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Social Media Content Strategy

Dan Berlin – Experience Research Director
The Right Message in the Right Place at the Right Time

ê Social   Media is a shiny new tool to get content out there
   •    But you can’t just throw content to the wall and hope it sticks

ê There    is no longer such a thing as a destination website
   •    Google leads to inner pages

ê Instead   of simply putting content out there, we must properly plan and unleash it
Research to understand your customers

ê Understand    potential customers’ goals, wants, and needs
   •    Align these with your business goals and the available technology

                                  User            Business
                                Research           Goals

                                       Social Media
Messaging Workshop

Armed with user data, have a messaging workshop to determine your:

                      Voice and
 Goals!    Audience                 Timing    Keywords   Message!

                   And to get stakeholder buy-in
Marketing is Your Friend

          Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ganesha_isis
Where will your content live?

           • Make things sharable   Off-site
           • Drive traffic
           • Conversion             • Raise awareness
                                    • Drive traffic
                                    • Conversion
Social Media Footprint
Getting the Voice Right
Getting the Tone Right
SEO and Content Strategy Go Hand-in-Hand

ê You
     can’t have a good content strategy without considering Search Engine Optimization
   •    Your content is useless unless it’s findable

ê Keywords,     keywords, keywords
   •    Categorize your content
   •    Engage in relevant topics

ê Optimize    content for your customers and SEO will follow
Getting the Message Right

                I have some bad news for you:

           No one wants to hear about your product!

                       They want to be:

         Educated                         Entertained
Message Hierarchy

                    Primary Message
Supports all business objectives and speaks to all audiences

  Secondary              Tertiary          Calls to Action
 Supports main        The details –         What do you
message; speaks      evidence for the     want them to do?
   to varied            1o and 2o
   audiences            messages
Business Process Considerations

                            Internal buy-in


Content Calendars Are Also Your Friend

          Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/kimberlyeternal/
Reacting to Customers
Be a Trusted Resource

          What is going to thrill users?

          Where are they in the lifecycle?

          What message satisfies the
          business and customer?
Don’t Just Cultivate! Collaborate!

          You don’t have to create all of the content yourself

         Point customers to other relevant content of interest
                      (Mashable, Reddit, etc.)

         Find content that your audience will think is valuable
Flexibility Based on Data

ê Measurement       tools allow the quick collection of data

ê You   will quickly know:
   •    How the audience has reacted to your content
   •    If the audience is following the calls to action

ê Have   to be nimble and react to the flow of social media
   •    Solid workflows and governance aid nimbleness


Thank You!

ê Start   with user research

ê Understand     your goals and the landscape   Dan Berlin
ê Establish   workflow and governance           @banderlin
ê Cultivate   your content

ê Interact   and engage

ê Be   a trusted resource

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Social Media Content Strategy

  • 1. Social Media Content Strategy Dan Berlin – Experience Research Director dberlin@madpow.net @banderlin @madpow
  • 2. The Right Message in the Right Place at the Right Time ê Social Media is a shiny new tool to get content out there •  But you can’t just throw content to the wall and hope it sticks ê There is no longer such a thing as a destination website •  Google leads to inner pages ê Instead of simply putting content out there, we must properly plan and unleash it
  • 3. Research to understand your customers ê Understand potential customers’ goals, wants, and needs •  Align these with your business goals and the available technology User Business Research Goals Social Media Platforms
  • 4. Messaging Workshop Armed with user data, have a messaging workshop to determine your: Voice and Goals! Audience Timing Keywords Message! Tone And to get stakeholder buy-in
  • 5. Marketing is Your Friend Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ganesha_isis
  • 6. Where will your content live? On-site • Make things sharable Off-site • Drive traffic • Conversion • Raise awareness • Drive traffic • Conversion
  • 10. SEO and Content Strategy Go Hand-in-Hand ê You can’t have a good content strategy without considering Search Engine Optimization (SEO) •  Your content is useless unless it’s findable ê Keywords, keywords, keywords •  Categorize your content •  Engage in relevant topics ê Optimize content for your customers and SEO will follow
  • 11. Getting the Message Right I have some bad news for you: No one wants to hear about your product! They want to be: Educated Entertained
  • 12. Message Hierarchy Primary Message Supports all business objectives and speaks to all audiences Secondary Tertiary Calls to Action Supports main The details – What do you message; speaks evidence for the want them to do? to varied 1o and 2o audiences messages
  • 13. Business Process Considerations Internal buy-in Workflow Governance
  • 14. Content Calendars Are Also Your Friend Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/kimberlyeternal/
  • 16. Be a Trusted Resource What is going to thrill users? Where are they in the lifecycle? What message satisfies the business and customer?
  • 17. Don’t Just Cultivate! Collaborate! You don’t have to create all of the content yourself Point customers to other relevant content of interest (Mashable, Reddit, etc.) Find content that your audience will think is valuable
  • 18. Flexibility Based on Data ê Measurement tools allow the quick collection of data ê You will quickly know: •  How the audience has reacted to your content •  If the audience is following the calls to action ê Have to be nimble and react to the flow of social media •  Solid workflows and governance aid nimbleness
  • 19. Tools Management Measurement
  • 20. Thank You! ê Start with user research ê Understand your goals and the landscape Dan Berlin dberlin@madpow.net ê Establish workflow and governance @banderlin @madpow ê Cultivate your content ê Interact and engage ê Be a trusted resource