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Five things to do – right now – to
make social media work for us
You now own your
own network &
How do we work together?
3Social Media - 5 things we can do now
Five Things We
Can Do
• Be Strategic: Don’t lose sight of priorities
• Become an Informer: Build presence on Twitter
• Make Your Own News: Make Photos/Videos
available using Flip Cameras, Twitpic, & Flickr
• Go home! Build robust on-line home for your
work & use metrics to track success
• Build a Fan Base: Use Facebook to provide a
“home” for supporters
4Social Media - 5 things we can do now
Be Strategic
• Communications Goals should rule
• What is your strategy?
• Does this tool fit?
• Think “Audience” and “Action”
• Are you the right messenger?
• Are you listening?
• Starting a discussion?
• Participating actively?
• What is your near-term goal?
• Long-term?
Photo source: http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/21-creative-ways-to-increase-your-facebook-fanbase/
5Social Media - 5 things we can do now
Be an Informer
6Social Media - 5 things we can do now
Twitter Basics
• Messages – 140 characters –
a “Tweet”
• Messages available to anyone
– but sent directly to your
“followers” accounts
• Messages from the people
you “Follow” sent to your
account – all messages
accessible through searching
• Individual users have account
names – identified by
7Social Media - 5 things we can do now
• 10 Billion
messages sent
• 140 characters
or less
• Millions of
networks with
8Social Media - 5 things we can do now
Be an Informer – Start @Twitter
• Sign up for a free account and fill out
your profile by adding an image and
one-line bio and include a link to your
• You can read on the web or send
messages to your phone or IM client.
Decide what works best for your
working style.
• You can "protect your updates" or
"open." Pros/cons to each.
• Decide whether you want an
organizational account or individual
• Share the workload - should not just be
one person. Listening on Twitter can
take 5 or ten minutes of your day each
http://socialmedia-listening.wikispaces.com/Project+1 9Social Media - 5 things we can do now
Twitter Starting Point - Listen
• Counter-intuitive – listen first
• Follow 5 new people – see who they
“listen” to, then five more, then five more –
watch the conversation happen
• Try a search – Search.Twitter.com
• Try “California Budget” “Immigrant” “p2”
• Read the conversation – who is saying
what? Follow some interesting folks.
Adapted from http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/5_simple_twitter_listening_tips_every_marketer.php
10Social Media - 5 things we can do now
Search a
11Social Media - 5 things we can do now
What have you learned by listening?
• What conversations are
out there?
• Who is having them?
• Is there a voice missing
from the discussion?
• Is there information
• What value can you add?
12Social Media - 5 things we can do now
So – what do you have to say?
• Personal thoughts and reflections that meet your goal?
• Are you first? The only? The most trusted to share it?
• Replies (@twittername) - this comes from listening to your
followers (you have to follow back to see their tweets). The more
personal the reply, the higher the impact.
• Direct replies (d twittername) - this isn’t in the public timeline, but
it helps build deeper bonds to talk directly to someone like this.
This is helpful to answer people when it is a private matter or when
you want to show concern (i.e. someone reports an accident, etc.)
• New blog posts – yours & promote other people’s blog posts that
are of interest
• Announcements - if it is interesting, tweet it
• Shout outs - @twittername rocks! Thanks for the great link:
http://insertlink.com These make people feel great, too.
Adapted from http://www.horsepigcow.com/2008/04/tweeting-for-companies-101/
13Social Media - 5 things we can do now
Twitter – Take the Plunge
John Myers, KQED –
“…I think the broader the
focus of the tweets, the
harder it gets. I sometimes
find myself straying a bit
beyond what I think is most
valuable. I think folks who
tweet anything and
everything tend to water
down their value. “
14Social Media - 5 things we can do now
Twitter – Take the Plunge
@ShaneGoldmacher, LATimes
“I would say that Twitter can be most
effective to cover live, as they are
happening events.
Also, can be most useful to point out
stories or things people would
otherwise miss.”
He added, “Generally, the most effective
way to gain followers/a following is to
find unique, timely and accurate
information and disseminate it.”
15Social Media - 5 things we can do now
Make Your Own News
• Make News: Make Photos/Videos Available
using Flip Cameras, Twitpic, & Flickr
16Social Media - 5 things we can do now
Record It!
