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A Guide to Social Media,
1 Tweet at a Time

Interviews with 40 Marketing Leaders



Sail away from the safe harbor.
Catch the trade winds in your sails.
—Mark Twain

Dedicated to the pioneers of social media
marketing who are showing the world there is
a new way to do business.
They understood that digital intimacy creates
stronger customer relationships.
They realized that social media goes beyond
marketing to impacting how business is conducted.
They discovered that social media does not
only live online but offline as well.

Suggested Retail Price $14.95

Copyright © 2010 by Toby Bloomberg

This book is protected under Creative Commons License. No Changes.
No Commercial Use. Free To Copy It. Share It. Or Print It.
The format was developed to be easily viewed in digital readers.
Available online at http://www.divamarketingblog.com

Social Media Marketing GPS by Toby Bloomberg
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Alike 3.0 United States License.

Design by Cathleen Schaad, cat@studioschaad.com

Permissions outside the scope of this license may be available at
http://www.divamarketingblog.com by contacting the author directly.
Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com        2


             4      Foreword: Shel Israel
             5      Introduction: Toby Bloomberg
             8      Chapter 1: Why Social Media?
                    Interviews with Paul Chaney, Ann Handley

            12      Chapter 2: The New Enterprise Direction
                    Interviews with Geoff Livingston, Marc Meyer

            16      Chapter 3: Social Media Research: The 1st Listening
                    Interviews with C.B. Whittemore, Joel Rubinson

            20      Chapter 4: Social Media Ethics
                    Interviews with Wayne Hurlbert, Mack Collier

            24      Chapter 5: Strategy First
                    Interviews with B.L. Ochman, Rajesh Lalwani

            28      Chapter 6: Tactics Second:
                    Blogs, Twitter, Social Networks, Podcasts, Vlogs,
                    RSS, Widgets
                    Interviews with Julie Squires, Yvonne DiVita, Connie Reese,
                    AV Flox, Nancy White, Neville Hobson, Jim Turner, Roxanne Darling,
                    Bill Flitter, Nick Burcher, Marianne Richmond

            54      Chapter 7: Social Media & Branding
                    Interviews with Dana VanDen Heuvel, Beth Harte

            59      Chapter 8: Blogger Relations
                    Interviews with Susan Getgood, Elisa Camahort

            64      Chapter 9: Sponsored Conversations
                    Interviews with Scott Monty, Melanie Notkin

            69      Chapter 10: Metrics That Make Sense
                    Interviews with Peter Kim, Kate Niederhoffer

            72      Chapter 11: Solving Business Challenges
                    Interviews with Lionel Menchaca, Frank Eliason,
                    Donna Lynes Miller, John Maley

            77      Chapter 12: Relationships 1st, 2nd & Last
                    Interviews with Tim Jackson, Liz Strauss, Lucretia M. Pruitt,
                    Kimberly Coleman

            83      After Foreword: David Meerman Scott
            84      Acknowledgements
            86      Consolidation Of Continuing The Conversation
            91      About The Author

Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com                    3


             Shel Israel

                    It had to happen—an entire book, one tweet a time, and yet it is a
                    real book that will help you understand what SM is about.

                    SMGPS will tell you the why & how using social media, 1 tweet at
                    a time. You’ll learn essentials in digestible little spoonfuls.

                    The book will explain why old-school broadcast practices are
                    waning and new conversational methods are on the rise.

                    This is the way it should be. These days, companies cannot waste
                    money. They need to cut costs.

                    And SM is MUCH more efficient.

                    Writing a book in tweets is like writing a very long #Haiku series.

                    Reading it should be both interesting and useful.

                    And hopefully, it will encourage you to talk about social media
                    with others. After all, conversations is what SM is about

                    And when you stop to think, conversations are also what
                    marketing is about. It’s not just about messages and targets.

                    It’s not about talking TO, but talking WITH.

                    Marketing is about getting closer with customers, which requires
                    listening at least as much as talking.

                    Which is one of the really cool things about what @TobyDiva has
                    created for you.

                    Because you’ll get to spend more time talking about what she
                    provides here, than it takes you to read it.

                    Will tweeted books replace traditional books? God, I hope not.
                    I have no desire to be put out of business.

                    But #SMGPS is something new and different and will change
                    things just a little.

                    And seems to me to be a very good thing. Enjoy what you are
                    about to read. And tweet us what you think.

Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com                 4


             Toby Bloomberg

                    Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler.
                    – Albert Einstein

                    Dedicated to the pioneers of social media marketing who are
                    showing the world there is a new way to do business.

                    “If you don’t risk anything, you risk even more.” – Eric Jong

                    The back-story: I was curious to see if Twitter could be used to
                    write a business book in a traditional chapter format.

                    My goal is to create a resource for marketers
                    written by the community of social media marketers.
                    An experiment in crowd sourcing.

                    Each tweet will be tagged and numbered.12 chapters will be
                    posted to a dedicated blog. http://is.gd/pQJe

                    Can a book be written in bites of 140 characters? Curious about
                    new ways to communicate? Please join me in this adventure!

                    Coloring Outside The Lines

                    Social Media Marketing GPS began as an experiment. I
                    wondered if marketers would be receptive to, and find value in,
                    a new book genre built on a succession of tweet interviews about
                    one business topic: social media marketing.

                    The goal was to create a comprehensive body of knowledge that
                    could serve as a roadmap (GPS) for developing a strategic social
                    media plan. My thoughts were if this could be accomplished in a
                    series of 140 character tweets it might help ease the
                    apprehension for people new to social media, while at the same
                    time, providing a review and offering some interesting ideas for
                    those more experienced.

Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com                  5


Forty prominent marketers from Canada, England, India and the
                    United States were interviewed on Twitter. The focus was on how
                    to leverage social media, not in terms of the technology, but as a
                    vehicle to build and nurture stronger business relationships.
                    Each tweet included the hash tag #smgps.

                    What developed was the first business book of interviews written
                    on Twitter by the people who were working in the space. Twitter
                    became both a content platform and a distribution channel.

                    Lessons Learned
                    Multiple re-tweets (RT) were a strong indication that many of the
                    interview tweets could also stand alone as unique, inspirational
                    thoughts. The following are a few examples of the RTs:

                    “Bottom line on social media: You ARE what you publish. (And
                    what others publish about you.)” – David Meerman Scott

                    “And when you stop to think, conversations are also what
                    marketing is about. It’s not just about messages and targets.”
                    – Shel Israel

                    “The secret power of SM is not in the search rankings or new
                    channel messaging but the ability to build cross cultural
                    relationships.” – Toby Bloomberg

                    “Core strategy = Go where the conversations are. We’ve had ups
                    and downs in our social media efforts and will continue to do so.”
                    – Lionel Menchaca

                    “In the end doesn’t it come down to who we are and how we
                    define a REAL relationship?” – Liz Strauss

                    Although people seemed to enjoy the all tweet interview series,
                    Twitter streams move too quickly and even people following
                    missed many of the tweets.

                    It was a challenge comprehending how the chapters came
                    together as a cohesive body of work that could be used to build a
                    social media strategy. The initial solution was to consolidate the
                    interviews on a blog. That helped but was still not the optimal
                    approach to delivering the extent of information that had been
                    created. The next logical step was to create this eBook.

Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com                    6


For People New To Twitter
                    Twitter has developed a unique language all its own. Content is
                    referred to as tweets. Since Twitter allows only 140 characters
                    per tweet, people often collapse the spelling of words, ignore
                    traditional grammar rules and/or make up their own
                    abbreviations. For example, in the following Twitter interviews
                    you’ll find social media referred to as sm, SM and SoMe.

                    The photo, that introduces each interview and those on the front
                    cover, are the Twitter avatars of the interviewees.

                    The boxes that highlight a tweet in each interview are some of
                    the thoughts I found insightful.

                    Throughout the interviews you’ll see hash tags - #. Hash tags are
                    a way to create and track group thoughts on a topic. Twitter also
                    turns them into live links. If everyone who tweets about Social
                    Media Marketing GPS uses the hash tag #smgps we’ll be able to
                    continue the conversation together.

                    On A Personal Note
                    Since 2004, when I began my adventures in social media, my
                    passion has been to help marketers view social media as a
                    credible strategy. From blogs to social networks, if tactics are
                    developed with your customers at the heart, social media can
                    support and extend the value of your brand.

                    It is my hope that the insights and ideas in this book will
                    encourage you to color outside the lines and test the limits of this
                    exciting approach to building stronger business relationships.

Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com                  7


Chapter 1:          Why Social Media?

                     All lasting business is built on friendship. – A. A. Montapert

                    Tweet Intro
                    Technology connects people from across town to across oceans.
                    Oxymoron is “unfeeling” digital builds personal relationships.

                    What began as a way to keep in touch w/ friends morphed to
                    open conversations between customers & the PEOPLE w/in

                    SM brings back the “corner grocery store relationship” where
                    business was built on trust. The grocer was part of the

                    The grocer knew & cared about the people that purchased her
                    products/services. SM helps create and nurture closer

                    Most successful SM strategies focus on a niche .. think the “long
                    tail" concept. SM is the poster child for segmentation marketing.

                    As w/ online marketing, social media can be measured and
                    tracked. New success metrics include halo effect of influencers.

                    SM can provide a point of difference for your organization
                    resulting in stronger customer loyalty and more effective

Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com                  8


                    In the following interviews Paul Chaney explains why social
                    media is an important part of your marketing plan. Ann Handley
                    tweets a case study about how the popular Marketing Profs
                    business community used social media to grow attendance at its
                    virtual B2B conference.

            Paul Chaney

                    Question: Why should organizations take what
                    many think is a risk, and invest $, people, time in
                    social media marketing?

                    I can think of five reasons why, all related to shifts in cultural
                    trends. 1st, consumer skepticism is at all-time high.

                    Next reason for Why Social Media? is... media fragmentation is
                    out of control. Hard to get consumer’s attention.

                    Third reason for Why Social Media?... Increasingly the consumer
                    is in control of branding/mktg message. Ppl are talking about us!

                    Reason #4, pressure is on to improve targeting/minimize waste;
                    niche marketing is in.

                    Finally, fifth reason for Why SoMe? Companies are being held to
                    new levels of accountability.

                    Why Social Media? People are talking and we better be listening
                    and engaging the conversation. “Markets are conversations”

            Ann Handley

                    Question: Why should organizations take
                    what many think is a risk, and invest $, people,
                    time in social media marketing?

                    My mini-case study, 140 character segments: This week we held
                    MarketingProfs Digital Marketing World. Many of you were

                    In fact, 14,000 of you registered for #mpworld. MarketingProfs
                    has a huge email list/subscriber base of just over 300,000.

Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com                    9


Our original goal for #mpworld was 8,000 people. We hit that
                    after 3 emailings to our list. But then...

                    The social networks continued to build interest, awareness
                    and drive registration. Specifically, Twitter & ads/conversation
                    on FB.

                    In the end, preliminary results show about half of the 14,000
                    registrants weren’t MP members/subscribers at all.

                    Meaning, #mpworld was likely their first real interaction with
                    our brand. The soc networks allowed us to reach farther/wider...

                    …and deliver a meaningful, rich experience to all via #mpworld,
                    which trended to the #2 spot here on Twitter during its height.

                    The following day, when we had a follow-up email glitch, it was
                    again the social networks that alerted us to the problem.

                    What if we weren’t here? Listening, communicating, interacting?
                    That would have been a loss for our org on a lot of levels.

                    Key Concepts: Why Add Social Media
                    To Your Marketing Mix?

                    Although some may consider social media a rogue approach to
                    customer communication, others acknowledge that social media
                    is not a passing fad but a valid component of a marketing “tool
                    box” that is here to stay. The perception of the wild digital west
                    is giving way to a world that includes: corporate governance
                    guidelines, accepted norms for measurement, strategies that
                    support business outcomes and industry-wide ethical behavior.

                 1. Social media creates rich, relevant customer experiences that
                    can organically grow and strategically change to fit the interests,
                    lifestyles, needs of your customers.
                 2. Social media cuts through the message clutter to capture the
                    attention of your customers.
                 3. Social media provides opportunities to achieve your goals
                    through digital word of mouth with help from your brand

Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com                  10


Continuing the Conversation

               1. Who are the people you want to reach through social media?
                  Keep in mind you might have multiple audiences with diverse
                  needs and brand experience expectations.
               2. Where (what platforms) do your customers hang out in the
                  digital world?
               3. How do your customers want to engage with (the people of)
                  your brand?

Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com           11


Chapter 2:          The New Enterprise Direction

                    When you’re finished changing, you’re finished. – B. Franklin

                    Tweet Intro

                    It would be foolish not to acknowledge the “big gorilla” in the
                    room - what is the risk in participating in open conversations?

                    Risk will be different for each organization.You must define the
                    type & amount of risk. But with risk there can be great benefit.

                    The larger issue is not negative comments but SM influences
                    how business is/should be/will be conducted. This must be
                    mgt’s focus.

                    The answers to questions that you did not ask your customers
                    impact all aspects of an org from PR, customer service, sales
                    & more.

                    Savvy marketers understand that SM changes external
                    & internal communication flow, processes & responses to
                    customers’ concerns.

                    Benefits to organizations include: team building, better cross silo
                    exchanges, a focus on customer-centric marketing.

                    Challenges to organizations include: impact corp culture,
                    staff must have knowledge & buy-in to values, transparency
                    is important.

                    Begin a social media strategy by creating a global corporate
                    direction. Take into consideration long-term impact of biz
                    and staff.

                    5 step SM Direction model:
                    • Step1: Prepare and educate. Include competitive analysis,
                        customer activity, industry trends, biz goals.
                    • Step 2: Invite people who perceive they have a stake: C-suite,
                        PR, marketing, legal, IT, customer service to table.
                    • Step 3: Encourage people to talk openly within an ideology
                        format meeting.
                    • Step 4: Confirm and prioritize issues.
                    • Step 5: Create a “Red Flag Memo” summarizing highlights,
                        challenges, opportunities, actions. Identify a SM champion.

Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com                 12



                    Marc Meyer and Geoff Livingston discuss how although social
                    media might be a grass roots strategy, your senior team’s
                    involvement is critcal for developing cross-enterprise structural
                    communication change. Marc tweets the importance of
                    identifying the ‘right’ tools that will solve specific business
                    challenges. Geoff tweets that although front-line employees must
                    be empowered to fully engage with customers, they also have
                    new accountability and responsibility in their roles.

