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Social Networking
 and Social Media
         May 2010

      Sangki Han, Ph.D.
      Professor / GSCT

Social Media

• Media designed to be disseminated through
  social interaction, created using highly
  accessible and scalable publishing techniques
  - Wikipedia, Nov. 22nd 2009

Basic Form of Social Media
 Social Network: Facebook, MySpace, CyWorld, Bebo, Mixi, ...
 Blogs: Naver, Tistory, Egloos, ...
 Blog Aggregators: Technorati, AllBlog, Blog Korea, ...
 Wikis: Wikipedia
 Podcasts
 Forum: Agora, Slashdot, ...
 Content Communities: Flickr (Photo), YouTube (Video),
  Del.icio.us (Bookmark), Digg (News)
 Microblogging: Twitter, me2day

How Big a Deal Is Social
• Technorati is tracking 112.8 million blogs and over 250 million
  pieces of tagged social media
• 100,000,000 views a day on YouTube (Oct. 2009)
• More than 300 million profiles created by users on social
  network MySpace and Facebook
• 13,000,000 articles on Wikipedia
• 3,600,000,000 photos on Flickr.com as of June 2009
• 3,000,000 Tweets per day
• 1,000,000,000 content shared each week on Facebook

Top Online Video Brand

Hulu Has More Viewers Than
    Time Warner Cable

Why Is Social Media So
                                               From: Marta Kagan, Magaging Director of Espresso, US

• Out of 4 Americans use social technology
    - Forrester, The Growth of Social Technology                                   March 2009

      Adoption, 2008                                                               Global Faces and
                                                                                   Networked Places
                                                                                   A Nielsen report on
                                                                                   Social Networking’s

• ⅔ of the global internet population visit social networks                        New Global Footprint

• Visiting social sites is now the 4th most popular online
• Time spent on social networks is growling at 3X the
  overall Internet rate, accounting for ~10% of all Internet
• Social media is democratizing communications
                                                                                                                             Social networks/

    - “Technology is shifting the power away from the
                                                                                                                                blogs now 4th
                                                                                                                          most popular online
                                                                                                                          category – ahead of
                                                                                                                              personal e-mail
                                                                                                                       These sites account for

      editors, the publishers, the establishment, the media
                                                                                                                one in every 11 minutes online
                                                                                                       Orkut in Brazil has the largest domestic
                                                                                                      online reach (70%) of any social network
                                                                                                                         anywhere in the world

      elite. Now it’s the people who are in control.” --
                                                                                             Facebook has the highest average time per visitor
                                                                                         amongst the 75 most popular brands online worldwide

      Rupert Murdoch

Crisis of “Paper Journalism”

Expenditure and Revenue Source

 Media share of US Advertising 1959-2009                                                       Change in Ad Revenue by Medium
                                                                                                         2008 to 2009

      Source: Martin Langeveld at Nieman Journalism Lab; data from NAA, TVB, IAB, McCann

                                                                                           9                           SPRING 2010 GCT784
Unique Visitors of News Site

                    [The State of the News Media 2010]

Changes of News Access
  Trends in news access

                               Source: Pew Research

Newspaper Economics
 Revenue and costs

    Revenue (%)                                                               Costs as % of revenue

   Advertising                                                80              Core                         35%
     Retail                                  40%                               Promotion           12%
     Classified                              32%                               Editorial           14%
     National                                   8%                             Administrative        9%
   Sales                                                      20              Prodn & Distn                52%
     Newsstand                               17%                               Production          20%
     Subscription                               3%                             Distribution        14%
   Total                                     100%             100              Raw materials       18%
                                                                              Total                87%     87%

                                                                              Internet distribution
                                                                              could cut production
                                                                              costs by at least half.
  Source: Vogel, H, Entertainment Industry Economics, 7th edition, page 343
                                                                                              [Source: Hal Varian, March 9, 2010
                                                                                              (revised March 13, 2010)]

“In media, we are moving from a
     content economy to a link
-- BuzzMachine blog by Jeff Jarvis, journalist and associate
  professor at CUNY’s Graduate School of Journalism

Sharing the Link

New Journalism

“the impact of social media was overestimated
in the short term and underestimated in long
term” - Richard Sambrook, the director of the
BBC Global News Division
                                                15   SPRING 2010 GCT784
New News Platform?

