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Social media marketing is the use of social
media platforms to connect with your audience to
build your brand, increase sales, and drive website
traffic. This involves publishing great content on
your social media profiles, listening to and engaging
your followers, analyzing your results, and running
social media advertisements.
What is Social Media
• Which goals do you want to achieve with social media
marketing? Do you want to improve brand awareness or
generate leads?
• Which channels does your target audience use?
• What kind of content do you plan to create? Will it be
more of image-based content, blog post links, or video
• Which channels are your competitors using?
• How many social media channels can you manage?
Why Social Media Marketing?
Social Media Marketing Channels
• Facebo
• Twitter
• Instagr
• YouTub
• LinkedI
Social Media Marketing Channels
#Channel 1 :
Facebook was the first
social network to
surpass 1 billion
registered accounts.
And it now has 2.2
billion monthly active
users. It is the most
popular social
site worldwide as of
April 2018, ranked by
the highest number of
active users.
Social Media Marketing Channels
#Channel 2 :
Facebook was the first
social network to
surpass 1 billion
registered accounts.
And it now has 2.2
billion monthly active
users. It is the most
popular social
site worldwide as of
April 2018, ranked by
the highest number of
active users.
Social Media Marketing Channels
#Channel 2 :
Facebook was the first
social network to
surpass 1 billion
registered accounts.
And it now has 2.2
billion monthly active
users. It is the most
popular social
site worldwide as of
April 2018, ranked by
the highest number of
active users.
• Increase Brand
With nearly half of the world’s
population using social media platforms,
they’re a natural place to reach new and
highly targeted potential customers.
Think people only connect with brands
they already know on social media?
Consider that 60 percent of Instagram
users say they discover new products on
the platform.
Absolut Vodka ran an Instagram
campaign to promote its limited edition
Spark bottle, the company achieved
a five-point lift in brand awareness.
• Establish your brand
as a thought leader
No matter what industry your
business is in, social media offers the
opportunity to establish your brand as
a thought leader—the go-to source
for information on topics related to
your niche
The 2018 Edelman Trust
Barometer discovered that 63 percent
of people trust technical experts,
compared to only 42 percent of
people who trust businesses.
Hootsuite CEO Ryan Holmes has more
than 1.5 million followers on LinkedIn,
where he shares his insights about
social media and entrepreneurship.
• Stay top of mind
Most social media users log into their
accounts at least once per day,
according to Pew Research Center, and
many people are checking social
multiple times per day.
Social media gives you to the
opportunity to connect with fans and
followers every time they log in. Keep
your social posts entertaining and
informative, and your followers will be
glad to see your new content in their
feeds, keeping you top of mind so you’re
their first stop when they’re ready to
make a purchase.
• Increase Website
Social media posts and ads are key
ways to drive traffic to your website.
Sharing great content from your blog
or website to your social channels is a
great way to get readers as soon as
you publish a new post
Participating in social chats—like the
weekly #HootChat on Twitter—can
also be a great way to increase your
visibility, get attention from new
people, showcase your expertise, and
drive traffic to your website.
• Increase Website
Social media posts and ads are
key ways to drive traffic to your
website. Sharing great content from
your blog or website to your social
channels is a great way to get
readers as soon as you publish a
new post
Participating in social chats—like the
weekly #HootChat on Twitter—can
also be a great way to increase your
visibility, get attention from new
people, showcase your expertise,
and drive traffic to your website.
• Generate Leads
Social media offers an easy and low-
commitment way for potential customers
to express interest in your business and
your products. Lead generation is such an
important benefit of social media for
business that many social networks offer
advertising formats specifically designed
to collect leads.
For example, Renault Europe
used Facebook lead ads that allowed
people interested in learning more about
a new model to book a test drive directly
from Facebook, with just a couple of taps.
• Boost Sales
No matter what you sell, social
media can help you sell it. Your
social accounts are a critical part of
your sales funnel—the process
through which a new contact
becomes a customer.
As the number of people using social
media continues to grow and social
sales tools evolve, social networks
will become increasingly
important for product search and
ecommerce. The time is right to
align your social marketing and sales
• Customer Audience &
Social networks give you the
opportunity to interact directly with
customers and fans, and likewise give
them the chance to interact directly
with your brand. Unlike traditional
media, which offers only one-way
communication, social media is a two-
way street.
If you want customers and followers to
be engaged, you have to be engaged
yourself. Stay active and respond to
comments and questions on your own
social media posts in a way that’s
appropriate to your brand.
Definition: B2B marketing or business-to-business
marketing refers to the marketing of products or services
to other businesses and organizations.