            Marc Meyer

                    Question: SM goes beyond just a marketing
                    strategy. SM changes the way business is conducted.
                    What does that mean to you?

                    The tools need to track back to the precise problems within the
                    organization, you can’t just have “tools”

                    I always like to start with the “why” or more specifically what are
                    the companies goals

                    And then even more on a finite level- each department doesn’t
                    require the same tool either.

                    Agree with @geoffliving Have to have enterprise buyin even IF
                    each dept.is autonomous

                    Top down is important but I also like to see bottom up-meet in
                    the middle. 1st and foremost employees must see value

                    2 Takeaways here: The problem will define the tool and at the
                    beginning and end of the day-it’s all about the interaction.

                    @GeoffLiving Wonder sometimes if a guerrilla tactics should b a
                    viable option to get the top 2 notice the benefit of sm interaction

                    RT@ecairn Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to
                    victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat
                    —Sun Tzu

Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com                 13


Geoff Livingston

                    Question: SM goes beyond just a marketing
                    strategy. SM changes the way business is conducted.
                    What does that mean to you?

                    Thanks @tobydiva! Enterprise marketing direction – It’s
                    important for the CXO team 2 B involved. SM requires more
                    than just tools.

                    In fact, social media for CxOs represents larger transition fr
                    siloed industrial structures to mesh-like information

                    Communicating/marketing w/ social media tools shld be seen as
                    a movement towards embracing new structure. New customer

                    New structure of enterprise social media means empowering
                    internal & external stakeholders w/ time, rewards and revamped

                    To successfully adapt, examine dept/division/enterprise
                    missions & explore natural directions 4 improvement. Audit
                    processes, too.

                    It’s all about empowering the front line & ass. stakeholders; more
                    people power vs. less control. Don’t relinquish quality checks.

                    Examine dept/division/enterprise missions to lead to a
                    measurable SM result, something achievable. Time, process,
                    ROI improvement.

                    Audit HR and workflow processes to enable social media
                    participation versus punish. Old industrial processes seek to
                    close silos.

                    @Marc_Meyer Agreed. Sometimes bottom-up forces the top to
                    pay attention. SM on the edge can work to affect enterprise

Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com                14


Key Concepts: Social Media Impacts The
                    Total Enterprise

                    The development of the Social Enterprise may result in changes
                    to the organizational structure, hiring practices, employee
                    evaluations, internal communication practices and the very
                    basics of an organization’s culture. Most significantly, social
                    media will influence how customer touch points are managed
                    such as marketing, customer service, public relations, sales and
                    after market support. Don’t be surprised if social media redefines
                    who interacts with the customer to include departments that
                    traditionally had minimal direct contact.

                 1. Involvement in social media changes customer expectations of
                    and with your brand experience.
                 2. Each organization defines what it considers to be their “risks”
                    within the social media eco system.
                 3. Senior management must be onboard and involved to
                    successfully employ enterprise-wide changes

                    Continuing The Conversation

                 1. What “gorillas” are your organization challenged to understand
                    and resolve? What have you identified as the biggest risk?
                 2. How is/will social media effect the structure of your
                    organization and what will be the new responsibilities of
                 3. Who should be included in your cross functional social media
                    team? Hint: include both champions and nay sayers.

Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com                 15


Chapter 3:          Research: The 1st Listening Post

                    Listen or thy tongue will keep thee deaf. – Native American

                    An exciting benefit of SM is “hearing” the raw voices of your
                    customers. We can listen without formal prompts of

                    Consumer-generated media provides one more piece of
                    information that businesses can use to mitigate risks in decision

                    Caution! Back fence conversations maybe early warning signs or
                    trends but could be short lived buzz started by a few influencers.

                    Statistics won’t tell you the entire story. Critical new metrics to
                    analyze include the halo influence & “snow ball build.”

                    Social listening is not effective as a one shot tactic. To realize the
                    benefits it must be incorporated as an on-going strategy.

                    Integrate SM into a marketing research strategy as the 1st
                    listening post. Use traditional research to delve & confirm

                    Benefits from actively monitoring digital buzz range from an
                    early warning for crisis management to responsive customer

                    Researchers now must come out from behind the 2-way mirrored
                    room, share their M&Ms and engage in a dialogue with their

                    Thanx Tom Morder, Chick-fil-A & Greg Rathjen, Marketecture
                    for the use of the term “1st Listening Post.”

Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com                     16



                    C.B. Whittemore shares how social media listening resulted in
                    new insights and opportunities that directly benefited her
                    customers. Joel Rubinson encourages marketers to be open to
                    the unexpected and to consider social conversations as one
                    element of a comprehensive research strategy.

            C.B. Whittemore

                    Question: How did “listening” to your customers
                    impact decision making when you were working for

                    It’s so critical and yet so often done poorly especially in many
                    pre-digital or traditional, product based organizations.

                    Why? Because product based organizations tend not think about
                    the needs and wants of the marketplace. It’s just too messy!

                    And, a severe case of ‘curse of knowledge’ means routinely
                    underestimating consumers, and assuming that they just don’t

                    So, listening for Wear-Dated meant an opportunity to educate
                    the flooring retail marketplace about [women] consumers. That’s

                    …their retail experience. They didn’t see it would cost them
                    business, WOM & referrals because consumers have many
                    choices now.

                    We explained that women consumers have high expectations for
                    the retail experience – including clean bathrooms and tidy

                    They also hate a hard sell, and salespeople who don’t listen,
                    aren’t patient and don’t value their research & requirements.

                    They want websites that clarify and simplify, that offer relevant
                    information and educate rather than obfuscate.

                    The best ways we found for listening? Not necessarily via Twitter
                    which produces tweets about stuff happening ‘on the carpet.’

Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com                   17


… in-store, speaking to retailers, via our Wear-Dated reps,
                    talking to friends, to my Mom [I’ve blogged her experience].

                    Also, via Google alerts, watching blog & website traffic patterns
                    and which words resonate with readers, and then re-validating.

                    Overall, listening led to developing more topics to address with
                    retailers, pattern & styling suggestions with carpet mills..

                    A blog focused on all things carpet [Carpetology], a more
                    social & content rich website http://WearDated.com, more

                    And you can’t do that without keeping your ear to the ground
                    and paying close attention to improving your customer

            Joel Rubinson

                    Can SM “listening” off-track you if buzz is a small fraction of
                    what most customers feel about your brand?

                    Must separate measuring the expected (tracking biz growth)
                    from listening for the unexpected (innovation and corp rep)

                    Census in naturally occurring vocabulary—people’s own words—
                    what THEY care about, not just attribute lists

                    Mkt research must evolve. surveys can be torture yet people love
                    to express themselves in SM. Why?

                    People want to be heard, opinions validated. Brand loyalty flip—
                    how will YOU show loyalty to ME?! By Listening and conversing

                    Listening to SM places human in control—what THEY want to
                    talk about. If data are “thin”, that’s a finding

                    Surveys are often centered on the brand. listening is centered on
                    a human-based framing question

                    Skate to where the puck will be. Representivity of SM is growing
                    but in 3 years will be fairly representative. must start now

                    Recent ARF conf #rethink2009, P&G and Nielsen co-presented
                    integrated strategy. presentation online at http://bit.ly/wGnJ

Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com                  18


Surveys missed the passion, cultural connections, words that
                    listening picked up but surveys quantified. NEED BOTH

                    Summary: must listen for unexpected and corp rep but I believe
                    we WILL find the stat science too.

                    Summary: stats are not just frequentist n=1000, but Bayesian
                    and I’m sure listening to SM has Bayesian value (improves odds)

                    Last word: Must survey but must listen too. hear unexpected,
                    honor custmr voice, real time feedback, catch things asap. Duh!

                    Key Concepts: Listening Can Bring New
                    Consumer Insight

                     As more people participate in social networks, making sense of
                     the tsunami of data points will be an overwhelming
                     undertaking. However, taking an ostrich approach of pretending
                     that your customers are not influenced by social conversations
                     will be detrimental to your reputation, customers’ brand
                     perception and ultimately to the bottom-line.

                 1. Hearing the unfiltered conversations from your customers adds
                    depth and emotional context to consumer insights that is
                    frequently missing in traditional research.
                 2. On-going listening leads to a market-focused orientation.
                 3. Social conversation analysis is not just about the number of
                    mentions. The focus should be on information that provides
                    insights into: marketing goals/objectives, industry trends,
                    customer service, competition, new product development,
                    campaign buzz, etc.

                    Continuing The Conversation

                 1. Who will “own” social media monitoring in your organization?
                    Will it reside in consumer insights, digital marketing, public
                    relations, customer service, human resources, etc.?
                 2. What type of information will you track e.g., brand sentiment,
                    competitive product development, customer service, new
                    campaign buzz, industry trends, etc.
                 3. How will the findings from social media support your traditional
                    research program? You do have a research strategy?!

Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com              19


Chapter 4           Social Media Ethics

                    The time is always right to do what is right.
                    – Martin Luther King Jr.

                    Tweet Intro

                    How do you build trust when global relationships are often made
                    without benefit of “seeing eye-to-eye” becomes a critical issue?

                    When you can portray yourself as your alter ego or a fantasy
                    avatar does that shake the reality of people who do business w/

                    How do you define virtual civility, kindness and politeness when
                    idea and ideals differ widely? What happens when people

                    With each new tool that technology brings the virtual world is
                    challenged with what is means to be a good online business

                    How is disclosure and transparency defined? Does accepting
                    client contracts ($) to write posts or tweets walk in the shadows?

                    How can we, as online marketers, ensure that our customers
                    feel safe


                    Wayne Hurlbert believes that ethics must be built into the DNA
                    of how an organization conducts business; for him social media
                    is simply one more aspect of that equation. Mack Collier tweets
                    there are shades of gray in emerging media. What constitutes
                    ethical behavior may not be as easily defined as it may seem.

Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com                 20


Wayne Hurlbert

                    Question: Ethics in business is the hot, news topic.
                    In the SM world we struggle with what is black, white
                    and gray. Why is that?

                    Social media users often struggle with ethics because many
                    see SM as different from other media. It’s not. Ethics are the key
                    to SM

                    Sharing matters. SM isn’t about getting. It’s about giving &
                    helping others. Those using SM just to get from others fail at SM

                    SM is about trust & trust must be earned. Once lost, trust is hard
                    to recover. In SM, there may be no second chance to recover it

                    An SM user who speaks through a character must be
                    upfront about the proxy voice. Personas are often confusing
                    & can lose trust

                    Seeing SM as something to game or spam fails because no one
                    will listen as there is no trust or listening first. Bad ethics fail

                    Approaching SM as a numbers game fails when there’s no
                    engagement. Chasing numbers alone is a dead end. On SM bad
                    ethics fail

                    SM ethics like all ethics are not personal interpretation.
                    That shallow short term thinking failed Enron & AIG. It fails on
                    SM too

                    Using tricks & tools to get more SM followers may add numbers
                    but without engagement & trust, raw numbers mean nothing

                    Faking someone else’s identity on SM is unethical. It’s also a
                    pointless dead end leading to lost reputation for the impostor

                    Ethical biz people get referrals & long term customer evangelists.
                    Ethical SM pays with strong relationship building that lasts

                    SM posts live forever on Google. Ethical people benefit from
                    searches of honest & open ideas that boost online reputation
                    & trust

                    Looking at SM as only for sales & marketing fails without
                    listening, engaging & building relationships. SM is about trust

Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com                      21


When posting ethically on behalf of a company, don’t post
                    company info you wouldn’t write in an email or say in person

                    Ethical companies respond to customer concerns openly & don’t
                    hide. Doing the right thing builds deeper trusting relationships

                    Ethical companies trust their employees to do the right thing on
                    SM. They help & encourage employees to engage with customers

                    Good SM ethics work for everyone: Company, brands,
                    employees, customers, listeners & the economy. Good ethics are
                    good business

            Mack Collier

                    Question: Ethics in business is the hot, news topic.
                    In the SM world we struggle with what is black, white
                    and gray. Why is that

                     I think a big reason why there is such confusion around the
                    ‘ethics’ of social media right now is because the space is still new

                    And businesses are trying to figure out how to monetize their
                    efforts. That is leading to a discovery of where the ‘lines’ are…

                    ...when it comes to ethics in social media. For example,
                    ghostwriting is a hot topic in social media. Some people say

                    ...a blog post is fine, because other types of business
                    communications are ghostwritten. But the expectations of the

                    …readers might be different. They expect the post to be written
                    by the person that ‘signed’ their name to it.

                    As the space continues to evolve and as monetization becomes
                    clearer, ethical issues should more easily sort themselves out

Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com                   22


Key Concepts: Ethics In Social Media
                    Develops Trusted Relationships

                    Most people agree that ethics play an important role in business
                    development and long-term relationship building. However,
                    when it comes to social media the rules of the game seem to blur.
                    Even what constitutes disclosure, and the ever popular buzz
                    word “transparency” differs. FTC regulations will change the
                    game for some companies in terms of how they handle product
                    disclosure - impacting blogger relations initiatives.

                 1. Confusion about what is considered “ethical behavior” in the
                    social web may be a result that people are uncertain of what
                    constitutes acceptable in this new media.
                 2. Ethics form the foundation of trusted relationships.
                 3. Good ethics = good business. It’s a long-term strategy not a one
                    shot tactic.

                    Continuing The Conversation

                 1. How does your organization define transparency in the social
                    web? Is it the same across all platforms e.g., Twitter, blogs,
                    Facebook, etc?
                 2. How do you handle ethics in other aspects of your business e.g.,
                    communications, advertising, customer service, etc.?
                 3. What processes are in place to ensure that vendors who are
                    involved in your social media strategy adhere to your
                    organization’s ethical principles?

Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com              23


Chapter 5           Strategy First

                    The essence of strategy is choosing what not to do.
                    – Michael Porter

                    Tweet Intro

                    Without strategy social media marketing is simply a cool cocktail
                    conversation topic and not a business decision. A resource dump.

                    Or as the title of the Twitter-book implies social media marketing
                    needs a “gps” or a roadmap to succeed.

                    For SMM to be perceived as credible give it same respect as other
                    marketing “strategies” & ensure it supports business objectives.

                    To succeed SMM must also integrate into an organization’s
                    master marketing/customer service/etc. plans and support
                    brand values.

                    Customer focused is not an empty buzz concept when it comes to
                    SM. It is critical to understand and involve your target audience.

                    What if companies thought in terms of “sharing” the brand?
                    How would that influence your planning?