• Flip Video
• $75 changes
• Easy to use
• Easy to upload
• Easy to share
• Easy to evangelize
17Social Media - 5 things we can do now
Using Video – Making a Point
Lobby Day 2010
A Tree Falls &
Everyone Hears
18Social Media - 5 things we can do now
Taking Video – Making it great
Taking Video
• Framing: The closer the shot the better. Faces are great. Don’t be afraid to get up
close and personal with people. But DO NOT USE the ZOOM.
• Background: If you have a choice between a white background and anything else,
pick anything else!
• Lighting: Try to shoot with your back to the light source.
• Fluidity: The goal here is to reduce jerkiness. Think of your body as a tripod. The
more solid the base (you), the more solid the shot.
• Audio: The audio capabilities of a flip camera are usually very limited, so get close –
especially if you have a lot of background noise.
Other helpful tips for filming an interview:
• Ask the subject not to look in the camera, but to keep eye contact with you and carry
on the conversation as naturally as possible.
• Frame the shot with the head and upper chest showing and with the subject off-
center to one side or the other.
• If you can, have a friend hold the camera while you stand off screen and ask the
questions. This gives a natural feel and lets you focus on engaging the interviewee.
19Social Media - 5 things we can do now
Take Pictures –
Define the Images & Debate
• Cameras
• Cellphones
• iPhones
20Social Media - 5 things we can do now
Distribute your photos - instantly
21Social Media - 5 things we can do now
Distribute your photos - instantly
22Social Media - 5 things we can do now
Aggregate your photos
23Social Media - 5 things we can do now
Keys for Success – Flickr & Photos
• Choose your photos carefully before you upload –
free accounts have limited space
• Resize and compress photos before you upload – size
and clarity matter
• Make friends & join groups: Flickr is more than just an
image hosting site – it’s also a community. Join groups,
search for friends and invite others to join you.
• S.E.O – Take advantage of the opportunity to boost
your search engine optimization when you use Flickr.
Always choose wisely when naming your images – and
always include descriptions.
24Social Media - 5 things we can do now
Let’s build a home
25Social Media - 5 things we can do now
Let’s build OUR home
26Social Media - 5 things we can do now
• Websites are cheap
• Websites are easy
• Websites can be updated
• Websites are YOUR space
Let’s build OUR home
27Social Media - 5 things we can do now
Wordpress in 5 minutes or less
Getting Started
• URL - www.mywebsite.com OR
• Easy - host your site at wordpress.com,
register an account and you’ll be ready
to begin building your site in no time.
• Medium – Take advantage of the power
of wordpress –purchase your own
domain and hosting services and
download wordpress software onto your
• 5 Minutes – Wordpress is famous for its
“Five minute” installation. Follow the
instructions and you’ll be up and running
in no time.
28Social Media - 5 things we can do now
Wordpress Tips & Tricks
• Free Themes: Wordpress.org offers free
& customizable look & feel
• Easy content management: Upload files
& media with automatic tools.
• Plugins: Vast library of free plugins
(forms, twitter, data managers)
• Engage your audience! Comments,
SMS, events, blogs
• Keep it Fresh – Give people a reason to
29Social Media - 5 things we can do now
Track It!
Unique Visitors
Visits Duration
Key words/phrases
Your Boss or Funder
30Social Media - 5 things we can do now
Facebook Fan Pages
31Social Media - 5 things we can do now
Facebook Fan Page – Alert
32Social Media - 5 things we can do now
Facebook Fan Page – Listen & Engage
33Social Media - 5 things we can do now
Facebook – Get Fans, Get Real
• You gotta sell it / engage it
• Make it findable – embed
on your website
• Invite, Invite, Invite
• Engage with Facebook Apps,
Comments, & Photos
• Video, video, video – yours,
others, lots!