B2B marketers have a vast arsenal when it comes to marketing. While B2C
marketers have the benefit of being more casual in the type of content they
create, B2B marketers generally focus on more “professional” types of
• White Papers/eBooks:
While extremely labor
intensive, serve a plethora
of beneficial purposes for a
B2B marketer. First and
foremost, white papers are
a tool for lead generation.
Given how in-depth a white
paper can be, and how
much information it
provides to the reader,
people are more willing to
give their personal details
to access it.
• Case Studies:
According to a recent
study, case studies are
the most effective tool for
lead generation. They
also prove to your target
market that your product
or service is an effective
choice for them. It helps
if the case study focuses
on a customer that is well
B2B marketers have a vast arsenal when it comes to marketing. While B2C
marketers have the benefit of being more casual in the type of content they
create, B2B marketers generally focus on more “professional” types of
• Webinars:
Webinars are a great example
of how content marketing now
encompasses a wide array of
media, not just blog posts.
Creating a webinar not only
serves the immediate goal of
getting people to sign up,
therefore getting their
information for continued
nurturing until they are ready
to go to sales, they give you an
amazing amount of content to
• Infographics:
Infographics can actually be
more beneficial to B2B
companies. B2Bs tend to have
a wealth of data and analytics
that can be put into graphical
form. Using internal data to
create an awesome
infographic is a powerful tool
to get media coverage. There
is nothing a blogger likes more
than a well done infographic.
Definition: B2C marketing is a form of marketing that helps
businesses communicate more effectively and persuasively with
consumers. Instead of selling toner or SaaS software to a company, you’re
marketing your products directly toward individual consumers.
• Your customer has a personal stake in the outcome of your product. He
or she wants to buy your Knowledge Commerce product to resolve a
pain point, learn a new skill, or satisfy some other need or desire
• Additionally, it helps if you understand the psychology behind
marketing principles and the ways in which you can influence your
target market. Like any other business owner, you have to create
marketing materials that will appeal to the people who are most likely
to buy what you sell.
• Connect with prospects on a human level
Let’s start with content marketing. If you’re focused on building relationships
with your prospects, you must treat them like human beings — not like
potential ATMs who will dispense cash for your products.
Let’s say that you create online courses to help people lose weight. Maybe you
struggled with your own weight earlier in your life, so you know how it feels to
struggle with yo-yo diets and New Year's’ Resolutions that never pan out.
Use those experiences to connect with your audience.
Post before and after photos, talk about weight-loss strategies that failed, and share
your personal struggles. You can also talk about how you feel now that you’ve
conquered your weight-loss struggles and triumphed over your former pain.
People connect to stories like this. The message you’re sending is simple: “I figured
out a way to beat this problem. Let me help you do the same.”
• Host Creative and Engaging Contests
You can host a contest on your blog, social media, or anywhere else that
seems appropriate. Many entrepreneurs use webinars to hold contests. This
way, you boost attendance for your webinar and gain exposure through the
contest at the same time..
You’re an expert on public speaking, right? So maybe you could ask people
to post photographs of themselves during public speaking engagements, or
maybe you could ask them to record 15-second speeches.
Whatever the rules, stick by them and choose a winner fairly. If you don’t
want to do a contest, host a giveaway instead.
• Add a Free Offer With Every Purchase
Also known as a gift with purchase, a free offer with every purchase adds even more
value to the product you sell. In other words, it lets people know that they’re getting
something extra without having to part with more money
The free offer can be anything you want. Maybe it’s a mini-course that’s related to
your main course. Or perhaps it’s an e-book or workbook that will help your
customers get better use out of your online course.
Many of our #KajabiHeroes teach spirituality-based online courses. If you fall into that
same niche, you could create a bonus offer for every purchase related to helping
people find their own spirituality.
Devotions, guided meditations, and similar products can prove extremely popular
among your target audience. Alternatively, you could share a short e-book that
complements your online course or create a video that shares your story.
• Prioritize Searcher Intent for SEO
Searcher intent refers to the reason behind a Google search. For example, if you
want something to eat, you might search for “Chinese restaurants near me.” If you’re
interested in cooking, you might search for “Chinese recipes for beginners.”
The type of search indicates its intent. Some consumers are just gathering
information, others are comparing their options, and still more are ready to buy.
You can target consumers in getting a better shape phase, by preparing comparison
articles and charts. Help people understand their options so they can make an
educated decision.
When you break down your audience by searcher intent, you can create content
that’s custom designed for each segment. You’d be surprised by how well this tactic
works, especially if you’re comfortable in your knowledge of your buyer personas.
