This document discusses the increasing use of social media by the Canadian government and provides statistics on social media usage. It identifies several problems currently preventing more widespread government use of social media, including lack of awareness, resistance from entrenched leadership, bureaucratic red tape, and security/privacy concerns. The document proposes using an online wiki to gather public feedback on how the government can improve its social media practices and engagement with citizens. It concludes by listing additional resources on social media statistics and best practices.
18. So what’s my niche?
Everything to do with Digital
Marketing and the Web 2.0
revolution vis-à-vis the Public
and Non-Profit Sectors
19. Today’s Topic: An update on the use of Social
Media by Canadian government organizations
And how you can speed up the process…
21. “Social media are primarily Internet-
based tools for sharing and discussing
information among human beings. The
term most often refers to activities that
integrate technology, social interaction,
and the construction of words, pictures,
videos and audio.
-Wikipedia, 2008
24. Web 2.0 is the business
revolution in the
computer industry caused
by the move to the
Internet as a
platform, and an
attempt to understand the
rules for success on that
new platform.quot;
- Tim O’Reilly
28. Average
Canadian spends
17 hours
online each week
(Not including email)
29. Used by
people each day
(Over 100 Million videos; 65,000 will be added today)
73. My Our Government 2.0 Wiki
75. This wiki will allow us to
get valuable feedback
from our target audience
without incurring any
marketing research costs
78. Step 1: Clearly Define the Key Issue(s) and Desired Outcome(s)
Step 2: Gauge Your Existing Web Presence
Step 3: Conduct a SWOT Analysis
Step 4: Determine Your Online Competition
Step 5: Align Your Objectives with the Department’s Objectives
Step 6: Understand Your Target Audience
Step 7: Choose Relevant Social Media Tools
Step 8: Engage The Influencers Separately
Step 9: Measure Performance
Step 10: Ongoing Social Media Monitoring and Engagement
81. “Welcome to our
department. It is our
mission to serve you in
the quickest manner
89. •Print Measurement Bureau (Statistics)
•Interactive Advertising Bureau (Statistics)
• (Statistics)
• (Statistics)
• (Statistics)
•Statistics Canada (Statistics)
• (Statistics)
• (All non-personal photos and images)
•Brian Solis (Social media tools diagram)
•Mitch Joel (Concept of ending with a Google slide)
•Marta Z. Kagan (Simplicity of presenting stats)
•Garr Reynolds (Presentation style)
•Jeff Braybrook (Policy information)
•Mathew Harding (Dancing Video)