were losing the war, so Great Britain wanted to pull their troops out. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Why Righteous Gentiles Helped Jews WHAT MOTIVATED RIGHTEOUS GENTILES TO SAVE JEWISH PEOPLE? WAS IT ALTRUISM , ECONOMIC GAIN OR OTHER REASONS ? BY JOSHUA GERSOHN INTRODUCTION During the Holocaust period (1939 1945) many Jewish lives were saved by non Jews. These saviours were referred to as Righteous Gentiles. Many hundreds of these non Jewish people have been honoured for their bravery and personal sacrifice, of which the German industrialist Oskar Schindler is probably the best known. We might never know exactly what motivated these individuals or groups to risk torture and death under the Nazi regime to save one or a thousand Jewish lives we can merely surmise and try understand from the stories. Some acted purely for economic gain, others out of altruism and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He acquired property, jewellery and money and in many accounts given, gentiles who helped affluent Jews became wealthy and that was perhaps a major driving force. In 1983 when Schindler was asked about his reasons for saving Jews he said: I hated the brutality, the sadism, and the insanity of Nazism. I just couldn t stand by and see people destroyed. I did what I could,what I had to do, what my conscience told me I must do. That s all there is to it. Really, nothing more (Source ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. The Pros And Cons Of The Kosovo War Lately, globalization has created tendency including governance. Thereby, many states have authorized international institution to intervene and mediate conflicts between global sides so as to preserve human rights and protect innocent people. However, we occasionally notice that it is not always the case as it was pretended to be. For instance, it is possible and true that such organizations can fail to protect human life, even on purpose. United Nation Security Council is entitled to maintain human rights in the global scale and thus it must intervene into conflicts which comprise threat to innocent civil people. Nevertheless, the circumstance of the Kosovo war allows us to think about and even question the legitimacy of this institution. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Death of majority of population indicates direct impact of the war in Kosovo that witnessed. The diseases that have occurred in people was one of these indirect effects. As Josef Martinsen stresses out that people still suffer from neurologically and physiological diseases which possibly those who have witnessed the violent in the war (2010, 22). In the article of Josef Martinsen, various interviews from people who witnessed the war are demonstrated, and while reading these interviews, people become sad and shocked. For instance, it is shown that some children were murdered in front of the mothers eyes which resulted with mental diseases on them (Martinsen 2010, 43). Despite the fact that all these happened and were clearly demonstrated to readers, some of people argue that United Nation Security Council actually made right choice by allowing the war to happen. In contrast, these people go along with the idea that the adverse effects remained from the war which affected Kosovo for long time and could not be fixed quickly and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. An Interview With Police Enforcement The number one career that I want to pursue is in law enforcement. Unfortunately, it did not show up on my list of occupations produced by my Self Directed Search results. My number one goal is to obtain a career as a Deputy Officer and then work myself up to detective. Since working in law enforcement is my number one goal I decided to interview two different Sheriff Deputy Officers. The first Sheriff Deputy Officer that I interviewed was Deputy Benzor from the Los Angeles Sheriff Department. The interview that I conducted with Deputy Benzor was an informal interview that occurred while I was doing a patrol ride along. This was probably the best time to conduct an informal interview because during the patrol ride along I got to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There is always something going on somewhere and as officers they are always ready to respond. When it was about 2pm we stopped at subway to have lunch and I though this is the best time to get most of questions answered. He mentioned that one thing he does not like about his job is that he has to work during the holidays. This prevents him from spending quality time with his family during the holidays. In addition, I asked him what was it that he did in order to prepare for the filed. He mentioned that the academy training really helped shape him and prepare him for the job. Before attending academy training he mentions that he did a lot of physical training in order to be physically prepared for the academy. At this point of the ride along/interview I was amazed and this amazement was like confirmation that this is the career that I want to have. I did not ask him if he had any suggestions of someone else in the field I can speak to. The reason why I did not ask him was because I already had someone in mind I wanted to speak to. The second Sheriff Deputy that I interviewed was Deputy Joanna Gomez. The reason that I chose to interview her is because she is currently my background investigator. I am currently going through the process of being hired with the Los Angeles Sheriff Department and I thought she would be a good person to interview. Deputy Joanna Gomez ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Formal Screening Analysis American Academy of Pediatrics AAP (2012) suggests regular, universal developmental screenings of infants and toddlers by pediatric healthcare providers at 9, 18 and 30 months of age. According to them, these are just standardized screenings that only takes about 15 20 minutes to complete and to see