• Create Membership Programs
Think of a membership program as a form of gamification. It encourages
consumers to interact with your business so they can rise up the membership
Also called a loyalty program, a membership program combines
competitiveness and rewards. As consumers move up the membership levels,
they gain access to more rewards, which enhances their relationship with your
Maybe you teach online courses related to web design. You help aspiring designers
become better at their work and find paying jobs.
You could remarket to potential customers who visit your website to read one of your
blog posts or check out a landing page. If you have Facebook Ads set up, you can use a
Facebook Pixel to retarget those customers.
After visiting your site, the customer logs on to Facebook to check his or her wall. Right
there in the feed is an advertisement for your web design course.
Facebook Offers
This is a Facebook feature that
allows Facebook Page admins
and editors to offer discounts to
their fans. Offers can help
businesses reach more
customers or encourage existing
customers to visit stores. When
fans see your offer, they can like
it, comment on it or save it for
This lets marketers experiment
with how social media actions
can be monetized into in-store
purchases. Facebook Offers
operates similar to Google Offer
Extensions for AdWords, which
lets AdWords advertisers attach
a discount coupon to a Google
Google Analytics
Google Analytics is the most
powerful tool for measuring the
ROI of social media. Google
Analytics social reports can
show marketers the impact of
social actions, which social
networks are yielding the best
results, which content is most
popular, and how social can
result in conversions.
Google Analytics gets a fairly
regular stream of facelifts,
tinkering with where certain
reports are nested. This is what
the most current setup of
Google Analytics’ social reports
section looks like.
• https://blog.kajabi.com/b2c-marketing
• https://ng.oberlo.com/blog/twitter-statistics
• https://blog.hootsuite.com/social-media-for-business/
• https://buffer.com/social-media-marketing
• https://business.linkedin.com/marketing-solutions/blog/b2b-content-
• https://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/social-media-marketing-SMM
• https://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2013/04/25/social-media-roi

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Social Media Marketing

  • 2. Social media marketing is the use of social media platforms to connect with your audience to build your brand, increase sales, and drive website traffic. This involves publishing great content on your social media profiles, listening to and engaging your followers, analyzing your results, and running social media advertisements. What is Social Media Marketing(SMM)?
  • 3. ANSWERTHIS QUESTIONS…… • Which goals do you want to achieve with social media marketing? Do you want to improve brand awareness or generate leads? • Which channels does your target audience use? • What kind of content do you plan to create? Will it be more of image-based content, blog post links, or video content? • Which channels are your competitors using? • How many social media channels can you manage?
  • 4. Why Social Media Marketing?
  • 5. Social Media Marketing Channels • Facebo ok • Twitter • Instagr am • YouTub e • LinkedI n
  • 6. Social Media Marketing Channels #Channel 1 : Facebook Facebook was the first social network to surpass 1 billion registered accounts. And it now has 2.2 billion monthly active users. It is the most popular social networking site worldwide as of April 2018, ranked by the highest number of active users.
  • 7. Social Media Marketing Channels #Channel 2 : Twitter Facebook was the first social network to surpass 1 billion registered accounts. And it now has 2.2 billion monthly active users. It is the most popular social networking site worldwide as of April 2018, ranked by the highest number of active users.
  • 8. Social Media Marketing Channels #Channel 2 : Twitter Facebook was the first social network to surpass 1 billion registered accounts. And it now has 2.2 billion monthly active users. It is the most popular social networking site worldwide as of April 2018, ranked by the highest number of active users.
  • 9. IMPORTANCE OF SOCIAL MEDIA TO BUSINES • Increase Brand Awareness With nearly half of the world’s population using social media platforms, they’re a natural place to reach new and highly targeted potential customers. Think people only connect with brands they already know on social media? Consider that 60 percent of Instagram users say they discover new products on the platform. Absolut Vodka ran an Instagram campaign to promote its limited edition Spark bottle, the company achieved a five-point lift in brand awareness.
  • 10. IMPORTANCE OF SOCIAL MEDIA TO BUSINES • Establish your brand as a thought leader No matter what industry your business is in, social media offers the opportunity to establish your brand as a thought leader—the go-to source for information on topics related to your niche The 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer discovered that 63 percent of people trust technical experts, compared to only 42 percent of people who trust businesses. Hootsuite CEO Ryan Holmes has more than 1.5 million followers on LinkedIn, where he shares his insights about social media and entrepreneurship.
  • 11. IMPORTANCE OF SOCIAL MEDIA TO BUSINES • Stay top of mind Most social media users log into their accounts at least once per day, according to Pew Research Center, and many people are checking social multiple times per day. Social media gives you to the opportunity to connect with fans and followers every time they log in. Keep your social posts entertaining and informative, and your followers will be glad to see your new content in their feeds, keeping you top of mind so you’re their first stop when they’re ready to make a purchase.