• Buy ads – don’t be shy…or
Adapted from Mari Smith’s 21 Creative Ways to Increase Your Facebook Fanbase
34Social Media - 5 things we can do now
Facebook – Engage & Measure
• Put someone in charge & make them accountable
• Refresh, remix, reboot content all the time
• Track, measure and grade your progress
35Social Media - 5 things we can do now
How do we work together? Discussion
36Social Media - 5 things we can do now

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Social media for us five things to do now for call

  • 1. Five things to do – right now – to make social media work for us
  • 2. Congratulations! You now own your own network & newspaper
  • 3. How do we work together? 3Social Media - 5 things we can do now
  • 4. Five Things We Can Do • Be Strategic: Don’t lose sight of priorities • Become an Informer: Build presence on Twitter • Make Your Own News: Make Photos/Videos available using Flip Cameras, Twitpic, & Flickr • Go home! Build robust on-line home for your work & use metrics to track success • Build a Fan Base: Use Facebook to provide a “home” for supporters 4Social Media - 5 things we can do now
  • 5. Be Strategic • Communications Goals should rule • What is your strategy? • Does this tool fit? • Think “Audience” and “Action” • Are you the right messenger? • Are you listening? • Starting a discussion? • Participating actively? • What is your near-term goal? • Long-term? Photo source: http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/21-creative-ways-to-increase-your-facebook-fanbase/ 5Social Media - 5 things we can do now
  • 6. Be an Informer 6Social Media - 5 things we can do now
  • 7. Twitter Basics • Messages – 140 characters – a “Tweet” • Messages available to anyone – but sent directly to your “followers” accounts • Messages from the people you “Follow” sent to your account – all messages accessible through searching • Individual users have account names – identified by “@NAME” 7Social Media - 5 things we can do now
  • 8. Twitter? • 10 Billion messages sent • 140 characters or less • Millions of individual broadcasting networks with custom-built audiences 8Social Media - 5 things we can do now
  • 9. Be an Informer – Start @Twitter • Sign up for a free account and fill out your profile by adding an image and one-line bio and include a link to your site. • You can read on the web or send messages to your phone or IM client. Decide what works best for your working style. • You can "protect your updates" or "open." Pros/cons to each. • Decide whether you want an organizational account or individual account. • Share the workload - should not just be one person. Listening on Twitter can take 5 or ten minutes of your day each day. http://socialmedia-listening.wikispaces.com/Project+1 9Social Media - 5 things we can do now
  • 10. Twitter Starting Point - Listen • Counter-intuitive – listen first • Follow 5 new people – see who they “listen” to, then five more, then five more – watch the conversation happen • Try a search – Search.Twitter.com • Try “California Budget” “Immigrant” “p2” • Read the conversation – who is saying what? Follow some interesting folks. Adapted from http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/5_simple_twitter_listening_tips_every_marketer.php 10Social Media - 5 things we can do now
  • 12. What have you learned by listening? • What conversations are out there? • Who is having them? • Is there a voice missing from the discussion? • Is there information missing? • What value can you add? 12Social Media - 5 things we can do now
  • 13. So – what do you have to say? • Personal thoughts and reflections that meet your goal? • Are you first? The only? The most trusted to share it? • Replies (@twittername) - this comes from listening to your followers (you have to follow back to see their tweets). The more personal the reply, the higher the impact. • Direct replies (d twittername) - this isn’t in the public timeline, but it helps build deeper bonds to talk directly to someone like this. This is helpful to answer people when it is a private matter or when you want to show concern (i.e. someone reports an accident, etc.) • New blog posts – yours & promote other people’s blog posts that are of interest • Announcements - if it is interesting, tweet it • Shout outs - @twittername rocks! Thanks for the great link: http://insertlink.com These make people feel great, too. Adapted from http://www.horsepigcow.com/2008/04/tweeting-for-companies-101/ 13Social Media - 5 things we can do now
  • 14. Twitter – Take the Plunge / John Myers, KQED – “…I think the broader the focus of the tweets, the harder it gets. I sometimes find myself straying a bit beyond what I think is most valuable. I think folks who tweet anything and everything tend to water down their value. “ 14Social Media - 5 things we can do now
  • 15. Twitter – Take the Plunge @ShaneGoldmacher, LATimes “I would say that Twitter can be most effective to cover live, as they are happening events. Also, can be most useful to point out stories or things people would otherwise miss.” He added, “Generally, the most effective way to gain followers/a following is to find unique, timely and accurate information and disseminate it.” 15Social Media - 5 things we can do now