the overall of a child s development. It is important to observe an individual during an early age. The first reason is that it guides a parent or a guardian to identify areas of concern about a specific area of development, such as gross and fine motor skills, communication and language, cognitive skills, etc. These milestones can be observed by the child s pediatrician ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Analysis Of The Philosophical Views Of The Other Presented... Assignment: Final Paper the Other Nancy Barahona National University Philosophy 337 August 1, 2015 Professor Martin Gomez In looking at the philosophical views of the Other presented by Emmanuel Levinas we will consider whether we act strictly for the good of others without investing any self interest in what we do or do we do what we desire most at the end of the day; however, we will find many of our daily interactions including working, caring for another and just basic interactions are all done in self interest not in the interest of the Other. According to Rosenstand (2013) Levinas explains the Other as a term seen in philosophy about a person who is different from oneself; it is when one is facing something or someone that one is fundamentally unfamiliar with. (Rosenstand, 2013, p. 82) He goes onto explain that this stranger can be a person of a different sex or race or even someone who has different experiences than oneself. Levinas sees the bottom line of all human existence as the encounter with the Other. (Rosenstand, 2013, p. 513) When people meet people they will more often than not meet someone who is different from them. They will be a different color. A different sex. A different social class. It will be someone who has grown up in a different environment than them. And instinct will set in and one will try to change the Other; they will perceive that they are helping the Other but really they are helping themselves. One person will ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Summary Of Untitled By Gerald Dono The painting of Untitled by Gerald Donato displayed in the Taubman Museum in Roanoke allures attention by the chaotic combination of figural pieces and the collided whirlwind of vibrant yellows, oranges, greens, and undertones of black. The background information shares that Gerald Donato was a talented, beloved painter and teacher whose work anticipated references to important art historical developments. Ideological forces, such as familiar cartoon imagery, Steamboat Willie , and formally represented figures, are clearly influences in his work as his interest of hidden subject matter is visually bursted on an oil canvas. He created a blended cartoon like scene of abstraction and figuration by incorporating a mysterious feminine figure Moon face and a recurring character Mr. Man to embody a message of escaping from the spiral cage that represents the constraints in life. Mr. Donato borrowed images from past history and radically transformed these elements through his own blend of abstraction and figures to send a message about the conflict between society and individuals. The artist depicts an initial confusing and weirded out thought for the viewer at first glance, but as one deeply examines the art, the subject matter begins to become more clear. The vision being shared in this non objective painting has a context of placing one in the standing of Mr. Man by gaining height and freedom from the (white) bars that are rising on each level that represent conflict which traps one in a cage of misery. The unbalanced symmetry of having the left side take up more space with little action, and the right side being smaller with the action unraveling, makes the viewer break down each composite perspective. For the left side, the mysterious female muse, Moon Face, has an unproportional face that is almost blushing with shades of light pasty orange, with the mouth wide open. The energetic mood is amplified by the tone of yellow that is splashed in the mouth, representing a loss of words or at a state of disbelief. The female s lower half is created with tints of red that enhances the curves on her body, as if chiaroscuro connects the light and dark contrast to show outline of the breasts, stomach, and hips in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Acc 553 Week 6 You Decide Essay I have reviewed your situations and each of your tax considerations and outlined my advisement below. Part I: Discuss the various forms of organization that are available to Penelope, Mark and John. There are a few different options from which you can chose to organize your business under. For example: partnership, LLP, S Corporation, C Corporation for which I know you are all familiar with. It is my duty to give you my own educated and unbiased opinion to which would be most beneficial to all of you. Part II: Make your recommendation as to what form of organization you believe will be best and be sure to explain the reasoning for your choice. I find the Limited Liability Partnership to be the best form of organization for your ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This means that a partnership interest will have a split holding period. Part IV: Discuss, in detail, how this entity is taxed (if at all) and what filing requirements it has with the IRS. An LLP has pass through taxation and the income is reported on each partner s personal tax returns, avoiding any federal tax on profits. (Code Sec. 702) The LLP will be taxed this way by default; however the option to be taxed as a corporation is also available. Every partnership must file an annual return regardless of the amount of its net income or its net loss in its operations. (Code Sec. 701; Reg. §1.701 1; Code Sec. 6031). Form 1065 must be filed every year by the 15th of April. Part V: Discuss how income and distributions may/will be allocated to Penelope, Mark and John. Profits are shared equally or by percentage ownership if that is how you divide