  • 12. IMPORTANCE OF SOCIAL MEDIA TO BUSINES • Increase Website Traffic Social media posts and ads are key ways to drive traffic to your website. Sharing great content from your blog or website to your social channels is a great way to get readers as soon as you publish a new post Participating in social chats—like the weekly #HootChat on Twitter—can also be a great way to increase your visibility, get attention from new people, showcase your expertise, and drive traffic to your website.
  • 13. IMPORTANCE OF SOCIAL MEDIA TO BUSINES • Increase Website Traffic Social media posts and ads are key ways to drive traffic to your website. Sharing great content from your blog or website to your social channels is a great way to get readers as soon as you publish a new post Participating in social chats—like the weekly #HootChat on Twitter—can also be a great way to increase your visibility, get attention from new people, showcase your expertise, and drive traffic to your website.
  • 14. IMPORTANCE OF SOCIAL MEDIA TO BUSINES • Generate Leads Social media offers an easy and low- commitment way for potential customers to express interest in your business and your products. Lead generation is such an important benefit of social media for business that many social networks offer advertising formats specifically designed to collect leads. For example, Renault Europe used Facebook lead ads that allowed people interested in learning more about a new model to book a test drive directly from Facebook, with just a couple of taps.
  • 15. IMPORTANCE OF SOCIAL MEDIA TO BUSINES • Boost Sales No matter what you sell, social media can help you sell it. Your social accounts are a critical part of your sales funnel—the process through which a new contact becomes a customer. As the number of people using social media continues to grow and social sales tools evolve, social networks will become increasingly important for product search and ecommerce. The time is right to align your social marketing and sales goals.
  • 16. IMPORTANCE OF SOCIAL MEDIA TO BUSINES • Customer Audience & Management Social networks give you the opportunity to interact directly with customers and fans, and likewise give them the chance to interact directly with your brand. Unlike traditional media, which offers only one-way communication, social media is a two- way street. If you want customers and followers to be engaged, you have to be engaged yourself. Stay active and respond to comments and questions on your own social media posts in a way that’s appropriate to your brand.
  • 17. B2B MARKETING Definition: B2B marketing or business-to-business marketing refers to the marketing of products or services to other businesses and organizations.
  • 18. B2B MARKETING STRATEGIES B2B marketers have a vast arsenal when it comes to marketing. While B2C marketers have the benefit of being more casual in the type of content they create, B2B marketers generally focus on more “professional” types of content. • White Papers/eBooks: While extremely labor intensive, serve a plethora of beneficial purposes for a B2B marketer. First and foremost, white papers are a tool for lead generation. Given how in-depth a white paper can be, and how much information it provides to the reader, people are more willing to give their personal details to access it. • Case Studies: According to a recent study, case studies are the most effective tool for lead generation. They also prove to your target market that your product or service is an effective choice for them. It helps if the case study focuses on a customer that is well known.
  • 19. B2B MARKETING STRATEGIES B2B marketers have a vast arsenal when it comes to marketing. While B2C marketers have the benefit of being more casual in the type of content they create, B2B marketers generally focus on more “professional” types of content. • Webinars: Webinars are a great example of how content marketing now encompasses a wide array of media, not just blog posts. Creating a webinar not only serves the immediate goal of getting people to sign up, therefore getting their information for continued nurturing until they are ready to go to sales, they give you an amazing amount of content to purpose. • Infographics: Infographics can actually be more beneficial to B2B companies. B2Bs tend to have a wealth of data and analytics that can be put into graphical form. Using internal data to create an awesome infographic is a powerful tool to get media coverage. There is nothing a blogger likes more than a well done infographic.
  • 20. B2C MARKETING STRATEGIES Definition: B2C marketing is a form of marketing that helps businesses communicate more effectively and persuasively with consumers. Instead of selling toner or SaaS software to a company, you’re marketing your products directly toward individual consumers. • Your customer has a personal stake in the outcome of your product. He or she wants to buy your Knowledge Commerce product to resolve a pain point, learn a new skill, or satisfy some other need or desire • Additionally, it helps if you understand the psychology behind marketing principles and the ways in which you can influence your target market. Like any other business owner, you have to create marketing materials that will appeal to the people who are most likely to buy what you sell.
