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Social Media Marketing
Saumyadip Maiti


The Digital Landscape
• The 3 Phases of the Web
– Phase 1: Portals
– Phase 2: Search Engines
– Phase 3: Social Networks


The Digital Landscape
• Number One site on the Web
• In some industries 90% of all buying decisions start with and
online search
• Arguments in pubs and bars are quite often settled with a
Google search – by consulting “Lord Google” for the answer
to a fact under dispute
• In regards to total time spent online Facebook has surpassed
Google in 2010


The Digital Landscape
• In 2011 the milestone of 500 million users logging into
Facebook in 1 day was achieved
• Over 800 million users
• Nearly 1 in 2 people using the internet are on Facebook


The Digital Landscape
• Mobile
• 5.2 billion phones globally
• Smart phones are outselling like “normal
• Apple in the Last quarter of 2011 sold 15
million iPads and is projected to have sell a
total of over 100 million iPads by end of 2012
since its launch .


Why Social Media Marketing?
•It is still new
•The tools are still developing
•Its too much of a risk


Why Social Media?
• Social Media Amplifies our Content
• Social Media Marketing is potentially exponential
Many to Many
• It also amplifies due to low friction sharing
• This is seen with sharing buttons Facebook Shares,
Likes and Twitter Retweets


Why Social Media?
• Makes us Stand out from the Crowd
• A well optimised marketing strategy can provide
our brand with high visibility
• Being on multiple social networks
• Multiple Media


Why Social Media?
• Networking on Steroids
•Networking was cocktail parties, events and lunches
•Networking can be accelerated with social networks
by identifying common interests and grouping us in
tribes globally
•Virtual connections can quickly turn into face to face
meetings and opportunities


Why Social Media?
• Accelerates the Spread of our Brand
•By building online properties such as websites blogs
and social media digital assets we can
•Be ubiquitous
•Variety of formats that allow people to easily share to
their tribes


Why Social Media?
• It can Position us as an Expert
•Through online publishing of great content and then
promoting and marketing we can accelerate our
business and personal brands visibility through
•Becoming the obvious thought leader in our industry.
•Being mentioned by others builds


Why Social Media?
• our Business Can Self-Publish
The Web gives us access to a global village
•Social Media Channels allow us to publish in a variety
of media to many social networking channels.
•A mobile phone puts a printing press in our hand
•Social networks and easy to use blogging platforms are
the revolution to publishing in nearly 600 years since the
invention of the Gutenberg press


Why Social Media?
• Global Word of Mouth
•Word of Mouth is powerful for referrals and trust but it
is slowed by an analog world.
•It was restricted to our friends and colleagues which
are constrained by the Dunbar number (150).
•World of mouth transfers information globally in real
time, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.


Benefits of Social Media
•Content is a cornerstone of our foundations
•Create content that resonates with our audience such as solving problems,
informing and educating
•Present and publish in a variety of media that will reach the widest possible
•Content for B2B is more about “How To’s” and Education not entertainment
• Optimizing all our online assets for search engines is vital to win the war on
brand visibility
• 4 Keys to Optimisation
Key words and phrases


Step 1
• Establish a Clear Focused Vision
If we are a personal blogger or a brand we need to have clarity on our
vision and mission, getting the vision clear is the vital first step in the
journey. If we are a business and have not created a vision statement
then maybe its time to retire to the boardroom and give the neurons and
whiteboard a workout!
A vision statement is an inspirational sentence or two that will keep us
focused when uncertainty and temptations to take a different course
confront us.
Nike aren’t one of the top sports apparel brands in the world because
they have fuzzy thinking. Nike’s vision is short and inspirational.
focus, motivation and momentum comes from being clear about where
we are going.


Step 1
• Establish a Clear Focused Vision
Nike’s Vision
“To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the
world. If you have a body, you are an athlete”


Step 2
• Obtain Commitment from Management
CEO and Management needs to be on board. It quite often is done
without the right people buying in


Step 3
• Determine Prospects & Customer Personas
Some questions to ask about our prospects-
What do they read or view?
What are their problems?
What social networks do they use?


Step 4
• Create and Prioritize Goals
•It is important to know what we want to achieve
•Do we want to improve brand recognition
•Capture more inquiries
•Increase sales
•Which are the most important?