                    As in any planning SM includes a budget process. Don’t be
                    caught in the illusion that SM is free. Human capital, time &

                    Your due diligence: identify companies in your industry who are
                    doing it right. Look outside your sector. SM continuously


                    B.L. Ochman and Rajesh Lalwani both believe that a successful
                    social media strategy incorporates measurable goals and ties
                    back to business objectives. B.L. tweets the importance of
                    aligning all of your employees around the same definition of
                    social media. Rajesh reminds us that without a strategic
                    direction social media is a waste of your resources.

Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com               24


B.L. Ochman

                    Question: On a strategic level how would you
                    align and incorporate a social media strategy
                    to support business goals?

                    Allow social media to bring about changes in the company.
                    When problems are identified, change, over-deliver, delight.

                    Don’t hit people over the head with a sales message. Remember:
                    we’re all humans, talking to other humans

                    Monitor, measure, refine. Take chances, be bold. Don’t be afraid
                    of failure

                    Join in. Be real. Talk like a human being. Offer to help people,
                    answer questions, give away intelligence, not intellectual

                    Set goals for ROI, benchmark results with current methods,
                    seeing which are getting the most bang for the buck

                    develop company-wide corporate guidelines for social media
                    participation. who can rep the company? How? when?

                    Are you willing to devote time to achieving social media success?
                    There is no quick social media fix. Results come in the long term

                    The tools may be free, but It costs money & requires specialized
                    knowledge & experience to create an effective social media

                    Listen first! monitor online conversation about the company –
                    identify major customers concerns and kudos

                    Where does your audience gather now? What social networks
                    do they frequent? How do they use the tools these networks

                    begin by determining: what are your goals? Who are you trying
                    to reach and why? What do you want the interaction to lead to?

                    Be sure everyone in the company is defining social media in the
                    same way – you’ll be surprised when you ask for definitions

Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com                  25


Rajesh Lalwani

                    Question: What happens when you begin social media
                    marketing without a strategy?

                    Good news is 84% of respondents of recent @blogworks &
                    exchange4media #indiasocialmediasurvey 08 associate value
                    with SM Strategy

                    53% in fact say that long-term SM Strategy is very important if
                    they need to engage social media

                    The difference between starting SM with/ without strategy is
                    difference between informal/ casual, where casual means ‘I don’t

                    Using no other tool in markg/ comm do professionals not
                    strategize: figure the need, environment, competition, who to
                    reach, how, goals, measures, risks, guidelines etc. why should SM
                    be different? It’s the same precious brands!!

                    When beginning without a strategy, you are following, not
                    leading; you are not prepared for the next step, you are not

                    No strategy means you are not really differentiating, you are
                    merely copying what everyone else is… SM becomes a toy

                    No SM strategy means that the brand/ org network is not really
                    ready to act upon feedback, the backend is not ready, lip service

                    No SM strategy means can’t measure because you didn’t set
                    objective & goals! Also, you can’t celebrate success, for same
                    reason :)

                    No SM strategy means that when you abandon conversations
                    mid-way, you didn’t take into account the repercussions on

                    No SM strategy means that the blame, for not working, goes to
                    Social Media, not to the lack of planning :)

                    No SM strategy means that you are confused about RoI of SM,
                    not stopping to think that measures come from setting objectives

                    No SM strategy means that SM remains in a silo, not integrating
                    back into the org/ marketing strategy/ into departments/ people

Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com                 26


No SM strategy means wastage of resources that could have
                    added value & reach - advtg, PR, databases, other channels

                    No SM strategy means that you are playing with fire, might get

                    No SM strategy means you’d never really get to know, if you
                    weren’t really made for Social Media, you just crash landed :)

                    Key Concepts: Strategy Begins With
                    Defined Objectives And Goals

                    For social media to be accepted as a credible strategy we must
                    begin by defining objectives and goals. However, before you can
                    build the plan it is critical that you have a strong appreciation of
                    the benefits and limitations of the “tools/tactics.” For a social
                    media program to succeed it is also necessary to determine how
                    your target audience uses each platform (Twitter, Facebook,
                    blogs, Flickr, etc.) and what their expectations are of a digital-
                    social brand experience.

                 1. Develop your social media strategy as you would any other
                    marketing initiative by determining objectives, goals and
                    success measures.
                 2. Monitor the social conversations of your target audience and
                    competition to help develop the structure of your social media
                 3. Many of the tools may be free or low cost but that doesn’t mean
                    it’s a free ride. Social media’s cost is in human capital: people
                    and time.

                    Continuing The Conversation

                 1. How will using social media support your marketing
                    objectives/goals/business outcomes?
                 2. How will you integrate your social media initiatives into your
                    current master marketing plan?
                 3. What does success mean to you? What do you want the
                    engagement to lead to? What do you consider to be conversion?

Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com                  27


Chapter 6           Tactics Second

                    Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory.
                    – Sun Tzu

                    This chapter provides an overview of the benefits and challenges
                    of seven of the most popular social media tactics:
                         • Blogs
                         • Twitter
                         • Community/Social Networks
                         • Podcasts,
                         • Video/Vlogs,
                         • RSS
                         • Widgets

                    I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship.
                    – Louisa May Alcott

                    Tweet Intro

                    These websites, with the funny name, set social media marketing
                    in action & forever changed biz communication.

                    Early adopters found, as @davewiner put it that, “A weblog is
                    kind of a continual tour, with a human guide who you get to

                    Blogs are People talking to People; People listening to People;
                    People interacting with People within a website. What is

                    What is missing? The words “company” & “department.” Blogs
                    demonstrated it was ok to build person-to-person relations w/

                    Relationships include not only talking, what marketers term
                    ‘messaging’ but continuous, active listening. We were now

                    Blogs can be leveraged to support many strategies including:
                    thought leadership, customer service, segmentation, branding,

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Successful blogs focus on a niche, topic or personality of the
                    author/s. They provide information, point of view,

                    Blog writing follows web-style format but the tonality is always
                    conversational & never hard sell. Think value-add w/

                    Blogs should be held accountable based on your goals. SM and
                    traditional measures will confirm your success. Non quant is

                    In 2003, blogs were a novelty. No longer. The web is cluttered w/
                    blogs. Promoting your new blog should be part of your initiative.


                    Yvonne DiVita and Julie Squires both agree that while a website
                    might be thought of as your formal, corporate image to the
                    world, blogs are more a casual opportunity to communicate with
                    your customers. As Yvonne tweets … blogs are like meeting over
                    a cup of tea. Julie reinforces that there are many elements that
                    should be taken into consideration including posting frequency,
                    tone, content and graphic design.

            Yvonne DiVita

                    Question: With tactics like social networks/videos
                    taking center stage are blogs still relevant for
                    businesses to consider?

                    My take on blogs: website is corp presence, blog is inner office –
                    invite me in for tea.

                    Inviting me in 4 tea is more personal – that’s what I want – to
                    get to know YOU – UR other web presences R mere

                    The thing about blogs is their flexibility. Changing UR blog
                    design is like changing UR office decor. Fun,interesting

Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com                  29


Shld YOU blog? Instead of what? Or, in addition to what? Takes
                    thought and consideration. Connect 1st with others.

                    @TobyDiva says blogs work for niche marketing– so true.
                    But, also work to create expertise and show thought leadership.

                    The relevance of blogs will B determined by the audience– not
                    the blogger. Do you regularly engage your audience, provide

                    Twitter is a blog tool, now, isn’t it? @CBwhittemore says,
                    4women, we have high expectations - so true! Blog brings us
                    closer 2U.

                    Women want the connection a blog provides. That “this is me”
                    conversational tone. We learn fast who is authentic and who

                    W/out a blog, UR video/podcast/etc. Becomes more push
                    marketing. Women R so over that! A blog breathes & pulses – it
                    has heart.

                    Caution: blog w/out comments is just a webpage! Engagement is
                    everything! Talk WITH not AT your customers. It works.

                    Relevance of blogs remains high – b/c they deliver, when done
                    right. What’s right? Consider these points:

                    Authenticity (truth in writing), approachability (willingness to
                    discuss contrary ideas) and relevance (stay on topic).

                    B not afraid. It’s not about the technology, it’s about the people.
                    Trust UR people - you hired’em

                    Be prof. about UR blog. Get the right advice on strategy,
                    implementation, and voice. Women, especially, are listening.

                    Final tweets on relevance of blogs in today’s crowded multi-
                    media environment online: if we stopped blogging..

                    Would the Internet go silent? Only noise blasted outward? Blogs
                    build connections& share friendships, resources. Relevant? Yes.

Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com                  30


Julie Squires

                    Question: With tactics like social networks/videos
                    taking center stage are blogs still relevant for
                    businesses to consider?

                    John Markoff, NYTimes fame says “blogs might be the CB radio
                    of the 21st century.” Agree. For me its about Transparency &

                    Transparency. Each blog – frequency, tone, content, look-and-
                    feel – is an imprint of its author.

                    You, personally, are a global micro brand. “What you are speaks
                    so loudly, I cannot hear what you are saying.” – Emerson.

                    For instance, I blog infrequently– 2 to 4x per quarter (true!) –
                    and almost always philosophically @ the Networked Economy.

                    College major was philosophy + I enjoy writing thoughtfully @
                    big ideas I care about = Transparency. I join the converso as Me
                    [Also, @Mikeschinkel told me about Kevin Kelly’s book “New
                    Rules of the New Economy.” Mike read it 17 times! Oh yeah. ]

                    Trust & how to build it: Wellness. A blog is a peek into the state
                    of your soul (like it or not) so take good care of yourself.

                    Three great rules for mental health: know yourself, like yourself,
                    be yourself.

                    If you are transparent and peak performer (b/c you are best you
                    can be mentally, physically, emotionally) = you no blow up in SM

                    P.S. I differ a bit w/ @y2vonne:“Caution:blog w/out comments is
                    just a webpage! Engagement is everything!” Depends on your

                    Blogs are also a fun, put-everything-in resource. Got a one-
                    minute video email snack? Link through to more info on…your

                    [Love it. RT @y2vonne: My take on blogs: website is corp
                    presence, blog is inner office - invite me in for tea.

                    Blogs provide information, point of view, entertainment.

Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com                  31


And now (drum roll)….here’s a haiku about blogging …

                    Workday time clock ticks, white crane digs wet soil for food, blog
                    clicks bring new life.

                    Key Concepts: Blogs Can Build Your Brand

                    With the onset of social networks, blogs may seem like a retro
                    tactic. However, there are benefits that these websites offer that
                    you will not find in other platforms. You may not have control
                    over consumer generated. Facebook and Twitter can impose
                    their own rules. However, since you “own” the site/blog you do
                    have control over content direction, governance and creative

                 1. Blogs can be used to support a wide range of content directions
                    from thought leadership to niche topic information to customer
                 2. Relevancy is the key to successful blogs. Keep in mind that
                    relevancy is determined, not by you, but by your community.
                 3. People read blogs for: information, a unique point of view,
                    entertainment and to be part of a larger community.

                    Continuing The Conversation

                 1. How will your blog support marketing objectives?
                 2. Who will be the voice/s of your blog? If you chose an agency or
                    freelancer how will you handle transparency and ensure your
                    brand value/promise is kept?
                 3. What is your high level content direction? Keep in mind it
                    should be sustainable over the long-term.

Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com                32



                    Be sincere; be brief; be seated. – Franklin Delano Roosevelt

                    Tweet Intro

                    Online message boards are not new but overlaying Web 2.0 and
                    mobile technologies made Twitter fun, easy extended real time

                    The same social media rules hold true: be your authentic self,
                    transparent, honest, add value, be part of the community = trust.

                    As with any SM initiative there is the risk if your Followers don’t
                    agree or think you are behaving badly they’ll call you out.

                    Tweet benefits range from extension of your brand, new
                    champions, extended resource network/friends, viral wom, biz

                    Develop a Twitter strategy that includes defining your Followers,
                    the extent of personal versus biz tweets, tweet name branding.

                    The “Twitter Stream” runs fast and not all of your Followers will
                    read all of your tweets. Consider tweeting at different times.

                    How many Followers are the “right” number for you? How many
                    people should you follow? Marketer’s answer:depends on your


                    Connie Reece discusses the lifespan and visibility of a tweet. AV
                    Flox advises that using Twitter to broadcast messages will result
                    in the loss of Followers. Both women agree that although Twitter
                    is only 140 characters, if you intend to include it as a channel to
                    reach and respond to customers, it must be integrated into your
                    business strategy.

Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com                33


Connie Reece

                    Question: Twitter is rage but w/ the “TwitterStream”
                    moving so quickly does it really make sense from a
                    marketing perspective?

                    The Twitter Stream flows rapidly. The lifespan of a tweet is
                    inversely proportionate to the number of followers in your

                    In other words, the more people you follow, the less time a tweet
                    will be visible on your Twitter page.

                    Tools like Twitter Search extend lifespan of a tweet. Search by
                    username or keyword; you can link to results or subscribe by

                    3rd party apps like TweetDeck help organize your Twitter stream
                    & allow you to create groups. Helpful if you follow lots of ppl.

                    But keep in mind that average user (not adventurous early-
                    adopter types) follows fewer than 100 ppl and uses Web

                    Marcom on Twitter is communicating *with* people, not *to*
                    them. Use Twitter solely as broadcast channel & you will lose

                    Microbloggers can be influencers, not because of number of
                    followers but authority and credibility earned over time.

                    Twitter can be a big source of traffic to your blog. Trend: ppl now
                    relying more on links from friends than RSS feeds.

                    When sharing a link on Twitter, add concise description.
                    Don’t say, “OMG this is awesome.” Tell me what you’re linking
                    to and why.

                    When describing a link, think like a headline writer. You’ve got
                    140 characters; use them to convince me to click your link.

                    A retweet (RT) is the best kind of marketing: a third-party
                    endorsement. Create content that people want to share.

                    Hint: To make it easier for ppl to retweet, leave extra 15 chars for
                    thr username. That way they don’t have to edit your content.

Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com                  34


Instead of blasting messages randomly, use tools to find & follow
                    ppl who will be interested in your product/service.

                    Tools include Twitter Search and 3rd party apps like
                    TwitterGrader, Mr. Tweet, etc.

                    This is marketing through relationship building. You may also
                    hear terms like conversational marketing or social media

                    Twitter = opportunity to humanize your brand. Ex:
                    @RichardatDell @LionelatDell - both individual & corporate at

                    When tweeting for a company, let your individual voice shine
                    through. Relate to people as people even when it’s business.

                    Remember the Golden Rule: Tweet unto others as you would
                    have them tweet unto you.