  • 21. B2C MARKETING STRATEGIES • Connect with prospects on a human level Let’s start with content marketing. If you’re focused on building relationships with your prospects, you must treat them like human beings — not like potential ATMs who will dispense cash for your products. Example: Let’s say that you create online courses to help people lose weight. Maybe you struggled with your own weight earlier in your life, so you know how it feels to struggle with yo-yo diets and New Year's’ Resolutions that never pan out. Use those experiences to connect with your audience. Post before and after photos, talk about weight-loss strategies that failed, and share your personal struggles. You can also talk about how you feel now that you’ve conquered your weight-loss struggles and triumphed over your former pain. People connect to stories like this. The message you’re sending is simple: “I figured out a way to beat this problem. Let me help you do the same.”
  • 22. B2C MARKETING STRATEGIES • Host Creative and Engaging Contests You can host a contest on your blog, social media, or anywhere else that seems appropriate. Many entrepreneurs use webinars to hold contests. This way, you boost attendance for your webinar and gain exposure through the contest at the same time.. Example: You’re an expert on public speaking, right? So maybe you could ask people to post photographs of themselves during public speaking engagements, or maybe you could ask them to record 15-second speeches. Whatever the rules, stick by them and choose a winner fairly. If you don’t want to do a contest, host a giveaway instead.
  • 23. B2C MARKETING STRATEGIES • Add a Free Offer With Every Purchase Also known as a gift with purchase, a free offer with every purchase adds even more value to the product you sell. In other words, it lets people know that they’re getting something extra without having to part with more money The free offer can be anything you want. Maybe it’s a mini-course that’s related to your main course. Or perhaps it’s an e-book or workbook that will help your customers get better use out of your online course. Example: Many of our #KajabiHeroes teach spirituality-based online courses. If you fall into that same niche, you could create a bonus offer for every purchase related to helping people find their own spirituality. Devotions, guided meditations, and similar products can prove extremely popular among your target audience. Alternatively, you could share a short e-book that complements your online course or create a video that shares your story.
  • 24. B2C MARKETING STRATEGIES • Prioritize Searcher Intent for SEO Searcher intent refers to the reason behind a Google search. For example, if you want something to eat, you might search for “Chinese restaurants near me.” If you’re interested in cooking, you might search for “Chinese recipes for beginners.” The type of search indicates its intent. Some consumers are just gathering information, others are comparing their options, and still more are ready to buy. Example: You can target consumers in getting a better shape phase, by preparing comparison articles and charts. Help people understand their options so they can make an educated decision. When you break down your audience by searcher intent, you can create content that’s custom designed for each segment. You’d be surprised by how well this tactic works, especially if you’re comfortable in your knowledge of your buyer personas.
  • 25. B2C MARKETING STRATEGIES • Create Membership Programs Think of a membership program as a form of gamification. It encourages consumers to interact with your business so they can rise up the membership levels. Also called a loyalty program, a membership program combines competitiveness and rewards. As consumers move up the membership levels, they gain access to more rewards, which enhances their relationship with your business. Example: Maybe you teach online courses related to web design. You help aspiring designers become better at their work and find paying jobs. You could remarket to potential customers who visit your website to read one of your blog posts or check out a landing page. If you have Facebook Ads set up, you can use a Facebook Pixel to retarget those customers. After visiting your site, the customer logs on to Facebook to check his or her wall. Right there in the feed is an advertisement for your web design course.
  • 26. MEASURING SOCIAL MEDIA ROI Facebook Offers This is a Facebook feature that allows Facebook Page admins and editors to offer discounts to their fans. Offers can help businesses reach more customers or encourage existing customers to visit stores. When fans see your offer, they can like it, comment on it or save it for later. This lets marketers experiment with how social media actions can be monetized into in-store purchases. Facebook Offers operates similar to Google Offer Extensions for AdWords, which lets AdWords advertisers attach a discount coupon to a Google ad.
  • 27. MEASURING SOCIAL MEDIA ROI Google Analytics Google Analytics is the most powerful tool for measuring the ROI of social media. Google Analytics social reports can show marketers the impact of social actions, which social networks are yielding the best results, which content is most popular, and how social can result in conversions. Google Analytics gets a fairly regular stream of facelifts, tinkering with where certain reports are nested. This is what the most current setup of Google Analytics’ social reports section looks like.
  • 28. REFERENCES • https://blog.kajabi.com/b2c-marketing • https://ng.oberlo.com/blog/twitter-statistics • https://blog.hootsuite.com/social-media-for-business/ • https://buffer.com/social-media-marketing • https://business.linkedin.com/marketing-solutions/blog/b2b-content- marketing/2018/what-is-b2b-marketing--definition--strategy--and- trends • https://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/social-media-marketing-SMM • https://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2013/04/25/social-media-roi