        16           SPRING 2010 GCT784
Social media have changed
the way the world works
       - Clay Shirky

Everyone is Author
• Denis G. Pelli, a professor of psychology and neural science at New York University and
  co-inventor of the Pelli-Robson contrast sensitivity chart. Charles Bigelow, the Carey
  Distinguished Professor of Graphic Arts at the Rochester Institute of Technology, a
  MacArthur Foundation prize fellow, and co-designer of the widely used Lucida font.


Twitter User Statistics
• Twitter now has 105,779,710 registered users.
• New users are signing up at the rate of 300,000 per day.
• 180 million unique visitors come to the site every month.
• 75% of Twitter traffic comes from outside Twitter.com (i.e. via third
  party applications.)
• Twitter gets a total of 3 billion requests a day via its API.
• Twitter users are, in total, tweeting an average of 55 million tweets a
• Twitter's search engine receives around 600 million search queries
  per day.
• Of Twitter's active users, 37 percent use their phone to tweet.
• Over half of all tweets (60 percent) come from third party
• Twitter itself has grown: in the past year alone, it has grown from 25
  to 175 employees.
                                    20                            SPRING 2010 GCT784
The Growth of Twitter

Milestone of Twitter

               Chart source: Comscore Media Metrix

Success in Ecosystem: Twitter
       Over 70,000 Twitter applications

How Do You Use Twitter?

Twitter vs. Blog

Kids Don't Hate Twitter Anymore!

Twitter Data Analysis
• Twitter's user growth is no longer accelerating. The rate of new user acquisition has plateaued at
   around 8 million per month.
• Over 14% of users don't have a single follower, and over 75% of users have 10 or fewer followers.
• 38% of users have never sent a single tweet, and over 75% of users have sent fewer than 10 tweets.
• 1 in 4 registered users tweets in any given month.
• Once a user has tweeted once, there is a 65% chance that they will tweet again. After that second
   tweet, however, the chance of a third tweet goes up to 81%.
• If someone is still tweeting in their second week as a user, it is extremely likely that they will
   remain on Twitter as a long-term user.
• Users who joined in more recent months are less likely to stop using the service and more likely to
   tweet more often than users from the past.
                                                                     Robert J. Moore, the CEO and co-founder of RJMetrics

Support Multi-Platform

Twitter CEO on the
      Future of Twitter
• User-Generated Lists on a
 Particular Subject

• Geographical Location Datelines

• Reputation System

• Searchability and Organization of

The Future of Twitter’s Platform at Chirp

• Twitter-Built BlackBerry App
• Acquisition of Tweetie
• Launch of Twitter’s ad platform
• Places: developers will be able to attach location-
  based metadata and use it to enhance their
• User Streams: will make Twitter apps real-time.
• Annotations: allows developers to attach little
  pieces of metadata to tweets

Social Web Technology in 2010

• Rise of Twitter and realtime
  messaging and search

• Realtime feed aggregation
  - ActivitySteams
  - PubSubHubPub - realtime
  - Salmon - comments and responses
    on syndicated feed content
Researches on Twitter
          What is Twitter, a Social Network or a News Media?
                                                                                                                                                                     Measuring User Influence in Twitter: The Million Follower Fallacy
                         Haewoon Kwak, Changhyun Lee, Hosung Park, and Sue Moon
                                                                                                                                                               Meeyoung Cha∗                   Hamed Haddadi†              Fabr´cio Benevenuto‡
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ı                            Krishna P. Gummadi∗
                                               Department of Computer Science, KAIST
                                             335 Gwahangno, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea                                                                                                    ∗
                                                                                                                                                                                              Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS), Germany
                          {haewoon, chlee, hosung}@an.kaist.ac.kr, sbmoon@kaist.edu                                                                                                       †
                                                                                                                                                                                              Royal Veterinary College, University of London, United Kingdom
                                                                                                                                                                                                CS Dept., Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil

ABSTRACT                                                                    1.    INTRODUCTION                                                                                       Abstract                                  a minority of users, called influentials, excel in persuading
Twitter, a microblogging service less than three years old, com-               Twitter, a microblogging service, has emerged as a new medium                                                                                   others (Rogers 1962). This theory predicts that by target-
mands more than 41 million users as of July 2009 and is growing             in spotlight through recent happenings, such as an American stu-                  Directed links in social media could represent anything          ing these influentials in the network, one may achieve a
fast. Twitter users tweet about any topic within the 140-character          dent jailed in Egypt and the US Airways plane crash on the Hudson                 from intimate friendships to common interests, or even
                                                                                                                                                              a passion for breaking news or celebrity gossip. Such
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               large-scale chain-reaction of influence driven by word-of-
limit and follow others to receive their tweets. The goal of this           river. Twitter users follow others or are followed. Unlike on most
                                                                                                                                                              directed links determine the flow of information and              mouth, with a very small marketing cost (Katz and Lazars-
paper is to study the topological characteristics of Twitter and its        online social networking sites, such as Facebook or MySpace, the
                                                                            relationship of following and being followed requires no reciproca-               hence indicate a user’s influence on others—a concept             feld 1955). A more modern view, in contrast, de-emphasizes
power as a new medium of information sharing.
                                                                            tion. A user can follow any other user, and the user being followed               that is crucial in sociology and viral marketing. In this        the role of influentials. Instead, it posits that the key fac-
   We have crawled the entire Twitter site and obtained 41.7 million
user profiles, 1.47 billion social relations, 4, 262 trending topics,        need not follow back. Being a follower on Twitter means that the                  paper, using a large amount of data collected from Twit-         tors determining influence are (i) the interpersonal rela-
and 106 million tweets. In its follower-following topology analysis         user receives all the messages (called tweets) from those the user                ter, we present an in-depth comparison of three mea-             tionship among ordinary users and (ii) the readiness of a
we have found a non-power-law follower distribution, a short effec-         follows. Common practice of responding to a tweet has evolved                     sures of influence: indegree, retweets, and mentions.             society to adopt an innovation (Watts and Dodds 2007;
                                                                            into well-defined markup culture: RT stands for retweet, ’@’ fol-                  Based on these measures, we investigate the dynam-               Domingos and Richardson 2001). This modern view of in-
tive diameter, and low reciprocity, which all mark a deviation from
                                                                            lowed by a user identifier address the user, and ’#’ followed by a                 ics of user influence across topics and time. We make             fluence leads to marketing strategies such as collaborative
known characteristics of human social networks [28]. In order to
                                                                            word represents a hashtag. This well-defined markup vocabulary                     several interesting observations. First, popular users           filtering. These theories, however, are still just theories, be-
identify influentials on Twitter, we have ranked users by the number
                                                                                                                                                              who have high indegree are not necessarily influential
of followers and by PageRank and found two rankings to be sim-              combined with a strict limit of 140 characters per posting conve-
                                                                                                                                                              in terms of spawning retweets or mentions. Second,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               cause there has been a lack of empirical data that could be
ilar. Ranking by retweets differs from the previous two rankings,           niences users with brevity in expression. The retweet mechanism                                                                                    used to validate either of them. The recent advent of social
                                                                                                                                                              most influential users can hold significant influence over
indicating a gap in influence inferred from the number of followers          empowers users to spread information of their choice beyond the                                                                                    networking sites and the data within such sites now allow
                                                                                                                                                              a variety of topics. Third, influence is not gained spon-
and that from the popularity of one’s tweets. We have analyzed the          reach of the original tweet’s followers.                                                                                                           researchers to empirically validate these theories.
                                                                                                                                                              taneously or accidentally, but through concerted effort
tweets of top trending topics and reported on their temporal behav-            How are people connected on Twitter? Who are the most influ-                    such as limiting tweets to a single topic. We believe that          Moving from theory into practice, we find that there are
ior and user participation. We have classified the trending topics           ential people? What do people talk about? How does information                    these findings provide new insights for viral marketing
                                                                            diffuse via retweet? The goal of this work is to study the topolog-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               many other unanswered questions about how influence dif-
based on the active period and the tweets and show that the ma-                                                                                               and suggest that topological measures such as indegree
                                                                            ical characteristics of Twitter and its power as a new medium of                                                                                   fuses through a population and whether it varies across top-
jority (over 85%) of topics are headline news or persistent news in                                                                                           alone reveals very little about the influence of a user.
nature. A closer look at retweets reveals that any retweeted tweet          information sharing. We have crawled 41.7 million user profiles,                                                                                    ics and time. People have different levels of expertise on
is to reach an average of 1, 000 users no matter what the number            1.47 billion social relations, and 106 million tweets1 . We begin                                                                                  various subjects. When it comes to marketing, however, this