Step 5
• Develop Tactics to Achieve Goals
•Then we can create the tactics on the platforms where we
audience is
•Drive traffic to a landing page that captures emails and basic
customer information
•Increase Facebook likes – putting our brand and content in
front of more people in their Facebook news feeds and ticker
•Publish content on our blog and promote it on Facebook and
Twitter and Slideshare to position our brand as experts


Step 6
• Resources Allocated to Achieve the Goals
•Implementing these tactics and building the web assets
requires resources-


Step 7
• Plan and Create Content
•Content needs to be created that communicates and tempts
our audience to engage with us
•Blog articles
•Facebook updates (Supre)
•Could also include polls, surveys and competitions


Step 8
• Publish and Promote on the Social Networks where our
Customers are
•Creating the content is just the start, Marketing our content
continuously and consistently is vital
•Promoting it on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn is a good
place to start for B2B’s
•Organic social media marketing will take time so it is
sometimes a good idea to use Paid Social Media marketing on
Facebook or LinkedIn to be a catalyst to accelerate our
marketing campaign
•Just like we would use Google Adwords to accelerate being
found online until our organic SEO starts to produce results


Step 9
• Measure and Monitor the Results
•We are not going to get our marketing right every time so
•Measure and Monitor the results
•Tools such as Google analytics and
•Facebook to ensure we are moving towards our goals


Step 10
• Modify, Rinse and Repeat
•Make changes to what is not working and
•Keep doing what is producing results
•Be patient it will take time as we build our online


Social Media Marketing Tools and Tactics


Social Media Marketing with Facebook
•Facebook is often not seen as a B2B marketing channel but as
it has matured and its ecosystem become deeper and broader
•Customised landing welcome pages
•It is not a channel we should ignore if we are a B2B or a
B2C company


Social Media Marketing with Facebook
• Why Use Facebook?
– Business Page – for spreading our content
– Multi-Media rich
– It is where one in three internet users hang out
– Self Serve Target Ads with user demographics


Facebook Social Media Marketing – B2C
• Facebook for B2C Companies
1. Welcome page
2. Provide an incentive for growing our Facebook “Likes”
3. Capture email subscriptions for our database
4. Offer specials
5. Publish content daily
6. Crowd sourced market research
7. Sell products on our Facebook store
8. Provide rich multimedia


Facebook Social Media Marketing – B2B
• Facebook for B2B Companies
1. Video Channel with “How To” Tutorials
2. News Updates in our Industry
3. Provide an Incentive for Growing our Facebook “Likes”
4. Capturing Email Subscriptions for our database
5. Targeting Decision Makers through Paid SMM
6. Market Research and Surveys
7. Promote our Thought Leaders


Social Media Marketing with Twitter


Social Media Marketing with Twitter
• Why use Twitter?
– A global network of 500 million plus users
– we can target industries and niches
– Monitor the competition
– It is global
– It is real time
– It is a great tool to market our blog content
– It is simple


Social Media Marketing with Twitter
• 5 Tips for Optimizing Twitter
1. Include a photo or logo
2. Add our Facebook or Website’s URL
3. Write “Great Headlines”
4. Make sharing easy with a “ReTweet” button
5. Include “Follow me on Twitter” buttons on our blog


Social Media Marketing with Twitter
• Twitter Marketing Tips
1. Develop a targeted Twitter following
2. Listen, engage and communicate and build loyal followers in
our community
3. Create a live feed on the corporate brand name to see what
the world is saying about us
4. Tweet our online specials that link to a landing page
5. Tweet our content
6. Network and Create contacts on Twitter by retweeting their


Social Media Marketing with Twitter
• Twitter Tools
• SocialOomph – auto following with a direct message,
automate the sending of content out regularly
• Twellow.com – the yellow pages of twitter
• Hootsuite – mananging and monitoring
• Twitter Feed http://twitterfeed.com/ - for sending out other


Social Media Marketing with LinkedIn
LinkedIn is a powerful B2B professional network
with 150 million members.
In the last 12 months its membership has doubled
in Australia
Don’t ignore it as a sharing platform


Social Media Marketing with LinkedIn
• Why use LinkedIn?
– Over 150 Million professionals are members
– Great for networking professionally
– Finding opportunities
– Positioning as an expert with over 800,000 groups
– Integrate our other sites Website, Blog and Facebook
– Average income is over $100,000
• http://fedex.linkedincreatives.com/video/01/


Social Media Marketing with LinkedIn
• Setting up and Optimizing LinkedIn
– Create a public profile (don’t lock it away)
– In our homepage activate our Twitter link
– Activate our blog feed to our homepage on LinkedIn
– Integrate “SlideShare” into LinkedIn