the company ownership. Part VI: Discuss, in detail, how the individuals are taxed (if at all) with respect to the net profits from this entity and what filing requirements they will each have with the IRS. Individuals in a partnership are normally liable for filing personal income taxes, self employment taxes and estimated taxes for themselves, according to the Internal Revenue Service. Each individual will file a Schedule K 1. The partnership itself is not responsible for paying taxes. The credits and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Tribes of India Indian Tribes : Among the 68 million citizens of India who are members of tribal groups, the Indian tribal religious concepts, terminologies, and practices are as varied as the hundreds of tribes, but members of these groups have one thing in common: they are under constant pressure from the major organized religions. Some of this pressure is intentional, as outside missionaries work among tribal groups to gain converts. Most of the pressure, however, comes from the process of integration within a national political and economic system that brings tribes into increasing contact with other groups and different, prestigious belief systems. In general, those tribes that remain geographically isolated in desert, hill, and forest regions or on ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Even the small hunting and gathering groups in the union territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands have been under severe pressure because of immigration to this area and the resulting reduction of their hunting area. Northeast region of India is a pristine territory, completely unexplored. The valley is adorned with lush green vegetation, majestic mountains and untamed rivers. It is also abode of exquisite range of flora and fauna and the magnificent tribal life. The states of Northeast India s natural splendor welcome the tourist browsing for something different. North East of India is comprises of Sikkim where orchids bloom on the hillside. Assam famous for its tea gardens, Arunchal Pradesh the first part of India to welcome the morning sun. Tripura explore the princely traditions of, Nagaland famous for the tribal crafts and culture, Mizoram enjoy the exquisite bamboo and cane souvenirs, Manipur luxuriate in the marionette dance, Meghalaya recline in the picturesque vista of the abode of the clouds. All is adding to its charisma. A varied number of tribes and tribal groups each with its own distinct culture inhabit the region of northeast India. Many tribal languages are spoken throughout these seven states. The northeastern states have the highest percentage of Christians. The region also has its state importance as it is bordering the territories of China, Tibet, Bhutan, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. How Double-Strand Breaks One explanation as to how x rays effect cells is that the radiation causes double strand breaks (DSBs). A double strand break is a lesion within DNA which can prevent replication, cause deletions, or cause translocations of the DNA. All of the named effects have the potential to cause a mutation to a cell (Negritto, 2010). Double strand breaks are known as genomic rearrangements because it has been shown to change the genetic code of a cell. All of the effects of DSBs may lead to an increase in the recombination of genes in chromosomes, which may explain how the cells are mutated. In one experiment, cells were exposed to x ray radiation in order to test the frequency of DSB. H2AX is a type of proteins that repairs double strand breaks ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Shovelbug Research Paper My beast, also known as the shovelbug, lives in a desert ecosystem with cold nights and scorching hot days. Due to these weather changes, the invertebrate has adapted to the environment in a couple of ways, which will be explained later. Even though there is very little of it, the vegetation that is found there includes low lying grasses/mosses and cacti. These patches of grass are scattered throughout the desert and there may be a variety of different species building their habitats in them. Aside from being a home to native species, the patches of grass may also be hiding predators waiting to strike. Lastly, is the soil in this environment which plays a big role in the shovelbug s survival. This soil is very hard for most organisms to dig through, which is what makes this insect unique in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is a small invertebrate with multiple adaptations to survive in the desert ecosystem. For starters, this insect has very strong mandibles which can instantly kill the shovelbug s prey. However, the way it traps its prey in the first place is the interesting part. Similar to an antlion, the shovelbug digs a small pit in the sand with its shovel like legs, hence the name shovelbug. Soon after, an unknowing insect may wander into this pit and become food as a result. Having said that, this isn t all it does to capture prey. This insect actually creates a web identical to that of a spider s which ensures that the shovelbug s food won t be escaping. Additionally, my beast has developed long, oval shaped wings like the ones you would find on dragonflies. This adaptation makes for a quick escape if the shovelbug comes across a dangerous predator. Another adaptation to avoid predators is the hard exoskeleton which helps them blend into their environment. This exoskeleton was originally just camouflaged flesh that would change color depending on the surroundings. It still serves the same purpose with the additional benefit of a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Sensitive Periods in Early Development Essay examples Sensitive Periods in Early Development From the moment of conception to the moment we are born and grow into adulthood, the timing of even the first beginning of our life journey is crucial. Even the timing of