of followers is of the original tweet. Once retweeted, a tweet gets         with the network analysis and study the distributions of followers                                   Introduction                                  fact is generally ignored. Marketing services actively search
retweeted almost instantly on next hops, signifying fast diffusion          and followings, the relation between followers and tweets, reci-                                                                                   for potential influencers to promote various items. These
                                                                            procity, degrees of separation, and homophily. Next we rank users            Influence has long been studied in the fields of sociology,             influencers range from “cool” teenagers, local opinion lead-
of information after the 1st retweet.
   To the best of our knowledge this work is the first quantitative          by the number of followers, PageRank, and the number of retweets             communication, marketing, and political science (Rogers               ers, all the way to popular public figures. However, the ad-
study on the entire Twittersphere and information diffusion on it.          and present quantitative comparison among them. The ranking by               1962; Katz and Lazarsfeld 1955). The notion of influence               vertised items are often far outside the domain of expertise
                                                                            retweets pushes those with fewer than a million followers on top             plays a vital role in how businesses operate and how a soci-          of these hired individuals. So how effective are these mar-
                                                                            of those with more than a million followers. Through our trending            ety functions—for instance, see observations on how fashion           keting strategies? Can a person’s influence in one area be
                                                                            topic analysis we show what categories trending topics are classi-           spreads (Gladwell 2002) and how people vote (Berry and
Categories and Subject Descriptors                                          fied into, how long they last, and how many users participate. Fi-            Keller 2003). Studying influence patterns can help us bet-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               transferred to other areas?
J.4 [Computer Applications]: Social and behavioral sciences                                                                                                                                                                       In this paper, we present an empirical analysis of influ-
                                                                            nally, we study the information diffusion by retweet. We construct           ter understand why certain trends or innovations are adopted
                                                                            retweet trees and examine their temporal and spatial characteris-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ence patterns in a popular social medium. Using a large
                                                                                                                                                         faster than others and how we could help advertisers and
                                                                            tics. To the best of our knowledge this work is the first quantitative                                                                              amount of data gathered from Twitter, we compare three dif-
                                                                                                                                                         marketers design more effective campaigns. Studying influ-
General Terms                                                               study on the entire Twittersphere and information diffusion on it.                                                                                 ferent measures of influence: indegree, retweets, and men-
                                                                                                                                                         ence patterns, however, has been difficult. This is because
                                                                               This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes our data                                                                                tions.1 Focusing on different topics, we examine how the
Human Factors, Measurement                                                                                                                               such a study does not lend itself to readily available quan-
                                                                            crawling methodology on Twitter’s user profile, trending topics,                                                                                    three types of influential users performed in spreading pop-
                                                                                                                                                         tification, and essential components like human choices and
                                                                            and tweet messages. We conduct basic topological analysis of the                                                                                   ular news topics. We also investigate the dynamics of an
                                                                                                                                                         the ways our societies function cannot be reproduced within
                                                                            Twitter network in Section 3. In Section 4 we apply the PageRank                                                                                   individual’s influence by topic and over time. Finally, we
Keywords                                                                                                                                                 the confines of the lab.
                                                                            algorithm on the Twitter network and compare its outcome against                                                                                   characterize the precise behaviors that make ordinary indi-
                                                                            ranking by retweets. In Section 5 we study how their popularity                 Nevertheless, there have been important theoretical stud-          viduals gain high influence over a short period of time.
Twitter, Online social network, Reciprocity, Homophily, Degree of                                                                                        ies on the diffusion of influence, albeit with radically dif-
separation, Retweet, Information diffusion, Influential, PageRank            rises and falls among users over time. In Section 6 we focus in-
                                                                            formation diffusion through retweet trees. Section 7 covers related          ferent results. Traditional communication theory states that            1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Indegree is the number of people who follow a user; retweets
Copyright is held by the International World Wide Web Conference Com-       work and puts our work in perspective. In Section 8 we conclude.
mittee (IW3C2). Distribution of these papers is limited to classroom use,
                                                                                                                                                         Copyright c 2010, Association for the Advancement of Artificial        mean the number of times others “forward” a user’s tweet; and
and personal use by others.                                                 1
                                                                              We make our dataset publicly available online at:                          Intelligence (www.aaai.org). All rights reserved.                     mentions mean the number of times others mention a user’s name.
WWW 2010, April 26–30, 2010, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.                  http://an.kaist.ac.kr/traces/WWW2010.html
ACM 978-1-60558-799-8/10/04.