            AV Flox

                    Question: Twitter is rage but w/ the “TwitterStream”
                    moving so quickly does it really make sense from a
                    marketing perspective?

                    Assuming your target market uses Twitter, it can be a good and
                    cost-effective marketing tool.

                    Like any form of marketing, using Twitter requires strategy:
                    clarify your objectives.

                    Twitter moves fast, but there is much to be gained from creating
                    and maintaining discussions.

                    Conversation generates interest, assists your positioning goal
                    and gives you credibility.

                    Having a presence on Twitter makes you accessible to

                    Twitter is a powerful tool to survey consumer needs and
                    engage defectors.

                    A network expands your reach. Retweets are a good way to
                    get to more people.

Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com                35


Twitter is useful in understanding your competition’s marketing
                    strategy and weaknesses.

                    Regular searches on your company will reveal your strengths
                    and weaknesses.

                    Don’t just talk about you—show your knowledge of your

                    Don’t spam. No one needs a link to your site in every tweet.

                    Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. You will.
                    Be transparent and learn from them.

                    Be human. In a highly computerized world, consumers value
                    interacting with people.

                    Have fun, be creative, don’t stop learning and reassessing your

                    Key Concepts: 140 Characters Can Speak

                    As with any social media initiative, Twitter’s success is built on
                    providing value to your target audience. Part of that value is
                    derived from your engagement with your Followers. Few @s
                    makes for a dull Tweeter and in turn, fewer Followers.

                 1. Twitter influencers are derived from their credibility providing
                    relevant information and engaging with their community … not
                    from the number of their Followers.
                 2. By monitoring tweets you’ll gain insights, not only about your
                    brand and customers, but your competitors.
                 3. Tweet chats can be a valuable resource, as well as, a grass roots
                    learning experience.

                    Continuing The Conversation

                 1. How will Twitter support your marketing objectives?
                 2. Who will be the voice/s that tweet on behalf of your brand? If
                    you employee an agency or consultant consider how will you
                    define transparency and ensure your brand’s value/promise is
                 3. How will you identify the people you should follow and how will
                    you engage with them?

Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com                    36


Social Networks
                    Living together is an art. – W. Pickens

                    Tweet Intro

                    Logistically social networks are an efficient and effective way
                    to connect with many-to- many and many-to-one on the World
                    Wide Web.

                    We all have many “selves.” The challenge: how to combine
                    both business & personal personae in a public network.
                    How much of “you”?

                    The opportunity to add photos, videos along with text increases
                    the complexity & comfort level of people and company

                    No matter which social network you choose to belong to bottom-
                    line it’s about people who enjoy common interests.

                    “Strangers” not part of a community might perceive wall posts or
                    tweets to be silly. But for Friends & Followers they are relevant.

                    It’s not your teens Facebook any longer either.
                    Baby Boomers are the “new” demo. How will they change SNs?
                    Peer-to-peer interaction varies. Passive participation, multiple
                    visits frm 1 person, are important 2. Influence builds over time.

                    Relationships built w/in SN do impact purchase decisions. Smart
                    brands don’t blast messages they become part of the ecosystem.

                    Brands that offer value-add content And participate as members
                    of the community will be the big winners. Yes it a risk? Yes.

                    Can there be big payoffs? Yes. People-to-people relationships
                    build mutual responsibility and accountability. Results = Sales.

Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com                   37



                    Nancy White offers her views that social networks are not
                    necessarily new but are a continuation of a concept that has been
                    in effect for over 29 years. She cautions not to over look
                    what occurs on the “edges” of a community; and encourages that
                    if you pay attention you’ll discover a few surprises that can be of
                    great value.

            Nancy White

                    Question: What does social networking/community
                    look like in 2-3 years?

                    OK, first some term shorthand: Social Networking=SN and
                    Comm=Community (tweetcheats)

                    Definition for this tweet flow: Communities=bounded, shared
                    interest, Soc Networks=fuzzy boundaries, overlapping interests

                    Humility: We have always been SNing, just not online. The
                    current upswing has been emerging for 20+ years. We didn’t
                    invent it!

                    Over time, SNing and comm life changes as our tools and
                    processes emerge. Look for changes in practice and tech, not

                    Biggest area of change will be how Comms can benefit from the
                    wider SNs in which they sit. How will we maximize the

                    We’ll face at least 2 SN/Comm challenges: too many options &
                    too many people. Sweet spot - develop tools and practices 4 this.

                    Good things are on the edges so look for what happens on the
                    edges of your Comms and SNs.

                    Find links, patterns and people

                    Practice prediction: We’ll use tools to look across their SNs and
                    Comms. Multimedia to help us make sense where volume

Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com                   38


Challenge: We’ll struggle with personal & professional
                    boundaries (as we do now). We’ll worry about privacy but — too

                    Hope: We will find new ways to be together, to create, learn and
                    produce in ways that affirm people and protect the planet

                    Key Concepts: Community Of Shared

                    Social networks from Facebook to Twitter to branded
                    communities are creating worlds where people learn from and
                    with each other. Convenience, ease of use and value are factors
                    which will determine a community’s longevity. As brands find
                    utility in engaging with their customers in social networks, it is
                    critical that they understand the culture of that environment; if
                    they fail to do so they loose not only their way in social media but
                    the goodwill of their community and brand champions.

                 1. Privacy issues and personal/professional boundaries will be key
                    issues especial for “non digital natives.”
                 2. People who are engaged in social networks have a strong
                    inclination to place brands higher on their purchase
                    consideration set.
                 3. Peer-to-peer interaction will set the culture and direction of
                    your community. Don’t under estimate the influence of one
                    status update or one tweet.

                    Continuing The Conversation

                 1. How will the social networks, you choose to participate in,
                    support your marketing objectives?
                 2. Who will be the voice/s behind social networks? If you chose an
                    agency or freelancer how will you handle transparency and
                    ensure your brand’s value/promise is kept?
                 3. What type of engagement do your customers want from
                    you/your “brand?”

Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com                 39


                    The human voice is the organ of the soul.
                    – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

                    Audio files were part of online marketing for many years. Web
                    2.0 technology made it easy. RSS expanded reach w/ MP3

                    Listening to a laugh adds an extra dimension to the way your
                    customers get to know you. Your voice brings more of your

                    As w/ other SM tactics, the strategy for your “radio show on
                    demand” should be developed for each niche. Downloads can be

                    SM is all about choices. Customers want it their way. Hint frm
                    Bill Marriott - record your blog posts.

                    As for podcast content direction keep your brand values in mind
                    and let your creativity soar. It’s about value-add not hard sell.

                    Including listeners as active participants or “guests” is an
                    exciting way to get to know your customers in a more intimate


                    For Neville Hobson and Jim Turner podcasting is a great way to
                    build a brand. Neville’s four step concept of how to create a
                    successful podcast initiative places the listener at the heart. Jim
                    calls podcasts the lazy man’s blogging. He reminds us that
                    podcasts must be integrated into a larger social media program.
                    Neville demonstrates how Twitter and a blog post can be
                    integrated. Listen to the innovative podcast of his Twitter

Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com                 40


Neville Hobson

                    Question: How can podcasts support & extend a social
                    media strategy?

                    Much depends on what the measurable goals are of your overall

                    Let’s pick one goal: build and nurture community. I offer the FIR
                    podcast as an example. http://bit.ly/g8EGw

                    FIR is the twice-weekly audio podcast I co-host with Shel Holtz
                    (@shel) on Mondays and Thursdays which we started in Jan

                    In our 4+ years of podcasting, FIR has developed an active and
                    influential community.

                    That community originally grouped around the show itself and
                    the blog.

                    Today, the focus has shifted: still the show itself, of course, but
                    also the FIR Room on Friendfeed.

                    Wherever your audience focus is, building community increases
                    listener loyalty to your show (your brand).

                    Members of the community share a common bond that enhances
                    their sense of loyalty.

                    The community is also a catalyst for content development: ideas
                    come from the community not just the show’s hosts.

                    All this has signficance when viewed in the context of supporting
                    a broad social media strategy.

                    Your podcast community can be a focal point around which all
                    your other ‘social communication’ connects.

                    It sounds easy to do, doesn’t it? But like everything, it takes time
                    and commitment.

Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com                     41


In our experience with FIR, there are four essentials to building
                    community around a podcast.
                        • 1st: Involve your listeners. Ask them questions: solicit their
                        • 2nd: Encourage your listeners. Thank them, name them,
                          praise them.
                        • 3rd: Address their needs. Always respond to listeners’
                          questions and comments.
                        • 4th: Engage your listeners. Make them the centre of your
                          attention and all you do.

                    So depending on your overall social media strategy, a podcast
                    can help you achieve the following.

                    Help customers feel like they are privileged insiders by providing
                    a unique window into your brand.

                    Help create a bond between customers and the people behind
                    the brand.

                    Give customers more of a say in the development of future brand
                    extensions and marketing programmes.

            Jim Turner

                    Question: How can podcasts support & extend a social
                    media strategy?

                    I have always said a blog is a good place to call home. A place
                    where you can invite customers and friends to talk to you.

                    I have always said it is easier to talk than it is to type your
                    thoughts. Podcasting is no different in that regard.

                    Not only is it easier to talk than type it is easier to listen than it is
                    to read. Podcasting could be the lazy man’s blogging.

                    Passion, sarcasm, excitement and other emotion is much easier
                    to communicate using a podcast than trying to write for some

                    Podcasting is a great brand builder, yes, even if you are an
                    individual. It makes you appear more personal than formal

Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com                      42


Podcasting is just a tool in the overall social media tool belt. For
                    some it will be a more difficult task than is writing.

                    You have to know your market, your demographic and the
                    likelihood that they will participate with you in that area.

                    There are ways to make podcasting an easy solution. It needs to
                    be considered when sitting down with an overall social media

                    Count how many iPods or mp3’s you see on the subway, in
                    schools, and other places. Podcasting helps deliver. Can it help

                    Key Concepts: Voices Bring
                    A Special Intimacy

                    Podcasts add a unique dimension and personalization to a social
                    media program. For people who may not be comfortable or want
                    to write a blog, podcasting offers another option to connect with
                    your customers.

                 1. Podcasts provide the ability to “time transfer” content through
                    computers, iPads, MP3 players and smart phones.
                 2. Podcasts can help create additional intimacy with the people
                    behind your brand and your customers.
                 3. As with any tactic, it’s important to have measurable goals that
                    integrate into your overall strategy.

                    Continuing The Conversation

                 1. How will podcasts support your marketing objectives and social
                    media strategy?
                 2. What will be your high level content direction and the
                    consistent, branded, format of your show?
                 3. How will you engage with your listeners to ensure they feel
                    welcomed and consider themselves to be a part of your

Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com                  43


                    What you see is what you see. – Frank Stella

                    Tweet Intro

                    As the saying goes - the camera tells all . no place to hide. Vlogs
                    can be the most personal of SM tactics. Often the most viral.

                    Understanding your target audience & developing a strategy that
                    supports your brand is more than a game.

                    With that in mind, information integrated with humor can take
                    your brand from mundane to YouTube stardom.

                    Vlogs work in B2B. Develop a YouTube channel to support your
                    brand. http://twurl.nl/544547

                    Most online video communities provide view stats & sites linking
                    info. Reviews, sharing and comments bring it into social media.

                    In “do it yourself”social media details matter even more than
                    with vlogs. Lighting and sound can kill a great interview.

                    Who should vlog? Based it on the person’s comfort level with the
                    media & personality.Your smart CEO may not =great video host.

                    With text/blogs, audio/podcasts and video/vlogs any company
                    can be their own media enterprise. SM is about experimentation.

Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com                     44



                    Roxanne Darling tweets what may be a surprise. Did you
                    know that the audio, not the visual, is the most critical aspect
                    of a successful video? She reminds us that with any on-going
                    customer communication vehicles, brand consistency is

            Roxanne Darling

                    Question: How can a vlog support and extend a social
                    media strategy?

                    Aloha & Welcome! Online video: If a picture is worth a thousand
                    words, a video is priceless! And the web has surely noticed.

                    Online video comes in 4 flavors: live-stream, talking head cam,
                    edited shows, & screen cast tutorial

                    Online video takes more time/equipment to produce & is more
                    compelling & transparent than text or audio blogging

                    Online video hosting is free at these sites: blip.tv, viddler.com,
                    youtube.com, dailymotion.com & many more

                    Online video: YouTube is home to quality shows like JNJ Health
                    from Johnson & Johnson; don’t dismiss it for your business

                    Online video delivers max results when you provide both a Flash
                    version that allows embed sharing plus an RSS feed for iTunes

                    Online video: curiously, audio quality is more important than
                    picture quality. Invest in an external mic & supported camera

                    Online video: When it is nearly free to produce and host, why
                    don’t you or your company have its own internet TV show yet?

                    Online video: Do you have something to say? Yes. If you freeze in
                    front of the camera, practice on unimportant topics.

                    Online video: Consider having your business sponsor an existing
                    show with built-in audience to get the feel of how video works

                    Online video: Conversion rates & brand recall are several fold
                    higher with podcasting ads than with banner or text ads

Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com                    45


Online video book reference: Web Video: Making It Great,
                    Getting It Noticed by Jennie Bourne http://bit.ly/jb-webvideo

                    Online video work flow tip: build a template with recurring
                    items:theme music, URL, contact info, copyright, logo

                    Online video branding tip: use the same theme for recurring
                    episodes and have your own original music

                    Online video marketing tip: post your videos to
                    www.TubeMogul.com to auto cross-post to multiple sites & get

                    Online video: Chill out in #Hawaii with us on Beach Walks with
                    Rox, www.beachwalks.tv. Aloha & Mahalo for joining us!

                    Key Concepts: Lights, Camera, Action!
                    So you wanna be a social media rock star?

                    Videos provide the most intimate way of reaching out to your
                    customers and stakeholders. Although videos can be
                    inexpensively produced, basic production guidelines that ensure
                    quality of lighting and sound, are critical. Even for an interview
                    format developing a story-line can help increase viewers’

                 1. Videos are not just for B2C but work for B2B, as well as,
                    nonprofit and healthcare. A well produced video can take your
                    brand from mundane to rock star status.
                 2. Videos are assets that can be leveraged for multiple uses e.g.,
                    website, blog, social networks, tradeshows, newsletters, etc.
                 3. Develop a branded template that includes: theme music, URL,
                    contact info, copyright, and logo.