Social Media Marketing with LinkedIn
• LinkedIn Marketing Tips
– Update our posts on LinkedIn after publishing
– Participate in one of the 800,000 groups that is suitable for our target
– Create our own group that doesn’t sell but provides a forum for our
industry niche
– Create Exclusive Content that requires registration
– Advertise on LinkedIn from as little as $10 per day
– we can target by
• Geography
• Industry
• Job Function
• Job title
• LinkedIn Groups


Social Media Marketing with LinkedIn
• LinkedIn Case Study B2B: Post Card Mania
– Create compelling content
– Build contacts
– Join groups and contribute
– Cold message contacts
Results: In 12 Months they have generated 600 leads from a B2B audience


Social Media Marketing with LinkedIn
• LinkedIn Case Study B2B: Post Card Mania
– The Landing Page


Social Media Marketing with YouTube


Social Media Marketing with YouTube
• Why use YouTube?
– Second largest search engine in the world
– Easier to rank higher in organic search than Google
– The younger generation would rather poke their eyes out than
read a paragraph of text – provide short videos
– “How To” category is the fastest growing segment
– Can be branded


Social Media Marketing with YouTube
• Setting up and Optimizing YouTube
1. Create our own branded YouTube Channel
2. Link to our Blog, Facebook Fanpage or our website to make it
easy for people to link back to our site
3. Put the category such as [Social Media Marketing] in Brackets
before each Title of our video
4. Put “Tags” in our video tags section, make them relevant to our
video title
5. Again promote our YouTube video on Twitter and place them
on our blog in a Video or YouTube Channel section


Social Media Marketing with YouTube
• YouTube Marketing Tips
1. Interview senior people in our industry – promote them, the law
of reciprocity
2. Create information videos that inform clients while you sleep –
leverages our time
3. Create Educational videos demonstrating expertise and
thought leadership
4. Include videos in our online store to showcase and demo
products (can increase conversion rates by 10-30%
(Case Study: Online shoe store Zappos)


Social Media Marketing with Slideshare
•Slideshare is maybe the sleeper in the B2B social
networking closet but with
•Over 50 million unique visitors
•16 Million registered users
•It is powerful for spreading and embedding our content in
blogs and websites. If we are in the knowledge industry then
Slideshare can be a great way to share our thought
leadership and expertise in a graphical format.


Social Media Marketing with Slideshare
• Why use Slideshare?
– It is the “YouTube” for PowerPoint
– Presentations position you as an expert
– Optimal for B2B
– Good for optimising content for search


Social Media Marketing with Slideshare
• Slideshare Marketing Tips
1. Turn our posts into PowerPoint presentations and post them to
2. Write a good headline both on the presentation itself and the
title area
3. Include keyword tags that would be used to find the
4. Promote our presentations on Twitter
5. Allow viewers to download our presentation to assist in making
it easy for people to share
6. Post them to our Facebook page
7. In choose a license make it CC (Creative Commons) License
so people can use our content and then attribute and link to our


Social Media Marketing with Blogs
•With over 150 million blogs it is a publishing platform that
should not be ignored
•Especially useful for B2B businesses
•Some thought that social networks and micro blogs such
as twitter would sound the death knell for blogs.
•It appears that it is actually helping drive traffic and


Social Media Marketing with Blogs
• Why Blog?
– To establish a home base that we own
– Personal branding eg”jeffbullas.com”
– Position we as a thought leader in our niche
– Establishes authority
– Google likes fresh unique content
– Easy to use
– Builds an online asset


Social Media Marketing with Blogs
• Setting up and Optimizing Blog
– Buy our own domain name
– Blog as part of our primary website domain
– Purchase a Word Press theme
– Post content regularly
– Promote our Blog on Twitter regularly
– Include social media share and subscribe buttons
– Build our email subscriber database


Social Media Marketing with Blogs
• Blogging Marketing Tips
1. Solve problems with our posts. What do our customers worry
2. Provide “How To” articles
3. Write great headlines
4. Write easy to read articles
5. Use multimedia embed videos, images and screen shots
6. Send out posts instead of static email newsletters that drive traffic
to our site and drive comments
7. Post after publishing to other social media channels, Facebook
page, Google+, LinkedIn, Twitter (manually)
8. Create evergreen content
9. Be focused (stay on topic)
10. Repurpose offline and publish it online