Researches on Social Media
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        "BE(1!'+(!>I#($%!,.!7(J9J$>(%!',,->!$1%!>,*B$-!1(7>!D(%B$!                   >V&$%<!$>!(E(#3!&>(#!+$>!$1!(V&$--3! 7(B2+'(%!E,'(H!61!'+B>!
        >(#EB*(>!7+B*+!$#(!.$*B-B'$'B12!2#$>>#,,'>!@,&#1$-B>D<!'+(#(!B>!             I$I(#<! 7(! I#,I,>(! $! 7(B2+'(%! E,'B12! J$>(%! 1(7>! #$18B12!
        $!2#,7B12!B1'(#(>'!B1!>(-(*'B12!*#(%BJ-(!1(7>!*,1'(1'!$D,12!                 >3>'(D! ',! %($-! 7B'+! '+B>! I#,J-(D! 7B'+! *,--(*'BE(!
        $! +&2(! 1&DJ(#! ,.! $#'B*-(>H! /&##(1'-3<! D,>'! ,.! >,*B$-! 1(7>!          B1'(--B2(1*(H!!
        >(#EB*(>!#(-3!,1!#($%(#!E,'(>!',!>(-(*'!$#'B*-(>!.,#!'+(B#!.#,1'!            ! )'&%B(>! ,1! '#$%B'B,1$-! 1(7>! *#(%BJB-B'3! .,*&>! ,1!.B1%B12!
        I$2(>H! !"#$%$&'( )*$( +,-./0$-)/1( 2&"31$0( 45( )*/)( ,5$&56(               ,&'!D($>&#B12!*,DI,1(1'>!.,#!I(#*(BE(%!D(%B$!*#(%BJB-B'3!
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        %(I(1%B12! ,1! +,7! *#(%BJ-(! '+(! $#'B*-(>! E,'(%! .,#! $#(H! K(!           >I(*B.B(%! ',! ,1-B1(! @,&#1$-B>D! T4B,&>B>! SWWWU<! J&'! $->,!
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        &>(#6>!E,'B12!7(B2+'!B1!,&#!>3>'(DH!0+(!#(>&-'>!B1%B*$'(!'+$'!               Z$DI(! [! LH! 4(--3! "$##('! QRRUH! M,7(E(#<! '+(>(! >'&%B(>!
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Cultural Difference?
• Top 14% of users account for 80% of total tweets
   - 20% of tweets from Top 1% users
• Koreans use more @ and RT than international users