                    Continuing The Conversation

                 1. How will videos support your marketing objectives and social
                    media strategy?
                 2. In addition to YouTube, have you identified other video
                    platforms and made plans to include on your corporate website
                    and blog?
                 3. If you consider sponsoring a video, have you taken into
                    consideration the match of the host and content direction with
                    your brand values?
Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com                 46


RSS - Real Simple Syndication
                    You try to give away what you want yourself.
                    – Lois McMaster Bujol

                    Tweet Intro

                    Real Simple Syndication/RSS is the secret of the success of many
                    social media marketing programs. You choose the content you

                    For the non techs in the stream simply put RSS is coding that
                    allows for specific content to be distributed to through feeds.

                    People who are interested in receiving your content through this
                    channel can subscriber to news readers with no eMail required.

                    RSS is incorporated into most blog platforms. Every time new
                    content is added Web 2.0 magic happens. Your news reader is

                    In our world where people are crunched for time, RSS provides a
                    solution that ensures our customers receive relevant

                    In addition to blogs, news publishers were one of the first to
                    incorporate the big orange button into their distribution strategy.

                    The common theme of SM is basic marketing 101. Understand
                    your customer and build to fit her needs. Same is valid for RSS

                    When developing your RSS strategy consider the type of
                    information your customers want. Think: niche content

                    Once again we learn that social media is about choices. However,
                    those choices are not for us . they belong to our customers.

Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com                 47



                    In their tweet interviews Bill Flitter and Nick Burcher clearly and
                    simply explain the mystery of RSS. Nick uses the analogy of RSS
                    as a radio station where you tune into listen to what you want
                    when you want. For Bill one of the benefits of RSS is using the
                    technology to consolidate your media assets, ensuring that your
                    customers have easy access to all of your digital content.

            Bill Flitter

                    Question: How can RSS support and extend a social
                    media marketing strategy?

                    RSS is a tool that enables two key components of SMMS:
                    Aggregation and Syndication. SMM is not a campaign, its a

                    Syndication reaches today’s fragmented audiences. We have so
                    many choices of content and places to consume that content.

                    Think about your SMMS as an ongoing narrative. One off blog
                    posts need not play here. Expand how you think about what
                    creative is.

                    Creative in a SMMS is content: Videos posted to YouTube, blog
                    posts sent to Facebook, PR releases, Tweets, delicious links.

                    Find your digital center (Twitter/Blog/Meet-ups): hub of where
                    your SMM begins. Use it as a springboard to syndicate beyond.

                    Aggregation: Use RSS to collect your media assets so your
                    loyalist can easily have access to them.

                    Measurement: measure the flow of your content running through
                    the RSS pipe, understand how users are interacting with your

                    A successful SMMS includes RSS. It makes it easy to extend your
                    reach/brand where traditional methods fail. It’s the ground

                    RSS extends your reach/content. Provides flexibility to your
                    audience. They consume where/when/how they want.

Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com                48


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Social media marketing gps from diva marketing (6)


Social media marketing gps from diva marketing (6)


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Social media marketing gps from diva marketing (6)


Social media marketing gps from diva marketing (6)


Social media marketing gps from diva marketing (6)


Social media marketing gps from diva marketing (6)


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Social media marketing gps from diva marketing (6)


Social media marketing gps from diva marketing (6)


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Social media marketing gps from diva marketing (6)


Social media marketing gps from diva marketing (6)


Social media marketing gps from diva marketing (6)


Social media marketing gps from diva marketing (6)


Social media marketing gps from diva marketing (6)


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Social media marketing gps from diva marketing (6)


Social media marketing gps from diva marketing (6)


Social media marketing gps from diva marketing (6)


Social media marketing gps from diva marketing (6)


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Social media marketing gps from diva marketing (6)