fertilization can be too soon or too late in which will cause the organism to be destroyed. (The Development of Children, 2nd ed). The mother carrying a baby has a responsibility to ensure enough nutrition is supplied for the rapid growth of the organism. However it is also crucial that the fetus also plays a part to survive, by being active and moving to develop. Hamburger, 1975 illustration of fetal activity (as cited in The Development of Children, 2nd ed. p.87.) indicates that fetal ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The unwanted children born weighed less at birth and needed more medical care even though the mothers were judged to be in good health. Fewer of the children were breast fed, they had more difficulties in school, and they were referred for psychiatric help more often as teenagers. Also that by the time they had reached adulthood, many were more likely to have antisocial behavior problems. So here we can see from this research that stress also plays a vital role of a healthy developing baby. Some fact (Yarrow, 1961, as cited in Early Experience, 1967) states that also the first few years of life have crucial effects upon later development and adult characteristics and that the significance of early infantile experience for later life development has been repeated so frequently and so seriously that the general effectiveness of this declaration is now almost unchallenged. Bowlby, 1951, (as cited in Early Experience, 1967) quotes that the prolonged deprivation of the young child of maternal care may have grave and far reaching effects in his character and so on the whole of his future life. In comparison to this J.B. Watson (1928) also felt passionately about the first two years of a Childs life. He believed they were the most important and that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Ethica Ethical Consumerism You have just been asked to donate money to an anonymous person every day; you will never see their face and know their name. You likely hold a closer bond with your favorite childhood Disney character than you do to them. And so, you reply with a polite, no, sorry because you reason that it is not in your financial interest to dole out your hard earned salary to strangers. Yet, despite the logic behind your refusal to make daily donations to an anonymous person, you are nonetheless being economically irrational when you shop ethically. This is because the premium you pay for ethical goods and services is equivalent to the daily donation that you would make as it also benefits a random, unacquainted person at the expense of your savings. It is apparent in ethical consumerism that economic rationality is overruled by ethics. This begs the question: how do ethics supersede rational economic behavior in consumer choices in ethical consumerism? ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The psychological argument based on Maslow s hierarchy of needs argues that people would pursue the higher order need of esteem after meeting their basic needs; and so, it is psychologically reasonable when people who have met their basic needs, such as those with relatively higher income, to pursue esteem over economic reasoning. Those consumers can then attain such self worth by shopping ethically because aiding others reassures the consumers of their importance in society; such behavior is evident in the ethical consumerist practices of locally sourcing and fair trade, both of which seek to uphold fair living standards for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Arnold Owing Education Money Essay Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger proposed a budget which included a $2.9 billion fund increase for schools. However Schwarzenegger broke his promise and took the $2 billion from Education funds just to help him avoid raising taxes. ¡§The initial proposal provided more money for public schools than the previous year, the governor said. But the education community maintains the governor promised public schools some $2 billion more.¡¨# Schools are already having a hard time with money and with Governor Schwarznegger¡¦s poor choices in politics definitely caused much rage and anger from Schools all around. Education is important and his decision making towards his proposal wasn¡¥t helpful it all and may put Education in danger. Meaning students ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Johanna VanderMolen from the Campbell Union School District says that ¡§She is billing Gov. Schwarzenegger $19 million for what she says the Campbell Union School District has lost in recent years to government funding cuts.¡§# I believe Arnold Schwarzenegger owes everyone an apology and owes schools more money. Education is important and for the Governor to take money from education definitely effects many people. I also think that if people do not get good education, they may have a hard time finding a job. What if losing $2 Billion really made a big drastic change in school? I think that we can¡¦t elect Arnold Schwarzenegger for office anymore because he tends to mess his plans and so called ¡¥promises¡¦ up. ¡§If the governor does back away from his merit pay proposal, it would be the second proposed ballot measure that he¡¦s retreated from. He¡¦s already killed the plan to undo pensions for state workers.