           * Data for International user is from: danah boyd, Scott Golder, and Gilad Lotan (Forthcoming, 2010)."Tweet Tweet Retweet: Conversational Aspects of
           Retweeting on Twitter." Proceedings of HICSS-42, Persistent Conversation Track. Kauai, HI: IEEE Computer Society. January 5-8, 2010.


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  • 1. Social Networking and Social Media May 2010 Sangki Han, Ph.D. Professor / GSCT KAIST 1
  • 2. Social Media • Media designed to be disseminated through social interaction, created using highly accessible and scalable publishing techniques - Wikipedia, Nov. 22nd 2009 2
  • 3. Basic Form of Social Media  Social Network: Facebook, MySpace, CyWorld, Bebo, Mixi, ...  Blogs: Naver, Tistory, Egloos, ...  Blog Aggregators: Technorati, AllBlog, Blog Korea, ...  Wikis: Wikipedia  Podcasts  Forum: Agora, Slashdot, ...  Content Communities: Flickr (Photo), YouTube (Video), Del.icio.us (Bookmark), Digg (News)  Microblogging: Twitter, me2day 3
  • 4. How Big a Deal Is Social Media • Technorati is tracking 112.8 million blogs and over 250 million pieces of tagged social media • 100,000,000 views a day on YouTube (Oct. 2009) • More than 300 million profiles created by users on social network MySpace and Facebook • 13,000,000 articles on Wikipedia • 3,600,000,000 photos on Flickr.com as of June 2009 • 3,000,000 Tweets per day • 1,000,000,000 content shared each week on Facebook 4
  • 6. Hulu Has More Viewers Than Time Warner Cable 6
  • 7. Why Is Social Media So Important? From: Marta Kagan, Magaging Director of Espresso, US • Out of 4 Americans use social technology - Forrester, The Growth of Social Technology March 2009 Adoption, 2008 Global Faces and Networked Places A Nielsen report on Social Networking’s • ⅔ of the global internet population visit social networks New Global Footprint • Visiting social sites is now the 4th most popular online activity • Time spent on social networks is growling at 3X the overall Internet rate, accounting for ~10% of all Internet time • Social media is democratizing communications INSIDE: Social networks/ - “Technology is shifting the power away from the blogs now 4th most popular online category – ahead of personal e-mail These sites account for editors, the publishers, the establishment, the media one in every 11 minutes online Orkut in Brazil has the largest domestic online reach (70%) of any social network anywhere in the world elite. Now it’s the people who are in control.” -- Facebook has the highest average time per visitor amongst the 75 most popular brands online worldwide Rupert Murdoch 7
  • 8. Crisis of “Paper Journalism” 8
  • 9. Expenditure and Revenue Source Media share of US Advertising 1959-2009 Change in Ad Revenue by Medium 2008 to 2009 Source: Martin Langeveld at Nieman Journalism Lab; data from NAA, TVB, IAB, McCann 9 SPRING 2010 GCT784
  • 10. Unique Visitors of News Site [The State of the News Media 2010] 10
  • 11. Changes of News Access Trends in news access Source: Pew Research 11
  • 12. Newspaper Economics Revenue and costs Revenue (%) Costs as % of revenue Advertising 80 Core 35% Retail 40% Promotion 12% Classified 32% Editorial 14% National 8% Administrative 9% Sales 20 Prodn & Distn 52% Newsstand 17% Production 20% Subscription 3% Distribution 14% Total 100% 100 Raw materials 18% Total 87% 87% Internet distribution could cut production costs by at least half. Source: Vogel, H, Entertainment Industry Economics, 7th edition, page 343 [Source: Hal Varian, March 9, 2010 (revised March 13, 2010)] 12
  • 13. “In media, we are moving from a content economy to a link economy” -- BuzzMachine blog by Jeff Jarvis, journalist and associate professor at CUNY’s Graduate School of Journalism 13
  • 15. New Journalism “the impact of social media was overestimated in the short term and underestimated in long term” - Richard Sambrook, the director of the BBC Global News Division 15 SPRING 2010 GCT784
  • 16. New News Platform? 16 SPRING 2010 GCT784
  • 17. Social media have changed the way the world works - Clay Shirky 17
  • 18. Everyone is Author • Denis G. Pelli, a professor of psychology and neural science at New York University and co-inventor of the Pelli-Robson contrast sensitivity chart. Charles Bigelow, the Carey Distinguished Professor of Graphic Arts at the Rochester Institute of Technology, a MacArthur Foundation prize fellow, and co-designer of the widely used Lucida font. 18
  • 20. Twitter User Statistics • Twitter now has 105,779,710 registered users. • New users are signing up at the rate of 300,000 per day. • 180 million unique visitors come to the site every month. • 75% of Twitter traffic comes from outside Twitter.com (i.e. via third party applications.) • Twitter gets a total of 3 billion requests a day via its API. • Twitter users are, in total, tweeting an average of 55 million tweets a day. • Twitter's search engine receives around 600 million search queries per day. • Of Twitter's active users, 37 percent use their phone to tweet. • Over half of all tweets (60 percent) come from third party applications. • Twitter itself has grown: in the past year alone, it has grown from 25 to 175 employees. 20 SPRING 2010 GCT784
  • 21. The Growth of Twitter 21
  • 22. Milestone of Twitter Chart source: Comscore Media Metrix 22
  • 23. 23
  • 24. Success in Ecosystem: Twitter Over 70,000 Twitter applications 24
  • 25. How Do You Use Twitter? 25
  • 27. Kids Don't Hate Twitter Anymore! 27
  • 28. Twitter Data Analysis • Twitter's user growth is no longer accelerating. The rate of new user acquisition has plateaued at around 8 million per month. • Over 14% of users don't have a single follower, and over 75% of users have 10 or fewer followers. • 38% of users have never sent a single tweet, and over 75% of users have sent fewer than 10 tweets. • 1 in 4 registered users tweets in any given month. • Once a user has tweeted once, there is a 65% chance that they will tweet again. After that second tweet, however, the chance of a third tweet goes up to 81%. • If someone is still tweeting in their second week as a user, it is extremely likely that they will remain on Twitter as a long-term user. • Users who joined in more recent months are less likely to stop using the service and more likely to tweet more often than users from the past. Robert J. Moore, the CEO and co-founder of RJMetrics 28