Thank you

More Related Content

Social Media Marketing

  • 2. The Digital Landscape • The 3 Phases of the Web – Phase 1: Portals – Phase 2: Search Engines – Phase 3: Social Networks
  • 3. The Digital Landscape Google- • Number One site on the Web • In some industries 90% of all buying decisions start with and online search • Arguments in pubs and bars are quite often settled with a Google search – by consulting “Lord Google” for the answer to a fact under dispute • In regards to total time spent online Facebook has surpassed Google in 2010
  • 4. The Digital Landscape • In 2011 the milestone of 500 million users logging into Facebook in 1 day was achieved • Over 800 million users • Nearly 1 in 2 people using the internet are on Facebook FACEBOOK
  • 5. The Digital Landscape • Mobile • 5.2 billion phones globally • Smart phones are outselling like “normal phone” • Apple in the Last quarter of 2011 sold 15 million iPads and is projected to have sell a total of over 100 million iPads by end of 2012 since its launch .
  • 6. Why Social Media Marketing? •It is still new •The tools are still developing •Its too much of a risk
  • 7. Why Social Media? • Social Media Amplifies our Content • Social Media Marketing is potentially exponential Many to Many • It also amplifies due to low friction sharing • This is seen with sharing buttons Facebook Shares, Likes and Twitter Retweets
  • 8. Why Social Media? • Makes us Stand out from the Crowd • A well optimised marketing strategy can provide our brand with high visibility • Being on multiple social networks • Multiple Media
  • 9. Why Social Media? • Networking on Steroids •Networking was cocktail parties, events and lunches •Networking can be accelerated with social networks by identifying common interests and grouping us in tribes globally •Virtual connections can quickly turn into face to face meetings and opportunities
  • 10. Why Social Media? • Accelerates the Spread of our Brand •By building online properties such as websites blogs and social media digital assets we can •Be ubiquitous •Variety of formats that allow people to easily share to their tribes
  • 11. Why Social Media? • It can Position us as an Expert •Through online publishing of great content and then promoting and marketing we can accelerate our business and personal brands visibility through •Becoming the obvious thought leader in our industry. • •Being mentioned by others builds •Credibility •Trust
  • 12. Why Social Media? • our Business Can Self-Publish The Web gives us access to a global village •Social Media Channels allow us to publish in a variety of media to many social networking channels. •A mobile phone puts a printing press in our hand •Social networks and easy to use blogging platforms are the revolution to publishing in nearly 600 years since the invention of the Gutenberg press
  • 13. Why Social Media? • Global Word of Mouth •Word of Mouth is powerful for referrals and trust but it is slowed by an analog world. •It was restricted to our friends and colleagues which are constrained by the Dunbar number (150). •World of mouth transfers information globally in real time, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.
  • 14. Benefits of Social Media •Content is a cornerstone of our foundations •Create content that resonates with our audience such as solving problems, informing and educating •Present and publish in a variety of media that will reach the widest possible audience •Content for B2B is more about “How To’s” and Education not entertainment • Optimizing all our online assets for search engines is vital to win the war on brand visibility • 4 Keys to Optimisation Headlines Key words and phrases Descriptions Links
  • 15. Step 1 • Establish a Clear Focused Vision If we are a personal blogger or a brand we need to have clarity on our vision and mission, getting the vision clear is the vital first step in the journey. If we are a business and have not created a vision statement then maybe its time to retire to the boardroom and give the neurons and whiteboard a workout! A vision statement is an inspirational sentence or two that will keep us focused when uncertainty and temptations to take a different course confront us. Nike aren’t one of the top sports apparel brands in the world because they have fuzzy thinking. Nike’s vision is short and inspirational. focus, motivation and momentum comes from being clear about where we are going.
  • 16. Step 1 • Establish a Clear Focused Vision Nike’s Vision “To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world. If you have a body, you are an athlete”
  • 17. Step 2 • Obtain Commitment from Management CEO and Management needs to be on board. It quite often is done without the right people buying in
  • 18. Step 3 • Determine Prospects & Customer Personas Some questions to ask about our prospects- What do they read or view? What are their problems? What social networks do they use?
  • 19. Step 4 • Create and Prioritize Goals •It is important to know what we want to achieve •Do we want to improve brand recognition •Capture more inquiries •Increase sales •Which are the most important?