  • 16. Make Your Own News • Make News: Make Photos/Videos Available using Flip Cameras, Twitpic, & Flickr www.flickr.com/photos/white 16Social Media - 5 things we can do now
  • 17. Record It! • Flip Video Cameras • $75 changes everything! • Easy to use • Easy to upload • Easy to share • Easy to evangelize 17Social Media - 5 things we can do now
  • 18. Using Video – Making a Point Lobby Day 2010 A Tree Falls & Everyone Hears 18Social Media - 5 things we can do now
  • 19. Taking Video – Making it great Taking Video • Framing: The closer the shot the better. Faces are great. Don’t be afraid to get up close and personal with people. But DO NOT USE the ZOOM. • Background: If you have a choice between a white background and anything else, pick anything else! • Lighting: Try to shoot with your back to the light source. • Fluidity: The goal here is to reduce jerkiness. Think of your body as a tripod. The more solid the base (you), the more solid the shot. • Audio: The audio capabilities of a flip camera are usually very limited, so get close – especially if you have a lot of background noise. Other helpful tips for filming an interview: • Ask the subject not to look in the camera, but to keep eye contact with you and carry on the conversation as naturally as possible. • Frame the shot with the head and upper chest showing and with the subject off- center to one side or the other. • If you can, have a friend hold the camera while you stand off screen and ask the questions. This gives a natural feel and lets you focus on engaging the interviewee. 19Social Media - 5 things we can do now
  • 20. Take Pictures – Define the Images & Debate • Cameras • Cellphones • iPhones 20Social Media - 5 things we can do now
  • 21. Distribute your photos - instantly 21Social Media - 5 things we can do now
  • 22. Distribute your photos - instantly 22Social Media - 5 things we can do now
  • 23. Aggregate your photos 23Social Media - 5 things we can do now
  • 24. Keys for Success – Flickr & Photos • Choose your photos carefully before you upload – free accounts have limited space • Resize and compress photos before you upload – size and clarity matter • Make friends & join groups: Flickr is more than just an image hosting site – it’s also a community. Join groups, search for friends and invite others to join you. • S.E.O – Take advantage of the opportunity to boost your search engine optimization when you use Flickr. Always choose wisely when naming your images – and always include descriptions. 24Social Media - 5 things we can do now
  • 25. Let’s build a home 25Social Media - 5 things we can do now
  • 26. Let’s build OUR home 26Social Media - 5 things we can do now
  • 27. • Websites are cheap • Websites are easy • Websites can be updated • Websites are YOUR space Let’s build OUR home 27Social Media - 5 things we can do now
  • 28. Wordpress in 5 minutes or less Getting Started • URL - www.mywebsite.com OR www.mywebsite.wordpress.com • Easy - host your site at wordpress.com, register an account and you’ll be ready to begin building your site in no time. • Medium – Take advantage of the power of wordpress –purchase your own domain and hosting services and download wordpress software onto your website. • 5 Minutes – Wordpress is famous for its “Five minute” installation. Follow the instructions and you’ll be up and running in no time. 28Social Media - 5 things we can do now
  • 29. Wordpress Tips & Tricks • Free Themes: Wordpress.org offers free & customizable look & feel • Easy content management: Upload files & media with automatic tools. • Plugins: Vast library of free plugins (forms, twitter, data managers) • Engage your audience! Comments, SMS, events, blogs • Keep it Fresh – Give people a reason to return 29Social Media - 5 things we can do now
  • 30. Track It! Unique Visitors Visits/Visitors Pages Hits Robots/Spiders Visits Duration Referrers Key words/phrases Your Boss or Funder 30Social Media - 5 things we can do now
  • 31. Facebook Fan Pages 31Social Media - 5 things we can do now
  • 32. Facebook Fan Page – Alert 32Social Media - 5 things we can do now
  • 33. Facebook Fan Page – Listen & Engage 33Social Media - 5 things we can do now
  • 34. Facebook – Get Fans, Get Real • You gotta sell it / engage it • Make it findable – embed on your website • Invite, Invite, Invite • Engage with Facebook Apps, Comments, & Photos • Video, video, video – yours, others, lots! • Buy ads – don’t be shy…or cheap Adapted from Mari Smith’s 21 Creative Ways to Increase Your Facebook Fanbase 34Social Media - 5 things we can do now
  • 35. Facebook – Engage & Measure • Put someone in charge & make them accountable • Refresh, remix, reboot content all the time • Track, measure and grade your progress 35Social Media - 5 things we can do now
  • 36. How do we work together? Discussion 36Social Media - 5 things we can do now