  • 30. Twitter CEO on the Future of Twitter • User-Generated Lists on a Particular Subject • Geographical Location Datelines • Reputation System • Searchability and Organization of Tweets 30
  • 31. The Future of Twitter’s Platform at Chirp • Twitter-Built BlackBerry App • Acquisition of Tweetie • Launch of Twitter’s ad platform • Places: developers will be able to attach location- based metadata and use it to enhance their products. • User Streams: will make Twitter apps real-time. • Annotations: allows developers to attach little pieces of metadata to tweets 31
  • 32. Social Web Technology in 2010 • Rise of Twitter and realtime messaging and search • Realtime feed aggregation technology - ActivitySteams - PubSubHubPub - realtime notification - Salmon - comments and responses on syndicated feed content
  • 33. Researches on Twitter What is Twitter, a Social Network or a News Media? Measuring User Influence in Twitter: The Million Follower Fallacy Haewoon Kwak, Changhyun Lee, Hosung Park, and Sue Moon Meeyoung Cha∗ Hamed Haddadi† Fabr´cio Benevenuto‡ ı Krishna P. Gummadi∗ Department of Computer Science, KAIST 335 Gwahangno, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea ∗ Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS), Germany {haewoon, chlee, hosung}@an.kaist.ac.kr, sbmoon@kaist.edu † Royal Veterinary College, University of London, United Kingdom ‡ CS Dept., Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil ABSTRACT 1. INTRODUCTION Abstract a minority of users, called influentials, excel in persuading Twitter, a microblogging service less than three years old, com- Twitter, a microblogging service, has emerged as a new medium others (Rogers 1962). This theory predicts that by target- mands more than 41 million users as of July 2009 and is growing in spotlight through recent happenings, such as an American stu- Directed links in social media could represent anything ing these influentials in the network, one may achieve a fast. Twitter users tweet about any topic within the 140-character dent jailed in Egypt and the US Airways plane crash on the Hudson from intimate friendships to common interests, or even a passion for breaking news or celebrity gossip. Such large-scale chain-reaction of influence driven by word-of- limit and follow others to receive their tweets. The goal of this river. Twitter users follow others or are followed. Unlike on most directed links determine the flow of information and mouth, with a very small marketing cost (Katz and Lazars- paper is to study the topological characteristics of Twitter and its online social networking sites, such as Facebook or MySpace, the relationship of following and being followed requires no reciproca- hence indicate a user’s influence on others—a concept feld 1955). A more modern view, in contrast, de-emphasizes power as a new medium of information sharing. tion. A user can follow any other user, and the user being followed that is crucial in sociology and viral marketing. In this the role of influentials. Instead, it posits that the key fac- We have crawled the entire Twitter site and obtained 41.7 million user profiles, 1.47 billion social relations, 4, 262 trending topics, need not follow back. Being a follower on Twitter means that the paper, using a large amount of data collected from Twit- tors determining influence are (i) the interpersonal rela- and 106 million tweets. In its follower-following topology analysis user receives all the messages (called tweets) from those the user ter, we present an in-depth comparison of three mea- tionship among ordinary users and (ii) the readiness of a we have found a non-power-law follower distribution, a short effec- follows. Common practice of responding to a tweet has evolved sures of influence: indegree, retweets, and mentions. society to adopt an innovation (Watts and Dodds 2007; into well-defined markup culture: RT stands for retweet, ’@’ fol- Based on these measures, we investigate the dynam- Domingos and Richardson 2001). This modern view of in- tive diameter, and low reciprocity, which all mark a deviation from lowed by a user identifier address the user, and ’#’ followed by a ics of user influence across topics and time. We make fluence leads to marketing strategies such as collaborative known characteristics of human social networks [28]. In order to word represents a hashtag. This well-defined markup vocabulary several interesting observations. First, popular users filtering. These theories, however, are still just theories, be- identify influentials on Twitter, we have ranked users by the number who have high indegree are not necessarily influential of followers and by PageRank and found two rankings to be sim- combined with a strict limit of 140 characters per posting conve- in terms of spawning retweets or mentions. Second, cause there has been a lack of empirical data that could be ilar. Ranking by retweets differs from the previous two rankings, niences users with brevity in expression. The retweet mechanism used to validate either of them. The recent advent of social most influential users can hold significant influence over indicating a gap in influence inferred from the number of followers empowers users to spread information of their choice beyond the networking sites and the data within such sites now allow a variety of topics. Third, influence is not gained spon- and that from the popularity of one’s tweets. We have analyzed the reach of the original tweet’s followers. researchers to empirically validate these theories. taneously or accidentally, but through concerted effort tweets of top trending topics and reported on their temporal behav- How are people connected on Twitter? Who are the most influ- such as limiting tweets to a single topic. We believe that Moving from theory into practice, we find that there are ior and user participation. We have classified the trending topics ential people? What do people talk about? How does information these findings provide new insights for viral