¡¨# I think he should of found another way to prevent raising taxes instead of going back on his word and taking money from education. He has many ads on television, on the internet, in magazines, and on the radio. If he could spend all that money on those ads, why not use that good money to help pay off something else? His idea of ¡§combat pay¡¨# doesn¡¦t seem to be getting much public support. I ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. New York And Paris Comparison The city that never sleeps and the city of lights If you ask anyone about their favorite cities in the world, usually they will say Paris and New York. The two cities been on every traveler s bucket list for years . their Unique Atmospheres , their spectacular sights, and their intriguing lifestyles fascinated many people around the world. Both New York and Paris got characterized by their architecture , their attractions , and their population The architecture of the two cities can be described as a personal style that both cities became known for. New York is most closely associated with buildings , skyscrapers in particular. The city has amassed one of the largest and most varied collection of skyscrapers in the world. It s Architecturally significant buildings in it wide range of styles , portray different historical and cultural periods , like the Woolworth Building, an early gothic revival skyscraper with large scale gothic architectural detail. And The Chrysler building ,which considered by many historians and architects to be one of New York s finest. While New York is famous for its buildings, Paris however is famous for it elegant Architecture, its museums and palaces. The typical Haussmann buildings with black iron railings and hanging baskets are the epitome of Paris. such as Notre Dame and the mesmerizing Sainte Chapelle, add another dimension to the architectural beauty of the city. The city architecture is a notable example of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Masculinity In Brokeback Mountain The typical western genre consists of characteristics that embody masculinity. From a genre perspective, Brokeback Mountain is a great contrast to the typical western film. While the film challenges the western genre it also challenges the American view of masculinity. Throughout the film, the Ennis and Jack face a conflict with themselves and a perceived notion of masculinity. The two protagonists attempt to reassert their perception of manhood when it is questioned. The resolve of the conflict when they meet at the end and become emotional establishes the disconnect from the typical western. Normally, the hero would be emotionless at the end to show and continue their masculine persona. In Brokeback Mountain, the character Ennis also ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Structure Of An Essential Amino Acid Task 2: Protein Structure Task 2a: model of an essential amino acid. Methionine (C5H11NO2S) is a Non polar (hydrophobic) essential amino acid that contains a sulfur atom. According to Wolf (2000), a hydrophobic molecule such as Methionine is usually located near the center of a protein covered by hydrophilic molecules. The R group of Methionine is relatively non reactive. It, therefore, plays more structural protein roles than functional protein (Betts Russell, 2003). Due to its non reactivity Methionine does not actively participate in chemical reaction that occurs at the active site of an enzyme. However, the sulfur atom has potential for oxidation (Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, University of Arizona, 2003). Its flammability likelihood of low, but its combustibility potential can be realized at high temperatures (Science lab, 2013). Although the carboxyl end has a pKa of 2.28 and that of the amino end has a pKa pf 9.21 (Science lab, 2013), the R group of Methionine is neutral (Nave, 2012). Task 2b: A series of diagrams, with clear labels, of the different levels of protein structure (i.e. Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, Quaternary). Task 2c: diagram that demonstrates how a peptide bond is made through dehydration, using a complete chemical equation. Task 2d: diagram that demonstrates how a peptide bond is broken through hydrolysis, using a complete chemical equation. Task 2e: Explain the four forces (i.e. bonds or interactions) that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. The Tema 3 Measures The Early Mathematical Abilities Of... a. General Description: The TEMA 3 measures the early mathematical abilities of young children. b. Materials Provided/Needed: Examiner s Manual, Picture Book, Profile/Examiner Record Booklets, Student Worksheets, Manipulatives, Assessment Probes Instructional Activities Book. Examiner and student will both need a pen or pencil. c. Alternate Forms: The TEMA 3 has two equivalent forms (A and B). III. ADMINISTRATION: a. Age Ranges: The TEMA 3 was designed for children ages 3 0 to 8 11. It can also be used as a criterion referenced or diagnostic tool with older students who are having mathematical learning difficulties. b. Administration and Scoring Time: The TEMA 3 is not a timed test. Within reason, students should be given as much time as they need to complete a question. On average, students will be able to complete this test in 45 to 60 minutes. The scoring time should be minimal. The child receives 1 point for each item passed, and incorrect items are scored 0. c. Types of Scores Reported: The raw score, age and grade equivalent, percentile rank, Math Ability Score (standard score), standard error of measurement, confidence interval, and ability score range are all recorded in the appropriately labeled spaces in the Profile/Examiner Record Booklets. d. Starting Points, Basal and Ceiling Levels: The starting points are based on the child s chronological age (shown in Table 2.1). The basal consists of the highest five consecutive items that are answered correctly. All ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Hancock s Bravery, Resilience And Success At The Battle Of... Hancocks s Bravery, Resilience and Success at the Battle of Gettysburg Winfield Scott Hancock, a talented and prosperous military commander was sent in to command union troops after the death of General John Reynolds who was eliminated on day one. Hancock served as the commander of New Corps Gettysburg, having command of the army s left wing for a short time (Historynet 1). Of course, he did far more than that, Hancock being filled with bravery and the will to continue to fight no matter what, a man carried away by passion (Civil War Trust 1). He was a