  • 20. Step 5 • Develop Tactics to Achieve Goals •Then we can create the tactics on the platforms where we audience is •Drive traffic to a landing page that captures emails and basic customer information •Increase Facebook likes – putting our brand and content in front of more people in their Facebook news feeds and ticker •Publish content on our blog and promote it on Facebook and Twitter and Slideshare to position our brand as experts
  • 21. Step 6 • Resources Allocated to Achieve the Goals •Implementing these tactics and building the web assets requires resources- •Money •People •Tools
  • 22. Step 7 • Plan and Create Content •Content needs to be created that communicates and tempts our audience to engage with us •eBooks •Videos •Blog articles •Facebook updates (Supre) •Could also include polls, surveys and competitions
  • 23. Step 8 • Publish and Promote on the Social Networks where our Customers are •Creating the content is just the start, Marketing our content continuously and consistently is vital •Promoting it on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn is a good place to start for B2B’s •Organic social media marketing will take time so it is sometimes a good idea to use Paid Social Media marketing on Facebook or LinkedIn to be a catalyst to accelerate our marketing campaign •Just like we would use Google Adwords to accelerate being found online until our organic SEO starts to produce results
  • 24. Step 9 • Measure and Monitor the Results •We are not going to get our marketing right every time so •Measure and Monitor the results •Tools such as Google analytics and •Facebook to ensure we are moving towards our goals
  • 25. Step 10 • Modify, Rinse and Repeat •Make changes to what is not working and •Keep doing what is producing results •Be patient it will take time as we build our online brand
  • 26. Social Media Marketing Tools and Tactics
  • 27. Social Media Marketing with Facebook •Facebook is often not seen as a B2B marketing channel but as it has matured and its ecosystem become deeper and broader with- •Apps •Customised landing welcome pages •It is not a channel we should ignore if we are a B2B or a B2C company
  • 28. Social Media Marketing with Facebook • Why Use Facebook? – Business Page – for spreading our content – Multi-Media rich – It is where one in three internet users hang out – Self Serve Target Ads with user demographics
  • 29. Facebook Social Media Marketing – B2C • Facebook for B2C Companies 1. Welcome page 2. Provide an incentive for growing our Facebook “Likes” 3. Capture email subscriptions for our database 4. Offer specials 5. Publish content daily 6. Crowd sourced market research 7. Sell products on our Facebook store 8. Provide rich multimedia
  • 30. Facebook Social Media Marketing – B2B • Facebook for B2B Companies 1. Video Channel with “How To” Tutorials 2. News Updates in our Industry 3. Provide an Incentive for Growing our Facebook “Likes” 4. Capturing Email Subscriptions for our database 5. Targeting Decision Makers through Paid SMM 6. Market Research and Surveys 7. Promote our Thought Leaders
  • 31. Social Media Marketing with Twitter
  • 32. Social Media Marketing with Twitter • Why use Twitter? – A global network of 500 million plus users – we can target industries and niches – Monitor the competition – It is global – It is real time – It is a great tool to market our blog content – It is simple
  • 33. Social Media Marketing with Twitter • 5 Tips for Optimizing Twitter 1. Include a photo or logo 2. Add our Facebook or Website’s URL 3. Write “Great Headlines” 4. Make sharing easy with a “ReTweet” button 5. Include “Follow me on Twitter” buttons on our blog
  • 34. Social Media Marketing with Twitter • Twitter Marketing Tips 1. Develop a targeted Twitter following 2. Listen, engage and communicate and build loyal followers in our community 3. Create a live feed on the corporate brand name to see what the world is saying about us 4. Tweet our online specials that link to a landing page 5. Tweet our content 6. Network and Create contacts on Twitter by retweeting their content
  • 35. Social Media Marketing with Twitter • Twitter Tools • SocialOomph – auto following with a direct message, automate the sending of content out regularly • Twellow.com – the yellow pages of twitter • Hootsuite – mananging and monitoring • Twitter Feed http://twitterfeed.com/ - for sending out other people’s
  • 36. Social Media Marketing with LinkedIn LinkedIn is a powerful B2B professional network with 150 million members. In the last 12 months its membership has doubled in Australia Don’t ignore it as a sharing platform
  • 37. Social Media Marketing with LinkedIn • Why use LinkedIn? – Over 150 Million professionals are members – Great for networking professionally – Finding opportunities – Positioning as an expert with over 800,000 groups – Integrate our other sites Website, Blog and Facebook – Average income is over $100,000 • http://fedex.linkedincreatives.com/video/01/