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  • 1. Social Media Marketing GPS A Guide to Social Media, 1 Tweet at a Time Interviews with 40 Marketing Leaders
  • 2. DEDICATION Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. —Mark Twain Dedicated to the pioneers of social media marketing who are showing the world there is a new way to do business. They understood that digital intimacy creates stronger customer relationships. They realized that social media goes beyond marketing to impacting how business is conducted. They discovered that social media does not only live online but offline as well. Suggested Retail Price $14.95 Copyright © 2010 by Toby Bloomberg This book is protected under Creative Commons License. No Changes. No Commercial Use. Free To Copy It. Share It. Or Print It. The format was developed to be easily viewed in digital readers. Available online at http://www.divamarketingblog.com Social Media Marketing GPS by Toby Bloomberg http://www.divamarketingblog.com Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Alike 3.0 United States License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/us/ Design by Cathleen Schaad, cat@studioschaad.com http://www.studioschaad.com Permissions outside the scope of this license may be available at http://www.divamarketingblog.com by contacting the author directly. Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com 2
  • 3. Contents 4 Foreword: Shel Israel 5 Introduction: Toby Bloomberg 8 Chapter 1: Why Social Media? Interviews with Paul Chaney, Ann Handley 12 Chapter 2: The New Enterprise Direction Interviews with Geoff Livingston, Marc Meyer 16 Chapter 3: Social Media Research: The 1st Listening Interviews with C.B. Whittemore, Joel Rubinson 20 Chapter 4: Social Media Ethics Interviews with Wayne Hurlbert, Mack Collier 24 Chapter 5: Strategy First Interviews with B.L. Ochman, Rajesh Lalwani 28 Chapter 6: Tactics Second: Blogs, Twitter, Social Networks, Podcasts, Vlogs, RSS, Widgets Interviews with Julie Squires, Yvonne DiVita, Connie Reese, AV Flox, Nancy White, Neville Hobson, Jim Turner, Roxanne Darling, Bill Flitter, Nick Burcher, Marianne Richmond 54 Chapter 7: Social Media & Branding Interviews with Dana VanDen Heuvel, Beth Harte 59 Chapter 8: Blogger Relations Interviews with Susan Getgood, Elisa Camahort 64 Chapter 9: Sponsored Conversations Interviews with Scott Monty, Melanie Notkin 69 Chapter 10: Metrics That Make Sense Interviews with Peter Kim, Kate Niederhoffer 72 Chapter 11: Solving Business Challenges Interviews with Lionel Menchaca, Frank Eliason, Donna Lynes Miller, John Maley 77 Chapter 12: Relationships 1st, 2nd & Last Interviews with Tim Jackson, Liz Strauss, Lucretia M. Pruitt, Kimberly Coleman 83 After Foreword: David Meerman Scott 84 Acknowledgements 86 Consolidation Of Continuing The Conversation Questions 91 About The Author Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com 3
  • 4. Foreword Shel Israel www.twitter.com/shelisrael It had to happen—an entire book, one tweet a time, and yet it is a real book that will help you understand what SM is about. SMGPS will tell you the why & how using social media, 1 tweet at a time. You’ll learn essentials in digestible little spoonfuls. The book will explain why old-school broadcast practices are waning and new conversational methods are on the rise. This is the way it should be. These days, companies cannot waste money. They need to cut costs. And SM is MUCH more efficient. Writing a book in tweets is like writing a very long #Haiku series. Reading it should be both interesting and useful. And hopefully, it will encourage you to talk about social media with others. After all, conversations is what SM is about And when you stop to think, conversations are also what marketing is about. It’s not just about messages and targets. It’s not about talking TO, but talking WITH. Marketing is about getting closer with customers, which requires listening at least as much as talking. Which is one of the really cool things about what @TobyDiva has created for you. Because you’ll get to spend more time talking about what she provides here, than it takes you to read it. Will tweeted books replace traditional books? God, I hope not. I have no desire to be put out of business. But #SMGPS is something new and different and will change things just a little. And seems to me to be a very good thing. Enjoy what you are about to read. And tweet us what you think. Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com 4
  • 5. Introduction Toby Bloomberg www.twitter.com/tobydiva Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler. – Albert Einstein Dedicated to the pioneers of social media marketing who are showing the world there is a new way to do business. “If you don’t risk anything, you risk even more.” – Eric Jong The back-story: I was curious to see if Twitter could be used to write a business book in a traditional chapter format. My goal is to create a resource for marketers written by the community of social media marketers. An experiment in crowd sourcing. Each tweet will be tagged and numbered.12 chapters will be posted to a dedicated blog. http://is.gd/pQJe Can a book be written in bites of 140 characters? Curious about new ways to communicate? Please join me in this adventure! Coloring Outside The Lines Social Media Marketing GPS began as an experiment. I wondered if marketers would be receptive to, and find value in, a new book genre built on a succession of tweet interviews about one business topic: social media marketing. The goal was to create a comprehensive body of knowledge that could serve as a roadmap (GPS) for developing a strategic social media plan. My thoughts were if this could be accomplished in a series of 140 character tweets it might help ease the apprehension for people new to social media, while at the same time, providing a review and offering some interesting ideas for those more experienced. Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com 5
  • 6. Forty prominent marketers from Canada, England, India and the United States were interviewed on Twitter. The focus was on how to leverage social media, not in terms of the technology, but as a vehicle to build and nurture stronger business relationships. Each tweet included the hash tag #smgps. What developed was the first business book of interviews written on Twitter by the people who were working in the space. Twitter became both a content platform and a distribution channel. Lessons Learned Multiple re-tweets (RT) were a strong indication that many of the interview tweets could also stand alone as unique, inspirational thoughts. The following are a few examples of the RTs: “Bottom line on social media: You ARE what you publish. (And what others publish about you.)” – David Meerman Scott “And when you stop to think, conversations are also what marketing is about. It’s not just about messages and targets.” – Shel Israel “The secret power of SM is not in the search rankings or new channel messaging but the ability to build cross cultural relationships.” – Toby Bloomberg “Core strategy = Go where the conversations are. We’ve had ups and downs in our social media efforts and will continue to do so.” – Lionel Menchaca “In the end doesn’t it come down to who we are and how we define a REAL relationship?” – Liz Strauss Although people seemed to enjoy the all tweet interview series, Twitter streams move too quickly and even people following missed many of the tweets. It was a challenge comprehending how the chapters came together as a cohesive body of work that could be used to build a social media strategy. The initial solution was to consolidate the interviews on a blog. That helped but was still not the optimal approach to delivering the extent of information that had been created. The next logical step was to create this eBook. Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com 6
  • 7. For People New To Twitter Twitter has developed a unique language all its own. Content is referred to as tweets. Since Twitter allows only 140 characters per tweet, people often collapse the spelling of words, ignore traditional grammar rules and/or make up their own abbreviations. For example, in the following Twitter interviews you’ll find social media referred to as sm, SM and SoMe. The photo, that introduces each interview and those on the front cover, are the Twitter avatars of the interviewees. The boxes that highlight a tweet in each interview are some of the thoughts I found insightful. Throughout the interviews you’ll see hash tags - #. Hash tags are a way to create and track group thoughts on a topic. Twitter also turns them into live links. If everyone who tweets about Social Media Marketing GPS uses the hash tag #smgps we’ll be able to continue the conversation together. On A Personal Note Since 2004, when I began my adventures in social media, my passion has been to help marketers view social media as a credible strategy. From blogs to social networks, if tactics are developed with your customers at the heart, social media can support and extend the value of your brand. It is my hope that the insights and ideas in this book will encourage you to color outside the lines and test the limits of this exciting approach to building stronger business relationships. Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com 7
  • 8. Chapter 1: Why Social Media? All lasting business is built on friendship. – A. A. Montapert Tweet Intro Technology connects people from across town to across oceans. Oxymoron is “unfeeling” digital builds personal relationships. What began as a way to keep in touch w/ friends morphed to open conversations between customers & the PEOPLE w/in organizations. SM brings back the “corner grocery store relationship” where business was built on trust. The grocer was part of the community. The grocer knew & cared about the people that purchased her products/services. SM helps create and nurture closer relationships Most successful SM strategies focus on a niche .. think the “long tail" concept. SM is the poster child for segmentation marketing. As w/ online marketing, social media can be measured and tracked. New success metrics include halo effect of influencers. SM can provide a point of difference for your organization resulting in stronger customer loyalty and more effective targeting. Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com 8
  • 9. Interviews In the following interviews Paul Chaney explains why social media is an important part of your marketing plan. Ann Handley tweets a case study about how the popular Marketing Profs business community used social media to grow attendance at its virtual B2B conference. Paul Chaney www.twitter.com/pchaney Question: Why should organizations take what many think is a risk, and invest $, people, time in social media marketing? I can think of five reasons why, all related to shifts in cultural trends. 1st, consumer skepticism is at all-time high. Next reason for Why Social Media? is... media fragmentation is out of control. Hard to get consumer’s attention. Third reason for Why Social Media?... Increasingly the consumer is in control of branding/mktg message. Ppl are talking about us! Reason #4, pressure is on to improve targeting/minimize waste; niche marketing is in. Finally, fifth reason for Why SoMe? Companies are being held to new levels of accountability. Why Social Media? People are talking and we better be listening and engaging the conversation. “Markets are conversations” Ann Handley www.twitter.com/marketingprofs Question: Why should organizations take what many think is a risk, and invest $, people, time in social media marketing? My mini-case study, 140 character segments: This week we held MarketingProfs Digital Marketing World. Many of you were there. In fact, 14,000 of you registered for #mpworld. MarketingProfs has a huge email list/subscriber base of just over 300,000. Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com 9
  • 10. Our original goal for #mpworld was 8,000 people. We hit that after 3 emailings to our list. But then... The social networks continued to build interest, awareness and drive registration. Specifically, Twitter & ads/conversation on FB. In the end, preliminary results show about half of the 14,000 registrants weren’t MP members/subscribers at all. Meaning, #mpworld was likely their first real interaction with our brand. The soc networks allowed us to reach farther/wider... …and deliver a meaningful, rich experience to all via #mpworld, which trended to the #2 spot here on Twitter during its height. The following day, when we had a follow-up email glitch, it was again the social networks that alerted us to the problem. What if we weren’t here? Listening, communicating, interacting? That would have been a loss for our org on a lot of levels. Key Concepts: Why Add Social Media To Your Marketing Mix? Although some may consider social media a rogue approach to customer communication, others acknowledge that social media is not a passing fad but a valid component of a marketing “tool box” that is here to stay. The perception of the wild digital west is giving way to a world that includes: corporate governance guidelines, accepted norms for measurement, strategies that support business outcomes and industry-wide ethical behavior. 1. Social media creates rich, relevant customer experiences that can organically grow and strategically change to fit the interests, lifestyles, needs of your customers. 2. Social media cuts through the message clutter to capture the attention of your customers. 3. Social media provides opportunities to achieve your goals through digital word of mouth with help from your brand champions. Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com 10
  • 11. Continuing the Conversation 1. Who are the people you want to reach through social media? Keep in mind you might have multiple audiences with diverse needs and brand experience expectations. 2. Where (what platforms) do your customers hang out in the digital world? 3. How do your customers want to engage with (the people of) your brand? Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com 11
  • 12. Chapter 2: The New Enterprise Direction When you’re finished changing, you’re finished. – B. Franklin Tweet Intro It would be foolish not to acknowledge the “big gorilla” in the room - what is the risk in participating in open conversations? Risk will be different for each organization.You must define the type & amount of risk. But with risk there can be great benefit. The larger issue is not negative comments but SM influences how business is/should be/will be conducted. This must be mgt’s focus. The answers to questions that you did not ask your customers impact all aspects of an org from PR, customer service, sales & more. Savvy marketers understand that SM changes external & internal communication flow, processes & responses to customers’ concerns. Benefits to organizations include: team building, better cross silo exchanges, a focus on customer-centric marketing. Challenges to organizations include: impact corp culture, staff must have knowledge & buy-in to values, transparency is important. Begin a social media strategy by creating a global corporate direction. Take into consideration long-term impact of biz and staff. 5 step SM Direction model: • Step1: Prepare and educate. Include competitive analysis, customer activity, industry trends, biz goals. • Step 2: Invite people who perceive they have a stake: C-suite, PR, marketing, legal, IT, customer service to table. • Step 3: Encourage people to talk openly within an ideology format meeting. • Step 4: Confirm and prioritize issues. • Step 5: Create a “Red Flag Memo” summarizing highlights, challenges, opportunities, actions. Identify a SM champion. Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com 12
  • 13. Interviews Marc Meyer and Geoff Livingston discuss how although social media might be a grass roots strategy, your senior team’s involvement is critcal for developing cross-enterprise structural communication change. Marc tweets the importance of identifying the ‘right’ tools that will solve specific business challenges. Geoff tweets that although front-line employees must be empowered to fully engage with customers, they also have new accountability and responsibility in their roles. Marc Meyer www.twitter.com/marc_meyer Question: SM goes beyond just a marketing strategy. SM changes the way business is conducted. What does that mean to you? The tools need to track back to the precise problems within the organization, you can’t just have “tools” I always like to start with the “why” or more specifically what are the companies goals And then even more on a finite level- each department doesn’t require the same tool either. Agree with @geoffliving Have to have enterprise buyin even IF each dept.is autonomous Top down is important but I also like to see bottom up-meet in the middle. 1st and foremost employees must see value 2 Takeaways here: The problem will define the tool and at the beginning and end of the day-it’s all about the interaction. @GeoffLiving Wonder sometimes if a guerrilla tactics should b a viable option to get the top 2 notice the benefit of sm interaction RT@ecairn Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat —Sun Tzu Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com 13
  • 14. Geoff Livingston www.twitter.com/geoffliving Question: SM goes beyond just a marketing strategy. SM changes the way business is conducted. What does that mean to you? Thanks @tobydiva! Enterprise marketing direction – It’s important for the CXO team 2 B involved. SM requires more than just tools. In fact, social media for CxOs represents larger transition fr siloed industrial structures to mesh-like information organizations. Communicating/marketing w/ social media tools shld be seen as a movement towards embracing new structure. New customer expectations New structure of enterprise social media means empowering internal & external stakeholders w/ time, rewards and revamped policies. To successfully adapt, examine dept/division/enterprise missions & explore natural directions 4 improvement. Audit processes, too. It’s all about empowering the front line & ass. stakeholders; more people power vs. less control. Don’t relinquish quality checks. Examine dept/division/enterprise missions to lead to a measurable SM result, something achievable. Time, process, ROI improvement. Audit HR and workflow processes to enable social media participation versus punish. Old industrial processes seek to close silos. @Marc_Meyer Agreed. Sometimes bottom-up forces the top to pay attention. SM on the edge can work to affect enterprise change. Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com 14
  • 15. Key Concepts: Social Media Impacts The Total Enterprise The development of the Social Enterprise may result in changes to the organizational structure, hiring practices, employee evaluations, internal communication practices and the very basics of an organization’s culture. Most significantly, social media will influence how customer touch points are managed such as marketing, customer service, public relations, sales and after market support. Don’t be surprised if social media redefines who interacts with the customer to include departments that traditionally had minimal direct contact. 1. Involvement in social media changes customer expectations of and with your brand experience. 2. Each organization defines what it considers to be their “risks” within the social media eco system. 3. Senior management must be onboard and involved to successfully employ enterprise-wide changes Continuing The Conversation 1. What “gorillas” are your organization challenged to understand and resolve? What have you identified as the biggest risk? 2. How is/will social media effect the structure of your organization and what will be the new responsibilities of employees? 3. Who should be included in your cross functional social media team? Hint: include both champions and nay sayers. Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com 15
  • 16. Chapter 3: Research: The 1st Listening Post Listen or thy tongue will keep thee deaf. – Native American An exciting benefit of SM is “hearing” the raw voices of your customers. We can listen without formal prompts of questions/guides. Consumer-generated media provides one more piece of information that businesses can use to mitigate risks in decision making. Caution! Back fence conversations maybe early warning signs or trends but could be short lived buzz started by a few influencers. Statistics won’t tell you the entire story. Critical new metrics to analyze include the halo influence & “snow ball build.” Social listening is not effective as a one shot tactic. To realize the benefits it must be incorporated as an on-going strategy. Integrate SM into a marketing research strategy as the 1st listening post. Use traditional research to delve & confirm findings. Benefits from actively monitoring digital buzz range from an early warning for crisis management to responsive customer care. Researchers now must come out from behind the 2-way mirrored room, share their M&Ms and engage in a dialogue with their customers. Thanx Tom Morder, Chick-fil-A & Greg Rathjen, Marketecture for the use of the term “1st Listening Post.” Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com 16
  • 17. Interviews C.B. Whittemore shares how social media listening resulted in new insights and opportunities that directly benefited her customers. Joel Rubinson encourages marketers to be open to the unexpected and to consider social conversations as one element of a comprehensive research strategy. C.B. Whittemore www.twitter.com/cbwhittemore Question: How did “listening” to your customers impact decision making when you were working for Wear-Dated? It’s so critical and yet so often done poorly especially in many pre-digital or traditional, product based organizations. Why? Because product based organizations tend not think about the needs and wants of the marketplace. It’s just too messy! And, a severe case of ‘curse of knowledge’ means routinely underestimating consumers, and assuming that they just don’t understand… So, listening for Wear-Dated meant an opportunity to educate the flooring retail marketplace about [women] consumers. That’s right. …their retail experience. They didn’t see it would cost them business, WOM & referrals because consumers have many choices now. We explained that women consumers have high expectations for the retail experience – including clean bathrooms and tidy stores! They also hate a hard sell, and salespeople who don’t listen, aren’t patient and don’t value their research & requirements. They want websites that clarify and simplify, that offer relevant information and educate rather than obfuscate. The best ways we found for listening? Not necessarily via Twitter which produces tweets about stuff happening ‘on the carpet.’ Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com 17