dedicated soldier and commander, not backing down from the front lines of fire and charging headstrong into fights he very well could have lost. His impact on the Civil War was great, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Different Abilities That Set Humans Apart From Other Lives... One of the unique abilities that set humans apart from other life forms is the ability of speech production. Although it occurs involuntarily the act of speaking can be traced back to neural level even before the muscles are directed to move or before the first breathe is taken to supply the energy source for speech. Most people may not realize it but the fact is saying a word or even a sound is quite laboring on the body, especially when it must occur rapidly to even create a single sentence. Before a word or even a sound is produced the respiratory and phonatory systems must be activated and set into motion. Respiration which fuels the body is defined as the exchange of gas between an organism and its environment (Seikel, page 35), while Phonation is defined to be the product of vocal fold vibration which occurs within the larynx (Sekiel, page 165). In preparation to breathe, the diaphragm must move inferiorly giving the lungs room to expand. This intake of air must travel a great distance from either the nose or mouth, down through the larynx, and into the trachea, bronchi and, finally, lungs. While simply breathing, the air will travel through the vocal folds which remain in the abducted position. During speech production the vocal folds will adduct causing the air traveling through them to create a rippling effect as the folds vibrate. It is important to note this is merely the beginning stage at this point and that sounds produced at this point would resemble that off ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Willy Me Riddle Me Analysis Riddle me riddle me, What can I be? I am everywhere, but never seen. None are so blind as those who won t see. I am the beginning of the end, and the end of the beginning. At the front of the old, I await eagerly. At the back of the young, I glare hungrily. A banshee s shriek is music to my ears. A trip to Dartmoor, henceforth my black hounds will tell thee I am near. Sleep may be my brother, But I am the Final Slumber. I shall come to thee with cold embrace, And give thee rest with a chilled kiss on thy face. In the forest, dark and deep, I shall offer thee eternal sleep. As I follow thee into the dark, Dartmoor s hounds emit their final bark. I am a peach tree that blooms early, A clock s final tick. To dream of a white ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... From the setting sun reflected in the almshouse, To the winter snow melting outside a mansion s door. I am one of the four horsemen Rider of the pale horse. And with Hades following me, I was theretofore given authority over a fourth of the earth. I am a debt all must pay. Fear not, though: The Last Doctor who arrives, Is a blessing in disguise. I am: An enigma that cannot be cracked, An inextricable equation, A conundrum with no answer, An inescapable situation. I am a nightmare to many, A relief for few, My resemblance is uncanny, And in time, I shall come for thee too. I am neither goodbye, nor farewell, Rather, until we meet again: Au revoir. Life is but a journey Look upon me as an adventurous home going. Life is a beautiful lie, but I am the painful truth, Listen closely: do not endeavor to find the Fountain of Youth. For though I leave heartache that no one can heal, There are always memories that I can neither touch nor steal. I smile upon thee, And all thou can do is smile back. Thou need only part to meet again. Riddle me riddle me, What can I be? I am alpha and omega, Everyone s final ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Snezana Case Study The Bachelor Sam Wood bought a new house with his new fiancée Snezana Markoski as they are now moving forward from their long time long distance relationship. The property is worth $1.4 million. The loved up couple have been enduring the long distance relationship for long time since The Bachelor finale last year of September. Snezana was staying in Perth and Sam in Melbourne. The two seemed to have travelled both ends for their relationship. This year, they have decided to stay together with Snezana s 10 year old daughter, Eve in a little house in Melbourne. He shared this important event through his Instagram account. The post was a photo of him and Snezana posed beside the big Sold sign. Sam captioned, So ... the most incredible woman ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Reviewing Manheim s Compensation Plan For Their Sales... In reviewing Manheim s compensation plan for their sales representative, we examined the commission component. Incentive compensation is subject to ongoing changes and adjustments that exist to shape and direct the sales force. Manheim s current structure pays employees a monthly commission based on the number of vehicles bought and sold through their consignment sales. Examining the extensive data revealed that there are a multitude of factors involved in establishing commission plans and actually earning a commission payout. Beginning with 2015 sales data, acquired through Manheim s customer relationship management (CRM) software, 124 field sales rep commission payments were analyzed. Specifically pulling the data from the months of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This year, March had 5 weeks and Sally earned $3,350. The difference between the two months is $1,630. Most monthly bills are static regardless of the number of business days on the calendar. As an example, Sally s mortgage for March 2015 and March 2016 would be the same despite the difference in the number of working days. With commission programs it is important that performance is accurately tracked, payouts occur timely, and all information is clearly communicated (Stein, 2011) Through the use of