  • 38. Social Media Marketing with LinkedIn • Setting up and Optimizing LinkedIn – Create a public profile (don’t lock it away) – In our homepage activate our Twitter link – Activate our blog feed to our homepage on LinkedIn – Integrate “SlideShare” into LinkedIn
  • 39. Social Media Marketing with LinkedIn • LinkedIn Marketing Tips – Update our posts on LinkedIn after publishing – Participate in one of the 800,000 groups that is suitable for our target audience – Create our own group that doesn’t sell but provides a forum for our industry niche – Create Exclusive Content that requires registration – Advertise on LinkedIn from as little as $10 per day – we can target by • Geography • Industry • Job Function • Job title • LinkedIn Groups
  • 40. Social Media Marketing with LinkedIn • LinkedIn Case Study B2B: Post Card Mania – Create compelling content – Build contacts – Join groups and contribute – Cold message contacts Results: In 12 Months they have generated 600 leads from a B2B audience
  • 41. Social Media Marketing with LinkedIn • LinkedIn Case Study B2B: Post Card Mania – The Landing Page
  • 42. Social Media Marketing with YouTube
  • 43. Social Media Marketing with YouTube • Why use YouTube? – Second largest search engine in the world – Easier to rank higher in organic search than Google – The younger generation would rather poke their eyes out than read a paragraph of text – provide short videos – “How To” category is the fastest growing segment – Can be branded
  • 44. Social Media Marketing with YouTube • Setting up and Optimizing YouTube 1. Create our own branded YouTube Channel 2. Link to our Blog, Facebook Fanpage or our website to make it easy for people to link back to our site 3. Put the category such as [Social Media Marketing] in Brackets before each Title of our video 4. Put “Tags” in our video tags section, make them relevant to our video title 5. Again promote our YouTube video on Twitter and place them on our blog in a Video or YouTube Channel section
  • 45. Social Media Marketing with YouTube • YouTube Marketing Tips 1. Interview senior people in our industry – promote them, the law of reciprocity 2. Create information videos that inform clients while you sleep – leverages our time 3. Create Educational videos demonstrating expertise and thought leadership 4. Include videos in our online store to showcase and demo products (can increase conversion rates by 10-30% (Case Study: Online shoe store Zappos)
  • 46. Social Media Marketing with Slideshare •Slideshare is maybe the sleeper in the B2B social networking closet but with •Over 50 million unique visitors •16 Million registered users •It is powerful for spreading and embedding our content in blogs and websites. If we are in the knowledge industry then Slideshare can be a great way to share our thought leadership and expertise in a graphical format.
  • 47. Social Media Marketing with Slideshare • Why use Slideshare? – It is the “YouTube” for PowerPoint – Presentations position you as an expert – Optimal for B2B – Good for optimising content for search
  • 48. Social Media Marketing with Slideshare • Slideshare Marketing Tips 1. Turn our posts into PowerPoint presentations and post them to SlideShare 2. Write a good headline both on the presentation itself and the title area 3. Include keyword tags that would be used to find the presentation 4. Promote our presentations on Twitter 5. Allow viewers to download our presentation to assist in making it easy for people to share 6. Post them to our Facebook page 7. In choose a license make it CC (Creative Commons) License so people can use our content and then attribute and link to our blog
  • 49. Social Media Marketing with Blogs •With over 150 million blogs it is a publishing platform that should not be ignored •Especially useful for B2B businesses •Some thought that social networks and micro blogs such as twitter would sound the death knell for blogs. •It appears that it is actually helping drive traffic and growth
  • 50. Social Media Marketing with Blogs • Why Blog? – To establish a home base that we own – Personal branding eg”jeffbullas.com” – Position we as a thought leader in our niche – Establishes authority – Google likes fresh unique content – Easy to use – Builds an online asset
  • 51. Social Media Marketing with Blogs • Setting up and Optimizing Blog – Buy our own domain name – Blog as part of our primary website domain – Purchase a Word Press theme – Post content regularly – Promote our Blog on Twitter regularly – Include social media share and subscribe buttons – Build our email subscriber database
  • 52. Social Media Marketing with Blogs • Blogging Marketing Tips 1. Solve problems with our posts. What do our customers worry about? 2. Provide “How To” articles 3. Write great headlines 4. Write easy to read articles 5. Use multimedia embed videos, images and screen shots 6. Send out posts instead of static email newsletters that drive traffic to our site and drive comments 7. Post after publishing to other social media channels, Facebook page, Google+, LinkedIn, Twitter (manually) 8. Create evergreen content 9. Be focused (stay on topic) 10. Repurpose offline and publish it online