  • 18. … in-store, speaking to retailers, via our Wear-Dated reps, talking to friends, to my Mom [I’ve blogged her experience]. Also, via Google alerts, watching blog & website traffic patterns and which words resonate with readers, and then re-validating. Overall, listening led to developing more topics to address with retailers, pattern & styling suggestions with carpet mills.. A blog focused on all things carpet [Carpetology], a more social & content rich website http://WearDated.com, more conversations… And you can’t do that without keeping your ear to the ground and paying close attention to improving your customer experience. Joel Rubinson www.twitter.com/joelrubinson Can SM “listening” off-track you if buzz is a small fraction of what most customers feel about your brand? Must separate measuring the expected (tracking biz growth) from listening for the unexpected (innovation and corp rep) Census in naturally occurring vocabulary—people’s own words— what THEY care about, not just attribute lists Mkt research must evolve. surveys can be torture yet people love to express themselves in SM. Why? People want to be heard, opinions validated. Brand loyalty flip— how will YOU show loyalty to ME?! By Listening and conversing Listening to SM places human in control—what THEY want to talk about. If data are “thin”, that’s a finding Surveys are often centered on the brand. listening is centered on a human-based framing question Skate to where the puck will be. Representivity of SM is growing but in 3 years will be fairly representative. must start now Recent ARF conf #rethink2009, P&G and Nielsen co-presented integrated strategy. presentation online at http://bit.ly/wGnJ Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com 18
  • 19. Surveys missed the passion, cultural connections, words that listening picked up but surveys quantified. NEED BOTH Summary: must listen for unexpected and corp rep but I believe we WILL find the stat science too. Summary: stats are not just frequentist n=1000, but Bayesian and I’m sure listening to SM has Bayesian value (improves odds) Last word: Must survey but must listen too. hear unexpected, honor custmr voice, real time feedback, catch things asap. Duh! Key Concepts: Listening Can Bring New Consumer Insight As more people participate in social networks, making sense of the tsunami of data points will be an overwhelming undertaking. However, taking an ostrich approach of pretending that your customers are not influenced by social conversations will be detrimental to your reputation, customers’ brand perception and ultimately to the bottom-line. 1. Hearing the unfiltered conversations from your customers adds depth and emotional context to consumer insights that is frequently missing in traditional research. 2. On-going listening leads to a market-focused orientation. 3. Social conversation analysis is not just about the number of mentions. The focus should be on information that provides insights into: marketing goals/objectives, industry trends, customer service, competition, new product development, campaign buzz, etc. Continuing The Conversation 1. Who will “own” social media monitoring in your organization? Will it reside in consumer insights, digital marketing, public relations, customer service, human resources, etc.? 2. What type of information will you track e.g., brand sentiment, competitive product development, customer service, new campaign buzz, industry trends, etc. 3. How will the findings from social media support your traditional research program? You do have a research strategy?! Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com 19
  • 20. Chapter 4 Social Media Ethics The time is always right to do what is right. – Martin Luther King Jr. Tweet Intro How do you build trust when global relationships are often made without benefit of “seeing eye-to-eye” becomes a critical issue? When you can portray yourself as your alter ego or a fantasy avatar does that shake the reality of people who do business w/ you? How do you define virtual civility, kindness and politeness when idea and ideals differ widely? What happens when people disagree? With each new tool that technology brings the virtual world is challenged with what is means to be a good online business citizen. How is disclosure and transparency defined? Does accepting client contracts ($) to write posts or tweets walk in the shadows? How can we, as online marketers, ensure that our customers feel safe Interviews Wayne Hurlbert believes that ethics must be built into the DNA of how an organization conducts business; for him social media is simply one more aspect of that equation. Mack Collier tweets there are shades of gray in emerging media. What constitutes ethical behavior may not be as easily defined as it may seem. Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com 20
  • 21. Wayne Hurlbert www.twitter.com/waynehurlbert Question: Ethics in business is the hot, news topic. In the SM world we struggle with what is black, white and gray. Why is that? Social media users often struggle with ethics because many see SM as different from other media. It’s not. Ethics are the key to SM Sharing matters. SM isn’t about getting. It’s about giving & helping others. Those using SM just to get from others fail at SM SM is about trust & trust must be earned. Once lost, trust is hard to recover. In SM, there may be no second chance to recover it An SM user who speaks through a character must be upfront about the proxy voice. Personas are often confusing & can lose trust Seeing SM as something to game or spam fails because no one will listen as there is no trust or listening first. Bad ethics fail Approaching SM as a numbers game fails when there’s no engagement. Chasing numbers alone is a dead end. On SM bad ethics fail SM ethics like all ethics are not personal interpretation. That shallow short term thinking failed Enron & AIG. It fails on SM too Using tricks & tools to get more SM followers may add numbers but without engagement & trust, raw numbers mean nothing Faking someone else’s identity on SM is unethical. It’s also a pointless dead end leading to lost reputation for the impostor Ethical biz people get referrals & long term customer evangelists. Ethical SM pays with strong relationship building that lasts SM posts live forever on Google. Ethical people benefit from searches of honest & open ideas that boost online reputation & trust Looking at SM as only for sales & marketing fails without listening, engaging & building relationships. SM is about trust Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com 21
  • 22. When posting ethically on behalf of a company, don’t post company info you wouldn’t write in an email or say in person Ethical companies respond to customer concerns openly & don’t hide. Doing the right thing builds deeper trusting relationships Ethical companies trust their employees to do the right thing on SM. They help & encourage employees to engage with customers Good SM ethics work for everyone: Company, brands, employees, customers, listeners & the economy. Good ethics are good business Mack Collier www.twitter.com/mackcollier Question: Ethics in business is the hot, news topic. In the SM world we struggle with what is black, white and gray. Why is that I think a big reason why there is such confusion around the ‘ethics’ of social media right now is because the space is still new And businesses are trying to figure out how to monetize their efforts. That is leading to a discovery of where the ‘lines’ are… ...when it comes to ethics in social media. For example, ghostwriting is a hot topic in social media. Some people say ghostwriting ...a blog post is fine, because other types of business communications are ghostwritten. But the expectations of the blog’s.. …readers might be different. They expect the post to be written by the person that ‘signed’ their name to it. As the space continues to evolve and as monetization becomes clearer, ethical issues should more easily sort themselves out Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com 22
  • 23. Key Concepts: Ethics In Social Media Develops Trusted Relationships Most people agree that ethics play an important role in business development and long-term relationship building. However, when it comes to social media the rules of the game seem to blur. Even what constitutes disclosure, and the ever popular buzz word “transparency” differs. FTC regulations will change the game for some companies in terms of how they handle product disclosure - impacting blogger relations initiatives. 1. Confusion about what is considered “ethical behavior” in the social web may be a result that people are uncertain of what constitutes acceptable in this new media. 2. Ethics form the foundation of trusted relationships. 3. Good ethics = good business. It’s a long-term strategy not a one shot tactic. Continuing The Conversation 1. How does your organization define transparency in the social web? Is it the same across all platforms e.g., Twitter, blogs, Facebook, etc? 2. How do you handle ethics in other aspects of your business e.g., communications, advertising, customer service, etc.? 3. What processes are in place to ensure that vendors who are involved in your social media strategy adhere to your organization’s ethical principles? Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com 23
  • 24. Chapter 5 Strategy First The essence of strategy is choosing what not to do. – Michael Porter Tweet Intro Without strategy social media marketing is simply a cool cocktail conversation topic and not a business decision. A resource dump. Or as the title of the Twitter-book implies social media marketing needs a “gps” or a roadmap to succeed. For SMM to be perceived as credible give it same respect as other marketing “strategies” & ensure it supports business objectives. To succeed SMM must also integrate into an organization’s master marketing/customer service/etc. plans and support brand values. Customer focused is not an empty buzz concept when it comes to SM. It is critical to understand and involve your target audience. What if companies thought in terms of “sharing” the brand? How would that influence your planning? As in any planning SM includes a budget process. Don’t be caught in the illusion that SM is free. Human capital, time & finances. Your due diligence: identify companies in your industry who are doing it right. Look outside your sector. SM continuously changes. Interviews B.L. Ochman and Rajesh Lalwani both believe that a successful social media strategy incorporates measurable goals and ties back to business objectives. B.L. tweets the importance of aligning all of your employees around the same definition of social media. Rajesh reminds us that without a strategic direction social media is a waste of your resources. Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com 24
  • 25. B.L. Ochman www.twitter.com/whatsnext Question: On a strategic level how would you align and incorporate a social media strategy to support business goals? Allow social media to bring about changes in the company. When problems are identified, change, over-deliver, delight. Don’t hit people over the head with a sales message. Remember: we’re all humans, talking to other humans Monitor, measure, refine. Take chances, be bold. Don’t be afraid of failure Join in. Be real. Talk like a human being. Offer to help people, answer questions, give away intelligence, not intellectual property. Set goals for ROI, benchmark results with current methods, seeing which are getting the most bang for the buck develop company-wide corporate guidelines for social media participation. who can rep the company? How? when? Are you willing to devote time to achieving social media success? There is no quick social media fix. Results come in the long term The tools may be free, but It costs money & requires specialized knowledge & experience to create an effective social media campaign Listen first! monitor online conversation about the company – identify major customers concerns and kudos Where does your audience gather now? What social networks do they frequent? How do they use the tools these networks provide? begin by determining: what are your goals? Who are you trying to reach and why? What do you want the interaction to lead to? Be sure everyone in the company is defining social media in the same way – you’ll be surprised when you ask for definitions Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com 25
  • 26. Rajesh Lalwani www.twitter.com/rajeshlalwani Question: What happens when you begin social media marketing without a strategy? Good news is 84% of respondents of recent @blogworks & exchange4media #indiasocialmediasurvey 08 associate value with SM Strategy 53% in fact say that long-term SM Strategy is very important if they need to engage social media The difference between starting SM with/ without strategy is difference between informal/ casual, where casual means ‘I don’t care’ Using no other tool in markg/ comm do professionals not strategize: figure the need, environment, competition, who to reach, how, goals, measures, risks, guidelines etc. why should SM be different? It’s the same precious brands!! When beginning without a strategy, you are following, not leading; you are not prepared for the next step, you are not anticipating No strategy means you are not really differentiating, you are merely copying what everyone else is… SM becomes a toy No SM strategy means that the brand/ org network is not really ready to act upon feedback, the backend is not ready, lip service No SM strategy means can’t measure because you didn’t set objective & goals! Also, you can’t celebrate success, for same reason :) No SM strategy means that when you abandon conversations mid-way, you didn’t take into account the repercussions on brand No SM strategy means that the blame, for not working, goes to Social Media, not to the lack of planning :) No SM strategy means that you are confused about RoI of SM, not stopping to think that measures come from setting objectives No SM strategy means that SM remains in a silo, not integrating back into the org/ marketing strategy/ into departments/ people Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com 26
  • 27. No SM strategy means wastage of resources that could have added value & reach - advtg, PR, databases, other channels No SM strategy means that you are playing with fire, might get burned No SM strategy means you’d never really get to know, if you weren’t really made for Social Media, you just crash landed :) Key Concepts: Strategy Begins With Defined Objectives And Goals For social media to be accepted as a credible strategy we must begin by defining objectives and goals. However, before you can build the plan it is critical that you have a strong appreciation of the benefits and limitations of the “tools/tactics.” For a social media program to succeed it is also necessary to determine how your target audience uses each platform (Twitter, Facebook, blogs, Flickr, etc.) and what their expectations are of a digital- social brand experience. 1. Develop your social media strategy as you would any other marketing initiative by determining objectives, goals and success measures. 2. Monitor the social conversations of your target audience and competition to help develop the structure of your social media strategy. 3. Many of the tools may be free or low cost but that doesn’t mean it’s a free ride. Social media’s cost is in human capital: people and time. Continuing The Conversation 1. How will using social media support your marketing objectives/goals/business outcomes? 2. How will you integrate your social media initiatives into your current master marketing plan? 3. What does success mean to you? What do you want the engagement to lead to? What do you consider to be conversion? Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com 27
  • 28. Chapter 6 Tactics Second Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. – Sun Tzu This chapter provides an overview of the benefits and challenges of seven of the most popular social media tactics: • Blogs • Twitter • Community/Social Networks • Podcasts, • Video/Vlogs, • RSS • Widgets Blogs I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship. – Louisa May Alcott Tweet Intro These websites, with the funny name, set social media marketing in action & forever changed biz communication. Early adopters found, as @davewiner put it that, “A weblog is kind of a continual tour, with a human guide who you get to know.” Blogs are People talking to People; People listening to People; People interacting with People within a website. What is missing? What is missing? The words “company” & “department.” Blogs demonstrated it was ok to build person-to-person relations w/ customers. Relationships include not only talking, what marketers term ‘messaging’ but continuous, active listening. We were now involved. Blogs can be leveraged to support many strategies including: thought leadership, customer service, segmentation, branding, loyalty. Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com 28
  • 29. Successful blogs focus on a niche, topic or personality of the author/s. They provide information, point of view, entertainment. Blog writing follows web-style format but the tonality is always conversational & never hard sell. Think value-add w/ personality. Blogs should be held accountable based on your goals. SM and traditional measures will confirm your success. Non quant is powerful. In 2003, blogs were a novelty. No longer. The web is cluttered w/ blogs. Promoting your new blog should be part of your initiative. Interviews Yvonne DiVita and Julie Squires both agree that while a website might be thought of as your formal, corporate image to the world, blogs are more a casual opportunity to communicate with your customers. As Yvonne tweets … blogs are like meeting over a cup of tea. Julie reinforces that there are many elements that should be taken into consideration including posting frequency, tone, content and graphic design. Yvonne DiVita www.twitter.com/y2vonne Question: With tactics like social networks/videos taking center stage are blogs still relevant for businesses to consider? My take on blogs: website is corp presence, blog is inner office – invite me in for tea. Inviting me in 4 tea is more personal – that’s what I want – to get to know YOU – UR other web presences R mere representations The thing about blogs is their flexibility. Changing UR blog design is like changing UR office decor. Fun,interesting &personal. Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com 29
  • 30. Shld YOU blog? Instead of what? Or, in addition to what? Takes thought and consideration. Connect 1st with others. @TobyDiva says blogs work for niche marketing– so true. But, also work to create expertise and show thought leadership. The relevance of blogs will B determined by the audience– not the blogger. Do you regularly engage your audience, provide value? Twitter is a blog tool, now, isn’t it? @CBwhittemore says, 4women, we have high expectations - so true! Blog brings us closer 2U. Women want the connection a blog provides. That “this is me” conversational tone. We learn fast who is authentic and who isn’t. W/out a blog, UR video/podcast/etc. Becomes more push marketing. Women R so over that! A blog breathes & pulses – it has heart. Caution: blog w/out comments is just a webpage! Engagement is everything! Talk WITH not AT your customers. It works. Relevance of blogs remains high – b/c they deliver, when done right. What’s right? Consider these points: Authenticity (truth in writing), approachability (willingness to discuss contrary ideas) and relevance (stay on topic). B not afraid. It’s not about the technology, it’s about the people. Trust UR people - you hired’em Be prof. about UR blog. Get the right advice on strategy, implementation, and voice. Women, especially, are listening. Final tweets on relevance of blogs in today’s crowded multi- media environment online: if we stopped blogging.. Would the Internet go silent? Only noise blasted outward? Blogs build connections& share friendships, resources. Relevant? Yes. Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com 30
  • 31. Julie Squires www.twitter.com/JulieSquires Question: With tactics like social networks/videos taking center stage are blogs still relevant for businesses to consider? John Markoff, NYTimes fame says “blogs might be the CB radio of the 21st century.” Agree. For me its about Transparency & Trust. Transparency. Each blog – frequency, tone, content, look-and- feel – is an imprint of its author. You, personally, are a global micro brand. “What you are speaks so loudly, I cannot hear what you are saying.” – Emerson. For instance, I blog infrequently– 2 to 4x per quarter (true!) – and almost always philosophically @ the Networked Economy. Why? College major was philosophy + I enjoy writing thoughtfully @ big ideas I care about = Transparency. I join the converso as Me [Also, @Mikeschinkel told me about Kevin Kelly’s book “New Rules of the New Economy.” Mike read it 17 times! Oh yeah. ] Trust & how to build it: Wellness. A blog is a peek into the state of your soul (like it or not) so take good care of yourself. Three great rules for mental health: know yourself, like yourself, be yourself. If you are transparent and peak performer (b/c you are best you can be mentally, physically, emotionally) = you no blow up in SM P.S. I differ a bit w/ @y2vonne:“Caution:blog w/out comments is just a webpage! Engagement is everything!” Depends on your goal. Blogs are also a fun, put-everything-in resource. Got a one- minute video email snack? Link through to more info on…your blog. [Love it. RT @y2vonne: My take on blogs: website is corp presence, blog is inner office - invite me in for tea. Blogs provide information, point of view, entertainment. Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com 31
  • 32. And now (drum roll)….here’s a haiku about blogging … Workday time clock ticks, white crane digs wet soil for food, blog clicks bring new life. Key Concepts: Blogs Can Build Your Brand With the onset of social networks, blogs may seem like a retro tactic. However, there are benefits that these websites offer that you will not find in other platforms. You may not have control over consumer generated. Facebook and Twitter can impose their own rules. However, since you “own” the site/blog you do have control over content direction, governance and creative layout. 1. Blogs can be used to support a wide range of content directions from thought leadership to niche topic information to customer support. 2. Relevancy is the key to successful blogs. Keep in mind that relevancy is determined, not by you, but by your community. 3. People read blogs for: information, a unique point of view, entertainment and to be part of a larger community. Continuing The Conversation 1. How will your blog support marketing objectives? 2. Who will be the voice/s of your blog? If you chose an agency or freelancer how will you handle transparency and ensure your brand value/promise is kept? 3. What is your high level content direction? Keep in mind it should be sustainable over the long-term. Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com 32