Salesforce.com, one can acquire the necessary data to utilize simple financial modeling to forecast the likely outcomes of varying commission plan designs. When a goal is set for a month, based on the previous years data there are two to three months each year where the number of working weeks or consignment sale days is off track from the previous year. When this occurs it becomes virtually impossible for a sales rep to achieve their monthly goal in the shorter months. Employees often use those months to purposely perform below average to increase their commission payouts in the following months. In turn, this can negatively impact corporate budgets. If goals are adjusted, based on the number of consignment sale days in a month and not simply just year over year monthly results, employees would receive more evenly distributed payouts and the company would see more consistent sales results. The specific adjustment recommended, is to alter field ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. What Is The Theme Of Pure Equality Does More Harm Than... This story contributes to the theme, pure equality does more harm than good to a society. For example in the declaration of independence one of the sentences say All men are created equal . But if all men were created equal then our society would be like Harrison s society. One of the goals the author has is for the reader to understand that pure equality should not be craved. This story uses small details such as handicaps to illustrate what true equality would even mean to our country. This is why we all should appreciate our uniqueness rather than crib about our unequal attributes. This story contributes to the theme, pure equality does more harm than good to a society. For example in the declaration of independence one of the sentences ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. The Implications of Current Child Policy for the Welfare... The Implications of Current Child Policy for the Welfare of Children Children in the United Kingdom are key consumers of social policy. They consume a vast amount of the many services provided by this Country. Services such as health care through Doctors, hospitals and clinics, the education system which is largely devoted financially to the schooling of young people, and also the social security system which is stretched by children whose parents are in need of income support or family tax credit. (Alcock, Erskine May, 2002) All of these services contribute to the well being of the young people of this Country. However, increasing amounts of the Country s budget and social policies are ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Specific examples of mistakes made in highly publicised cases in the past, shall be used to highlight error s which have occurred. The two relevant reports pertaining to these cases shall then be scrutinised to show how social policy is changing in order to combat these problems in the legislation. Arguments shall be provided to concur or oppose the recommendations, and the essay shall conclude by finding: headway has been made by these reports, but human error cannot be eradicated, and human judgement can be unreliable. Furthermore, it shall conclude that, these reports are not written to allocate blame, but rather, that they are published in the hope that, repetitions of these events are not duplicated. SUBSTANTIVE The welfare of children in the United Kingdom is one of the most important items for the government in terms of social policy. (Ellison Pierson, 1998) The Children Act 1989 sets out legislation to provide for numerous circumstances which could occur in a child s life and cause a detrimental effect on his or her well being. Examples of the guidelines that are included in the act are briefly summarised here: The 1989 Act provides guidance for custody of children for issues such as the divorce of parents, neglect, sexual/physical and mental abuse or future risk. (Blakemore, 1998) The act ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. The Silgrim In Dante s Inferno In literature, as well as in history, there is often a single individual stranded and in need of a helping hand. This assistance usually comes in various forms, and depends on the context it is needed for. The support typically guides the individual away from imminent danger, and towards a second chance or even ultimate salvation. In the first Canto of The Inferno, Dante the pilgrim, the main character of The Divine Comedy, goes astray from what his culture and tradition consider the straight road and only by recalling his cultural and personal past he is able to get back on the road towards redemption. Dante comprehensively acknowledges that he has lived a life of sin, when he decided to record his story. Halfway through the route of his life, the pilgrim Dante emerges from his slumber, and into a dusky forest in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Dante becomes frightened by the animals and loses all hope of climbing the mountain. Dante then returns to the dark forest, where he notices a figure. Dante then calls out to the presence, unaware of whether it is man or spirit. The figure then proceeds to identify himself as the shade of Virgil, who is known to be the greatest poet of ancient Rome. Dante is astonished and delighted, referring to Virgil as his master. The first Canto states, he must go another way who would escape this wilderness... you follow me and I will be your guide and lead you forth through an eternal place. Virgil quickly assumes the role of Dante s spiritual and literal guide. While Virgil is an admirable character, and someone Dante the poet looks up to, he is still a pagan and cannot guide Dante past hell, where he is confined. In order to travel with the light of heaven, Dante must expedition through the darkness of hell, where he will see first hand the consequences of sinning. Dante s adventure will take him from the world of the living, to that