marketing diffuse via retweet? The goal of this work is to study the topolog- many other unanswered questions about how influence dif- based on the active period and the tweets and show that the ma- and suggest that topological measures such as indegree ical characteristics of Twitter and its power as a new medium of fuses through a population and whether it varies across top- jority (over 85%) of topics are headline news or persistent news in alone reveals very little about the influence of a user. nature. A closer look at retweets reveals that any retweeted tweet information sharing. We have crawled 41.7 million user profiles, ics and time. People have different levels of expertise on is to reach an average of 1, 000 users no matter what the number 1.47 billion social relations, and 106 million tweets1 . We begin various subjects. When it comes to marketing, however, this of followers is of the original tweet. Once retweeted, a tweet gets with the network analysis and study the distributions of followers Introduction fact is generally ignored. Marketing services actively search retweeted almost instantly on next hops, signifying fast diffusion and followings, the relation between followers and tweets, reci- for potential influencers to promote various items. These procity, degrees of separation, and homophily. Next we rank users Influence has long been studied in the fields of sociology, influencers range from “cool” teenagers, local opinion lead- of information after the 1st retweet. To the best of our knowledge this work is the first quantitative by the number of followers, PageRank, and the number of retweets communication, marketing, and political science (Rogers ers, all the way to popular public figures. However, the ad- study on the entire Twittersphere and information diffusion on it. and present quantitative comparison among them. The ranking by 1962; Katz and Lazarsfeld 1955). The notion of influence vertised items are often far outside the domain of expertise retweets pushes those with fewer than a million followers on top plays a vital role in how businesses operate and how a soci- of these hired individuals. So how effective are these mar- of those with more than a million followers. Through our trending ety functions—for instance, see observations on how fashion keting strategies? Can a person’s influence in one area be topic analysis we show what categories trending topics are classi- spreads (Gladwell 2002) and how people vote (Berry and Categories and Subject Descriptors fied into, how long they last, and how many users participate. Fi- Keller 2003). Studying influence patterns can help us bet- transferred to other areas? J.4 [Computer Applications]: Social and behavioral sciences In this paper, we present an empirical analysis of influ- nally, we study the information diffusion by retweet. We construct ter understand why certain trends or innovations are adopted retweet trees and examine their temporal and spatial characteris- ence patterns in a popular social medium. Using a large faster than others and how we could help advertisers and tics. To the best of our knowledge this work is the first quantitative amount of data gathered from Twitter, we compare three dif- marketers design more effective campaigns. Studying influ- General Terms study on the entire Twittersphere and information diffusion on it. ferent measures of influence: indegree, retweets, and men- ence patterns, however, has been difficult. This is because This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes our data tions.1 Focusing on different topics, we examine how the Human Factors, Measurement such a study does not lend itself to readily available quan- crawling methodology on Twitter’s user profile, trending topics, three types of influential users performed in spreading pop- tification, and essential components like human choices and and tweet messages. We conduct basic topological analysis of the ular news topics. We also investigate the dynamics of an the ways our societies function cannot be reproduced within Twitter network in Section 3. In Section 4 we apply the PageRank individual’s influence by topic and over time. Finally, we Keywords the confines of the lab. algorithm on the Twitter network and compare its outcome against characterize the precise behaviors that make ordinary indi- ranking by retweets. In Section 5 we study how their popularity Nevertheless, there have been important theoretical stud- viduals gain high influence over a short period of time. Twitter, Online social network, Reciprocity, Homophily, Degree of ies on the diffusion of influence, albeit with radically dif- separation, Retweet, Information diffusion, Influential, PageRank rises and falls among users over time. In Section 6 we focus in- formation diffusion through retweet trees. Section 7 covers related ferent results. Traditional communication theory states that 1 Indegree is the number of people who follow a user; retweets Copyright is held by the International World Wide Web Conference Com- work and puts our work in perspective. In Section 8 we conclude. mittee (IW3C2). Distribution of these papers is limited to classroom use, Copyright c 2010, Association for the Advancement of Artificial mean the number of times others “forward” a user’s tweet; and and personal use by others. 1 We make our dataset publicly available online at: Intelligence (www.aaai.org). All rights reserved. mentions mean the number of times others mention a user’s name. WWW 2010, April 26–30, 2010, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. http://an.kaist.ac.kr/traces/WWW2010.html ACM 978-1-60558-799-8/10/04. 33
  • 34. Researches on Social Media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
  • 35. Cultural Difference? • Top 14% of users account for 80% of total tweets - 20% of tweets from Top 1% users • Koreans use more @ and RT than international users * Data for International user is from: danah boyd, Scott Golder, and Gilad Lotan (Forthcoming, 2010)."Tweet Tweet Retweet: Conversational Aspects of Retweeting on Twitter." Proceedings of HICSS-42, Persistent Conversation Track. Kauai, HI: IEEE Computer Society. January 5-8, 2010. 35