  • 33. Twitter Be sincere; be brief; be seated. – Franklin Delano Roosevelt Tweet Intro Online message boards are not new but overlaying Web 2.0 and mobile technologies made Twitter fun, easy extended real time access. The same social media rules hold true: be your authentic self, transparent, honest, add value, be part of the community = trust. As with any SM initiative there is the risk if your Followers don’t agree or think you are behaving badly they’ll call you out. Tweet benefits range from extension of your brand, new champions, extended resource network/friends, viral wom, biz opportunities. Develop a Twitter strategy that includes defining your Followers, the extent of personal versus biz tweets, tweet name branding. The “Twitter Stream” runs fast and not all of your Followers will read all of your tweets. Consider tweeting at different times. How many Followers are the “right” number for you? How many people should you follow? Marketer’s answer:depends on your strategy. Interviews Connie Reece discusses the lifespan and visibility of a tweet. AV Flox advises that using Twitter to broadcast messages will result in the loss of Followers. Both women agree that although Twitter is only 140 characters, if you intend to include it as a channel to reach and respond to customers, it must be integrated into your business strategy. Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com 33
  • 34. Connie Reece www.twitter.com/conniereece Question: Twitter is rage but w/ the “TwitterStream” moving so quickly does it really make sense from a marketing perspective? The Twitter Stream flows rapidly. The lifespan of a tweet is inversely proportionate to the number of followers in your timeline. In other words, the more people you follow, the less time a tweet will be visible on your Twitter page. Tools like Twitter Search extend lifespan of a tweet. Search by username or keyword; you can link to results or subscribe by RSS. 3rd party apps like TweetDeck help organize your Twitter stream & allow you to create groups. Helpful if you follow lots of ppl. But keep in mind that average user (not adventurous early- adopter types) follows fewer than 100 ppl and uses Web interface. Marcom on Twitter is communicating *with* people, not *to* them. Use Twitter solely as broadcast channel & you will lose followers. Microbloggers can be influencers, not because of number of followers but authority and credibility earned over time. Twitter can be a big source of traffic to your blog. Trend: ppl now relying more on links from friends than RSS feeds. When sharing a link on Twitter, add concise description. Don’t say, “OMG this is awesome.” Tell me what you’re linking to and why. When describing a link, think like a headline writer. You’ve got 140 characters; use them to convince me to click your link. A retweet (RT) is the best kind of marketing: a third-party endorsement. Create content that people want to share. Hint: To make it easier for ppl to retweet, leave extra 15 chars for thr username. That way they don’t have to edit your content. Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com 34
  • 35. Instead of blasting messages randomly, use tools to find & follow ppl who will be interested in your product/service. Tools include Twitter Search and 3rd party apps like TwitterGrader, Mr. Tweet, etc. This is marketing through relationship building. You may also hear terms like conversational marketing or social media marketing. Twitter = opportunity to humanize your brand. Ex: @RichardatDell @LionelatDell - both individual & corporate at once. When tweeting for a company, let your individual voice shine through. Relate to people as people even when it’s business. Remember the Golden Rule: Tweet unto others as you would have them tweet unto you. AV Flox www.twitter.com/AVFlox Question: Twitter is rage but w/ the “TwitterStream” moving so quickly does it really make sense from a marketing perspective? Assuming your target market uses Twitter, it can be a good and cost-effective marketing tool. Like any form of marketing, using Twitter requires strategy: clarify your objectives. Twitter moves fast, but there is much to be gained from creating and maintaining discussions. Conversation generates interest, assists your positioning goal and gives you credibility. Having a presence on Twitter makes you accessible to consumers. Twitter is a powerful tool to survey consumer needs and engage defectors. A network expands your reach. Retweets are a good way to get to more people. Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com 35
  • 36. Twitter is useful in understanding your competition’s marketing strategy and weaknesses. Regular searches on your company will reveal your strengths and weaknesses. Don’t just talk about you—show your knowledge of your industry. Don’t spam. No one needs a link to your site in every tweet. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. You will. Be transparent and learn from them. Be human. In a highly computerized world, consumers value interacting with people. Have fun, be creative, don’t stop learning and reassessing your strategy. Key Concepts: 140 Characters Can Speak Volumes As with any social media initiative, Twitter’s success is built on providing value to your target audience. Part of that value is derived from your engagement with your Followers. Few @s makes for a dull Tweeter and in turn, fewer Followers. 1. Twitter influencers are derived from their credibility providing relevant information and engaging with their community … not from the number of their Followers. 2. By monitoring tweets you’ll gain insights, not only about your brand and customers, but your competitors. 3. Tweet chats can be a valuable resource, as well as, a grass roots learning experience. Continuing The Conversation 1. How will Twitter support your marketing objectives? 2. Who will be the voice/s that tweet on behalf of your brand? If you employee an agency or consultant consider how will you define transparency and ensure your brand’s value/promise is retained? 3. How will you identify the people you should follow and how will you engage with them? Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com 36
  • 37. Social Networks Living together is an art. – W. Pickens Tweet Intro Logistically social networks are an efficient and effective way to connect with many-to- many and many-to-one on the World Wide Web. We all have many “selves.” The challenge: how to combine both business & personal personae in a public network. How much of “you”? The opportunity to add photos, videos along with text increases the complexity & comfort level of people and company acceptance. No matter which social network you choose to belong to bottom- line it’s about people who enjoy common interests. “Strangers” not part of a community might perceive wall posts or tweets to be silly. But for Friends & Followers they are relevant. It’s not your teens Facebook any longer either. Baby Boomers are the “new” demo. How will they change SNs? Peer-to-peer interaction varies. Passive participation, multiple visits frm 1 person, are important 2. Influence builds over time. Relationships built w/in SN do impact purchase decisions. Smart brands don’t blast messages they become part of the ecosystem. Brands that offer value-add content And participate as members of the community will be the big winners. Yes it a risk? Yes. Can there be big payoffs? Yes. People-to-people relationships build mutual responsibility and accountability. Results = Sales. Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com 37
  • 38. Interview Nancy White offers her views that social networks are not necessarily new but are a continuation of a concept that has been in effect for over 29 years. She cautions not to over look what occurs on the “edges” of a community; and encourages that if you pay attention you’ll discover a few surprises that can be of great value. Nancy White www.twitter.com/nancywhite Question: What does social networking/community look like in 2-3 years? OK, first some term shorthand: Social Networking=SN and Comm=Community (tweetcheats) Definition for this tweet flow: Communities=bounded, shared interest, Soc Networks=fuzzy boundaries, overlapping interests Humility: We have always been SNing, just not online. The current upswing has been emerging for 20+ years. We didn’t invent it! Over time, SNing and comm life changes as our tools and processes emerge. Look for changes in practice and tech, not fundamentals. Biggest area of change will be how Comms can benefit from the wider SNs in which they sit. How will we maximize the boundaries? We’ll face at least 2 SN/Comm challenges: too many options & too many people. Sweet spot - develop tools and practices 4 this. Good things are on the edges so look for what happens on the edges of your Comms and SNs. Find links, patterns and people Practice prediction: We’ll use tools to look across their SNs and Comms. Multimedia to help us make sense where volume overwhelms Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com 38
  • 39. Challenge: We’ll struggle with personal & professional boundaries (as we do now). We’ll worry about privacy but — too late? Hope: We will find new ways to be together, to create, learn and produce in ways that affirm people and protect the planet Key Concepts: Community Of Shared Interests Social networks from Facebook to Twitter to branded communities are creating worlds where people learn from and with each other. Convenience, ease of use and value are factors which will determine a community’s longevity. As brands find utility in engaging with their customers in social networks, it is critical that they understand the culture of that environment; if they fail to do so they loose not only their way in social media but the goodwill of their community and brand champions. 1. Privacy issues and personal/professional boundaries will be key issues especial for “non digital natives.” 2. People who are engaged in social networks have a strong inclination to place brands higher on their purchase consideration set. 3. Peer-to-peer interaction will set the culture and direction of your community. Don’t under estimate the influence of one status update or one tweet. Continuing The Conversation 1. How will the social networks, you choose to participate in, support your marketing objectives? 2. Who will be the voice/s behind social networks? If you chose an agency or freelancer how will you handle transparency and ensure your brand’s value/promise is kept? 3. What type of engagement do your customers want from you/your “brand?” Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com 39
  • 40. Podcasts The human voice is the organ of the soul. – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Audio files were part of online marketing for many years. Web 2.0 technology made it easy. RSS expanded reach w/ MP3 portable. Listening to a laugh adds an extra dimension to the way your customers get to know you. Your voice brings more of your personality. As w/ other SM tactics, the strategy for your “radio show on demand” should be developed for each niche. Downloads can be measured. SM is all about choices. Customers want it their way. Hint frm Bill Marriott - record your blog posts. As for podcast content direction keep your brand values in mind and let your creativity soar. It’s about value-add not hard sell. Including listeners as active participants or “guests” is an exciting way to get to know your customers in a more intimate way. Interviews For Neville Hobson and Jim Turner podcasting is a great way to build a brand. Neville’s four step concept of how to create a successful podcast initiative places the listener at the heart. Jim calls podcasts the lazy man’s blogging. He reminds us that podcasts must be integrated into a larger social media program. Neville demonstrates how Twitter and a blog post can be integrated. Listen to the innovative podcast of his Twitter interview. Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com 40
  • 41. Neville Hobson www.twitter.com/jangles Question: How can podcasts support & extend a social media strategy? Much depends on what the measurable goals are of your overall strategy. Let’s pick one goal: build and nurture community. I offer the FIR podcast as an example. http://bit.ly/g8EGw FIR is the twice-weekly audio podcast I co-host with Shel Holtz (@shel) on Mondays and Thursdays which we started in Jan 2005. In our 4+ years of podcasting, FIR has developed an active and influential community. That community originally grouped around the show itself and the blog. Today, the focus has shifted: still the show itself, of course, but also the FIR Room on Friendfeed. Wherever your audience focus is, building community increases listener loyalty to your show (your brand). Members of the community share a common bond that enhances their sense of loyalty. The community is also a catalyst for content development: ideas come from the community not just the show’s hosts. All this has signficance when viewed in the context of supporting a broad social media strategy. Your podcast community can be a focal point around which all your other ‘social communication’ connects. It sounds easy to do, doesn’t it? But like everything, it takes time and commitment. Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com 41
  • 42. In our experience with FIR, there are four essentials to building community around a podcast. • 1st: Involve your listeners. Ask them questions: solicit their input. • 2nd: Encourage your listeners. Thank them, name them, praise them. • 3rd: Address their needs. Always respond to listeners’ questions and comments. • 4th: Engage your listeners. Make them the centre of your attention and all you do. So depending on your overall social media strategy, a podcast can help you achieve the following. Help customers feel like they are privileged insiders by providing a unique window into your brand. Help create a bond between customers and the people behind the brand. Give customers more of a say in the development of future brand extensions and marketing programmes. Jim Turner http://twitter.com/genuine Question: How can podcasts support & extend a social media strategy? I have always said a blog is a good place to call home. A place where you can invite customers and friends to talk to you. I have always said it is easier to talk than it is to type your thoughts. Podcasting is no different in that regard. Not only is it easier to talk than type it is easier to listen than it is to read. Podcasting could be the lazy man’s blogging. Passion, sarcasm, excitement and other emotion is much easier to communicate using a podcast than trying to write for some people. Podcasting is a great brand builder, yes, even if you are an individual. It makes you appear more personal than formal writing. Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com 42
  • 43. Podcasting is just a tool in the overall social media tool belt. For some it will be a more difficult task than is writing. You have to know your market, your demographic and the likelihood that they will participate with you in that area. There are ways to make podcasting an easy solution. It needs to be considered when sitting down with an overall social media plan. Count how many iPods or mp3’s you see on the subway, in schools, and other places. Podcasting helps deliver. Can it help you? Key Concepts: Voices Bring A Special Intimacy Podcasts add a unique dimension and personalization to a social media program. For people who may not be comfortable or want to write a blog, podcasting offers another option to connect with your customers. 1. Podcasts provide the ability to “time transfer” content through computers, iPads, MP3 players and smart phones. 2. Podcasts can help create additional intimacy with the people behind your brand and your customers. 3. As with any tactic, it’s important to have measurable goals that integrate into your overall strategy. Continuing The Conversation 1. How will podcasts support your marketing objectives and social media strategy? 2. What will be your high level content direction and the consistent, branded, format of your show? 3. How will you engage with your listeners to ensure they feel welcomed and consider themselves to be a part of your community? Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com 43
  • 44. Videos What you see is what you see. – Frank Stella Tweet Intro As the saying goes - the camera tells all . no place to hide. Vlogs can be the most personal of SM tactics. Often the most viral. Understanding your target audience & developing a strategy that supports your brand is more than a game. http://twurl.nl/31a3nu With that in mind, information integrated with humor can take your brand from mundane to YouTube stardom. http://twurl.nl/35hj6y Vlogs work in B2B. Develop a YouTube channel to support your brand. http://twurl.nl/544547 Most online video communities provide view stats & sites linking info. Reviews, sharing and comments bring it into social media. In “do it yourself”social media details matter even more than with vlogs. Lighting and sound can kill a great interview. Who should vlog? Based it on the person’s comfort level with the media & personality.Your smart CEO may not =great video host. With text/blogs, audio/podcasts and video/vlogs any company can be their own media enterprise. SM is about experimentation. Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com 44
  • 45. Interview Roxanne Darling tweets what may be a surprise. Did you know that the audio, not the visual, is the most critical aspect of a successful video? She reminds us that with any on-going customer communication vehicles, brand consistency is essential. Roxanne Darling www.twitter.com/roxannedarling Question: How can a vlog support and extend a social media strategy? Aloha & Welcome! Online video: If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is priceless! And the web has surely noticed. Online video comes in 4 flavors: live-stream, talking head cam, edited shows, & screen cast tutorial Online video takes more time/equipment to produce & is more compelling & transparent than text or audio blogging Online video hosting is free at these sites: blip.tv, viddler.com, youtube.com, dailymotion.com & many more Online video: YouTube is home to quality shows like JNJ Health from Johnson & Johnson; don’t dismiss it for your business Online video delivers max results when you provide both a Flash version that allows embed sharing plus an RSS feed for iTunes Online video: curiously, audio quality is more important than picture quality. Invest in an external mic & supported camera Online video: When it is nearly free to produce and host, why don’t you or your company have its own internet TV show yet? Online video: Do you have something to say? Yes. If you freeze in front of the camera, practice on unimportant topics. Online video: Consider having your business sponsor an existing show with built-in audience to get the feel of how video works Online video: Conversion rates & brand recall are several fold higher with podcasting ads than with banner or text ads Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com 45
  • 46. Online video book reference: Web Video: Making It Great, Getting It Noticed by Jennie Bourne http://bit.ly/jb-webvideo Online video work flow tip: build a template with recurring items:theme music, URL, contact info, copyright, logo Online video branding tip: use the same theme for recurring episodes and have your own original music Online video marketing tip: post your videos to www.TubeMogul.com to auto cross-post to multiple sites & get stats Online video: Chill out in #Hawaii with us on Beach Walks with Rox, www.beachwalks.tv. Aloha & Mahalo for joining us! Key Concepts: Lights, Camera, Action! So you wanna be a social media rock star? Videos provide the most intimate way of reaching out to your customers and stakeholders. Although videos can be inexpensively produced, basic production guidelines that ensure quality of lighting and sound, are critical. Even for an interview format developing a story-line can help increase viewers’ interest. 1. Videos are not just for B2C but work for B2B, as well as, nonprofit and healthcare. A well produced video can take your brand from mundane to rock star status. 2. Videos are assets that can be leveraged for multiple uses e.g., website, blog, social networks, tradeshows, newsletters, etc. 3. Develop a branded template that includes: theme music, URL, contact info, copyright, and logo. Continuing The Conversation 1. How will videos support your marketing objectives and social media strategy? 2. In addition to YouTube, have you identified other video platforms and made plans to include on your corporate website and blog? 3. If you consider sponsoring a video, have you taken into consideration the match of the host and content direction with your brand values? Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com 46
  • 47. RSS - Real Simple Syndication You try to give away what you want yourself. – Lois McMaster Bujol Tweet Intro Real Simple Syndication/RSS is the secret of the success of many social media marketing programs. You choose the content you want. For the non techs in the stream simply put RSS is coding that allows for specific content to be distributed to through feeds. People who are interested in receiving your content through this channel can subscriber to news readers with no eMail required. RSS is incorporated into most blog platforms. Every time new content is added Web 2.0 magic happens. Your news reader is “pinged.” In our world where people are crunched for time, RSS provides a solution that ensures our customers receive relevant information. In addition to blogs, news publishers were one of the first to incorporate the big orange button into their distribution strategy. The common theme of SM is basic marketing 101. Understand your customer and build to fit her needs. Same is valid for RSS When developing your RSS strategy consider the type of information your customers want. Think: niche content opportunities. Once again we learn that social media is about choices. However, those choices are not for us . they belong to our customers. Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com 47
  • 48. Interviews In their tweet interviews Bill Flitter and Nick Burcher clearly and simply explain the mystery of RSS. Nick uses the analogy of RSS as a radio station where you tune into listen to what you want when you want. For Bill one of the benefits of RSS is using the technology to consolidate your media assets, ensuring that your customers have easy access to all of your digital content. Bill Flitter www.twitter.com/bflitter Question: How can RSS support and extend a social media marketing strategy? RSS is a tool that enables two key components of SMMS: Aggregation and Syndication. SMM is not a campaign, its a marathon. Syndication reaches today’s fragmented audiences. We have so many choices of content and places to consume that content. Think about your SMMS as an ongoing narrative. One off blog posts need not play here. Expand how you think about what creative is. Creative in a SMMS is content: Videos posted to YouTube, blog posts sent to Facebook, PR releases, Tweets, delicious links. Find your digital center (Twitter/Blog/Meet-ups): hub of where your SMM begins. Use it as a springboard to syndicate beyond. Aggregation: Use RSS to collect your media assets so your loyalist can easily have access to them. Measurement: measure the flow of your content running through the RSS pipe, understand how users are interacting with your content. A successful SMMS includes RSS. It makes it easy to extend your reach/brand where traditional methods fail. It’s the ground troops. RSS extends your reach/content. Provides flexibility to your audience. They consume where/when/how they want. Toby Bloomberg | www.twitter.com/tobydiva | www.divamarketingblog.com 48