of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Exercise Of Weight Training Exercise Weight training is an important essential in life, but of course it s not really needed. Weight training is a series of exercises that use weights for resistance. After lifting weights people feel different, like they have achieved greatness. Part of weight training is eating right and being healthy. In order to see progress good rest is required, or all the work done in the weight room was all for nothing. Exercises that work multiple muscle groups will help one get the most out of an upper body work out when weight training. The shoulders are the main important muscle group of the upper body for function and appearance. Some upper body exercises, primarily target the biceps and, to a lesser degree, the forearms ( Exercises ). What ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This exercise is done with a barbell and a incline bench ( Exercises ). The way to do this exercise is to lie down faced up on an incline bench. The exerciser grips the bar with a medium width grip and lifts the bar off of the rack ( Exercises ). the exerciser then holds the bar straight over his or her head, and keeps the arms locked. This is the starting position of the exercise. Next the exerciser inhales slowly while moving the bar slowly down toward the upper chest ( Exercises ). After a slight pause, the exerciser pushes the bar back to the starting position while exhaling and the arms should be locked. Before the exerciser brings the bar back down again the exerciser squeeze the chest for a second. The exerciser repeats the process for the desired number of repetitions. When the exerciser is finished with the exercise the bar should be placed back on the rack ( Exercises ). An exerciser plans to train each of the major upper body movement patterns and muscle groups directly and indirectly. The exerciser puts the exercises in the most ideal order, then chooses the right amount of sets and repetitions per exercise so training volume is within the optimal range ( Best Upper Body Workout Routine Weight Training Exercises ). The exerciser chooses the best exercises to train your muscles while keeping proper balance around the joints. The upper body can really only do six things. Those six ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. The Four Stages Of Sleep Research The human brain is complex and the way the body advances is through sleep. Sleep allows the body to rest, repair and rejuvenate itself. The brain is responsible for wave patterns called alpha and beta waves that through a series of stages, produces what we know as non rapid eye movement (NREM), and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. At the beginning of sleep, our minds are relatively active, conscience, and producing beta waves, which are small and fast. The brain begins to produce alpha waves when it relaxes and starts to slow down. At this point, it is possible to have lucid or strange events called hypnagogic hallucinations, which can be responsible for you having episodes of seeing and hearing things as you are falling asleep or sudden ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... During this process, dreams occur due to activity in the brain and the voluntary muscles are immobilized. REM sleep is defined by rapid movement of the eyes, raised respiratory rate and elevated brain activity. This stage occurs about 90 minutes into a person s sleep and repeats itself every 90 minutes getting longer throughout the night; people spend about 25% of their sleep time in this ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Integrity in Characters of Different Literary Works Integrity Integrity is the basing of one s actions on an internally consistent framework of principles. Meaning, one who has integrity bases their actions on a moral code of honor, character, strength, and courage. These principles guide a character s motive and cause, putting public image aside to lead a life chivalry and conviction. One example this is Willie Bodega of Bodega Dreams by Ernesto Quiñonez. Although Willie s means are shady, he strives for the betterment of Spanish Harlem through the improvement of abandoned and damaged apartments. Next, there is John Proctor of The Crucible by Arthur Miller. Proctor refuses to provide a false confession is a true religious and personal stand. By refusing to give up his personal ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This action shows integrity because Willie took a complete outsider of his business, and guides him in the way of running an empire. Next, there is John Proctor, an honorable man of the colony of Salem, Massachusetts. Proctor becomes tied up with the literal and figurative witch hunt in Salem, his wife is being accused by his secret lover Abigail Williams. The only way to have his wife escape a hanging is to admit that had relations with Abigail to the court. His great pride and fear of public view forced him to keep his adultery from the court. However, Proctor becomes more concerned with his individual integrity than his public status. Proctor still wants to cleanse his name, but for religious and personal reasons. Proctor s refusal to supply a false confession is a true personal and religious stand. Confessing would dishonor his fellow prisoners, who are brave enough to hang at the gallows as statement of truth. More importantly, a false admission would also dishonor him, tainting not just his public standing, but also his soul and integrity. By refusing to forfeit his own integrity Proctor implicitly proclaims his conviction that such integrity will bring him to heaven. He is martyred, being redeemed for his earlier sins. Lastly, there is Holden Caulfield who epitomizes the complete opposite of integrity. Holden glorifies his deceptions and lies he gets away with. He prides himself on how people fall for his dishonesty. This in and of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...